#yay though now my weekend can finally start haha
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pynkhues · 4 months ago
FINALLY sent off this suite of policy documents to a client, and I can feel already that she's going to have an issue with one of them.
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citrus-cactus · 9 months ago
Creative Goals & Progress (June 17)
I was stressing yesterday because I haven't actually finished any one of these goals yet, but I did actually do a lot this week, which helped me realize the stress is (mostly) unfounded. I just need smaller projects!! ^^;
Goals are split between “things I will put on Tumblr when they’re done” (aka, fandom stuff), and “things I will be keeping to myself” (because they will eventually have my real name associated with them).
Fandom stuff:
1). Haru birthday fanart Status: 40% complete. I'm making great progress, but I am still inking, so the end still feels really far away! It's not that bad, though. Inks -> fill -> flat colors (no shading for this one, haha are you kidding me?!), and inks are definitely the most involved part (so many characters...). Have another progress shot, though: Ai and the Katsura brothers, this time (contents of plate to be added later!)
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2). Gargoyles oneshot (“joined in love (not in hate)”) Status: 70% complete. I spent a lot of time working on the flow of the first act this weekend and I think it's finally in a much better place, which makes me feel a lot better about the fic as a whole. YAY!!
3). OTHER Gargoyles oneshot (“The Room of Infinite Mirrors”) Status: 70% complete. Gonna bump up the percentage here too, because I wrote a few more significant paragraphs. Trying to write sexy stuff now, which is sooooo haaaaaard ;_;
Personal stuff:
1). Secret Personal Project (SPP) Research. Gonna be looking up some options for software and services with the goal of making decisions about said software and services. Status: Not started. Without getting too much into it, I had a slight hiccup in my financial situation this month which is now (thankfully!) resolved... so I'm actually in better shape to approach this task now. I really HATE doing comparative research like this and making decisions though. What can I do to make this more pleasant?? T^T
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wraenata · 2 years ago
i was tagged by fellow raven enthusiast @redstringraven, thank you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Oops I trauma dumped in some of these what a surprise
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share your wallpaper:
My phone lock screen is a alternating picture of my cat Sally, or her sister Jenny who passed two years ago. In both photos they look like super models <3
My computer wallpaper is a alternating slideshow of like over 100 landscape and animal photos. Idk I got them from the microsoft store free at one point. They change every 30 minutes. I like the variety.
last song you listened to:
For some reason when I got home today I decided to watch the amazing Reverse animatic and then since I am finally using a new browser Firefox it started auto playing and went to the Roaring 20s animatic, and my brain decided to listen to that on repeat the entire night. I do not know why.
currently reading:
SO MANY FANFIC and I'm behind on all of them
On my immediate list to catch up right now are
We'll Meet Again Soon by chiangyorange
all the ashes in my wake by paperxcrowns
Change of Perspective by characcoon
last movie you watched:
Honestly have no idea. Probably the Rise movie. In two weeks it will be Spider-Verse and I will not be normal about it.
Energy to be alive
what are you wearing right now:
Yeah I get home from work at 3:30, finish dinner before 4:30, shower and in my jammies by 5 pm. This is how I live my life haha. It is a bit cool today so I opted for my big pink sweatshirt from a campground.
how tall are you:
5 foot 4 inches just barely, which is 162.56 cm according to an online converter. I'm short.
So my ears were actually pierced when I was like 3 or something by my parents' friend. No I don't think she asked permission haha. Anyway I had to have an x-ray done not a year later so the earings came out and never went back in. My parents religion we converted into though actually did not allow piercings, so I never got them repierced. No jewelry was allowed. Some of the more strict southern churches didn't allow even wedding bands.
None. Tattoos were literally the reason my mom made us leave the normal church and go to the cult one. Tattoos were not allowed. Maybe I'll get one some day but it's not something I really think I need. But nothing is stopping me anymore if I wanted to.
glasses? contacts?:
4 eyes that's me :) Got glasses in 6th grade yay. I'm not super blind but unless I'm pretty close I'm losing out on a lot of details. Had to buy special prescription safety glasses for my lab job. When I'm at home I don't wear them. Details not important.
last drink:
I literally only drink water. And I drink a lot of it. Gave up soda when I was like 8 because I was afraid of wasps getting in the can. I don't drink alcohol or juice. Maybe a hot cocoa or tea but that is very rare.
last thing i ate:
Sugar snap peas! I love them <3
last show:
Lets be honest it was rise.
favorite color:
I like a forest green. But also I love pastels. I do not like red. You can thank my mom for that.
current obsession:
Rise of the TMNT. Also Spider-Verse.
unrelated obsession:
Nature related strategy board games. My favorites are Wingspan and Everdell but I have so.many.board.games. I got into the hobby because it was the only thing I could tolerate spending time with my mom with but now I don't want to do that anymore, so the games have gone unplayed since Christmas.
any pets:
My 19 year old tortie Sally! She is deaf and a box of rocks and so expensive with her health problems but I love her to bits. She's my baby and has been with me through everything.
do you have a crush on anyone:
I mean I had crushes in school but, oh shocker I was never allowed by my parents to date. And even then it had to be a fellow pentecostal and I sure as hell wasn't going to do that. I was too bogged down with family issues to ever consider it even after I left. I don't know if I'm capable of loving someone? Idk I have always had a huge identity crisis of who I am and what I want. But I also don't want to be alone forever. It's complicated.
favorite fictional characters:
Ninja turtles, Rise Casey Jones, Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Spider Gwen, Snoopy, Cinderpelt.
the last place you traveled to:
Ugh, the bachelorette party of my nightmares this past weekend. It was in a tourist town a few hours away. Unless work counts cause I went to work this morning.
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tagging I'm not going to tag anyone because this is a lot, but if you would like to do it I encourage you to!
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1d1195 · 6 months ago
Omg finally had time to read the newest toothpaste update and bestie…omg?! That was so GOOD!!! I know you typically don’t write smut(which is FINE!!!) this build up was just so😵‍💫 THE THUMB SUCKING I WOULD SIMPLY DIE!! She’s so brave bc omg could cry just thinking about it lol and she’s so bold omg I love that for her😭 and he’s so in love like this man is so down bad, I love it!! That “cavity filling” line… SAM WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO TYPE THAT HAHAH I LOVE IT !!!! It was so nice to read about these two again, loved it as always!!
I think it was also for the best lol I would have been WAY more unhinged than I already was lol and it seems so much like you to be worried about them and honestly I get it!
Bestie anything you come up with I know it will just be great!! And the way Market Basket has now been added to my list of stores I will simply not enter bc that sounds so bad😭 I love a good deal but my mental state probs candle handle that HAHA
Oh the writting aspect seems like it would have been horrible like the process of it lol I feel like you would have absolutely slayed cognitive psychology classes!! There’s so much stuff about the brain and like behavioral stuff too!
IM FINALLY FREE!!! Took both my final exams on the same day so my brain is a little fried but still very happy to be over with everything:)! YOURE incredibly sweet Sam😭❤️ I miss you too obviously when I’ve been away! I always love chatting with you no matter what! But same goes for you too, your overall stability and health is a priority! No matter how long it will always be so important to put yourself first!
I’m also so surprised how inspired you have been for Honey bc the amount of writting you’ve done in such a short time is so crazy in the best way!! I get being a bit critical on what you work on BUT I’m sure the last few parts are just as amazing!
THAT MEN QUOTE OMG THATS SO REAL!!!! HAHHA LOVE IT! I like the idea of annotating bc I think it’s cute too! I typically end up writing it out or taking a pic of a quote I like but that’s pretty much it! I also donate my books once I feel like I’ve outgrown them a bit so I try not to do too much damage lol but omg that sounds so fun with your friend!!
Hope you had a good week my love! And wishing such a peaceful and relaxing weekend! Love you lots!!!-💜
Yay! I think the whole reason I had this idea is because I finally have a dentist that doesn't make me want to cry anymore. I was so traumatized growing up HATING the dentist. Now I find it lowkey relaxing just laying there lol I am trying to think of more sexy punny innuendos for the dentist (there's something about being drilled on the tip of my tongue) but yes, he's mostly just obsessed with her 😍 as he should be. she's so cute 🤭
FREEDOM! YAY! I'm glad you're done! So exciting!!! 💕
I think I wrote like 15k words in the first day of starting it. Sometimes when I have (what I think is) a good idea, I try and write as MUCH as I can as quickly as possible so I don't forget anything I want to include. So I was bouncing back and forth between the beginning/middle/end putting pieces down that I don't even know if I'll use but I gotta include in case I need it. I'm currently REALLY attached to Honey still though (probs because I wrote it so quickly) so I'm lowkey struggling to write something else because I don't want to let them go 😭 It's like when I read a book that just hits and I'm like "I cannot leave them. They're my friends." It feels rude to move on.
I've been trying to donate more of my books! I'm out of room on my shelves! I usually leave them in the staff lounge. But I can't exactly bring my smut books into a school so I have to be strategic about which ones I bring in 😂 If I think I'm going to reread the book, or even just look at it, I always keep it. So there are MANY like that so I am struggling to clear space on my shelf. Plus I just keep buying more anyway 😂
Solid week overall and I'm hoping to be productive this weekend, but we will see. I want to put up fall decorations even though it's still like 80 degrees out. I know you don't like the cold much but I'm DYING for 50-60 fall breezes 😭
Love you!
Hope you had a good week my love! And wishing such a peaceful and relaxing weekend! Love you lots!!!-💜
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mrmustachious · 11 months ago
For the hood, we need to lay out where all the windows are going so they are neat, so this can take a little while to get right (I did have to redo one of them several times because it didn't line up as well as the others D:) but eventually I got them done! And then I had to sew on another 2 (I didn't cry this time so yay!)
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Once these details were done, I sewed the two hood pieces together, and then finally sewed the hood onto the rest of the hoodie
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And now we are done!!
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From start to finish, this took me a week (though I could have done it quicker, but I was busy over the weekend)
I absolutely love making these. I'm sad this one isn't for myself, but I hope the person who commissioned it likes it! And gets to feel the joy of wearing a Thunderbird haha
Thanks for coming along on this ride! I hope you enjoyed seeing my process for once 💕💚
TB2 Hoodie WIP
The results of that poll says that you guys would like to see progress pics of the hoodie as I make it, so here we go!
My fabric came yesterday so I can finally get started on it. I use sweatshirt fleece, which is super cosy and soft and easy to work with, and perfect for hoodies. I recommend wearing a face mask whilst working with this type of fabric, because you will end up breathing a lot of it in and blowing fluff out of your nose for days 😅
So today I just wanted to get all my pieces cut out. First I gotta grab my fabric and my pattern pieces. To make your own patterns, you can just grab an existing hoodie you own and draw around it to get the shape and measurements you want (and you can do this for any clothes you wish to make!).
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So patterns and fabric ready, I can start cutting out everything I need. A tip to remember: make sure you cut everything on the same grain so it all stretches in the same direction and doesn't look wonky! You can draw arrows on your patterns to remember which way to cut them
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And voila! All my pieces are cut out, and I can start sewing!
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chanderylix · 4 years ago
"You Wanna Come In?"
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Author's note:
This is my thought when I woke up this morning. It's kinda suggestive(?) or nearly a smut. I thought that I should share it so you guys (who read this) can also imagine this🤤
Reminder: Sorry for my English lol my grammar sucks cause English is not my first language. Hope you can understand<3. Also this is my very very first smut/suggestive thing that I write so yeah it's basically sucks lol and yes, the title is based on Back Door by SKZ (I'mma stayzen yay)
Pairing : switch!hendery x switch!(f)reader x sub!xiaojun
Genre : smut (Lord pls have mercy on me)
Warning : bad english, threesome, mxm a little bit (only kissing), oral (giving/receiving), nipple play, dirty talk, Xiaojun's first time, slightly mommy kink, cum eating, kinda rough, basically pure filth, I think that's it (?)
3.1k words
What if your boyfriend's best friend interrupted your hot session with your boyfriend at the hotel room? Why don't you just let him in and enjoy it together?
You, you're boyfriend:Hendery, and your boyfriend's best friend that become yours too: Xiaojun were in a 5 star hotel room in Seoul. Actually you guys planned for a staycation for 2 days. You want to spend your weekend with your boyfriend, Hendery. However, Xiaojun also want to kinda ruin your date with Hendery so you decided to ask him but sleep in the separate room. Your plan for tomorrow is just swimming in the hotel and have a fine dining.
Hendery chose the right room: executive suite room with 1 king size bed, an opened bathroom where you could see someone's taking a bath with a bathup in the center, mini bar, kitchen, living room, basically like an apartment with a nice view to the city. The most expensive room in that 5 star hotel.
Your hotel room is the only room at 25th floor so no need to be worry. Meanwhile Xiaojun sleep at the 24th floor. You and Hendery had waited for this moment. With no interruption, no one could see, you could do as much as you want, screaming and moaning as loud as you can while having sex without afraid that anyone could hear it. It's just the two of you. You can imagine, having sex with your boyfriend on the couch, on the kitchen pantry, or on the king size bed freely with no one can see. You already put your things in the bedroom with a smily face. Hendery too. Suddenly, he pinned you against the wall.
"I'm waiting for this moment, baby" he said near to your neck and his hot breath tickles. Kissing down to your neck, sucking and leaving spot that you're sure will stay there for the next week. He keeps kissing, sucking, licking your neck and up to your earlobe. "Should I fuck you on the couch hm, baby? No one can see us. I'm getting bored fucking you on the bed" he said. You just nod and he started to kiss your lips. Basically a french kiss. Tongue fighting against each other finding for dominance. Hendery is really good at it so you let his tongue dominate yours.
You know this will happen so you already wearing your lingerie that he gave you at your birthday. A pink lacy lingerie which shows a bit of your nipple. You know his favorite color is pink. He removed your shirt and start kneading on your covered breast, playing with your perked nipples with his thumb and index finger. His lips still kissed you and he carried you onto the couch with lips still connected to each other. He removed his shirt showing the abs that he had been working recently. You smiled. It's been a long time since you guys had sex. cause he's really busy as an idol, while you're busy on you work too.
He noticed your smile and smirked. "Only for you, baby". You nodded. "Only for me" you said, tracing your hands up and down his abs. He removed your lacy bra, revealing your soft breast. He started licking your left nipple like a cat while his right hand playing with the other. He sucked your nipple with no mercy, he pretends that your nipple is your mouth, making out with it. He did the same with the other one. "F-feels so fucking good. I love your mouth, baby. Playing with my nipples. You like it, huh?" you moaned while your hand grabbed his hair in a fistful making him groan and giving the vibration.
His mouth going down to kiss your inner thighs near your entrance. Slapping your thigh, he asked while playing with the waistband of your underware "Can I take this off? Want to play with your beautiful pussy". You nodded and he removed your lacy panties. "So fucking wet. I make you this wet, huh?" he slapped your pussy making you jolted. "This wet pussy is mine" he said proudly. Hendery wanted to kiss your clit but suddenly the bell rang, making both of you groan.
"Room service?" you asked and Hendery shook his head. "Nope, I bet it's Xiaojun. As always, he ruin the moment. Wait" he went to open the door. Xiaojun stood in front of the door and rubbed his stomach. "Dude I'm hungry. Wanna go dinner? And where's your shirt?" Xiaojun asked but he nodded a few seconds later. "Ahhh, sorry to ruin your moment again. I'll go by myself" Xiaojun said while he wanted to leave but Hendery held his hand to stopped him. "You're not disturbing us. You wanna come in?" Hendery asked. Xiaojun raised his eyebrow. "Wait, are you like.. Having sex with Y/n right now? Dude I don't want to disturb you freakin nuts" Xiaojun said and wanted to leave again but Hendery stopped him again. "Hmm, that's okay if you want to.. Maybe.. Join us? Do something crazy together? You know, threesome Haha" Hendery asked and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Xiaojun shook a bit and start thinking. He smiled and said "If it's okay for you two. I'm getting tired pleasuring myself and wanna try somthing new". Hendery let Xiaojun in.
Xiaojun stopped in front of your naked body on the couch while you panicked and tried to cover your body. "WHAT THE HELL??! XIAOJUN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE??!" you shouting but didn't find a thing to cover your body so you just let Xiaojun saw your naked body with mouth wide opened. "I asked him to come in" Hendery said with a smirk on his face. He came to you and rub your cheeks. "Why don't we try something new, Y/n? I know that you've been fantasizing this before. Getting 2 cocks to fuck your pussy?" he said while looking at Xiaojun who was kinda terrified right now. Hendery was really different here. He's a cheerful guy outside, but when it comes to sex, he's freaking wild. It's like seeing a different person which made Xiaojun shock. You looked at Hendery with the 'how did you know' sight. "How about you? Do you want to?" you asked Xiaojun and he nodded vigorously. "I-I mean.. There's nothing wrong since your boyfriend agree with it. I also want to.. You know.. Pleasuring myself with real pussy? " Xiaojun said. You nodded your head slowly. "Well.. If both of you agree, okay then" you answered while Hendery and Xiaojun looked at each other with a smirk on their face. "But, with one condition" then they looked at you, curious about your next words. "I want to be the dom. You have to listen to me and do whatever I tell you. If you don't, you'll get a punishment. Do you understand?" you asked them. At first, they actually kinda didn't agree but since Xiaojun didn't have experience and Hendery wanted to try something new so both of them agreed.
You started to kiss your boyfriend. He kissed you back while grabbing and squeezing your ass, slapping it playfully. Xiaojun started to undress himself, only his boxer left. You rubbed your boyfriend's clothed boner, he's already that hard. Hendery groaned, biting your lips to giving his tongue the access to your mouth. You gave the 'come here' gesture to Xiaojun with you still kissed your boyfriend. He hesitated at first. You released the kiss. "Come here, don't be shy" you said. Xiaojun approached you two. You kissed Xiaojun until it turns into a heated makeout session. Your grabbed his hair to deepen the kiss. Hendery stood behind you, kissing and sucking the back of your neck, down to your shoulder while kneading your breast from behind. You released the kiss, finding air to breath. "You're such a good kisser" you praised Xiaojun and he's getting shy. "Better than me?" Hendery asked suddenly, stopping his act. You smirked, getting new idea. "Why don't you try it by yourself?" you asked him innocently. "I want to see you two kiss each other" you told them. At first, they looked disgust and hesitated to do it. "You're not obeying my words? Do you want punishment, hm babyboys?" you raised your eyebrow to look intimidating. Hendery shook his head. "No, mommy. I'll kiss him" he said. You actually kinda shocked cause it's the first time he called you that name. Hendery started to kiss Xiaojun. It was really awkward at first and turned into a messy kiss. But finally they found the rythm and going into a hot make out session. You sat on the couch, seeing your boyfriend make out with his best friend satisfied you a lot with a smirk on your face. Hendery's hand started to rub Xiaojun's clothed cock, with a moan came from his mouth. "A-ah.." he moaned into the kiss. Things getting really heated then you decided to touch yourself and playing with your clit a little bit to stimulate it.
After they released the kiss, you told them to undress themselves. Both of them were fully naked now. "Lay on the bed" you said and both of them were laying on the king size bed. "Hendery, can you eat me out? Xiaojun, I'm gonna suck your dick. Am I making myself clear?" you asked. "B-but I want you to suck my dick" Hendery protested. You smiled. "I can't even count how much I suck your dick. It's Xiaojun's first time though" you answered. Xiaojun got shy. "Ah.. Thanks Y/n" he said.
Hendery laid while you sit on his face. Xiaojun stood up beside the bed. Hendery started to playing with your clit with his tongue. "I-it's so fucking good, oh God" you moaned while looking at Xiaojun. You pumped his cock with your hand, precum leaking from the tip. Xiaojun groaned. "Do you like it -ah baby?" you asked and he nodded vigorously. "I like it. It feels so good" he moaned. You pumped it really slowly to stress him out. "I need your mouth, mommy. Fuck! I fucking need your mouth" Xiaojun said while throwing his head back. Oh, this guy also had mommy kink. You slapped his ass. He screamed. "That's not what I want, baby. Use your word" you said, still rubbing his cock slowly. "Mommy, I-I need your mouth, please? I want to feel your warm mouth. Pretty please?". You smiled and started to suck his cock, bobbing your head until his cock touch the back of your throat. You suck him at the same pace as Hendery's mouth at your clit. You moaned, causing the vibration to Xiaojun. "So f-fucking good. Holy shit!" Xiaojun moaned so hard. Hendery groaned. You moved your head faster. You felt him twitching in your mouth which means he's close. "I'm close. Shit! So fucking good. Please, don't stop" Xiaojun grabbing your hair, started to facefucking you but you decided to stop. "Do not touching!" you said and he groaned. "I won't let you cum if you do it again" you continued. "Y-yes. I'm sorry" he said. You slapped his cock a little making him hissed at the feeling. While Hendery's tongue playing your bundle of nerves faster then before. You curled your toes as he found the spot. "A-ah Yes! Right there! Don't stop" you grabbed Hendery's hair making him groan. He's tonguefucking you right now. You had cum few minutes ago if Xiaojun didn't come. But it's okay cause you had two beautiful men pleasuring you right now. Hendery kept abusing your sensitive spot. "I'm close! Wanna cum on your pretty face. Can I, prince?" you asked. He answered with a long whiny moan and finally you have your orgasm. Hendery's face was wet because of your juices. He laughed.
"You wanna try real pussy, huh? Why don't you fuck me? I wanna feel your cock wrap in my tight cunt. Can Xiaojun fuck me, prince?" you asked Xiaojun and Hendery's agreement. "Xiaojun, you really ruin the moment. I can't even feel my girlfriend's tight cunt first" Hendery said and you know he's jealous. You smiled. "Relax, prince. You're gonna receive a reward from me later" you rubbed his soft cheek. Hendery nodded. You were in position with knees and hands on the king size bed. Xiaojun positioning himself and entered you slowly. Both of you moaned while Hendery sat on the couch inside your bedroom, jerking himself off slowly cause he didn't want to cum yet. "You're so fucking big" you moaned and Xiaojun start off slowly, wanna make sure his cock fully inside you. "So tight. Is you're girlfriend suppose to be this tight?" Xiaojun asked Hendery with a smirk while the other just shook his head. "She's always tight for me. That pussy is mine by the way" he answered, still rubbing his own cock. Xiaojun started to go faster, jerking himself inside your cunt. "Shit! This is why you like to fuck her, yeah? So good!" Xiaojun teased Hendery again. Hendery got jealous and approaching you two. He stood in front of you, putting his dick inside your mouth and start facefucking you. You moaned and start to bobbing your head. You already forgot that he's breaking the rules but you want to pleasuring yourself. Being fucked by a dick in your cunt and mouth stuffed with a dick is the first time for you. Saliva and Hendery's precum mixture started to running down your chin, neck, and breast. While your juice and Xiaojun's precum leaking down from your cunt. "I-I wanna.. I wanna cum!! Can I cum inside you, mommy? Want to fill you so fucking bad" Xiaojun said while still pounding into you. Hendery sent a death glare to him. "What the fuck? She's my-" you cut him "Yes, baby. Cum inside me. Wanna feel your warm cum inside my pussy. I'm on pills" you said. Hendery rolled his eyes. Few thrusts later, Xiaojun finally released his cum. "I'm cumming! Mommy, I'm cumming. A-ahhh" he let out his dick. His cum leaking from your pussy, and he decided to eat you out. "Oh my God!! Xiaojun! S-so good! Fuckkk!" you moaned, your hands jerking Hendery off. "I'm close! C'mon baby. Eat that pussy. Yes like that! Yes!!" you screamed. Xiaojun kept his tongue exploring your cunt, sucking his own cum. Hendery shocked that a virgin boy could actually pleasured his girlfriend. "I'm cuming!!!" your whole body shaking and falling on the bed, basically Xiaojun made your body weak. You released your hand from Hendery's dick, edging him. He groaned.
"It's not fair! I haven't cum yet" he protested. You laughed. "Xiaojun, sit on the couch. You're good for a virgin. But you have to learn more on how to fuck from me" he continued, flip your body so you back lay on the bed. He inserted his cock into your pussy fully in without any warning making you jolt. "Fuck! I'm still sensitive!" you groaned and he smirked. "I don't fucking care" he let out his dick and fully fuck you again. He repeated many times before he started to pounding you with fast pace. You put your right leg on his shoulder, so he could go deeper. "Hnghh, deeper! I love you, I love your cock!" you moaned and he pounded you faster. "You love my cock that much, huh? Better than Xiaojun?" he asked, kneading your breast. You nodded. He then rubbed your clit to give more stimulation. You grabbed his hair roughly as he started kissing your neck. Xiaojun wanted to try something more. So he approching you two and sit on the bed. He started to suck your nipple while Hendery kept pounding inside and out of you. Xiaojun gave you more pleasure and you moaned. "Mmmm so good! Being my pussy fucked and nipple sucked" you grabbed Hendery's hair who now hiding in the crook of your neck sending hot air while your left hand grabbed Xiaojun's hair. Hendery's right hand jerking Xiaojun's dick making him moan. Xiaojun left your nipple from his mouth, instead he's using his fingers to play with your left nipple, Hendery's fingers playing with your right one, while his other hand still pumping Xiaojun. For the reward, Xiaojun kissed Hendery and their tongue fighting against each other. Xiaojun's left hand grabbed Hendery's hair to deepen the kiss. You were really satisfied for the view in front lf you. Xiaojun moaned into the kiss because the pressure that he got from his dick. Xiaojun's hand moved from your nipple to your clit. He rubbed it so fast, as fast as Hendery's pace in fucking you. "Shit! I'm close! Don't stop please, hngg yes! I love the way your cock fucking my pussy. I love you I love you! Xiaojun you're hand's so good playing with my clit. You like it, huh?" you moaned in pleasure. Both of them nodded. Hendery's hand moved faster in rubbing Xiaojun's dick making him moan too." I'm close too, baby. Let's cum together" Hendery asked. Xiaojun couldn't say anything, only throwing back his head. After few more thrust, three of you cum together. Loud moans from you three started to filled the bedroom. "Shit, I'm cumming, baby!" Hendery shouted. Xiaojun let a loud whine "A-ahhhh oh my God, hmmm" Xiaojun whined. Hendery cum inside of you, while Xiaojun's cum on your face, putting it inside your mouth. You swallowed his seed and open your mouth again and let out your tongue to show that you already swallow his cum.
Three of you laid on the bed, fully tired. "Fuck, that was hot" you said. Three of you laughed, actually didn't believe what just happen. "We should try it again sometimes. You have three holes right? We only use two" Xiaojun said. "No! I want to have sex with her, just the two of us. No more threesome. This is the last" Hendery protested. "You're the one who asked for a threesome, dumbass" Xiaojun answered, making you laugh. "Hahaha, maybe we should try next time? I haven't tried anal before" you said making your boyfriend's eyes glared to yours. "Anyways, you're still hungry right? Why don't you go to mcdonalds?" Hendery asked Xiaojun. "Because I still want to continue our time. I only cum once" He continued. Xiaojun laughed. "Okay, okay. Let me wear my clothes first. What do you guys want?" he asked. "2 big macs. And also, can you leave us longer? I mean, I want to fuck her until she passed out" Hendery answered while looking at you. You rolled your eyes. "Ugh, fine. I'll go. Thanks Y/n. Can wait to fuck your ass" Xiaojun said leaving both of you.
"So, why don't we continue our session just the two of us?" Hendery asked you, rubbing his own cock that get's hard again. "But now, you have to obeying my word. Do you understand, princess?" he reached your hair, grabbing it roughly. You gulped.
Here we go, guess you couldn't walk and doing your plans tomorrow.
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shintorikhazumi · 4 years ago
A/N: To be honest, I had wanted this to be a Diana-centric fic, from Diana’s perspective. I struggled to find a concept, and had a little help from a friend who sent me a random generator. (Thanks, Kate :>) And when I thought I’d just choose from a randomly generated idea, I came across this video on youtube which was actually a compilation of a tiktok series of the story of two neighbors. Of course, I changed bits of it, and obv the end so if you think you know what the source vid is, dw. I won’t hurt y’all like that ;-; And I’ll just link it at the bottom so no plot spoilers for those who don’t know what it is. Eyyyy.
This fic has a few song recs for y’all to listen to if you haven’t heard them already, lol. ;)
I had been looking for something... “emotional” for Diana’s bday fic. And I think... this works. At least for me, it does.  It’s not from Diana’s perspective, but... I think this works. So without further ado, Happy birthday Diana and...
oh, thank you to @tracedinairlwa​ for some help with the music :> that y’all will see later in the fic :’>. Without further ado,
~Shintori Khazumi
 It all started with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
No, it isn’t Akko’s piano. Her piano has been sitting in a corner of her room, collecting dust- untouched for months. And that is just the thing. Unless her piano has somehow become cursed and has decided to ghostly play on its own, then there had to be some other source.
The source of that gentle sound, Akko eventually pinpoints, is her apartment wall- or more accurately, what lies beyond that separator.
As she sits on her couch, admiring the expressive tones, her mind has decided that it wants to capture this special moment, and keep it stored lest she never experiences it again.
Making a quick dash for her bedroom, she opens her bedside drawer and fishes for her old camera from her university days in film club, back when she was an actual student of the Arts and all that creative jazz. She has tried to maintain it, but being under lockdown allows her few chances of seeing the outside world, and the few corners of her home don’t exactly spark ‘inspiration’ for any project.
Dusting the device off gently, she takes it back to the living room, placing it on her coffee table facing herself. She clicks the record button, thinking of making an introduction; but she quickly abandons that idea as she realizes it may take away from the sounds she wants to ring more apparent on tape.
Maybe she can just edit a few captions later on her laptop. Yes. That sounds good.
So she sits.
And the notes kept playing.
[Video Diary(?) Diary? Is this a Diary? Day... Day 1. I hope it’s only Day 1. I hope there’s a day 2. And a three... and a five.
So anyway, Akko here. And uh... I got a new neighbor, I think. He/she plays the piano. I do too (kinda. Haven’t done that in a while, hehe).
I don’t know why I recorded this... this must seem like I’m being a creep, but... They just... played Chariot’s Melancholy from my favorite show and... it felt sadder than usual. The sound felt sorrowful. I don’t know...
I’m... moved.]
She does not know what compels her today, to slip that message under her neighbors door; but before she can even think about her actions, they’d already been done.
A simple, “can you please play ‘Ease My Mind’ by Ben Platt, maybe?” haphazardly scrawled on a piece of notebook paper is delivered with the anxious feelings of an interaction-craving Akko, starved of a social life since all this pandemic misfortune began.
She is sure she no longer knows how to string a proper introduction together after nearly a year of being by her lonesome.
This is about to change however. Starting today.
She counts down the hours ‘til sunset.
[Day 2! Yey! So uh... I kind of... went on the attack- no! I didn’t attack anyone! I just... You know how I have a new neighbor that plays the piano? I sent that neighbor a note.
And you might think that’s all fine and cute, but... I’ve never even met my neighbor... but...
I love his/her music. So much.
And I told them. On the note, of course. Duh, Akko.
I asked them to play ease my mind and... they did.
As you can hear in the video... I guess it was a yes. :>
 ...They eased my mind...
She wants to try something today.
She has been thinking about it the past few days after continually being blessed with such beautiful music. Music that had attracted her like moth to a flame. The piano’s daily sunset singing compels her to come reunite with her own.
She had wiped it clean earlier in the morning and now sits awkwardly on the bench, punching down a random note here and there.
What a nostalgic tone.
The C major scale then the G. She plays it. A few arpeggios to warm up. F sharp major doesn’t sound too good, with her fingers tangling up as she traverses the scale. What was the fingering supposed to be like again? Right. Start with the fourth and second finger on the left and right hand respectively.
That sounds much better.
She hums a few tunes, choosing from a playlist arranged in her mind. She settles on something gentle and sweet. A Yiruma song. Just to get the feeling back in her hands.
A river flows as notes along the plain that is her silent room, adorning the quiet flourishes and curves, bringing color to her atmosphere.
She misses this. This tingle in her heart as music fills up her entire soul, not allowing her to think of anything else but this exact moment.
This... This is nice.
And Akko plays until the sunset comes.
She can’t wait for it to come.
[Day 6. I... I haven’t played the piano in a while, and I’m a little rusty. But brave ol’ Akko here thought it’d be great to ask for a duet from the virtuoso across the drywall, haha. I left a note...
And I though we had something going. I was excited... I said that they could play once I stopped my part, but... did they forget? Or I guess they didn’t hear me.  
It’s okay... I can try again tomorrow.
I hope. Tomorrow...
-This has been Akko.]
She excitedly videos this weekend ‘meet-up’.
Akko still doesn’t know who lives across the wall, but she sure knows his or her favorite songs by now, hearing it daily at the same sunset hours.
She admires the music, as usual, but this time it’s different. This time, they had sent her a note. An apology for missing out last time.
They request a duet with her, to make up for it. Of course, Akko accepts. And now she starts it off, praying and hoping her sound is heard through the barrier that keeps their music apart.
She ends her part of the duet, waiting in the most agonizing few seconds of silence. She briefly worries that her neighbor had forgotten their proposition; or maybe they couldn’t hear her once more.
It’s fine, she thinks... It’s okay. She scratches her cheek, wondering if she should hold on until next time again-
There it is. That beautiful sound, so personal to the one living across the wall. A sound of emotion that could only belong to whoever it was living there.
Akko had never heard anyone else play the way her neighbor did.
She laughs, she feels herself tear up a little. It hurts so sweet in her chest. It’s a fizzy, bubbling excitement. It’s a stretched-out joy across her cheeks.
A success!
A beautiful one, indeed.
[Day 8: Akko here. My wish came true. I... got to play with my neighbor! Yay!
... Maybe I should go meet them now...]
They do it again.
Akko excitedly bounces in her warmed piano seat, listening to her neighbor go first this time around. She listens intently. Once the wall music stops, she starts. This was their agreement, their deal.
The river’s flow stills a moment, and that’s Akko’s cue to pick up the current’s pace once more.
She plays with shy gusto, caressing the keys in a way that shows how she’s fallen in love again. With the piano? With music? Yes. With- ...
Love, huh. It’s such perfect timing too.
Today is Valentine’s day.
Akko doesn’t know whether or not her neighbor has anyone special in her life like that, but if they share the same situation, all alone in their apartments, locked in by the pandemic, she just wants them to know she receives the message their music is trying to get across to one another.
Her heart feels it. It translates it.
It cherishes it.
[Day 13.
Dear Neighbor,
I just... wanted to share the words we’ve exchanged, not through any verbal means, but through the sounds that reverberate against the very foundations of our connected homes. Thank you for this message.
I know that music is... our way of simply saying
“I don’t know who you are ... But I’m here. You’re not Alone.” This is for you too.
-Sincerely, Akko.]
It is a challenge.
For Akko or for her neighbor, she doesn’t know. What she does know is that tomorrow is going to be the big day! She’s finally going to see the face behind the songs that have embraced her tenderly throughout the lonely struggle she hadn’t realized had weighed down on her so heavily.
The interactions they’ve had, the conversations, they brighten up her everyday, and Akko is somewhat afraid she’s gotten attached; addicted- if you will- to this unique bond she’s formed with another she has never actually met.
Her mind strays from her current piece, body autopiloting a song called, “Mind Conductor” that both of them just so happen to like, apparently. Another fact that makes Akko feel all giddy as they seem to share a taste in other media outside of music.
She feels herself vibrate with nerves and excitement.
It’s tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day.
[We’re Finally Meeting.
Akko tells a story.
She’s met her neighbor, not knowing what to expect. Despite having a lack of said expectations, she could confidently say it was better than anything she could have anticipated.
She rolls up the sleeves of her flannel shirt, readying herself to write the melodious response to the already playing tune in the background of her video.
Though she tries to listen intently, waiting for her turn, she is distracted. She knows she is.
After meeting someone as wonderful as her neighbor.
Blonde hair and blue eyes invade her recall, flashes of a soft smile and calm voice playing over and over in her head.
Her neighbor is the most gorgeous woman she’s ever met. Breath-taking. Akko says this with utmost objectivity as her lungs struggle to function after first meeting the lady.
Hailing from Scotland, the twenty-five-year-old had introduced herself to Akko. They exchanged a few pleasantries, some questions and information.
Akko had asked how she’d never known she had such a talented neighbor, to which the response was an admission from the woman that she had just moved in and was only staying in the adjacent apartment temporarily while awaiting for a relative to come for her after selling their old house back in their hometown.
Her mother... rests. Having had a certain heart disease for a while, her immune system had proven very susceptible to the pandemic reaper that had claimed her life for its tallied count. She never knew her father, it seemed.
Akko’s heart breaks as she remembers these things.
“All I have left is the piano.”
That’s what she’d said to her earlier.
Akko’s fingers glide across the keys, playing her role in this drama for two.
“I play at sunset because my mother came home at that time from work... she was always stressed.
...I wanted to be of help to her. I was happy she loved it. As I grew up, it became a habit.”
Akko fumbles with a few keys, making a slight mistake. She hopes her neighbor can forgive her for being so distracted at the moment, and right after they’d finally met too.
“Thank you, Miss-”
“Akko is fine.”
“Thank you, Akko. You’re playing has, in truth, kept me motivated and less lonely.”
Akko remembers having promised before their parting to their respective units that she would keep playing with her until she moves out.
Akko blushes upon remembering the stunning smile she was offered afterwards.
Her neighbor had been camera shy and so Akko didn’t get the opportunity for a picture. She hopes for the best in the future. She’ll try again if ever the lovely lady was ready.
They have time, anyway.
They do.
[Day 20, folks! Akko here, writing another video caption entry, Diary, thing... haha. The song playing right now in the video is gorgeous right? It’s... her favorite song. It’s called, ‘In case you don’t live forever’. She said it keeps her loser to her mother. It keeps her in her heart.
She plays so beautifully...
She’s just as beautiful. She’s amazing.
She’s... a special soul.
I feel goosebumps.
I’m glad. For her. Her music doesn’t sound as sorrowful as when I first heard it. It’s still every bit as emotional, though. I could cry. Really, I could...
...I’m so happy she’s healing.
It’s a process, but... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for her.
I’ll be here for you,
There are times when Akko thinks she’d like to get to know her neighbor more, a little more chatting, a few more minutes talking. 
However, it always seems as though there’s this unspoken rule. This... ‘don’t-get-too-close’, ‘don’t-ask-more-than-you-should’. It’s like a boundary that keeps Akko from learning more, discovering more.
Neither of them purposely meet-up outside their closed doors either, this lockdown and what-not all up in their face.
They see each other around the building sometimes, wave a hand, shake a plastic bag of groceries, but building protocols don’t really allow loitering in the halls, and Akko feels she’d be crossing a line in inviting the girl over, and she doesn’t see herself getting invited instead either.
Despite this longing, she isn’t all too dissatisfied with the current standing of their relationship. Peculiar as it may be, she rather likes this.
A relationship built on a communication based on raw emotion delivered through their music.
If Akko ponders it deeply, it’s quite an intimate relationship, what they have. Thoughts and feelings in their purest form- unspoken, but not hidden.
She might not know too much about Diana. She may not know much of her past, or even her present, or general objective facts about the woman.
But what Akko does feel she knows is Diana’s heart. 
And Akko knows its utterly beautiful.
Moonlight Sonata has never felt so sad to her; its sounds reflecting something they both felt, Akko believed.
Akko feels her heart clench and ache in her chest, her face a little hot and her palms sweating.
Only a week left before the clock strikes twelve and the magic is broken.
Diana is finally moving out.
It is... their final duet.
How unfortunate.
Akko sighs, thinking about the pain she’ll feel later as she edits this portion of the video. Compared to the happy tones and build ups of all the others, this... is something she doesn’t know if she can do.
Maybe she can ask Amanda for a favor this time around?
She’s actually shown some of her closest friends her video logs, and they all had sent kind messages to Akko’s new friend, who in turn, felt worlds and worlds happier.
Akko feels happy as well.
Diana’s joy is contagious. It shows through her expressive music that gives away the feelings her face doesn’t show.
Speaking of Diana’s face... she still hasn’t agreed on showing her face on camera. Akko supposes it’s still too early. Maybe before she leaves? Oh Akko hopes so. She wants to have something to look at physically to remember Diana by. Not that she’d ever forget.
Still, a little memory help never hurt anyone.
Diana’s turn comes in smoothly through the wall, Akko unable to keep her smile from forming.
She’s going to miss this. The playing; the sometimes awkward, but unconventionally amazing duets; the letters shoved underneath door; and the very rare hallway meet-up where Akko can only smile at Diana as they exchange a literal word or two.
Akko reminisces.
The past... two months now, have been amazing. Incredible. Life-changing. Akko wonders what the future has in store for them both after they part.
Maybe they could meet again. Someday. Somehow. Somewhere.
Akko knows she’ll keep playing still. At the same time, on a weekend, as the sunsets. For Diana. She’s promised she’ll keep making the video logs. She’ll send them over to her so that they can still keep this music alive in some way.
[Day 62.
Hi, Diana. It’s me, Akko.
I... wrote you a song...? Or well, I started to... I’m not quite done yet, hihi. Got a little too ambitious and all... thought I could add some other instruments besides our- the piano... aha..haha...
When you first told me your story, I started picturing it out. A life dyed with all the colors of the spectrum. From the vivids to the grays, it was such a lovely imagery in my minds eye. A painting I could not get out of my head.
And so this song is... yeah. That.
A story.
A story about this wonderful twenty-five-year-old woman who so happened to move next door to this uninspired artist. She’d lost her mother to a stupid virus, and she’d never known her father. Her house got sold, and she had only one distant relative she knew of left.
She spends her days along in a box of white walls and empty silence. That is, until the sun decides to rest for the day, and it sends its golden rays of energy to the girl and to her piano that she thought to be her sole companion in this tragedy.
She plays her favorite songs, filling the emptiness with her own emotions; making the intangible manifest itself and cause a dumb girl next door to one day slip a scratch of paper underneath her door, asking for a song.
A note with a request... and with a message that she’d heard her feelings- her loneliness; and that she’d never let her be alone anymore.
And that’s how they became friends, huh, Diana?
Two pianos, Two people, and a wall that keeps them apart.
They didn’t know who was playing on the other side. But did it matter?
In this dreary, blackened time of the world,
‘You can be the light of somebody else’ darkness, so keep shining.’.
Dear Diana,
In case my playing isn’t as emotionally expressive as yours, I hope you at least know this now. Through this video.
That you were, and are... my light.
P.S. I hope I finish the song and give it to you before you leave.]
 She feels herself hyperventilating, her vision bleary. She can barely stand. She feels like vomiting, and dying, and screaming all at once.
Her anxieties run rampant all over the room.
If this keeps up, she may as well hurt herself beyond help.
She trudges over to the one thing that could ground her at the moment.
The piano.
Her hands are shaky as they do multiple attempts to turn on the keyboard, hitting the wrong buttons and turning the volume knob up too loud that when Akko accidentally leans against the keyboard, hand pressing down on many keys, the sound almost blows up her eardrums.
She curses, smashing a hand against those same keys, the cluster of notes echoing through her apartment walls.
She allows the scream to tear out of her throat; emotions, wild horses finally released into the open.
She falls face first onto the keys, now ignoring the loudness of their noise, momentarily thinking it would be better to allow her ears to bleed out so she’d never hear a thing again.
She wants something, anything, to drown out the pain she feels right now.
She sobs against the keys, head lifting as she apologizes to her piano, wiping off the tears that are quickly replaced by fresh ones.
Akko gives up and plays a note. Then two.
Then she’s playing ‘you’ll be in my heart’ and she’s crying more.
She lets herself cry as she plays.
Today, she was supposed to see Diana off. She had left a final note the day before yesterday, asking if she could do so. Help Diana carry her things, maybe swap numbers, and just... maybe keep this connection going for years to come.
Last night, she’d said good night at Diana’s door.
The girl gave her the sweetest smile, an almost unnoticeable blush on her features.
Oh, but Akko noticed anyway.
Of course, she would. With how shamelessly she stared at Diana at that moment.
Diana laughed, stepping closer and patted Akko on the cheek- kissed her there- before turning about to shut the door, along with the lights Akko saw go off from underneath it.
She was excited for the morning.
But when morning came... Diana was gone.
Akko had been thrown into confusion and a frantic state that she’d bolted all around, searching for signs or a left behind message.
She had then run down to ask the land lady, and that’s where she’d found out.
The heart disease Diana’s mother had was hereditary.
Diana had had an attack, and with an emergency alerting device, she’d been able to contact her only family, and had been taken to the hospital.
That was good.
That gave Akko relief and joy.
...so why is she despairing now?
...She didn’t know.
No, not the reason for her despair. She knows that.
The reason she was in this state is because she didn’t know.
She didn’t know what had happened.
She didn’t know Diana had suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night.
She didn’t know where she was, or where whoever took her.
She didn’t know that Diana had that heart disease too.
She didn’t know because she never got to ask.
She never got to learn more, know more.
... Did she not know Diana then?
Her mind taunts her, her heart hurts her.
She doesn’t know a lot about Diana. Not as much as she thinks.
That’s what they tell her.
For all the emotions they’d exchanged through music, that was the extent of it. Had Akko been too presumptuous in thinking she’d known Diana so deeply because of what they’d shared?
When in reality she may as well be a random stranger playing her show tunes and disturbing her neighbors.
Akko almost believes it.
But no... no. She can’t do that. She can’t assume those things. Not about their connection. Not about Diana.
Because Diana had told her once upon a song that she- that Akko had been her light. Her comfort. Akko believes in Diana. So she believes these feelings as well.
Yet these feelings of her own were so conflicting, so daunting. They battle in her mind, questioning and justifying every little thing. All things relating to Diana. Diana and... Diana.
Akko coughs out a few more sobs, throat incredibly dry.
She stops playing for a moment, dragging herself to the kitchen for a glass of water.
Then she goes back to the piano.
She... doesn’t feel like playing again.
What should she play anyway?
What song does she want to play? What song... Song... Song... Diana... What was Diana’s favorite song?
Diana? Song? A song for Diana? A song about-
Akko falls off her piano bench as she scrambles for her coffee table, sighing in relief as the papers for her composition are still there.
With shaky hands, she takes the sheets and a pencil and brings them over to the piano.
And she writes a few notes, then a few bars.
Who is Diana.
What does Akko not know about her. Her other struggles? Her sickness? Her trials and her fears? Her past?
That melody... sounded too sad for a parting gift. Akko doesn’t want Diana to feel more sorrow when she moves out...
What does Akko know? About Diana?
“Diana is...”
Expressive, emotional.
Diana is intelligent, an intellectual.
Diana is sincere and sweet.
Diana is talented and tasteful in music.
Diana is... her neighbor, her... new friend,
....Akko’s... what?
What was she to Akko?
“You are my light.”
-Akko ends up writing as a title.
But that’s a little too embarrassing to give to someone who was just your neighbor and a new friend... right?
And maybe it didn’t exactly represent the whole thing Akko had written.
So she erases it, biting her pencil as she tries to come up with a new name, a new caption for this creation.
What could it be. That describes Diana in her entirety; her life, her struggles, her joys.
Who is she? Who is Akko’s neighbor?
Akko scratches her head in frustration, wracking her brains even more.
With a sigh, she replies to herself aloud, the simplest, somewhat plain, and stupidly obvious answer.
“Well, she’s Diana.”
And it clicks.
That she is.
She is Diana.
And Akko throws on a jacket, a mask, and some shoes and thinks no more.
[Dear Diana,
I know very little about you
But you’ve changed my life.
Really you have.
You gave me back my passion, and a little bit more of that even. Maybe aroused a new passion within me.
I’d say, “You’ll be in my heart”, but that sounds too much of a farewell, to be honest.
And I’d rather not say goodbye just yet.
Not like this.
Music... Is a powerful thing. Despite the rampaging emotions I’d felt as I found out what had happened to you today, I- I kept playing. It grounded me. It helped me.
Diana, you once told me I was your light.
And you know I’ve told you already. That you’ve been MINE.
Diana. This video might look incredibly shaky and chaotic.
But please forgive me for that, and know that it is because I’m running with all my might to find out where you are. I got a hint for the hospital you might have been taken too.
It kinda seems like I’m a stalker now, huh?
I’m sorry. I just... I-
I can’t say goodbye to you....
Not just yet...
I still... have a song for you.
So... wait for me?”]
Eyes blink, bright white melting into color. They scan the room, looking for hints to identify her location.
Her body aches, her chest hurts. Her throat is parched. Her head is throbbing.
What is that annoying beeping sound-
Ah. Of course.
The hospital.
She hates it. She hates the smell of antiseptic and sterile sheets. She hates the taste of badly prepared hospital meals, and too-dry food.
The water has this strange quality to it when you’re in the hospital.
She knows this well.
She hates that she does.
She sighs, sinking into her pillows. At least those are comfortable.
What bad timing, really. For an attack.
She was supposed to move out today. She was supposed to meet with her aunt- who actually has probably met up with her by now, seeing as Diana is in a hospital and her usual alert device seems to be charging within reach beside her. Also she sees Daryl’s purse on the seat.
Maybe the woman had gone out temporarily for something important.
That was fine.
It just meant Diana was left alone again. If only for a short while.
...Alone, huh.
These past two months, she hadn’t been that.
All because of one girl, one Atsuko Kagari that she’d met by chance through a piano and through a wall. The sound quite literally carrying over through a wall.
Diana can’t believe she used to be so skeptical of thin-walled living spaces, wondering how people kept their privacy.
Now, however, she feels blessed that that was the case.
Else she’d never have met... her light.
That’s right.
When everything, her vision, her hopes, her heart had steadily been dying out, through her dim came a glow. That glow was the connection she’d found through her neighbor across a wall.
It had surprised her the first time she realized someone was playing alongside her one sunset session, months ago. She would have thought it creepy had the person’s music been any less captivating.
There were just so many colors in the music, there was just so much warmth. It sounded a little rough, a few hinges rusty at first; but it came along after a few pseudo duets, and then Diana had found these duets to be a staple in her life.
Then she met Akko for the first time, and more warmth and color came into her life.
Diana found herself enjoying the musical conversations they had, intrigued by thoughts that they were actually able to communicate in that way and understand one another to that extent, no words attached.
And she enjoyed these nonverbal bonding moments.
But when they actually wrote to one another, or when they’d have their short greetings when they’d meet up in the hall, Diana found herself wanting to draw even closer, to get to know Akko even more.
And when Akko asked if she could do the same, Diana had found it so easy to open up.
She’d loved to know even more about the girl.
But how would she do it now?
They didn’t have the chance to exchange numbers, and Diana was probably moving as soon as she left the hospital. Her things were already being shipped to her new home, after all. There wasn’t much reason to return to her apartment, really.
“Idiot. Stupid, Diana. Not asking her sooner. What are you supposed to do no-”
Two knocks on her door.
It doesn’t open right away. It doesn’t seem to open at all.
Diana deduces it’s not a doctor or nurse then. And it might not be Daryl either because the woman would have already called the attending nurse to open the door already.
So then, who could it be?
Diana tries not to let her mind wander and get her hopes up, because there is no way- just no way- it’s who she hopes it will be.
The door opens, and her breath is unexpectedly bated- and she releases it, seeing it’s just the janitor.
Trying not to let disappointment leak into her tone, she greets him a good mor-
“I’m glad... I was right.... hah... hah... You’re here... Diana.”
And Diana really shouldn’t just assume things such as being wrong, and that maybe her neighbor was a creep two months back.
Because now her neighbor, all frazzled, sweaty, and out of breath, is right there in front of her, a bunch of papers crumpled in one hand as the other is held over her heart, trying to calm herself.
“You... hah... didn’t let m-me... Sa-ha-y goodbye... so... you’re not allowed... to leave me waiting in silence and never respond...” Akko huffs. “There’s no more wall preventing you from using words now.”
Her breathing finally slows, and she manages to look up.
“I still have a song for you, after all.”
Diana doesn’t realize, nor does she feel the tears flowing down her face.
Akko doesn’t either.
“L-Let me know what you think... It’s my first song and all...” She becomes this shy blushing school girl as she approaches Diana’s bedside, awkwardly handing over the worn pieces of paper, all wrinkled up from whatever adventure Akko had been on prior to arriving here. “... then maybe we could play a duet again or something...”
She mumbles it so quietly Diana almost didn’t catch it.
She smiles.
She doesn’t think about the reality that was supposed to occur today had she not been taken to the hospital.
Virtual duets aren’t really her thing. She much prefers hearing sound in person, in real-time. She prefers the ability to adapt and adjust to play alongside someone; to feel expression and emotion first hand; to experience a duet in full.
So it’s a simple reply that she has ready, along with a smile on her face as she takes Akko’s hand in hers.
“I’d love that.”
 Diana has told her many times that it’s thanks to her that she was able to recover as quickly as she did, and be out of the hospital in only a week.
Akko sheepishly denies that every time.
They’re both just glad things seem to settle to be alright now.
Diana leans her head against Akko’s shoulder as they share a pair of earphones, listening to the composition play on the latter’s laptop.
“I love it.”
“I know. You’ve told me that the past 4 months, everyday.”
“And I will continue to.”
Akko tries her best to hide the smile that had grown on her face, but it’s impossible. It comes out in laughs and a few soft tears, and she rubs her head against Diana’s.
“You have all the time to, it seems.”
“Yes, and I won’t waste it.” Diana quips, turning her head up to look at Akko with the tenderest of smiles. “Care to play?”
Akko simply smiles, before wrapping Diana up in a hug so deep, and warm, and tender. Without a word, she stands them both up, walking them over to two keyboards now positioned side-by-side.
They take seat. With eyes meeting, and a small nod, they begin.
They don’t need words to figure out the rhythm they’ll fall into, or what they should do, or who plays what part for today.
Akko’s colors seep out, her warmth embedded in her music. Diana’s expressive emotions tell Akko all she needs to know, and they play in harmony.
Together, they tell a story.
A story that began with a sunset and a few familiar notes from a piano.
A story about its music and what lay beyond a wall.
A story once called, “Diana”.
“Diana and Akko”.
  A/N: ....  Hrmmm... I didn’t like how i ended it, tbh,,, hahaha. I just... lost my thought process now. I’m tired and lost.
Based off this story
The follow-up to this won’t be now, or anytime too soon. Or tbh, I could just end it like this. But there’s this ache in my heart that wants to know what happens next as well. Or more things such as how Diana ended up staying. But well,
...who knows.
Bye for now.
~Shintori Khazumi
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dumblydork · 4 years ago
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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okaywitheverything · 4 years ago
hi! can i request minato fall for naruto kindergarten teacher please? thank you 😁
Ma'am: A Possible New Mom? Minato x KindergartenTeacher!Reader
My actual first request! Hope I did it justice! Thank you honey for the request. I wrote some sort of mixed AU so I hope you don't mind.
 A/N: This took a lot of time because I have a lot of tests every month. Also i threw up a week ago and was somewhat sick. Then I lost the two drafts and was so irritated with ms word but somehow I managed to write again. So a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into this. Please shower it with love if you even read this awful Author’s note.
Positive A/N: I did like how it turned out tho, the ending is too cute and you won't know what to expect as I didn't either. I genuinely hope you have fun reading this piece.
Word count: 3K
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 Your POV
 “It must be fun to play with the kids all day."
People who think that are the biggest fools on the planet in the universe.
You were picking up the various toys scattered throughout the main classroom, sorting them category wise while the kids took a nap. Most of them anyways.
A few babies had insane amount of energies that they refused to sleep whatsoever. But it wasn't as big a problem as people think it is. All kids have different strengths, a variety of ways to function and unique physiology. You knew if a kid was not tired, forcing him or her to doze off isn't healthy.
Just let the kids be.
So that explains why Naruto was alongside you helping you to collect the sponge shurikens scattered around while you put away the stuffed ninkens on the high shelf. Usually Kiba and Rock Lee would be awake as well, and this trio would play in the hall until their limbs gave out but today even they slept after tiring poor Akamaru out for weird challenges.
“Ma’am, I almost forgot! I want to show you something! Come with me!” Naruto suddenly grabbed your hand leaving his task in the midst and urging you to leave yours too. You looked at him puzzled but giggled at his enthusiasm nonetheless, sometimes kids were too darn cute. You loved the ways kids’ eyes lit up, so optimistic and happy and hopeful until the world snatched it all away. You wanted to preserve this for as long as could.
He took you to the room where the kids kept their small backpacks filled with their favourite articles that they thought were absolutely necessary to take everywhere.
No Neji, you don’t need to have three combs for the care of your luscious hair every possible instant.
Naruto generally brought a lot of snacks which you had to retain sometimes so that he would eat healthy but it became even harder to do so when all he wanted was for Sasuke to taste the tomatoey flavour ‘these’ chips had and gift Rock Lee the curry flavour. That boy had a heart of gold.
 He pulled the zipper of his orange backpack open, and took out a stuffed fox.
“Ma’am meet Kurama! I told him all about you and he wanted to meet you!” He held Kurama up while you were gently petting the plushie’s head, he was so excited to see your happiness to meet his esteemed companion.
These kids and their imaginations! You loved every ounce of it!
“Hello Mr. Kurama!” You didn’t feign excitement, you actually were. You loved kids and their creativity and wouldn’t trade it for anything.
“He’s my best friend! Don’t tell anyone else though! Others might get sad.”
You did an action of zipping your lips, “Your secret is safe with me, sweetie.”
“Look! I also drew something!” He hastily handed you Kurama and proceeded to take out his yellow sketchbook. He kept turning pages filled with rainbows of colours morphing into one another that made some sense in his cute, little head and finally reached his desired page. He pulled your dress with his little chubby hands, an action he often did when he wanted you to sit beside him. You kneeled down, his plushie settled in your lap now as you waited for him to go ahead.
He handed you his open sketchbook where there were three figures, two adults and one kid judging by the height, all wearing triangular outfits. One kid and an adult had striking yellow hair and blue eyes while the other adult wore an orange dress with a large circle in their hands. On closer inspection, you saw your own hair colour and eye colour being illustrated to the best of the toddler’s ability, as far as the crayons allowed him to portray it. You had a circle in your hands, almost the size of your drawn head with black spots in between while the child in the photo held an orange squishy ball. To save you from your confusion, Naruto came to the rescue and started explaining.
“That’s me and Dada over here. And I’m playing with Kurama! And that’s you Ma’am! Bringing me and dada cookies for being good boys like you do in class!”
Your heart melted right there and then. For some reason, your face heated up too.
“Oh my God, honey, that’s amazing!” You pecked his cheek as Naruto blushed slightly and rubbed his head, “You liked it?”
“I Loved it! What did Dada say about it?”
“He got so red like Sasuke’s tomatoes haha. But he put it on our fridge like my other drawings and he said it was the best one yet.”
Before you could reply, crying was heard from the nap room and you sighed. Looks like someone woke up.
“Yay, someone is up! We can now play!” Naruto began running but you stopped him.
“Let’s be sure to pack this all up before, Ma’am Anko will see to your friend okay?”
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Minato was waiting alongside other parents, it was 10 minutes till the kindergarten was over. His mind wandered afar, thinking about his journey to this town.
Minato was very afraid when he moved to Konoha, about Naruto settling in and making friends. Of course, back in his previous town he had already got Naruto a place in the best Kindergarten there, pulling all the needed strings but his promotion caught him off guard. Being a single parent was hard enough as it is, and with the worry of adjusting to new surroundings for his growing son, he was almost going to decline the offer. Only after much conviction from his friends that he deserved this, he took the offer, albeit hesitantly.
He was happy with his new workspace and colleagues as well, and was over the moon when he one of his erudite associates had a son the same age as his own, and recommended the city’s best kindergarten where his son was set to go. He went blindly on his associate’s word, because he knew him to be a wise dad.
For the first two months, he had to work relentlessly to prove his position as the new leader in the branch, and so he had his assistant pick Naruto up while he prepared lunch at home for his precious boy, barely making it home fifteen minutes before they did. But when the company celebrated their first real accomplishment, only then did Minato feel he could take a step back and indulge with his son more as he used to do.
When he began picking him up himself, he realised what he had been missing on: small quirky tales, new words his toddler learned, new friends’ names, his favourite teacher’s cookies apparently. Minato quickly noticed, being the perceptive man he was, that Naruto could go hours and hours talking about his Ma’am. He would have thought of it as a crush, had Naruto been older.
But when he first saw you, he could relate to his son if Naruto did have a crush. He knew he was being superficial, being attracted to your appearance at first sight but he couldn’t help himself that you were almost ethereal, too gorgeous to be true. It seemed as if you were glowing when you laughed alongside the kids or held one of them on your shoulders while searching for the parents.
However, your personality was even more so captivating when he finally talked to you at the parents-teachers conference. You were such a quality teacher, he deduced when he noticed how apt you were at describing each kid individually and how dedicated to their growth you were. He loved the bond you had with Naruto, the boy couldn’t stop grinning upon meeting you on his day off.
The bell rung, breaking him out of his reverie, and he waited as the kids ran to the parents, waving goodbyes here and there, ready for their weekend. He could hear your faint shouting over the buzz, “Make sure you have taken all your belongings, kiddos! Have a good weekend!”    
He knew if you had a special place in his son’s heart, he could let you stay in his heart as well.
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It was 8 PM, one hour past the Uzumaki kid’s bedtime, but the blatantly crying kid was nowhere near sleeping. A distressed Minato held him on his hip, as he searched the entire house for his favourite plushie, Kurama, without whom Naruto had never slept.
“We’ll find him, Naru. Do you remember where you last saw it?” Minato asked, pausing and sitting in the comfy sofa, looking at Naruto, hoping he’d have an answer.
Naruto’s wails quietened down, fortunately there were no tears, as he pondered and spoke, “I last showed it to Ma’am!”
Minato sighed, he grasped that Naruto would have left it at the playschool because no inch of his house was unsearched. He settled Naruto down on the couch as he deliberated calling you over a toy. He had your number for emergencies, but was this one? The real objection, the actual reluctance he had for calling was totally different though. He hated to admit it, but talking to Naruto’s daydream of a teacher always left him stuttering like a teenager. He could barely listen and respond when he met her at the kindergarten, but talking to that Goddess one on one was more terrifying and nerve-wracking than moving to a new town.
But he knew there was no way Naruto would sleep without Kurama and it was only Friday, nights to wait if he doesn’t ask you about the plushie today. He couldn’t imagine how disheveled will Naruto be without Kurama by then. He would surely award himself with wine if he managed to finish the call without fainting.
With clammy hands and a vigorously pounding heart, he dialed the number.
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You were finishing up the last batch of forms and cleaning up, when you saw something abruptly put in the otherwise shipshape playroom. Before you could further inspect, your phone rang, Mr. Uzumaki flashing on top of the screen. Your heart hammered as you wondered what he could be calling about.
You were not going to lie, Mr. Uzumaki was easy on the eyes, always in class A condition with his well-tailored suits as he came to pick Naruto up. Even the married housewives ogled him not-so-subtly. He was such an excellent father, really devoted in his son’s life while simultaneously conquering the business world. An eye candy, with all the best qualities that existed, an immensely put together God’s creation. He was dream partner to have, yet somehow he was single.
Your phone’s ring broke you out of your musing, as your sweaty palms grabbed the phone and received the cal.
“Good Evening, Mr. Uzumaki.” You managed out, your neck suddenly heating up.
“Good Evening, Miss. I hope I didn’t disturb you.”
“Not at all, I was about to head home. How may I help you?”
“If you are still there at the playschool, could you please…… If you don’t mind….. I’m sorry again I called-”
“I assure you, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry about it. Although you do need to tell me the problem if you want me to help.” You giggled lightly, amused at that man stuttering.
“Thank you. Umm Naruto left his night time plushie there I suppose and he doesn’t sleep without it. Could you please, please check if it’s there?”
“Of course.” You held the phone and as you hummed and went to the Kid’s playroom you found Naruto’s sketchbook with the drawing laying on it, and the Kurama toy beside it. You swore you promised Naruto pack it earlier in the day.
“Looks like he did leave it here.”
“Can you keep the school open a bit late, I’ll come and collect it right aw-”
“Its pretty windy right now outside, and you’ll have to bring Naruto too at this hour. I’ll drop it at your home on my way back, I was planning in leaving in five anyways.” Your mouth spoke before you could process what you said, offering to go to his house? Nice going there, you desperate weirdo.
His choked out “Okay” almost surprised you as you ended the call.
This will be a nice, little detour.
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About twenty minutes later, the doorbell to the Uzumaki household rang and Minato sprinted to the door, opening it immediately.
There you stood, with tousled hair from the wind, in your long red pea coat and black heels. Your cheeks lightly tinted, no doubt because of the unruly weather outside. Somehow you still looked absolutely perfect in Minato’s eyes as he traced your form, unable to initiate the conversation.
You, on the other hand, had halted completely when the door opened revealing a ripped Minato, his muscles bulging underneath his black shirt while grey sweatpants hung loosely on his hips. His biceps were so thick, you wondered how he managed to exercise on top of all the responsibilities he had.
You handed it over to Minato whose eyes widened at the piece of paper and stood there awkwardly, processing what to say.
Somehow stopping yourself from all the gawking, you cleared your throat as you dug in your black purse and took out Naruto’s best friend and his masterpiece.
“Guess he left this as well.” He gave a forced laugh, trying to make things less uncomfortable after he stood silent for two minutes.
You chuckled lightly in agreement when suddenly thunder boomed behind you, causing you to shriek and slip, only to be caught by Minato, his hands holding you around your middle tightly in a protective manner. You coughed as you stepped back again and he cleared his throat this time when suddenly it started pouring like hell’s rage on Earth.
“You should stay for a while, at least until the rain lightens.”
You were going to decline, but when you saw how bad it was raining, you knew you would have to accept. “Looks, like I’ll have to. Sorry to impose.”
“It’s no imposition at all. I’m inviting you, don’t fret.”
You stepped inside, shrugging your pea-coat off, revealing your black dress underneath. Minato reddened visibly, taking your pea-coat from you and hanging it. He cursed himself as he thought of conversation starters, wanting to say something, anything to not stand like a fool.
“Would you like wine? I have this blush flavoured bottle reading to drink.”
“I would love that, Thank you. What are you celebrating though, if I may ask?” You agreed, maybe the alcohol would calm your buzzing nerves. Besides you were a sucker for wine.
“Nothing much, a simple personal achievement of sorts.” He said with a grin as he led you inside, hopeful of where the night might lead. Maybe the liquid courage would help him finally ask you out.
Behind the wall, Naruto grinned with a pacifier in his mouth. Mission successful.
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So that was that. Until next time, cookies.
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elisela · 3 years ago
Oh no sleepover weekend is almost over! I got super sick after my booster shot and there was a pretty big snowstorm, but I finally got to see the Broadway Anastasia after getting postponed 4 times! It was so lovely. So now I'm heading two hours home to hopefully have the coziest night in, maybe making St. Lucia rolls for tomorrow and reading snowed in fics if I can find some good ones, I hope you're having a peaceful weekend!
sleepover weekend lives in our hearts forever though. i’m so sorry you got sick from the booster! i started my period on the same day so i have no clue if i got sick or not because i was gonna feel like shit anyway haha. but anastasia yay! i loved the animated movie as a kid.
did you make the st. lucia rolls? and babe i’ll write you a snowed in fic just tell me what you want from it and it’s yours ❤️
sleepover weekend | ask me
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pebblysand · 4 years ago
[may '21] - the life update no one asked for (and some quick links)
Hello team! How are you? What a month it has been! But: we have had some proper sun, the days are getting longer, I have gin&tonic with me to give me fuel to write this and it is now the 30th of april - yay! I know I'm bending the rules of these monthly posts a bit there, by writing the may post by anticipation but I really want to focus on 'proper' writing this weekend, so I hope that you will forgive me :).
But, first, some quick links to different blog pages you might not see on mobile :
to read my fics [links to the hinny ficfest fics: one ; two ; three]
to read my original work
fic recs [new additions]
proper blog/site [that I never update but maybe one day I’ll bother]
[NOTE: i am currently accepting prompts for short ficlets on the hp fandom if you fancy. my ask box is open :).]
Everything else, under the cut (contains: ETAs for current WIPs - say, if you’re waiting for chapter 8 of castles, for instance... -, reading lists, and life update)
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Currently, I’m writing:
**Castles [HP - post-war canon]**
links extended a/n-s: chapter v ; chapter vi
This is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT the priority for the coming days. We are having a bank holiday here in Ireland on Monday and the main objective now is to get the first draft of next chapter done. I have the outlines (both general and particular) and have - maybe - around 15% of the actual chapter done. Due to external factors (more on that below), I've had quite a hard time finding the time and energy to actually focus on this over the past few weeks which is why I kind of booked out this weekend to Get Shit Done. Hopefully, it works. ETA for next chapter: 30th May.
**R O A R series**
Harry&Hermione one-shot [ETA: July probably]
An original horror/thriller story [ETA: this is the next thing (after castles chap 8 on the agenda. Considering the ETA for chapter 8 of castles, we're probably looking at beginning of June for this.]
Something to fill this silk prompt [ETA: TBD]
That Peaky Blinders fic I started and never finished [ETA: TBD]
** Hinny Ficfest **
I am very happy to announce that I'll have not one but two short stories coming out for the upcoming hinny ficfest. I obviously can't talk about them too much on here but here's what I can tell you.
- the first one will be called: [like fire in the rain] and answers to prompt 78 - "truth or dare". It's a short three sentence story (a format I used to enjoy but haven't done on tumblr in aaaaages) that's a bit angsty (you know me) and is set within the 'sunlit days' in year 6.
- the second one, I'm not too sure of the title yet, but right now I'm thinking of a line from a song by passenger called 'holes': [she said the wolf's just a puppy and the door's double-locked (so what'd you gotta worry me for?)]. this is (loosely) inspired by prompt 27 (Molly finding out about Ginny/Harry) the summer after the war, but has kind of grown into a what-if-castles-wasn't-my-headcanon kind of fic. It's currently just shy of 3,000 words. I'm considering posting it on AO3/FF as well by the time it comes out on here but I'm not sure. We'll see.
They're both fully written but need a bit of polish but will definitely be ready by the 10th :).
Currently, I’m reading:
Calypso by David Sedaris: I've finished this! It was absolutely lovely - would highly recommend if you're looking for a nice, non-fiction read. I'd probably give it four stars. Not magnificent but definitely worth a read.
I’ve started re-reading the Divergent series because I have the attention span of a five year old atm. -- Update: yeah, still there. I don't think I've picked this up recently.
I've also started Watch Her Fall by Erin Kelly. I really loved her thriller He Said/She Said so thought I'd give it a try. For now, it's fine but I've found it sort of hard to get into it if I'm honest.
I’m still labouring through Troubled Blood, the JKR/RobertGalbraith book (ugh), but I have made significant progress on this. I'm on page 789 so almost at the end. I cannot wait to be finished with it. On top of everything else, it's just way too long. And, that's coming from someone whose favourite HP book is OOTP.
In other news:
I have to say, this month's been a bit of a struggle. Not in terms of mental health but just a lot of things happening at once. I had my exams at the start of the month, obviously, then I went home to France. Then, Ireland decided to introduce mandatory hotel quarantine so I had to change my tickets, come back early to avoid it. Then, the day before I left, my mother had a stroke. I just - I don't want to dwell on this too much. It's over, now, she's fine, has (from what the MRI showed) very little damage to her brain. She's at home and living her best life. Frankly, she's a bit of a miracle. This being said, I can't explain to you the stress and anxiety and heartache of last few weeks, and of not knowing what to do. Of not being able to fly home, having to be in Ireland because I was starting a new job and couldn't afford the hotel quarantine; it was just a lot. I think I didn't even have words to put on it at the time, which is why I didn't write about it before. It's easier now, now that it's over. In the thick of it, I didn't know where to start.
Now, I also didn't want to mention this because I don't mean it as a sob story. I just feel like I should explain why I haven't been the best at putting content out, lately. For that first week after it happened, when we were waiting for the medical exams to come through, I had to start a new job, pretend to be 'happy to be here' and 'excited' like everything was fine and that alone kind of sucked all the energy out of me. I was texting her every half hour at the same time, anxiously waiting for a reply. She lives alone, you see, and she's the only family I have left. I feel bad about not being able to write, but it's been hard. I just couldn't focus. On top of that, while the new job is interesting (and it pays money, yaaaay!), it's just a new routine to get back into, so I've also been feeling very tired.
Additionally, the extrovert in me has been begging to see more of her mates, lately. The weather has been really nice and I'm so eager to go out that I have struggled to keep my resolutions of 'no, I'm staying in and writing tonight.' I used to get plenty of social interactions at work, back in the day, but now that I'm fully remote, all I want to do on my days off is see people (especially with the easing of restrictions in Ireland). I feel like overall, it's fair, though. Introverts have struggled in our society for years, now, it's fair that we, extroverts, during the pandemic, bear more of the burden. It's just that this sudden return of my social life has also not truly catered to much writing time, haha. Hopefully, May will be more stable.
I am feeling better, now. Mum is doing good, the results of her MRI were very positive and the only real thing that's changed is that she says she's 'exhausted' which I guess can be expected after a stroke, haha. She's a warrior and I love her. This week, I've been feeling finally more able to focus and with the bank holiday, I really hope to get some proper writing done. I just need to escape in the magic of HP again, haha.
Anyways, sorry for this rather grim update. I suppose I also want to be honest and say that it's not always rainbows and butterflies. Here's to May, though. Hopefully, it'll treat us better :).
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wizardess-legends · 5 years ago
Pairing: Genova x Yukiya
Summary: The weekend was finally here as what better way to be productive than spending it outdoors. Though what happens when trying to befriend a certain gray wolf goes wrong.
It was the weekend as I was out by the lake so I could enjoy the beautiful day while doing my homework while Bane laid down beside me. Writing in my notebook I’d look over at my text book now and again to look for the answers. “Please tell me you don’t plan on just sitting here all day,” I heard Bane say as I could only giggle while looking down and finishing writing another answer. “You’re more than welcome to go walk around if you’re bored,” I replied, not looking up from the page. “....No, I’m comfortable,” he grumpily answered, knowing that even though he sounded that way, he really wasn’t. Turning the page so I could write on the back I slightly jumped when Bane suddenly took my notebook away. “H-Hey! Bane give me my notebook back please,” I told him as he walked a few feet away and dropped the notebook out of his mouth letting it fall on the grass.
“You’ll end up giving yourself a paper cut if you mindlessly space out while doing your work,” he lectured me while I puffed my cheeks out at him, but I couldn’t help it but smile; he really is always looking out for me. “Haha I guess you’re not wrong. Thanks Bane,” I said giving him a soft smile, watching him walk over to me and proceeded to sit on my legs in a poised manner as he looked at me with his red eyes. Blinking a little I giggled, he can act like such a puppy sometimes even when he’s acting mean. Running my hands through his charcoal black fur I proceeded to scratch under his jaw and lightly rub my nose against his. “You’re such a good boy,” I said, I really was lucky to have met him years ago. “Hm whatever you say,” he said sounding unhappy as usual though I could clearly see how his tail was wagging softly.
It was when Bane started sniffing the air and starting to growl I could only assume it was because he smelled his brother close by. “That good for nothing mutt is around here,” Bane growled out in disgust. Softly frowning it was kind of sad to see that he wasn’t happy to be able to see his brother again; even if neither of them got along I still wished that Bane would tell me why he hated his brother. Getting off from my lap Bane started to walk away heading towards the forest. Seeing Yukiya and Seth coming over to this way I glanced back over to where Bane was before asked, “Aren’t you going to stay and at least say hello?”  “No, I have no need to speak or greet anyone. I shall be back later; do see to it that you stay out of trouble,” I heard him say before he went off on his own.
“Hello and good afternoon Genova,” I heard Yukiya’s voice as I looked over to smile and wave to my friend. “Hello and good afternoon to you too Yukiya! Hello Seth I hope you’ve been well,” I greeted Yukiya before looking over to Seth to greet him as well; however the gray wolf just seemed to roll his eyes and look away from me. Letting out a small sigh I tried to not take it personally, those two really are alike in a lot of ways. “Mind if I sit with you,” He asked, quickly I nodded in a yes manner. “Of course, you’re always more than welcome to sit with me,” I said cheerfully. I really enjoyed his company a lot of the time, he may not talk a lot of the time but I still have fun hanging out with him. Not only that he’s just so sweet, how could I not catch some feelings for him. We talked about our days so far and even discussed some of the assignments we had to do. 
I watched when Seth started to get up from laying around, he must be planning to go off on his own too. It seemed like Yukiya wasn’t going to really question him but he did bid his familiar farewell. Softly biting my bottom lip, even though I wouldn’t be able to understand Seth I still wanted to talk to him. “Hey Seth… I know you don’t exactly like me, and that you’re not on talking terms with Bane… But I’d really like it if we could become friends at some point,” I said while watching him walking by in his calm and cold manner. 
~~~ Yukiya’s POV ~~~
I looked over at Genova with soft eyes as she’s been determined to try and get closer with Seth despite his rudeness. The sound of him growling gave me a very unsettling feeling. Seth came to a stop as before I knew it in a blink of an eye he was right in front of her, biting down on her wrist as blood was spilling from the bite wounds. “Seth stop,” I shouted angrily in a panic. Hearing her yelp made me feel so bad as my eyes widened at the site of her completely turning to ash in front of me. “G-Genova,” I called out her name slowly, feeling as if my heart just stopped; I was used to seeing her in her child form, but never have I witnessed this part. “Stupid sheep, maybe next time she’ll know to leave me alone,” I heard Seth scoff as I looked at him with a narrow look. “That was uncalled for! She did nothing wrong, she’s been nothing but nice to you,” I sternly lectured him. Soon enough I saw Genova again as she looked like she was five and her muted purple hair wasn’t in its low ponytail any more and had the familiar silk white dress.
“I-i’m sorry,” I heard her slightly more squeaky voice say followed by a couple of sniffles. “I-I didn’t mean to-to upset you Seth,” she apologized while big tears started to roll down her cheeks. Getting up from my seat I quickly went to Genova as I saw that look in his eyes again and I scooped her up into my arms and held her so Seth couldn’t try to hurt her again. “This isn’t worth my time,” I heard him say before walking off to go who knows where. Quick to snap out of my thoughts I look at her, moving my free hand to clear the continuous tears that fell. “Hey please don’t cry Nova, you did nothing wrong,” I spoke softly and sweetly when she looked up at me with her round light coral colored eyes. “B-But-” she was stuttering until I cut her off before she could blame herself for what happened. “It’s not your fault. How are you feeling, are you in any pain,” I asked but when looking at the spot Seth bit her, there were no traces of her having been injured though it didn’t help the aching pain in my chest.
Getting a great idea I gave her a smile and started to walk as I said, “How about we go see the winged-rabbits, I know how much they love playing with you.” Getting to see her eyes light up I couldn’t help but chuckle while making my way to the north valley. Upon arriving the winged-rabbits were already coming out and flying around us, setting Genova down she was swarmed with the cute pink creatures. Sitting down close by I watched young Genova run around with the winged-rabbits as her laughter filled the air. Sometime had passed until Genova sat down and the two of us were making flower crowns with the small blue flowers. Finishing up the one I made for her I glanced over to her. “I finished up your flower crown,” I said out loud as she seemed to look over with excitement as it seemed she finished hers. 
“Yay,” she cheerfully said getting up and running over as when she was getting closer I noticed her trip. “Waaa,” she yelped as I leaned forward and held out my arms to catch her but then my vision was filled with white smoke. When it cleared my eye met with her light coral ones, she was back to normal as she really did look even more beautiful with the longer part of her muted purple hair loose from its low ponytail. “A-Ah i’m sorry Yukiya,” she was quick to apologize and pull away for her to sit on her knees and sightly looking away though her reddening face was still visible. “It’s perfectly fine, you’re not hurt right,” I asked as she shook her head in a no manner, that’s a relief.
“Oh here you go,” I said, picking up the flower crown off my lap before reaching over and placing it on top of her head. “It looks great, i love it! Oh here’s your’s,” she said happily leaning and placing the one she made on top of my head before sitting again. “Thanks,” I thanked her with a smile having that familiar fuzzy feeling in my chest. Once again there was a silence between us. “Hey Yukiya,” I suddenly heard my name be called, looking over to where she was staring down at her lap while her bangs fell over her face.
“...Thank you.”
“There’s no need to thank me, you’re important to me,” I said as my eyes widened when she looked over at me so quickly. 
“There is! I know I get help from our other friends too but… I always feel like they get so annoyed with how much they have to keep an eye on me,” she said, hearing her voice her thoughts made me frown but I kept quiet to listen to her continue. “I hate that no matter how capable I am, it still isn’t enough to protect myself and it can be the littlest and stupidest of things that trigger my curse! I hate it, I hate myself!” Feeling my heart breaking I acted on instinct and moved closer while taking off my eye patch before putting my hands on both her arms. “Nova I don’t know the pain you go through, but I can only imagine how much it hurts… And it isn’t easy, but you-you are one of the strongest girls I know here,” I said only feeling that aching feeling grow; I just wished she wasn’t so hard on herself.
“I don’t feel strong. And to be honest I really think about this a lot; the thought that after here I won’t be able to make anything of myself,” she replied back as tears started to roll down her face. “Not only that, how can I ever imagine having a husband or even a family for that matter?! Who-Who wants to love a woman who turns into a kid after she gets hurt huh… This curse has taken so much from me before I can even have the chance to experience any of it,” she finished talking, sobbing. The next thing I did was all that I could think of doing; carefully pulling her to me and holding her in my arms and running my hand through her soft hair. “You haven’t lost any of that and I can understand that those kinds of thoughts scare you, but I know one thing for sure is that despite your curse I for one love you,” I said finally confessing my feelings for her.
She pulled away from me some as her face was red and her eyes were slightly puffy. “W-Wait! You-You love… Me,” she stuttered to get her words out in a shocked manner. Still giving her a soft smile I nod my head in a yes manner as I reached a hand out to clear the tears away. “I do, I love you for who you are; your brave side, or your clumsy side, I love all of you and I want to protect you. But not only that, one day I want to help you break this curse,” I told her, which I got startled when she started to cry again, but I relaxed shortly after when I saw there was a smile on her face. “That makes me… S-So happy to hear! I-I was always so scared that you wouldn’t feel the same if I ever found the courage to actually tell you how I felt myself,” she said wiping her own tears away with her hands, getting to see her smile like that melting my heart. Cupping her face in my hands I rested my forehead against hers. “Well you don’t have to be scared anymore,” I whispered to her before leaning in close to softly kiss her lips.
~~~ Few Days Later ~~~
I was making my way to my usual spot at the lake as I was just completely over the day. “Can this day just be over please,” I said out loud to no one in particular as I tossed my bag to the side not really caring where it landed. Pushing my ponytail off from my shoulder I took off my cloak before I plopped down onto the grass and just lay on my back. Letting out a groan I crossed my arms over my eyes trying to get all of my stresses from today out. “Maĭnata mi na zhivota,” I cursed now just feeling my arms tremble and the tears starting to fall. It was just one of those days that just seemed to be against me as not only that, not once but TWICE did I get hurt and turn into a kid; needless to say I just wanted to hide from the world.
While slowly breathing in and out to calm myself down I suddenly felt a paw on me, Bane must have found me. It was silent as he didn’t say anything which was slightly odd, but then I felt what I thought was Bane lay on me; wait a might… Bane isn’t this light. Raising an eyebrow in confusion what could be laying on me I moved my arms off my eyes so I could see as I froze when I saw it was actually Seth. “U-Uhh.. Hi Seth,” I hesitantly greeted my boyfriend’s familiar as this was certainly a different behavior he’s ever shown and I couldn’t help but be the slightest bit worried after what happened the other day. I heard him let out a soft bark and moved now resting his head on my chest. Blinking a couple of times I softly smiled and giggled, maybe this was his way of apologizing. Moving my arms to hug him I petted his head gently as I said, “Thank you Seth, I really appreciate it.” He didn’t react or respond in any way, he just laid there and closed his eyes. Feeling myself grow tired myself I found myself dozing off peacefully.
~~~ Yukiya POV ~~~
I was around through the courtyard in search of Genova as it being lunch meant I could spend some time with her, but when I went to pick her up from her class she wasn’t there. Azusa had told me she rushed out as soon as the bell rang and what happened during classes. Knowing her, she’d be most likely at the lake though while walking I came across Bane. “Hello there, you’re searching for Genova too right,” I said as he briefly stopped and looked at me with his red eyes. He gave a small nod instead of saying anything and started to walk again in which I followed since we both were more likely heading to the same place. 
When arriving at her favorite spot at the lake I came to a complete stop when I saw a very surprising view; there was my girlfriend sound asleep as Seth was laying on top of her and also sound asleep. I couldn’t help but find the scene cute, especially with the way she had her arms loosely wrapped around his neck like someone who was sleeping with a stuffed animal. Looking over to see how Bane was responding to it though he didn’t look happy but he seemed to stay silent only going over and curling up next to her. Sitting by the tree I decided I’d let her rest as I didn’t want to ruin the bonding moment her and Seth were having. I found myself falling in love with her even more.
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@kuroosarium asked:  Hey J! 😊 How are you doing? I hope you can relax now that your semester is over! I'm happy to see that your requests are open 😍 Could I request a scenario with Kuroo & Bokuto (separately) where they comfort/distract their girlfriend with a date (maybe getting hot chocolate at the Christmas market or just binge watching shows at home), because she's suffering from a mild burnout, because of how stressful university (college au) is? Is that okay? Thank you in advance & have a wonderful day!
haha! i am alive! and i loved writing this so much. Even though it took me a whole semester to complete it. I hope you don’t mind that I tweaked it from being Christmas-y themed (since it’s...ya know...June...oops). 
Also, I noticed you are on an indefinite hiatus from the blog you requested this from so I’m going to tag @kuroomantic and @mellearning so hopefully you will see this. (I also tagged you in the actual ask I answered...probably a bit overkill but oh well)
Hope this finds you well and makes you smile. 
- J
(also apparently line breaks no longer exist...yay. so now you get this singular tilde 😩)
It was that time of year again. When the last couple weeks of the semester feel like they’re dragging on for years. It’s been over a month since any of your weekends weren’t spent studying. For exams that professors cruelly gave out during hell week, only to go straight into studying for finals. It’s absolutely brutal to endure, even Kuroo dialing back on the witty remarks that keep the two of you sane during stressful bouts of the semester in favor of silent study sessions.
You and Kuroo were regulars at the library, but in the weeks leading up to the end of the semester you feel like you practically live there. Camping out in a secluded corner for hours, being those people that others gawk at wondering just how the hell anyone can bear it for so long. Afterwards going back to your respective apartments each night and passing out, many nights being too exhausted to part ways and ending up falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Kuroo was lucky, having most of his exams scheduled at the beginning of exam week while you were stuck with exams scheduled at the end of the week. It tore at his heart to watch you continue to stress and study while he’s home free until next semester. He doesn’t try to get you to take a break though, knowing there’s a high possibility it will end up with his head getting bit off, so he lets you keep studying. He can wait to have his girlfriend back until the end of the week.
Though midway through the week, he stops by your apartment, just to check up since he hasn’t heard from you in a while; discovering you passed out on your couch, textbook fallen open on the floor. He rolled his eyes, placing the textbook on the coffee table, gathering you up in his arms—earning him a small grunt and one bleary eye peeking up at him.
Upon seeing it’s only him, your eye closes, and you snuggle a bit further into his arms, falling back asleep almost immediately. He chuckles a bit to himself, resorting to planning something for you once you finish. God knows the both of you need a bit of relaxation after the hellscape of the weeks ending the semester.
On the day of your last exam, he hears you before he sees you. The door to his apartment flinging open, the sound of you plopping your backpack in the entryway before your face appears in the doorway to the living room. He smiles at you, patting the spot beside him, which you all but melt into. Then you snuggle your body against his, tucking yourself beneath his arm and burying your face into his chest; a pleased sigh escaping you.
He rubs the bare skin of your arm comfortingly. “Finished?” Not even a response from you, just a slight nod that he only notices because your head is pressed to his chest. He fights the urge to chuckle at you, weighing the cost of a possible pinch to his side in reply.
“I don’t want to look at another textbook for a least two months,” you mutter, words muted against him.
Now he allows himself to laugh. “So, if I want you to do something all I have to do is threaten you with a textbook?”
He feels you grin next to him. “I’ll run for the hills—don’t test me.”
“Should I hide some around the house for some good jump scares?”
You shove him with your shoulder now. “Then you might get one chucked at your head.”
He laughs, putting his arms around you to pull you even closer. You oblige by lifting your legs and placing them over his own, so you’re practically sitting in his lap now, arms wrapped around his neck and playing absentmindedly with the dark tangles of his hair.
“Then it’s a good thing I have some textbook-free plans for tonight then.”
That earns him a groan and you lift your head to look at him with weary eyes. “Please tell me it involves no effort on my part. My brain is mush at the moment.”
He smiles softly at you, a rare expression saved solely for you. “Of course.” Then puts a hand to his chest feigning offense. “Who do you think I am?” You lift a brow at him questioningly, just what exactly does he have planned? It’s Kuroo, so it could be anything. And while you’re normally all in for his crazy schemes or fun outings, you’re wiped and don’t think you can get up from this couch even if you want to. But he knows you pretty well and you’re sure he knows you’re in no mood to actually do anything at the moment. He inclines his head to the TV. “How does a marathon of your favorite movies sound?”
A smile lifts to your lips before you bury your face once again in his chest, tightening your grip to squeeze him with a hug. “Sounds perfect,” you say, planting a kiss to his cheek. He beams and begins the process of extracting himself from the tangle of your limbs to put the first movie in the stack he procured earlier into the DVD player.
You sink back into the couch, tugging a blanket free to burrow into. Covering your face with the blanket you sigh, “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
He pops the movie in, then returns to you, pulling the blanket away to reveal your blushing face. He smirks. “You could start by sharing this blanket with me.” Your laughter fills the room and it sent his heart thundering against his ribcage; as long as he could keep you laughing, he would consider this night a success.
You make room for him, head resting on his shoulder as he stretches arm behind you on the back of the couch. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, then rests his cheek on it; subconsciously rubbing mindless circles with his fingers splayed across your opposite shoulder. You sigh deeply, your own fingers grasping lightly at his shirt; body relaxing almost melding with his.
“This is exactly what I needed,” you breathe. There is no better place to feel safe and warm than his embrace and it is definitely exactly where you want to be after a long and draining day. You don’t even mean the thoughtful plans he concocted—although you aren’t complaining—but what you really mean is that all you need is him. This comfort and rejuvenation you only find in his arms. He seems to understand, giving you a light squeeze in response.
“Me too,” he murmurs. It was true—in the flurry of stress and studying that consumed your lives the only interaction between the two of you revolved around school. Or consisted of both of you passing out from exhaustion, giving up the luxury of lazy kisses and quiet bids of goodnight, for the desperately needed solace of sleep.  
But this was perfect, and he’d go through weeks and weeks of the hell that was school for nights like this.
When you get back to your shared apartment with Bokuto after your last final of the semester, you unsurprisingly find him waiting for you—a wide grin splitting his face in two. He’s been particularly antsy lately, making you grow suspicious that he has something up his sleeve, and you’ve been suspecting this week to finally reveal whatever he’s been hiding from you for a few weeks now.
But maybe you’re wrong, maybe he’s just excited that the break from school is here and that the two of you will be able to spend more time together now.
That thought is tossed to the wind when he gathers you up his arms before you even get the chance to slip your shoes off and squeezes you hard enough that your breath whooshes out of you. When he sets you down, you peer up at him with narrowed eyes. “Bo~,” you coo, attempting to hit that sing-song voice that tends to break him easier. “What’s up? You look like you’re about to explode.”
Instead of stiffening like he’s been caught red handed, he just throws his head back, hands on his hips and laughs towards the ceiling. “You’ll see!” His head snaps back to look at you as he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. You can’t help but smirk at his display.
“What do you have up your sleeve, Bo? Come on, tell me.” You poke his side and sidle up beside him, strategically placing a hand around his bicep.
You hear him suck in a breath, your fist inclination that your tactics might have begun to work. Startling you, he shoves you away and says louder and more insistently, “You’ll see!” You lift a brow in question but retreat on your advances. He seems persistent on keeping whatever he’s got planned a secret. Fine—you’re willing to play along. He’s been able to keep it to himself for this long, which you admit you’re amazed by, and allow him to continue to do so—only so he’ll feel that much more triumphant when he’s finally able to let it out the secret.
Once he sees you disappear down the hallway, Bokuto takes a deep breath—you almost had him. Almost. He knows this last semester really wore you out, especially the last few weeks. Most weekdays you came home practically already asleep, and even when you’d have precious moments together, something as simple and mundane as just relaxing watching TV; you’d be asleep within a few moments.
He didn’t mind. You needed it—plus he would never complain about having you curl up beside him, head resting on his broad chest while yours lifted softly with each breath. In fact, it pained him to wake you up and force you to crawl into bed. Somedays he just lifted you in his arms and carried you there. The majority of the time being the latter.
Leading up to this day, Bokuto has had to resort to gushing to Kuroo and Akaashi at volleyball practice about the whole thing. Enough that they’re past smiling and being excited for him and have been pushed to the brink of entertaining the idea slitting his throat.
And now that they day is here, when he finally gets to put his plan into action, Bokuto is practically bursting at the seams to tell you. Especially since you’re already suspicious of something and attempted to weasel it out of him, knowing exactly how to break him. Setting a small hand on his arm, making it ever more obvious just how much bigger he is than you, using that soft sing-song voice that nearly did him in. Only his dramatic display of laughing and shrugging you off letting him escape from the snare you so easily set for him.
No—he is going to see this through to the end. Only for the joy of seeing your face when he reveals his plans for you. He beams at the thought.
After dinner, he attempts to nonchalantly ask you to go for a walk. It’s not uncommon for the two of you to take a leisurely stroll as the sun sets, but the way he’s shifting in his seat—doing his very best to be normal, makes you eye him suspiciously. He just maintains his uncontrollable grin, despite his best efforts to squash it as not to make you more suspicious than he can tell you already are.
You comply, taking his hand once you’re outside, and you can tell that if you were in an enclosed space, he’d be bouncing off the walls by now. You let him lead you, noticing he’s walking faster and (you don’t know how it’s even possible) but his smile, already at an incredible wattage, is widening with each step.
Up ahead, you squint and can barely make out a faint glow emerging from between some of the buildings. Unable to stop yourself, you crane your head to get a better look. Bokuto notices you trying to sneak a peek and purposefully steps in your line of sight, filling it with his beaming smile.
“No peeking.”
You just narrow your eyes but resolve to keeping your curiosity to yourself. Bokuto seems satisfies and continues on. After a few more blocks, you turn onto a street and your eyes widen at the sight before you.
In the park near your apartment that the two of you frequent, there are various tents set up and citizens milling about, all bathed in a warm glow from the lanterns littering the grass, hanging from above in the trees, and those resting in people’s hands. You gape at it all, while beside you, Bokuto is radiating pure joy.
“I saw a flyer for it on campus!!” He turns to you, grasping both of your hands in his—dwarfing them, that smile you love so much adorning his face. “Do you like it??”
Your lips tremble and without your permission, tears well up in your eyes. These past few weeks have been so unbelievably stressful, and for him to notice—for him to plan this, it was enough to bring joyous loving tears to your eyes.
Immediately, Bokuto frets. “What—what is it? Is it not okay? We can go, I just…”
You grip his hands to silence him. “No. I love it. Thank you, Bo.”
His smile returns and he gently places his hands on your cheeks to wipe away the tears now spilling over onto them.
Behind him, a familiar voice calls, “Oi! Bokuto!”
You peer around him to find your friends, Kuroo and Akaashi, both holding two lanterns each.
Bokuto beams yet again. “I invited them too!
You grin and wipe at your eyes once more, gingerly taking one of the lanterns from Akaashi’s hands. As you do so, he tells you, “Congrats on finishing the semester.”
You laugh softly. “Thanks. We all did it!” You survey the three of them, a peacefulness you didn’t know you were missing settling over your heart. It almost made you start crying again.
“Bo cut it a bit close,” Kuroo jests.
“Hey! What the heck!” Bokuto says, snatching his lantern aggressively from Kuroo.
You smirk. “All the more reason to celebrate.” He sticks his tongue out at you, but you just take his hand and follow the stream of people gathering at the center of the park; all of them carrying lanterns of their own.
You stand at the center, surrounded by your friends and the ethereal light of the lanterns, Bokuto’s warm hand in yours. Both of you look at the other before simultaneously lifting your lanterns into the sky and letting them join the plethora of ones already drifting into the night. With it, you feel all the stress and worry that accompanied these past weeks floating away with it, freeing you and letting you look forward to the days ahead. Days you would spend with Bokuto.
Turning to him, you find him gaping at you, marveling at how impossibly beautiful you look in the warm glow of the lanterns, a soft smile gracing your lips. He feels even more overjoyed that he surprised you with this. Even more so when you throw your arms around his neck and plant a kiss to his lips.
“Thank you,” you murmur against him.
That unbreakable smile splits his face in two, and instead of replying, he just squishes you against him and lets his lips find yours once more.
196 notes · View notes
nikatyler · 6 years ago
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*gasp* a replies post! A long replies post! A long replies post where I overshare again! *o* Yeah I kinda missed doing these. I’m now at home, but won’t be for much longer. First, I’m going to meet some of my new classmates on Friday and I’ll spend the whole weekend with them! We’re going somewhere...well I don’t even know where that is, just that it’s in nature and I’ve never been there before! Thank gods we’re meeting at the main station in Prague, or else I wouldn’t get there myself. Then on Moday, I have to go to my uni, and then once more on Wednesday I think? And on Wednesday, I’ll have to wake up at 4 am. my LiFe Is SoOoOOOoO HaRd oH mY gOd. No, I’ll be fine.
And a month from now, I’ll be moving to my dorm. That’s some crazy stuff. I can’t believe it’s happening. Last week, my dad actually took me to Prague and we went to see where it is. The location reminds me a lot of my home, but I won’t tell you what exactly that is because no one needs to know that. Anyway, school starts in October. I’m actually looking forward to studying, but the “living alone in a big city with people I’ve never seen before” part is scary. D: I’ll give you updates.
Anyway, today was a weird day. First, I sat alone by the lake when these two guys came and talked to me (I didn’t mind that actually, they were kinda nice), then when I got up and said I had to go home, one of them complimented my legs...which would’ve been really nice but then he basically implied he’d go to bed with me...and like literally five minutes ago he said he had a girlfriend...basically men are scary. Then later, mum and I went grocery shopping and I saw my middle school crush with his girlfriend...and decided that his girlfriend is cute, way cuter than him actually...bisexual culture I guess, crushing on your middle school crush’s girlfriend lmao. Then we went to pay for our groceries and the cashier...was my childhood friend who also happened to be my first crush and also my last crush and these days I’m wondering if I’m really crushing on him or if I’m just holding onto him because I don’t know any better. Long story but if you ever feel like I have a thing for childhood friends to lovers trope, maybe blame him.
Wow. Oversharing much? Let’s get to those replies then, before I tell you what colour my underwear is or something.
Also!! Stream Lover. You won’t regret it.
volcanopasta replied to your photoset “@ ea guess what we still don’t have in ts4”
I miss spooning
I feel like that’s one of those little things half of the community misses. ;-;
simlishprincess replied to your photoset “MAGNOLIA???”
she’s morphing
She’s broken like this really often and it scares me :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Vanessa: “So do you forgive me?” Gwyneth: “Of course I do. I must...”
Lol, a bpr founder telling thez plan no more children, they are so funny
These sims have no clue what I have in store
And just you wait for gen 2
Just you wait
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “There it is. Wonder what she could use the computer for…;) (no, I...”
Well I can`t say this is surprisingXD
Yeah...do most people go for purple? At least most bpr people I follow/followed went for this colour :D I also wanted to do this thing where the founder chooses the pink person, but the heir is purple. Idk why, I just wanted it to be like that haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Uhh oh hi again. You guys are seeing this right after the last post,...”
Jeez, Vanessa looks like that liquid Terminaor from Terninator 2.Funnily enough he was posing as a police officerXD
Lol I have no idea what you’re talking about because I’m bad at watching iconic movies (read as: I haven’t watched any of the movies that people think everyone has watched :’D) but I’ll believe you lmao
dandylion240  replied to your photoset “I really can’t justify this, can I? Listen, I have to stay true to my...”
Sometimes the aliens won't let you go even if you want to.
Oh you’re right
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “She traded her policeman hat for a fishnet top. Fashion, you know.”
me as a policeman
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “You know how I said I couldn’t justify this? Well…Alexa play Oops I...”
Yeah, make Roxanne that purple sibling/s
Careful what you wish for 👀
dandylion240 replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
Awe I'm glad you didn't delete without telling anyone. You would have been missed. But you're not the only one who thinks about doing that though.
I love seeing you on my dash ❤️
1o8percent replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
I’m glad that sharing your worries was able to help you. Simblr can be overwhelming and well life in general can be too. It’s nice to have someone to let it out to. I’m glad you’re still around!
Thank you guys so much. This happens to me from time to time, but it’s never been this bad.
desira-sims replied to your post “Random thoughts and ideas: NSB, BC and my hair (again)”
I’m slowly working through the sentence starters too. I didn’t realize quite how difficult some of them would be. Lol
Same! I might incorporate one of them into my yellow gen because it would fit there perfectly. God I’m really going to milk this one awful awful event for angst huh. That will be frowned upon. As for the other...I have an idea for it but it doesn’t fit the og Raleb timeline at all (it was for them) and I want it to be canon...like I kinda just don’t want to call it an AU, but I guess I’ll have to.
aiseinei replied to your photoset “Eden: “Ughhh oh my god my life is soooo hard!”
I would be too if I was stuck staring pink in the mirror for the rest of my life �� no very cute!
Oof same haha. One of the reasons why I was hesitant about starting BPR was the pink :D
And then I went and made my founder marry a pink sim and have four pink children with her, because that makes sense. I love making myself suffer, yay!
Thank you, btw!
medleymisty replied to your post “I'm not saying I want to re-read my entire NSB but...I kinda do. Will...”
*hugs* We're our own worst critics. I used to cringe at my old stuff too, but really it was decent. I might have learned more since then, but it was still good. I'm glad you can see the good in yours. :)
I’m definitely not as hard at my younger self anymore. I went and read some of my stories written when I was 13-14, and I tried to look at it that way. They weren’t perfect, but maybe they were good for a child of that age. I mean, I always got good grades on my writing homework, and my teachers have always liked how I worked with words, so...yeah, it’s not perfect, but I’m not going to have perfectly fleshed out characters and storylines when I have barely even understood that the world isn’t just black and white, good and evil. There are shades inbetween.
That got deep again but I have a lot of feelings about this and I’m sorry to my younger writer self for how I’ve treated her. Keep going, kid.
xiapxls replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Whenever I come across a new blog I'm interested in I always read everything before I hit follow
whysimstho replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
It was how I found your blog actually!
yamekamerainbows27 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have! ✋✋
elisabettasims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I feel like I read over 90% of it?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me. Was in love with Ross since he was born in game. He was such a lil cutie!!
desira-sims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Came across a Ross and Caleb post and went back to the beginning to read it all.
1o8percent replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have ��
Wooow there’s a lot of you. And you stuck with me through the bad and the worse, through all the dumb ideas I got...thank you. Seriously, thank you. There’s more in store, I promise.
You’ll want to punch me in the face eventually, I’m just saying.
Speaking of punching someone in the face, yesterday I was waiting for my hair to dry and I thought hmm, let’s go read gen 2 of my NSB. And...I knew Ross was an idiot when he was young, but I forgot he was that bad. I’m glad none of us accepted it and we only collectively forgave him when he got his crap together. Yay. Also yay we didn’t cancel him because cancel culture is disgusting, people can learn from their mistakes.
I’m going off topic again. That happens when I’m in a good mood.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
It's true, there is never enough.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
There is never enough
Glad we’re on the same page haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “��”
Yes, tumblr finally stopped bullying me and send my ask!
Yay tumblr, it got its crap together for once!
No, jokes aside, if you ever send me an ask and I don’t respond, feel free to send it again. I think I got better at answering my asks fast, so you can definitely tell by that. Also, if I answer everyone else’s and not yours...that’s also a sign because I hardly ever keep asks private (unless I’ve been asked to do so, then I’ll always respect your wish!)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “I have to catch a bus in like ten minutes but here’s what I’ve been...”
This hairstyle suits Ross!
It kinda really does?? It was also the closest I could get to his ts4 one haha.
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Contestant number seven has arrived! Talia: “Is everything alright?...”
god yeah as an experienced bc player i feel that, introductions take SO long and get SO annoying
I had an “ok I’m never doing this again” moment with literally every contestant because 1) it was taking forever and 2) making ten different and yet still entertaining dialogues was hard
And I write a lot so you’d say that would be easy for me, but nope :’D
doka-chan replied to your post “I don't know how many of you are interested in my book...”
Book recommendations are always a plus. Thank you ! :)
I like them too! Not only because, well, I get a book recommendation, but also because I’m always curious about what people read haha.
vintageplumbobs replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Not all of us have time for breakfast! I can’t be looking at that in the staff kitchen! People will riot! ����
Oh that’s right, forgive me tumblr, I have sinned
desira-sims replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
That is the sweetest thing ever. ������
dandylion240 replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
I love it ❤️
Thank you guys ;-; ♥ I loved writing this so much. It gave me that nice warm feeling inside, you know what I mean? They make me so happy! ;-;
wcif a vampire best friend that would eventually end up marrying me?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Every single post of Emerson bc was flagged and they weren’t nsfw either mostly
Yeah, this is so weird...I know people say it happens when the picture has a lot of “skintone” coloured pixels...but that’s not always the case with my flagged posts??
Also (I’ll never shut up about this)...why is there a female-presenting nipples rule when it clearly can’t ever tell female and male nipples apart? I’m just saying. And yes I get it, for AI it sure has to be difficult to tell such things apart but in my opinion that’s exactly why they should get rid of it and only incorporate it when it can tell it apart. Actually, hold on, nope. The nipple rule is stupid no matter what gender the nipple is.
And I’ve just used the word nipple more times than ever before in my nineteen-something years long life.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Some more pictures of Aretha ♥”
She's so pretty
Thank you! ♥ I’m happy with how she turned out.
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “I did not forget about those townie makeovers! @epicvictoria suggested...”
That style really suits her. But then...maybe I’m biased...
I think it suits her way better than her original outfits too, but same, I might be biased...vintage/retro aesthetic is my jam.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Looking good!
omiscanking replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Haha thank you! I hope it’s a good kind of screaming :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your post “Thoughts?”
screenshots are cool and all but i say if you wanna rely more on text then go for it! especially if you've figured out that taking all those screenshots is an obstacle for you - do what works best for you, you know?
doka-chan replied to your post “Thoughts?”
For me a story is up to its writer. I don't mind only one picture with a huge text, or the contrary a lot of picture with little to no text. As long as we got attached to the characters, it's not important, as long as it's progressing and understandable.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I don’t mind reading a lot of text. Pics are always second to the story to me.
desira-sims replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I sort of think there should be a balance. No, not everything needs to be shown as a ss, but it should be more than one photo for a wall of text.
Thank you for your feedback! I think it would be no more than one Word page of text. Which is a lot still but I think that’s the maximum I’d go for. And I mean, I’d show all the important moments. It’s just, I guess I don’t need ten different pictures of the same conversation when these people are just standing next to each other. And it doesn’t need to be split into ten different posts either.
I’ll figure it out, don’t worry.
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
TS4 looks good on her! ��
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
I love her!!
Thank you guys! I really like how she turned out too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I'm thinking of starting something like "random facts about..." tags...”
I do love when people talk about their characters and stories! It makes OCs more real and all the small details are just adorable!
Me too. I want to know all the details. Tell me how you came up with this or that. Tell me what inspired you to do this. Tell me which song you associate with them. Tell me little things like what shower gel they’re using. I JUST LOVE OCS OKAY
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Nicky: “This is a tragedy. Can I burn my picture before anyone sees...”
me whenever i finish a drawing
big relatable mood
create-a-sim replied to your post “list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for...”
I love good lyrics as well ;)
I’ve recently found a lot of appreciation for lyrics that seem simple, but then you get into them or read some behind the scenes facts and realize they’re not as simple as they might seem. Then I feel like the person who wrote it is a genius.
ineptbubbles replied to your photoset “Could I ever get bored of her? Nope.  Could I ever get bored of making...”
Omgosh I love that shirt!!
Me toooo and I need one irl ;-; But I mean, I’ve told my sister so many times this week, maybe when my birthday comes around in December, she’ll remember and she’ll tell my parents I want it? :D I mean I could just ask them for that myself but I just know I’d be embarrassed for some reason.
mlpsimmer replied to your photoset “Roxanne: “Dad, what are you doing here?! You told me you were supposed...”
Your sims are gorgeous!
Thank you so muuuuch! ♥
desira-sims replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
These two. �� My heart. I just love them.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
I love this thank you ❤️
Same. They borrowed my heart, said they’d give it back and then ran away with it and I never saw it again. smh guys, stealing isn’t nice
And no, thank YOU for making me write this ♥
mlpsimmer replied to your post “Tumblr……..your protect-kids-from-seeing-nipples algorithm still isn’t...”
It happened to one of my drafts, which was never published. They were fully dressed, too! It's a little annoying.
Yeah, I just talked about this above in a reply to an older comment. It’s...ugh tumblr, what is u doing
13 notes · View notes
zmediaoutlet · 6 years ago
you saw endgame! please share with the class! assemble!
haha, okay, well–here’s some thoughts, since we’re far enough out that I don’t think this will be too spoilery for people – but it’s gonna be super long, so it’s under a cut, either way:
Well, it was–spectacular! In that it was literally a spectacle, for one thing. I had pretty lowered expectations after not particularly enjoying Captain Marvel (it was fine, but boring) or Infinity War for that matter (better-made, but the stakes were obviously nonexistent because we knew something was going to be done). Here, though… I just really, thoroughly enjoyed it. It was thoughtfully done, well-executed, and just as a moment of payoff for those of us who have been here all ten years… It was just really something. I saw Iron Man on opening weekend in 2008 and fell in love, and even if I haven’t loved every single movie since then, I feel like Marvel just sent me a love letter, and I was so–glad. What a good movie-going experience it was.
I say all that having seen SO MUCH rending of garments and gnashing of teeth from the !stans and shippers, but all of that’s so very much missing the point. This is the story of *this series*, this great arc that led to this point. The thing to remember is that the MCU is fanfiction itself–it’s based off of characters who are based off of characters from a canon that’s been rebooted and re-blended about a billion times. This is the story this group of fic-writers, essentially, chose to tell, and I think they did it pretty damn well. You can write your own fic where Steve weeps into Bucky’s hair for 70 years if you want to. This story isn’t that, and that’s okay. (Genuinely, if fandomites could take like half a step back they’d be much happier people. I know it’s hard–I’ve been in a process of letting go with SPN that I haven’t really managed to do well–but c’mon. Don’t get so het up about it.)
Some things:
1) I was genuinely impressed with the time travel mechanism, especially as it bounced meta-ly off of other examples we’ve seen in pop culture. Finally, a story that allows ACTUAL alternate-universe time travel instead of boring-ass time loops. I’ve always thought it was spectacularly dumb when the worry is “but if I kill myself in the past, I’ll die now!” Nope! Avoided! Thank you, folks. It’s kind of weirding me out that so many people online seem confused about how the time travel worked, but it was incredibly clean and I just want to high five the people involved. The one thing that seemed like a plot hole was Old Steve at the end, with the implication that he was co-existent in this timeline for 70 years (and did nothing about Hydra??)–but then the Russos said that they assume he went to an alternate timeline, and then came back to this one to give Sam the shield. It wasn’t on screen either way so you can make your own headcanon, but I’m good with that. So: successful time travel. Hoo-fucking-rah.
2) Thor. This was the one real spoiler I had going in, that Thor Got Fat. All this weeping about how he’d been mistreated by the narrative. So, I was pre-emptively worried… and then ended up not thinking it was that bad. Look, I’m a chubster, I’m well-aware of how sensitive that can be for people. What I found interesting about it was that it was, yes, kind of a visual joke, just because The God of Abs was a pudge, but it was actually treated remarkably kindly by every character for whom that would be in-character. Meaning, sure, Rocket makes fun of him, and Rhodey’s kind of a dick (because Rhodey’s like that with Tony, even)–but Bruce, Steve, and even Tony all deal with him quite gently. That scene where he tries to volunteer for the gauntlet and Tony carefully holds him back was so sweet and sad. Poor guy. It was a good exploration of the depths that the last ~10 years of his life have pummeled him into. It wasn’t that he was fat, it’s that he was broken. People will make up their own minds about the equivalencies there and what’s being implied, but it was a good visual metaphor as far as I was concerned. If he were “just” a sad drunk no one would have believed that he wasn’t ready for what was coming, and he wasn’t. But he got better, because his friends really were there for him. (Also, Korg was wearing Taika’s pineapple shirt! I hope there are nice fics where Korg and Maik gently just play XBox with Thor because that’s all they can do for him.) 
Also on Thor, re: Thor/Loki – more rending of garments about how he didn’t go see Loki. Let’s think about this: you’re on a top-secret time mission to save the universe (Time Heist!), and you go see your trickster god little brother who, yes, you miss, but who also hates you at this point in his life. That’ll go well. I completely understand why there wasn’t a scene. The scene with Frigga was all I needed there.
3) Steeb: I’ve never been the… biggest fan of Steve. I mean, he’s fine. His character is caught awkwardly between the man, Steve Rogers, who abhors bullies and will break rules to do what’s right, and between The Man, Captain America, who kinda Is Rules and needs to do what’s right but also represents an idea greater than himself. There’s a lot of wonderful tension there, but the movies haven’t particularly capitalized on it, and when they’ve tried it’s been in a lip-servicey way.
That said, this movie deals with it really, really well, I think. At the beginning he’s trying to live, and isn’t doing a great job of it. The plan they come up with is simple, perfect heroism – he’s not representing an Ideal, but he is one: he’s the man and the ideal simultaneously, that striving toward right will eventually create a more just, fairer world. If sacrifice is required he’s willing to make it. That scene of him standing alone against the massed forces of Thanos with his broken shield strapped tight to his arm is like a distillation of who Captain America should be. I’m so glad we got that, at the end.
As someone who doesn’t invest in Steve/Bucky but who completely understands it, I also see no issue with the thing where he goes back to Peggy. Bucky understands, too. That moment where they hug and he tells Steve, so-softly, “I’ll miss you,” oh man, oof. Bucky knows. I hope there’s a lot of pining!Bucky in that fandom, y’all are missing out on a STELLAR opportunity if not. Especially pining!Bucky where Steve knows and can only do his best to be Bucky’s friend. Steve going back isn’t out of character, either, despite the clamoring. He misses Peggy, he misses peace. Who knows what they got up to in that alternate timeline–maybe he and Peg went and routed Hydra early, maybe they saved Bucky, maybe they had a WWThreesome with Buck, whatever. But Natasha and Tony both told Steve to “get a life,” and he finally got to. He’d done enough. He earned it.
4) OH MY GOD, NATASHA. What a character arc. I friggin’ adore the mirroring of her and Clint’s stories. The brutal assassin who gained a family and learned what it meant to love something so much she wanted to sacrifice herself for it–those scenes on Vormire were heartbreaking. I’m also super glad that the movie paused, after that. Someone called her death “fridging” – wow. No. She was a hero, as much as Tony was. Whatever it takes.
5) Tony. Holy shit. In a lot of ways this was his movie–in a more meta way, it was RDJ’s movie, and Favreau’s, and Feige’s. It all started with Iron Man, and that’s where it ended. There wasn’t a stinger scene because we got that funeral and then the moment in the credits with the originals signing the screen, and of course they saved Robert for last. The success of this movie is really a testament to the risk everyone took, way back then. It sure as hell paid off.
“You wouldn’t lay down on a grenade to save your men,” Steve said. How many different ways can Tony prove him wrong? At least once more. ;-;  I’m just super emotional about the whole thing. So many good moments all leading up to what happened. Little Morgan in his helmet, Pepper’s faith. Steve’s faith, for that matter. (I still have a tiny pocket of my heart reserved for Steve/Tony, no matter how non-canon it is. What a great relationship they have.) The panic and misery when Carol brought them back, calling Steve a liar, and Steve just–gentle with him, again, and how there was no anger there anymore. Argh. 
That’s the thing that I think I appreciated about the movie most, in the end. Despite all the craziness, the spectacle, the easter eggs slinging at you left and right (”Hail Hydra.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!), what I loved most is that in the face of this ultimate goal, this literally universe-saving moment, the stakes were actually felt because the characters (and actors, and script) sold how unimaginably important it was. Interpersonal bickering fell by the wayside; any dumb conflicts just washed away. No drama for its own sake, or manufactured arguments. Just–working together. The Avengers we hoped to get in the aftermath of the first team movie. We got ‘em, finally, even if we lost a lot too.
This all sounds super elegiac, I guess. It sort of is. It wasn’t a perfect movie by any means, but it might be perfect for what it meant to do, and what it set out to do. There were a couple of little nitpicky things that I might change, but they’re so small so as not even to be mentioned. And so many more tiny moments that I loved, loved, loved. It’s the first one of these movies that I’ve wanted to rewatch in literal years, and that’s making me really happy all on its own. I’m just left with this utter… satisfaction. Not sad, just happy that they made it worth my while.
Put another way: when I was leaving Shazam I felt like I’d spent about 4 hours wasting my time. When I was leaving Endgame, I felt like it had been an instant. Just yay, all ‘round. I loved it three thousand.
What did you think?
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vanillaflavour81 · 6 years ago
Could you do a story where Joavin have a son?? You can include any prompt you want if you want :)
85. “I wanted to apologize.”104. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Joaquin was sitting on the couch, watching his son yawn for the 5th time in a minute. It was already late, and Oliver should definitely go to bed, but he had insisted on waiting up until daddy came home. Joaquin sighed and typed a text to his husband:
“Babe, when will you be home? Oli wants to see you before he goes to bed.”
The reply came after a few seconds:
“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Love you!”
Joaquin smiled and looked at Oliver, wanting to tell him that daddy was on his way. But Oli was already asleep, on the living room floor, stretched out on his back next to his coloring book, a crayon still grabbed tightly in his little fist. Joaquin chuckled softly.
He went over to his son and picked him up carefully, not wanting to disturb his sleep, because he knew if Oli woke up now, he would be in one of his infamous bad moods. It was better to just let him sleep. Joaquin carried him upstairs to his room and gently put him in his bed.
Luckily they had already put on his pajamas earlier before Oli had decided that he wanted to go back downstairs and wait for daddy. Joaquin stood at his bed and watched his son sleep, a soft smile on his face. Oli was 3 years old, they had adopted him as a baby, and it had been the best decision of their lives. They both had wanted to have a family, and when they had received the news that they could adopt Oliver, they had both screamed in joy and then cried like two idiots. And Joaquin would never forget the first time he had seen their son. He had taken him in his arms cautiously, still a bit unsure how to hold such a small baby. He had marveled at the tiny hands, the soft brown hair and the cute little face. And then he had looked up and caught Kevin’s gaze, Kevin staring at them in wonder, silent tears streaming down his handsome face. He had walked over to Joaquin and Oliver and hugged them both, whispering: “My boys.”
It hadn’t been easy to get used to life with a baby though. Joaquin didn’t have any experience with little children before, and so he had to learn everything from books. But he and Kevin had decided beforehand that Joaquin would stay at home. Kevin was the one who earned more money with his job as a lawyer. He was a partner in Sierra McCoy’s law office, and it was already clear that, once she retired, Kevin would be the new owner.
But Joaquin had actually liked it this way. He had no problem with staying at home and looking after the house and the baby. He had always wanted to have a real family. But it was still pretty hard in the beginning. Sure Kevin had been home the first few months too, but afterward, Joaquin was the one who was responsible for Oliver the whole day. Luckily he had Josie and Betty, who had kids too. Their children were a little older than Oli, so they already knew how things worked and could help Joaquin when he had questions. They met regularly to go on walks together and for playdates and Joaquin was very grateful for their advice and also for the company, since he got lonely sometimes at home.
But as hard as it might have been to settle into this new life, it was definitely the best thing ever to have a family with Kevin.
Joaquin was still standing at Oliver’s bed and watched him sleep peacefully. Joaquin smiled. The funny thing was that Oliver looked so much like Kevin, the brown hair and the green eyes and the way he pulled a face when someone told him to do something he didn’t want to do. Joaquin had found great fun in styling Oli’s hair the same way as Kevin’s and dressing him in preppy clothes. He loved to call him Preppy No. 2.
He heard the front door opening, and quietly tiptoed out of Oli’s room, and went downstairs to greet his husband.
“Hey Preppy, Oli fell asleep while we were texting.”
“Oh damn! I am sorry, babe!”
Kevin grimaced and put his bag down and quickly walked over to Joaquin, kissing him on the lips. Joaquin wrapped his arms around Kevin and pulled him closer.
“It’s ok, don’t worry. You will have more time for him on the weekend.”
Kevin nodded, “Yeah…but still…I feel bad about it. I barely saw him during the last week. I miss him.”
“I know, and he misses you.” Joaquin smiled at Kevin and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, “Come on, get comfy. If you are hungry, you can eat some leftover pasta.”
Kevin nodded, “Yeah, give me five minutes. But I want to eat on the couch. I am in need of a lazy evening in front of the tv, and lots of cuddles from my gorgeous husband.”
“Of course, sounds like a good plan.”
Kevin came back downstairs a few minutes later, wearing sweatpants and a comfy shirt, and Joaquin was already waiting for him on the couch, with a blanket and a plate of pasta. Kevin smiled at him and plopped down next to him. He took the plate from Joaquin and dug into his pasta, while Joaquin cuddled against him, his head on Kevin’s shoulder, and they watched some random tv-shows in silence.
When Kevin was finished eating he put the plate aside and hugged Joaquin, pulling him even closer and stroking his hair gently. Joaquin sighed and closed his eyes, it was so comfy to be snuggled up like that to Kevin. It was something they had always loved to do, from the very first time they had started dating and today, over fifteen years later they still did this all the time, cuddling in front of the tv an enjoying to just be close to each other.
“I wanted to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For working so much lately. I barely see Oli and also barely see you, and I feel bad about it. I just leave for work, and you have to do everything on your own. And I know that it is a lot of work to look after our child and to do the chores and everything. You are doing such a great job, babe and I feel like I am not much of help.”
“Hey, don’t worry, Preppy. It’s just because of that big case you are working on at the moment. And I am proud of you. It’s your first big case without Sierra’s help, and you are doing amazing. Another week and it will be over, and you will have more time for us again.”
“Yeah…I miss my boys. I want to take a few days off after the case is closed. I already talked to Sierra, and she is ok with it. I mean you know how she gets when I mention Oliver. She would do anything for her grandson, of course she gave me a week off.”
Joaquin chuckled, indeed he knew all too well how much Sierra loved Oli. She had been a mother of a daughter, and now Josie had two little girls too, and so Oli was the only boy in the family, and that made him grandma Sierra’s little prince who could get everything he wanted. Of course, she would allow Kevin to take a holiday if he told her how much Oli missed his daddy.
“Sounds good.”
“Yeah, and I thought that we should do something fun for Oliver. How about going to Disneyland?”
“Disneyland? Oh, come on Preppy! You aren’t doing this for Oliver, YOU are the one who wants to go there! You have been bugging me about it ever since we started dating!”
He playfully smacked Kevin’s arm and rolled his eyes. Kevin laughed and pouted at him.
“But please…I thought now that we are dads, I am finally qualified to go there. I know that Oli will love it too! And you will too!”
“Of course I will enjoy it. I enjoy spending time with my family. I think it’s a cool idea.”
“Does this mean yes?”
“Yeah, it does.”
“Yay! I love you, Joaquin Keller! And next, we will go to The Wizarding World!”
They both laughed, and Joaquin put an arm around Kevin’s waist and cuddled even closer to him. He smiled and nuzzled Kevin’s neck, whispering against the warm skin:
“To others, you might be a reasonable adult, a successful lawyer. But you cannot fool me. You will always stay a geeky little boy at heart, Preppy. And I love it.”
Thank you so much for the prompt! That was such a sweet idea! I hope you like my story about Joaquin and Kevin as parents! Also, I don’t know why their son is named Oliver…I just wrote the name and thought it sounded nice lol ❤
You can find my current Joavin prompt list here. Just send me an ask with any combination of numbers (and if you want it to be smut, just let me know haha). You can also send me your own prompts. I love writing Joavin stories!
Tag list:  @inspiredbynewt  @love-joaquin-and-kevin @rik-raq-jo-gonzo1186@mebeingateenager
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