#yay it's my birthday! 🎂
myflagmeansace · 1 year
me, ready to watch episodes 4 and 5 on my actual birthday 😊:
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leqclerc · 12 days
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Outside the window, the world is dark, with only the occasional twinkle of a distant city or a star breaking through the velvety blackness. ↳ Charles and Bean and five birthdays over fourteen years Bean AU Words: 2527 *
She’s tiny, so small that she doesn’t even fully fill the cradle of his arms. 
Charles takes in his baby’s little button of a nose, the perfect seashell of an ear, the sweep of her delicate eyelashes, her rosy cheeks. He’s pretty sure she weighs less than the trophies he’s held aloft on the podium. 
One of the baby’s fists escapes the soft cocoon of her blanket. There’s a thin plastic band adorning her wrist that reads Baby Girl Leclerc.
He touches a finger to the ridge of her knuckles, feather-light. The loop of her hand closes around it with surprising tenacity. 
She’s awake and alert, looking up at him with the same intensity with which he’s gazing down at her, his wonderment reflected back at him in her big, slow-blinking eyes. Logically, he knows that he’s little more than a hazy image swimming across her blurry vision, but it still feels a lot like I know you. I remember you.
Of course she does—for months her entire world had been narrowed down to just him, and the timbre of his voice, and the warm steady beating of his heart and the oxygen they both shared. He’s everything she’s ever known; the first person she’s ever met.
It’s an all-consuming, dizzying thought. He hopes he doesn’t disappoint her. He’s not perfect, but he can be better. They did okay, so far, didn’t they, to get to this point.
“Béatrice,” he murmurs. “Chérie.”
Charles flies out of Amsterdam on Sunday evening. On the jet, he takes stock: the race was—okay. It could’ve been better, but mostly, it could’ve been worse. 
He’d ended up on the podium, at least, but he’s under no illusion that this will have any bearing on his championship hopes—those fizzled out before they ever had a chance to be fully-formed, the garage already resigned to another year of next year.
Bean’s already asleep by the time he arrives at the apartment to relieve Pascale of her babysitting duties. He leaves his bags in the hallway and goes to check on her, like he always does. 
She had been asleep long enough now that she had starfished over half the crib. The glow-in-the-dark stars—a staple of his own childhood—form a galaxy overhead, with her at the heart of this makeshift universe. She looks so soft in sleep. He wonders what she’s dreaming about.
The morning sun filters softly through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the nursery. He allows Bean to wake up at her own pace, then guides her through her morning routine as usual. 
“Happy birthday, mon petit chou,” Charles says softly after she’s changed and dressed and ready to start her day. He lifts her high above his head, kissing both of her cheeks as she laughs, before settling her on his hip. Though unaware of the significance of today’s date, she easily picks up on the mood, her excitement mirroring his. 
There’s a celebratory cupcake waiting for her on the coffee table in the living room, a single candle perched in the center. Charles carries her over, leaning in so she can get a closer look. He watches as she stares at the candle with wide eyes, mesmerized by the flickering flame.
“Are you ready to make a wish?” He gently takes her small hand in his, helping her to understand what they’re about to do.
They successfully blow out the candle, the flame reduced to a tendril of gray smoke. Well—it’s mostly Charles doing the work as Bean lets out an amusing little puff of air in an attempt to mimic him. Still, he claps for her to show her she did well in an encouraging, positive affirmation kind of way. She giggles, clearly pleased with herself, and Charles can’t help but laugh along with her.
The Vista jet cruises smoothly through the night sky, the soft hum of the engines providing a gentle, rhythmic backdrop to the otherwise quiet, dimly-lit cabin. Charles sits in one of the plush leather seats, the glow from a single overhead light casting a warm, faint circle around him. Outside the window, the world is dark, with only the occasional twinkle of a distant city or a star breaking through the velvety blackness.
Bean’s curled up on the seat across from him, sleeping off another busy, excitement-filled day in the paddock. The blanket he draped over her has shifted, so he leans over and carefully tucks it back around her, making sure she’s comfortable.
As Charles sits back, he glances at his watch, noticing the time. It’s just past midnight, marking the official start of Bean’s birthday in their timezone. A soft smile tugs at the corners of his mouth as he realizes it’s already her day, and here she is, sleeping soundly, completely unaware. 
There’s a perceptible shift in the weight of Bean’s body when she falls asleep—even now, when she sometimes dozes off in his arms and he has to carry her to the car, her limbs going loose like she’s giving her whole self over to Charles. It’s an achingly artless kind of trust.
Tonight, in the quiet cocoon of the jet, it feels as if time has blessedly slowed down, just for a moment. He reaches over and gently brushes a curl from her forehead, careful not to wake her. The soft rise and fall of her breathing is steady and soothing.
In just a few hours, they will land in Nice, where the city lights will greet them as they descend toward the coast. They’ll celebrate her birthday properly then, with cake, presents, and all the things she loves. But for now, Charles is content to sit here in the calm of the night, watching over her.
Charles retreats to his driver’s room after the Sunday morning strategy meeting, glad for the respite, a moment away from the bustle of the race weekend. He glances at his phone again, his thoughts drifting to his daughter.
It’s her birthday today, and for the first time, they aren’t spending it together. Instead, Bean is miles away at a karting circuit in the south of France, competing in one of the biggest races of her blossoming junior career.
His heart tugs as he imagines her, blonde curls wild under her helmet, focused and determined, not unlike him. He knows this is exactly where she wants to be, doing what she loves, but it doesn’t make the time apart any easier. He’s always been there for her birthdays. Not being there today feels strange.
Charles sighs and taps his phone, pulling up FaceTime. He waits a moment, hoping she’s not on track or too caught up in pre-race nerves.
A few rings later, Bean’s face appears on the screen. She’s sitting in the paddock of the karting circuit, green eyes bright with excitement, cheeks flushed from the heat of the day. The sight of her, even through the phone, makes Charles smile.
“Happy birthday, ma puce!” he says, voice warm.
“Thanks, papa!” Bean grins, her usual exuberance shining through. “Ready for the race?”
Charles chuckles. “Always. But today’s not about me, it is about you. How are you feeling? Nervous?”
“A little,” she admits, pushing a stray curl behind her ear. “It’s a big race, and... I kind of wish you were here.”
His chest tightens at her words. He hates being apart on days like this, but he knows how much karting means to her, and this is an important milestone in her young racing career. “I know, Bean. I wish I could be there too. I’d give anything to watch you race today.”
She smiles softly, though he can see a touch of sadness behind it. “It’s okay. I get it. You’re doing your thing, and I’m doing mine. I mean, it’s kind of cool we’re both racing on my birthday, right?”
“It might be a sign,” he says. “Two Leclercs racing on the same day—it’s got to be good luck.”
Bean laughs, her mood lifting. “I hope so. I’m going for the win today.”
“I am sure you’ll do great,” Charles reassures her. “You’ve worked so hard for this. Just trust yourself and enjoy it, okay?”
She nods, her confidence slowly returning. “Yeah, I will. And you? You better win your race too. It’ll be like an extra birthday present.”
Charles chuckles. “No pressure, huh?”
A brief pause follows. He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry I’m not there, Bean. I wish I could’ve made it work. But I’m proud of you for everything you’re doing. Always.”
“I know, papa,” she says softly. 
A beat, and then: “I miss you.” There’s a startlingly vulnerable expression on her face, eyes big and guileless. “But I’m okay.”
He smiles, feeling a swell of emotion. “That’s my girl.”
Suddenly, someone in the background calls her name, probably one of her karting team members. She looks over her shoulder, then back at Charles. “I have to go now, I think. I’ll call you after the race?”
“Of course. I want to hear all about it,” he says. “Good luck, chérie.”
“Thanks, papa. You too.” 
Charles stares at the screen for a long, lonely moment after the call ends, feeling a mess of conflicting emotions.
The lights at the hotel’s two-Michelin-starred restaurant have been dimmed for the dinner service. A gentle murmur of conversation floats through the air. 
Béatrice’s gaze drifts to the name card that sits beside a bouquet of fresh water lilies—its elegant lettering marking her place at one of those reservation only tables—and then beyond it, at the expansive windows that afford sweeping views of the impeccably manicured hotel gardens, bathed in the moonlight. She longs to excuse herself, to step outside and drink in the night air, but forces herself to stay seated as the first course arrives: a delicate plate of lobster carpaccio, thin slices of tender meat arranged artfully with microgreens, lemon zest, and a drizzle of olive oil. It’s one of those dining experiences where the dish is dwarfed by the size of the plate it’s served on. 
The meal is rich and flavourful, as expected, but her sour mood has sapped her appetite. She takes a few bites, then resorts to subtly pushing her food around the plate as her eyes drift to Charles.
He’s sitting next to her, but his attention is elsewhere. She watches as he makes polite, uninspired conversation with sponsors, wearing a practiced smile as he nods along to some business magnate’s stock market analysis. She doesn’t recognize the man, vaguely wonders if she should. He’s like everybody else here, just another face in the sea of well-dressed guests that surrounds them—models, executives, and industry moguls mingling easily, all gathered for Giorgio Armani’s exclusive event. Everyone seems so absorbed in their glamorous world—except her.
The second course is a perfectly cooked filet of beef, topped with shaved truffle and paired with a side of buttered potatoes and seasonal vegetables that looks like it came straight from a painting. It melts in her mouth, but it still doesn’t feel right. She shifts in her seat. The straps of her Chanel ballet flats bite into her ankles. 
She understands—these events are important for his career. It’s just. It’s not how she imagined spending her birthday. 
Dessert is an intricate chocolate mille-feuille with layers so fine and precise they look almost too perfect to eat. It’s accompanied by a tiny scoop of Tahitian vanilla gelato—and she has to admit, it’s delicious. But the grandeur of it all only makes her long for home that bit more.
As Charles leans in to chat with one of the executives seated beside them, Béatrice glances at her father. He looks handsome, as he always does in formal attire—crisp white shirt and tailored black Armani suit, the smoky, earthy notes of Tom Ford’s Oud Wood lingering long after the conversation has ended. But she can see the faint tension in his smile, the subtle weariness in his eyes. He’s working, even now, appeasing sponsors with casual banter and posing for photos whenever someone approaches their table. He makes the politesse look effortless, but she knows better. This isn’t how he wants to spend the evening either.
She sighs softly, glancing down at her watch. It’s well past 10 p.m., and they’re still at the table, with no sign of the event winding down anytime soon. She twirls a strand of her curly blonde hair absentmindedly, her eyes wandering the room, taking in the unfamiliar faces. 
Charles, catching her fidgeting out of the corner of his eye, places a gentle hand on her arm. “Okay, Bean?” he asks quietly, his voice soft with concern.
She nods but can’t hide the weariness in her expression. “I’m fine,” she says, though the truth bleeds through her words. 
Charles frowns, guilt creasing his brow. “I know this isn’t how you wanted to spend your birthday, mon cœur. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” he says, squeezing her hand gently.
Béatrice offers him a small, understanding smile. “It’s okay, papa.”
He nods, his heart heavy as he glances at the surrounding tables. The guests are still engrossed in their own conversations. With a deep breath, Charles makes up his mind. They’ve done their duty, fulfilled their obligation. Now it’s time to leave.
“Let’s go,” he whispers, standing up and excusing himself from the table with polite nods to the sponsors.
Her eyes light up with relief as she grabs her small handbag and follows him out of the restaurant, the cool night air hitting her face and easing the tension she hadn’t realized had built up in her shoulders. A sleek, black chauffeured Mercedes waits at the hotel entrance, the driver opening the door for them as they slide into the back seat. Charles gives her a tired smile as the car pulls away from the hotel, heading towards the airport.
She leans her head against the window as they speed through the quiet streets of Milan, watching the city lights blur past. By the time they arrive at the airport, the weight of the evening has caught up to both of them. The private jet is waiting on the tarmac, ready to whisk them away. 
She claims the familiar window seat, and he settles into the seat beside her, leaning back and watching as she makes herself comfortable, curling up and resting her head on his lap, like she used to when she was small. He cards a soft hand through her hair as they lift off into the night sky.
Charles surprises her with a silk Hermès Équateur scarf, the one with the vibrant jungle print. He smiles, watching her trace the shape of each animal with something akin to reverence. And then Sebastian’s just unbearably old school about it, gifting her a curated CD mix of songs he thinks she might enjoy. 
They sit on a bench overlooking the Limmat, eating a selection of pastries from a local café—schnecken, with cinnamon and hazelnuts, nussgipfel, and warm, buttery croissants. The water is calm. The pastries melt in their mouths. Béatrice leans against Charles, resting her head on his shoulder, content in the moment. Sebastian sits beside them, stretching out his legs and tilting his face up towards the sun.
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kiqilinn · 23 days
oh hey it’s me!! the birthday boy
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oli-draw · 24 days
Today is my birthday :3
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based-orochimaru · 5 months
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💖Don't talk to me or my son ever again💖
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sharlo3333 · 1 year
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I drew this back in September, but... It's better to post late than never, heheheh XD 🧛🏻🐝
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
Happy new year everyone. I wish you luck in everything you do.
Also happy birthday to me 💖
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bat-anon · 2 years
I really meant to mention this earlier but it’s my birthday❣️❣️❣️
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claratyler · 3 months
Hi!! Happy belated birthday!! Hope you had a nice day
hi anon!! Thank you :3
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pedge-page · 2 months
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife : Smooches
Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Notes: written in honor of the fabulous and fantastic @romanarose birthday today!!! 🎂 I would not be writing Pedro fics if it were not for their fantastic stories that got me hooked so everyone PLEASE wish our lord and Savior the bestest birthdays of all!
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Joel knew pregnancy brain was out of wack when you started slamming the table with a fork and knife at 5pm like a senior citizen demanding dinner.
"I aint got anything you aren't gonna throw up later. We're going out," he states with hands planted on his hips.
"Ooh yay!" You wiggle out of your chair and grab your purse. "Jone's steakhouse?"
"If that's what you want."
"But you have to ALSO want it. Or it feels like you don't want it and makes me feel like I'm dragging--"
"JUST. get in the car, sweetie," he grits with a fake smile, opening the door.
Dinner was good. Steak was solid. You complained it wasn't salty enough even after you dumped the entire shaker onto each slice. But now that both your bellies are full and satisfied, with you rubbing your exceptionally swollen one happily, the drive home was finally peaceful.
Until you kept smacking your lips. The quiet air was filled with schmockschmockschmock sounds from your beautiful but ever so annoying mouth.
Joel clears his throat but keeps his eyes forward and mouth shut. Just gotta get you into bed and it's a sold evening.
He hears you digging in your purse, scavaging deeply for--
"Oh no. Nononononono!" You shriek, hands splitting the seam of the bag open to dump out all its contents on your lap.
"What, what's wrong?"
After clearly seeing all pockets were empty, you shout, "Oh my god noooo! Oh god please don't be happening."
"What you forget your phone? Wallet?" He asks worriedly.
Instead of just outright answering him (because thats just ridiculous) you start panting heavily and tearing up. "I cant live. I need it Joel."
"Need--need what baby? Just tell me, I'll make it right."
But you're too hysterical and hyperventilating  at his brain dead question to give him the answer.
Roll with the punches, Miller. Stay calm. Resolve.
"Okay it's OK probably just sitting on the ground at the restaurant. I'm turning around, okay baby? Please calm down, we're gonna get it back."
Joel explains to the host that you just saw 15 minutes ago that his wife (he gestures to his obviously pregnant and agitated , volcanic explosion of a meltdown wife who's having a panic attack) forgot something and would like to check the table again to find it.
The host rushes the two of you back to the table to avoid mount doom from exploding.
But after thoroughly searching for something that only YOU know what is missing, absolutely nothing comes up around the table that doesn't belong to said restaurant and table.
"What did you lose?" He finally asks hesitantly. It MIGHT help to know. "Phone? Wallet?"
You take a deep breath, eyes swollen and red, cheeks blown warm and shiny with tears as the world crashes around you at the devestating realization that its GONE gone:
You slug your shoulders and tilt your head back to wail in the middle of this albeit emptying restaurant while Joel and everyone pauses to quietly stares at you.
Joel's expression with an edge of disbelief and exhaustion.
He takes you by the hand as you still cry, thanks the host with a wave and gets your fat ass in the truck.
"We got more at home... right?"
"Joel!!" You snap. "If I HAD another one, I'D BE USING IT! I wasn't finished with the last one! Everything will be wrong if I open a new one when I still has the other one every day for 6 months!"
"You've had this one chapstick since I got you pregnant?"
"LIP. MOISTURIZER." You throw yourself back into the comfy seat. "You only like kissing me when it's moist and pleasant and NOW you won't like me--"
"Babe I never even knew you had stuff on--"
"WELL NOW YOU WILL because it won't be on and everything is RUINED! I have to over compensate for your dry peely nasty crunchy flaky dead lips, but now you won't love me and our baby because I won't have silky smooth moist plushy baby girl lips and then my husband won't have juicy sucker's to suck on when we make out and get his fat cock sucked by my once pillowy beautiful lush lippy lips...!" and then you start sobbing again.
He shakes his head. "Listen, how about I get you some more first thing tomorrow morning--"
"Right, tonight. That's what I said." He gulps hard. "And uh, you'll be... coming with me?"
You slowly turn your head and narrow your eyes. He does now see the clock is 8pm, sharply past your self imposed bed time.
"I meant you'll be coming with me... as I drop you off at the house. Then I'll go back out."
You nod as if saying 'that's more like it,' before folding your arms over your chest.
He squeezes his eyes shut and internally rolls them as hard as possible.
The closest 24/7 general store was 10 minutes thankfully. He grabbed a handful of different flavor chapsticks and dumps them on your lap--
"Joel what the FUCK are these."
He growls--not this shit again. He has flashbacks of the taco yackies incident roll through his mind. "YOU ASKED FOR CHAPSTICK! I GOT EXACTLY THAT!"
"Chapstick is a BRAND name. This stuff makes my lips burn and feels even drier. Joel do you SEE my lips!" You point both fingers directly at your mouth and purse out. "DRY. AS. FUCK. these are NOT dick sucking lips.  They will start fucking peeling soon.  and then I don't know if I will be able to kiss my own baby's noggin when she's first born less she be DISGUSTED--"
Hes back in the car before you were even done yelling.
Back at the store. Staring at the wall of different lip care options. This is 10x worse than the tampon and pad aisle. THAT one he's a pro in. Pussy King expert for all its needs. Even shows other women that come back exactly where and what they're looking for. But this shit??
There's so many flavors. Why does the flavor matter? Cherry red, cherry blossom, cherry berry--what the fuck is the difference? One says lip moisturizer, the same one next to it says lip care, then lip cream, lip balm, lip lush, lip lotion... fuck.
He does the sensible thing: pulls one of every single item into his arms, struggling but managing to hold haphazardly close to his chest (the man doesn't get a basket for shit because he only comes on for the exact ONE thing he knows he's getting). When he hobbles to the tired cashier, he leans forwards and dumps it all the counter with a sad smile. A smile of which drops quickly when the total comes to exceed $85.
9:14pm. Could be worse. You're eating a bag of extra salted chips--which he suspects is only going to make the lip situation worse but whatever. One by one, he basketball chucks them into your lap. You inspect each one, scoffing at all the useless flavor ones that just don't work, until finally holding up the vanilla honey extra moistening stick. You rip it from the package, pop the lid off and slather that shit on with a orgasmic groan, rolling your eyes back as it glides over and over your lips repeatedly. You smack them to spread evenly, all shiny and pretty before nodding approval.
Joel sighs and tosses himself on the couch, head first into your lap. You rub his hair and continue watching the TV, gnawing at the chips carefully so as not to ruin your fresh lips, as he falls asleep and snores deeply.
It lasts for a minute before both you and he feel something small against his temple stir in your belly.
He sits up like rocket, and the two of you stare at one another in shock. You both slowly look down at the belly, hands crept over its rounded expanse, and wait.
Then--an almost inperceivable yet delicate tiny kick. The first one.
Neither of you have words as excitement floods your faces.
"See. Even the BABY needs the best kissy lips."
He grabs your face with both hands and smashes his lips onto yours like he's gonna suck your soul away.
When he finally pulls off with a big grin (and you thrown back against the couch with a delirious expression getting oxygen back to your brain while your pussy drips fresh juices onto the couch), he smacks his lips tastily and enjoying the soft, silky, honey sweetness of your lips.
"Oh fuck, that is good."
You grip his shirt and force him back down to make out with you again, falling sideways on the couch as you both hungrily grope each others' bodies.
The next day you find your brand new lip moisturizer missing. It's set in the bathroom vanity, somewhere you did NOT left it. When popping it open, it has suspicious short little whisker hairs stuck to it. You frown but plant it back where you find it, run behind the door, and wait. About 2 minutes later, Joel comes in, searches behind him around the room before sneaking the little stick off the counter and hustling to the bed. He lies on his back, pops it open, and greedily smears it all over, humming contently and whispering "mmm yeaaaahhhh" before smacking his lips and pursing them out.
You fall over giggling in the bathroom at his new found guilty pleasure.
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow
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dustbunsinspace · 6 months
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Yay, it’s my birthday! 🎂 If you have a moment, please send me some cute rabbit pics, they are my comfort animals and it’d make me really happy! 🧡✨ (any type’s good; real bunnies, Usagis or oc’s etc).
Anyway, here’s Chobits panel redraw of my fav guy (03Usagi). I’ve been making those to relax lately, while my life’s being chaotic again ⭐️ (Clamp makes such poor narrative choices, but the aesthetic is so good it makes me mad).
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sorcererofsolitude · 10 months
Yoko, taking a rip of a bong and passing it to Enid: You ever wonder what would happen if like... a dude was about to have sex with a lady... but his dong was just one of those rubber chickens that screams?
Enid, taking a hit of her own and choking on the smoke in an ill-timed fit of giggles: OMG. And if they actually did it, you'd just hear AAAH, AAAH, AAAH!
Yoko and Enid laugh so hard that they fall into each other, prompting even more hysteria as they roll around on the floor.
Wednesday and Divina are off in the corner of the room, shaking their heads at the tomfoolery unfolding before them.
Divina: So... when did you realize your girlfriend was-"
Wednesday, sighing deeply and cutting Divina off: When she told me she thought cat burglars were actual cats.
Divina: At least she doesn't throw paper zeppelins between your boobs and call them 'Hindenburg Hooters'.
Wednesday: I'm surprised you tolerate such chicanery.
Divina, scoffing: Give me a break. You let Enid test her homemade glitter bomb on you.
Wednesday: ...
Despite their grumbling, they couldn't be happier.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
Also, it's my birthday today, yay! 🎂
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the-huxler · 4 months
well its soda's birthday🎂and i finished lil meme just in time yay
dont feel too sorry for soda they gonna be fine they still have rho and rot anyway
soda is my lil silly blorbo i love them and i think they should cause more chaos
if u wondering the text says just something like "(name), you are invited to a birthday party" and "accepted/declined" or at least i wanted to write that
although they appeared onlly for a few seconds -
aka belongs to @khaliarart / sai belongs to @skazkaai / min belongs to @miniimoose / callie belongs to @spacegoathours
they are the only celebrities to me well and sheet but they are busy
(i know ur ocs are kind idk if they would say yes, i did it for a neme and honestly soda doesnt deserve their attention)
bonuses after cut
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they are so cute and ready to party
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just their portraits
i made them quickly so they not the best
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pikaflute · 7 months
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Hello everyone. Today's a very special day: it's Sam's birthday! Yay! I wrote something for it. I promise it's normal and it's just Sam celebrating his birthday with Max. This fic contains heavy spoilers for TDP btw. Why? Don't worry about it. They're just celebrating his birthday.
Fic title (and description) are lyrics from Pale Blue Dot by Red Vox. Please listen to my funny streamer for me. Realign (the album) still hits.
🐶🎂🥳 Reblogs, comments, likes, and kudos are appreciated! Thanks for reading! 🐶🎂🥳
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cheesyjester · 2 months
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Btw it's my birthday today, 🎂 happy 19th year of life to me yay
I still have work today though :)
[but I actually don't mind, work means more money, and more money means I won't be broke and starving sooo]
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agentstarkid · 7 months
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Kalopsia, a Greek term that encapsulates the enchanting phenomenon of seeing something as more beautiful than it truly is. In matters of love, kalopsia paints an exquisite portrait of romantic delusion— a state where the heart, intoxicated by affection, transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It's the magic that turns a shared gaze into a symphony of stars and a simple touch into a dance of cosmic forces. In the realm of kalopsia, love is not just seen; it's felt in the kaleidoscope of emotions that color the world with a unique, intoxicating brilliance.
✦ PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x famous!latina!reader
✦ PIT BOARD: social media au | ✦ FC: becky g
✦ TRACK LIMITS: female!reader, fluff, mentions of sexual acts, age gap, language, internet meanies, angst if you squint.
✦ MAY'S RADIO: Holii loves! Happy Valentine's Day in advance to those who celebrate! ❤️ And to those who don't -like me- Happy Galentine's Day! Feliz San Solterín! or, Happy random February day! 🙈 Here's a little treat for y'all! I know it's been almost two months, and I'm so sorry! But I got a new job and it's been stressful ngl + my work hours aren't the best and I get home super late. So please, have patience with me and with the next chapters! I haven't given up on this and I have so much planned 😊 Let me know what you guys think of this chapter! ❤️
< previous chapter | series masterlist | general masterlist | next chapter >
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JUNE 10, 2021
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liked by chrisstapleton, haimtheband, aitanax, reikmx and 1,986,854 others
yourinstagram 🌧 the I Quit Drinking music video with thisislany is out now (apparently we were really upset about about not being able to pop bottles? 😂)
Directed by _blythethomas
View all 256.254 comments
pauljasonklein didn’t trip once yay! yourinstagram ily lil sis! “i quit drinking” out everywhere now x
userA "lil sis" lmao everyone who started shit last year about them rn: 🤡
danielricciardo the first 1000 replays are mine alone 🥰
user I'm so obsessed with this song, been repeating more than 10x a day🙌❤️
user2 userig we are totally jamming y/n tomorrow, you better be ready
kelseaballerini THIS IS STUNNING
user3 I listened to this song yesterday over 100 times laying by the pool. BEST SONG ❤️❤️❤️❤️
halsey you're both amazing ❤️
user4 Thank you so much for this! We always look for that perfect song that represents something or someone in our life. I’ve been searching for a long time and this song perfectly represents my ex and my past relationship to a “T” and why I had to quit drinking.
chloestroll Amazing work! 🔥❤️
user5 isn't this the dude who she cheated on her bf with last year? lol
userA apparently it wasn't just last year 😂
kaceymusgraves I love the way you're willing to take risk yourinstagram, this is your time. I'm so happy for you! ❤️
user6 Goosebumps
JUNE 25, 2021
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JULY 1, 2021
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liked by dermotkennedy, caamp, martingarrix, maxverstappen1 and 1,335,333
yourinstagram Your light brightens my world and your spirit is as infectious as your laughter ❤️ Cheers to you, my love! Feliz cumpleaños, mi vida! 🥳🎂
View all 674, 254 comments
danielricciardo Gracias for being my brightest light, my love ❤️
marcusmumford happy lap around the sun flashman 🥳
user ai que gato 😍
daxshepard Happy birthday Aussie boy 😘
user2 happy birthday fellow July born
user3 vocês são tão fofos juntos!
user4 🥂🍾 HBD Honey Badger 🥂🍾 Love you from Thailand 🇹🇭
user5 omg omg max liked 😱
chloestroll Happy birthday DR! 🥳🍾
user6 what was he doing in that last video yourinstagram 😂
yourinstagram that day he visited me in the studio and ryantedder let him be the producer for a few minutes, and well, it was chaos 😂❤��
martingarrix 🥳🍾❤️
yourinstagram A philosopher once said: Everybody is a Ferrari fan...❤️ userA are you a Ferrari fan yourinstagram? yourinstagram aren't we all? I'm a Tifosa at heart ❤️ user7 OMG OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ANSWER ME
itsvittoriasousa Iza says: Happy birthday, Tío Danny! danielricciardo 🥳
yourmomsinstagram Feliz cumpleaños Danielito! ❤️ next time you come around, a big cake and a plate of your favorite meal will be waiting for you!
conangray HBD DAD
JULY 9, 2021
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JULY 18, 2021
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AUGUST 5, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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AUGUST 25, 2021
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liked by rubendias, tomholland2013, thalia, yandel and 1,698,123 others
yourinstagram i've been very very busy ☀️🏝️🌿🏞️❤️
View all 685.456 comments
user they're so precious and I will fight anyone who disagrees
user2 THAT NOTE!!!! 😭 just the most darling ugh I can't with them
nina well deserved ❤️
itsvittoriasousa those little toes in the havainas 😭❤️
yourinstagram I KNOOOOW!!! I CAN'T HANDLE IT 😭😭😭
danielricciardo Being your co-pilot on this is a mix of thrill and questionable decisions 🤷‍♂️ Let's do it all over again, shall we?
yourinstagram "questionable decisions" is all you 🙈 I'm an angel 😇 landonorris wasn't lucifer an angel? yourinstagram mclaren come pick up your kid, it's past his bedtime mclaren 👀👀👀
user4 get that d girl 🔥🔥
evalongoria I love seeing you being happy ❤️
user5 does she have to flaunt every little message he leaves her? those are personal, attention seeking behavior lmao
user6 look at my pookie floating in the river 😍 I also wanna be held by daniel while I sit on his lap 😭
charles_leclerc next time you're in town we should all go karting 😊
userA sharls what are you doing here???? 😂 userB not my man out here shooting his shot in public lmaooo userC nah girl he's a known y/n-girlie, he's just trying to look cool meanwhile he's probably fangirling right now 🤣 joris_trouche can confirm userC 😂
AUGUST 29, 2021
danielricciardo has added to their story!
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SEPTEMBER 11, 2021
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liked by 30.241 others
My post of this couple on Friday was my biggest of the day by a mile! Will it be again today? Fellow Western Australian Daniel Ricciardo and Latin Superstar Y/N L/N arriving together for Saturday's Sprint Race (1st. photo) where Daniel managed to finish 3rd., and were seen again this morning walking around the Italian paddock before the race, where Daniel starts in P2.
For A3 prints, hand-signed & numbered by a range of drivers/team principals head to kymillman.com #f1 #formula1 #signedprints #monzagp #DanielRiccardo #Y/NL/N
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user love their height difference 🥰 i wanna put her in my pocket 🤏🏽
user2 She's so stunning omgggg 😍
user3 This is just ridiculous her mind and her style and how cute she is, beyond anything else on the grid
user4 She is a wannabe singer following him like a dog to every race.
userA sorry I can't hear your whinning over her 3 grammy's, 2 golden globes nominations, 9 latin grammy's and other multiple awards 🙂
user4 gawdddd dayhuummmmm 😍😍😍 the girl is pretty good too I guess
user5 is it hot or cold in italy?? I can't decide with what she's wearing
Daniel Ricciardo Post Race Interview | 2021 Italian Grand Prix [Ziggo Sports F1]
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liked by danielricciardo, tchalamet, salmahayek, vindiesel and 2,986,546 others
yourinstagram MONZA WINNER BABYYYY!!! 🍾🍾🍾 From the roar of the engines to the victory kiss, every moment with you is a celebration and sharing these victories with you is my favorite kind of joy ❤️🏆 Beyond proud of my champion danielricciardo for this incredible weekend!! Look at that dazzling smile 😍 Monza wasn't just a race; it was a masterpiece of determination and talent, a testament to your dedication and passion for this sport and your team. Monza is for the dreamers, and you, my love, have made our dreams dance on this iconic track. 🏁
The Honey Badger never 👏🏽 left 👏🏽❤‍🔥
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danielricciardo thank you for always being in my corner, mi amor! Ti amo all'infinito ❤️
user english, spanish and italian; the polyglot romeo 😂❤️
yourinstagram Also, congrats to mclaren for their 1-2! 🧡
mclaren you were our lucky charm this weekend 🧡
jensonbutton Ricky Bobby did it again!
user "Monza is for the dreamers" WHY AM I CRYING SO HARD?? YOU'RE SO RIGHT Y/N
landonorris That was fun, let's do it again but I'm coming first next time danielricciardo
userA WHAT DID HE SAAAAAAY??!! 👀👀 maxfewtrell mate, do you even read what you write before you post things? userB "but I'm coming first next time" SJKLDJFKAS
user2 I can't explain the scream I let out when he jumped down from his car and ran straight to where she was to kiss her
user3 me entró un árbol entero en el ojo 😭
user4 quien pudiera ser ella para que daniel corra a plantarle tremendo beso 😪
lilymhe congrats to my wife's boyfriend! 🥳
alexalbon 🤨❓ yourinstagram did she stutter alexalbon? 👀
user5 bestie give him the best night of his life and blow his mind off for us, he deserves it 🤭😭
carmenmmundt Dining out again is a must next time we see each other! Also, congrats to Daniel 👏🏻😊
user6 "It's a team effort, and having her in my team makes all the difference" crying, shaking, pulling my hair out
userA they keep showing me that I've never really been loved 🫠
user7 she's so real for dedicating "willow" to him in her stories and simping for him 🥴 because honestly I'd do the same
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
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OCTOBER 6, 2021
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liked by joshallenqb, kristenanniebell, heidiberger_ and 757,905 others
danielricciardo Happy birthday to this gangster! 🎉 You're officially a year older, wiser, and stuck with me. Here's to more laughter, adventures, and convincing you that my dance moves are, in fact, impressive. Cheers to you, mi amor! 🥳🎂❤️
View all 5,625 comments
yourinstagram Stuck with you? More like blessed to be on this wild ride with someone that makes every moment an adventure! Te amo una galaxia entera! ❤️
scottyjames31 Daniel is a tiny bit less annoying because of you yourinstagram 😛 Sending massive birthday vibes your way, Sparky!
user if these two ever break up, we riot.
userA both of them posting each other's baby pics I CAN'T
marcusstoinis HBD Sparky! 🥳
userA I saw Scotty called her Sparky too, so that means his mates gave her a nickname?? 🥺 userB userA she did spend a few months in 🇦🇺 and she was part of the lockdown challenges the guys used to do + they've been together for some time now 😊 userC this is so so fucking adorable omg
kristenanniebell happy birthday gorgeous ❤️
user2 why is she with my man??? why can't I be her???
kylieminogue cheers to you, my darling! yourinstagram 🎉❤️
user3 bro r u kidding
gerihalliwellhorner Wishing you the happiest of birthdays yourinstagram! May your day be as bright and wonderful as your spirit ❤️
user4 this fucking caption man
user5 You should focus on driving better than on this nonsense.
pierregasly feliz cumpleaños mon ami yourinstagram
mclaren Happy birthday, Y/N! 🧡
user6 you gunna marry her
user7 Mate, you made a stupid move and now it has backfired. You should've stayed at RB FFS !! It's so painful to watch you struggle on each and every race weekend from a fan's POV and you keep getting distracted with this girl 🤧🤧😮‍💨
user8 I always knew she would find someone better than who-shall-not-be-named
chloestroll yourinstagram your presence lights up every room, and your kindness touches every heart. May this year bring you all the joy and fulfillment you deserve, babe! Happy birthday! 🥳❤️
trevornoah Happy birthday to the incredible Y/N!
user9 happy birthday mrs. honey badger!! 🥳🥳🥳
OCTOBER 22-24, 2021
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liked by 3,474 others
f1gossippofficial Daniel arrived at the paddock this Sunday, accompanied by his current girlfriend Y/N (entered through separate gates), the girl was also at the McLaren garage on Friday! She was accompanied by her friends!
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user she understood the assignment
user2 The dedication to the tradition and the sheer adorableness is unmatched.
user3 in Y/N we trust 🙌
user4 What the hell is she even wearing? She should have just showed up in booty shorts because that skirt is too short, maybe she wants to impress the other drivers more i guess 😂
userA user4 i don't necessarily like her but that's literally such a dumb reason to hate on her 💀
user5 Y/N showing up in a cowboy-inspired outfit with Daniel is the level of couple coordination we didn't know we needed
user6 they arrived separately
f1gossippofficial They just entered through different gates, but they arrived together 🤷‍♀️
user7 Cowboy chic just got a whole new meaning
user8 she looks so cheap lol
user9 daniel ricciardo and his shadow
user10 She's always gorgeous. No wonder these haters are jealous haha
user11 Y/N stepping into the cowboy tradition with Daniel at the Austin GP is the sweetest thing!
user12 the amount of hate this girl gets is absurd!!! you dont know her. are you all seriously this deluded and jealous?!?! get a life she's a gorgeous girl who has done nothing wrong leave the poor girl alone
userA she's a cheater and a liar, Daniel deserves so much better userB userA do you have proof of what you're accusing her of? where you there to witness it when it happened? no? so shut the hell up
user13 Did anyone else's heart melt seeing them in their cowboy outfits? They're like a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, but with way more style. Love it!
user14 I can't understand how people keep criticizing a person and relationship that they don't even know. If the girl can afford to be in all the GP's then congratulations, it's her life, not ours. Stop being so intense with a relationship that is not even yours, live your way and let others live theirs. Let's just enjoy the sport and respect drivers private life
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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NOVEMBER 1, 2021
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liked by yourinstagram, jackdoohan, nyckdevries, heidiberger_ and 526,424 others
danielricciardo Oh boy. Halloween 21’ 🎃
View all 1,429 comments
user I think the scariest thing is that it actually suits ya 😂
user2 El sonrisas
daxshepard same time next year?
user3 everything was good until I saw her in the girl's pic ugh 🙄🤢
user4 BLAKE ❤️❤️❤️
user5 you couldn't get that smile off of his face if you tried
user6 are Daniel and Y/N still in texas???
user7 great pics & your Y/N looks so cute!!! ❤️👻😍
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
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NOVEMBER 16, 2021
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NOVEMBER 21, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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DECEMBER 14, 2021
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DECEMBER 19, 2021
♡ liked by kunaguero, shakira, rubendias, danielricciardo and 3,652,485 others
yourinstagram 💋
View all 6,958 comments
sofiavergara Brilla y nunca dejes de hacerlo ❤️🌟
rosalia.vt Reina, siempre has sido oro. Sigue brillando con todo tu arte ✨💖
user can someone translate what she's saying for the non-spanish spearkers please? 🥲
userA "Ay, to be honest, I'm not worth it... I'm worth my weight in gold, dammit!" 😊
karolg Grítalo mami!!!!
user2 she really said: idgaf what y'all think of me, I know I'm THAT bitch! 💅 And I respect her so much for it 👏
shakira Totalmente de acuerdo, Y/N! Eres oro puro. ✨
selenagomez You've always been pure gold, babe. Keep shining ❤️
rubendias 💙
manuelturizo acá reina, se te calló esto 👑
user3 Eres más valiosa que anything in the whole universe
llane eres un tesoro inigualable, hermanita ❤️
lali a vos se te reza 🧎‍♀️
maluma Exactamente, hermana. Tu valor es como el oro, irremplazable. I love you ❤️
jbalvin Que siga brillando fuerte esa estrella tuya, hermanita 🌟
user4 I'm gonna sit here waiting patiently for Daniel's comment so I can know everything is alright and that we shouldn't panic 🫠🫠🫠
userA it's been more than 5 hours and no comment yet, but he did give it a like though
DECEMBER 25, 2021
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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DECEMBER 31, 2021
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liked by taylorswift, glenpowell, rubendias, danielricciardo and 3,652,485 others
yourinstagram 2021 was filled with moments of all kinds. Wanted to share the ones that made me smile even in the hardest of times. With the new year on the horizon and big changes coming soon I just wanted to take a moment to say I am so proud of us… We're a team.
Can’t wait for more of this in 2022 🌺 the type of laughs that hurt your cheeks, make your tummy hurt, & feed your soul. Beyond thankful ❤️
View all 4,423 comments
danielricciardo Always a team ❤️
userA and the ring when?
userA we can breath now, we are NOT children of divorce!!! 😭❤️
badbunny ¡Pa'rriba siempre, Y/N! Que este año nuevo te traiga pura buena vibra y éxito. 🚀💫
user2 MOTHER ❤️
user3 The photo with Dan sitting on the floor and leaning on Y/N's leg while she's running her hands through his hair gave me extra years of life 😭
taylorswift Your spirit shines so bright, and I'm excited for all the wonderful moments this year will bring us. I love you! ✨💖
luisfonsi Happy New Year, Y/N! Que este nuevo año te traiga más éxitos y alegrías 🥂
corey_wilson Happy New Year!
charles_leclerc maman I've made it 😎 Bonne année Y/N!
pierregasly I demand another lap and another photo because I'm not on this one yourinstagram 😤 Bonne année mon ami! ❤️
userA piEEEEERREE gasLYYYYYY!! userB did they all go go-karting? Rue when was this? 🧐 userC it was only Charles, Pierre, Daniel and George! It was in Austin userD so you're telling me they were all together and this is the only photo we have?
georgerussell63 pierregasly I'm not in the photo either! she destroyed you mate, admit it 😂 And I also demand a new one yourinstagram 🤨
fioamato Happy New Year filled with lots of love and laughter 🎊💖
iamdannaschwarz Beyond grateful to have you as a friend ❤️
itsvittoriasousa We love you to the moon and back! 🌙💖
user4 Happy Enchanted/Enchanté day to those who celebrate!
user5 we officially survived 2021, everybody!
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─── Please don't forget to reblog and/or comment! ♡
✦ ooops 🤭 btw this is how I picture him waiting for Girlie to perform at the Latin Grammys 🥰
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