#yap yap yap; you got nothing of value to say to me
medicinemane · 4 months
I'm not fucking listening to a video on geopolitics if you're gonna but dramatic fucking generic as shitty movie music in the background
This isn't Batman trying to figure out what the Joker is up to, this is real world shit going on, and I'm fairly familiar with the subject and you just happened to have a detail I don't know as much about in your title
So I'm like cool, let me learn about what's going on with that
Well I'm clearly not gonna with your shitty video. You're a backwards clickbaiting moron trying to drum up investment using techniques I think are cheap and bland in even movies, so why would I want them here?
You absolute pissant, you fucking stain on society, you're a worthless little idiot with nothing useful to say that's trying to turn important shit into entertainment and I think you suck ass
Fucking hell, imagine I talked about the US economy while playing bad dramatic music in the background, it would be stupid
I clearly know more about this than you, for an american civilian with no special access to information, I'm probably one of the better informed people on this subject. Your yank ass can fuck off cause it's really only people actually from the area and actual professionals that are gonna know more than me on this
I am actually annoyed, and I'm just annoyed by every last fucking thing being turned into entertainment by random little internet parasite
#bitch I know plenty about kaliningrad and the suwalki gap#what I don't know is what's actually going on in kaliningrad at the moment or how it's being used at this exact moment#it doesn't directly impact stuff going on in Ukraine; and that's the stuff I keep up with#so I'm just like... ok; lets hear about the state of kaliningrad; what's happening there at the moment#(other than a pretty good chance of electronic warfare coming out of there; I assume that's the origin of interference in flights and stuff#like I know a reasonable amount about the black sea fleet... I know more or less nothing about the baltic fleet... update me#but you fucking can't you drooling clickbait idiot#'the suwalki corridor' blah blah blah blah; ancient news; everyone fucking already knows about the Bild's article about a possible attack#I don't lend it much credibility; not unless russia succeeded in Ukraine which we damn well better not let happen#yap yap yap; you got nothing of value to say to me#I'm not saying I'm a genius with this (though I seem to understand things better than many western politicians)#(like the strategic short shortsightedness is astounding; removing every ounce of humanity)#but like I said; for an american I'm well informed; it's really only experts (some) and eastern europeans who are likely to know more#I know about the Kharkiv front and I know about how western policy on not using western weapons on russian territory#really was a key factor in it happening; and I know about the change in policy that just happened#I don't follow the frontline cause... I stopped being able to emotionally keep up with each meter of ground being fought for#but I know the broadstroke and I know how many Ukrainians die because of the west failing to provide support#and I understand the importance of stopping russia to help deter China#so what exactly do you have to teach me youtube boy with your shitty dramatic music#this isn't a game; this isn't a show; people are dying and I haven't got time for you
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ixzotica · 1 month
NOT-SO-SMALL RANT ABOUT THE SHIFTING COMMUNITY this has been pissing me off for some time now so i'm going to yap about it and if you don't agree w/ me, feel free to block me! also please note that this is just a general rant and isn't targeted at any specific individual(s) because i've been seeing this on here and in other shifting communities.
this is going to be the laaaast time i talk about this because i don't want to be know for complaining all the time anymore LMAOAO! anyways allow me to start by saying this. if what someone's doing in regards to shifting isn't harmful, bigoted, racially insensitive, or truly problematic and it doesn't affect you, stop being an annoying piece of shit and judging people for what they do with the realities they shift to ESPECIALLY if you can't handle/don't like it being done to you. you do not get to judge and dictate what people do in their lives, who they shift for, why they shift, what wording they use in terms of shifting, nothing.
and yes i get that there's certain stuff that's just based off of morality and culture and history, i'm not talking about that because i too am personally very sensitive about that stuff for reasons of my own. i'm talking about some of you who judge shifters for wanting to shift to have consensual sex with legal adults as a legal adult in that reality. or some of you who judge people for having multiple partners because you just can't seem to wrap your head around it or simply choose to be ignorant. or some of you who even judge people because they script that they get attention and that they're smart and pretty. because think about it.
what does any of that have to do with you?
you act like YOU'RE gonna be the one living their life when you're not. many of you judge people for shit and you don't even know how they perceive it yet you're too close-minded to even think outside of your own head and consider their thought process. many of you seem to forget that you are shaming someone's entire lives for miniscule shit. like these are their LIVES. and not to mention, many of you claim that "don't mean to judge" but just because you say that you're not judging doesn't mean that you're not being judgmental. the shit you say can still be offensive or demotivating or just straight up bigoted/prejudice to the people you're talking about when you could've just kept it to yourself.
imagine if a straight person came online and said that they didn't like when queer people spoke about their queer experiences/partners/whatever because it made them uncomfortable and they couldn't relate but "they aren't judging, they just don't agree with it?" you see how fucked that sounds? well you probably don't because you're doing the exact same thing just in a different community about different shit, all of which ain't got nothing to do with you.
how would you feel if someone on this app started bashing you for who you shift for and saying that shifting for this person was so stupid and going into detail about how fucking lame you are? you wouldn't like it right? because that's your partner and you love them, right? so why the fuck do you think you can do that to other people? seriously, it's starting to get very fucking ridiculous.
please just think before you start judging people for harmless shit because they might turn around and do the same shit to you or call you out for not minding your own business and now you're all offended and getting flamed for being an asshole. and if you truly just need to talk shit about someone's life, maybe get some friends who share your values and talk privately instead of putting everything on the internet. now go shift! <3
SINCERELY, A Serial Yapper with A Lot To Say
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kimi-co · 24 days
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interesting aronelli recap and evaluation of the sources of media pressure, +an f2 driver popularity ranking based on ig follows lol
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this is honestly the biggest 'problem' with paul imo. he didnt want to demonstrate that loyalty and he was not as docile as kimi but ykw leaving proved ultimately good for him (no more yapping abt them)
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+ interview with gwen and toto on what they look for in the junior drivers. basically, they want kids who are fast, but more importantly, humble and loyal, who are willing to listen to them on anything. they want them with good parents who instill these values BUT also, just willing to listen to the team. like families that don't interfere with merc's decisions and preferably with less money/power/knowledge s.t. no decisions get made if merc didn't sponsor them. but merc invests a lot into their juniors and brands themselves as creating lifelong projects: they make sure to help them find success even if they move on to other series. now i'd say paul seems to lack some of the humility and maturity they're after, and he&his brother had way too many ideas—valid ones, but not what merc would have liked.
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but i guess kimi is exactly what they’re talking about? his dad’s a touring car driver who later become team manager, but he never envisioned anything beyond f4 for kimi for financial reasons. so his son would mostly likely become a professional outside of single-seater like how george was offered a DTM seat before merc retained him by offering sponsorship and completely altered his career trajectory. for kimi merc decided to step in way earlier (maybe bc of verstappen) and cover all of his expenses when he was still in karting. his dad always told him to be critical of himself before blaming others, and there’s this whole ‘don’t ever complain when you just start working’ doctrine that got his teammate pretty concerned . he’s listened to merc the whole time so he’s been surprised twice in his 3 years of single-seater racing by the series he was told to join: the only like he had on twitter was the f3 calendar and he did a lot of iracing at the f3 tracks before he was asked to do freca instead. and then the jump to f2 this year. merc also picked prema instead of VAR (ollie’s f4 titles winning team + max’s old team) for him, or else him&ollie could’ve been teammates already in 2021
anyway back to the article:
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like i totally feel this remember his quali interview at aus he was so nervous blinking and licking his lip like crazy (spun the next day too)
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also reminds me of ^
but taking the time to train kimi into a pr robot is probably for his own good and im sure the 'no interviews unless enforced by the series for half a year' is all part of that
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english is not my first language but punchy means that when people hear what toto said they sometimes really want to punch him in the nose right
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nothing more to say here. i’m a ferrari hater 90% of the time, so i don’t really know what the italian press cooked up or what the whole deal with calling charles il predestinato just to crucify him later was—hence the fear of a repetition. but i do find the comment "there is no worse anti-Italian than a hateful Italian" from that original article about kimi getting announced at monza interesting. and i agree with the observation on the difference in the degree of destructive defeatism vs. unconditional support within the argentine vs. italian reception. like, some will support their drivers even if they’re bad because it’s about representation, while others seem to turn on their own when things don’t go as expected
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unfair is the word i think for kimi all the hype and news coverage really don't benefit him when he doesnt need sponsors and he's only judged by his own team. compared to some other drivers who might need exposure, media, and f1 team attention. but press wants headlines and his age makes that easy. and then all the pressure comes.
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kimi’s second on the list, but even ollie has to admit that kimi might be facing more pressure than he is
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deesseshesca · 1 month
PAC :What are they gagging about u, again ?
Again… A fucking again. Nothing new, nothing changed. 
Good morning, pretty souls, today we are diving into the same mess people keep their mouth running regarding you. What’s the remix this time ? What have you done to upset the haters ? Like WTF do they want now ? 
For the next 2 weeks all readings on my ko-fi is 20$, only 
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To participate: You must reblog, like and comment. 
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
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Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is sent with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else. 
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Pile 1
Check in : y'all come from a rich abusive household. You are about to run away. Or some of y’all might actually just move. 
What’s the gag ? 
King pentacles 
People are yapping about you,  are  your classmates or close friends . Y’all come from an abundant family heritage and are living the dream some will never get to even grasp. Let’s not forget your amazing composure. You can get anything you want whenever you want. Probably walking around with an Amex card. Book a ticket overseas at least 4x a year. Whole education in private school even high profile nanny. If you  are black, u hear often … « you talk white … ». I fucking hate that statement because what is that supposed to mean 😑… LOSER . They think u must have a very traditional way of thinking. Especially if u are white, they think u lean more towards far right ideologies. And the fact that u call your parents « papa » or « mother » is not helping your case. 
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What’s actually gagging ? 
8 swords
Y’all are going through it with your family. I don’t have any vision regarding what’s going on behind closed doors. But I see you pulling a big bright smile after closing the front door of your house. I see y’all acting literally like a robot. The second that your parents ask for something. You do it. No question or critical thinking involved. Y’all are literally suffocating in your household. This time no amount of money, clothes or first class trip is cutting it. 
Bonus💌333, The universe is advising you not to run way. They know you are an individual with good values and you hate acting out of character. But they are giving you the green light to act like a spoiled child and throw a fit. So you can get your own apartment and enjoy a semi independent lifestyle before blowing the big gun. They will hate to see struggle in the real world when u already been through hell in your own home.
For the next 2 weeks all readings on my ko-fi is 20$, only 
There’s one spot left for a free full audio reading
To participate: You must re-blog, like and comment. 
If you want to choose the subject for the next reading make sure to vote on the poll at the end of the post.
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Check in : You guys recently got a face piercing. People around u wondered if u are a sex worker. You come from a small town. Y’all have the perfect hourglass figure or peach. Anyway, your ass is fat. 
What’s the gag ? 
Judgment (reverse)
They feel like too many bad things happen to you. Everyone in town is in your business. Which is not surprising. Like nobody actually minds their motherfucking business ( I’m sorry … I hate when people are in people's business, especially mine . Since I’m a toddler my fav sport is to mind the thinking that pay me … is so annoying when I run around individuals that fucking don’t This is why I never over read in y’all energy even in a collective setting. Like c’mon). I’m sorry pile 2, y’all lost u’re high school sweetheart. Y'all got married but it all scrambles down. They feel like you need Jesus. They think u are bitter, old  and alcoholic women. You need to give your heart to God and turn your life around. 
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What’s actually gagging ? 
Queen swords (reverse) 
They are partially right (and i oop-). Nah, I have to stay serious. This is a serious matter. You lost the only good thing in your life. I would be turning bitter myself 2. In that nasty old town, where people never let you be in peace. First because of your mom's reputation then because of your beauty. Out here making fun of u because u gain weight. Bitch people are at the gym killing themself to have your curves. Some are dying on the bed of doctor Miami… for what ? I sense that it is constantly like that. Since you’ve been young they made smart comments about you. When they realize, u only get prettier from there… game over. Now they are calling you fast. Then calling you old, they wish. Y’all are between 25-27 like… ok, yeah ok, pipe down bitch (meme reference). You are pondering on doing a 360 of your life right now. You spend all this time  trying to please people around you and acting according to people's expectations. Now you want to live in a rather carefree lifestyle. Moving to the big city, where nobody cares about you and nobody deem to care. You might want to be a stripper. Not because you are missing funds or don’t have an education. You just want to go wild for a bit. Seeing if you still got it.
 Bonus💌777, When you are ready to share your story that's when great success is going to find you. You might documente your grief on social media or give guideline for other to heal. Some may write a book to help individual going through the trials and tribulations of loosing their ultimate soulmate. Y'all other going to share all the secret tip and tricks of being a stripper.
For the next 2 weeks all readings on my ko-fi is 20$, only 
There’s one spot left for a free full audio reading
To participate: You must re-blog, like and comment. 
If you want to choose the subject for the next reading make sure to vote on the poll at the end of the post.
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What’s the gag? 
King cups (reverse)
Y’all must be athletes. The people gagging  are your teammates. They finally saw you crack. Some were even questioned if you were a human being. Because you are always put on a straight face no matter what. I sense that you had a panic attack in front of them. That was the only time you showed emotion and it was this intense. 
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What's actually the gaging ? 
Queen swords 
You’ve been carrying a deep sadness since childhood. You guys are extremely disciplined and private. Y’all also give amazing advice. They think you lost it but you actually lost your mind Because you never really had your emotions under control. You barely know how to cope. The only time that this insanity seems to leave you is when you are practicing your sport. You are actually pouring all you have to the only thing that gives you peace. They will never know that.
For the next 2 weeks all readings on my ko-fi is 20$, only 
There’s one spot left for a free full audio reading
To participate: You must re-blog, like and comment. 
If you want to choose the subject for the next reading make sure to vote on the poll at the end of the post.
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vengefulvermin · 2 days
Can i get more passage of time/music development yapping ☹️☹️☹️??? I give you official permission to yap the most you can im so interested
warning beneath the cut SCARY WALL OF TEXT WARNING 😱
decided to divide it into colored parts if you dont gaf about certain elements 😭
second warning all of this is unedited rambling so some points might contradict each other or just plain not make sense.
okay so for CONTEXTTTTT
i have diagnosed OCD, and like, roughly since the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the 'obsession' part of OCD that was negatively affecting me, was the concept of time. how fleeting it was. how it's basically unescapable ALL THINGS MUST PASS (get out of my head george harrison) that shit proper cold dead SCARED ME MAN. sleepless & haunting me in my dreams type shi. sometimes it still does. i try not to think about it too much
to cope, i found great comfort in the 70s-80s since at the time i was and still am hyperfixated on david bowie and that was sort of his prime (love his 90s-00s work tho.) i was also starting to think of how much parallels and similar experiences i have to previous generations and how it's not ALL that bad after all so far. i can still walk to a record store and roller skate if i really wanted to, or go to a diner.
okey here's where the life changing stuff happens. i decided i'd listen to pink floyd's the dark side of the moon. then TIME CAME ON. ohhhh god oh gosh golly god i was bawling and everything the whole song spoke to me on a molecular level. then i found out about DB's song also called time, and i ALSO crode to that. i was like. wow. i'm not alone on this feeling of utter desperation and helplessness as eventually all things Must Pass. (GEORGE HARRSION GTFO)
i used to be bitchy on how i whined i was part of the 'wrong generation.' i thought i was alone, but virtually everyone of almost every era has thought this. somebody who lived my dream life wished they had what i have now.
that's when i started to lowkey realize the parallels and oneness of human experience. i could go to a club in the 70s, and (granted the infrastructure and music remains similar) i could today. nothing would change on how i perceive events. there is no color filter on the past. unless you got huge TVs and stuff all over your house, you could walk around, and think it's the 80s. AND IT'S BASICALLY THE 80s. the way your parents or any other gen Xer saw the world with their *eyes* (not counting the changes in buildings and stuff) is the same as you today pretty much.
i already really enjoy subcultures, and particularly how they evolve and adapt. the indomitable human spirit prevails no matter how gentrified or 'banned' things become. nowadays i feel like there is No Youth Subcultures. at least, none that will pass the test of time and be memorable enough to be remembered in the books. nobody's gonna go to their child and proudly say: "when i was your age, i was a chav" or something. and i credit this to the lack of creativity allowed in the wider music industry.
HEAR ME OUT this is because 90% of youth subcultures had everything to do with music. and now, everything must be palatable. to be clear there's nothing inherently wrong with that type of music, but to me it speaks no soul. it has no risks. contemporary pop music is very much formulaic and this is because now more than ever entertainment (this also applies to movies btw) is more of an investment than passion. I WILL SPECIFY.
music production is so vastly different genre to genre, and we're not letting it flourish because of how much short form content is valued nowadays. LET ME COOK.
tiktoks are formulaic. algorithms are formulaic. WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. there must be an instant hook or rift in music if you want to 'go viral' as a musician. digitized fame doesn't mean SHIT (to me), since clearly monthly listeners don't equate real world fans. album sales are being replaced with streams, and because of how ASS spotify treats its artists, newer, less established acts need to GET ON THE GRIND INSTANTLY to earn Coin. that means that to be smart and work with the exploitative system they're given, they have to make albums filled with 1 minute 30 second songs. so you can technically give them the most amount of streams possible. i feel with this formulaic approach, you can't get 6 minute long gutwrenching guitar pieces. no more 4 minute drum solos, hell avant garde experimental works were 2 people shout their names out at each other for 20 minutes. THERE ARE NO MORE FRANK ZAPPAS.
i'm not going to be one of those sad assholes who claim there's 'no more good rock music' and how it'll never be the same. as corny as this is, the next beatles or nirvana could be right under our noses and we'll NEVER know because of how fame is distributed. it sucks to see a small band beg on tiktok for streams to kickstart their career. but this is what we gotta work with. if we want subcultures to be created and thrive, we gotta go looking underground again, except unlike in the past it's a kajillion times easier now AND everything gets gentrified in 2 tiktok weeks. but this is evolution. MUSIC EVOLUTION
the end honk shoo honk shoo (it's midnight)
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
*Yapping Ahead*
(Listen I know I'm putting too much thought and getting way too invested in a book series for kids. Just bare with me for a second)
Okay I am done with BOTL and WOW, the gods and camp are really begging Luke/Kronos on their knees to just- obliterate them all. Because like were they REALLY just doing NOTHING !? Okay to be fair with them, I AM a big agitated because I'm still sort of reeling from Luke but STILL.
Those people JUST had their camp invaded. They KNOW that stuff's getting serious. I mean people DIED there just now. AND IN RESPONSE TO THAT THEY DO BLOODY NOTHING. Like did I miss something? Are they for real? I understand the concept of licking your wounds after a battle like that- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN JUST GOING ON LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe, oh idk- START TO FORM A COUNTER ARMY!? ATTEMPT TO DO COUNTERSTRIKES!? TRY TO STRENGHTEN YOUR POSITION WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN INVADED ONCE!? Let me remind you that Luke/Kronos is out there with a fully formed army including a viable command structure, good training and allies in form of actual minor GODS. ALL THE WHILE ALSO HAVING ALREADY STARTED LAUNCHING ATTACKS. All this and the camp does NOTHING of value! Sure I mean they are sort of training demigods, and even if we say they can't launch attacks themselves for some reason- them doing nothing is just stupid. Atleast start to get these kids used to army strategy and genuinely monster fighting OUTSIDE off capture-the-flag or whatever else they are playing. Maybe also, ikd- INTERROGATE CHRIS!? Like maybe they did and is just wasn't mentioned but- that man was in the army. He should know valuable info and you don't even so much as CHECK of he knows anything!
Listen I do NOT care if he had a "change of heart" or "deserves a second chance". This is a purley objective statement here but that guy was an ENEMY. He already switched sides ONCE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU GUYS TO TRUST HIM AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND EVERY REASON TO HAVE HIM LOCKED UP AND INTERROGATED SOMEWHERE.
I know this is a kid's series but please, Rick. Atleast mention Chris getting question. Don't make your main good guys look like morons compared to the baddies.
Or someone please tell me I missed something of the books because so far it looks like any semblance of battle smarts left CHB with Luke 💀 Also am I the only one a bit irked between the few months timeskip at the end between the Battle and Percy talking with Annabeth? 'cause like, I feel this is a conversation they (logically speaking) should have had a few weeks at MOST after the whole thing going down in the story, NOT a few months after. This too is just a personal ick but, I do not like what they did with Chris. With him joining up with camp just like that? Yeah, no. He betrayed them before. That means he must have had atleast SOME grievances with how things were run. And now he's just back again a "redemtion arc" (that isn't even really an arc if we are honest, it's just there) and no further focus!? It's not like anything got BETTER. I mean sure it was cool to see Dionysus acctualy grieve his kids and be a bit nicer to Percy.
DOESN'T MEAN THAT LUKE DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING POINT EITHER. Like, idk. I'm just disappointed, as of now I'm just hoping we'll see more of Chris and see the demigods and Luke delved more into with the last book.
The only thing I genuinely pray doesn't happen is that they'll start to demonize the demigods who joined Luke and Luke himself. I'm really nervous since Chris seems to be treated like a "redeemed" villain, ignoring the fact that they all had valid point and valid reasons to go against Olympus. The gods and Camp Halfblood are both objectively horrible as a whole. The system in itself is flawed and I'm pretty sure even stacked against the demigods. I'm gonna be real I see no real reason to expect any real loyalty from Demigods nor do I see any reason why they should keep dying for what's basically a blood mill that couldn't care less. The Demigods who joined Luke are not evil. Luke is not evil. The gods are not good people. If these books start to pretend that Luke and his allies are wholly evil I WILL flip a table. Ngl I have little mind for much else of the bunch of things that happened in the story. Maybe I'll make a second post where I'm talking about other stuff, maybe I won't. I'll see, if I don't feel free to ask. As always I ask to mark spoilers in any replies or reblogs you may make so I can avoid them, thank you ^^
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racketballz · 5 months
(mth observation) the fact that buttercup got so fast over butch's comments (and lusting) for blossom feels really weird to me 🙁
I think that his behavior should certainly be taken into consideration because he is a hashtag misogynist in the beginning. But taking in his character as a whole as he forms ~butch~and all that good stuff he definitely doesn’t treat women like trash for no reason you know what I mean.
If you think about it butch is a boneheaded guy and in the story the reader is supposed to have this like immediate distaste for him and I think that there’s like very little you can do to get this reaction for the reader than him being anything but that!
I made this graph one time idk where it is but butch is supposed to be like very hated at the beginning because of his behavior and attitude and all that boomer is like a good boy and slowly…but surely he has these like moments … and brick ofc is like up and down up and down like you love him and then you hate him.
but focusing on butch who does a lot of the yapping you can slowly see him turn more introspective about a certain things. He does actually have some brain matter up there he has displaced emotions about BASICALLY everything? He has unhealthy coping mechanisms yadda yadda yadda
AND we can see the reason why he specifically is going after blossom like he’s not having these outbursts about bubbles right? Blossom can take care of herself I think she gets why he’s around buttercup and for a lot of mth she has a distaste for him
i understand (loosely) why buttercup is being brought up I guess in terms of like butchs behavior and blossom is her sister but it isnt really about blossom is it? And I would say buttercup is a factor but it’s very little about her as well! (Buttercup does tend to stick up for her when he says some off handed shit tho) It has a lot more to do with brick and also butch having to prove some shit! I think as the story goes on obviously he makes less and less of these comments because his values and interests change (or rather they develop for once that mother fucker used to be so bored)
Idk this is more of an unfinished thought! Like but you get what I mean I guess like butch is not written that way for nothing! In my opinion buttercup “getting over” butch’s behavior shouldn’t even be considered KINDA?? LIKE THERES A LOT OF WEIRD STUFF THE GIRLS EXCUSED TO STAY IN PROXIMITY of the guys! Boomer and his ex gf?? Brick in general! Like he did kinda pushed bubbles into that vortex thingy MAYBE IDK! That sounds WAY worse! 😭 but right that’s the point of the story in my opinion teehee
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tewwor · 1 month
🎰 maybe otherside verse jiwon andddd supernatural muses pls!! 👀
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships! (accepting) @interxstitial
amaro — i got nothing, um.... i haven't really written amaro outside of other vampire interactions ( it's always bad, he's always hissing and spitting ). so idk how he usually is????? probably nicer, more like a decent person in society. maybe even helpful?? sympathetic? might try to see if he knows any exorcists or hunters that have come by whatever the hell's going on with jiwon? or there's the, 'oh no i need to feed desperately and you should really not be here' plot device as an option.
walter — .. why are we back here. i thought i got rid of him ( i hallucinated it ). is jiwon still working for this bastard? he can leave at anytime, i promise. walt won't say it, but he totally can. idk put shit on his coffin during the day, that'll be funny
simon — no! run! he will try literally everything to strike a deal with jiwon! but the outcome will never be good or beneficial to him!!!! simon's sooooo nice and bubbly at face value, but he's garbo i swear. the option of him being in a band with a normal human + parasitic angel-thing is also an option, because the idea of him using a fanbase to collect souls is... right there for the taking.
m. — if you though ravi was eccentric ( he still is in a fuckboi kind of way ), then make way for the archaic version AND his ravi's literal obsession ( one-sided nemesis ). is this actually mothman? yes, but m. will always deny it. and oddly enough? a lot people let it slide. i think the idea of jiwon being in his lamp emporium is very funny in the way that.. there are so many fragile things to shatter and if m. has even the inkling of something off about jiwon he'd be so quick to punt him outside, but also join him out there because he loves to yap so much. but also, um, m. tends to have diasters happen around him so..... maybe.. it impacts jiwon too?
clarence — hey man, you want some emotional support? here, clarence's full of it. even if he's super fucking weird and constantly glows and never really... dies. he's here for you, jiwon.
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imperatorrrrr · 3 months
my very tinfoil-hat, very unscientific (also very untrue) theory that i've been marinating on for a while that was only proven further correct with today's trades is that fitzy is like lowkey trying to...punish? jack for publicly speaking up for ruff and leading to the prolongation of that nightmare (obviously not actually jack's fault to be clear i'm not insane) and/or break him down to build him back up?? idk. by trading all of his buddies (obviously he-who-shall-not-be-named gone already, bahler traded, marino gone, holtzy gone, you see what I mean?) all the while he knows that at the end of the day a) jack is enough of a nhl-insider-knowledgeable/hockey realist and b) that he'll always ultimately be FINE as long as he has lukey (not in question obviously) and also nico (also not in question obviously) and at least in an on-ice hockey sense bratter (also not gonna happen)
obviously this is certifiably insane and not actually true and that's not how nhl front offices operate etc. BUT i have not been able to get it out of my head for days so now i'm burdening you with it too (VERY sorry) realistically fitz is just kind of bonkers (plausible) OR he's playing 4d chess somehow and ~we'll see. we'll ALL see~ in like three years or whatever
holy theory, anon!
thank you for sharing! I can't say I agree, to be honest...
I will, however, use this opportunity to yap about what I think is going down. Hope you don't mind!
In the 2022-2023 season, we hired Bruno because I think there was basically an unspoken thing that if Lindy doesn't do something with this lineup, Bruno will be his successor. And then, we exceeded every expectation ever, won a playoff round, and put ourselves on the map. Plus, Lindy was even nominated for a Jack Adams. He bought himself job security.
I do think Jack liked Lindy a lot because Jack was given the freedom to do whatever and learn at his own pace under Lindy.
I have my own crackpot theories about Lindy and hating Europeans, and am happy to share that if anyone wants, but he's gone, so it doesn't really matter.
Plus, there's some mixed information out there about Fitz and Lindy's relationship. From his presser, it seems like he was forced to fire Lindy because they needed a scapegoat. From some other stuff, it seems like Fitz wanted Lindy gone much sooner but was stopped by ownership because they wanted Lindy to transition into a front office role and didn't want to sour the relationship. Nothing to do with Jack at all. Jack does not have Sidney Crosby levels of power yet.
I don't think that Jack is being punished for anything. Frankly, I think the kid is probably wrongly punishing himself plenty for everything that went down last season. I don't think Fitz has any ill will towards Jack at all mostly because he built an entire team around Jack (and Nico).
I don't think Fitz is punishing anyone, but I do think he is traumatized by last season (as are we all). We have a bajillion goalies now. We only drafted folks taller than like 6'3. Our new guys coming in are also tall boys, grittier guys. He's stabilizing the blue line which was also our other biggest issue last season.
Kevin Bahl - we needed to give up something for the absolute steal we're getting with Markstrom. Calgary is retaining. Fitz tried to package Holtzy in that, but Calgary valued Kevin Bahl more. Fitz also wants to stabilize the blue line and bring in veteran presence, and you're not going to move Luke or Nemo, so unfortunately, Bahler was the victim
John Marino - this trade is still a little baffling to me. I genuinely thought if Johnny was being traded we'd get a player that was ready to play now, but they traded him mainly for the pick, and we got the best goalie in this years draft. This is probably just setting us up for the future to have a good goalie pipeline. The other reason I've read for the Johnny trade is to make room for Pesce who is rumored to be ours in roughly ten hours. This has to do mainly with how we're going to be defending in front of Markstrom. Pesce allegedly is better suited to that defense system than Johnny is.
Alexander Holtz - I've had time to think about this, and this is very personally devastating to me and I do blame the Devils for how they handled Holtzy, but I'm coming to terms with it. They fucked his development last season by having him sit in the press box for half a season instead of sending him down. And this past season, they never seemed to give him a clear shot. Plus, then Fitz and Lindy made it their mission to shit on him at every waking moment. Unfortunately, Holtzy doesn't really have a spot on our roster. You have to think about it through line identities. Its tough because Lindy did so much shuffling, but Holtzy's hockey doesn't fit into the lines we're trying to build here other than on Jack's line, but I don't think he has the speed to keep up with Jack consistently. I hope he fucking kills it. I hate that its Vegas, but I hope he finally gets a real shot.
Akira Schmid - Akira and his agent wanted out and wanted to test the waters to see if they could get the bag and all power to him for that. Plus, I think it was fairly obvious that he was fourth in the line of goalie succession and maybe even fifth, and so he wants to play, and so he made a decision.
I think tomorrow's free agency chaos will make the vision a lot clearer.
I don't blindly trust Fitz tho, of course.
Sorry for shutting down your theorizing, anon! I just don't think there's anything to it. Plus, I'd argue Jack's crew was Ty, the superbuddies, and Merce, and then they added Johnny. I'd say Holtzy is probably closer to Merce (the Disney trip plus the fact that they go shopping together) and like Timo/Bratter/Nico (per the interview Holtzy gave). I'd also say Johnny was a lot closer to Nate too. And then Bahler had ties to Jack from childhood, but Bahler really kept to himself. (But we don't really know anything about their lives outside of the crumbs we get so anything is possible!)
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The unsung heroes of HOTD • prologue
So here is the thing.
I was planning to make this a singular post, but at this point I am at I don't even know how many names but surely above at least five dozen, so I shall instead jump into my nerd shoes, and shall make of it a series.
The premise is as follows: The writing room of HOTD this season to a large extent failed a rich and marvelous piece of modern media and especially so, the incredibly gifted teams who worked on its production. It saddens me deeply how we only focus on the bad, while we fail to reflect on the enormous amount of talent and hard work so many people put into it. It happened in 2019. It will be happening again.
So what are we to do about it? Whine, dine, overanalyze, scream, cry, laugh, eat cake, repeat the same three curses until D&D reincarnated show up in our mirror?
Yap Condal this, yap Hess that? Condemn Martin for the next damned ungodly reason? Some folk may chose to slander and throw vitriol at the writing team and while I might indeed in the future yap along mine own hopefully constructive criticism (because some is positively and absofuckinglutely in place), I respectfully disagree with this approach of consuming media; yap about the bad, overlook the intensely good.
I should also state that I am sometimes that person to critique the let-people-enjoy-things movement for their certain lack of media literacy, but tis a lack that is often visible in the hotd critical tag as well.
To that statement, I should add, I refuse to become an apologist for Hess or Condal (the latter - let us all for a moment remember and admit - was one of the last saving graces of the rubbish inferno that was GOT's last couple of seasons and if you disagree - here be your invitation to enter a discourse with me). I might in due time issue a detailed post in a mock Shakespearian lingo mixed with High Valyrian & rap rhymes, but the point of this post is:
I should much more delight in praising the talented people who 1000% broke their backs and their hard labor is very clearly visible, because such is the topic I prefer mine own time be invested in.
We all agree across the board (right?) the actors are phenomenal. More than, even. I would love to touch on that as well but it shall be later on. I am much more interested in discussing the production value, because I'm here for this medium with all senses. Thus, I plan to focus on the production teams in this small nerdy series, sharing thoughts hopes griefs and all, as a way to fill the void in my heart until we get episodes 2x09 and 2x10 (my humorous brief on that: here).
For chapter i, we shall be focusing on the casting department, led by one Kate Rhodes James, for she is pure professional peak, more so than Nina Gold, dare I say, and everything she and her team have done for HOTD is purely and utterly ethereal, otherworldly, three-eyed-ravenesque, phenomenal.
When shall this post be posted will be decided by mine own nerdy brain and whether or not it decides to pen a 6000 words essay on a topic I know next to nothing of (surely, I could delve into research and this might be a source of delay, I suppose you see the potential for issues there).
TLDR version: I just want to spell the names of the folks that showed up to work and did fucking brilliant, and marvel at a their masterful craftsmanship.
Disclaimer 1: I cannot stress the following enough: I do not lend my support to anyone who would cast shade and hate or outright criticize the opinions of others simply because they diverge from their own. If thou dost desire to experience the show by critiquing the writers, then by all means - you do you, i do me, and we shall be in courteous and merry accord to agree to disagree.
Disclaimer 2: I know just about nothing of producing cinema and tv. I have one (1) friend who works in the industry. Come at me with professional opinions - very very welcome.
If thou would like to follow this endeavor, thou can keep an eye on the #the unsung heroes of hotd tag, no need to follow my daily fulminations.
I've done and made my peace.
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
hey i could use some advice if its okay (also sorry if this is vaguely venty i am, very upset right now) i'm having a hard time regulating my emotions regarding my friend of 5 years, she's a good friend and we've been through a lot of ups and downs but nothing that we couldnt eventually figure out a way through lately. like the past year or so i've felt like i mean nothing to her and like i'm just a second option to pass the time. it first became a problem when her boyfriend who was abusive and her got into an argument over me (he thought me playing minecraft with her was abusive /srs) and she literally tried breaking off 5 years of friendship, not cause he asked but to appease him just in case it'd make him happy. obviously it didnt end up working but it hurt and it still really does hurt after that, while with her bf she started fawning over a girl and thats all she'd talk to me about sometimes, every day its either the girl or her bf. either its venting or gushing either way day in day out i was there to listen and it felt like i just straight up didnt matter anymore cause it was always about them and how she desperately wanted to be talking to them as if i wasnt even there or something then finally she broke up w her bf, and i thought woo no more of that but she immedietely got with another guy who even says he doesnt wanna date her, only wants to use her body and rarely if ever texts her back, yet recently she threw $50 just to try and get him to reply all the while constantly yapping at me how much she'd rather talk to him. every few months its someone new and i become obsolete, she'd rather talk to them and cancels plans just to talk to them instead of me. i've started trying harder in our friendship, always letting her vent always accepting hang out invites always replying to texts always encouraging her interests. outright buying her things to try and help fill the void she might be trying to fill. but nothing works she's always more excited for someone else. not that i have to be a priority of course i understand that but it feels like i've never been a priority, i'm not even 2nd or 3rd place and i feel awful and it hurts. plus another thing she never listens to me despite saying that i do seem to know whats best, i try to be there for her and give her advice when she asks then she turns around and takes what she admits is worse advice from one of the other people she fawns over just because she likes them better. i don't think i matter anymore (or ever did) and i don't know how to regulate or deal with that, i don't wanna accidently lash out at her but i don't know how to get past this. i've been ignoring her more frequently (i know its not good but i cant bring myself to text her i know i'll scream if i do) and she doesnt even really initate conversation, if she does its about one of the people as usual. which just makes it hurt more and make me wanna scream and lash out even more. i'm probably overreacting so if you have any advice i'd really appreciate it, thank you for your time
Hi anon,
I'm sure my advice isn't what you want to hear, but my advice is that she is not a friend for you and you should end the friendship. Of course, you can always try communicating to her and seeing if she changes her behaviour, but I also worry that she'll tell you what you want to hear and continue this anyways. It's not to say maybe she genuinely is open to changing, but it sounds like she isn't in a place to be a good friend to you.
You deserve to have a friend who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Being ready to dismiss you like she has isn't a sign of a good friend. It also sounds like she takes you for granted.
You matter and you deserve friends who value you. You are not overreacting at all.
(Also, while it's reality that we tend to "prefer talking to someone" over someone else at times, or stuff like that, that isn't okay to say to you. )
You say she is a "good friend" and maybe she is in some ways. But from this ask, it feels to me that she isn't in a place herself where she is capable of giving you the friendship you deserve. It sounds like she has a lot of personal work and healing to do. When I say my advice is to "end the friendship" it doesn't mean it has to be permanent. But you deserve to be treated better, and if you aren't in a place to "end" it, you can definitely take a break from it.
If you aren't in a place to do that, then please start thinking about your boundaries and putting up boundaries with her. You deserve to be treated better.
Disclaimer: Please know that my advice comes from a place of what I would personally do. I am not a professional by any means, and cannot possible understand the nuance of the situation. You know this person better and your relationship much better than I could ever gauge from an ask. Please always be aware of patterns of behaviour, especially after healthy communication, because you deserve to be treated well. If a relationship/friendship isn’t for you, it’s entirely valid to end it even if it’s just a matter of being incompatible.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Baby Sister || Sam Drake x Adler!Reader
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Summary: You’re the baby sister of Rafe Adler. It’s been a while since he was imprisoned in Panama jail in an attempt to get a clue on his treasure hunting. Missing him dearly as he is the only family member that left you, you make your way into the prison to meet with Rafe. Unfortunately, he isn’t happy seeing you. The entire situation ends in you and Samuel Drake getting a bit too close to one another.
Warnings: Smut! ♥
Words: 4194
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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It has been half a year since the day your older brother, Rafael Adler, was imprisoned in Panama prison.
Missing him dearly, you begged the director of the facility to let you meet with your brother. It took you several visits to gain man's trust of not being smuggler of any kind, and in the end you've gotten a permit.
That day the gates of Panama prison opened for you widely, and two guards escorted you directly to a meeting room.
Dressed in a black, flared dress that reached half of your thighs, and flat, white sneakers, you stepped inside the outpost.
There was a horrible kind of climate of fear and paranoia there, it made a cold shiver run down your spine.
Some nasty comments addressed to you by prisoners while you were following the guards along a desolated corridor made your involuntary gag reflex harder than ever before.
Soon, the three of you have reached a huge, steel door. One of the guards opened them with a key that was previously attached to his belt. You were allowed inside, and as soon as you stepped in, you saw Rafael standing next to the window, he was peeking outside, at a prison yard.
"Rafael!," Your voice was nothing more but a quiet mumble.
Rafe wasn't happy, not even a little bit.
He knew there were problems coming when he heard from Vargas that there was a young girl begging to let her meet with a brother.
"What are you doing in here, huh? I told you to stay away from it, does your little female brain have problems with processing words?,” He growled, crossing arms over his chest. The last thing he needed now was his little sister dragging him and the whole job down.
Without regard for his rough words, you approached him and simply nuzzled to his chest.
The gap between the two of you wasn't too big, yet he was 5 years older than you.
Since when he was gone from your family home, you had to take care of yourself, and it was rather a thankless task. You didn't know what to do, and cried thousands of years after him.
Even though his attitude towards you was always harsh, you loved him dearly. He was your only family, and he was a role model in your eyes.
You and Rafe exchanged a lot of letters, he assured in them that he missed you equally much as you did miss him.
"It's been so long, brother. I was so scared you might be hurt... You stopped responding to my letters, so I did everything to be allowed in here... I just had to check whether you're in good health or not..."
Rafe rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed.
"Are you done with yapping? I told you I am busy with Drakes, I am not going to waste my time on silly letters," man added, looking at you. "I left you home with everything you needed. I even hired this stupid butler just to make sure you won't die out there."
Rafe tried his best to get rid of you. Yes, you were his only family member, but most of the time you were a bit too much to handle for him. Following and nagging him. "Do you need anything?"
"I missed you... That's all," you whispered sadly and quickly took a place on a metal chair standing at the tip of a metal table. "The butler won't replace my brother, in any way. The house is so huge, so empty and cold without you being there," you lowered your head.
Anytime he was raising his tone on you, he was guilt-tripping you. You were only a girl, and even your desperate attempts in getting his attention (like trying to study all the stuff he needed in his so called work), you were always pushed aside in the end.
"If that's all you can go back home. I really don't have time for sensitivity, I didn't come here for pleasure. I. Am. Working. Here!," He said loudly, hands clenched in fists.
Rafe honestly had enough of you already. You're always coming to him because you wanted to show pointless stuff, or you needed something. It was driving him crazy sometimes.
Lowering your head, you bit your lower lip hard. You closed eyes for a moment, trying your best to hold the tears back. You never knew what you have done wrong in your lifetime to deserve such a treatment from his side.
When you cooled down a little, you got up, and not looking at him you walked to the door and banged them to let guards know the visit was finished.
"It was nice to see you all well after all," you whispered.
"Sit down," Rafe said suddenly, pointing on the metal chair. "Now," he ordered harshly.
Blinking and being taken aback by his sudden interest, you looked at him above your shoulder.
In the same moment one of the guards peeked inside.
In Spanish you thanked him and assured it won't take you long, because apparently your brother wants to tell you something.
As soon as the door was closed again, you took a seat.
"Now, stay here," he muttered, briefly patting the top of your head. "Don't even move," Rafe instructed before leaving the room, he knew the guard won't be a problem. Rafe paid a lot to get himself and Drake brothers in here after all.
A few minutes later the door opened again, but this time it wasn't Rafe. It was one of Drake brothers, the older one to be exact.
"Hello? Rafe said that there might be a nice lady to talk to?," Sam hummed and looked at you with a cigarette slipped between his lips. "Hey."
You frowned, but remained quiet, and didn't even shift in your spot. You observed the man, and you did recognise him after many of your brother stories. It was probably Samuel Drake, the older from Drake brothers. The one who had to be an expert in pirate stuff that Rafe needed so desperately in his work.
You licked your lips, and tilted your head a little. "Where's Rafe?"
Sam moved the cigarette from one corner of his mouth to another. "Um, I don't know. He said there is a nice lady here, and went on with his stuff. I'd come with my little brother, but sadly he is busy as well. You would love him, he is younger and more your age, but of course not as charming as I am," he winked and sat on the chair right in front of you.
In the first impulse you wanted to get out of the room. You were all alone with a complete stranger. Rafe has left you to the wolves again, you weren't even surprised. Instead, a rage was filling your soul.
But then a realization came to your mind; if this was one of Drake brothers, you could prove your brother your real value by trying to get some information from this man. You decided to play a little game.
You rested your chin on your hand. "So you must be the older from Drake duo," whispering, you tilted your head aside and smiled on h sweetly.
Sam nodded with a smile on his lips. "Yup! Samuel Drake at your service."
Sam heard about you, mostly about how annoying you were, but here he was, right in front of you. You were sitting in front of him in this beautiful dress, you looked cute to him. "So... He left you here? All alone?"
With a little shrug a little sigh came along. "As you can see," you looked down on your hands and rubbed them together. "My brother was never an effusive person, especially not when it came to me," adding, you slowly got up from your place and walked to the window.
Sam nodded slowly. "I can tell, we spent some time together and honestly I am surprised. I am an older brother myself, I would die for Nathan," he summed up.
Listening to his words, you peeked out of the window to see a few guards with guns patrolling the yard.
You turned to the man that was trapped with you in a room, slowly bending your ass against the low windowsill. "Your brother's lucky then."
Sam watched you without saying a word.
You decided to take over control. Knowing the place he was in, you assumed it must have been a great while since he held a woman in his arms. Playing with emotions was something you were thankful to Rafe for teaching you.
You walked to the man and simply took a seat on his lap. Gently playing with his sideburn, you licked your lips. "I've heard you're a specialist from pirates. Is that true? Are you currently looking for a treasure? My brother was telling me you're good at this."
It was happening quickly, but he didn't mind at all, they all were locked down there for a bit too long, and he surely missed the woman's company. "Yes, I am a pirate expert, and yes, we are looking for a treasure. That's why our asses are stuck in here."
"I was always interested in my brother's work, though he didn't want to share anything with me," you whispered in a sad tone. "Do you know where to look for this treasure or whatever it is?," You asked sweetly after a moment of silence. Your fingers trailed up and down his chest.
Sam chuckled, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "Listen, little one, I know you tried to find out something so you could tell your brother, but sadly that ship has sailed. Rafe knows about everything we do," Drake shrugged, patting your hip.
You blinked a few times, his words surprised you much. Shifting slightly in your place, you bit your lower lip, and looked him in the eye.
Sam grabbed your chin, his thumb gently stroked it. "What's wrong, Y/N?," He asked simply.
"I...," You mumbled and went quiet. You felt like a complete idiot. First, you tried to seduce the man to get information about him. And he figured your plan out so quickly.
Your eyes glistened as you gazed at him; he was a handsome man.
"Want me to get you out of here? I can walk you to the guard station. Just talk to me," Drake stated, rubbing your back.
You didn't know how to behave. Taking he was an enemy of some kind, you should have kicked him right in the balls. But on the other hand, he was kind to you all the time, even if you tried to mock him. "Yes, please," you asked politely.
Sam helped you get off his lap, then he got up and walked you to the door. Sam even opened them for you. "Honestly, pity you don't want to stay longer, but it was a pleasure to meet you after all."
You stopped him from opening the door fully. You didn't know why you acted this way, but an urge grew within your body. It's been a while since you were with a man as well. You didn't know why, but this guy was turning your head upside down. "No," you whispered and closed them, you leaned your back against the steel.
Sam chuckled. "Are you like one of those typical women that don't know what they want?," He teased you.
Blushing, you turned your head aside.
Thinking about your past, you knew you made a lot of mistakes. You knew it was wrong to blindly follow your brother's will, yet you did.
But now you wanted to decide for yourself. At least once in a lifetime. If he left you alone, like a prey you seemingly were to him, you had a right to use the situation as well, hadn't you?
You wrapped your arms around the man's chest and nuzzled him.
Sam wrapped his arms around you.
You were cute, the whole 'I can't decide' thing was getting into him.
Sam grabbed your hips and picked you up to take a good look at you. "Is there something you want to tell me, sweetheart?"
"I have never met a man as handsome and mysterious as you," you mumbled openly, giggling as he picked you up.
"And I have never met a girl as sweet and small as you," Sam said, surprised at how light you were. "So, what shall I do with you now, huh?," He hummed nuzzling to you. Sam was aware of your intention but he wanted to hear it from you.
"Put me down, that's first," you asked calmly, and as soon as he did, you looked up into his eyes. He was twice your height, towering over you like skyscrapers over a block. "Second," you pretended to be thinking hardly, "if I'm Adler, and if you're Drake, then we can think about some nice way to bury the hatchet."
"Well, that would be nice if we would have any 'hatchet' to bury, love, and we have none," Sam said, looking down on you. "I have never seen you before and if you will try to play around some more I will simply leave."
"What am I supposed to say?," You whispered.
"Tell me what you want, Y/N. Rafe told me to take care of you and I will gladly do this," Sam muttered with a mischievous grin.
You smiled at him and tilted your head aside. "Take me to my brother."
Sam rolled his eyes and lit the cigarette.
Soon, he led you out of the room and took you to Rafe.
"Oh, for fuck's sake, even Drake had enough of you?," Rafe asked deeppy annoyed as soon as he spotted you entering the yard.
As your brother was sitting with a few men, you excused them and tugged on his sleeve. "What the fuck was that?," You asked him in a lowered voice. "Who the fuck I am for you? A fucking toy you can toss everywhere and to anyone you want?," You asked him as you walked aside for a bit.
"I never asked you to tag along, you always followed me like an annoying little brat you truly are," Rafe growled. "You are an adult, go get a life and stop following me," Adler said, not even trying to be quiet.
Sam frowned at the whole situation. He didn't know you too long, but he was more than sure you didn't deserve such a treatment.
Clenching teeth, you swallowed hard. And shortly after, you aimed your brother a robust slap right in the face. Glaring up at him, you snarled. "You're deluded, brother. Think about this when you'll be fucking rotting here, all alone, with no one to reach a hand toward you. A fucking lone fool. Remember, there are still things you can't buy with your bloody cash."
You were surprised by your own behaviour and the fact you dug in your heels against Rafael.
The next moment, you stormed off the yard.
Rafe didn't take it to himself, he didn't care. "One problem less," Rafe summed up before returning to his mates.
Sam was the one to run after you. "Hey, hey. Wait, you can't just walk alone. Not here," he informed you simply.
"What can happen?," You snarled in a response. "If I'd vanish once and for all, he'd be the one to dance happily on my grave."
"You can get hurt here, and please, don't say that," Sam grabbed your arm to stop you. "You can't act like this only because he's a dick."
"I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want to," you turned to face the man.
"You are an adult, you are free to do what you want, but it doesn't mean you can waste your life just because your brother is a dick. You should show you are better than he thinks you are," Sam explained.
You listen to his words. The man seemed very wise and very down to earth. Definitely your type.
Without thinking too much, you climbed on tiptoes, pulled him by a collar, and crushed your lips on his.
Sam gladly kissed you back, after a moment he pulled away with a smile. "I did not expect that," he admitted.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you grabbed his palm. With a mischievous grin, you pulled him behind you. With a corner of your eye you spotted a guard leaving one of the rooms, and you decided to risk it all, pulling the man in that direction.
Sam wasn't really sure about it, they had things to do and they were treated like normal prisoners, but he followed you anyway. After all, you were sweet. Sweet enough to make him go after you. "You are a crazy, little girl."
You simply pushed him inside the room. You decided that if there would be anyone, you'd lie quickly that the man was leading you to the exit and you two messed the way.
Fortunately, the room was empty. As soon as the door closed right behind the two of you, you pushed the man on the wall. You once again climbed on your tiptoes to kiss him, this time you let your tongue dance with his one a little. And you had to admit that he was an amazing kisser.
Sam kissed you back, grabbing your waist. He gave you the possibility of dominating him in the kiss.
But then he picked you up and soon you were pressed to the wall. "Time to change places, sweetheart."
Humming willingly, you let the man press you to the wall.
As he broke the kiss, you gasped loudly, sadly, as the contact was lost.
Sam smiled at you before dropping to his knees, he wanted to take his time with you, but sadly he couldn't. It wasn't a five star hotel, it was a prison after all. "Let's see what are you hiding there, princess," Sam hummed before moving the skirt of your dress up.
You licked your lips and parted them, observing his actions. He was so sure of what he was doing, it impressed you very much. As the blush hit your face, you let your eyes closed.
Sam teased you through your panties, just a little bit to get you ready. Then he pulled your panties aside and attacked your clit like he was a starving beast.
You gasped and instinctively muffled yourself by putting a curled hand to your lips. He gave you a new sensation. Of course, you did have sex, but only oral one and only with your former boyfriend who was just as inexperienced as you. Sam, on the other hand, was playing with you wisely, discovering a new level of desire to you.
"You like it, huh?," Sam asked, playing with your clit.
He raised to his feet, looking at you with a cocky smile.
"I wish I could eat that sweet pussy properly but looking at our poor position. This needs to wait, you are wet for me anyway," Sam winked and picked you up, pressing you to the wall.
At this moment Sam was thankful that his prison uniform was loose and easy to remove.
A soft moan escaped your lips as he picked you up a little. Your legs wrapped quickly around his hips as your hands rushed to tug his pants down. Oh, how much he was turning you on! "I need you, so much!"
"Oh you will get it, babe. I can promise you that, you will get whatever you need," Sam assured you before pulling his pants down, he wasn't wearing any underwear and his cock was standing proudly. "How much do you want it?"
"So much!," you gasped and reached out to grab his erected cock. You gave it a stroke or two, your palm wrapped tightly around his shaft. You tried to guide him right inside of you.
"But keep your hands up here, babe. I'll do the work," Sam instructed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You simply relax and sing for me."
After those words Sam started to slowly penetrate your sweet pussy, he could feel that even if you had sex in past, a guy did a poor job.
"Hell! Fuck!," You moaned quietly, right into man's ear. A cold shiver ran along your spine. "Fuck, oh God!," You were moaning louder and louder. "You're so big! I can't take it!," You kissed the man's cheek, and moved to suck on his neck. His skin tasted with sweat, but you didn't mind.
"Oh I can bet you can take it, “ he hummed, rubbing your belly lovingly. "And a bit more than just my cock. Just relax," Sam purred, giving you one hard thrust before returning to gently pace. He didn't want to hurt you in any way.
"Ah!," You mumbled and nuzzled to his neck. Instantly, as soon as he made a hard thrust, you felt how wet you became and that your walls got loosened a bit. You tried to cool your breath down.
"You see? I told you that you can take it. Such a good girl," Sam smiled at the nice feeling of your walls loosening a bit around him. Knowing this he started to move faster, Sam knew you can take it. "You are doing a great job, babe,” he hummed, moving his hand into your hair to pull them gently.
You wrapped arms tighter around his neck and gasped right into his ear. He felt so amazing in you. He stretched you oh so well! "Fuck, fuck, so good, so hot, fuck...," You raised your tone a little and rolled head back.
Sam chuckled at your moans and cupped your cheek to make you look at him. "Oh, I know this all, sweetheart and I can say that you feel amazing around my cock,” without more unnecessary words Sam pulled you into a kiss, he was getting close to his climax.
You cupped his face in hands and kissed him. The kiss was messy, rapid. You gasped for air when you broke the kiss. "Oh, God, something is.... Oh, my God!," You mumbled as your walls started clenching.
Sam smiled against your lips.
"Oh, you poor thing, no one ever made you reach your peak? Let me show you how the real man does it, you'll love it,” he hummed, his hand moved between your bodies to play with your clit. "Just don't hold it, babe."
You rolled head back, your eyes shut closed, your lips parted and thighs squeezing man's hips. Your nails dug into his back where you scratched him. "I'm cumming!," You screamed.
"Good girl,” Sam hummed into your ear. His hips didn't stop to move even after your climax. "Now, tell me, do you want to be a good girl or do you want me to fill you up?"
"I want to be a good girl," you whispered. "Please!"
Sam let out a sad sigh, he expected a bit more from you. "As you wish. Pity ‘cuz I am not a fan of good girls,” he slowly pulled his cock out of you, Sam gave himself a few strokes before painting your clothed belly with his warm, thick seed. "That was good."
You licked your lips and gasped, immediately you went down to your knees and wrapped lips around his shaft. You only smirked and bobbed your head back and forth, sucking on him.
He moved his hand into your hair pulling at them. "This feels nice but that's enough, Y/N. You sucked me dry, babe."
 You ran the tip of your tongue along his shaft for the very last time.
Sam chuckled and helped you get up. Pulling his pants up he looked at you, of course he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "That was something girl," Sam hummed, puffing out some smoke.
You looked at him innocently. "Did you... Enjoy it? Truly?," You looked like you were seeking confirmation in his eyes. It was your very first time with a skilled man and you felt so exposed.
"Oh, I did enjoy it. Truly," he said and kissed your cheek. "I promise you one thing: as soon as we will be out of this hell - I will find you and we'll play some more."
"You somehow know where to look for me," you bit your lower lip.
At this moment the door to the room opened and a guard rushed inside. "What the fuck!"
"I told you she is here just wandering around. I knew she would be a problem," Rafe said to the guards with his back pressed to the wall, Nathan stood next to him completely confused.
You shrugged. "I pressed on him to go there, I thought this is where the exit is," you explained, laying smoothly
Everyone looked at you. The guards frowned and grabbed you, simply dragging you away.
Before you were pushed outside the outpost, you turned your head around. "Thank you for
guiding me
, Samuel!"
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sunshinecrashed · 4 years
falling for you
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kamado tanjiro x reader
training turned tension starters, “...do we always end up on top of each other?”
summary: the two times you fall onto him, and the one time he falls onto you.
word count: 1,800+
warnings: minor injuries, fighting demons, just a tiny bit of suggestiveness mainly just fluff tho :)
a/n: i enjoyed writing this *so much* holy shit
• ﹒•  °  ˚ ° ⋆ ✧ ✧ ✧ ⋆ ° ˚  ° •﹒ •
The first time you “fell for him” was during the Final Selection.
Dusk was settling over the forest fast, and you were snoring away in a dreamless sleep. You were currently high up in one of the trees laying on a branch with your back to the trunk, your Nichirin blade laying across your lap. 
This had quickly become a routine for you; regain your energy by sleeping during the day, and slay the demons in the forest at night. But the exhaustion must have finally settled in, and you haven’t woken up yet despite the setting sun. 
On the forest floor, a young demon slayer with a hanafuda earrings was already awake and alert, prepared for the night to come. As the wind shifted direction, his nose caught the scent of... someone new? Under the first layer of dirt and dried blood (an expected combination that he had become familiar with), he caught the faint scent of cherry blossoms and something that vaguely reminded him of warmth. 
Tanjiro closed his eyes in concentration as he tried to pinpoint the owner. With a little "oh!”, he found himself looking up towards the tree tops where he caught a glimpse of you sitting on a branch. 
“Ah, that makes sense.” he said with a smile. With all of the other demon slayers scattered around the forest, it had been a little while since he had come in contact with another person. 
Should he try to get your attention? Night was quickly approaching and it would be immoral for him to just leave you there vunerable.... and it didn’t look like you were going to wake up any time soon with how deep in sleep you were.
“Umm.. Excuse me?” He cupped his hands and tried to call up. 
Not even a peep from you. You snored away, blissfully unaware. Tanjiro tried again, this time a little louder. “Hello?” 
A twitch of the leg. Hey, at least he was getting somewhere!
And finally, after one last “HELLO???” you jerked awake with a loud gasp, sitting upright with too much momentum. Tanjiro’s eyes widened as he saw you lose your balance and not-so-gracefully tumble out of the tree. 
You yelped in fear, preparing to hit the ground before you were caught in someone’s sturdy arms. But nothing could have prepared Tanjiro for the impact, and you both crashed to the ground, which was still better than falling straight to the ground out of a tree.
“Ouch...” You rubbed your head a little before you realized that you were currently interlaced with someone else. Your eyes met with gentle dark red ones and at last you said, “Oh my god! I am so so sorry--” as you helped him up. 
The demon slayer laughed brightly as he took your hand. 
"It’s no problem! Really, it was my fault for surprising you in the first place.” He commented with a nonchalant smile. He looked really handsome when he did that, especially in the last few rays of light before nightfall.
 You smiled back with a light blush on your face. “Nah, it’s okay. I’m [Name], it’s nice to meet you!” you introduced. 
“Nice to meet you, [Name],” he said brightly. “My name is Kamado Tanjiro. Want to stick together until we’re out of this forest?”
-- -- --
The second time you “fell for him” was on Natagumo Mountain, against the Spider Family. 
After the Final Selection a few months back, you and Tanjiro accompanied each other through every mission. You actually got along really well with him, and his kind-hearted nature let you two bond together seamlessly. 
Along the way, you got to meet with his sister Nezuko, who (after you got over the initial shock of) you discovered was very sweet and filled with curiosity. Zenitsu was a real oddball at first, begging you to marry him and later clinging to you at the Drum House. But, like with most people, he grew on you after some time, and you enjoyed teasing him about his loneliness (to which he would playfully hit you with his sleeves and halfheartedly cry in denial). Inosuke on the other hand... was an interesting thing. Some days, he would quietly absorb your praise as he processed your kindness to him, and other days he would yell at you to fight him so that he could confirm his strength. 
This little group of weirdo’s that you’ve somehow been wrapped up in has found its way into your heart, and you wouldn’t trade them for the world. Yes, you valued your friendship with them, but you couldn’t help feeling that what you had with Tanjiro was... different. 
The four of you (and Nezuko) were currently deep in the Natagumo forest, clashing swords with the puppet Mizunotos. 
As your blade met a puppet’s with a sharp clang, you gritted your teeth and called out to Tanjiro, “There’s a few more over here! How do they just keep coming--” 
Before you could finish your sentence, you hardly realized that the tiny spiders had connected their threads to your arms and shoulders, and you were pulled up into the trees, wrists tied together. 
Tanjiro whipped around when he heard your cry and the sound of your sword falling. 
“[Name]!” He gasped, abandoning his current fight with a different puppet. Your arm was being pulled into a brutal position and tears welled up in your eyes as you cried out in pain. 
His body moved before he could even process it, and before he knew it, he had slashed the threads holding you in place, dropping you both to the ground. With a crash that was all to similar to the first time you met, this time you found yourself on top of him while he looked up at you concerned.
 “Shit, [Name] are you okay?” He asked worriedly. You brushed the tears from your eyes as you quickly nodded and confirmed, “..Yeah, I’m alright. Thank you, Tanjiro. That could have gotten really nasty.” 
“Of course.. but will you be able to fight with that arm?” His eyes scanned you for any more injuries. You gave him a reassuring smile. “It was my non-dominant arm. They’ll have to try a lot harder to get me!” 
Tanjiro let out a breath of relief that he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Thank goodness. You’re really important to me.” His eyes widened before he stuttered out, “I-I mean, what I was trying to say was--” 
It was only then that he realized that you were still on top of him, and a blush steadily grew onto his face as he froze. He could feel the warmth of your body through your uniform, and as a fleeting thought, he concluded that he really enjoyed your scent this close up--
“HEY! QUIT YOUR YAPPING!” Inosuke interrupted, as he charged towards you both with the intention of head-butting you both. 
-- -- --
For the third and (hopefully) final time, it was actually Tanjiro that fell for you. 
All of you guys had been staying at the Butterfly Estate under the care of Shinobu and the other kind girls. You came out of the Natagumo attack with relatively light injuries, except for your arm, which you later found out had small fractures in it that needed a few weeks to fully heal, and a shoulder strain. But Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke had it the worst, with a large handful of concerning injuries spread between all of them. 
Even as your arm recovered, you still stayed at the Mansion to partake in the daily training exercises and practicing Total Concentration: Constant. Tanjiro was the one working the hardest to master this, and to your bewilderment, he even went out on the rooftop while everyone was asleep to fully immerse himself. 
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you glanced around the room, realizing that Tanjiro’s bed was empty.
‘Is he out meditating again?’ you wondered. 
 Inosuke laid on your left side sprawled out in a star-fish fashion, his boar’s head still on his shoulders even in sleep. A few beds over, Zenitsu was curled up in the fetal position while he snored remarkably loud.
 ‘One of these nights I’m going to smother him with a pillow--’ you thought while you slid your legs out of bed and shuffled over to the door, shivering at the cold ground. 
Just as you thought, Tanjiro was sitting on the rooftop, eyes closed, sit in a criss-cross fashion to keep himself upright. You sighed as you carefully climbed up to sit beside him, gently coaxing him out of his meditation with the soft calling of his name. 
‘--anjiro. Tanjiro..?’ He opened his eyes to see you already looking at him, with pink dusted over your cheeks. You hoped that your blush could be passed off as an indication of the cold air. Definitely not my feelings for Tanjiro, nope. 
Your lips quirked up, making his heat beat a just a tad bit faster at the sight. “Sorry to bother you,” You tucked some hair behind your ear. “I got a little curious when I saw that you weren’t in your bed.” 
“Don’t worry about it! It’s a little chilly out, so lets go back inside.” He stood up and reached his roughened hand out for you to steady yourself onto. Once he felt your softer hand in his, the butterflies in his stomach that he was trying so hard to brush off erupted, and he couldn’t fight the beaming of his smile. 
And once you saw him smile, you knew it was over for you too.
As you both made your way down from the roof, Tanjiro’s hand slipped from yours as he lost footing with a yelp. 
“T-Tanjiro!” You reacted as quick as you could, your practiced reflexes jumping into action as you caught him before he could hit the ground. You dove into a roll so that you didn’t hurt him, and ended up with his legs tangled in yours. 
This time the roles were switched as you held him in your arms, both of you sharing the same wide-eyed expression. Tanjiro was the first one to snap out of it, asking “..Do we always end up on top of each other?” with a soft smile. 
You quickly stood up with him and began your stuttering apology before he cut you off.
“What are you--” Tanjiro gently shushed you by pulling you by the waist and pressing his lips against yours. Your whole body froze up as you realized that Tanjiro was kissing you.
He broke the kiss after a second and immediately gasped, letting out a hurried “I’m so sorry-- I should have asked you first!” He closed his eyes and prepared to face the backlash. 
But he faced none as he was only met with the feeling of soft lips against his own.
 Once he understood that you were okay with it (more than okay with it), he smiled against your lips and pressed your warm body into his. In return, your hands found their way around his neck and into the curls of his dark red hair. 
Somewhere in between all of the tumbles you both took, you must have truly fallen for each other. 
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This is written though to @mizunetzu Christmas event secret Santa. I didn't know when to post it but on the day of the deadline. So I hope the person whoes secret Santa I got to be like it and it is good? Which I doubt.
Warnings: none
Fandom: my hero academia/ Boku no hero academia
Title: The Love Letter
Ship: Mirio x male Reader
Mirio is quite a good guy always fun to be around, he turns to look at the positive side of things.
And that's what made you like him even more, his great and fun. Since the day he met you he stuck around like a log every corner you turn you met him with a wide smile spread across his face.
At some point you started having romantic feelings towards the said boy, a little afraid to speak up. You didn't know his sexuality or what kind of person he's into, it kinda confused you since he surrounds himself with all kind of people, different personalities, genders, ages and taste.
His definitely a attention seeker, for great friendships.
Instead of pouring your heart out in person not wanting to face humiliation, or be seen spilling tears. Not wanting to be friend zoned in person.
You could only do one affected thing...
Write a love letter♡
Yes go a bit old school and express your feelings through written words on a piece of paper and stick it into his bag, anonymously.
"Hey, (L/n) look here isn't this dress really pretty or what?" One of the girls in class leaned over showing a certain (h/c) who was bored out of his mind face down on desk drool running down his chin
"Huh?" Lazily turned to look at the girl as she shove the magazine into his face. Forcefully taking it for her sitting up straight again so he can actually she what she was yapping about
"Yeah, I guess so?"
"I mean like yeah it's cute isn't it?"
(Y/n) ignored the rest of the girl's blabbering turning his attention back to the book in his hand flipping through the pages, it was pretty noisy in class being break and all everyone can enjoy their food as well as break.
"Did you hear, Mirio Togata another girl confessed to him."
"I heard he rejected her."
"Really, I bet its cause he doesn't have a quirk anymore."
"What a shame I guess his not worth it anymore."
"Its so sad how he keeps smiling like that."
A few girls whispered. (Y/n) had enough slamming his hand onto the table startling the girls
"His not worthless, his power isn't the only good trait about him! He has a great personality and strong believes!" The boy yelled taking his stand turning away leaving the classroom
Most of the class was shocked especially Tamaki and Nejire knowing (Y/n) isn't actually a person that gets easily angry
"Wow that really happened?" Mirio questioned a little surprised, Nejire just told him what you did for him first he thought it wasn't necessary but then again you were brave enough to defend him. It was sweet in a way made him happy to know your looking out for him
"Yeah, my the way you where going to show us what's in your hand?" The purple haired girl says trying to speak past her friend back
"Oh! This-" Mirio paused reaveling the Piece of paper that was behind him, a bright smile spread across his face he was practically sparkling
"O m G, is that a love letter!" Nejire gaps getting happy for her friend, her heart all pounding even if it wasn't meant for her she would always care and love her friends, even Tamaki cracked a shy smile taking a quick look at the happy blonde
"Yep, it's a love letter. Found it in my bag."
"Really what does it say what does it say?!"
"It is the most beautiful and loving thing I have ever read, the feelings and emotions poured into writing it, the reason why they love me made me feel completed, when and how got me to tears and laughter I couldn't help but smile. I'm in love." Mirio smiled softly a single year sliding down his cheek arms hugging the paper tightly to his chest
"Wow.. who sent it?"
"Anonymous. They where to afraid to give it in person or speak up, it makes me sad to think so."
"Oh.. mmh?" A concern look spread on Nejire face feeling bad for her friend "so you'll never know who it is?" She whispered is a sad tone
"Oh! No," Mirio laughed rubbing the back of his head "I know this hand writing anywhere I've seen it too many times, I know who this is."
"Yep. Now if you'd excuse me I gotta a crush to hunt down" Mirio waved disappearing down the halls, leaving his two friends behind
"Why that bitch!" (Y/n) cursed kicking the wall leaving dusty shoe prints on the stone, anger written all over his face, sadness building up in his eyes
'Why would anyone be valued to their power? Instead why not love them regardless of what they are, who they are, what gender they are or not. You should love the person not what they have!'
"It pissed me the fuck off!"
"What does?" A kind voice traveled with care and a little worried to (Y/n) ears, making him turn to the owner of the loving voice. Mirio stood there a small smile on his face soft gaze upon your form
"Oh! Mirio sorry it's nothing." (Y/n) says looking away avoiding eye contact his shyness immediately returns with a aching heartbeat and a uncontrollable blush
"Hey, (Y/n) buddy I wanna talk to you." Mirio slowly walking toward you till he was face to face trying to catch your attention by going into your line of sight but it only ended up with you turning your back to him, unable to control your heartbeat wondering if he could hear it just as loud as you are
"So, I wanna thank you. I heard from Nejire what happened and I'm really grateful that you stood up for me I didn't know you care that much. So thanks (Y/n)." The words made you so happy, if this makes you feel like your about to die what would a kiss do?
"There's something else I want to talk about too, this is kinda girly but. I got a love letter today!" Mirio started talking in an unsure tone till he ended the sentence with a much more gleeful and cheerful tone all smiles and rainbows
"R-really ?" You took a quick glimpse at the paper in his hand turning back to the wall
"Yeah, wanna hear what it says?"
"N-no-" your voice came out below whisper unheard from Mirio as he continued
"I was thinking today about how very much I love you, and how I never have the courage to tell you that. So I wanted to sit down and let you know how truly in love with you I really am Mirio.
I still remember the first time I met you I thought you were weird and you till are, we were both still in middle school so I didn't know much about my feelings, it took me very long to figure out, You were smiling ear-to-ear and absolutely lit up the room it made me feel shy and awkward around you which I'm not. I tried avoiding you but like paper you stuck to me like glue.
Till today you still make me happy and shy. Weak to my knees along the way
I truly think you are the most handsome guy in the world. I love the feeling of your gaze on me even the tiniest brushed of skin makes me hyper. Your smile lifts my spirits on even my worst days. I love your laugh and your ability to find humor in every situation. I’m so grateful for everything you do for me.
You truly complete me. These last few years have been the happiest of my life. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel to always have my best friend by my side, but I'm too scared to face rejection and see a sorry look on your face.
I'd rather keep myself hidden in your shadow. So I can just love you for awhile longer
I truly love you. Mirio Togata."
"Yeah that's really pretty." I sighed, why would he read it to me? I send it anonymously it hurts just knowing I can't be with him
"Yeah it, is really pretty it makes me happy to know someone cares this much about me and is afraid to tell me in person. This letter is making me happy but I'm already in love."
What? He.. why do I feel like crying? My heart ached worse and it hurts
Tears started falling dripping down into the ground disappearing beneath the sand, (Y/n) body started trembling as he hugged himself feeling hopeless and pain
"(Y/n) what's wrong?... why are you crying?!" Mirio panicked not knowing what to do, only to turn you around facing him and hug you tightly to him pressing your face into his soft chest arms securely around your back
"Its okay, it is okay (Y/n) I'm right here you can talk to me, does it hurt somewhere did someone say something mean." He spoke softly between your sobbing and whimpering holding you tight as possible
"I-I ... lo-love you-you Mi-rio.. please don't g-go!" It made a kind smile appeared on the blonde face he lift you chin so that your eyes met, his shirt was all wet from your crying but that is the last thing on his mind
"Hey, calm down. Its okay I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." You finally steady your breaths you heart still beating out of your chest, as Mirio whips away your tears
"I love you too. (Y/n) (L/n), the love letter is truly beautiful."
I hope you enjoyed. ~
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shoichee · 4 years
Hey 😃 hope this is the correct way to send you the matchup 🙈
Female, heterosexual
MBTI: ENFJ-A, my sign is libra, reading and writing is my hobby, but in the summer months I prefer to go outside to a walk or meet with my friends and hang out, I don’t think that I have specific skill but I have tried many things 😅 Like climbing, kickboxing, dancing and a few other things (like Knitting 😂). My biggest weakness is that I can't say no. I don't want to hurt others and therefore try to please them. Typical Libra.
But I'm also very determined and when I set my mind on something, I get it done. Private life is then secondary. I work and study at the same time at the moment. This means I have less time for my friends. I am also the oldest sibling of three girls but the shortest one 😂
I‘m 5.1 ft and most of the People would describe my body type as chubby 🥰 (I’m fine with that now. Sometimes I struggle with it but most of the time I’m happy and confident with it)
I have no problem talking to strangers and get into conversation with most people. I am rarely embarrassed, but if I am, I can always laugh about it 😂
I really hope I Make it on time to send you this 🙈💕
I hope you got adequate sleep and see this when you wake up! I still can’t believe you woke up at 3am to send a matchup 😂
Best Matchup. . .
Kise Ryōta
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Kise is an ESFP, and ENFJs and ESFPs can seem like they have nothing in common, especially when it comes to how both of you see the world and think about things
ENFJs can be idealistic and goal-oriented, while ESFPs tend to be pragmatic and hedonistic
however, these are only different approaches to the same “thing,” meaning both MBTIs share a similar value system… but just have different ways to approaching/solving things
speaking of similar value system, both types tend to share deep empathy and compassion for others and try to be of service to people they care about
now that we addressed the possibilities with this pairing of MBTI… let’s move onto your zodiacs: apparently libra women are extremely compatible with gemini men (but again, take this with a grain of salt because sources aren’t too reliable… but this is the general consensus to keep in mind)
I actually picked Kise for the main reason of seeing your personality traits and your tendencies, and it’s only the MBTI and zodiac that solidified my choice
the first thing that stuck out to me is how you tried so many hobbies and skills for the sake of experimenting, which is VERY similar to Kise’s experimentation throughout his middle school (and high school too) years, especially with sports
literally both of you would be the most versatile couple ever LOL
because both of you have tried tons of shit, it’s quite clear that both of you are open to new experiences and some level of spontaneity, adding further spark to the dynamic
and Kise has actually tried dancing before too, according to one of the Replace novels! he’d totally try to challenge you and maybe even give you a few pointers in Dance Dance Revolution…
while he would try to pester you to teach him some skills you’ve learned over the years, you’d also ask him to teach you some of the sports he’s learned in Teiko (besides basketball, of course)
why do I get the feeling that he’d insist on watching you showcase your skills to him… and then he’d challenge himself to copy and outdo you within a week or something??
imagine him trying to punch and kick the air in trying to learn how to kickbox
or him bringing yarn and knitting needles from who knows where and trying to figure out the stitches during break
most of the time, no one entertains his antics and dramatic movements so when you show up… both of you are talking nonstop, like… Kasamatsu has to DRAG this man away from you before he yapped his mouth off to the sky
however, you’re able to keep Kise in check because he’s not so friendly to strangers, since he won’t think they’re “worthy” until they prove him wrong otherwise; in other words, you’re the one doing the friendly conversations with strangers while Kise steps back to observe the newcomer for a bit
gosh, he thinks it’s SO CUTE when you try to laugh off your embarrassment whenever that happens because it just makes the conversation livelier, y’know? Kise is always the one doing the fake tears and over-the-top exclaims, so he feels warm when he sees you taking things easy too
he finds it annoying that you can’t bring yourself to say no to people, solely for the reason that he hates the possibility that you can easily get yourself taken advantage of by other people
and knowing Kise, he doesn’t see other people very highly at all (again, until they prove him wrong)
it’s the feeling he gets that bugs him so much from seeing the person he respects a lot (a.k.a. you) being used by some no-gooder random person who he thinks isn’t worth of your time nor effort
“(y/n)-cchi!! If this person is pestering you, just say so! After all…” Kise turns from you to face the person in front of you with a cold gaze. “They wouldn’t be here for anything else other than because they care about you… right?”
it’s the “subtle” lines and passive-aggressiveness (or just outright cold-cut brutal words) he gives to the people with ulterior motives, since he knows you’re a people-pleaser and can’t bring yourself to turn people down
he already loves your liveliness, but the fact that you’re actually determined for the things you’re passionate about or you set your mind on? you’ve completely won him over at this point
he feels the exact same way in his own life, not really taking academics too seriously but dead set on trying to be the best in sports
you say that your private life is usually the priority, where you’re often too busy in your studies and work to hang out with friends… but that’s exactly how Kise also operates
his life primarily revolves around basketball and modeling, that’s it; contrary to popular belief, he actually has no free time to hang out with other classmates or non-basketball friends (honestly, it seems like his only friends are people related to basketball)
in fact, in one of the Replace novels, even though Kise knew what to say to the girls (who were coworkers from his modeling work) in the group date with his Kaijō teammates because he’s socially smart, he actually doesn’t know how to genuinely connect with them at all because he’s primarily a basketball junkie // the moment one of his teammates pulled up a basketball strategy chart at the date, every single teammate became completely engrossed and enthusiastic in analyzing potential plays… completely ignoring the girls at the table the entire time
so what I’m saying is, Kise won’t feel as pressured to constantly hang out with you and do his obligatory “boyfriend duties” that a lot of people might immediately expect (or even demand for)
of course he’d be sweet and affectionate, but it’s only a matter of time and priorities, and he’s thankful that you’d at least keep yourself busy while he works on his own goals too
he’d stare at you in wonder when you tell him you have two younger sisters, because he himself has two older sisters; he’d ask you how does it feel to be the eldest, or if you somehow influenced/encouraged any of your younger siblings to do a hobby/skill
knowing that you’re the eldest in the family makes him respect you more because that just means you’ve dealt with so much more with younger kids and sees you as the more “responsible” one between you and him
he finds your height endearing… you’re like a Kuroko, and he gladly headpats you and try to do other things to you like how he would to Kuroko to tease him or something
he’s a model, but he places more emphasis on attitude/aura/skills way more than appearances; it’s those three attributes that make someone super attractive to him
besides, he only started modelling because of one of his older sisters, and he thinks it’s fun anyways… I mean he knows that he’s a conventionally attractive guy, but he likes to think that he exudes the confidence and skills to back it up too
long story short, you’re attractive to him
he’s further convinced that you’re secretly Kuroko when you tell him that you love to read and write, and once again, his respect meter for you shoots up OFF THE CHARTS
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0nez1 · 3 years
7th Oct 2019
Narrative essay.
Write a story about someone who had a narrow escape.
Describe how it happened and what has that person learned from the experience.
Begin your story with: "Let me out of here at once! ..."
"Let me out of here at once!" With rage in her eyes, the woman demands her immediate release.
What began as a bizarre sight to both prisoners and guards alike had readjusted itself as a norm in their everyday life in the dungeon. It was a repeated occurrence that the she-beast refused to abandon. Others had long forgone their resolution to escape. Escaping from the wall of the empire was unimaginable. Still, the spitfire rage on.
The guard only rolled his eyes and grunts, "Shut up, woman."
Isabella scoffed back, annoyed at the same response. Even under the dimly lighted dungeon, her long reddish locks and evergreen eyes were fairly visible to be seen. It was clear she belongs to a noble heritage for only the powerful had such colouring. Yet strangely, there was no jewellery nor a speck of luxury on her person. Only a plain white rag to wear and shackles clasps to her wrists. Mana resistance shackles, to be precise.
Her scowl deepens at the thought. It felt uncomfortable to not have mana flow evenly in her vein, being unavailable at her fingertips to use. It was like a part of her was forcible stripped away from her and never to be seen again. Isabella swore to get them back. She refused to come out of this disgusting place incomplete.
To achieve this, Isabella went back voicing her demands, uncaring of her increasing parches throat. She whines how unbearable it was to be put in a dirty environment and be surrounded by commoners of all people. Do they not know who she was!?
Moments later, the guard stationed stood up, decided to have enough of his fill and gave her a nasty look before going outside. Isabella made a point to do a final shriek to make his day even better. Hearing the metal door shut with a loud click, she instantly drops her previous demeanour.
Other prisoners perked up, like their favourite show was about to start, whereas she was the first act. They watch her with a strange fascination, always amaze the extreme differences her two personas were.
Isabella resists a snark and ignored them as always. They never bothered her nor tell-tale her to the guards. The least she could do was to let them keep their means of entertainment. Isabella settles herself in her little corner and it was no lie how disgusted she found the cells were. Hygiene would be the first on the list for the new lord to oversee if she had anything do with it.
If, the revolution went successful that is.
Speaking of which, she opens up her palm to reveal a crumpled scrap of poor-quality paper. No use complaining, it would be a waste to use them on such occasion anyway.
'All going according to plan.' It wrote. She sighed and leans back, closing her eyes in prayer. For freedom, for glory, for peace to the kingdom. Isabella swore in her family name to carry on her act and have the mission complete.
It was three months ago, the final preparation for the upcoming rebellion was going well in the process. Away from the imperial search, for rebels outside the kingdom's walls. No one would have guessed said rebels were discussing their plans in a hidden room underground at a local tavern. It was truly a sight to behold. Various species from all sort of social standings gathered. From humans to beastmen, a noble or a commoner. It was a gathering of the century to bespeak.
The meeting went on smoothly, most issues were settled with ease. Then, there was a bump on the road. The plan needs a decoy. A sacrificial pawn goes unspoken between them. The atmosphere turned cold. The shared silence implied a crack in the group. It was unsurprising with suspicion and distrust still held them tightly like a leash. After all, they come together for a similar cause, not due trust. Oh no, there was too much bad blood to speak such a thing.
Isabella, herself had attended the meeting and was quite unimpressed by the whole ordeal of it. She did not come here to witness some children's squabble. Enough yapping and wake up, they were going to war. Sacrifices were bound to be made in the process. Seeing unwilling to take the task, Isabella volunteered herself. Consequently, chaos followed afterwards.
Rebukes of her participation were heard; they were fully against it. It was both ironic and amusing she was the cause of their current united hearts. Isabella refrains from scoffing, and instead calmly explaining her reasons. She was only but a placeholder. A common fact throughout the whole kingdom. She neither have any real value to any party so why not use it to their advantage?
Isabella vowed in her family name, a name even in disgrace still holds recognition from others. His grace will not suffer any loss if she fails and only received benefits if she succeeds. It was a winning deal. It was only a slight miscalculation on her part, to her surprise, someone spoke up for her.
Isabella narrows her eyes, watching the person in suspicion. Elaine Gurn, a fairly famous missionary and also a fellow friend of the rebelling prince. She had also been the one to raise her hand and volunteered to join her. A laugh and a mischievous grin, the female missionary managed to have the others on board with it. Isabella did not know what to make of it nor the intention of herself being elected as the leader for the mission. There was a mission onhand now, that was all that matters to her.
It was a pleasant surprise to find the dynamic between her makeshift team turns out well. They listen to her orders, adding their own two cents and it was just so... Nice. There was a strange glint in their eyes, something Isabella could not decipher as to what exactly. What was clear though, like, in the previous meeting, the experience she was feeling now was all thanks to her apparent second-in-command.
"You have my gratitude, Miss Gurn." Isabella whispered, awkwardly taking a seat beside the missionary.
It was the night a week before the mission to commenced, the team decided to throw a celebration. Never one for the crowd, Isabella slip out to the roof exchange for some fresh air. There she awaits, the usual mood maker, sitting alone under the starless night sky. It makes a good cover for those in need to keep a low profile.
Elaine smiles, not saying a word and turns her head overlooking the sight of the town. It might be their last too if they failed to succeed. It was then, it dawned to her how heavy the burden she was carrying. Her life did not hold much meaning with her family increasing declining, but her teammates were another thing as a whole. Family and friends await for their survival. This was not about her. Never was.
Was this how Father felt all those times long ago? Isabella wonders in nostalgic. Her grip on her cup tightens and her resolve steels. Then, the harsh training he made her gone through would do her good. She will make sure it would.
A beat. Two.
There was a shout. It was faint, but the world turns madness following it. Screams, explosion and orders all-around mix in the chaos, the prisoners tensed, asking themselves what happens outside.
It was time.
Evergreen meets dull brown and suddenly the ceiling went crashing down.
Elaine took cover, like every other prisoner done the same. Amidst the dust and debris, she could make up a silhouette of three people.
"What took you so long?" Jack, another comrade of her group, joked casually as he came out from his hiding place. Despite his habit of playing the fool, he has a sharp mind and survival skills to make up for it. Not to mention, his experience as a real commoner made it easier for her blend in.
There was a sound agreement Isabella would fail without back-up. She didn't argue nought. It was foolish because she knew, knew even her patience has its limit. Only meeting with another comrade's eyes did she remember the weight she carries. The lives in her hands. It was the only thing that kept her act from cracking after its overdue curtain call.
"Enough." Isabella bark, cutting off the friendly banter short. The ambush was successful but that doesn't mean their work was done.
She felt satisfied as she watches her group straighten themselves and listened to her orders. Hers. It was a good feeling. A rare few moments in her life. Especially when the cuff on her wrist was removed and power hums at her fingertips.
"Ready for some actions, leader?" Elaine asked, eyes twirling with amusing.
To her, Isabella might as well look like a child who got her toy back. It can't be helped after all; her mundane experience is nothing to compare to hers. It was time like this Isabella questions why had she appointed her, out of all people, as the leader?
Elaine has always had the charisma. The will, the strength. So why—
Focus. A voice brought her back to reality.
"We follow as planned." Isabella coolly said. "Scattered into two people's team and make way to each assigned checkpoint. You know what to do next."
The rest of her team nod and scatter they did, leaving Isabella alone in her steps to the outside field. Another group of the rebels ran past her, if she remembers correctly, was assigned to transport the prisoners to a safer place, preferably away from the chaos of the battlefield. They ignored her, not she would find offended of said actions, since they were wise to do so.
As the skies darken and let out a rumbling groan, a gleefully smile stretch across her face, just as feral and dangerous as one could imagine.
It was time after all. Once again, her family's name would be whispered with respect and fear throughout the lands.
Power flow collectively as Isabella lift one hand. She could feel its humming, excited to what they might become and with one swift movement, she brought it down.
The skies roar on her command.
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