blackkatmagic · 7 years
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kanrakixystix · 7 years
Cloud x Sephiroth
Who said “I love you” first: Cloud, probably, but Sephiroth already knows.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Sephiroth. He can’t get enough of his sexy little soldier.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Also Sephiroth. Cloud’s blushing face when he reads them is always the best. 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Hm. Probably Sephiroth.
Who initiated the first kiss: Cloud. He gets so cute when he’s demanding. 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Sephiroth. A sleepy Cloud is the cutest. He can’t help himself. 
Who starts tickle fights: Cloud. He doesn’t like exploiting it too much, but he’s a sucker for Sephiroth’s giggles. 
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Cloud will ask. Sephiroth invites himself. 
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Sephiroth. He doesn’t like missing an opportunity to make Cloud blush in public. 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: C L O U D. 
Who kills/takes out the spiders: They’re both pretty unfazed by bugs and spiders, but Sephiroth will never let Cloud forget about the one time that Cloud shrieked like a girl over a baby spider crawling across his hands. 
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Sephiroth. Half of the people who hear him think he’s joking, the other half praise Cloud for being so lucky.
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niuniente · 7 years
If you could be any species of animal in the world which would you like you be?
Tiger :3c I love tigers!
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hypergalaxy · 7 years
116, 122 and 123 if you don't mind.
116: Can I juggle?
Nope! Not that I’ve ever really tried, but I’m pretty sure I’d be terrible at it!122: Can I curl my tongue?
Another no to that one! I can’t really do any interesting tricks, it’s such a shame :(123: Can I wiggle my ears?
Alas, no! I’m boring, I’m so sorry! :( Thanks for asking, though! 
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sintomacronico · 7 years
First love you art. Been following you for a while and I love your art. Second for the raffle does it mean we get a total of 2 entrys?
Thank you! And thank you so much for sticking with me for so long ;w; ♥ 
Yes! Every reblog counts. Should've specified that, but I think people should reblog at their own discretion ^^ 
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promptistrashqueen · 7 years
PromNyx Yellow
The weapon stand out to him on the first day, the black gun a gift from the Prince with it’s metal work around the grip. It’s gold, instead of the traditional silver and it sets Prompto apart even more than his friendship with Noctis already has. It’s what keeps a lot of the other’s at arms length, that gun and the reminder it brings. Nyx is bad at following unspoken rules though and he finds himself sitting next to the blonde more often than not. Until he forgets, forgets the gold handle, and remembers the yellow hair, the blue eyes as they brighten, the soft pink lips and how they feel. Prompto is a fighter, and he relishes in the way that his body slots with the gunslingers, the way he corrects his stance when Prompto asks for extra training, the way that Prompto finds a hundred excuses to spend extra time with him, until the kisses are daily and Nyx comes back to his room to find Prompto curled under his blankets. He doesn’t say they’re dating and Prompto doesn’t ask, just starts meeting him for coffee, or taking him to movies. It’s easy to forget that Prompto is slightly different than the others, until the day that Noctis is waiting for him instead. The Prince is serious and Nyx realizes finally, how well and truly in love he is, because Noctis isn’t there to chastise, or too discourage, just to warn him, “Don’t make him loose his smile, he’s my sunlight too, you know?” Prompto arrives shortly afterward and grins at him, because, guess who just got the okay to move into a shared room?
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boosify · 8 years
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My longest yeah boy ever starring @chocobaes’ Oracle!Prompto 👌
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blackkatmagic · 7 years
To me coming to your blog is like realizing you are getting close to a black hole, you try to turn and run but it just keeps sucking you in TT^TT
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bulecelup · 7 years
The omegaverse Au Noctis/Prompto made me cry. It was so beautiful that I cried. Thank you for making that. In the same breath curse you for making the Ardyn/Prompto ending thing. That made me cry. But it also made me love Noctic/Prompto more. Soo thank you and curse you. *no curse on you I love you* 😘😊
(whispers) I do love Noctis/Prompto more!!! thank you~!!
Though I love Everybody/Prompto mor-
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invisira · 8 years
If I we're dating you we would spend one week a month doing nothing but relaxing and spending time together. 😄
this sounds like a hell of a good idea & i like the way u think 👍
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kanrakixystix · 7 years
Promptis "Noct I know you like the way my legs look in the skirt but you have to pay attention to where you're walking this is the 3rd time you've walked into a lamp post" Prompto sighed as they walked towards the school gates.
LOL I had too much fun with this one. 
Word count: 875
“Noct, I know you like the way my legs look in the skirt,but you have to pay attention to where you’re walking. This is the third timeyou’ve walked into a lamp post,” Prompto sighed as they walked towards theschool gates. Said prince glared, then pouted when Prompto tossed him anunimpressed glance over his shoulder. Sheepishly, he scratched the back of hishead.
“Sorry,” he muttered lamely, “it’s just…”
Prompto huffed, cheeks pink and arms crossed, definitelymore adorable than he should have been. His bangs were clipped back with limegreen barrettes, ‘for aesthetic purposes,’ he insisted when he emerged fromNoctis’s bathroom earlier that morning.
“Just what?” he prodded, and he got in Noctis’s face as helowered an accusatory look on him that made the prince squirm. Try as Promptomight – and against Noctis’s better judgment – blue eyes traveled lower onceagain, drinking in the small gap of flesh between the hem of the skirt and theblack, knee-high socks.
A snap of fingers in front of him brought his attention backup to Prompto, who looked even more annoyed than before.
“This is why I’m doing this to begin with, you know. Becauseof perverts like you.”
Noctis’s jaw hit the ground, clearly offended.
“Hey! I don’t make a habit of looking at girls’ legs!”
At that, they had drawn something of an audience, and Noctisfelt heat rush to his cheeks. Though the crowd quickly dissipated in favor ofgetting to class on time, it wasn’t without a round of sneers from a group ofgirls and a few of the other skirt-wearing boys. Sighing, they fell in linebehind their classmates, silent again for a while, at least until they had madeit into the classroom.
Sure enough, there were several other boys dressed inpleated skirts and knee-highs, though admittedly, none of them looked nearly asgood as Prompto did. Again, Noctis found himself watching the skirt swish backand forth as he walked, and he cursed to himself under his breath.
“You say something?” Prompto took the seat in front of himand made it a point to sit on top of the desk with his legs pressed tightlytogether. It was with a groan that, as he took the seat behind him, that heswore Prompto was purposely taunting him now. He shook his head, though, andsat his bag down beside him.
“Tell me again why you aren’t participating in the dresscode strike.” There was that accusatory tone in his voice again, and Noctisfrowned.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, I can’t,” he explained, butPrompto didn’t look convinced. Sighing, he went on. “I’m the Prince of Lucis,Prompto, royalty, and as such I’m forced to keep up a certain level of dignity.”Noctis bad barely gotten the words out before Prompto scoffed and grinned at himin a way that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
“Dignity? Says the prince who was on his knees last night.”
If Noctis had flushed earlier under the scrutiny of hispeers, he was practically on fire now. He stood quickly and slapped a hand overPrompto’s mouth, a look of panic rising in his features. He didn’t think it hadbeen loud enough for anyone to hear it, but that was something he didn’t needgetting around the school.
“Did he just…?”
Both boys whipped their heads in the direction of thefeminine voice. Alice, a girl in their class, a decently attractive blond withglasses seemed to be eyeing them up. Clearly, she had heard Prompto’s comment,but Prompto just rolled his eyes and moved Noctis’s hand away from his mouth.
“What? Say he was on his knees last night? Yeah! Fromtraining!” He had said it so matter-of-factly that even Noctis almost boughtthe story. “Really busts up his knees, but don’t worry about him. The other guygot a pretty good lickin’.”
And that’s when Noctis’s heart nearly stopped in his chest.This wasn’t happening. He was still in bed. This whole thing was just oneembarrassing scenario after another, and he was going to wake up to Promptostill in his bed, half naked and fast asleep, and it was going to happen rightnow. …Right now.
Noctis hung his head and wished he was anywhere but where hewas in that moment, but Alice seemed to have bought the story all the same, andleft them alone without any further inquiries. The look Noctis leveled onPrompto was something akin to murderous, and Prompto laughed sheepishly.
“Okay, okay! That was a little out of hand,” he admitted,and put his hands on Noctis’s shoulders. “Tell you what.” Prompto leanedcloser, lips almost brushing the shell of his ear as he whispered, “be goodduring school and I’ll let you do whatever you want with me after.”
A mix of excitement and shock bubbled in Noctis’s stomach,but slowly, he nodded in agreement. Prompto placed a quick, discreet kiss on ischeek and turned back around just in time for class to begin.
At least now Noctis had an incentive for keeping his eyesoff of Prompto for a few hours.
Send me a pairing and the first sentence and I’ll write you a drabble.
Current turnaround time: 2 weeks
First Sentence Drabble Master Post
Celebration of Episode Prompto fics
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radsity · 8 years
I just realized that the back of Clouds hair looks like a flower that's going to bloom.
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it really is. helps to think of it as a flower too! pieces of hair are the petals!! 
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hypergalaxy · 7 years
Prompto and Noctis learning how to belly dance because reasons.
lmao oh my god, this was not a prompt I would have ever expected to receive, but here you go! I hope this makes you happy? I’m not sure it’s what you wanted! Thank you so much for sending me this prompt!
Noctis/Prompto - 708w, G“This isn’t what I signed up for.” Noctis shot aglare at Prompto, as they stood, lingering outside the doorway to adance studio. It was beginning to look a little bit weird, becausethe class was scheduled to start soon, and most of the peopleparticipating were already in the large room. Prompto, faceflushing a deep red, tried to laugh it off, even as his eyes keptgoing between his less-than-happy best friend, and the sign outsidethe studio that proclaimed: Belly Dancing: 7:00PM.To be honest, it hadn’t been what Prompto had intended to sign themup for, either. He’d definitely intended to scribble their names downon a different class entirely. Still, they were here now, andthey’d already paid, so, what was the harm? Prompto put on a braveface, and offered Noctis a slightly weak, “Surprise?”Noctisglared some more. “You could call it that.”Promptoshrugged his shoulders, his smile wavering briefly. “Let’s give ita go anyway, yeah, man?” He said, clapping Noctis on the shoulder,trying to convince him. “I don’t dance,Prom,” Noctis grumbled between his teeth. The thing was, andPrompto knew Noctis pretty well by now, they were best friends, afterall, and he knew that Noctis’ irritation was really coming more froma place of awkward embarrassment. That, and the flush of colour thathad spread across the back of Noctis’ neck, despite his friend’s airof annoyance. “You do at balls and events and stuff,”Prompto pointed out. Not that he’d ever been to any of those fancy,royal parties that Noctis always hated being dragged to, but he’dheard enough late night grumbling about them all whenever Noctis hadbeen able to sneak away and phone Prompto to complain at him aboutit. He knew dancing sometimes happened, when Noct couldn’t get awayfrom it.Noct’s nose wrinkled with distaste at the reminder.“Yeah, when I have to. But it’s not…not thiskind of dancing.”“So it’ll be an experience!” Promptoinsisted, ever trying to find something good in the moment. Lookingaround them, it also occurred to Prompto just how…weird, they werebeginning to look. “And anyway, man, we kinda have to, you know,make a move soon. We’re starting to look like creeps.” Noctis’eyes widened at the realisation, but before he could say much ofanything else, Prompto had reached out, taking hold of Noct’s arm. Helooked into his friend’s face, trying to pull what he thought of asthe ‘sad puppy face’, because no one, Prompto knew, could resist asad puppy. Even if he was nowhere near as cute or irresistible as anactual sad puppy, it was worth a try.“Come on, let’s justgo in, see what it’s about. Try it out, you know?” A personwho was more observant than Prompto would be able to pinpoint theexact moment when Noctis’ wall of resolve crumbled in the face of hisfriend’s plea; it was always hard to say no to Prompto.
“…Ten minutes,” Noctisanswered, sighing heavily. “Ten minutes, so that we don’t actuallylook like creepy perverts. Then we’re leaving, okay?”Promptonodded eagerly. “Sure, whatever you say, buddy. Come on.”“Andyou’re never to tell anyone about this,” Noctis added, as heallowed Prompto to drag him into the dance studio. “Ever. Or I’llthrow you in the dungeons, I swear to Shiva.”Promptopaused, turning to look back at Noctis curiously. “Are there actualdungeons in the Citadel?”With a groan, Noctis pushedPrompto further, mumbling to himself, “you loser.”Needlessto say, Noctis was not very good at belly dancing, he was too awkwardand stiff and unwilling to let himself go and dance properly. AndPrompto, well, Prompto was perhaps a little too eager andenthusiastic, making up for Noct’s lack almost. Still, over theburger and milkshake Prompto had to treat Noctis to after the classwas finished, he had to promise ten times over never to tellanyone.Though, Prompto couldn’t help but notice, Noctis nevermade Prompto promise not to use it as blackmail material, the nexttime he might want to drag Noct off to do something unusual.Something to consider later, most definitely.
(send me a prompt if you want!)
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promptos-biceps · 8 years
Please Don’t... (Promptis)
@yaoifangirl18 Inspired this so any tears that may or may not fall while you’re reading this are completely their fault! Also I know @ffxv-edits wanted this so here you go!
I also strongly recommend that you listen to Please Don’t by K.Will while reading, it is crucial for this fic.
The lyrics are in English when Noctis is singing so everyone can read it, but he’s singing in Korean, just so you know ahead of time!
There’s a soft sigh from Prompto, so soft in fact that Noctis wouldn’t have been able to hear it if it hadn’t been so silent beforehand. So damn silent. Noctis grips the steering wheel tightly and resists the urge to just drive Prompto home and lock him in his house. He won’t though, he refuses to make this awful and awkward situation even worse.
Noctis has a million thoughts he wants to voice, but none of them actually make themselves known. He just wants the silence to stop, he wants them to go back to how they used to be. Noctis knows they can’t though, they’ll never be normal so long as Prompto has the silver ring on his finger. Noctis doesn’t blame Prompto for moving on though, after all, he told the blonde he could leave if it ever became to much for him. Noctis just wishes he’d known how everything would play out ahead of time.
The suit is suffocating, but pretty much everything has been ever since Prompto told him about the wedding. He shouldn’t have agreed to be the best man, and yet he accepted the “honor” as quickly as possible. Noctis hides a bitter laugh and his eyes flick over to stare at his lover- no...friend. The blonde is looking out the window and Noctis can see Prompto’s fingers messing with the dead skin on his lips. He used to do that whenever he was nervous and he couldn’t grab the prince’s hand... Maybe Noctis could just reach over and...
He clears his throat and turns his eyes back to the road...of course on the day he wants the most time the road be completely empty. Life always has a weird way of working out like that though, Noctis has become used to the fact that the universe always screws him over. He can feel Prompto’s eyes on him, Noctis hears the barely suppressed words that leave Prompto’s mouth in the form of another sigh.
“Is she there?” Noctis questions, refusing to say the name of the woman who replaced him. It’s childish and he knows it, but he feels like he can do whatever he wants since he’s dying inside.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, Cindy is waiting with Ignis and Gladio as we speak...” Noctis clenches his teeth together when he hears her name and the thought of driving away with Prompto is even more tempting now. There’s another pause and Noctis can see Prompto’s concerned eyes on him, he takes a deep breath to calm down, the blonde has no right to stare at him like that anymore.
“I um... I wanna thank you for not only coming to the wedding but for being my best man.” Prompto mumbles, quickly turning away from Noctis after. The blonde is tapping his fingers frantically against his seat and Noctis can’t tell if it’s because he’s nervous about marrying Cindy or being stuck in this car with Noctis.
“Don’t mention it... you’re my best friend, how could I say no?” It sounds casual enough, but Noctis means that in the most literal sense. If Prompto mentions that he’s getting married one more time Noctis is driving this car away from the chapel so quickly.
More silence ensues, Noctis gets lost in his thoughts, most of them consisting of questions that he’ll never ask. Why her? Was I not good enough? What can I do to make you stay? You’d look better with a ring that came from me. I’m the one who accepted where you were born, not her! I’m the one who loved you even after everything we’ve been through... I still wanna be with you...I still love you. It takes Prompto shaking his shoulder to snap him out of the mess that his brain has become.
“C’mon Noct, the wedding wouldn’t be any good without the best man there.” Prompto smiles brightly at Noctis and steps out of the car, not even bothering to see if Noctis was following. In that moment Noctis decides a couple of things, he’s going to be alone until the day he dies, Prompto was the best damn thing in his life and he wants his sunshine back...and he should’ve reached out and pulled Prompto back into the car.
“God dammit...” Noctis slams his hands against the steering wheel roughly before resting his forehead against it. A few more broken sounding curses leave the prince’s mouth before he focuses on choking back sobs.
It isn’t long before he hears the passenger side door open, he is surprised when he hears Gladio mutter a curse rather than Ignis. Noctis doesn’t even give his bodyguard a chance to sit down before he’s barking at him to leave. Once he’s certain Gladio is gone he looks for something to wipe the tears away and ends up finding the handkerchief Prompto gave him so long ago. He stares at it in silence for the longest time before wiping the tears away.
He doesn’t remember getting out of the car, nor the events of the wedding, the reception is mostly a blur too. Cindy briefly thanks him for something and he knows he resisted the urge to say something awful to her, she’s not a bad person but she took his light so he’s pissed. Prompto hugging him tightly and thanking him is the only thing Noctis remembers vividly before watching his love drive away with someone else.
Prompto’s surprised when he gets a voicemail from Noctis about a day later. He had told them all that he’d be with Cindy for the rest of the week right? The blonde shrugs it off and decides to listen to it since his wife is still asleep.
“Hey Prom...I know you won’t get this until you’ve already left but...I don’t really care. I just needed to get this off my chest you don’t have to listen to it, but just singing it to you will help put my mind at ease.” Prompto’s left confused while faint shuffling noises are all he hears for a few moments. Noctis doesn’t sing normally, even when Prompto used to ask him to, so the fact that the prince is doing so through voicemail is bizarre.
“We sit next to each other in the car, but there is no music. I always held your left hand, but now you’re picking at your lips.” Prompto pauses it when he hears the first words and he’s not sure he wants to keep going. He’s almost certain he knows what Noctis is singing about and he’s not ready to hear these words so soon, he hits play anyway.
“I know what you’re going to say, please don’t say it. Don’t know why Don’t know why. I want to draw out each minute, each second, but the empty road rushes me on.” Prompto regrets showing Noctis this song, he regrets knowing the lyrics to the song too. He lets the prince’s voice continue to play and tries to ignore the pain he’s feeling. When Noctis starts getting closer to the end Prompto feels the tears finally falling from his eyes. He’s never been filled with more regret than in this moment.
“Please don’t, please don’t leave. Come back, come back, come back, come back. I will hold onto the remaining scent, so come back to your place.”
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promptistrashqueen · 7 years
Prompto x Ardyn Baby Blue. If you don't like the shipping then Promptis with the colour Light Purple because I am Promptis trash. Just wanted to try prompto x ardyn.
I write everything friend, even if I’m not always super confident about it! Hope you didn’t want fluff though.
Warning: Gore
“Beautiful” Ardyn’s voice comes from his right and Prompto flinches, trying to move away, despite the bar between his ankles. He hates this, hates how dark his world is. Breath hits his cheek and he cringes away, even though the hand that follows, caressing his hair, is gentle. He hopes that whatever is over his eyes gets taken off soon, it’s so much worse when he can’t tell where the next touch is coming from. The concrete, or at least what feels like concrete, is rubbing his knees raw where he kneels. Fingers touch his cheeks and he lurches back, yelping when it tugs on his suspended arms painfully, tears burning and he coughs a little. “Now now, can’t have you damaging yourself more, can I? What would your little Prince think?” Ardyn’s voice is too close and Prompto thinks he’s behind him. He strains to follow the sound of his soft footsteps but then there’s a full body pressed to his back. He gags as Ardyn shoves his fingers into his mouth but doesn’t dare bite down. The digits force his tongue down and his jaw open painfully, Ardyn’s other hand finally moving to remove the blindfold. Prompto blinks, then blinks again, because the darkness has only lifted on one side. Ardyn laughs and removes his fingers, leaving Prompto to choke, “Missing something?” He holds something out and Prompto screams, his own baby blue eye staring at him between Ardyn’s fingers.
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madakaka · 8 years
You have been tagged because you liked a couple of posts with MadaKaka!  Since the pairing is only a few months old, this is an attempt to gather everything we can in one place, and lure more people into this awesome ship. Hopefully, this will be a one-stop shop for all of your MadaKaka needs.
This is the only time you will be tagged, so if you clicked those likes for other reasons, fear not!  You shall be left alone from now on!
If you create anything, please tag this blog so it can be shared with the world!  
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