#yandere the shape
yanderes-galore · 15 hours
My second. I wish I could be chattier, but there's so many.
Trickster and Shape rivalry (DBD) (Both romantic)
The dynamics of these two is literally that one Barbie mugshot meme.... These two are difficult together so I hope this is fine? This is a fan made version of the DBD 2v8 mode.
Yandere! The Trickster vs The Shape
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder, Stalking, Manipulation, Sadism, Dubious relationship(s).
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First of all, these two are like the polar opposites of one another.
Trickster is flashy, makes his hunts and kills all a show.
He loves the attention, loves the fear...!
Yet, Myers?
Michael Myers has always preferred to stalk from the shadows, to silently observe.
Then pounces when the time is right.
The two have vastly different approaches when it comes to their obsessions.
Before having them both in one match, you've no doubt had encounters with both killers.
You've evaded the flying knives coming from Trickster, along with his deranged giggles and sadistic chases.
You've dealt with a hidden from Michael's persistent stalking.
You've died by their hands, you've escaped their grasp...
Although you slowly begin to notice both killers easing up on you.
Other killers aren't as merciful, often hunting you as usual.
Yet you've noticed Trickster being more playful with his chases... Still making you bleed, yet usually allowing you to escape more often.
Even Michael just observes you from afar, picking off other survivors around you while allowing you to leave.
You wonder if they're toying with you.
Especially when Trickster starts pinning you against ruined walls and Michael keeps trying to corner you in matches.
Trickster is more... on the nose.
He's flirtatious, leaning in close with a chuckle to see you squirm.
Meanwhile Michael is always on who likes to stare, lightly touching your skin and hair... His intentions are unknown.
Both killers clearly seem to have an attachment to you.
Although, they are completely unaware of the other killer being obsessed with the same survivor.
That is until The Entity introduces a new game...
Eight survivors... and two killers.
It's only a matter of time before you encounter Trickster and Michael in the same match.
Eight new prey to hunt... yet they're both only interested in one.
I imagine this rivalry would have to start with the two having separate obsessions with you.
Both killers, for one reason or another, have you as their favorite prey to hunt.
So, when placed in a situation where both killers have access to you, at first they aren't aware of one another's obsession.
Until they see the other interact with you.
The moment Trickster sees you're in his match, he forgoes pursuing any other survivor and hunts you.
Trickster thinks nothing of it when he corners you like usual.
He's being playful, complimenting you and grinning.
Although it feels like he's being stalked.
Michael, being one to carefully observe, no doubt sees how Trickster reacts with you.
Which results in him stalking closer, pushing Trickster off you, and blocking you from the other killer.
This 2v8 match quickly becomes both killers competing on who can get you first.
They get rid of other survivors, yes, but there's so much infighting between them.
You have never seen two killers fight one another.
Yet there's several times the two hit each other, blood spilling onto the grass.
They don't seem all that hurt... but there's definitely tension.
You spend the entire match working on generators, watching your fellow survivors get picked off one by one.
You know their end goal.
You've seen how they act alone with you.
You're currently seeing them fighting one another in this trial.
You know what they want.
Michael is silent the whole time, but he's only getting more irritated with Trickster.
Trickster, however, is much more vocal with his curses.
The two are like territorial animals trying to secure prey.
As you near being the last survivor, you begin to try figuring out ways to flee.
You may not die in this match... but it's hard to tell.
The two can't kill another, making it a large game of keep away.
Even if you escape their grasp... It's not like you can leave for long.
How long until you have normal matches with either killer?
Will they be more intense?
Actually, how long until you're put in another 2v8 match with them?
Does the outcome of the rivalry even matter at this point?
You're in what's essentially a cage with two predators fighting over prey...
Death is not an escape, those doors or that hatch isn't either, you can't escape your bloody fate.
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5eraphim · 5 months
Okay so this has been stuck in my head for WEEKS and I finally decided to stop bein scared and ask you to write about it lol
So as a DBD player, I got to thinking that it would be kinda cool if survivors could fight the killer even if it was just once per round and then this scenario popped into my head.
How would Killer react to Survivor!Reader biting them as a defense/distraction/etc? My favs are The Shape, The Executioner, and The Mastermind! Headcannons would be amazing but if you could maybe branch out to make one a one-shot kinda deal? Maybe NSFW if you feel spicy?
P.S your writing and fics LITERALLY give me life YOU’RE SO GOOD 😭🧡
My deepest apologies for how long this has been rotting in my inbox, I thought this prompt was a lot of fun, and again, I'm sorry it took forever for me to get around to answering this. Hope you enjoy all the same!
Characters: Michael Meyers, Albert Wesker, Pyramid Head (Dead By Daylight)
Content Warnings: Yandere, smut, noncon, stalking, choking, violence, sacrificed to the entity, predator/prey dynamics, obsession, sadism and masochism, reader is kept gender neutral
Word Count: 1.6k
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The Shape
It's almost too predictable for a killer like Michael Myers to wind up in a situation like this. As the survivor he brought with him into the entity's realm made physical payback, her signature, Micheal can't help but attract the "feisty" type.
A man hiding behind a mask, Michael competes with fierce determination and an almost primal compulsion to hunt, stalk, and slaughter like no other. Of the three, Myers would be the most likely to anticipate physical retribution from a survivor, according to him, all part of the hunt. 
Myers prefers to remain hidden by shadows as long as possible, awaiting his perfect opportunity to go in for a decisive kill. But remaining hidden in the dark is a luxury you don't have at your disposal on account of being Myer's obsession.
You didn't want it to come to this. Even before the match started, you prayed to fight any killer, but Myers, your disappointment only grew as you realized minutes later that you were his obsession.
The idea of fighting back physically was a spur-of-the-moment decision; you knew you only had one chance of pulling this off, and if you missed, your fate would be sealed. You usually weren't one to opt for such a risky strategy, but you were too blinded by your fear of Myers. You would do anything to get away.
Even though you couldn't see him, you could feel Myers' eyes locked in on you, no doubt following and trailing you from behind. The paranoia was torture, but you forced yourself to stay strong and ignore Myers, to focus solely on supporting your team. 
When Myers inevitably tracked you down and caught you after getting distracted by something else, you had so much pent-up nervous aggression that you couldn't hold back your body's instinct to fight back.
Fear overtook any lingering traces of rationality as you struggled blindly against Myers, but you had just enough determination reserved to take aim and fire a single punch, aiming for his head, landing against the cheek of the mask; it was just enough to disorient him long enough for you to wriggle free.
Despite the offense, Myers didn't think you had it in you to fight back like that. It excited him! As though you were holding back on him before, and now you were starting to fight back like you really meant it!
After enduring the pressure of being his obsession and succumbing to the fear of it all, you little humanity left to hold onto, almost nothing but your primal fight or flight instincts; it was truly a beautiful sight for him to behold.
The next time he cornered you, Myers decided he ought to follow your lead, only instead of going for your head, he would go for your throat, not with the knife, but with his hand.
And for just a moment, he'd keep you there. Only needing one hand around your throat to keep your entire body pinned into place on the wall behind you. Wood planks made contact with your back at odd angles, the dull pain radiating up and down your spine as you were face to face with Myers, close enough to hear his breathing behind the mask while he observed your face- knowing you believed he was seconds away from slitting your throat. 
Likely, as Myers holds you in such a compromising position, he takes out all his own pent-up frustrations on you. Leaving bitemarks all over your neck and shoulders while he quickly shreds the clothes from your body.
Just as you gave into primal fight-or-flight instincts, he was giving into his own primal urges. He'd won the hunt, and now it was time to let his libido take charge. Half-undressed, he ruts against you, and you can hear his heartbeat racing. Maybe even feel his body warming as his blood flows rapidly, but he remains as silent as a corpse.
After having his fun, Myers will take great pleasure in sacrificing you to the entity. Even if he couldn't take down everyone on your team before this, the opportunity to sacrifice his obsession in such a thrilling bloodbath overshadowed any regular trial as a ruthless killer. 
The Mastermind
It wouldn't take more than an instance of fighting back physically against him for Wesker to decide to hunt you down right away. He would've never suspected another survivor would be bold enough to try something like this on him. Wesker wants to know what makes you think you're strong enough to try something like this.
His reaction would be determined primarily by what point in the trial you try this.
Albert might think it's insufficient enough to ignore if it's early or if he's doing well.
But given how infamous of a hothead he can be, more often than not, any time you try this, expect to be met with hostility.
Wants to see you go from physically resistant to begging him for mercy. On the outside, he pretends to see brats like you as nothing but a petty annoyance to be dealt with, but on the inside, he absolutely loves doing this; keeping the weak in check is how he stays strong.
Wesker doesn't exactly get any legitimate pleasure from being hurt, but he will tap into the pain when fighting back. He does this partly out of loyalty and obligation to the entity but equally out of a petty vengeance to hurt you back twice as hard as you hurt him.
Wesker waits patiently before fighting back, taking care of those annoying teammates first to give you his undivided attention. As well as strategically lying in wait after the confrontation before striking while your guard is down. 
The very first thing Wesker does after tracking you down is wounding you exactly where you hurt him, though he's sure not to let you go until he's drawn blood.
Don't expect him to show you any mercy from here. Might go as far as pushing you down, wiping his shoes against your back as you writhe below, trying to squirm out from under his boot.
It's good foreplay for him, seeing the foolish survivor who dared to fight back, bleeding and barely alive. He won't fuck you in the muck for his own sake, of course. Wesker will push you up against a wall face first while he is taking you from behind.
If he's feeling especially good after sweeping a trial, he might leave you with just enough life to hold onto while you crawl to the hatch. More likely, you won't live long after such a brutal session. But even if you don't die, Wesker will be sure to leave you so beaten and tormented you'll regret trying to fight him like that and won't want to try again. Even if Wesker secretly hopes you will.
The Executioner
While the others welcome the resistance, even if only to crush it, Pyramid Head would likely resent you for trying to physically challenge the killer and disrupt the natural order of things. It was an injustice, and it was imperative to punish you for this.
Imagine playing as a "Gen-Jockey" survivor, the kind of teammate who provides the bare minimum to the rest of the team, putting your own survival above the lives of your teammates, the type of survivor Pyramid Head hated the most. A coward.
All that to say, it was an extreme shock after he cornered you and felt your teeth sinking into the exposed flesh above his glove. 
While you were combative and aggressive now, Pyramid Head knew you couldn't keep this up forever. You were, to him, nothing but a coward deep down. Even if you wanted to pretend like you had any real fight of your own, it wouldn't be long before you surrendered to your own exhaustion. Perhaps he was even doing this as his way of offering you a "fair shot" to find your way out before he got his hands on you. Like he would ever let that happen.
Since you tried to bite him earlier, he'd punish you by fucking you from behind, bent over a broken desk crushing your face against the hardwood surface. He was an inescapable force while you were powerless to stop any of this from below.
Would only give into his beastial nature to hurt and fuck you if he's already managed to kill the rest of your team. It's not his style to slaughter his obsession until he's taken care of the others, and he doesn't want to let anyone pass by without judgment.
If he doesn't get this opportunity during the trial, Pyramid Head will fantasize about killing you off last while staying buried inside you, feeling your pathetic body crumbling and going limp beneath him.
Paradoxical feelings of sadism and protectiveness for you as Pyramid Head is obsessed with being the only one alloweed to hurt you, judge your soul, or torture you. But all this cruelty is undermined by his motivation to keep you from getting hurt by others.
He is most likely to let you live after making love because the instant gratification of an orgasm, as well as the satisfaction of punishing you himself, will keep him from sending you up to the entity. 
Consider this Pyramid Head's very niche kind of post-nut clarity.
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hana-no-seiiki · 9 months
sorn from bg3 (the male prostitute drow) is such a mood cause like people always get flustered whenever i use nicknames on them (like baby/sweetheart/etc). i’ve been called all the petnames too (my current favorite being cloudhead/mooncake atm) and those that i date often tell me that it makes their heart stutter when i use those
but on the other hand i get so unbelievably and irrationally flustered n shy when people who don’t usually call me by my name just use ‘yun’ like smiling and butterflies and all augh
and my friends keep calling me out saying i act like a horny/fetishizing/problematic teenager despite having the vanilla fantasies of a victorian woman
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could be a camboy, host club worker, pornstar, etc. your choice and imagination
Like ya boi who’s whole job it is to fulfill the most depraved fantasies imaginable. Who lived almost his whole life doing all sorts of kinks and fetishes
but absolutely crumbles when you ask him to have sex with him in the missionary position and maybe even the lights off
like he’ll join massive orgies no problem. host/strip for celebrities like it’s no business
but when you ask if you can hold his hand while you two make love. or kiss him gently with all the love in your eyes
he just
he just ceases to function.
you aren’t a regular of his, as much as he hates that fact. but everytime you schedule a meeting with him, he just has this dopey smile on his face and he’ll often uncontrollably giggle and squeal when you hit him up.
he has some pretty rich and dangerous clients
so sometimes he may or may not drug you when you visit him sometimes.
i mean you can’t blame him if your legs are too weak the next morning (or afternoon/evening, this man has stamina) or if you only wanted to have a nice chit chat but suddenly that pink sweater you bought him started to look really nice especially with his even prettier legs exposed like that.
opens up an exclusive rent-a-boyfriend offer but in actuality it’s just you in that list
overall a menace
you know how some of my readers uses yan harem to beat the yan harem
he definitely uses his fans/clients to keep you leashed
besides, no one else can serve you like he can, so might as well stay for some more hm?
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RZ!Michael Myers x GN!Nurse!Obession Part 2
Warnings: slight violence, death
Note: Thank you for all the support on the first part; I really appreciate it! Finally, part 2 has arrived. Feel free to send in requests, I'm bored as hell. (This is a threat)
Once you accepted the mask Michael gave you, you had practically sealed your future. Your future with him, that is.
If you had thought Michael was clingy before, he's a hundred times worse now.
Before, he would try not to let his infatuation with you all too obvious, especially when it came to Dr. Loomis, since it made him feel vulnerable. But now, he made sure everyone knew not to mess with you.
In his own twisted way, Michael had become your boyfriend of sorts. Not that you knew, of course.
At this point, Dr. Loomis realized what was going on, and honestly didn't know what to do.
He could either leave you to care for him, which could lead to unknown and possibly dangerous outcomes. Or he could fire you, which would most likely lead to even worse outcomes.
But you were breaking the rules by being in a relationship with one of the patients, albeit unknowingly.
So, for once, Loomis decided to do the sensible thing, and fired you.
It had taken you by surprise, and to say you were heartbroken was an understatement.
Although both difficult and odd to admit, you had grown attached to the giant during the time you had taken care of him. It was clear no one had treated him the proper way, the way you treated him, with the way he had grown so attached to you, and it pained you knowing no one would ever treat him like that again.
Yes, he has hurt people, but they'd obviously done something to aggravate him, although you didn't know what.
And during the time you spent with him, you had learned all his small ways of showing emotions. The gleam in his eyes when he was proud, the slight wrinkle next to his eyes when he was happy, as if smiling, the slight twitch in his fingers when annoyed. It was clear no one put in effort to understand him, or else they wouldn't have been calling him an emotionless monster.
If you were heartbroken, then Michael was absolutely destroyed. Thoughts ran through his head like a train. 'Did they leave me?' "Did I do something wrong?' 'Did they get hurt?' 'Are they coming back?'
It wasn't until he overheard two members of staff talking about how Dr. Loomis fired you for no apparent reason that he figured what happened.
As soon as he realized you weren't coming back, Michael completely flipped.
Or, he would've, if he hadn't taken a moment to think first.
This was all Loomis' fault after all, and he needed to get his revenge. If he were to leave now, he might never get to him.
So, Michael waited. And he didn't wait for long.
He refused to eat, leave or even move for what seemed like days, and he knew his beloved doctor would soon come to check in on him.
And come and check in on him did the doctor do.
But Michael knew better, he still refused to move while the two security guards were in the room. Loomis knew that as well.
Once security left the room, Loomis began to talk.
"I understand you're upset, Michael."
No, you don't
"But what you're doing is irrational."
I can do what I want
"I can't have you dying, Michael."
It's not like you care, you want me to die
"And all this over some nurse..."
No, they weren't. They weren't just some nurse.
In a second, Michael had Loomis in a deathly grip against his desk. He squeezed hard enough that Loomis couldn't make a sound, apart from the pitiful 'please' that left his lips.
Michael watched with sadistic glee as the life of his former doctor was fading from his eyes.
While he didn't usually feel anything while murdering his victims, he felt exceptionally pleased while eliminating the man that got in the way of him and his beloved nurse
The thought of letting Loomis live, fully aware that he would come after him and provide him another chance to kill of him, was taken into consideration. That way, he could play around with him more.
But the thought of what he did overruled it. Anyone who does anything remotely negative to you should be disposed of immediately
Once he was sure that Loomis was dead, he turned around to the slightly agape door where the two security guards stayed oblivious to their impending doom.
He was coming for you
You were coming home from your new job, a cashier (you won't believe how annoying it is to downgrade from a literal nurse to a fucking cashier), when you felt a sudden chill down your spine.
You quickly turned around to find the source of the watchful eyes you felt on your back, only to be met with nothing.
It was late at night, and you weren't about to risk being robbed or worse.
So, you ran back home as fast as you could, and yet, even in the safety of your home, you still felt like you were in the proximity of danger
The alarms in your head started blaring once you heard a creak coming from further inside the house, yet you didn't move.
When it came to fight or flight, you froze, which of course as a horrible thing to do
You stood still as a familiar silhouette came into your view, practically filling up the door frame
You hadn't got any verbal response, but a head tilt was all the confirmation you needed.
A part of you wanted to run up and hug him, but the better part of you was still wary of the harm he could bring you
Although you had learned to completely trust Michael, the blood soaking his patient uniform was just a little off putting
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Michael began to slowly walk towards you, as if cautious
Once he finally reached you, he slowly reached his large hand out to your face
Hesitantly, he began to lightly caress it, much to your surprise
Looking up, you lock eyes with Michael, and everything seems to click in place
Why he would only eat from your hand, why he only responded to you, why he killed those security guards, why he gave you that mask
You couldn't believe it took you so long, but as you stood there in the dark with Michael slowly, yet lovingly, caressing your face, you finally realized it
You were his obsession. His nurse. And he would make sure of it.
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pandoracallstopolice · 7 months
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I just... Um... I just uuh....
I love him😳
Thanks to @qep0ermint for this man. 🤲❤️
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Heart Shaped Wound:
Hanayama’s Ending
Heart Shaped Wound
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Author’s note: took me awhile to write this! I’m working on the separate smut ending so stay tuned!
       (Your name) placed her hands over her eyes and sighed in frustration. She couldn’t do this… she couldn’t possibly choose. It was impossible. She had dug herself into an inescapable hole.
     (Your name) sat up and glanced at the dress that laid across her dining room table. She told Hanayama she’d see him tomorrow… she promised him. 
       (Your name) rose up and went over to the table to touch the fabric of the dress once more. She knew Hanayama had feelings for her… she would have to be blind not to see that but… she wasn’t sure he’d take rejection well…
       She sighed. This would be tomorrow’s problem, for now she’s sleep on it. It was too much stress to think anymore about it.
     If only she hadn’t been so naive…
         (Your name) carefully set the last bit of her hair in place before her scheduled time with Hanayama. Her unexplainable nerves made her stomach hurt. She didn’t have a clue on why she felt so nervous. She’s went out with him many times before… and yet this time it felt different.
       (Your name) rose up from her vanity and admired her reflection. This dress was much classier than the others and it hugged her figure nicely… Hanayama had exquisite tastes as always.
      Knock. Knock. (Your name) heard some strong knocks at the door. That must be Hanayama… he was a little early.
       (Your name) made her way over to the door and opened it to reveal Hanayama in a black suit with a red silk dress shirt under. He looked even more handsome in red.
     Hanayama caught her admirable gaze and smirked.
      “Do you like what you see?” He softly asked, he scooped her hand in his to give it a soft kiss. “I try to coordinate our outfits.”
        “You look handsome.” (Your name) gave him a smile, her cheeks a little red from his action. Hanayama was never anything short of a gentleman to her. He was suave. 
       “And you’re beautiful as always.” Hanayama pressed one last kiss to the back of her hand, the feeling he left behind lingered on her skin. His dark eyes stared deeply into her soul with an all consuming storm of lust. She was his… tonight and forever she’d finally be his. “Shall we?”
       (Your name) allowed Hanayama to scoop her up bridal style in his arms so she didn’t get sand on her feet. He always loved to carry her like a princess, so she’d understand how much she meant to him.
       Hanayama basked in the stares of his men while he made his way to the limousine. He enjoyed their looks of jealousy and admiration. That’s right. This beautiful woman in his arms was his future wife and today… today it would be perfect.
      Just like it should have been the first time.
      Hanayama’s chefs had prepared a five course meal with ingredients she had never heard of and with a unique plating that told her how much Hanayama most likely spent on this date (he again). Hanayama had no problem flaunting his wealth to her.
      Each meal was more delicious than the last. The flavors melted on her tongue with each bite. Hanayama was thoughtful to consider her taste.
    Once their meals were over and done with, Hanayama gave her a smile.
      “I’ve never introduced anyone to one of the most important women in my life…” Hanayama softly whispered, his obsidian eyes never left her smaller form. “This means a lot to me.”
       Hanayama rose up from the table and held out his hand for her to take. (Your name) hesitantly accepted his hand and Hanayama hoisted her up. She could tell he was nervous.
      (Your name) smiled at Hanayama to try to ease his nerves. Her thumb glided over the back of his hand in a soothing manner.
       “I’m happy you’re introducing me to her then. She must mean a lot to you.” (Your name) failed to notice the look in Hanayama’s eyes when she softly spoke. He was happy to introduce her… he always wanted to introduce his future wife to the person who raised him with love.
       Hanayama lead her through the compound and out into his giant rose garden. (Your name) was amazed at all the beautiful variety of red rose bushes. She knew Hanayama preferred to gift her the flower to romance but she had no idea he had a giant garden of the flower themselves. He must really enjoy them…
       It was when he stood before a tombstone that made her realize he was going to introduce her to his mother… oh no.
       “(Your name), this is my mother.” Hanayama smiled softly at her, his hand guided her to stand before the well kept grave. “Mom, this is (your name).”
      Hanayama’s grip tightened around her hand, his breath a bit ragged. “I talk about you a lot with my mom… I’ve always wanted to introduce you.”
       Hanayama turned his head to look at (your name). He took his free hand to remove his glasses so she could see his eyes that were full of love and possessiveness… she felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Oh no…
        “…really?” (Your name) softly muttered out. It was all she could muster under his predatory gaze. 
      “My mother deserves to know about my future wife.” Hanayama smiled softly at her, he tucked his glasses into his suit pocket. 
    “I never thought I’d find someone strong enough to stand by my side… someone to share my life with… and then I met you.” Hanayama muttered softly, his voice trembled a bit with emotion. “We met in a tournament of all places and you defeated me in a fight… I knew I had to have you then. I wanted to give the perfect night to the perfect woman… the woman I love.”
      Hanayama then got onto one knee which made (your name)’s blood run cold. Hanayama pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a beautiful marquis cut ring. It was a beautiful ring… a beautiful cage.
       “Be my wife, (your name).” It was not a question, it was a statement that she didn’t dare want to refuse.
        The garden was filled with his men, she knew she wouldn’t be able to fight her way out of this one or flee. She’d be stupid to try… she should have never came here. Hanayama had set the perfect trap for her.
       Tears fell down her face, her hands covered her mouth to stop a sob. She had no idea that to Hanayama and his men, it looked like she was crying tears of joy. It made Hanayama’s heart set ablaze. Hanayama put the ring into one of his fists before he stood up at his full height.
        Hanayama wrapped his arms around her and moved her hands off to the side to press a powerful kiss to her lips. His heart hammered in his chest and his grip tightened around her. He knew she’d be happy… he had wanted to propose for so long.
        (Your name)’s eyes widened in shock from the sudden kiss while his men applauded the ‘happy’ couple. They were happy that their boss was finally going to get his beloved wife.
         Hanayama took advantage of her shock and slid the ring onto her finger. A slight blush on his cheeks.
         “You’re finally all mine…” (your name)’s throat felt dry, everything had happened so fast-
          Hanayama barbarically swung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The man gave her bottom a firm spank as a grin engulfed his face.
        “Now it’s time for a treat of my own, wouldn’t you say? We can have the wedding in a few days once you’ve recovered.”
         “R-recovered?” (Your name) quickly repeated. He couldn’t possible mean?
      Hanayama gave her hip a squeeze, a satisfied hum escaped his lips. “Mhmm. I’m going to make you my woman.”
        (Your name) tried to pull away but Hanayama had a death grip on her as he carried her back into the compound. His eyes black with lust.
         Today he was going to make (your name) his woman… inside and out.
Author’s Note: thanks for reading! I’m trying my best to finish every ending! 🥰
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your step brother gets to know you a bit better
General Plot: Your uptight step brother calls you in for a meeting, only he isn't exactly the person you remember.
Shapeshifter (Shane) x female reader
Word Count: 2k
W: slightly nsfw monster fluff, nudity, noncon touching and nakedness, there will be noncon and nsfw smut in future parts, but there is no explicit smut in this part, yandere behavior
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Your usually polite, demure step-brother was not acting like himself. It’s not like you really knew him that well. Your parents had married when you were 17 and he had already become an adult living on his own. Your mom had somehow caught the attention of the esteemed Slater family and your status when they married had gone from poor daughter of a single mom to living in the nicest penthouse in the city and having guards chaperone you wherever you went. 
Seth Slater was probably the richest man in the city. You had never really understood what he did. Something about stocks or real estate or something, just that he was blindingly rich. Your mom followed him around like a lost puppy, just happy to have some stability in her life after your alcoholic dad left you both. 
You stopped seeing her very much after they started touring the world with his money, mostly just seeing your bodyguards. You’d been sent off to college and graduated, still under the senior Slater’s protection. 
It seemed like his parenthood didn’t stop after 18, even though he really didn’t have to support you. Still, you lived in a nice apartment he paid for and went to the job he got you at one of his subsidiary companies in town. You still had bodyguards that followed you from work to your apartment and anywhere else you went. He was more of a dad than yours had been, so you didn’t complain, sending your mom postcards and being happy for her. 
Shane you’d only met a few times in passing. He wasn’t curt or cold, but he was aloof seeming to be miles above everyone in the room. 
His role as his father’s heir was to do all the work his dad didn’t feel like doing anymore. The elder Slater was pretty much soft retired. Shane was a busy man who didn’t have time for too many pleasantries. He’d said hello every time he’d seen you, asked about college even after you had graduated and then ignored you completely. He’d never taken any interest in you at all, which is what made this interaction strange to you.
“Sit down (Y/N),” his eyes, the sharp gold of a predator, focused on you. You’d actually thought you remembered his eyes being green. Obviously they weren’t, you could see very clearly they were the color of shiny coins, so you pushed the thought away.
“Why did you want to see me?” you asked, shuffling into one of the chic leather chairs in front of his desk. 
“No,” he said, gesturing you over to a more intimate seating arrangement with just two plush chairs facing each other, “sit there. I’ll have someone bring us tea.” 
You got up awkwardly and sat down where he’d indicated. 
Shane liked the way the knee length skirt you were wearing rode up to your thigh as you sat down, dragging his chair to the perfect angle to glance up your skirt without appearing to be looking. He called one of his minions for tea before sitting down across from you. 
You gave him an awkward smile. 
His eyes devoured you. They passed over your (Y/C) hair, over your face and down the dowdy outfit you had been wearing for work, then back up again. 
“So what’s this all about?” you asked, shifting uncomfortably. 
He leaned forward in his seat. 
“Let’s talk about that when the tea gets here,” he said, “in the meantime, how are you doing?” 
He’d never asked you anything like this before, so you didn’t really know what to say. 
“I’m fine, I guess,” you said, “work is going good…um…that’s it…I guess…”
He raised an eyebrow. 
“No boyfriend to occupy your time?” he chuckled, “what do you do when you’re not working?” 
He was being so much more affable than he had ever been with you, you were confused. 
“Nope…no boyfriend,” you said, “I mostly just spend my time…”
Don’t say writing monster fucking fics. Don’t say writing monster fucking fics. Don’t say writing monster fucking fics. 
“...knitting,” you said after an inordinately long pause. 
He smiled warmly. 
“That’s very cute,” he said and you blushed spontaneously. 
You’d never really noticed how attractive Shane was. Sure you’d noticed he was good looking, but he was so ambivalent towards you and he was your step-brother, you’d kind of turned off that part of your brain. 
You’d never noticed how attractive he was to you. He had nicely shaped eyes and dark hair that made them stand out. It was cropped in a business cut, but was at the moment a bit more messy than you’d ever seen it, a lock falling on his forehead. He was one of those people who could make the dimple in his chin work and had a bright, large white smile, with canines perhaps a bit bigger than most. 
What was really different about him was his build. You could have sworn he was a much smaller guy last time you’d seen him. Had he really been hitting the gym? He was almost popping out of his white shirt and towered over you. You figured he could afford a good dietician and personal trainer, but had he gotten taller somehow? You scandalously wondered if he got that experimental leg lengthening surgery, he could afford it. 
The tea came, chasing away your thoughts and Shane got a bit more serious, waiting for you to take a sip of your tea before he started. 
“I’ve been wrestling with father for some time about whether we should include you in the family business,” he said, “that’s why you’re here.” 
You took another sip and blinked at him. 
“So I guess you came to a conclusion,” you said. 
He barked out a laugh and leaned forward leaning his forearms on his knees. 
“Yes,” he said, “we did. The agreement we came to was that you should work under my wing. I’ll teach you everything I know until you’re ready to take some things on yourself.” 
You shook your head.
“That’s okay, I really don’t need another job,” you said, “I like where I’m at.” 
He cocked his head like you’d said something cute and leaned back. 
“I’m going to tell you now to save us both a lot of time and money, it’s not a request or a choice. You will work with me and learn what we do. You will participate and you will behave.” 
Behave? What the fuck?
You stood up snorting at him. This was more like the step brother you knew. Always in charge, always getting his way. 
“I don’t have to sit here for this,” you snapped, getting up, “thanks for the tea, I’ll see myself out.” 
You marched over to the door to jerk it open only to find it was locked. You yanked it a few times before banging on it a bit. Pissed, you whirled back around on Shane. 
“Open this door!” 
He had his hands behind his head, looking just as amused as before. 
“I forgot to mention you start today,” he said, standing, “right now in fact.” 
He sauntered over to you slowly, with long steps. 
“It’s cute that you think you can defy me,” he said. Then he looked down your body. 
“Take off your clothes,” he said. 
You took a step back. 
“Excuse me?” you hissed. 
He smirked and stepped around you. 
“I want to see what I’m working with.” 
You drew your hand back to slap him but he caught it, looking closely at your palm, before kissing the inside of your wrist. You tried to pull away, but he backed you against the wall, pushing the hand he was holding above your head. You tried to push him with the other, but he snapped that one with his other hand and pinned that above your head too. 
You went with your final option and tried to knee him, but he just laughed at you and didn’t topple over screaming like most men. 
“That doesn’t work on my kind, pumpkin,” he said, “everything is tucked away.” 
You drew your brows at that confusing statement, imagining a hundred things it could mean.
His head dipped down so that it was only a few inches away from yours and he transferred both of your wrists into one palm, the other hand running down the curve of your ear to your button up shirt. He slowly popped one button at a time as you panted underneath him, pushing the fabric to the side with a finger and letting it drift down your flank. You thrashed underneath him, but he had you stuck. 
His scent washed over you in an intense wave, as if he’d released it. He smelled like some sort of odd spice, a bit like cinnamon but not quite, a touch more musky and less sweet. It was doing something to your head. You felt spacey and relaxed, falling back into the door behind you. 
“Oh, careful there, love,” he cooed, sweeping you up by the base of your spine and splaying you out like a doll over his desk. Your muscles didn’t work and you whimpered in panic. 
“Shhh, shhh,” he said, “I just want to have a little peek at my mate.” 
He pushed your shirt off of your shoulders and took off your bra, while you could only watch in horror. Finally, he slipped your skirt over your hips and then your panties. He pulled the panties to his nose and breathed in your scent before tucking them in his pocket. 
His eyes feasted on you, considering every curve. His finger drifted lightly over your over sensitive skin. Whatever he had done to you had made your nerves light up like Christmas lights. You wanted to squirm away from his touch, but you couldn’t move so you just moaned. 
“Feel good?” he asked, “those are my pheromones. I have different ones for different things. This one is for pinning my victim.” 
He stroked the inside of your thigh, coming just up to your pussy lips, brushing them with his knuckle absently, but no more. You shuddered, your body wanting more than your mind. 
“I know everything about you (Y/N),” he said, his tone amused. 
Before your eyes he started to shift. 
He grew even taller, his skin shifting to a rich green and tentacles shooting out from his body in a cape. His face grew monstrous with huge teeth. 
He leaned down over you and flexed what could have been lips in a smile. 
“I know you probably like me better like this,” he said, a tentacle tracing another line around your breast. 
Betraying the rest of you, your pussy leaked, a shiny droplet of your need drizzling onto the hardwood desk. At that point you were confused, frightened, and a little turned on. You didn’t know which emotion was winning out. You wrote about this stuff all night and here it was happening in front of your eyes. Was he going to ravish you?
“Or this,” he went on and changed into something boney and gaunt with sickles for claws. 
A stiff nail scraped a long line over your stomach. 
Then he changed back into his human form. The only thing tying his forms together was in all of them he had the same bright gold eyes. 
“I can be anything you want me to be, pumpkin,” he said, tapping your nose with his finger, and then more seriously, “so don’t toss me aside so easily.” 
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puppysnuff · 17 days
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unintentional ♡
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c00kie-d0e · 1 year
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harmonysanreads · 8 months
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my offering *turns into a puddle of acid and melts the floor*
I can safely say his hair alone took 3 years off my lifespan. I feel bad for his barber
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Vampire!Alhaitham : Oh, you drew.. me? Though I personally have marginal interest in art, I've always found it quite fascinating to study paintings of famed humans. The way they paint their imagination on a canvas surpasses what some so-called "artists" of my kin are capable of doing, I'll give them that. That said, I hope I'm correct in presuming this is the manifestation of how you must view me? Putting aside my curiosity on how you caught a glimpse of my fangs despite my caution, I'm.. pleasantly surprised by how accurately you drew my hair. I can tell you spent a lot of time correcting the tresses—ah, so is that why you were staring at me so intensely earlier? Hm.. well, in any case, your hard work has given fruit to something I'd even use the adjective.. “cute” for. Not me, but the drawing, I'd like to clarify. I was wondering if you'd let me have it..? For what purpose? Oh...uh, I just wished to frame it and keep it secured in my vault, that's all.
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prettywarriors · 7 months
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on-leatheredwings · 6 months
idc idc lets make specific readers!!!! fat readers, bi readers, trans readers, black readers, asian readers, indigenous readers, disabled readers, wheelchair-bound readers, tall readers, short readers, audhd readers, yandere readers !
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kheyys-worms · 2 years
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So yeah, I wrote something based on this art I made :))
CW/TW: unrequited love, description of nightmares, hallucination, unhealthy obsession, violence, delusions. (Tell me if I miss any warnings please!)
Azul had a huge crush on you. You who had piqued his interest from day one and who's always been there for him. Recently he can feel himself falling more and more in love with every little things and every little moments you have with him. Such as running with him when you both are late to class, walking with him after school, and all the comfort you had given whenever he's not feeling like his best.
He plans on confessing to you in writings, where he has poured all of his feelings and proclamation of love in neat cursives. A classic love letter.
Although he hasn't found the right time to give you his letter yet, so it sits in his desk drawer where only he can access. By day, he'd fantasize in his VIP room as he go through the Mostro Lounge's income, on how he'd deliver his words of love to you and how you would answer. Should he try to woo you with dinner first? Or would it be better to just send the letter straight to your dorm? These thoughts stay with him even after he closes up the lounge.
When night times come, however, when he's back to the confines of his bedroom, the octo-mer is losing his sleep almost every night. Unbeknownst to everyone, he's being plagued by nightmares that prevents him from getting a good night rest.
In his dream, he finds himself being tangled in inky black tentacles, drowning him in a suffocating darkness unlike the sea. And from the corner of his eyes, he could see the end of the tentacles belonging to a silhouette of a mer. Watching, observing from afar.
There were voices that whispered to his ears. Sinister voices that tries to pull him in, to be with them, join them, accept them, let them out.
He'd jolt awake in the middle of the night with ragged breath and would notice the little black stains on his pillow. He'd then simply dismiss them as tears-mixed-ink with a scowl on his face, not really liking that involuntary biological reaction of his. Reminding him of darker times.
On nights like this he'd refuse to fall back asleep. Too terrified to face whatever's waiting for him when he closes his eyes. So he opted to stay up for the rest of the night and think of you instead. He'd reach for a pillow and clutched it tightly to his chest, lamenting silently. Oh how he wished you could be here to comfort him in these tiring nights instead.
Still, you both are just friends. At least, he hopes that when he gives you his letter, you'd reciprocate his feelings and you both could be more than that. Maybe you'd even let yourself be called as his.
Not wanting to face his night terrors alone anymore, he decided he'll be brave and hand you the letter tomorrow.
- - - - - - -
The next day, Azul looks for you after the afternoon classes have ended. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was painted pink, the perfect set for a romantic confession. Oddly lacking that suave and confident persona he'd usually put up. Only you could have ignited these feelings within him, making him feel so nervous just like when he was still a clumsy little octo-mer.
When he reached your classroom, he saw you were still sitting in your seat. The sunlight perfectly falling on your beautiful smile and your laughter rings in the empty classroom.
But you weren't alone, and you weren't smiling at him. You were with another man and your eyes were focusing on him instead. Gazing at him so lovingly, an expression that matches the one on that other man.
You don't notice Azul by the door. And when that man places his hand on your cheek and leans in for a kiss, you don't hear the footsteps of a broken-hearted man running away from the door. His crumpled and torn letter being the only thing left behind to indicate his presence was ever there.
- - - - - - -
Azul doesn't remembered how he got to his room, how he crumbled instantly on his bed and cried. He hated it, crying makes him feel so weak. It brings him back to his shameful and pathetic past-self. But you were the one who had torn down all the walls he had build up all these years, making him so soft and vulnerable. It's your fault that he's falling apart like this. He hated it, but he doesn't have it in his heart to blame you. You've been nothing but kind to him after all...
And that man… why?! WHY??! Why would you have chosen anyone other than him??? You would be in a better relationship if you're going out with him! Why would you chose that nobody instead of him?! The more he thought about it, the more he can't help but compare and degrade himself, that he might not be as good as he thought. Not smart enough, not handsome enough, not lovable enough. Not good enough for you.
He can hear the voices again, louder this time. Their whispers fill his room. He thought he might've fallen asleep with how tired all that crying had made him, not realizing that he's in fact, still wide awake.
The voices coo at him, pitying him. They want to help him, they say.
'I can help you achieve what you want. Help you receive the affection from that person you love.' The voices told him, being unusually gentle. Although he might've been too tired to miss the malevolence underneath its sweetness.
He doesn't realize that the tears dripping from his eyes are black, darker and thicker than the normal ink he'd produce. Nor the fact that he can no longer feel his legs, numbing and slowly unraveling his true form. His tentacles slithered around his bed, dripping with the same dark substance that paints his face and hands.
On the corner of his room, he could the see silhouette of the mer in his dream. Once hazy, now clear as the ocean.
The figure approached him closer, and closer. Until they- no, he. Until Azul can see the face of the mer in his dreams. A face that mirror his own, down to the beauty mark by his lips and his two striking, mad, blue eyes.
Although he looked different. More frenzied, more deranged.
The other him smiled wide and offer his hand. And the voices surrounding them amped up.
'Come, take my hand. Let me OUT.'
And in his desperation, he did.
- - - - - - -
His memory is a little fuzzy from the moment he regained his consciousness. He couldn't really recall what his dream was all about.
Something is different though, Azul thinks. He couldn't really pinpoint what it is, but he feels different. He feels... good. Great, even. He feels like he's gained a new kind of confidence in himself, like he could do anything and nothing in this world could stop him.
He thinks back to how he had ran away like a coward before he could confess to you. Before he could even make you notice his presence and make your focus stay on him. And only him. He needs to try harder than that.
And now with this newly found courage, he's off to find you and pick up the pieces that you had unknowingly torn. He'll make sure you'd know his overflowing feelings for you, he'll make sure that you'd understand, that you will accept these broken pieces that was his heart.
And he'll make sure that no one is going to stand in his way.
- - - - - - -
It was tougher than he had anticipated, convincing you to be his. You had rejected him, with the excuse that you don't feel the same and you both are simply friends. That you're already going out with someone else and what he's doing is madness.
Oh well, if that's the case, he just have to treat it like his usual business, right? All he had to do was remove his competitor from the picture, and you'll be free to reciprocate all his feelings. It's not that hard to rip apart that trash you called 'boyfriend' into a bloody mess with eight heavy and powerful tentacles at his disposal.
It certainly just as easy as how you had shred his heart, but he'll forgive you. It's not easy to stay angry at you all the time, he's just that in love with you.
And maybe you're right, he might've really gone mad. He's madly in love with you, that is.
And now that you're free, Azul is so happy! He could barely contained his excitement as he wraps your body in his tentacles. Twirling the both of you in a little dance under the flickering lights of the lounge and bringing you closer to him in the pitch black waters of Octavinelle's aquarium. You're still crying in his embrace. He thinks you must be as happy as he is, enough for you to shed tears and tremble in excitement.
As he wipes your tears with one of his tentacles, smearing the blot that drips like ink on you, he can't help but think how lovely you look in his colors. Maybe if he had listened the voices in his dreams sooner, you would've been by his side from the start. If he had accepted their help earlier, he would've received all you love by now.
But no matter. Everything still works out in the end. Azul has accepted every parts of his ugly self and set the both of you free. And now that he can call you his, both of you are now forever bounded in the embrace of the dark and endless sea of blot.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
thinking about dottore’s sharp sharp teeth, biting into the soft flesh of your shoulder, your neck, your thigh - and how he uses a kamera to take photographs of your skin beading blood, kissing and licking and soothing the wounds afterwards, murmuring that he’s just taking notes on how well you heal. more photographs as they bruise, as they fade - delighting in the soft whimpers of pain you make when his surgical gloved fingers press down on tender healing skin. just a test subject, he tells himself, flicking through the photographs and replaying your pained moans in his head. with his still gloved hands wrapped around his cock and the taste of your blood still lingering on his tongue and the sharp points of his teeth: just his very favourite test subject.
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8unny9l0ck · 1 year
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a sea witches love potion
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Heart Shaped Wound:
Katsumi’s Ending
Heart Shaped Wound
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Author’s note: I’m back! It took me awhile but I’ve been slowly editing this story and trying to decide whether or not to make the endings smutty. If anyone wants that, I will upload it to my tumblr to avoid this story getting rated M for mature! 
So we are continuing where we left off here is Katsumi’s ending! A more PG 13 version!
     Baki shook (your name) with wide eyes. The young man desperately made an attempt to stir her while Hanayama held Katsumi up by the scruff of his shirt. 
      “(Your name)? (Your name), wake up-“
      “She just fell asleep from eating so much.” Natsue tried to diffuse the situation but Baki gave her a look that could kill.
        “What the hell is wrong with you guys? That is clearly a lie. What has gotten into everyone-“
      “(Your name) agreed to marry me.” Katsumi piped up, Hanayama dropped him in shock. The yakuza glared at Katsumi in anger. Agreed to marry Katsumi… why on earth would she agree to be with Katsumi and not him? Hanayama was better in every way-
       “She’s unconscious. I don’t think there was any consent at all.” Baki cradled her body close to his. The younger man felt incredibly protective over the young woman since she was momentarily defenseless. “Let’s go Hanayama. We’re taking her to the hospital.”
       Baki scooped (Your name) up in his arms. The young man made sure to comfortable rest her head on the crook of his arm while Hanayama led him to the limousine. 
      A grumble escaped her lips and she opened her eyes for a minute. “Katsumi? Where’s Katsumi?”
       Katsumi perked up and ran to her, the karateka took her hands in his. “I’m right here, darling. Are you okay?”
       “I’m just sleepy…” She leaned toward Katsumi, the young man snatched her out of Baki’s arms. “Can we lay down?”
      “Of course…” Katusmi then gave Baki and Hanayama a victorious grin. “See? My fiancée wants to go to bed. So leave.”
       The two men turned to each other and sighed. Hanayama resisted the urge to punch Katsumi’s face in. His fists clenched tightly to his side.
       “This isn’t over, Orochi.” Hanayama hissed while he tucked his hands in his pockets. He made sure to bump his shoulders into Katsumi’s. Katsumi stepped back a few steps from the impact, a disgruntled expression on his face before he turned to (your name) with a smile. 
     “My darling… I’m so happy you chose me. Let’s go lay down together… We’ll get married soon and then we can have a beautiful life together…” Katsumi babbled while she drifted in and out of consciousness. “We can start working on our family then! My parents have already started putting a nursery together… w Evan teach our kid karate and capoeira. It’ll be so exciting… I can’t wait.”
        (Your name) felt her eyes get heavy again while Katsumi continued on with his delusional rant. His lips pressed numerous kisses on her eyelids and cheeks. “Let’s go lay down together my love. God… I love you so much.”
      (Your name) was lulled into a deep sleep, Katsumi carried her to a room. The man gently placed her down on the futon before he crawled in beside her. His arms wrapped possessive of around her like a snake.
       Katsumi buried his nose in her hair and deeply inhaled her scent. The young man fished his hand into his pocket to hold the ring he had hastily shoved in there before the interruption. He slipped the elegant ring on her finger with a smile.
     “You’re finally mine… my wife.”
       When (your name) woke, she was startled to see a diamond ring on her finger and Katsumi cuddled up beside her. What happened? Where was she?
       Wait… the events from last night replayed in her mind. Katsumi had proposed to her and then… and then she fell asleep. Did they drug her? Oh god… did he take advantage of her while she was unconscious?
      She tried to scoot away from him but Katsumi only held her closer. The young man pressed hot kisses to her neck with a sleepy smile.
      “Good morning, darling.” Katsumi sat up as he pressed more kisses across her skin. “Did you sleep well? You were out like a light last night so I brought you in here to sleep… I didn’t think you’d wear yourself out after I proposed.”
      “Katsumi? What-“ Katsumi pressed his lips, he smiled into the sweet kiss.
       “You’re my fiancée now! How soon do you want the wedding? My parents are willing to pay… so you want to invite your mother? Any family? We can fly them out. We have the money.” Katsumi babbled excitedly while his hands kept her in place so she wouldn’t run for the hills. “Do you want to do a traditional wedding? Or we could combine our cultures! What do you think?”
        “Katsumi, I really don’t-“ Katsumi moved his hands to cup her cheeks. Her words did little to deter his excited rambling. His eyes were filled with stars and his cheeks were flushed.
      “I was already going through baby names too… god. Can you picture it? Our first bundle of joy?” Katsumi sighed dreamily, he looked so out of reality that he had no idea he just forced the woman he loved to be with him. “I’ll give you as many kids as you want! I have a list of baby names but I’d love to hear your opinion as well.”
       Katsumi placed his head on her stomach with a goofy grin. His arms gave her a firm squeeze. “Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl? God… I’m so happy this is finally happening. I’ve been dreaming of marrying you since I met you! I’m the happiest man in the world!”
       (Your name) bit her tongue once she realized resistance was futile. Katsumi wasn’t going to listen to her… she needed to escape.
      “Let’s go enjoy breakfast together, okay?” Katsumi beamed. “As fiancé and fiancée!”
       Katsumi practically dragged her out of the futon and towards the dining room. His mother and father already sat at the table with a big breakfast prepared. Natsue and Doppo smiled at the ‘couple.’
      “There’s my daughter in law! How did you sleep? You were so tired yesterday, we were certain you wouldn’t wake up.” Natsue put a hand over her mouth. “You two lovebirds were cuddled up together last night and it was so cute… remember when we were young, Doppo?”
     Doppo smiled at his wife. “Darling. Our love is eternal. We will always be in love.” The couple shared a laugh before they turned their attention back to (your name) and Katsumi. “I’m hoping you two stay in love as well.”
     “Ah yes but-“
     Katusmi dragged her to the table, a large meal of omelet rice and a bowl of natto was placed  in front of her at the table. A glass of tea beside the meal.
      “Warm food for a warm body.” Natsue winked at (your name). “You need to keep your immune system built up so you can have a baby.”
       (Your name) choked on her spit in shock. Baby? They were just like Katsumi.. the whole family was delusional.
      “I really don’t think this is necessary.” (Your name) back tracked once she saw the disappointed look on Natsue’s face. “You two have already done so much for me-“
       “Well you’re practically part of the family now.” Doppo smiled warmly at her. The older man smiled at her and Katsumi. “And families take care of each other.”
      (Your name) smiled politely and began to eat the meal prepared for her. It was delicious but she was still terrified of what was to come… there was no way she could fight off all three of them and make a run for it… not unless she wanted to get seriously injured.
      Katusmi ate along with her. His onyx eyes observed her happily eat his food. He was so happy she wanted to be his wife.
      (Your name) had tried to escape a few times but it was futile. The Orochi family kept a close watch on her… even when she went to work. There was always one of the members of their dojo close by the report if she made a break for it.
      It was miserable… they even confiscated her phone so she couldn’t contact anyone for help.
      (Your name) tried to reach her students as usual but Satoshi and the others gushed about her ring. It seems even the students knew she was going to be married to Katsumi soon…
       The ring felt like a chain attached to her rather than a sign of a lifetime of love and devotion.
       Katsumi dropped by her classroom with a big bouquet of flowers. The karateka strolled up to her and pressed his lips against her cheek in front of the kindergartners who cheered for them.
       “What has my beautiful fiancée so lost in thought? Did you miss me?” Katsumi whispered in her ear with a grin. “Our wedding is in two days… I’m so excited.”
       (Your name) weakly smiled at him. There was no hope of escape. All she could do was accept this new life.
       (Your name) did her best not to cry while they shared their vows. Katsumi’s vows would have been incredibly romantic if he would have approached her like a normal person rather than force her to marry him against her will.
       But life didn’t always work that way… his grip on her hands was too tight and his eyes held such a heavy lust in them that it almost made her knees give out from under her. 
      “You may kiss the bride.” And Katsumi pounced on her like a starving tiger. His lips enveloped hers in an eagerness that finally broke the dam of her tears. The young man wiped away her tears as he continued to kiss her.
      To the many guests she may have looked like a bride who was excited to marry her now husband to the point of joyous tears but only she knew the truth… this wasn’t a happy union at all.
     Katsumi scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the aisle. His hand tugged at her white kimono for what was to come… Katsumi was eager to finally copulate their marriage. To harvest the fruit of his maddening obsession. To fill her to the brim with his love and to form a child from it.
     “I love you so much, my darling wife.” Katusmi pressed his lips to her red, puffy cheeks. “Till death do us part.
Author’s note: short and messed up ending! But I’m sure you guys understand what was insinuated at the end. Poor you 🥹
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