#yandere symbiote x reader
suiana · 15 hours
yandere! symbiote and loser basement core reader who only stays in their room all day. imagine a yan symbiote like venom from idk what its called but tha sexy vemon symbiote thing👅
anyway this symbiote thought you were a freaking god amongst humans because you were actually touching grass for once and was walking outside!!! so he decided to bond with you because, like, that's what symbiotes do you know. also his old host died.
little did he know...
"lol this fucking loser is so-"
"you're the loser."
he swears he feels his braincells leaving every single day he spends with you. how did you live like this??? the last time he saw the sun was like a month ago! you even told him you're getting all your vitamin D from the blue light your tiny screen uses!
"please... go out..."
"clip that chat."
you couldn't be fucking real. he was the most powerful alien back home! and now you're treating him like he doesn't even exist???
"i'm getting lunch, you want anything?"
"human, i crave the souls of the innocent."
"okay so a bagel."
"two bagels."
he can't help but be enchanted by your whimsy though!!! like okay... you're a loser, so what? you're HIS loser. so while he's.... disturbed by your lifestyle, he's glad you don't interact with others-
"hahaha look at this hottie, i wanna lick his abs."
...he's so gonna break your damn phone.
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Yandere! Symbiote Host! Shidou
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For most of your high school career, Shidou had plagued it after you were assigned to work on a project with him for a class. You had heard the rumors about him, the warnings your friends gave you to keep your distance from him, but you had just laughed it off. After all, it’s high school! Rumors were spread and greatly exaggerated most of the time and plus, Shidou was rather cute with that small smirk he gave you as you sat next to him for the first time. Looking back on it, you wished you could’ve noticed the predatory glint in his eyes when you walked towards him, like a dumb lamb walking to the slaughter.
You quickly realized how true the rumors were the more you two worked together. At first, it was normal; Ryusei complained about not wanting to do his project but begrudgingly did it anyways, being a rather surprisingly cooperative partner. You wished you had seen the signs; the way he’d get annoyed when your friends tried to talk to you when you were both working together, and you had thought that it was because he wanted you to work so you guys could be done faster. The way how if you stared at a boy for too long, either because they were cute or you were zoning out, Shidou would come to class the next day with bruises on his knuckles and bandages on his face while the boy had taken a “sick day” and to move seats.
However, he became more bold after visiting your house for the first time. You had known he was infamous for getting into fights and you would tread carefully that day but you hadn’t really connected the dots. Despite working diligently in class, there was still some work that had to be done so you suggested going to your house after school to finish it, and he couldn’t fight back the smile as he agreed and arranged a time with you. The night itself was normal, working on your desk and typing away and Shidou lying on your bed, going through the rubric with a jaded tone as his mind took in every aspect of your room. The scent of your sheets, the decor that you had, and the pictures and photos you had on your walls and nightstand. 
Then things took a turn when he stood behind you, leaning over your shoulder by placing an arm on your desk and a hand on your shoulder, and you originally thought he just wanted to see the progress. When he continued to stand there for an uncomfortably long amount of time, you looked up at him to open your mouth and ask if he needed anything. The way he moved was as fast as lightning and happened in the blink of an eye…because it did. You blinked for only a second after you turned and when you opened your eyes, his lips were on yours. The hand on your shoulder gripping the back of your chair and the hand he had on your desk was now gripping your thigh, you could feel his nails digging into your jeans. Your arms stiffened at your side as you tried to process what was happening before you pushed him off of you and yelled at him to get out. He tried to make moves for another kiss but you had backed up, grabbing the closest object that could be used as a weapon and keeping stern eye contact with him. He chuckled at your reaction before holding his hands up in surrender, taking his things, and leaving.
The next day, you planned to be done with Ryusei Shidou. You were going to present your project and then you were going to leave but Shidou wouldn’t let that happen. He somehow got ahold of your entire schedule for the semester and transferred all of his classes to match yours, waiting by your locker in the mornings and evenings, you were actually thankful for his soccer practices since they’d give you a break from him. He soon began to find a way around that too by practicing his soccer drills at the park from outside your window. His soccer ball startled you from your work and you looked up to see him across the street, waving at you with that smirk you once thought was charming but now left a sick feeling in your stomach. He’d practice late into the night, the dull kicking sounds keeping you up at night and leaving you unable to sleep until they stopped. One time you barely got any sleep because he hadn’t stopped practicing until 3 am. You were pretty sure he was sneaking into your house as well, finding blonde and pink hairs around your room.
You tried to tell people but Shidou always found a way to keep you silent. Sending candid photos of you hanging out with your friend, sending you pictures of him posing with your pets in your room which would’ve been cute if he was actually your boyfriend and not some creepy guy, and while he never sent a text to follow up with said photos, his threat was unspoken and loud. So you tried to deal with it as best as you could. Letting him kiss you on the cheek and wrap his arm around your shoulder, attending his soccer games even if you didn’t want to, and formally inviting him into your room and letting him watch you do your regular routine that you couldn’t focus on knowing his pink gaze was watching you with such intent. He’d still play soccer outside of your room, keeping you up as he kicked the ball then randomly stop to look up at your window and when you thought he was gone, you’d hear kicking again.
But now? You didn’t have to worry about that anymore.
Because you finally found a way out.
Shidou’s soccer ball had dented the lampost it bounced off of, when it rolled back to his feet, he intended to put his foot on it to stop it.
He closed his eyes at the sound, his lips became thin before he kicked the deflated ball away from him as hard as he could. It was late into the night, the sky inky black with some stars glittering overhead, and he took some time to look up at them. He wondered if you were looking at the stars too, thanking your lucky one that you were finally going to leave the blonde in the past as you spent your first night in your dorm at some college you had applied to behind his back. 
As if, he thought to himself as his scowl began to grow. 
He was going to find a way around this, he always did. Even if you were careful enough to clean up any traces of brochures or mail from your college so Shidou wouldn’t find it, even if your dorm allowed you to bring pets so he no longer had any leverage over you, and even if you had changed all of your contact information and blocked him on every social media platform that you had. You were his, he decided that a long time ago, and you were never going to escape him.
It just pissed him off how he never had even seen this coming.
Once he gets you back to himself, you’ll never have a chance to get away with something like this ever again.
He’s so engrossed in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice one star in the sky shining brighter than the rest and gradually coming closer and closer to the field until it hits the ground. Close enough for Shidou to go flying a good distance but not enough to kill him. He looks back at the ground, a grey metallic pod steaming from its fall from wherever it came from, and while he’s focused on the shine of alien looking object, he didn’t notice the pink and black slime-like being that snuck out from the side. When Shidou rises to his feet, he looks up to the sky once more for an answer before walking closer to the thing. Slowly and cautiously, tilting his head at different angles to inspect everything about it. When he crouched down to observe it, the pink and black blob jumped at his wrist, causing him to fall back. He growls and tries to rip it off but it spreads to his arms, growing and consuming more and more of his body. The dented lamppost flicked on and off violently, the light showing Shidou’s silhouette trying to fight off the alien blob that covered him more and more every second until it seemed he came to an understanding with it, his flailing becoming compliant as he allowed it to become one with him. 
To turn him into a monster.
- Anyways, normal Shidou is pretty fucked up. Yandere! Shidou is even more fucked up. BUT YANDERE SYMBIOTE SHIDOU IS THE MOST FUCKED UP YOU WILL GET. Striker will augment his obsession with you into something more twisted.
- Symbiotes also have different abilities based off of their user and how they're created but I can totally imagine Striker having abilities based off of Shidou's goal poaching abilities and not to mention his kicks. He'd definetly be a brutal symbiote.
- Shidou being kinda unfazed when he kills someone for the first time. His first victim being one of those annoying ass friends who managed to hide you from him. When they yelled at him and threatened to have him arrested, Striker came out restrained them while Shidou cracked his knuckles and walked over to them. His instinct to kill a lot stronger because of Striker yet instead of using his alien power up, he still preferred to do the dirty work with his own hands.
- Most relationships of symbiotes and humans involve the human babysitting the symbiote but I definetly feel like the dynamic would be the opposite. When Striker locates you, Shidou immediately trying to gain control and grab you but Striker has to pull him back and tell him to wait.
- Striker is both annoyed and impressed with how great Shidou's obsession with you is. Impressed because it gives Shidou to take control whenever he pleases but annoyed because it can cause him to act rather...recklessly.
- He's thankful for it nonetheless his obsession with you is why Shidou willingly gave himself to the bond after Striker promised him to you.. However, it appears that when they became one, Shidou's obsession began to develop within the parasite as well. Which doesn't bode well because it also amplifies Shidou's possessiveness and violent tendencies to those around you.
- Striker will still act as a voice of reason, rationalizing things to Shidou as if he were a child. Giving valid points on why Shidou couldn't just kidnap you or threaten you to coming with him, how it'd be much more fun to leave little clues that Shidou was creeping into your life once more and just when you try and pull another miracle escape from him again, BOOM! He becomes a giant alien monster thing that will hunt you down to the ends of the earth.
- Shidou isn't very insecure when he and Striker bond, you'll have no choice BUT to love him with or without his symbiote since he's not letting anyone else have you so when he reveals himself to you, he isn't phased by your screaming and actually takes delight. However, it's the cold realization that shines in your eyes that tells him you now know you'll never get away from him. No matter how hard you try.
- Also you know how Eddie calls Venom a parasite and that pisses Venom off? Yeah, Shidou calls Striker "gloop" and Striker tries not to dignify that with a response but he will make Shidou walk into something. Hell, the next time you try to make a run for it and Shidou is chasing you, Striker might trip him up on purpose. Mostly because its not like you'll ever go anywhere they can't find you
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depresssant · 2 months
thinking about a venom!reader in the MHA world...
ok i got very carried away with the dabi part but ykyk. uh two are platonic yan and the other is romantic. but basically, i was thinking about a quirkless reader who becomes the host for venom in the mha world. how cool would that be?
maybe i'll do a deadpool one as well, but i love venom too much atm.
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⏤ venom!reader: you're just a quirkless reporter with a dark past. you work⏤well, worked for a news channel diligently, making sure to bring justice if not through a quirk, then through a camera. that is, until you investigate a company accused of trafficking quirkless civilians to test for quirk development. however, the chairman of the company doesn't take kindly to your intrusion and has you fired.
⏤ venom!reader: you sneak into the company's lab with the help of one of the chairman's closest scientists. you stumble across an alien, symbiote, from a whole different planet. this symbiote picks you as its host and you now have a literal parasite feeding off of you. the chairman is ecstatic since none other hosts have lived as long a you, so he sends men to capture you but venom is having none of it.
⏤ venom!reader: you escape from the chairman's men while accidentally getting your boyfriend, soon-to-be fiancé murdered in the process. you swear to get revenge, and the hero commission is more than willing to turn you into a hero if it means using you to push their agendas.
⏤ venom!reader: you accept despite knowing this won't end well. your mind is on revenge and revenge only. you want to murder the chairman, but for now, you have to bide your time. you're paired with the pro hero hawks, and he wants to be your friend so damn bad. you're assigned as an apprentice under the number one hero and decide to use these people to help you with your revenge.
— venom!reader: you're able to charm everyone with a charismatic personality. okay. that was a lie. you're brash, reckless, and stubborn, but perhaps that's something the number one hero's masterpiece loves about you. you're like... the wild older sister that's always bringing chaos to the family. you take shoto todoroki out on outings when you're not working yourself to the bone, and it warms his icy heart. you return to his home bloody and bruised up after a long day of fighting villains, and the first thing on your mind is to help him with his homework? the way you look after him is so domestic and familial.
— venom!reader: you make shoto want to keep you in his home forever, away from harm's way. you're destined to be his older sister, and there's no way you can be anything else, right? he doesn't know you don't really care about him. you just treat shoto todoroki well to get on his father's good side. but he finds out your true feelings the night you spend rambling off in a drunken haze to fuyumi, who may as well be as wasted as you. you and her talk about one day moving and leaving everything behind, and shoto can feel his entire world fall apart. no. no. no. no. you and fuyumi are his older sisters! you're supposed to love and care for him. nothing more! your jobs have gotten into your heads too much! he can't let either of you leave. no. he won't let either of you leave. you've become shoto's lifeline, and he'll die of you disappear.
— venom!reader: if you aren't hunting down the people on your list at night, you spend the day doing the commission's dirty work. your partner, hawks, who aides you with your work, isn't the most tolerable person to be around, but he pays for your food every time the two of you go out, so you're not too keen on dropping him just yet. his constant remarks about how you should be his apprentice instead of endeavor's are a bit annoying, but you brush them off. the heroes working directly for the commission are all fucked up in some sense. you would know since you've worked for them, and your old partner form the old days is no exception. he shows you off to the media as his best friend, but just because the two of you hung out so much back when you were younger doesn't make you friends. at least in your eyes.
— venom!reader: you don't see the maniacal glint in hawks's eyes when he looks at you. he looks at you as if you're the entire world, but you don't even spare him a single glance. why? why do you not smile at him like you used to? why do you keep a distance from him? why? why do you hate him? why won't you just LOOK at him? why? why? why?
— venom!reader: weeks after the grand chase between you and the corporation's men, you're still left with a terrible reputation. you work as a hero, but the people view you as a villain, and your symbiote doesn't really help in fixing your tarnished reputation. so many people died because of the chase. you seem like such a villain. would it be surprising if you tried to join the league of villains? you join hawks as a mule in the l.o.v after much conviction, and none of the villains unsettle you as much as that guy, dabi.
— venom!reader: dabi's gaze unsettles you. it feels like he's picking you apart with his haunting sickness that has you questioning how good of an actor you are. he's clearly done his research on you when he asks about your apprenticeship under endeavor and how you live with the man. there's distaste in his tone not for just the todoroki family, but you too. the two of you fight a minute into the conversation, and you evade him so quickly, he's quite embarrassed. the two of you are forced to partner up multiple times, and it's the usual mean and snarky banter that has both of you wishing death upon the other.
— venom!reader: walking in on blood running from his eyes, you offer him your help to which he denies quite harshly. but you're adamant on gaining the trust of the league, and dabi's too tired to deal with you so he lays back on the couch and lets you clean up all the open wounds he's got. touch makes him disgusted. it has him wanting to hurl and scrub away at his skin till it bleeds all over again. but you're touch... isn't so bad. you handle him with care, something dabi thinks he's never felt before, and even though he feels that similar nausea creep up his throat, he can still let your hands ghost over his stables and open wounds.
— venom!reader: you're able to read him like an open book, and dabi hates it so damn much. he hates your sarcastic remarks. he hates your brash and reckless behavior. he hates how you treat him with such gentle care. like... like you actually care about him. it reminds him of fuyumi. he misses her. you're like her. then, he sees you get a call from that brat—that "masterpiece"—and dabi's blood boils a fury. you talk to that twerp with a tone full of care and understanding. why won't you talk to him like that? why is his puny little brother able to call you older sister? why do you smile at his words? you're supposed to smile at him. let him be your brother. damn it, the scarred villain will do anything if it means taking away everything endeavor and his damned masterpiece love. but you? endeavor doesn't matter at all. he just wants to see you call him brother. once. just once. though, dabi knows he'll lose it if you give into that wishful thinking.
⏤ venom!reader: you don't realize just how horrifying of a situation you've found yourself into until you are gifted the dead body of your next target with the name of the villain that killed the person carved on their back. there's eyes always on you, and red feathers constantly litter around the corners of your apartment. but you brush it off. you know, but you push it aside. your revenge was more important. you're so dedicated to your cause that it starts to take a toll on you physically and mentally.
⏤ venom!reader: you turn more and more villainous as you take away the lives of all the people standing in your path of revenge. you've become a blood-thirsty anti-hero, feeding your parasite human brains and yourself the blood of your enemies. you're getting closer and closer to your goal, but at what cost? the lives of so many that you've lost count? innocent and guilty—you're losing your ability to differentiate. blood, guts, and revenge are the only things on your deranged mind.
⏤ venom!reader: you keeps pushing the brewing situation away until you're running away from the very heroes and villains that are after you. you're like a ghost with how you've disappeared, but it seems like no matter where you run to, you're enamored admirers will always find you.
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also, if ya'll are looking for a story with this prompt or premise, i've got the one for you. my book is called venom (link btw) and idk... now that i've gotten my e-begging out of the way, enjoy ur day.
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theres-a-body-here · 6 months
Miguel O'Hara x Male!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 |
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As Miguel slipped in and out of consciousness, he became vaguely aware of being dragged along the hallway by some unknown force. It wasn't until he regained some level of lucidity that he realized it was one of your black tendrils wrapped firmly around his ankle.
All around, the sounds of battle echoed - cries of pain and success melding together, only to become silence as you took him deeper into the structure's internal complex.
You hummed softly to yourself, navigating the maze-like corridors with ease while keeping Miguel close at hand
"V-Venom," Miguel managed to croak out, struggling against the paralyzing effects of Scorpion's poison coursing through his veins.
Continuing the journey deeper into the base, you cast a tender gaze upon Miguel. Your voice held a sickly sweet tone, gently whispering words meant for his ears alone.
"We've missed you so much, amor."
Miguel, however, was barely holding on, fighting back waves of nausea caused by the debilitating toxin coursing through his veins. He opened his mouth to respond, but only managed a pitiful moan in reply.
The sudden ceasing of movement rouses Miguel from his drowsy state just enough to notice you stopping in front of a door marked by a prominent medical symbol.
Everything became hazy again as your slimy, black tendrils went to work on breaking through the keypad lock securing entry.
Then, everything went black for Miguel…
A low hum gradually filtered into Miguel's awareness, slowly awakening him from unconsciousness. He groggily blinked open his eyes, greeted by a harsh glare emanating from the sterile white ceiling above him.
Disoriented, he soon discovered he lay atop a cold metallic stretcher, rigid and unforgiving beneath him.
Grunting in discomfort, Miguel rolled his head to the side where a tray of medical supplies rested on wheels. Various syringes and vials occupied its surface, suggesting recent use.
Just as Miguel started to relax, a chillingly serene voice invaded his personal space.
"We were worried you wouldn't wake," you said nonchalantly, studying him with such intensity.
Startled, he whipped his head towards the source, finding you perched comfortably on another bed nearby.
Eyes locked onto yours, Miguel felt his blood run cold at your unsettling calmness – unmistakably predatory in nature.
An oppressive silence filled the space between you both, punctuated only by the relentless buzzing of fluorescent lights above.
Unsettling tranquility hung heavy in the air as you leaned forward expectantly, ready to continue your conversation.
"We hope you were dreami-"
However, before you could finish speaking, Miguel sprang into action. In one swift motion, he flung himself off the stretcher, grabbed its metal railing, and hurled the entire thing directly at you with impressive speed.
You remained entirely unfazed by the incoming projectile as long tendrils burst forth from underneath your clothing, effortlessly stopping the stretcher mere inches from your face.
Each individual strand contorted and flexed in unison, crushing and tearing into the metal structure with minimal effort before casting aside remnants like discarded waste material.
As quickly as it had begun, it ended; an eerie stillness hanging in the air.
Miguel was gone.
There was no anger in your tone - simply mild irritation tinged with disappointment.
Miguel sprinted through the winding corridors without looking back, every fiber of his being urging him forward. Every muscle screamed in agony as he rounded corners and vaulted obstacles with newfound determination.
Eventually reaching the expansive hub of activity, he observed countless Spider-People working alongside each other, collectively pushing back against an overwhelming tide of evil forces.
Relief washed over him momentarily, replaced almost instantly by renewed determination - finding Spider-Byte and fixing The Go-Home-Machine was now mission critical.
Suspended midair via tendrils looped around his neck, Hobgoblin gasped for breath while desperately thrashing around in random directions. His struggles proved futile against your iron grip; eyes bulging in terror as he looked at your calm expression.
You waved a photograph casually under his nose, tapping at the figure of Miguel. Two other figures were captured in the image, but they had been scratched out with sharpie in an erratic way.
"Have you seen him pass by?" You asked sweetly, casually flicking your wrist in a manner that tightened the hold slightly – eliciting a panicked yelp from the trapped villain.
With subtle adjustments to your grip, you allowed enough leeway for Hobgoblin to speak freely without fear of suffocation taking over completely.
His voice trembled as he stammered out his denial. "No, I swear! Never seen him!" He insisted, frantically shaking his head to emphasize sincerity.
You dismissed Hobgoblin's protests with a simple hum, signaling your skepticism but accepting his statement nonetheless.
You released Hobgoblin abruptly, your tendrils flinging him through the air until he collided with a nearby wall with bone-crunching force. Dust clouds rose as he slumped to the ground lifelessly.
Your attention shifted towards another hostage suspended upside down by your tendrils - a Western-style cowboy hat obscuring most of his face save for a pair of terrified eyes peering back at you warily through his red bandana.
"¿Y tú, arañanita?" you queried gently, pulling him closer while pressing the photograph up against his masked face for emphasis.
"Have you seen him?"
Unease etched across his features as he examined the snapshot showing Miguel's likeness within its borders. Despite attempts to hide his recognition behind a facade of stoicism, the slight twitch of his eyebrow revealed the truth.
He knows
"I don't even know who he is," he lied smoothly, maintaining composure despite the racing rhythm drumming through his body like wildfire.
Yet as his gaze met yours, fear gripped him fully as he saw a knowing look reflected in your irises and a faint smile gracing your lips.
You know
"We're in a hurry, so we'll make this quick," you murmured soothingly.
With those final words uttered, two thick tendrils snaked their way around his skull, muffling any protest that lingered on his tongue thereafter.
Within moments, the helpless cowboy found himself engulfed in complete darkness due to your suffocating grasp covering his face entirely.
His muffled cries grew louder but ultimately faded into the air of the isolated area.
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rie-092 · 2 years
HELLO! As you can see, I was reorganizing my account. So, I plan to add some new manhwas to my writing list. You can suggest your favorite manhwa (so I can add them to my writing list) if you want to :D , because the more, the merrier!
Who made me a princess
Villains are destined to die
Father, I don't want to get married!
Trash of the count's family
The way to protect the female lead's older brother
Solitary lady
Inso's law
The villainess is a marionette
Beware of the Villainess!
Author of my own destiny
Into the light, once again
I am the real one
When the villainess loves
How to get my husband on my side
I have become the heroes' rival
The king and his knight
I became the younger sister of the regretful male lead
Not-Sew-Wicked Step Mom
Revolutionary Princess Eve
I turned my childhood friend into a tyrant
A royal princess with black hair
Caught by the Villain
The reason why Raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion
Side characters deserves love too
The demonic contract
The lady I served became a master
I tamed the tyrant and ran away
The side characters in the world are obsessed with me
I became the male lead's adopted daughter
Touch my little brother and you're dead
How to be a dark hero's daughter
Charlotte and her 5 disciples
Kill the villainess!
The symbiotic relationship between a rabbit and a black panther
The second male lead is actually a girl
The beloved little princess
Lady baby
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starleska · 1 year
If you're still taking writing requests, could you do possessive Wally headcanons?
*cracks knuckles* oh anon, i most certainly can 😈 yandere!Wally fans (me too 😳), this one's for you! (this is less headcanons and more a oneshot... kinda wanna write the whole thing 🙈)
content warnings for possessive behaviour, manipulation, threats, arson, entrapment and kidnapping!
Possessive/Yandere!Wally Darling x Reader headcanons
👁 it all started so well. Wally was a Darling both in name and behaviour, and you fell hard and fast. such an attentive sweetheart, from the moment you moved into the neighbourhood it was as if he were always at your side. anywhere else, you may have been unnerved, but Wally's simple warmth and easy smile dispelled all of your doubts. while you tried to spread your time equally between your kind new neighbours, you somehow always found yourself in Wally's presence, talking to him for hours.
👁 in time, you found yourself becoming bolder. you start returning Wally's curious glances, and soon allow your eyes to linger a touch longer than they should. curiously (and with a little bit of a thrill), you notice that Wally seems incapable of breaking eye contact - no matter how long you stare, he'll always stare right back, unperturbed.
👁 one day, you find yourself closer to Wally than usual. you're half-pressed against one another on your sofa, Wally's cheek nestled in the crook of your shoulder. he's drawing something in his sketchbook: an indistinct, wobbly shape that you can't make heads or tails of. while Wally's right hand scribbles furiously with his pencil, the fingers of his unoccupied left hand spill at your side, reflexively clenching every now and again with the automatic motions of his drawing.
👁 the closeness imbues you with a newfound confidence. you take a breath, steady yourself...and reach across, brushing your fingers lightly across Wally's own. Wally's eyes snap towards you. for a moment, his pupils blow so wide you think they might just swallow you.
👁 the next day, your house catches fire. such an incident is unheard of in this neighbourhood, and all your neighbours are horrified for you. however, Wally is strangely calm. "I'm sorry you lost so much," he says, still smiling. "Would you like to live with me?"
👁 you're shaken - but accept Wally's offer. the shock of the fire takes a few days to wear off, but nothing could be more unsettling than living in close quarters with Wally Darling. existing within the living, breathing (creaking? squeaking) walls of his Home has an atypical effect on the puppet. Wally's voice is lower, and he moves with more purpose, as if he and Home are one and the same: symbiotic entities which exist in tandem with one another.
👁 to add to your creeping sense of dread, Wally flips the script on your personal space. now he is the one letting his fingers slip easily around your waist, and fixing you with uncomfortable, impossible-to-ignore stares. you try to laugh off his behaviour, questioning him openly if he enjoys having you as a guest so much. for once, Wally doesn't smile when he replies, "I love you living with me."
👁 it isn't until a week has passed that you learn all the doors are locked, and Wally never gave you a key. you try wrestling with the door handle, but it doesn't budge. then you try the windows, but they're sealed shut. 'I'm not trapped!' you think to yourself. 'Wally is just being a good neighbour - he wants to keep me safe.' but that still doesn't stop you from panicking, scouring the house for the heaviest thing you can find and trying to smash the window. the glass does not break. Home suddenly groans with the sound of a thousand old floorboards and overloaded pipes - a dreadful, ear-rending noise - causing the glass in the window to triple in height and thickness right before your eyes.
👁 terrified, you scramble backwards to run out of the kitchen - only to run smack into Wally. you collapse to the floor and gaze up at Wally, standing in the doorway with his hands tucked behind his back, that cat's smile of his holds some private amusement.
👁 "did you try to leave Home?" Wally asks. "Silly, silly." he takes a step towards you, and then another - slow and loping steps, his cute puppet form now moving in a way equal parts unnatural and sinister. he crouches next to you, those eyes now whirlpools of void which obscure all but the slight white rim of his scleras. "Try again," Wally whispers. "I'd like that very much."
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running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
 Masterlist~~ (OG Work)
ADVISATORY WARNING: This list potentially deals with yandere behavior, violence, death, non/dub-con, NSFT, etc.! Please read at your own risk.
Male love interest
Yandere! Killer Clown X Reader
Yandere Boyfriend X Insecure! Reader
Photographer X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Photographer X Reader
Masked Intruder X Reader l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 2 l Masked Intruder X Reader Pt. 3
Virgin! Best friend X Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere Masochist X Reader (NSFT!)
(NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend X Reader l (NSFT!) Jealous Boyfriend Pt.2 (Valentines day) X Reader
Yandere Best Friend X GN Virgin! Reader (NSFT!)
Yandere X Amnesiac! GN Reader
Cannibal X Reader l Cannibal X Reader pt. 2
Rich! Husband X Reader
Stalker X Reader
Possessive Delinquent X Reader l Possessive Delinquent X Reader Pt. 2 l Possessive Delinquent X Reader pt. 3
Secret Admirer X Reader l Secret Admirer X Reader Pt. 2
Childhood Friend! X Reader
Yandere Soulmate! X Reader
Male! Yandere x Servant Reader (Drabble)
Christmas Intruder X Reader
Orc Tribal Leader X Reader
Manticore X Reader
Doll X Reader
Elf(Cirdan) X Reader
Elf (Cirdan) X Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Satyr God X Human Reader
Satyr X Human Reader Pt. 2 (NSFT!)
Elf Lord X Entertainer! Reader
Orc X Guard! Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader
Werewolf Elias X Reader Pt. 2
Naga X Reader
Naga X Reader Pt. 2
Werewolf Boyfriend X Reader
Incubus X Human Reader
Alien X Reader
Alien X Reader (Pt.2)
Wraith X Reader
Mothman X Reader
Plant Creature X Reader
Shapeshifter X Reader
Symbiote Armor X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Mermaid X Reader
Female love interest
Baroness X Maid! Reader
CEO X Reader l CEOX Reader Pt. 2 l CEO X Reader Pt. 3 l CEO X Reader Anniversary l CEO X Reader Drabble
(NSFT!) Kidnapper (Maeve)X Fem! Reader
Dark Fae X Reader
Vampire X Reader
Cat Girl X Reader
Nymphs X Reader
Drider X Reader
Medusa X Blind! Reader
Lycan Gangster X Reader
Lamia X Reader (NSFT!)
AFAB! Reader
Ex-husband X Pregnant Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Robot X Fem! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AFAB
AMAB! Reader
(NSFT!) Kidnapper Drabble AMAB
Male + Female Love Interest
Incubus + Succubus X Reader
Male! Yandere X GN Reader X Female! Yandere
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Unwanted Cravings.
Pairing: Yandere!Miguel O'hara x Reader (Spider-Verse).
Word Count: 1.3k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Venom!Reader, Obsessive Behavior, No Actual Sexual Content But Unlimited Access to Miguel's Horny Thoughts, No Seriously This Man Just Wants To Be Topped But He Has To Be So Weird About It, and Slight Violence.
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Miguel couldn’t remember the last time he’d been restrained.
Beaten, broken, pinned under falling rumble or sedated or exposed to a paralytic gas, but not restrained. When he was first coming into his abilities, maybe – he could picture himself waking up in some damp, depressing holding cell, but he’d never been handcuffed. If the cops managed to get their hands on him, he wasn’t in a state to resist, and his villains were rarely the ‘catch and release’ types. Or, most of his villains, at least.
This would be so much easier, if all you wanted to do was kill him.
Without warning, the tendrils of your symbiote binding his arms behind his back wrenched tighter – tearing something in his shoulder and drawing a low, pained grunt out of the base of his throat. He clenched his eyes shut, but opened them again just as quickly, turning his gaze toward you.
You were above him, but not out of reach. Perched on the edge of a well-beaten wooden crate, one leg crossed over the other, everything below your neck covered with the glistening black tar of your symbiote, you were staring down toward where he’d been forced to kneel on the cement floor, too, sizing him up with an expression bordering between total disinterest and utter boredom. The repulsion in your eyes alone was enough to spark something in his chest, to make him wonder if you’d look at him with the same indifference if he got his hands free and forced your legs apart, if he buried his face between your thighs and gave up air in exchange for something much more precious. He could do it, if he needed to. If he used his talons, if he pushed himself, he could do it.
But, he didn’t. He wouldn’t. Because you’d get hurt. Because you’d already proven you weren’t looking for a fight, just something to do.
Because you’d leave if he didn’t play along, and you couldn’t leave.
Not that you were in a rush. With an airy sigh, you leaned forward, letting your head lull to the side as you raised your foot, finding the underside of his chin. With more force than you really had to use, you tilted his head back, taking a moment to evaluate his swollen eye, the jagged cut you’d left along his cheekbone when your symbiote had momentarily mistaken him for its next meal. Eventually, your foot fell away from his chin, the sole of your boot finding a place against the center of his chest. He could feel heat rushing to his face, his breathing grow hoarse and ragged, and could only hope it was too dark for you to notice. “You look good with a little damage.” Cold, viscous condescension dripped from your tone, but Miguel had to fight the urge to preen. “You should drop the mask more often. Reaper might stop trying to take a bite out of you if she knew how pretty you could be, when you put the effort in.”
Pretty. A pang of something pure and electric shot from the base of his throat to the pit of his stomach. His breath hitched, and as if in response, your symbiote nipped at the corner of his jaw with just enough force to break the skin. He didn’t try to speak, too aware of how audibly his voice would wavevr - only glaring in your direction, doing what little he could to square his shoulders, to look like a hero. You just laughed, the noise flat and humorless. It made him want to carve your throat out. It made him want to kiss you until his lips bled.
“It’s not fun if you’re just going to make faces at me.” You clicked your tongue, rolled your eyes. “Who was that guy you were with the other day, the one who I threw through a billboard? He was cute – do you think he’d want to play with us, sometime?”
Miguel bared his teeth. Your symbiote purred with delight. “Peter’s not worth your time.”
Another laughed. A real laugh. “And you are? Tell me, Spider-Boy, what exactly can you do for me?”
Involuntarily, images flooded his mind by way of an answer. You, straddling his waist, riding him until he was barely conscious beneath you. Your body between his legs, thrashing void clinging to your skin as you split him open with the help of your symbiote, as you wrapped your clawed hands around your neck and squeezed. A tongue longer than his forearm forcing its way down his throat, the feeling of your body pressed against his, the wild grin you wore as you tried to tear him apart plastered across your lips as you—
The grin you were wearing now, he noticed, when he finally snapped himself out of his fantasies. Not as unrestrained, not extenuated by a thousand rows of pointed teeth, but just was sharp, just as piercing. Complimented by the glint in your eye you only ever got when you saw something you wanted to bite into. “You’re blushing.”
He bowed his head, cursing under his breath. “Let me go—”
“Don’t give me that.” A pair of think tendrils sprouted from his restraints, wrapping around his thighs and forcing his legs apart. Your foot fell farther, landing on his crotch and applying enough pressure to force a sharp hiss through his grit teeth. “Good guys aren’t supposed to lie.” You ground your heel into the base of his shaft and he doubled into himself, a violent moan tearing past his lips. “Be honest, this time – do you get this hard for every rouge you fight, or am I special?”
You were special. Of course, you were special. If you weren’t, his skin wouldn’t itch when anyone else so much as looked at him. If you weren’t, he wouldn’t melt so easily under your attention – hostile or affectionate. If you weren’t, he wouldn’t have to fight so hard not to grind into your heel, not to imagine your symbiote slipping underneath his suit, splaying him out, binding him in place and rendering him immobile, helpless, yours. He tried not to imagine the feeling of your hand against his chest, his waist. He tried not to imagine what you’d do to him, when you had him at your mercy.
It slipped out before he could swallow it back, before his better judgement could overshadow his primal need to feel your skin against his. “Please.” And again, as your lips quirked upward, as you rolled the sole of your boot against his crotch, “Please.”
“Please what, Spider-Boy? Ask for what you want.”
“I— I want you to—” To kiss his neck. To draw blood. To eat him alive. “I need you to touch me.”
There was a beat of silence. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, erratic and nearly overwhelming, nearly deafening.
Finally, you snapped your fingers, calling your symbiote back to you. Miguel fell onto his back, panting as you pushed yourself to your feet. As your mask crept up your neck, you spared him one more glance. For a second, he could’ve sworn you were going to turn on him, sink your claws into his neck, tear his beating heart out of his rib-cage. For a second, he could’ve sworn you were going to stay with him.
Then, your lips quirked upward into a lopsided smirk. You reached down, a bone-white claw emerging from your monstrous hand. Slowly, deliberately, you dragged the sharpened point down the length of his chest, splitting open the holographic fabric of his suit and drawing a thin, red line from his collarbone to the tender flesh of his upper pubic area. You watched with a glint in your eye as he stiffened, as his shoulders shook and a bright, searing heat seeped into his veins and dripped down his thighs. Once the aftershocks had faded, you let out a bark of a laugh, recalling your talon and standing to your full height.
“Fucking pervert.”
Without another word, without another sound, you disappeared into the night, leaving Miguel alone, frustrated, and already desperate to see you again.
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Ronance X Reader (Robin Buckley X Nancy Wheeler) ideas for you!
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Ronance X Escape Lab!Reader (You have scarlet witch powers but purple not red)
Ronance X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Ronance X Siren!Reader
Ronance X Demon!Reader
Ronance X Succubus!Reader
Ronance X Werewolf!Reader
Ronance X Lesbian!Reader
Ronance X Russian!Reader
Ronance X Scarlet Witch!Reader
Ronance X Sapphire Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Ronance X Daki!Reader
Ronance X Mermaid!Reader
Ronance X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Ronance X Famous!Singer!Reader
Ronance X Harley Quinn!Reader
Ronance X British!Reader
Ronance X Blind!Reader (inspired by toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Ronance X Mute!Reader
Ronance X Enchantress!Reader
Ronance X Ahmanet!Reader
Ronance X Cryokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Telekinesis!Reader
Ronance X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Ronance X Ashnikko!Reader
Ronance X Yandere!Reader
Ronance X Chorokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Airbender!Reader (you basically have Aang’s powers from the last airbender)
Ronance X Wednesday!Reader (inspired by the Jenna Ortega version)
Ronance X Electrokinesis!Reader
Ronance X Deaf!Reader
Ronance X Tourettes!Reader
Ronance X Ghostface!Reader
Ronance X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Ronance X Maleficent!Reader
Ronance X Symbiote!Reader
Ronance X Na’vi!Reader
Ronance X Female!Demogrogan!Reader
Ronance X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Ronance X Cruella!Reader (inspired by the 2021 version)
Ronance X Transgender!Reader
Ronance X Zombie!Reader
Ronance X Jennifer Check!Reader
Ronance X Sapphire Witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
(A/N: Hello! Hope you love this if you wanna see more then go ahead and see more of my posts hope they inspire you just like this one hopefully did your welcome!)
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onmyyan · 9 months
Hey-o!!! Mind racing anon here I just reread through your venomreader x yandere batfam AGAIN! And my mind started racing
What if while reader is captured in the timeout cube and they start getting sick. Like venom hasn’t eaten anyone in awhile and like in the movie starts to eat his host aka reader.
So reader starts becoming pale and weak and coughing and throwing up blood from having their organs literally being eaten to sustain the symbiote and the batfam sees this and it leads to absolute CHAOS!!!
I’m talking arguments and fights breaking out between them about what to do and how to help reader.
I think Bruce would try and figure out why reader is all of a sudden sick and want to do tests and scans to help find the reason. But he starts to get more and more worried as readers health declines and there is nothing coming up on any results. He tries everything he can think of but it doesn’t help his children are becoming manic and going crazy so he has to try to keep order all the time.
But then you have Jason going absolutely FERAL trying to get to reader and take them to a hospital and hold them and comfort them because he can’t believe he let it get this far when he swore to protect them. He stands outside of readers room and begs them to let him know what’s happening and how he can help. He brings them all kinds of medicine and food, he even brings reader some weed from their hidden stash to try and keep them calm or help in anyway. His eyes are red and puffy all the time from him crying every time he sees reader weakly throw up or cough up their blood.
Dick is freaking out and won’t let reader out of his sight but every time reader coughs or vomits or starts to collapse he’s crying and begging Bruce to do something or he will. He’s tried braking into the room to get you (they all have) but Bruce changed the code or something so nobody tries to run off with them.
Tim pours through all security footage trying to see if maybe you poisoned yourself with something in order to try and escape or at least trying to find what caused all of this but he’s coming up empty, he starts getting desperate and researches every disease known to man. He now goes through every checklist of symptoms he can to figure out what’s wrong. He also know knows way too much about diseases and if reader ever get a sniffle or a cough after this he immediately thinks their dying.
And Damien put on the face of not caring in front of his family. He looked as if he’s unbothered by everything but his room was destroyed the same day all of this started and he had barely slept or ate. None of them have. He’s started to stalk the outside of readers cell as if he was guarding them and he watches everything reader does. He claims it’s to make sure reader isn’t tricking them by doing this to themselves but it’s really because his mind has made him believe reader might die and because of that thought he can’t stand being farther than a couple steps away. He’s surprisingly the one who advocates the strongest to let reader out in order to help them and he becomes manic at the thought of returning the next day and reader being dead in the cell and he CANT handle it.
Meanwhile reader is just like well…fuck… and debates on telling them about venoms diet but knows they can’t because then reader is admitting to letting venom eat people and that is SURE to go over well with the vigilantes against killing and all that🙄🙄🙄
Anyway yeah I am feral for yandere batfam
Also I know this is long but I love it and I love you and merry late Christmas and happy new year and yeah❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Venom!Reader: yeah I’m a monster now and I don’t deserve love because of the horrible things I’ve done
Yandere Batfam: You have never done anything wrong in your life. We know this. And we love you.
Venom!Reader: *surprised pikachu face*
2nd Bonus:
Batfam member: I hate that alien that has attached itself to you. If I had it my way it would be kept in a jar for the rest of its days studies by scientists.
Reader: Venom said if he had to choose for me to marry someone he would pick you.
Batfam member: You know I’ve always thought aliens were cool. I think Venom is actually a really good influence on you and you should definitely listen to him more often. *pulls out a ring and gets on one knee*
This is absolutely amazing and genuinely lit a spark under me regarding that story, thank you so so much for sending in this wonderful piece it's delectable, I've been having serious writers block with that series and this single ask had me running to the editor cuz it's so good like?? Of course your body would break down without it's needs being met it's so perfect, again thank you for sending this in cuz it inspired me ❤️❤️❤️ you go glen coco
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 years
monstober 2022 masterlist
kinktober 2022 masterlist
might turn some of these into full length fics once october is over
photos from pinterest
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October 3rd - meal for two - vampire!wanda maximoff x vampire!reader
October 6th - eat you up - symbiote!natasha romanoff x reader
October 9th - dream of me - succubus!valkyrie x reader
October 12th - serpent - gorgon!natasha romanoff x reader
October 15th - a temporary friend - tentaclemonster!she hulk x reader
October 18th - little one - giant!natasha romanoff x reader
October 21st - make a deal - devil!kate bishop x witch!reader
October 24th - can’t escape - horned!carol danvers x reader (think minotaur w human head)
October 27th - desiderium - vampire!kate bishop x reader
October 30st - tell me you love me - yandere!wanda maximoff x reader
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
(ㅅ´ ˘ `) david dastmalchian masterlist
last updated: 22nd july, 2023 newest: latest heart to heart update
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.
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abner krill/polka-dot man(the suicide squad 2) dating abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff, light angst warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH abner with a s/o that has a symbiote genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: mentions of intercourse, very short bc i am pooped out of ideas for this one
yandere abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL heart to heart genre: abner krill x fem!oc, best friends to lovers warnings: mention of experimentation, murder, abuse, manipulation, ABNER'S MOTHER synopsis: after escaping an illegal lab where she was experimented on constantly, number 037 found a new life for her in gotham city, in a quaint little cafe. everything seemed to look up, she even met someone dearly special to her. who knew it would all go bad so fast? kurt goreshter(ant-man) - none yet. johnson(reprisal) dating johnson genre: johnson x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff warnings: drinking, light implications of intercourse lester billings(the boogeyman) - none yet. alonso "lonny" crane(the belko experiment) lift, laugh, love genre: lonny crane x named!fem!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.
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dearest-painter · 2 years
I have no father (PT.2) male reader
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior,unhealthy relationship, abusive relationship,abusive behavior,Age gap??? I’m not sure who’s yandere yet except for some people so please request some,neglect,reader is dating Venom and posses Venom you know how Eddie posses venom? That type of posses,hate to Tony stark aka Reader’s dad,mentions of hickeys,mentions of scars not specified but they are from battles,BAD SPELLING!!,cussing,reader is basically Eddie Brock just the son of Tony,heavy Venom x Reader/Eddie vibes. If I forgot any please inform me
Authors note:Peter is 18 while Reader is in his 20s just because I believe that’s how old you need to be to have your own apartment and for no other purposes,I do not do smut/lemons. Plus He/Him pronouns are being used for reader
Keys:H/t = hair type,h/c = hair color,h/l = hair length,e/c = eye color,s/c = skin color I swear I’m not trying to be rude it just so that you have free range of your looks!!!
Part 1
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Huffing as you walked outside letting the city’s cold air hit your body that is exposed calms you down a bit. Your so called dad pissed you off so much saying you had no permission to marry someone you love! You didn’t know where you where going but your body was on autopilot which you never realized. Is Y/N okay? You softly smiled at your husbands voice which calms you down yes love,I’m okay just need to be away from that DAMN bastard he knew you were pissed as hell so he didn’t talk anymore. You kept taking in deep breaths of the cold air which soothed you.
Opening your eyes finally you saw you were on top of a roof which made you worried as you felt your breath hitched but Venom helped you calm down. We are safe Y/N,it is wheat we first met you smiled remember that fated day you met Venom,how cold you ever forget the day you met your husband? Closing your eyes you went back to that dated day of meeting venom.
“FUCK YOU! YOU’LL NEVER HEAR FROM ME AGAIN!” “Y/N STARK GET OVER HERE NOW!” Running as fast as you could. You finally ran away from your father,Tony stark the man who neglected you and made the world pity you. You hated that,people pitying you. You didn’t need pity! No you needed a safe secure family unlike your current one. It was raining heavily just like in those stupid cliché romance movies you saw your mother watched. You loved your mother deeply truly as she had given you all the love your father never could as she was both mom and dad in your eyes and she’ll be the only family member to know where you are.
She had made sure you had no trackers on you at all before you ran away. She found you packing stuff to leave,instead of stopping you she helped you as she knew that your mental and physical health matters more then where you stay. You were in front of a church so going in quickly you panted as you sat in front of where the priest would give his preaches you believe. Soon you felt something go in your mouth causing you to cough ver hard.
“FUCKING HELL!” Soon you saw some weird ass thing sprout from your shoulder. “Hello Y/N” “…alien?” “Yes…you do not seem phased by us” “how can I when my dad puts fighting alien’s instead of raising his son but what are you?” “A symbiot” Nodding your head you took out something to eat but the thing got to it first. “Shit you hungry” “Yesss” “what do I call you as you already now my name?” “We are Venom!” Nodding your head you yawn so you started to set up for the night.
“What are you doing?” “Getting sleep as I’ll need to get a job early in the morning” Venom nodded before going into your body which made you shiver. Laying in your sleeping bag you heard Venom mumbling which helped you sleep some how.
“Y/N” snapping out of your thoughts you saw your husband’s face in front of you. “Yes love?” “We are hungry” “of course,how about I cook tonight?” “YES! WE LOVE YOUR COOKING!” Chuckling you let your husband take control and make his body so you two could get home. You enjoyed the area as you finally got away from your point of view. Venom was thinking of was to show you were his without you knowing which was a bit hard but he knows what to do.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: Unsated Needs.
Pairing: Yandere!Miguel x Reader (Spider-verse).
Commissioned by the very lovely @kiakaiba.
Word Count: 3.1k.
TW: AFAB!Reader, Venom!Reader, Sub!Miguel, Rough Sex, Biting/Blood, Everything's Consensual But Reader's So Pissed About It, Tentacle Sex, Threesome (?), Semi-Public Sex, Implied Stalking, and Obsessive Behavior.
[Based On This Drabble]
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Miguel found you in a narrow alleyway, gore dripping from your teeth and tar writhing against your skin.
From a distance, he thought you might’ve been injured. Braced against a rusting chain-link fence that could barely hold your weight, bulking arms crossed over your torso, swallowed entirely by your symbiote – he could already picture a bloody gash in your side, a lead pipe embedded in flesh and organ, a cluster of eye-searing colors and patterns slowly eating away at some vital part of you. He could feel his pulse beating against his ears, his throat tightening with a familiar anxiety no amount of anger and exhaustion could seem to drown out, but of course, his panic was wasted on you. With another step, a closer look, he could see that the blood dripping from your teeth wasn’t your own, that you were holding your stomach, not your chest.
He realized, as he stepped into your line of sight, as you shot to face him with a violent snarl, that you weren’t hurt. You weren’t injured.
You were hungry.
No, starving. He’d seen symbiotes waiting to be sent back to their original dimensions exhibit similar behavior: a slight shake in your shoulder, a certain rattle in your chest, a wildness in the pupilless eyes of the mask you rarely wore, outside of your sporadic fights. It was in your voice, too, in the hollowness your hostility couldn’t seem to fill. “What do you want?” you spat, and it occurred to him that he couldn’t remember the last time you raised your voice around him. It wasn’t your style. You were the silent, skulking type. This was pure defensiveness, the rabid thrashing of a cornered. This was desperation. “Take a step closer, and I swear I’ll—”
“Bite me.”
Your shoulders jutted upward, claws sprouting from your curled fingers. Your symbiote’s thrashing slowed, the black tar of its faux skin clinging that much closer to your own, and when you failed to respond, he repeated himself, fighting not to let his voice shake. “What are you waiting for? Take a bite out of me.”
A scarlet tongue slipped past your jagged teeth, lapping over the lips of your mask. It took everything he had not to picture that tongue wrapped around his cock, or better yet, your mouth closed around his lower body as it fucked him open. “Little heroes don’t usually ask to be eaten.”
“I said you can have a bite. Taking anything more, and I’ll be forced to treat you like a threat.” You didn’t move, but he could feel your eyes boring into him, the weight of your attention pressing into his chest, making it difficult to breathe. If only to distract himself, he went on. “Heroes help people, and you look like you’re about to—”
Whatever remaining patience you had thinned and snapped before he could finish. There was a low growl, a flash of pure darkness, and then, familiar tendrils were tangled around his wrists, his ankles, his neck and dragged him upward, until his feet no longer touched the ground. His own claws lashed out reflexively, but he stopped himself from attacking your symbiote, from so much as taking a breath before you surged forward and buried your teeth in his side, tearing through the nano-fabric in the blink of an eye and biting down.
He’d seen you eat, before – caught you hunched over corpses mutilated beyond the hope of identification, seen you strip flesh from bone in a matter of seconds. This was different. This wasn’t just gluttony, it was wrath, anger rolling off of you in waves as you tore away, rending flesh from muscle and swallowing it down. His suit reacted immediately – isolating the injured area with a plaster-like bandage and injecting a thousand microscopic numbing agents around the perimeter of the wound, but still, he could feel the burn spreading outward, filling his veins and distorting his vision. He could feel his mouth falling open, a deep groan catching his throat before he could vocalize his agony. He could feel his cock, throbbing underneath the taut fabric of his suit, already aching for your attention.
But, you were preoccupied. Your mouth fell to his thigh, tearing away another strip of flesh and tissue. The wound was smaller than the first, but deeper, the points of your curved teeth piercing his skin and sending pangs of pure electricity to the pit of his stomach. This time, there was little he could do to stop himself from reacting, from clenching his eyes shut and letting out a noise – cracked, guttural, as pained as it was wanting. It was humiliating, how easily you could make him abandon his dignity. It was pathetic, the things he was willing to do just to be close to you.
You lingered there, lapping at his blood until you’d drunken your fill before pulling away. With more than a little satisfaction, he noted that it was his blood staining your teeth, dripping down your lips and coating the slick skin of your symbiote as you snapped your fingers, as your mask recoiled and your symbiote sunk below your neck. You could never seem to hide your face, not from him, not for very long. He couldn’t say he was much better. If his society wasn’t at-risk, he would’ve given up his identity for the chance to hear his name roll off your tongue. “You’re so full of shit.” It was your voice, now – just your voice, the reverberation of your symbiote’s tenor no long playing beside your own. “You’ve been following me around for months, and you still think I’d believe you’re just trying to be a good little spider? How many hours have you spent begging us to fuck you when you could’ve been playing hero? How many people have you let me eat because you wanted to get your dick wet?”
Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands. He tried to justify it, sometimes, to do his research on the handful of bodies you left in more or less one piece and tell himself that all of your victims must’ve been abusive husbands or rich bastards or cops, but he would’ve served you a new corpse every night if it meant you’d keep holding him like this, your symbiote around his neck and your warm breath fanning over his open wounds, if it meant you’d keep touching him – your fingertips skirting over the edge of his injury before coming to rest just below his hip. “Drop the suit.”
He didn’t hesitate. Your scowl deepened as his suit glitched and dissolved, leaving only the upper half of his mask in-tact, but your symbiote didn’t seem to share your animosity. Its touch was teasing, its mannerisms playful – the tendrils around his ankles rising and forcing his knees to bend, another pair binding his thighs to his calves and spreading his legs as far apart as his advanced flexibility would allow. There was a pitchy chirping noise – the sound meaningless to him but, apparently, comprehensible enough to you.
Your frown quirked but, with another round of probing from your symbiote, you reached out and wrapped your fist around his aching cock, your grip too tight not to be taken as a sign of aggression. You didn’t move, didn’t shift, but he bucked into your hand reflexively, gritting his teeth to keep himself from moaning and fueling his own degradation. Even that effort was quickly proved futile – gone the moment you drove the heel of your palm into the base of his cock and a truly broken whimper was ripped out of something weak and vulnerable in his chest. He was already leaking onto your hand, pearls of white pre-cum following the curve of your knuckles and staining the cement at your feet. You watched it drip with disgust before your eyes flickered up to meet his.
You opened your mouth, but whatever insult you planned to throw his way was immediately drowned out by a trembling moan, the fragile sound drawn out of him by the feeling of another tendril against his body, snaking down the curve of his spine. This one was flatter than the rest – wide and tongue-like, slick against his skin. Not against his will but rather his better judgement, he arched into it, his eyes remaining fixed on yours as the newest tendril groped at his ass, taking its exploration slowly. Your grip tightened, your thumb swiping over the swollen tip too quickly not to sting. “Take a deep breath, Spider-Boy.”  
He tried to ask what you meant, but the tendril’s tapered point pushed into him as soon as his lips parted. He’d rolled this scenario over in his mind a thousand times, pumped his cock as he fucked himself to the point of tears on one of the silicone monstrosities Lyla liked to order behind his back when his wandering mind started to affect his multi-dimension work, but he never could’ve imagined how cold it would be inside of him, the involuntary shudder that’d run from his feet to his shoulders as your symbiote pushed farther into his ass, filling him in a single thrust. A distinct, spiraled ridge ran down the length of the tendril, adding an alien sensation that only did more to damage his tenuous composure. Its pace, too, threatened to tear him apart; back-breaking fast and unpredictably sporadic, thrusting into him with enough force to leave his hands curling around whatever part of your symbiote that he could reach. He wasn’t sure he would’ve been able to hold himself upright without the restraints around his wrists and ankles, didn’t know if he would’ve been able to survive without the oppressive weight of your repulsion – your narrow glare there to keep him grounded while your symbiote did its best to break him open.
“I—” He wasn’t sure why he bothered. He wasn’t sure why he tried when his voice caught on every other word, when he could hardly get enough air into his lung to stay conscious. “I— Fuck, is it supposed to—”
“Don’t think about it.” You cut him off before he could struggle though the rest, letting go of his cock and shoving two fingers past his lips. He gagged, but you didn’t pull back, forcing him to adjust to the digits lodged halfway down his throat. “This is already more than you deserve. Just be thankful Reaper thinks you’re cute when you’re pathetic.”
You called him cute.
He let out an airy moan, clenching his eyes shut and throwing his hips back, encouraging your symbiote to thrust that much deeper, to be that much rougher with him. His meager efforts were rewarded with another pair of tendrils – the writhing tissue massaging his pecs and toying with his nipples, hardened from exposure and sensitive from neglect. The tendril inside of him slowed, but whatever friction might’ve been lost was immediately replaced by a new trail of smooth ridges and defined veins, a bulbed knot at the base, a blunt head that seemed to grind against every spot that made him twitch, every spot that made him gasp and thrash and want more.
The newest wave of his desperation seemed to spark something in you – interest, maybe, or jealousy, it was hard to tell. Either way, when you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, he leaned forward to try and chase your touch, letting out a low whine when you retreated farther than he could reach, wiping your hand on your thigh. You didn’t keep your distance for long, though. Wordlessly, you allowed your symbiote to lift you off of the ground and up to Miguel’s height, keeping you suspended while you wrapped your legs around his waist. Your suit didn’t pull back, didn’t melt away, only pressing flush to your skin, only making it that much easier for you to slot yourself against him. Your symbiote held him taut as you straddled him, taking agonizing seconds to take his pulsing cock in your hand and, just as slowly, to align the leaking head with your cunt. You started to move your hips, but paused, looking toward him. “Do you know what the worst part is?” Without the strength to speak, he just shook his head. You didn’t press for more. “We would’ve gotten rid of you months ago, if I thought Reaper could stomach it.” You spared him the ghost of a smile. “She says you taste like something that’s already started to rot.”
Aided by your symbiote, you lowered yourself onto him, the tendril in his ass thrusting into him at the same time and forcing his cock that much deeper into you, giving him that much less time to brace himself before he was fully enveloped by your cunt.
He made it all of half a second before coming undone inside of you.
The hours he’d spent fucking his fist to grainy security camera footage and his own deranged fantasies couldn’t begin to compare. You were so hot around him, and wet, and the sound of your breathy laugh as he felt his own cum flood into the gaps between your convulsing walls and his cock had him seeing stars. “Fuck,” you muttered, your tone equal parts shock and amusement. “You’re so fucking needy. Just how long have you been waiting for this?”
If it’d been difficult to talk before, it was near-impossible now. You were working in-tandem with your symbiote; your hips slamming against his in time with its tendril’s thrashing, making sure he was always either being fucked full or milked dry. His climax clearly didn’t matter to either of you. If anything, his hyper-sensitivity only seemed to spur you on, make you more determined to draw choked whimpers and gasping moans out of some deep, long-buried part of him. “Months,” he managed, eventually, spitting the words out through his own ragged panting. “Years – as long as I’ve known about you.”
You hummed, and Miguel drank it in like praise. “Did you want me and Reaper, or just her? Be honest. I promise I’ll try my best not to be jealous.”
Just you. It’d always just been you. Your symbiote was like a parasite, latching onto his thoughts of you and your lips and the feeling of your skin against his and perverting them, tinting them with talons and teeth and a cock the size of his forearm. He wanted you, but he’d take anything you had to give him. “You, I just wanted— Christ, I’d give anything for you to—"
The tendrils on his chest flattened over his nipples and squeezed, forming a wet suction that had him seeing white in a matter of seconds. He threw his head forward, but you didn’t let him escape you for very long – taking him by the chin, burrowing what remained of your claws into his jaw. He could feel skin break underneath your touch, his blood start to trickle down his neck, but didn’t dare pull away, melting into your touch without hesitation. “That’s very rude. She’s doing so much for you, and yet, you  still have the nerve to be so ungrateful.” Your grin was blatant, now, dripping with smug condescension. He’d give anything to see that grin again, to be at its mercy every day. He’d give anything to kiss you. “This is why no one likes you, Spider-boy. You have a pretty face, but you ruin it for yourself every time you open your mouth.”
Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. He couldn’t think about anything else, couldn’t seem to stop himself from lurching forward, wrenching out of your hold. His mouth crashed into yours, the connection all bruised lips and gnashing teeth, only sustained by your shock and his own desperation. The taste of his blood was still heavy on your lips, but he didn’t care, letting out a throaty moan as he sunk against you. He wanted to be close to you. He wanted to be inseparable from you. He wanted to be a part of you. He wanted to—
You jerked back, your fist colliding with his cheek a moment later. It wasn’t a slap, playful and open-handed, or a love-tap, but a punch, meant to get him away for you and make him want to stay away. Pain ricocheted through his skull, his ears ringing and his senses suddenly fogged. It didn’t matter, though. The euphoria of knowing there’d be a mark the next day, of knowing he’d be able to carry a part of you for weeks, was enough to send him over the edge, to leave him humping your cunt and pumping his cum into you for the second time in a matter of minutes. He could’ve stayed like that forever, for as long as you’d have him. Your symbiote could’ve swallowed him whole, and he would’ve died happy.
You didn’t share the sentiment. You didn’t even wait for the aftershocks to fade before clicking your tongue. Your symbiote recoiled, peeling itself off of him, keeping you suspended while Miguel collapsed onto the cement, the rough pavement scraping at his exposed skin. You, on the other hand, were lowered slowly onto your feet, your suit regaining its usual mass as you came to stand above him. “Next time you want to get laid,” you started, wiping off your mouth with the back of your hand. “Stick to your hand. Or else Reaper might find a way to choke down more than a bite.”
He heard your footsteps, the rattling of some rusted fire-escape, and then you were gone, off to lurk in the shadows and stalk your next meal. With a deep breath, a groan of exertion, he rolled onto his back, basking in the cloud of bliss still hanging over him. Eventually, when he was ready, he spoke into the empty air. “Lyla.”
There was a flash of yellow, a near-blinding light. She appeared to his side, hands covering her eyes. “Is it over?” Her fingers split apart. “Can I please put your suit back on?”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” He groaned as he sat up, every muscle in his body drenched in agony. Nano-fabric crept down from his neck, covering his bruised skin and leaking cock, engulfing him entirely. He mourned not being able to see the marks you’d left on him, but it was a necessary separation and, more importantly, a temporary separation. There wouldn’t be anything able to keep him away from you, soon enough. “Cancel everything on my schedule. Jessica’s in-charge until I get back.”
“What should I tell her you’re doing, boss man?”
He flicked his wrist, a holographic screen flickering into existence at his fingertips. A grid-coded map of Nueva York splayed itself out in front of him. A couple seconds later, a blinking dot appeared only a few blocks away from his current position, moving quickly. You were in a rush, tonight.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He’d have to take care of the other eleven tracking chips, the ones planted in the spots you hadn’t taken a bite out of, later on. It could wait. Everything could wait until he’d gotten his fill of you – that was, if he ever could.
“Tell her I’m getting fucked.”
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Yan!Ayato takes Readers vision / “ “
Hello hello - I had an idea for what it would be like for a Yandere to use their darlings vision against them! This is a somewhat continuation of my previous fic Here !! >
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TW : abuse, Memory loss, kidnapping, reader uses she / her
Tags : YAN!Ayato, Yandere Ayato x Reader, Genshin impact
 Truly, your attempt at escape, your want to leave, your secret actions, none of it hurt ayato, what did hurt him was the cryo vision you were bestowed in that key moment. If not for thoma’s ever loyal flame melting your ice, he would of lost you, so it was only natural for him to have to take it from you. Even if the gods wanted you two apart, he would desecrate their will if it kept you close.
After you were fished out of the sea, your vision removed and stored away in a locked metal box, which always gave ayato frost burns when he touched it, you were never quite the same. Even when you awoke, you had this dull lack of life in your eyes, as if you had no understanding of why you even existed at all. Ayato couldn’t argue that it made things easier, if anything just to justify in his head that keeping you by his side was the safest option for you, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he’d ruined something. But, he was nothing if not a determined man, and fixing this was no different.
You felt your memories start to come part in small parts one day, you couldn’t quite place it, but in ayatos presence you felt your purpose come back, whenever he would enter the room, it was like a fog cleared in your mind. Ever since you awoke here, you were rather indifferent on your situation, the guards warned you often about escaping. Truly, you had no idea what they were on about, liyue? What was that? well, that was until that fateful day with ayato.
Inclining of the nation of contracts would come to you in dreams, you would piece together fragments of memories each day you spent with ayato, all the while he was loving the new found attention he was receiving. This was a perfect symbiotic relationship for you both, until one day something clicked in your head.
“Yes dear?” he responded without missing a beat, head still deep in his latest report. You paused, “I’d like to leave, i don’t know where this place is, but I feel that I belong to a nation named liyue.”
He froze, which only confused you further. it was silent for a moment, before he let out a sad sigh and stood up, letting out a dark chuckle. “What was it this time? Did you catch a glimpse of it?” he mused. Glimpse of what? the confusion struck you, this was until he opened his jacket, unclipping something from his belt, and apon seeing it, the rush of memories, joy, fear, love, hatred, purpose, it almost knocked you over.
“M-my.. my vision.. you, you took it that day, you took it then. You were-“
“Yes yes, god as much as i love you, this conversation truly only gets more tiresome everytime we have it, what are we on now? 8? 9?” he interrupted, calling for his guards while you were sat to take in what was happening to you. How many times has he ripped away your vision, only to give it back to you in small doses, to have just enough of you, would you remember this when you woke up? Fear overtook you as you were grabbed by his guards, as they began escorting you out, and you let out a cry “Wait! i’m sorry! please! please don’t take it away again!” you sobbed, everytime your vision was ripped from your soul playing back in your mind.
Ayato smiled, a soft sympathetic smile, though you could tell the sympathy was not for you. “Don’t you worry love, I will find the perfect distance and exposure for us” He smiled “Until then, be patient.”
When you awoke you were confused, where were you? dressed in a silk kimono, the world dull and foggy, you looked around confused as to how or where you are. This was until a knock at the door, and swift step from a tall man with cool hair knocked you out of your confusion. “Hello love” he said with a soft smile, as if he’d said it thousands of times before. despite feeling as though you’d never met the figure in front of you, your hair stood on end and something in you, told you to run.
/// NOT BETA READ , written on mobile while drunk as fuck :)
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Finn Wolfhard Characters X Reader idea’s for you! (Part 2)
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Trevor Spengler X Gozerian!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Symbiote!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Enchantress!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Terror Dog!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Possesed!Reader (your possesed by Zuul)
Trevor Spengler X Emerald witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but green powers not Red)
Trevor Spengler X Na’vi!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Ghost!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Telekinesis!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Gothic Vampire!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Egyptian Goddess!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Harley Quinn!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Tourettes!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel form titans)
Trevor Spengler X Daki!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Yandere!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Ghostface!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Amethyst witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but purple not Red)
Trevor Spengler X Darkness witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but black powers not Red)
Trevor Spengler X Emotionless!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Captain Marvel!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Maleficent!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Werewolf!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Cryokinesis!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Chorokinesis!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Russian!Reader
Trevor Spengler X British!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Blind!Reader (Inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Trevor Spengler X Zombie!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Cruella!Reader (2021 Cruella inspired)
Trevor Spengler X Singer!Reader
Trevor Spengler X Sapphire witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Trevor Spengler X Female!Ink Bendy!Reader
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Miles Fairchild X Russian!Reader
Miles Fairchild X British!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Insane!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Crazy!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Ashnikko!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Deaf!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Ahmanet!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Jinx!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Psychopath!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Metalhead!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Tourettes!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Big sister!Reader (Your 21 and he’s 18)
Vampire!Miles Fairchild X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Miles Fairchild X Nezuko!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Symbiote!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Bisexual!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Lesbian!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Asexual!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Maleficent!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Flirty!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Baby sister!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Twin sister!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Male!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Brother!Reader
Miles Fairchild X Singer!Reader
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Richie Toizer X Telekinesis!Reader
Richie Toizer X Yandere!Reader
Richie Toizer X Cryokinesis!Reader
Richie Toizer X Chorokinesis!Reader
Richie Toizer X Singer!Reader
Richie Toizer X Twin Sister!Reader
Richie Toizer X Big Sister!Reader (He’s 13 and your 19)
Richie Toizer X Bowers!Reader
Richie Toizer X Sapphire witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but Dark blue)
Richie Toizer X Scarlet witch!Reader
Richie Toizer X Ghostface!Reader
Richie Toizer X Asexual!Reader
Richie Toizer X Lesbian!Reader
Richie Toizer X British!Reader
Richie Toizer X Russian!Reader
Richie Toizer X Mean!Reader
Richie Toizer X Black!Reader
Richie Toizer X Girlfriend!Reader
Richie Toizer X Male!Reader
Richie Toizer X Boyfriend!Reader
Richie Toizer X Pyrokinesis!Reader
Richie Toizer X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Richie Toizer X Little Sister!Reader (he’s 13 and your 9)
Richie Tozier X Singer!Reader
Richie Tozier X Celebrity!Reader
Richie Tozier X Zombie!Reader
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Boris pavlikovsky X British!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Deaf!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Abused!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Cryokinesis!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Bimbo!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Stripper!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Male!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Genderleas!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Russian Singer!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Yandere!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Scarlet witch!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X theo’s big sister (your 21 Boris and Theo are 18)
Boris pavlikovsky X Bisexual!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Lesbian!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Metalhead!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Celebrity!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Violinist!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Russian Male!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Black!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Asexual!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Mexican!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Latina!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Mean!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Murderer!Reader (Like Ghostface)
Boris pavlikovsky X Insane!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Crazy!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Sapphire witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but dark blue powers)
Boris pavlikovsky X Teacher!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Girlfriend!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X British! Girlfriend!Reader
Boris pavlikovsky X Russian! Girlfriend!Reader
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Older!Mike Wheeler X Mermaid!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Cruella!Reader (Cruella 2021 inspired)
Older!Mike Wheeler X Na’vi!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Emotionless
Older!Mike Wheeler X Maleficent!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth form titans)
Older!Mike Wheeler X Metalhead!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Hellfire Culb Member!Reader
Older!Mile Wheeler X Girlfriend!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Hargrove!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Russian!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X British!Reader
Older!Mike Wheeler X Amethyst witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but purple not Red)
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Maleficent!Reader (Maleficent but dark blue powers not green)
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth form titans)
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Hargrove!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Twin!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Bisexual!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X British!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Latina!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Flirty!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Male!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Older Sister!Reader (your 24 and he’s 13)
Pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Little Sister!Reader (Your 7 and he’s 13)
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Yandere!Ghostface!Reader
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Golden Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch Powers but golden not Red)
pre-teen!Mike Wheeler X Russian!Reader
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Bobert X Golden witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but golden)
Bobert X Russian!Reader
Bobert X British!Reader
Bobert X Latina!Reader
Bobert X Stripper!Reader
Bobert X Bisexual!Reader
Bobert X Lesbian!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!Reader
Bobert X Metalhead!Werewolf!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!Vampire!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!Siren!Reader
Bobert X Emerald witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but green)
Bobert X Yandere!Russian!Reader
Bobert X Mexican!Reader
Bobert X Witch!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!Fallen Angel!Reader (you have Massive black angel wings)
Bobert X Yandere!Mermaid!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!British!Reader
Bobert X Yandere!Cruella!Reader (inspired by 2021 Cruella)
Bobert X Succubus!Reader
Bobert X Harley Quinn!Reader
Bobert X Ahmanet!Reader
Bobert X Enchantress!Reader
Bobert X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth form titans)
Bobert X Sapphire witch!Reader
Bobert X Scarlet witch!Reader
Bobert X Na’vi!Reader
(A/n: these are Finn Wolfhard characters x reader idea’s that you can use make sure to check out my other posts they have lots of inspiring stuff there I made y/n au profiles that can help you as well with X reader stuff like this and more)
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