#yandere soap mactavish
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nina-renmen · 1 year ago
I really like your Yandere team 141. Would it be too much to ask for headcannons of what type of Yandere Simon, Price, Soap and Alejandro would be? (separate) And how they would react to the reader reciprocating their feelings?
That’s not too much at all! I hope this is what you’re looking for.
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The Stalker:
•Ghost likes to lay low when it comes to these types of things.
•You definitely wouldn’t see it coming, especially if you don’t pick up signals easily.
•Ghost is the type of Yandere to rummage through your belongings while you’re out and about. He wants to get to know you without directly asking.
•If you were to subtly flirt with him or show any kind of interest in him your chances of getting kidnapped have drastically decreased.
•If ghost was drunk enough he would confess. That being said, I think he has a high tolerance for alcohol. It’ll take him a while to actually get drunk enough to tell you.
•On the event that he does somehow confess his feelings, don’t expect it to be a big thing. He might just look at you and say something along the lines of “Let me take you out to dinner.”
•If you agree to be his without any pushback then great! You now have an overprotective guard dog that will scare off any man that tries to approach you. •Ghost dosn’t like to share, he’ll keep tabs on you with the help of soap or implanting trackers on your phone. He tells himself it’s for your safety but in reality he wants to know where you are at all times.
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The clingy/touchy one:
•Soap likes to have his hands on you at all times.
•It dosn’t necessarily have to be sexual. Sometimes he’ll wrap an arm around you or place his hand on the small of your back. •He’s the type to get annoyed if you don’t pay him any attention. He’ll hide your phone from you so you have to come to him for help. •If you reject his advances towards you he’ll disappear for a while and make you drop your guard. When you’re finally settled his appear in the middle of the night and forcefully take you away. •But that scenario is for another time.
•Johnny is the type to buy you flowers, a stuffed animal (that has a camera in it) and chocolates before he asks you out. He’s visibly nervous when he hands you the ‘offerings’ and confesses his feelings to you. •If you accept his shoulder visibly loosen. A stupid grin will cross his face and for the rest of that night he’ll subtly touch you. Maybe he brushes past you and places his hands on your hips to get by. Or he’ll place a hand on your shoulder or thigh.
•Soap is a little more lenient than ghost when it comes to you going out without him. He won’t involve Ghost unless you’ve run away. He’ll probably install a tracker on your phone and send you on your way.
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The gift giver:
•This one isn’t as sweet as it sounds
•Price likes to woo you with little gifts and trinkets. He’s the type to implant trackers and cameras into gifts like stuff animals or jewelry. He’ll even get you a phone that he secretly has access to.
•Price can be a bit manipulative at times. Especially if you have daddy issues. •Before he confessed to you Price was the first person to tell you that your new boy toy isn’t good for you. Price will dig up dirt on your recent date and completely trash your perception on them. Afterwards he’ll give you a gift to ‘make you feel better.’
•It you reciprocate his feelings Price is a bit taken by surprise. He had all of the necessities to kidnap you in his car. He was ready to take you by force, and he was expecting to. •With price, he’s the type to give you items that symbolize that you’re taken. For example a necklace that has a locket with his initials on it. Or a ring.
•Price wants you taken care of. Literally and figuratively. Do you want to go shopping? No worries he’ll give you his card. Are you sad that your friends ditched you? No worries, the next day their faces are in the news as ‘missing’. Are you hungry and don’t have the energy to cook? Lay down, he’ll run you a bath and order take out.
•It’s an absolute dream to be with price willingly and be naive to what he’s doing around you. But if you find out about his doings and don’t respond in the way he likes he’ll just have to resort back to plan A.
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The manipulator:
• Alejandro can be sneaky sometimes
•He’s usually somewhat similar to price. Whatever you want he’ll buy for you.
•But on the off chance one of your friends notices the way he’s unhealthily protective of you or making you miss out on friendly gatherings this man will gaslight you
• If you go up to him complaining about his over protectiveness he’ll just blow you off
•”You know I’m doing this for you right?”
•After an argument that may or may not leave you in tears he’ll always say ‘I love you’. Not as a gesture to show how much he really love you. But as a manipulation tactic.
•If your gullible or naive you might have a tough time getting away from him
•Especially since he has his men stalk look after you when he can’t be there.
•If you reciprocate his feelings it’ll still be a toxic relationship
•He has more control over you now. He’ll slowly make you disconnect with family and friends so your life only revolves around your relationship with him
•If you notice early on you might be able to get out of it with the help of someone from the 141 team. But that’ll just land you in their arms instead
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Never Let You Go Yandere! Soap x Female Reader Chapter One
Summary- MW III Au. In Which Soap survives though is injured and has to spend time recovering in the med bay, it is there that he meets you. A young, bright eyed nurse who spends the next few months helping him recover. And as you do so Soap soon finds himself fixating on you, that fixation soon turns to an obsession as Soap soon realizes that he wants nothing more than for you to be his.
And vows that he will not stop until you are his. You, however, have no idea that something is wrong until people around you start disappearing and you begin to feel like your being watched. But don't worry, Y/N Soap won't let anyone hurt you. You belong to him, and he's going do everything in his power to make you realize that...
Authors Notes- Here I am back again with yet another Yandere Cod fic. This time featuring Soap. Who in this fic is a wee bit unhinged. And as you can gather by now I like to mention any and all trigger warnings in the AN. So this chapter is gonna be kinda mellow it'll only feature some stalking and obsessive thoughts.
If none of this is your cuppa tea then this is where we part ways. But I'll remember our time fondly. Now that we got THAT out of the way here is the first Chapter to Never Let You Go. I hope you enjoy.
Chapter One.
It had been months. Months since Price and the rest of the 141 dragged his lifeless body from that tunnel after Makarov had shot him. But somehow, someway Soap had survived. Though he was far from out of the woods as the moment, and now he was here stuck in this medical facility, and was slowly on the mend. Emphasis on slowly. But it wasn't all bad Soap thought, Price along with Gaz and Ghost all made regular visits to see him and catch him up on things. Mainly what they've been doing while he was down an out. Sadly, it seemed while he was here Makarov was still on the loose.
That seemed to sour his mood on more than one occasion. No matter, Soap thought as he lay back down when visiting hours were over and the rest of the 141 had left to return to their own quarters, all except for Price who Soap knew would spend the night burning the midnight oil in his office. No doubt going over reports and other such things hoping to pin down Makarov's location and put a stop to him once and for all. Though Soap would be lying if he said he didn't want to be the one to put him down. Soap owed him that much. But alas just his luck he wasn't ready to leave. Yet.
And honestly? Soap thought, as he peered out the window of the room he was staying in to look out at the lone nurse scribbling something in her clipboard, a look of concentration etched on her features. Having you around made everything so much more bearable. You, the young nurse, who was still rather wet behind the ears had been his constant companion during his stay. Making sure he was feeling all right, helping him with the blinding headaches he often had to everything else that was expected of you in your job.
And sure, a small part of Soap knew that you were just doing your job. But he couldn't help but think that maybe just maybe you fancied him, and if you did well the feeling was mutual. As Soap found himself growing rather attached to you. You made him feel....
Soap chewed on his bottom lip, trying to find the right words to put to these feelings when it came to you, he knew he liked you perhaps more than he liked anyone. You had treated him with nothing but kindness even when he wasn't at his best because of his injury. When he would find himself not in control of himself, and ended up spewing some of the most vile stuff he could think with on control.
Only to realize soon after what had happened, leaving him mortified. And while most people would have left you stood by his side, a sweet smile on your lips as he told him it was nothing, that it wasn't his fault as you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. And he felt your warmth washing over him at your touch. How could someone like you be so patient? So kind? Just watching you made his heart flutter as he recalled the times when you would come in on your breaks to sit beside him. A novel in hand, which was soon forgotten as the two of you chatted. You telling him everything and anything that not only interested you and what happened in your life, while trying to keep him up to date on what was going on outside his room.
His heart fluttering as you laughed at his jokes, as you pay attention to his needs. Now he was grateful for the rest of the 141 coming to him once in a while but you brough him comfort. Feeling his gaze on you, you look up from the clipboard you were writing on to meet his gaze, a look of concern on your face as you put the clipboard down and step into his room.
"Are you all right?" You asked, moving to his side.
Soap merely chuckled. "Sorry, bonnie. Just lost in thought is all." He told you, the corner of his mouth turning upwards.
You smiled down at him. "What are you thinking about?" You asked.
"I was just wondering what was going to happen to me if...when I'm able to leave this place." He told you.
And that brought another worry to his mind, what was going to happen to him if he recovered enough. Would he still be apart of the Taskforce? Or would be been forced to leave? And if so what would he do if he couldn't see you again?
Soap shoved those thoughts from his head as he looked to you. Noting you looking tense, before relaxing that same sweet smile on your lips as you move closer. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure with time and a little more patience you'll be back in the field kicking ass and taking names." You told him.
Soap had to smirk at that. Taking a moment to look you over, taking in the nurses outfit you and everyone else here had to wear, but on you it looked absolutely perfect. And Soap wasn't going to lie he often wondered what you wore under it, often entertained the idea of sliding his hand up your thigh to push the skirt up to see what type of underwear you wore, if you wore underwear. But had more than once stopped himself, the last thing he wanted to do was scare you away.
"Tell you what." Soap said, resting his head on his pillow, exhaustion slowly creeping up on him. "How about when I get out of here I take you out from drinks as thanks for all your help. That sound good?" He asked.
At that you worried at your bottom lip again. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm just doing my job." You assure him.
"And what a wonderful job you've been doing." Soap said.
You flush at his words. "Thank you."
"But surely it won't hurt to go out once in a while for drinks. I mean I love how dedicated you are to work but life's short. Trust I should know mine was almost cut short so why not?" Soap insisted.
You were quiet for a moment. "Maybe, perhaps we'll see you still have a long ways."
"I'll hold you to it." Soap said, as his eyes drifted shut as sleep soon took him, the last thing he remembered was you pulling the covers over him and whispering goodnight to him.
Months Later.
Months had pass and by a miracle Soap had recovered, and soon was allowed to leave the medical wing. And in all that time Soap was constantly haunted by thoughts of you long after you had gone.
In his defense he tried to forget about you, tried to move on, even Ghost, Gaz, and Price had told him the same when he would ramble on and on about you. Ghost telling him to leave you alone, Price agreeing with him. But Soap only scoffed, easier said than done. He often found him spending his free time lurking around the medical wing watching you. That was how he had found out about your plans with several other medical staff and soldiers, and now he was lurking in the shadows of the pub, watching you. Anger swelling as he watched as one of the male soldiers pulled you to his chest.
And rather than pull away you let out a laugh, sure, he knew your were rather drunk but still seeing you against him send waves of anger through his body. It took all he had not to rush towards you and pull you away from him. But he stopped himself, a new thought forming in his messed up mind. He knew his little obsession with you clearly wasn't going anywhere, and why should it?
Whenever he was with you he felt like his old self, and to see you with someone aside from from him made him see red. Soap leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, hands clenched leaving crescent shaped marks on his biceps as he watched you laugh and joke around, batting your eyes at several other men you were with. And as he watched this Soap felt a headache begin to form, pushing himself off the wall he stepped out of the pub and out into the cool night air.
Taking a deep breath he looked up at the night sky. He wouldn't give up he would have you, he wouldn't rest until he had you. Walking away he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He would let you enjoy your freedom...for now...
Authors Notes- And thus concludes Chapter one of my newest CoD Yandere fic. I hope you enjoyed it. Safe to Soap is a little bit unhinged. But it should make things fun, right?
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mina-org · 7 days ago
simon can't believe how far hes fallen.
Lurking outside high street underwear shops, stealing your phone, worst of all? He’s sipping tea in an overpriced coffee shop, you used to always want to meet him in the place opposite but he didn’t fancy a public indecency charge so he’d let you sit there for while, order drinks for the two of you and wait, when his tea turned told and yours had been drank you usually got a text saying to come over, he didn’t feel like going into town.
Your not even with him explaining that matcha is actually really good and he should try it, no your fawning over johnny and he’s watching his bird. He hopes this is rock bottom but he feels like it’s not.
"lass if I dinnae know better, I'd think ya' was avoiding me" his playful tone doesnt hide the hurt, he wants you to feel bad for ghosting him, and you do. Johnnys never been mean. Never mistreated you, why are you punishing him for Simon’s mistakes?
"im sorry, I know you and simon are close but he really did number on me and I just, I just don't wanna risk bumping into him." he can praticularly smell the the anxiety coming off you.
"Aye he’s been going mad, wants his wee bird back." Johnny says feigning sadness for his mate. in honestly Johnny was enjoying it, you were talking to him, looking at him, while simon gawked at you two from across the road.
you laugh, "no he wants a warm hole." you blurt out, causing Johnny to laugh, he expecting you to cry or something but not be that blunt.
“Lass hes just nae used to-” johnny tries to defend him but you cut him off, frustrated, you were what? a decade younger and knew how to treat people well.
“Used to what? He’s 40.” You snap back, Simon was old enough to know better.
“He’s nae 40 yet hen, and he’s not used to tiptoeing, ya know?” He laughs at you adding years to him, he’s sure Simon is seething but he can’t quite make out his expression
“Tiptoeing?” You question. You can accuse Simon of a lot of stuff but tiptoeing? Not fucking one of them, if stomping on people was an Olympic sport he’d be bringing home a gold medal.
“Yeah like your so sensitive lass and he’s nae really used to it.” Johnny says simply and when your face drops he knows his choice of words could maybe use some work especially when you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
Johnny cant help himself. he can see simon through the window, sipping on his tea as he watches this little pre date. So he calls him up, simon was saying earlier he misses that pretty voice well he actually complained about how much you used to talk at him and how the peace and quiet was actually nice.
However Johnnys an expert in simonisms and that means he miss you and wants you to come back to him, he gets the same treatment, they all do. telling him to be quiet.
when you rejoin the table his phone is face or screen down, speaker pointing towards you, next to a another drink for you.
How sweet of him:)
"had to keep ya here somehow," he explained as he asked how you were doing, you had left the flat so defeated. He hated to see a pretty girl so sad.
his eyes seemingly look pass you though, getting lost out the window. Usually he was attentive maybe he didn’t want to slag off Simon, but he keeps pushing, asking how you’re feeling, what you’ve been doing and though his eyes drift back to the window but you can ignore it, for now.
"I don't know,“ you stare into the drink you stir it, the ice clinking against the glass. “It just hurt and I feel so stupid.” It’s practically a whisper, you look like a kicked puppy and Johnny, Johnny’s staring out the window with a smirk on his face. Does he find it funny? Is he gonna tell Simon? Why would you slag off Simon to his best mate?
Anxiety starts to bubble, and you just wanna leave before you embarrass yourself anymore.
Your gaze follows his out the window, now you don’t have binoculars but that looks a little like Simon, weird. It would look too weird if you were to pull out your phone and zoom in with the camera. You start to feel for your phone but it’s not in your pocket, you must’ve slipped it into one of the bags.
“Johnny do you have the time?” You ask softly and before he can react, you’re flipping over his phone and greeted by Simon’s caller ID. What the fuck?
“Johnny what the fuck? “
“Lass-“ johnny doesn’t have time to concoct a lie, your up and glaring down at him, he’d never seen you angry but it was hot, he just wished it was in different, more come backable circumstances.
“No johnny what the fuck, has Simon been on the phone this entire time?” Your voice cracks and your lips tremble, embarrassed you opened up to him, Simon’s best fucking mate, embarrassed Simon knew how much he hurt
“No I don’t give a shit Simon can go fuck himself and so can you” you cut him off again, he can choke on whatever he was gonna say.
Before johnny can ask for his coffee in a to go cup you’re out the door, rushing home, tears stinging at your eyes once again. You just want to sprint home once you hear johnny belt out your name and you speed up, darting down an alleyway.
You wipe your tears before colliding into a wall you swore wasn’t there on the walk into town, a fleshy, human wall.
Its Simon.
Once again! How perfect .
part one- part two - part four
taglist: @skeletonsucker @supernova2205 @wh0re4-alexademi @grr457 @gh0st-spid3r @sweetlittleblackrose @aceywaycy @mooievis @theadultoedge @cheese-pull @imtherain
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beloveds-embrace · 2 months ago
joking around and calling them your brothers and they go deathly silent because what do you mean tou don’t see them romantically? doesn’t matter if they’re already involved with each other they want you to be just as involved too.
also this is toxic but threatening your various dates, stalking them and taking them out (not in the romantic way) so they have an excuse to hold you close. you get comforted, and they get to embrace your warmth #win-win
Friendzoned? Nah, it’s bro-zoned now 😭
The one good thing about grueling and long missions- were the post-missions.
Without fail, each time, you’d be invited to their house where Price would grill up something delicious and juicy on the barbecue, and everyone would be able to unwind. You enjoyed that time, spending it and relaxing with them.
The dynamic you all shared was easy, comfortable, and fun- at least for you.
You rolled your eyes and tossed a fry at Johnny, who caught it in his mouth with a proud grin and wagged his eyebrows, daring you to try again. “You’re like an annoying big brother, you know that?” you huffed at last, a matching grin on your face.
Johnny froze mid-chew, but you didn’t notice, too busy thinking. “Actually… all of you are like annoying big brothers, now that I think about it.”
You chuckles at your own thought, grabbing another fry from your plate and popping it into your mouth without once realizing the shift in the atmosphere. You didn’t catch the way Soap’s grin had vanished completely or how Price’s hand tightened around the armrest of his chair. Gaz’s usual easy smile was gone, replaced with a cold, unreadable expression, and Ghost… well, Ghost’s dark stare had become a touch more menacing.
The silence hung heavy, but you were blissfully unaware, waving your hand dismissively when no one responded. Your focus was on your phone, scrolling through your social medias. “What? You all went quiet on me.”
Soap cleared his throat, but it came out strained, his voice low. “Brother, huh?”
You hummed absently. “Yeah, you know- family. You guys are my family. Like brothers, watching each other’s backs and all that.”
Price exhaled slowly, sitting back in his chair and running a hand over his beard. “Family.” He repeated, almost under his breath, his voice calm but tight.
Gaz tapped his fingers against the table once, then twice, before stopping abruptly. “Is that all we are to you?” he asked casually enough, though his tone carried an edge you didn’t catch.
“Of course,” you replied with a shrug, not bothering to look up from your food and phone. “I mean, it’d be weird to think of you any other way. You’re my team, my brothers-in-arms.”
You missed the way Ghost’s hands curled into fists on the table, his knuckles white, or the way Soap’s jaw clenched, demeanor replaced with something far darker. Price exchanged a look with Gaz, silent communication passing between them while you obliviously chewed on your steak, still oblivious to the storm brewing around you.
If you’d glanced up, even for a second, you might’ve noticed the way their gazes lingered on you- too intense, too sharp. But you didn’t. And they weren’t about to correct you.
Not yet, anyways.
The first time it happened, you didn’t connect the dots.
Your date, some charming guy you met at a café off base, canceled on you last minute, claiming he “didn’t feel safe” after someone left a threatening note on his car windshield. You shrugged it off as a weird coincidence- maybe it was the universe looking out for you, even. You didn’t want to be dragged into whatever that guy was stuck in.
The second time, a woman from the gym you’d been chatting with stopped replying to your texts entirely after she mentioned being followed home one night. You’d honestly tried to call and check on her, but she just… blocked you. Weird.
By the third time, when a guy you’d met on a dating app ghosted you entirely after his apartment was mysteriously broken into, you started to suspect something was up.
You mentioned it offhandedly to the team one evening, voice tinged with frustration. “I don’t know what’s going on, but every time I try to date someone, something weird happens. It’s like the universe doesn’t want me to find someone!”
Soap hummed, a little too casually, but you simply discarded that thought. “Maybe the universe knows what’s best for you, bonnie.”
Gaz leaned back in his chair, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. “Or maybe these people weren’t good enough for you anyway.”
“You’ve got us to look after you. Don’t need anyone else mucking things up.” Even Price added in his own two cents, making you pause.
You laughed, thinking they were joking, but Ghost’s silence was unsettling- actually, none of them were laughing. He just stared at you, his eyes glinting in a way that made your stomach twist. But that was normal for your L.T… even if it’s been quite a long while since he’s made you feel like that.
The fourth time, it wasn’t just a weird incident. It was a full-on assault.
You were on another date- though even you had to admit this one was just… not going well. He was too dismissive, too loud, and the first thing he’d said before you even sat down was that you’d split the bill, and then he made a comment about you eating too much.
You’d sent a simple text to the team groupchat, telling them you really weren’t enjoying this one, and they’d left you on read. Bastards.
But then you date had been walking you to your car when someone stepped out of the shadows- a big, familiar hulking figure in a balaclava. Your date didn’t even have time to react before they were on the ground, unconscious.
“Come on,” Simon said, gently but firmly clasping his hand around yours. You were too shocked to even say anything- what the fuck? “Let’s get you home.”
You didn’t argue. Your heart was pounding too hard, and Simon took advantage of that to guide you to his car.
And thus the silence continued.
When you got back to their house, the others were waiting for you. Price immediately pulled you into a hug before you could demand answers, his hands firm but gentle on your lower back. “You’re safe now.” He murmured, as if soothing an angry kitten lashing out at him from fear. Despite your confusion and the flurry of emotions swirling in your chest, the tension in your body began to melt anyways, always so trusting of your Captain.
Gaz’s hand brushed against yours as he handed you a steaming cup of tea immediately once Price let go of you. His smile was kind, but his eyes seemed… off. Too sharp. “Drink this, yeah? It’ll help.” He said, his fingers lingering a second too long before retreating.
Before you could question the strange atmosphere, Soap tugged you down to sit beside him on the couch. His arm draped around your shoulders, pulling you close as though you were on the verge of breaking. “You’ll be alright,” he murmured, tone light yet firm. “We’ve got you.”
Simon remained silent, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. His presence loomed heavy in the room, his gaze never straying from you. It wasn’t comforting exactly- more like being caught in the sights of a predator lying in wait. Is this what the enemy soldiers thought and felt? You pitied them- but more than that you pitied yourself.
Your hands tightened around the warm mug, your confusion bubbling up like a shaken-up fizzy drink. “Okay, what the hell is going on?” You glanced between them, searching for answers. “Simon knocked out my date! What if he presses charges? And what’s with all this- this hovering?”
“Hovering?” Soap echoed, his arm tightening ever so slightly. “We’re making sure you’re alright, bonnie. That’s all. You said your date wasn’t good, no?”
Price leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he spoke calmly, like he was explaining something obvious to a stubborn recruit. “That man wasn’t worth your time. None of your dates have been. They can’t protect you- not the way we can.”
“What are you even talking about?” you demanded, finally pulling away from Soap’s hold. Yet the feeling of being a bleeding sheep surrounded by wolves didn’t abate. “You’ve been acting so weird lately- ever since I mentioned dating. If there’s something you’re not telling me, just spit it out!”
Gaz sighed, his tone carrying a note of exasperation as he leaned against the couch. “We’re trying to keep you safe, love. Every time you step out with someone, you’re putting yourself at risk. You don’t know these people like we do.”
Your stomach churned. “What do you mean-?”
Gaz chuckled softly, but there was no humor in it, and you did not laugh. “Do you think we’d let you go out with someone without knowing everything about them first? Their names, their jobs, their pasts…” His voice dropped, a edge bleeding into his words. “How to get rid of them.”
Your blood ran cold, and you stared between them. They were dead serious, you realized. “That’s… You’re joking, right? Tell me you’re joking.”
No one answered.
Simon pushed off the wall, his massive frame closing the distance between you in just a few steps. He crouched down in front of you, his dark eyes locking onto yours. You were essentially boxed in from all sides. “We’re not joking. You don’t need anyone else. You’ve got us.”
“…This isn’t normal.” You whispered, your voice shaky as you tried to process what you were hearing. “This- I don’t-“
“It is normal,” Price’s voice was steady and calm, eyes dark. “For us. For the people who care about you most.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as the implications of their words sank in. They weren’t just being overprotective or overbearing. They were sabotaging your dates, controlling who could get close to you, and now- God, had they hurt people? How many had they hurt? All those people- you-
Your hands trembled, though you braved on even if bravery was the last thing you felt. “You can’t just decide this for me. I’m not some possession you can keep to yourselves.”
“We’re not keeping you from anything you need,” Gaz spoke so softly, you could trick yourself into believing he was saying you could leave and this was all just a mean prank. “We’re protecting you from what you don’t.”
“You should be thanking us,” Proce sighed, pulling out a cigar to smoke. Yet his eyes did not leave you even once, not even for a single second. “We’re the reason you’ve been safe so far.”
Simon’s gloved hands rested on your knees, pinning you down to the couch. “We’ll take care of you,” he said, his voice low and almost soothing. “Always.”
You wanted to argue, to push them away, but the realization- the full weight of what they had done hit you like a freight train. You stood abruptly, pushing past Simon and cutting through the tense silence in the room. Their eyes followed your every move, like predators watching prey.
“I can’t… I can’t do this,” you stammered, stepping back toward the door. “This isn’t normal. None of this is normal. You can’t just- control my life like this!”
“Sit down, love.” Price said, his voice calm, but the edge in it was unmistakable.
“No, no,” you shot back, shaking your head as you took another step toward the door. “I’m leaving. I need some space. This- this is insane.”
Gaz rose from his chair, moving to block your path to the exit. His expression was so deceptively soft, but his stance was firm, unyielding. “You’re not thinking clearly, love.” He said, low. “Just sit down. We’ll talk it through.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you snapped, your voice rising with panic. “You’ve been stalking me- sabotaging my life! That’s not protection. That’s obsession!”
Soap stood then, and his expression made you flinch. He stepped closer, effectively boxing you in again as he joined Gaz. “We’re not letting you walk out that door.” He said simply, but his words were anything but.
You turned toward the only other way out, but Simon was already there, his massive frame looming in the doorway to the hall. He didn’t say a word, just stared, his presence alone enough to make your stomach twist.
Your breathing quickened as you turned back to Price, the only one still seated, though his gaze was sharp and calculating. “You can’t keep me here, Price,” you said, your voice trembling but still clinging to the traces of defiance. “You don’t have the right-“
“We do have the right,” Price interrupted, standing slowly. The sheer authority- the sheer finality in his voice made your knees weak. “Because we’re the only ones who care about you the way we do. The only ones who’ll keep you safe. Your team, remember, darling?”
“This isn’t safety,” you hissed, backing toward the wall. “This is prison.”
Price mouthed the word, then huffed a humorless laugh. “We’re not locking you up. But we will stop you from running into danger. Even if you don’t understand it now, you’ll thank us later.”
“You can’t just-“
“Enough,” Simon cut in, sharp and blunt, his voice cutting through your protests like a knife. “You’re not leaving. Not now. Not ever.”
Your back hit the wall, your escape routes blocked on all sides. Your chest heaved as you looked at each of them, searching for even a sliver of remorse. But all you saw was determination, faces set in stone…
Much like your fate.
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elysianightsss · 5 months ago
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Pairing | Poly!141 x Black Widow Reader
Summary | You show up on base to give your sister, Kate Laswell, some information and then leave. That was your plan anyway, but you miss the helicopter ride home and weirdly there isn’t another one again for weeks. While you’re stuck there, your sister’s team gets a little too attached to you and suddenly they’re everywhere you look. Like they’re waiting for you. So you do the only thing you can; run and hide.
Tags | Dark themes, possessive 141, stalking, kidnapping, murder, smut, the guys being down right sickening on their level of want, special guest character, reader has a sad past, child neglect, reader becomes a killer as a child, fighting, blood, mentions of torture, mentions of a hysterectomy not reader, alcohol, drugs (chloroform).
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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Divider credit - @cafekitsune
Tags | @fruitymoonbeams-blog @gazsluckyhat @daydreamsareallineed @riawritesstories @goatgoesmbe
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unlikelykidpost · 16 days ago
This is my first time posting here, but I really want to hear from my fellow POC. Is anyone else tired of reading stories where it’s all about the main character x reader? You dive in, expecting a really inclusive narrative, but then it hits you: “Their cheeks glowed pink!” Seriously? Where am I getting that rosy hue? Or when the character casually puts their hair into an easy ponytail—come on, it takes me forever just to get my hair in a ponytail! You know what I mean, right..??
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It's frustrating when the story drops hints that suggest the 'reader' is white. It really grinds my gears, and I wish writers would stop doing that, or at least include a warning that the reader character is going to be white. I want stories to be genuinely inclusive and for writers to be more flexible in how they describe characters. It’s disappointing when you can tell that a writer based their characters on white experiences and WHITE PEOPLE. but thats all, thanks for listening to my ted talk!!
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rejected-reapermain · 3 months ago
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Yandere Ghost era?
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year ago
Poor reader 😭 her cubs don’t recognize her and only recognize Price as their father. But I wonder if reader also asked or begged Monster Gaz and Monster Soap to see their children!! Will they recognize her as their mother??!
Price never thought that being a parent would be so important to his dumb little pet...he has plenty of cubs and, honestly, he couldn't care less about most of them - they are good as soldier resources, as a means to enhance the monster society...and yet you look so sad over them not recognizing you, our papa bear really considers just...stealing some human kids from the pet shop, so you could have something nice to dot on. Something helpless and weak, like all human kids are - this, or allowing you to keep weird, weak hybrids with you instead of getting rid of them Roman style. Gaz would be more lenient with allowing you to see little birdies! He wouldn't really care about them, but he loves to make you laugh, and he likes your smile, so he would drag you over to the heights where little harpies are getting trained. Baby birds already sprawled their wings - and he would point at your kids to make you see that they, in fact, don't need you as their doting mommy...it's really an asshole move from his side, but he wants you to just see this once and understand that, no, monster babies don't need their mommies constantly. You're still heartbroken over this, so Gaz could make you feel better with filling you with new eggs! Soap is...well, he means well and this is what counts, right? He is excited to allow you to meet the wolves, his pack instincts are way more coddling with babies - he believes in true love and that the kids should fight with crocodiles for the right to live, but he also likes to play with his pups and usually visits them often in the training sector, establishing himself as their leader. Your fragile human self would probably be horrified at the games that involve maiming a dead human and dragging them across the training area - but Soap and the pups are so excited to bring you things they got from the human, you're forcing the bile down your throat and smile. You wanted to see how puppies are doing, after all.
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cluelessatthispoint · 2 months ago
What If someone tries to kidnap the baby from dragons hoard how would they react and how would they get the baby back?
Ohh, this is a great question. I definitely think that the kidnapper wouldn't get very far in terms of actually kidnapping the reader.
It would go something like this:
Price: If anyone stupid enough were to try and kidnap the newest member of the hoard. They would simply fade into obscurity and out of the minds of those who knew them. Price would find a way to ensure that the newest addition of the hoard would be protected at all costs. As much as the reader right now wants to be alone and away from the strange hybrids, you'll find that being alone is nigh near impossible.
Price would for the most part spend time in their cave sleeping or making sure everything is in neat and orderly precision. If you want to play hell bring out some pretty golden trinkets for you, but if you even think about setting foot out of the nest without his permission, he'd wrap you up in his tail and keep you next to him by his side or on his lap as he'd try his best to distract you with stories of his youth. If you (the reader) were spending time in the cave with Price when a potential kidnapper arrives you can bet he'll cover the your eyes and ears as he incinerates the intruder to a burnt crisp. If the smell of burnt flesh and clothes bothers your sensitive nose, Price will tuck your face into his neck and carry you out of the cave for a nice walk while he puts Gaz or Soap on clean up duty. Lord knows werewolf Soap could use the extra protein if any meat is left.
Gaz: If you were with Gaz when an intruder were to stumble upon the cave and try to kidnap you. Gaz would do what birds do best in order to process their young. Similar to geese he would let out a feral warning hiss with his wings splayed out menacingly. If that doesn't scare the idiot off, the Gaz would quickly tuck you into the layers of the nest and quickly fly the kidnapper out of the cave with speed and agility that goshhawks can't ever give to surpass.
When you're trying to free yourself from the tangled mess of fabrics from the nest, Gaz would be enjoying the skies; ignorant of the bloodcurdling screams that rip from the kidnappers throat as he hurdles down towards the earth. Afterwards, Gaz would come back to the nest as quick as can be. A smile on his face as he got a good flight in for the day.
Soap: The werewolf would simply attack first and ask questions later. The first smell of something or someone setting foot in their home would set Soap on edge. The very sight of a stranger would have him hurdling full speed towards the intruder. You wouldn't even have time to process what the hell just happened as Soap goes for the jugular and drags the carcass away. Out of all the people in the hoard, Soap would be the most protective of you. Whether that's good or not remains to be seen. But the second he walk back to the nest seeing you all tucked in and shivering from the sight of blood on his lips all the way down his front. You can bet he'd feel ashamed of himself. His tail would stop wagging the instant he saw you. The scent of fear wafting off of you would make his ears bend back and a whine escape his lips. When Price, Ghost, or Gaz would find out what happened, Soap will be sleeping in the doghouse literally and figuratively.
Ghost: Ghost would react very strongly to anyone who would disturb what he calls "family bonding" with you. In reality it would just be him and you wandering around the cave the pack/hoard lives in. He Ghost wouldn't be the type to hold your hand as you explore. I steady he would simply watch you from a few paces back. Or if you thought you were being sneaky and trying to run away he would watch from within the shadows. The moment anyone would come in and try to take you away would be the moment Ghost would whisky them back and away from you before they could utter a sound to alert you to their presence. When all is said and done, he would gently corals you back to the nest sometime later. And while night rolls around, when you ask where Price and Soap are Gaz would coo softly to you and soothe your fears while Ghost tells you not to worry about it. The shared look between them says enough, now they can rest easy knowing that as Price and Soap will be satiated with their midnight snack.
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mina-org · 9 days ago
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part two to this! Part three, part four
warning for smut, 141 are panty sniffers! and more yanderery than the last! I have another part written but I just felt like was already dragged a lil so lmk if you want the next part! also not edited bc im lazy
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“The birds just not fuckin’ into ya johnny. She never took this long to respond to me.” Simon smirks, truthfully he didn’t really remember but he was fucked off with this entire thing, not only was Johnny after his bird but texting you became a group sport, even the double text.
Simon seethes, usually you would've crawled back to him by now, you'd get drunk and call him sobbing from whatever pub you were at and you'd owe him, rinse and repeat.
At least if you were into Johnny he'd know what you were doing but now your absence started to eat at him, he just wondered your were like a deer fresh out the womb, learning to walk, how would you survive when Simon wasn't there to pick up your the pieces when you inevitably fell apart again.
simon couldnt take them fawning over you anymore so he returned to his bedroom, he had a little secret that he had to keep from those closest to him, your underwear. A collection really.
to start with, they were just tucked in his bag for when he was deployed, he’d push a pair around his cock, satin felt nice but the cream pair with little berries on? they were too cute and so you. He’d pump his cock until they were stick with his cum.
then when he was home more often and you were fucked too dumb to bounce on his cock, neglecting him after hes giving you so many? he'll remember that for next time. and really left him no choice but to scout out your discarded panties, maybe a fresh pair if you packed them, and he'd finish himself off before tugging them up your legs, his cum from earlier still leaking out your pretty pussy. something about you walking home in shame, carrying him with you, a sense of ownership simon loved.
now these panties were all he had, and he wasn't gonna share them. maybe with Johnny, if he was good.
after a week it just wasnt doing it for him anymore, he needed to see his girl but all his texts weren't sending:( and he hadn't seen you at the gym or the pilates class you spent so much money on. almost like your little temper tantrum was serious this time.
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okay so it took simon a week or two to turn up begging, well demanding your forgiveness.
or he would've, if you answered the fucking door? after coming over and almost fighting your door guy a few times, he gets the hint, stealth is wealth and all that.
now here he is, staring at you through binoculars, on the rooftop opposite your building, like he's gathering intel or some shit. originally he was gonna keep this to himself, threes a crowd after all but it was chilly on the rooftop and simon is all about efficiency and your safety of course!
thing is, that pesky door man knows who simon is, and its doubtful a stick on moustache and boiler suit is gonna convince him that simon is also the buildings engineer!
through this process they've found out your building has a lot of security issues, nobody even thought about cyber security so when gaz sends out an email with a list of apartment numbers and a time, stating some maintenance was needed, no one bats an eye.
and of course you dont want any awkward conversations, like offering them tea or coffee 50 times while they try to focus but they'd think you rude if you dont and you can't ignore them, thats rude too. so you have to go out and stay out.
so you go shopping, you've been needing more underwear anyway!
soon enough John and gaz are in your apartment, putting up hidden cameras, slipping trackers into the linings of your most worn clothes, rifling through your belongings and testing out your perfume, trying to figure out which one you use daily from the memories of your scent lingering on simon and around the flat.
however gold is struck when they come across your laundry basket! feral is the best fitting word, Johnny will froth at the mouth once they tell him and of course share the bounty of their conquest.
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taglist: @skeletonsucker @supernova2205 @wh0re4-alexademi @grr457
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diejager · 1 year ago
Cannibal and kidnapper Ghoap x fem!reader cw: kidnapping, smut, tell me if I missed any.
imagine going to a Halloween party with friends, only to get separated and stumbling into Soap dressed as Ghostface. He reels you in with his bubbly and chatty character, getting you tipsy until Ghost appeared. He’s dressed as Jason Voorhees, but with a twist, he had a balaclava under the painted hockey mask. Ghost was calm and quieter, preferring to listen to Soap talk both your ears off than speaking, but you latched on every word that fell from his lips.
Somehow, they got you drunk and horny by the end of the night, pulling you into their car, Ghost driving home with you and Soap in the back, having your cunt ate out shamelessly in the backseat of their beat up car. Laying on the warm seat with hips bucking into Soap’s face, thighs wrapped splayed open by his gloved hands. You’re so drunk that you miss the conversation between both men, talking about how Soap changed his minds and Ghost agreed.
You have the best sex you’ve ever had, soft tummies over rock, hard abs, thick, veiny cocks turning you into a whiny and overstimulated mess. Soap and Ghost take you apart as much as they take each other apart, pressed between them or under them. You pass out by the time it’s over, lost in a haze of drunken pleasure and oversensitive exhaustion. On the next day, you wake up to a different room than yesterday, naked and laying on a mattress in a dark and damp room: a basement.
You panic, fumbling around and shaking the chain that keeps you trapped. When light filters in from the stairs, you stumble out of the mattress, crawling towards the source only to freeze. Ghost and Soap, dressed differently, stop before you. Soap is still as joyous as yesterday and Ghost is still gruff, crouching down to hold your chin up.
“Good morning, pet.”
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obsessivelullabies · 1 year ago
yandere call of duty men — would they kill for you?
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— characters included : kyle 'gaz' garrick, john price, simon 'ghost' riley, johnny 'soap' mactavish, phillip graves.
— warnings : murder, yandere behavior, manipulation, toxic relationships, mention of sex (soap's). gender neutral reader, isolating reader.
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kyle 'gaz' garrick.
short answer; no. kyle is a rational man. he wouldn't want to terrify you. he wouldn't want to make you hate him by taking someone away from you. he doesn't want you to see him as a monster. he wants to keep his angel happy.
manipulation is his tactic. he'll drop subtle hints saying stuff such as 'i don't like how ___ does this' or 'i hate how they treat you'. he'd slowly distance you from people he didn't trust. he'll let you have a few people, your family and friends are fine, but he makes sure he's the most important person in your life.
kyle just wants to take care of you! can you blame him? he knows that he's the best person for you. just trust him.
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john price.
john would only kill someone for you if they were harming you in some way. he knows the mess and the chaos that comes with such an act, yet if he believes his love would be better with said person gone, he'll do it. just for you.
he would make sure you never found out. he knows that's for the better. similar to kyle, he doesn't want you to think less of him. for john, it's more about the hassle of how you'd react.
honestly, he just wants a calm life where he can take care of you. you're his sweet pet. john won't let anyone ruin you.
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simon 'ghost' riley.
simon is overly protective. insanely overprotective. he constantly worries about you. to protect you, he vows he'd do anything. if that vow involves such a drastic action, he'll do it. no regrets, no second thoughts.
simon isn't exactly trying to hide it from you. if it comes up in conversation, he'd probably have the most monotone reaction, "oh. i killed him." to the point you think he's joking.
he's terrified to lose you. terrified someone would hurt you. he'd rather set the world on fire than know something terrible happened to you. you were his life.
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johhny 'soap' mactavish.
johhny devoted his entire life to you. his motive is jealousy. if he feels like someone is becoming your new favorite person, he'd have to rightfully take that spot back.
johnny would proudly show off what he did. he would fuck you over their dead body if you let him, just to show his ownership over you. how he was all you needed. he was the only man who could please you.
he's not insecure about someone else taking you, johnny is arrogant. he knows he's the best thing to ever happen to you. he's scared someone will manipulate you into leaving him.
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phillip graves.
graves wouldn't go that far. in his perspective, you're like a dumb little bunny. he isolates you. he treats you as his sweetheart, making sure you know he's the perfect one to care for you.
all he has to do in his mind is to be firm. firmly tell you that he needs you by his side. he'll lower your self-esteem. make you lonely. make you dependent him.
graves in possessive and slightly insecure. he wants to own you. he wants your mind on him 100% of the time. you're his precious bunny.
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masterlist. | requests are open! |
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personwhowrites · 2 years ago
I did it for you <VERY SHORT>
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(Art by @amustikas pretty cool art! Check out their page, they have way more amazing art!)
"Can't you see?" Ghost utters, advancing toward you. "I did it for you."
Your body instinctively recoils, rendered speechless by his actions. His mask stained with blood, each heavy footstep thuds like a hammer on your heart. This isn't the man you fell in love with.
"Don't you see? They were gonna harm us," Ghost insists, getting closer, his eyes wild with a crazed look. "You have to understand."
"Simon..." You finally manage to choke out his name, tears welling up. "You... killed them..."
"I will do it again," Ghost declares, gripping your hand firmly. "I mean it."
You glance over at the lifeless bodies on the floor, their blood seeping into the ground. Covering your mouth, warm tears cascade down your cheeks. Ghost pulls you into a tight hug, forcing you to turn away from the haunting sight.
"Shhhhh..." His voice whispers in your ear, an unsettling mix of comfort and menace. "You're safe with me."
You find yourself unable to push him away, your strength waning as he tenderly strokes your hair. Eventually, he lets you go, cupping your face in his hands.
"It's just you and me," Ghost says softly, his eyes softening with a haunting tenderness. "Don't cry, baby."
Your gaze can't help but drift back to the fallen bodies—Soap, Gaz, and Price, or rather, John Mactavish, Kyle Garrick, and John Price—the men who had been your unwavering pillars of support, now slain by the hands of Simon Riley.
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nina-renmen · 1 year ago
Yandere Hybrid Team 141
I’ve been seeing posts like this and thought I would jump on the bandwagon. The idea of yandere hybrid 141 is not my idea but this specific scenario is.
Summary: Team 141 stumbles upon y/n. Thinking that she’s small and fragile they attempt to ‘take advantage’ of her only to figure out she’s a polar bear hybrid. (Polar bear hybrid was chosen because they actively hunt humans.)
Team 141 had relocated, their base stationed in colder weather. Soap didn’t mind, considering he was merged with a wolf. He quite liked the snow and throwing snowballs at his captain.
Price was not amused at all. Given the fact that he was a grizzly bear hybrid his instincts told him to get ready to hibernate. Thus, leaving the male annoyed most of the time. A few times he almost lunged at Gaz for flying around so much in his little ‘battle’ with soap.
Gaz, being a harpy was the most human like out of all the men. The only thing that changed about him was his arms, meaning that the male usually stayed bundled up which in turn was given odd looks by ghost from time to time. But now ghost, an undead being began to get used to seeing his fellow teammate underneath two layers of clothing
Gaz was the first one to stumble upon you During one of his rounds he looked up from above, his eyes catching sight of you in the cold, crisp water. White, round ears were on top of your head. You must’ve been a panda hybrid. You didn’t seem dangerous at all.
A wicked grin crossed Gaz’s face. Swooping down, the sharp claws grabbing you. But before he could get far with you, you bared your teeth at him. Sharp canines covered in blood from your latest kill were flashed. Your sharp claws slashed his face before dragging him down into the water. Immediately your form switching making Gaz’s eyes widen in horror. Such a sweet, helpless looking girl was actually a polar bear hybrid. Your pupils dilated, jaws snapping at him as the beast seemed to foam at the mouth, getting ready to rip his throat out.
Price was the first to arrive, hearing Gaz’s screams and yells.
While Gaz was under you he saw a flash of brown. The harpy sitting up, wincing in pain at his broken leg but his eyes leaving the mangled leg and up towards the fight that was happening. The roars of both the bears attracting the attention of the rest of the team. Gaz has never seen price almost loose a fight before. Polar bears were already larger than grizzled bears but because you were a female you have a good two feet over him. Your fur was more adapted to the arctic waters but Price’s wasn’t, his movements were a tad bit slower than yours due to the below freezing temperatures. Just as the rest of team 141 arrived you were gone.
After the ‘fight’ Price scolded Gaz. Grumbling about how he shouldn’t have assumed what kind of hybrid you were. But based off of your human descriptions he didn’t blame Gaz for trying to snatch you up.
Price only had minor injuries. A couple of gashes and bruises. It would leave some scars but nothing too serious. On the other hand Gaz’s leg was broken. The gash on his face had left a nasty scar. Ghost only mocked the younger male, telling him to suck it up and to not do dumb shit.
Soap had the second encounter with you. After a few months Gaz was able to walk again. But Soap was to accompany him as they did their rounds.
“That’s her.” Gaz whispered, crouching down making Soap follow suit. The wolf hybrid peeking around the corner to see you. He couldn’t believe that you were the one that did all that damage. Granite it was in self defense but you looked so fragile and soft.
When y/n turned around she had a fish in her mouth. Her eyes immediately catching onto Soaps who had been careless when admiring y/n from a distance. Y/n’s gaze wasn’t threatening like what Gaz had described. She seemed curious.
Soap took this as a green light to fully come out. Gaz whispers to not falling on deaf ears. When soap began to get too close a growl came from y/n as she took a step back making her drop her fish. She had to look up at him, which she didn’t like.
After a few moments Soap gained her trust, picking up the dropped fish and slowly inching close to her. Y/n opened her mouth, taking the fish from his hand. Nuzzling her black button nose against his hand, a purr coming out of her but she stopped. A whiff of Gaz’s scent on Soaps hand making y/n pull away. “No! No, no, no! I’m friendly.” Soap exclaimed, putting his hands up. He needed to avoid all conflict. The only person that was able to take you down was captain price, he doubted that Ghost could take you down in your monster form. Soap knew he’d need to calm you down. Polar bears actively hunt humans, meaning Gaz and himself were on your lunch menu. But y/n only turned around leaving once more.
Now price’s encounter with you went a little bit different. The man went out to have a smoke. “That shit stinks.” A feminine voice came from behind Price. Turning around he seen your form crouched down, a wolf torn open in front of you. It was the same size as Soap in his monster form. Its guts spilled out, coating the white snow in its blood.
“Didn’t know you could talk.” Price muttered, breathing in the smoke from the cigar. His eyes taking in your form. You were fragile looking, just as Gaz said. Your big doe eyes could have fooled him.
Y/n didn’t respond, instead opting to rip out more chunks from the wolf with her jaws. Tearing into the predator that turned into her prey. “Ya’ hurt one of my men.” Price said loud enough for y/n to hear.
“That lousy excuse of a bird?” Y/n said as she ripped into the wolf. “Tell him to keep thinking with his dick. Maybe next time I’ll tear his throat open.”
Price chuckled, leaning back on the tree as he watched you eat. You were fiesty. The longer he stared at you the more the gears in his head turned. You had wide hips, perfect for carrying his cups. You looked healthy, a few scars hear and there but each one told a story.
Pushing himself off the tree he stalked towards you. A growl ripping through y/n’s throat as she make eye contact with Price.
“I ain’t gon take your food sweetheart.” Price said as he crouched down in front of you and your kill.
“I said that shit stinks. Put it out.”
“And if I don’t.”
“I’ll eat you before you can turn.”
The two looked at each other for a while. “I’m stronger and faster than you darlin’.”
“Not if I drown you in that water you won’t be.” Y/n shot back. Ah, so she’s caught on to his weakness. Price was considerably weaker in colder water temperatures. Especially if the waters were deep.
Needless to say, Price put out the cigar.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year ago
Please, Stand by [dark!Ghost x fem!Reader x dark!Soap]
You woke up in your captor's apartment. Turns out, getting out of the grasp of two trained special forces soldiers isn't exactly an easy task.
TW and tags: non-con to dub-con, size difference, power imbalance, fingering, hurt/comfort(but it comes from the ones who hurt you), yandere, dark!141, possessive 141, obsessive 141, kidnapping. AO3
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Simon never slept this well on leave. 
Always something happening – Soap breathing too loudly in their fucking bed, nightmares getting too wild even with as many meds as he could possibly take, neighbors behaving as if he wouldn’t be able to bloody shoot ‘em all and get away with it – he never enjoyed sitting at this place without a purpose, as much as he enjoyed not having to buy the whole space for himself. Johnny was really making things stir up a little around here – but it wasn’t enough. Never. 
Ghost found himself dumbfounded this exact morning, though – he gave up the space in the bedroom for you and Soap, knowing that the Scotsman has a much smoother way with women, and they don’t want to scare you too much. Poor thing, you’re already terrified of them – this won’t do, they aren’t monsters. A bit forceful, yes, but men in this position don’t exactly have much time for courting – and it's not like you’d agree to relationships with four of them at the exact same time if you really had a choice. Just means they have to take the choice away from you. Hell, he even thought of preparing your breakfast in bed – something that he never thought of doing. You were so good for him, for Soap, so nice and obedient, he almost forgot it was all because of the alcohol – not because you really wanted them so badly. Ghost isn’t a stranger to hookups and dates at random pubs where he could afford to not take his mask off – but it’s the first time he liked a girl so much. The first time he really wanted to just take you and… *** You woke up somewhere around noon. The aftermath of your hangover still lingered in the fog in your head as you were desperately trying to cling to consciousness. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to curl down and cry. You wanted to…
Ah, you’re finally awake. Good for you. 
The first thing that you feel is nausea. You already threw up at night, it’s evident by the stale taste of bile in your mouth – but you still feel like turning your stomach upside down and shaking it a little. 
The second thing you feel is a heavy hand on your waist. It’s muscly, hairy, covered in scars and burn marks – you don’t think that a man with hands like this would be at your taste for one-night stands. You don’t think you ever had a hookup session with a random person you didn’t even know, but whoever is clinging to your body like you’re a teddy bear has another opinion about acting all lovey-dovey with their playthings for the night. You try to worm your way out of the grasp, but the guy only tightens it. 
— Don’t move, lassie. I knew how ye feel. 
You seriously doubt that. 
— Where am I? 
Your voice is raspy, in desperate need of water. You don’t want to beg them for this, so you just bite your lips, hoping your voice doesn’t sound too pathetic. You’d kill for a bottle of water right now. 
— In yer home. 
— This is not…
— It will be, hen. Dinnae havta worry ‘bout that okay?
Guy – Soap, you remember, heard when the other guy, the second guy, was talking to him. Like you weren’t even fucking there like you didn’t have a say in the situation. You feel a trail of sloppy kisses landing on your neck, and your shoulders – damp skin is sweaty under the touches. You feel sluggish like you usually do on a hungover – like you usually do after a really nice girl's night out. 
Soreness between your legs makes you choke on your tears. You don’t want to cry, not in the presence of your captors. Not when all the memories you have is how soft they tried to be. How much did your alcohol-dazed mind like it. The thrill of them knowing all of your special buttons without you ever having to ask – you hate them, you want to hate them, you need to hate them. But you’re thirsty, hungry, your head hurts, you feel like shit, and they still didn’t beat you yet. 
The survival instinct comes to life when you hear the door opening. 
You struggle out of his grasp – thankfully, the guy is sleepy, he didn’t put up much of a fight. You manage to get out and fall on the fluffy carpet, surprisingly nice for a place where two rough looking bachelors are living. You don’t have enough time to think about the texture of the carpet, as you scramble on your feet and run. 
Fuck this, fuck everything, fuck trying to be soft and obedient – they don’t care about showing their faces and names to you, that you can just run to the police. Probably means they are going to kill you right after the cuddling session – and you’d rather be traumatised than dead. You think. Probably. Maybe. 
In your struggle, you didn’t even think of thinking that if the door is opening, it means that someone will be standing on the other side – or the apartment is extremely haunted. 
It wasn’t extremely haunted. Your cheek is flattened against a broad chest. A pair of hands that smell of tobacco and leather are forcing you into this perverse version of a hug, leaving you without any chance of getting out. All of your attempts at screaming are left with nothing but weird bubbly sounds as you struggle to breathe. You don’t want to panic, but, hell, you feel like you’re going to fucking die. 
Price had just seen the most beautiful woman of his life. 
With tears running down her cheeks, messy makeup, and even messier hair. She is wearing Soap’s T-shirt, which isn’t ideal, but no one is perfect, and even the prettiest girl out there has her flaws. She is crying and panicking, and she looks so bloody fantastic with her arse showing every time she tries to wiggle her way out of his grasp, and he doesn’t want to behave too brutally, but he wants to see the marks from his fingers grasping her wrists. He knew he saw you yesterday, fucked you yesterday. Held your hair as you were throwing up and forcing yourself to stop fucking vomiting all over the place – but you’re even prettier now, in the dim morning sun. Crying and struggling in his grasp, he can’t wait to share you with others – he knows Kyle would love fucking that tight arse of yours. Price would get a kick out of making you his stupid girl. 
And they, well, they will always have a special treatment reserved just for you. Gosh, you’re beautiful. Ghost knows why they had to take you. 
— Quiet, luv. Quiet. Calm down. — Let me…fuck you, let me go! You push at his chest, and the only thing he feels is the way his dick starts throbbing in his pants again. Gods, you’re fucking beautiful – much, much prettier than any girl he fucked through his life. So feisty once you’re sober, he knows how much fun you’re having in store for them once you’ve regained at least part of your strengths. — I will fuck you. Later. 
— No! — Now, if you insist on yelling so much. He gently forces you closer, his hand slipping to cup your arse. You feel divine in his arms – he doesn’t know how Soap manages to steady himself and not fuck you right in the car. He did make you suck his dick, but it obviously wasn’t enough – and won’t be, with how much you struggle now when the alcohol finally wears off. Ghost gives your ass a little squeeze, then – a few slaps, just to make sure you’re nice and obedient for them. You obviously haven’t worn panties under Johnny’s shirt, easy access doing easy accessing, and so when he finally managed to slip his fingers in your cunt, he was pleased to find out it was soaked. — You’re wet, luv. Can’t get more ready than this. 
You whimper in his chest, still terrified. He supposed you should be – he is wearing the mask, not wanting to scare you with his scars and intense gaze. Skull balaclava isn’t doing a good job at making you calmer, but…well, he can try to think about something. Soap had already shown you his face, and it’s not like you’re going anywhere. They would catch you faster than you could run to the local authorities – as much as you would love to think otherwise. Prey aren’t known for their wits, after all. — Pl…please, just let me go. Please? I won’t…
— Won’t tell anyone? 
— Yes! Please, I…I need to work. I have a shift in the… — You went to a pub before your shift? 
You sob, your little excuses clearly aren’t working. Ghost brushes his rough fingers among your folds, the stimulation on your pussy making you shiver. He knows you’re sore, his dick isn’t exactly tiny – you need some more orgasms to calm down, maybe get you nice and relaxed for them. If he knows his sergeant, he already got a word out to the rest of the team – and although Ghost really, really wants to just take you with them and share you as their little duo, Gaz and Captain deserve to have something nice too. Deserve to have someone nice. 
Ghost pulls his fingers out as soon as your whimpers turn into moans. He wants you nice and wet, but he needs you to beg for it. To recognize that the only way you’ll get anything around here is through obedience and behaving like a cute kitten, they decided to scoop from the streets. Not exactly a subtle look, but he can spell it out for you later. Make their shared dumb girl just a bit less dim. Maybe teach you a few manners – you don’t start a conversation with your captors from curses, for example. 
— Please. I…I have a family. 
Tough shit, Ghost thinks. 
It would have worked in Private Riley – before he got into captivity himself before he got almost killed. Before he has lost everything he ever loved – and before he found a family in people who have the wondrous ability to enable his worst and best traits at the same fucking time. If you were a bit less weak, a bit more resilient if you didn’t cry as much and reminded him of himself in the past – who knows, you could have pulled at his heartstrings. 
But Lieutenant Ryley wants a girl to warm up his bed, and the beds of his comrades – and he knows you would do just perfect. So, he scoops you in his arms, like a disobedient kitten, and puts you in a place where, as he knows, all misery dies and the place where he is crawling every time he falls a bit down. 
He pushes you back to Soap’s bed. 
You cry even more when two beefy hands force you into a tight hug – Johnny is still half-asleep, and his growly sleepy voice makes your hair stand at ends. You hate them, you despise them, you feel like you’re going to fucking die rather than fall asleep in their embrace again, but Soap kisses your neck and whispers something in your ear – something accented, deep, no doubt dirty. Something that makes you whimper again and again, something that…god, you feel like a slut.
You rub your thighs together, trying to chase the heat away, but you only feel warmer. It never gets easier, you suppose – never gets just palatable enough. 
— Simon scared ye, bonnie? 
Johnny smiles when you only whimper, your desire to feel the warmth of another person making you fall right into the guy. It’s not something you’re proud of – Jesus Fucking Christ, you just snuggle with your kidnapper – but you need something to just feel…normal. Like hugs after a really good hookup. Like you just found someone to date and to kiss and to be in a proper relationship with. 
You whimper instead of answering, and you hear the Scot chuckling again, his grip on you getting tighter. He is like a koala – and you feel pretty…fine in his grasp. You’re too scared to get feisty because you already tried, and it just returns you to point A. The starting dot. The first page of your miserable journey opens with a tight hug and the smell of breakfast cooking. Burning. Cursing through a thick English accent, you could hear something in the kitchen getting absolutely blasted – in a negative sense. 
— I’m not scared of you. 
He laughs again. You can smell something burning, and you hope that the second guy – the scary guy – will set the entire apartment on fire and kill everyone inside, including you. 
— Ye shouldn’t be. We will take care of ye. 
— I will run as soon as I can. 
— Lt could break your legs. I could break your legs. 
You sob again, but Soap doesn’t rush to comfort you. You need to get this through your skull – you’re not resisting them without consequences. You’re not running away without them catching and punishing you. You will not as much as step out of this bed without their permission – even if they’d have to haul you to the bathroom themselves while you’re kicking and screaming. You deserve to get knocked down a peg about the subject of you actually having rights – and you deserve to be calmed down later, once they think you have been punished enough. — I just want to go home. 
— Cannae do that, lassie. 
— Are you going to kill me? 
— Not if yer obedient. 
You hear the sound of something hitting a glass bowl. Then – gulps of liquid are poured into the same bowl. The burning have stopped, making you think that whatever the skull guy tried to cook, is getting thrown out of the balcony now – you almost smile trying to picture the burly man in a cute apron, desperately begging for the eggs to stop burning and turning into a crisp. You could cook for yourself, but…well, they probably won’t let you use the knife. 
— Are you going to rape me again? 
You are pulled into a much closer hug. Johnny’s dick poking at your ass, making you shiver in his hold – making you try to get out as fast as possible and failing miserably. You have suggested that the guy was a part of something illegal – maybe a mafia reinforcer, the dweller of those weird candy shops that were opened throughout the country, but you caught a glimpse of some camouflage in the dresser when Simon was taking off his clothes…they are in the military. Maybe, it’s even worse than you initially thought – no way anyone will believe you over them. No way you will win a fight against them. 
— We weren’t raping ye, bonnie, Just…taking what ye really needed. 
You came harder under them than you ever did under any of your boyfriends or from your fingers. You feel pathetic because his eyes are innocent and cute, and you don’t want to make them hurt you again. You don’t answer. 
— We’ll take care of ye. Just keep yer arse in place and don’t resist, aye? 
You can’t do anything but nod. Don’t want to do anything but nodding. 
He smiles at your neck again. Kisses you again. Ray of shivers run down your tummy. 
Ghost showed up in the bedroom again, holding a bowl of honey cereal. You are hungry – you need something to soak up the alcohol, and you’d want something greasy and terrible, or maybe a soup and tea later – but the cereals are better than whatever was slowly getting burned on the stove. 
They could drug you – then again, it feels like you’d prefer being unconscious anyway. 
— Price will be there in an hour. Got his call. 
The Scot being you, curses under his breath, his hands finally letting you go. You took the bowl and started to eat, as quickly as you could. 
A hand slips over your waist, steadying you. 
— We’ll make her presentable, aye? 
You don’t want to be presentable, but something in their voices are telling that you don’t have a choice. 
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meowmeowriley · 7 months ago
Soap wakes up to Simon at his bedside. Between the way Simon completely changed from how he spoke to Soap and the way he spoke to hospital staff, and the butterflies in his stomach, hell he even called Soap Johnny and to Soap's own surprise he loved the way it sounded, Soap finds the courage to ask "So when were you gonna tell me yer my boyfriend?" Because obviously he was.
Simon doesn't even skip a beat, smiles widely at him, dimples bisected by harsh glasgow scars. "Caught me out, have you?" Then he looks away, as if afraid to see the consequences of his actions. "I didn't want to overwhelm you, I'm sorry."
Soaps heart and pride swell. At being right, at knowing his boyfriend on instinct alone. He forgave him immediately, Simon had just been looking out for him.
They weren't together.
Long before the mission that had landed Soap in the hospital, Ghost had admitted to Soap that he had feelings for him, much to his own dismay. Adding to that dismay, Soap had taken a step back, looking conflicted. "I'm sorry, Lt. I- I'm straight."
Ghost had cursed, apologized profusely, desperately hoping he hadn't made the other uncomfortable.
Soap assured him they were fine, they were still friends. They were. Of course they were.
Since that day though, Soap had the worst luck with dating. Every girl he talked to would ghost him. One night stands would go to the bathroom and not come back, or tinder dates wouldn't even show. The only one who didn't ghost him was Ghost. Ever his best friend.
Seeing him now, how he seemed so excited about being together, Ghost convinced himself this was how it was meant to be. Soap hadn't meant it when he'd rejected him, he was just protecting their jobs. Yeah. Had to be. And that could work in his favor.
"Price and Gaz don't know." He said quietly.
"The other two guys who were in and out of here?" He tilted his head like a confused puppy. Shit, those eyes and that pout had Simon in a chokehold. "Surely they'd have picked up on it."
Simon smiled sadly. "We have to keep it a secret, for our jobs."
Johnny nodded, but his pout remained. He understood, even if it felt wrong.
This was good. Simon didn't have to resign himself to the friend zone, as he'd initially thought. Johnny was his. He'd been keeping those nasty women off of Johnny before, chasing them away. Hiding some of them after they wouldn't take a hike voluntarily. Now he wouldn't have to do that anymore. Which was good, as Johnny was starting to get suspicious.
But those suspicions had been forgotten.
As Simon took Johnny's hand and brought it to himself, rubbing the other man's knuckles against his lips, and planting gentle kisses to them, there wasn't a hint of suspicion on the Scots face.
Why would there be? His devoted yet secret boyfriend clearly had nothing else to hide. Certainly not the bodies of twelve women.
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