#yandere sebastian michaelis x y/n
yan-lorkai · 2 days
Can I request Seb with a sick darling who doesn't like taking medicine bc it tastes bad?
(I'm currently sick and it's not fun lol)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Mood. I was sick just a few days ago because I got caught in the rain. I hope you get better soon, darling. Don't forget to hydrate yourself, rest and please drink your medicines lol.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sebastian is very gentle while he takes care of you, measures your temperature and spoon-feed you, coaxing you to eat even if you're not hungry right now. As a demon, he saw many succumb to illness and die, and you will not have the same fate, because, unlike other humans, Sebastian knows a lot about which medicine works and for what.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While you not taking your medicines makes him a little exasperated at you, Sebastian keeps himself in check and calm as he explains why you should drink it. If you vehemently refuse, he'll have another approach to this matter; he brew you a very nice and warm cup of tea infused with herbs, lemon and ginger. And of course, he mix it with your medicine.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While you may be confused and suspicious to why he isn't trying to make you drink your medicine anymore, his tea taste heavenly. And he always cuddle with you once you're done, enveloping you in his arms as he tells you all about his day, about the servant's latest mistakes and what kind of task he did for his little lord, all the while using his powers to slowly make you sleepy so you can rest properly and get better soon.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He can technically just heal you but what's the point? He likes having you associate him with a gentle, doting presence that took care of you at every step of your sickness, he was the one who brushed your teeth for you after you had throw up, who bathed you and helped you into your most comfortable pajamas, who cooked your meals and made you your favorite tea. He is simply one hell of a lover and he takes very good care of you, even when you're a little stubborn.
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fanfictionsworld · 1 year
Can we plese please get a reader who's tired of Sebastian bullshit, like she's just there always facepalmed, not really attracted to him but treats him like every other boys (bitch lol). Like when he tries to charm her she just walks away with no expression, she's not even a tsundere or anything, just completely tired from the weirdness.
Okey i am so sorry for taking so long to write anything but here it is hope you will be satisfied.
Fem reader/Sebastian trying to impress but falling haha/reader is a bitch but a cool one which i love/Sebastians ego ruined hahah/
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You are very difficult to him,which he hates.
You can not be impressed with anything he does and that eats him alive.
Why is this human denying me.
Like how i am beautiful,smart,i cook,i am everything any human could possible imagine,if not better.
He is alwasy thinking how he can step up his game with you.
No matter how hard he trys you alwasy find some way to not care or notice.
You avoid him everywhere.
If you possible see him in town with Ciel,you will say hi to Ciel and not spear him a glance..
Avoid all his questions of how are you,do you need any help with anything or are you free this afternoon,etc.
You just keep walking an completely ignore him while you shop
Which in truth is very irritating for him.
If he tells you any filrtatious compliment you just ignore him and keep walking.
And when you had enough of him you just top and say, ,,You need to stop folowing me around like a lost puppy you look desprate maybe you should do something better with your free time rather then stalking like a creep that you are.
To him that was like a dagger trough his hart.
He told you that which you responded with ,,Yes like you have one damon scum".Which he found incredibly attractive and he was deeply offended by that.
Of cours you did not care,you just walked past him wishing him a good day saying that he should you use him manipulative skill on someone else rather than you because you are not an imbecile to fall for it.
Sebastian watches as you walk past him,stunned and impressed.
He knows you will not fall for him,but is he going to pass on a challenge on seducing you of course not he loves playing cat and mouse with you.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
heyy! can I ask for sebastian with a s/o that has an accent and sometimes makes mistakes because english is not her first language? thank youu sm <3
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Sebastians not the type to find your mistakes in the language cute or rude, he simply uses context clues to figure out what you meant to say and corrects you from there. However if some other man dares to snap at you over such a small mistake best believe the demon will snap back.
If you are searching for ways to perfect your English luckily for you Sebastian is quite the teacher, there's nothing he would want more than to have you sat Infront of him, full attention on nothing else but what he speaks to you, he'll be delighted to be your private tutor.
Though that's only if you deem it necessary to pursue the English language, otherwise Sebastians just as good at speaking your mother tongue as he is English. He'll speak his love for you in any language, whether that's in a language you have to translate or not is up to you
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Are you continuing The big Bad?
Because I love it !
I'm so glad you love it So here you go Last Part 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Big Bad | Ash
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⚫🔵“Such righteousness! Such divinity! Ohhhh~(Y/n)! You came.” ⚫🔵‘It doesn’t sound like I’m the one who’s coming but whatever’ ⚫🔵You bit your tongue opting to unfurl your dagger-pointed chains  ⚫🔵Excitedly he unsheathed his sword flying a foot above before pointing it in challenge  ⚫🔵You meet him with urgency wrapping your chains around his sword as you both fight for control ⚫🔵Slowly being pulled closer you plant your feet to swing him into an adjacent forest  ⚫🔵Taking the opening to start undoing incantation that forced your friend to be trapped ⚫🔵“(Y/n) you amaze me with how much damage a pure human-being can inflict on me, an angel!”  ⚫🔵Nearly completely releasing your friend you turn back around to fling the sword he flung at you ⚫🔵Continuing his attack with by darting towards you at neck breaking speeds you barely dodged ⚫🔵Launching yourself into the sky as you restrained him from behind once again flinging him into the dirt ⚫🔵“You have no one to blame for that but yourself, you so-called servant!”  ⚫🔵On emphasis you im stabbed the dagger into the back of his shoulder from your distanced landing  ⚫🔵Quickly releasing your friend you didn’t react as the black cat crawled to curl around your neck ⚫🔵“You’re an amazing creature, its a shame you enjoy fraternizing with filth–”  ⚫🔵Returning your weapon to nothing more than a choker you jump into the talons of Narcissa who carries you fast enough before Ash can fully recover ⚫🔵“-no worries, I’ll correct that slight flaw…and then…we can truly indulge in one another.”
As you finally were dropped into the portal leading you to your one of many bases you let yourself wince at the aching of your muscles. While you could take on supernatural foes it didn’t make it feel any better especially when you had let your muscles forget the pain while playing maid again. Immediately you began unzipping your ensemble as you heard the magical twinkle of magic and clackking of ice in your tub. Hopping in you let your muscles relax at the soothing burn of ice.
“(Y/n)nya, why are you so sore?! It's like your nyewbie all over again!” 
No longer a cat was Blair, puffing her cheeks as she realized how much you were still wincing while in the ice bath. Reluctantly she came behind you hugging your exposed shoulder letting her nuzzle into your head with.
“Sorry Blair-y, I might have gotten a little soft hanging out with my kid–”
“Your kid!? He wouldn’t let you train?! What a tyrant!” 
“Speaking of after tonight I’ve got to head back. He threw such a fit he’s probably worried himself sick–” 
The cat’s face soured even more as she stared intensely at the back of your head, fighting the jealousy bubbling in her chest. You were always so angry when she would express it so she held back…just for you. Why were you trying to run off to this has-been? Hasn’t he existed long enough without your help?!
“Fine! Then I’m coming with! 
You chuckled, shuffling yourself deeper into the ice. “Not this time. He’s allergic to cats.”
“Huh?! That monster! What about magical ones?!”
“But you can stay in the same city, my friend Adrian, do you remember?”
“Ugh well I guess I won’t be alone the whole time…Fine! I’ve decided I’ll stay in your safe house in the meantime!”
You laughed again before spacing out to think of what you should bring as a gift for your little bro. After all he’d be quite angry and maybe something sweet to lighten his yapping.
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viridwns · 2 years
Can I request a soulmate!AU with either a yandere Sebastian or yandere Claude,you can pick whoever you like better.
A young lady is nearing the age where her soulmate mark will activate and draw her and her soulmate towards each other,but the problem is that she has already found someone she loves,unrelated to her mark.
Unfortunately when her mark activates,she very quickly learns that she is supposed to be bonded to a demon,and he’s not too happy to see his mate in love with someone else.
I love your requests oml
Yan!Sebastian x F!reader
warnings: yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, murder, godcomplex, misogyny, noncon, kidnapping, abuse
run rabbit run
The soulmate had been a gift by the the goddess venus, to help the love sick fools find their loved one, but as time went one, people stopped searching for the one whom bears the same mark. It was quite common now to marry someone who supposedly isn't your soulmate.
You were one of them.
You had met him at a ball from some nobel your father had business with. It was love at first sight. You had grown tired of dancing with many different suitors, so you decided to get some punch. And there he stood, drinking some wine. The two of you hit it off pretty quick, talking and laughing as the night grew shorter. He already had his soulmate mark; a simple ring around his wrist. It looked like some kind of bracelet. He had told you about his soulmate and that they did not like each other at all. They fought ever time they were together. So in a mutual agreement, they decided to split from one another and go their own paths. You were more than happy to hear this. And so a few months later on a beautiful summer day, he asked you to marry him and you had said yes.
The two of you were happy, soulmates or not, the two of you were in love. It hadn't even come to mind that your mark would appear in a few hours, you were too busy making yourself ready for the earl Phantomhive's yearly ball, where business associates could catch up and where ladies could gossip their heart out. Your soon to be husband stood in front of the carriage; he was in total awe as he saw the beauty that he had to honor to call his fiance.
You didn't even care to look when a pitch black feather appeared over your collar bone, you had only looked at it when the women began cheering for you, the mark being awfully exposed due to your low cut dress, that exposed your chest and stopped just above your breasts; just a bit of cleavage showing.
This of course drew allot of attention to you, but when you had calmly explained that you had already found the man of your dreams and that you weren't looking for the person whom bears the same mark anymore, many eyes drifted away again. Said fiance had also noticed the ruckus and came to your rescue, saving you from the last lingering eyes. Except from one pair.
Sebastian had noticed the screaming nobles from the corner where he was standing, being bored from hearing his master rant to another male. His eyes wandered to the group out of pure curiosity, wanting to know what the sudden outbursts caused. As he scanned the group, his eyes wandered to the center of the attention. you. You weren't all that special, although you were not bad for the eye, he had to give you that. If it was any other women he would've looked away after a few seconds. He would've done the same with you, if it wasn't for the mark on your collar bones. For the first time in centuries, he was surprised, astonished even. Demons were gifted the same thing as the humans, but they never really indulged in it as it was quite rare for a demon to find a mate. He had gotten a mark centuries ago, spend some time searching, but quickly gave up and never really thought about it again. But seeing the familiar feather, it was like all his senses heightened. His demon side kicked in, he couldn't keep his eyes of you, he wanted to devour you. Feel your skin, smell you, bite you, anything he desired. An overwhelming feeling to protect you and keep you washed over him. Your [S/C] skin looked so soft, your pure [E/C] eyes luring him in. Your hair framing your face perfectly and your awkward laugh tucking the corners of his lips upwards.
You were the one.
He placed his gloved hand on his side, his own mark being placed just above his hip. It was burning slightly. But the euphoric feeling disappeared quickly when a man took your hand and led you away from the group of bustling ladies. An immense anger grew inside him as his first instinct was to rip the man's head off, but he kept himself calm, for the sake for this ball. But as hours went by and you were enjoying yourself with the man who didn't have the same mark as you, he grew more and more agitated. He watched you dance with him, convincing himself you were probably confused with the feelings you had from him, trying not to blame you for being with the man who wasn't your soulmate. But when you were the one that leaned in for a kiss, something snapped. The perfect opportunity to get you away from this busy room walked right in front of him. Mey-Rin was wobbling with a tray full of champagne filled glasses. He grinned as you walked closer to her and on the right moment he so casually put his lanky legs in front of Mey-Rin's foot and just like he had hoped, she fell over; the champagne flying everywhere, including on you. And like the gentleman he was, he offered you some dry clothes and a place to clean up. Which you gladly accepted. Your fiance of course needing to go with you, much to his annoyance, but it would make his plan shorter so he didn't protest.
You huffed as you were led inside a room by Phantomhive's head butler. Your fiance waiting patiently by the door as the butler gave you some spare dresses from lady Midford; earl Ciel's fiance.
"If there is anything else you need, just give me a call." He smiled at you as he bowed slightly, you smiled back and nodded. "I shall need your name first if you want me to call specifically for you." You laughed. His smile only grew wider to the point is unsettled you slightly. "But of course milady. My name is Sebastian." You nodded and gave a small curtsy before thanking him. He nodded and left the room, leaving you to clean yourself up. You walked over to the large mirror in the corner of the room, adorning the mark that appeared just moments ago. with a look of approval, you admired it. The mark was placed on a rather nasty spot, and it was quite big, but that didn't change the beauty it had. The feather was very detailed, it almost looked real. You traced the shape of it with the tip of your fingers, getting goosebumps as you did so. You didn't know if it was meant to feel like this, but the spot was quite hot and it was burning slightly. You stood there with a pained expression, only wearing your white under dress. A knock on the bedroom chamber ripped you from your thoughts. You frowned as a sigh left your lips.
"Who is it? My lord is it you?" No answer back. You squinted your eyes as you slowly waddled to the door. You placed your ear against the wood and listened closely, thinking it was some kind of prank from your fiance. No sound was heard. Your suspicion rose as you opened the door. Only for you fiance to fall in front of your feet. A gasp escaped your mouth as your chest rose and fell in a frantic manor. He wasn't moving. A pool of blood surrounded his chest area, your eyes grew wide as the only thing you could do was scream, but before you could even part your lips, your vision went black. The butler, Sebastian, catching you. His eyes glowing red.
Your eyes fluttered open, at least that was what you thought. The room you were in was pitch black. Memories from before flashed before your eyes and you shot up. immediate regret filled your veins as pain shot through your neck down to your back. Trying to ignore the sering pain, you used your hands to get a sense of your surroundings. You were sitting on something soft, a mattress clearly, you let your hands wander further and felt the edges of wood. You were on a bed of wood, that is something. That means you are probably in a bedroom, which means there must be curtains somewhere blocking the light from entering the room. So with careful movements you sat yourself on the edge of the bed, your feet dangling above the ground. You hopped off, a bit wobbly as your legs were still sleeping. Your cautiously felt your way around the room, bumping against the bedside table in process. After a few seconds of shuffling, you had found some soft fabric and you smiled, giving it a hard tuck. You squinted a bit as the full moon greeted you. It was still night, or had you slept an entire day? Before you could even question the situation further, the door creaked open. You spun around, another spurt of pain shooting through your body. You grabbed the edges of the windowsill as the male you had came to know as Sebastian stood in the doorway.
"Oh you're awake? Good, I thought might had knocked you in a coma with how fragile humans, especially the female race, can be." He smiled at you as he came in with a tray of, what seemed like, fruit. He put the tray on a small table in the corner as he started to light some candles. You glared at him from your spot at the window and looked over you shoulder. But his voice led your gaze back to him.
"I wouldn't even try that. We are somewhere deep in the woods. Even if you manage to escape me, you will never escape this forest." With in the blink of an eye he stood before you. You gulped as he leaned forward, his hands resting next to your; entrapping you between his arms. The two of you stared at each other as he inspected your face. Lifting his arm to trace your cheekbone. You flinched at his cold hand, noticing the large star engraved in it. His black nails were pitch black and fear started to grow in the pit of your stomach. "I- I wasn't trying to do anything." Your voice was barely above a whisper. He hummed as his eyes filled with amusement. He was so close, you could feel his eyes piercing into your soul as you tried to turn away from him. This only seemed to fuel his amusement as he slowly guided his hand to your collar bones. The flimsy underdress giving you barely any coverage. As he touched your mark, his cold hand made you shiver all over. "You know what this mark means?" He questioned you, still tracing the mark. You dared to look at him and nodded. Your throat feeling dry as you remembered what he had done to your fiance. "It's a soulmate mark." Was all you could croak out. He nodded. "Indeed, the soulmate mark shows you who you belong to. To whom or in this case to what, your soul is connected to." He finished as he backed away from you, his neat butler outfit gone and replaced with just some black trousers and a white button up. He lifted his blouse and pulled his pants down just a bit, to reveal the exact same feather you had on your collarbone. The black jumping out on his inhumanly pale skin. You choked on your spit. He was your soulmate. A psychotic murderer was your soulmate.
"This can't be..." You whsipered in disbelief, moving away from the window to create as much distance as possible between the two of you. "Oh but it is my sweet darling." He grinned as he stalked your cowered form, like a predator would stalk his prey before devouring them. "This mark means your mine, your soul is mine. So you would understand i was rather displeased when you were having such intimacy with another human." His tone of voice was too steady, too calm. You only backed away further, hitting the edge of the bed. The door was still wide open and there was plenty of distance between you and him. It only took on more step from him for you to bolt to the door, but just like moments before, he had you in mere seconds. You trashed in his grip as he pinned you to the ground, holding your fragile wrists easily in his large hand. Tears streamed across your cheeks as you called for help, but everything was hopeless. "I am not yours! You killed the man i loved! How on earth could i possibly be binded to a monster like you!" You screamed in his face. He only sat there on you, watching your struggling form. Only when you had given up on moving and tears stopped coming from your eyes was when he decided to speak again. "I am a monster yes, a monster who is far greater than you. You should be grateful. I will forever protect you and care for you if you follow my every command, but if you want to act like a spoiled brat..." He trailed off as his grip on your wirsts tightened. The blood flow being cut off and an uncomfortable pain tickling your nerves. You cried out as he moved even closer to you, his ice cold lips brushing yours. "...Well i suppose you are smart enough to know what will happen." You didn't dare to move as he connected his lips with yours. New tears formed in your eyes as his bruising grip on your wrists slowly loosened. He was rough, a little bit too rough. He bit and tuck at your bottom lip and you could feel the hot bitter liquid entering your mouth. His mouth was red with your blood as he slowly licked it off. His glowing red eyes were filled with lust as you lay there crying beneath him, wrists and lips bruising. "You taste delicious, darling." Was the only thing he said before diving in for a one sided kiss again.
He was making sure you knew whom you belonged too that night and the nights that followed. You beared his mark and you had to endure the consequences of having so.
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pumpkinpot · 2 years
AN: This is so rushed and like most the plot doesn’t matter??? I just wanted to lay the foundation for fun poly fics in the future. Bottom line: Grell x readerx Sebastian.
cw: coercion, dubcon?, threats, Grell being possessive, Sebastian being possessive.   
I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while now, but can you imagine- living in the Phantomhive house- it doesn’t particularly matter why, that’s more up to you, but you’ve been there for a minute right? (this could be a continuation of the Sebastian getting Jealous of Pluto Drabble here but is also a stand alone.)
You’ve acclimated to the bustle of the house. No longer needing directions to get to different spaces, and of course, learning when the routes of the staff were.(as to not get in the way.)
For instance in the next ten seconds Sebastian would be turning the corner with the tea caddy. prepped with afternoon tea and sconez for Ciels business hour break.
You could hear Ciel grumbling from behind the door about where his tea was despite Sebastian never being late. You stepped off to the side holding a book over your chest as he passes.
This was your routine too. At the time Ciel would be up and about the house, you would disappear to some far corner by yourself. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy Ciel’s company, but you can only throw a chess game so many times for a mans ego before it becomes- waring. 
Per usual Sebastian slips a cup of cocoa black tea into your hand as he resumes on his way. He’d done so since Soma and Agni had gifted the tea to Ciel who had decidedly, not liked it. The words he'd used if not you weren't mistaken were "childish". Now its your tea and yours alone. 
You nodded a thanks before turning the corner he just came. today was a perfect grey day with a promise of rain so you headed for a balcony to enjoy a few moments outside before the inevitable seclusion. 
Sebastian didn't hate rain, he hated cleaning up after it.
The onset of autumn wasn’t in the air just yet, but the sun was disappearing a moment sooner than it had before. you took to spending the last breath of summer outside as often as possible.
Just barely had your mind properly slipped between the pages of your novel when the the turn of a door knob pulls you away. Sebastian clicks the door closed behind him looking up at the sky. “you’ll get wet if you’re out here long M’lady, shouldn’t you like to read inside.” 
“probably,” you said pulling as much of the scented air into your lungs as you could. “but for now I am contented here. Will you join me?”
there is a hesitation in his agreement. Like he should be finding something more valuable to do with his time. But he lifts your legs sitting beneath the bend in your knees. 
It had taken quite a lot of convincing to get him to display this level of intimacy with you. Originally you’d taken this position with Pluto and that didn’t sit right in Sebastian's chest at all. it was only then that he agreed to it, but never when anyone was around to see.
“what are you reading today?” he asks. 
It doesn’t take much encouragement for you to spur into a tangent about the world you’ve imagined past the authors pros. This was always the formula. He’d ask for a synopsis of the book you read then wait. 
The tips of his gloved fingers stroke your arm as you go on. Excited to speculate your favorite characters preferred meals, and what they were like when they weren’t participating in plots. Your words come out in commas and parentheses until something catches the corner of your eye and you stop.
Deep green eyes of a woman decorated in a vibrant red suit sits deathly still across the patio table.
Instinctively you pull your legs off Sebastian closing the novel over your finger. you wait for someone to say something, but when you look over at Sebastian he’s not pulled the service ready prosoma over his features. Instead he opts for flat brows and clenched jaw. Was he angry with you for not noticing the person sooner? 
“Grell,” he sneers, “I assume there is a reason for your presence?” 
The woman has yet to move, eyes unblinking and trained souly on you. Your body prepares to duck if she lunges for you but she doesn't move. At all.
“Grell,” Sebastian demanded, voice deepening.
The corner of Grells lips twitched into a sharp grin. “We’ll get to that Bassy, for now I need to finish planning this humans tragic end. I’m thinking something gothic, as she does seem to have some wild ideations-”
She’d yet to pull her eyes away and despite Sebastian straightening his coat taut against his body. “Grell, my patience is thin. Why are you here?”
"You've been trying to find someone, for a cased I'd think," she says cooly, "I happen to be looking for something they possess. WIlliam told me to let you fail and find it myself, but I could never leave my Bassy without a bone..”
His face stays fixed and his tone even but it was the slight rigidity in his movements that told you something was wrong. He’d seemed annoyed with Ciel plenty of times but now, here with you, getting caught by someone obviously of consequence.
You’d be lucky if he’d ever be so close with you again
Without saying goodbye he leads Grell off the balcony. She spares you a last look over before stepping possessively closer to Sebastian.
You’d asked him early on about a lover tucked away somewhere, but he’d only laughed and said his only true love was hunger. You wondered if that odd answer had anything to do with this woman.
*Later that night*
You’d been asked, with no details to accompany Ciel, Sebastian and Grell to the city. They’d proved you with in-depth questions about the book you were reading earlier, and where you’d acquired it. Once answered they mumbled amongst themselves just quiet enough that you couldn’t hear.
When the carriage finally stopped the three got out Sebastian helping you down. “which store was it?” Ciel demands. 
You point down the alley to a corner shop. The windows are still wholly lit despite the late night. Other books and trinkets crowd the window like they were in line waiting for someone to pick them out. 
“Did the keeper say anything to you when you bought the book?” 
“He said that the things in his shop found who they were meant to. He never made me pay, only asked that tell others about his shop and where to find him.”
Sebastian and Ciel share a look while Grell looks bored of the entire ordeal. 
“We’ll pay him a visit at once, thank you y/n,” Sebastain says, “the carriage can take you back to the manor.”
Grell pauses in front of them. “hang on, she is just as involved now, she should-”
"are you doubting my ability?” Sebastian challenges. 
Grell slaps a hand over her mouth with a thick sigh.  “Bassy, I would never. Only that the shopkeeper might be more forthcoming with information if he sees a familiar face. He did want her to bring in customers after all.”
Sebastian is about to rebuttal, but Ciel speaks first. “As much as I hate to agree with the reaper, the point is true-”
“My lord I can-” 
“don’t argue Sebastian. Y/n, let’s go.” 
With hesitance you trudge at Sebastians side. The series of events that transpire go as follows, much to your confusion. The shop keep sees you with delight as the others crowd in followed by Ciel. They bombard him about stolen books, which results in- it couldn’t really be considered a fight, the shopkeeper pulled a knife and Sebastian broke his arm. Now the shopkeeper is running through the maze of downtown, in the dark.
The four of you stop at the fountain looking down the endless number of streets he could have dipped into. 
“Sebastian with me, Grell, Y/n go south-”
Grell inhales. “What a lucky girl I am to be paired with a fragile little-” the last half of her sentence doesn’t make it out of her mouth before Sebastian drags her to him by the wrist. 
His eyes bleed into deep bloody pools when he speaks, “It isn’t uncommon for my appetite to wonder, if any hair on her head is out of place when I get back, I will take my time pulling you apart.”
Grells cheeks turn a deep red as she turns away- like he didn’t just threaten to eat her??? “Oh, Bassy don’t tease me-”
“Sebastian now!” Ciel yells still running down the alley. 
Sebastian pulls his eyes to you for only a moment before disappearing into the dark. 
You keep the momentum of the moment turning down the opposite way. “let’s go check the-” 
Grell watches to pair disappear before knocking you against the nearest wall. She pins your ribcage to the cobblestone wall with one arm, the other wrapped rather firmly around your throat. 
“I may have found you cute in another life, but,” she glides her thumb up your trachea. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.” 
You can taste blood between your teeth as you flash a toothy smile. “You think I’m cute?” 
She pulls out a thin knife from the breast pocket of her suit dragging it down her tongue. “yes, but you’d look much better in red.”
the metal is cold as she trails it down your neck across the back of her hand, finding your heart. She angels it between the bones of your corset. "I'm not meant to kill your kind, but it's not the first time I've asked forgiveness. I'm sure William will understand."
Fabric rips in your ears and you press your back as tightly as possible against the cobblestone wall.
“I don’t know why I’ve caught his attention,” you rush out in a single breath, “but the truth of the matter, as it stands is-” you muster every bit of yourself bringing your eyes to hers. “you kill me now, his affection will never find you.”
“oh please, I give it a year before he finds a new meal.”
you hadn’t the time to dwell on the words before Grell loosened the pressure on your neck, just enough for small intakes of air. “though he has been rather selfish recently. He finds all these pretty things to keep for himself, never once offering to share,” she looks at you with a pouty lip. “you know what they say about crows and shiny objects.” 
pointy teeth puzzle into a bright smile. “I think I’ll have you.” she says decidedly.
Her nails press valleys into the sides of your neck as she brings your lips inches from hers. “we will still be here long after you are rotting in the ground. Plenty of time to make him mine and mine alone, but for now-” She pry's your thighs apart with her knee, sitting you up onto your tippy toes. “I like your eyes. Keep them on me for this.”
The hand once around your throat pinches your jaw forcing you to open your mouth. She glides her warm tongue across your lip, dipping into you. She finds your tongue sucking it between her teeth. 
your breath comes out hot, fogging up her glasses. Her free hand laces through yours. 
To any onlookers it would seem a couple just lost in embrace in the cool of night, but no one could see the battle in your mind. Between your palms you could still feel the knife she’d held to you moments ago. But her lips were so soft-
Hesitantly you stop fighting her, nuzzling your nose into hers. She grinds her hips into yours. At this rate she was sure to pull your soul from between your teeth. 
She slows the kiss with a sigh, breaking from you, but not yet pulling your bodies apart. She kisses you one more time nipping your lip enough to leave a tiny cut. She smears the blood, pulling away with a smile. “Better.” 
By the time she’s backed away Sebastian and Ciel return, shopkeeper in hand. Ciel focuses on the shopkeeper while Sebastian's eyes shift between you and Grell. “what’s happened?”
Grell pulls herself around you. “A girl never kisses and tells Bassy.”
Truthfully, you’d never asked Sebastian why he spent his time with you. From the moment you’d arrived at Phantomhive he’d lowered his tone and noted whenever you were around with soft glances. Maybe you’d never asked because the thing about knowing was- you’d already imagined an ideal to his advances. if his answer didn’t match, it had the power to ruin you. 
 Grell giggles into your ear as Sebastian takes hold of their shopkeeper. “I am going to ruin you,” she whispered in your ear. “he will be mine, but not before you are.”
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lovesick-desires · 2 years
Sebastian Michaelis Yandere Alphabet
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Requested by @lastbixstanding
Warnings: Yandere behavior, blood, murder, stalking, emotional manipulation, sexual innuendo, kidnapping, psychological manipulation,
If you are uncomfortable with any of these warnings, please do not read under the cut!
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
❥ Sebastian might be one of the most charismatic yanderes out there.
❥ He would swoop you off your feet with affection such as doing things in order to make you impressed.
❥ This man’s love language is touch so he will make sure to do things as subtle as patting your head to full blown make out sessions, if you let him.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
❥ He will get covered in blood for you. If he couldn’t, what kind of butler would he be?
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
❥ He is not cruel in his behavior towards you.
❥ If anything, he is the opposite!
❥ He will spoil you rotten to try and attain your love through materialistic things as well as his undying love for you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
❥ He is not one to force you to do something out of your comfort zone, if that’s what you’re implying.
❥ He is a gentleman, not a monster.
❥ However, he will make sure you never leave his side, stripping you of your right of being alone and out of his crimson gaze.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
❥ Sebastian is a very mysterious man. There is a lot you don’t know of him even after he kidnaps you.
❥ He feels vulnerable without you since he knows if someone tries to use you against him, there is not much he can do besides to steal you back.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
❥ Sebastian would be emotionally hurt. After all he has done for you? He understands that you are scared of him, but it hurts him so:
“Oh, darling… Please do not do that. I have no ill intent with you, I promise. You hurt me so and I just want the best for you. Can’t you see that?”
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
❥ Oh, heavens no! This is not a game to him unless you want him to chase you, then it’s on.
❥ However, watching you try to escape the first few times has hurt him.
❥ Yet, over time, he gets enjoyment in watching you try to leave only for you to end up in his arms by the end of the day.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
❥ Probably the kidnapping would be your worst experience with him.
❥ He would chase you through the dark London alleyways, letting you think there was a chance you could get away.
❥ What a laugh. You think you can escape a demon?
❥ Soon enough, he appears in front of you, blocking your exit to this labyrinth of alleyways:
“My, my, what do we have here? Can’t let you get too far away, now can we?”
❥ Next thing you know, you are in a soft, foreign bed in new pajamas you have never seen before.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
❥ Sebastian has basic ideal future for you two: Settle down and start a family.
❥ If you are not able to bear children (infertility or sex), that’s okay! He is willing to adopt!
❥ If you don’t want kids, he gets that even though he might be a little disappointed.
❥ As long as he has you, he’s happy so if you don’t kids, that’s not the biggest problem that could happen.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
❥ Sebastian has mastered masking his true feelings over his more than a century of living as a demon.
❥ However, seeing miserable scum flirt with you or let alone look at you with such perverse gazes, he feels his jealousy bubbling deep down.
❥ If he sees scum staring at you and ogling, he would redirect your route away from their prying eyes. He’d deal with them later.
❥ On the other hand, if someone is flirting with you, that certainly will not do. As you are about to reply to that cretin, he clears his throat:
“Pardon me, but (Madam/Sir/Mx.) Y/N and I have somewhere do be.”
❥ Before you can even reply to Sebastian, he’s basically dragging you away by your arm.
❥ When you ask him what he was doing, he simply says:
“Sorry, darling. We had more important things to do.”
❥ Trust me, you don’t wanna be around when Sebastian deals with them later.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
❥ On his best behavior at about 95% of the time: treating you the best he can while making you satisfied.
❥ The other 5%, well, he is probably being a little… devilish with you ;)
Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
❥ As I have said, Sebastian is very charismatic and will use it to his advantage.
❥ Sebastian knows exactly how to approach you, in public or in private.
❥ He will use his devilishly good looks and charisma to leave you swoon for him.
❥ Just where he wants you. Perfect.
❥ However, if you deny his advances for too long, he might get a little impatient.
❥ He loves you dearly, but you should accept his love and affection before he takes you away from the outside world by force.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
❥ Sebastian keeps his calm and suave appearance around you but he might be a little (aka a lot) more flirtatious than with others.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
❥ Sebastian is not one who tends to do physical or sexual punishments.
❥ Rather, he tends to use psychological manipulation to do is work for him.
❥ He has quite a way with words and making you feel bad if you do something he does not like such as saying things like:
“Oh dear, do you really have to do this? To me? Goodness, I thought you were more well-mannered than that…”
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
❥ If you are kind enough to him and accept his love, none will be taken from you.
❥ You can still see your friends and family as long as Sebastian may accompany you to keep you safe.
❥ If you don’t want to accept his love and wind up getting kidnapped by him; however, expect to never see your family or friends again.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
❥ Sebastian knows patience is key in love; however, if you act like a brat, he might lose his temper.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
❥ If you were to try and leave, trust me, you wouldn’t get far without Sebastian tracking you down.
❥ Even if you “successfully” escape, Sebastian is just toying with you and watching you from afar as you finally feel safe only for him to appear in your new residence within a weeks time.
❥ Even death can not save you from this man. He is a demon after all and knows his ways around getting you into a pact.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
❥ Not in the slightest, you are his as he is yours.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
❥ When he was not aware of your existence, his own existence felt bland and meaningless.
❥ It felt like something was missing…
❥ But when he first saw you, it was like something clicked in his hand.
❥ What he needed was you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
❥ He pretends to lot like it as he consoles you in an attempt to calm you down:
“Oh darling! Do not fret for your safety! I would never hurt you!”
❥ But on the inside, he loves it so much. Please cry for him so he can watch those sweet tears go down your soft cheeks.
❥ He wishes he could lick them up without being perceived as gross.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
❥ Sebastian is more of a calm and collected yandere compared to the stereotypical yandere.
❥ However, on the inside, he is full of lustful intentions and desire to you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❥ Unfortunately for you, there is very little you can do to get away from him besides attempting to manipulate him to let you go.
❥ However, he is smarter than you think and is fully aware of your intent.
Wit’s End: Would they ever hurt their darling?
❥ Goodness no, he would take rage out on his victims than you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
❥ Sebastian loves you wholeheartedly and would do anything for you to be his. He isn’t he definition of a worshipper yandere.
❥ He would do anything to be with you.
❥ Anything.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
❥ Sebastian tries to keep things tame and calm between you two as he would never want to hurt you.
❥ However, if you are going to keep being a little brat and denying his love and gifts, he might get impatient.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
❥ The only way he might break you is mentally and make you want to bend to his love and embrace since it’s the only place you feel safe anymore.
❥ As safe as you can get, I mean.
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Empty nest Spoilers ti feed y’all while I anxiously procrastinate hghf
Cw: slight cucking/unfaithfulness, small attempt at manipulation on Sebastian’s part bc I’m trying to write him semi yandere,
You grinned at the grim reaper. “What a pleasant offer, I’ll keep you in mind.” You winked at her, making her eyes light up and her grin widen.
“Well of course! Take your time Love, I have all the time in the world, especially for someone as beautiful as you.” Grell winks at you, signing ‘peace’ to you before she hurried off, and just in the nick of time too, a tree was thrown directly where she was just standing…
You look in the direction the tree came from, Seeing Sebastian glaring at Grell’s silhouette in the distance. “Don’t mind her, she likes to be a nuisance,” Sebastian quickly straightened out his shirt, dusting off the leaves that had fallen on him. “Though I must say, I’m surprised she targeted you. I’m usally the only one she does that too.”
You teasingly wink at Sebastian. “Awww, are you jealous that she’s lost interest in you? You snooze, you loose.” You quietly chuckled, though you broke down into full blown laughing at the confused look Sebastian gives you.
“Are you…actually considering her?” You shrugged, honestly you weren’t too interested, especially since you knew the rules the grim reapers have over ‘breeding’, not worth the headache. “You’re aware she’ll leave you once she gets bored, right? You’ll be left alone with your child…that would be hard on you both…”
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stardustincarnate · 2 years
MONSTER // Yandere!Sebastian Michaelis x Reader [Part I]
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SUMMARY : Would you, like Doctor Faustus, sell your soul to the devil in change not for knowledge and power, but for temporary pleasure in order to subdue the eternal wounds inflicted upon your soul?
WORD COUNT : 3767 words.
GENRES : yandere!au (though not until the second part). modern!au. gothic fiction. implied smut. very little fluff if you squint. a failed attempt at writing comic relief.
WARNINGS : cheating. implied self-harm. implications of a suicide attempt. dark themes. underlying tones of blasphemy.
watch out for typographical/grammatical errors.
♡ writing commissions are open! ♡
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Moments of desperation are what makes humans truly amusing creatures.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, they say. More frequent than they like to admit, people will rather luxuriate in fugacious rapture than endure the temporary, innate void, the fluctuation of events in their short, often wasted lives. Pain is inevitable, and so is the fulfillment that comes after it, yet there is no exact telling how long pain will last, and sometimes the so-called fulfillment or 'rainbow after the storm' isn't even fulfilling at all. Some people have short patience, deciding to no longer be shackled by their seemingly unceasing pain, unable to wait any longer for the elation they so craved for. And so they seek for band-aids, temporary protections from their inner hurt.
Little did they know that those seemingly promising band-aids will only prolong their misery.
Ah, and of course, you were one of those people. What? There was nothing wrong with basking in your well-deserved happiness. After all the afflictions that you had been through, being gifted pleasure was only righteous.
Your ex-fiance had left you. Had cheated on you, for specification. Others had deemed that reason for someone to almost take her life absurd, but they had no rights to. It wasn't them who was left insecure, anxious, and mentally scarred for life, so who were they to judge? You had loved him too much, too much to the point that all the love that you were able to give was spent on him, and gone forever when he left.
Now you couldn't love, you thought. Not even yourself. How could you? You weren't deserving of love, your ex-fiance had proven you that. You could easily be left for someone else.
Weeks and weeks of drinking, hoping to eventually destroy yourself and keep him off your mind, did nothing to relieve you of your suffering. You were tempted to cease your existence, every second of your pointless life. You coveted everyone else, wanting to wipe  the ridiculous smiles that never failed to make your blood seethe off their faces, wanting to strangle them simply because they had better fates than you -- simply because they were enjoying their lives. You wanted to kill every single one of them. It was hard to control your compulsions. Why were they luckier than you? Why you, and not them?
You had stood atop an abandoned building one bleak night. The sky was black as ebony, the city still and serene. No lights, no sounds, nothingness; it had beckoned you. A final resting place. You had closed your eyes, letting the frigid wind feast on your numb, gored, exposed skin. Then, the stillness wavered so suddenly, and then wholly disappeared. Right behind you was an inexplicable noise of strong wind, footsteps following. A bass had reverberated inside your head, glasses clinking and bells ringing. Your heart began to pump quicker.
HE had been there as you opened your eyes. Your savior. Your master. The man clad in midnight. The man whose eyes had looked upon you ravenously, licking his lips as he feasted on your then trembling form. It felt as if his imperious stare was piercing and preying on your poor, poor soul.
Oh, that soul of yours. It was rotten, so full of loathing and desire for revenge. It was delicious. You would make a great meal, he had thought, snickering to himself.
He had been watching how miserable you had become. It was merely a curious peek at the human world he had deemed mundane for too long. He certainly wasn't expecting to stumble upon a delectable dish, your soul, and he didn't complain.
Yours was the only soul that he wanted. The only soul that stood out from the rest. He had made it his job to ascertain that he, alone, would be the one having you, eventually.
And there he was, on his dark glory, making you teeter on edges.
"What's wrong? Scared?"
Backing away, your feet had slipped off the concrete. Before you could even process your supposed death, you were lifted back up by darkness, enclosing you. He was still there. You had noticed that the darkness that brought you back was emanating from him. He seemed pleased now that you had trembled less. In his smile you could see the fangs that put all the blades you had used to shame. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you spoke feebly.
"Who -- w-what are you?"
You scrutinized him once again from head to toe. The clouds had parted, the full moon now gazing upon you. The satellite had confirmed that there was no body, but just a wan, smirking face which looked at you with authority, and then billowing darkness in the supposed body's stead. You had wondered if the onyx space was a black hole, luring everything close to it, including you, and eventually destroying it.
"I've come to unshackle you from your misery, little mortal." He began as, disturbingly, a body had formed, and stood in front of you was a completely normal, bedazzling young man. He'd approached you, and there was a bone-deep, ancient feeling of horror. The man had chuckled at your new disposition. "Ah, no... Do not fret. I am here to grant your wishes. All of them. And you have quite a lot, don't you?" He had whispered lowly, and you had every vein in you screaming for you to run -- which, you had thought, you should've done the minute you'd seen him, given that in every aspect, there was no way that he was a normal young man. For all you knew, minutes ago, he was just a head.
"You have problems, my dear, and you dearly want them to disappear, don't you? You don't really want to throw away the years of your life." He leaned closer, peering into your soul. "But, if you allow me to, I will fix them. I can fix everything."
The mumble had gone off before you could think straight. But really, could you still think straight during those days? "You can?" Your voice had faltered, and you began to quiver harder as he held your wrists, gently and almost fondly. That action had made your heart tingle with the slightest anticipation for the first time in a long, long time.
"Why, yes, my dear. I will fix everything for you. I will remove all your problems. I'm your genie. There is no need to be afraid of me, hm?"
You nodded slowly, your breathing going back to normal as you stared up at him. His presence was dominating you, and it was clear that he took luxury in it. "Hm. There we go."
"H-How can you f-fix my problems?"
"Oh, I'll show you... Once we had settled our contract, that is." The man had noticed your sudden skepticism and chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, you needn't worry, for I always keep my end in a bargain. A deal's a deal, and even someone of my kind knows how to keep our promises, unlike you fickle humans."
Someone of his kind... You pondered. Who was that man? What was he, exactly?
"You needn't do much, really. However, there is only one thing I ask of you."
He'd added. Although the feeling of ancient horror crept further upon your entirety, there was also something compelling about the man, something you knew you could not resist. And so you had asked purposefully for the first time in what seemed like ages, holding onto his promises. He'd said that he could fix all of your problems, and you knew that you deserved to be acquitted of them.
"What is it?"
He began to call himself Sebastian. And he had taken your soul. You were his now; and his only, until forevermore. The man who called himself a genie was, in fact, not a genie, but a demon. A demon who had come to grant your wishes... in change for your soul. Your soul which you had so willingly given to him. You'd thought, anyway, that you didn't need a soul. You were soulless as could be, so if what a soul was what he wanted, then you had given it up so easily. It was an easy exchange, really, one that seemed to benefit you more than him, you had thought.
Sebastian had everything you had ever wanted, everything you had ever needed. He was superb at playing his role, true to the words he had uttered the first time you ever saw him, and there were a good lots of times when you had forgotten that this was merely a pretend relationship, a business done for mutual benefits. He would be at your service whenever you needed it, spoiling you with all the wealth unimaginable, and going on dates with you wherever place you had suggested.
On one occasion, you went to the amusement park wherein he played every game, took his role of being 'the boyfriend who plays for his girlfriend and gives her a cute prize in the end' so seriously and won every single prize that the owner had reproached you two, fuming, and decided to ban you from the park. You went home with your car filled to the brim with stuffed animals, barely having enough space to breath and see clearly. Sebastian had frowned that he played fair and square and that he paid for every game he played, so it was illogical for the owner foam at the mouth. You had chuckled and told him to not be an overachiever next time while he tucked a kitten plush on his lap as he drove back home.
There had been a time in your life when you dreamt of having the perfect boyfriend. It was an innocent phase, and you were naive to the world's cruelty, wishing for someone who would stick with you all the time, bring you nothing but joy and laughter, and shelter you like how a prince protects his princess. None of those happen in real life though, but for brief, sudden moments, when Sebastian was looking at anywhere but you, you had often thought of him being what you once wanted. He successfully filled the void in your heart, and at moments, you would smile at one another, and then your wishful thinking would stop due to the appearance of his fangs, painfully reminding you once more of this game of pretend, of that he was an actor of his own class, of that he was a demon whose sole interest was your soul. And one, even without being told, knew that one does not fall in love with demons, for they are the  epitome of eternal suffering, the predators that humans, like you, had been compelling for thousands of years. And yet, there you were. You would have been burned at the stake, if not worse, had your little secret been discovered. But it never would be, that Sebastian had assured you.
You had thought that he must have felt the fluctuations in your feelings, the sudden longing and genuine warmth you felt towards him, and so he gave strict reminders that those feelings would give fruit to naught. He would break off his role at times when your heart blossomed, and his true nature which you had almost forgotten was suddenly foreign and terrifying to you. The room would grow dark, everlasting emptiness spewing from his side while he eyed you, and you felt a thousand times inferior, mortified, at that look. And for a very brief moment of sheer dread, his form would morph into horror unfathomable.
Though he appreciated your life revolving around him, as it should be, he did not relish the involvement of real human feelings in any form, with the exception of anything relating to the seven deadly sins. Something as soft as love was preposterous. It enraged him for you to develop such feelings, again, though they were still budding, even if it was meant for him. Emotions such as that would only tarnish and reduce the soul he was building like a perfect gourmet into a tasteless, waste of food.
For you to rid those budding human emotions and turn your life's focus anywhere but the path of eternal life, he had made temptation an easy access, with lust being his specialty. While waiting for the right time to seek out your revenge by plotting a thing so abominable, something you never knew you were capable of thinking, and something that your old self would never have approved of, to the bastard who had severed you, Sebastian had provided you with entertainment so profound and undeniable that each day you feared that you could not go on without it. That you could not go a day without you looking up between his knees, crying at his mercy, without you arching and begging for him as he did his ways on the right places on your body, without him treating you like his princess at daylight and his personal whore at night, whispering and influencing you with further blasphemy as he twitched inside you.
He went on and on, had done you like no man in the world could ever do you, and you were so enamored by the luxury of pleasure he had offered that once, you had come to a point wherein you had nothing else in your mind except for the thought of him ramming into you and reminding you of who owns you, and thoughts of the people you sought vegeance for have their necks spewing off their thick, warm blood, followed by them falling down, preferrably from an elevated setting, and eventually, being dead.
At times, he would do you in front of the mirror to let himself bask in his glorious form which was ravishing yours, then he would suppress barking out a thunderous laughter and only smirk at how horribly filthy you looked underneath his power. Look at you, completely immersed in the darkness, soul so murky that he was beginning to grow more and more uneasy with the intolerable longing to finally devour your entirety. But he knew he would have to wait longer.
It wasn't time to harvest a fruit which hadn't fully ripened yet.
The smell of coffee wafted through the slightly ajar doors, and groggily you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You concluded that dawn was still raw, meaning there were still plenty of hours before your usual morning call, but you stood up nonetheless, the aroma beckoning you to trudge towards the kitchen where you saw Sebastian just about to prepare for making breakfast. Two cups of almond coffee sat upright on the counter, still hot.
You thought he looked to you a husband. Contributing to the sudden sentimentality were the too late yet too early hour and your partially asleep state. A husband. Sebastian looked to you like a husband. You smiled, and then, for a moment, thought of frowning wistfully.
Sebastian sensed your feelings, and he was irked. Seemed like your soul still needed some honing to be done to. How long would he need to wait? But no... He could wait even a thousand years, hell, because time was nothing to creatures of his kind, and because your ripened soul would certainly be worth the wait.
"Sebby..." You called out. He looked back, an accustomed smile gracing his gentle yet at the same time sharp features. "Good morning, my dear. I was just about to wake you up. Hungry? Well, just in time as I am about to make breakfast. Have some coffee for the mean time, my love."
You plopped yourself down the chair and he settled the other cup on the table in front of you. You looked up to him. "You're up early... 'Smatter?"
He seemed to be pouting, then his lips curved downwards to a complete frown. "Why, have you forgotten what today is all about, love? My, this is quite painful to me, you know?" He clutched his chest, as if to emphasize.
"Wait. What is today?"
Sebastian tutted. "We are going on a cruise date today. Have you really forgotten? We need to be there by 6 o'clock sharp. It's a special day." He then patted your head and ruffled your hair, and if it were before, your stomach would've somersaulted at his actions, but now fully-awake, thanks to the coffee, you thought better and had better control of yourself. You glanced at the clock. It read 3:56 AM. There were still plenty of time. But of course, your boyfriend more than liked being punctual.
Finishing the rest if your coffee in one gulp (plus the burning sensation you felt on your tongue immediately afterwards), you stood up and went to him, who was now busying himself with making breakfast.
"I can help with that. I really missed cooking..." At your remark, Sebastian had a brief look of horror on his face. "Dear, no offense, but as much as you miss cooking, and as much as I'd like for you to enjoy yourself, we cannot risk to burn the kitchen for the third time since moving here."
"I busied myself watching cooking videos on YouTube these past few days, so it can't be as bad as before. Just let me try once!"
You were suddenly very exuberant that Sebastian feared there was something else in that coffee which you just drank. He firmly shook his head and said, "Love, no."
You reached out for the slotted spatula, which he denied you of by raising the hand holding your desired item. He was a great lot taller than you were, and he often smirked at this fact, just like what he's doing now. You jumped to reach it, and then again, and again, and then you had overused that ability which was why you fell into his chest the next time you jumped. Instincts made you wrap your arms around his waist, and deciding that the position was rather cozy, you impeded the day's work by luxuriating in your current position. His perfume had a class of its own, or was he even using perfume? Maybe that's just how he naturally smelled: intolerably good. Maybe that's how demons smelled. You weren't even hiding the fact that you were sniffing him. And he, for the nth time, was more than unimpressed.
The moment he thought that you were finally done pestering him, he made a fatal mistake. You swiftly took the spatula from his then relaxed hand and moved away, giggling childishly. Sebastian rolled his eyes before watching you for the next five minutes with bated breath as you successfully murdered the immaculate breakfast you were supposed to have. The bacons became charcoal. He declared with dread "T-That's enough!" and looked at you with the see-what-I-told-you kind of look on his face.
You sighed helplessly. You really thought you wouldn't mess up this time. "Oh, all right! I should just fix our things. Has the --"
"That's already been taken care of."
Your mouth gaped. How -- then you remembered: demons don't need sleep, so he mostly spent midnight packing your things. Sometimes the fact awed you, and this event was one of those times. Sometimes you had wondered what it felt like to be a demon who needed no sleep. How great would it be to watch your desired Netflix shows unceasingly, and to think about creative ways to choke your ex-boyfriend and the whore he cheated on you with without suddenly yawning and getting interrupted by lethargy.
Sebastian sighed as he looked at you. "Since you've already wasted five precious minutes of defiling our food, why don't you take a shower now? Be a good girl for me, won't you dear?"
"Won't you join me? Won't we bathe together, Sebby?~"
"Please don't act so carnal this early in the morning."
You pouted. "Says the horny one."
Sebastian blinked, stupefied, and then cleared his throat. "We cannot afford to be even seconds late for our appointment today. You have already wasted five minutes of --"
"-- Murdering, defiling, and what else-ing your precious bacon, yeah yeah."
"That." He sighed once more. "You know that once either of us begins, neither can stop. But we must always present ourselves properly to others. Besides, there is plenty of time to do that later, after the main objective of this day, which you should be focusing on. You remember now?"
You nodded silently.
"Good. Now, go and take a bath. I have already prepared your changing clothes."
You obeyed docilely and took twenty minutes of liberty to wash yourself.
While soaking yourself in the frigid temperature, thoughts came whirling inside your mess of a mind. The main objective of this special day, of your date with Sebastian.
Yes, the root of it all, why out of the blue you decided to plan a date so expensive when you could've just gone to the museum if you wanted a regular date. But what you wanted was something more than that, something much more malignant.
'When stalking one's prey, it is best to take one's time.'
And so you had. It was not your ex himself who was your immediate prey -- for he had long vanished to only the devil knows where, and you intended to seek him, saving him for last -- but the whore he cheated on you with. She, apparently, had a new man to play around with this time. This new bastard, too, had a significant other, a wife, an information you discovered through a thorough investigation you conducted, guided by Sebastian. You had deemed the fact that the woman was skilled at her job, being a homewrecker, worthy of a sardonic snicker.
Homewreckers, whether fully knowing the action they took part in or not and being just another used bystander, more than deserved a punishment worse than the death penalty, at least in your opinion.
It was Sebastian who discovered her scheduled cruise date. When he told you, your mind instantly formulated a plan. And though you had never been fond of the vast, azure ocean, being by Sebastian's side while executing the plan which had been in your mind for a long time now was more than a considerable compensation.
Red obscured your vision as you looked at the bathroom's floor tiles.
Yes, today is indeed going to be a special day, you thought.
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yan-lorkai · 15 days
Hello, Lorkai, could you do headcanons or a drabble, with Yandere Sebastian, what would his relationship be like with a beloved captive and has he tied her to him, making her the mother of his children? If you don't feel comfortable with this, I will understand. ^⁠_⁠^
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your relationship with Sebastian depends entirely with how you react with him and around him. Do you misbehave, do you hate him? Well, then he is forceful and wicked, taking whatever he wants from you wether you want it or not. But if you are willing and afraid? Oh, he is a tease, scaring you to hell and back, though he is much nicer. And if you do love him back? Then you have more freedom than you know what to do with it, he trusts you enough to know you won't do anything stupid to lose his trust.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Life in general is good. He built a house for you in the middle of nowhere, calculating the probability of anyone passing through it, and how far the hospital and market is. Sebastian has everything planned. He also takes your opinions very seriously, letting you help him paint the walls or decorating the house.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He often let's you engage on your hobbies when you're good. Bringing you books, sewing supplies, sketchbook for you to draw on, etc. And he like to insert himself into your hobbies too, admiring you lovingly with two big hearts for eyes.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Demons are jealous creatures so I don't think he'll babytrap his darling, though the possibility is there if darling really wants it or if you force his hand one too many times. And being pregnant of a demon is way difficult so you'll have to relies on him for nine months or suffer from the pain and cravings, and hormones and all.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While you have free access to the door, as you two are way far from civilization, Sebastian knows that if you run away you won't go too far. You had to run for kilometers and kilometers, and he is a wicked little demon, if you were to succeed he'd be there waiting for you, a smile on his face as he carries you bridal style back home, humming gleefully. You can run but never escape. It's like playing with a kitten, he always find you.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 months
A rabbit and a wolf
sebastian x fem reader/obssesive behavior/stalking/confident but easily embarrassed reader/you could say self-indolgent
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A loud gasp escape your lips,the sound of bed hitting the wall was matching the sound of your lips.Sebastian without mercy pound your pussy like there was no tomorrow and how could he not you were the sweetest most annoying thing in the world,but you were his.Your back being blown out you could not take it any more,it was good so fucking good.You know better then to anger him but my god was the anger in the sex so good.You could barley think of anything.Eyes rolled to the back of your head fifth orgasam coming and you could not even speak.Yelling his name and your pussy being filled to the brim was amazing.In a second after coming from yet another high he was back in you again,going hard destroying your insides like it was nothing to him,and you were loveing it.God yes you were strong and independent and he knew that ,but god did he wanted to break it and maybe some part of you wanted that.Pulling you out of your thoughts was a loud slap on your ass which caused you to moan even more.,,What is it my slut you like that,i can feel your pussy clench around my cock whore."Oh god did you love that nickname.Yes you were a slut but for him,for his cock and no one else and it felt good.,,This fucking pussy is mine,all mine,your body your soul is mine do hear my rabbit,if you so much as look or speak in any mans direction i will kill him and you,i will fuck you until your fucking pussy remembers how her master is,do you hear me little rabbite,well do you", pulling your hair your fucked face closer to his you could barely say anything but mumbling yes was enough for him.His pace become faster and harder he was hitting all the spots his cock was piercing threw you.You could not think your brain was just about his big fat cock destroying you and you enjoying it.As you grew close to the high you screamed so hard you were sure you woke up the whole building.Finishing you lay there on the bed breathless,unabel to speak Sebastian took you to the bathroom washed you dressed you.,,Darling how are you feeling was i to hard,did i hurt you"Sebastian asked looking form some bruise he might have left knowing he was to lost in the moment.,,No i am fine and you were perfect as alwasy darling,but maybe next time do go a bit harder i can take it." you said mischief in your eyes ,,Oh really well you little minx i will be sure to remember that now gets some rest my love."
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Seb and Ciel? Alright, what do you think about some head cannons for yandere Sebastian with a maid darling working for another high-status family and is abused by said family for their own entertainment?
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After serving this family for years you simply excuse the behavior as thoughtless and reckless actions, especially when it comes to the younger members of the household who get away with the most brutal of interactions towards you, excused for being too small to understand the morals of the world
When the esteemed Earl Phantomhive gets invited to stay the night with his trusted butler standing to the side of the young lord at all times they certainly won't allow such brutal behavior, whether on another family's property or not Ciel will quickly shame the younger lords who attempted to push their servant down the grand stairs, Sebastian quick to pull you close to him before your footing was completely lost.
Defend your masters as much as you'd like, Sebastian won't let his possessive arm wrapped around your waist loosen and Ciel certainly won't take your shit. Best believe once their business visit is over will Ciel give Sebastian the sign to tear the spoiled young lords manor down, put you in a position where you have no other reasonable choice but to accompany the Earl with the offer of a job much to the butlers delight
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Imagine yandere sebastian with a witch darling whos physical appearence is desired by all, she’s kind, very funny but closed off. and she has 3 cats that love her very much. I feel like he would fold lowkey.
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Yandere Sebastian Michaelis x Witch Reader with Cats
You’re right he would 
Ciel comes to your residence upon reference
Looking for your expertise in objects bordering the supernatural
Only for the ‘one-eyed’ young master to sneeze himself out of your shop
“Sorry, darling my cats practically rule this property. It’s probably best you don’t come lest your allergies lead to premature death.”
“Fear not, for I will happily represent my master in his investigation. Now, is this fellow on your shoulder a Maine Coone?”
“Oh, he is! Would you like to hold him?” 
“I’d be honored!” 
You two click right away 
As avid cat lovers, Sebastian always joins you when you coo about your kittens
But aside from your love for cats, he’s bewitched 
Your beauty both inside and out unknowingly stokes the fire of his love
And when he loves he loves hard
He makes sure you know it
He refuses to pull back on his flirting 
“This is a resilient type of mineral that would fetch a high price on the black market…It also is a dazzling complement to (Y/n)’s eyes.”
“Oh uh, thanks?” “Sebastian.”
“Would you like this on a ring?”
“Apologies young master, let's continue.”
While he doesn’t hesitate to sing his praises and desires for you
He also doesn’t keep his more demonic tendencies silent either
Much to everyone’s detriment 
“Your bluntness is appalling for a noble of your stature. And I’d advise you to refrain from such vulgarity in the future…that is if you value your life.” 
Forget about anyone trying to destroy you because he’s pursuing you (Grell)
He knows who they are and as the Phantomhive butler its in his nature to be proactive about possible threats
“Now now die quietly; I can’t have my beloved witch be afraid to reciprocate my love because of you.”
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ruins-posts · 3 years
What would happen if Yandere! Sebastian and Yandere! Claude were in love with the same reader? (if possible, the reader could be a demon or an angel, you choose)
Sorry for the delay, hope you like it.
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This is a huge, huge mess you've gotten into. And there's no escaping it. You've been locked away at a faraway place which is unknown to humans, and only the two demons have knowledge of it .
There is a never ending fight between the demons- both compete for gaining your love and attention, and as a result you're showered with tons of unwanted affections.
The never ending fight between the two to earn your possession grows quite violent at times- and you too unfortunately become a victim of it.
The competition between them is never ending, if one of them sees the other trying to earn your attention in their absence, they'll immediately shove the other away.
Sebastian realises that Claude had kissed you while he was away? He'll simply ravage you till the faintest trail of his scent disappears from your body and is replaced by his. Claude figures out that Sebastian marked you in his absence? We'll he's gonna make sure your beautiful skin is marred in his love bites, ignoring all of your cries.
Claude and Sebastian constantly leave their marks on you- on the neck, collarbones, shoulders, anywhere where it's noticeable, for the sole purpose of claiming you as theirs and to threaten their respective competitors.
The demons love you a lot, to the point where it's so overwhelming that you break-down sometimes. At such times your 'lovers' will leave you alone, resisting to touch you physically and showring you with gifts and your favourite sweets. They'll even wipe your tears away.
Because of their rivalry to gain your love is constant, it is only normal for you to be spoiled rotten with all sorts of gifts. It is an everyday occurrence that you wake up to flowers or a well-cooked breakfast.
Since they are in a constant battle to eliminate the other- you often wonder who will emerge as the victor, what if they left you to choose between them?
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lucifer5lucy · 2 years
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'When you desire for something to happen earnestly, the entire universe bends to that will.'
Follow Lucy's journey as she sets to correct all the wrongs in their lives. How? you'll just have to stick with her to find out!
WOHOO! I'm back.
/AN/ This story follows the Kuroshitsuji manga and not the anime. Though there are minor differences between the two,I'd like to go with the original content as the manga has lots of chapters and arcs. The characters will have a lot of time to mature and this is very important for the story to reach ideal goals I have set for myself.
There were many characters that I grew attached to who didn't make it till the present, so I hope that after all the meticulous planning on how I can save certain characters without changing the storyline, you all can enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
As a die hard fan of this manga and anime, I had previously written countless headcanons and short and long series but after searching my older books I found this story that I dropped because I didn't find the time to finish it. However, now that I do have the hard copy I shall publish more chapters as and when I can.
The story concept and Idea of Lucy and Luka and other new characters are mine. Kuroshitsuji/Blackbutler is Yana-san's and I take no credit for her characters.
The artworks, images and songs used within the story are not mine unless specified. Overall, I wish you a pleasurable reading, I'll update whenever I can!!
If you find the story interesting Drop a vote (^_~) /AN/
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🖤🖤🖤 Eternal perfection 🖤🖤🖤
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