#sebastian headcannond
lucifer5lucy · 2 years
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'When you desire for something to happen earnestly, the entire universe bends to that will.'
Follow Lucy's journey as she sets to correct all the wrongs in their lives. How? you'll just have to stick with her to find out!
WOHOO! I'm back.
/AN/ This story follows the Kuroshitsuji manga and not the anime. Though there are minor differences between the two,I'd like to go with the original content as the manga has lots of chapters and arcs. The characters will have a lot of time to mature and this is very important for the story to reach ideal goals I have set for myself.
There were many characters that I grew attached to who didn't make it till the present, so I hope that after all the meticulous planning on how I can save certain characters without changing the storyline, you all can enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
As a die hard fan of this manga and anime, I had previously written countless headcanons and short and long series but after searching my older books I found this story that I dropped because I didn't find the time to finish it. However, now that I do have the hard copy I shall publish more chapters as and when I can.
The story concept and Idea of Lucy and Luka and other new characters are mine. Kuroshitsuji/Blackbutler is Yana-san's and I take no credit for her characters.
The artworks, images and songs used within the story are not mine unless specified. Overall, I wish you a pleasurable reading, I'll update whenever I can!!
If you find the story interesting Drop a vote (^_~) /AN/
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lucifer5lucy · 3 years
Remember that halloween?
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When Lucy dressed up to match Ciel's style of dressing.
Ciel was speechless and Sebastian, amused.
After all,It was an interesting Halloween.
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lucifer5lucy · 3 years
Why has Sebastian always got some work to give me?
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here you go..
I made another memory of my smug demon friend...
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lucifer5lucy · 3 years
What if,Undertaker...
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met his alternate universe (younger)self, where in the child is already a reaper and is quite attached to lucy..
This idea was stuck somewhere in my mind
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