#yandere rich x ballerina
misstycloud · 2 months
[Yandere.Rich man x ballerina reader]
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(I don’t actually know much about ballet so forgive me if things are incorrect!)
Rich. Yandere who was pestered by his friend and his wife to join them at the opera house and enjoy a performance. The couple had asked him numerous times before but he’d always declined. He was a workaholic and didn’t have any other commitments, so there was no need to break his routine. Although he would never admit it to anyone- he barely does to himself- he often find himself imagining a different life; one where he had a wife to welcome him home every evening. Perhaps a few children too. There was no sound besides himself and the staff in his home, it would be so very nice to hear the noise of running feet and happy chatter echo through the empty halls.
Rich. Yandere who is lonely above all else. His family is dead and he has next to no friends- the only one he has is married and devote all his time to keep him company. He knows that he doesn’t have the best track-record of being the kindest person in the world, and he might not be the friendliest or the most out-going, still, doesn’t he deserve some love too?
Rich. Yandere who eventually give into his friends demand and goes with them to the opera. As they took their seats- the expensive and best ones, of course- his friends wife babble on about her favourite dancer. They were regulars there and had seen many performances. He simply sighed and leaned back into his seat, waiting for the show to begin. He could only hope that it’ll be somewhat enjoyable since he doesn’t like wasting his time.
Rich. Yandere who was prepared for it to be a dreadful 3 hours, rubbing his eyes and suffering from lack of blood-flow in his legs. Oh how wrong he was. Instantly his gaze zoomed into you as soon as you stepped forward from behind the curtain. You were so beautiful and you moved your body gracefully to the music. It was magical. While he knew close to nothing about ballet, he knew that the point of it were for the women to look like they’re floating, and it’s exactly what you were doing.
Rich. Yandere who is instantly enamoured with you. As someone who’s never felt love this was all a brand new experience for him. He asked his friend and his wife if they knew who you were, since they frequent the opera so much. And turns out the wife did know who you were; you were her favourite after all. Rich. Yandere was never close with her or particularly liked her even, but he had to give it to her: she has excellent taste in performers.
Rich. Yandere who starts looking up information regarding you. It’s be your name, age, background, family, where you went to school and where you live. Everything. He also begins donating a lot of money to the opera house. In a short amount of time he’s become their nr.1 funder. The managers and owners are ecstatic at the news! They ask why he’s so generous and he simply answers that he loves culture and thinks it’s important it doesn’t disappear. Then, they wonder if there is anything they can do for him return, to which he smiles in response.
“Well, I do suppose there is one dancer I would be delighted to meet in person.”
Rich. Yandere who you feel uncomfortable around. He is so strange. You were just a normal ballerina, a dancer, no better or worse than anyone before your time. That’s why you can’t fathom the interest this wealthy man has taken in you. You two came form completely different worlds! But what can you do when your bosses not-so-gently urge you to see this man alone? You dont have any other skills and can’t apply to another job if you get fired.
Rich. Yandere who is determined to make you fall for him the way he has fallen for you. He’ll take care of you, love you and protect you. You don’t have to worry about a thing. He will do anything for his love.
“Don’t be scared, just keep on dancing, my little dancer.”
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
Soo.. I watched this ballerina movie and cant keep my mind away from shoto. So if you're not busy can you make a yandere wealthy shoto x ballerina reader. They meet at the big opera show and shoto gets fascinated by reader. He lords his status over her to give him a -private- show. It can be sfw or nsfw! Btw your fics always made my day. Thank you and love you!
Shoto Todoroki x darling
TW: yandere, abuse of power
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“Dance.” The man said. Wearing fine-tailored rich black. 
Shoes so shiny they looked wet – like oil – with shirt buttons undone about two or three points down in the spot where a bow ought to have tied the ensemble together.
Everything else was straight – from the partition between white and red locks to the crisp crease lining his slacks.
“Come on, it's a simple request.” He added. Still looking at you in expectancy. “Just pretend I'm not here, Dove.”
You’d just danced for hundreds in a show where if any minuscule little detail were off, your ears would bleed hearing about it after – and though the pressure was crushing and the fall was steep – it had only made you feel prouder while you danced with every fine limb stretched and pointed to perfection – performing choreography on par with the beautiful orchestra classics resonating within the shell of the opera house.
But no music is playing with you now. And as you crossed your legs to establish the starting position - building up for a split and a spin in the air – you felt a lot of seizing things, but not one of those was proud…
“Beautiful.” He commented a beat after you landed, and you must have grimaced poorly in return, for he cracked a grin at you and offered a light-hearted chuckle that seemed vehement in the echo of the opera chamber. “That, however, not so much.” He tsked, though without anger.
You tried wiping your face clean of it and assumed a docile yet poised stance befitting of a professional – still wondering why you’d been called away after the show to amuse whomever the man you found yourself with was. 
“Does it anger you?” Said man asked openly, though gave no time for you to answer him. “That despite your skill, despite all your hard work- all your blood, sweat, and tears- you’re of no more value than my opinion.”
Your mouth fell open, but still, you held your tongue in spite of yourself. Though you were unable to keep the grimace from returning – a glitch in the narrowing of your eyes and a furrow between your brows, as well as a slight snarling tug of your lip.
“Worthless without my interest.” He continued, and you found it harder to maintain grace. “I’m Caesar and you’re my gladiator – just a pretty puppet on strings – all for my entertainment.” He mused. “I throw a thumbs down, and your carrier is done.”
Your eyes widened at that, faltering where you stood – crumbling in that stance that had been hammered into you through years of religious training to become the very epitome of flawless – now, like an amateur, your heels touched the floor, and your chest collapsed like you’d been shot.
“What’s the matter, Dove?” He cocked his head. “Is it unexpected of me to be so honest?”
You take a moment to assess him, still unsure of his motives. “If you’re so honest… tell me what you want.” You demanded, still wary but tired of being toyed with to the degree it had the feeling of unease outweighed.
He offered another smile. “You know what I want.”
tip-jar: Kofi
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bestaez · 3 years
The Music of the Night
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Phantom of the Opera AU
pairing: yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader
genre: yandere, angst, romance
warnings: murder, manipulation, obsessive behavior, noncon touching (not rape), noncon kissing, dubcon touching (not rape), dubcon kissing
quick note: i just realized it has been interpreted in one of the versions of the novel that the oc aka ‘Christine Daaé’ is 15 but i just wanted to clarify that it’s not canon, especially in this fic as she’s 20! or whatever age you want to imagine but she’s 18+, not a minor!
word count: 12k words
preview: “Angel, is that you?” Your heart races as you spin around the room trying to find the source of his voice. “Please, don’t hide yourself from me.”
“I’m right here.” Just as you turn to look in the mirror again, you see him. He looks a bit distorted and there’s some strange fog, but it’s him! You step closer to get a better look and are shocked to see his hand stretching out towards you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer into the mirror.
You feel as if you have been put under a spell, briefly wondering if you have died and gone to heaven. You can’t explain the things you are witnessing but it must be the magic of him being an angel - that’s the only possible answer you can find. Finding yourself in a dimly lit hallway, you peer up at him. He is dressed in a black cape that drowns his form with a white mask covering half of his face. It’s hard to make out any of his features and that seems to be purposeful as he quickly turns away, leading you elsewhere. This man is basically a stranger to you, but for some reason you trust him.
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You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night
Body covered in sweat and chest heaving, you wondered how much energy you had left. Your feet hurt from stretching and dancing on them for hours. You were exhausted. But this was your dream so the pain was worth it. 
While you were just a ballerina at the Opéra Populaire and not in the spotlight, it was still better than anything you could have hoped for. It was grueling work but this was the best part of your day. Nothing compared to when you could be on stage surrounded by other dancers who shared the same passion as you.
Blurs of red and green costumes are fluttering all around you as you practice your routine for tonight’s show. Your best friend, Taehyung, gives you a wink as he grabs your hand as part of the dance. Behind his shoulder, you can see the dance choreographer, Jimin, watching closely. As always, he is dressed in an all-black suit as if going to a funeral. 
The jingling golden chains on your costume and the music coming from the band do nothing to cover the screeching sound of Carlotta’s voice echoing throughout the concert hall. Taehyung gives you a side eye in response that makes you bite your lip to stifle your laughter. She wasn’t a bad singer exactly but she was a little tone deaf and entirely too loud. Even her speaking voice was like a squawking bird. The only reason she got this gig was because she was a rich socialite and her fiance, Piangi, had a lot of pull as well. You would feel bad for thinking this if she wasn’t so horrible to you and the rest of the group.
“Ladies and gentlemen! Please, if I may have your attention...” The group of dancers are too busy talking amongst themselves to hear the theatre manager trying to make an announcement. He sighs, turning to Jimin for help, who nods before bringing his fingers to his mouth to make a loud whistling noise. The response is immediate, everyone silencing in fear of the consequences of ignoring the strict choreographer.
“Thank you,” he begins, “Now, that I have your attention: I’m sure some of you have already heard as it’s hard to keep a secret around here but I wanted to confirm that I will be retiring soon.” 
The crowd around you erupts into hushed whispers. You turn to Taehyung with wide eyes, not expecting this news. He doesn’t look as shocked, causing you to narrow your eyes at him for withholding information like that. It’s no surprise to you that he is in the know when it comes to these things as he is quite close with Jimin. Taehyung is lucky that the manager begins speaking again, grabbing your attention once more.
“And without further ado, I will introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opéra Populaire: Monsieur Seokjin Kim and Monsieur Hoseok Jung.” If the crowd wasn’t loud before, they definitely were now. Everyone, including yourself and Taehyung, was murmuring and gawking at the two men that now walk across the stage. The previous manager was an older man, balding with a potbelly. You were shocked to see the new owners were absolutely gorgeous and dressed in fancy clothes.
The old theatre manager introduces Carlotta, the leading soprano, to the two men. She is beaming pompously as they both reach out to kiss her hand. After they exchange pleasantries, she is brought to the center to showcase her talents for the new owners. We all stand around to watch as she starts to sing, some rolling their eyes and crossing their arms.
Think of me, think of me fondly 
When we've said goodbye 
Carlotta barely gets to finish the next line before a large sandbag suddenly drops from one of the ropes hanging up above. The stage is doused in chaos as everyone begins screaming and running for cover. Taehyung grabs your arm as you both run to the side.
“He’s here!”
“The Phantom of the Opera!”
You notice Jimin and Taehyung exchange a look that only fuels your concern. Looking up, there is no one to be seen. The theatre manager looks overwhelmed, but not scared exactly - like he was used to it.
“Settle down, everyone. I’m sure this was just an accident.” He tries to calm the crowd but it does little to ease their nerves. “Jungkook, get down here at once!”
Jungkook, the lead stagehand, is the only one who is usually up there managing all the ropes. At least, he’s the only one who should be up there.
“What the hell is going on up there?” Jungkook stands there looking wide-eyed and bewildered. In his hands is a long thick rope that has been severed. The other end of the rope that just hit the stage a moment ago.
“Please Monsieur, it wasn’t me. I left my post for just a moment. I-,” He bows his head as he says quietly, “I didn’t see anyone else up there.”
“It’s the ghost!” Someone from the crowd suddenly shouts, which causes another uproar. “The Phantom of the Opera!”
“Good heavens, if I’d have known this theatre would be filled with such chaos I’d-” One of the new owners begins. His business partner holds up his hand to silence him.
“Oh, come now, Seokjin. Let’s not judge too quickly.” His business partner, who must be Hoseok, replies. “I’m sure it was just a fluke.”
The old theatre manager looks relieved as he stutters nervously. “R-right, a fluke. These things do happen!”
Carlotta, however, does not look pleased. She laughs bitterly, “Yes, these things do happen. All the time!”
“They’ve been happening since three years ago and you never did a thing about it! Well, until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen!” She cries, running off the stage. Piangi huffs and chases after her.
“She’ll be back, don’t worry.” The old theatre manager tries to assure the new owners, but they give him an unconvinced look. “Well, I hope you both feel properly welcomed at the Opéra Populaire. I shall take my leave. Good luck and if you need anything, Monsieur Jimin Park is here to help.”
“But, Monsieur...!” Seokjin calls after him. Hoseok stands there assessing the crowd. Jimin makes his way over and stands before them.
“We are pleased to welcome you to the Opera Populaire,” he bows, “I have a message for you both from the Opera Ghost.”
“Oh please, you’re not serious. Do you really believe there’s a ghost?” Seokjin guffaws.
All pleasantries are gone as Jimin’s face becomes stern. “The Phantom is very real. You would be wise to heed my warning when I say: follow his rules and no one will get hurt.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, what rules?”
“Box five is always to be left empty for him and he expects a monthly salary.”
Seokjin and Hoseok both burst out in laughter, clapping Jimin on the back. “Yeah, right! Salary my arse.” 
“I’m sure you will be able to afford it, what with your new patron, the viscount.” The new owners sigh at Jimin’s response. Many cast members murmur to each other excitedly at the news of a new nobleman coming to the opera house.
“We were hoping to make that announcement ourselves, Monsieur.” Hoseok deadpans, “Please at least tell me you have an understudy for Carlotta’s role. The show is tonight.”
“Yes, we do.” Jimin says confidently, looking over at Taehyung who nods. “Miss Y/N can do it.”
Before you can even blink, Taehyung is grabbing your arm and pulling you forward. You look over at him in shock, not expecting them to volunteer you like that.
“A ballet girl?” Seokjin asks snobbishly.
“Just listen to her sing!” Taehyung ignores the poisonous daggers you’re shooting at him from your eyes.
Jimin nods, “She is incredibly gifted. I can promise you won’t be disappointed.” The two owners roll their eyes but nod reluctantly.
Heart racing and palms sweating, you begin to sing the same song Carlotta didn’t finish before and not without a shake in your voice. You are so nervous, never having sung in front of such a crowd before. The only people who have heard you sing were Taehyung, Jimin, and of course your angel of music. Taehyung gives you an encouraging smile while Jimin gives you a stern look as if daring you to stop now and embarrass him.
As the song progresses, your voice becomes steadier and stronger. When you finally begin to belt out the chorus, Seokjin and Hoseok’s expressions change as they begin to see you’re not just a ballet girl.
Remember me, once in a while 
Please promise me you'll try
And before you know it, it’s evening and you’re on the same stage you’ve performed in front of an audience countless times. Only now, you are the star of the show. Your first ever solo. It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.
Up above in the box seats, a certain viscount named Kim Namjoon watches on in wonder at this new performer. He whispers to himself, “Can it be... Y/N?”
The show ends with an amazing reception from the audience and you couldn’t be more pleased. You can’t believe you actually did it. If it wasn’t for your mysterious vocal coach, your angel of music, you never would have made it here. Ever since you began working at this theatre, he had been giving you singing lessons. He was a brilliant teacher but you had never actually seen him, only heard him. For that reason you believe he had to be an angel. You only wish one day you could really meet him.
Taehyung engulfs you in a bear hug as soon as you head backstage and exclaims, “You were unbelievable, Y/N!”
Off to the side, Jimin stands straight with a slight quirk to his mouth. “Yes, you did well. He will be very pleased.”
After thanking everyone, you decide to head back to your dressing room. Today’s chaotic events took a toll on you and you were ready to pass out. Just as you were stripping out of your costume, there’s a knock at the door. You quickly slip on a robe before shouting out for them to come in.
A tall, strong-looking man that you don’t recognize enters. As he gets closer, your hearts stutters a bit as you take in his incredibly handsome features. His expensive-looking clothes lead you to believe he must be a socialite or someone in high society.
“Y/N,” He breathes, stepping closer to you, “is it really you?”
You stare at him for a moment, confused. Taking a closer look at his face, your neck reels back when you realize who he is - Namjoon, your childhood friend who you haven’t seen in years. Before your parents passed away, they were quite close with Namjoon’s parents. Memories flood back of you two as children playing together in his family’s garden. He has surely grown a lot with big muscles and a mature face. His hair is still that dark brown and styled in a way fit for a prince. And you could never forget those eyes.
“Namjoon?!” His face breaks out in a laugh at your exclamation. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I came to see the show but I had no idea you would be here tonight. Let alone, be the star.” Namjoon pulls a rose from behind his back and hands it to you.
You can’t believe your luck. Not only did your dream come true tonight, but you get to reconnect with someone special from your past. As the two of you converse, you can’t help but reveal your angel of music and how he led you to this role.
“Do you remember my father said the angels would always protect us?” Grabbing his hands, you tell him excitedly, “Well, it’s true. I’ve been blessed with an angel of music.”
“Blessed indeed,” he smiles, squeezing your hands gently. “I’m taking you out to dinner tonight and I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll be outside when you’re ready.”
“Namjoon, wait! You don’t understand-” You try calling out to him but he’s already out the door.
Once he’s gone, you turn back towards your mirror and inspect your reflection. You’re glowing after tonight’s events. It’s a voice from somewhere that startles you - not just any voice but his voice.
“Insolent fool! Who does he think he is showing up here, trying to bask in your glory?”
“Angel, is that you?” Your heart races as you spin around the room trying to find the source of his voice. “Please, don’t hide yourself from me.”
“I’m right here.” Just as you turn to look in the mirror again, you see him. He looks a bit distorted and there’s some strange fog, but it’s him! You step closer to get a better look and are shocked to see his hand stretching out towards you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer into the mirror.
You feel as if you have been put under a spell, briefly wondering if you have died and gone to heaven. You can’t explain the things you are witnessing but it must be the magic of him being an angel - that’s the only possible answer you can find. Finding yourself in a dimly lit hallway, you peer up at him. He is dressed in a black cape that drowns his form with a white mask covering half of his face. It’s hard to make out any of his features and that seems to be purposeful as he quickly turns away, leading you elsewhere. This man is basically a stranger to you, but for some reason you trust him.
Namjoon’s voice shouting your name in search of you sadly falls on deaf ears. You are completely entranced by this man, your angel of music. He is finally revealing himself to you and you can’t help but have your full attention on him. From behind him, you can make out his beautiful wavy blonde hair. He leads you to a shimmering river inside the building and helps you get into a small rowboat, sitting you down as he stays standing. He begins to sing, gracing you with his beautiful voice as he rows. You recognize the tune as one of the songs he taught you before.
Let your soul take you where you long to be
Only then can you belong to me
You don’t even realize you’ve reached your destination until he steps out, holding a hand for you to grab onto as you join him on the sandy ground. It seems to be a cave of some sorts, and most likely his living space for who knows how long. There’s all kinds of trinkets and books scattered around with lit candles on them. Beautiful red drapes and large mirrors line the stone walls. Of course, there’s a piano with piles of music sheets laying on it. His bed is large and rather inviting-looking with red velvet blankets. In a strange way, it’s actually pretty cozy down here.
He’s still singing as you’re taking this all in and you suddenly notice how close he is, pressed against your back. From behind you, his breath fans over your ear just as yours catches in your throat. Hands roaming over your torso, one reaches down to grab your hand and lift it towards his face. You allow him to do all of this, your hand cradling his cheek.
You slowly turn around, wanting to get a proper look at him. He looks down at you from behind the mask and his eyes are piercing. Reaching out, your hand lightly touches the mask covering his face. You wait to see if he reacts and when he doesn’t, you gently lift it off.
Both of you stand there in silence, chests heaving as the mask falls off and his face is finally revealed. Even in low light, you can see how beautiful he is. You begin to wonder why he would hide a face like his but then you notice the scarring on the one side of his face. It’s not overly horrifying or ghastly, but it’s definitely there. And with how society can easily judge one’s appearance, you can understand why he would want to wear a mask. But to you, no amount of scarring or disfigurement can change how angelic he is.
“This is what you wanted to see?” His low voice is bitter as it breaks the silence, “Is it as hideous as you’d imagined?”
“No, never...” You gasp, trying to find the right words. “You’re perfect.”
He freezes, obviously not expecting that. He stares at you for a long time as if trying to figure out if you’re being truthful. He takes your hand and leads you deeper into the room. You suddenly feel naked in just your silk nightgown that doesn’t provide much warmth or covering. He doesn’t miss your shiver from the low temperature of the room, undoing his cloak and throwing it over your shoulders. Instantly, you’re flooded with warmth as you clutch it closer to your body.
With the loss of the one article of clothing, you’re able to see his body more clearly now. He has quite a lean physique. His white button up has slightly puffy sleeves and a black sweater vest on top, black slacks and shoes to match. He looks every bit the musical genius you imagined.
One look at his face tells you he noticed your staring, a knowing smile grows on his lips. Your cheeks redden in embarrassment as you quickly look away. Your eyes fall on a mannequin of sorts in the corner of the room, donning a beautiful white gown - a wedding dress it seems. You feel a weird sensation as you realize the mannequin looks exactly like you, with the same hair and skin tone. Even the face painted on it resembles you. It’s all too strange.
You feel faint. This entire day has been so overwhelming but this is truly the cherry on top. Your eyes shut close and you feel arms wrap around you as it all fades to black.
When you wake up later, you find yourself laying on the big cozy bed wrapped in those velvet sheets. It’s so cozy that you could almost fall back asleep if it weren’t for the soft sound of the piano playing. That’s when you remember where you are.
You quickly sit up, your eyes darting around the room before you find him. His gaze meets yours from where he sits on the piano bench, as if waiting for you to wake up. Rising from his seat, he makes his way over to sit at the end of the bed.
“Did you have a good rest?” His voice is soft as if to not scare you away.
“Yes, thank you.” You clear your throat from the roughness of sleep. Finally, you decide to voice the question you’ve been wondering all along. “Who are you?”
“I’m Yoongi.” He answers, lifting your hand to press a kiss into. “Nice to finally make your acquaintance.”
“B-but who are you? Are you a man... or an angel?”
He laughs at that, “I’m whatever you want, angel.”
Your mind felt like it was in a haze following this strange man into an unknown place. All this time, your angel of music was actually just the opera ghost! You begin to feel silly for making this man into a magical creature all this time. Yes, he’s helped you immensely and has essentially made your career. But you don’t really know him, and he’s created so much havoc for the theatre over the years. Now you’re stuck down here with him and he has a mannequin of you in a wedding dress. You don’t know what to think.
You glance up to see his eyes are trailing over your body like a starved man, lingering on the flesh of your legs that have become exposed during your sleep. Not liking where this is headed, you clear your throat to distract him.
“Yoongi, I’m so glad I could finally meet you in the flesh...” You begin, licking your lips. “But I really should be going back now. They will wonder where I am.”
His face falls and his eyebrows narrow into a frown. “All these years you’ve been begging me to show myself and now that I have, you’re trying to run away.”
“No! I’m not, I just-”
“Good.” He smiles forcefully, getting up and going back over to the piano as if nothing happened.
You try not to panic as you feel a bit helpless here. You can’t even turn your head to look at the mannequin again because you know it will really set you off. Why the hell does he have that?
You gather yourself and walk over to him, trying a new approach. “I really need to practice for my next performance.”
“Speaking of,” he doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest, pulling out a new sheet of piano notes, “I have a new part I’d like you to try.”
“Yoongi, you’re not understanding me.”
“No, Y/N, you’re not understanding me.” His serious tone and sudden penetrating stare make you gulp. “I have been nothing but kind and generous to you, offering you my expertise in training free of charge all these years. I even convinced Monsieur Park to push for you to perform as the lead. And this is how you repay me? You can’t even spend one night with me?”
You have nothing to say to that. He did take care of you all these years and without him, you’d still be just another ballerina. He may be a bit eccentric and overdramatic but if it’s just an evening he wants to spend with you, it would be rude to turn him down.
You nod slowly, which he accepts by scooting over to make room for you on the piano bench. You sit beside him, pulling the heavy cloak closer to your body for comfort. His long fingers are pretty and covered in rings, you notice as he begins to play.
You watch him play a few lines of the song before he suddenly stops and grips your wrist, causing you to turn to him in confusion. Before you can say anything he’s leaning forward and pressing his mouth to yours. A startled noise is all you can muster as he kisses you with so much passion it scares you.
His hand travels to the back of your head to keep you still which you fight against for a moment before finally breaking free. You stare at Yoongi in shock as your chest heaves like he stole your breath from you, which he technically did. He licks his lips as he watches you catch your breath.
“Yoongi, I don’t know what you expect from me but-”
“Stop.” He holds his hand up, expression dropping to a neutral one. “Let’s continue practicing.”
The two of you go on practicing for a while like nothing happened. It feels like almost an hour before Yoongi finally took pity on you after seeing you yawn enough times. He led you to the boat and eventually back to your dressing room. Lingering by the secret passageway, he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes closed as you wondered how any of this was real.
Once you’re back inside your room, you turn around to see the mirror is back to normal - only showing your own reflection. The only evidence that he had even been there was the cloak still donning your shoulders.
Two weeks have passed since that night and you have not seen or heard Yoongi once. The whole thing felt like a crazy dream. But you know he’s still there, he’s always there. Since Carlotta’s departure, you have officially stepped in as the lead soprano. It’s still such a strange feeling, especially now that so many members of the cast have left the theatre due to fear of the Phantom. What a cruel joke it was that the man who got you here was the same man ruining the state of the theatre.
Meanwhile, Seokjin and Hoseok were not having the best time as owners. While they loved your singing, they still worried for the theatre’s financial future. The truth was that Carlotta brought people in because of her name and unfortunately, you were just a nobody. No famous family name and no money. The two of them were in their office reading reviews of the recent shows. The consensus was that they were not bad exactly, but many wondered why Carlotta had left. 
From where he was reclined in a chair with a glass of brandy in one hand and a newspaper in the other, Seokjin reads aloud, “Mystery of soprano’s flight! We suspect foul play.”
Hoseok frowns, “How can they know that? Someone must be talking to the press.”
“Well, any publicity is good publicity as they say.” Seokjin shrugs, sitting up. “Maybe audiences will be more interested if we tell them the place is haunted.”
Hoseok grins, “That’ll give them a real show.”
“I do worry audiences will grow bored with Carlotta’s absence though. Have you spoken to Piangi yet to see what we can do to get them back?”
“He said he would try to convince Carlotta to come in and speak with us this week.” Hoseok answers, swirling the drink in his glass and looking thoughtful.
A sudden knock at the door interrupts them. Hoseok answers it only to return with a letter in his hand. His mood has completely dropped as he gives Seokjin a knowing look.
“It’s him again.”
“What does he want now?”
After taking a moment to read, Hoseok sighs. “Just another reminder about the salary payment. And notes on how well Y/N is doing as the lead and that we should not cast Carlotta again.”
Seokjin rolls his eyes, “Who the hell is he, telling us how to run our theatre? And expecting us to pay him!” He huffs.
Before Hoseok can respond, Namjoon storms into the room with a letter in his hand as well.
“Where is she?”
“Miss Y/N, where is she?” Namjoon is angry, tone dripping with impatience. “I take it that you two sent me this note.”
“Of course not! What are you talking about?” Namjoon thrusts the letter into their hands as they both look confused. 
“Do not fear for Miss Y/N. The Angel of Music has her under his wing. Make no attempt to see her again. -O.G.”
“If you didn’t write it, then who did?”
“It’s signed ‘Opera Ghost' - same as the one we received.”
“I’ve had enough of his letters and his obsession with Y/N.” Seokjin snarls, “From now on, we’re gonna show him who runs this theatre. We’re getting Carlotta back, I don’t care what anyone says.”
It’s not without some serious groveling from Seokjin and Hoseok that Carlotta eventually does come back. Being the primadonna she was, she needed to be showered in compliments and gifts as well as the promise that her presence on the stage would be met with an adoring audience. On the day of her return, she receives a letter in her dressing room that makes her release a blood-curdling scream.
“Your days at the Opera Populaire are numbered. Be prepared for a great misfortune should you attempt to take her place. -O.G.”
“Darling, it will be okay.” Piangi has his arms wrapped around her to somewhat comfort her but also keep her from running out of the room as she tried to do when they came in after they heard her scream. 
“No. No. I am done here, I can see they have done nothing to control the situation. I want out,” she argues, trying to push out of her fiance's arms.
“Well, you can’t back out now. Everyone is awaiting your return,” Hoseok levels. “They will be so disappointed if you leave.”
“And might I remind you that you signed a contract this time? You can’t just walk out on us again.” Seokjin points out with a harsh glare.
“You people are crazy! How can you allow this to go on?” Carlotta cries, burying her face in Piangi’s chest. “I’m so scared...”
Seokjin and Hoseok decide to give the couple some alone time and leave the room, knowing that she can’t back out of the contract without serious financial repercussions. What the obstinate theatre owners fail to mention is that they also received a threatening letter. They simply chose to ignore it, believing the problem would go away if they showed indifference.
“Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes detailing how my theatre is to be run. You have not followed my instructions. I shall give you one last chance. -O.G.”
While your sudden demotion to a silent role was a bit disheartening, you understood why it was done. It was politics and Carlotta had more pull than you. She had more money. On your side was just Yoongi, whose help you did not ask for. It’s ironic how all this time you felt so blessed that he cared about you but now you were scared of him. You had no idea what he was capable of and you didn’t want to find out what happened when he didn’t get what he wanted.
Namjoon had told you about the letter he received and while you didn’t really know what to make of it, you did not want it to prevent the rekindling of an old friendship. So the two of you had begun spending lots of time together, going out for dinner or walks in the park nearby. You didn’t know what any of it meant, but you were enjoying his company. 
After finishing up your lunch date with him, you headed back into the theatre to prepare for tonight. You saw Taehyung standing with Jimin in one of the backstage hallways. Making your way over to them, you spot a few other dancers standing there talking.
“Did you hear her scream? I was so sure the ghost got her this time!”
“If she’s not dead yet, she will be after tonight.”
“If I got a letter like that, I would have been halfway to London by now.”
“You better hope you never get a letter from the ghost or he will catch you with his magical lasso!” From up above, you hear another voice chime in. It’s Jungkook.
The group of dancers all scream from the unexpected response as well as the sickening truth in his words. He chuckles as they all scatter and run out of the hallway. You finally reach Taehyung and see Jimin fixing Jungkook with a dark look.
“Jungkook, hold your tongue. Those who keep silent keep their heads.”
Jungkook laughs, turning back around to finish setting up the rigs. You turn to see Taehyung carefully watching Jimin’s face, always in tune with the choreographer. The two had been an item for quite a while now, though not super public about it. Only when you were truly looking could you see it in their soft glances and gentle touches. You were so happy to see someone that looked at your best friend like that.
But that didn’t mean Jimin didn’t scare you, especially now.
“So, Y/N,” Jimin’s eyes are locked on you now. “I hear you have been spending a lot of time with Monsieur Kim these days.”
Your eyebrows raise as you splutter, “Oh! Yes, Namjoon... he’s an old childhood friend of mine. It’s been nice to catch up.”
Jimin’s calculated gaze makes you nervous as if you are in trouble for something. But you can’t understand why. Surely there’s nothing in your contract that says you can’t date?
“And did you enjoy your time with the Phantom?” His question takes you off guard but you remember from what Taehyung has told you that Jimin has some kind of understanding with Yoongi, judging by the way he is always ready to defend the Phantom. It makes sense that he knew you went to the cave because Jimin practically ran this whole theatre and knew all its ins and outs.
“Uh, yes,” you swallow thickly, thinking carefully over your next words. “It was nice to put a face to the voice after all these years.” You laugh awkwardly, looking to Taehyung for help who smiles at you. 
“Yes, your angel of music!” Taehyung sings, teasing you. You glare and punch his shoulder playfully.
“Do you know where he learned so much about music?” Realizing how rare it is you get to have such a personal conversation with Jimin, you decide to press him for information.
“He’s basically self-taught as far as I know. The man is extremely intelligent and well-versed in many subjects, especially music.” This does not come as a shock to you. It is very clear how smart Yoongi is in his speech and the various magic tricks he’s pulled. 
“What else do you know about Yoongi?” He looks surprised to hear you say his name, but eventually nods as if taking in this information. 
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned after working with him all these years, I know he is a very passionate man. Whatever catches his attention, he will pour his whole heart into it.” Jimin looks at you so intensely you have to avert your eyes. 
It’s evening now and the tension is thick when the curtains open. Everyone on stage is anxious for what events will transpire now that the Phantom has made several threats if things do not go his way. To top it all off, the box he requested for himself is filled by Seokjin, Hoseok, and their friends.
You notice Jimin standing completely stiff off to the side as dancers glide past him onto the stage. He has a very dark expression on his face and you wish more than anything that you could read his mind. You almost consider asking him if he knows something.
Taehyung grabs your hand, distracting you. “Come on, gorgeous. Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget.”
You force a smile at him before you both run out onto the stage to your places. Looking out into the audience, you feel butterflies in your stomach as usual. If it is a show they never forget, you hope it’s for the right reasons.
The show continues on throughout the night and you almost forget what you were so worried about. It’s easy to get lost in your moves and the energy of the play. That is until your eyes land on Jimin’s statue-like body again and the fear immediately floods back in. You feel as if you’re dancing on eggshells.
It’s close to the end when Carlotta’s singing part comes to bring down the chandelier, the big finale of the show. The music gets louder and the dancers spin faster around the stage. Your heart is racing as you feel the world tilt around you when suddenly there’s a scream from the audience. It takes you a second to land on your feet and when you look up to see what has caused the commotion, you feel your heart plummet to your stomach.
It’s Piangi.
His corpse is hanging from the chandelier, swinging in the air.
You can barely look for a few seconds before you’re running off the stage. The sounds of screams and shouts are white noise to you as you search for a bucket. You find one in a corner just in time to empty the contents of your stomach.
When there's nothing left and you’re just dry heaving, you stand back up and lean your body against the wall. Wiping a hand over your mouth, you glance up to see Taehyung coming over to you.
“Are you okay?” He asks, concerned. He looks pale, but not as surprised as you would expect.
“No, I’m...” you trail off, lost for words. “Did you know?”
“Did I know what?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Did you know that was going to happen? Did Jimin warn you beforehand?”
“What? Of course not,” He denies, an offended look on his face. You give him a look, to which he responds, “He told me to be careful if something came down again. He said nothing about Piangi or someone being dead.”
Fed up, you try to walk away when he puts his hand on your shoulder, keeping you on the wall.
“This isn’t anything new for us, you know that. Crazy things happen here all the time. Jimin just had a hunch that something would happen tonight. He told me to look out for you as well.”
You want to believe your best friend, but you can’t ignore the bad feeling in your gut. You hate the way everyone seems to know things that you don’t - like you’re involved in some conspiracy. Before you can respond, a new figure appears in the hallway approaching fast.
“Y/N!” Namjoon calls, his long legs striding over here in no time. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
He pulls you into his arms, crushing you between his big muscles. Your head is pressed so snugly into his chest you can barely breathe.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here.” He begins pulling you towards the exit. You look over your shoulder to see Taehyung looking at you with a worried expression. For the second time tonight, you find yourself wishing you could read minds.
Namjoon leads you to the rooftop where you can finally get some air. It’s much more peaceful up here away from all the madness downstairs. The image of Piangi’s hanging body is burned into the forefront of your brain and your stomach churns again.
“We have to get out of here. He’s lost his mind, he’s going to keep killing until he gets what he wants,” you plead, grabbing his hands.
“What are you talking about?” He looks down at you in confusion.
“Namjoon, I’ve seen him. I’ve been down there. I can’t go back, I can’t give him what he wants,” your true fear finally makes itself known as your emotions bubble over, tears rolling down your cheeks. “I- I think he wants to marry me... and I’m afraid that if I don’t give him what he wants, he’ll kill us both.”
“Y/N, don’t say that. Don’t even think of that silly fable, it’s not real,” Namjoon’s voice is so confident you want to believe him. “There is no Phantom of the Opera.”
You wish you could go back in time to your childhood memories with Namjoon. The times where you both played around on the beach together and he ran into the water to retrieve your scarf that flew away from the wind. You felt so safe and warm with him, even in this moment. Right now, all you wanted was to run away with him far from this wretched place.
“What you saw was just a dream, nothing more. Even if there was a ghost, I’d risk my life to protect you.” Namjoon pulls you into his arms again, the combination of his words and the warmth emanating from his body placating you. “As long as I’m here, nothing will harm you.”
You look up at him and wonder how a person can feel like home.
“There’s something I planned for tonight and I know the timing is bad because of what just happened but I can’t go another day without telling you this.” He starts, taking a deep breath. 
“I have loved you since I was a child. At the time, I didn’t know what I was feeling and before I knew it, I lost you. I can’t begin to explain the immense relief and joy I felt when I found you again on that stage.” 
You watch in shock as Namjoon lowers himself to one knee, his hands holding yours tightly.
“We were meant to come back into each other’s lives, I know it. You have brought love back into my life. Y/N, will you marry me?”
At that moment, all you can think about is how your life has been shrouded in darkness ever since your parents passed away. Namjoon is this memory of happiness and light from your past and now here he is again, bringing that light back. Vowing to protect you from whatever harm comes your way. You agree that you were meant to meet again one day. It was fate.
“Yes,” you whisper, blinking away thick tears to see a huge grin break out across his face. He engulfs you in such a tight hug that your feet leave the floor.
“If I leave this place, will you come with me?” You look up at him once you’re back on the ground.
“Anywhere you go, let me go too.”
It’s been several days since Piangi’s death. Carlotta has not been back in the opera house once and you can’t blame her. You have only been engaged for a short period of time but you don’t think you could go on breathing if something happened to Namjoon.
It is for that reason that you are being extremely cautious about the engagement. When Namjoon gave you a ring, you told him you would wear it around your neck until you felt safe wearing it on your ring finger. If anyone got suspicious you would just say it’s a family heirloom. You haven’t even told Taehyung yet and it’s killing you to not tell your best friend. You just don’t want to risk Yoongi finding out somehow.
You are waiting to leave with Namjoon when your contract ends in a few weeks. You haven’t told anyone that part either, trying to avoid signing a new one for as long as possible. Since you’ve been here so long, it’s not a huge deal that you haven’t renewed it yet but you know that Jimin will confront you about it sooner or later.
The entire theatre group had been questioned about the evening of Piangi’s death. No concrete evidence was found but it was revealed that Jungkook had been apprehended by the Phantom on that night. They found him unconscious and tied up in a closet somewhere, thus ruling him out as a possible suspect. But you knew it could never have been him. He claims he has no memories of that night, only a bump on the back of his head.
You have once again filled in for Carlotta and you can’t help but resent being the lead role now after everything that has happened. You never wanted it to happen this way. If you hadn’t been bound by contract with the opera house, you would have refused to perform.
It’s late at night and you’re sitting in your dorm room, fiddling with a rose Namjoon gave you earlier when you hear a knock at the door. You go to open the door but hesitate, unsure of whether you should trust it.
“Who’s there?”
“It’s Taehyung.”
You let him in and lock the door behind him. Normally, it would be frowned upon to see a man entering a single woman’s room but since everyone knows Taehyung is like a brother to you, no one would say anything. What would be a big deal is if Namjoon came to visit you.
Taehyung flops onto your bed, sighing dramatically. You pad over to the bed and sit next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing,” he drawls. “Just feels like my best friend has been avoiding me.”
You gasp dramatically, poking him in the stomach. “I would never do such a thing.”
“Oh yeah?” He sits up, raising an eyebrow challengingly. “Then how come after every practice you book it out of here? Are you too busy with the Viscount to spend time with me now?”
Now he definitely has you there. You’re not sure what to say. The news of your engagement is sitting on the tip of your tongue but you just don’t know if it’s smart to tell him yet.
“Or is it because you think I’m plotting against you with the Phantom?”
“I don’t know what to think, Taehyung. I’m just tired of fearing for my life and my loved ones’. I feel anxious all the time.” You admit, your walls finally coming down.
“Y/N, I was your friend before I was Jimin’s. I promise you there’s no conspiracy against you,” he scoots closer, grabbing your hands in his. “All I know is what Jimin tells me and that’s why I’m always being cautious. You never know what to expect from the Phantom.” 
“What does Jimin tell you?”
“That the Phantom was once a young boy beaten horribly and abandoned by his family, left to live on the streets for a while. Eventually, he came here and brought the opera house back to life after it had been abandoned long ago. I guess you could say he and this place are one and the same, that’s why he is so protective of it.”
“That’s awful,” you murmur, covering your mouth with your hand. “How could someone do that to their own child?”
“I don’t know, but it explains why he’s like that now, huh?” He replies.
“Yes, but that doesn’t excuse murdering Piangi or threatening everyone the way he does.”
Taehyung nods and you both descend into silence for a while.
“Did I hear you say “loved ones” before as in multiple people?” He asks so suddenly that it has your head reeling from the whiplash.
“Uh,” you stammer, trying to think of an explanation. “Of course. I love everyone in the theatre group.”
“Right,” Taehyung narrows his eyes at you, pursing his mouth in distrust. “Are you sure that doesn’t include a certain Kim Namjoon who also received a threatening letter from the ghost?”
“W-what, no... of course not.” You’re a terrible liar and Taehyung knows it. “Okay fine, so what? Maybe I do love him.”
“It’s not exactly a secret, pretty much everyone has caught on to your rendezvous around the city. I’ve even heard some bets being made on how long it’ll take him to pop the question.” You try to avoid looking at him because you know your eyes will give it away but it’s as if he can read your mind. 
He gasps, eyes brightening as a huge boxy grin stretches across his face, “And you didn’t tell me?!” Your apology gets muffled as he wraps his arms around you and yanks you into his embrace, swinging you slightly. 
“My little Y/N falling in love and getting married! You’re nearly a woman now,” he sings as you giggle against him, smacking his arm. His happiness is contagious. It felt good to finally get it off your chest, until you remembered how dangerous that was.
“Wait, Taehyung,” you sit up in a start, grabbing his face and looking him into his eyes. “You can’t tell anyone, okay? We’re keeping it a secret for now.”
“Why would you want that- oh,” his face dulls as it clicks for him.
“Judging by the wedding dress he made for me in his cave, I don’t think he would take the news well...” You reveal, not missing the scared look on Taehyung’s face.
“Okay, I understand why you kept it from me now.”
Weeks go by without a single message from the Phantom. You stepped back into your role as the lead and thankfully, there have been no disturbances during any of the shows. Although, this isn’t exactly a surprise as it seems he finally got what he wanted: Carlotta was gone and you were the star again. You just hoped that would be enough for him.
Tonight was the masquerade ball at the Opéra Populaire. The building would be full of rich socialites and patrons of the theatre, including Namjoon of course. You were excited to see him tonight, even if you did have to keep it low-key in the eyes of the public. You eyed your ring finger for a moment thinking about how it would look like when you were finally free to wear a ring around others.
A knock at the door halts your daydreams as you get up to go answer it. Standing in front of the door is one of the maids, holding a large box in her hands.
“For you, miss.”
You thank her quietly in confusion, wondering who it could be from. You settle it on a table, pulling it open to reveal a gorgeous wine red dress. Picking it up, your eyes trail across the velvet material and the gold jewel embellishments on the neckline and sides. Looking back into the box, you find a matching golden jeweled eye mask. But no note.
You can’t help but wonder who it is from. It could easily be Namjoon - you could see him wanting to send you such a lavish gift and perhaps wanting to match with you. Or, you could see Yoongi wanting to dress you as he loves controlling you so much. With that thought, you almost want to tear the dress to shreds but decide against it. Going against his wishes has never ended well.
A few hours later, you are all dressed up and ready to go. You quickly slip on your mask and make your way down the lobby where guests have already begun piling in. Stepping off to a side hallway, your eyes search for Namjoon. A hand on your arm startles you and you turn to see him smiling at you through his mask.
“You look beautiful,” he leans in to kiss you but you turn your head so quickly it lands on your cheek.
“Not here, we can’t risk it.” You whisper sadly and he sighs.
“We have nothing to hide, Y/N. It’s an engagement, not a crime.”
“I know, it’s only for a little longer.” His face is still unconvinced, so you squeeze his hand. “Let’s not spoil the evening so early. I want to dance.”
Namjoon concedes, happy to have you in his arms at least. You join many others on the main floor, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Your eyes look over his shoulder to see what looks like Jimin and Taehyung spinning around nearby. It’s hard to tell with the masks on, but you would recognize your best friend’s fluffy black hair anywhere.
Turning back to your dance partner, you take note of his navy suit with gold embellishments. It fits him beautifully and he looks like a prince. But you can’t help but notice how different it is from your dress, leading you to believe even more that he did not gift it to you. You try to remain casual, suppressing a chill that runs down your spine.
A few songs in and you’re ready to take a break, eyeing the table of hors d'oeuvres off to the side. Before you can voice this to Namjoon, the lights in the room begin to dim. 
Up on the grand marble staircase, you see a figure looking down at everyone. He’s dressed in a wine red suit and black mask, but you know exactly who it is. You feel your heart thumping in your chest like a drum as he descends each step slowly.
“Why so silent, good Messieurs? Did you think that I had left you for good?” Yoongi’s voice echoes around the hall. You don’t know when the music stopped but it’s completely silent now. “Did you miss me?”
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.” He grins, “I just came to announce I have written you a new opera.”
Stepping down from the stairs, he strides over to where Seokjin and Hoseok stand as he draws a sword from his belt. They both freeze as he lifts it to their necks.
“And to remind my managers that their place is in an office, not the arts.” He warns darkly. You look to Namjoon to see his jaw set tensely, his eyes not leaving the spectacle.
“As for our star, Miss Y/N...” This grabs your attention again as you look at Yoongi with wide eyes. You thankfully notice he’s put his sword away. Still, you don’t move your body at all in fear of what will happen if you do. You barely feel Namjoon’s arm around your waist.
“No one can sing the part better than her,” Yoongi spits out bitterly, his menacing form a few feet away. “Though, she knows she still has much to learn. And who could teach her better than me?”
“If pride will let her return to me, that is.”
Not even realizing Namjoon has stepped away, your eyes are glued to Yoongi. You don’t know why but you feel compelled to get closer to him, his aura drawing you in like a moth to a flame. There’s just something about this man that always seems to hypnotize you. You wouldn’t be surprised if he did actually perform some magical spell on you.
Once you’re close enough to touch, you lock eyes and it feels like no one else is in the room. Yoongi’s face softens as you reach out to touch his cheek. Despite the heinous acts he’s committed and all the chaos he’s caused, you can’t help but feel sorry for him. After learning about his past, you realize he has never been loved by anyone. You can’t imagine how lonely that must feel. You can’t excuse his behavior but you can almost understand why he became this way.
From where he’s standing a few feet away, Taehyung watches in confusion. He doesn’t understand why you go to him so willingly and the bewitched look on your face scares him. He steps forward to stop you when he feels Jimin pulling him back by his jacket sleeve. Taehyung looks at Jimin who simply shakes his head. No words are exchanged between them but the message is clear.
You don’t even realize your eyes have closed until you feel Yoongi’s warm breath on your face as he murmurs, “the dress looks magnificent on you. Thank you for accepting my gift.”
That confirmed it was from him, if it wasn’t for his matching attire. The only part you’re shocked by is that he’s thanking you. You didn’t think you were doing a favor for him exactly. You both knew this scene would have been a lot more volatile had you been wearing anything else.
Yoongi’s hand creeps up to your throat, gently squeezing. You feel grounded by him, his presence overwhelming and keeping you stable at the same time. He leans in and presses kisses to your neck and jaw until he eventually ghosts over your lips.
The moment is ruined when Yoongi’s hand suddenly grasps the chain around your neck, ripping your engagement ring from you in a quick motion. You feel as if you’ve been doused in cold water as the action causes you to remember your poor fiance, who has sworn to protect you and yet you allow yourself to continue to be swept up by the Phantom. 
Your eyes open to meet Yoongi’s heated glare. You feel your heart drop as you wonder if he knew all along and your secret relationship has been compromised. Mouth parting to stutter nervously, but he beats you to it.
“Your chains are still mine. You belong to me.”
Namjoon’s timing couldn’t be better as he suddenly appears next to you, nudging you out of the way carefully. His face is stern as he raises a gun from his belt, aiming it towards Yoongi. Yoongi bears no reaction as he quickly drops a smoke bomb, masking his quick escape.
When the smoke clears, Namjoon cups your face concerned, “Are you okay?”
You nod numbly, wondering what came over you just now. You needed to get out of this place soon before you really lost yourself.
This is it. The last show.
All you have to do is make it through this night and then you and Namjoon can ride off in a carriage together. 
You find it funny the last play is full of passion and scandal - what a way to go out. This costume may be your new favorite: a tight black corset over a burgundy flowing dress with a slit up the side. It’s a bit racy but it fits the theme of the play.
After you finish your solo, you sit on your knees to the side of the stage. Fiddling with a prop, you await your costar’s arrival. Within the first few lines of his part, your stomach drops as you realize that is not Taehyung singing. You quickly get up and turn around to face your foe. Yoongi stands there looking as inviting as ever in an all black leather outfit with a white frilly shirt underneath, a black leather mask to match. His blonde locks have been dyed a dark brown and slicked back. The sight of it makes your heart stutter as you notice how similar it is to Namjoon’s hair color. You almost don’t recognize him with his new look but you know it’s his voice.
The music builds and you stumble backwards a bit, wondering if the audience has caught on yet. You feel like you could throw up as you wonder where Taehyung could be. Jimin stands off to the side, worriedly watching the scene before running off somewhere. If even Jimin looks panicked, you know it can’t be good.
Past the point of no return
The final threshold
What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn
Beyond the point of no return?
Yoongi creeps closer in a slow prowl, penetrating you with his stare. You feel like prey as your heart thunders in your chest. Following his moves as if in a trance, you’re shocked when he steps behind you and grips your throat.
Up in his box and much too far away for his liking, Namjoon is seething with rage at the spectacle. He makes his way to the off-stage hallway to be close enough to grab you as soon as it’s safe. His hand reaches for his sword but he knows he can't be too hasty, knowing how volatile Yoongi can be when scorned.
Feeling as if you were in a pit with a lion, you and Yoongi are circling each other on the stage as he pours his heart out to you through song. Between you in the centerpiece is a large fire, which you didn’t understand how it could be considered safe, but it surely fit the sultry atmosphere. His voice is beautiful and you feel yourself almost falling under a spell again before you snap out of it. A rage consumes you as you think about what could have happened to Taehyung - this is too far. Eyes blazing, you decide to play his game of seduction - if only to satiate the beast for now.
You begin to sing your part, slowly ascending the stairs as you do. Yoongi does the same on the opposite side. Neither of you take your eyes off of each other the entire time. When you make it to the top, you meet each other in the middle. Your hands finally grasp each other’s sides in an intimate embrace as you both finish the song.
Past the point of no return
The final threshold
The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn
We've passed the point of no return
You both stand there leaning against each other, your chests heaving together. Yoongi dips his head down to whisper into your ear.
“Anywhere you go, let me go too.” 
His words make your head fly up in shock. He had been there that day? That meant he’d known about the engagement all along, his silence over the past few weeks even more frightening now. You don’t want to know what he’s been planning.
You panic, trying to think of something to get you out of this situation before an idea comes to you. Ripping the mask off his face and throwing it aside, he stumbles back as if not expecting the bold move. The audience screams in response and it’s the perfect distraction. But, before you can run away, his arm snakes around your waist to pull you back in.
He makes quick work of slicing a nearby rope that triggers the floor beneath you to open up as you both fall down an underground tunnel. You should have known not to underestimate him and his tricks. 
Plummeting through the ground, you squeeze your eyes closed and grip Yoongi’s shirt tightly. It isn’t until you feel yourself being lowered to the ground safely that you realize your face is pressed up against his warm chest. Being this close to him allows you to smell the familiar notes of his cologne.
Once you’re settled back on your feet, you begin to wildly thrash in his arms and pound his chest with your fists.
“Where is he? What did you do to him?” Your chest heaves a sob.
“Who? Your little friend?” He responds nonchalantly, grabbing your wrists to stop the attack on his chest. “He’s fine. I tied him up and threw him in a closet with that stagehand again.”
Your hands are shaking as you wipe your tears, sniffling a bit. “H-he’s okay?”
“Yes, angel.” He sighs, grabbing your face with his hands and rubbing his thumbs over your cheeks. “I would never hurt him if I knew it would hurt you. Plus, I need Jimin on my side.”
“Now hurry, we don’t have any time to waste.” He begins pulling you down a series of steps in another underground passageway and you have no choice but to follow him. You stumble behind him, trying to gather your bearings but ultimately realizing there is no escape here. You have no idea where you are and he is not going to let you go this time.
Eventually, you find your way back to his cave and it doesn’t stop there. He brings you to the wedding dress mannequin, pulling it off and thrusting it towards you hurriedly. You hold it in your arms, staring at him numbly.
“Why?” Your voice is so quiet you’re surprised he heard it.
“Why?” He spits bitterly. “All I’ve ever faced in my life was hatred, even from my own mother. No kindness or compassion from anyone... except you.”
Your heart clenches at that, a single tear slipping from your eye before you can stop it. You try not to picture him as a young boy rejected by his own family and society.
“That doesn’t make anything you did okay... You killed someone, Yoongi.” 
“And I’d do it again. I’d do anything for you, my love.” He steps forward, cradling your cheek.
“I pitied you because no one had ever shown you love. I thought that maybe if someone had, you could be different... Now I know you can’t be saved. Your heart is completely corrupted with hate.” You turn your face away in a grimace, stepping away from him.
“How do I know I’m not next? That you won't kill me when you get bored?”
“I could never, why would you even...” He sighs, exasperated. “Piangi deserved it. He was an arrogant fool who only cared about money and fame. My theatre deserves the best of the best. Only those who truly have a passion for the arts, like you.”
A beat of silence passes before you look back at the wedding dress in your arms, the reality of the situation settling in. 
“I won’t marry you.”
“Just hurry and get dressed before I do something I regret.”
Upstairs, Namjoon and everyone in the theatre weren’t faring much better. The rope Yoongi had slashed had caused some chains overhead to unravel and led the grand crystal chandelier to fall from the ceiling. The tumultuous crash led to several stage pieces falling into the large fire pit. It was utter madness as people began screaming, trying to find an exit before the fire reached them. Namjoon’s only concern is finding you and bringing you back safely.
From somewhere in the audience, Hoseok can be heard crying out, “We’re ruined, Seokjin! Ruined!”
Namjoon searches backstage, knowing if anyone knows where the Phantom dwells, it’s Jimin. He finally finds the choreographer in a dark closet. Stepping in the room, he can’t conceal his gasp when he finds Taehyung and Jungkook both laying on the floor bound and gagged. Jimin’s working to untie Taehyung’s knots when he barely reacts to Namjoon, nodding his head at Jungkook.
“Don’t just stand there, make yourself useful.”
Namjoon finishes untying Jungkook in no time, who seems to be finally regaining consciousness. After explaining the situation to him, Namjoon looks over to see Jimin kissing Taehyung’s confused face repeatedly in relief. The sight of the couple reminds Namjoon what he is here for.
Namjoon rips Jimin away from his lover, pressing his back up against a wall threateningly.
“Where did he take her?”
“Get your hands off me!” Jimin shouts, trying to break free.
“He has Y/N, I won’t lose her again,” Namjoon’s tone is clipped and firm.
“I don’t know-”
“Look what he did to Taehyung just to get to her! You need to get over your sick loyalty to him.” Namjoon spits, his grip tightening on Jimin’s shirt. Jimin gulps harshly and looks at Taehyung nervously.
“Go with him, Jimin. We can’t leave Y/N,” Taehyung pleads. “Jungkook and I will be okay. Just get out quickly.”
Jimin leads Namjoon to another hallway, the two of them running down the steps in a blur. The concrete walls feel as if they are closing in on them with the way the building is shaking from all the fuss. No doubt it would be coming down soon enough.
“This is as far as I dare go,” Jimin says after a little while, stopping before another hallway lit with torches. Namjoon gives him a look before continuing on, seeming satisfied he got him this far at least.
“Namjoon,” Jimin calls, his voice echoing around the space. Namjoon pauses on the threshold, looking over his shoulder. “Keep your hand at the level of your eyes.”
Not knowing what that could mean but not having time to dwell on it, Namjoon races down the hallway before he eventually finds a small boat on a lake. Confused but not seeing any other type of entrance, he begins to row until he finds a clearing.
Spotting you standing next to Yoongi in a white dress, Namjoon jumps out of the boat and swims closer to the gate blocking the entrance. The noise causes you and Yoongi to stop the discussion you were having.
“Wait, my dear. I think we have a guest...” Yoongi pulls a lever on the wall, causing the gate to open for Namjoon.
“What a pleasant surprise! I was hoping you would come,” Yoongi grins mischievously, slinking into the water. “You get to see me wed our beautiful Y/N.”
“Have you no shame? Let her go!” Namjoon shouts angrily.
“Your lover seems quite desperate.” Yoongi turns to you, smirking. “Just how far do you think he is willing to go?”
“Let her go! This is between you and me.” Namjoon argues, eyeing Yoongi’s approaching frame cautiously. The sound of the gate automatically closing again distracts Namjoon momentarily as he turns to look.
“Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!” Comes Yoongi’s sarcastic warning, pulling a rope out from somewhere in the water. You watch in horror as it goes flying towards Namjoon’s head like a lasso. Yoongi makes quick work tying him to the gate as Namjoon chokes in shock, not understanding how he got bested so quickly. “Nothing can save you now except perhaps Y/N.”
If you felt helpless before, now you truly feel like there is no escaping. How foolish you both were to think you could evade him. Yoongi turns to you now, “Start a new life with me. We can run away together.”
You don’t say anything, your lips trembling as you see Namjoon shaking his head and trying to catch your gaze.
“This is it, Y/N. Buy his freedom with your love.” Yoongi’s voice is breathless as he holds this ultimatum over your head. You slowly make your way into the water, the skirt of your dress pooling around you. Your movements are cautious so as not to spook the beast.
“Or send your lover to his grave.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I thought I could stop this,” Namjoon’s weak voice speaks up from where he’s leaning against the iron gate, his face wet from the water and his white shirt clinging to his body. He looks so uncomfortable trying to lean against the gate, his body is positioned awkwardly. Your heart wrenches at the sight of him bound so tight. “Whether you save me or not, he wins. Just get out of here now before the building collapses.”
“It’s too late for that now, Namjoon,” Yoongi sings condescendingly, sounding bored.  “Your cries for help and pity are useless.”
“Why make her lie to you to save me? She will never love you!” Namjoon responds. “Y/N, don’t go with him! It’s not worth my life.”
You can’t believe Namjoon is so willing to give up his life for you. It only makes the situation even harder. You have to do your best to save him - whatever it takes.
“You deceived me. I showed you nothing but kindness, gave my mind to you blindly...” You whisper in disbelief, shaking your head sadly. Yoongi’s face falls as he stares at you warily. “To think, I once thought of you as my friend, someone I could trust. Now you’re forcing me to make an impossible decision.”
“Make your choice, Y/N.” Yoongi warns impatiently.
“I can’t imagine the kind of life you’ve known, to have felt alone all this time. I know it has caused you to look at the world differently.” You tell him honestly, “But I know deep down there is good in you. Your brilliant mind and passion for the arts. There’s no one like you, Yoongi.”
Yoongi freezes, obviously not expecting this. For once, you feel as if he is the one under your spell so you continue.
“I know that all you’ve ever wanted is to be loved. You think you have to do all this to earn my love but you already have it. I love you, Yoongi. But not in that way,” You say finally and it feels like letting out a breath you had been holding for years. “I will never love you like that and if you force me to do this, I will hate you forever.”
His breath halts at your confession and you can almost hear his heart shattering.
“You can learn to love me, I’ll make sure of it.”
“No, you can’t!” You shout angrily, desperately. “You can’t make someone love you, Yoongi!”
He flinches as if not expecting your outburst and you feel a bit guilty for it, picturing that sad abandoned young boy again. But he needed to understand this.
“You have made mistakes but you are not a monster, Yoongi. Don’t do this, don’t prove them right.”
It’s silent for a long while and you begin to worry that you have only made things worse. Peering up at him cautiously, you debate whether his eyes are actually shiny right now or if it’s just the trick of the light. You watch his back retreat over to the cove in shock. You did not think it would work, but you don’t want to try your luck. You make your way over to Namjoon who looks just as confused.
“Go now before the building collapses.” Yoongi’s voice is just a low murmur but you still catch it.
Once you’re done untying the ropes, you are quick to open the gate and make your way to an exit. Namjoon leads the way, holding your hand. You turn back to see Yoongi hunched over his desk, an overwhelming sadness coming over you. Your friend, your angel of music, was sitting there alive and breathing and yet it felt like he had died. You would likely never see him again.
You squeeze Namjoon’s hand and he looks at you curiously as you wade your way back into the cove. Yoongi looks at you unsure as you stand next to him, dripping wet. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you grab his chin and press your lips to his. The kiss lasts a few seconds but it feels like minutes. When it’s over, you don’t say anything else before you go back to Namjoon. You don’t even turn back around to look at Yoongi, knowing it will break your heart.
You and Namjoon are luckily able to escape and although it’s a depressing sight to behold, you feel relieved to see it finally coming to an end. There were too many painful memories connected to this place and it felt cathartic watching it burn to the ground.
After a bittersweet reunion with Taehyung and Jimin, you all make a quick exit in Namjoon’s carriage. You didn’t even care where it was going so long as it was away from this place. You stare at the once beautiful Opéra Populaire and picture Yoongi sitting in his cave, writing his music notes as if nothing is happening. Despite everything that happened, you pray that he made it out safe. You don’t realize you’re crying until Namjoon wipes a tear from your cheek, smiling at you sadly.
The first year of your marriage includes you both traveling from country to country. It’s an unforgettable experience as you feel yourself finally letting go of the past and moving into your future with Namjoon. With each new adventure, you think about Yoongi less and less until eventually he almost never comes to mind.
Eventually, you both are ready to settle down and end up in a beautiful cottage off the coast of Italy. It’s a perfect place to start a family - peaceful. Both you and Namjoon were officially sold when you saw how close it was to the beach. You loved that your memories from childhood and adulthood were with Namjoon at the beach.
You hear your husband arrive, his voice calling out to you from the entrance of the home. You make your way over to greet him, kissing his cheek when you notice the items in his hands - some mail and a bouquet of beautiful red roses.
“Flowers for me?”
“Yes, but not from me.” He explains, apprehensiveness lacing his tone.
“Hmm, maybe Taehyung?” You wonder out loud. “Probably making up for not writing to me these past couple weeks.”
“Well, I’m sure he’s just busy enjoying his honeymoon, dear. You know better than anyone how time consuming that can be.” He winks, escaping your attempt at swatting him as he enters the kitchen.
You glance back at the flowers before turning your attention to a small card with your name on it. Opening it up, you feel your heart stop as you see handwriting you never thought you’d see again.
You alone can make my song take flight
it's over now, the music of the night
A/N: this was a random idea I had after I saw yoongi's seasons greetings photos and it kinda just became a passion project. i tried my hardest not to make this a songfic but if you’ve seen the movie/play you know how bomb the soundtrack is. anyway this is my first fic on here so pls be nice & lmk what you think :)
also special thanks to @taetaecherub​, @cinnamonspicedreader​, and @brbkpop​ for beta reading! <3
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amoc94 · 3 years
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He was a patient man. He wouldn't mind to wait for the right time to reap what he thought he deserved.
He had lived in the dark for far too long, that happiness was such a foreign notion for him. Until you crossed his path and awakened something deep inside him.
Until he realized there was indeed glowing light on the other side of his world, just a flicker at the end of the journey he had to conquer.
Until the sunshine he had waited became you.
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Pairing : Taehyung x Ballerina Reader.
Genre : Yandere, Mafia AU.
Warning for this chapter: Stalking. (This is yandere story, no nice guy here).
Word count : 3.2+K
Full Masterlist and elaborate warning please read here.
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Part 4 - Present
Subpart 1 of 3.
He knew it wouldn't be an easy feat to shrug himself off the arrangement with the Abate, but he had thought the reservation would mainly come from Dario, his future father in law, well - soon to be ex future father in law.
He certainly didn't expect his dear fiancee would be the one to object.
He understood Sophia only saw him as a convenience, a man who could fulfill her desire in bed as well as her endless thirst for pride and luxury. He was handsome, rich, and powerful -now with the sudden departure of Marco Romano, he was next to take over the reign.
Dario Abate was rich too, more than enough for him to be patted on his shoulder by notorious names in the Sicilian mafia circle during their social gatherings, or to be called whenever one of those capos needed any help with deals under the table.
But just like his daughter, the man had his own greed. If Sophia had incessant needs for sex, then her father was slaved by avarice.
Taehyung had to give up a country house of almost a thousand square meters in Monza at a bleeding cheap price to the man, as well as a quarter of the land in Seminara priced almost in half. The old leech knew well how to exploit the situation to his advantage, never mind if his own daughter implicated in the affair.
But again, he didn't mind. Whatever it took to free himself from the agreement, to ease his way in winning you into his life. He could always earn money later, but you were the one he could not risk to let go. Being with you was a once in a lifetime chance that he was sure would never happen for the second time.
Staring at Sophia's extremely furious expression, he wondered how she could transform drastically from a stunning beauty to an utter hag when she didn't get what she wanted. But he had known about it, all this time he just endured to be with her because he didn't have choice.
Well, not anymore.
It was about time for the spoiled princess to learn her place.
"You and I already had an arrangement. How dare you to terminate our engagement without talking to me first? Do you even realize who you are dealing with?"
It was Saturday afternoon, the usual day for Sophia to do her manicure and self treatment in her regular salon, which almost like a religious ritual for her.
But seemed like today she was willing to drop the hard to get appointment to meet with him instead. Somehow he must be quite important to her after all.
"The agreement was made between my father and your father. Dario consented to the annulment and I already compensated him for the breach of contract. The country villa in Monza that your father took over was valued thirty percent less than the market price, as well as half of the plantation in Aspromonte. It's more than what this arrangement is worth."
In another words, more than she actually worth for him. But of course he wouldn't say that in front of her. The last thing he wanted was to unleash the wild cat in her and give him another hard time to get himself off of her.
"And I have to remind you that there was no physical contract between our fathers, so I can say I'm being generous here."
She stood abruptly while throwing a glare at him.
"Who do you think I am, Gio? I'm not some cheap whore that you could fuck then leave whenever you please."
He didn't even lose his composure while returning the gaze at her.
"The way I see it, you didn't really care about our arrangement when I saw you flirted and grinded with that backdrop dancer a month ago. I also heard from Alessandro about your interest with my cousin. Which I fully support now that we are not in relationship anymore."
It was silent for quite a while, there was a staring contest between them, and he wasn't one to back down easily. She didn't know what to say back to him when he laid the fact in front of her.
A few seconds later when she finally found her voice, she pointed her perfectly manicured nails to him while spoke with raised tone.
"You think I don't know what is this all about? It's that little minx isn't it? You thought I had no idea about your ridiculous efforts to help her all this time? I turned a blind eye because I thought once we are married both of us can finally stop our fling."
He sighed while rubbing his forehead and cursed inwardly over Sophia's unexpected objection.
All this time he didn't care about her lechery outside their relationship because he drew the line between his personal boundaries and the arrangement between the two families.
He didn't love her and neither did she.
She could do whatever she wanted as long as she left him alone with his own business. Sex with her was okay and both of them could fuck whenever she or he wanted too, as a benefit from the agreement.
Sometimes he was just too tired to look around and resorting to promiscuous sex wasn't really his cup of tea. The last thing he wanted was to be like his father.
Having Sophia in his bed was just an added value to the arrangement, something to distract his mind.
Which he didn't need it anymore, he had something far better now, and he had to focus in his effort to reach his goal.
But seemed like Sophia took the matter more seriously than he liked.
"The deal is off, and your father has acknowledged and agreed with the compensation that I offered. Unless you can return the land as well as the building to me?"
If look could kill, Taehyung was probably already been dead now. Her stare at him was hostile, but he knew there was nothing she could do. Her father would never return the land and building to him. No one could take anything back from Dario without a fierce fight from him, once he set his mind and took possession.
Moving forward and leaned on the table, Sophia shot another hateful glare at him. Her cynical smirk was matched with her mocking tone while speaking in disdain.
"You always try not to be like him, but in the end apple never falls far from the tree." She scoffed. "You think everything can be settled with money don't you?"
"Not really. Every person has different priority. But when it comes to your father I think you know what I mean."
There was lingered silence around the room, he could sense the tension growing in the air. Sophia wasn't a woman who gave up easily.
"It's so ironic that a man like you taking an interest in an ingenue. Do you think a girl like her can survive in your world, Gio? Didn't the life that your mother went through taught you any better?"
"Watch your words, Sophia. Our arrangement has nothing to do with my mother. "
He didn't really care whenever she tried to offend him with petty remarks, but he would never let anyone talk about his mother with disrespect.
"If you as much as continue with one slur, I'll remove you from La Scala."
If there was one thing he admired about Sophia, it was her dedication to ballet. She might be a spoiled princess, but when it came to dance and her career in the theater, she had an amazing work ethic. Ballet was her passion and spirit that gave her life a meaning.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
He was the one who held the key to her position in La Scala, unfortunately.
Narrowing her eyes on him, she looked like a tiger who was ready to pounce on her prey.
But she wasn't his match, and both of them knew she had to give up eventually.
She was walking towards the door with the sound of her heels clacking loud on the marble floor before she ceased on her steps.
"By the way, you need to be careful with your little plaything, our kind of world is too dangerous sometimes, not exactly safe for innocent girl like her. Besides, you are not without enemies. It's not wise to let them know your weakness don't you think?"
With those last few words she opened the door harshly and walked out from the room.
He had never considered her as someone desperate enough to resort on some cunning ploy to get what she wanted -she was born with silver spoon in her mouth, but he wouldn't put it past her to pull a retribution just because she thought he hurt her dignity.
He made a mental note to call Vittorio and take necessary precaution with security.
There was someone in front of the door who apparently was startled by Sophia's aggression, instinctively moved aside to give her way.
The man looked at Sophia swaying her hips in fury, his eyes followed her figure with obvious admiration observing her body, before finally fixed his gaze on him. Sophia was probably too absorbed with her anger to pay attention to the man.
Taehyung sighed in irritation when he saw who was the guy walking inside his office now.
Jimin strode in the room with lazy steps and his usual carefree expression- which Taehyung sometimes hated, reminded him how the man's life was much more simple and blissful than his own.
His pretty face as well as his toned and slender frame always attracted attention from both men and women, especially with reflexive graceful movements he mastered from years of training in ballet.
He was never close to Jimin, they came from different social status. Jimin's family was pretty well off, they lived in Seoul's middle up neighborhood in Seongnam-si, a good few miles from his house. While he only had his mother since he was born, and their family was struggling during most of his childhood, before he came to Italy with his mother.
His mother was too kind at heart, even with the condescending way the Park family treated her in the past, she couldn't say no when her cousin contacted her, asking help for his son - Jimin, who needed some major career boost.
They were aware, of course, about Marco Romano's reputation as well as his affluence, and it was even more convenient when Taehyung was trusted with responsibility to manage a theater.
He has been an enthusiast of operas and ballet performances, an interest he got from his father since his childhood. The man often took him for a short flight to Milan, to enjoy performances at La Scala at least once a month, as well as taking care of their business.
When Fransesco Cilea theater was on the brink of insolvency, his father bought and assigned the establishment to him, which he managed till the rising to its fame now. It became the only prominent name in performing arts centre in Reggio Calabria.
"I'm busy. Whatever you want to talk about, you should have talked with your manager."
"There is something I need to talk to you privately."
It didn't take a genius to guess what was that possibly be.
But he chose to play dumb and went along, it was what he had learned all this time. Let the enemies reveal themself by giving more information.
"You could have just phoned."
"Why do you ask Y/N out for dinner? You are engaged. And she is with me."
Straight to the point. He liked people who knew better than to waste any of his time.
"I have work related affair to discuss with her, I don't need to share the details with you. And I believe that it has been stated clearly in the contract that you signed, no romantic relationship allowed between fellow dancers and performers under my company."
The look on Jimin's face told him that his cousin apparently didn't read the papers properly. He had always relied on people to do things for him, in the end he wasn't used to pay attention to details.
"It's ridiculous, my personal affair have nothing to do with my work. I won't break up with her, no matter what the contract said."
"Then, I'm afraid I have to remove you from my employment for violation of agreement."
Jimin took a step forward, leaning to the table while shooting daggers on him.
"Did you plan this? How long have you been taking interest in her? Do you realize you violate your own rule?"
He looked at the man with unwavering gaze, he had anticipated this kind of reaction from him. Good thing he planned everything in advance.
"I made the rule because I own the fucking company. Don't act like you fall head over heels with her, we both know your reputation with women. If you wish to continue your work here, I suggest you listen to my proposition. Sex with her might be good, but trust me, it won't worth your entire career to go down the drain."
Jimin finally sat down with straight back, he got the guy's full attention now.
"There will be an opening winter showcase at La Scala next month, the classical - Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Maybe you heard the buzz already. The formation hasn't been fixed, but I can arrange you to be paired with Sophia Abate to promote your debut with them."
He had organized the role originally for you to be paired with Polunin -a legend from Russian ballet company. It was arranged as belated birthday gift, a surprise when he take you out for dinner later.
He went the extra mile and there was a long list of names he called and paid in backhanders to get that role for you, only to be given to Sophia in the end.
Such a waste.
He would need to go another great length to slip Jimin's name among the team, but right now he would do anything to get you away from the guy.
He didn't expect your misbehaviour and breaching of contract, such a wanton act didn't deserve to be rewarded, you needed to learn some manner beforehand. After all the things he did for you, you should know how to return the favor.
He could feel the rage dissipated from Jimin's eyes, it was replaced with curiosity as well as indistinct desire.
"I have connection with their board of directors and coreographers, you can replace Polunin to dance as Sigfried."
The man stalled for a moment, before his crescent eyes gradually turned into a fine line when he smiled happily.
"You are right, I have to think more about my career."
Strike one.
"I promised to help you, I'm a man of my words. But be aware, you have to move to Milan right away. The schedule will be packed, and you still have a lot of things to prepare with the training and accomodation."
"Not a problem. Whatever it is as long as I can go to La Scala. God, I can't thank you enough. When do you think I can go?"
This was easier than he thought, the man just bit the bait at the first offer.
"Anna will take care of everything during the transition, there will be a new assistant for you from La Scala."
"This ... this is really unexpected. Man, I can't imagine how you even did it. I owe you so much. Just let me know if I could do anything for you in return."
Strike two.
"Don't mention it. My mother promised to your father, it's my duty to fulfill. As long as you do your best, that is enough for me."
The feigned courtesy wasn't his disposition, it started to wear down his patience.
Taehyung looked at his watch, it was almost twelve. Only a few hours before he get to see you with the dress, the anticipation sent him into a silent euphoria.
"I'll text Sophia's number to you, you will need to be in constant contact with her later as dance partner."
Or flirt with her, fuck her, he didn't care.
"She's your fiancee, both of you will be separated for quite a while, must be difficult for you two."
"Ex-fiancee. I broke up with her already. So no, ... I won't have any problem."
He could see a light bulb lit in Jimin's expression, his dear cousin was very predictable.
The man was probably fantasising to have Sophia in his bed already, Taehyung once saw the way he stared at the woman. He knew his cousin's weakness all too well.
"I will. Since you are not engaged with her anymore, that means she's back on the market, right?"
"Well, you are quite lucky, she set her eyes on you too. I'm sure if you explore further, you might deepen the chemistry with her, which I believe will greatly help in your role as her partner."
His joyful laugh was too evident, Taehyung could almost see the lust danced in his eyes.
Hook, line and sinker.
He watched with satisfaction as the man walking away to the door, smiling furtively to himself.
One obstacle down.
Only another one remaining.
He picked up his phone and texted Vittorio.
-I'm assigning Nino as Y/N's bodyguard from this afternoon forward. Give her a heads up. And make sure she wears the dress for tonight.-
Resting his head on the backrest, his mind wandered through his memory of you.
Taking his phone from the table, he browsed through the gallery where he kept a special folder only for your pictures.
There were hundreds of candid photos, from different angles, different background, and different time stamps.
You were in just your underwear in some of them, flaunting those gorgeous breasts and bottom obliviously, a torture and temptation at the same time. He dreamed about that body too many times to count, your carefree smile was the thing brightened his day with every morning came.
This was the reason he chose Vittorio as your assistant and manager. He could fully trusted the man would not take any interest in you, Vittorio loved his husband too much to stray outside his relationship.
The same reason you were very comfortable around the guy.
He had to reward Vittorio accordingly for being a great help in keeping tab on you.
He reached for the top drawer of his desk and took out a small black velvet box, where a ring with diamond stone pave sat at the sateen pad. Rare yellow diamond from Graff, the eleven carat radiant cut had evenly saturated sunny glow, just like sunshine on Calabria summer.
The eyecatching clarity of the four claw stone reminded him of your presence in his life, like the sun overlaid his darkness.
The ring was meant to be given as your birthday gift as well as the good news of your upcoming performance in La Scala. But now -as the role was off the table, he hoped the ring could still somehow cheer you up.
It would surprise you certainly, but in a good way, he had wished.
And he would have all the time in the world to woo you and have you fall in love with him.
Hopefully without him having to resort to coercion in gaining your compliance.
Part 4 - Present, Subpart 2 of 3
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taetaerec · 3 years
ACEDIA, The Eighth Sin | yandere!idol!ot7 x reader
Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So (Fucking Done) | Jungkook x Reader, Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok, Taehyung x Reader
Little do You Know | Idol!OT7 x playmate!reader
No Time for Love Series | rich!ot7 x rich!reader
Once Bitten, Twice Shy | werewolf!Jk,Taehyung x human!reader
Right Here, Right Now | werewolf!rapline x reader
adronitis — knj; | professor!namjoon x TrophyWife!student!reader
Proper Training |kittenhybrid! reader x idol!rm
Gmail Girl | virgin!Jin x SecretAdmirer!reader
long live the king | king!Jin x reader
My Tiny Secret | jin x reader
serve me | butler!Jin x RichKid!reader
liberosis — myg; | lawyer!yoongi x TrophyWife!reader
not around | basketballplayer!BffBf!yoongi x cheerleader!reader
The King Isn’t Dead | King!Yoongi x reader
Vanilla Ice Cream | human!Yoongi x hybrid!reader
a l l m i n e| idol!hobi x idol!reader
FORBIDDEN|BrotherBestfriend!Hobi x reader
Mattress | SugarDaddy!Hobi x reader
— casual clothes | SexTherapist!Jimin x reader
Ignorantly, Yours | Alpha!Jimin x Omega!reader
The Bird Cage | Mafia!Jimin x reader
A Merciless Professor yan!prof!tae x student!reader
An Exchange of Hearts | Conductor!Taehyung x Ballerina!reader
A prince | prince!tae x reader
Bad Alpha, Sweet Alpha | Alpha!Tae x human!reader
Curtain Call | Yandere!stepbrother!BalletDancer! Tae x BalletDancer!reader
good girls go bad | BadBoy!Tae x preppy!reader
I Choose You | Alpha!tae x Omega!reader
Polar Night | Mafia!Tae x Ballerina!Reader
Silver and Blue | alpha!tae x reader
The Diligent Plan | idol!Tae x reader
Alpha Jeon | Alpha!Jk x Luna!Reader
A Tale Untold | general!Jk x Princess!reader
chapstick | idol!Jk x reader
Cruel Intentions | mafia!Jk x reader
DRUG WARS | Mafia!Jk x Reader
hidden tales | Yandere!Prince!Jk x princess!reader
his service | knight!jungkook x princess!reader
i wish i missed my ex | bestfriend!Jk x reader
.Just for me. | Yandere!MafiaBoss!Jk x chef!reader
KILL TO KISS YOU| Yandere!Jk x Prostitute!Reader
milestone | BestfriendBrother!Jk x Reader
One Night Away | idol!Jk x reader
sate | prince!vampire!Jk x human!reader
Slave 19990319 | Alien/Prince!Jk x Reader
— something in the heir | knight!jungkook x palace woman!reader
there you are | alpha!jk x omega!reader
throne of a sinner| yandere!king!Jk x servant!reader
UNO ft. JJK | bff!Jk x reader
YOU | Idol!ChildhoodBff!Jk x reader
物の��れ ( ‘the sadness of things’.) | Alpha!Jk x Omega!OC
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missdutch21md · 3 years
Music of the Night|5
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A/N: Dear Readers!! Surprise! I was able to change up the format a bit and post this next installment sooner than I originally planned! It’s not as long as originally planned, but this works out better in my opinion :) 
Soul  💖
Summary:The time is 1856. Location: Paris, France at the Opera Populaire. Taehyung is living his life when who should stumble into his life than the most beautiful singer he has ever heard? She was the missing instrument to his orchestra. She would complete the score for his… Music of the Night.
Pairing:  Opera Ghost! Taehyung x Singer! Ballet Dancer! MC
Universe: Phantom of the Opera AU
Word Count: 761
Genre: Fluff 🥰, Mature 🔞
Characters: rich! Seokjin, rich! Yoongi, dance instructor! hoseok, officer! Jimin, stagehand! Jungkook, chorus girl! BlackPink
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of religion (reader prays), stalking, slight yandere themes
Please keep in mind this is a work of FICTION this in no way reflects on any BTS members or Taehyung as a person. This is simply a story for the imagination.
Go B a c k | Turn P a g e | M. L i s t
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Taehyung held back his laughter as much as he could as he watched his little pupil stare defiantly into the air as she demanded that she see him. He couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread in his chest at the sight of her. He had tried to make her understand, he wasn’t like other men.  
He frowned a little, she didn’t think he was a man. She thought he was a deity. He sighed in awe of her raw innocence despite how old she was. Perhaps it was her Catholic upbringing and her uncanny luck with having next to no encounters with the evils of the world. Taehyung had been grateful for that. He had thanked his lucky stars and The Lord and God above that no real harm had ever come to her.  
Sure, she had her share of tragedy, she was an orphan now, and at such a young age. He learned this just the day before when he heard the stage hand asking a chorus girl what had brought the new girl into their midst. His heart had ached for her, but he knew that she wouldn’t know another moment of sadness as long as he was in her life. He would make sure of it from now on.  
He forced himself to not let his mind wander so much to just savor these moments that he shared with her and called her back to get into position to resume her training. Taehyung saw how she was just about running out of energy to continue with her lessons. Hoseok hyung had probably pushed the girls much harder today. After a few more exercises Taehyung dismissed the young woman to go up to bed.  He moved to a different part of the small chapel so that he could speak softly into her ear.  
He saw the moment she sharply took in her breath, surprised by how closed he seemed he watched the rise and fall of her chest as though he were entranced. If only she knew, he mused.  She huffed and told him her thoughts candidly, he smiled glad that she truly wanted to see him for her own reasons. Not because she wanted to gossip to the chorus girls about how he looked.  
Taehyung was infamous in the Opera House, having many names given to him by the patrons and those who worked in the theater. Opera Ghost, Phantom of the Opera, OG, Genius, Maniac, Psycho, the list went on. He was pleased to hear that she didn’t listen to those rumors of heinous deeds that sure he had committed, but she didn’t let that cloud or obscure her image of him.  
Taehyung finally agreed, he’d see her one day when the time was right and when she was completely under his spell, though he kept this part form her.  
She had urged him to promise her that this would happen and he couldn’t help to comply with her demand. His smile was wide and boxy as he watched her happily jump up and fly up the stairs faster than he thought possible considering how tired and overworked she looked only a few minutes before. Taehyung heard her quick little gasp and heard her clamber back down into the chapel to only kneel at the little alter to say her evening prayers.  
Taehyung was glad that she was a verbal prayer. A trait that even the most pious followers of her faith lost along with their childhood. He stifled his giggles at her little plea to The Lord to forgive her for almost forgetting to say her evening prayers. She talked about him. His chest puffed with pride as he heard her voice sound reverent when it came to him.  
He listened to her gentle voice as she prayed, Taehyung readied himself to quietly follow her as she made her way to her shared bed with Jennie. He knew it wasn’t likely for anything to be amiss, but he felt it was his responsibility to watch over her. He was her teacher, and his vow to keep her safe was not one that he took lightly.  
He watched the little ballerina dancer softly and quietly pad up to the back room to slowly remove her pointe shoes and rubbed her feet to soothe them and slowly undressed into her night shift to rest. Once her head hit the pillow, Taehyung only stayed a brief moment to check the surroundings and make sure she was sleeping soundly before he returned to his dwelling in the belly of the opera house.  
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horrorslashergirl · 5 years
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans List
Chromeskull x Reader- Hitchhiker gone wrong
Poly!Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector NSFW Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector - Cat got your tongue?
Poly! Chromeskull and Collector Headcanons with pregnant s/o
Chromeskull (Jesse Cromeans) x Reader- Harder, Daddy!~
Chromeskull x Reader- I wish we could stay like this forever
Frisky February Day 7 (Cock-warming) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 9 (Consensual Non-Con) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 10 (Double penetration) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector Headcanons Aftercare
Frisky February Day 18 (Threesome) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Frisky February Day 20 (Video Taping) With Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 22 (Collar/Leash) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 23 (Oral) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 25 (Daddy/Mommy) with Chromeskull
Frisky February Day 26 (Electricity) with Chromeskull and The Collector
Frisky February Day 28 (Exhibiton) with Chromeskull
Slashers allowing snuggles
Poly!Chromeskull and Collector Headcanons Pregnancy Ending
Chromeskull x Reader - Sulfuric Acidic Face
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Heavy Duty Stress
Headcanons Chromeskull with his daughter s/o
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector Headcanons with a blind singer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Fantasy on a white sheet
Chromeskull x The Collector- Mutual Destruction
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Take me out in style
Headcanons Poly! Chromeskull and The Collector with a serial killer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector - Little Mornings
Headcanons Chromeskull with breeding kink
Slashers with their s/o giving them a lap dance part 2
Chromeskull x Killer!Reader- Let’s talk business
Poly! Chromeskull and The Collector with an obedient s/o with an abusive childhood
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with an eccentric serial killer s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Another side of the coin
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with their future s/o digging up a grave
Chromeskull with a Pet Play Kink
Headcanons Sharing one bed with the Slashers
Chromeskull Headcanons with a naive and telekinetic s/o
Slashers with a s/o whose a squirter
Yandere Slashers with their s/o trying to escape
Slasher Headcanons with a diamond skin s/o
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a blind s/o
Cock warming with Slashers
Chromeskull x Reader- Home sweet home, wife!
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- It’s called punishment for a reason
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with twin children
Chromeskull with an easily sick stubborn s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Have a lighter?
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Reader- Another chance to start off
Chromeskull with his virgin s/o
Chromeskull with an anemic s/o
Yandere Slashers Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader- Show me how to see
Chromeskull x Reader- Ink me up, baby!
Chromeskull with an independent/innocent girl
Slashers with a s/o who outsmarts them
Slashers with a vampire s/o
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a Cop!Reader
Slashers with a s/o who help them kill
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a laid-back, affectionate s/o
Slashers with their s/o sending a provocative picture
Slashers reaction to a clumsy s/o
Slashers seeing the outline of their dick while they fuck their s/o
Chromeskull as a single father of a girl
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Reader- Charming ways
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Reader-  Try it, doesn’t hurt
Slashers playing cat&mouse chase with their s/o as foreplay
Slasher Headcanons with a s/o who likes torture
Slashers with a s/o who has anger issues
Chromeskull x Blind!Reader- Not all heroes have capes
Chromeskull x Mute!Reader- ‘Not on the first date’
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans Fic. The Job of a Daddy is never done
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector kidnapping a quiet albino Reader
Chromeskull x Reader- There she comes breaking bones
Chromeskull x Reader- Silky Black Moments
Chromeskull x Reader- You leave me all hanging
Chromeskull x Reader- A diamond couldn’t do justice
Chromeskull x Reader - XOXO
Chromeskull x Reader- Home sweet home, wife! Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Single almost 40s killer again
Slashers with a s/o who shouts out in Japanese when she’s angry
Chromeskull x Reader- Gucci, Gucci! Spoil me
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a s/o who’s has a twin
Yandere!Chromeskull x Reader- Stockholm Reject
Chromeskull with a 4′11 s/o Headcanons
Slashers Asking Questions
Chromeskull x Child!Reader- Daddy Figure? Hell No!
Chromeskull x Reader- “My heart will go on”
Slashers knocked out by their s/o with a pillow
Slashers with a s/o who wears lolita fashion
Slashers with a Goddess s/o
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Reader- Another chance to start off Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- I’m not a kid!
Chromeskull x Chubby!Reader- ‘I know I am mute, but are you blind?’
Slashers with a sweet/angelic s/o with PTSD
Chromeskull x Pregnant!Wife!Reader- Gentle my ass
Slashers with a s/o with a major in psychology
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector comforting their s/o
Slashers making up to their s/o
Chromeskull x Reader-Toy cars and Little fella
Chromeskull Headcanons with a Fragile S/O
Chromeskull x Reader- Another chance to start off Part 3
Chromeskull Fic: Princess
Slashers with a s/o who has angel wings
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans with a neko s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘You will be the death of me’
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘It’s not professional!’
How is Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans so rich?
Chromeskull x Albino!Reader- As beautiful as a rose
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a demigod daughter of Persephone
Chromeskull x Reader- ‘Women are disposable’
Slashers finding their s/o singing
Slashers with a confident s/o
Slashers with a very brave s/o
Slashers with a s/o who can read minds
Slasher meeting their shapeshifter s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- I’m not a kid! Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Sweet Blackmail
Chromeskull x Reader- “Curse these shoes!“
Slashers with a Hitman Woman
Chromeskull with a male s/o Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader- Single Ballerina
Slashers with a kinky s/o
A Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans x Preston Fanfiction
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Don’t boss around killers
Chromeskull x Single!Mother!Reader- ‘Jackpot’
Slashers with a s/o who call them ‘Mr. Psychopath’
Slashers with an aggressive vampire s/o
Slashers with a killer s/o
Yandere Slashers with a male s/o that managed to always escape them
Slasher with a s/o who likes to wear their clothes
Poly!Chromeskull and The Collector with a s/o who loves big dogs
Slashers finding out their s/o is pregnant
Slashers with a magical creature s/o
Genderbend Slashers Headcanons
Chromeskull x Reader-’Leave your hat on’
Slashers with a s/o with a major in business
Slashers with a s/o who cannot feel physical pain
Chromeskull with a s/o who has back pains
Slasher developing an obsession for someone (You)
Chromeskull x Reader- Kill a sweat
NSFW Alphabet Chromeskull
Female!Chromeskull x Male!Reader- Reborn
Chromeskull x Ghostface!Reader- “Playing with the bad boys“ PART 1
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 1
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 2
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 3
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 4
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 5
Chromeskull x Ghostface!Reader- “Playing with the bad boys“ PART 2
Chromeskull x Reader- Insecurities at their best
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 6
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 7
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 8
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 9
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector Part 10
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector (+Spann)
Chromeskull x Reader- Vulnerability
Chromeskull x Reader- Playing Therapy
Slashers with a sarcastic s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Farewell Job
Chromeskull x Reader- Don Julio and Childish Flaws
Jealousy and Stealing Cars- A Chromeskull x The Collector Fic.
Chromeskull x Reader- Dating tips from Chromeskull
Chromeskull x Reader- Caring Gentleness
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusively Deal Part 1
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 2
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 3
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 4
Chromeskull x Reader- You don’t dip the pen in the company ink
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 5
Chromeskull x Singer!Reader- Show me how you burlesque
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures
Slashers Angst Scenarios with their s/o
Chromeskull x Reader- Sin with me
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- Hazardous Toxicity
Random Headcanons
Chromeskull x Succubus!Reader- Profesional Encounters
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures Part 2
Chromeskull x Reader- A first Halloween
Chromeskull x Reader- Another chance to start off Part 4
Chromeskull x Reader X The Collector- Happy Marriage and Succesful Parenthood
Chromeskull x Reader- Freakish Proposition
Chromeskull x Reader- Fantasy to Reality
Chromeskull x Reader- Future Parents?
Chromeskull/Jesse Cromeans General Headcanons
Slashers with a witchy s/o
Chromeskull x Teenage!Reader (Platonic)
Chromeskull x Reader- The scars that reunited
Chromeskull x Reader- Half of me
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- The Female Anatomy
Kinky December Day 4: Fireplace Sex with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 9: Strapon with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 13: Creampie with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 15: Strip-tease with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 20: Role Revesal with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 22: Lap Dance with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 23: Tattoo and Teasing with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 28: Red Lipstick with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 30: Begging with Chromeskull
Kinky December Day 31: New Year Sex with Chromeskull
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 6
Chromeskull x Reader- Hotel Room Service NSFW
Sugar Daddy!Chromeskull x Reader- Exclusivley Deal Part 7
Slashers with Knife and Blood Play
479 notes · View notes
yanderenightmare · 3 years
What is your favorite trope out of curiosity?
I'm guessing you mean trope as in writing?
I've never really considered myself a big fan of the romance genre, but that's simply because most romance films are boring. I don't enjoy sappy shit, nor romcoms especially, but I do think movies/series and books without romance are really weird and unnatural.
I guess my favourite genre would be either a thriller/action/adventure/horror piece of media with a side-dish of romance.
Kidnapping or Stalker or Obsession or Prisoner - Classic lovesickness/Yandere - Incel-rage, especially if it's internet-stalking - Prisoner of war or a war trophy taken by the winner - Slavery
Blackmail or Arranged/Forced Marriage Especially if it's set in old medieval times.
Fake/Convenient engagement - Uniting Kingdoms - Last of their kind - Quirk-marriages It's similar to the one above, but it's more disarming because they're in the same boat of unhappiness and they can find consolation in that, which leads to them falling for each other. Or, it's discovered that one of them orchestrated the entire thing from the start.
Soul Mates or Destiny/Fate/Prophecy Especially if it's like the one above, where they're simply told that they're meant to be together, but one of them doesn't really feel a connection, but has to be with the other person anyway because they're not really given a choice. - Alpha x Omega - Any soulmate au trope
Forced Proximity - Snowed in together - Huddling/cuddling for warmth - Apocalypse bunker or Codependence for survival - Shared classes/clubs/activities/assignments - Roommate/Neighbours - Newly turned step-siblings - Co-wokers
Opposites attract - Rich x Poor - Hero x Villain or Angel x Demon - Playboy x Virgin - Bully x Victim - Popular x Dork
Power-dynamics - Boss x Secretary/Nanny/Maid - Wealthy High Society x Erotic Dancer/Model/Ballerina - Mafia x Someone who owes them - Villain x Victim - King x Slave - Wardon x Prisoner - Police/Hero x Criminal - Teacher x Student - God x Worshipper
Enemies to Lovers - Bully x Victim - Hero x Villain (either it be the charming guy-villain x girl-hero or extremely inappropriate flirty guy-hero x flustered girl-villain) - Competitors finally having extreme hate-sex
Frenemies or Friendly Competition - Workplace rivalry - Different teams in a sport/club (Gaming, Chess, Mathletes, Debate, Football and etc...)
Medical Romance - Doctor x Patient Either one nurses the other back to health and they fall for their care-taker. Or the one healing falls for their patient. - Psychiatrist x Client Either the psychiatrist is the sane one treating a client in an insane asylum, and the patient falls for them. Or the client is the normal one and the therapist treating them goes insane for them.
Girl Next Door If they have windows that align and they can both see each other dressing and dancing to music and walking around naked. It could be mutual, or a stalker scenario.
Fish Out of Water or New Girl in Town A girl moves to the city or to a small suburb all alone and a guy takes interest. She's obviously vulnerable and happy to have a friend that knows his way around, and he enjoys that she's so dependent on him.
The Wallflower or Plain Jane Feminists should hate this trope, but I love it still, I'm sorry. Often portrayed as a shy quiet dorky bookworm nerd-girl getting wooed by this entitled smooth popular jock. But in reality it would be more like this: Independent woman getting unwanted attention from sex-predators.
The Dare or The Bet Usually a popular guy is dared to make the shy nerd fall in love with him only to break her heart, but obviously falls in love with her in return, only for her to find out about the bet and has her heart broken anyway, only for him to win it back again in the end.
Love Triangle or Male-Male-Female Just good poly drama. Especially if two guys fight over the girl until they realise they can all be together.
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amoc94 · 3 years
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He was a patient man. He wouldn't mind to wait for the right time to reap what he thought he deserved. He had lived in the dark for far too long, that happiness was such a foreign notion for him.
Until you crossed his path and awakened something deep inside him.
Until he realized there was indeed glowing light on the other side of his world, just a flicker at the end of the journey he had to conquer.
Until the sunshine he had waited became you.
Full Masterlist and elaborate warning please read here.
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Pairing : Taehyung x Ballerina Reader
Genre : Yandere, Mafia AU.
Warning : Nothing for this part. (But still, this is yandere, duh!🙄)
Word count : 3.8K+
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Part 1 - HER
It was such a busy morning, and you regretted everything that went so wrong by the time you were awakened from your dreamless sleep the previous night.
You regretted the bus that left just a few seconds before you succesfully stepped your feet on the empty stop a few blocks from your house, you watched its departure with heaving chest from the sprinting. The next bus arrived twenty minutes later, and you inwardly grimaced at your watch.
You regretted your neglect to bring your tutu for the rehearsal, because you were too occupied in munching the sandwich your grandma had pressed you to eat before your morning session start, while you let your mind went blank, not really focused on the things that should had been your priority.
You regretted of sleeping a bit late last night, because you couldn't stop yourself to practice the arabesque move many times until your back had to endure a sharp ache, driven by the nearing nervous breakdown that your new instructor brought about almost everyday.
There were so many regrets in your mind, it were all over the place, you didn't pay attention to your direction, when you bumped onto someone at the hallway leading to the theater room.
You tumbled unceremoniously with bottom dipped first to the ground, your bag and half-consumed bread fell scattered on the floor.
There was a deep baritone voice that drew your attention, and when you looked at the face whose hand was extended to you, you almost gasped in reflex.
He would be a perfect fit to play the role of Prince Désiré in the show you've been practicing for weeks, even the prince wouldn't be as captivating as him.
"You should be more careful."
The man crouching in front of you was probably the most beautiful man you had ever seen, not many boys you knew with that look like him.
But he certainly wasn't a boy. He was a fine man, with traits on his features almost feminine and delicate, his define cheekbones and sharp projected nose, shaded by perfect slightly arched thick eyebrows. A knot of his fringe covering part of his forehead, his eyes glimmered with curiosity, and from the color of his complexion and facial structures, you could tell he was not an Italian.
"I ... I'm sorry. I didn't ...-" You gasped when he dabbed your shirt and your ankle, wiping bread crumbs away with a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket. A smooth move that you almost failed to register, when the cold feeling from his callous fingers stroke your skin.
How did a man like him could have rough skin on his palm? Certainly not from day to day strenuous job, he wouldn't need to.
"Are you okay, bambina? You should be more careful with your steps. Legs are the most precious asset for a dancer."
His voice was deep and rich, it wasn't matched with his ethereal appearance.
It took you a moment to process the whole situation, before the sound of heels clacking on the tile and a female voice broke the air.
"Gio? Is everything ok?"
Good looking man with good amount of wealth practically screaming from his appearance would have a beautiful woman next to him, it was almost always too typical.
She looked like those women that grazed the front page of magazines or websites that you sometimes browse through. Slim and tall figure wrapped in designer articles from head to toe, with every single feature on her face shaped perfectly, covered with flawless make up.
She was everything that you were not even dare to dream to look like.
The pretty man helped you to stand up by pulling your wrist gently.
His dark grey coat was draped over his shoulder like a cape covering his three piece suit with tie and clip, his platinum cufflinks glistened under his shirt wrist, sleek and finished. His appearance shouted extravagance and aristocracy, it was almost blinding to you.
He didn't answer the woman, instead, he handed your bag to you, while giving you a polite smile.
"Are you one of the ballerina in tomorrow's Sleeping Beauty?"
His fluent standard Italian didn't have any accent, if you didn't see him in person, you would have thought he was a native of Italy.
"Ye ... yes, but ... I'm only one of the supporting dancer." You almost felt shameful with how inferior your role was. It was still a long way to go before you could reach the prima ballerina title.
"How old are you, bambina?" His countenance was neutral and calming, as his eyes still gazed on you.
"Gio, let's go." The woman's voice was laced with petulance as she reached to his shoulder.
He held up a firm open palm to silence her, while his eyes still trained on you.
"I ...-" You cast an unsure glance on the woman, before your eyes back at his face, this time his narrowed eyes urged you to continue.
"..-I will be sixteen this November."
He shook his head while dipped one hand in his pocket, looking down at your figure, his smile was almost rectangular shaped, revealing a set of neat pearly white teeth.
"I see. Still a long journey for a little girl like you. Just give your best, okay?"
You almost forgot to nod your head in a proper manner. You could tell he wasn't just random people passing by, his presence alone was too hypnotizing. Good thing that the woman's voice broke you from the trance.
You ran away as fast as you could, trying not to prolong the delay, Miss Bianchi's temper could be tempestuous in the morning especially when she hasn't had her morning caffeine fix.
Not that would make any difference, really, because every day under her patronizing look was practically hell in waiting.
But you have to ensure and make it last anyway, your grandmother would never forgive you if you fail.
To become a prima ballerina, and finally perform the main role in La Scala wasn't only your dream, it was her visualization of achievement that she failed to fulfill after leg injury she suffered in the spur moment of her climbing the ladder of fame during her prime.
Approaching the theater room, you could hear Miss Bianchi's thunderous shout to her students, the sound of her clapping hand with their every move always gave you a kind of jitter, you had tried your best not to make any mistake in front of her.
You winced when making another step that sent painful ache around your toes, and the stiffness from your strain back, a result of arching and stretching your legs too many times, the arabesque move that she had always found fault with.
Sometimes your leg wasn't high enough, another time your back wasn't straight, your posture was wrong, or the elevation angle was not precise.
It was strange that you could do a straight perfect penché at home, one that even your grandmother would hesitantly praise upon, but you were a complete mess in front of her.
An à la hauteur was a piece of cake for you, but for her, even a simple à demi hauteur wasn't well scored.
"Left .... to the left, higher ... higher. I said ninety. This isn't Notre Dame de Paris, we are not portraying the hunchback. Push it up!"
Her shout could be heard from outside the room.
Your frantic nerves were all over the place when you forced yourself to walk inside, descending the staircases leading to the stage. Her gaze immediately seized on you, eyes blazing with twisted elation, you had a feeling she enjoyed to denote your every mistake.
"Ah ... Miss L/N, of all the time you could be late, it has to be now, a day before the show. "
You hastily took of your dress and threw it on random chair in slipshod, nevermind the warming up. Not that she would pay any attention for your sake anyway.
It was a good thing you chose to wear a slip on dress over your black tights and leotard.
You tried to be as invisible as you can, scuttled your way to squeeze your body inline with other dancers, maintaining a composed pose.
However, if you thought she would overlook your mistake today, you would be sorely disappointed. Especially rehearsing for an important showcase without the tutu. Of all the days you could forget to bring the costume, it had to be today, whereas you were also late.
"Ah I see, not bringing your skirt with you, can I assume this behavior as a sign that you are not particularly eager for the show? Perhaps the play is too minuscule for a dancer of your caliber?"
Every words of hers dripped with venom and sly innuendo, sometimes you wondered if she just hated your mere existence alone.
"No. Miss Bianchi. I'm sorry, I forgot to bring it with me." You prayed that she wouldn't talk to your grandmother, because if she did, that would mean another night sleeping with empty stomach. Maybe they shared the same vile genetic after all, so similar to each other.
"Another day like this, and you will be expelled, I'll make sure of that."
You posed on your fifth position, preparing for the adagio, silently wished Miss Bianchi would finally leave you off the hook, before your eyes caught the two figures near the entrance, descending the stairs in unhurried steps, reducing their distance to the stage.
It was the pretty man from the hallway, with his woman walking next to him, her arms were slipped around his bent elbow.
Taking a seat on the front row across the stage, he sat cross legged elegantly.
His companion took the seat next to him, giving a lopsided smile on her blood red lips, staring at Miss Bianchi's direction.
"What are you actually looking at? Continue to the next move!" Miss Bianchi's voice echoed throughout the empty theater, before she went down the stage, and walked to the couple.
Your blended with other dancers, whose motion were fluidly memorized with every pose and move already rehearsed many times, you would have to admit, sometimes her fierce teaching was justified, considering how the group couldn't afford to simplify the importance of the grand show. If the event was successful, money and sponsorship would come along, to bring the company to the top rank among ballet companies in Italy.
Did not matter how much torture she put you through.
Looking from the tail of your vision, you could tell Miss Bianchi wasn't feeling too welcome on the couple, and the man- with the way he sat, elbows on the armrest and hands weaved at the front of his chest, his eyes mused on the performance on stage. His head tilted sideways, his eyes scanning the entire group.
You almost felt like his eyes were brooding on you, unsettlingly stirring something inside you, a little bit fear with a hint of ... curiosity.
Before you chose to disregard that thought, because curiosity killed the cat. Nothing good came from being nosy.
The beautiful woman now walked towards the stage, behind Miss Bianchi.
Your teacher clapped her hands to draw everyone's attention, and as if on an automatic switch, all dancers halted their move in a perfect third position, waiting for further instruction.
"Everyone, this is Sophia Abate, she will be the lead ballerina to dance for Aurora, while Andrea will take the role of Carabosse. Martina, you move to corps de ballet."
There were loud gasps between dancers, your heart started to beat erratically. You were one in the backdrop team, if Martina join your group, that meant ....
"Unfortunately, Y/N, I have to withdraw you from the show. Maybe next time."
The gasps turned into commotion when everyone's voice overlapped one another, you could hear Andrea cursed lowly, and Martina was staring at Miss Bianchi with disbelief.
You didn't pay any attention to them, you couldn't, not when Miss Bianchi's words were like ringing loudly in your ears, you almost thought it was just an illusion.
This was supposed to be your first grand performance, eventhough you weren't the principal dancer, but to be on the stage would open a window of opportunity for you to get some attention if not experience, no matter how insignificant.
Dread crept up your heart imagining your grandmother. She would be angry, furious, no .. no ... she would be livid. You had bellied long hours of self training, the immense pain on your back and joint, excruciating blisters on your toes, starvation and screaming from her. Your blood, sweat and tears ... all of those were for ... nothing.
Literally nothing.
What was exactly so wrong with you?
You were sure now, Miss Bianchi just hated you. It didn't matter how excellent you were, it was personal vendetta for her, anything that came to your existence, would have her spiked you for no reason.
You watched as Martina threw a hateful glare to the pretty woman, who was her name again? Sophia Abate. You've heard that surname somewhere surely. Some rich family in that gossip column maybe. And also a prima ballerina, a good one -it seemed, otherwise there was no way Miss Bianchi would change the formation a day before the show just for her.
Andrea stomped her foot to vent her rage, walking to Miss Bianchi to probably have a word with her.
But they shouldn't have been angry, they would still perform. While you, you wouldn't have the chance ... you were just ... an outcast.
They didn't care about you or asked about your opinion, not that it would matter, but ... still, you were almost invisible to them.
"Y/N, are you okay? You look so pale. I'm sorry, ... I don't know what possesed her to do this." Maria, one of the backdrop dancer trying to calm you down by patting your back.
You just nodded lightly, didn't say anything anymore. You needed sometime alone, a moment to cry your fear out.
Yes, ... fear. Because you needed to brace yourself when you come home later, to face your grandmother's wrath.
Disappointment was just a fragment of what you felt, nothing compared to the fear of insult, degradation and physical abuse that your grandmother always aimed at you.
She told you that in order to achieve your goal, suffering was what kept you going, the motivation to better yourself. You needed to work hard and harder, pushing yourself beyond your limit.
And you did. You swore you had done and gave all of you.
But maybe luck wasn't on your side in every way you took. The thing that made Sophia Abate had that privilege to snap her finger and had people on her whim. Even someone so intimidating like Miss Bianchi.
Looking at your reflection in the bathroom, you stared at your figure, the leotard was supposed to tightly fit your body, but you could slip a hand or two easily under the fabric against your skin. You were too thin, and you knew that wasn't because you didn't love food. You loved to eat. Basically anything savory or sweet.
But it has been a long time since you remembered when you ate with joy. You almost forgot how tiramisu or pizza tasted, didn't remember when was the last time you had it.
Your daily diet consisted of protein and vegetables, sometimes wheat bread. Minimal sugar and almost no salt. Salt caused bloating, your grandmother said, and you needed to maintain your lithe frame. You should be grateful that she still fed you those plain chicken breast with lettuce, at least you still had eggs from time to time. That was what your grandmother always said with persistent scowl on her brows.
Sophia Abate was a prima ballerina. And she didn't look haggard and miserable like you.
You wiped your almost dried tears that smeared your mascara, the strong smell of pinesol mixed with general nausea from your stomach was revolting, you felt like throwing up.
It was when you heard the door opened and someone walked inside.
Your eyes caught figure of a person and your breath was halted on your throat, again.
It was the man you bumped with at the hallway. The pretty Asian that brought the woman here, the reason of your doomsday.
He was wearing his coat now, and looking at his reflection from the partly foggy mirror, you looked like a mess compared with his flawless appearance.
"She isn't an easy tutor, is she?" His deep voice echoed around the empty restroom.
You turned around, before your eyes met his light brown irises, the way he was staring at you was incomprehensible.
"This is a lady's room." You deadpanned.
"I am aware. I don't have any ill intention if that's what you are afraid of. I'm not a child molester." There was light mocking smirk on his face, and you were almost offended with the way he said while dragging his gaze around your pitiful form in a haste.
You were nothing like his girlfriend, obviously. She had curve and more flesh, she had her beauty to attract these kind of guys, while you, ... even if you died today, your grandmother wouldn't probably even mourn for you.
"How good are you in your skill, bambina?"
You looked at him with eyes still hot from the crying. "What's that have anything to do with you?"
"We bought this theater yesterday, and considering the wrecked state of the financial report as well as your performance in general, this company needs a good revamp, a drastic one. Having Sophia to perform tomorrow will be a good start."
Now it all did made sense. He was the investor. After the fortune they paid to buy the establishment, they needed to make sure the money they already spent would go for what it was worth.
You looked up at him, chin up, before answering his question with newfound confidence.
"I'm perfect. All I need is the chance to prove myself, which my teacher apparently lacking in that matter."
He put both hands in his pocket pants, the notch lapel of his coat was pulled slightly, revealing the conceal carry with a black gun attached on his left shoulder.
Your eyes widened, gave away your surprise.
But he didn't look affected one bit, he put two steps forward, standing just a couple of feet in front of you, observing you with assessing eyes.
"To be able to dance well, a healthy body is what you need the most." His eyes trained on your shoulder, where the collarbone indented too deep.
You tried to hide your discomfort, you didn't like to talk about your grandmother.
"It doesn't matter." You tried to keep the nonchalance in your tone.
"I can help you. That is, if you are really as good like you said. I'm eager to sponsor a talent to contribute more to the company."
Your eyes were now focused on him. His flawless complexion, and the way he rubbed his lips while tilting his head, seemed like it was a habit of him.
"You haven't seen me dance yet."
"I've seen enough."
No, certainly not enough from the short performance you danced earlier. But who were you to decide?
"I can assign you for a role, maybe one of the fairies. Nothing major, but certainly better than to be discharged, right?"
One of the fairies? The role was nothing important, would only have a brief moment in Act 1 and Act 3, but far better than dancing at the backdrop. Maria would be looking at you with green eyes later.
It was too difficult for you to speak with giddiness started to take over you, you almost couldn't think.
"You ... you think you could do it?"
And he laughed. A full fledged laughter that adorned his beautiful face with boxy smile, his deep voice was peculiarly arresting.
"You really have no idea who I am, Y/N? Reggio Calabria is not huge, everyone should know one another."
How did he know your name anyway? Maybe because Miss Bianchi called you once at the stage before dismissing you. But that meant he actually paid attention to you.
Maybe it was true when he said he wanted the company to grow. Real talents were rare, and the prospect to perform tomorrow had you to blind yourself with his willingness to give you the chance.
"My life is only about ballet. I almost have no time to ... you know, browse."
Once again he gave you a once over, still decent and polite, you almost could sense he was being sincere.
"I'll help you with your career, but in return, I want you to take a better care of yourself. Once I assign you in, you are one of my company's asset. Can't risk to have it ruined, can I?"
Every deed would always have a catch, something to pay it back. But in this matter he was pretty reasonable. He wanted to ensure you would contribute to the company.
"Who are you?"
The sun shone through the short window near the ceiling was bright and the angle it created through the glass reflected the light perfectly on his face in a breathtaking fashion, almost too beautiful to be real.
"I'm Giovanni Romano, bambina. You will hear about me more often from today onwards."
"Mr. Romano, why ... why are you helping me?"
Letting out another chuckle, he didn't answer your question. "Let's go back to the theatre and give me one perfect dance to settle my decision."
Maybe it was the fear of your grandmother's reaction if she find out you were being dismissed that fixed your determination. Or maybe it was a negligence on your side, ignoring the hunch setting deep in the pit of your stomach, the fact that it was too coincidental for a man like him wanted to give you a big opportunity which even your optimistic self wouldn't dare to wish.
You stared at him, and remembered about the gun he carried. You had an apt idea who he probably was, but you chose to ignore the alarm bell that went off in the back of your conscience.
Your hard work would finally paid off.
He was walking to the door, before halted and turned to look at you.
"By the way ... " His seemingly genuine smile was the thing that finalized your decision.
"Only a few people know this, you are included. Call me Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."
What kind of name was that? Definitely not an italian name. Maybe one of his aliases, that was what you often heard about people like him.
Miss Bianchi was dismissed the minutes you and him stepped inside the theater room, there were two men with all black suit dragging her out while screaming profanities to Mr. Romano. Or Mr. Kim?
The sight of his henchmen didn't dissuade you one bit, you were blinded by your own ambition.
That sunny morning, you moved your body to show him, the perfect arabesque penchée you have been trained a thousand times with your sore toes, under the envious and hateful glare from the other dancers.
Performing your first solo in front of a man with power like him, the excitement of a bright future had you too oblivious of one little thing that slipped your mind at the time.
You should never make a deal with the devil.
Part 2 - Him
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missdutch21md · 4 years
Music of the Night | 3
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A/N: Hello Lovelies!! Here is part 3!!! Some background and general angst?? Not sure how you guys will like it honestly;; Anyways as rough as this chapter can be,  I hope you still enjoy this look in Taehyung’s mind.. bc. holy cow, i went there. I was listening to sappy music and got into writing and this was born!! Sorry for being late with this chapter, I know I promised it last night but after Be got released I literally couldn’t function. My apologies and please forgive me and accept this chapter as a token of my love. 💖💖
Summary: The time is 1856. Location: Paris, France at the Opera Populaire. Taehyung is living his life when who should stumble into his life than the most beautiful singer he has ever heard? She was the missing instrument to his orchestra. She would complete the score for his… Music of the Night.
Pairing:  Opera Ghost! Taehyung x Singer! Ballet Dancer! MC
Genre: Angst 🥺
Rating: Mature 🔞
Length: 1.2k
Characters: rich! Seokjin, rich! Yoongi, dance instructor! hoseok, officer! Jimin, stagehand! Jungkook, chorus girl! BlackPink
⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of religion, stalking, abuse, (would you guys consider PotO as disabled--idk how to write this really in a pc way), body image issues, self deprecation, fear of abandonment, slight yandere themes 
Please keep in mind this is a work of FICTION this in no way reflects on any BTS members or Taehyung as a person. This is simply a story for the imagination.
Go b a c k | Turn p a g e | M.L i s t 
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Taehyung found that while the Opera was busy bustling with excitement, he could not match their jovial feelings. He had gone about his usual morning routine of ensuring his pupil had awakened at a decent hour. He always blushed and told himself, he only did this to help her, it was surely not to catch sight of her in nothing but a thin shift. He would never. 
 The ensemble had gone through countless rehearsals already, and the quizzical man found himself losing interest, even with the way his little pupil huffed, and flushed from the vigor of her dancing. He was intrigued again when she scampered off to see the costumers, and was content to watch her from the holes in the walls as she worked diligently. She seemed to fit in everywhere she went. Easily sliding into conversation with poise and always being so well mannered.  
 He often thought of their deep conversations and smiled ruefully at his memories of just the night before when she was so tired and yet still adamant to meet him for her lessons.  
 Taehyung didn’t think himself a particularly cruel man, but still, he expected a certain amount of dedication from the young woman. She was meant to complete his music after all, though she wasn’t exactly privy to his intentions, yet.  
 He blinked when he realized that the young woman had scampered off without his noticing, the older women spoke of luncheon, and he hastily made his way to the mess hall, sure that he would find her there. And find her he did, flushed and beautiful as ever while her friends teased her.  
 “Finish quickly so you can come back to us!” the girl with long, dark tresses urged his pupil.  
 “Besides I think Hoseok misses you,” the younger girl laughed in a liting tone.  
 Taehyung had noticed that the male dancer had become somewhat of a mentor to her, taking her under his wing. It was clear on one occasion that his little pupil wasn’t completely immune to the older man’s charm and appeal. He watched as she shook her head but the light blush dusting her features deepened at their persistence. The girls continued their teasing for a bit longer and the blonde, (Taehyung never cared to learn their names. They were not his pupil, so why should he really care, was his logic. though he remembered she was the youngest girl of the group) even acted out a scene where she, as his pupil, would swoon in the brunette’s arms as though they were Hoseok’s waiting arms. At this, the dancer he was so keen on had turned so unapologetically red, one of the other girls began to speak. But Taehyung could stomach no more, with one final glance at the petite dancer, his pupil, and he was positive she would faint. His stomach tightened, and his mind was racing,  so he did the only thing he could think to do while tears stung the backs of his eyes and a few even rolled hotly down his cheeks.  
 He left.  
 He would not hear how Jennie playfully called him the true desire of his pupil. He probably never would guess in a million years, even if he had stayed. All he could hear was a loud ringing in his ears, and the voices of all those who had scorned him. Devil Child, Evil, Hell’s Spawn.  
 You name it, he was branded it at one time or another.  
 Taehyung anguished as he descended back into the belly of the Opera House, his past traumas endured kept coming in wave after wave. He could never be the desire of his beloved; of that he was certainly sure. How could he be? He didn’t even have the courage to stand before her. It took so much out of him to even speak to her. That had left him shaken for a week before he roused the courage to speak to her again. His face was another thing entirely, while the left side of his face looked like that of an angel, chiseled to form the finest, most shockingly beautiful face. The right side of his face was marred, he knew that at one look at his entire face, the dancer he so longed for would reject him. The revelation, though it was hardly a revelation at all, was constantly at the forefront of his mind. He was painstakingly aware of his ‘deformity’ as others would call it. He knew he could not compare to the charm of Jung Hoseok. Not only was the man his older, but he was also a force to be reckoned with. Minnie spoke of him constantly to Taehyung.   
 Down, down, down he descended back into the darkness. Back to his solace, once he arrived to his dwelling, he couldn’t stop the sobs that wracked his body. He mourned for the life he yearned for. He was a man with great mind, and superior skills than the average man but he was doomed to be forever alone. His thoughts took another turn at that word. Alone.  
 He growled out and lashed at a project he was working on. He through the pages of his manuscript over the floor. He tore off the beautiful fabrics that he dressed himself in. He knelt down and wept, collapsing in on himself, the pain he felt becoming too great knowing that one day, his little pupil would one day leave him too. His mother left him with her death, his only friend he had known, Minnie, had left too. 
 The little ballerina girl who had saved him all those years ago, how tragic was it that Minnie had to leave. He had mourned her, yes, certainly. She was his friend. He told her to not accept the advances of the drifting stage hands that seemed to rotate with every production. But she had said it was true love, how sorely mistaken she had been. She only cried to Taehyung one month ago. And here he was now, without his companion and without anyone to lean on. It was only inevitable that the beautiful singer he so doted on now would one day meet the same road to lead her out of his life. 
 Taehyung did not stir the rest of the day, until well into the night. After the music had died down, and it was hours after when Taehyung was sure that the Opera house was asleep. The evening was bleeding into the next morning as he silently made his way up to the chapel. He hadn’t bothered to dress properly after his fit of rage and hurt. His shift was barely covering his toned chest and hanging onto his shoulders and barely tucked into his trousers anymore.  
 In the chapel, he gasped at the sight that greeted him. His eyes snapped to catch the velvet ribbon he had bestowed upon his pupil, he had rid her of the ghastly and tattered maroon fabric, and the luxurious fabric sat tied into a beautiful bow around a parchment near the window where he would watch her from during their nights of tutelage. Was her natural talent enough to recognize where his voice was really coming from?  
 He opened the letter with shaky fingers and felt his heart shatter in an entirely different way. Her writing was shaky, still unpracticed and unsure, he thought back on the night before and how he was urging her to try writing. Possibly, she was nervous? In her scrawling script, he saw that she tried desperately to imitate his long and precise strokes. He hungrily devoured the words and poured over the details over and over for there were only a few words.  
 I apologize fore displeezing you, Master  
 X ______  
 Taehyung sighed as he held the paper close to his heart. He didn’t care that it was 4 AM. He had to go and see her. And so, he did.  She was sleeping, though not peacefully, he lamented. How he longed to press a tender kiss to her furrowed brow. He didn’t it was likely one of the other girls would wake, and he couldn’t have that. He settled for scrawling a note back to her and leaving it by her vanity to find once she woke with the velvet ribbon resting back in its rightful place.  
Go b a c k | Turn p a g e 
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