#yandere nun
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ozzgin · 9 months ago
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I saw these photos on TikTok (Credited from Doyuin with the ID:981642684) and my oh my, it sent me straight to this scenario. Content: female reader, female yandere, religious themes, horror
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Yan! Mother Superior who welcomes all lost souls with open arms. Her kindness and benevolence are known by locals and foreigners alike, her reputation even reaching your ears. Overwhelmed by a longing you've never felt before, you packed your suitcase and left your home.
Once you reached the monastery, the nuns rushed you in without a word. You were taken aback by their swift compliance, despite the fact you never introduced yourself, nor your intentions. "I am no mere guest", you wanted to tell them, "I've come to take my vows, and become one of you." But no one listened.
"Mother had been expecting you", one of them finally confessed piously.
That's when you saw her for the first time. A smile radiating warmth, and a pair of bright, all-seeing eyes. You felt like a child soothed by a Mother's embrace, all worries and anxieties seeping away from your body. You were safe.
Days at the monastery are slow and peaceful. You've become indifferent to the world outside, focusing on prayer, and the wisdom taught by Mother Superior. Despite your newfound faith, however, something tugs at your heart insidiously.
Something isn't right with Mother.
What a blasphemous thought, to doubt her saintliness! Yet you cannot seem to put your suspicions at rest. The other nuns are fearful, the priest becomes pale whenever Mother is present. People seeking refuge between the walls of this sanctuary vanish without a trace. You do your best to hide it, but she knows. Her ardent stare strips you of any secrecy.
One night, when you'd been plagued by nightmares in your small chamber, you dropped your rosary. The beads scattered across the polished floor, and you lowered yourself to gather the pieces. That's when you found it: underneath your bed, deep scratches were clawed over the wooden tiles. Do not look into the eyes.
The recollection creeps into your mind now, as you glance at the priest finishing up the Sunday liturgy. Mother Superior observes the ritual with boredom. The church sinks into silence, and she stands up. The other nuns throw their hands in prayer. With calculated nonchalance, she grasps onto the crozier and plunges it directly into the man's chest.
You throw yourself out of your seat, bewildered, speechless. The chanting continues, blocking out the bubbling heave of the dying man. Mother Superior smiles, satisfied. Thick, warm blood slithers all the way to your feet. You want to crawl, to run, to hide, but your body is stiff.
"For the mountains may depart       and the hills be removed,
but my steadfast love shall not depart from you,       and my covenant of peace shall not be removed"
You mustn't fear her. For no one will love you with the same devotion, no one will offer you such unadulterated veneration. The nuns abruptly stop their prayer, and scurry outside.
Yan! Mother Superior who ceremoniously lowers the sharp, bloodied end of the crozier over your head. You hold your breath, petrified.
"No man stands above me", she concludes. Her voice is carried by the pillars, echoing across the empty church, shattering against your eardrums in a most unholy coalescence. A shiver cold as death envelops your being, and you're struck by a revelation:
It was not God's hand that led you to her.
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loveundrwrld · 1 year ago
reaction to their darling accidentally saying "love you, bye!" on the phone
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yandere nun
temperance was calling you to see if you want to make a donation to the church. she does this way too often- so you're trying to get out of the conversation quickly. you politely say that you aren't going to make a donation. after an awkward silence, you decide to say goodbye.
"hm. well. anyways, love you bye!"
there's a strangled gasp on the other line and a loud clanging sound. … did she drop the phone?
"i'm sorry i didn't mean-" you try to say, but she hangs up.
bully yan
tanner gives up and calls you. he's tired of you avoiding his letters, and wants to hear your voice again.
but once you realize who it is, you get fed up.
"i'm not going to talk to you."
"just listen, please-"
"no. love you, bye."
there's an awkward silence, both of you processing what you said. then he starts talking quickly, desperately.
"…wait, please, can you please say that again, just one more time-"
you hang up the phone.
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carnivorousyandeere · 2 months ago
CW: kidnapping, violence, gore (including gory sound effects!)
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shadowworldwanderers · 1 year ago
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Madison/Tatjana Moodboard 2
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botched1up1brain · 4 months ago
POV: you became a nun to avoid marriage and now the priest won't leave you the fuck alone
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Michah scares me 😨 yandere priest oc by @meo-eiru
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yandere-sins · 11 months ago
Do you know which concept I‘m going feral over again at the moment?
[Warning: Yandere + Violent & Lewd content]
It‘s really just about the absolute depravity of these priests.
A priest who‘s knuckles turn white as they grip the altar so hard to not just jump his darling on the spot while they are in the middle of a sermon. But their darling is sitting in the front row and they can smell their perfume and it‘s driving them absolutely insane and their cock so hard that they can‘t concentrate on their speech to the point they have to cut the service short. Everyone is so concerned about them but when their darling steps up to ask if they are okay or need something, they almost orgasm in front of everyone. (They‘ll make sure that their darling is the only person to take care of them, that‘s for sure. And while the priest is at it, they can invade their darling‘s home and life to the point of no return.)
Or confessional boothes where their darling is spilling all their worries and heartache, which is not only ideal for the priest to know to manipulate them later, but also because they can't help jerking off pitifully to their darling's voice. Imagining them on their knees sucking them off like the little devil his darling must be to turn the priest away from god. Yet the priest will be panting and gasping for air by the time they absolve their darling from the 'sins' they comitted, the priest hoping they'll be back soon with more.
A cult priestess who notices one of the followers turning away from the cult and it happens to very their darling. So they start sacrificing all their darling‘s friend and family, making them the outcast. Making sure they feel so threatened and scared that the moment the priest opens their arm for them, they run and confess all their sins. They are an outcast that the priest can take back under their wing, reform back to their faith and at the same time manipulate and gaslight them to the point that they won‘t want to leave the priests side anymore, which gives room for them to demand the ultimate sacrifice of the darling—their whole being.
A very beloved priest and their caretaker!darling. Priest is the chosen of god but they‘ll refuse to do anything they are supposed to if their darling isn‘t in reach for them at all times. Darling who was forced into this role but is now pressured into doing everything for the priest so the latter may provide the village with divine guidance. Darling that wants to escape but is dragged back and beaten into compliance. And a priest who basks in the glory of getting away with all the lewd and terrible things he does to them with no one to help the darling.
But it goes to other religious figures as well!
Angels that begin to fall from grace without realizing it because they start to simp for their darling and they really shouldn‘t. But the darling looks so cute and the angel loves it when you laugh. They're really trying not to favor them with divine intervention whenever their darling is having a bad day, but seeing their frown turn into a smile when they see a rainbow or pet a stray cat that thee angel led to them, they just can't help themselves from making their darling's life a little easier. That is, until the darling starts to truly commit sins (like fall in love with someone that is not the angel), and they have to do worse things (like watch over them as the darling undresses or masturbates) and they don't even realize just how much they are losing their angelic-ness, because the angel suddenly longs to be more than just a silent observer.
Nuns/Monks that are taking care of a lost sheep on their priests demands and start to forget about all their vows and duties, wanting to only be with them and stalking them around the grounds. Sneaking into their rooms to frolick in their darling's sheets and lick their spoon after dinner, their nethers tingling with lust as more and more depraved thoughts come into mind. Them sitting next to their darling at the sermon, their knees touching and the yan unable to keep themselves from panting and salivating over their darling, developing a desire to deprave them in the same way as the darling has the yan.
Anyway, I'm super normal about it but,
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mercillery · 6 months ago
can you please write a series of headcanons for yandere Zenon falling for a nun female reader who is a friend of sister Lily and father Orsi?
btw i really love your writing 💕❤️
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Oh, you poor, unsuspecting soul.
You're about to hop on a roller coaster so wild and unpredictable that even the most hardcore adrenaline junkies would pause and reconsider their life choices before strapping in. Seriously, who could have predicted that someone as cold and ruthless as Zenon—yes, Zenon, the guy whose hobbies probably include brooding and looking dramatically into the distance—would ever let thoughts of anything other than his missions and duties creep into his mind?
And not just anyone, mind you, but a nun? The irony is ironing. Zenon falling for someone devoted to peace and virtue? It’s like discovering the Grim Reaper secretly volunteers at a kitten shelter on weekends. But hey, life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect them, and Zenon catching feelings might just be the curveball of the century.
Zenon's interest in you doesn't start as love—oh no, that would be too simple, too human. Instead, it begins as a fixation, a curiosity he can’t quite shake. You see, he’s drawn to your purity, your unwavering faith, and that infuriating devotion to something greater than yourself. For someone like Zenon, whose life is steeped in shadows and bloodshed, these qualities are both intriguing and utterly alien. It’s like he’s found a rare, delicate flower growing in the middle of a battlefield—something that shouldn’t exist, and yet, here it is, flourishing despite the chaos.
Your kindness and warmth are stark contrasts to the cold, brutal world Zenon knows so well. To him, you're almost like a living embodiment of everything he's not—and, frankly, everything he’s never wanted to be. Zenon is perfectly content with his dark, brooding existence; thank you very much. The idea of being anything else? Laughable. But still, there’s something about your devoted nature that tugs at him in ways he doesn't fully understand.
It’s not love—at least not yet—but there’s definitely something there, something that keeps him coming back, if only to try and figure out why someone like you exists in a world like his.
Zenon doesn’t harbor any outward disgust toward religion—he’s not the type to waste energy on something as trivial as disdain. Instead, religion just makes him tilt his head slightly, those dark, intimidating eyes narrowing as if he's trying to solve a puzzle he doesn’t really care about. He’s genuinely baffled by how someone could be so dedicated, so selfless, so utterly consumed by their devotion to something intangible. How could anyone willingly bind themselves to something as abstract as faith?
If we're being completely honest here, Zenon probably finds the whole concept of religion utterly useless. In his mind, power is the only currency that matters, and in the face of overwhelming strength, everything else—including religion—seems trivial at best. He sees religion as something that would only hold a person back, a crutch that prevents them from grasping real power. After all, why rely on divine intervention when you can take matters into your own hands?
But does he care if someone else wants to cling to their faith? Not really. Zenon’s not interested in converting anyone to his worldview; he’s too focused on his own goals for that. If people want to hold themselves back with their religious beliefs, that’s their problem, not his. He just shrugs it off, filing it away as another incomprehensible quirk of humanity that he doesn’t need to understand and thinks it just holds everyone back.
But anyway—over time, this curiosity of his starts to twist and morph into something far more dangerous—an obsession. As this obsession deepens, Zenon begins to rationalize the strange feelings he's grappling with, trying to make sense of them in a way that aligns with his dark worldview. He starts to see your innocence as something fragile, something that needs to be protected—by him and only him.
Of course, Zenon’s idea of protection isn’t exactly comforting. It's dark, suffocating, and possessive. In his mind, the only way to keep you truly safe is to isolate you from the world, to lock you away where no one else can reach you or taint your purity. This twisted logic extends to everyone around you, even those closest to you, like Sister Lily and Father Orsi.
Sure, even if they’re like your family, even if you dearly love them with every fiber of your being, and even if Zenon knows all of this—he still sees them as obstacles. And let’s be real; that’s not exactly surprising. To him, they’re not threats, just hurdles he needs to clear before claiming his prize: you. I’m not saying he’d immediately jump to murder, but it’s definitely crossed his mind. Whether he goes that far depends entirely on how much resistance they put up.
Zenon isn’t one for subtlety or long-winded schemes. He’s not going to waste time orchestrating elaborate events to make it seem like Sister Lily or Father Orsi are in danger or untrustworthy—that’s just too much work for something he could easily solve by just killing them. He’s got power, and he’s more than willing to use it to carve a quicker, more direct path to you. If they become too much of a nuisance, well, let’s just say Zenon’s not above using lethal force to clear the way. Sorry, but in his mind, it’s a simple equation: they’re in his way, and he’s not one to let anything stand between him and what he wants. Of course, if by some miracle Sister Lily and Father Orsi step aside and let him through—though let’s be real, that’s about as likely as Zenon deciding to take up knitting—they might just live to see another day.
That being said, once Zenon realizes that he’s not just obsessed with you and that his feelings run far deeper than mere fixation, well, say goodbye to your freedom. Forever.
Zenon’s first move would be to isolate you completely, cutting you off from everyone and everything you’ve ever known. He wouldn’t hesitate to threaten the lives of those around you if it meant coercing you into submission. It’s just a necessary step to secure your loyalty and your obedience. He’d present himself as your only protector, the one person who can truly keep you safe in a world filled with chaos, danger, and evil—a world that’s constantly trying to kill that innocence you have. To Zenon, this isn’t just a twisted power play; it’s an act of love. He genuinely believes that by keeping you close, by holding you tight in his suffocating grip, he’s shielding you from the darkness that he knows all too well.
And yes, Zenon is the very embodiment of that darkness, the very thing he’s supposedly protecting you from, but in his mind, that’s just more reason for you to stay with him. You’re precious, sacred even, and he can’t bear the thought of losing you—especially after what happened with Allen. Oh how much you remind him of that sunshine boy, that bright light that was snuffed out too soon. He doesn’t want to experience that pain again, that devastating loss. So he convinces himself that this is the only way, that by keeping you close, he’s protecting both you and himself from a repeat of the past.
But while Zenon is dead set on “protecting” your purity as a nun, he's also not above trying to chip away at the very core of what makes you who you are. He takes a strange satisfaction in subtly undermining your faith, poking holes in the foundations of your beliefs whenever he gets the chance. He'll challenge your views on life, death, and the morality of your God, all while weaving in his own twisted philosophy, as if trying to make you see the world through his cold, unforgiving eyes.
As much as he’s intrigued by your devotion, it also kinda grates on him. How can someone be so unwavering in the face of a world as dark and merciless as this one? He might be your self-appointed protector, but there’s a part of him that wants to see you stumble—a lot, actually. Zenon’s not satisfied with just keeping you safe; he wants to break your spirit and mold you into someone who sees the world the way he does. He’s not just after your obedience—he wants your mind, your very soul, to align with his own warped perspective.
In fact, at some point, Zenon would likely want you to abandon your faith altogether. He’d see it as a weakness, something that blinds you to the harsh realities he believes in. In his mind, your faith and ideals are naïve, a set of fragile beliefs that will only lead to your destruction if left unchecked. He sees his efforts to sway you as an act of mercy, a twisted form of salvation. To him, if you could just shed those old beliefs and embrace his darker, more “realistic” worldview, you’d be stronger for it—stronger and safer, as far as he’s concerned.
So while Zenon might claim to be protecting your purity, the truth is much more sinister. He wants to strip away everything that makes you who you are, to rebuild you in his own image, and in doing so, bind you to him in a way that goes far beyond physical control. To him, that’s the ultimate act of protection: not just guarding your body, but reshaping your very soul.
Moreover, Zenon’s icy logic and emotional detachment would make it utterly futile to try and reason with him—even if you’re usually a master at persuading others. With him, all your skills in negotiation and reasoning would hit an unyielding wall. Zenon isn't the kind of man who can be swayed by emotional appeals or logical arguments. His mind is set, and once he’s decided on something, there’s no changing it. If you ever attempted to escape or reach out for help, you’d quickly learn just how unforgiving he can be. Any act of defiance would be met with swift and brutal consequences, the kind that would make you think twice about ever trying it again.
Zenon doesn’t see you as an individual with your own thoughts, feelings, and agency. To him, you’re a precious, pure possession—something to be guarded, controlled, and kept away from the world. He might speak of love, but his version of it is suffocating, possessive, and devoid of the genuine respect and care that real love requires. Instead of being cherished as a person, you’re reduced to an object of obsession, someone whose freedom and autonomy are sacrificed on the altar of his twisted affections.
In Zenon’s mind, the endgame is crystal clear. He’s convinced that by breaking your will and dismantling the person you once were, he can rebuild you into something that aligns with his dark, twisted worldview. If you were to ever fully submit to his control, he’d see it as a victory—a validation of his power and a confirmation that his way is the only way. But here’s the thing: that victory wouldn’t bring Zenon any real peace or happiness. Despite his relentless pursuit, Zenon is a man consumed by darkness, and even if he managed to break you, he’d likely find himself staring into an abyss of his own making.
The purity and innocence that first drew Zenon to you would be gone, stripped away by his relentless need to control and reshape you. In their place would be something hollow and broken—a reflection of Zenon himself. He might have you under his thumb, but the person he was so fascinated by, the light that caught his attention, would be extinguished. And what then? Zenon is too far gone to appreciate what he’s lost, but on some level, he would likely feel the emptiness of his so-called victory.
Overall, Zenon’s pursuit of you is more than just a desire to possess; it’s a reflection of his own inner turmoil. He’s a man who, in trying to hold onto something pure, only succeeds in dragging both you and himself further into the darkness. The very thing that made you special to him—your purity—becomes a casualty of his obsession. And in trying to mold you into something that mirrors his own brokenness, Zenon only deepens his descent into the void, leaving behind nothing but the remnants of what once was and what could never be again.
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krislgfox · 1 year ago
Well...I guess you can call me au generator :_]
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I'll also paint it, my hand is going to die I guess :_]
(Is it spoiler for how Royalty au CatNap looks like??)
((Also in Berries au, CatNap is blackberry. And in Chancellery au, he's spray paint))
(((I'm sure I messed up at cooky run kingdom and fnf styles okay? :_])))
Part 1 - you're here :]
Part 2
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ozzgin · 1 year ago
I was pondering on what horrors to write for Halloween and when I remembered how many times I’d hoped for Valak content…I ran and whipped out my Grimoire and started typing in delirious inspiration.
Yandere! Valak x Reader
Featuring the Infernal President and a blissfully unaware reader backpacking through Romania. Warning: NSFW, blasphemy, non-consent
[Horror Masterlist]
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“Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It’s all about the Devil
And I’ve learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room
He will never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom”
"Now, you can't really say you've visited Romania until you see at least one monastery! Most Romanians are very religious, so churches and monasteries are popular attractions for tourists and locals alike." The tour guide is awfully enthusiastic for a cloudy Sunday morning. You nod politely and follow the group, although you can already feel yourself become distracted.
You're mostly interested in the old castles and bucolic hiking trails that Transylvania has to offer. Religious places...not so much. Alas, it's part of the experience. You check the flyer containing today's travel plans and google the location mentioned by the guide. Cârța Monastery. Seems to have some ruins included, and you'll be right on time for the Sunday chorus service, huh. Maybe that's why they picked today for a visit. 
You hurry along the cobblestone path until the first traces of a building come into view. Somehow you can't shake the feeling that something is off. You scan over the visible windows, wondering if someone is watching from above. Nothing. Once you lower your gaze again, you notice the tour guide vigorously waving his arm and encouraging you to enter the church with everyone else. You were at the very front of the group, so how long did you stare at walls? You flash an apologetic smile and rush inside. The wooden door closes with a grating creak and you fumble to the first available seat. There's a few coughs and shuffles and eventually the Liturgy begins. Your eyes wander until they find a clear window, so you entertain yourself with the sights outside. It's not like you understand the words of whatever is currently happening, and you're not religious to begin with. 
"How long is this going to take?" you groan internally and switch your focus to your hands, intertwined and resting in your lap. The monotonous chants cause your eyelids to feel heavy and they gradually lower themselves until all you see is black. It's okay, you're not sleeping. It's just a short nap, until...huh...the voices of the singing men diffuse as if distorted by distance and now everything is quiet. 
"Took you long enough." 
You jolt awake. You turn your head to check if whoever is sitting next to you has just spoken, but the room is suddenly empty. You jump from your seat and the thud of your feet hitting the stone floor creates a cavernous echo that sends a shiver down your spine. Ah, could it be that you're dreaming? The candles of the chandelier flicker, as if startled by a breeze, and abruptly go out. 
"I don't like waiting. Especially for mere humans like you."
The same voice as before reverberates through the chamber. It's deep and jarring, sounding almost unnatural. You don't like it. You tilt your head, afraid to find the source of speech but too curious nonetheless. It's a person dressed like a nun. For a brief second you relax your shoulders, assuming it's one of the people living here. But after one step ahead the figure becomes vaguely illuminated, and you can discern the features bearing on this creature's face. Blood drains from your face and you can feel the bile pooling at the back of your throat. A blasphemous deformity, oozing with blight and evil. From within the hollow, dark sockets, two yellow orbs glisten with raw malice. You realize you've held your breath until now as your lungs contract in a pitiful attempt to pump more oxygen. The movement brings back your senses and your flight instincts kick in. You immediately sprint for the door and use your elbow to slam it open, nearly collapsing to the ground. Your eyes squint under the flash of bright light. 
As you pant for air you notice you're back outside. There's people taking photos and talking cheerfully, and inside the church your group seems to have gathered before the iconostasis, listening attentively to a hearty discourse from your guide. The liturgy ended. What on Earth did you just witness? Before you can ponder the event, you feel a tug at your sleeve. It's an old lady, short and comically hunched. She's dressed all in black, with a head covering that hides most of her face, though you can still see the deep wrinkles that cross her features. 
"Oh? Sorry, I don't speak-"
"L-am văzut și eu. Diavolul, maică. Aici nu mai e demult casa Domnului. Pleacă cât mai poți, am să mă rog pentru tine." 
Her voice is shaky and she seems in distress. She strokes your arm once before limping away hastily. You blink and spend a moment trying to collect your thoughts. There's no one else nearby to ask for a translation, so you can only hope she finds help somewhere else. You return to the group and hope you won't have to deal with any other adventures. 
"This is the annex. You can still see some details in the arches." Your guide points around the pillars and mossy brick patches. You take out your phone for some photos and your arms tremble slightly. 
"It's suddenly very cold here, don't you think so?" you remark to your neighbor. 
"Really? I'm quite literally sweating right now" they respond, baffled.
"It's a shaded area, that's probably why."
"Or you're just that excited to see me again."
Your eyes widen. It's the voice. You blink, and you find yourself in the empty church once more. No, no, no, this isn't happening. No. You're dreaming. This is an absurdity. Some hallucination of sorts. You try the door handle, except this time it's locked. 
"It's not often I become interested in a mortal. In fact, this is the only time."
The nun is sitting on a bench, hands together in a praying motion. There's a mocking grin on its face. 
"Maddening, truly. Deplorable, disgraceful, outrageous. Humiliation would await me if they suspected my intentions with a perishable being like you."
"Who the hell are you?" you interrupt the erratic monologue. The nun stands up and locks eyes with you, instantly making you nauseous. 
"The Sixty-second Spirit, President Mighty and Great. His Office is to give True Answers of Hidden Treasures, and to tell where Serpents may be seen. The which he will bring unto the Exorciser without any Force or Strength being by him employed. He governeth 38 Legions of Spirits."
"Valac." the creature extends a hand, as if expecting a handshake. "At least that's how they introduce me in the Lesser Key of Solomon." The fingers spread out and you feel a gravitational force pull you closer. It chuckles.
The cold fingers sink into your back and feel like claws digging your flesh. You let out a scream of protest and try to push away without success. It hurts. The touch burns your skin and spreads out like a wicked plague. What would this fiend even want from you? You search your mind for potential meanings and explanations. Truth be told, however, you're not well-versed in theological fantasies. 
"You can't just possess someone's body. I won't accept it. You don't have my permission."
The creature erupts in hysterical laughter and you feel your knees weaken at the sharp, grotesque teeth that creep their way out. Everything about it is vile, scandalous. Unholy.
"If you want to call it like that...Then sure. But for this kind of possession I don't need your input, I'm afraid."
Your limp body is picked up and sloppily thrown over the altar table. The impact of the hard surface against your stomach causes you to gasp. You try to turn your head and look behind, but the large, clawed hand locks around your neck and keeps you in place. You can only glance ahead. You can sense your garments being ripped apart with one swift move and shudder at the unexpected contact with the cold air on your bare body. The creature's other hand slides over your forms before stopping on your bottom, adjusting it. The realization sinks in and you begin to panic. Is this the time to say a prayer? You don't know any. 
"Our Father..." you mumble, trying to remember the continuation. 
"Go on. I'm sure He'd love to hear from you while you're being fucked on His altar. Send Him my regards."
He forces your hips upwards, exposing your intimacy. Without any further delay he thrusts his member in, painfully stretching your entrance around it. Tears well up in your eyes at the sudden discomfort. The iconostasis in front of you blurs and sways with each violent plunge into your frail body. 
"Oh, God" you sob.
"God ends here."
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loveundrwrld · 1 year ago
headcanons with some of my yan OCs with a reader who is afraid of heights
(cw: kidnapping, unhealthy relationships, stalking mentioned)
also re: the nuns part... do not try at home, lol.
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yandere femboy
- he found out from one of your "dates" together (aka, him dragging you wherever he wants you to go.)
- he comes up to you when you're about to go to lunch, dragging you off somewhere, whining to you that you two haven't been spending more time together lately.
- you panic a bit as he goes further up a staircase of a school building, becoming nervous that he might be planning on bringing you to the roof.
- unfortunately for you, he is.
- when you're up there, he makes a 'ta-da!' gesture, showing you a picnic basket and a blanket. he planned this date for you, isn't he being nice?
- you sit down, trying to calm down and enjoy the food in front of you. you try to hide your nervousness but your eyes still dart around, nervously, and you're very careful to not walk anywhere near the edges.
- he grins a bit, picking this fear from how you're acting. he would have never guessed- he just wanted somewhere quiet, honestly, but this is a bonus, for him. you're so funny sometimes. it's so cute watching you squirm around like this.
- if you're too distracted by your fear to engage in conversation, though, he doesn't really like that. he did get you up here so you can pay attention to him- so, he comes up with a solution. he starts to cry and pretend he's the one who is super scared of how high up you two are instead, whining to you about it to get you to hug him and comfort him.
- which you do- and it actually does work as a good distraction from your fear.
yandere nun
- most likely, she finds this out from kidnapping you. you don't go on particularly high floors in your daily life, so this isn't something she could pick up from stalking you.
- she's trying to put you away to a place where people can't find you- which is inherently tricky when you live with a lot of people. so she ties you up, gags you, and keeps you in a locked car on the rooftop of a car park.
- it's not an ideal location- even in the winter, the sun can shine down through the windows and overheat you a bit. but, there isn't many places she can think of that nobody would see you.
- she only plans to keep you there for a little bit anyways until she comes up with a more secure place for you to go.
- after some time she comes back to move you to a more permanent location, coming back quickly to make sure you didn't get discovered.
- when she comes back, she notices you're shaking...
- she thinks at first you're claustrophobic, and opens the door to get you to walk out of the car on the roof, expecting you to calm down some more. unfortunately, your trembling seems to only get worse.
- she feels bad, not having expected you to be in this kind of state. she thought of you as some sort of powerful person, some sort of dark force compelling her- the thought of you having fears of your own had never even occurred to her.
- she also feels guilty since... another side of her thinks it's very nice, to see this side of you. she likes it when you seem less perfect and more vulnerable... it makes her feel like she can get you to depend on her, to cling to her.
- once she has you down on a lower floor, she apologizes for scaring you and takes out your gag so you can respond, expecting you to ask her to hug you to make you feel better or something similar.
- instead, you likely ask to be let go, which disappoints her. she just sighs and shakes her head.
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kocherry · 2 years ago
❅ ~ Hellfire ~ ❅
Yandere Capitano x Nun!Reader
Hello everyone this is a songfic base on the song “Hellfire” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The yandere aspect is what makes this fic different version from the original Nun!Reader fics ♡
I hope you guys enjoy this cuz I really went down the drain for the Capitano Agenda mainly because of how @jessamine-rose writes Capitano and it inspired me to do a yandere fic about him as well sksksksksk
Sypnosis: Capitano sees himself above the trivial feelings of love and lust. He sings a prayer to the Tsaritsa because of his revolting desire to make you his and his alone. However, the temptation of having you in his arms is quite hard to resist.
Content: Songfic, Yandere Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Religious Sacrilege, Kidnapping, Power Imbalance, Perverse Thoughts, Destructive Acts
< 2.2k words under the cut >
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Oh, Archon of mine, you know I am not a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly your proud soldier
Dear Tsarista, you know I'm so much dignified
But why do I have such a despicable desire for a pure soul
Please tell me Tsaritsa, why do I see her dancing there?
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?
In the dark night that the fake sky showed, the nation of Mondstadt sleeps quietly along with its visitors from a foreign land. The Fatui soldiers were all asleep and only Capitano remains awake in a place where he stayed in the City of Freedom. He remains to be restless as he stares at the burning hearth while gripping onto his sword’s handle tightly.
The Captain continues to sing a prayer of song to the Cryo Archon, he couldn’t close his eyes and sleep knowing he had much more to fulfill than his mission.
On the day he met you, he couldn’t forget how you stood up against him and demanded for a duel to save those wretched Knights of Favonius from his wrath. Despite being covered by the church’s garments, your body moves swiftly to dodge his attacks. Your face is bear for him to see and he could see your eyes glaring at him… he felt attracted to them and he hated himself for it.
He especially hates the pyro vision that hangs above your bosom. It kept him awake as he could recall how you glow like fire.
A fire that continues to haunt his mind, heart, and soul.
I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her hair
Is blazing in me out of all control
Capitano whimpers this part of the song as he crosses his arms and held his shaking shoulders with the most hurtful grip. His armored sharp fingers pierced through the armor and scrapes his skin as he continues to stare at the heart which had the fire shape into your figure. And behind the dark void of his helmet, his dark blue eyes stares at you with longing to hold you and yet his gaze also craves to thrust his cock deep within your tight walls.
The way his thoughts spiral between the threads of loving and lusting for you made Capitano shiver once again. How he hate the way he feels because such perverted scenarios he played inside his mind deprecates how he sees himself. As the matter of fact, he began to think on why not let such desires come true?
And maybe it was time for him to finally rest for the night, Capitano knew it was enough prayers to the Tsaritsa as it was undignified of him to let out those words come out. He puts out the fire in the hearth by piercing his sword through the burning wood, he feels frustrated about tonight’s prayers.
After all it was your fault that he feels this way.
Like fire, Hellfire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin
“Capitano, where do you think you’re going?”
The said man stopped in his tracks, he certainly didn’t expect to see you first thing in the morning and he quietly continues his song of prayer inside his mind. Then he turns to see you still covered as the Church of Favonius’ garments, and he wonders how you would look without them.
“Do you wish to accompany me if you are asking such questions?” He asks with a hopeful tone.
The way your eyes flicker in surprise but also has the glint of letting your guard down being deceive by how soft his deep voice had become. “Well, someone has to keep an eye over you Lord Harbinger, what if you harm Mondstadt’s citizens again?” You folded your arms shaping your breasts into the white garment you wear and the pyro vision waves slightly from the action.
By the Archon of Love’s mercy, Capitano is cursed with the bountiful visual he just saw and also blessed that his helmet covered his gaze.
“Very well you may accompany me Sister (Y/N).”
Your name rolls out of his voice as if he’s been practicing saying your name perfectly and he wonders when he could call you without the Nun title.
It's not my fault, I'm not to blame
It is the nun who wields her bow who sent this flame
It's not my fault, if in my Archon's plan
She made the devil so much stronger than a man!
Capitano hoarsely sings the prayer as he falls into his knees holding the sides of his helmet he couldn’t believe what just happened.
You two were just spending another day deep in the ice-cold mountains of Dragonspine to battle the Snowboar King. When victory came due to the tag team you two made, you suddenly hugged him out of the blue out of happiness. Your long wish to venture the mountains and fulfilled your inner child’s ambition to defeat the monster has been done because of the Captain’s help.
That was also the very first time that Capitano saw you smiling and laughing, those images will forever bury inside his mind. Unless he takes you for himself then perhaps every day, he could see you with such happy expressions that he stirs up.
When it was night and the time for you to part ways with him, you express gratitude for letting you fulfill a long wish as a child. You always had been a caged little dove by your family and you told Capitano of your prison despite being a Sister in the Church of Favoinus.
Little did you know that Capitano only wishes for you transfer from your family’s prison to his own.
And when you kissed the side of his helmet that was the last straw as it provokes Capitano’s darkest thoughts in desiring you. He slowly composes himself as he stands up from the ground, he grips the handle of his sword as he slams the door open. The heavy footsteps could be heard in the quiet night but none could ever wake up from this dangerous aura because the Fatui Harbinger only wishes harm to one person in this nation.
Capitano will have you and damn your Archon’s absence because he cannot protect you from him anymore.
Protect me, Tsaritsa
Don't let the nun cast her pyro vision’s spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
Destroy (Y/N)
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone
Capitano’s prayer is full of hypocrisy once again, because it was too late, the Cryo Archon couldn’t erase his feelings. You were to blamed for whatever will happen to you from now on as he continues to take another step towards the place where you sleep. The dark void in his helmet begin to light up as his dark blue eyes glow under the dark night of the fake sky.
And when you woke up, the sun isn’t the one who greeted you.
“Let me go this instant! I don’t wish to harm you… you’re the only friend that I truly had please don’t make me hate you Capitano.”
Your voice is filled with betrayal and fear, yet despite feeling those emotions you still linger to a thread of hope that Capitano will let you go. He admires how that even in this situation you would try to see the goodness in him. A goodness that never existed in the first place anyway, for what does that trait could even contribute to his duties as a Fatui Harbinger?
“Didn’t you wish to be free of your family? Didn’t you desire to get away from Mondstadt because you never felt its freedom? And didn’t you say that you want to be with me?”
Capitano had a tight grip on your arm which made you whimper, if this was a different situation, you would have said yes. The only time you ever feel yourself is when you’re with him but… why does it feel like you were just transferring from one prison to the next. You didn’t understand why Capitano suddenly began to change… or maybe this was always how he felt about you.
The vision that hanged below your neck began to glow, “I’ll never be yours.” You told him as your bow materializes in your hand to fight for your freedom.
And the Captain thinks about how cute you would look utterly defeated under him when you would soon realize that you never had any power to win against him.
Hellfire, Darkfire
Now (Y/N), it's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
Capitano’s prayer turned its direction towards you.
Blood dripped down from your forehead and cheek, they were cut by the blades of the First of the Fatui Harbingers, the Captain. The duel didn’t last longer than you had anticipated despite having a pyro vision, you could not last against Capitano’s honed skills as a fighter. Though defeated you still push yourself up from the grass field even if you were still kneeling on the ground. You look up to his helmet and found the twisted love in the dark abyss of his mask.
The tip of the Captain’s sword lifted your chin up gently.
“Do you yield?”
The situation is a déjà vu from your first duel with him but there is no honor in this fight, not when Capitano fought to utterly humiliate and incapacitate you. Like before, you never gave a verbal answer and turned the tides against him but now. How could you ever fight back when your pyro vision is out of your reach? It was on his hand threatening to destroy it.
“Please don’t.” You were helpless against him, no one would ever come to your help because he chose a place in Mondstadt where people would avoid going into. “That’s the only beautiful thing that ever happened to me in all my life… please don’t take my vision away.”
With your pride already stepped on, the only thing you could do is beg for his mercy but Capitano is confused why you would beg. The only answer he wants to come out of your mouth is that you would accept to be his and his alone.
Oh, Anemo Archon save her from me
Oh, Cryo Archon have mercy on me
But she will be mine
Or she will burn
Capitano notice how you were confused by his sudden prayer song when you didn’t give him an answer. He wants someone to save you from his monstrosity and yet if you would not love him, you will suffer. And despite having defeated you in a fight, his heart ache when you started to cry about his threats to destroy your vision. You were gripping onto his cape tightly as you continue to beg for him to give your pyro vision back.
He kneels down to your form and place his armored hand over your damp cheek, he slowly wipes your tears away. “Forgive me Sister (Y/N), I am a sinner in the eyes of my god but I would not regret the time we had spent together. I may be a monster in your eyes but in my own, I only see a man who desires your love.” Before you could even oppose he gently lifted up your chin and pressed his thumb against your lips. He wants forget how you made him feel because you would be happier without him but alas...
Capitano will never forget and now he wants to know if your lips would have a sweet taste.
Despite the hypocrisy of his actions and words, he is deceivingly comforting you because no one could get you out of this situation other than Capitano himself.
“I will forcibly take you back with me.” His tone turned dark and the ounce of fear you felt tripled.
“And I will never forgive myself because I will never give you a choice. You sought for freedom but I can never give that to you. So I will only propose to you only this once.” Capitano gently lay you to sit on the ground so it will be him to be the one kneeling now with one knee on the scorched grass field.
He then pierces his sword to the ground, he holds out his hand asking you to hold him, you took it of course out of fear. When you did hold his large armored hand, he was trembling despite the fact you could see how utterly composed he is for someone who had put you in this situation.
“Come with me, I wish not to dishonor your virtue by having only to defeat you in a duel.”
Never had you hear him so soft and gentle yet his tone full of desperation and his words were horrifying.
“Marry me (Y/N), and I promise you will not be caged like a bird. I will let you fly on the condition you will have me at your side at all times.”
Tears had fell from your eyes because you knew that your choice will be the one that will give Capitano the satisfaction of his proposal that is more-like a demand. “My answer is yes… I will marry you…” You didn’t voice out that you were just afraid to reject him.
And with your acceptance Capitano thanks the Cryo Archon for his answered prayer but most of all he dedictated his final ode to you.
Like fire, Hellfire, Darkfire… (Y/N) you are mine and mine alone.
~ End
A/N: Also if you guys haven't read the Nun!Reader series, some of the scenes there are parallel to the events that happened there :>
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yandereunsolved · 1 year ago
So I had this idea for a yandare oneshot about Kit Walker from AHS Asylum and I was wondering if I could maybe request it to you... It goes like this:
A yandere female nun who is secretly obsessed with Kit while he's an inmate in Briarcliff, so one day she goes to the extreme and assaults him while he is in bed or something
I would really appreciate it if you could shape this idea into a oneshot xxx
God's Design - ,, yandere fem. reader nun × kit walker
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tw(s): yandere themes, physical assault, suggestive themes, toxic religious ideals, dubcon kissing, semi-graphic gore word count: 2.5k a/n: thank you, anon! Hope I fulfilled your request correctly. :)
The halls of Briarcliff almost near cease their cacophonous noises: patients screaming at the top of their lungs, the pipes straining from being overused, the sound of the orderlies correcting someone, and the loudest of them all was the noise of God. That nagging feeling in the back of your head whenever a sinful thought came to mind. How tempting the devil had made those thoughts to your malleable mind. One moment you were praying with your rosary, and the next your hand was slipping down towards your frilly-laced underwear. 
It was an unspoken rule to never adorn anything provocative, nothing possibly pleasing to the eye. It was a rule that every nun held sacred. Not allowing men's eyes to stray was the woman's job. Those were the rules set within the pages of the holy book.
Despite that, all you wanted to do was make his eyes stray. From the first time you saw him, you could feel your determination crumble. That holiness within you began to shrivel up like a prune. You began wearing lingerie under your uniform, teasing yourself at night. You began fantasizing about what a night with him would look like. You had never been with a man before. You had promised that you would wait until marriage.
They call him Bloody Face, but he didn't have the eyes of a killer. No, his hazel irises encapsulated much more of a lamb to the slaughter, a spooked doe in the field of life. Those eyes have called to you since you first glanced at them. They were drawing you in like a sailor at sea. Only the sea you have yet to sail is one of the most forbidden ones—the seven sinful seas. All you yearn to do is explore lust, dip your toes into its waters, and relinquish control of your sails to allow the winds of sensuality to guide you. 
You sneaked peeks at him in-between your normal shift. You tried your hardest to suppress these bubbling desires. Every time you popped one another, a few would float to the surface. It was like a never-ending cycle of torture. Each peek and small exchange left you wanting more of him. You wanted to devour him entirely, to wholeheartedly feel him in ecstasy. You wanted to see those tears and puppy-like expressions directed at you. You didn't. You still don't want any of the other nuns near him. 
You sat at the foot of your bed for many hours that fateful night. You re-read many biblical passages to set yourself right. Losing yourself in your bodily flesh would be a great sin, wouldn't it? Your mind brimming with these detestable daydreams only led you to seek further counsel. You prayed to the highest angels and saints and to the great God himself for guidance on what was to become of you.
'1st Corinthians 6:18— Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.'
You repeated it quietly, with your hands ardently colliding together. The other night, there had just been a slip in your judgment. You hadn't meant to walk past his cell and feel your body grow hotter. You hadn't meant to skip your nightly devotional in favor of more covetous inclinations. You hadn't meant to slip on that white, satiny baby doll and admire yourself in it. You hadn't meant to almost break into his room and show yourself to him like a needy whore.
How vile! You recoil from your bedside at your own enervated nature and decrepit mind. The devil is tempting you and your womanly nature. You took a vow—an oath. You have to wait until your marriage. You have to wait for your man. 
He killed women after all. He is not a man of God. He is a man of pure sin. He is a man of cruelty and evil. He could be the devil himself, trying to tempt you into impurity. Yet you wanted to allow him in.
'1st Thessolonians 4:3— For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality.'
You read again. Your eyes are blurred as heavy droplets of your own suppressed sexuality bleed onto the pages filled with divinity. You were slipping. Are you losing your devotion to God? Are you losing your devotion to the cause of saving these twisted souls?
No, you assure yourself. This must be God's calling for you. He's telling you that Kit is innocent. He's compelling you to marry this man. He's urging you to find sanctity within his arms. God knows he is your future husband. That's why you feel this way! It has to be. 
In the next few weeks, you will begin to add Kit to your normal schedule. You assure the other sisters that you want to take on the challenge of caring for such a dangerous man. Sister Mary Eunice keeps giving you weird side glances and avoiding you, but you don't quite care. Her overall attitude has changed towards Briarcliff, but so has yours. You've found your purpose now. 
Every interaction with him fuels your desire to be his wife. You flirt with him subtly. When he gives you that curious expression you brush it off with a certain amount of charm and naive innocence. Your attempts at courting him are clumsy at best. Yet, it seems to be working well enough.  
You keep him away from Grace forever. They had been growing too close. They had been through too much. You planted fake evidence in her room so that she would get punished. You whispered rumors around her and sowed distrust in their once-inseparable bond. You make her life a hell of your own making. One even worse than the walls inside Briarcliff had given her. 
You saw the wedge growing in their relationship because of you. You planted yourself in her place, like a sprout replacing an invasive weed. You always slipped him extra food when it came time. You always read the Bible with him; he gave his life to Christ because of you. You both shared your most intimate secrets in the dead of night. Your relationship had grown to be something even God would envy.
That bitch just had to go and sow discord into your plentiful relationship.
You walked into the kitchen with a batch of dough that needed to set for a few hours. Your eyes widened in horror at what you saw, your pupils dilating to adjust to the lack of light in the kitchen. The large bowl slipped from your hands and crashed onto the floor. You turned around and bolted away like a frightened rabbit. You couldn't even stand to look at the scene for more than a moment. It was like seeing an angel get its wings torn off while falling from paradise.
That succubus was defiling your man. His head was thrown back in pure ecstasy—a dream in your head that you wanted to be between the both of you. Instead, that leech had him in between her legs. They were both in sync, their souls and hearts intertwined. It tore what little self-restraint you had to pieces. You could no longer wait for him to realize God's plan for the both of you.
In the dead of night, after both earned their punishment, you sneak into her room. A kitchen knife lies in your left hand, right behind your back. You'll stab her and make her feel the excruciating agony you felt. Every last drop of it. You enter her room swiftly with a slightly unhinged grin gracing your shadowed features.
She turns and gives you a surprised expression. Her stomach rumbles as she is expecting a bland dinner with as much nutrition as a wet rock. She blinks wearily as you move towards her. She seems apprehensive, but her body language is mostly relaxed. You were the one person who always seemed to be there for her. You were there for every patient. That's what made you everyone's favorite nun.
"Sister?" She calls out anxiously as she wraps an arm around her midsection. "Is dinner late? Or is this concerning my sterilization?"
"Oh, Grace." You murmur in a frenzied manner.
She backs away against the wall as her eyes dart quickly towards the door and back at you. You had locked the door, and your key was somewhere under your garments. She really didn't want to have to grope you to escape. Still, if you did have ill intentions towards her, she'd do whatever she needed to survive. 
"God gave me a Revelation. I found it in my Bible."
You move towards her and swing the knife clumsily. You were a nun, not a murderer. You weren't a murderer until your one true love came along. He just makes you a little unhinged sometimes. It's all in God's plan.
She stumbles back as her palms rest against the stone walls. Her breaths become frantic as her heart speedily beats. She goes into survival mode. A punch is thrown at you as her eyebrows furrow in concentration.
"What the hell! Doesn't your little book tell you not to murder or something?" She screams in a high-pitched tone, doing her best to possibly get someone's attention in this damned hellhole. 
She begins to shriek like a banshee as she fruitlessly struggles against you. Your free hand wraps around her wrist as you sink the knife into her throat. It makes a satisfying squelch as it slices through her skin like a knife through hot butter. She bucks against you like a wild bull as the sanguine fluid spurts out of her gaping wound. 
Another strangled scream escapes from her cracked lips. Her cries and wails fuel your murderous rage as your knife continuously sinks into her supple flesh. You stab, and stab, and stab for what feels like hours on end. You make sure she knows how much she betrayed you. How much she betrayed her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Eventually, her body and mind fail her. She slumps against your figure as the light escapes her eyes swiftly. Her soul is forced out of her body as she becomes a permanent part of Briarcliff. You giggle and smile as the knife digs into her heart. You carve it out of her chest and stab it for the umpteenth time. It squirts out more of her sinful, gooey fluid.
You stare at her limp, lifeless body. Your rage cools a few moments after that. You have no regrets. In the eyes of God you were doing something holy.
"I gave her time to repent, and she did not want to repent of her immorality." You state passively as you grimace at her corpse.
You'll clean yourself and then tell everyone tomorrow that a crazed patient broke into her cell and killed her. You are the asylum's perfect little golden nun, after all. No one will suspect a thing, just as they shouldn't. Visting her was only your first stop tonight. Your second and final, Kit's holding cell.
You slip through the darkened halls with a spring in your elated step. You stopped at your room to wash off and get rid of the kitchen knife. You slip into that precious baby doll as you put your coveted uniform over top of it. You smile in the mirror gently, your spirits as high as the heavens. 
Entire months now come down to these few moments. Your figure slips into his room. The poor thing is still strapped to his bed. Bruises line his toned figure. The paper-thin blanket barely covers his body. His thick, white hospital shirt ridding up, exposing his v-line and abs. His chest is gently moving up and down, calling to you.
You don't want to interrupt your man's slumber, but you need him to know the truth. You climb on top of his sleeping body. Each of your thighs straddling his side. One of your hands reaches down to his exposed stomach as you trail feather light touches over it. An overly excited giggle escapes your lips. 
It has all led up to this moment. Your meeting, your small talk, and your private moments. Those torturous minutes that turned into hours transformed into days in which you were barely able to see a glimpse of him. You spent all those nights praying for a man, and now you have the one that God meant for you. You'll make him forget all about that whore who besmirched him. 
"I wore something just for you, Kit." You whisper those honeyed words into the soft flesh of his pale ear.
You press a hungry kiss onto his lips as your nails dig into him. He bolts awake and panicks as his mind tries to sluggishly process what is happening. He struggles against you for a moment as his pupils dilate to adjust to the surrounding darkness. He recognizes you as his hands grip onto the sides of your thighs. A strangled groan escapes his lips as your assault on them doesn't stop.
"Sugah, slow down now." He murmurs gently with a purr escaping his velvety throat.
His lips don't resist you but return your fervent devotion to his. Everything stops in those moments as the world fades to black. There's nothing more to the both of you than two touch-starved bodies that crave an intimate connection. It was as if, in that moment, both of your hearts became one; your souls had found each other after so long.
Kit hadn't realized how starving he had been. Not just of mind but also of body. This pure sense of need wasn't something he got from Grace or Alma. Somehow, theirs was something corruptly desperate. Yours was nothing more than a divine and guttural urgency for his presence. Your movements were like those of a follower pleasing their divine being.
Everything that happened so far was for this moment. It was worth every single moment. It was worth getting caught with Grace. To see that absolute expression of anguish in those saintly irises of yours. He knew it would drive you right over the edge. He knew you wouldn't be able to resist him after that. He just wanted needed to have a pretty little nun save him from his sins.
"No, no, I can't. We were meant to be. I—"
Kit cuts you off as his hands curl around the edges of your uniform. He presses his forehead against yours intimately as he looks up at you with those doey hazel eyes. A short pant escapes his mouth as he tries to form words. It proves difficult because his entire being is yearning for the proximity of yours.
"I love you." He croaks out in pure bliss. His mouth moves from sacred lips down to the inviting nape of your neck.
God's design? No, it was his.
✎...ღ taglist: @coentinim @cxndiedvi0lets @nahoyasboyfriend @bluerthanvelvet444
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shadowworldwanderers · 1 year ago
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Madison/Tatjana Moodboard 1
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helluva-simper · 9 months ago
TV static: part 1
Part 2
here's my 1st Yandere Alastor series
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neyus-art · 2 months ago
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I want to thank you all for your support and hope you can still support me for Christmas 😇🤭 *Original non-meme image will be posted later!
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butchladymaria · 2 years ago
11, 12, and 16 for the violence asks!! I need to know
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
actually all 36 terms i have filtered are fandom-related lmao. honestly i use the filtering system as a way to clean up my dash. i sometimes filter a tag if someone i follow gets into a new thing that i’m ambivalent about or unfamiliar with. it means i can keep following them without seeing stuff i’m just not all that interested in yet but also (and especially) to avoid having something spoiled for me if i want to check it out in future! it also means that i can click the “show” button if i’m in the mood for something specific or want to learn more about it — go to their blog and just look for anything filtered :) this is literally the only way i know of to search a tumblr account for specific shit because the actual search function is Actually Useless Shit
16. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
man there’s so many picks here but i’d have to say annalise. she’s not unpopular as in actively disliked afaik, just more generally overlooked. i need to post more about her but like — she’s such a key piece of bloodborne’s themes around gender and motherhood and its a goddamn shame it doesn’t get talked about more!!! she feels like a foil to miss doll in many ways (editor’s note: i Went Off on this but it needs to be its own post, so rest assured i will elaborate lol). she’s such a goddamn tragic character. in so many ways it feels that she retreated into the role of the queen to cope with the loss of her people: there’s nothing left of her home besides that. she calls herself “we”, not “i”. she is the queen of cainhurst before she is a human being and it feels like a very visceral reaction to the bigotry of the church. she is trapped in the throne room in a nightgown — evidenced the fact that her portraits show her wearing period-typical gowns, and the attire she wears looks like historical sleepwear. it makes me fucking insane. she was wearing her nightgown when the executioners attacked. despite seeing everyone she ever knew and loved be butchered before her eyes, despite being reviled as a corrupted subhuman monstrosity, despite being imprisoned in complete solitude for god only knows how long, she still fucking demands your respect and i love her for it. she is canonically some flavor of queer on account of the fact she rejects your marriage proposal in an identical way regardless of gender. i am able to fulfill my fantasy of a beautiful vampire woman bossing me around thru her questline. what is not to fucking like!!!!
17. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
hands down probably the defanging of the women characters: chiefly maria, miss doll, and adella/arianna. like, i know WHY it happens (misogyny) but it’s still baffling to me. why are you making them waifus. follow up question is your taste honest to god just that boring, and if so get better soon. they’re so much cooler than that. shut the fuck up. maria is such a complex character and if i see another clown reducing her to some soft maternal wifey because… what, she was compassionate to the research hall patients and felt bad about doing uhhh *checks notes* A Whole Ass Genocide???? i will staple myself to the ceiling. like some folks will do the most absurd mental gymnastics to call a woman in any media maternal for the most basic things 😭. in a similar vein are the people who shit themselves to death trying to claim that she TOTALLY COULD HAVE BEEN a femmey little uwu housewife even though she has a canonical and marked preference for masc presentation, and actually a woman conforming to victorian gender roles and being attracted to men is an EPIC FEMINIST WIN, actually. usually this comes from cis and/or hets who are convinced they are personally oppressed because like 3 queers on tumblr said maria is a butch lesbian. having said that there are so many amazing artists and theorycrafters that when i was trying to link specific posts/art the list was actually a million years long. some people are annoying but MORE people are so cool and thoughtful and creative!!!!! shoutout to nishihii saintadeline butchjolyne and pretty much all the lgbtqs in the mariadeline tag, all of your work is like oxygen to me 💕 yall are amazing :)
it’s the same with miss doll. either their complexity is painted over by making her the butt of those insufferable sex doll jokes or they’re made out to be this pure innocent mommy/housewife. usually this is hand in hand with just blatantly ignoring the misogyny inherent to the dynamic between her, maria, and gerhman and i just have to wonder how anyone manages to so spectacularly miss the point. i wrote a forty page paper on this. needless to say it makes me insane. i’m also a big fan of YOUR theories on the matter for a different yet equally neat perspective :) also i think marble did a post on it but i cannot for my LIFE find it
also i cannot stress enough how lame it is that adella gets reduced to a flat stereotype. they took a violently traumatized woman who was groomed into loathing herself by the catholic blood cult and who desperately clings onto the hunter for showing her justo the most basic decency of not Leaving Her To Die and decided instead of any of that it would be way cooler to water her down into a “yandere”. same can be said for arianna. like istg if they were men ther would be ESSAYS. but then again if they were men their themes would literally not even be half as cool AND they couldn’t be lesbians so i am writing the essays myself. tl;dr i am absolutely OBSESSED with both @/jurasicass and @/undefeatablesin’s portrayals of both these ladies. finally some good fucking adella/hunter/arianna dynamics‼️‼️‼️
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