#yandere norman
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Yandere Platonic: younger sibling Ray, Norman and Emma with an airhead older sibling
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He does care deeply for his older sibling but because of their nature he is very harsh with them. 
He tends to scold them whenever they get hurt or forget something that’s very important such as basic human needs like eating or sleeping.  
Now this doesn't mean that he is always hard on them, in fact he is the one who helps them clean up their cuts they get when they fall or suggests that they do something together such as cooking or taking a nap to make sure that they do it and to spend time with them. 
He gives tough love to his older sibling, seeming as if he was the older one and not the other way around. 
If anyone were to negatively comment on their behavior, he would get them later. 
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He does take a softer approach to them than Ray does, but he is still strict when it comes to making sure they are safe and healthy. 
But he does help them as much as he can, like leaving little notes around reminding them to take something or do something that is needed by them. 
Since he is around them a lot of the time, he does help them to avoid accidents. However, when they do happen to get hurt, he does help them clean up any wounds that they might have gotten. 
Anyone who tries to speak negatively of his older sibling will be dealt with later. but at the same time, he makes sure that they never hear any of the negative comments. 
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They’re basically two peas in a pod, her and her older sibling. However, just because they are both rays of sunshine doesn't mean that Emma doesn’t help her sibling. 
Basically, they’re in this together or at least that’s how she wants them to feel. 
She does help them to remember things as best as she can leaving reminders everywhere just in case, they both forget  
She also makes sure that at least 90% of the time they are doing something together just so she makes sure that they don’t forget to do basic needs like eating and sleeping. 
When it comes to someone saying something negative about them, she is quick to tell the person off. 
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kittystarrz · 3 months
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Inspire by Norman Rockwell's self portrait
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24kvlaks · 1 year
Night time massacre!
Slashers x Asylum therapist GN! Reader
TW: Midnight Angst, Heavy Angst. Emotional Hurt! Manipulation, Lying,
(Slashers: Gabriel May-Hannibal Lecter-Norman Bates-Brahms Heelshire-Jacob Goodnight)
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Your plan was to get the slashers to trust you, that was what you were instructed by your peers and boss. And it was a hefty deal of money. And being a little middle class or below it, you needed the money. And when you were done you left.
Norman bates
His mother kept telling him it was a trick, utter buffoonery! But he didn’t listen, he insisted it was love. And that you felt the same way!
The way you would bat your eyelashes at him. How you’d lightly wake him up from his solitude.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you practically sticking his head through the bars as your feet tapped the cement floor of the halls.
He’d watch how you step, notice a pattern in your walks, grow shy when you’d pay attention and bring up what he said in far later notices.
One day he’d even take it up to himself to make you a mattress flower, ripping his mattress up with raw strength and shaping it into a flower with his teeth and peeling cement off the walls.
He planned to give it too you Friday, so you won’t have to come back the next day and think about his proposal while you were on your two day break.
But Friday never came, you weren’t there. He thought, maybe you were sick. Oh my! Maybe you were sick! You probably caught the flu. Maybe it’s pneumonia, god you could die! No, no, no, no, his precious angel couldn’t die before he confessed.
He didn’t sleep, he didn’t eat, he didn’t even listen too his mother. He thrashed out on his own. Growing agitated after days passed. Monday, where were you? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And on and on. He couldn’t fathom the fact that you were gone, Completely.
Hannibal Lecter (series)
He knew you didn’t care for him, he acted in such a job himself. He knew, oh god he knew, but he was so lonely he couldn’t help but enjoy the company.
He loved everything about it, from the clacking of your shoes as you stepped in the room to the way your eyebrows tilt when you were confused.
How you’d laugh at his stubble seriousness or jokes that were “so unfunny that they were actually funny because it wasn’t!” You stated.
Mesmerizing his favorite color, his phrases, adapting some of his manipulating habits.
He began to fantasize, creating this delusional realities of intimacy of you two in his mind while he slept uncontrollably.
He began to obsess, Thursday he mesmerized your schedule, trying to learn about you. But then Friday came and you weren’t there.
It was hard to keep up with time in the asylum so he just assumed you were off on Friday’s
Until you were off on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and back to Thursday.
Maybe you got hurt, best case scenario rather then the image in his head of you getting murdered by one of his enemies.
The image of you being eaten and cut up like he did to his victims, a piece of your jewelry hung up as decoration.
His mind became distraught, keeping his usually calm demeanor but eye bags were clearly shown. Agitation in his voice and hatred as he talked to the new therapist.
Gabriel May
For a while he didn’t trust you, he didn’t believe someone would try to understand a “parasite.”
He was utterly surprised when you called him Gabriel instead of “IT” when you called him by his normal He/him pronouns instead of “a parasite.”
He grew a little agitated at the fact that you made your way into his little heart, giving him more time then his sister to talk to him.
Letting him take turns to draw with his sister as if he was still a little kid.
Once you talked to his sister longer than you’d normally would, he’d show verbal aggression. Going occasionally silent, or making tiny whispers to his sister, threats of any kind.
He began blocking out his sister, so while you thought you were talking to her you were actually talking to him.
Learning what you’d tell her while she would usually block him out due to her command.
He’d wake up early so he could take control.
Make her hallucinate so she’d be scared and have a fearful nap.
Make her have extra long nightmares, just so she could complain about them to you which made him angry.
Watch as your eyebrows furrowed when you would talk to him and scold him about what he did.
But something that made his heart flutter is when you always forgave him.
Thursday he did it again, he terrorized her. And you scolded him and Friday he was supposedly going to give you his apology for attention.
But you didn’t come, maybe you were sick, it could only be a cold, right?
Maybe you left him, just like his mother, just like how his sister tried to block him out, just like how the doctors tried to take him out. Just like everyone else in his life.
No! You couldn’t have you promised said you would come back the next day.
Why would you lie? You had no reason too. You wouldn’t just abandon him, would you?
He started to listen in when his sister would talk to the guards. Hearing something he wish he didn’t.
No that can’t be true, they left.
Brahms Heelshire
He quickly became attached. As soon as you walked on the door, watching you eye the cracked up doll and him. Watching you observe the two.
Asking him normal questions and not pondering him to leave the doll.
Asking him how the doll was, did it chip again? You could help him fix it.
Those words were like music to his ears, as you fixed it, he was eyeing you down. Watching how your hands delicately took the doll from him as if it was a real boy.
Calling them both Brahms.
Saying hello and goodbye to both of them, complimenting both of them, acknowledging them. Seeing them as two in one. Instead of seeing the doll as some parasite.
Eventually Brahms behavior became more erratic more irrational. He was openly jealous, he always asked about other patients and what you’d talk about with them.
Angered how’d you actually talk about them in such a delightful manner.
Angered at how you had mostly male patients.
One day he took it to far, as you went to leave him stating “I’m off to another patient, have a nice rest of your day Brahms.” He flipped, the chains on his hands almost breaking as he tried to flip the table over it shaking as he used all his might eventually going so in the spam of little minutes.
He was punished, he wasn’t allowed to see you until Friday. So Monday-through-Friday he didn’t see you. He was driven crazy when you didn’t show up at the end of the week.
He began to get angry. Immediately he assumed you left him. How could you possibly love a murderous monster!? So foolish of him believing someone could actually love him.
You left him, without saying goodbye. Just like his mother and father and all the tiny bit off friends he had before he was locked away as a boy.
But he was going to promise you. “He’d be good, he will”
Jacob Goodnight
He didn’t see the evil in your eyes, you looked uncanny, you looked sweet.
You respected his beliefs and you never told him yours out of respect. You respected his mother.
You’d give him compliments about his different color eyes, about his height, about his cheeky smile.
You’d acknowledge how much he knew about his religion, you’d pray with him, even if it wasn’t something you believed in or was.
You’d compliment his Christ, you’d learn and admire.
Religious talks soon became random chats, you’d talk about random things Like God and the color of the sky.
You’d talk about your favorite colors, and help him figure out his.
Soon enough to your surprise he became obedient. Randomly, he’d do anything you’d say. Bow to your every wishes.
“Lift your left hand up and stick your pinky down.” You’d test the guards theory, and to your surprise he did exactly what you commanded.
He was obsessed. From the way you smelled to the way your hair was. Your eyes, your nose, your pointy ears.
He wasn’t exactly too bright to know your schedule. But he knew exactly what time you’d come.
He’d count, he’d create a rhythm. Just to know and remember.
One day after all that practice he finally learned his favorite color, and he was planning to tell you but it never came.
And days passed, and immediately he was angered. He’d attack everyone who tried to talk to him about you in a disrespectful way.
He’d pray for you to come back, and when that didn’t work he’d pray for you to be safe.
He couldn’t let you disappear without gods protection.
He’d repeat, “Dear Heavenly Father, Dear God. Please protect them, and if you wish bring them back to me.”
Disclaimer! I do not mean to be disrespectful of his religion I am a Christian myself! I just wanted to make it opt for people with other religions! <3
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lonleydweller · 7 months
Well aware of requests, but I would love your favourite slasher yandere hcs!
🥀Yandere Norman Bates hcs🥀
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THANK YOU THANK YOU ANON!! ^^ So excited to get a slasher request!! Sorry if this seems rushed I was just super excited to write it
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, spoilers for pyscho, stalking, murder, kidnapping, mentions of reader possibly dying
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● You're more than likely just another person passing through, staying the night, wanting nothing more than to sleep and be gone in the morning, off to your destination. Having gotten lost off the main road, after all, no one stops by anymore unless they've done that.
● He greets you with the same friendliness he gives most of his guests, ushering you in, offering you food. Quickly becoming enamored with you as soon as you walk in. Obsession festering from a simple small chat.
● At first your fate seemed like it would end up like the rest of the people Norman's shown interest in, dead by the hands of his "mother".
● However in this case by some miracle after bickering and pleading with himself, he manages to convince his other personality to not kill you. That you're different than the rest! Who knows, maybe even mother will start taking a liking to you.
● You're given room one, right next to the front desk if you need anything, walls so thin you can knock on the wall if you need anything. Thin enough to poke a peephole through. With you none the wiser.
● Then there's issue of you leaving.. he can't have that can he? It's unlikely he'd never see you again. The only person his mother approved of. The only chance at any kind of connection that wouldn't immediately end up as a body in the swamp. No, no, he can't let you leave.
● He'll make you stay, wether it be by begging, by slashing your tires, by locking you up in his home, or keeping what remains of you in his basement with the delusion that you're still there.
● If he dosen't take the most extreme option, you'll wake trapped up in the guest room of his home. With Norman doting over you, frantically trying explain and rationalize his actions to you as you scream and cry to be let go.
● He understands to a degree, but at the same time he dosen't. He dosen't understand entirely what he's doing is wrong, but he isn't oblivious either.
● As for example he's shown in the film to show some remorse about Marion's death, before quickly cleaning it up and hiding the evidence. He's aware it's wrong to some degree.
● He knows that the law and general populous would view what he's doing to you as wrong, but he excuses it in his mind. He needs you here. Its better for both of you this way. In his mind you just need time to adjust and you'll be fine. He just needs to be patient. That's what he tells himself.
● An escape wouldn't nesscarily be easy either. Not many people stop the motel, let alone Norman's house. There's no places nearby within walking or running distance. Then of course you have norman wacthing over you like a hawk, one that will swoop down and stop your plans, unlike the lifeless stuffed birds that decorate his parlor.
● You'll haft to walk on eggshells, while Norman tries his best, swearing he won't hurt you, who says his mother side won't get fed up with you? What stops him from killing you in a last dicth effort to make you stay? He wouldn't even see the difference. As long as he has your body, has the delusion in his head, you're still alive to him.
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Part 2 of the one shot.
Warning. Smut!
Yandere Norman Nordstrom x Younger Female Reader
Kidnapping and obsessive love.
Romance. Women loves romance. Norm smiled at the thought of you blushing and giggling. Maybe if he goes to the store and gets some fresh red roses. He doesn't use candles since he doesn't really care about perfume scented air much. So, he should get some too at the arts and crafts store.
Watermelon or strawberry scented candles. Both would be nice. Nodding in determination, Norm sat inside his Lamborghini and then suddenly an emergency alert came from his cell phone. Out of fear, it showed you running away from the mansion as you destroyed the bathroom window. All his windows were bullet proof except the window in the bathrooms because sometimes his security dogs would jump over them to come inside the mansion.
You slick cunning cock!
Gritting his straight teeth in anger, Norm drove as fast as he could while watching his cellphone screen. You were running across his large front garden so you can reach his neighbor's mansion.
He can make it. He then realized how dark it was and that the full moon gave him advantage to spot you from the distance.
Ungrateful bitch. He didn't rape you or hit you minus the times you attacked him. Like biting his tongue when he was trying to French kiss you. Or when you kneed him in the balls. Ouch. That Fuckin' hurt. It didn't hurt as much as the pain inside his chest. You broke his heart again.
You collapsed on your knees from all the running. Tch. Pathetic Norm thought. You were so damn spoiled and weak that you never exercised unlike him. You were not averagely healthy or athletic. He doesn't need his car. Norm turned off his car and jumped out and ran at full speed.
"Huh?" You looked over your delicate and frail shoulder to see your kidnapper! How did he find out?
You tried to get up but he tackled your lithe and supple body hard against the grass floor hard. You tried to scream but suddenly, he slapped you!
You yelped in pain and then stared up to see his handsome face looking at you in anger.
You clutched your face despite making the pain worse. You froze your resistance and then silently sobbed. You didn't want to make him more mad by crying loud so you tried to hide your hiccups but it was no use
Norm's beautiful blue eyes widened in shock. He stared at the back of his hand in disbelief. He hit a woman and not only that. The woman he loved.
He watched in pity as you slumped and didn't fight back as you cradled your injured cheek. If he wasn't sure ashamed of his harshness he would have thought of you trying to be quiet from crying oddly cute.
But, now he felt regret. Without a word, he slung you over his muscular shoulder like a sack of potatoes and you didn't kick or wiggled like the previous times you ran away but was captured.
You gave up.
And he knew.
He didn't mean to break your spirit. But, you were so scared to give him a chance. That was all he wanted.
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He went to the entrance of his mansion greenhouse at the center of his front yard garden. He kicked the door open and slammed you down on the floor to sit on your ass. You hissed in pain.
You looked up to see his powerful figure fuming and looking down on you. "Why?" He hissed through his teeth. "I gave you all my love yet you reject me. Why do you resist me? I'd die for you."
Your lips trembled in fear. Norm wasn't having it. He clenched his jaw.
"Why!?" He roared.
You flinched. "I..." You hiccuped and felt tears down your beautiful sculpted cheekbones. "I can't love someone I fear."
You saw that your words hurt him. A Navy Seal was wounded by a weak and spoiled lady like yourself. How strange.
"You don't get it, do you?" Norm's voice cracked as he looked away for a second and then you saw his saddened expression. Your heart burned at the sight.
"I love you, Dammit!" He punched the glass wall of the greenhouse. You yelped. You saw the glass shatter and his fist bloodied. "My life was better before I realized you exist. You ruined my life!"
You sniffed. "I am sorry, Norm." You looked at the ground.
Norm sighed in exhaustion. He then crouched down on one knee to your level and grabbed your chin gently despite smearing your chin with his blood from his injured fist.
You blinked in curiosity. He smiled a little as he unbuttoned his shirt. You couldn't help but stare. His top body was carved like Roman sculptors of Ancient Greek Gods. Ares especially. The God of war.
Holy shit.
You ogled. Norm liked that look on you. He knew you were getting horny. But his body was not all he had to offer you.
There across his chest was bold calligraphy letters of your name. How long was it there?
He did all this for you? He was serious about you.
He grabbed your hand gently and placed it over his heart.
It was dominant and strong like his body and personality.
"I can't control the pace of my heart whenever I think of you. Pity me at least." He pleaded you with large puppy blue eyes.
You felt your womanhood wetten and your throat dry. Is this love?
Norm was waiting for your response. To his surprise and pleasure you leaned your beautiful face close to his pink dry lips.
"Same." You whispered.
Norm couldn't believe his ears. This was a dream come true. You kissed him. Holy shit.
Without a second, Norm kissed back with fever and he grabbed your head and lashed his tongue inside your mouth.
"You're mine now." He ripped your nightgown off. Surrounded by plants in the open air being watched by the full moon was a fairy tale where you lost your first time.
After done, Norm carried you bridal style to the bedroom he shared with you and while you were spent, he drove to the emergency room for stitches.
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smilessssss · 1 year
Yandere Norman Bates H/Cs
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His obsession for you is a really unhealthy one. The second you showed up at the motel Norman knew he wanted you.
Once you got checked in, he gave you room number #1 for obvious reasons. And like a pervert he’d watch you change. His thoughts of you would become more lustful due to seeing you in very vulnerable situations.
You couldn’t go through a day without feeling watched. It wouldn’t help that Norman would watch you sleep too. He would like to touch your hair while you sleep.
When you showered he’d sneak into your room and would watch for a bit. Then would steal some of your stuff, clothes, undergarments, and hair brush.
But one day you found out.
Of course he was worried that you leave him, who would want to stay at a motel with a creepy pervert manager?
And he didn’t want you to leave. So when your packing your stuff, he’d snuck in and knocked you out.
He felt guilty for having knock you out but if it meant you wouldn’t leave him he didn’t mind. He wouldn’t tie you up, but he would keep you in a locked room. He would only tie you if you keep trying to escape him.
He doesn’t understand why you would want to leave him. He loves you very much so why don’t you? He’s so caught into the delusion that you love each other and you’re just playing hard to get. Which he doesn’t enjoy.
He would somewhat manipulate you into feeling sorry for him.
His mother doesn’t mind you, doesn’t mean she exactly likes you. She’ll probably warm up to you.
Forces you to kiss him. Forces you to show any sort of romantic affection to him. It only feeds into his delusions.
He would see you as this little bird who needed his help and guidance. And he would do that having you locked away from the world like a little caged bird.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
could I request a yandere alphabet for norman bates? -🎂
Yeah I can try! Been awhile since I've seen Pyscho though so things could be a little off.
Yandere Alphabet - Norman Bates
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mentions of DID (Norman/Norma), Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Jealousy, Blood, Murder, Horror themes, Obviously unhealthy behavior, Kidnapping/Imprisonment, Isolation, Clingy behavior, Trauma implied, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Normally Norman seems to be charming yet timid. He seems to care for others, especially his obsession. Norman is very reserved, however.
Norman seems friendly and sympathetic. Yet he hides a much darker persona. Even his obsession still has to be approved by "Norma" before Norman can pursue them.
Norman is unsure how to show affection towards you at times. He knows his mother has approved of you yet still struggles on how to deal with his feelings. Eventually he'll figure it out and he comes off not too intense.
But there's always the threat of him becoming worse due to Norma.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Norman? No.... Norma? Yeah. Norman himself doesn't really want to get messy, yet he is perfectly fine with cleaning up after mother.
So any murders of those around you are most likely due to Norma while Norman cleans up the blood.
Norma's just looking out for her boy....
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He wouldn't mock you and may try to treat you well. Obviously how he treats you isn't normal... but he tries to care for you "as a man should."
Mother thinks you'll be perfect for him... as long as you listen to him.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Norman tries not to, he wants a mutual respect between you.
... unless you try to leave him, that is.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Norman himself is rather submissive yet secretive. He'd probably struggle at first to explain how he feels. Yet you are definitely a vulnerability to him.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Scared. You are the only one mother has approved of. He doesn't like the idea of losing you.
Norma most likely will stop such rebellions.
No and he'd hate it.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The murders and seeing him as "Norma" the first time I'd imagine. For the most part he tries to be calm and caring around you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He isn't really sure... but it's most likely something oddly innocent like dating or marriage.
In reality you are in the clutches of a man who desperately needs some sort of psychiatric help.
Yes but he isn't quite sure how to deal with it. He won't have to for long anyways since Norma deals with the issue quickly.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Obsessive, Manipulative, Protective, Jealous, Caring, Submissive, Suffocating and probably Volatile and Possessive as Norma.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
You probably met him at the Motel, intending to stay the night or a few nights. Unfortunately... Norman's obsession develops fast.
The moment mother gives him permission to approach you, he goes for it eventually.
It takes him a lot of time to get the confidence to approach you... so he mostly watches you from a distance or a hole into your room.
By the end of your stay you aren't leaving.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
I assume so. Norman himself doesn't change too much but he's always hiding Norma.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Locking you in a room would be Norman's method... however, Norma may get more intense.
Norman hates hurting you, even if you did something "bad." Norma will do whatever is necessary to make you repent for hurting her boy's heart though.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Norman tries not to take many but it's bound to happen.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Surprisingly patient but overly anxious at times.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Norman would not... in fact somehow that would break him even more.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little upon seeing your reaction but he would not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Childhood, Curiosity, Trauma, there could be many reasons.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Concerned and he tries to comfort you... even if it does not yield results.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Playing along before maybe trying to convince another motel visitor to take you away.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Norman, no. Norma, maybe.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere and would cling onto you to make sure you never left him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He doesn't really pine, his obsession is fast acting.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
By accident, yes.
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helpfandom · 2 months
prompts 15+20 for norman bates?
Changed it a little, just so it fit better. :D
@lonleydweller for introducing me to him.
tw: Religious mention, suicide mention, nakedness but non sexual.
🥀15. "I cut the phone line. I knew you'd try to call someone.."
🥀20. "I thought you'd know better by now.. looks like it's back to square one."
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Rain, pitter pattering down your windshield, blocking vision and making roads slippery. Naturally, as a good driver, you slowed down, turned on your lights and kept slowly driving until it was safe to stop, stopping at a place called, "The Bates Motel". Well, the rain wasn't going to make driving safer, so you slowed to a roll and stopped in the parking lot.
Looking around, the place was desolate, lonely and a little decrepit, but still useful for it's purpose. Just... look around the bed before slipping underneath the covers.
Going inside the office, wood creaking at the doorstep, you go inside, eager to find shelter to sleep and escape the rain. No one's there. The bell rings from a hand touching it, and still, no reply.
Looking outside, the house upon the hill has lights on, no sound to be heard over the roar of the rain. Perhaps...? Hitting the horn in the car, just three times, as so not to be too rude, perhaps they were simply lulled to sleep by the rain.
The door to the house opens, and a man runs down the steps, haphazardly carrying an umbrella as he runs. "Sorry! Sorry!" He yells as he nears you, a small, apologetic smile on his face.
"We don't get many visitors, and well... I didn't expect one tonight." He says as he fumbles with his umbrella whilst attempting the door. Opening the door yourself as to help him, he whispers a thank you with a smile upon his lips. "T-thank you."
He slips into his comfortable role as a helper and seems far more comfortable now that he's in his natural role. "A- a room?" You nod, "Yes, the rain... I didn't want to drive at night with the rain." He nods in an understanding, "That's quite fair, let me fetch a room for you, don't worry, although we don't get many visitors, we-" He coughs, "-I, regularly clean the sheets, that way no nasties come in."
A smile appears on your face, after all, who says "Nasties"? How odd. "Oh, let me get your things! I'm so sorry I'm forgetful." You wave him off. "No, sir. I got my things right here, I got them while you were coming down from the house, that way it would be easier."
A smile quirks upon his face. How... nice of you to do that. "O-oh. Thank- Thank you." He seems to be taken aback, but quickly he slips on a familiar mask and readjusts. "Well then, Here's your key, Cabin one for the first cabin. Or if you want another you can have it, twelve cabins, twelve keys."
You gush, "Oh, no, it's okay mr.??" He chuckles, redirecting himself. "Bates, Mr. Bates, but call me Norman, Mr. Bates was my father. Before he died." He coughs, recognizing the uncomfortable situation he created. "Ah well, go unpack your things in your room, I'll whip up some food for us."
As he goes to leave, you hand him his umbrella. "For the weather, Norman." He clucks his tongue, realizing he almost ran out into the rain. "Ah, thanks." He smiles at you and begins his trek back up to the house.
Smiling to yourself, chuckling at such an odd, forgetful man, you bring your bags into the motel room. The door creaks and the floor whines with the pressure of weight put upon it.
The room smells of bleach, emphasizing his statement earlier about cleaning, and so you open the window, hoping that the wind from the rain might bring down the smell of cleaning agents. The rain has now died down and settled, leaving petrichor emanating from the ground.
Yelling comes down from the house, "Mother! They are nice-" Not wanting to eavesdrop, you focus on your baggage instead, setting them down and getting some clothing out for sleeping. Picking up a stuffed animal that you always carry with you, you set it to the side for you to sleep with later. Of course, it's hard to tune it out when it gets louder. "But Mother, They care and it's not-"
"I don't care Norman! God didn't give you a sibling!" Turning away from baggage and towards the bathroom, you begin to inspect, looking up and down the walls for creepy crawlies, but there are none, and so your sights are set onto the bed. "But it might be nice to have a friend here, more than just you! You can get cranky-"
A huff from you and a rough slam of the door upon the hill can be heard, and you turn your attention back to the door, exiting your cabin and watching the man hop down the stairs with food in his arms. As he nears, a newer smile comes upon his face.
"Ah, I got some food for you and I, since it's late, and you're likely -hun-hungry." "Thank you, Norman. That's very nice of you." He nods his head, gesturing to his parlor, or rather, his office door. "Mind opening the door?" Clicking your tongue at yourself, you open the door for him, letting him slip into the room before you closed the door on the both of you.
He pushed open the door into a parlor of sorts, and set the tray of food onto a table intercepting two seats, gesturing for you to sit down before he does. Looking around, a lot of taxidermized birds rest on the walls in action poses, looking above you.
He seems to notice this, "Taxidermy, a hobby of mine." He says, laying down a plate in front of you while grabbing a plate for himself. "Ah, do you like birds?" He shakes his head, "No, they're just more common and easier to form, to shape into a form more pleasing." He smiles at his sentence, looking at you in such a manner only described as leering.
Taking a bite and swallowing roughly, you decide to mention what you overheard. "I happened to have overheard you talking to your mother, I had opened my window to air out the bleach-" he cuts you off, waving a hand. "Don't worry about my mother, she's just a lit-little... cra-cranky, today." You clear your throat. "Ah, okay."
Silence drifts down into the conversation as you eat, looming over the both of your shoulders.
He coughs, clearing his throat, "Do you think that p-p-people like soulmates exist? Some swans kill themselves after their p-p-partner -partner dies, so what do you think?" Looking around, you notice each stuffed bird in the corner, watching this interaction with dead eyes and a dead body. "Well, maybe, if it's really meant to be." He smiles at that, happy with your answer.
Silence settles again, and yet, it's unnerving, being worse than a comfortable silence, or even an awkward one, but it's rather like a forced one, not meant to be there.
Swallowing thickly from food, you finish you meal with a last bite and a drink from milk. He looks eagerly at you, "Did you enjoy it? It's momma's cooking!" Nodding, as so not to insult him. Putting the plate down, you stand up, stretching a bite and forcing a yawn.
"Well, it's quite late, I must go to sleep now for traveling later." He nods, a look flashing into his eyes at some of your words. "Ah, right. I understand, sleep well." Turning, you just barely miss a light flash in his eyes, an idea popping into his mind. "Good night, Norman."
Walking back into the room he gave you, it's hard to shake off feelings of unease, everything seems to set it off, the creaky floor, the whining door... You take the clothes you set on your temporary bed, and put them down, then realizing it better to shake the rain, and hopefully the feelings, off with a shower.
Shedding your clothes and stepping into the bathroom, you close the door, feelings of some sort ceasing now. Hopping in, you set the temperature to your preferred one, cleansing yourself.
Walking out with a towel wrapped around your body, you eagerly slink into your sleeping clothes, eager for warmth and comfort of clothing. You put the suitcase aside and slip underneath the the covers of the bed, body naturally huddling itself for warmth before stretching out and relaxing.
The night is quiet with wind, faint wind chimes in the distance tinkling together into a melody.
The soft covers slowly warming your body, warmth seeping into your muscle and bones, slinking into your spirit.
It feels... nice.
The wind chimes paired with a creak and a whine, it makes for a nice harmony-
a creak?
a whine?
Eyes snap open to see Norman above you, just before he swings his hands-
Your eyes flutter open, not recognizing what unfamiliar texture lies beneath their home, an alarm ringing throughout your mind. What? You tilt your head in all directions but not a single inch of what you see makes sense, none of it familiar.
The sun peeking throughout the window implies it's dawn, and it's through dawn's early light that you see Norman sitting beside you in a wooden chair. You twitch involuntarily upon seeing him, rattling the bed frame currently tied to you with rope.
He rolls his head up, waking with you upon hearing the noise. He eagerly smiles as he blinks the sleep away from his eyes. "Ah! You're awake! I know it- it make take some getting used to, but you'll fit right in with me and mother." He tilt his head at you, staring into you.
A moment passes.
He claps his hands together. "Well, I'll have mother whip something up special for us, after all, it's not everyday that a sibling is returned to family!"
You say nothing, watching him leave and talk to Mother, going down the stairs. You keep at it, jerking your hands and feet as much as you can to attempt to loosen the ropes binding you to the bed. You hear stomping up the stairs, a loud, high pitched voice telling at you. "Quit that racket!" A gasp, "Mother! Be patient, it's rough moving from one place to another. They're just a little freaked out, but that's okay."
It's tough trying to maintain both Norman and Mother, with Norman's new insistence that you call him 'Brother' and her screeching at you when you make too much noise when Norman, the vessel for her, insists on being inside to do some 'family bonding time', and how Mother has to wash you, clean you, make sure you're healthy, all while Norman's eyes and body does this all.
It's been two weeks, and although something is off, today, Norman is gone, and has to be gone, a... reporter or detective has showed up, and now's your chance. He's trusted you enough to change out sheets and clean the motel, leaving you to your devices for just long enough to find a telephone while looking through the house.
Once you watch the other person enter the office, you dash to the room containing the telephone, desperately calling 911, but only a dead line remains.
A creak from behind.
"We cut the phone line. She knew you'd try to call someone... I didn't want to believe it, but Mother knows best."
He grips your hair in harsh vice grip, pulling your head back, dragging you down, not caring for the harsh bumps has he drags you down stairs. He throws you into a room with harsh, cold flooring.
"I thought you'd know better by now... looks like it's back to square one."
He slams the door, and despite your pleas, doesn't open it. You turn around, and find her, Mother. Kept there in a chair like a taxidermy doll.
A threat to you too.
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Motel , (1/1)
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Norman was only ever my colleague starting to work in the bates motel with him ever since i lost my job, i always found him to be a sweet guy, he always made my day even if he was strange.
Y/n’s eyes roamed over the motel and it’s lobby. “Shift today,” she mumbled to herself, “Y/n?” I heard Norman, i turned around and smiled at the male. “Good morning Norman.” I politely greeted, he smiled back just as, “We have the same duty for today.”
I looked up at Norman, nodding at the dark haired man, wrapping my apron around me when we made it downstairs. “It’s fun making coffee for a bunch of people, hopefully i don’t burn my hand.” I chuckled softly, easing any unwanted awkward tension between us both.
I recalled the day i first met Norman before when he let me into the motel being in the shivering cold, only to end up working here with Norman ever since.
“You know - i ran the motel alone for a long while..” Norman spoke, it made you feel a bit bad. No one liked being lonely after all. “Why? Is it because it’s a bit far from town or..?” “No not - that.” He muttered, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck as he thought, “You know i just really wnjoy your company.” I felt a bit shy as he stated, i tucked my bangs behind my ears. “You do?” Y/n spoke.
He nodded softly, confirming her and his words reassuring. He looked down, he felt embarassed. But he’d wanted to confess to her. Badly, but he never had a chance to do that. Ever. Not with how much stayers here or visitors flirted with her all the time made his blood boil, it took out alot from him not to attack them afterwards. But she’d only think he was a monster, and he loved y/n. He didn’t her to be scared of him. No, they were supposed to be in love.
It was how it worked in his own mind,”Hey,” One of the people who stayed here showed up to the counter. By then orders began to fill up both Norman and Y/n,
He was so absent minded he bumped into another person, “i’m so sorry -“ “What the fuck is your problem?!” The man groaned loudly, clearly impolite.
The curse had alot turn to stare, y/n staring herself. “What’s going on here?” She placed down the tray and walked over to be beside Norman. “What the hell is your problem, you’re really impolite.” Y/n quipped quickly, stepping up to the rude man. “It isn’t my fault for this loser not watching where he’s going bitch-“
The man exclaimed. His hand tightening around her wrist, her eyes grew frantic. Norman clenched his fists in anger, “Let her go.” The man turned around, Norman reached into his pocket slowly, his hand shook. He couldn’t do this. Not infront of her
“What are you going to do about it then, boy?” The man bellowed twice, making norman’s anger rise more, your wrist was red from the man’s harsh grip. Norman pulled you over to him, the man leaving the place angrily,
“Y/n..” Norman mumbled quietly, looking at her. Seeing her slight tear in her eye, “I’m sorry. I can close up the Motel for today,” She looked up at him, anxiety was built up in her. She held herself, “It’s okay norm, really.” She mumbled her own nickname for her male co-worker,
He walked over back to her room though,”Y/n?” He called out for her quietly in midst of the night.
“Norman?” She opened the door, looking at him. Rubbing her eyes, “What’s wrong?” “I closed up the motel for a few days, i wanted us to rest and- i wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me tomorrow so we could have like a picnic, to makeup for today?”
It made her confused why he ever wanted to makeup, it was that dick’s fault. Not his, she smiled though. “That’s fine.”
It neared her bedtime though, Norman studied y/n ever since the day she got here. He knew the dainty female was the only one genuinely ever kind with him, but his obsession with her grew by day since she was here, it was beyond him whenever she explained to him how much guys dumped her all the time when she had the beauty of a model to him in his eyes and perspective with gentleness of a feather she was his own angel. His own nickname for her, Angel.
But he still had something to be taken care of before he would go out with her, making his way upstairs, he hidden what was in his pocket, not yet out. Not yet, his face wiped off any emotions. With the key to all the rooms, he picked the door open. His eyes landing onto the disgusting man who hurt his y/n.
Of course, he would always murder someone; the body gets found. No one ever suspected him, he knew this was probably going to cause a smell like all the time due to the rotting corpse.
Making his way near the bed. The man woke up with a loud ear piercing scream that shook the walls of the room. It was too late, blood oozed out of the man’s neck, coming out the mouth, “You hurt her,” Norman gritted out, his knife jabbing into the man’s stomach. Making him choke on his own blood, “You HURT her!” The knife twisted into the stomach, reaching the insides, Norman twisted the knife even further and left a big gash. For a list time the knife lodged into the man’s cut open stomach, Norman shoved the knife back into his back pocket, clicking his tongue at the dead man across him.
He made his way back downstairs anyways, his eyes widening and his form freezing halfway when he spotted Y/n walking alone down to her room after presumably getting herself some water, he ran back into his own room, disposing the murder weapon and clothes before getting into the shower, shaking, he saw his hands. The adrenaline in him was calming slowly, the events of today,
“Norman?” I mumbled, opening my eyes to spot his all too familiar figure by the door holding something behind his back, “Y/n.” He completely forgotten about the picnic anyways, he only wanted to be with her. “Why are you here so early- i..?” Norman only got closer to the bed.
“I just wanted to talk to you,” He glowered a bit, “It’s just about um - well.” The irritating sound of a phone ring pierced both you and him. It was your sister.
“I’m so sorry - i’ll talk to you in the lobby in a second. - hello?” You held the phone up to your ear, unaware of the disappointed Norman.
“It’s been a while y/n, where are you though? I miss you sis.” It was always her own way of talking, i smiled, “I’m at the motel,” “Oh, don’t tell me that shady one too?”
I clicked my tongue softly and grinned. “No, it’s not shady it’s the bates motel.” But she didn’t take it serious, “Is it that boy with the mommy issues, the crazy guy? Or is he your boyfriend?” She mocked.
Her nature had always been a bit hotheaded, unlike you. “He’s a really nice guy, rachel, really!” “Yadda yadda-“ She disnissed. “Mom and dad aren’t here i thought it’s fun i’d stay somewhere before my trip honestly. To that motel, i wanna see you.” The night was going to be a long one, and you didn’t assume Norman thought bad about it, “Norman?” I tapped his shoulder as he put something away. “Y/n?” He uttered, “What’s happened?”
“My sister had been wanting to stay here a bit,” Norman’s face dropped a bit, “I just had hoped you hadn’t mind her coming here. Is it okay?” He nodded hesitantly yet hid it. “I’m fine-“ “Y/n!” Rachel gasped. Hugging you and dropped her luggage all over the floor she startled the Female.
Norman was far from happy. He picked up the dropped luggage, seeing your attention shifting to your sister as you hugged her back and all, he frowned.
“Is this him?” She spoke, looking the dark haired male up and down, “It’s just Norman.” He retorted back, but she had only rolled her eyes. “Sure, do i have a room yet?” “Yeah it’s this way.” Y/n led her kin to the bedroom, soft with her movements.
Norman’s blood boiled every day, every minute it could be exagerated to every second he saw this girl with his y/n. Y/n didn’t have her attention on him anymore because of that impolite incel. And he hated it,
So he waited and waited, waiting. It was only a matter of time before he gripped the same weapon he always used, the pocket knife. “Where’s y/n?” She asked him. Texting someone on her phone, Norman frustradedly tightened his grip on the knife, “It’s all your fault.” And she turned, “What?..” “it’s all because of you!” He raised his voice, hand clenching into a tight fist. “You took her! You stole y/n away from me!” His knife landed into her shoulder, holding her down when she screamed, “I’ll make you pay for this” he grunted. Knife detaching from the shoulder, landing fatally straight into the jugular. Her eyes went wide, blood poured out immensely out the neck after the knife was dragged, screams no longer leaving the lifeless body at all, but this was enough.
But it was wrong, very wrong of him. “Here’s the coffee y/n.” She smiled up at him, sipping it out of the cup quietly, eyes on the counter, feeling a bit weird, “Norman..” Her legs began to numb.
He had the face of a guilty kid, “I’m sorry y/n.” Dread filled her expression, legs aching like hell. Eyes drooping, he drugged her.
Y/n pushed herself up against the railing but fell infront of the door, eyes watering. She cried meekly, hands reaching and tugging against the doorknob, But Norman dangled the keys. She squealed quietly when he flipped her on her back, she saw stars. Not believing Norman would do this, her stomach dropped. Heart sinking, she rested her head against the wooden floor in tears, giving up.
“Shh..” His hand reached into his back pocket. Drugging her yet again, the rag covering her nose, blocking her from inhaling anything but the chloroform. He saw her chubby cheeks, wet with tears.
“It’ll all be okay y/n. I need you with ms.” He broke, “Your mine. Y/n-i can’t let you go..”
“I won’t ever let you go.” He whispered.
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stumacherstan · 1 year
hey could you maybe do some yandere norman bates headcanons? If not that's fine and have a nice day or night
a/n: i have no idea which version we’re talking about soooo use your imagination!
yandere!Norman Bates Headcanons:
one of those yanderes that emotionally manipulates you all the time
guilt trips, gaslighting, needy, clingy
you know everything that has happened to him, why are you being so mean
Norman craves your attention a lot
btw you’re a victim of the hotel
like you were supposed to stay for three nights and ended up staying a life time
since he’s clingy, he forces you to be with him
when there’s clients around, he locks you up and tapes your mouth so no one can hear you scream from the distance
however with the clinginess, he adds cameras in the rooms to keep an eye on you
Norman has to make sure his lil baby is safe in his house
he’s a good doting house husband
you don’t get to lift a finger! maybe he expects dinner but he’ll wait until you’re more comfortable
now Mother makes things hard and weird
but Mother feels like she can’t do anything to you
you don’t treat her son well. he does so much for you! and you’re so unappreciative of Norman
she just can’t do anything
you wish Norman would come back when Mother is out
Mother stares you down with a knife in her hand
Mother yells and throws things at you
She gets mean and nasty but whenever she’s about to end it all for you
she just starts crying and she can’t
Norman typically comes out a couple hours of later
and it never happened
Stockholm syndrome set in
Norman is still the house husband but the house spouse and house husband dynamic starts
you start helping out with some house chores
and Norman cannot be any more happy that you’re making more than small talk
Norman is still a gentleman nonetheless and doesn’t force you to do anything out of the ordinary, like i said househusband material
always tells you how much he loves and needs you
always happy to see your face allll the time
cuddles you at night
happy he never has to deal with other people when it comes to you
you’re his property! forever and always :)
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creepyyanderegirl · 10 months
Yandere Norman Bates Alphabet
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A=Affection (How do they show their love for you) 
Hugging,holding,cuddling, hand holding, caressing, stroking, kissing
B=Bound (How much do they share with you) 
Tells you everything
C=Cruel (How do they punish you) 
Isolating,silent treatment, force feeding, takes things, holds you
D-Desire (How long until they take you) 
1 month
E=Even (To what level are they dominant) 
Same level as you
F=Future(What are their future plans for the two of you) 
Get married
G=Gifts (What do they give you) 
Pillows,blankets, food,sweets,stuff animals, clothes jewelry
H=Hell (Worst experience with them) 
His punishments and angry moments
I=Insane (How insane did they get because of you) 
J=Jealous(How easily do they get jealous) 
Kills anyone ho flirts with you
K=Killing (How do they handle killing) 
Swift and quick
L=Language (What is their love language) 
All of them
M=Manipulation(What could you do to get your way) 
Act like you love him,sweet to him,show him affection
N=No (To what strength would they go for you) 
Hed do anything for you
O=Obsessed (How obsessed are they with you)
P=Pet names(What do they call you)  
My sweet,my love,Darling, love,princess,my flower, hunny ,angel, cutie, beautiful
Q=Quit (How would they act if you died) 
Keeps your dead body and plays pretend
R=Runaway (What are your chances to get away) 
You'll be back soon
S=Stalking (How good are they at stalking you) 
T=Type  (What type of yandere are they) 
Caring,Sweet,Delusional, Insane,Stalker, Possessive, Obsessive, Isolating, Jealous
U=Unique (Different from other yanderes) 
He's very delusional
V=Vine (How would they feel if you fought back) 
Your just playing and you love him too you just want to play it's fine
W=Will (Would they do anything against their loves will) 
X=X-Ray (How much do they keep hidden from you) 
Nothing really
Y=Yearning (How much do they want you)
Z=Zzz (How do you two fall asleep together) 
Holds you closely
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months
(Updated) Base Yandere Norman Bates Headcanons: Mother Approved (Psycho Movie)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins, Now I am pretty sure that I have done a Norman Bates one from the movies in the past at SOME Point. So this is the much-needed update, Anyways please enjoy This!
(Disclaimer: Norman Bates is not a Yandere in canon! He is mentally Ill in canon! This is just for fun, and not supposed to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes Are Not Ideal Partners to have in real life, neither are slashers!!! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!!!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Norman Bates From The First Psycho Movie-
.Norman has mommy issues that is for sure.
.His mother was not a good mother at all. She was abusive and was one of the main reasons that Norman had DID
.Norman loved his mother very much, and he wanted to be with her in a way that was not good. (The Sweet Home Alabama)
.He did end up killing his mother and her boyfriend.
.He made it look like a murder-suicide and this was the first time he switched to his alter Norma.
.He has three personalities, Norma, is the most dominant one. Norman is the less dominant one which is most likely his true self. and Normal which is his least dominant one and just keeps the motel making money and such.
.Norma and Norman would get into fights where Norma won most of the time.
.In comes you, you were something that Norman had never seen before, staying at his motel, he knew that he wanted you, and so did Norma and Normal.
.If you were a female or AFAB Norma says you are the only good girl and that they had to protect you.
.If you were a male she would say similar things that they had to protect you from this cruel world and all those terrible sinful women.
.Either way, Norma approves and they ALL Agree that you are theirs and theirs alone~
.They do everything to keep you at the motel, breaking your car to start with so you cannot leave, all the way up to locking you away in their house.
.They have a hard time sharing you, Norma and Norman get into arguments a lot about who can have you and make you theirs.
.They tend to be selfish about who can have you the most.
.They also do not hide anything from you.
.They would also kill for you with ease.
.Any woman that spent too much time near you was as good as dead.
.And any Man who got too close to you and had an interest in you, was also good as dead.
.They were extremely protective and manipulative as yanderes. Using Norman's shyness and meek personality to get closer to you.
.To easily manipulate you and get their claws into you.
.Norman is the one who is sweet with you and tries his best to protect you from Norma aka Mother.
.He does not want her to lash out at you, as he knows you do not deserve it, you are the only good.
.Norma would be the one to use Physical punishments to get you to behave, she calls Norman weak and that he is not worthy of you.
.She would be the one to decide to lock you up so you cannot leave them.
.Normal is the one who takes care of you more or less, making sure you eat, and apologizing for the other's. He did not want you to hate them for what two of them did.
.In the end, they would end up sharing you, but Norma would be the most controlling.
.If they did have rivals, those rivals would be good as dead.
.Norma being the part of their yandere mind trio is the one to kill them.
.They would confess to you, and if you said yes, they all would take turns kissing you.
.If you say no, Norman starts to panic, Normal is in shock, and Norma well she takes over, knocks you out, and then she locks you away.
.You want to be a brat and reject their love? Well, then you can be punished.
.You will learn to love them one way or another, mark her words.
.They all agree that having you as their love is the most important thing and that nothing can get in the way of that! Nothing at all!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, this one I wanted to take it in a new way because if Norman was Yandere it could go with him just being yandere or his alters being yandere. So I went with the latter. Now I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
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creepydixon · 1 year
dark!Daryl kinks
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warning: dark themes, younger reader, r*pe thoughts, kidnapping mentioned, loads of issues, blood, sthlm syndrome, size differences.
• He likes haunting you. Weather you like it or not, he likes chasing you down. It gives him adrenaline, knowing he will get his price either if you like it or not.
• Holding you locked up. Having you chained up. Ropes. Whatever that makes you not able to move.
• Messing with your mind, making you believe that you need him.
• He likes holding his knife at your throat while you ride him.
• May or may not try to make you cry. It turns him on.
• He likes being called “daddy” but he mocks you for it too. Do you have such daddy issues you call a crazy man “daddy”?
• forced you to call him daddy
• (if you are kidnapped by him) He gives food after you give him a blowjob.
• May or may not having a walker chained up that is close to you when you two have sex. He loves seeing the fear in your eyes.
• That’s another way to mess with your mind to think that you need him.
• If you have been good (not trying to kick him off, punch him, spit on him, etc.) you will get cuddles and praises. Soothing you to sleep.
• Sex in the forest is cool, especially if you’re all naked while he is fully clothed.
• He likes to cum over your belly. Might turn him on for a round 2.
• He bites. Not gentle. Very hard. Maybe to see you bleed.
• During the night he might need you to warm his cock. Might not wake you up.
• Seeing your belly swell up bc of his cock. Makes him go slower to just look at your belly.
• Thinks it is cute when you say “stop” or “it’s too big”, you’re adorable.
• Force you to hump on his leg.
• If you have been good (you have cum, shed a tear, called him daddy, etc), not only will you get cuddles but you get to decide next time when you two will have sex. But if it takes more than two weeks, he will have sex with you.
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lonleydweller · 6 months
yandere norman bates hcs? Specifically from pyscho 2?
🥀Yandere Norman Bates (Pyscho 2)🥀
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This was very fun!! I love pyscho 2, I went Wild writing these 🫶
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, major spoilers for Pyscho 2, mentioned murder, mentioned violence, obsession, obssesive thoughts, kidnapping, guilt tripping, manipulation
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● This very much changes things. It's 22 years after the events of the first movie, he's been declared sane! After spending over two decades in an aslyum. So he's been set back out into the world, left to adjust by himself. His social worker occasionally checking on him.
● He's dropped back off at his home and the motel, the place where the issues started. He's given a job at a diner nearby. He could meet you a variety of ways, maybe you're his co-worker at the diner like Mary was, maybe you're a regular to said diner, or perhaps you meet him at the motel once he starts running it again.
● He seems harmless enough, sure maybe he's a bit akward, a bit jittery, and people give him odd stares and whispers, but it's fine! Right? And it is fine. At first. A friendship starts to bloom. Norman handles it relatively fine. He's not entirely alone now, he has you, Mary too if considering the events of the movie.
● Then things start to shift. Norman seems almost too eager to see you, stammering over his words more than usual, desperate to make you stay and talk a little longer. Maybe you could stay the night at the motel? Or maybe his house? It's been so long since he's been there after all. The source of all his pain. He'd probably need some company the first few nights, yeah?
● Norman manages to catch himself as he starts to have escalating thoughts, almost going through with stalking you. Returning to his old habits of gazing through the peepholes in the wall. Thoughts filled with you. He holds back. What is he thinking? This isn't right! He knows it isn't right. It's wrong in so many ways. He shouldn't be thinking these things. He's supposed to be better now. He knows better now.
● Was he really losing it again so quickly? Was he ever really better? What if his other personality resurfaced? What if he hurts you? What if he kills you? Or anyone for that matter. From then on he's conflicted. He wants so desperately to cling onto you. To try and ground himself in reality. Yet he also wants to push you away. To shout at you to run leave, to run as far as you could. It wasn't safe for you anymore.
● You may notice Norman become slightly more distant. He'll still talk to you of course if you approach him. He'll just stand a bit farther away from you, refrain from much pyshcial contact, and cut conversations short. It's for your own safety.
● In the privacy and his own home, he's panicking. Why won't the thoughts go away? Why can't you go away? Why won't you get out of his head? Why can't he just be a sane person? No consolation from Mary will help. The guilts eating him alive. The issue only compiles when the harassment and murders begin.
● The phone calls and notes taunting him, claiming to be his mother. The mysterious murders happening again. The movement around his house. He had to be loosing it again. He killed all of them didn't he? Right? It had to have been him. He failed. More innocent people are dead because of him. He descends farther and farther. Mary certainly isn't helping by much, having gone too far to undo the damage her and her mother's scheme have done.
● Norman's behavior with you reflects this. He seems oddly frantic. Grabbing onto you but quickly letting go. Trying to stall you but also being hesitant. Urging you to stay away but also seeking you out the next day. You're the only person he can rely on now. You haven't betrayed him like Mary. You haven't left him. You haven't hurt him. Yet what if he hurts you? What if you end up like Marion? He can't stand the idea.
● Then of course we reach the events nearing the end of the film. Norman's given into insanity, talking on the phone with his mother when there's no one on the line. He's back to square one. Snapping after all being bombarded with harassment and framed for murders he didn't commit.
● Of course you wouldn't know that. Nor would the public. Or the cops. To everyone it seems like poor norman had been harrased and Mary had killed all those people, and had tried to attack him. Part of its true of course, but there's more put of the public eye. Leaving Norman to succumb to the thoughts in his head.
● With Mary dead due to police gunfire, and Ms.spool dead courtesy of Norman snapping after she confessed the murders to him. It leaves only you.
● Things seem to return to normal. Norman becoming friendly with you again, but in the back of his mind his mother personality returns, encouraging his obsession. He goes forth with his stalking, following you, hovering around you.
● Anytime you try to leave he'll plead and beg with you, guilt tripping you. Surely after everything that's happened you wouldn't be so cruel as to abandon him would you? You wouldn't shun him like a monster would you? Don't you get it? He needs you here!. Of course if you decline.. he'll just offer you a sandwich.. and a shovel to the back of the head.
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Upcoming Yandere.
You have an Instagram follower who liked all your selfies. Since your beautiful face had many admirers you didn't know of your yandere follower.
Norm Nordstrom was an ex marine and was slowly going blind due to age and stress. Thanks to you, he decided to get eye transplant. He will go insane if he can't look at your cute face.But, you have to pay the price since he paid lots of cash for the surgery.
You owe him. He decided to not only kidnap but impregnate you. You shouldn't have tempted him
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ethanthespookymonth · 8 months
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Skellington School AU- Nightmare Before Christmas Next Generation!
Y/N Skellington: Jack and Sally's child
Lock: Middle child and leader🔥🖤
Shock: Oldest🪄💜
Barrel: Youngest 🍭💀
Jack Skellington: Father of Y/N and the head of Skellington School💀🖤
Sally: Mother of Y/N and secretary of Skellington School
Dr. Finkelstein: Science teacher
Mrs. Finkelstein: Wife of Dr. Finkelstein
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