#yandere nakahara chuuya x reader
hopelessdazai · 3 months
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✿ 》 To Hold or Be Held?
╰⧼ 🪻 note.. ⧽ ; writing witj this many characters was scary . pls ignore any typos or errors or mischaracterisation im learning. reblogs appreciated!!
╰⧼ ☀️ features.. ⧽ ; Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Nikolai, Fyodor, gn!reader ( fem terms in fyodors and mentions of boobs in nikolais parts )
╰⧼ 🌙 contents.. ⧽ ; fluff, cuddles, all those nice things, nikolai being nikolai, possible mischaracterisation
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dazai doesn't have a preference. he enjoys both being held and holding you for the same reason. when he's holding you, he's holding on tight - part of him is still scared you're gonna leave him if he gets too comfortable. and if you're holding him he always finds himself melting into you, his hands shakily gripping at your clothes as he smothers himself against your chest. he adores how your hands find his hair and comb through it. if he puts all his weight onto you, you can't go anywhere, right?
".. 'm sorry .. don't get up, just five more minutes. I'll be good ..- you're warm .. 'm sorry.. "
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chuuya prefers to hold. be adores the feeling of you in his arms, it makes him feel like he's protecting you from the known - blanketed by his strong embrace. he traces 'I love you's on your back knowing you're too comfortable and sleepy to know what he's writing - his thumb writes his name into your hip when you think he's just rubbing circles. little possessive things like that, just to quietly manifest that you stay with him. he can press a gentle kiss to the top of your head and tease you for being so clingy ; even though he's holding you tight too.
".. you need the bathroom? .. you can hold it, jus' stay with me for a while longer .. I love you .. pretty thing you are .."
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atsushi prefers to hold. while he won't ever deny being held, usually he finds himself pulling you on top of him to keep you in his embrace while he takes a nap. your head on his chest and his arms resting around your waist, while he gently purrs to soothe you to sleep with him. he hasn't been able to take solo naps since you've been around - and he knows you enjoy resting with him too, anyway. so what's the harm when he tugs you over to the detective agency couch and asks you to take a quick break? you've both been working hard , after all.
"let's have a quick break, okay? we can stay finish everything later .. you're gonna exhaust yourself out, sweetheart .. just 10 minutes .."
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akutagawa prefers to be held. he'll never admit it to anyone, especially not to you. but you can see the way he relaxes and sinks into you when you wrap your arms around him. the way he takes a long exhale and his shoulders deflate as your hand traces a certain spot on his back. he likes listening to your heartbeat, he likes knowing you're alive and with him for who he is - and not what he can do. he's still learning to love and to trust, but it's a little easier when it's by your side. he hopes you wont leave him, he'll work to impress you as he grows.
".. what? no, I'm not falling asleep. you're imagining things. you .. mm .. can you do that again ?"
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nikolai doesn't have a preference. he's like a big dog, despite his size he'll absolutely lay himself on top of you and nuzzle into your chest. if you have boobs then he won't be moving for a while, so kiss your oxygen goodbye. whenever he wants to hold you, he's not really one to ask ; he'll just drag you over onto him or use a portal to drop you into his lap, then he's clinging to you and whining desperately whenever you try to leave. he's just big and clingy, but can you fault him? he finds you so comforting.
" .. where are you going? no! you can't leave .. do you not love me anymore ?.. why do you wanna leave !.. just stay with me .. thank you .."
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fyodor prefers to hold. if neither was an option, it'd most likely be that. but he regularly asks you to come sit on his lap while he works. a small whistle as he turns his chair, patting his thigh - and he'll wrap an arm around you to keep you close. he's not too affectionate, and too much touching before your marriage repulses him. but he'll learn to deal with these little moments for a while - it gives him his energy back and helps him with a little push to finish his work so you rest together.
" .. зайчик .. come here. no, I'm not finished. just come. don't be disobedient , now .. there we are. good girl."
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queer-n-here · 29 days
What if what if-
Yandere bsd characters x Male reader who is also a yandere??
Yandere Dazai touching himself knowing he's not alone because reader is watching him?
Yandere Chuuya thinking he'll be top once he's with male reader (reader can kidnap chuuya, or Chuuya kidnapped reader) but was proved wrong.
Yandere Jouno being sadistic but male reader is also a sadistic.
I'll be honest with you and admit I couldn't envision the Jouno part of this ask for some reason... If you really want that one, can you please send in another req specifying a bit more?
Anyways, hope you like the other two!
Contents: Yandere!bsd x Yandere!reader headcannons
Warnings: Smut, top male reader, masturbation, kidnapping.
Osamu Dazai
Fuck, you were obsessed with him.
And fuck, he was obsessed, too.
You'd been tailing him for a while, and being as smart as Dazai was, obviously he knew. You never even made special attempts to hide it.
Today, as you return back to your usual stalker routine, watching Dazai from your usual spot, you notice one thing stranger in his body language.
He's lying on his bed as usual, but around this time he's supposed to be snoring like a pig, not rubbing his thighs together, hands gripping the sheets beneath him, eyes half-lidded.
You swallow unknowingly, a sudden thirst blossoming in your mind, along with the urge to the just dive into his room and fuck him senseless.
Dazai pants slightly, slipping off his shirt and unbuttoning his pants at a pace so slow you wish you could egg him on. Sweat lines your forehead as you watch him half-strip, and then lay back down right where you can get the best view.
Fuck, you think to yourself, Dazai knows his advantage.
He reaches down, slowly, caressing his thighs, his own torso, and even if it's his body being caressed, you feel yourself being the one getting teased here.
You grit your teeth, willing Dazai to give you the show you wanted with every pore of your existence.
And after enough dilly-dallying to make you crazier than you are already, he does, slipping his hand between his legs to take hold of his dick and pulling it out. He starts stroking slowly, the foreskin moving with his hands, his breath hitching at the pleasure.
You feel your own pants grow tight, your cock struggling against the fabric as you stare, mesmerized and hypnotized, at the man on the bed.
Dazai jerks himself off, his hand moving faster by the second, his other one clenching the bed sheets beneath him so tight his knuckles turn white. He throws his head back, baring his neck, and moans wantonly, arching his back.
It's almost like he thrusts his chest up when he does this, almost like he knows about your obsession of his body, your constant desire to worship it with your own two hands and cock and mouth.
Knowing Dazai, he probably does.
He whimpers, the mere sound enough to send a jolt of warmth straight to your crotch, your brain scrambling to wonder how many other godly sounds he can make.
And when he finishes that night, collapsing back on the bed, chest heaving with each breath as cum splatters onto the bedsheets and his pants, you wish you could follow, wish you could somehow get release from your throbbing cock, but you know that the only thing that will come to your aid is your own hand.
Dazai, breathing hard on his bed and half-smirking in satisfaction, knows that too.
Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya miscalculated. And you, squinting open your eyes with your hands tied up behind your back, couldn't help but want to laugh at it.
He was standing right in front of you, long hair tied up behind his pretty head and arms crossed in front of his chest, smirking slightly as he realized you were coming to.
You half-wanted to give him what you knew he wanted, to look up at him with big surprised eyes and ask him how you'd gotten there, what that place was, what Chuuya was planning, blah, blah.
But as you looked up at him, your brain still slow because of the tranquilizer, you couldn't help the smirk that slipped across your face.
Chuuya doesn't know what he's gotten himself to.
An hour later, he realizes half-heartedly what was going.
You are buried in him, balls deep. And he's totally in love with that feeling.
Even with fat tears rolling down his face because he's so stuffed full he almost can't breathe, Chuuya pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and burying his wet face into the crook of your neck, thighs shaking and ass jiggling as you continue your onslaught on his asshole.
Your cock pounding in and out of him so perfectly, rearranging his insides to it's own shape, making him lose control of his moans and cries. Oof, he loves every second of it.
He can't fathom why he thought he'd be the one fucking you, obviously not. He was meant for this, meant to be fucked senseless with his wrists pinned down on either side of his head, meant to have chest kissed and bruised through by your lips.
Fuck, it might not be anything like how he'd imagined his first time with you, but it'd be a lie to say he didn't love this.
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newroseanna · 1 month
Warning: Sexual themes.
He grabbed the back of your head slamming it into the pillow as he hammered his cock into you from behind. You damn bitch you like that isn't it?" He huffed out and he used his other hand to grip you hip making it easier for him to thrust into you. "You were practically begging him to rail you. B-but guess what? No one will fuck you the way the way I fuck you." You were a moaning mess not being able to form any coherent words. "Nobody will ever make you feel the way I feel." He's thrust were becoming more vigorous and rough. He was slam his big cock in and out of you like there's no tomorrow. You tightened around him signalling your about to cum. "S-shit just like that.." He moaned. You came with a broken cry as he continued his brutal fucking. After a couple more rough slamming, he finally came deep inside you. Maybe you should get him more jealous next time.
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lukall705 · 1 month
Can we make NOT romanticizing and normalizing Yandere and pretty much any type of toxic or unhealthy relationships a thing, i'm so tired of trying to find chuuya fics just to see "Yandere chuuya x reader!!" Shit come up, like no chuuya wouldn't rape and beat the shit out of me if i tried to break up with him.
its so annoying when a ship w two character is toxic and people just call it like "Toxic Yuri!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍" like its a good thing and that its hot. I hate how 'normal' its become to have unhealthy relationships is, its not hot that your bf or gf doesn't let you have friends of the same gender, its not hot that they make you tell them where you are at all times and its not hot that they try to control your life.
Can we normalize calling out weirdos who post shit like "I want a gf who would lock me up in her basement" "Stalking him to make sure he isn't cheating or talking to any other girls" "Killing any girl that tries to come near him>w<!!!" You're admitting to wanting to commit crimes! Being a yandere isn't hot, kidnapping, murder, stalking ect isn't hot!
And i have a feeling this might also start an argument like the post i made about incest writers🤦‍♂️ i dont wanna see anyone even trying to excuse this type of shit
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cryslut · 7 months
Yan BSD Men - Lengths
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「 Fyodor ~ Chuuya ~ Dazai ~ Tetchou ~ Jouno ~ Nikolai 」
- in which the bsd men cast go to certain lengths to be with you
- gender neutral reader
- content warning: yandere themes, mentions of: manipulation, torture, murder, mental, emotional n physical abuse, etc
(some of this may potentially be out of character)
not proofread so possibly grammatical errors.
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↳ Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fyodor is one of those men who just love to play around with what is his. When he sees what he wants, it will be his. And that goes for you. Since he's very calm in any situation he ends up in. He happens to remain his composure completely around you. You belong to him. You just don't know it yet.
The things he does just to get you to be his is almost anything. He doesn't show his emotions all while doing so either to throw you off if you ever noticed or took hint what was going on.
He found his way to manipulate you into joining alongside him in the 'Rats in the House of the Dead'. That way he'd be closer to you than he was before, which mostly consisted of him stalking you from time to time. He had to keep an eye on what was his after all, right?
He eventually took action into his own hands, he wanted to get close to you as much as he could. He just had to draw you in. So the best way to do that, was for him to drag you around wherever he went doing whatever he was doing. Almost like it was your newest job and it had to be done and fulfilled by you, being his newest partner.
You of course obeyed his every word, cause he was your boss after all, and you had to obey him. Plus the chance of a lifetime was being able to work alongside him as a partner. At least that's what everyone thought and what everyone strongly truly believed. You however didn't have a full opinion.
But Fyodor knew this and he would soon make you believe the same. Pulling you in more and more. Wrapping you around his finger until eventually you really fell for him.
But in the meantime, he's just going to have to stick to what he's been doing for a while. Keeping you around as much as he can. Making sure you're safe. And best of all make sure that he can make you his, he wouldn't stop until he achieved this after all.
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↳ Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya has lost a lot, and knowing this fact he was solely convinced of the fact that he would lose you too. So this made him very crazy when it came to you. He would find any way to make sure you were around him at all costs.
After joining the Port Mafia, he grew a strong interest in you and eventually you two were paired up for an assignment so this gave him a window of opportunity to get closer to you than he was before. On said assignment, he made sure you were okay at all times but all the while trying not to completely show it because he didn't wanna seem like he cared too much.
Chuuya overtime had such an unhealthy obsession with you it drove him insane. Seeing people trying to get near you really drove him towards the edge — making him want to kill said people. If someone hurt you or attempted to, they would get their ass handed to them. He'd always be there for you for certain things.
He'd try not to show it but eventually it would through his actions when those that get in the way that were a threat would disappear without nearly any trace. And those who tried to do anything bad to you, he'd either blackmail or just kick them to the curb. He's super overprotective overall.
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↳ Dazai Osamu
Dazai like his usual normal self is very flirty with you — and seems just overall sweet like his usual self. After you joined the Armed Detective Agency, getting to work with the brunette haired man, it came abundantly clear to himself that he was really fond of you. He was starting to have deep strong feelings for you that grew into an unhealthy obsession.
This led him to doing things just for you. He'd of course keep you safe, he'd find whatever ways he could to protect you. He's a confident man so his confidence really hid the fact well — that he was doing everything in his power to keep you for himself. His protection turned into manipulation. Then his manipulation turned into a violent need to hurt those who you always got into fights with you.
He's able to persuade you in any way and you fall for it everytime. You fall for his tricks, his lies, his manipulative behavior, everything he does though is for you, right? His need for you is his reason for his need for blood shed and doing things you would never imagine him doing. But again, it's all for you.
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↳ Tetchou Suehiro
Tetchou is a little different than the others, he doesn't seem like he'd be into anyone but he grows quite the thing for you. After you ended up becoming apart of the hunting dogs, he admired you for your hard work and dedication towards the cause. He also admired you for your strength and your abilities.
But overtime this normal admiration turned into him being in love with you, obsessed with you. This man is more of a strong need for justice type so he doesn't use murder to get with you. He doesn't use lame tactics like manipulation either.
His admiration went from obsession which meant he would be very overprotective over you, making you feel safe with him more and more — in case there was never a fight you couldn't handle, he'd be there to protect you. He'd be there to help you through it. He tends to get himself closer to you by spending more time with you, alone time to be precise. He'd take you out on little friendly dates for brunch or something of the like. These dates were more than friendly for him — as for you, you weren't aware.
He'd make you help him train which in return he'd help you train. Making you stronger so he'd make sure if there was ever a moment you needed to be safe — your strength alone would be enough. In case he wasn't there to protect you, to help you.
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↳ Jouno Saigiku
This man looks so sweet but on the inside he can be quite sadistic in nature, enjoying the thought of messing with his victims in the worst way. This is usually the case with criminals — but when he met you, this quickly changed. He didn't really care who it would be, he would hurt whoever just about got in his way of you two being together.
After you joined the hunting dogs, you got close with some of the members and he was fine for a while until eventually an obsession grew for you. His undying love sunk in and he became the worst.
And if you did something he did not like that would upset him, he'd keep his normal composed attitude in the light — his very dark hint of his personality however was there, you just didn't see it. If you don't do what he wants he will threaten it out of you. He will find any thing he can use to his advantage to get you to be willing to do as he demands.
It could be threats to your loved ones, to you, to your friends, to anyone you deem close to you. He will threaten and blackmail you to his hearts content if it gets you to listen.
His other methods would also include hurting you. Torturing you in any way he could. Whether that be mentally or emotionally or just physically if it ever got to that point. He'd mostly mess with your head. Psychological torture was best fitting because he wouldn't want to hurt his beloved, now would he? He'd be so upset if he ever had to lay a hand on you but he always tried his best not to.
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↳ Nikolai Gogol
This man is so cheerful at times and it throws you off a lot. He always has to question you alot and annoy you with his usual quizzes. He was like this towards you when you first met him. After meeting Fyodor and becoming a member of the Decay of Angels — he found you quite the interesting one.
That little small interest eventually grew into him having strong deep feelings for you, and he realized this too. Overtime his quizzes got more frequent, his happiness got more loud and obnoxious. He was around you way too often. He practically clung to you. You just brushed it off as Nikolai being Nikolai.
But eventually when the jealousy kicked in when it came down to you, the rage did too. Anyone who tried to harm you, threaten you, or even flirt with you — this man did not like it one bit. Every single person who flirted with you disappeared. Every person who would harm or threaten you — would soon meet a terrible fate.
This man would constantly use his ability to torture them while laughing as it was happening. He didn't care cause he was doing it all for you. It was all because he loved you, he adored you, he wanted you, he needed you — and he was gonna have you.
He wasn't going to stop there until everyone who was an obstacle in his path would be gone, would feel every ounce of pain he could give them. He'd mess with his victims mentally and physically with his ability. Asking trick questions just so they felt like they'd got the answer right but in the end they didn't and he could hurt them all he wanted.
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baby-tini · 4 months
Ok ok more dark skk poly with their little pet PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need more, how would they treat them when they behave? Are they ever nice to their little pet and treat em good? Is gentle petting or are they continuously rough?
Of course of course babes
- They absolutely can be nice, they love their little pet, you're prettiest when you're mentally intact after all
- As long as you behave you're gonna be fine, Chuuya makes loads of cash, and who better to spend it on then his pretty pet? Dazai doesn't make much but he has surprisingly good taste when it comes to clothes. He picks out the prettiest collars too.
- You sit pretty on the couch while Chuuya makes you dinner and Dazai cuddles you, calling you his pretty kitty. Brushing your hair and petting your (faux) ears. Laying little kisses on your cheek.
- While Chuuya is the stricter one, he's not nearly as mean as Dazai can be. He makes sure you're well taken care of, waiting on you patently. Chuuya's the more responsible one, he cooks and cleans. Cleaning your collar, polishing the diamonds because only the best for his pet.
- Chuuya usually picks out your clothes because he has an eye for what looks good on you. The prettiest lingerie, the softest ears, cutest tails and even prettier collars.
- Soft sex is common as long as you behave and play nice, they'll rub your little clit, prep your pretty cunt and softly slide down your throat. Dazai will rub you over your panties and make you cum. You're so pretty when you cum, and he'll give you praise-filled kisses on your neck and head. Brushing away your tears and cooing at you to "be quiet before you wake Slug."
- They're the sweetest when they bath you, Chuuya rubbing you down with the best smelling lotions as Dazai washes your hair. Throwing in a couple bath bombs and bath salts. They'll even carry you out if you're sleepy.
- They'll dry you down and put you in the softest, comfortable clothes they find before cuddling you too sleep.
- Individually their aftercare is good but together!?!? It's amazing, their soft and will make you drink atleast two cups of water and get you a snack. Showering you in praises worthy of importance. Together, cuddles are the best. I picture Dazai to be cold and Chuuya as someone warm. So it's the best of both.
- Chuuya sleeps closest to the door because his ability is combat ready... but Dazai keeps a loaded gun under his pillow. They know being around you puts you in danger and they'll lay down their life for you and each other.
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
Can I request yandere fyodor, Akutagawa and chuuya with a fem crybaby reader? Like they don’t try to escape or break any rules they just sit in the corner and cry out of fear while trembling.
Oh, that sounds kind of fun!
Characters: Akutagawa, Chuuya, Fyodor
•He always feels so bad
•He's not as good with words, so he just hugs you
•After he kidnaps you, he feels incredibly guilty
•He doesn't like how scared you are
•He tries to look on the bright side, at least you obey him?
•He has no idea what to do while you're shaking and crying in the corner, so he just kneels down infront of you and pats your head, kissing your forehead
•He tries to be really sweet, but probably accidentally glares at you while you're crying, making you cry harder
•At this point he's panicking he tries to pay you again, but pats you a little too hard and hits you 😭
•He attempts to apologize, but don't forget, it's also Akutagawa so...
•He apologizes but it seems like he's not really sorry because of his apathetic face (he is sorry)
•So the whole thing would end in chaos, him panicking and you in tears, but that doesn't mean he'll ever let you leave
•For the first little bit, he just comforts you
•He'll kill whoever made you cry
•Or, if you have anxiety or something, he'll just hold you to his chest and comfort you
•It doesn't take long for him to kidnap you though
•He can't stand to see you so sad all the time
•Don't worry though, he'll protect you from this cruel world!
•He takes you to his mansion
•He locks you in the basement
•He planned ahead, he got you a gorgeous room down there, a nice bed of your favorite color, cute plushies (if you like those), all the accessories and jewelry you could possibly want, and whatever decor you like
•He hates how scared you are at first, of he wanted to hurt you, he wouldn't have gotten you this gorgeous room
•No, no! Don't try to get away! Why are you so scared? He won't hurt you!
•He holds you close as you cry and sob
•He hates being the reason you're crying
•The worst part is, you're being good! You haven't done anything to deserve how afraid you are!
•He absolutely hates how sad and scared you are, but He'll never let you go
•At first, he just find you an annoying, weak, crybaby
•He's low-key mad he fell for you
•Eventually though, his views on you change
•You're so nice to people, you're too pure for this world, and so, he kidnaps you
•He likes to play around with you
•He see's how hard he can make you cry, how to cheer you up, what you act like when you're at your lowest, ect.
•He's not purely cruel with this, he also likes to see how long he can be around you and be nice before you cry over something
•He loves how obedient you are
•If you're crying over something stupid, or that he deems dumb, he'll just leave you there to cry depending on how good you've been
•Since you're typically obedient, he does sometimes comfort you when you're crying over dumb things
•If you're crying for an actual good reason he'll always comfort you
•Sometimes he feels bad for how much you cry, especially since you're such a 'good girl' as he calls you
•He doesn't often show he feels bad unless you pick up on the subtle, accidental hints he gives
i hope you liked this! I had a lot of fun writing this
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spacexseven · 1 year
Subordinate Reader: *grabs mic*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Dazai* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Chuuya* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Fydor* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Akutagawa* You're cool
Akutagawa: *thumbs up*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Mori* and fuck you I'm out
*throws the mic at Dazai's face*
contrary to what you may expect, dazai finds the whole thing amusing, at least at first.
singling him out in front of a crowd, to him, shows just how much you must be thinking of him. since your message doesn't register in his mind immediately, he's over the moon at the thought that he stood out so much to you. that is, until he hears your comment to akutagawa. were his previous warnings not enough? the fact that you even got a response from him enrages him even more. you thought this was funny, did you? poor you, because now dazai, seething with the mic in hand, is convinced you've forgotten your place, and he's already planning a week-long trip for the both of you—didn't he tell you that you had to help him investigate a new ability group outside the city?
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chuuya's angry enough as it is, and now you had to go and piss him off even more. the crowd watching you already had his blood boiling, but your rude remark to him almost blew his fuse entirely. what was this whole stunt for? all this time he was trying to make things bearable for you, unlike dazai who only knew how to torment you without any consideration. he's practically sulking in the corner, waiting for you to make your way off stage so he can pounce on you and demand an explanation.
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the hope that fills akutagawa at your bright smile is quickly crushed once he feels the burning glares directed at him, despair starting to sink in. still, despite the definite trouble this would get him into, he can't help but find some delight in the situation. the two of you could never stand on equal footing, not as long as you were here, but at least he was worth a single moment of consideration from you. that was enough for him.
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fyodor hasn't actually done anything yet, so by doing this, you've inadvertently caught his attention. why is someone from the port mafia so agitated by his presence, when he's only just stepped foot in yokohama? watch your back when you're making your way home, because fyodor just might be waiting in the shadows for a little conversation.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 3 months
Yandere chuuya x port mafia executive reader please
A:ɴ- ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʟɪsᴛ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ I ᴡɪʟʟ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʙᴏx ᴀɢᴀɪɴ ғᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴀʏ.
𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵... 𝘐 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘣𝘶𝘵... 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵.
𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵.
𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢 𝘹 𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘨/𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 x Yandere Dazai (slight I want to so...)
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The first question is how you are an executive? Well it is not your ability is super strong to the point of destruction (I do not want to make 2.0 of him)
Your ability is useful too useful in murdering.
I won't say what though.
Either way you and Chuuya met when you first arrive at the age of 17.
Well the introduction was done by Dazai who mention to Chuuya how he was the one to find you.
At first he didn't approach neither did you.
Unsociable you are.
And you like keeping thing professionally who on earth will go and approach another executive to be friends are you out of your mind to do so?
It is clearly suspicious at the plus.
Dazai... Well you could say he was a strict one.
He is not your mentor thankfully to the grace.
But... During mission as your senior he is... Quiet a handful.
One time he will shoot bullets towards you so that you both can die together and the next he whine about how he was hurt that you almost left him (okay... It sound like dazai x reader... And yes it is slightly)
He is damn confusing for you.
But... You don't let it block your job.
It is a miracle how you didn't met Chuuya before as literally Dazai is the partner.
They are the double black duo.
Either way. Your first introduction was from Dazai to Chuuya. Did I mention? Yes.
And the fact you both eventually wen to mission the next after what a coincidence.
And the most miracle?
You eventually stop Chuuya corruption before it cause massive destructions.
Awww how cute where you to hug him tight and tackle him down to stop his gravital power.
He was awaken by your concerning tone of calling him out.
He could hear you. He could hear you even if... Even if he was controlled by his ability how.
Was it fate? Was this some miracle. Were you the key?
He doesn't know.
He doesn't know and doesn't want to know.
He raised his hands to the light where your voice call out in consciousness.
Despite his body reacting violently trying to overthrow you.
You can't let him do that.
Not until Dazai come and stopped him and you can't let him die either.
You will be blame for his death after all!.
But you were confused when his body went limp as his corruption disappear alarming you.
About to say another word but he pull you into a hug, with your face burried in his chest.
"Thank you"
For some reason... You were not really feeling to say welcome
Because your gut feeling says... It is not really just a thank you but a gate of something else to begin.
"Y/n! stand back Chibi-chan will kill-" Dazai stop his walk afraid to see you bloodied and death before he could even let you die with him but... Only to see you have calmed Chuuya.
Truly a miracle.
And the fact Chuuya was hugging you? Why? Maybe he appreciate your help?
That doesn't matter.
Dazai rush to you and pull you away from Chuuya whose eyes widen before he speaks a slap was heard.
Your eyes stay widen as Dazai slapped you across your face.
Then he hugged you saying how stupid you were to die before him!
You can't die without dying with him!
You didn't hear anything but the feeling of the burn sensation of the slap.
From the fact... You were an executive now.
Before it was different but now...
And the fact it was around the others you... Felt shame.
Unlike Dazai who happily cooed at you for at least stopping Chuuya.
Chuuya on other hand took notice of your expression on Dazai who went to talk to others to quickly patch up.
You didn't follow Dazai when he said so.
Chuuya notice the red cheeks and gritted teeth of yours.
It was truly not good.
I mean Chuuya admit it was unnecessary to slap you.
And the fact infront of everyone.
He wonders what you are going to do now.
Firstly. Dazai got annoyed when you told him about how he shouldn't just slap you.
Secondly. Why were you distancing yourself.
Thirdly have you forgotten who saved you?
Dazai during those time ignore you back leaving a huge gape hole between you both.
Yes you respect Dazai a lot and the fact he brought you to mafia...
But it through your hardworking to be an executive not by other means.
Oh well at least you are free from interactions.
Well... Boss Mori sometimes let you and Chuuya go on mission for two reason.
You stopped the corruption.
Second he just find the pleasure to see Dazai annoyed expression.
You and Chuuya ended up talking more.
And the fact he eventually was grateful to you. And wonders if you can save him again... If he loses control.
Oh he isn't going to that.
But... The what if stays.
"Let's leave Port Mafia"
"Huh?" Your eyes widen by Dazai words who let out an audible sighed.
"I know we have been distancing ourselves... But we both knows we are still link."
"So your going to..."
"Y/n I'm sorry for whatever I have done please for all the time we spend together please let's leave"
"I..." Your words didn't came out of the mouth as Dazai held both of your hands in his.
His eyes held deep fondness.
But it soon crack when you take away your hands.
"Just leave... I will pretend we never talk today" you replied.
Before he ask you already left.
Oh how it hurt him so much.
But chuuya was more then happier to see you stayed.
He almost assume you left.
With Dazai.
His heart will not able to stand it.
But... At least you are here.
Your eyes took notice of Chuuya who handed you a glass of wine while Mori and Kouyou was celebrating too.
"Since That Mackarel have finally left it is a joy no?"
Your eyes stare at the glass then you stood up and shook head.
"I'm tired today... May I take my leave now boss?" You asked as Mori nodded and told you to arrive tomorrow at 8.
He doesn't understand.
Do you... He doesn't like the thought.
Chuuya stare at the glass of wine you refused to drink earlier.
He wonders... If... You will ever love him one day.
It... Make him anxious.
Don't be too hard on him.
Just come over to him... Won't you?
After all he is much caring then that makarel... No?
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A:n- that's all take care.
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yandere-romanticaa · 9 months
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I just know for a fact that this man would do absolutely anything you tell him to do, even if it's just a joke.
Even if you mention something in passing, such as an annoying colleague that's pestering you, Chuuya is all ears. Depending on the severity situation he will either flat out cuss the person out right in front of you OR he will most likely do something like this - he won't say much, he'll hear you out and will not interrupt you at all. His face is flat as he holds a cigarette, making sure to redirect the smoke elsewhere that wasn't your face. As cute as you were to see so riled up, Chuuya was only okay with it if he was the reason why you were riled up. Anything else is off the table. If he sees a chance, Chuuya will pry for more information such as the name of the person, where they live, possible hobbies and routines, literally anything. In the heat of the moment you tell him everything you know, huffing in annoyance as you keep on rambling, completely unaware of the brewing storm inside of his head.
Chuuya made sure to keep his actual job hidden from you. A sense of normalcy and stability is something he craves like a man who was being starved to death and after endless years of search and betrayal, he found a lifelong companion in you. He hated lying but Chuuya simply wasn't ready to tell you absolutely everything about himself, not yet.
However, he was all too aware of the power he had. All the cards were in his hands and he was going to make his move.
It might take him a day or so to find his target but he makes sure to be as brutal as he can be. His ability truly was a godsend in this situation, the screams of your tormentor was like music to Chuuya's ears. His hands were in his pockets as he grinned at his victim, his ability crushing his body and organs, leaving a heaping pile of rotting flesh on the floor, all for the flies to devour. The mafioso left the apartment with a smug feeling in his chest but he still needed to be careful. Just because he could kill someone for you doesn't mean that he should.
People like this were a fine exception though. He was sure that you'd be freaking out with the news that the man had died such a horrific death but he also knew that you would be over it just as fast.
He was more than ready to guide you through it all. Say the word and he will give it everything he has.
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🥀 TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @sxy0ung, @rosemary108233, @c4xcocoa, @gettinshiggywithit, @ophticcus, @lakxcpsta, @ranposgirlboss, @robinaxolotl, @acornwinter, @enomane, @ishqani, @satohruu, @bluepeanutharmony, @ficsreblogs
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invidiia · 1 year
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❐ - yandere!dazai and yandere!chuuya comforting the reader on their period
notes ; headcanons for anyone else who on their period rn </3 the worst thing ever tbh.. this is kinda self indulgent
prompt ; dazai and chuuya's (separate) darling gets their period and they comfort them
warnings ; yandere themes, blood, kidnapped!reader, drugging, ada!dazai, soft!yan chuuya and dazai, mentions of sex but no actual doing it, mention of stalking, afab reader, toxic relationships
masterlist - rules - last post
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dazai ::
it's not like you can hide your period from dazai, especially if he kidnapped you.
dazai doesn't know a ton about periods - sure, he knows that they existed, but he didn't think the situation through when he first kidnapped you. he didn't buy pads or anything in advance when he first decided to take you for himself, so when he woke up to see blood on the sheets under you, dazai was a tiny bit surprised.
but not entirely - he should have known the time of your month would roll around soon enough. dazai wasn't mad or upset at all.
"ah.. belladonna, why didn't you tell me about this? no, i'm not mad at you! i think this means no sex for.. how long?! i don't think i'll surviivee~!"
just ignore his wailing and you'll probably be fine
dazai's not actually upset, he really does wanna help you. he'll wrap you in a blanket while he goes to leave for the store, poking your cheek and smiling a little too softly while he tells you to be good while he's gone
he doesn't have bad intentions or anything, he's just being overly nice to you because he just feels like it
he comes back from the store with whatever you neeed, he probably asked a female member of the agency or a worker or someone else who knew what to get for you, because there is absolutely no way in hell he actually knows what to buy
but he definitely came back with a few things that you liked!! no point in asking how he knew you liked the stuff, because he'll just say he stalked you, and that might just make you more uncomfortable. best not to question him!!
he sees your cramp pain as an excuse to hold and touch you more. he doesn't care that you're bleeding the entire time, dazai just likes that he can hold you!
of course, he realizes that cuddles don't stop the cramping - he just thinks it'll help a lot more. dazai get's super touchy and clingy because he knows that you're less likely to resist. even if you do, he doesn't mind unless you insult him, because then he'll just lock you in the bathroom with water and some of the snacks he bought you to give you some 'alone time.' after about an hour or two, he's sure you'll come back into his arms!! <3
oh, belladonna, i thought you didn't want to cuddle, and now you're holding onto me..? no matter, i'm glad you've finally came around.. is there anything you want?
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chuuya ::
chuuya also knows about periods and what they are, but he knows a little bit more about them than dazai, because he's just him yk?? he's that dude (other than jay from the kubz scouts)
when he first woke up to you next to him with blood under you, he thought you were hurt or something, but then when he woke you up, you had to explain to him that you just got your period and that you were fine.
by your argument, chuuya made a big deal out of it, but by chuuya's, he was just helping you feel better.
"darling, stop movin', i'm just trying to make you feel better.. what? yeah.. yeah, i'll get whatever you want, okay?"
if you yell at him, he'll just give you space. of course he'll still get you what you want, he'll just be.. less doting.
he'll even go as far to ignore you. so while you're wailing in pain from your cramps, chuuya's sitting down comfortably on the couch, reading and paying no attention to your little sobs from the pain of your cramps. it's really just a toxic thing - he doesn't wanna see you in such pain, he really doesn't. but why should he be so kind to you if you don't want to be nice?
i can imagine an argument breaking out between you two, because he can't ignore you forever. if you decide to yell at him again, then he'll just yell back.
chuuya might even just drug you to shut you up, offering you tea or medicine to help you feel better. but five minutes later, you're out like a light while he picks up your body to wrap you up back in blankets.
you'll probably wake up with arms wrapped around your waist with his knee inbetween your thighs. chances are, you're still affected by the drug and too tired to move or push him off. he understands that cuddling doesn't fully stop the cramp pain, but he doesn't care, because all chuuya wants to do is help you.
"don't move.. it's okay. just go back to sleep. i love you, okay?"
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illegal-spiegel · 1 year
You Take My Breath Away
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x gn!reader (x Chuuya Nakahara)
Genre: Fluff?, angst, hurt/comfort?
Warnings: this fic contains dark content. if you don't like that, please keep scrolling and dni. S2 spoilers, strangling (bloodshot and swollen eyes, bruised and sore throat, can't speak, etc.), murder/death, throat slitting, blood, Dazai is overly protective ig, toxic behavior overall, typical su!cide mention from Dazai
Summary: Dazai gets protective over you when you get hurt, on more than one occasion, and takes matters into his own hands to make sure they never hurt you again.
WC: 7.5k
Read on AO3!
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You giggle like a schoolgirl as Dazai tickles your sides, your face starting to hurt from how hard you’ve been smiling. That always seems to happen to you when Dazai is around. “Quit it!” you squeal, smacking at Dazai’s hands. 
Dazai only seems to chuckle and continue his evil acts against you. “Say the magic words!” he bargains. 
“Never!” you shout, leaning away from him and bumping into Atsushi who is sitting right beside you. He doesn’t seem to mind it though, he just watches you both with a fond smile on his face. “Atsushi! Help!” you cry, tears lining your eyes the longer and harder you laugh. 
“No one can save you now! You’re at my mercy!” Dazai shouts back, waiting for you to say the magic words that will rid you of his tickling. 
And listen. You tried to hold out, you really did! But you’ve known Dazai for more than seven years now and he knows all your most ticklish spots by now.
“Okay! Okay!” you concede. He slows his fingers but doesn’t stop them. “Dazai is the most handsome, funniest, smartest guy ever, and I smell like rotten eggs!” As soon as you finish, Dazai lets up. He stays hovering above you though from where you leaned away from him, a soft smile on his face. 
“Awe, you really think so?” he coos, fluttering his lashes at you. 
“No,” you wheeze, holding your poor, aching sides. “I mean yes! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you screech, a scared laugh escaping you when he threatens to tickle you again. 
“Hm. That’s what I thought,” he says as he sits properly in his seat. 
You pant as you sit up straight as well, waving your hand at Atsushi as an apology. Then again, the little traitor didn’t even try to help you. “The train is sure taking a while,” the white-haired man suddenly comments. You hum, pushing your hair out of your face as you nod in agreement. 
You raise a brow as Dazai suddenly stands up, face blank and serious. “There’s an urgent errand I need to carry out,” he announces, staring out at the tracks in front of him. 
“What is it?” Atsushi asks with great urgency, seemingly nervous. You can’t help but smirk. You’d bet every last penny you own that Dazai is about to say some dumbass shit. 
“I need to use the bathroom!” he cries, hands going over his crotch as he starts to do a peepee dance. Atsushi’s face falls as he stares at the higher-up, unbelieving he just said that. You only end up cracking up, laughing as you watch him dance in one place. It makes your sides ache but in the best way possible. 
“Well? What are you waiting for? Permission?” you tease, smirking at the man. He continues to stare you down as he dances from foot to foot faster and faster. You snort and roll your eyes. “Okay, go,” you say playfully, waving him off. 
“Thank you!” he cries, zooming away. “Ah! I’m not gonna make it!” This causes you to snort again. You don’t know why he insisted on holding it for so long then. You look over at Atsushi and only laugh harder at how bewildered he looks. 
“You’ll get used to it eventually,” you reassure him, patting him on the back. He turns to look at you now, giving you a small smile. 
“I always thought Dazai was so cool and mysterious…but…” You raise a brow when he trails off, jumping to conclusions. 
“But he’s a bit of a dumbass?” you guess, chuckling. Atsushi goes tense, nervous about referring to his higher-up in such a way, especially since it seems that Dazai has ears everywhere. He glances at the way Dazai went before slowly nodding his head with a laugh of his own. 
“Yeah, something like that,” he agrees, his chuckles dying down when you both hear the train whistle a bit a ways. “Hey, can I ask you something?” he suddenly asks. 
“Yes, I’ll help you hide a body, but only if you killed them with good reason,” you respond, completely serious. At his flabbergasted look, you snort and nudge his arm with yours. “I’m kidding.” He relaxes. “Sort of.” You laugh when he tenses up again, his body relaxing when he realizes you’re just messing with him again. You and Dazai love pulling pranks on him together. 
Speaking of…
“How long have you and Dazai been dating?” 
Your laughter instantly dies and you feel choked up all of a sudden. “Wait what-”
“I mean, I figure it’s been a while. You two share your affection so openly and he’s always going on and on about you-”
“Wait what-”
“So I was just curious how long it’s been. You two seem really happy together.” 
At the last part, any reply you had ready to go suddenly dies on your tongue. You two seem really happy together. What the fuck are you supposed to say to that? You two aren’t even talking talking, let alone dating. Where did Atsushi get an idea like that? Have the others said something? Or is this a prank that Dazai is pulling on him and forgot to let you in on it? 
Before you can think of a response though, the train is arriving. You sigh in relief as you two both stand up and walk towards the train, looking left and right for Naomi and Haruna. 
“Haruna, Naomi!” you hear Atsushi shout. You turn to look at him before looking past him to see the two girls. You sigh in relief a second time, a smile coming to your face. Thank goodness. “Are you alright?” he asks when you get close enough to them. 
“We are. I never thought they’d come after the clerks in the office,” Naomi responds with a warm, relieved smile. 
“At least you’re safe now!” Atsushi says brightly. 
“Yeah, I’m glad you’re alright,” you agree, giving the girls a smile to which they return. “We’re gonna escort you both to the extraction point,” you add on. 
“Oh! I wanted you to meet someone!” You raise a brow at this, turning to look towards the train when Naomi motions towards it and turns to face it. “We got to know each other a little on the train.” With that, a small child comes walking out, holding a creepy doll. You raise a brow when he bumps into Atsushi and just starts laughing. Someone needs to teach this kid some manners…
Your brows furrow when the kid suddenly turns and rolls up their sleeve to show off…
What is that? 
Are those…razor blades taped to his arms? Alarm bells immediately start going off in your head. Something isn’t right here. 
“Wanna play a game?” the kid suddenly asks, a maniac grin on his face. 
Before you could respond, Atsushi starts mumbling to himself. You turn to look at him, finding his eyes are leaking what appears to be blood. “Atsushi?” you say unsurely, reaching out toward him. 
“You mentioned before that you came here to protect me…” Dazai says unsurely, trying to put the pieces together. When things suddenly click into place, he gasps before spinning to face the way he came. “Dammit!” he shouts before taking off. “No, no, no! Fuck!” he hisses, running back to you two. 
He swears, if Q has done anything to yo-
He comes around the corner only to find you being dangled in the air, Atsushi holding you up by your throat while growling and grunting. Dazai lets out a growl of his own as he sprints toward the man. He’s not thinking clearly. What should he do? 
He dashes past the two other women who seem to be harmed but overall fine. He wraps his arm around Atsushi’s throat and presses heavily on his windpipe. Now that he’s closer, he can see that your eyes are bloodshot and they’re starting to roll back into your head. How long has he been holding you like this? Why aren’t you using your ability? Do you not want to hurt Atsushi? 
To his horror, Atsushi ignores Dazai and continues to strangle you. Dazai doesn’t want to hurt him since he knows it isn’t actually him, but he’s running out of options. His eyes flicker this way and that way looking for a solution. 
This is when his eyes spot the doll. 
Dazai quickly lets Atsushi go before bolting toward the hideous toy, picking it up, and instantly screaming, “Ability: No Longer Human!” His power surges through the toy and he turns to find Atsushi snapping out of it. He gasps as he lets you go, your body hitting the ground hard. Atsushi grasps at his throat where Dazai had choked him. 
Dazai barely looks at him though as he hurries over to you. He lifts your body to cradle you in his lap, brushing your hair out of your face and his hands ghosting the marks on your neck. “(Y/n)?” he whispers, his whole frame shaking as he clutches you close. 
You let out a wet, ragged cough before slowly blinking your eyes open, tears cascading down your cheeks. “I-” you try to force out, but it seems you can’t make any further noise. 
“Shh, don’t try to speak. You might damage your vocal cords further,” he advises. He lifts his head and does a quick survey of the area. The other two ladies are indeed fine. Hurt, but fine.
But where’s Q? 
“Your new friends are so fragile, Mr. Dazai!” he whips his head around to find Q smiling at him on the train as it starts to shift forward. “But don’t worry! What I really look forward to is breaking you–whether that be through you directly or your new love here!” Q giggles and continues to grin at him maniacally. “Remember how you made me suffer? Soon you’re going to feel that pain, Mr. Dazai!” 
“And instead of capturing you next time and showing you mercy by simply ripping your heart out, I’ll torture you slowly and painfully until you're begging me to kill you,” he responds darkly with a sinister expression. Q had his mouth open to respond but goes quiet, eyes wide. He wasn’t expecting such a terrifying response for some reason. They stare at each other as the train takes Q further and further away.
You’ve never seen Dazai so angry before and you don’t even know why he’s so mad. The world sounds like it’s underwater, or like you have cotton stuffed in your ears. He isn’t mad at Atsushi, is he? It wasn’t his fault. You need to tell him that. 
You reach up and loosely grip the lapel of his coat, weakly tugging on it as you try to speak. All that comes out though is breathy whines and wheezes, words unable to be formed. He turns to look at you, his grip suddenly tightening on you. “Shh, I know. It’s okay. I’ve got you. It’s all over. Everything’s alright. I’ve got you,” he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours. You close your eyes, the last of your tears falling down your cheeks. He pulls back when you suddenly go slack in his arms, his eyes widening a tad when he realizes that you’ve passed out. He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment, cradling you close to his chest. That was close, too fucking close. 
“I'm such a screwup.” Dazai opens his eyes and turns to look over at Atsushi, finding the man crying as he stares at the marks blooming on your neck. “That should be me, not them. I shouldn’t even be alive. I don’t deserve to be alive…”
Dazai doesn’t know why, but hearing him talk like that angers him further. Yes, it should be him hurt instead of you. It should be Dazai. It should be any of them but you. You should never be hurt. You weren’t even supposed to come with them today. 
Dazai watches for a moment as Atsushi pathetically cries and blubbers on about who knows what. Dazai slowly and gently sets you down on the concrete before moving in front of Atsushi. “Atsushi,” Dazai grunts, frowning down at the man. 
Atsushi lifts his head, his eyes red from his crying. Before Atsushi could even blink, Dazai is slapping him across his face. Hard. “Pull it together. They wouldn’t want you talking like that,” he mumbles before instantly turning back to you. They need to get you back to HQ stat. 
* When you wake up, you feel like your throat was run over by a motorcycle. And then they reversed over it again just to make sure they got the job done. Your hands shakily come up to gently clutch your throat, your vision a little blurry until you blink a few times. Even then though, things are still a little blurry out of one of your eyes. 
You try to move your head only to be met with pain in your neck. You slowly take a deep breath, finding it a little hard to breathe, before trying again. You take your time in sitting up, making sure not to move your head or neck too much. Your eyes go wide when you see a head of brown hair on your bed, and a chair keeping him close. You smile and slowly reach over to card your fingers through his hair. 
You barely get to do so though since he’s suddenly springing up. You gasp and rear your hand back from the shock, hissing when it causes you pain. “You’re awake! Woah! Stop! Okay!” he screeches, going into panic mode when he sees your face contort into one of pain. You weakly laugh, it sounding nothing like your usual laugh. This one is all scratchy and hoarse, your throat sore and dry. Your laughter quickly stops when it becomes too painful. 
“Wait! Okay! Everyone remain calm!” he continues to shout even though you two are the only ones in the room and he’s the only one panicking. You smile hard. “You want some water? Never mind, you need to drink some. You’ve been out for a while.” And with that, he’s zooming off to assumedly get you some water. 
You’re not alone long before he’s back, offering you a glass of water with a stick poking out of it. You take the stick out to see a sponge at the end of it. At your bewildered look, Dazai explains, “Akiko said that you might not be able to drink very well, so the sponge will give you smaller amounts to drink and make it easier to swallow.” You smile at him and nod your head before starting to do just that. Your throat aches with each swallow, but the water feels good. 
Dazai suddenly grabs something from the desk beside you and sets a notepad and pen in your lap. “I want you to use this instead of trying to talk, okay?” he says softly, hand resting on top of yours for a moment before letting go. You nod your head and hand him the water before picking up your pen. 
Where’s Atsushi + the others? They okay?
You hold up the notepad for him to see, watching his eyes flicker over the words. His face hardens for a moment, just a split second, before relaxing again. He huffs out a laugh as he says, “Of course that’s the first thing you say.” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah, they’re alright. They’re all resting. It was a crazy day.” You nod your head, letting out a small sigh. Is Atsushi really okay? “You can see them soon enough. Akiko and I agreed that you need your rest and shouldn’t have any visitors until you’re better.” 
You raise your brow at this. Then why are you here mister? You turn the notepad for him to see, smirking at him. Your smirk only grows when you see some color come to his cheeks and his eyes shift away from you completely. 
“I’m your hot nurse, of course. All patients need one,” he replies playfully. Despite his joke, your chest flutters at his kindness. You smile softly as you reach out to him, setting your free hand over his. He instantly flips his hand over to properly hold your hand, weaving your fingers together. “Besides, I told you that you can’t die without me. You’re the only one I’ll commit double suicide with,” he jokes further, smirking at you now. 
You let out a weak laugh and roll your eyes. Typical Dazai. 
It didn’t take long for you to be up and out of bed. Everyone knows that you never stay down for long, even if you have the worst injuries of them all. You hate being bedridden, especially when something like this is going on. 
Currently, you’re looking over some files of what’s been going on while you were out of commission. The Guild are some serious bad guys, and that’s coming from someone who used to be a part of the-
“I really don’t feel like working.” 
You lift your file a bit to look down into your lap where Dazai has made himself home. His face is smushed into your tummy and his butt hangs high in the air. You smile at the position. He’s such a dork. 
“Are you seriously going to mope around like this the whole morning?” You look up to find Kunikida there. You smile up at him and his hard expression relaxes when he sees your cheery face. “Good morning, (Y/n). How are you feeling?” 
“Right as rain, Kida!” you greet. At your chipper voice, Dazai whines and wiggles his ass in the air. 
“Any other time I’d be up for having this conversation with you, but not now, please,” he whines, shoving his face further into your body. 
“What happened to the energetic young hero who just helped save this town from the brink of destruction?” Kida asks in a monotone, crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh.  
“Boss has me lined up for this new job and I don’t wanna,” Dazai cries, giving a fake sniffle, causing you to roll your eyes. Dazai continues to wiggle his ass in the air and you grin wickedly as you reach out to slap it. Dazai jumps with a yelp, turning his head a bit with his jaw dropped. “Kunikida! I didn’t know you felt this way,” he playfully purrs to the shocked man.
Kunikida’s cheeks go red as he huffs, his hands now placed onto his hips. “Is that the same one Atsushi and the boss were talking about yesterday?” he asks curiously, completely ignoring Dazai’s comment.
Before anyone can respond though, the boss man himself is suddenly appearing behind Kida. “Correct.” Dazai lifts his face to turn and look at him, grunting as he rolls over to face the two now, keeping his head in your lap. 
“Good morning, sir,” Kida greets the older man, reminding you of a soldier in the army with the way he’s acting. 
“Dazai, (Y/n),” he says, completely ignoring the man and causing you to pout. Always so serious and straight to the point. “What’s the status of that meeting with the Port Mafia?”
“I’ve made the arrangements,” Dazai reports. You smirk when you see Kida’s face go into shock, eyeing the three of you. 
“Do you think their boss will come?” he asks. 
“I’m sure he will,” you answer. 
“It’s the perfect opportunity for him to kill you, after all,” Dazai adds, smirking a bit. 
Fukuzawa closes his eyes for a moment and gives a slight nod. “I’d prefer that to having bloodshed amongst our people,” he says as he walks off. You sigh and look down at Dazai when he groans, discovering that you’ve been combing your hand through his hair the whole time. Oops. 
“Hey, Dazai, (Y/n)...” Kida starts softly as Dazai whines and wiggles around in your lap like a child when you stop playing with his hair. “What’s the secret meeting with the Port Mafia all about?” Kida suddenly shouts, causing you to jump. Dazai simply rolls to a stop in your lap, overall seeming unbothered by the man’s raised voice. Typical. 
“Well, I have to admit that our little Atsushi’s idea has really snowballed,” Dazai sighs, staring out the window. 
“Since The Guild is now our biggest threat, it only makes sense for us t-” you start to explain before Kunikida suddenly cuts you off. 
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!” he shouts, speaking a mile a minute. “I’m totally lost here…” Kida admits, rubbing the back of his head. “First of all, why are you guys the ones arranging this meeting?” You open and close your mouth, unsure of how to answer. You tilt your head down to look at Dazai, finding him a bit wide-eyed. He turns to look at Kida now as if Kida should know the answer to that already. 
“Because we used to be with the Port Mafia?” 
Kida’s entire face goes blank with confusion and shock. “Huh?” 
“Oh!” Dazai suddenly realizes, expression lighting up. “Did I not tell you that? My bad!” he hisses, giving him a ‘sorry’ look. 
“What?” Kida shouts, making you flinch back a bit. These two are always such a rowdy bunch. 
“Sorry we didn’t tell you sooner,” you apologize, giving him a sorry smile. He just blinks and stares at you stupidly, making your smile grow. Yeah, guess it is some pretty shocking information. 
“You were in the Port Mafia?” he asks you, jaw completely unhinged. “Dazai I can actually understand. But you?”
“Hey!” Dazai whines with a pout.
You and Dazai come to a stop in front of the abandoned building. You place your hands on your hips as you look around you. “Well, this doesn’t seem suspicious at all,” you say sarcastically. 
“Are you sure you should be here?” 
You turn to look at Dazai, smiling over at him. “As I told you a hundred times before, I’m fine.” 
“I don’t want you here…” Dazai mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest as he turns to face you. 
“And who’s going to stop you from murdering Q as soon as you lay eyes on him?” you respond, sighing as you place a hand on Dazai’s chest and the other staying on your hip, feeling him relax under your touch. Chuuya probably wouldn’t give two shits.
Before he can respond, lights are suddenly cutting on around you. You turn to look at the lights, squinting at how bright they are. You raise a brow when you hear many guns being cocked, your hand falling from his chest as you turn to face your enemies. 
“Pleasant evening, isn’t it?” Steinbeck asks, eyeing you from afar. “You even brought a date!” he teases Dazai. You remain expressionless as you study the two men in front of you. Are these guys serious? “Hm, seems our strategist has hit the nail on the head once again in predicting your movements,” he continues. 
Dazai slowly turns to face them, a smirk resting on his lips as he watches them with amusement. “Figures it’d be a trap…”
You two stand side by side as you assess the situation in front of you. Now if only a certain someone would show u- 
A rock comes soaring from the air and crashes into the crowd of men surrounding you, taking out a big chunk of their numbers. “About time…” you mumble, tilting your head back to look up into the sky as the redhead slowly floats down to the ground. You hear Dazai grumble angrily beside you as he runs a hand through his hair and tugs on it.
“Let me set one thing straight,” Chuuya starts as he stares down the enemy, hands resting on his hips, “(Y/n) is not Dazai’s date.” You huff and roll your eyes at the man. That’s what he has to say right now out of all things?
“Says who? Did you invite them here?” Dazai asks. Chuuya opens his mouth to answer him, but Dazai swiftly cuts him off. “No, I didn’t think so,” he sassily finishes. He sighs and tosses his head back. “Man, I knew there was a reason that today was gonna suck,” he mumbles. Ah, so it seems they didn’t fill Dazai in on this part of the plan. Probably a good idea, honestly. 
“The hell?” Steinbeck suddenly shouts. “I never heard anything about this in the strategic forecasts!”  
Just as Steinbeck starts to grow a plant from his hand to attack Chuuya, Dazai comes up behind him and touches his shoulder. “Sorry, I can’t let you do that,” Dazai sighs out, canceling the man’s ability. 
“Gah! The canceling ability,” he huffs, sweat lining his forehead. 
“This is such a drag,” Dazai groans, stomping his foot like a child. You giggle and bump his hip, causing him to almost fall over. 
“At least you’re with me,” you coo playfully. At this, he instantly perks up and sighs dreamily. 
“You’re so right, my beautiful (Y/n).” Your cheeks start to flush, but you’re pulled out of the mini moment by Chuuya. 
“Hey! Stop flirting! We’re on a mission here!” Chuuya hollers as he flies into the air in front of Steinbeck using his ability and kicks the blond away from the three of you. 
After this, Chuuya comes to stand at your other side, slipping his jacket off as he surveys the group around you. He drops it onto your head, to which you give an offended ‘hey!’ You smirk to yourself though as you start to slide it on.
“For crying out loud…this is the worst day I’ve had in years,” Dazai grumbles. 
You brush off your hands as you follow the two men inside, Chuuya laughing at Dazai’s expense. “If the day comes when you two get along, I’ll know the world is ending,” you joke, starting to head down the staircase inside the building. 
“What will you do on your last day on Earth?” Chuuya asks, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You turn to look at him, smirking as you lean into his space. 
“Why? Got any good ideas?” you purr, bringing your face close to his. He sputters in surprise, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, unsure of how to respond. You cackle as you pull away and walk ahead of him, your laughter calming down when you find Dazai glaring at you both. 
“I’ll have you know that if there was only one day left on Earth, (Y/n) would be spending it with me and we’d be having a great time,” Dazai scoffs, leading the way down the stairs. You bite your lip to try and contain your smile as you follow after him. 
“Ha! As if they’d want to spend it with you of all people!” Chuuya laughs, pointing at him from behind you. 
“Yeah? And why not?” Dazai fires back. 
“Boys,” you warn, coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and turning back to look at them to find them glaring at each other. You huff, blowing hair out of your eyes. 
You then turn to look into the dimly lit room, finding Q pinned to the tree with his doll sitting right beside him on the chair. “He’s here!” you announce, hoping that will distract them. Luckily for you, it does. 
Also unluckily for you though, Dazai comes marching right down the stairs and heads right for Q with a murderous intent in his eyes. “Dazai!” you shout, grabbing ahold of his arm and using all your might to hold him back. “Stop it!” 
“What’s with him?” Chuuya asks confusedly. He’s never seen the brunet so worked up before, especially over this. Is there something he doesn’t know? 
“Just help me!” you screech at the shorter male. 
Chuuya quickly jumps into action and grabs his other arm. “Hey, meathead! Would you cool it for a sec?” Chuuya shouts at the man. 
To your relief, he lets up. To your disappointment, he turns his anger onto Chuuya. “No! Do you know what he did to them?” he shouts, backing the man up into the wall opposite from Q. You sigh as you rub your hand over your forehead. 
“Dazai, enough-” you start. You go ignored though. 
“No, I don’t know. Enlighten me,” Chuuya snaps. He reminds you of a cat who’s been backed into a corner and has its hair bristled. 
“Chuuya! Don’t-”
“They almost died because of him, and I’ll be damned and sent right to hell if I let him get away with it,” he says lowly, fists shaking from the rage brewing inside of him. You walk over to the duo, setting your hand on Dazai’s back. You frown when instead of relaxing like he normally does, he only grows tenser under your touch. 
“If you had to kill everyone who has almost killed me, half the population would be gone!” you exaggerate, trying to reason with him.
“Fucking good riddance then,” Dazai huffs, still eyeing Chuuya.
Chuuya silently stares up at him, debating his next words. “What happened?” he asks, eyes softening as he worriedly glances at you as if the attack just happened. 
“They were almost strangled to death. They had bruises on their neck, eyes bloodshot and swollen, and they could barely swallow or breathe,” Dazai mumbles, eyes shifting down the ground as his knuckles become white with his grip. Your body goes tense at the recollection of what happened. 
“I’m fine,” you reassure them both. 
The room is silent for a moment after that, and Chuuya stares at you, at a loss for words. He’s relieved of trying to find the right thing to say though since Dazai is sighing and standing up straight. “Give me your knife,” he demands. 
“Why?” Chuuya asks, hand resting where said knife is hidden. 
“I’m going to kill the little bastard one way or another. Are you going to help me or not?” Dazai asks lowly, staring straight into Chuuya’s soul. Chuuya stares right back at him, going over his options. He slowly turns to look at you to find your rapidly shaking your head. 
“Knock yourself out,” Chuuya says as he suddenly takes it out and tosses it to the younger man. 
“Nakahara!” you hiss disappointedly, quickly reaching for the covered knife. You grab it at the same time as Dazai does, starting a power struggle with him over who gets the weapon. 
“(Y/n), let go,” Dazai warns. 
“No! This is the whole reason I came with you! To make sure you wouldn’t do something stupid like this!” 
“Chuuya,” Dazai says, making your eyes go wide. 
“No-” you start to argue, taking a step back from Chuuya as he comes towards you. “Chuuya, no!” you shout. You begin a power struggle with him now as he comes up behind you and grabs under your arms, preventing you from using them or getting away from him. “Chuuya, stop! Dazai, please!” you scream, struggling against the man. 
They both ignore you as Dazai walks over to the kid who is still unconscious against the tree. “I’m surprised you’re helping me,” Dazai comments as he stops in front of the boy. 
“My orders were to take him back alive, but hearing what he did to (Y/n)...” He pauses for a long moment. “I’d do anything for (Y/n)...” Chuuya confesses. “So, do what you want…”
“You aren’t doing this for me! You’re doing this against me!” you cry. You don’t know why you’re fighting so hard to save this kid’s life. Dazai’s right. He almost had you killed. 
“Very well,” Dazai responds, ignoring your cries. “I will.” 
“Osamu! Stop! Don’t do this! What would Oda say?” you scream. 
This has Dazai pausing his raised hand, thinking over your words. You start to relax, glad you got through to him. 
You go tense again though when his arm swipes in front of him in one fell swoop. Blood spurts from the new cut on the boy’s throat, covering the knife and Dazai in blood. You go limp against Chuuya, closing your eyes to prevent yourself from watching further as Q bleeds out from his sliced throat. 
You shove Chuuya off of you just as he wraps his arms around you for a hug now. You shake your head as you head up the stairs, a frown heavily etched on your face. “(Y/n)...” you hear him mumble, following after you. You hear another set of steps follow you and Chuuya’s after a moment, and your body goes tense. 
Just as you reach the entrance, something akin to a tentacle is wrapping around your throat. You cry out just as the tentacle silences you, picking you up and starting to throw you around like a ragdoll. 
“(Y/n)!” you hear two sets of voices scream. 
You’re suddenly thrown back to the moment when Atsushi was choking you. The anger in his eyes, the fear. You had no idea what was wrong with him other than the fact that he wasn’t acting like himself. He kept mumbling things, seeming to believe that you were the enemy. You couldn’t even use your ability against him, afraid that you’d hurt the poor man. That’s how you got into the situation. 
Unlike Atsushi though, this bitch can face your wrath. 
You use your ability against your opponent, causing him to grunt from the ground. You regain your ability to scream as you’re thrown into the building you came out of, the air leaving your lungs though as soon as you make contact. Feet pound towards you as they run at top speed, going from attacking the man to making sure you’re okay. You wheeze as you try to get your breath back, your hands holding your throat. 
“(Y/n)!” Dazai shouts, collapsing to the ground beside you and cradling your face in his hands. You’re getting deja vu.
“Are you okay?” he asks worriedly, looking from between your eyes to down at your neck. He lets go of your face to move your hands to assess the damage to your neck. 
“I’m fine,” you croak, gently pushing at his chest to get him to stop. 
“Grantors of dark disgrace…” Chuuya begins to chant as he starts to slip off one of his gloves. As soon as you hear that first word, your eyes are going wide. 
“Chuuya!” you shout, trying to gain his attention. 
“Now you’ve done it,” Dazai singsongs, smirking to himself. 
“Nakahara, stop!”
“You need not wake me again…” he finishes the chant before his ability is activated, red lines starting to appear all over his body. 
“Shouldn’t have messed with our (Y/n),” Dazai continues to singsong without a care in the world. You punch his chest–receiving an “ow!” in response from him–as you stand up and move towards Chuuya. 
Just before you reach him, he’s taking a step forward and causing a big crack in the earth around his feet, a gust of wind almost blowing you away. 
“What am I even looking at right now…?” You turn to find Steinbeck leaning against a tree. Oh, so that’s where he went. 
Before you can even blink, Dazai is coming up behind him and holding the bloody knife he used to kill Q up against the blond’s throat. “Want me to fill you in, worker bee?” Steinbeck gulps and turns his head a bit to look at Dazai over his shoulder. “That right there is the fully realized form of Chuuya’s gift. His corrupted form allows him to manipulate nearby gravitons, creating a black hole which swallows everything in its path. The drawback is he relinquishes control, attacking in a blind rage until he wastes away.” Dazai then pauses, the two men watching Chuuya attack the man-creature. 
“And do you want to know why Chuuya is doing this?” he whispers into the man’s ear. You’re close enough to where you can hear them and you can see Steingbeck’s eyes flicker to you before Dazai even speaks. Steinbeck doesn’t even get to nod or verbally answer before Dazai is continuing. “Do you see the person right here with us? The beautiful one glowing under the light of the moon?” You tense when the attention is suddenly brought to you, your cheeks turning to fire at Dazai’s description of you. 
Steinbeck tilts his head a bit and makes eye contact with you. You watch as his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, a drop of sweat sliding down his temple. He gives a faint nod, eyeing you for a moment. “Well, your partner here made the mistake of hurting them. You know, this knife I have pressed against you right now is bloody because I just got done killing someone who harmed them. Then, not five minutes later, your partner goes and makes the same mistake and does something similar that someone had done to (Y/n) before.” He sighs and clicks his tongue while shaking his head from side to side. “People just never learn.” 
“What does it matter if we hurt them or not? Y’all never got this worked up over other people!” Steinbeck mumbles, eyeing you warily as he speaks. He hisses when Dazai presses the knife even closer, a drop of blood gliding down his neck as Dazai presses the blade to his throat. 
“Ah ah, that’s where you’re wrong,” he advises. He sets his head on the blond’s shoulder, also beginning to study you now. His eyes are completely different from Steinbeck’s though. Dazai’s hold what they always hold for you when he looks at you, no matter his mood, no matter the situation. 
Adoration. Fondness. Love.
At least, you like to think it’s love. 
“(Y/n) isn’t just anyone. We both love them, you see,” Dazai confesses, looking away from you to continue watching Chuuya. Your jaw completely drops at this, your heart suddenly going into overdrive. He can’t be serious. “Typically, I’d never say this out loud, let alone to the enemy. I don’t like people knowing my weaknesses, and neither does Chuuya,” Dazai continues his confession. “But, seeing Chuuya how he is right now, I doubt either of you will live for much longer,” he finishes his thoughts, picking his head up just as his partner figures out that he needs to attack the monster from the inside to defeat it. 
He finishes with the man, blowing him to smithereens and almost blowing you away with it. Once the wind dies down, you open your eyes to find that Dazai has, once again, cut an enemy’s throat. You sigh and turn away, deciding you’ll deal with him later. 
You quickly start running towards Chuuya as he manically laughs, watching as blood drips from his mouth and head. He starts to throw balls of energy around, causing small explosions when they land. 
“Nakahara!” you scream as you near him. He suddenly freezes in place, the black hole he was forming in his hand dissipating at the sound of your voice. He turns around just as you launch yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. 
There are only two things that can snap him out of this. Dazai’s ability and you. Not your ability. You. 
He’s stiff in your hold as you hug him, not back to himself yet. Your brows furrow when he pushes at your shoulders to get you to back up. Your eyes go wide when his lips are suddenly on yours, a gasp escaping you, to which he uses to his advantage to slide his tongue into your mouth. You taste the metallic of his blood, your hands pushing at his chest to no avail. 
You gasp again when he’s suddenly forced away from you, Dazai holding his wrist as he activates his ability. “Bastard,” he growls, glaring down at Chuuya. “You’re lucky I don’t beat you to hell for pulling a stunt like that-”
“He can’t control himself. You know that,” you remind Dazai as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand to clean Chuuya’s blood off of your lips. 
“He kisses you every time! How is that an accident!” Dazai snaps, glaring down at the redhead as his red lines finish receding. Chuuya grunts as he falls forward, only being held up by Dazai’s grip on him. 
You rush forward to catch him, letting him lean against you. “(Y/n)...” he mumbles into your collarbone. 
“I’m here,” you whisper back, smacking Dazai’s arm to get him to let him go. Dazai glares at you but let's go, placing his hands into his pockets. Chuuya grunts and collapses into your arms completely. You grunt right back at his weight and quickly lower yourselves to the ground. You even take it a step forward and lay back, Chuuya’s head resting on your chest. “I got you…” you whisper, staring up at the starry sky. He lets out a pleased sigh before going utterly limp against you. The last thing you see is Dazai standing above you with a disapproving look on his face before you close your eyes. 
When you wake up this time, it feels like deja vu again. You’re in the same room, in the same bed, with similar injuries, and with a worried brunet sleeping by your side. Only this time, he’s literally sleeping in the bed beside you instead of in the chair by the bed. 
Your face is pressed into Dazai’s chest and you can tell he’s asleep by his slow breaths. You wonder how long you’ve been out. Has Dazai been asleep long or did he do that thing where he worries about you so much that he can’t rest until he knows you’re okay and then passes out from exhaustion? 
Either way, you’re glad that you both were able to get some rest, even if it was accidental. You pull yourself back a bit to look up at him, noticing the few marks he has on him. Guess he didn’t get away scot-free either. 
You look up at his messy bedhead and want to touch his hair so badly. You remember what happened last time and decide not to wake him. You slowly back up and sit up, letting out a heavy sigh as you run your hand through your dirty hair. You could use a shower. 
Just as you’re about to get out of bed, a hand is grabbing your wrist, making you gasp. You swivel your head around to look at Dazai, only to find him seemingly still asleep. He looks like he’s asleep still, but you can tell he’s awake now. “Don’t leave me yet…” he mumbles, grip tightening on your wrist a tad. You sigh and lay back down, facing him and placing your arms between you both. 
He moves his grip from your wrist to your hand, intertwining your fingers. He opens his eyes and finally meets yours, a weight lifting from your shoulders when you see his brown eyes. You give him a soft smile, watching as he returns the expression. 
You watch as he opens his mouth, hoping he’s going to say something sweet and romantic. “Chuuya can suck it. I don’t see him sharing a bed with you,” he says with a pleased smirk. You scoff and let his hand go, rolling your eyes. 
“You’re such a child.” 
“Am not,” he argues with a pout. 
“Are too,” you argue right back. 
“Am not!” 
“Are too!”
“Then so are you!” he fires back, smirking at you. 
You open your mouth to retort before closing it again, squinting your eyes at the ex-mafia member. “Touché,” you cave, relaxing into the bed again. “But seriously, you two are like two friends fighting over your favorite toy,” you grumble. You purse your lips when he grabs ahold of your hand again. 
“First of all, we aren’t friends-”
You snort. “Yeah, okay-” you respond sarcastically. 
“Secondly,” he pauses, staring into your eyes, “You are our favorite toy.” He brings your hand to his face, kissing the back of it. “And I refuse to share,” he whispers decidedly, looking up from your hand to stare into your eyes with a determined look. 
“Don’t call me a toy,” you decide to respond with, ignoring the rest of his words. You also ignore the way your heart flutters at how possessive he is over you. He chuckles at that, shifting in the bed to get closer to you. 
“You started it,” he reminds. 
“Did not,” you defend. 
“Did too,” he coos, getting even closer. 
“Did not,” you mumble, his nose touching yours.
“Did too,” he whispers, breath fanning across your face. 
“Did-” your response is cut off by his lips meeting yours. You hum and lean forward, pressing your lips harder against his. His free hand comes up to cup your jaw, keep your head angled just right for him to kiss you. 
“Don’t let him kiss you again,” he whispers once you two pull away. 
“I’ll think about it,” you coo, winking at him. He glares at you, wrapping his limbs around you and clinging to you like a koala. 
“Fine. You can’t ever leave this bed then.” 
“Not even to pee?” you ask with a laugh. 
“What if I just invite Chuuya to this bed?” you argue with his logic. 
“I’ll kill the ugly bastard if he even thinks about setting foot into this room,” he decides, making you laugh. 
“Right, sure,” you say sarcastically, cuddling into him. 
“I will!” 
“Whatever you say, baby,” you concede, letting out a yawn. 
“Did you just call me baby?” he asks. 
You quickly close your eyes and let out a heavy breath, pretending to be asleep. “Hey,” he says as he pulls back a bit to look at you. “Hey! I know you aren’t asleep already!” he shouts, shaking you a bit. You whine and smack at his hands, burrowing closer to him and hiding your face in his chest. He huffs and lets your arms go to wrap his arms back around you. “You’re lucky you’re so damn cute,” he grumbles, pressing a kiss to your hairline. He rolls his eyes when he feels you smile into his chest. He knew you weren’t asleep. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Dazai
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Special thanks to @celestair for being my super seggsy beta reader
Tag List: @nojamsss03, @katsuhera ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
1K notes · View notes
idle-daydreams · 6 months
Chuuya x Reader
Tw: Yandere, dub-con, non-con, obsession
[A.N: Happy new year, everyone!]
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He kissed you again and again and again, taking in every inch of your form. He loved you, wanted you, needed you are much as air, food or water; more so if he had anything to say about it. He wanted not only your body, but your heart and soul and mind; he wanted to know you, feel you, touch you and taste you. You were sweeter than ambrosia, more intoxicating than the strongest wine, more addictive than any drug he could have ever laid his hands on – and far more pleasurable, to boot.
It was never enough.
You squirmed underneath him, trying to disengage. Maybe in another world you two could have been a normal couple. Maybe in another reality, he could have been normal, a man who would have simply loved you instead of being obsessed with you. The thought briefly crossed his mind and was promptly ignored. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for the here and now – you in his arms, your skin beneath his lips. He had you in his arms and you were never going to leave. He simply wasn’t going to let you.
“Mine,” he murmured against your skin. “Mine, all mine. I’m not sharing you with anyone, you hear me. You’re mine alone.”
Your answer was buried in another kiss, which deepened as he pushed you against the bed. Hot tears wetted his cheeks as you began to cry, but Chuuya simply brushed them away.
Your fear and anxiety were inconsequential, a simple mistake due to your misunderstanding of his actions. Chuuya wasn’t going to hurt you; he wouldn’t lay a finger on you with ill-intent. You were safe and warm, and he was going to take care of you. You didn’t have anything to worry about, you just didn’t know it. You were his angel, his princess, his porcelain doll to cradle in cotton; he would destroy the world and lay it at your feet.
Anything, everything, all for you.
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httpskuzuu · 7 months
if your not busy then can you make more yandere chuuya l'm down bad for him lol!😭
The best gift
can we give reader a therapy session? thanks
Yandere!Chuuya x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Chuuya just wants to make you happy (I love that man)
tw: failed escape attempt, mention of punishment, broken leg, feelings of abandonment? idk
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He couldn't be more fed up with you.
I mean, he loves you, but the fact that you are always unwilling to correspond to him is something that really hurts him deeply.
He even thought of locking you up in complete darkness, no light, no food. He wanted you to crawl to him afterward and ask him to get you out. He wanted to make you say you loved him.
He never got around to putting that plan into action, obviously. He's not that horrible! He's not a monster. He really loves you.
Sure anyone would put you through the most grotesque tortures to make you submissive. But he was different, you should appreciate him more.
As much as he knows you have reasons, he still finds it completely overkill because, come on, you have everything you want just by asking nicely! Everything but freedom, of course.
You want expensive clothes? Okay. You want diamond jewelry? In less than five seconds, you'll have them in your hands. Want to travel to exotic destinations? He's taking you, just don't leave his side.
All he asks is a little obedience from you, it's not that hard, is it? He's looking out for your happiness too, the more submission from you, the better quality of life. It's a win-win.
But you didn't seem to understand that.
You were in bed, lying there, not wanting to move an inch of your body. Chuuya broke your leg just two days ago. The pain was unbearable.
You didn't talk to him since that, well, except for the moment he broke it. You cried to him and begged him, as silly as it sounds, to make the pain stop.
You wished Chuuya was some mythical God so he could fulfill your earlier request.
The pain didn't make you think well, so you were crying to Chuuya, talking about your cat and how much you missed him. Chuuya was by your side, stroking your hair, listening to you attentively.
You always mentioned your cat, how you wanted him with you now, how much you loved him. In fact, most of the time when an argument happened, it was because you mentioned that you wanted to go home with your cat!
Was an animal really that important to you? Well, if it made you happy, Chuuya would bring it home. Maybe then you'd stop crying randomly throughout the day, or fighting him. Imagining you, a fighter, turning into someone with a more passive behavior just because of a cat, drove him crazy.
Chuuya warned you that he was leaving, but that he would be back quickly, he left you a pain pill along with a glass of water. He hoped you would notice that he was not so cruel, after all, he could have left you lying on the floor, with two broken legs instead of just one, as was his idea at the beginning.
You were left alone in the house. You had never felt more lonely and bad in your life. Your friends, your family, your pet, what will become of them?
You feel miserable, left to your own devices. Why didn't they come for you? Did they care about you in the first place? You were sure there should have been an investigation into your disappearance by now, but what if there wasn't? What if you weren't important enough to them?
Were you that hard to love? But Chuuya loved you, in an obsessive way, but he did. Wouldn't that be the purest kind of love?
You don't know why you keep fighting, but it's something normal in you, like something wrapped in your DNA. You feel attacked, helpless, by something bigger that can't be stopped, so you grit your teeth trying to feel safe. It's not working the same for you anymore.
You didn't try to escape because this life was bad. You tried to escape because you didn't want to be forgotten by others. What kind of life is one in which you are a ghost trapped?
But you are not selfish, you hope they are doing well. You hope they have the happiness you can't seem to achieve.
You cried until you heard the door open. You hadn't noticed that Chuuya had come home.
You looked at him for a few seconds, he had with him a black gift box, tied with a ribbon. You didn't want gifts, you didn't want jewelry that could buy you.
Sure, that was until you heard a meow come out of the box. You stopped crying almost automatically and looked at it in surprise. You could even feel the glint settling in your eyes.
Chuuya pretended not to hear the meowing. "Why didn't you take the pill? You can't complain about the pain and then be stubborn enough not to take it."
"What's in the box?"
"A present for you. I thought it might make you happier." He sat on the edge of the bed, resting the box on his legs. "You know, I don't like to see you cry."
His gloved hand reaches to your cheek and wipes away the tears. There is an impulse in your body to fight, to refuse to be touched, but you stayed still.
Chuuya put the box on the bed next to you. You struggle and manage to sit up in bed, your leg throbbing with pain, but you ignore it. You have more important things to do now.
You don't even look at Chuuya for approval to open the box, you just open it. And there it is, your faithful friend who always stood by your side. Your cat.
You cry again.
Your cat seems happy to see you again, he nuzzles his head against your hand affectionately and meows at you. You take him in your arms and hug him.
"Do you like the present?" Chuuya's voice comes through in the place only ruled by your sobs. Of course you like it, how could you not? You missed this kitten so much, it had been so long since you hadn't seen him.
You nod your head. "Very much, I like it very much. Thank you Chuuya." Your voice shakes from the sobs, but that doesn't matter anymore.
You don't have to keep staying defensive when you have a friend with you.
"I thought maybe your cat could help you to be calmer, to stop fighting."
There was always something hidden. Chuuya wanted to see you happy, of course, but if he could gain some of that happiness from you, he would gladly do so.
You nod again. "Yes, it will help me." You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you smile.
It looks like you're both happy for once.
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baby-tini · 5 months
So... you accept dark content? Perfect. Not a confession but.. I just need your thoughts on a dark poly skk
My personal thoughts is that, I could see it working out, there would obviously be arguments and shit but entertaining none the less. You said dark, so I'm giving dark hc thoughts 😘 TW- Noncon implied, kidnapping, abuse, dehumanization
-Dazai doesn't have the space or money to keep you captive, so that's on Chuuya to do. You most likely have your own room at first just to settle in and learn to behave before they unchained you.
-Dazai is definitely the most affectionate, he doesn't know the meaning of boundaries. He'll touch you and kiss you, groping at your chest and ass. Pushing him away won't deter him, he's an asshole, he's gonna instigate shit.
-Chuuya would definitely be more open to treating you like a human and not just a pet or smth to stick his dick in (*cough* Dazai *cough*) he's more gentle and respectful of your boundaries and limits. Although... if he wants a kiss before he leaves for work.. then he's not taking "no" for an answer, love.
-Punishments... depends on who and why you're getting one. Dazai tends to let loose and be more sadistic with his punishments. Chuuya, depending on what you did, can either just spank you or edge you for hours. There ABSOLUTELY WILL be noncon involved at some point, sometimes Chuuya just doesn't have the patience to sweetly talk you into sucking him off... and Dazai? Dazai doesn't care all that much, especially if we're talking PM Dazai.. that fucker gives 0 shits about what you want.
-I do wanna say that if the punishment involves BOTH of them... just one question, WHAT DID YOU DO??? Dazai most likely will lead with most punishments because Chuuya is a pretty empathetic person so he'll go easy sometimes. You will definitely be chained up and spread open, they might drug you if you're fighting a little to much. You will ABSOLUTELY be fucked within an inch of your life, you won't know left from right anymore.
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
Hiii can I request yandere fyodor and chuuya with a s/o who tends to sleep a lot and when they do they sleep in the most odd places like in the vents or under the bed
i loved this idea, I had a lot of fun writing this, sorry Fyodors is a bit short though
Type: • quick headcannons •
Characters: Chuuya, Fyodor
Warnings: yandere themes, mentions of kidnapping and whatever else comes with yandere writing
•He think it's adorable
•Although, he's a bit worried at first, why do you sleep so much?
•When you explain it's normal, he goes back to thinking it's adorable
•He thinks of it as a game, he likes to try to find where you sleep, and then carry you to the bed
•But his worry quickly returns, what if you get kidnapped or hurt while sleeping?!
•This inspires him to kidnap you
•Before he kidnaps you, he sets up all these nap spots around his house
•There's one under the kitchen table, a bunch in the vents, a mini bed under his, one under your desk, one under the couch, one behind the tv, one in the cabinets, and anywhere else he could think you could possibly take a nap
•He focuses on your comfort
•When he finally kidnaps you, he does it while you're asleep, proving his point of how vunrable you are while in the unconscious state
•But don't worry, as long as you're with him, he can protect you!
•He lies you down in his bed, and cuddles with you
•He loves you, and will constantly be cuddling you while you're asleep
•He will force you to stay awake while on dates and while spending 'Quality time's together 'Its really just him forcing you to hang out with him)
•Fyodor finds it weird, and kind of frustrating how you sleep so much
•He tries to keep you awake, but you just run off and sleep in some other weird area anyway!
•He gets so sick of this, that he kidnaps you
•He constantly keeps his eyes on you, and if you continue to frequently run off and fall asleep he'll begin to punish you for doing so
•If you're good, he'll often let you cuddle into him and sleep, but that's it
•If you don't want to be punished, you have to stay awake until he gives you permission to sleep
•Of course, he doesn't want you to constantly be exhausted, so he still lets you sleep quite often
•Just stay within his sight/reach, stay out of trouble, and don't sleep without his permission and everything will be ok
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