#yandere mukami kou
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Can I get yandere sakamaki and mukami (I think that's their name) with a male reader who once were their friends, (during that time, they hide their feelings) but they accidentally kill him and one day they met him. After he was reincarnated and the moment they met is the same how they once first met
Example : reader met Shu in the garden, Shu will met reader when he is in the garden as well!
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, paranoia, stalking, clinginess, violence, sadism, delusional mindset, isolation, abduction, manipulation, clinginess, hallucination, mentions of self-harm in Azusa's part, male reader
We meet once more...
Sakamaki Shu
🎵Just why had you been so adamant on leaving him that day in favor of pursuing your dreams? Yes, you had promised him to return to him in a few years time yet your words had sounded shallow in his ears. The argument that followed is something his mind forces him to replay even decades later. Normally the both of you had never been the type to let your emotions get the better of you but something about your words had irked him and his words had agitated you. As the emotions had risen higher both of you had gotten physical with each other as the argument escalated. It's when you had turned around with barely suppressed anger and concluded this conversation to be over that Shu had snapped. He had underestimated his own strength in that moment as he had pushed you, his ears ringing with wrath he had been feeling in the moment. Your body, only human and unable to handle his unexpected outburst of strength, flew down the stairs before you hit your head with a sickening crack on the ground, laying there motionlessly all whilst the blood created a bloody hallow around your head.
🎵Everything that even remotely reminds him of you has been removed from his life since then as he's unable to bear the emotions he's feeling whenever he lays eyes on something that triggers past memories. Shu completely withdraws himself from the memories of you in an attempt to cope with the pain yet there is no relief for him. He sees you in his sleep, sees you every time he closes his eyes. In one moment you are smiling, in the next he sees your limp body as his mind reminds him that it is his fault that you are dead. It's his loss of control that ended your life and it is from that day on that Shu decides to completely suppress all of his emotions as he deems feelings as something that will only lead to bad decisions. With the complete isolation from feeling comes the loss of any interest and motivation as Shu grows indifferent to anything that is happening around him. He blends out the world around him as he lives seclusively in his own world where the only loyal companions he has are music and the haunting memories of you.
🎵It starts raining on that night as he is lying on a bench in a park yet he doesn't care as cold raindrops hit his equally cold skin. Blue eyes lazily stare at the grey sky before he closes them, blending the sound of the rain out by listening to some music as he closes his eyes. Instantly his inner vision is filled with memories of you, a familiar bittersweet ache grasping his dead heart. He doesn't notice when the raindrops stop hitting him, he only notices when someone grasps his shoulders and shakes him carefully. His heightened senses, previously submerged in a world only he knows, return to him as he hears over the music he is blasting into his ears a voice calling out to him, his nostrils flaring up as he picks up another scent next to the smell of fresh water pouring out of the sky. A hauntingly familiar smell. He cracks open his eyes yet his vision remains filled with the sight of your face looking down on him worried, an umbrella shielding him and you from the onslaught of rain. His heart starts quivering as blue eyes gaze upon you as emotions he swore to burrow reanimate. A hand instinctively shoots out to grab you by the shoulder and keep you in place, his grip slightly shaky. You... How are you...?
Sakamaki Reiji
☕You've always been impressed with him. Reiji is a walking library personified and you have always sought out his help when you were struggling with your own research. Reiji had taken it up on himself for that very same reason to take you under his wing and teach you about everything as he helped you with your own studies, needing you to be on the same level as him to be a worthy partner. Deep down he just loved the praise and attention you gave him for his impressive knowledge, something he had never gotten from his own mother. One day he took you to the mansion, to his own room as he had been working on a science project and had wanted you to see the final results. A few minutes. He had only left you alone for a few minutes to fetch some documents when he had heard an explosion which had rang louder in his ears due to his heightened senses. The sound had come from his room. An acidic smell had filled his room when he had arrived, the aroma stinging his eyes with water. Maybe, just maybe, the sight of your lifeless body on the ground had been another reason, your face deformed as you had been standing right above the test tubes when the chemical reaction had occured.
☕Over the years Reiji has done all that he could to downplay his own emotions. After all all had been your fault for getting too curious and playing around with his set. He had warned you to not touch anything unless he was there with you so your death had merely been a result of your own stupidity. Yet the occasional snicker of people like Ayato or Laito has always gotten more under his skin than it should have as they sometimes joke about the scientific accident on that day. After all their older brother who has always portrayed himself as the smartest person of them all had been careless enough to let such an accident happen. Perhaps it is the perfectioniest housing inside of him that starts considering their words more and more. Could he have done more on that day to prevent this from happening? He starts considering this question more in quieter moments and painful realisation hits him when he does come up with ideas that could have prevented you from dying on that day. Why didn't he think of those ideas earlier? He's never able to live this failure down and deep down it shakes up his core beliefs.
☕He's in the library that day to borrow a new staple of books that have just recently been published. Normally he doesn't like going under humans that much and this library is an especially sore spot for him. Even if it has gone through some major changes over the decades, this is the place where he met you so long ago for the first time. He despises the feelings that always threaten to pour out of him when he is in this place so he hurries up to get all those books. Just as he is about to walk away with all of them in his arms though, a familiar scent invades his nostrils, one that has his brain short-circuiting for a brief moment. Then a pouty voice fills his ears, complaining how you wanted to borrow these books as well for your upcoming studies in college. His head wipes around, pink eyes narrowing in disbelief and shock as he sees a spitting image of you standing behind him, the same sulky expression on your face that you used to always give him. You're startled when he drops the pile of books and swiftly walks over to you, his glare antagonising you as gloved hands suddenly grab your face and pull you closer to scrutinise your features better. How is this possible?
Sakamaki Ayato
🥇Ayato always wanted and needed to have it his way. That is something you were familiar with with passing time. Here and there the two of you did get into arguments but it never really escalated as you were somewhat forced to take on the role of the calmer person due to Ayato's aggressive behavior at times. He liked having you with him all the time, showing you off as if you were a priced possession of his. In a way you were as Ayato deeply loved you and he couldn't have cared less about the fact that the both of you were the same gender. As long as he kept on being the best he could have whatever he wanted after all in his mind. It was his forceful and aggressive temper that ultimately led to your death though as you had started making friends with new people, something he couldn't have despised more. A shouting match between the two of you where he demanded from you to drop those pathetic friends of yours, a violent hit to your head as you dared to stand up properly against him for the first time since your friendship had started and a dull thud as your body fell to the ground, eyes glossy with the unmistakable haze of death. Why do you humans have to be so fragile?
🥇None of this is his fault! He didn't do anything wrong! Those are words he constantly yells at his brothers as soon as he even thinks that they're trying to bring the incident up to him. It's all your fault for being so stupid to go against him! You-you should have known better than going against his demands... No matter how often he repeats those accusations, no matter how loud he yells them at someone, they never get through to him as his heart remains unconvinced. Unconsciously he is probably aware that he is at least partially responsible for your death as he should have been better at controlling his own strength yet it is his own arrogance and pride that doesn't allow his mind this realisation. The following decades he tries desperately to feed into his own ego by picking up hobby after hobby, especially ones involving physical activity to master them and convince himself that it wasn't his own lack of control over his own body that was to blame on your death. Yet still he finds himself constantly turning around, green eyes searching for you when he scores a goal or masters a sport only to be reminded that you are dead as his mood instantly worsens.
🥇Sometimes Ayato finds himself still approaching a certain place that remains special in his heart. An abandoned building at the edge of town that has decayed over the years only more. It's a place where he met you for the first time many years ago and both of you used to play around here though he would always win against you and puff out his chest whilst proclaiming himself to be the best. He's been avoiding the ruined building ever since your death but in the last few years he has occasionally found himself walking down the streets to stare at it from outside the rusty fences. It is the sound of a ball being kicked against the walls that peaks his curiosity and his eyes suddenly narrow. This is his special place even though he hasn't entered in decades... Who dares to tread on it? He effortlessly climbs up the fences though he initially hesitates to step on the property again. His eyes are able to pick up the sight of the intruder from this high though, someone who looks very familiar. You on the other hand nearly jump out of your skin when he storms over to you and grabs you by the hem of your shirt. Is this a fucking joke?? If it is, he is everything but amused!
Sakamaki Kanato
🧸Kanato has attached himself to you from the moment you gained his obsessive interest. After all besides Teddy he had no one else in his life so he was ecstatic and giddy to have finally found someone who could care for him and spend time with him. It has never been easy to deal with Kanato and his explosive and highly sensitive emotions. The worst thing that came out of it was the isolation that came with being Kanato's victim of obsession. A situation that had always been very dangerous turned into pure peril when he threatened to kill the person you had recently gotten close too, clutching his plushie tightly against his chest as he did so. Why would you betray him like this in the first place? He thought that you were happy with him... Isn't he more than enough for you? You're so greedy and selfish!! Your mistake on that day was trying to reason with him even though no logic would have worked on Kanato on that moment as the accusations piled up. You didn't love him! You wanted to leave him! He didn't want that... He didn't want to be left alone... That's why he killed you on that day in a frenzy as his hysteria got the better of him and stabbed you to death.
🧸He kept your corpse and pretended that you were still alive until the scent of rotting flesh threatened to shatter his sanity and he had to burn you. Unable to live without you though he instantly created a life-sized doll of yours and dressed it up with the clothes he still had of you so that it would even smell like you. Everything continued as if you were still there as his brain couldn't accept the reality that you had died and that he had been the one who had done it. Yes, in death they couldn't take you away from him but he hadn't considered in the moment of hysteria that he couldn't have you anymore either. As if to brush over this moment as if it had never happened he acted like you were still alive as he held tea parties and wheeled the puppet around the mansion, even taking you to meals where he tried to feed you. None of his other brothers spoke up and mentioned his deteriorating mental health as Kanato's mind created the delusion that you were still there as he even hallucinated that the puppet was speaking to him and answering his question. It was all a delicate delusion though that needed not to be shattered under any circumstances or else he would snap and turn into a maniac.
🧸Nothing has happened. You were never gone. A protective shield for his mind to not completely shut down. He's currently outside in a field of flowers as the moon shines in the sky, collecting some bouquets for the next tea party he plans to hold at midnight with you again. When he looks up though, he lets out a strangled sound when his eyes land on your form walking relaxed around outside, a cookie in your mouth as you hold a packet filled with sweets you just bought in town. For a short moment there is a crushing dread of realisation threatening to shatter him yet his mind pulls up its walls in the last moment. Cold hands grasp your own and you nearly get a heart attack as you turn around only to see a pale and sick-looking man standing right behind you, asking you with a trembling voice what you are doing outside. Both of you are about to have a tea party and you were supposed to wait for him. Then his eyes land on the packet of sweets which you dropped on the ground. If you wanted new sweets you could have just told him instead of leaving without his permission... Well, he'll punish you later. For now the both of you should return to the mansion.
Sakamaki Laito
🎹Laito saw the fact that the both of you are of the same gender not as a hurdle and more like a new and exciting adventure waiting to be uncovered by him. After all he truly couldn't care less about what gender you are. He's just taking it for what it is and goes for what he desires without any hesitation. Though he does understand that the time period the both of you are living in wasn't very accepting of couples of the same sex at the time. He didn't need their approval though as all he would have really needed to do was whisk you away and keep you in the mansion where hw ould have been able to do whatever he desired to do with you. Jealousy had already led him to kill people his mother had taken as temporary lovers and it was jealousy that fueled the crime of him murdering your secret lover and by accident you as well when he found out that you had kept the relationship a secret from him though the way you had reeked of someone else had given it away. He hadn't intended to stab you but when you had tried to fight against him to defend your already half-dead lover, he accidentally drove the knife right through your heart.
🎹To this day he still blames your lover for your death. He didn't let them touch you when you bled out on the ground as he stomped on their hand and broke all their bones in it, didn't listen to their pleas as he had twirled the knife around in his hand with a new icy ire burning in his green eyes and he didn't even stop torturing them long after their heart had stopped beating. Initially Laito simply tried to dismiss his feelings for you now that you were gone and tried to move on. He whored around with other people from women to men to everything else as if to convince himself that perhaps his feelings for you hadn't been anything special to begin with as it might have been simply a fleeting moment of excitement and ecstasy yet his mind always drifts to you whenever his tongue is in the mouth of someone else. There is a sick feeling in his stomach whenever he undresses someone or his current companion touches him suggestively and he gets no pleasure and relief whenever he fucks someone for as soon as the moment of ecstasy passes by his mind is overcome with a disgust he didn't know he could feel. Temporary freedom only lasts for a few seconds before he's back where he started.
🎹On that night he finds himself going once again through all pubs in town in search for those few seconds of blissful forgetfullness, a dangerous addiction he has developed to escape from the clutches of disgust and guilt. The smell of alcohol is especially bitter when he hits up the bar where he met you nearly half a century ago, green eyes darting around in search of his next victim. That's when his eyes are drawn to a figure sitting alone on the counter and from behind their silhoutte reminds him painfully much of you. His feet move on their own as he steps closer to the counter and the closer he gets, the more a sweet fragrance of blood invades his nose and mind. Green eyes narrow as he lays a hand on the shoulder of the person who turns around surprised when feeling his palm. For the first time in his life Laito is unable to come up with a witty reply as he stares into your face, in disbelief at who he is looking at. His grip subconsciously tightens on your shoulder as if not wanting to let you go and it is only when you let out an uncomfortable wince that he snaps out of it. A smooth grin covers up his shock as he slides down the sit next to you, green eyes gleaming with a predatory glint as he offers to order you a few more drinks.
Sakamaki Subaru
⬜Subaru has always considered himself to be an unwanted monster that would only hurt the people he cares about which is why he has closed his heart so that he may never get attached to anyone only to be reminded of how unwanted he really is. It's painful for him to see how you slowly peel him out of his shell as emotions he has troubles to properly grasp bloom inside of him. It is all so agonising, confusing and somewhere in between that it is even a bit beautiful yet he is wavering, unsure whether to trust you with his heart. He should have never trusted you to begin with. Of course you wouldn't want him. The pain and heartbreak that assaults him the moment he finds out that you have already a lover and plan to propose to them tear his heart out of his chest and the sheer agony that comes with it has him entering a screaming rage he cannot control. His vision is simmering red as his wrath takes over and has him lashing out. His hands are coated with blood, your blood, when he comes to his senses only to be plunged into his next despair as he realises that he lost complete control and killed not only your lover but also you.
⬜The stench of blood never leaves his hands nor does the sickening warm and sticky feeling of it. He swears that it's still there, reeking and reminding him that he truly is a monster destined to kill anyone important to him. Sometimes he spends an hour washing and rubbing his hands until they are raw to clean himself of that cursed smell and feeling yet it is a mark that stays with him to remind him of his grave sin. Subaru withdraws himself completely from the outside for a while and hides in his room, locks himself away as if thinking that he is a beast that has to be put behind bars. He most likely thinks that he is. The agony and the grief comes in periods. Sometimes he manages to push it all down so that only his heart is aching and sometimes the walls break into pieces and the flood of emotions bursts out of him. Hot and salty tears cascade down his cheeks as a scream of anguish escapes his lips as furniture is shattered and walls receive cracks as he violently punches around him until he calms down and sits in the destruction his anger has caused with dull eyes.
⬜Sometimes he even neglects taking care of the roses in the garden, his confidence to care for things weaker than him utterly shattered as he thinks of himself as incapable of even nurturing the flowers. It takes him time until he slowly starts picking up this hobby of his again though he remains distant and cold to everyone else around him, his roses the only thing he seems to care about anymore. Sometimes he visits a florist in town to buy some new buds to plant into the garden of the mansion, although he always hurries with his shopping as this shop brings back too many memories. It is there though that his heart blossoms once again because as soon as he walks in he spots you arranging flowers into bouquets, your eyes meeting his as you greet him cheerfully. He stops right there, his body no moving a muscle as if subconsciously afraid that as soon as he moves, he'll do something terrible. His emotions leave him trembling as he can't help the stinging tears threatening to escape his eyes all whilst you give him a concerned look as he feels his control slowly slipping away from him. Shit! Why after all of this time?
Mukami Ruki
📘Ruki has always liked to give you more trust due to the fact that you were also a man as he had lost faith in the loyalty of women after his own mother left his father and him for another man, leading inevitably to the downfall of his life. You were supposed to be better than this... You weren't supposed to also leave him behind... Yet his world is shaken when it is revealed to him that you have accepted an apprenticeship far away from the town he is residing in with his other brothers, oblivious to his own horror as you deliver him the news whilst looking so excited. Are you really so selfish that you would prioritise your own dreams over him? All Ruki wanted was to prevent you from leaving, all he intended to do was to weaken your body with drugs so that you wouldn't be able to take the long journey to the new town. A twinge of paranoid fear caused him to put in too much of the drugs into your food though as he wanted to be sure that they'd do their job which led him to give you an overdose that ultimately led to your death.
📘Responsibilities have always rested on his shoulders as he is essentially the leader of the Mukami brothers and so he intends to focus on his duties instead of taking the time to mourn. He tells himself that he shouldn't mourn a person who wanted to abandon him in the first place and that you probably never loved him to begin with yet even to the eyes of his brothers it is obvious that Ruki is suffering. As soon as they attempt to console them though he shuts them up as he insists with a slightly clenched jaw that he is completely fine and that they are worried over nothing. On the inside he feels like he is rotting away though and as much as he tries to push that thought away, the emptiness that is crying out inside of him becomes harder to blend out until one day Ruki breaks down for a moment, leaving the rest of his brothers to care for him on that day as he just spends his time being a mess before he shakily puts himself together the next day, making all of his brothers swear that they never mention your name again nor his outburst.
📘For decades no one in the mansion mentions your name and Ruki continuously tells himself that this is for the best as he wants to bury you in the past. There is no remedy for the bittersweet memories though that have been haunting him ever since your death nor for the slimy dread that clings to him whenever he realises that it is his own fault that you died. He's on the other side of the street when he happens to glance over to the other side, staring through the windows of a pharmacy that has been there since nearly 200 years. He remembers the place very well since he met you there for the first time and he remembers the place well because he purchased the ingredients for the drug that ultimately killed you in the same store. In there everything began and also ended. Truly poetic, isn't it? It's not his memories that cause him to stop though as he stares at the pharmacy. It's the sight of a familiar figure that has his body pausing and his throat tightening. He's rushing over to the store in the next second, almost experiencing a tunnel vision as he can only focus on you. He slams the package of pills you've purchased right out of your hands, visions of your dead body haunting him.
Mukami Kou
🎤Kou has never really given much of a care that both of you were of the same gender. He's been sexually explored by other people as a young child and for that knows firsthand of the evil that others carry in their hearts, regardless of their sex. It's his ability to see through the true heart of people that has him enamored with you as he realises that you have a pure heart which allows him to give you his full trust. One day though you confess to him that your parents have become aware of your friendship with him, precisely of Kou's feelings for you which you remain oblivious to at the moment and have threatened to disinherit you if you do not distance yourself from him. That is when Kou makes a plot to get rid of your parents as he won't tolerate anyone to get in the way of him and you. All was carefully planned out. He'd lure you away before setting your parents house on fire at night so that they'd die in there yet you figure his plan out. The words you yell at him that night before rushing into the burning house will haunt him forever as you admit that you wish you'd never met him before you try to save your parents only to die together with them.
🎤He could have stopped you. He should have stopped you. You were only a human after all whilst he is a vampire. It's your words that completely froze him though and disabled him to work properly as his mind went into numbing shock after having heard your words. He wanted you to take those words back yet you died in the fire and left those words that told him that he was unwanted by you as an eternal curse that has been sticking with him ever since. Those words echo inside his head and for the first years following your death they drag him down into a hysteric depression. He cannot go to sleep at all as your disappointed and angered face haunts his vision, your voice telling him that he is someone you never wished to have met over and over again so that he wakes up not even half an hour after he has gone to bed, in tears and babbling incoherent words. He writes a lot of songs about you but never finishes them as he either draws a blank and starts breaking down in tears or rips them apart as his emotions get the better of him. Not even his brothers can help to piece his broken self together.
🎤He's sitting outside on that day, dull eyes observing a lake where the both of you used to hang out often back when you were still alive. He's on his own, something he hasn't been in decades as he hasn't left the mansion since your death and was too broken to be on his own which left his brothers no choice but look out more for him. There is nothing in particular on his mind as he gazes at the lake until a melody catches his ears. Normally he would have just blended it out like he has done music a lot in those years since your death yet there is something very familiar as he listens as someone plays the strings of the guitar. That's a melody you always used to play... Suddenly it's like someone lit a fire under him as he jumps up, eyes flying over the field surrounding the lake until he covers a small figure also sitting here, playing on a guitar they brought with them. Initially he wants to demand from where they know that melody as this is something that only belonged to you and for that shouldn't be played by anyone else but poisonous words die down when he catches a better sight of them and realises that it is you. He stands there motionlessly, listening to the song as tears start to escape his eyes.
Mukami Yuma
🌱Yuma has been sceptical about the whole situation from the moment he found out that he had feelings for you. Not necessarily because the both of you were men as he had always been an outcast and would have been considered that all the more if the humans would have figured out that he was now also a vampire. It was more the aspect of being in love that made him somewhat doubtful as he had quite an iffy mindset about it all. You didn't know at that time that he was a vampire and he knew what the rest of the village you lived in thought of creatures of the night. Who was to tell that you wouldn't try to cast him out in the name of god as well if you were to discover his true nature? Unfortunately that was exactly what happened and your reaction was as fearful as expected as you instantly tried to get away from him. He tried to explain it to you, tried to get you to listen but you had been indoctrinated with the same nonsense all other villagers believed in. Shut up... He just wanted you to shut up for a moment as he pressed his hands over your mouth, applying too much pressure and accidentally breaking more than just a few bones that were the reason for your death.
🌱It was on that day that he became aware just how much stronger he had gotten since he had been turned into a vampire as he held your limp body in his arms. He doesn't want to be consoled by any of his brothers though as he turns around or growls at them to shut up as soon as he senses that they want to talk with him about the accident. Yuma doesn't try to blame anyone else for this though as he acknowledges that this is solely his fault. Your reaction was to be expected and he should have known best just how much strength he possessed. There is no chance he wants to give himself to grieve though. He has never openly bemoaned anyone before and for that he doesn't quite know how to do so. Instead he spends a lot of time in his garden and tends to his vegetables and plants, though he can't help but always be reminded that those fragile things could be even easier ripped apart by his hands than you were. Yuma needs a long time until finally he starts cracking as he has just tried to bear the sorrow up until that point and even he is startled by the silent tears that drip down his face without any warning.
🌱There are some pretty cherry blossom trees in a forest near the city and they have been there even longer than the village built nearby. Yuma visits them once a year when the pink and delicate flowers are in full bloom, a little tradition he has been carrying on even if you have been gone for over a century now. Some of the pink petals rain down on him on that night as he walks through the little valley of the trees, the fresh scent of the blossoming flowers an aroma that surrounds the entire place. At this late at night it is rather rare for people tos visit this place which is why he is mildly annoyed when he catches sight of someone sneaking around, his mood instantly ruined as he wanted to have a peaceful stroll for himself. Until a breeze passes through the forest, carrying next to the scent of cherry blossoms another aroma with it. His previously worsened mood is instantly replaced with shocked disbelief as he instantly recognises that smell. It only takes him a few large strides to close the distance between him and the other person. He suddenly appears behind you like a large and looming shadow, his eyes narrowed as he grabs one of your arms to prevent you from running.
Mukami Azusa
🔪Azusa has never had the courage to tell you about his growing feelings for you. Yes, he has always been very clingy and attached to you but he has been like this even when his feelings for you were still largely platonic. His behavior did increase though when a different kind of love started blossoming inside of him. Truly, he doesn't care about who his darling is as long as he feels comforted and safe in their presence which is precisely what you give him. Perhaps if he would have found the courage to confess to you things would have turned out differently as he instead has to bear witness how someone else confesses their love to you before he does. He wants to plead you to not accept but his tongue feels like it has turned to led as he instead has to watch how you accept their confession and start a relationship with them. All he intended to do was to threaten your partner a bit yet they had to start acting so rudely and hurt his own feelings whilst flaunting that you only loved them before he started attacking them. You had heard the noises inside the house, tried to stop him and ended up taking the fatal blow.
🔪His brothers find him sitting in the bloody mess of two corpses, his own body clinging to yours as he keeps on begging you to wake up again, whispering you that your now cold skin terrifies him just as much as the vacant expression in your eyes. They have to tear him carefully away from your body, something Azusa can only object weakly to as he begs his brothers to not separate you from him. He loses all will to live for a while as he asks his brothers shakily if they could stab him in the same place where he stabbed you, tears in his eyes as he admits that he was the one who killed you and even if his brothers do try to console him and tell him that it was a terrible accident, Azusa is inconsolable. He's closely monitored for a long time as his older brothers all fear that he might try to harm himself somehow. Azusa himself withdraws himself from reality as he spends most of the time hidden under his blanket, rarely getting up and not speaking for months. The only sounds he makes are those of silent sobs, the tears never seeming to dry off no matter how much and how long he cries quietly.
🔪It takes him years before he gathers the strength to leave the mansion again and whilst he avoids the place where he took your life vehemently, he finds himself often returning to the location where he met you for the first time in an attempt to think of the happy memories. It's a random alleyway where you found him for the first place and offered ro bandage his wounds he had inflicted on himself on that day. As if hoping that you'll return if he does it again, Azusa often cuts himself in the same alleyway before sitting down and waiting there, looking like a wet cat with no place to return to. Some people do approach him but he ignores them since none of them are you and if they bother him too much normally all it takes is a rather dangerous look in his eyes and the flash of his knife for them to disappear. Then one day you do appear though, 80 years after your death and Azusa can barely believe what he is looking at as you ask him worriedly if he needs some band-aids for his cuts. In the next moment he is suddenly clinging to your legs, tears dropping down his eyes as he sobs out apologies for an accident you do not know of.
#yandere diabolik lovers#yandere dl#yandere shu#yandere sakamaki shu#yandere reiji#yandere sakamaki reiji#yandere ayato#yandere sakamaki ayato#yandere kanato#yandere sakamaki kanato#yandere laito#yandere sakamaki laito#yandere subaru#yandere sakamaki subaru#yandere ruki#yandere mukami ruki#yandere kou#yandere mukami kou#yandere yuma#yandere mukami yuma#yandere azusa#yandere mukami azusa#yandere x male reader#diabolik lovers x reader#dl x reader
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One thing I absolutely adore about Diabolik Lovers is that every male lead is a yandere in some way. Some are more prominent than others, but still. Though the most apparent yans are definitely Kanato, Laito, Azusa and Kou.
I really wish more otome follow Dialovers lead when it comes to yandere. We desperately need more yans in otome games

What are your thoughts?
#diabolik lovers#yandere diabolik lovers#dialovers#otome#yandere otome#yandere visual novel#yandere vn#yandere#carla tsukinami#kino sakamaki#yuma mukami#ayato sakamaki#azusa mukami#ruki mukami#reiji sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#shu sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#kou mukami#diaboys#diabolik brothers#yandere x reader#male yandere#yandere male#shin tsukinami
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Before you play DIABOLIK LOVERS
#diabolik lovers#diabolik lovers fandom#dialovers#otome#otome game#diaboys#🥀nox memes#ayato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#diahell#diamemes#diabolik lovers memes#subaru sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#shu sakamaki#ruki mukami#kou mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami#carla tsukinami#shin tsukinami#kino#kino sakamaki#yansim#yandere simulator
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Sakamaki brothers and mukami brothers with a reader who has severe social anxiety. The reader has the personality almost same as shuu like sleeping most of the time and wearing headphones 24/7 except she's active than him and not stoic as him. But after the reader gets comfortable with them she's SOOO unhinged and chaotic (in a good way)
I'm going to make each brother at a time. Each reader in each brother acts differently but still the same as requested.
Shu :
Believe it or not, Shu is happy that someone was the same as him, like music and napping.
He always sleeps with you (not in a perverted way) he just lies down beside you and sleeps.
You can say Reiji has been complaining about this. The one thing that are different about you two is, you are actually from a football club. You are more active than him so Reiji couldn't complain much.
The more he spent time with you the more he realized something.
That you are a bothersome girl, that's for sure. Yapping none stops when with him.
Yapping and yapping. But you are afraid of people. Everytime he tells you to befriend some ‘human’ you feel scared just thinking about making friends. Thus, you always stay with him.
(you and him once annoy Reiji in the dining room just for fun)
Reiji :
Reiji at first is always nagging you. Scolding you for spending money on earphones/headphones. But hey, he can't stay mad since you actually score your exam unlike a certain ‘deadbeat’.
One time you are forced to interact with other people you literally hide in Reiji classroom. Without him noticing weird huh.
And if Laito was the one who bothered you. You will hide in Reiji bedroom.
Then, when Reiji finds you. You will exposed what Laito did and he got punishment such as doing the dishes and housework that Reiji do.
The more he spends time with you the more he realizes you are actually just like him. You love science! Thus, you and him become the 'science duo'
(you and him agree that Shu is a deadbeat but then you gasp dramatically because Shu literally behave like you so in other words Reiji hates you too)
Ayato :
He was annoyed when his with you. Sleeping and hearing music with your earphones/headphones. His first thought about you were : "tch, another Shu Sakamaki"
Though he quickly realized something. You love basketball that's what makes him interested in you. In every game that you or him play both will be there to observe.
The more he spends time with you he realizes you rarely interact with your teammates but you do know what they want as if you can see when your eyes close.
Thus, you two have become the "ore(o)-sama duo" ayato was the one that say it. He claims you (not in weird way) as his 'best friend' weird huh.
Even Kanato side eye him. (You and him go around pranking the brothers)
Kanato :
He hates you. So so so much! You always sleep! Always listening to music like Shu! He hates you so much! So he plans to make you his doll.
As he tries to kill you he realizes you were hugging a teddy bear with a skirt on it.
"teddy look this b*tch has a teddy bear too."
"what? You like her! Impossible teddy! You like that bear! That bear is that female wh*re teddy bear!!"
"oh? You want me to befriend her so that you can date the bear? Fine for you I try"
The next day
He did try to befriend you. Ayato and Laito almost choked on their own food when Kanato offered you his chocolate. Subaru can only pray you are alive.
You were afraid of him but after he tells you that teddy like your teddy...you were shock.
"teddy like my teddy?" "Yes where is she? Teddy want to get to know her" you look at the brother. Laito just avoid your gaze.
'the betrayal' is what you thought that time when both Ayato and Laito avoided your gaze
"s-she sleeping uhm she's tired after accompanying me to watch a movie"
"what's her name?" "..uhm her name was teddyla" "teddyla?"
Reiji though : 'what a stupid name'
"yes she pick it her name herself." "Oh teddy said it's pretty"
From then on you become 'bestie' as he said.
(it's official your teddy bear and his teddy bear is 'happily dating' on the way to 'marriage')
Laito :
At first he doesn't really have any interest in you. Because you sleep and only listen to music. He doesn't care about you at all.
But what makes it change? Well while Laito was flirting with his fan girls his fedora was snatched away by some jealous boys and was cut in half.
I mean yes he can just kill those boys but Reiji warns him not to. So he pretends to be sad so that his fan girls attack those boys and they do.
As he walks around the school he clenches his cut-in-half fedora with anger. And that's when you came in. Just in luck you are a pro when it comes to stitching. So you stitch his fedora back as if it was new. He looks at you and realizes you are in the middle of the project.
The school has decided to make a mascot so the principal asks you to make some dress.
"Laito? Are you crying?" You ask him.
Yet, there was a single tear roll down from his eyes. "Nothing...I'm just glad it's fixed thanks"
You were shocked the great boy flirt Laito is thanking you.
"your welcome" you smile at him and continue your works.
He stays with you. Technically your work place has become his hiding place from the fan girls. But of course he actually helps you sometimes with the clothes you are stitching.
(he tried making his own clothes with you but he accidentally cut it wrong)
Subaru :
You and him sync immediately after he finds out you like gardening. And thus, you two can always be found in the garden. Sometimes he help you with the plants you are planting.
He always makes sure you aren't hurt when gardening with him.
He can be overprotective especially when you are sick and you haven't water your plants. He also knew that you like to sleep and listen to music. So he makes a small hut for you to sleep in case you are tired. Can't lie he thought that you are dead when you stop moving while you are gardening with him.
Reiji approved this. (Because he gets free vegetables)
It's been a year, both of you actually did become a couple. Him being the anger issues boyfriend while you are the shy girlfriend. So it's perfect for you two.
Ayato is jealous he get to couple with you first instead of him.
(Subaru and you did accidentally plant something poisonous luckily Reiji arrived just in time before both of you could touch the plants with your bare hands and you got scolded afterwards.)
#female reader#anime#x reader#manga#yandere#platonic#request are open#my ocs#oc x reader#diabolik lovers#karlheinz sakamaki#shu sakamaki#mukami brothers#sakamaki brothers#laito sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#ruki mukami#kou mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami
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Special Promot Valentine day ♥︎

Love Letters from (Suitor). – What words would they pour onto the page when no one is watching? Pairing ; Shu Sakamaki and Kou Mukami.
Header Credit: Diabolik Lover’s Series
Pairing: Multi Scenario x FemOc (Friend).
Tags : Yandere, DarkRomance, Obsession, Stalking, Possessiveness, Psychological Tension, VampiricThemes, Supernatural Romance, Gift Giving, LoveLetters, Slow Burn, Forbidden Longing, Intense Attraction, Dangerous Devotion, Blood Drinking, Manipulation, Emotional Conflict, Suspense, Power Imbalance, Soft Yet Unsettling
Warning : Dark & Intense Romantic Themes, Stalking & Obsession, Possessiveness & Yandere Themes, Blood Drinking (Kou’s Letter), Power Imbalance, Emotional Conflict.
A/N : Request from @love-scary-things, for special Valentine promotion: (2) Love Letters from (Suitor). – What words would they pour onto the page when no one is watching? For Diabolik Lover’s, Shu and Kou.
The following is my interpretation of what I believe Shu and Kou would say and act, and I kindly apologize if it does not align perfectly with the character or if you have a different understanding. Please bear in mind that it is intended purely for entertainment purposes and should not be taken to heart.
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Kou Mukami☆

"To My Little Sea Sprite" – A Love Letter, A Stalker’s Confession, A Dangerous Devotion
Kou wasn’t the kind of guy who second-guessed himself. Usually, when he wanted something, he took it. No hesitation, no overthinking. But Celine—Celine had thrown him into unfamiliar territory.
Stalking her was easy. Too easy. He knew the routes she took home, the cafés she liked, the way she carried herself with an effortless grace that made his fingers twitch with the urge to reach out and ruin it just a little. And then there was him—the tiny, golden-furred rabbit she had named Apollo. A ridiculous name for such a delicate creature, but somehow, it suited her. The rabbit was a mirror of his owner—soft and warm, yet just a little wary, as if it knew something dangerous lurked nearby.
Kou had grown used to watching her through a lens, a step behind the shadows, collecting pieces of her life like stolen treasures. But when it came to putting his thoughts into words, that was another story entirely. He had written draft after draft, torn through pages like a man possessed, his frustration mounting as nothing seemed right. Should he be poetic? Playful? Brutally honest? His fingers curled tight around the pen, his thoughts an unbearable mess. Every time he tried to explain why she had gotten under his skin, the words fell apart. How was he supposed to tell her that her voice had settled into his bones? That her scent haunted him? That the thought of her with someone else sent something dark and vicious curling inside him?
In the end, he settled on something raw. Something real.
The letter still burned in his pocket as he waited outside the concert venue, leaning against the wall with a lazy grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes. His undead heart seem to pounded against his ribs, a foreign, infuriating rhythm. He wasn’t nervous—Kou Mukami didn’t get nervous. And yet, as he saw her stepping out, exhaustion clinging to her shoulders, he felt something tighten in his chest.
He had never been good at giving without taking. But tonight, just this once, he would let her have something.
A carefully selected bouquet of soft pink roses—delicate, lovely, just like her—and a box of chocolates, chosen with more thought than he’d ever admit. And the letter, neatly folded, tucked between the petals. The moment her gaze met his, he stepped forward, grin widening, his usual playful bravado slipping into place.
“Surprise, little sea sprite,” he murmured, holding the bouquet out to her, his fingers brushing hers as she reached for it. “Figured you deserved a little something after putting on a show for all those adoring fans. But don’t get the wrong idea—this isn’t me being nice or anything.” His voice lowered, the teasing lilt hiding something far more dangerous beneath. “Just… don’t keep me waiting too long, yeah?”
And with that, he turned, walking away before she could respond—before she could see just how much it really meant.
... ☆
Celine stood frozen in place, staring after him long after he disappeared into the night. The scent of roses filled her lungs, mingling with the lingering warmth of his touch on her fingers. What just happened?
Slowly, she looked down at the bouquet, her breath catching when she noticed the folded paper nestled between the petals. A love letter? From Kou Mukami? It didn’t seem possible, and yet… her fingers trembled as she pulled it free, unfolding the page with careful hands.
Her eyes scanned the words—words that should have unsettled her, but instead made her heartbeat quicken.
To My Little Sea Sprite,
I shouldn’t be writing this.
I shouldn’t even be thinking about you. But here I am, watching the ink stain the page, every word I carve out pulling me deeper under your spell. And the worst part? You don’t even know. You have no idea what you’ve done to me.
You were supposed to be just another face in the crowd, another girl starry-eyed and desperate for a piece of me. But you weren’t. You looked at me—not like an idol, not like something untouchable—but as a person. No screaming, no shaking hands, no suffocating obsession. Just… warmth. A quiet kind of admiration, the kind that seeped into my skin and made me feel seen.
And that should have been the end of it.
But I could smell it. The truth. The salt of the ocean clinging to your skin, the undeniable whisper of something not human. You don’t belong among them, do you? You walk in their world, smile for their cameras, let them call you Artemisia Jones as if that name could ever define you. But you and I both know that’s a lie. You’re something far rarer than that—a secret tucked away beneath layers of illusions. And yet, despite all that power, all that mystery, you stood in front of me and called me kind.
Do you know how dangerous that was?
Because now, I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop watching you. I tell myself it’s curiosity—just a game, just a little indulgence—but then I see you on screen, see someone else touching you, whispering sweet words in your ear, and something inside me snaps. You were never meant for them. Never meant to play pretend with someone else’s hands on you.
I should have waited longer. I should have let this burn a little more. But patience was never my strong suit, and you—you were so close. So warm. Your pulse hammering beneath my lips, the taste of you sinking into my senses, your breath catching in that moment before my fangs pierced your skin… was it fear? Or was it something else?
I wonder if you can still feel it. The ache. The heat. The way I pressed you against me, whispering that I wouldn’t stop. And I won’t. Not now. Not ever.
They can have Artemisia. They can praise her, desire her, pretend they know her. But Celine—sweet, trembling, breathtaking Celine—she belongs to me.
So be good, little sea sprite. Stay where I can see you. Keep pretending to be part of their world if it makes you feel safe. But don’t forget who you really belong to.
Because next time?
I won’t stop at just a taste.
Yours, always,
Kou Mukami☆
Celine’s breath hitched, her fingers tightening around the page. The words sent a shiver down her spine—both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure.
He had been watching her. Following her. And yet, there was no mistaking the raw emotion behind his words. This wasn’t some shallow crush. This wasn’t just infatuation. This was obsession, tangled in devotion, laced with something dark and unshakable.
A deep heat pooled in her chest, her heart hammering as she read the letter again. The pink roses in her arms suddenly felt heavier, their petals soft yet suffocating.
He had left before she could respond, but somehow, she knew—he was still watching.
And, despite herself… she wasn’t sure she wanted him to stop.
Shu Sakamaki ♪

A Love Letter from Shu Sakamaki – A Silent Devotion, A Restless Longing
Shu never cared for effort. Whether it was school, people, or the world around him—it was all just noise, something to endure until it inevitably faded into irrelevance. But then there was her.
Celine. Artemisia Jones. A nymph among humans.
He had first seen her in passing—just another student in the halls of school, just another face in a sea of meaningless people. He should have forgotten her the moment she walked away. And yet, he hadn’t.
She was different. Unlike the others who either feared him or pestered him for attention, she was simply… there. Never pushing, never prying, but never looking away either.
"It must be tiring, letting everyone take pieces of you."
The words had settled in his mind, unshakable. As if she understood.
It had irritated him.
More than he cared to admit, he had started watching her. Not because he cared—he told himself that much—but because he needed to know what made her different. Why she lingered in his thoughts when no one else ever did.
He found himself drawn to the way she carried herself—soft-spoken yet unyielding, reserved yet undeniably present. The way she sat beneath the shade of a tree during lunch, her fingers absently twirling strands of her hair as she gazed at the sky. The way she moved through the world, gentle and graceful, but never truly belonging to it.
Then, of course, there was Apollo.
That ridiculous golden-furred rabbit she always carried when no one was watching, whispering softly to it as though it could understand.
She was odd. And for some reason, he couldn’t look away.
It had gotten worse—his distraction, his irritation. He caught himself waiting for her, lingering in places he never had a reason to be, memorizing her habits without realizing it. He should have ignored her. He tried.
But she made it impossible.
Which led to this.
A letter he never meant to write. A gift he never meant to buy. He had spent too much time debating whether it was worth it before finally shoving both under her pillow, leaving no trace of his presence behind.
And then, he left.
... ♪
The day had been long.
Celine sighed as she entered her bedroom, stretching her arms above her head. School had been exhausting as always—draining, suffocating. The meaningless chatter, the empty social obligations… None of it had ever felt real to her.
All she wanted was to collapse into bed, to rest.
But the moment she laid down, she felt it—something firm beneath her pillow.
Frowning, she sat up, reaching beneath it until her fingers brushed against something smooth. Slowly, she pulled it out—a black velvet box. Confused, she turned it over in her hands before her eyes landed on the second object: a folded, slightly crumpled letter.
Her heartbeat quickened as she carefully unfolded the paper.
The Letter ..
I should have ignored you. I tried. But you don’t make it easy.
You linger. In ways I don’t have the patience to explain. In the quiet, in the noise, in the spaces between my thoughts. You take up too much room in my mind, and I hate it.
You—who walk so easily between two worlds. A nymph among humans. A woman playing a role that isn’t really hers. You pretend so well it almost fools me, but I know better. I see through it. I see you.
And yet, you make it so damn difficult to stay detached.
You were supposed to be just another passing moment. A name I would forget. But you weren’t. And now, I don’t know what to do with you.
You irritate me. You make me restless. And worse, you make me care.
I don’t know what you want from me. I don’t know if you want anything at all. But if you’re going to keep invading my thoughts, then you should at least know this—
I won’t ignore you anymore.
Celine's breath hitched.
Slowly, her eyes drifted back to the black velvet box in her hands. With careful fingers, she flipped it open—inside was a delicate silver necklace, a single deep-blue sapphire at its center, gleaming softly under the dim bedroom light.
Her fingers traced its surface, a warmth spreading in her chest, both unfamiliar and overwhelming.
This… Shu Sakamaki did this?
It was almost unbelievable.
Shu, who avoided effort, who never seemed to care about anything, had gone out of his way to leave this.
Her lips parted, then curled into a small, breathless smile.
"You're such a liar, Shu," she murmured to the quiet room, pressing the letter close to her heart.
He had been watching her all along.
Written by : @eternaldarknesswitch
#valentine special#dark romance#diabolik lovers#fanfic#love letters#shu sakamaki#kou mukami#stalker yandere
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hello ,i wanted to ask for a yandere laito moodboard ,if you have time ofc:)
Soft yandere Laito moodboard
Thanks for the idea (´꒳`)♡
#pinterest#moodboard#teemataulu#vampire moodboard#dialovers#diabolik lovers imagines#diabolik lovers laito#laito sakamaki#diabolik lovers moodboard#laito moodboard#laito sakamaki moodboard#sakamaki laito#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#shu sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#yandere male#yandere moodboard#laito yandere moodboard#kou mukami#ruki mukami#azusa mukami#yuma mukami#anime moodboard#anime and manga#diabolik lovers fandom#green moodboard#soft yandere#obbsessive love
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Diabolik lovers Blood Bloued prologue
Blood. That was all I can see at the moment. And then a man with white hair and golden eyes.
-Who you are? - I asked. It was in the blood. Did he kill them? .. "I should hate him" these words flashed through my mind. " My family is dead. He killed them. Do I want to kill me? - Hello, dear child.
The man said. - -w-who are you? I repeated myself. - Karl Heinz. That name meant nothing to me. -
What do you say to take you to me. I need you for my plan I don't understand what this one is talking about.
Tears are streaming down my face. They are dead. He killed them. Even so, I shook his hand. The man smiled **** I was in his castle. He introduced me to his first wife and told me to look after me. Violethair looks at me with contempt, anger, as if I am inferior ... I don't understand. But I was just a child. Violethair has three sons.
P-p-please, please ... Stop ... - she said when the woman was choking me.She hated me ... I don't know why, I was only 4 at the time. I wanted to know why she hated me? what did i do to her I know, but Karl Heinz took me in. And she hated me from day one ...
- Mom, what are you doing? a childish voice said. - Oh, dear lait. Don't interfere. the woman said.
- Father said he must live. And you can't get rid of her, said the red-haired boy. Looking at me.
- Wouldn't you like to entertain me?he asked the woman. Violet, hair let me go
- I would like. she replied.The redheaded boy winked at me.Disappeared, with his mother. What did he mean by "entertain"? I've always wondered. I didn't know what was going on. The woman tried in various ways to get rid of me. But one of her sons always helped me. But that was the order they got from their father. The girl didn't understand that. Usually she wondered about their relationship with her mother but didn't understand. She knew that only each of them wanted her attention. When she was with Ayato, she said she was a mean bitch who deserved to die. I said he would kill her someday. He hated her with all his heart. As time passed, she realized Ayato was right. Their mother really was a bitch who deserved to die. Usually, when a girl pleaded with a woman for her life, she only laughed. She hated women. The girl forgot who her parents were and who killed them. But she still missed them. She wanted to come back to them. But she knew it was impossible. She knew they were dead and she would not come back to them. She wanted to know what she was doing here and why? But he also wanted to pay off the debt to Karl Heinz - Sam.
He took her to him. She had nowhere to live, she was grateful to him. She respected Karl Heinz. When the girl was 10 years old. Karl Heinz locked him in his castle in Eden. He protects her from his mean wife Cordeli. He didn't want her to die. He needed it for the plan. from 6 years. The girl was taught various things while she was imprisoned in the castle of Eden. Currently, the girl is 16 years old. Karl Heinz entered her room. Hello Miss Yumi. the vampire king smiled.
- I would like to inform you that today you are leaving for my sons. The girl was surprised by this news, but nodded.
- To the mukami brothers.
- added. Yumi, she didn't know who it was, didn't even know them. All she knew was that she had 6 sons. She had never, ever heard of mukami.
- Who is this? she asked confused. "These are my next sons," he replied. Yumi, she was shocked by this news. She knew she had 6 sons with whom she only met laito, kanato and ayato. She didn't know his other sons, only their names. Analyzing the information in my head, it turned out that the vampire king has 10 sons. She was shocked. "Damn, he has a very big family"
- I understand, sir. She replied. "I told you to call me by name," the man said.
- excuse me. she said. - When should I pack? she asked
- I'll tell you today and he left Thinking, "I'll finally follow through with my plan."Yumi, she packed in 3 hours. The girl took her things went down to the living room. She said goodbye to Karl Heinz. The next she got into the limousine that was waiting for her outside. In the sky she saw a full moon. She liked very much when it is full she liked to see the full moon. Yumi, was curious about the new place she was heading to while riding in the limousine. But, she also felt a strange anxiety. She was leaving Karl Heinz Castle. It was the first time she had left it. Even though Karl Heinz'em had imprisoned her she thought it was for her own good. She was loyal to him. She didn't want to leave the place where she lived too much. She treated the place as her second home. Her old home. She didn't remember. All she knew was that her parents were dead and she was taken in by Karl Heinz.Yumi sighed as she left the place where she had spent a long part of her life.
Part 1
#dl oc#kou mukami#ask me anything#diabolik lovers oc#diabolik lovers#yandere quotes#artists on tumblr#diabolik loves oc#dlmb#ruki mukami#azusa mukami#karlheinz sakamaki#Karlheinz#Yumamukami#Koumukamioc#laito sakamaki#ask blog#ask oc blog#ask ocs#send asks#Asics#ask me questions#diabolik lovers ask blog#ask game#ask to tag#ask open#drawing#draw poses#diabolik lovers draw#my draws
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𔓘 Tw : Yandere, Dark Content, Spiritual Relationship, Jealousy, the word 'Rot' Mentioned, unholy thoughts, Virginity-take, Dubcon, Marriage, Unwanted pregnancy at the end (?) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics with no Skintone of Reader mentioned.
Do not cross any further Boundaries if this isnt your cup of tea. Dont like it? just block.
thinking abt yandere spirit who are in love with chubby!soft!witch!reader.
Yandere spirit who spending his after-death life with regret because he really blame himself for not meeting you early enough to fuck your fat pussy.
Yandere spirit who is sooo eager to fuck you, seeing you go around with your tight dress that almost made your asscheeks and boobs go explode expose.
Yandere spirit who ask you to do something with him just so he can touch you like a human does.
Yandere spirit who is soo jealous when other people start to touching you without your constent at all. guess someone is going to get hunted this night huh?
Yandere spirit who likes to touch your thights when you were sleeping. putting his hands into your thights while rubbing it softly. as he drown himself in with thoughts of how your soft body texture would feel around his hands.
Yandere spirit who wished you to be dead sooner with him just so you can be together with him forever. seeing other people trying to get into you closer making him gawk.
Yandere spirit who soon enough -- declares a Marriage between you and him in a Village of Spirit or what-so-ever.
Yandere spirit who swears on his life and after-dead life that he would always be there for you even when his flesh was rotting. well i mean.. his flesh was rotting only for you too.
Yandere spirit who cant even explain with words how happy he was when his fingers start to opened up your fatty pussy, as his heads start to move forward to it while his tongue is out -- ready to eat his after-dead meal.
and after all of that dead dreams of his, we finally met to the end; he claimed all of your maidenhood. all of it, all the things you dont know about -- to all the things about sex that was quite popular in the time where he was once lived. where he was once have a dream to try it out, but sadly enough the reaper was fast enough to grab his lifefull soul. and now, its his turn -- as he grab all your maidenhoods that night. and at the early morning, where a blessing from a devils arrived. where you would find the shock of the news that you are carrying his baby just at that moment. yes, your baby. you and his baby. the dead 's baby.

NANAMI, KAISER, Itoshi Brothers, Itto, XIAO, SCARAMOUCHE, Shibura, SEMI EITA, jiraiya, Sugawara, Tsukishima Kei, KAGEYAMA TOBIO, Itachi, CHOSO, Megumi, Gojo, MADARA, Hashirama, DEIDARA, Sasori, Al-Haitam, ZHONGLI, CHILDE, Kaeya, QIN SHI HUANG, Poseidon, OBITO, Kakashi, ALEC, Jack The Ripper, DOUMA, ENMU, Akaza, Muzan, SAKAMAKI AYATO, SAKAMAKI LAITO, Mukami Kou, Sakamaki Reiji, Oikawa, & SHIGARAKI.
#chubby reader#plus size reader#yandere x chubby darling#yandere x chubby reader#yandere smut#yandere x reader#tw.yandere#tw: yandere#genshin impact smut#genshin x reader#yandere genshin#yandere naruto#yandere jjk#diabolik lovers x reader#madara smut#madara x reader#haikyuu smut#yandere haikyuu#haikyuu dark content#haikyuu x reader#yandere blue lock#blue lock x chubby reader#blue lock smut#kny smut#kny x reader#douma x reader#muzan x reader#zhongli x reader#diabolik lovers smut#akatsuki x reader
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Can you write a part 2 about these headcannons but with the mukami brothers
Pairing: Platonic! Mukami brothers (separate) x gn! reader
Sakamaki Version: click here!
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): Yandere themes, unhealthy, not proofread
Want more Diabolik lovers? → Masterlist! ★

Initially, Ruki only allowed you to accompany your sister since she's “Eve”. And clearly, there was no way she'd go without you. Therefore, he provides you every basic necessity a human could possibly need, but that's it. The only time Ruki had a full conversation with you was when you needed help with your homework. To which, he reluctantly decided to help you with.
Sooner than later, you found yourself traveling to Ruki's study weekly in hopes for some afternoon tutoring. Before you knew it, those weekly sessions turned into daily ones; I suppose you can say he's gotten quite attached to your presence. Now, it's become a requirement. Studying for at least three hours a night, by his side, in his library. And dear, there's no reason to ask anyone else for help; you don't need it! After all, Ruki is not one to stray away from a routine.
“You didn't attend yesterday's session, is something the matter? Are you unwell? Or perhaps it's Yui's doing? Even so, try to attend every day or there will be consequences.”

Kou is an interesting case. Sure, he's nice to you upon your arrival just as he was with a certain blonde. However, the idol took no real interest in anything involving you. That was until Ruki put him on “Child Duty” for the evening. I mean, come on, you're a teen not a damn fetus! As you'd imagine, he was anything but pleased. Surprisingly enough, Kou started a conversation with you, which he found himself thoroughly enjoying. But something tells me those blue eyes have been peering right through you!
There you were seared across from him, your hands neatly tucked in your lap as Kou gently applied the thin mask to your face. It smelt of petals and peaches. Refreshing, and yet you couldn't stop the shiver that wrecked your being upon its contact. Yes, refreshing but also cold. A low snort slipped past his lips as he reached to pinch your cheeks between his thumb and index finger. Perhaps even Kou can find some comfort within your genuine emotions (something you and Yui share).
“Wah~! Filming took absolutely forever today. I even had to skip put on picking you up today, y'know? Hehe, but fret no longer, the amazing Kou Mukami is here to cure your boredom!”

I suppose you aren't entirely useless. Having an extra set of hands around the garden proved to be quite the blessing, so why not keep you around? Hah, you may as well call it an excuse! Yuma had always been amused by your energy, — your eagerness to learn about the things he often busied himself with. Soon enough he itching to spend time with his favorite little listener (Yui's sibling).
You could say he's quite protective over you. After all, how can a “defenseless sow” like your sister possibly look after you? The girl can barely pick a tomato properly! Yuma is much more capable of providing and protecting you...or so he says. So whether you like it or not, you're now his little helper. And trust me dear, there isn't anything you or Yui can do about it.
“Tch, toughen up kid, a little dirt won't hurt ya' too much. How are you ever gonna do somethin' on your own? Hah, but don't let others go pushin' you around like this. Only I'm allowed to do that, got it?

Nine times out of ten, you're the one who went out of your way to speak to him. Your curiosity got the best of you, leading you to a very extensive conversation with the youngest brother. And he was arguably not as boring as he appeared. A bit strange, that he was, but you saw no harm behind his abnormal kinks. Seeing how he's the most “normal” one in the house, surely you'll become attached to him in no time.
Azusa is pretty damn clingy once he gets comfortable. Even then, you find it hard to reject him — he looks so sad! You'll find yourself being dragged off to some random place in the manor as soon as you enter the doors! Yui hardly has a chance to speak with you, which is exactly where at he wants. Though she might be Eve, becoming Adam is the last thing on his mind when you're around.
“You don't look too well...did you...have a bad day today? Hmm...what happened? You can hit me if it makes you feel better. I just...I just want to see you smile.”
#—🍁#diabolik lovers#diaboys#diabolik lovers headcanons#diabolik lovers scenarios#diabolik lovers imagines#diabolik lovers x reader#diabolik lovers ruki#diabolik lovers kou#diabolik lovers yuma#diabolik lovers azusa#ruki mukami#kou mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition ☽ otomehonyaku's English translation masterpost


Stellaworth complete tokuten booklet: AYATO ・ LAITO ・ KANATO ・ SHUU ・ REIJI ・ SUBARU ・ RUKI ・ YUMA ・ KOU ・ AZUSA (Coming soon...) Stellaworth tokuten short story papers: RUKI VER.
Short stories: SHUU VER.・ SUBARU VER. (Coming soon...)
#diabolik lovers#dialovers#diabolik lovers translation#diabolik lovers translations#diahell#otomehonyaku#my translations#diabolik lovers drama cd translations#diabolik lovers drama cds#diabolik lovers more blood#diabolik lovers haunted dark bridal#haunted dark bridal#more blood#otomehonyaku masterpost
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Can I request a yandere ayato x yui please? It doesn’t have to be a smut fic but if it is I’m fine either way, thanks (love your writing btw)

Ayato's POV:
I can't think or eat normally, staying away from her might be the only guarantee for her safety. She keeps on trying and trying to get my attention, putting herself in dangerous situations on purpose, she knows that shit pisses me off. All I can think of is her, her deep velvet eyes and the sadness she bears, her creamy skin that I taint with my fangs and her sweet hot blood that quenches my thirst. I know that if this continues I will end up killing her, if she did not mean anything to me I would not give a shit but she means the world to me, I want to slaughter anyone who gets in our way. These bastard Mukami assholes, my brothers, my uncle I dont care..they should all just drop dead, every human ballsack looking guy should die too...she belongs to me, and only me, no one will have her but me. Fuck! Ha, I think I am going insane, I never wanted it to get this bad. I don't want to leave her alone, I want her next to me at all times but I might actually kill her if that is the case..the thought of not being by her side at all times that shit doesn't sit right with me, I don't like the idea of her interacting with anyone but me..
That night, I took a bunch of percs, after thinking it through I decided to slaughter everyone in our path, I started with my lurking Uncle Richter, his presence only made matters worse but killing him was the most challenging, I tore him to pieces limb by limb, then I hurried over to those Mukami bastards, I sniffed 3 lines of cocaine before torturing the those subbreed bastards. Azusa and Kou were easy to kill, I didn't waste my time torturing them, but Ruki's death was to be slow, I wanted to enjoy his agony, cutting out his tongue so I don't have to hear his annoying voice, perhaps I'll cook his tongue and feed it to her..after a few hours of torturing him in front of Yuma I slice his throat and decapitated his head, as well as the other Mukami brothers, I wanted to take their heads and put them on spikes as decorations around the manor, a warning to my brothers, who indeed were next.
After a few more lines of cocaine I was in a frenzy, I decorated the manor gates with their heads. I went back into the manor, she was standing there in horror. "What have you done..!?" she asks in panic and worry, tears in her eyes as she looks away from the sight. I grab her face and make her look at it. "They were in the way, anyone who gets in my way will meet the same fate." I tell her, smiling like a madman probably, she gives me a look of fear, that look does it for me, I kiss her, she resists the kiss, so I pull away and whisper to her "you're not content until they are all gone right? Don't worry, I'll make your wish come true." I told her, my eyes were gleaming into her, that cocaine had me jittery. "No no I dont want anyone else to die.." she makes her pleas, pretending to be this good human and all that crap. "Make no mistake, if I wasn't here these bastards would do as they wish with you, you want that?" I ask her, gripping onto her shoulder blades, she shakes her head then continues to try and defend them I heard enough come from her mouth, I bite her lips, sucking the blood from there until they turn all purple, she passes out after a few moments so I take her into my room and lock her in there, she will wake up to a lovely present.
I took a few more percs, and sniffed the remaining cocaine I had, killing Shu, Reiji and Subaru would be more of a challenge, Laito would expect this and Kanato would be a bitch about it, I'll kill Laito and Kanato quickly, we shared a womb I have to make it a clean and swift death for them. “Ah Ayato, you’ve come to kill me, you’re getting a bit mes-“ Laito began to say but I sliced his head off, Kanato as well, I took their bodies outside and set it a blaze, the fire crackled loudly, this caused Reiji to come out. “Ayato have you lost your mind?!” He went on, I shoved my fingers deep into his eye sockets and tore out his eyeballs, crushing them in my hand, then I pushed Reiji into the fire. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. “..what the fuck have you done..?!” Shu, lazy dull bastard commented, “ha, shu aren’t you scared of fire? I’ll rip your heart out instead” I tell him and yank it out his chest then throw his heart into the fire, his body goes limb and he falls, I burn him too, all that was left was Subaru. He must be hiding.
I began searching the mansion, I made a turn from my room and saw Subaru holding his dagger up to her throat. “Ayato you’ve gone insane, try to kill me and I’ll kill her” he says pressing his dagger to her skin, something in me jolted, I was mad with bloodlust, I did not think, I simply snatched Yui and had her in my grasp now. “She’s mine! Ill fucking kill you, don’t ever touch her again.” I state, I tear off her clothes right in front of Subaru, and start groping her breasts, she tries to cover herself, I grip her wrists so tightly it felt as if her blood circulation would stop, I force my way into her, one hand on her neck, my member deeply in her, she cried and protested the entire time but I wanted Subaru to understand, that I will kill to get what I want, and she is what I want.
#diabolik lovers#diabolik boys#dialovers#yui komori#diabolik brothers#diahell#shu sakamaki#smut#ayato sakamaki#sakamaki subaru#smut diabolik lovers#smut fiction#yandere#reiji sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#mukami brothers#oneshot#ayayui#ayato x you#yui x ayato
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Anon: May I request Platonic Mukamis with a little sister?
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, clinginess, delusional mindset, isolation, manipulation, threats, self-harming tendencies
Little sister
None of the Mukami brothers are related by blood yet their bond surpasses that of even siblings who are related. They have been sticking together ever since they found each other and fought for their survival in the unforgiving world. They find you when you are but a mere baby, a few months old at best, left behind in a side street as if you are disposable trash. Whilst Yuma and Ruki show some hesitation as they don't know how capable they will be to provide for you, especially since you are so young and dependent, Kou and Azusa are immediately enraptured when you look at them with innocent doe eyes. Azusa even starts crying as he begs his older brothers to take you in and ultimately Ruki gives in to his pleas. It is always difficult but they try their best to cater to your needs as good as they can and even give you a name after a lot of small arguments about what name fits you best. Your wellbeing is prioritised over even their own as your presence is like rays of sunlight, warm and welcoming. When Karlheinz offers to transform them, all of them immediately take the offer as they realise that this is their chance to give you the treatment that you deserve.
Ruki Mukami
📘Even if Ruki has expressed his doubts when the four brothers found you back when they were still humans, he has grown into the role of your oldest brother. Perhaps even a little bit too well. The fact that he didn't immediately want to take you under their care when you were still a baby is something he hides from your knowledge even so many years later and he has urged his brothers to do the same. He fears that if you were to ever find out about his initial hesitance, you would turn your back on him and favor his younger brothers over him. He takes immense pride in the fact that he is your oldest brother as he likes to treat it as if it would give him some special rights in comparison to his younger brothers. Those special rights include making most of the decisions for you as he claims that as the oldest he naturally has the most experience and knows what would be best for you in every situation of your life. If you have anything that worries you, Ruki encourages you to seek him out. He is the one who oversees your homeschooling as his brother and him have all agreed that attending school with humans is far too dangerous for you. He can teach you all you need to know.
📘From all of your brothers, Ruki is the one who places the most restrictions on you, even as you grow older. His motivations lie largely within his paranoia and his overprotective tendencies because even if you are a half-vampire just like them, he can't stop himself from still seeing that little, toothless baby in you that smiled whenever she saw his face. It is only natural for you to grow older and more independent yet Ruki finds himself despising that process as he worries that one day you may intend to leave the mansion and go on your own adventures. You are his little light and you have always been and he has always been your big brother and intends for you to continue thinking that way. He is quite adamant on family events where all Mukami siblings participate and his brothers have never once rejected that idea because it means spending precious time with their adored, little sister. The happiness you five share is not an illusion and he really wants you to realise that whenever such a family event happens. You could never get the same amount of happiness with anyone else besides them. Do you understand him? It is best and safest for you to always stay with your beloved brothers.
Kou Mukami
🎤From the very first moment your bleary eyes met his own, Kou has known that he would do everything for you and turn into anyone if it meant to keep you and protect you. You are a little princess that deserves the world yet surviving on the streets always meant that he couldn't treat you the way he wanted to. When Karlheinz transformed them and gave them capabilities and riches they could have never dreamt about before, Kou finally could do what he hadn't been able to do before. From the very first day since they started their new life to the current day, your second-oldest brother has never stopped spoiling you absolutely rotten. Whatever you have wanted throughout your life, you have always gotten from him as prices nor rarity of the object you wanted have never mattered to him. Kou is quite playful and he proudly claims that title as your favorite playmate. Whether you want him to play with your puppets with you or want to play hide and seek with him, he has always entertained you. Ruki has reprimanded him already due to the risk he sees in some of the games he plays with you but Kou has always reassured him that he would never allow you to get hurt.
🎤From the first night they took you in though, Kou has always sung for you. It always made his heart swell when you would start crying during the day or night but would slowly calm down the moment he started singing a lullaby for you. It is one memory he greatly bemoans the older you grow and lullabies start being less important to you yet he still sings for you quite often. He composes a lot of songs and many of them he has written for you during his life, soothing melodies and kind words to calm your frightened young mind as you grew up. You still love his voice and his music though and that knowledge fills him with pride and with warmth and he gladly allows you to try to write a song of your own or teaches you how to play an instrument. He finds himself playfully pouting whenever he notices that you prefer spending time with another one of his brothers, he can't help the tinge of jealous he feels whenever he witnesses that sight. He tolerates it though as he knows that Ruki, Yuma and Azusa are mindful of the time they spend with you. Such jealousy always evaporates the moment you compliment him though or tell him how much you love your big brother.
Yuma Mukami
🌱Yuma has his doubts when they initially pick you up because he knows how harsh the environment is that they live in. He has always been tall and physically very strong which allows him to protect those who are important to him. You are still a tiny and fragile baby though. How are you supposed to survive on the streets? Even when Ruki agreed to take you under their care, he still has his doubts. It is the moment he holds you for the first time and you wrap your tiny fingers around one of his that he gathers the determination to defend you till his last breath. After he has been turned into a half-vampire and gained even more physical strength, he has only strengthened that vow in his mind. His tall physical build has always led him to be exceptionally gentle with you, especially when you are still only a small child. A part of him has always been worried that you may be scared of him because of his strength and tall build yet you have never expressed once any anxiety as you always come running to him and stretch your arms out, your large eyes begging him to lift you up and twirl you around. He has never been able to deny those cute eyes of yours, even though he has always been careful.
🌱Whether lifting you up, letting you sit on his shoulders or giving you a piggyback, Yuma has always been the equivalent of a human amusement park for you and this is something he takes pride in. He has been taking you to his garden from a very young age too and you are the only person who has ever gotten away with jumping through his patch without getting chased down angrily by him. He enjoys teaching you how to cater to the needs of a plant and how to tell if the fruits and vegetables are ripe or not. Whatever of the harvest you prefer the most is what he ends up sowing and growing the most in his garden just to watch the excited glimmer in your eyes whenever he informs you that it's time to harvest your favorite fruits and vegetables. You are in general quite isolated from other people yet the few times you are taken out, Yuma is terrifyingly efficient to scare away anyone who looks like they consider to approach you. Very few have the guts to chat with you if he is always right behind you after all. All that frightening strength that could easily crush someone's skull is never shown to you though as Yuma has always been only gentle and careful with you.
Azusa Mukami
🗡️Azusa has been attached to you from the very start, his heart nearly bursting when he found your little form in a basket all alone as your mother has left you behind. He begs Ruki to let them keep you as he fears that no one else would take you in and that you would end up dying lonely and afraid without having ever experienced love and he even bursts out in tears as he pleads to his older brothers. He even volunteers to take care of you all by himself if no one from that would agree to keep you. He has stayed the most attached to you even up until now, although he has been forced to limit the time he spends with you as you grow older and require a bit more privacy. When you were a baby he would always be right next to you or hold you even himself as you fell asleep, his fingers playing with your small ones and he would read bedtime stories to you, always happy when you came running to him with a book clutched in your hands that you wanted him to read to you. The youngest brother of yours often finds himself bemoaning the time when you were so cute and tiny, even if you will forever be his baby sister for him. Sometimes he still asks you if he can read a book to you.
🗡️Whilst his older brothers care for him, Azusa has some self-harming tendencies and they have always been worried that he might set a bad example for you. They care for him and want him to stop because it saddens them to see him like that but they are also afraid that you might pick up on it or would get scared once you are old enough to realise what Azusa is doing. To all of their relief helping to raise you seems to rid Azusa of that unhealthy behavior of his for the most part as he instead dedicates much more time to protect and raise you lovingly. Yet he has some relapses at times, mostly when you have an accident or fall ill. He cares deeply for you so seeing you in any kind of pain induces him with such anxiety that he feels his throat tightening and his vision blurring. In a very twisted sense of wanting to suffer with you, he resorts to grabbing a knife and cutting himself over and over again to show solitude with you. Azusa never tells you the truth behind all the bandages and the band-aids he wears the next time you see him though as all of his brothers have warned him that he might make you feel guilty. Being the reason for your sadness is the last thing Azusa would want.
#yandere diabolik lovers#yandere dl#yandere ruki#yandere ruki mukami#yandere kou#yandere kou mukami#yandere yuma#yandere yuma mukami#yandere azusa#yandere azusa mukami#platonic yandere#yandere x reader#diabolik lovers x reader
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Looking for friends (over 18) who is also interested in Diabolik Lovers. If you’re interested, lemme know!♥️
#diabolik lovers#diabolik brothers#diaboys#dialovers#diabolik lovers x reader#azusa mukami#laito sakamaki#yuma mukami#ayato sakamaki#carla tsukinami#kino sakamaki#kou mukami#kanato sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ruki mukami#shin tsukinami#shu sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#yandere#yandere x reader#otome#otome game#visual novel
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TW: ⚠️ NSFW, Blood Mentioned, Yandere Themes, Toxic Relationships, Death, Whipping, Spanking, Sexual Themes ⚠️
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Ruki Mukami x Yui Komori
The beginning of Ruki and Yui's relationship was terrible. Ruki couldn't trust Yui because of the trauma that accompanied him since childhood and expressed his anger by torturing Yui.
But slowly, without realizing it, he became attached to Yui, so that he thought of her every moment, even when he was sleeping.
Ruki couldn't understand why he felt this way because he didn't believe in love.
His relationship with Yui gradually improved and he learned to express his love to Yui.
But his love for Yui grew so much that he didn't realize that his feelings had turned into possessiveness.
Ruki's sense of ownership towards Yui grew more and more every day.
So that every day Ruki set strict rules for Yui and if Yui did not follow them, he would punish her.
Yui had noticed Ruki's change and it scared her.
She didn't like seeing Ruki so scared. She loved her kind Ruki who called her my beautiful angel every day.
Ruki's sense of ownership was so high that he completely ignored Yui and didn't even care that she had feelings.
He wants all of Yui for himself. No one has the right to approach Yui.
Ruki's sense of ownership becomes so terrifying that Ruki kills anyone who comes close to Yui without hesitation.
He punishes Yui for very small reasons and imprisons Yui in a dungeon in order to have Yui for himself.
Yui is deprived of seeing the sunlight and her kind Ruki.
She is now imprisoned in the cage of a real snake, which every moment wraps around the cage and makes his prison narrower and narrower.
Yui's body hurts from the marks of whips and wounds that Ruki made as a punishment.
She can no longer cry or speak. Her whole heart is filled with sadness and she doesn't feel anything anymore.
After a long time of leaving Yui in the dungeon without food or water to punish her, Ruki finally enters the dungeon.
Ruki looks down at Yui's injured and hanging body with a smirk that admires Yui's pitiful state.
He approaches Yui with slow steps and an evil look.
"It's really pathetic, you are so weak."
Yui has not spoken for a long time. She has lost everything and doesn't even have a reason to talk.
This situation worries Ruki, but he tries not to show his concern.
"Not speaking will not make me pity you. I have to teach your body to whom it belongs."
Ruki unties the chains and hugs Yui's injured and exhausted body and gently places her lips on Yui's tear-filled cheek and kisses her.
"I think it is enough. You were a good girl and I will reward you."
Ruki gently kisses Yui's sore spots to soothe her.
But Yui doesn't even respond to Ruki's kindness. Because she knows that this kindness is temporary and she will be punished for another small reason.
Yui's silence annoys Ruki, but Ruki broke Yui long ago without realizing it.
Ruki hugs Yui and takes her out of the dungeon, cleaning her body and treating her wounds.
Yui longed to see the former Ruki again.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Kou Mukami x Yui Komori
Kou is a handsome and beautiful boy to his fangirls, but no one knows the hidden personality behind his kind mask.
Kou tries to attract Yui with a kind face, but when that doesn't work, he shows his scary side.
Yui was the only girl who wasn't Kou's fan and this bothered Kou more than anything.
He couldn't win Yui's attention with valuable gifts like flowers and money, which made him violent.
But Kou's yandere side is activated when Kou is really attached to Yui and his love becomes possessive.
Kou tries to psychologically manipulate Yui so that Yui will be traumatized and never be able to live without Kou.
It was the only way Kou could have Yui for himself.
Although Kou knew that Yui was a cute and beautiful girl, Kou kept calling Yui ugly to lower her self-confidence.
Whenever a boy approached Yui at school, Kou would beat him severely and punish Yui and call her ugly all the time so that Yui would despair of going out with another boy.
Kou doesn't know why Yui is avoiding him so much. All the girls in the school wish to be with Kou for just a moment, but Yui is not like them.
Kou does everything he can to destroy Yui's sanity so he can have her forever.
Kou's love turns into the most terrible relationship in the world.
Whenever Kou kisses Yui, Yui remembers her sweet memories. Memories that she will never experience again.
The lovely Kou has been destroyed and he has now become an eternal tow faced.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Yuma Mukami x Yui Komori
Yuma is not always the lovable farmer boy. He is tall and strong and no one should make him angry.
Yuma's fear has always been losing those who are dear to him since childhood.
If Yuma falls in love with someone, he does not want to lose that person in any way and will do everything to make that person his own.
Yuma's relationship with Yui made a lot of progress. Yuma realized that Yui was more than food to him.
Yuma loved Yui from the bottom of his heart and wanted to take care of her forever.
Losing Yui had become a nightmare for Yuma.
Every day, he had a nightmare that someone stole Yui from him, and this made his feelings increase every day, and this feeling became a sense of ownership.
Yuma didn't realize how hard he was being on Yui. He just wanted Yui for himself.
Yuma could never stand Yui being with someone else.
If the boys approach Yui at school, Yuma will beat them without hesitation and may even kill many of them.
One day when a boy tried to express his love to Yui, Yuma got very angry and beat the boy to death and went to the hospital.
Even though Yui had said no to that boy, Yuma decided to punish Yui.
He sucked Yui's blood in a very painful way, causing Yui to pass out.
When Yui woke up, she realized that she was naked and her hands and feet were tied with ropes.
Yuma sits next to her and looks at her with a scary smile.
"This is what you wanted from the beginning. Isn’t it? That's why you made me angry."
Yui started crying with an innocent face, not knowing why Yuma was doing this.
"Yuma-kun stop please."
Yuma undressed without further ado and attacked Yui.
He was kissing Yui's body like crazy, marking her whole body full with his kiss marks.
"Shut up you are mine. Today I will fill your whole body with my marks."
Without preparing Yui, Yuma took off his underwear and thrust his length into Yui in one quick motion, and Yui screamed in pain.
Yuma was moving at the speed of light and Yui's body was moving up and down and the bed was creaking.
After the first round, Yuma pulled his length out of Yui and spanked Yui's hips hard as Yui panted.
"You should not pass out now. You have to carry my baby in your belly."
Yui's eyes widened in fear and she began to beg.
"Yuma please no. Please don't do this. I am not ready to be a mother."
Ignoring Yui's pleas and cries, Yuma thrust his length back into Yui and started moving again as fast as he could.
After a few rounds, Yui's tired and sweaty body falls under Yuma, but Yuma doesn't give up that easily.
If Yui become a mother, no one can take Yui away from him.
This was the start of a terrible night for Yui.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Azusa Mukami x Yui Komori
Azusa's grief is painful. Emotional pain is more unbearable for him than physical pain. If Azusa loses something, he hurts himself to forget his emotional pain.
Azusa was attracted to Yui from the first day he saw her.
Azusa loves Yui more than anyone else. He loves Yui so much that his love for Yui becomes the reason for his life.
But Azusa knows he doesn't deserve Yui and can't become Adam.
The fact that he can't have Yui hurts him a lot.
He walks in the garden at night and remembers his beloved Eve when he sees roses. A person that doesn't belong to him and he can't stay by her side forever.
He takes his knife and stabs himself many times.
Until one day he wakes up to find Yui sleeping next to him and his wounds covered with bandages.
That's right, if the wound makes Yui stay by her side, then Azusa will wound her dear lover.
He keeps Yui in his room forever and won't let her get away from him.
As the days pass, Yui's body is filled with many wounds that Azusa gave her as a gift to express her love.
Azusa enters her room to get Yui some food and finds Yui watching out the window. She seems to be looking for freedom.
"Look, Eve. I brought you food."
Azusa approaches Yui and hugs her from behind.
"You are my Eve. Forever mine I will not let anyone take you from me."
Yui didn't know what changed Azusa so much, but she hoped to see the old Azusa again.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
Sakamaki version
T brothers + Kino
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
#diabolik lovers#dialovers#yui komori#komori yui#ruki mukami#mukami ruki#mukami kou#kou mukami#yuma mukami#mukami yuma#azusa mukami#mukami azusa#diabolik lovers headcanons#diaboys x yui
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May I ask for some relationship headcanons between Kou and a Siren s/o they love to sing for him and often bring him pretty things because they like making him happy
Thank you for your time either way
Kou with a siren reader.
He found you near the lake somehow the lake is very deep so deep. He accidentally drop his phone in there and you found it.
The lake was connected to the sea very far away. Can't lie he was actually shocked the first time he saw you.
"y/n? Are you there I brought you some food that I talked about about the other day?" He called out and you popped your head from the lake startling him.
"here? Food? Where?" At first you have a hard time adjusting to the normal language.
So, he patiently teach you. Mostly you sing in your own native language.
What a shock to him when you suddenly sing one of the infamous song at that time.
"H-happy birthday to you.... happy birthday to you? Happy birthday to Kou~ happy birthday to you! Yay" he chuckled at your happy face. After all it was actually your birthday not his.
"Silly mermaid. It's not my birthday today..." You were shocked. And then you pout.
"happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday my mermaid~ happy birthday to~ you~" this time he sings for you as he takes out two cupcakes. One is for you the other one is for him.
You blink and quickly dive back inside the lake. When you come out again you give him a pretty seashell that you collect. He takes it and turns it into some decorations for his room.
As months go by once again, his room is full of seashells decorations that you gave him.
Can't lie Ruki was shocked at first thinking he stole it or something. But after introducing you to the others he sighed in relief.
The End~
A little bit of side story...
You like to splash Yuma with water using your tail every time he lets his guard down. He almost turns you into a mermaid stew because of these pranks. You and Azusa become besties. You even let him try to hurt you but luckily Kou were there to stop you two from hurting yourself. Ruki approved you.
#female reader#anime#x reader#manga#yandere#platonic#request are open#diabolik lovers#diabolik brothers#diabolik boys#kou mukami#yuma mukami#ruki mukami#azusa mukami#karlheinz sakamaki#laito sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#subaru sakamaki
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Please, give us, Starved Mukami stans, the Mukami version of this post, greatest author
Ask and you shall receive!
Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Mukami Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 1.8k
Warning: Jealousy, Possessive, Yandere-ish??, mentions of knife play, blood (forgot that in the first ask lol), degration, not spell checked or proof read
Side bar: Same shit different family, just less killing 😭 it’s okay to no be okay, I swear RUKI wasn’t hinting at that
Dialover M.List
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Mukamki brother
Ruki Mukami
One little disagreement, if you can even call it that because you were clearly in the wrong, and this is what you do? Ruki wasn't surprised; he had seen this kind of behavior from humans before. He had watched as they made irrational decisions and acted out of spite, often with little consideration for the consequences.
Ruki had been around long enough to understand your motivations.
He knew you didn't like the guy you agreed to go on the date with, and you only did it to get back at him. But in the end, it was just another example of how you didn't understand your place in the world.
As livestock, you were nothing more than a meal ticket that could be discarded at any time. Ruki had hoped that after spending time with the Mukami family, you would have learned that lesson. But it seemed that you still felt too welcomed and didn't understand the true nature of your existence.
He couldn't completely blame you, though. Ruki knew that he was partly responsible for your behavior. He had grown a soft spot for you, although he couldn't pinpoint when it had happened. He found that you had become more tolerable once he had taught you how to behave properly. The Sakamaki brothers hadn't done a very good job in that regard.
But now, as you approached him with a hurried excuse and missed the heated glare he sent back towards the school, Ruki realized that he needed to remind you of your place once again.
Upon entering the mansion, Ruki wasted no time in barking orders to his brothers and cornering you against the front door by your throat. His eyes burned into yours with a heated glare as he spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "Did you really think I wouldn't hear the rumors? I don't know what I dislike more, the fact that you're a filthy whore or that you thought you wouldn't be punished.”
As Ruki's grip on your throat tightened, you gasped for air, feeling your heart pounding in your chest, “Don’t bother lying. You can use your filthy tongue for something else. On your knees.”
You wanted to protest, to tell him that you couldn't do it, that it was too degrading, but the fear in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn't accept anything less than complete obedience.
Kou Mukami
Kou loved to playfully tease you and watch as you blushed and pouted in response. He found it amusing and endearing how easily flustered you became around him. In his mind, your relationship was something unique and special compared to the bland and superficial interactions you had with others, especially the Sakamaki brothers.
Simply being around you brought him an unexpected sense of joy. However, that pleasant feeling quickly dissipated when he overheard your name being mentioned at a nearby table in the lunchroom.
As far as Kou knew, only two families were close enough to you to speak about you. The fact that this group of guys were discussing something that didn't belong to them left a bitter taste in his mouth. He couldn't help but wonder what they were up to.
Putting on a fake smile, Kou excused himself from the girls and walked over to the table where the guys were sitting. "Hey, I overheard you guys talking about Yui," he casually brought up. "She's cute, isn't she?"
One of the boys, whose name Kou couldn't even be bothered to remember, grinned up at him proudly. "You bet she is, and I scored a date with her," he boasted. The comment earned cheers from around the table, but Kou couldn't believe it.
How could you be dating him when she wasn’t his to begin with? He wasn't even worth looking at. He had nothing on Kou. Nothing. "Really?" Kou asked, trying to sound congratulatory. He quickly left the table after, walked past his fan group, and went to look for you.
It didn’t long to find you, walking around the hall carrying a heavy box. You didn’t notice him until the box is snatched out your hand and Kou is smiling at you innocently, “Let me help with that. Where to?”
"Kou… the supply closet." You told him, holding up the key.
His smile widened, pleased with how the situation was unfolding. Although he hadn't planned on being alone with you right off of meeting, he was determined to make the most of it. The perfect opportunity fell right into his hands. Kou grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you to the closet, where he snatched the key from you to unlock the door.
Once inside, Kou looked around and said, "I can't seem to find where to put it," as he set the box down on the floor.
"I'll help," you offered, walking towards the box. Suddenly, your face was slammed into the wall, causing you to yelp in pain. Kou had a death grip on your hair, his body pressed against your back, and he leaned down towards your neck.
"M Neko-chan, you're so mean," Kou hissed, pressing down harder on your head and tilting it further. "One little fight and you go running to another man. If you wanted to be treated like a slut, all you had to do was ask," he snarled, biting down hard on your neck and tearing the skin, blood gushing on your clothes, the wall and him.
He pulled away, "I'll make you unrecognizable, M Neko-chan. The next time you try to run away, you won't even know who you are," Kou threatened, “but I’m sure you’ll like that, wouldn’t you?” His other hand slipped under your shirt, traveling up your back to the front, “Of course you would.”
Azuma Mukami
Azusa had a penchant for physical pain, more so than the average person, but this time he deeply regretted his actions. Emotional pain was never his intention.
He would have apologized in a heartbeat if you hadn't stormed away. The feeling of guilt crept up on him like a slimy worm, and he punished himself for what he had done.
He knew he was in the wrong and deserved to be punished. You were right; you should be punishing him right now. But no amount of self-punishment could alleviate the feeling of regret that plagued him.
As he sat at the dinner table, Kou brought up a rumor he had heard at school that day. Usually, Azusa paid little attention to rumors, but this one was about you, and he quickly became attentive. His stomach turned uncontrollably as he looked across the table at you, who didn't return his gaze.
“Supposedly, she accepted a date from someone but that can’t be right, hm, M Neko-chan?”
Kou's words stung as he spoke them, his smirk betraying his cruel intentions. Azusa sat at the table, his eyes cast down to his plate, visibly trembling in disbelief. He knew that this was just one fight of many, but he never expected it to drive you away like this. He was hurt, and it was the worst kind of hurt.
Without a word, Azusa got up from the table and retreated to his room. You felt guilty, knowing that you were the cause of his pain. You asked Ruki if you could be excused, and he noticed Azusa's behavior and allowed it. You made your way to Azusa's door and knocked, watching as it opened slightly on its own.
As you entered, you saw Azusa standing in front of his knife display, picking one out. He heard you come in and turned to you with a sad smile.
"I...don't like...that kind of...pain," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down in thought, then raised the knife and sliced his arm. "This is...the best…kind," he continued. "I hurt you...but…you didn't...like that...so you clearly...like mine."
You felt your heart break as you watched watch him walk over to you, smiling innocent, because what he was about to do was something he truly believed you wanted.
To be happy, right?
Yuma Mukami
Yuma knew he had a problem with his temper, but he didn't care. He felt like people were just too sensitive and couldn't handle the truth. And you, you knew this about him, yet you still pushed his buttons. It was almost like you hadn't learned anything from living in the Sakamaki and Mukami mansions. You were still in denial about your worth and the fact that you had no choice in your circumstances.
So when Yuma finally lost it and bit you, it was no surprise to him. But what annoyed him was how you stormed off, looking sad. He had to fight the urge to chase after you and comfort you, even though he knew he had hurt you. The guilt that came with that feeling was infuriating to him.
He couldn't help but think, "Fuck you." He wouldn't be feeling this way if it weren't for you. He would much rather figure out his own life than constantly worry about how you fit into it. You drove him crazy and he wanted you to leave, but he knew that he would hunt you down if you did.
And now, he was seeking you out, not because he missed your dumb face, but because he had heard a rumor that had his blood boiling. There was no way you could be that gullible and stupid to accept a date from some half-assed dude. But then again, it sounded exactly like something you would do.
Yuma couldn't wait to clear the air with you, but his anger was palpable. He saw red at the possibility of the rumor being true. When he finally got his hands on you, he hoped the rumor was just that - a rumor. Otherwise, he might just do something he would regret.
He spotted you talking to someone. His stomach dropped as he realized it could be the same guy he had heard rumors about. What the hell was wrong with you? Did you not understand the severity of your situation?
He waited until the guy had walked away before approaching you, his fists clenched at his sides. Without a word, he grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulders and dragged you into the closest empty classroom. Once inside, he slammed you against the wall, his hand around your throat and the other pressed against the wall beside your head. His eyes blazed with rage as he looked down at you.
"You must be a fucking idiot, sow, to really think that would work," he sneered. "I mean, you only made your situation worse."
You tried to speak, but he silenced you by slamming his hand against the wall beside your head. You whimpered in fear as he tightened his grip around your throat.
"You can't leave, sow," he spat, his voice low and menacing. "The only way you leave is if you're dead." With that, he sank his teeth into your neck, eliciting a scream from your lips. He covered your mouth with his hand to stifle the sound.

#✮⋆˙ 𝐈’𝐦 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 — 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐤 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬#ruki mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami#kou mukami#mukami azusa#mukami yuma#mukami kou#mukami ruki#diabolik lovers kou#diabolik lovers yuma#diabolik lovers ruki#diabolik lovers azusa#diabolik lovers mukami#mukami brothers#diabolik lovers x reader#ruki mukami x reader#kou mukami x reader
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