#yandere match up
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yxstxrdrxxm-a · 1 year ago
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"Hello, wandering souls. Care to take a gander in having someone you can call yours?"
In the dating world, society views the fact that being alone is a stain of your life. Thus, you should be ashamed of choosing something that you ultimately did for years. This time, though, you had enough of the constant judgement and prodding and turned your head to a dating app.
You hoped that with renting a boyfriend, you may be able to deter those who were prying in your life. And maybe if you're lucky, you might just like that man you've been calling your 'lover'.
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If you are familiar on what match-ups are, you'll know what it means. For those who are unaware, match-ups work in the sense of filling out a form and sending the results to me to be able to be matched with anyone that fits your qualities.
This goes down the basics (name, age/age range, gender and sexuality, hobbies, and even small tidbits of yourself)! However, this time, I will change things up.
In the event, you must fill out this form to be matched: after all, that form will be your profile when the matchup has been made. Think of it like Tinder, for example. There are a couple of rules before you send your answers on the form, though:
No minors allowed. Sorry, but this event will go down the more NSFW side of each match-up. Also, keep in mind that these are yanderes, so I will refuse any submissions that may be from a minor.
Be patient. These match-ups take a lot of time, and I don't want to give you something so half-assed. Alongside that, harassment is definitely something I don't tolerate in this event.
When going as an anon and without a blog url/tagline, please give me your emoji as a name or anything to signify who you are. I will ignore any submission that doesn't have a sign-off of some kind ;v;
This is only reserved for Genshin Impact. I will also limit this for Genshin men, because I struggle a lot on women. In the future (and if many people wanted it/if I felt like it lol), I'll do the same event for women.
And... Well, I think that's it! Keep in mind that this will begin at January 5 and will end at February 18. However, if there are a lot of submissions, I will extend it to February 28. That also depends on my schedule too, if college will let me live. ^^;
If you have any questions, let me know! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy playing with a round of 'chance' in the dating pool.
Sit back and relax, user. I'm sure you'll find the partner just right for you.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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deceitful-darlings · 2 years ago
@naerwenia Match-up commission
Yandere/Normal matchup
Fandoms: Twisted Wonderland and JJBA
I match you with...
3rd Place...
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus is very much a contradiction, he seems aloof and cold, yet he is desperate and needy, he looks like someone who would be unaffected by most issues, yet when it comes to you the smallest of changes can cause him huge distress, he seems extremely knowledgeable, but there are some things you consider common sense that he just doesn’t understand. In a similar way to you, Malleus struggles socially, he isn’t up to date on how to interact with humans, faes respect him too much to simply talk to him, and he’s incredibly lonely for it. Having someone like you who struggles with those cues as well makes him more comfortable, as he knows he doesn’t need to be correct and you won’t be upset at him for it.
As he hasn’t had many people there for him in his life, Malleus clings to any and every instance of care or affection you show him. Those smaller gestures of love are alien to him, so he adores them even more, everything you do for him, anything you make for him, to him could be the equivalent of you bearing his child with how much he fawns over your actions. And the way you listen to him, actually listen and understand, is there really any surprise when he finds his dragon instinct flaring up, marking you as one of his treasures and something he needs to claim and protect? He’s the prince of a nation, he can provide you with whatever you need, and he will let you have anything you want. He’ll take you to any shows you desire within The Valley of Thorns. Want to learn more about the fae? He shall answer any question you have, if he is busy Lilia would do so in his stead, and the library is always open to you, allowing you full access to everything except any books around dangerous curses and magic. And as his bride-to-be, you shall be coddled and protected in every way. Lavish meals served to you, his retainers tasked to make sure you never get too caught up in something to make sure you’re looked after.
But with as sweet as he can be, Malleus is still a fae, and a fae that has ruts. With your hesitancy towards children, he’s careful to make sure a contraceptive potion is part of your daily caretaking, because while he does need an heir, he can simply task Lilia with snatching up a newborn child with similar features to his own and raising them. Of course, the two of you would have small interactions with them as necessary, but for the most part Lilia would take over their parenting, leaving him and you plenty of time alone, which is especially helpful through said ruts. During these times, you aren’t given a choice about serving his needs, and he either cannot or will not control his need to continue to claim his mate, the dragon in his screaming at him to do so. It can be days, over a whole week, and you just need to accept it because his instincts will not let you go during his rut. You’ll come out the other end bruised and scratched up and bloated with cum, but don’t worry! Malleus does feel guilty for your wounds, and in his own mind will return your kindness and care for him, having you remain in bed while he tends to you, praising you for taking him so well. Only he and Lilia will look after you during this time, and Lilia only when he has court matters that must be attended, he wants to spend every moment of your recovery with you. The first time he is especially fretful over your wounds, but when it becomes clear you don’t mind some tougher treatment? Well, knowing that his control can slip during the next intimate moment you share that simply has the domineering dragon in him purring.
In 2nd Place...
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The most respectful...if you can call it that, of The Pillarmen, Wamuu isn’t one to start a fight or challenge anyone he sees as weak. Touching women is pretty much off limits for him except in exceptional circumstances, so when it comes to putting you in danger, he straight up refuses any notion of it. No, he is very old fashioned in his view of gender roles, he is a warrior, he is a defender, there is no equality in a relationship with him in any way, one will defend, and the other is defended. And in this equation, it’s obvious to him who is going to satisfy each role.
For him, he’s surprisingly soft, but he’s also very strict about the roles in this relationship. You pick something up? He’ll take it off you. You try to work out to get stronger. Nope, he’ll pick you up from where you are and drop you back on a seat, which depending on what he’s doing might just be his lap. It goes against his pride to allow you to do anything that could be perceived as more traditionally masculine or requiring any form of strength, you trying to become stronger, while not a threat to him, is something he sees as wholly unnecessary, and in his view is you showing him that you doubt his strength, so he will relegate you to tasks away from said strength. You try and run away? He’s not even violent, he simply finds you, throws you over his shoulder, and takes you back home. With the time he spent frozen, the stories he is able to tell you are ones you’ve never heard before, folklore that has been long forgotten by the world, and as soon as he notices the enraptured expression and your focus on him during this time, he of course takes note and whenever your upset will hold you and tell you such beliefs and stories from him time and people. He’s appreciative and now expectant of your style, not to mention that dresses are far easier access.
And when it comes to access, well, Wamuu is a warrior, and he has the stamina to match. Sure, he’s respectful, but in his mind as the protected it is also your job to serve his needs, both domestic and sexual. He has no issue with the way in which you look after the home, but he expects you to serve him as well, whether you desire it in the moment or not is no issue, because he is sure that he can make it so you will want him. He’s well aware that his size could cause issues, you’re tiny in comparison to a normal personality let alone someone like him, so he’s considerate enough to make sure to prepare you every time with his fingers, which in themselves could easily be enough to satisfy you, but he’s certainly not going to stop there. You may cry that it hurts, and he is as understanding as can be, but he doesn’t allow you to run away. He is your protector, which means that this is part of your duty now, learning to take him will be your form of strength, to push through the inevitable pain of his first thrust, you can scratch his back and cry and whimper but you will not reject him. If you try to push him away his hands will encase your shoulders in their entirety, pushing you back down to the bed, demanding grasp tight enough to bruise. It is in these moments he will remind you that he’s strong enough to easily overpower you, that in the end no matter how domestic this situation seems, that this is all done to his desire, but even in those moments of pain he will still be honourable, in his own way comforting you, telling you that with time your body with come to know him, and just as you have become accustomed to your life with him, you shall come to be used to his body too.
And in 1st Place...
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Mozus Trein
A man who thought himself far past his prime, a man who had already completed, in most people’s eyes, a large portion of his life. Trein has a wealth of experience with which to understand you, and a surprising amount of patience for a man that works at Night Raven College. He’s already had children, both grown, so he doesn't feel the need to start such a family life again if you don’t want to. In a way, while a relationship with Trein may be frowned upon by society due to the age difference, it could work out to be surprisingly healthy…
As long as you follow his rules and lead that is. Don’t get me wrong, he is absolutely understanding of most things, however it can be to a point of patronisation. He’s old fashioned like that, in that as the younger partner, you simply don’t have the necessary experience to bring to the relationship to be a total equal. He doesn’t think it’s a bad thing though, while he may not take the things you say completely seriously all the time, while he can occasionally talk down to you in a may that’s frustrating for you, while he may tell you ‘No, you can’t do that.’, he also provides for you entirely. While he can deal with a small amount of ‘misbehaviour’, and is understanding of your quirks as he gets to know you on a more personal level, it doesn’t put you above discipline if he deems you as having crossed a line.
Really, you simply have to be a little housewife, a companion for him. Forget about forgetting yourself, because with him the only things you need to think about are the two of you while he provides the rest. The small house you live in only needs to be clean, and meals ready, and then you can do what you want with the rest of the day. Reading, watching those horror movies you like so much, listening to that music he himself isn’t fond of, honestly it’s probably better to do the more ‘modern’ stuff during the day, because when he returns home, Mozus prefers a quiet, more traditional evening, he doesn’t mind you doing your handicrafts, reading, but the music and movies? Not so much. When you do begin to get bored with such a lifestyle, he does know how to surprise you with things like nights out for theatre or opera performances, or a nice meal so you don’t have to cook, and even things as simple as bringing home some flowers to thank you for fixing his cufflink that was coming loose. It’s a rather mundane life, but do remember that this man knows exactly how to discipline unruly youth if you begin to doubt or, in his eyes, take advantage of his kindness. Sexual punishments aren’t really a thing from him, he’s a patient man after all. Once you’ve settled down and begun to once again develop sexual urges after the stress at the beginning of your captivity, that’s when he starts to use it against you. He will absolutely lock you in a chastity belt so you can’t deal with it alone, you’ll be forced to go to him to ask for relief, and as he is patient waiting for you to come to him, he is patient in assisting you, to the point of agony. There is no rush, his hands are slow and gentle, touches teasing and soft, and he will not go further. You see, he wants to see you squirming under him, begging for him to go further, to use his fingers fully, to satisfy you fully, those pleas will eventually fall from your lips, he will make sure of it. And once he is done, you’re strapped right back into the belt. You will come to associate only his touch with pleasure, and be reminded that you are the one that asks him to provide it for you. How long would it take for your mind to twist those facts with his quiet dominance reminding you of your place?
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harmonysanreads · 23 days ago
Yandere!Anaxa, holding your lover/spouse at gun-point, engrossed in a monologue about what he's going do to them if you don't come to him at the count of three — with darling who drags Anaxa away by the collar, whacks him in the head and tells him to shoot them from at least five feet away so that the blood doesn't spill on his clothes. As it happens, the scholar did not know about how long you've been waiting to skin the toxicity out of that man alive.
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2-dsimp · 3 months ago
hey this might be silly but thank you for posting- I kinda lost motivation with reading and art for a hot minute but looking through your work honestly made me come out of my slump- just a big ol thank you for the hard work you put in and appreciation for your stuff!!
I also wanted to request a match up for the monster gang (nsfw/sfw doesnt matter ee)👉👈
Im a 20 (about to be 21 in august woo!) year old who uses she/her pronouns! I work at a casino as a cocktail server but hopefully will be getting into bartending after I turn 21. I'm 5,8", a slightly chubby hourglass, with a few tattoos on me! (Full dragon arm sleeve then one sword on each thigh lolz). I own a little art business, posters stickers etc! I love art, alcohol fun facts, the horror genre, and video games too! I've been told I'm very bubbly but soft spoken, and I'm usually the mom friend. I'm also a total workaholic- Working 12-14 hour shifts are pretty common for me. Im a firm believer that i deserve princess treatment and thats why i work 💪 no one else is gonna do it so imma do it myself! For nsfw I'm a big ol sub/bottom and kind of a brat wah- major breeding, power reversal, and corruption kink ngl lolz.
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A/n: Awe thank you! It’s been a while but I think it’s time to finally get these gacha match ups in order XD. Also just a reminder all gacha requests are closed as the slots are full!
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yandere-yearnings · 5 months ago
i vaguely recall getting an ask once that went smth along the lines of 'dar you can't tell me sun WASN'T a little angel as a teen' and i think it was in response to the backstory spoilers?? ik i was gonna respond by saying he definitely didn't look like he could hurt a fly but i never actually did😭 i found this and i think it was meant to go along w/ the reply
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i don't actually remember doing this tho?? i was probably high bc i even forgot his beauty marks, but i'd probably forget them even if i wasnt tbh🤡 anyway, teen sun for you guys, pls imagine the moles and fix the way off proportions in your heads bc i'm too lazy to try and edit anything🤧💔
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sisyphusdraws · 1 year ago
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Fan art of @i-drop-level-one-loot ‘s darling Kirtch <3
He’s just such a cutie. I’m sure he would take better care of his books, but consider this one a dog-eared copy from his childhood🪲
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utopianstarsus-blog · 3 days ago
mc suddenly remembers everything/ becomes self aware. she realizes there is no happy ending for her or her lover (any of the lnd men). but she's never been one to sit back and let things unfold.
so instead we get a yandere!mc. she will do whatever it takes to keep him next to her. they'll never be ripped apart again, and she'll make sure damn well that no one even dares to harm a hair on his head.
because she will end whoever dares, and make it painful.
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macsimagines · 18 days ago
hello! I saw you were doing matchups so I wanted to try, I hope it’s fine if I use an emoji for you to associate with the request(🌥️); I’d like to be matched with a Tokyo Revengers character please~
I’m a fan of solving puzzles and like doing things that you need to sit down to ponder about first. I love learning a lot of things rather than committing to one thing and mastering it. If you ever asked me what genre I like, I’d most likely name five or more but it’ll be obvious I have an affinity towards thriller and dystopian fiction books. I like pushing my body to its limits or try to expand its limits and I love playing my favorite sport till I’m exhausted.
I honestly think I’m naive/ gullible when it comes to people I’ve known for a little while and trust them too easily. I’m not used to giving without having something to take, I‘m often hesitant because of past incidents; I find myself weighing the pros and cons of helping someone or being kind in general. To be honest I’m a little envious people who give without second thought 😅.
I’m kind of conflicted wether I’m harsh or not, but if I did something wrong while I was irritated I’ll make up for it or apologize and I’ll help someone through tough-times even if I have an aversion towards them. I’m not the type to see past someone who’s rude or disrespectful for a petty reason, your circumstances don’t make up for the hurt you afflict on others.
I dislike lying, even if it’s for the sake of someone’s feelings, if I know they’ll get hurt I ask them if they’re sure they want me to say anything or I tell them I’ll be completely honest. I very much dislike people who lie for their own benefit and aren’t aware of how that lie may affect others.
I hope you don’t have too much trouble doing mine, have a wonderful day, night, or evening😚
This one took me awhile, you never responded to the post I made asking you for more in depth stuff so I just kind of worked with what I had. For you I choose
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I think for what you gave me you'd probably benefit from a relationship with someone that's more dominant but still incredibly kind ad thoughtful. And for you Mucho is willing to put in that work and effort. Not that he thinks it's hard with you. In fact, I can see him taking you very seriously.
He's not the type of guy that gets into relationships easily and I think he'd take extra care to make sure you're never taken advantage of by others. Muto is pretty much a soft!dom for you, he's quick to pick up on bullshit and shut it down immediately so you'll feel safer.
The loveable giant also goes out of his way to take you to all his favorite Cafes and maybe even share a drink or dessert with you. Just don't be too intimidated by the suspicious gentleman wearing the mask that is always following you.
"That's just Sanzu. Pretend he's not there."
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As far as your interests goes, he'll listen to you for hours, or sit in agreeable silence while you read or build your puzzles. He'll probably make you sit on his lap while you do either of those. I also noticed you didn't include any descriptions of yourself which is totally ok! Because Mucho is going to pick you up and carry you around no matter what your size is. He has too, it's boyfriend law. I don't make the rules~~~~
He's also got a blackbelt in social ques, so if you don't realize you're coming off wrong he's good about pointing it out in a way that doesn't make you feel too bad or guilty, but will also hold you accountable for your words.
Now for the big one. Lying.
Muto is a traitor and no matter the reason it doesn't change the fact that he lied to all his friends and kept secrets from you. This is going to cause a huge fight. He has his reasons but you know you have yours, and depending on how this goes will seriously affect the relationship moving forward.
However you go about this is going to be the difference in whether he stays your lovable, LARGE and sweet boyfriend. Or turn into a deranged stalker ex. One thing I wanted to know was whether you wanted a Yandere or not and this guy is going to become one if you try to break it off with him if you try to hold his deception accountable. So tread carefully.
Couple Song!
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yxstxrdrxxm-a · 1 year ago
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Venti -> ASTERIA (Match Up status: Taken)
Diluc Ragnivindr -> ECLIPSE ANON (Match Up status: Taken)
Kaeya Alberich -> SOF ;; 🍀 ANON ;; BA (Match Up status: Taken)
Albedo -> KENDALL (Match Up status: Taken)
Xiao -> ANA (Match Up status: Taken)
Baizhu -> RUNA ;; HARMONY (Match Up status: Taken)
Zhongli -> 🐰 (1) ANON ;; BEBE (Match Up status: Taken)
Shikanoin Heizou -> 🩸 ANON ; SLEEPY ANON (Match Up status: Taken)
Kaedehara Kazuha -> 🩸 ANON ; KORA (Match Up status: Taken)
Kamisato Ayato -> 🐰2 ANON (Match Up status: Taken)
Thoma -> 🌑 ANON (Match Up status: Happily Taken)
Gorou -> 🍊 ANON (Match Up status: Taken?)
Cyno -> MICHELLE (Match Up status: Taken)
Tighnari -> MICHELLE (Match Up status: Taken)
Alhaitham -> 💻 ANON (Match Up status: Taken)
Neuvilette -> JESSAMINE (Match Up status: Taken)
Lyney -> ��� ANON (Match Up status: Taken)
Wriothesley -> PSYSCIO (Match Up status: Taken)
Freminet -> VEN (Match Up status: Taken)
"Childe" -> ❄️ ANON ;; SUNNY (Match Up status: Taken?)
Il Dottore -> FIFI ;; HARMONY ;; KAT (Match Up status: Taken)
"Wanderer" -> JANNE (Match Up status: Taken?)
Aether -> ESTHER ;; ESRYN (Match Up status: Taken)
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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lovelymindescape · 2 months ago
My Request Guidelines
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Masterlist |
My Request Rules:
New Rule: Please send in a plot line with your requests!! I love having tropes to go off of but there’s only so many scenarios I can make for the same characters off of similar tropes
I will turn down requests i’m not comfortable with or that I don't want to write
I also am a slow writer so please have a little patience with me , I also am a human , therefore I won't always have inspiring thoughts or time to write as I am currently studying , I also have hobbies and social relationships that I need to maintain , so please be a little patient
I will write plantonic and romantic relationships
I will write the following: genderbent characters, queer relationships, monster/mythical au’s, polyamorous relationships, plus size characters , conservatively different universe , legal age gap and somethings more if the idea is good , just ask
I have no issue with trying my hand at transgender and non-binary characters but there’s really only so much I can do as a cisgendered woman; of course, if I offend anyone or mis-concept the matter at hand, let me know and I’ll try my best to fix it with your help.
That being said, I’ll mostly take requests for fem!reader to avoid completely mischaracterising and, therefore, taking the magic out of self-inserting.
I’m posting on Tumblr to gain confidence and push myself out of my comfort zone in the hopes of publishing my own original book series sometime in the future — just for background info!
Only x reader including Poly ( Characters have to be from the same fandom)
WHAT I WRITE : -Fluff,angst, smut & Preferences
WHAT I WRITE :- Oneshots , Drabbles , Headcanons , Match -up's and maybe a fic
If you don’t specify the readers gender I’ll pick whatever I think suits best
Please don’t be vague,more details are better than less
And last but not least :
Have fun requesting 💕
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channelinglament · 1 year ago
500 follower event!
It's matchups!
To enter just go in my inbox and:
Age: You can just write that you're a minor or an adult, that's okay too
(basically, if in game main cast are both, minors and adults then age is required. If the game is more teens oriented, then no need.)
Likes and dislikes:
Can be yandere cuz I'm a yandere blog, can be just fluff and normal stuff cuz I like it too. Just specify ;)
Unsure about mbti type but it might help! ;D☆
Genshin Impact (age)
Honkai star rail (age)
Twisted Wonderland
Hypnosis Microphone (age)
Project Sekai
....let's go! :D
Yet again, thank you all so much for your support 💗😭
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2-dsimp · 9 months ago
hey I'm a huge fan of your ocs and your work!! Hope you're doing great 🩷🩷
So it's ok if you don't wanna answer this, but do you think you can match one of your ocs to me? like whose type do you think I'll be closer to mostly?
I'm 5'4 (f), 20 yo, psychology student who loves reading, watching films and also writing. I love to explore new things but i can also be a homebody if necessary. Physically, I'm curvy, and i have dark skin, if that makes any difference.
Well i thought this would be fun to know, but like i said if it's not something you're comfortable with doing, i totally understand.
Stay safe and take care!!! don't burn yourself out and have a nice day!!
☆☆Yandere Gacha Match-up☆☆
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【Recalibrating your results to be tailored fit to your Gacha Darling profile!】
Synchronization complete!
Congratulations! The Yandere Gachaman You’ve been matched with…
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《Quio the Dilf!》
He’d be the one for you, since you love to watch films the Dilf would make sure to give you only the best recommendations. To make sure that you don’t have to watch movies that just aren’t up to par. And that you watch the ones that’ll leave you entertained and engaged.
Since Quio’s a movie star, an A list one on top of that he has to travel far and wide across the globe to film his scenes. Often times he enjoys a change in scenery but he’d be much more relaxed. If you were right there by his side to see the world in its entirety.
Plus he’d love witnessing the awed look on your face whenever you’ve seen something alarmingly of interest when visiting different Area codes. And would always be sure to have a photographer take the most award winning photos of his darling enjoying herself.
Also if you’ve mentioned that you are a psychology student. The A-list actor would always be asking questions about what you’ve learned and ask jokingly if you could be his personal therapist and hear him out whenever he had a particularly stressful day at work.
Quio’s venting usually ends up with him eyes-closed, laying his head on your plush thick thighs. One hand interlocked with yours, Dwarfing it as his thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles into your palm. All the while he spills all the scrumptious tea about his shitty co-stars and their messy lives.
{A/n: that was my first ever match up and it was fun! Always wanted to do one of these, I’ll make a guideline rule for Match ups for anyone wanting to do the same!}
Also thank you and make sure you take care as well! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
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asunflowerana · 6 months ago
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it's october and to start this month brightly and with a lot of fun, I decided to throw a small autumn party here in my garden! ✨🍁 if you want to join then wear something comfy, pick your pumpkin and let yourself enjoy the warmth of fall.
❧ pick your pumpkin:
🎃 ⇒ sugar pie
tell me a song and your favorite sweet/candy, and I'll tell you which fella wants to warms up your month.
🎃 ⇒lumina
tell me your favorite animation movie, and I'll tell you three guys that would love to join you to the movies.
🎃 ⇒ jack o' lantern
tell me your favorite thing about autumn and a costume for halloween, and I'll tell you who has been sending you some sweet but suspicious notes (yandere version).
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This event will go until October 31th. Requests can be made via ask, and you can pick one, two or all the pumpkins. Just be sure to inform which fandom you want to (list of fandoms can be found here), and request per pumpkin. Everyone is welcomed to join! 🍁
happy autumn! ✨
reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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nana2009 · 1 year ago
I thought by "yandere Dave" you meant yandere dev
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ykno what? fair
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male-yandere-tournament · 2 years ago
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macsimagines · 22 days ago
You said you were open for doing more matchups so I'm shooting my shot 👀 I hope staying on anon is okay!
Tokyo rev characters, and I have no gender preferences <3
I am someone who gets stressed easily and am quickly overwhelmed by new situations, but I have a strong "the only way out is through" mindset. I pride myself on my resilience and on so far having been able to handle everything life has thrown at me. On the other hand, I can be a bit too passive and easy-going, and I have a tendency to sit problems out and wait for them to solve themselves. Or get solved by someone else. (I am a youngest sibling and it shows.)
I tend to be very honest and blunt, though I always try to take people's feelings into account.
I'm a rather guarded person, have a bit of a resting bitch face, and have been told that I come off as confident, aloof, and a bit lethargic - until I start talking about something I'm passionate about, which is when I (reportedly) pretty much light up. I can ramble on for half an hour or longer nonstop when you get me started, but I'm always worried that I can't make myself understood or am annoying my listeners. If you make clear that you're interested in the topic and enjoy listening to me, I would literally die for you, lol.
My interests include history (especially of technology - i love going to industry/tech related museums!), other cultures, poetry, mythology and folk tales, and so on... needless to say, I consider myself a huge nerd.
Hobby-wise, I especially enjoy art, several kinds of crafting, and reading - which (along with my social anxiety) causes me to have some shut-in tendencies, but I try to combat those because I know isolating myself from the world isn't healthy. I also genuinely enjoy trying out new things together with someone else! No matter if it's new for both of us or only for me.
I really don't like people who take themselves too seriously. I often poke fun at myself, take things lightly, and enjoy harmless mischief and childish fun - and I expect the same from the people I surround myself with.
I'm not by nature a very caring person, but I try my best to pay attention to people's needs even though it doesn't come naturally to me. I really enjoy giving my friends handmade gifts (see: crafting hobby) because I think the time and effort I put into those shows my appreciation the best.
I hope that's workable! Thank you! <3
NGL yours took a bit of work but after much in-deciveness and back and forth between characters I went for BEST BOI
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✨💙Chifuyu Matsuno💙✨
Firstly, congrats. Secondly, lucky bitch. You won the lotto with this guy so I hope you're ready to be loved within an inch of your life by the most loyal man on the planet.
What attracted him to you is your resilience. He thinks you have a strong character and admires the fact that you're willing to tough it out when times get hard. It's something you too have in common and if you don't have the full will power then you've got him in your corner until you find it.
He enjoys your hobbies with you and knows you're going to enjoy his as well. You might not like the same things, but you love each other which makes it enjoyable to you both. It's actually adorable to him how passionate you are about things and he could listen to you for hours talk about what you love.
Chifuyu is also going to be your rock when things get overwhelming, not doing anything for you per say, but supporting you through that difficult situation until you make it out the other side. He's so proud of you when you do too, he makes it worth the trouble in the end. "I'm so proud of you baby! Keep it up!"
Also he isn't fazed by your outward demeanor. He may have been at first but when he peeled back that layer and saw the real you he was just smitten. He loves being his goofy self with you and feels so at ease that you guys can be that way together.
Couple song?
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