#yandere martian manhunter
lycheeloving · 13 days
I KNOW MY THING IS "every member of the Justice League has their own darling". BUT. all of them having the same darling is so fun too... Some slight nsfw at the end so minors dni please. (Inspired by the A Day In Life series by @couldeatthatgirlforlunch, bc it's what made me think of the yandere JL so much that I had to write something. Hope it's ok to tag you!)
I feel like they'd have a schedule. Who's allowed to hang out with you at what time? Just a meticulous schedule that accounts for every second of every day, so that nobody gets to spend more time with you than somebody else.
They try to have one group meal every day, where everyone is present. So even if it's not somebody's turn to spend one-on-one time with you, they still see you and have the opportunity to talk to you that day. They rotate through who gets to sit next to you and right across from you. Those aren't hard rules though, if you want to sit next to somebody else, they begrudgingly (or happily, depending on if you're choosing to sit next to them) follow your wishes. A good way to get back at someone who annoyed you. Green Lantern won't stop bragging about how cool he was yesterday when he took down a bad guy? Get up and tell Superman to scooch over so you can sit next to Batman. Immediately shuts Hal up. And teaches them all not to annoy you during meals if they want to sit next to you.
You sleep in someone else's room every night. That's non-negotiable unfortunately, because some of them are better to sleep next to than others. I think the Flash would move around in his sleep a lot, maybe even snore? Superman treats you like a teddy bear and you can't wriggle out of his grasp when he's sleeping. Wonder Woman probably sprawls out all over the bed so you don't have a lot of space left. Green Lantern steals the blanket. Batman would be one of the better ones, if he wasn't such a light sleeper. Every time you move the slightest bit, he wakes up. Which you wouldn't mind, if he'd only stop his creepy staring... That being said, J'onn is probably the best, quiet and unmoving like Batman, but without the staring. He could be reading your mind and watching your dreams, but that's easier to ignore.
I also think they'd get used to the situation after a while and get more lax about the schedule, get less jealous, learn how to live together! Which is a huge advantage to you as you don't have to hurry from one place to the next to "make the most of your time together" or get back to the Watchtower quickly so you don't cut into the next persons time. That would cause lots of fights in the beginning. None of them blame you, of course, but living with them is still easier when everyone is getting along.
That still leaves the question of how they go about your firsts. Your first kiss with one of them, for example. Pulling names out of a hat? Fight over it? The strongest one gets to go first, the second strongest after that, etc? Letting you decide?
Same thing with having sex. These things are very serious to them so it'd take a while until they decide how to go about it. You'll probably have accepted your place among them at that point, maybe even come to like them?
I could really see them battling it out, even if their jealousy gets better after a while, they would all still want to be the first. Nothing where they'd seriously harm each other, but are still able to determine a winner. Whoever hits the ground first loses?
But whatever it is and whoever wins, I think your first time having sex with them would be a group activity. First place gets to actually have sex with you, second place gets to hold your head in their lap and gently stroke your face, third and fourth place get to sit next to you and each hold one of your hands, everyone else has to watch from the sidelines. (alternate option for that here)
The first kiss would also be in front of everyone else, so the others can stop it from "going too far", and wait for it to be their turn. You'll be kissing non-stop until they've all had their turn (in the order they previously fought over, of course.)
I have no clue who would win though! Superman would be the obvious answer, but if they're allowed to use (tiny, non-lethal amounts of) kryptonite? It could be anyone... Who do you think would win? Or who would you want to win?
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If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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menacing-menace-rat · 5 months
Platonic yandere justice league part 3 final
Part 1 Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman
Part 2 Aquaman and Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, the normal yandere shenanigans
The Flash
(this one borders on romantic but not sexual if that makes sense I have a hard time imagining him as a purely platonic yandere in any context.)
Your family were to Central City what the Waynes were to Gotham. Minus the double homicide 😬
Every citizen knew your name.
You have had many stalkers but none quite so enthusiastic as the city's own hero Flash.
It started playfully enough. He'd speed by you and back track just to say hello.
You were flattered at first. Such a busy important hero taking time to stop and chat.
The public loved it as well.
And for a little while you didn't mind his attention. He was funny and sweet.
You did always have a soft spot for goofballs and they don't get much more goofy than him.
You even consider asking him out once or twice.
That was until your security cameras started to mess up.
A blur of red would plague your cameras every now and again.
Small things would go missing in your home. Never anything expensive or important.
A hairbrush or a used night shirt.
When you slowed the footage you could hardly make out the familiar shape of your hero friend.
It wasn't enough to take to the cops and you yourself wasn't even sure if it was him.
Just to be careful you cut contact with him.
This wasn't a good idea.
Now Flash is by far the most unorganized of the justice league yanderes. No surprise there.
He'd have next to no self control.
If he feels like he should break in and "borrow" something of yours, he will.
If he feels like he's losing you he will just... stop that.
He'd take you to an abandoned warehouse he's fixed up. Somehow it still smells like a frat house thanks to him.
It would happen so fast you wouldn't have any clue what was going on.
One second you are walking home surrounded by bodyguards the next you are sitting in a warehouse chained to a wall.
He'd be so apologetic right away.
The regret is obvious.
He knew he couldn't just let you go now though.
He's isn't delusional enough not to see the problem here but he his arrogant enough to think maybe he can make you like him enough not to tell anyone.
The constant reassurance of "I'm not gonna hurt you!" Doesn't help anything.
He wasn't lying. He would rather die then be the cause of any kind of pain to you.
It's just that he's an idiot and has a hard time sounding convincing when he tells you this.
Thankfully this one is the easiest to get out of.
If you believe him you can just wait and earn his trust he will actually just let you go because again this was just a horrible mistake on his part.
Or you can ambush him. The man is super fast but he can still be knocked out easily enough if you get him from behind.
Flash is the most harmless and unpredictable yandere easily.
There is no guessing if he's lucid at any given moment.
I definitely think he and Green Lantern are tied for the safest yanderes though.
Over all a little scary but mostly harmless.
Martian Manhunter
You were an ER doctor working the night shift when you first met.
He was brought in disguised as a human.
He'd been knocked out and found under a bridge.
It it wasn't long before you found out he was something different.
Of course you knew aliens lived among you but it's a whole other thing to be face to face with one.
You all had no way of knowing this was Martian Manhunter a well known hero in the city.
Your coworkers wanted to turn him to the authorities.
You were always more open minded then most. You couldn't let this innocent man be taken a away and have God knows what done to him.
When you were alone you got him in a wheelchair and snuck him home to keep him safe.
It wasn't long after he woke up and transformed into the semi familiar form of Martian Manhunter.
You explained yourself.
He thought it while unnecessary it was a kind act.
Reading your mind he could see how kind and gentle you really were.
He was always fond of humans and their complex emotions and peculiar ways but something about you he really liked.
After thanking you he left.
Immediately he noticed how he couldn't stop thinking about you.
He didn't find you attractive. He wasn't attracted to humans in kind of romantic or sexual way.
But like humans, Martians could find platonic love just as fulfilling and even intoxicating.
He was well aware how much he thought about you wasn't normal. But what harm could it do?
Martians are rarely impulsive.
He would only kidnap you as an last resort.
He didn't need to kidnap you to keep you safe.
He would take the form of neighbors and coworkers to keep an eye on you.
While in these forms he'd scan the minds of everyone around to make sure no one was planning on doing any harm to you.
More then once he has had to dispose of some ill intentioned men on your nightly walks home.
He just walked watching you.
He'd even turn into a fly and watch you in your home.
Watching you made him feel so human.
In the time he spent around you he has learned so much about humanity and what it means to be human.
Eventually he would learn all he could form this level of contact and new he has to move to face to face meeting.
He'd come to your door one evening with a baked good to say thank you again.
Seemingly very naturally to you a friendship formed.
He'd leave your apartment and come right back in as some kind of bug.
J'onn unlike most of the others could be happy with this kind of relationship.
He above all else is very empathetic. He knows how traumatic it would be to you to be taken away from your life.
That being said if you ever found out about his unconventional form friendship he'd have to take you.
He couldn't let you leave his life.
He'd try to wipe your mind.
To make you forget his mistakes .
You would be his friend for the rest of your life.
Whether you knew it or not.
Sorry this took so long. I posted it but my tumbler crashed and I lost all my progress. I got discouraged for a bit. Sorry if this one isn't as good. I was rushed and panicked it would get eaten again.
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this-is-all-unreal · 1 year
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My Dear Friend
Part 9
  Bruce walked in first then the man. He was around 5'10 and middle aged. His hair was snow capped and kept short. He looked perfectly normal and unassuming. 
     "Margaret, this is Dr. Jones" Bruce says as the man takes a seat across from me. 
     "Pleasure to meet you." He says with a smile as he crosses his legs. I don't say anything. I don't think Felix would let me even if I wanted to. 
     "Right well I'll leave you guys to it." Bruce says as he steps out. 
      "So how was your day? Do anything fun?" He asks as he clicks his pen and pulls out a notebook. I shake my head no.
        "Ask him about his dead wife." I didn't want to have to scare or hurt him so I kept my mouth shut and continued my silent treatment. 
       "Well that's a shame. I had a wonderful day. The weather was gorgeous. I took a dog canoeing with me. He seemed to have a good time." He says with a heartfelt smile. I continued to give him nothing. For a brief second he looked like he was trying to force on something he couldn't grasp. "Trying to give me the silent treatment? Well unfortunately for you I can talk enough for the two of us. It's going to be a very boring hour for you I'm afraid." He said giving me a second to respond. I don't say a word and he sighs. "I tried to warn you. Well you see today I got up and-" he continued like this for way too long he walked me through the most boring part of his day the whole time Felix whispered secrets to me most of which didn't make any sense. I thought Felix might be messing with me because he was so bored.
       Finally I had, had enough. Felix had given me the most random piece of information and I had to get an explanation. 
       "Are you a human?" The air in the room changed. He blinked a few times, absolutely stunned. 
      "Well of course I am and so are you. Is your friend, Felix?" He asked. 
      "Probably. I don't know. Why would he tell me you're not human?" 
      "I'm not sure why don't you ask him?" 
       "He doesn't like to answer questions." 
        "I see well perhaps he's projecting? Maybe he's questioning his own existence." Dr. Jones begins to click his pen. At this point shrugging was all I could do. I didn't  know how to answer that nor did I know what projecting is. "No one wants to take you back to a hospital. That's not what I'm here for."
      "What are you here for?" 
      "To help you. I'm a little like you Margaret. Only I can read people's minds." He smiles and holds out his hand. "I can show you what I mean."
       "Have you been reading my mind? Can you hear Felix?" I was excited at the thought that someone else could hear him, corroborate that he was real. 
      "Well that's the problem I actually can't hear either of you. Can you help me make the connection stronger by taking my hand? I want to try and hear him." As soon as the sentence was out of his mouth my hand was in his. 
"Margaret no!"
      "That's him, can you hear him?" I ask looking over at him. He closed his eyes so I did the same. I could hear his voice far off so soft it could also be mistaken for the wind. 
      "Margaret, can you hear me?" I answered him back in my head but I don't think he could hear me. 
       "I'm going to try something else." He says out loud. I nod to him. I feel his hands sandwich my head gently. I started to see something appear from the darkness. A tall green man, I think I recognized him. It was a member of the Justice League, Martian Manhunter. I try to pull away but my head stays firmly in his hands. His grip gets a little stronger. 
       "I want to stop." I say quickly. 
       "I don't understand. Why can't I hear you, child?" His voice had changed. I started to feel like he was trying to dig into my brain. Like he was looking for something or someone.
      Suddenly he lets out a scream. I open my eyes to see Martian Manhunter in front of me. He was crouched down in front of me, his eyes still shut. He screamed so loud it made my ears ring. Bruce came running in and tried to pull his hands from my head but they were stuck there like he was a statue made of marble. 
      "Margaret let go of him!" Bruce yelled over his screams. I wasn't doing anything. I don't know how to stop. I saw the same black veins forming on Martian Manhunter skin that Superman had. They grew outwards from his hands and crawled up to his face. He quickly shifted forms over and over so many different faces they started to blur. Finally he fell back against Bruce who caught him. 
     "J'onn! Answer me!" Buce shouted as he felt for a pulse. The veins disappeared and he groaned in pain. I sat there in complete disbelief. 
      "You wanted him out of your head right?" I got up and ran from the room. I wasn't sure why I ran. I just felt I had too. I ran upstairs and into a random bedroom. I pushed myself underneath the bed. Why was I hiding? 
     A while passed before footsteps found their way to me. The door opened slowly and Bruce's head came into view. He looked empathic. I pushed myself further against the wall making myself harder to reach.
    "Why are you hiding under here?" He asked as he got down and laid on his stomach to talk to me. I shook my head no at him. He took a sigh and smiled as he wedged himself under the bed as much as he could to grab me. "J'onn is gone. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth. I was afraid his true form would scare you. Come here." He says as he carefully slides me from under the bed. He sat up and to my surprise he pulled me into a hug. I stayed limp, not sure what to do at first.
       "Why are you hugging me?" 
       "Because I'm sorry." Is all he says. I pat him on the back and we stay like this for a little longer than I'd like but I wasn't going to pull away from him and risk hurting his feelings. Finally he stood up, keeping me in a hug. "I didn't know it was like that for you." I pull my head back to look at him. 
       "Like what?" I ask wiggling a bit to get free but Bruce either didn't get the hint or wasn't done yet because he didn't move his arms.
        "J'onn told me what he saw. What Felix does and says to you. What he shows you and what you see. Why didn't you say anything about the nightmares? About the faces you see. Any of it?"  
       "That's not all Felix."
       "J'onn seems to think it is." He says as he puts his hand on the back of my head so I have to put my head on his shoulder again.
      "Well he's wrong! Felix likes to cause trouble but he doesn't do all that!" I say as I kick my legs. He nods
     "I understand he must have been mistaken." As quickly as it happened it ended Bruce put me back down to stand on my own two feet. I brush myself off and look up at him confused. Before anything else can be said I speak. 
      "I'm going to head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I walk past him and make my way to my room. Affectionate Bruce almost scared me more than normal him. I tried to think what the Martian could have been talking about. What he could have seen. Maybe Felix is having more of a role in my mind than I thought.
Sorry it's so short tonight I am addicted to animal crossing and I'm finding it hard to focus on much else. I hope you enjoyed it though! Thanks for reading! More will probably be out tomorrow.🤗
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nobody-zero3000 · 10 months
Yandere Batfamily x Amidala! Reader
Inspired by the Yandere Damian Wayne x Alien Leader reader by your-regular-toast-enjoyer. But also because I like Padme Amidala and Star Wars. I want to use the Gotham Knights video game version of the Batboys, Batgirl, and Batman. Since Damian Wayne is not in there, I was thinking about Damian Wayne from the Injustice 2 video game but older. I'm going to change and add a few things from the Star Wars Universe and add a few new things to Amidala's character.
Warning: yandere, age-gap.
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Earth heroes have encountered a different galactic system not far from Earth's solar system. The Justice League has made contact with a planet that's part of the galactic government system, also known as the Intergalactic United Republic, and has agreed to send someone to the planet to at least show that Earth and the Justice League offer peace.
In the watch tower, the heroes are having a meeting about who should go on this diplomatic mission. Some voted for Green Lantern, Martin Manhunter, or Superman, but the results show that the best candidate for this mission would be Batman.
Martian Manhunter was a bit disappointed because he had heard about her reputation through some holo-nets and was eager to meet her. As well as introduce her to his niece, Miss Martian since she is a fan of her work.
"Then it is settled: Batman shall be the one to go on this diplomatic mission and talk with the queen." Wonder Woman had declared.
The meeting is adjourned. Batman boomtubes back to Earth to discuss details with the rest of the Batfamily.
In the Batcave, Bruce calls in Robin, Red Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Red Hood.
"As you all know, I summoned you here for an important reason. I have been chosen to lead a diplomatic mission for a planet called Naboo. But I'm not planning on going alone." Bruce pulls up pictures of the planet.
"This mission has to be taken seriously and delicately. Any hostile behavior will endanger Earth along with millions of civilians. Do not show any violent or hostile behavior, and do not engage or cause any conflict that may lead to dangerous consequences. Do I make myself clear?" Giving them a stern, firm glare to each of them, especially Damian and Jason.
Jason shrugged. "Got it. No violence unless they start it first, then we consider violence."
Bruce narrows his eyes at him.
Jason puts his hands up in mocking surrender. "What? I'm kidding. No violence, don't cause trouble got it."
Tim looks at the Bat computer screen, looking through the information. He looks over to Bruce and asks, "Question. Do you have any information on the ruler of this planet? Any photos of what they look like."
Bruce pulls up photos, "These photos were taken at the Watchtower when we made contact with the planet. We are still looking into other information from J'onn and Hal's research."
It shows a female, (Y/H/C), (Y/E/C), and the areas where white makeup is not covering are your hands, which are (Y/S/C). She was sitting on a throne, dressed in royal clothes and wearing white makeup with red dots on both cheeks. She stood straight and had a blank look. But her eyes showed kindness, patience, and seriousness.
The boys and girl are taken aback by how young the female is. They were expecting someone much older. Not just that, but how beautiful you were. It was like looking at an angel. If someone were to ask about the definition of an angel, they would show them a photo of you. But for some reason, if they had a photo of you, they would not want to share it with someone else; they want to keep you to themselves.
For Bruce, it took a lot of strength and restraint to not laugh at their expression and keep a straight face. He couldn't blame them. When he first saw you, he was shocked not only to find out that someone as young as you would be ruling a planet but also by your beauty. He has seen a lot of beautiful women (Selena, Talia, Diana, Lois, etc.), but you pretty much outmatched them all as well as caught his attention and kept a hold on it.
Snapping out of it, he puts away the photo, much to the family's displeasure.
"So that's who we're all going to meet. If I had known that, I would've been more 'ready to go' for this mission." Dick grins and crosses his arms.
"She's really beautiful, and she must be very smart to rule the planet by herself," Tim said, blushing and smiling.
"Is there any more information on her?" Barbara is very curious about this young woman.
Damian finally asks, "When do we leave for this mission? Most of all, who will be watching the city while we are gone?" At this moment, he doesn't care if they leave the city unguarded, as long as they leave soon. He is curious about this alien leader.
"While we're gone, I managed to get some League members to watch the city, as well as other independent heroes to keep an eye on the crime rate. Now that is settled, all of you pack your bags. We'll be leaving in 2 hours.
The Batfamily boomtubes to the Watch Tower, and from there, they enter the Javelin spacecraft (which upgraded to travel at a speed of light thanks to Hal, other Green Lanterns, and Cyborg). Once they are settled in the ship, Batman sets the coordinates for the planet Naboo, and on they go.
"Coordinates for Naboo are locked. Prepare yourselves for light speed." Everyone is strapped in. Soon the ship takes off.
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After the ship comes to a stop, everyone, besides Batman who is used to space travel by now, groans from the lightspeed, some felt either really tired or sick.
Red Hood groans and hunches over. "I'm starting to regret eating that Bacon Ultra-belly combo."
"You should wait afterward, Todd. We were going to travel through space at a fast rate. What did you expect, imbecile?"
"Shut it, demon-spawn."
"Alright, that's enough, you two. We're here that's all that matters." Nightwing lightly scolded them.
Batgirl decides to get into the conversation. "Besides, what did Batman say about bad behavior."
Red Robin includes, "What part of no hostile or violent behavior are you two not getting here?"
They all start to bicker until Bruce switches to autopilot. Turns the seat around to face them. "Enough" in a firm and stern voice. Narrowing his eyes gives them his famous Batman glare.
The bickering stops, and they turn their attention to him.
"Let me make myself clear, be on your best behavior and do not start trouble. Once we land, stay close by my side. Do you understand?"
Red Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl nod their heads. After a few moments, Red Hood and Robin show they understand by nodding their heads, too.
Batman turns back to the front window and starts to move the ship toward the planet.
Realization starts to overcome the bat family members, and they all look to the front to see the planet.
Tim and Barbara had excited expressions since they were about to visit a different planet and would meet the ruler soon. While Dick, Jason, and Damian were shocked to see the planet and about the possibility that they were about to go to a different planet.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile in the throne room of Naboo---------------------
A guard's com beeps, he answers, and a few words are exchanged. He nods and turns to the queen.
"Your Highness, the Earth's ambassador, has arrived and is now entering our planet."
"Very well, prepare refreshments and send starfighters to guide the ship to one of the land platforms."
"Yes, Your Highness." The guard leaves.
As the Javelin enters Naboo, they are encountered by starfighters.
Batman presses a button that allows him to speak to the Starfighters. "This is Batman, Ambassador of Earth."
"Batman, this is Captain Olie; we are ordered by Queen Amidala to escort you to Theed Royal Palace. You can just follow us."
The starfighters fly ahead but not far from the Javelin. Batman starts to follow them.
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As they fly to the palace, all of them look out their windows to look at the new environment. Tim and Barbara show excited and awe expressions. Jason and Dick are in awe too. And Damian, even though he tried not to show it, thought the planet was beautiful too and a bit excited to experience a new environment, a new planet!
Bruce had to admit it was beautiful, and it looked peaceful.
Once landing in a near landing platform, they exit the ship wearing their superhero suits. As they exit the Javelin, a handmaiden and two guards walk toward them.
"Sir Batman, Ambassador of Earth, I am here to escort you to the throne room to meet with Queen Amidala." She gestures for them to follow her.
The other bat members give each other glances. Batman just starts to walk with her as the others follow him.
They reach the throne room, and the guards open the doors for the guests. (Pretend there are more chairs.)
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On the throne sat the queen of Naboo. On both sides beside her are two handmaidens in their own seats. On her left is Captain Typho.
The batboys and batgirl look at the queen in complete awe. Batman just gives a neutral expression, but on the inside, he feels different.
'She is even more beautiful in person.'
"Batman, Welcome to Naboo. I hope you managed to travel here safely with no complications."
"Queen Amidala. Thank you for inviting us to your planet and agree to meet with us."
"The Council of Naboo, Chancellor Valorum, and I have discussed and created a peace treat, but I would like to discuss it more with you."
A servant brings in a tray of refreshments. (Y/N) notices the other masked heroes.
"I see that you have brought company with you. Would all care to introduce yourselves, please?"
The others glance at each other, finally, Robin decides to introduce himself.
"Robin, I aide Batman on his missions and patrols around Gotham City. It's a great pleasure to meet you, Queen Amidala."
She nods in his direction before looking at the person next to him.
"Nightwing, protector of Bludhaven, former leader of the Teen Titans. It's very nice to meet you." He offers her a kind smile.
She nods her head and gives a small smile back, but gives a curious look. "What is a Teen Titan?"
Then shifts her gaze to the female hero.
"Batgirl, formerly known as Oracle. Thank you for inviting us here. You have a beautiful home planet!"
She gave Batgirl a grateful smile, "Thank you." Then she looked at the other male hero; he looked a bit younger than her, maybe around her age.
He shyly waves to her, "Hi, Red Robin. I also help Batman, as well as the other bat family members. Y-you have a really lovely home, you're beautiful, I-I-I mean your home is beautiful. Not saying that you're not beautiful because you are." He continues to stutter.
Robin rolls his eyes. "Smooth, Drake. Very subtle."
Queen Amidala just looks a little amused and tries not to laugh. She offers a smile and raises her hand to him, which gets to him stop. "It's alright, Red Robin. I understand, and thank you. You flattered me."
Red Robin opens his mouth but closes it and blushes.
She then looks to the last hero. He's physically well-built and has his arms crossed. She notices the blasters strapped to both sides of his legs.
"Name's Red Hood, vigilante of Gotham. And I got to say, you are way more hot in person compared to the photo that was sent to us." He complimented with a hidden smirk and gave a noticeable wink in your direction.
The handmaidens give a soft offend gasp and Captain Typho stiffens and clenches his fists.
Queen Amidala, however, is thankful the makeup covers her blush. She gave a confused look, but there was a fluttering feeling in her chest. She snaps back to reality and fixes her face into a neutral expression.
"Thank you, Red Hood. As much as I am flattered by your...compliment, we should probably go into the discussion about the treaty."
Batman, after sending a scolding glare to Red Hood (who does not show any regret about what happened but instead smugly looks to the other bat heroes who are glaring at him), looks to the queen.
"I agree; I do have a few questions and concerns."
"Of course, let us begin."
After discussing and reviewing the treaty, it was dusk. The Queen had adjourned the meeting and would talk with the Council of Naboo and Senator of Naboo tomorrow about the treat.
"I'll have some servants show you to your rooms that you will be staying in for a while. Once you have settled in, I'll have a couple of my handmaidens come to escort you to the dining room for dinner."
"Thank you, Queen Amidala." Batman gives a small bow.
Six servants show up in the throne room. Each of them escorts the heroes to the royal guest rooms. Bruce, Tim, and Barbara are neighbors; across from them are Dick, Damian, and Jason. All get comfortable with their room.
Near evening, two handmaidens come to each of their rooms to take them to the dining room, where the Queen is sitting at the end of the table waiting for them.
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On the table are plates of food that seem questionable to the Batboys and Batgirls since this is their first time trying alien food. Bruce doesn't show it but even he seems to question the food but is curious to at least try some.
"Welcome, come every one, sit down. Enjoy the food."
Thinking for a moment, (Y/N) wonders if she should help them with which food is the best. After all, it is probably their first time trying food that was outside their planet.
"I would recommend the Shaak pot roast or the tip-yip but if any of you do not eat meat then I would try the Xizor salad or Aquaris Broth. Please let us know if you have any questions on the other food items."
The Batfamily sends appreciative looks toward her and starts to dish out. The servants that were about to dish out plates for them stop as they see this. They look to the queen, their expression partially asking, "What do we do?"
The queen just smiles and waves a hand to them. "It's alright. Let them dish out by themselves. It's getting late; why don't you all grab a plate and then retire for tonight or head back home to your families."
The servants smile at the queen and bow to her while both say. "Thank you, your highness."
The servants sit down and start to dish out as well.
There are different emotions running through the bat family. For all of them, there's admiration. For a few, there's surprise, confusion, and approval.
One who was most confused was Damian. It wasn't normal for the young adult to see a royal figure treating their servants like they were their equals.
His taught by his grandfather and mother that as royal figures, they are superior and therefore do not see non-royal figures, servants to be exact, as their equals.
But the more he thought of it, the more he started to admire the young ruler. This action showed that she was kind, generous, and fair. It made her even more beautiful.
They just eat their food for a while until one of the heroes decides to ask a couple of questions.
"So, what is it like being a queen? And how did you get the throne early? It just...you seem rather young...not that is a bad thing, but wouldn't your parents still be the ones running the throne?" Red Robin had asked.
Red Hood was about to scold him for asking those questions in the middle of dinner but stopped because he was curious, too. He wanted to know more about his sweetheart, about her.
The other masked vigilantes were curious as well.
(Y/N) stop mid-bite and set her spoon down in the bowl.
"Being queen can have hardships, but it can also be rewarding. I serve my people, and I do what is best for them. I've got to meet many different people and make connections and friendships with a few of them. As for how I got the throne, I wasn't born of royalty blood but rather I was elected by the people of Naboo. As for my parents, my father is an excellent builder, educator, and relief worker, while my mother voluntarily works in a variety of social services roles helping the underprivileged. I would sometimes go with my father to his relief missions to aid other people on different planets. It's what encouraged me to pursue this role."
Tim listens closely and pays full attention to her. He's actually surprised but amazed about her being elected for this role.
"Wow!...you must be very intelligent to have gotten such a role. It's amazing, and from the sound of it, you like to serve. Where did you go to school? Is there a specific school you have to go to? Different programs? It's amazing some your age could do this! I mean of course, I'm around you as well,...possibly. I mean I not old..not that I'm saying your old! Because you're not. You are young. Look young. B-beautiful, k-kind, and generous, and fair, amazing.
"Calm down there, Red Robin. I think she gets the point." Nightwing said.
"Stop. You're embarrassing yourself and us, for that matter." Robin said to him in a blank and annoyed tone.
(Y/N) just looks on in amusement and covers her mouth a little with her right hand but cannot control the small giggle that escapes past her lips. Even her servants find this amusing but manage to keep themselves from laughing at this event happening before them.
The Batmembers stop talking and freeze as they listen to her laugh. They thought it was a very nice laugh and couldn't help but smile. (Bruce and Damian gave small smiles, of course. But it is still a smile.)
Once (Y/N) got control of herself, she stopped giggling but still had a content smile on her face. She actually felt grateful for the young hero, it's been a while since she had even laughed.
"Thank you, Red Robin. You still continue to flatter me, and it's been a while since I laughed. You are one of a kind."
Red Robin couldn't stop the large grin growing on his face. He ducked his head and looked away, trying to hide his blushed face.
Unnoticed by the young queen, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin try but fail to hide their envious expressions. While both Batgirl and Batman look a bit amused but also a bit jealous.
"Who does he think he is, making my beloved her laugh like that?"
"I could have found a way to make her laugh. I have great charm, too."
"I compliment her and get a negative reaction. But when he does it, they find it amusing and harmless. Back off, Tim."
"She has an adorable laugh. But, ugh!...serious, how does Tim do it?"
Bruce felt amused, but he felt something else that made him frown at the same time. He can't help but stiffen a bit. Now, he feels disgusted with himself and scolds himself.
"I should not feel this way. It's wrong. Disgusting. She is around Jason's age.
Bruce lightly shakes his head a bit.
" It's nothing. It will go away. Right?"
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Yandere Damian Wayne x Alien leader reader
Yandere Damian Wayne x reader or Yandere Damian Wayne/reader Damian Wayne x reader or Damian Wayne/reader
Word count: 2636 words
TW: GN reader, yandere, rebels?, manipulation, adult Damian Wayne (inspired and mostly based off of Damian in Batman beyond & Injustice 2: Gods among us), and Damian might be a TW of his own at this point...
A request by @desertangel12 : Hi, can you do a yandere one shot or headcanon for Yandere older Damian Wayne with a reader who is an alien senator or queen like Padme from Star Wars but include that she has a fighting style like a Jedi (especially Ahsoka's fighting style if you know her).
I mean, aliens aren’t unheard of within the vigilante world. There are heroes like the Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Starfire, Superman and so on. Aliens are surprisingly common within vigilante circles.
So, perhaps Batman was chosen to be Earth’s representative on a diplomatic mission to the planet you ruled over, maybe it was a sort of peace talk, to ensure that neither Earth nor your planet got in each other’s way or caused unduly distress for the other.. Damian, through being Batman’s sidekick, would join his father’s side as they both made for your planet.
I can imagine that Damian is quite taken by you the moment he sees you. Whether you look exactly like a human or is simply humanoid. Damian believes that you resemble a piece of art.
The youngest Robin somehow manages to always sit or stand right next to you during meetings, even though Bruce directly ordered his son to stay next to him at all times. You will be none the wiser of his inappropriate knack for staying close to you, after all, you know nothing of earth’s customs and assume it to be a show of peace that one of Earth’s envoys prefers to be close to you. 
Perhaps Damian approaches you after one of the many meetings required to fill out the peace treaty. You’ll at first think he has a question regarding the treaty, but instead, he asks you to show him around the city in which you reside.
Now, let us assume that you speak English. Perhaps you’ve been taught previously or perhaps your race just knows all languages. Whatever it may be, you’re delighted that the strange young man, who calls himself Robin, requests to know more about your civilisation. It is, after all, important to know the culture with which you sign treaties. 
Whether Damian needs some type of oxygen mask to inhale your atmosphere or not, you get him ready to exit the diplomatic housing within which you have all been residing since the humans’ arrival. 
Damian is fascinated by your entire culture, but he is especially interested in the buildings’ architecture, the art of your people and the strange little animals that look like nothing from earth, but which you call pets.
The two of you really connect on a deeply personal level and it feels as if you just click. As if the two of you were made for each other like two puzzle pieces. Damian expresses this feeling to you and you agree, exclaiming, “It’s a shame we were born on two different planets. If I had met you under different circumstances we could’ve been the best of friends”. That sets Damian off, because yes if you had only been born close enough to each other, he is sure that the two of you would have gravitated towards each other like magnets. 
 As the days go on, you admit to Damian that he is probably already one of the best friends you have ever had. You explain how your entire life was shaped for you to be the best leader of your planet that you could possibly be, that your existence held no other purpose, and as such, you never really made any lasting friendships. Damian is shocked, not by what you’ve told him, but by how similar it is to his situation. He too experienced the exact same thing when he was younger... back when he was being formed into the perfect leader of the League of Assassins. This admission of yours makes Damian feel the need to protect you. He managed to escape his fate, but you’re living it. Damian has friends now, and he has a proper family. You’re living the life you were forced into. Whether or not you enjoy that life is of no concern to Damian. He sees it as you being tortured by the life that has been forced upon you.
Damian will insist on hanging out with you even more, and you might start to feel a little trapped in his company. But you have no one else to talk to, his father is certainly not any great conversationalist. So, you decide to just relax in Damian’s presence and let him do all those weird human things that they apparently do with friends… Like, needing to know where you are at all times, or making sure that no one else enters within an arm length’s radius of you... Such curious creatures they are... 
Yeah, that’s just what those weird humans do with their friends. Damian confirms this, and you think to yourself, “Well… If anyone knows about human customs, it must be a human!” It’s this thought process that not only allows Damian to indulge in all his yandere tendencies, but also makes you defend him against your own council, who think that the human known as Robin is getting a little too close to you…
Damian and you might start to flirt a little. At first, it was you who did it jokingly. Damian did not see the joke. The Robin takes your flirting as a declaration of love, and if there is one thing the Al Ghuls are known for, it is their intense courting. Damian will make quick work of the whole affair. If it had been on Earth, he might’ve gotten you flowers and other gifts you might enjoy. He doesn’t have that opportunity on a foreign planet. So, instead, he’ll take out his trusty sketchbook and pencil, then proceed to draw as many portraits of you as he has pages for. When he is done, he’ll give them all to you, along with his heart.
I can imagine you’ll probably accept his feelings, he’s the only real friend you have after all. The only person who ever treated you like a person and not as the leader of your planet. Of course, he’s the only one you can see yourself getting involved with! However, you warn him that your relationship must remain hidden. Your people wouldn’t accept a human as your spouse. Not so easily at least. And if your parents are still alive, they would never allow you to get involved with, what is in your eyes, an alien. Damian hates that you don’t want your love out in the open, but he will relent after much convincing. “If that is your wish, beloved. But I see no reason to hide what is surely destiny.”
Everything goes fine for a while. The peace treaty is slowly getting finished and Damian dreads having to go back to Earth without you. He debates whether or not he should simply kidnap you, but he realises that’d be an open declaration of war, and Earth cannot withstand your planet’s forces directing their aggression towards the little blue planet.
However, Damian doesn’t need to kidnap you, because a traumatic event unfolds. You’re attacked by a rebel force, led by a distant uncle of yours, intent on taking your place of power for himself. The only way he can do that though? Well, by killing you, of course!
Damian is at your side the second the attacks start, believing you to be one of those politicians who are incapable of protecting themselves. Well, you’re no Earthling and that is certainly not how politicians are on your planet. 
You’re a formidable fighter, using a strong defence quickly followed by fast and aggressive counterattacks. Damian barely knows what hit him as he watches you tear through hundreds of your uncle’s soldiers. You cannot take them all down, however, and Damian quickly joins your side. Your fighting styles match up pretty well, you’re both aggressive fighters who do not hesitate to jump directly into the action. With your powers combined, (and a healthy dose of help from your own guards), you’re able to push your uncle’s forces back and otherwise decimate whatever is left within your walls. 
Bruce is disappointed in Damian after the fight. He killed and otherwise maimed hundreds of men along your side. It goes directly against Bruce’s ‘No killing rule’. Yet, Bruce is not so stuck up as to not see the necessity of the fight and the near-impossibility of not snuffing out a few lives. He is, however, concerned with how much Damian seemed to enjoy cutting down multiple people, just to protect you.
After the attack, it is decided that you’ll be safer on Earth while you write up the last parts of the peace treaty, and perhaps for a little while after. Bruce, who pities you for the heartbreak of having your own family betray you, offers to let you stay at Wayne manor. It is, after all, one of the most secure places on Earth, as well as rather inconspicuous looking. 
You accept his offer, and, in private, Bruce lets you know of both his and Damian’s secret identities. You’re hurt that Damian didn’t let you know himself, before the attack, but you also understand the risk that they’ve taken just to come here, not to mention the months that they’ve ripped out of their former schedules, just for the sake of peace. Damian might apologise for not letting you know earlier, but you assure him that you understand.
Once back on Earth, Damian becomes ever more hyper-vigilant. He’ll ask you to not leave Wayne manor for fear of someone outside of the home not understanding your situation or attempting to attack you. (This will be especially bad if you don’t look entirely human). At first, you’ll understand where he’s coming from. It would both be dangerous for you to leave the manor, and it would also be risky for the Waynes. Not only could their secret identities be revealed, (especially if the existence of your planet is widespread knowledge), but if your uncle finds out where you’re hiding, he could end up attacking Earth, and more specifically the Waynes, as a way to get to you.
So, for a long time, you stay within the manor. Damian. Is. Ecstatic. He’s getting everything just how he wants it. You’re literally living with him, on Earth. This was exactly what he dreamed of. 
Alfred will know of you two’s secret relationship immediately, nothing escapes his eyes, especially not the lovey-dovey glances you throw at each other over the dinner table. Alfred finds it adorable. He has never seen Damian so happy, and he quite likes you as a person. “What a nice match”, he’ll think. Still, Damian’s obsessiveness doesn’t escape him either. It worries him, the intensity with which Damian stares at you, or the way he makes sure his more youthful brothers are nowhere near you… Alfred is concerned. He’ll keep the relationship a secret, though, mostly for your sake…  
Bruce might find out relatively quickly as well. He’s observant, and it’s hard to miss how often you and Damian hang out… and how you guys are sharing Damian’s bedroom… He will sit both of you down and have a talk about the dangers of such a relationship. He won’t be wholly unsupportive, but he is afraid of the repercussions of such a union. Bruce doesn’t pick up on Damian’s yandere tendencies though. Bruce has very little idea of how a normal relationship looks, so he’s not really able to discern anything inherently wrong with Damian’s obsessiveness and possessiveness, he just sees it as a lover’s reaction to their other half being in mortal danger. But Damian needs to watch out because if his father gets wind of his tendencies, he’ll make sure to keep the two of you separated. He’s not nearly as forgiving with his youngest son as he is with his older ones.
As the peace treaty is signed, finished and sent back to your council for approval, you slowly start to prepare for a return to your home planet. Damian is not amused. He desperately tries to convince you to stay on your own accord. Whispering words of love and his anguished need for you at his side while you’re together in his bed at night.
You want to stay with him, you truly do. Yet, you know that your entire planet is counting on your return. You have been trained your entire life to set your own wants aside for the good of the people and even with Damian holding you close…so impossibly close, you know that you can’t give in to his demands.
A few days before you’re set to return to your home planet, the hidden location that you were meant to rule from, while your uncle’s troops were slain, is blown up. No one knows how the rebels knew where you were meant to go, it’s a mystery and everyone suspects that it’s one of your council members that has betrayed you… Everyone except Damian.
In reality, your council is entirely loyal to you and you alone. Still, there was someone who sent off a message to your uncle about where you were supposed to be. Someone interested in you staying in hiding on another planet. Yes, of course, it was Damian who told the rebels.
After your hiding location is discovered, another is found. Yet, that one is similarly blown into smithereens. The next one too, the one after that as well, and so on. It is finally, (at the suggestion of Damian), decided that you will move to Earth indefinitely. Your people are supportive of the decision, rather a leader who lives on another planet, than no leader at all.
You’re crushed. You feel as if you are the worst leader to have ever ruled your planet, yet Damian is there to reassure you that you aren’t a failure and that you’ve just been dealt terrible cards. 
I can imagine Damian seemingly doing everything in his power to help your army crush the rebellion, yet, he is actually the one feeding your uncle just enough information to keep the planet too dangerous for you to return to. This is, obviously, not within anyone’s knowledge except Damian, your uncle and perhaps Grayson… He always loved his youngest brother the most, and if you make his baby bird happy, then he’ll keep the green-eyed man’s involvement in your exile a secret.
When you’ve been on Earth for a while, your council starts to press you for a politically advantageous marriage. Damian, (who is considered a war hero on your planet at this point), offers himself up as a possible candidate and your planet’s population is elated. It’s like a fairytale to them. You, of course, accept his proposal, (what other choice do you have). I can see your engagement being broadcasted to your entire planet as a way to keep morals and support for your reign high. It works wonders and Damian becomes the entire planet’s sweetheart… A James Dean for aliens, if you will.
After years of staying with the Waynes, you have never seen the outside of the house. But that’s okay, you weren’t used to being allowed out much on your home planet either. At least here on Earth you now have a husband, and maybe a few friends in the form of Bruce, Alfred and Grayson, (I could see Damian letting you interact with those three, and those three only!)
Maybe, if you’re willing and able, you’ll get a few half-alien heirs, which might end up as vigilantes like Mar’i Grayson, or maybe Damian will keep them locked up behind closed doors, like you. 
Damian won’t be disappointed or anything if you don’t want kids, heck! You might not even be able to have any together if your alien race doesn’t genetically match up with humans! Then the two of you will simply grow old together, with you never leaving the manor and no one knowing of Damian’s involvement in the civil war. 
Perhaps, decades down the line, some alien historians will dig up Damian’s letters to your uncle and he will be known as the biggest traitor across all of time and space. However, you’re both dead and gone by then, so Damian couldn’t care less.
A/N: Yes, you can just ignore this, it's mostly for the user who sent in the request. Thank you for this great idea! I hope I did it justice and that you like it. I tried to research briefly Ahsoka's fighting style, but I've never watched Clone Wars or any other media where she was a major character, so I'm not too sure how well I did on that... Anyways, I hope I did an okay job! Have a nice day, and thank you for the request!
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coolgirl32 · 1 year
What does their baby's room look like. Hero edition part 2 part 3 come out remember I will not do villains because most of them are yandere or starting to turn into a yandere
Flash aka Barry Allen
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What does his baby son's room look like.
Well to be honest it looks like this I had to add a few things so I think he uses super speed to make the baby's room also I think he would make it just to sleek theme he probably take a lot of pictures and show them all to the League members and probably some to the villains
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Martian manhunter aka J'onn J'onzz.
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What does his baby daughter's room looks like. Looks like this he would make it space themed with a little bit of Martian in it he will also put meteorology books in there to read to his daughter in Martian language so that his daughter would know about her Martian heritage
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Green lantern aka hal Jordan
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What does his daughter's baby room look like. Looks more like this space themed but green and a star night light some Green lantern onesies he had help from the Justice League
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Hi there! Can you do a fic with yandere!Martian Manhunter? Maybe one where she's being disobedient and J'onn gets some helpful advice from yandere!Wonder Woman or another League member? I feel like someone would tell J'onn he's too soft on her and that he needs to toughen up!
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Learning The Ropes
J'onn was a late bloomer compared to the other league members, he hadn't met you till much later in his life and even then he was still so new to everything. These feelings he felt worried him, he knew what he was thinking and feeling was wrong but he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop anything concerning you, maybe that's why he allowed you to be so disobedient, he just couldn't bring himself to do anything that could hurt you. It wasn't right, he didn't feel right doing anything like that.
Everyone knew he was having trouble with you, they all had been in his position at some point or another, it didn't help that he was so new to his feelings and increasingly negative thoughts. Especially considering that he's suppose to be the voice of reason out of all of them, it must only add to his inner conflict that he's most likely having with himself.
As stoic and cold as J'onn came off they had no doubt that he was being far too soft on you. It was understandable considering he obviously had no clue of what he was doing with you but still it wasn't the best way of adapting you to the situation. They all had had their own fair share of mishaps and they understand that he doesn't want to hurt you let alone break you but maybe that's just what you needed, at least to an extent.
They had all come to an agreement that they would have someone talk to him and if that didn't work then they would take matters into their own hands, that's what friends do right? Of course it was!
Clark was the first one to talk to him, seeing how he had been too lenient with his darling in the beginning then maybe he could help J'onn understand how a little punishment could go a long way. "Good afternoon, J'onn! How are you and Y/n?"
"Afternoon, Clark. We're fine, just needing to work out some kinks." J'onn wasn't an idiot he knew that the others were talking and he knew what they were talking about. He also knew that they all meant well but was it really their place to be interfering with his 'relationship'? They didn't know what all was going on only what they assumed, he didn't like the thought of anyone trying to insert themselves into his business, not even his friends.
"We've all been through that, J'onn, trust me. We all know what you're going through, we've been in the exact same spot as you. You're not alone in this, not one bit."
Somehow hearing that made J'onn feel some sense of relief. He guess he did have to keep in mind that they all had been through something similar if not the same, maybe it wouldn't be so bad having a little input and who better to trust but the ones closest to you. "You're right, Clark. I've been having quite a difficult time with Y/n. I don't know what to do with her or how to be with her. I just don't know."
Clark was so glad that he was finally opening up, it's always better when you can talk about these things and have the other person be able to understand completely. "I'm sure you know that we've all been talking about it, I mean it's not that hard to tell that you're having difficulties. Don't take this the wrong way, J'onn, but you're far too soft on her. You need to be more assertive, remember she's yours at the end of the day and you need to make sure she knows that. It's okay to be a little rough and firm with her, she'll understand later down the road that it was for the best, that it was what she needed."
"I don't want to hurt her, Clark. I don't want her to see me as something I'm not, as a monster. What if she hates me? What if I take it too far?" His worries were completely understandable, they had all had those exact same thoughts but if J'onn wanted this to go smoothly then he needed to make a few sacrifices along the way.
"I completely understand, J'onn, we all do. We've asked ourselves those exact same questions but if you want this to work then you have to do what you need to do. All you need to keep in mind is that this will all work out in the end, she'll know that you were oy doing what had to be done for the two of you to be happy, it will all be a distant memory soon enough."
J'onn stil wasn't sure, he knew this was all wrong but something inside him, something deep told him otherwise. Seeing his hesitation Clark continued, "If you're still not sure about what to do, we could always show you the ropes. After all, we've all been in your shoes, we've a had to do what we didn't want to but knew we had to in the long run. We'll all gladly lend a hand if that's what you need."
Maybe that would be helpful, maybe this is what needed to be done. Looking to Clark and his out stretched hand, J'onn took his own and shook it, sealing both a deal and your inevitable fate.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Can I have yandere batfam and yandere Superman family with baby Naga reader please
Broken Truth: Why a Naga?
Mask: Some people are interested in Nagas, kinda like you are interested in Werewolves and Lycans.
Broken Truth: Alright. Let the worlds weave together.
How [Reader] Was Found
There was an underground trade of Supernatural Creatures that Martian Manhunter managed to pick up on and informed the rest of the Justice League. After locating the next location of the Underground Trade, the league burst through the doors and began to arrest everyone that was involved before going around the cages to see the creatures that were trapped there: Diana found a family of Werewolves while Green Lantern was holding back some Vampires that had been denied blood for dinner that night. Bruce and Clark were making lists of everything when Clark's superhearing caught the sound of crying coming from a cage where the body of a dead Naga female lay curled up around…
"Oh Hera, there's an infant Naga in here," Diana said as she walked over to the cage with her hand over her mouth.
With his strength, Clark ripped the cage door off as Diana walked into the cage and gathered the infant naga in her arms, who clung to her with her human hands and sobbed into her neck while the rest of the league watched them.
The Bat-Family Gets The Naga
I. Bruce held his arms out and asked for the baby from Diana, who looked at him in confusion before she handed her to the dark knight. The Infant Naga looked upon his masked face and sniffled before he pulled the mask off his face, locking eyes with the supernatural creature; and for some unknown reason, the baby began to calm down and place her human head on the armored chest of the dark knight before she closed her eyes and began to sleep, her long serpent tail wrapping around Bruce's arm to take in his warmth.
II. "I'll take care of her," Bruce said in his matter-of-fact voice as he turned on his heel and began walking to the Bat-Jet outside of the warehouse they were all standing in. He removed his cape and wrapped it around the naga's body before placing her sleeping form in the passenger seat of the jet, her tail still wrapped around his arm as he took off. The Dark Knight called Alfred and the boys on the bat-jet computer and asked them to get the cave ready for a guest and the incubator.
III. Upon arriving in the Bat-Cave, Bruce placed the sleeping Naga in the incubator and informed the rest of the Bat-Family that the sleeping Naga was going to be a member of the family once she woke up but the issue was that she was a supernatural creature and she needed tender care so they were required to learn as much as they could about Nagas to ensure that [Reader] grew up strong and healthy. Each one of the Bat-Boys ran off to the vast library to find out what they can find out what they could about Nagas and their diets; especially at a young age like this.
IV. As [Reader] grew, Bruce was concerned about her wanting to join the Bat-Family's Actions and when she asked, Bruce only agreed because she pointed out that Damian was young when he was introduced into the family business so Bruce was inclined to agree but only if she agreed to stick to stealth missions in the meantime; [Reader] agreed.
V. For the longest time, [Reader] was used as the Information Gatherer for the Bat-Family; able to sneak into places and get intel for the family about any kind of scandal going on in the criminal world but she never learned how to fight because Bruce was against placing his daughter - yes, HIS DAUGHTER - in the line of fire.
The Super-Family Gets The Naga
I. Clark looked at the shivering crying creature and something within him clicked - he reached out and without words gathered the creature in his arms from Diana, who looked at him with confusion in her eyes. The Naga looked up into his blue eyes with her own eyes and began to calm down as Clark rubbed her back and shushed her until she rested her head on his chest before she started walking asleep. He removed his cape, wrapped it around the naga's body, and held her as if she were his newborn baby.
II. "I'll take care of her. Lois and I will be the parents that she needs." Superman said as he began to fly away from the scene before heading to Metropolis with focused blue eyes until he reached home and landed before the door. He opened it and Lois was there, standing before him with a confused look. He explained what happened at the warehouse, who the Naga was, and why he intended to keep her. Lois looked at the sleeping creature in her husband's arms and smiled before nodding. She agreed with his decision and offered to name her - giving her the name [Reader].
III. As [Reader] grew, The Super-Family noticed that she was developing a desire for justice but Clark was completely against it, wanting his daughter safe and there was nothing she could do to change his mind because she didn't have the powers of a Kryptonian or even a meta-human. [Reader] was upset but didn't go against her dad; Clark was upset that his daughter was upset with him but he knew that he was doing it for the right thing.
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bad4amficideas · 3 years
heyyyyy are you willing to write some platonic hcs about the justice league interacting with reader of Earth 1T8? Anyways sending good vibes :D
I can make a try anon dearie!!! that's what this blog is about after all... platonic is difficult
Note: English is not my language, so I hope you will be understanding of any flaws you find.
BTW In Earth 1T8 the Justice League members are Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Zatanna? and Cyborg... I might put Zatanna, Constantine, Madame Xannadu, Deadman & maybe Enchantress and Dr. Fate? in JLD with Zatanna as mediator. And the only thing that differs from those in the other world is that they have never worked with Batman and that except for Wonder Woman, no one has investigated them.
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It would be difficult for most of them not to go platonic yandere for a furry WITHOUT powers who is dedicated to trying to save the world.
("Barry!" "no Barry! me, you get me, then, THEN" "I'm the young one with Internet symbiosis, do not argue" "I... don't think I want to know" "Aquaman the Platypus!!!"... "WTF")... edit: I actually like this idea lots, maybe abother universe made a cameo but i idk, cheetah or mustela-Flash, chamaleon MM...)
I think in cases like Superman and Wonder Woman, even Cyborg, it would be easier for you to meet them by their alter ego and in your normal form. An interview, donations to museums or Star laboratories or scholarships, etc.
Okay, here's one thing that has always confused me, unless Batman's cowl also has lead, and having Superman super senses and such. I mean, being a journalist with two fingers for a forehead, it shouldn't be easy -and by that I mean AUTOMATIC- to find out who the Bat is with a little x-ray??, even if it was accidentally ?? peripheral vision and stuff. The smell?? I could tell who has woken up in my house by how they go down the stairs??? Even if he doesn't connect the dots because doesn't want or refuse look at your face, it's seeing the broken bones in civil form, even without knowing about the famous Wayne.
And, lets says he gets an interview with you and sees that, well shit, actually, whether you have a good reputation or not, you are a good person he can see and hear it (but, wtf with these wounds)? You condemned yourself. And in addition to his normal job, he's suddenly the Daily Planet in charge of everything related to you and your alter ego. Literally every invitation to the most important newspapers, he always comes as the Daily Planet representative. AND NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING because half of the Daily Planet doesn't want to get into the gossips of a billionaire or the follies of a Bat in a fucking crazy city. And he just wants to see Y/N, not the Bat, not the Wayne, because each time whe gets a glimp of them it's like coming home from a long journey. And that's Clark Kent's excuse to start seeing you and befriending you to the point where you don't have time to go batcrazy doing it because, hey, you have Superman as a guest at home. AGAIN. But your whole family is conspiring with him, whether they know identities or not, and everyone is saying "sush, if they know you're normal, they won't let you do batbarities." And now Superman suddenly patrols like 1/2 America including Gotham but only by chance of course and thank goodness that the Batcave DOES have lead.
Our Bat, here manipulator-founder of the JLA, ofc would have managed be the one to get Wonder Woman/ Diana to go from being a curator of the Louvre to the Smithsonian (what better than an expert who has lived through it), and she would have ended up discovering Y/N Wayne and their alter ego Bat sooner or later from there, I mean, although she sees this situation as a gift to the world, how big the heart of Reader! (a baby!!)but she won't be anyone else's pawn again, so, why found the JL?? (apart from psychopaths trying to destroy the world ... and that) And well. How not to go yandere to such a good person? AND like a CRAZY one???? The madmen in your city are one thing because -almost- all are human and you're an overprepared normal human, but aliens, wizards? you should stay close to someone -her- who is up to beat those subjects. Uuuuuuhhhhh!!! she's momming on you dearie!!! at amazonian style if you're a girl ofc!!
Victor, Victor, Victor. Cyborg. You could have met him at one of the friendly competitions between Universities to which they always invite you because donating large amounts et all, or by his father and having donated to his laboratories. But also I think that for the madness that his father did, he would need extra funds, Reader would give them, and make suggestions having already dealt with Dr. Stone before and knowing how things were going to go for Cyborg. And sooner or later he would see that through some old camera recordings and so then he would have noticed you, a stranger who genuinely cared for him while -obviously- you scold his father for being a work freak.
Whoever, what a bitch he can be under the due circumstances, he will use everything you have -except your own body I guess- against you. And soon like, you are screwed, an open book to him. Good thing he's a mostly a broody gentleman. If, ironically, Cyborg's problem is that he could get lost in his technology, with you and your mania for monitoring everything (and, sorry to remind you, being monitored by everyone), you would give him the balance he needs between humanity and technology. Kinda a big sibling relationship.
Well, in a universe minimally similar to that of the movies, if you don't have something to do with helping Flash find the job he wants. YOU'RE A BAD READER!, DISHONOR IN YOU AND DISHONOR IN BATCOW! As a charitable soul, giving scholarships, encouraging improvements in the justice and health system not only in Gotham because I'm sorry to say this to you dearies but you USAmerican Health System is a BigShitTM, Barry already idolized your civil persona a bit. If he found out that you are Bat it could be playing forensic while expending energy running from end to end of the states and training. And that would seem mind-boggling to him and a dead end. He would be the stalker type with a bunch of pictures of you but, like Cyborg, he would know better than to approach you. Passing by Gotham when he hears that there are particularly rare/difficult cases.
Aquaman, this one it very difficult for me to see as platonic I confess. As if any of the above has sounded platonic at all. But I think he'd see you as a badass little sibling. But of those that while you threaten someone with a dagger he's behind you with a buster sword. At first he will be like: There is a human, a normal one, dressed as a bat, kicking butts in the middle of the night in a city overpopulated by weirdos?? Give me some popcorn. I'm gonna see it. That's Arthur. Afterward, well, anyone with a heart can only see a person fall and get up a specified number of times before they earn your reluctant respect, admiration, concern, and exasperation. And although Arthur tries to pretend that nothing matters to him, his heart is as big as his dominions.
He would approach you as Aquaman, because as the Bat is how he met you. Knowing your civil persona would amuse or irritate him because is so fucking fake (it's on you if your facade is flirt and sex with everything that moves, rich in drugs, tired parent, rich egocentric who donates to deduct taxes, rich stupid who believes that the world can turn rainbows with money and good intentions). And he would offer his help and ask for yours ("I know there are some oil dealers but no matter how much I clean up their shit if things on earth are not fixed, etc...") until between missions and such you would end up developing a dynamic of siblings. I don't think he realizes that maybe he's a slightly overprotective brother at times, because, like almost everyone except Superman, he lets you keep kicking butts (although he is by far the most relax with you doing that)
Now nobody of you is surprised that Earth 1T8 is better than the original world, or you are???? Hahahahaha.
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I really loved your scenario of The Justice League AND The Ill reader,Lmao, poor reader they only need a rest.
Anyway, ever since I read the first part I was thinking about the kids, you know, the League Sidekicks, obviously The Reader knows them, due to work (I can really imagine Batman introducing His kids to the Reader to force a bond , And obviously The rest of The League does the same) So I had the headcanon that the reader really likes the children, they talk to them after missions, sometimes they buy them some gifts for their birthdays, they listen to them when they complain about their father figures (Therapist Reader), etc. But at the same time I can imagine The Reader being totally uncomfortable with his parents, so I can't help but think of a scenario in which The Reader is talking to the League kids in a good mood, but the League members walk in. to the room (They obviously saw the Happy Reader, so they want to gain some advantage) And The Reader just turns off, goes into business mode and is curt as always with the league, and when he finishes talking to the league, he goes back to talking to the children and their mood is happy again. Man I would love to see the league's reaction to the obvious reader favoritism
PD:I really love your work, you are amazing
Pd2:If The kids are yandere, ITS UP to you
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A Week in Life: Take Your Kid to Work Day
Synopsis: A week in your life where you get a lot of new little friends, even if you know something’s sketchy about it.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Yanderes! Robin (Dick), Superboy (Konner), Miss Martian, Kid Flash (Wally) and Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)
Tw: A single implication about Hal’s past dub/non con incidente (blink and you miss it); Implied emotional manipulation, I guess? Justice League using kids as a manipulation tactic; A little angst, I think we all hate how Superman treated Conner, so I added that, so technically not a healthy relationship between them here, could be interpreted as Superman manipulating him or Superboy trying too hard to make his bio-dad like him; The kid’s ages are definitely not accurate canon wise, but what is canon anyway? I mixed their personalities and origins from Young Justice (along with their age gap) and for Superboy it was mainly the animated movie Reign of the Supermen; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 3,3k
Requested? More than once.
Extra notes: Dick is 10, Kaldur'ahm, Conner, Megan and Wally are 13. I wish I knew more about the Wonder Girls to write about one of them, I felt bad for not adding them, but I would’ve felt worse writing for a character I have no idea how to write.
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
— I wasn't aware that there was a Take Your Kid to Work Day on schedule... — You said in a surprised, maybe taken aback, tone, if not a little strangled and sarcastic, even if a little happy. You rubbed your forehead, you knew your hunch was right…
You’ve heard the rumors Gotham media was spreading for months now, you even asked Batman if you should prepare the marketing team in case of an emergency, he denied everything.
So why was it that now you were staring at a 10 year old dressed as a traffic light?
— Miss/Mister/Mx (Y/N)... I’m hungry… — Worst of all? The kid was cute.
You smile in a friendly manner.
— Okay, okay. Just give me a second, buddy, I need to talk to your… Dad…?! — You just now realized you didn't know their actual relationship. Batman only told you his name was Robin, that he was his partner, and that he was in the watchtower to observe. You didn't know superheroes accepted 10 year old interns, but whatever. The kid just stared blankly at you, not giving an actual answer to if you got your assumption right.
— Can I go with you? — Robin fiddled with his fingers. So cute. You nodded with a small smile. The kid jumped off his too big chair and ran towards you, surprising you by taking your hand. He had small hands. So cute.
You walked slowly, to accommodate to his height, in the direction of the door to the briefing room, where Batman was talking to John Stewart. This other Green Lantern was a breath of fresh air. The other one (the one who shouldn't be named) was away, working on another district of the universe since that whole… Less-than-consensual situation. You were happy and surprised when the League didn't just brush it off, and even compensated you for it, alongside making him go away. He either agreed to that, or caused the 3rd World War against the Justice League. It was a temporary predicament, but happier nonetheless, since John wasn't obsessed with you, unlike the rest of them, and easy to work with.
You cleared your throat so they would turn to you.
— Does Robin have any restrictions? He said he's hungry so I'm gonna take him to the kitchen. — You said politely. Batman shook his head.
— Just don't give him sugar. He needs to sleep before patrol tonight. — You raised your eyebrows in surprise and nodded your head. Batman looked at the boy. — Behave, chum. — You blinked, Robin nodded solemnly.
As you walked in the direction of the kitchen, the kid showed to be very happy and talkative. You were surprised, considering who his dad was, but it warmed your heart. At least it seemed he wasn't mistreated.
At some point, he let your hand go and started cartwheeling and doing acrobatics all the way there to show off his abilities to you. You gasped and clapped, praising his talent along with other workers from the crew who were passing the hall. You were slightly worried that he would fall and get hurt, but the kid was really confident in what he was doing (but they always are, until they fall).
When you got there, you were impressed that he wasn't even the slightest out of breath.
— Do you have games on your phone? — He asked, sitting down on a table while you rummaged the fridge for some sandwiches or any healthy snack, since you didn't know how his home diet was, but guessing by his build, which was a lot more athletic than kids his age are, he was probably pretty healthy. Son of the Bat.
— Hmm, I have Dress to Impress, Pou and Candy Crush.
— What is Pou? — Your heart panged and you sighed, feeling old.
— When were you born? 2010? — You walked towards him and settled a plate with a sandwich in front of him, before pouring a cup of juice.
— 2014. — Your mouth dropped, speechless. — Wait, so not even Stardew Valley? — You cleared your throat and shook your head, sitting beside him, while he started eating.
— Wait, can I even let you play? Does Batman let you have screen time? — He nodded.
— I have a phone. I just couldn't bring it with me today… He said he would show me around the tower, but he got busy with work… — He deflated a little at the end of the sentence, your heart broke. — Anyway… He told me I could distract myself. I just need your permission. — You bite your lip.
— Okay. How about we go to the recreational room and you can play some videogames while I work from the computer. — Robin nodded eagerly.
— Damn, you can't even play with me? Working sucks. That must be why adults are so boring. — You took a napkin and cleaned some food from his cheek.
— It's not that bad… You can do whatever you want. — He perked up.
— I guess so… — He looked you up and down. You prepared yourself for one of those moments where kids are so blunt that they don't know they could offend someone. — But you're not boring, (Y/N), you're cool. Must be why daddy likes you so much. And he doesn't like no one.
Wow, what a weird coincidence. Just yesterday Batman brought his kid, and now Martian Manhunter brought his niece.
Miss Martian looked older than Robin, but again, she was a martian, her appearance was shifted to whatever she wanted to look like. All you knew was that she was young and new on Earth.
Right now, she looked very human. She had freckles and auburn hair. The only thing that made her stand out was the green of her skin.
When she presented herself to you, you got startled by her voice in your head, but you and Martian Manhunter softly explained to her that on Earth people didn't communicate through their minds, and it was kinda like an invasion of privacy. Kinda funny hearing him say that, but whatever.
Like Batman the day prior, Martian trusted the girl in your hands. So many coincidences, right?!
— So, honey, how old are you?
— Oh, on my home planet I should be about 39. But converting to Earth years, I’m 13. — She said with a shy but friendly smile, you smiled back.
— You’re pretty young then. How are you settling on Earth? Planning to go to school maybe? — She nodded.
— I just started the school year… I wasn't too sure about that, but my uncle said it would be good to learn human behaviors. — You nodded.
— American school is nice, I recommend you should take part in clubs. And don't feel pressured to make a billion friends. It's better to have one good friend, instead of 10 people you know but can't rely on. — She nodded, biting her lip.
— I already know some of the other sidekicks, I just don't have any civilian friends… I was thinking about joining the cheerleading team. — You gasped, excited.
— Oh, that's really good! I always wanted to join, but was never the sporty type. You’re sweet, I think that already gives you some points. — Her green cheeks got darker.
— You think so?! — Her voice got louder with excitement.
— Of course! Now let me give you some tips about the jocks, honey…
Today, Flash brought Kid Flash. You haven't met him until now. The sequence of days the older heroes brought in their sidekicks was starting to look weird… But not that weird. Batman said he would give Robin a tour but became unavailable. Manhunter wanted Miss Martian to meet civilian people and have a good role model — you don't know why he decided that that role model should be you, but it made sense, so… —. Flash Said they would spend the day using the lab to experiment some more on Kid Flash’s still recently acquired powers. So. Coincidences, right?
The boy was 13 too, he had messy red hair and green eyes. Flash didn't specify their relationship, but their personalities definitely matched a little. Both a little hyperiperactive and smiley. Although that could be more of a speedster thing, especially the first part.
Like promised, they spent half that day on the lab, occasionally calling you for snack breaks. However, at some point, Flash gave an excuse and left you with the kid.
— Sooo, what do you do around here? — Kid Flash asked, spinning around in a chair he found somewhere and rolled to the middle of your office in the blink of an eye. You half-smiled. It was nice not being crowded by those weirdos and being around fresh and youthful people, but it was starting to feel weird.
— I plan schedule appointments, organize team meetings, prepare agendas and itineraries, book meals and travel arrangements, handle record keeping and documentation, and make sure a project stays on budget. — The ginger blinked and stopped spinning.
— Uhh, you went to college for that? — You blinked.
— I did, why? — He chuckled slightly.
— Nothing, it's cool, sounds boring, though. — You nodded.
— What do you want to work with? — He looked to the side, thoughtful for a moment.
— I think I want to be a scientist.
— Oh really?
— Yeah, I like physics, mechanics and a little bit of chemistry. — You smirked.
— Chemistry? Sounds boring. — Kidflash froze for a second, wide-eyed, then relaxed and started laughing loudly. His chuckling prompted you to chuckle alongside him.
He used his feet to push the chair around your table and stopped at your side.
— Hey, can I see how much people get paid here? If I'm gonna be a member of the League one day, might as well optimize time and just work here. — You slapped his hands away when he reached for your computer, he pouted.
— Wouldn't that make it difficult to keep your secret identity hidden?! — Kid Flash stretched his arm, then draped it across your shoulders, you lifted an eyebrow.
— Babe. I'm a superhero. I could change clothes really fast right now and you wouldn't even notice. — You scoffed and lightly pushed him and his chair away.
— A phone booth would be more appropriate for that.
— What's a phone booth?
Superman brought Superboy.
Why the fuck are they doing that, bro?
You didn't even know they were close! Sure, Superboy is Superman and Lex Luthor’s clone, the whole world knew that, and that Superboy took to Superman's side. But they were never seen together, unlike Flash and Kid Flash, or Batman and Robin, for example.
Worst of all? It looked like the mood between them was… Weary. Especially on Superman’s part. Did he not trust Superboy? You could understand that… But look at his puppy sad face!
And not even five minutes later, Superman just flew away, saying something about a hurricane in Texas, AND SUPERBOY STAYED!
The silence was awkward for a few seconds. You thought back to the personality he showed when he was first announced by LexCorp, when Superman was considered dead. He was all over the media (Lex’s marketing team was good) with his charisma and flirty personality. Although he kept the leather jacket, his quietness surprised you.
You cleared your throat.
Superman brought Superboy.
Why the fuck are they doing that, bro?
You didn't even know they were close! Sure, Superboy is Superman and Lex Luthor’s clone, the whole world knew that, and that Superboy took to Superman's side. But they were never seen together, unlike Flash and Kid Flash, or Batman and Robin, for example.
Worst of all? It looked like the mood between them was… Weary. Especially on Superman’s part. Did he not trust Superboy? You could understand that… But look at his puppy sad face!
And not even five minutes later, Superman just flew away, saying something about a hurricane in Texas, AND SUPERBOY STAYED!
The silence was awkward for a few seconds. You thought back to the personality he showed when he was first announced by LexCorp, when Superman was considered dead. He was all over the media (Lex’s marketing team was good) with his charisma and flirty personality. Although he kept the leather jacket, his quietness surprised you.
You cleared your throat.
— So… Are you hungry? Wanna play videogames? — You grimaced slightly. He looked at you again, a little hesitant.
— Uh… I think so? — He blinked. — You guys have videogames here?! — He exclaimed, surprised. You chuckled.
— Oh yeah, for such a serious and stern guy, Batman really invested in the work environment. — You chuckled together, walking towards the recreational area.
You were curious about the earlier weird vibe, but didn't want to prod.
At first, you just let the boy play by himself, just sitting beside him and working while talking, that was until he paused the game between missions and stretched, then looked at you.
— Are you guys involved? — You looked at him with your eyebrows raised.
— You guys…? — He pursed his lips.
— You and Superman. — You grimaced slightly.
— Oh no, he's my boss, and not my type at all. — He nodded, looking pensive.
— He likes you. — You kept a blank expression, waiting for him to continue. — I like you too, so I can imagine why he likes you. — You stared at him, exasperated. He widened his eyes. — Not like that! — He raised his hands to deny. — It's just- I feel comfortable with you. I felt comfortable with some of his friends before, I didn't even know why, but I think it's because half of me is from him. Like I have some things from Lex since I was… Born… — He looked to the ground for a second, pouting lightly. — That's why Superman doesn't like me. — You widened your eyes.
— I'm sure he likes you! — Superboy looked at you like he didn't believe you.
— No, it's okay… He's polite, I guess. And took me in as his family, just not… As his son… More like a brother, or… A cousin… I mean, I can understand, I'm basically a hate baby, created by his biggest enemy to outdo and destroy him… — You shook your head.
You didn't know what to say, since you didn't know how their dynamic was like.
— H-He brought you here to spend time with you, didn't he? He just had an emergency to take care of… — He looked to the ground and then at you again. He didn't have the heart to tell you that's the first time they ever “hung out”, and that his genius brain clocked hours ago that Superman's plan was to create a connection between you both by orchestrating a connection with you and him. He also didn't want to bad mouth Clark. A part of him always would have hope that Superman would want to be closer to him one day.
Superboy looked at the clock and then at you.
— Don't you have a break? I can hear your stomach, I'm hungry too.
This madness has to stop now.
— Nice to meet you, Aqualad. — You nodded at the boy with a small smile. You were a little mesmerized by his exotic appearance. He had brown skin, blonde hair in braids (where are his roots?) and blue eyes. His arms were also covered in tattoos that you knew had something to do with his abilities.
— I was showing him around the Watchtower, but now I have a meeting with Wonder Woman, why don't you two hang out for a while? — Aquaman, always the most obnoxious one. Their intentions were 100% clear now.
Aquaman didn't let you say anything else and left the room with said hero. You heard her murmur something about having to find her own apprentice to bring to the watchtower as soon as possible.
You looked at the boy, not knowing what to say.
— Have you ever been to Atlantis? — He surprised you by speaking first, his tone was gentle, if not a little monotonous, but he looked at you with interest.
— Uhhh, no? I’m not that good of a swimmer and I can't breathe underwater. — Aqualad smirked lightly.
— You wouldn't need to worry about breathing, there are multiple ways for humans to do that, from magic to technology. As for swimming… I'm sure we can find some sort of solution for that, also. And I doubt my king would be opposed to the idea of teaching you. — You nodded slowly. So much for subtly.
— … My vitamin D is low enough as it is, I’d rather stay on land, no offense. — The atlantean opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. — Aqualad! Do you like the food here? I've always been curious about your culture’s cuisine…
You kept talking for hours, eventually, Aqualad and you ended up in the training room, he offered to show you a little of his control over water bodies, and you, still a little fascinated over the convivence with superheroes, and this being the second time you met someone from Atlantis, accepted eagerly.
— This is just like H2O… — Kauldur’ahm blinked.
— It is water… — The boy confirmed, hesitantly. You laughed.
— No, no, not water. It's a TV show, it's about mermaids. I guess it isn't exactly accurate, but they can control water, just like you! — He nodded, slowly, contemplating. You looked at your watch, noticing your lunch time was due. You looked at him, shyly. — If you're up for it, we could watch it now… — That seemed to make him perk up a little and he nodded quickly.
— I would like to.
— I wasn't aware that there was a Take Your Kid to Work Day on schedule... — You said in a surprised, maybe taken aback, tone, if not a little strangled and sarcastic, even if a little happy. You rubbed your forehead, you knew your hunch was right…
There they were, in the meeting room, all seated around the big roundtable, almost double the number of people who usually sit there.
Now, the food order they made, made sense.
You pushed the food cart forward, one for Flash. You came back and pushed another one, this one for Kid Flash, you ruffled his hair. Then, you walked back and pushed the 3rd food cart around the table, delivering each meal for each hero.
— Steak for Green Lantern. One black coffee for Batman. One meat sandwich and chocolate milk for Robin. — You squeezed his cheek. He smiled brightly at you. — Toast for Martian Manhunter and a slice of strawberry cake for Missy Miss Martian. — As you put the plate in front of her, you whispered that you wanted to know how the cheerleading team was going. She nodded happily. — A burger with fries for Aquaman, a smoothie and salad for Aqualad. Oh, did you change your hair? I like it! — You smiled brightly at the boy and his cheeks burned, he nodded. — Ice cream for Wonder Woman. Another burger and fries for Superman and another for Superboy. I see you followed my advice, your style really matches with those piercings. Tell me how you did it later. — You laughed carelessly and went to the door. — Need me for something more? — Your bosses shook their heads, stunned. You left and closed the door.
— Can't believe you guys actually did it… — John shook his head, disappointed at his teammates.
— I knew it would work. — Batman said, sipping from his drink.
— That's why we stole your idea when we knew about it. — Aquaman chuckled.
— I really need to find a sidekick. — Diana huffed.
Batman turned to Robin.
— You did a good job, chum. — Dick chuckled.
— Yeah, I even asked for a sandwich without the crust. Now (Y/N) think I'm the cutest here. — He smirked smugly. Wally scoffed.
— Yeah, right. She totally doesn't think you're an annoying kid. — The duo stared at each other. — I, for example, made them laugh. — The redhead puffed his chest proudly.
— Are you sure it wasn’t a pity laugh?! — Superboy snorted at Robin’s retort.
— Although Robin might be physically more adorable, and Kid Flash, in his words, made them laugh. (Y/N) and I started a TV show together, my king. — Aquaman nodded at his apprentice’s words.
— You did a good job.
— But (Y/N) actually said they wanted to talk to me later! That usually oficializes human’s friendships! — Megan said, softly.
— They said the same to me, the other day. That I could talk to them whenever I wanted… — Superman looked at Superboy, surprised. He felt awkward praising him, so he just nodded his head and looked away. Superboy pouted slightly.
— Because you told them your sob story, now they think you're a loser. — Conner glared at Dick. — Their physical language showed that they loved me, B! I honestly deserve an Oscar after that performance! They're gonna be ours before you suckers know it!
As a screaming match raised inside the room, the adult heroes looked at each other, lost for words, not only had the kids gotten you roped a bazillion times faster then they could ever dream, but also you were so amazing that they were enamored with you too.
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menacing-menace-rat · 4 months
What character in DC canon do you think would be most terrifying as a Yandere?
Oh god I could go on about this for hours! You have triggered an unskippable cut scene.
My knee jerk reaction is to say Martian Manhunter. He can change into almost anything, he can read your mind, he has super strength and can go through walls. Talk about a nightmare yandere. That being said I really feel like he has too much empathy to do anything too horrible. If he hurt someone who didn't deserve it I think that might actually break him so I wouldn't be him. Being a dangerous yandere would go against his personality too much.
Superman is probably high on the list for reasons that far better writers have flushed out way better than I ever could but I feel like again, so long as he is in his right mind he wouldn't be able to take it too far. He'd try and do things by the books for as long as he possibly could. He'd stay in control and try to just date his obsession or just stay in the shadows watching from a far. I also get the feeling if he was truly madly in love with you, you could talk yourself out of any with him. Because he's so soft sometimes.
This might come out of left field and I'm sure he's just on my mind because James Gunn announced recently that peacemaker season 2 was being filmed but I feel like Vigilante (Adrian Chase) would be so scary. I have always gotten the impression he fakes being so dumb. I feel like he can't separate his love life and his vigilante work though. If he fell in love he'd pursue them with the same kind of seemingly unfocused intensity he'd chase down any low life with. Completely unpredictable, utterly obsessed with seemingly no self control, unable to stop himself. There would be no talking him down or out smarting him. He's impossible to plan for. Like a wild animal who can just choose when to use his brain.
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A Day in Life
Synopsis: A day in your life while working as the Justice League's assistant. Also, they are all yanderes for you and it's Valentine's Day.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
Tw: 18+ just because of a mention of Superman misusing his X-Ray vision and the mention of hooking up, aside from that, this is pretty SFW; Flash and Green Lantern are a little delusional; Hal Jordan is pushy; Batman is probably a little out of character (and I’m ashamed to keep it that way) bc I can't see him giving anyone flowers as Batman, just as Bruce Wayne; Mentions of them all secretly stalking you; This League members are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; John Stewart is mentioned), Aquaman and Martian Manhunter; I wrote too little about Martian Manhunter, Aquaman here because I don't know much about them; Wish I had more ideas for Wonder Woman’s interaction here too cause I love her; My crush on Hal is very obvious; Reader doesn't struggle much against them but they're also pretty tame; The physics in flying and running at super speed might be wrong but this is comic book science so it's wrong either way; English is not my first language.
Word count: 1,6k
Requested? No.
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
The zeta tube flashes and the AI voice announces the arrival of Flash. Your heart goes fast.
— Hey, (Y/N)! — In a flash, he's in front of you. — Happy Valentine's Day! — You tear your eyes off of your schedule on your tablet and see him holding a rose towards you.
— Oh, hey, Flash… — You reply a little tense. — Thank you… You didn't need to. — You hesitantly take the rose from him and whilst your attention is on staring at the flower and holding back a grimace, you miss the glint in his blue eyes. His blush is covered by his mask. His mind seeks for something to say before you decide to break the momentary silence. — You're really sweet, it's great to have a friend like you! — You make sure to exclain, the tone a notch higher, trying to make your point come across. Flash’s face falls.
— Uh- I- Actually- — His speech gets cut off by the zeta announcing Superman. Before you can have a heart attack, the boy scout also zooms in front of you, this time your hair blows back with the wind. He must've come flying.
— (Y/N)’s heart is pounding, what are you doing, Flash? — Superman alternates between looking at your face worriedly, then your chest, then glaring at the speedster by his side.
— What? Nothing! — Flash looks wide-eyed at Superman. Then his mind clicks and he looks at you again. — Wait, what? Your heart is pounding? Is it… Is it because of me?! — You see the dazed look on his face coming to the surface again. Oh boy.
You casually make the effort to take a breath you didn't know you were holding and make your heart go down. You hate when Super uses his X-Ray vision on you. You can never be sure when he is doing it, but why else would he analytically stare specifically at your body when he is worried about you? Also, that time when you commented with Sarah from the kitchen’s crew that you forgot to do your laundry and went to the Watchtower without underwear. Seconds later, Superman appeared in the doorway, looking startled and flustered, ears red. Although he pretended to have just arrived at the tower and you and your friend chose to ignore your embarrassment that your boss with superhearing might have chose that exact moment to focus his hearing on only the places around him, including your too intimate conversation, you still caught him red handed sneaking glances specifically at your hips, and he hurriedly exited the room after that. At the time, you had just recently started the job as the Justice League’s assistant. After that you were a lot more aware.
After a while you realized you had a reason to be.
Superman was glaring at the rose in your hand and Flash was daydreaming while looking at your face when the zeta flashed again and you snapped out of it fast enough that by the time you started talking, your mind didn't pay attention to who had just arrived.
— Hm, no. It's just you fast people are always catching me off guard. — Flash deflates and- Is he pouting? Bro. Superman lights up and looks at you again.
— Oh, sorry, (N/N), we always forget about that. — The alien chuckles while rubbing the back of his head.
— Superman. Flash. — You and Flash jump, but Superman, not surprisingly, doesn't react and just follows you three and looks behind the two heros in front of you to the one with the gruff voice that just arrived.
Flash groans and Superman just rolls his eyes, you can see that while trying to peak past the men’s towering frames blocking you. You don't have to guess much though, because they make space for the newcomer and you suppress a tired sigh at seeing Batman making his way to you with a gigantic arrangement of flowers that covers his entire torso, arms and head, only his bat-ears, legs and cape being visible.
— (Y/N). Those are for you. — Color me shocked. Before you can try to start thinking about how you are gonna take this absurdity anywhere, vengeance speaks. — I'm gonna leave it at your desk.
— Hmhmm. Thank you, Batman. — You refused to watch his retreating form and let any member of your yandere harem think you actually have an interest in any of them and look down at your tablet again. The action makes you remember the rose you're still holding and you hurriedly walk away from the two nutcases stuck glaring at the third and go to his side. — Actually, take this with you. — You stick the rose amongst the rest of the flowers and before any of them can say anything else, you get out of the room.
You take a deep breath. Since the League’s weird obsession started seemingly around a year ago, you had a whole crisis over it. The pay was good, and it increased even more when they took this insane liking to you, so it's not like you could just quit like it was nothing. Besides, it's the Justice League, you could run from the fucking planet and they would still find you. It's easier to adapt.
You go on with your routine for a few minutes until you bump into a neon green brick wall. Scratch that, it's just Green Lantern’s chest.
— Hey, cutie, I was looking for you. — Your eyes widen when the space cop suddenly holds you by the shoulders, pushes you against a wall, then lets you go just to keep his two muscular arms on each side of you, trapping you and keeping you close to his frame. Ugh, the Lantern with brown hair has always been the more touchy one. You miss the one with dark skin and common sense.
— Need me for something? — You hold a groan with the limitless possibilities of how he could use that sentence to be crude, but you just wanted to get rid of him. He smirks.
— I was wondering if you were free today and would like to go on a date with me later… — He knew you were free. You knew he knew you were free. Every time you have a date (and you never told them) the League seems to get more on edge and suddenly your workload increases. Tsk, you hate them. Unfortunately, you love nice things even more.
You raise an eyebrow.
— I don't even know your name. — You point out, maybe that would make him give up, but he just shrugged.
— I could tell you, trust is a fundamental part in any relationship.
— Is a date a relationship? Also I don't think Batman would like that. — Any of that. He cocks his head to the side and his beautiful hair moves down.
— Cutie, you don't have to worry about Spooky. And I don't want to just hook up with you, you know that. Now just stop playing hard to get and-
A golden light catches your attention, it could be a miracle, but it's just Wonder Woman's lasso wrapping around the lantern's neck and pulling him away from you. Unfortunately, she tied a it in a way that the action wouldn't strangle him or break his neck.
— Ugh, men really have no boundaries. — The amazon rolls her lasso back and takes a step towards you, keeping said man sulking behind her while analyzing you. — Forgive my friend, (Y/N). He grew up in a barn. — The stunning demigoddess smiles at you.
Ugh, if she wasn't just as crazy as the rest of them you would happily swoon over her.
— Right. Well, I have to go. — You turn your back to them and take fast but casual steps away from them and the empty hallway. It never fails to scare the shit out of you and give you goosebumps whenever one of them catches you alone in one of those, and the competition between them for your heart somehow makes you confident enough that if there are at least two of them, no harm will come to you.
You clear your throat. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. The martian should’ve arrived by now and you don't doubt he reads your mind 24/7 when he’s close enough.
You’re about to turn a corridor when you spot Aquaman poking his head in a room, looking for something, it's probably you, only his body is visible and he can't see you.
You hold a groan and run as quietly as possible away from him without him noticing, remembering the time he ranted to you about seahorses being the most romantic fish species, with monogamous mate bonds for lifetime, and all the times he promised to show you Atlantis one day and make you rule his people by his side.
A few minutes later when you look at the clock, you know by that time they're all already in their meeting and not wandering around, desperate for a crumb of your attention. To confirm that, you open the camera’s feed that not many had access to and idly check their presence in the meeting room. Your stomach churns seeing your figure in one of their monitors, the others displaying normal missions info. Of course they would follow you around through the cameras, because that's just as important as discussing wars and crisis in Earth countries and other planets.
You passively shut the screen when you finally get to your office, in which you avoid staying until you absolutely have to, or the coast is clear enough to, otherwise it's the most obvious place for them to force an interaction with you.
You look up and your shoulders drop in defeat at the sign of too many flowers, gifts and letters from each member of the League.
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OMG I have an idea
What if a villain hit reader with a love potion and the Yandere JL has to deal with reader being obsessed with one of them until it wears off🙏🙏😭(I LITERALLY LOVE YOUR YAN JL WORKDGHBJB)
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A Day in Life: Love Pollen
Synopsis: A day in your life where you get hit with love pollen, get kidnapped, and are rescued by the Justice League.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
Tw: 18+; PDA; Dry humping; Kinda public sex bc they're in a deserted island’s beach, so it's basically out in the open but no one’s around; Dubcon/noncon bc, you know, love-and-kinda-sex pollen; Also maybe drugging bc of that; Writer is the Justice League's weakness; Hal Jordan is a little shit; Needles; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,1k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: I imagine the League’s marketing will have a hard time after this little stunt, I mean, there's no way no one caught that on camera
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
The Legion of Doom had a plan. They invaded a political event in Metropolis, with the presence of the Justice League as the president’s security team, the League being the target. First, Poison Ivy release pollen throughout the whole city, as a distraction, making people hallucinate that they were in love with one another. Crazy in love. It would be okay, if her experiment didn't cause chaos. All over the streets, some people were having sex out in the open, some were fighting and killing because of jealousy and cheating, some were committing robberies to give their “loved ones”. It was pure chaos and only the quick reflexes, powers and gadgets from the League spared the team from getting hit.
Half the team went to deal with the distraction, saving and restraining people, giving them the antidote, etc. The other half, took care of the villains. After a few hours, the Legion of Doom was taken down and the city’s security and health workers took over the job, the chaos being a lot easier to contain since they were spreading the antidote through the air, it would take at least an hour to spread it throughout the whole city, and then the ones who somehow weren't able to breath it, but mostly, just the mess left behind was the real issue.
You were standing with the rest of the crew on the event, watching the League and the politicians discoursing for the press and TV. When the mayhem started, for the first few seconds, you got startled and froze. Looking between the League, the scared crowd, and the villains invading the place. Suddenly, you breathed some thick smoke and your eyes shot to the heroes, silently urging them to do something, when your eyes locked on Green Lantern’s, the pollen’s effect kicked in. You got dizzy, something snapped, and then everything changed.
Wait, when did Green Lantern's jaw got so sharp? And his muscles so defined? Oh, and he was so big and tall. Did he do something to his hair? Wow, his ring is glowing now and he's flying. He's so cool and powerful. A true hero. Shit, he's coming in my direction. Hehe, he's using a construct to lift me and my coworkers to a safer place as if it was nothing. Imagine flying with him every day. How does he look without the mask? Ugh, must be perfect, if his jaw and lips were anything to go by. I can't even see the color of his eyes! And- and please stop looking me in the eyes and touching my shoulders and asking me if I'm okay, of course I am, I'm with you. No. Nooo. Come back here! Let the others deal with the bad guys, I'm right hereee! Nooooo!
You were depressed and deflated the whole time your soulmate was away. A team from outside the city arrived at some point and you were able to watch the fight — Normally, Lois Lane would do the transmission, but she's too busy making out with her cameraman, she was in the crowd too. —. You started crying watching your lover fighting with Sinestro. When he won, and everything was fine, was when you finally calmed down and just started anxiously waiting while ignoring your colleagues strange antics, one of them even hitting on you. Didn't she know you and Green Lantern were in love?
When the League was back, the paramedics were starting to give the crew the antidote, you were next in line, however, as soon as you saw the heroes, you broke into a sprint.
— Green! — You yelled, catching everyone off guard. Even more so when you jumped and hooked your legs around the brunette’s waist, your arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately.
Hal was so shocked that it took him two seconds to reciprocate the kiss, ignoring completely the gasps from his friends. You moaned against his lips, mumbling a jumbled mess of “I love you”, “I missed you”, “was so worried”, “so glad you're back”.
Someone groaned.
— Batman, just give them that damn antidote before I lose it. — Batman grunted and Hal struggled but managed to separate your faces for a moment. You tried to push your face towards his again, but he grabbed your jaw. You kept forcing your face against his hand and whining. It was really cute, and your willingness and the previous sensation of your lips ignited something in his belly, yet, he looked to the side just in time to see Batman preparing the needle, the rest of the League sulking on the side and glaring at him.
His mind worked rapidly, ignoring the texture of your soft lips pampering kisses against the skin of his hand. When he felt the tip of your tongue, he made a decision.
A bad one.
— Yeah. I don't think so. — Green Lantern conjured several chain constructs, chaining the League's arms and ankles to the ground. It wouldn't hold off the ones like Superman and Wonder Woman who were strong enough to break it, and Martian Manhunter who could just invade his mind or use his intangibility, Flash was also pretty capable of taking him on, but Hal was smart and sagacious. Still holding you, he made a rocket construct around you both and took off.
Really, a terrible idea.
Superman and Wonder Woman, in a cry of rage, broke the chains. Diana unsheathed her sword, her feet not even touching the ground anymore, flying, ready to go after the traitor. Martian passed through the construct, while Superman went to break Batman and Aquaman free, Flash vibrated fast to rearrange his particles and also escaped.
— We need a plan. — Batman’s voice stopped the amazon warrior from going in a hunt for blood. He was already stressing over what the marketing team could do to fix this.
— A plan? We can defeat the enemy and retreat my darling if we go now! — Wonder Woman barked.
— Green Lantern is impulsive. If we go now we can destroy the whole state and hurt (Y/N) in the process. He won't give them up easily.
— Batman's right. — Superman agreeds. — Flash, follow them and see where they’re going. — The speedster nodded and took off.
Barry shook his head, cursing his idiot best friend the whole way.
Between the whole team, Hal was clearly the only one who would be okay with you falsely loving them. The rest wanted something more genuine for you. Some of them would settle for you not loving them as much as they loved you, some wanted you to feel exactly the same amount of what they felt. Hal still loved you just like them, but he always had that certain level of insecurity that craved to be better than anyone, to impress, making everything a competition, and the sensation of being the only one to have you could certainly cloud his judgment and accept your love, even if fake. He just thought he could compensate by treating you the right way, and not just using that opportunity to do whatever he wanted with you, just because he could and you wouldn't complain. He could make this about you both, and not just about him.
Either way, every one of them (thought) they deserved their fair chance at winning you over.
— Manhunter, can you still read his mind and tell what he is thinking? — Manhunter nodded and his eyes started glowing, there was a second of silence before he spoke.
— It's getting weaker as he gets more distant. It's purely impulsive thinking. Green Lantern isn't considering the consequences and means no harm against Earth or us. — Batman nodds.
— That's a shame. I mean harm. — Wonder Woman mutters, Batman glared and Superman side-eyed her. Batman turned his communication on.
— Flash, tell us when they stop moving.
— If he touches them, I will personally kill him. — Aquaman darkly states. Superman took a step in his direction, facing him head on.
— No, you won't. — The two stared at one another intently, until Batman broke the silence.
— Focus. We don't have time for this. — The dark knight stated.
— We need to be collected and work as a team to act smoothly on our plan. — Martian reminds them. Wonder Woman steps down again and sheats her sword. They all form a circle and start planning.
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The sky was never this blue and the sand never this warm and soft. Even with the warmth of the sun being so intense, you were laying on a palm tree's shadow, and the air was flowing just fine. What was actually making you sweat was the dry humping you and your soulmate were doing.
You don't remember ever getting so aroused in your whole life, and can't remember ever desiring someone so much. You could kill someone if they dared to try and steal him away from you.
Hal felt you carding your fingers through his hair and pull slightly, giving him shiver, and he squeezed the flesh of your hips. You moaned against his lips at a particularly stronger wave of pleasure. The clothes were a curse, stopping you from feeling the real him, so you desperately started clawing at his clothes. Green Lantern breathily chuckled.
— Relax, hot stuff, we have time… — He whispers with a smirk. The man held your hands and laid them on the ground, above your head. You just moaned, more needy, and pushed your hips against his, eliciting a hiss from his red and swollen lips.
His hands started unbottoning your shirt and freeing the fabric out of your pants. You kept your hands were they were and watched, eyes wide open, when he descended kisses from the middle of your chest, going south, only pausing at your waistband.
As much as you wanted to feel his mouth more, seeing him so covered and not being able to properly touch him was making you restless, so you sat up, surprising him, and started pulling up the fabric at the back of his neck. Hal chuckled and shook his head, humoring your needs. He helped you take it off, then pushed your own shirt down your arms, until it was off.
You paused, admiring his adonis body. Your heart raced and eyes watered, never having seen something so perfect your whole life. Even his scars were beautiful. His chest hair and happy trail looked really soft and somehow he looked even more muscled, strong and beautiful. You wonder why you rejected him before.
Hal Jordan basked in your amazed gaze, loving to show off, especially while doing nothing. He frowned weakly, and gave a reassuring grin when you pouted, slumped and frowned.
— What's this, sweetheart? I thought you were enjoying this. — To lift your mood, he started running his hands up and down your sides.
— I wanted to see your face… — Hal remained silent for a few seconds. They would tell you their identities eventually, and that fact kept being brought up on reunions. They all knew at some point, you would have to know, to really start a relationship, yet, Batman, and his paranoia, kept them all from telling you. Sometimes, it felt like a sabotage, but mostly, it made sense, since the guy had a bunch of kids, who could be in danger if the information somehow got leaked, still, you couldn't trust to let them in, if they didn't let you in. That was the only reason you didn't trust them, of course.
Also, a face was not a name. Hal wasn't famous, so how bad could it be? Especially if it would turn you on so much, and when you looked so damn cute. His own lust was also influencing his critical thinking, which was already second place to his impulsiveness.
Hal bit his lower lip and brought his face closer to yours, a few centimeters away from having your noses touching.
— Okay… Take it off… — You let out a happy squeal and reached up with both hands. Your heart pounded with anticipation, making you go slower to savor the intimacy even more. Hal closed his eyes when he felt the gentle tug, against his wishes to watch your eagerness and your lip biting in anticipation. His heart was also pounding.
You saw his right eye closed and his thick eyebrow, when suddenly, a loud noise rang out, scaring the shit out of you and prompting Hal to fix the mask again, get up and assess for danger.
He finally fell to his senses and realized something.
He just took the worst decisions ever.
Everything happened too fast. Flash was on your side, holding a needle to your arm, and Green Lantern was being thrown around by a red and blue blur. Only the feminine rageful scream gave you the hint to who it was.
You got up, ready to die for your soulmate, when the antidote kicked in.
You threw up.
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DC Taglist:
@wandalfnation @vadersassistant
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Not an ask but I can't stop thinking of the comedic possibilities of assistant reader finding out who batman is.
The amount of shit this man would get.
Reader: *Reading an article about Bruce Wayne's most scandalous hookups(written by Clark Kent) and looking at Batsy*.... whore
Batman: *groans* most of those didn't even happen!
Superman: *smirks* Clark Kent wouldn’t write something like that without proof.
Reader: Supes, he wrote that you are the greatest JL member tho, everyone knows it's wonder woman. *leaves the room fully aware of the chaos they unleashed*
Batman: .... your planet is dead.
Superman: Like your parents.
*in a meeting*
Batman: We need a way to distract *some villain* while we stop his destruction machine.
Reader: *delivering coffee* show them your bat-pole, I heard that has worked wonders before.
Batman: *bangs his fists against the table* alright, WHO FUCKING TOLD them!?
Wonder Woman: Who is batman in the phone with and why is he in a sourer mood than usual?
Martian Manhunter: Apparently Mx. *last name* scheduled him some medical appointments.
Wonder Woman: So?
Martian Manhunter: They decided to schedule therapy and some STD tests.
Batman: *in the phone* For the last time, I don’t have any "itchiness" on my- I KNOW WHAT CONDOMS ARE and- no, I won’t talk about my childhood, why? I AM A VIGILANTE!
Mr. Wayne, how DARE you try to court me when you are seen with a different woman every event you have?!?!
Assistant!Reader connecting the dots and coming to the conclusion his obsession with them probably comes from the lack of his parents in his developmental years
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How would justice league react if after the day reader got sick would they keep giving them the f u look to all of them except the ones who werent there.
Honestly, Reader probably took two more days off, one bc the stress kept them sick, and one just to cool down, they were worried you would quit, they kept making plans, but didn't aproach you, just did check ups, without your knowledge, of course
When you came back to work, Martian gave you some space, since your thoughts were so loud, he could hear them even if you weren't saying anything
Batman, not good with emotions, but good with keeping his distance from people he loves, also gave you space, only talking to you when needed and professionally
Superman and Flash kept giving you puppy looks
Wonder Woman tried to act normally, but resignated herself with your silence
Aquaman wasn't happy, he was the only who forced an interaction the most, very persistent on trying to prove his innocence or whatever, you just avoided him, the others were able to distract at least
Green Lantern received the scolding of his life, the others were specially keen on keeping him away, you saw him a lot with his arms crossed, and an angry pout, like a child who didn't receive what he wanted, he wasn't happy with being away from you, but he undestood it was necessary, his expression would only soften when he noticed you glancing his way for a micro-second
They were divided between getting busy with work, avoinding the torture of your disgust, and being close to you, stopping the others from being the only ones available to you in case you decided to let them in and comfort you
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