#yandere kirari
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Ambitious and smart darling gambles a lot
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Yumeko, Kirari ]
[ Kakegurui Compulsive gambler ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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This is the first time i write something with the whole powerful darling, I hope I made it right
I was on the middle of writing it when I remember Majo Taisen and the whole greed things, and I thought that is could be a pretty interesting crossover
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Yumeko Jabami
Yumeko always acts really innocent and affectionate, clinging to those she likes and once she get even the smallest interest on you she will make her way into your life, but once she fall in love with you with that intensity she will pry every little detail she can of you as well as try to monopolize you
Even if you weren't into gambling Yumeko herself will make sure to make you enter in that world, so you already gambling a lot make her things easier. At first she thinks that is just for the school spirit or because you like it but it doesn't take her much time to realice that you have a second intention, even if you try to hide it she will know
Yumeko will find out how smart you are and that excited her, that means that the games with you could be even more exciting, and about the ambitious part she will notice it without much troubles, you are the love of her life so is normal to know those things, isn't it? And truth be told, she finds really exciting and interesting that part of you too
She doesn't want to ask you right away what is what you wish because she want to find it herself, it is riches? power over others? maybe is being above everyone? or maybe you just want to defeat others to mocke them? It doesn't matter what you want, what matter is that you are looking high and Yumeko wants to see you reach that peak or fall and lose everything
When Yumeko fell in love she was planning on drag you to everything and everywhere she will go, but knowing that you already have a plan she decides that is better to follow, she practically becomes your own shadow, making difficult to people to tell where end one and start the other, as well following you close and watching every step you do closely and excitedly, she wants to be there when you win and when you lose, when you take risks, when you get closer to your goal, she wants to see it everything and live it with you
But just watching you isn't funny so, you wanting it or not, Yumeko become part of your plan and help you find a way to reach your goal, gambling with you and even giving you the resources to do so if you need it, and now that she is part of the plan she make you see even higher and will make you take more and more risks
Yumeko become like a puppet master with this whole plan, she wants to convice you to take more risks, and even risking more and more, the whole plan if is need it, if she has to manipulate you to change your mind into one more appealing to her she will, still there is a risk of losing your trust or you wanting to throw her away for messing your plan, but isn't risking her relasionship with you, the person she loves the most and the one who she promised to follow blindly, the biggest risk she can take? And even that is exciting!
But at the same time she will be your puppet to use, you can use all the recurses she has and even put her life at risk as long as you feed her with the excitement of the gambles and your beautiful ambition
Even if you actually throw her away she will make her way into your life once again, she wants to watch every single one of your moves, she will hate to lose anytime you take a risk, and she waits excited to see the results of your plan, it doesn't matter if you achieved your goal or lose everything, either result will be satisfiting for her as long as you get it by risking everything
Even if you end up losing everything she will be there to your side to feed your ambition, helping you fill yourself with determination to stand up once again and make a new plan, to wish more and more once again
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Kirari Momobami
Kirari is a kind of controlling person but not in the totality, she likes to create the perfect scenario for her to enjoy the view of how it behaves and develops, making the whole school in her little aquarium for her amusment
She never really thought that she will find herself amused for just a little fish, you were truly something else, something to catch her completely attention and something she wants for herself, at first she was just interested in how much you gamble but soon she start to notice a patron in your games, always challenging those who can give you something useful, with that winning more of her interest
The more she watch you the more amused she is, her little and innocent darling is actually a predator, her curiousity lead her to pry every little detail of you, either for her amusment or to be able to use it later, and without noticing it her curiousity quickly becomes a completely obsession and soon Kirari finds herself unable to stop herself from wondering what will be your next step, waiting expectantly
She is really smart so it won't take her long time to find out what you goal is, what you want, but it doesn't matter if is big or small she will try to put an end to it, Kirari just can't have her precious little darling going here and there doing whatever they want, as much as Kirari loves your ambition and wild spirit she want you to herself, and she has her own plans and goals to reach and yours just becomes a problem in her way
Even when she is a controlling person she always enjoys a good match and knowing how smart you are she knows you can become a really good rival so once day, when she is completely ready for what she is going to do, Kirari herself stands before you and with elegant and beautiful words she admit her interest on you just before declaring war on you
Kirari always fights for what she wants and right now you are the object of her desire, however she is giving you the oportunity to win the freedom to continue with whatever is your plan, you can accept and fight with her or just give up and be hers already, although if you accepted you better be ready because she isn't going to easy on you and she is willing to cheat if you become a true problem
It doesn't matter if you want to put it in just one game or make it a long war, Kirari is willing to fight until she finally defeat you (because in her mind there is no other option), she loves your ambitious personality but he is eager to see how will react the moment she breaks your pride and ambition, the moment you fail and become completely hers
This quickly becomes a truly war, a fight where it put to the test your desire, to see the ambition and determination of the one who is greater and more powerful, although no matter how the fights goes Kirari isn't really planning to leave you go, every second it pass make her more desperate to have you and if she has to make you lose and become a housepet to have you all to herself she will do it without a doubt
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
I have a request for Yan! Suzui, Rei, Mary, Sayaka, Nishinotouin and Ririka, (if you want add someone else i won't mind uwu) with a darling who is sweet, caring and super smart that almost never gamble, but when they do it it's with bad people (like bullies or those who treats really poorly the housepets) in some kind of revenge, humiliating that person (and this situation go worst when they person messes with someone special for the darling). Please!! I'm obsessed with your writing 💕
I added Yumeko and Kirari.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess
Reap what you sow
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️​We all know that Yumeko is a compulsive gambler so a darling who isn't using every little chance to gamble is always a tricky situation because this girl just can't understand why you'd skip on the pleasure and thrill of an excited gamble. Especially since you're so smart and perceptive. So whilst you two are often acting like two cuddly cats in public due to your sweetness and her clinginess, this aspect of your personality is something Yumeko thinks she has to change a bit, of course with the intention to help you to realize just what you're missing out on. So when she notices that you seem to take it upon yourself to gamble against bad people, mostly bullies who disrespect housepets, she's instantly eploring that part of you. Your weakness is your sense of justice and just like that Yumeko starts sniffing out every bad person in school and luckily there are plenty. She reports them to you, even encourages housepets to seek your help just so that she can watch you destroying and humiliating every single person you gamble against with a visible blush on her face. Oh~she's so proud of you. Luckily you belong to her and to no one else.
Saotome Mary
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​♦️​Mary doesn't mind it as much that you're not as addicted to gambling as others, especially since she's friends with Yumeko. It lowers the risk of you being a housepet and since she's made her own experiences with being one, she's very keen on keeping you away from such a cruel and dehumanizing life. She wouldn't be too happy though if you'd just skip all offers to gamble since it can influence your reputation and she wouldn't want you to be seen as a coward or loser which would make you an easy target for arrogant students looking for easy prey. So your solution of only gambling with people who deserve a taste of hell is admirable and the best answer you could have come up with in her mind. Honestly, she can't spare too much sympathy for those you gamble against for the reason that she agrees with your policy here, such students do deserve a taste of hell. Mary doesn't see any need to be overly worried for you either because she knows that you're very good in what you're doing, the perfect mix of logical and composed yet also willing to take a little risk. Overall she's very proud of her s/o, although you won't hear her admitting that out loud all too often, she's a bit of a Tsundere.
Ryota Suzui
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🎴​Suzui is just happy that he's somehow managed to become your boyfriend in the first place considering his low self-esteem, even Mary sometimes wonders how he did it. He's probably the sanest among his circle of friends and stupidly he thinks that you're also someone who isn't into gambling due to the risks being involved. You're kind and smart with perfect grades and also unbelievably sweet around him. You adore Suzui's shyness a lot, enjoy teasing him to see him blushing. He isn't necessarily surprised to see that you're very talented during an actual gamble and he isn't even surprised to hear your reasoning for doing it but he's nevertheless anxious for you. Does he love you any less when finding out that you indulge in gambles to bring justice to the students treated wrong? Absolutely not, he only adores you more. He knows that the antics and methods of Hyakkaou Private Academy are more than questionable and that a lot of students suffer under the school's system so in his eyes you're by all means some sort of savior, a hero. It does nag at his self-esteem though, standing next to you because by comparison he isn't even half as heroic as you are.
Momobami Kirari
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♣️​Kirari finds her darling rather fascinating when Sayaka starts informing her about a new student who viciously takes down a lot of students through gambles, all of them by all accounts bullies and scumbags. Obviously it could just be a hypocritical sense of justice but meeting you in real life does spark her interest because you're acting like a completely different person. Caring, focused on your studies and rejecting all offers to join clubs or offers to gamble, seemingly no interest. The almost jarring shift in your personality is captivating and Kirari finds herself tempted to push you around a bit to elicit the fierce and cold side out of you again and there is a high risk that she'll throw your friends into the mix when she notices that you're very protective over them. She'd be curious to see if you'd crack if it involves your friends and make stupid mistakes but you don't disappoint, although a part of her would have liked to see how defeat would look on your face. She offers you a place in the council but wouldn't be surprised if you'd reject, considering that she's the one who inveted the housepet system. Who knows, maybe one day you'll even come for her. She'd very much like that.
Momobami Ririka
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​🎭​Ririka by all accounts is the safer option than her twin sister since she isn't as possessive nor curious to watch over you to see if you would ever let yourself be defeated. She actually supports her darling in their decision to not be actively involved in the gambling and uses her position as the vice-president to help you fulfill your goal as good as she can. There is nothing wrong with not participating actively in gambles and instead focus on studies and friends. Ririka is quite bashful and had rarely anyone in her entire life who was as caring and sweet to her as her darling so she's constantly glowing pink when you two spend time together. Similar to her though, you also have a hidden and dangerous side that comes under certain circumstances out and that no one should mess with and Ririka accepts that. You're quite the menace when you encounter jerks and assholes who think they're on top of the world only to push them down from their high throne and shatter their dreams and hopes. She has faith in your abilities, although a small part of her is still skittish when watching you gamble.
Igarashi Sayaka
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​💐​Sayaka finds herself slightly conflicted as she initially believes that you truly have no interest in gambling. She's Kirari's assistant and should know best how this school works and sadly it works via gambling and not your grades, as intelligent as you might be. Reputation depends on gambling and she hates it when she catches people dismissing you as an easy target and a whimp since no one has ever seen you gamble before. How dare they talk about her wonderful lover in such a disrespectful way?! So when she's informed that you're having your first gamble, she initially panics a bit. When she arrives though, the game is already over as you've won by a landslide, leaving your opponent drowned in debt and with no other choice but to become a housepet. She can't help but be disappointed in herself for never having seen that you had such extraordinary talent inside of you, considering how obsessive she is. Nevertheless, this new side which Sayaka now discovers for the first time makes her only fall deeper in love with you. You're strong and righteous, very protective over those you care for, including her which always makes her heart race.
Nishinotouin Yuriko
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​🌠​Yuriko uses her position as a member of the student council to protect her Traditional Culture Club and her darling with the influence and the money that she has. Despite that she wouldn't really try to stop her darling from gambling every once in a while to humiliate someone. Instead she'd be sort of proud that her s/o is as smart and talented as they are, she enjoys it when people tell her how awesome and witty you are. You by yourself might already be a force to be wary off but with Yuriko and her large amount of money having your back, you're only all the more fearful. Now, outside of her own club and her darling it has to be said that Yuriko doesn't necessarily care too much about other people but since it makes you happy and she sees no major harm, she lets you do as you wish. Most of the time you aren't gambling though and she enjoys tha side of you just as much, your caring and sweet persona who is very protective of those you care about. You're very attached to her club and all it's members which makes Yuriko on the other hand very happy, knowing that you cherish her club just as much as she does.
Batsubami Rei
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​❣️​Rei is quite supportive of the way you choose to use your skills since she's also a victim of oppression. She's glad that her darling is someone who uses their gambling skills to teach everyone who thinks they can look down on others an earth-shattering lesson from which they might never recover. Your heart goes out to all the housepets and weak people which you avenge and that only makes her admiration and obsession grow. Rei thinks very similar to you and shows little to no sympathy to everyone you have gambled against and also beaten since she knows clearly which people you target. She wants to show her admiration and support somehow, approaches you eventually and offers to assist you in any way she can. Collecting information about bullies you plan to challenge next, searching for a weak spot to put pressure on them if necessary, although she prides herself on your luck and your skills which are more than often enough to beat someone. Despite your skills though and your fame for taking bad people down, Rei admires how you never change and are so kind and caring around most students and especially your friends.
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azurlily · 1 year
Day 2 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. This yandere is sadistic and has sadistic tendencies so DARK FUCKING THEMES.
Kirari forces you to marry her and you have a mental breakdown.(this is considered only angst because while it does imply that she cares for you after the breakdown, it isnt specifically talked about.)
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Yandere!Kirari Momobami ANGST
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How, just how did this happen? You were supposed to live out your life like any other person. Like any other average Joe, but no. No, you didn't get those privileges.
Not with her around. Kirari and you were somewhat good friends. She'd taken an interest in you after you wont in a gamble against her, you thought she'd leave you alone after she had her fun.
Of course, you were wrong. Instead Kirari watched, she watched from the shadows and looked into you. She wanted to know everything about her future wife/partner. She needed to know everything about you.
When she saw an opportunity to take you as her bride. She had seen your debt was rising, and you had become a house pet with no way to pay it back.
She took full advantage of this while she could, she played with you, and your feelings. Hot and cold, sweet and sour, soft and rough. Kirari wants to see all of you, not some facade, the real you.
While that may sound sweet, the main reason she wanted to see the real you was because she could manipulate you easier. It had been your last year of school and while Kirari and gotten you away from being a house pet every other year. This one was different.
I'd she helped you she couldn't make you a life plan. She couldn't make you hers. So she payed a few people to coerce you into a gamble and make you lose it all. You ran back to her and she told you that she wasn't going to save you this time.
You knew it was inevitable, but you didn't want to believe it. You tried, you tried everything but no one was willing to gamble you, or help you. You were stuck, stuck in a limbo of self pity, and hatred. You knew a life plan was possible, but you hope Kirari wouldn't do that to you.
Kirari called you into her office around the last month of school. She wanted to set the record straight. She could see you were pulling away from her, she was no idiot. She hated it though, hated that you didn't come and randomly visit her just so you could eat lunch together. Hated that you didn't beg her to go out with you to a park and just have a relaxing day.
She hated it all, she hated that you didn't rely on her anymore. She had(and does have) every intention to force you to fulfill her needs. Not necessarily sexual ones, but the ones that made her feel less lonely. She is human, no matter how much she wishes to deny it. She does need an anchor to tether her, and you, oh you, you're the perfect anchor.
Kirari had decided the blunt option was best, she had every intention to "make it up to you" later. That could wait though.
"Oh good, you're here. Oh, you're looking worse for wear. Are you okay, darling?"
She knew the answer, but seeing you helpless for her made things so much more fun. She loves the idea of seeing you cry.(in every way.)
She smiles as you look away, you know she knows. You just don't know she's the cause for it all. That's what that day was all about. She had everything planned out, an entire schedule ready. Kirari hoped you would take this well; emotions can be so messy.
"So, let's talk. I know about your debt, and I know you're unhappy I haven't paid it off...but I do have a reason for this. I want you to be my bride, and I'm not taking no as an answer. You may speak now."
That was it, that's all she needed to say. I mean, there is more to that story, but she'd prefer to tell you all that when you more prepared.
You stared at her for a moment, maybe two, or maybe even three. You wanted to hear the words "joke", you hoped she'd start laughing, but no. Instead you got her usual indifferent look.
You wanted to cry, I mean, that's fair. Right? You'd been through hell, the system here hurts people who have a debt, and you couldn't even pay it back. You were stuck, and she thought the best way to make you love her was...this?
Your first reaction is to cry, or maybe not. Maybe you try to hold in your tears, you try to not think about all the horrible things written on your desk, all the horrible things students have done to you. Guys in the school have forced you naked only to laugh at your body, girls were no different. They'd eight horrible things about you and spread rumors.
It was hell, your own personal hell. You broke down, you were crying and when Kirari tried to put her hand out. You slapped it. She didn't doesn't deserve to touch you. Instead she stood there, and watched, she knew what the students had done, it was a part of her plan after all.
Break you down, bit by bit. Make things easier for her. She would and has given the students hell for their misdeeds, and she intends to make things up to you. When your ready that it.
"I see you have no intention of calming down. While usually I'd leave you alone I'll be sitting at my desk until your breathing returns to normal. Apparently people tend to do...things in situations like these and I cant have that."
Essentially she's saying if you tried to off yourself, or hurt yourself. She'd be there to stop you. She knows she's the villain in your story, and your her so called victim. She loves it though, loves seeing you cry.
After about thirty minutes you had stopped crying. Now all you wanted to do was take a long, long, long nap. You started to doze off when you felt a cold hand on your face.
"Ah, look whose calmed down. Now, now, don't start those tears again. Oh, and you're crying...hm."
She moves down and gently kisses your lips. It was short and sweet, it would have been sweeter if not for the hand digging into your chin. She wanted you to know there is no escape.
She smiles, it looked gentle and somewhat kind, but you were no idiot. Maybe you were, just a bit. Although you could see right through her now. She let's go of your chin and you fall back.
"Maybe it is best to leave you in here. I'll be back with things to calm you down. For now though."
She walked to where the light switch was, turned it off. Leaving you in inky darkness, she closed and locked the door. She wanted to see how long you'd last before you came crying back to her. In need of comfort.
"I'll see you soon."
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All my womans
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Maybe. You're A Sysmed Because You're A Direct Copy Of A Transmed. With That Context Your True Colors Are For All To See. Nothing But An Abusive Evil Abuser Bigot. Someone That Will Lash At Anyone They Decided Is Endogenic That Simple.
#Crazy#Omg#Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist#Osdd Dpd Bpd Hpd Npd Ocpd Aspd Avpd Stpd Szpd Sdpd Tpd Papd Victim Trauma#You Could Invalidate Alot Of People With This Argument... Infact...#By This Logic We Aren't Crazy At All We Aren't Even Psychosis Because We Don't Fully Copy The Criteria!!#Oh No!! You Didn't Fit The Criteria To A Woman!! I'm Not Transphobic...#Infact... That's Literally What Trans Doctors Are.#All Diagnosis Are The Same They're Equally Evil Exclusionary Nonsense.#Anti Endos Just Want To Hate And Abuse. And Not Just Endos. Anyone They Decide Is One.#Which Is Based On Evil Bigoted Stereotypes.#Btw I Love You Get Over Here I Accept You...#Sexism Racism Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Queerphobia Agephobia Bodyphobia Sickphobia Acceptance Love Paraphilia#Paraphilia People Get Over Here Please I Care About You.#That Is Okay To Contact Only A Bigot Would Oppose Touching Funny Things. We Feel Bad For Paraphilia People Please Do The Same 😢...#Idk#Autism Adhd Bipolar Psychosis Scizophrenia Yandere Obsessive Compulsive Narcissist Psychopath#Special Interest Cool Series Kakegurui Loop 7 Code Geass Nana Simoun Spy Kyoushitsu#Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Densetsu No Yuusha No Densetsu Aswell As#Series Like Tenkuu Shinpan And Boushoku No Berserk#I Love Kakegurui I Love Yumeko Jabami I Love Kirari Momobami They're Like A Lesbian Couple#Trans Woman Pansexual Lesbian Bisexual Asexual Demisexual Compassion Feelings Emotions#I Love Yuno Gassai She Is Amazing I Love Flaynn From Gundam Seed And Laccus Clyne#I Love Everyone I Care About Everyone Makima Did Nothing Wrong Same With Griffith Same With Eren Same With Flaynn Etc#Aswell As Edelgard And Rhea Suomi Finland Finnish Hieno Kiva Mukava Hauska Tykättävä Karismaattinen Kaunis#Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Sweet Cute Funny Nice Kind Charismatic Special Lovable Little Fun#Danganronpa Is Ass Free Them Characters Free Everything They All Deserve Freedom And Better But Only We're Capable Of Anything Nice Ppd#Unicorn Overlord Is Fire Fire Emblem Is Fire Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel 3 And 4 Are Aswell#The Marvels Is The Best Marvel Movie And Captain Marvel Is The Best Woman Character There Is...#Only A Bigot Would Hate Any Of Them Aswell As Us And Anything We Say Because We're Always The Best There Is
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deathbxnny · 1 year
◇《Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 3》◇
》Masterlist Navigation
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 1
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 2
》Started on: 19/08/23
》Last Updated: 08/09/24
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》General headcanons:
Jing Yuan + Stellaron hunters with a Teen!Collei-like!Reader.
Yanqing's twin being captured by the Sanctus medicus and Jing Yuan/Yanqing finding out about it too late.
Platonic sunday, aventurine and gallagher with a teen!reader who is like nene kusanagi
platonic ratio, aventurine and sunday with a teen!reader like mafuyu asahina
Platonic gallagher aventurine and dr ratio with an asuka!teen!reader
Ratio, Aventurine, and Wriothesley with a teen!reader who is getting bullied badly
platonic Aventurine, Sunday, and Jing Yuan with a teen!reader like ai hoshino
Aventurine, Blade and Jing Yuan with a teen reader that's like lynette from gi
Jing Yuan, Yanqing, and Welt with an S/o who has an instant death ability like Takatou
Aventurine, Blade, and jing Yuan with a teen!reader who is like fischl
Platonic Dan Heng, Welt, & Gallagher, who have a bossfight with a teen!reader that’s like Homura Akemi
Herta, Dr.Ratio, & Ruan Mei with a teen!reader who is a member of the Genius Society
Gallagher, Sunday, and Boothill with a teen reader who is like furina
Boothill, Aventurine, and Welt with a reader being controlled by Sunday and being made to attack them
aventurine, blade and sunday with a Reader like margarita blankenheim
Jing Yuan, Dr. Ratio and Argenti with a little sister!Reader
Yanqing and Jing Yuan with a S/o, whose planet was slaughtered by the Xianzhou, and they take takes pride in it
Boothill, Aventurine, and Sunday with a teen!assasin reader
Teen!Reader being jealous of Yanqing and wanting the generals attention too
Gallagher, Sunday and Boothill with a Reader who naps alot
Dan Heng, Jing Yuan and Aventurine with pre-magical girl homura like teen!reader
Kafka, Blade, & Silver wolf with a stellaron hunter teen!reader that’s like Frill from Wonder Egg Priority
Platonic Blade, Aventurine, and Dr Ratio with a severely chronically ill teen!reader
Robin and Sunday with a younger sibling that is like Crona from soul eater
Boothill, Dr.Ratio, & Jing Yuan with a teen!reader that has a service dog
Blade, Jing Yuan, and Kafka with a teen!reader, who has a strong ability that makes them forget their memories after every use
Robin and Serval with a teen!reader that sings Heavy Metal/Screamo
Jing Yuan, blade, & Bailu with platonic older!Reader that’s like Xianyun
Yanqing realising his feelings for you!
Yanqing finally getting his revenge on Jing Yuan, after his mother gets wrongfully executed.
Yanqing having friends!
Yanqing with a HTTYD! Reader
Yanqing betraying everyone for Stellaron hunter!Reader!
Yanqing's S/O being hurt by him due to Svarog's claw.
Yanqing being Mara struck and his s/o curing him by striking an interesting deal.
Yanqing being assigned an anxious strategist reader, who helps him take things slow and with ease.
The trouble of young love. (Yanqing x GN!Reader)
Yanqing with a professional chef/baker S/O
Growing into glory. (Yanqing x Aeon!Gn!Reader)
Yanqing with a mute S/O who frequently gets bullied
Yanqing and teen!reader being a menace duo
Yanqing with an S/O, who was kidnapped by a Yandere
Yanqing beefing with his s/o's cat
Yanqing with a teen female watcher S/O
Yanqing x magical girl s/o
Misha reacts to his S/O dying via “Death” right in front of him
platonic aventurine with an in-debt teen reader
Repay me later. (Platonic!Aventurine x Teen!Reader)
Aventurine with a child sibling reader!
Aventurine with a S/O that's like Kirari Momobami from Kakegurui
Sunday with a daughter who has a chronic illness
Sunday with a fem!reader that is oddly fascinated by his wings
Sunday with a fem reader who likes to bake sweets for him, yet can't taste them herself
Headcanons for Acheron x Kiana Kaslana reader
Blade x reader With Herrscher of finality powers
》Dr. Ratio:
Platonic dr ratio with a teen!student reader, who only excels at one subject and is socially akward
Dad!Boothill with a child!Reader, who always tries stealing his hat!
Platonic Boothill with a cyborg teen!Reader, who's good with technology
Little imagine of Dad!Boothill with adopted daughter in the woods!
"You promised your next life to me." (Boothill x Gn!Reader)
Boothill with a Navia-like!Reader who's a part of the knight of beauty!
The summer we died in. (Boothill x twin!Reader)
Platonic Boothill with a child reader who's like Klee
》Jing Yuan:
Jing Yuan having a heart attack over Yanqing going "missing". (Imagine)
Assasin teen!reader with Jing Yuan
》Dan Heng:
Dan Heng with a fischl teen!reader
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jessamine-rose · 2 years
ʚ✿ Ubi amor, ibi dolor ✿ɞ
“Where there is love, there is pain.”
♡ Jessamine’s masterlist for Genshin Impact
♡ Italics for nsfw/ suggestive themes!!
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♡ How do the Yandere! Harbingers Comfort their Darlings?? - Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro
♡ Part of Your World - Capitano, Pantalone, Dottore, Pierro + notes
♡ Under the Sea - sequel + mermaid lore
♡ Orca! Mermaid! Pierro and aquatic diets
♡ A Lionfish! Mermaid for a darling??
♡ Requiem for the Damned - Priest! Dottore x Demon! Darling
♡ Angel’s Tears - Guardian Angel! Capitano x Nonbeliever! Darling
♡ Red Sky at Night, Shepherd’s Delight - Priest! Arlecchino x Devotee! Darling
♡ Faustian Bargain - Demon! Pantalone x Contractee! Darling
♡ Annular Eclipse - Cartaphilus! Pierro x Guardian Angel! Darling
♡ Window to the Soul - Thank you for sharing the Captain’s eye color, Mika :’>
♡ Drunk s/o calls Capitano a stapler
♡ Happy New Year!! - a romantic start to 2024
♡ Capitano warms up his lover on a wintry day
♡ Ribbon Knots - a daily routine ft. corsets
♡ Yandere! Capitano imprisons his Fatuus! Darling - inspired by jymwahuwu
♡ Capitano’s lover takes the lead this time
♡ Ardor of a Lover - Yandere! Vampire AU
♡ Blessing of Aphrodite - Yandere! NSFW
♡ A small act of love from the Regrator
♡ Pantalone with a gun - inspired by zhongrin
♡ Happy Pocky Day!! - Pocky kisses with Webttore and Primettore
♡ An Experiment in Procreation - Yandere! Dottore’s thoughts on babytrapping
♡ The Golden Ratio - Akademiya romance
♡ Ladyttore - Introduction ๑ Dottore’s jealousy
♡ Happy Valentine’s Day!! - a special present
♡ Dottore’s lover mourns his Segments
♡ Coffee Break - a date with the Segments
♡ An Unlikely Fitness Consultant <3 - Dottore helps you with your physical exercises
✿ PIERRO ✿  
♡ Surgeon! Pierro comforts his patient
♡ Aoede - Yandere! Pierro x Singer! Reader (Modern AU) + EXTRA
♡ Smoke Break - a shared vice
♡ Ghost Heart - Yandere! Wanderer x Reader
♡ Scaramouche’s regional tea preferences
♡ A Candlelit Dinner - Yandere! La Signora’s darling copes with the death of their wife
♡ Mental image of Neuvillette wearing lingerie
♡ Househusband! Zhongli headcanons
♡ Kakegurui AU inspired by Kirari x Sayaka
♡ Faceless - Yandere! Faceless Ayato
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♡ I Love You, Darling - official masterlist for my Yandere! Harbinger longfic series. Click the link for more content  ꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱。゚
♡ Darling Crossover - Part One ๑ Part Two
♡ Artifact Set: Beloved Darlings - lore + extras
♡ Herbarium - Il Capitano x f! reader
♡ Fairytale - side story, Capitano’s POV
♡ Forget-Me-Not - epilogue, Capitano’s POV
♡ Astilbe - epilogue, comfort from Capitano
♡ Laurestine - epilogue, Fatui report
♡ Viparyas - epilogue, ft. Aranara
♡ Housecat - Pantalone x f! Reader, pt 1
♡ Alea Iacta Est - part 2, Pantalone’s POV
♡ Happy - alternate ending written by Anon
♡ Chemistry - Il Dottore x f! Reader
♡ Magnum Opus - side story, Dottore’s POV
♡ About Time - epilogue, Dottore’s thoughts on marriage
♡ Disjecta Membra - Pierro x f! Reader
♡ Chess Piece - side story, Pierro’s POV
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♡ Il Capitano x Little Dove! Darling
♡ Herbarium - chibi doodles, my own design for Damsel (Capitano’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.4k followers!! - Capitano x Damsel
♡ Housecat - chibi doodles, my own design for Kitty (Pantalone’s darling) - OLD ๑ NEW
♡ Happy 1.5k followers!! - Pantalone x Kitty
♡ Chemistry - chibi doodles, my own design for Assistant (Dottore’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.6k followers!! - Dottore x Assistant
♡ Disjecta Membra - chibi doodles, my own design for Savior (Pierro’s darling)
♡ Happy 1.7k followers!! - Pierro and Savior
♡ Happy 2k followers!! - Wanderer x Doll
♡ Fan art for When the Cypress Tree Wilts
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imisssummer · 8 months
request rules (closed)
everything has to be x fem!reader, they should be answered within a week of submitting, and i’ll do pretty much anything (incest, non-con/rape, piss, age gaps, yandere, etc etc) except for scat!!! as for fandoms & characters—
jujutsu kaisen
𖤐 — satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, sukuna ryoumen, nanami kento, choso kamo, megumi fushiguro, itadori yuji, mei mei, shoko ieiri, yuki tsukumo, toge inumaki, & okkotsu yuta.
hunter x hunter
𖤐 — chrollo lucifer, hisoka marow, illumi zoldyck, feitan portor, kurapika kurta, shalnark ryuseih, ging freecs, & pariston hill.
my hero academia
𖤐 — shota aizawa, shinsou hitoshi, dabi, hawks, shigaraki tomura, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, endeavor, mirko, himiko toga, & amajiki tamaki.
𖤐 — rintaro suna, atsumu miya, osamu miya, eita semi, sakusa kiyoomi, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori, kita shinsuke, akaashi keiji, kageyama tobio, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou, sawamura daichi, hinata shoyo, asahi azumane, tsutomu goshiki, & koshi sugawara.
tokyo revengers
𖤐 — mikey sano, draken ryuguji, haitani ran, haitani rindo, hakkai shiba, takashi mitsuya, chifuyu matsuno, kazutora hanemiya, taiju shiba, keisuke baji, shuji hanma, shinichiro sano, kurokawa izana, hajime kokonoi, seishu inui, & sanzu haruchiyo.
demon slayer
𖤐 — kyojuro rengoku, giyu tomioka, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui (+ wives), muzan kibutsuji, akaza, doma, muichiro tokito, gyomei himejima, obanai iguro, mitsuri kanroji, & shinobu kocho.
attack on titan
𖤐 — levi ackerman, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, zeke yeager, reiner braun, hange zoe, erwin smith, jean kirstein, connie springer, & yelena.
bungo stray dogs
𖤐 — osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, yukichi fukuzawa, ranpo edogawa, doppo kunikida, chuuya nakahara, ougai mori, ryuunosuke akutagawa, akiko yosano, fyodor dostoyevsky, nikolai gogol, tetcho suehiro, & edgar allen poe.
black butler
𖤐 — sebastian michaelis, ciel phantomhive, alois trancy, claude faustus, & undertaker.
𖤐 — moomobami ririka, momobami kirari, ikishima midari, jabami yumeko, saotome mary, & yuriko nishinotouin.
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darishima · 1 year
What do you like about Midari? I rarely find people who love the show :D
ohh boy that's hard to answer... is it a copout if i say everything? it probably is so i'm gonna try to pin down all the reasons why. sorry it'll probably be long and a bit rambley 😭 thank you so so much for asking though i have been WAITING for the opportunity to talk about midari
*tw for discussion of self harm, suicidal thoughts, and general mental illness (obviously, cause this is midari we're talking about)*
first of all, i think a lot of it is because i heavily relate to her. the feeling of never being fulfilled or truly happy and turning to pain and suicide as the apparent answer... it really hits home, and back when i watched kakegurui for the first time (in 2019) i'd never really seen any other piece of media that talked about it so openly.
that, specifically, is one of the things i find most interesting about her- the fact that (prior to meeting kirari and losing her eye) she'd never been "truly happy." and the fact that (self-inflicted) pain (or the risk of pain/death, specifically) is what finally made her feel something is so deeply sad. i feel like a lot of people brush her off as a "crazy yandere" or whatever, which is frustrating because she's so much more than that (and even her ""yandere"" side, the way she feels about yumeko, is just because she wants yumeko to kill her; it's not the typical yandere portrayal, like yuno gasai or the like, because it's not driven by romantic interest- at least, not fully). she's clearly struggling (the bandages she wears on her arms seem much too convenient to be there for any reason other than covering self harm scars/injuries), but she still has such a confident and "gives-no-fucks" attitude that i find genuinely admirable. she's really smart (she's a amazing gambler, has good grades, and i've always gotten the impression that she could easily be the top of her class, maybe even rival sayaka, if she ever bothered to study), very perceptive (as shown when she immediately saw through yumemi's idol façade and sayaka's intelligence), and also genuinely caring, like when she saves ayame nureba from suicide in the kakegurui midari manga (granted, she does it in a distinctly midari-esque way, but she still saves her life).
a lesser seen side of her, though, is that she's actually kind of... a adorable weirdo? it's most often shown in kakkokari (a manga spinoff of kakegurui that not many people have read, because it's never gotten an official english release/translation). like, she refers to animals with the -san honorific (except giraffes, she doesn't like giraffes),
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cleans up trash around the school,
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knows yumemi's songs by heart,
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orders cutesy dishes at a coffee shop,
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and when she gets 3rd place in a "which student council member do you want to be your girlfriend" competition, she's surprised and embarrassed (i'd vote for her in a heartbeat btw)
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she's just so skrunkly yknow?? and there's dozens more moments like this from kakkokari, like when she wears a kigurumi hoodie like runa's, or when she gets hiccups and convinces kirari to choke her, or when she turns out to be surprisingly worried about how other people perceive her, and asks sayaka to teach her how to fix her "vulgarity" (and then gets told by kirari that she seems "normal," and immediately holds her gun to her head lmao).
TLDR; she's someone who is struggling a lot, and has been for years, but still manages to be smart, perceptive, confident, and kind. the issues she has with her mental health are things i've struggled with too, and really relate to (i'm a midari kin, after all), and god i just want to give her a hug so bad. and she's also adorable and goofy and weird in all the best ways, and she means the world to me <3
sorry that was SO long lmao... i had to omit a lot of character analysis from kakegurui midari (a manga spin off about her pre-canon, in which she has a girlfriend) but i hope i answered your question well enough!! thank you for asking, and giving me an excuse to ramble about midari :))
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wisecura · 11 months
Some of my work might have themes of unhealthy or toxic relationships. If you're sensitive to that kinda stuff please do not read. Thank you for browsing! :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ❀ jujutsu kaisen ❀ ➫Gojo x reader ➬➬Where will this go ➫Gojo x reader x Geto ➬➬The mean type ➫Geto x reader ➬➬pretty ➫Toge x reader ➫Yuji x reader ➫Megumi x reader ➫Toji x reader
➫Choso x reader
➫Yuta x reader
➬➬Desperation :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧✵ demon slayer ✵ ➫Sanemi x reader ➬➬The wind and the leaf
➫Kyojuro x reader ➫Giyu x reader :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ anime stuff i'm hoping to write about soon: :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ҉ my hero academia ҉ ➫Izuku x reader ➫Bakugo x reader ➫Kirishima x reader ➫Shoto x reader :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ・❥・ kakegurui ・❥・ ➫Yumeko x reader ➫Kirari x reader ➫Mary x reader ➫Rin x reader ➫Ibara x reader :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ꕥ ouran host club ꕥ ➫Kyoya x reader ➫Tamaki x reader ➫Hitachiin Twins x reader ➫Takashi x reader :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ✼ spy x family ✼ ➫Yor x reader ➫Loid x reader ➫Yuri x reader ➫Anya x Damian (CUTE~) :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ ☘ fruits basket ☘ ➫Kyo x reader :・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧:・゚✧ outside stuff i'm thinking of writing about: Harry Potter ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ ❁ no fandom - free-beez ❁ Yandere AI Boyfriend ✨ my ao3 ✨
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
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🖤 Yandere Akemi Homura - Headcanons
🖤 Yandere!Holy quintet helping bullied darling
🖤 Yandere Buddha - Headcanons
🖤 Ambitious and smart darling gambles a lot (Yumeko, Kirari)
🖤 Darling kiss them on the cheek and runs away (Buddha, Beelzebub)
🖤 Darling is a powerful exorsist (Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru, Sumire)
🖤 Beautiful and powerful but lonely darling (Jack, Korekiyo)
🖤 Yandere Aquamarine Hoshino - Headcanons
🖤 Their darling is actually a yandere for them (Mikan, Yashiro, Yumeko, Marin, Satou)
🖤 Inmortal darling can travel from worlds (Buddha)
🖤 Getting delusional after losing his darling (Beelzebub)
🌙🖤 NSFW headcanons w/ Yandere Teru Minamoto
🖤 Darling wish to be the most powerful witch (Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko & Homura)
🖤 Stoic, gentle and mature darling doesn't mind getting hurt (Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Kyoko & Homura)
🖤 Bullied reverse course darling (Junko, Nagito, Ibuki, Mikan)
🖤 Stronge and smart darling works for a anti-beastmen organization to help (Ogami)
🖤 Shy Darling (Kafka, Silver Wolf)
🖤 Yandere Akane Aoi headcanons
🖤 Darling has a really bad memory (Yukito)
🖤 Sharing a darling (Shadowlord & Louise)
🖤 Gentle darling (Gepard)
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The diference between love and obsession
🖤 Mei Shijima (Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun)
🖤 Ruan Mei (Honkai Star Rail)
🖤 Nejire Hado (My hero academia)
🖤 Aventurine (Honkai Star Rail)
🖤 Bakugo Katsuki (My hero academia)
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Hey, can you do a headcanon with Kirari Monobami, Kaede Manyuda, Yumeko Jabami, and Itsuki Sumeragi in which s/o is a bookworm in which she hates gambling finding it a big waste of time, and inconvenience? She was a transferee from England. She was often seen reading a book alone almost all the time. What are there reactions regarding their s/o’s behavior?
I only have one week of holidays left...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, manipulation, controlling behavior, delusion
English transferee bookworm s/o who hates gambling
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️You have the worst match with your attitude since Yumeko has absolutely no consideration for what you think. She's pretty much outraged that her s/o sees gambling as a big waste of time. She came to the school for the reason that gambling is all that matters here so you being a transferee doesn't have meaning in this place, no matter how good your grades are. Despite her love for her s/o, Yumeko's words tend to be a little bit sharper due to her insensibility for your own feelings, she can't help but think that you're a bit boring. She tries to tear you away from your beloved books and introduce you to the world of excitement and pleasure via sweet-talking. If that doesn't work, Yumeko ends up being a bit more forceful with her s/o. She'll search for opportunities to push you into starting a gamble, even if that is for now only with her. Worst is that she'll never stop, convinced that she's doing you a favor.
Momobami Kirari
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♣️ Honestly, whether you gamble or not isn't any of Kirari's concern. She has built her own little aquarium with this school and she has control over everything but rarely uses her influence. It's more interesting to observe everything after all. You're a more fascinating fish in here though, a transferee from England who is rather sheltered and spends most of her time alone reading some books. You still find the woman entering your life somehow. Sayaka sometimes follows you around and spies on your activities and it happens that the head of the council herself approaches you sometimes to observe you closely and chat a bit with you. You should pray though that Kirari doesn't get a bit boring with your quiet attitude. Because if she does, she's sure to toy a bit around with you to see what you'll do when you're thrown into the world she created.
Sumeragi Itsuki
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 💅 It depends on whether she's still in the student council or not. Let's just say that Itsuki in the council would be quite arrogant and also sort of cocky towards you. She's delusional and thinks that you should be glad that she loves you since she's skilled and has the money. She's still gullible enough to let you not gamble if you manipulate her the right way but she also demands from you to spend time with her instead of only reading books. Otherwise she will end up forcing a gamble upon you and she'll cheat too if it means winning your attention. After Yumeko's defeat she'd be more mellow and understanding towards your dislike for gambling. She'll even protect you and defend you if someone sneers at you for never gambling. Your lonely attitude with reading books still upsets her so she clings to you and pesters you to tag at least a few times along and spend some time with her and her friends. Sure, maybe it is hard for you since you're in a foreign country but it's sad for her to see you always alone.
Manyuda Kaede
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 💴 His reaction also depends on whether we're talking before or after Yumeko's defeat. During his time in the student council he's more displeased with your dislike towards gambling. Whilst he doesn't mind you being a bookworm since it means that he can monitor you better and doesn't have to worry about you mingling with lower students, gambling is important in this school. It defines the status and power of someone here and Kaede has expectations on his darling. He wants you to achieve a high reputation in here and possibly even gamble your way into the council. After Yumeko's defeat, he has a change of heart too. He decides to respect your decision to not gamble after he has witnessed the fatal consequences and for a certain time he probably even thinks that it would have been better if he would have just done the same. After regaining his confidence in another gamble against Yumeko, he stops regretting and instead focuses on living his life and spending time with you.
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azurlily · 1 year
The yandere fic kinda made me like Kirari a bit may I ask for dating headcannons
Sure!!! I love her character!!! This does NOT have NSFW so if you want to request that you can!! Also a reminder to everyone this is the last month you can request a specific type of reader for free. After this month it becomes commission work. Ask any questions in either DM or on my asks/requests.
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Kirari Momobami Dating Headcannons
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When Kirari falls in love, she falls hard. I mean like hard, it takes so much for her to truly love someone. You should expect the unexpected eith her, she can make anything happen. I mean, money is power, right?
More than likely you two met during a gamble. Wether she saw you winning and took an interest, or she thought you looked cute from how badly you were losing. It doesn't matter how you two met, when she finally realises she likes you. It's all over.
She invites you for tea. You two have mini tea dates in between classes and during lunch. She definitely asks some of her maids how to make specific foods for you, so during you tea dates you can try some food she made.She is a horrible cook though, don't eat it if you want to live.
Kirari doesn't make it known she's interested in you. She instead has Ririka follow you around and gather information. She has a journal of everything you do at school. Your classes, your friends, your gambling partners. All of it. Kirari falling in love is borderline yandere, but she isn't as extreme.
She buys you gifts as a way of courting you before and after you two start dating. She believes that buying you things shows she can take care of you, shows that you have no reason to leave her when everything you want is right in front of you. It's true though, everything you could ever want is in the palm of your hand, once you two start officially dating that is.
Kirari isn't worried about you taking advantage of her. She looked into you, did a background check on you and your family. She knows that you're clean, or clean enough.
She doesn't let Ririka meet you. She has no issues with you talking as vice president and student, but as Ririka and her partner. Kirari isn't letting her near you without the mask on.
Kirari is affectionate, just not in the way you expect. One of the ways she shows her love is gift giving, yes, we know that, but she also shows her love by kissing your forehead She likes touching you, but no matter the status of your relationship that's how she shows you she loves you.
Shopping dates! She buys you only the best. Try and max out her credit card, you cant. She finds it cute if you're the type to not like expensive gifts, or maybe you're worried about the price? Doesn't matter. She's buying it. End of story.
Loves seeing your reaction to her gambling. Wether you get turned on, or you watch in amazement. She lives for the way you watch her gamble, it's one of her ways if showing off to you.
She definitely forces the other council member fo watch you when she's gone. She trust them enough, plus if they did hurt you. She'd know.
You sit through meetings. Student council or not, you sit through them. She wants everyone to see her perfect lover, once you make your relationship official that is. Once it's official, you never leave her side.
If you have a particular favorite or hate a hate a specific member of the council. She puts you in situations where you have to be around them, she loves seeing your reaction.
Be it you goofing off and acting like an idiot, just to mess around with you friend.
Be it you and the council member talking and having a genuinely good conversation.
Lastly be it you fighting or glaring at the council member, and then stomping off to Kirari because you're in a bad mood.
She coddles you. Without a doubt, especially if you're an idiot and accident prone. She'll stare at you wondering how the hell you got into that situation, and then she clean it up. She takes good care of you.
Kirari of course isn't the best person to be in a relationship with. There are plenty of bumbs in the road before a truly healthy relationship is formed.
Kirari is secretive, she doesn't let you in on things. That annoys you because if you need help and she's nowhere to be found, who did you go to? It hurts to know she keeps secrets and even lies to you, there have been many fights about it.
She has a hard time describing her emotions. She does it with gift giving, and physical touch. If you're overly touchy, or dont like the forehead kisses, you two have to work on a middle ground.
She has to talk go talk to the clan members during her meetings. Some know about you and make snide comments, to her it doesn't matter. No matter what duty she has to fill, she will keep you safe. Even if it means lying.
It takes time, and I mean a lot of time, but slowly Kirari opens up. She shows her true self, she shows the side she's always wanted to show you. She just didn't know if you were trust worthy enough.
When the two of your fight, it's usually resolved by the end of the week. At first she'd buy your things she knows you want. If that doesn't work she acts more affectionate, trying to make you forget the fight completely. If that doesn't work, then she has a mini crisis and you usually end up letting it go by that point.
There have been times when you haven't and she has to apologize. Once she does it after a few fights, she's less embarrassed. She knows how apologies work and just wants you to accept hers and move on.
Kirari loves you and it hurts seeing you mad.
Kirari would never cheat. Never. Once she's truly devoted to you, that's it. No playing around with Sayaka. Kirari is yours, hopefully you'll be able to deal with the responsibilities of a woman like that.
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Hello!! Two in one day!!! Anyway just a reminder this is the last month I'm doing specific reader. So I wont do shy, tall, top, ect reader. That is commission only. Make characters are all also commission only. Have a good day/night!!
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mangajams · 3 years
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they are so cute im gonna cry
From: Koi Kirari, Kage Sururi
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toomany-fandomsig · 2 years
Yandere Kirari Momobami
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, overprotective behavior, paranoia, delusions, aged up characters, mentions of kidnapping
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As we all know she is the queen of gambling and has not lost any bets or gambles. Her darling would have caught her eye during a gamble or when she thought that they were unique. Her interest soon became an obsession. She was so obsessed with her darling, and soon she wanted to know everything about them. Sayaka and the whole council had been put to work so they could find out more about her darling. Now, the question is, how will she get to her darling. Keep in mind that she is a possessive yandere too. Her family is also a huge clan and is in almost everything. So, imagine the power she holds. Kirari invites her darling to a gamble, she knows she will lose, after all, who can compete with the president? And she did win. The amount was huge causing her darling to have her life plan handed to Kirari. In which she planned out all her life with her darling. Kirari also won't and never bet on her darling no matter what. Even though she knows she will win, she will never risk her darling losing.
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yanderelovrr · 3 years
give me your eyes!!!!!!! i live for your attention!!!!!!!!!!!!
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