#yandere gangsta
midnightlee25 · 7 months
22. With Worick Arcangelo with him being the one speaking.
Please and thank you ☺️
Yandere says: Is there a problem here, gentlemen? - Worick Arcangelo
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Worick stared down the four men from the opening of the alleyway. 
Just a few moments ago Worick had been following his darling home from work late at night. After all, Ergastulum is filled with people who just want to cause others pain before taking everything that person has. He saw the men grab his darling and pull them into an alley in order to rob them. The men had glared at Worick before realizing he was one of the handymen. Of course the glint they saw from one of his hands also made a good deterrent as they ran off. Worick would haunt them down with Nicolas later but for now his darling needed him.
“Don’t worry sugar, I'll walk you the rest of the way home.” He said after calming them down. He didn’t give them a chance to answer as he pulled them close and started walking down the street. 
His darling still too in shook to realize they had never showed Worick where they live.
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Yandere Alphabet: Nicolas Brown
Guys! Guys! This was so self-indulgent you wouldn´t believe it. I just, I just love that dude!! I mean go and take a look at him. He just everything! I love him so much! But the show - It´s "Gangsta." btw - never got that much attention, and yet I adore it so much!!
Nicolas Brown
He is someone that was always heavily ostracized, barely seen as human, and most of the time, the way people treat him also reflects that. Sometimes, he sees himself only as a rabid dog on a leash, because nothing else could justify how others interact with him. Get ready for some angst, because this man is riddled with trauma, and will definitely bring it with him.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
One thing, he always manages to do, without fail, is to be close to you when you need him. It makes you wonder, if he just that attuned to you or that sensitive for when some ones mood is about to drop. You always hope, that it´s just the former, but know, that the latter probably already saved his life before. He can soothe your fears with ease. It doesn´t matter if he just standing a bit closer to you, his presence comforting you or if he gently touches your arm. Still, he gives you space when you need it. It what makes his presence never feel overbearing. His affection shows itself in the way, he pays attention to you. The way he tries to make you smile, and shoots one of his own crooked smiles back at you. His affection show itself in him being kind.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Even though Nicolas is on the smaller side, he is still able to draw an imposing figure. He also has a mean face, and he knows it. For him, it´s easy to chase people away. He know how to be intimidating, and he isn´t afraid to be as well. One thing, that will always be true, is that he will match the aggression level of the other person, if he won´t be worse than the other person. He won´t shy away from a little blood or a good fight. Sometimes he even enjoys it. He grew up as part of a mercenary group, he kills for a living nowadays. And quite frankly, it is Ergastulum. It´s almost expected in a place like this, from a guy like him.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No matter what happens, he will not mock his darling. Not for their tears, not for their fear either. Though, he is a bit clueless, why they are so suddenly afraid of him. It happened before with other people, sure, but he never expected them to be like this. Especially, because they already knew him from before. But he can be patient. He is willing to simply wait it out. There a quiet a few difficulties communicating, but nothing that can´t be figured out. It´s not like topics like these came up in conversations between you two before. He tries to be as kind as possible, because he doesn´t want to scare you further. Especially because there is no need for that. Though, he will be annoyed, when he is attacked by you. And because of his gruff nature, annoyance may quickly look like rage.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He is awfully familiar with how it feels to be treated like something lesser. Because of that, he will try his best to avoid these actions, these mistakes in getting your affection. Though there are still some things, that he deems too important to get your counsel on. He will lock you up. He will hide you away. Because he is afraid. He knows what kind of people he interacts with. There is no way, that you would be safe. He is afraid that someone would kill you. He doesn´t mind being out with you. But the thought of you being alone out there, is absolutely terrifying for him. Because of that he will teach you how to fight. It doesn´t matter to him, if you want to learn or not. He will make you. Also expect to learn how to sign. Because while he still understands most of what you´re saying, and he can still talk. Well, he likes sign more, and quietly frankly, that´s enough reason for him to teach you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
While he finds it incredibly difficult to open up to you, he still tries to. Sometimes, he has trouble expressing himself in a way, that you both will understand. He doesn´t know the words, and because he learned to sign so lately in life, it sometimes doesn´t feel quite right either. There will always be a language barrier between the two, even when both of you try their best to understand. In the end, he just wants to lean against you sometimes. Sitting close to you and holding your hand. Taking the same comfort in you, that you sometimes take from him.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
If he is to be honest, he is disappointed by your reaction, but also never expected anything different either. Though he does get annoyed by your continued aggression towards him. It´s not like you did that before, so he doesn´t understand why you´re fighting him on everything now. Over time he will get short and kind of snappy with you, because he just can´t stand it, that you seem to suddenly fight him over everything. He expects it at this point, yes, but is doesn´t mean that he becomes suddenly okay with it.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This could never be a game for him. He will break with the knowledge, that you try so hard to get away from him. It destroys him. He tries so hard to make it good for you, and to see it all so quickly disregarded, hurts him deeply. Even with all of his sharp edges, he tries to be soft with you. He breaks down before you, apologizing to you, over and over again. Please, never try something like this again.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably, the one time he couldn´t shield you from his reality. When he couldn´t hide you any more, from the bloody desperation he comes from. When he couldn´t keep you away from the truth any more, from his fate, that would haunt him till the end of the time. When it slipped his notice, when he was telling you about his weakest points in his life. About that time, where society had beaten it into him that he can never defend himself. The realization of it all, the recognition of his behaviour, hurts more than anything else.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He knows, that he already is living on borrowed time. His days are counted, and he doesn´t has much more in him. Add to that his constant abuse of Celebre, and he has a situation on his hands were the chances of his continued survival grow slimmer each day. One day the constant overdoses might actually kill him. He knows all of that. He knows. Because of that, maybe even in spite of it, he only wishes for a bit of peace with you. He greets every day, as if it might be his last, because for him, it very well might be.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
While he does get jealous, and that very easily on top of that, he doesn´t lash out. A lot. He has a bit of self-control, but him losing it in a jealous fit, might be dangerous to the people he loves. Because of that, he tends to internalize most of his emotions, only to let them run freely, when he actually gets into a fight. And when he fights it gets ugly quickly. Usually though, he will still shout something, that will make it clear, that the two of you belong together. Pulling them closer towards himself.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Nicolas around his darling is gentle and quiet. He is nonintrusive, and generally finds ways to organically introduce himself into your life. In the end, he never tries to insert himself in any aggressive way. It almost seems like you met him someday, and he became a really good friend over some time. Most of the time, it´s quite obvious, that Nicolas seems to enjoy your attention. Or rather, that he enjoys your company.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He is someone, that watches from a far. He acts like a shadow, that can´t be quite shaken off. Persistent and focused. Sometimes, you can see him in your peripheral but never directly. This can be quite unnerving. In the end it will be Worick, that has to introduce Nicolas to you. After that, Nicolas tends to flirt with you, though with his face you can never quite tell if he truly means it. Somewhere in the distance though, you´re sure you heard how Worick let out a little despaired filled sigh.
Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He tends to be a lot more closed off in public. A permanent scowl etched onto his features. He is quick to become snappy and easier to bring to rage. At home, or rather around his few loved ones, he becomes quieter. He seems to loose his sharp edges, as he becomes softer. Gentle and kind. In general it´s very easy to see how the stress seems to leave him, as soon as he steps into a safe space. How his face relaxes and his posture slums. As soon as he comes home, he steps out of his constant defensive stance. The hard shell falls away to reveal a bleeding heart.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Nicolas isn´t really a fan on the whole punishing thing. While he tends to get a little snappy, when you annoyed him for long enough, he never outright does something to you. He becomes a bit shorter with you than usual. When he is angry at you, he tends to show you the cold shoulder, leaving the room, shorter answers than usual. The distance he keeps in that moment, is meant to keep you safe from him. He doesn´t want his temper to boil over at the wrong moment. He is very aware of the fact, that he could easily kill you and it wouldn´t even take any real effort for him. He will stay like this, till you apologize, but only for the very specific thing, that annoyed him. Only then he will be able to calm down again. Don´t worry, he will tell you what it was beforehand. He wants you to make it clear when something bothers you, and he will do the same.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He confines them out of what he perceives as necessity. No matter, where he goes, he´s bound to have enemies. Not only does he put himself into a dangerous situation with his job, but he is also a twilight. There a far too many people out there, who would come after them alone for that. The moment, he started to associate with them, their life was in danger. You may not know these things, but he does.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Nicolas has the patience of a saint for this specific instance only. He can wait. Over time though, he will get anxious, because he knows, that his own time is running out. Still, he can´t bring himself to forcefully push things along with them. He enjoys how peaceful live can be, when he is with them. Just living for once. Not in a hurry.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No he will not move on. No matter what happens he is caught up on them. He would still search for them, not to be close again, just to see them. While what happened hurt him, he will still accept this very clear rejection for what it is. It´s not like he does have the time for falling in love again anyway. He would always still cling to them. Sooner rather than later you should expect a blond to knock at your door, that can´t stand to see his best friend moping around like this and a gun to your face, a threat spoken with a voice like silk and a charming grin to match. It never really was Nicolas one had to watch out for anyway. Not when it came to you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
There is one thing you should know. Be aware that his health is declining. It´s getting worse every day. His body is slowly deteriorating. There is no way he isn´t aware of that as well. It also becomes clear that, he will always suffer for you as you do. All of this means, that he would let you go in a heartbeat if this was truly what you wanted, but can´t bring himself to regret grasping at what little joy he has in the world. At least just for a moment longer.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Just one look at his life will lay the blame firmly in his childhood. His father wasn´t great by any means, and it really didn´t help, that he was treated like property. Still is, in some circles. Nothing Nicolas has ever experienced taught him a healthy outlook on anything. Love has always hurt him, so isn´t that what it´s supposed to do? He wouldn´t know a good coping mechanism if it bit him. Another factor is, that Worick is shameless in enabling him.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He doesn´t feel comfortable seeing his love wearing themself out like this. Somewhere, he thinks he can almost recognize himself in them, and it scares him. He knows, that these fits are a sign of your mental health declining, and he is helpless in watching it happen. Because of that, he will rope Worick in to help. His friend managed to help him, surely he will be able to help them as well. He doesn´t know what to do any more, and he is afraid of what might happen next.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Something different about him is that he absolutely aware of his own mortality. He is also very careful around his darling, because he can´t see himself treating them badly in any capacity. Another thing is, that he waits to pursue then in an unhealthy way, till he gets the confirmation from someone, that it would be okay. Nicolas absolutely gets encouraged by Worick half of the time.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He always wants what it best for them. No matter what. This is the only way out for you. Only if you keep playing from the angle how it would be so much better to apart from him, you can escape him, while he still lives. Another thing you should keep in mind is, that you will outlive him. Nicolas doesn´t has that much left, and he knows that the people he loves will outlive him.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
With Nicolas it will be an accident, when his darling gets hurt. He really isn´t a fan of hurting them at all. Even would prefer if it never happened at all. Still, sometimes accidents will happen regardless of what everybody wants. Maybe you got targeted because of him or he underestimated his own strength. Regardless, he will feel guilty about it.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He likes his love quite a lot, and is most of time content to just watch you from the shadows for a long time. He doesn´t need to hang all over you all of the time. Small conversations are fine with him. Meeting every now and then, as long as can still see you. All is fine. It has to be fine. In the end it´s Worick who gives him a push. To finally act upon what he is feeling all of the time. He is trying. Oh, he tries so much.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He is quite capable of pining forever. Nothing you do will make him snap. He can wait. He can be patient. He can, painfully awkward the whole time, dance around the subject with you. Sometimes, he is even so good at it, that you won´t realize that you spent hours with him, even though you just met on the street. He snaps, only when he sees, that even though he is willing to stay away from you, people still come for you. When he unknowingly puts you in danger. It also doesn´t help, that Worick, also none the wiser, is enabling him at every opportunity. Reassuring Nicolas, that he indeed „deserve nice things in your life! Stop being such a stuck up, and get ´em, tiger!“, and will hide a body, or several, when it comes to his best friend.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
People, especially his father, have tried to break Nicolas before. He would never inflict the same cruelties onto his darling. He wouldn´t even be able to do it. It would be too much for him. He strongly believes, that the ones he loves, should never have to experience the same pain, that he went through. He will always do his best, to shield them as good as he can. They should never have to bear the same scars. Not on their body. Not on their mind. Not on their soul. He will personally see to it, that it can never happen.
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kinkandkreep · 5 months
My focus has been kinda all over the place with my writing lately and I need to re-center. 🙃 And I figure what better way to do that than to see what my people actually want from me!
I'll leave this up for a week so I can be workin' on some stuff in the meantime. Y'all be sho to let me know na'. 🤨
Also, feel free to leave suggestions for things you'd like to see me write about either in the comments or in my ask box!
Thank y'all in advance for participatin'! Your feedback is much appreciated! 👋🏾
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roseluxxx · 2 years
The Things We Did Last Summer
Haitani Ran x Reader
fluff/smut + slight yandere
2080 words
There was only one thing Haitani Ran hated about himself.
As hard as he tried, he couldn’t let go of memories.
In his job this proved useful. His gun, quick and accurate as he recalls the exact eye color of his target from a fleeting glance.
But when it came to the past.. the soft giggles and blushing cheeks, heated bodies and half lidded eyes flood his mind now and then.. he hated it.
Ran climbed the gate, jumping off and running as he heard the shop keeper pant behind him. He had started running from the owner of Golden Delights after he snatched 2 caramel apples from the shelf and dashed out of the store, hearing the shouts of an upset man traveling behind him.
The oldest Haitani slid into an empty parking garage, clearly forgotten and empty, as he heard your sweet laughter.
“Oh! That’s very kind of you but I really can’t. I’m meeting a friend right now so I'm busy at the moment.”
He stopped abruptly, hand moving to his switchblade hidden safely in his pocket as he listened.
“Aww.. please? Your friend can play too, pretty miss!”
“Yeah! The more the berry- or merry? Uhm.. the more the better!”
Ran sighs relieved, removing his hand and turning the corner, finding you sitting on the ledge of a short cement wall talking to 2 small children around 5 or 6 who beam brighter than the sun at you. Glancing up, your face glows when you see your favorite boy in the world walking toward you.
“Maybe next time! My friend’s right there so you two run along now okay?” The small girls look in the direction Y/N pointed to and immediately say their goodbyes as they scurry off, terrified of the tall scary man coming toward them.
You stand, wrapping your arms around Rans’ neck as you give him a hug and kiss him lightly on the cheek, a small coat of pink adorning your features.“Hey beautiful,” he smiles gently at you as he holds his hands behind his back, watching you sit back on the ledge, eyeing him curiously. “I got something for you,” he holds out his hands and presents you with a plastic wrapped caramel apple.
You break into a smile and any stress or disappointment from the day fades away as he watches you giggle, babbling about how he shouldn’t have and thank you, you’re the sweetest.
He just nods, taking out his apple and sitting next to you on the wall.
“Please tell me you paid for it..” you eye him as he just grins and stares at his apple. “Don’t worry about a thing sweetheart, just enjoy it before it melts.” That has you taking a bite of the apple and telling him how annoying caramel is between each savory chew.
Your comforting voice feels like a song to him.. especially when you’re singing his name.
“Fuck.. Ran, please I can’t… holy shit you’re huge I-“
“Shhh.. baby- baby it’s ok. I got you, baby, just relax for me, try to relax alright?”
He kissed down your neck, rubbing your clit at a painfully slow pace as he eased himself in. You whined underneath him, grabbing his arms and shutting your eyes tight.
He cupped your cheek with his free hand, kissing your forehead as he whispered softly “Listen baby, m’ gonna need you to relax for me m’kay? You’re so tight and it feels fuckin’ amazing.. but I need you to take a deep breath in for me alright, love?”
You gave a tiny nod, opening your eyes and letting out a shaking breath you didn’t realize you were holding. He let a small smile pass his lips, a genuine feature reserved for you.
Other moments were less intense, glimpses of the past that flashed through his brain as he sat in boring meetings with the executives of Bonten.
Your hair ruffling in the wind, the scent of your perfume carrying a heavenly smell towards him.. he would do anything to go back to those days.
You gasped as you realized just what his plan was that day.
“Ran! You- you seriously..” You beamed up at him, the joy nearly radiant off your body as you finally understood his “secret” date.
“You mentioned it a while ago and since the weather was finally clear I figured you’d love it.” He leaned down and kissed you on the cheek, maintaining eye contact as he brought his signature smirk to his face. “Tell me you love it.”
You laughed, hitting his shoulder as you snatched his hand, dragging him as quickly as you could to the ticket man standing besides about half a dozen swan boats. As you waited in line, his hands around your waist as he leaned his head on top of yours, you watched the couples giggle and kiss on their boats; taking turns steering the wheel.
When it was your turn Ran whispered in the booth man’s ear. You watched him glance at his clipboard and nod, waving for his co-worker to go bring something.
Ran took you by the waist, pressing a kiss to your temple as he followed the path towards the docks. You questioned him on what he whispered but all Ran replied with was a nod in front of you. The co-worker who went to grab something returned with a colorful swan, the vibrant blue and purple mixed into the swans’ feathers as he started the motor for you two.
You grabbed a life jacket by the dock and followed Ran into the boat, allowing him to grab the gear stick and take you away from the smiling workers.
The scenery was beautiful, a setting sun painting the sky pink and orange as small families and friend groups walked into different shops. The streets were lined with an array of flowers and bushes, decorating the road with dots of color and delight.
Ran brought you to a grass area with a small dock across the lake with a heart formed of roses and a basket in the center.
You felt your tears form as you remained speechless, unable to believe all this was meant for you.
Ran stood up, carefully standing on the dock before reaching for your hand and guiding you to land. He hugged you, kissing your hair as you stood in shock.
“You’ve made me the happiest I've ever been in my life. It feels so right to be with you and have you by my side.” He laced your fingers together and began walking to the heart, “I never really understood what love was but.. god this is so cheesy i-“
You laughed. Harder than you’ve ever laughed before. You fell on your knees, diaphragm hurting as you squeezed all the air out of you.
“What- don’t fucking laugh!” Ran mashed his hands into his eyes as he let the contagious smile pass his face. “God I knew Rindou was setting me up. This is so stupid.”
“No! No this is.. it’s beautiful!” You wiped your tears, standing up and pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s perfect, Ran. Thank you so much..” You looked around, noting the detail that went into his whole plan, “I love it, really. I love you for it.
You kissed him, cupping his cheeks as you pulled back, noticing the dust of red laying on his face. You sat down, enjoying the fruits and desserts packed in the picnic basket as you wasted your time away together.
As the summer came closer to an end, he remembered walking and holding your hand, observing the changing leaves of autumn coming. He felt the signs of fall were the universe’s way of taunting him. Reminding him of lost promises and the abundant amount of time he once had with you getting faster and faster as it ticks away.
These were moments not so warm and fuzzy. Ones he only remembered because of his damn curse of a brain.
“I’m just saying.. this is what’s best for us.”
“Do you fucking hear yourself?”
“Ran.. do you think I want this? Of course I can fucking hear it i just..” You sunk to the floor of his small apartment, mentally begging any God out there to stop the river of tears soaking his carpet.
“I shouldn’t.. I can’t hurt myself anymore than I already have.”
Ran nods, pulling you to your feet and carrying you to the couch, pulling you tight against his chest.
“We knew this would happen eventually, Ran. I knew this would happen and still.. I just-“ You choked out a sob, tugging yourself impossibly closer to him as you buried yourself in his chest.
He pet your hair softly, holding you to him as he memorized the way your hair fell on your shoulders.
“It’s alright. I get it. Summer’s ending. You have to go back soon. Just,” he sighed, kissing the top of your head as you took deep breaths, “we can spend the time we do have left together, living it out to the fullest.. or you can stop seeing me today and it’ll be like a dream.”
You wiped your eyes, looking up at him in a gaze reserved for young teenage love. Grabbing his collar, you pulled him towards you, kissing him deeply before shifting off his lap and gathering your things.
“I love you. So, so much Ran Haitani. This has been the best summer of my life and i am the luckiest girl on Earth to spend it with you.”
You open the door, looking back at him as he stands, his eyes lost and heartbroken. Fighting the urge to reach out and take him into your arms, you allow a melancholy smile to graze your lips.
“Just please. Don’t forget me.” You look up, nodding as you feel the tears slide down your cheek, “God.. I fucking love you, Ran Haitani.”
You left that day and he had never seen you since.
Until today.
“Honestly, Ran i’m not going to tell you to stop because it’s your fucking choice, but you need to chill the fuck out.”
“Honestly, shut the fuck up Rin.”
Ran had rejected nearly the entire population of Roppongi; the hottest, wealthiest, freakiest girls did their best to seduce the man with no success. It had been the better half of 5 years since your summer fling and he still couldn’t let the feelings go.
“You need to get this chick off your mind. There’s a thousand girls begging to be fucked by you and all you do is sigh.”
Rindou stood on his brothers’ balcony, smoking the last of his cart, “If you’re gonna be suck on her for this long then just go find her.”
“You don’t think I’ve tried? I’ve looked everywhere for her. She’s gone, Rin. I have no fucking idea where she is..”
He sighed, looking at his hands as he leaned on the railing whispering, “otherwise she would be in my arms right now with a ring on her finger.”
“What if she’s married to someone else right now?”
“Divorce exists for a reason.”
“Oh my fucking god.”
Despite his best efforts, Rindou is yet to convince his brother to move on and find someone else.. but Ran always did have a way with the universe.
It was a cold night in Roppongi, the soft snowflakes transforming to daggers as the wind picked up. Ran had his wool coat on, a scarf thrown on without any effort to tie it, as he walked down the pier.
He was there supposedly to meet up with a good friend of his - but fate hardly cares for mortals' plans.
Waiting several minutes, the older Haitani decided to walk to a nearby cafe until Sanzu showed, when he stopped abruptly. He smelled it then and cursed himself for still remembering after all this time. The scent of you.. the scent that pulled him to a lulled state of comfort just as much as it set his heart into anxious fits of memories.
He frantically looked for the wearer of the perfume. They had to be close. There were barely anyone by the ocean at this time of night so he was sure-
Sitting on the ledge of a seemingly hidden wharf was a woman in a red coat. Her hair whipping in the wind as she stared beyond the singing waves. It was you.
He was sure of it.
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suiana · 5 days
yandere! ice skater and first time skater reader. gang this is so gangsta!!! imagine going onto the skating rink for the first time and falling constantly like a little kid 😂😂😂 u even have a helmet and one of those seals 😂😂😂 meanwhile yandere! ice skater (who's also your longtime admirer) is literally an olympic skater that makes doing jumps and axels look easy.
"oh dear, shall i help you?"
the ice skater gracefully glides over to you as you fall onto your ass for the fifth time since you fell onto your ass. you came in ten minutes ago.
he meticulously adjusts your position, teaching you the basics while holding onto your hand as he encourages you.
"well done, you're doing great, sweetheart. yes, just like that..."
by the end of your little lesson with him, you could hold yourself up for at least ten minutes!!!! wowzers!!! you thank him gratefully before trying to skate off...
only to realize that he was still holding onto your hand.
"where do you think you're going? i never said our lesson was over, did i?"
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ghettogirly · 4 months
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- requests will take a while as i have so many at the moment!
Toxic!Armando traits in a relationship.
Armando as a boyfriend: the 5 love languages!
How he would act when having a crush on you!
How he gets your attention!
How he would be when you reveal that you’re pregnant.
Polar opposites!
how he is in a relationship
armando as a yandere
armando in an age gap relationship
how he takes care of you during pregnancy.
how he would be once you’ve given birth to his child!
A-Z nsfw - how he would be in bed.
open a window!
7PM, Friday
the unwanted man
forbidden love : part 1 , part ?
a little help
flames of love
the girl is mine!
[🕷️] 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒..
episode 1
🕷️ episode 1
🕷️ episode 2
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pynkgothicka · 9 months
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Gangsta JJK
Ask/Req-Should do one where OC basically gets taught all her life skills from Jungkook(maybe) and he can mold her anyway he wants- wether it’s cute and innocent, or just oblivious. Maybe OCs parents were never hands on in the slightest and that left her to group up with only Jungkook there for her
Synopsis- Jungkook’s soft spot is you. The love of his life, someone who was given to him and will love him forever and through all his days.
Pairing - Yandere! Dark! Mobster! Jungkook x AFAB! Reader
Featuring - No one!
Tags and Warnings - Murdered Parents, hints towards a dark relationship, some smut
Authors Note - This took me so long! I’m sorry guys!!
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Jungkook was the kindest guy you had ever met. He was easily the love of your life. Even if you were in college with no one else, there was nobody in comparison to him. How he shielded you from the world he preached about being so evil, the man who saved you from your family. Jungkook would go leaps and bounds for you.
You stood in deep thought, awaiting his arrival to get you from the university grounds, the icy winter air swirling around you. At last, you perked up to only hear the rumble of Jungkook's loud motorcycle engine.
You smile as you see him whip his motorcycle into the parking lot. His leather jacket and ripped denim only make the man you adore even more attractive. His bike slows down in front of you; he takes off his helmet, revealing his black hair.
His shirt was covered in sweat as he gave you a signature smile. “Hey baby, I'm sorry I was late."Hey baby, sorry I'm late," he said, shifting to let you on. You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back.
You mumble softly, "It's okay, I know you won't forget about me." You take a deep breath of his jacket, the scent a mixture of weed and spearmint. The odor would make others nauseous, but you find it comforting and familiar. “I just can’t wait to make it back to your place.”
Jungkook fed you cotton candy grapes as you lounged in his apartment, making sure to cater to his one and only. With one hand scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand brought the grapes to your lips, the tips of his tattooed fingers brushing over them each time, eliciting giggles from you with the sweet gesture.
Jungkook's loving gaze met yours, and he smiled. "Are you staying the night again?" he asked, putting his phone down to give you his full attention - something he had done for most of his life.
"I'm not sure if my parents are home right now," you say quietly to your boyfriend. “Besides I don't want to go home, my dad's being well himself again.” His gaze turns soft with understanding, and he feeds you another grape to sweeten the sorrowful moment. As the sweetness spreads across your tongue, you feel the sadness fading away. Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. His hands trace the curve of your body tenderly.
He understood how your parents mistreated you, ignoring you to indulge themselves as if you didn't belong to them. Yelling at you and shoving you aside to satisfy their desires - that was typical of mafia parents, and he would know. But now he led his gang, and he vowed he'd never treat you as cruelly as others had. He always made sure to distract you when your mind wandered to such thoughts.
While kissing your neck, he slid his hands over your backside, eliciting a blissful yet pleading whine from you. "Koo, remember no hickeys," you said softly. With a sigh, he detached himself from you.
“Fine no hickies, but I want to ruin you, baby.” He says snickering and pulling off your shirt. his mouth attaches to your breast as he moans around it. His lips suck on your areola, tongue lapping at the exposed breast. You let out languid moans as your hands go to his shirt, pulling it over his head as he pulls away. His eyes stared at you as you looked back panting.
You go to unhook your bra, revealing yourself to Jungkook. “I'm so needy for you.” You mutter into his neck littering the skin with kisses and hickies. He lets out a groan, his hands moving to dig into your ass. Small crescents form and you let out a lewd groan. “Don’t ever leave me Koo…”
"You know I could never replace you, for no one could ever be good enough to take your place," he said poetically, connecting your lips once again.
After fulfilling his promise to ruin you, Jungkook put you to bed as he had urgent business to attend to. Not wanting you anywhere near his work, he made sure to leave you be. With a kiss on your forehead and lending you his jacket for comfort, he left.
Jungkook sat in a chair, glaring at your parents, whom he had kidnapped and brought to the base of his operations. As your mother stirred awake, his eyes narrowed. "Welcome back to reality," Jungkook sneered as he approached her chair.
"Jungkook? What the fuck is this?" Your mother hissed angrily. She tettered in her chair. He smiles as he places his finger on her lips. He then pulled out a gun and shot her dead in the head. He never had a problem with her, nothing too serious to be upset about. The quicker she was gone, the easier things could be.
But him.
He was the one who neglected the person to whom he had devoted all of his life. So, with his wife gone, everything would be much more satisfactory when he made him pay.
Speaking of, he watched as your dad stirred awake. His eyes went to the side of him seeing his wife was dead, a bullet going straight through her head. “God no. Please no… not her.” He mumbled before struggling in his seat.
“It hurts doesn’t it?” Jungkook mumbled going behind him. His hand went to the back of your father's neck, the grip hurting before he started to squeeze. “Seems kind of unfair doesn’t it?”
Your dad started to rage internally. “Y-You killed her? Why we gave you everything you could've ever wanted, shit you practically own my daughter what more could you want?” He said as soon as Jungkook's grip let up. He watched in horror as the man just laughed, all Jungkook could do was laugh in his face.
“You still hurt her though. How could you just leave your daughter like that… just having to settle with being around me? You are actually kind of lucky that she loves me. But I mean it's not like she spent any time with anyone else.” Jungkook started to walk around your father, taunting him with nothing but his thoughts. “She loves me, practically worships the ground I walk on. I mean thats a benefit for me, but pretty shitty for you. I get to finally kill you for all the pain you caused her.”
Your father started to scream and Jungkook allowed him. But finally, he had enough before stuffing the man's mouth with a towel filled with gasoline. “Scream and you’ll choke. I mean no one heard you but it got annoying pretty quickly. Now Shh, and let me do what I have to do.”
“Koo? Where did you go?” You mumbled feeling strong arms wrap around you. You leaned into his touch groaning at the comforting feeling of his skin on yours.
“Had to take care of something, sorry for leaving.”
“It's fine, just tell me beforehand.”
“Of course, I love you.”
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7 @looneybleus @whipwhoops
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dollwrites · 1 year
. . . . . ╰──╮𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀╭──╯ . . . . .
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if you are looking for my byf and other masterlists, you can find them here.
¹ size kink + pickle [ baki hanma ]
² tit fucking + griffith [ berserk ]
³ corruption + kaeya alberich [ genshin impact ]
⁴ voice kink + sampo koski [ honkai star rail ]
⁵ handjob + xiao [ genshin impact ]
⁶ orgasm denial + sukuna ryomen [ jujutsu kaisen ]
⁷ dragon headcanons + ena shinonome [ project sekai ]
⁸ impact play + yujiro hanma [ baki hanma ]
⁹ stepcest + griffith [ berserk ]
¹⁰ glory hole + leona kingscholar [ twisted wonderland ]
¹¹ somnophilia + nanami kento [ jujutsu kaisen ]
¹² anonymous sex + nicolas brown [ gangsta ]
¹³ overstimulation headcanons + kanade yoisaki [ project sekai ]
¹⁴ pet play + gojo satoru [ jujutsu kaisen ]
¹⁵ free use + rui kamishiro [ project sekai ]
¹⁶ make up sex + kanata yatonokami [ paradox live ]
¹⁷ dumbification + sukuna ryomen [ jujutsu kaisen ]
¹⁸ pegging + dio brando [ jojo’s bizarre adventure ]
¹⁹ experience gap / power dynamic + pantalone [ genshin impact ]
²⁰ noise control + kafka [ honkai star rail ]
²¹ marking + lilia vanrouge [ twisted wonderland ]
²² breeding kink + toji fushiguro [ jujutsu kaisen ]
²³ choking + shogo makishima [ psycho pass ]
²⁴ failed tap out + cocolia rand [ honkai star rail ]
²⁵ cunnilingus + tomomi masaoka [ psycho pass ]
²⁶ foot fucking + jan valentine [ hellsing ultimate ]
²⁷ being possessive ( yandere ) + portgas d ace [ one piece ]
²⁸ deepthroat + roronoa zoro [ one piece ]
²⁹ anal + mammon [ what in hell is bad ]
³⁰ virginity loss + iori suiseki [ paradox live ]
³¹ finale !! sensory deprivation ( blindfold ) + leviathan [ what in hell is bad ]
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
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KINKTOBER MASTERLIST additional tws added when the fic is posted !! proceed with caution, DARK CONTENT
≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡
001. IWAIZUMI ♡༘ TROPHY tw lobotomised reader, noncon 002. ATSUMU ♡༘ DECAY tw ddlg, forced threesome, patronization
003. TOJI ♡༘ SPARKSTONE tw blood, noncon, mean dom 004. MEGUMI ♡༘ CADAVER tw wound fucking, somno, yandere
.`♱🪦ѻ 𝖉0𝖑𝖑 ♱’¡!
≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡
All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2023. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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pennyellee · 1 year
Do you have any recs for other yandere fics that you loved?
Ofc! I can definitely think of few that struck my mind.
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First and foremost @chaoticpuff17 - there is not a fic of hers I wouldn't be thirsting over. Queen of queens. A Dangerous Game is my personal favourite obviously but I cannot help myself and be thrilled for Amygdala ♥
The bouquet series by @deepdarkdelights is manifique, chef kiss writer (ngl another author I could re-read like hundred times and would feel like I’m reading it for the first time.)
@dalchiid and her fic Covetous, unique and perfect read if you’re looking for longer series or love vampire aus
@bang-tan-bitches Beloved and Exitus acta probat is a must when you’re reading yandere yoongi
@btsugarush Gangsta fic got me real good, love it
not completely yandere-ish but if ur looking for good recs I cannot omit @theharrowing and Collateral. Bombastically good, absolute banger, can’t stop the re-read train every time I wait for a new chapter. If you’re looking for a good poly fic+mafia fic, this is that b*tch
Chapter III of my fic Lacrimosa will be out soon ♥
lots of love 𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊
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midnightlee25 · 6 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Royal au: how would they go about being with their darling - Gangsta
Force marriage (either out of anger or desperation):
Worick Arcangelo
Dr. Theo
Mixed (started out courting their darling but it went downhill/isn't working.):
Nicolas Brown
Galahad Woehor
Courting (knowing they are the best choice so they won't worry or just hope for the best.):
Alex Benedetto
Constance Raveau
Marco Adriano
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esthercore · 5 months
+˚。⋆ 𐙚˚ 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞!!
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A very horny, fucked up and self indulgent paradise. So my angel, get cozy and tuck in for a cozy ride in the world of fantasy. Enjoy!!! Mwahh! MDNI!!
"Got me spinnin' like a ballerina Feelin' gangsta every time I see ya You're the king and, baby, I'm the queen of Disaster"
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What Fandoms Do Esther Write For? Currently Honkai Star Rail as main, and am getting back in Genshin in 5.0. Furthermore, I sometime indulge in Stardew, DOL, and Wuwa fandom
How Often Do Esther Post? I Oscillate between obsession and disgust so expect a spurge of posts in one day, and radio silence next.
Kinks Esther Like To Read and write about: Degradation, Objectification, CnC, Leashes n Collars, Pet Play, Power Play, Cum Play, Semi Public, Dumbification, Oral Fixation, Anything to do with Boobs and Thighs, Breeding, Punishments, Forbidden Relations, Praises.
Who even is Esther? A very anxious CS student in her gap year. A 'gifted child' who sure as hell isn't gifted and struggles with the expectations of people around her and of her scholarships, and copes with being horny and writting and consuming angst and smuts. Her favorite tags are 'hurt no comfort,' 'yandere' and 'dumbification'.
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Links: Masterlist | To Do | J.ai | AO3
If you haven't already after half my blog my blog filled with Aventurine content, Sunday is indeed my favorite character.
This is safe place for every safe and legal kinks!! Please don't send asks for things that will get me cancelled!
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starscabaret · 6 months
Yandere OC Songs
I tried to do a mix of genres and give everyone at least two songs. Thanks for the request <3
Southern Gothic! Yandere🪲 ★Babydoll - Dominic Fike ★She - Tyler the Creator Ft. Frank Ocean
Cowboy! Yandere 🐴 Lane ★7 Summers - Morgan Wallen  ★Blame It on You - Jason Aldean  ★You In A Honky Tonk - Randall King  Military! Yandere 🎖️ Aaron ★One Hundred Sleepless Nights - Pierce the Veil ★Lost in Japan - Shawn Mendes College Athlete! Yandere 🏀 Elizabeth ★Jealous Girl - Lana Del Rey ★All Your’n - Tyler Childers Hood Drug Dealer! Yandere 💸 Jaden ★Gangsta - Kehlani  ★Can’t Leave ‘Em Alone - Ciara Ft. 50 Cent Emo! Yandere 🦇 James ★In My Room - Insane Clown Posse ★Freak - Lana Del Rey  Graduate Student! Yandere 📚 Cynthia ★Salvatore - Lana Del Rey ★Playing Dangerous - Lana Del Rey
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yanderexbliss · 6 months
Everybody gangsta til their yandere gf starts acting like one, the fuck you mean you don’t want me to be completely obsessed with you. THATS MY JOB.
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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୨୧ ۫ 𝑹𝑼𝑳𝑬𝑺 ﹕ ♡ ׅ
i will always prefer if minors do not interact with my nsfw content. i understand that minors read smut regardless and i can’t stop y’all from doing so, but pls don’t interact with my work. just read & go.
i write black fem reader content, meaning that each and everything i write..as if it’s a black woman. however, that doesn’t mean you can’t read it. just be mindful and not rude when indulging my content.
i don’t really do request since it already take me forever to update my own writing. but i do accept thirsts that i can bounce ideas off of.
i do not do or accept requests and i will ignore your ask if you send me an ask tbh.
message/inbox etiquette — before sending me an ask or message (anonymous or not) please be mindful that i am a human being behind this blog. i would prefer if you did not trauma dump on me without my consent. i don't think it's respectful to me or the people that follow me to have to see possible triggering things when you send an ask that involves serious topics. respect people's boundaries when you message them. i get a lot of asks and some days i do not feel like responding to them, please don't take this the wrong way.
writing do's: praise, degradation, dumbification, corruption, impact play, yandere themes, legal age gaps, breeding, spit, exhibitionism, choking,
writing don'ts: race play, age play, piss, incest of any kinds (this includes step-siblings), hybrid play, gunplay, knife play, feet kink
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୨୧ ۫ 𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ﹕ ♡ ׅ
— links: twitter / ao3 / wattpad / kofi / recs / dejcore / colorings / char visual index — masterlists:
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — jujutsu kaisen
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — bleach
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — attack on titan
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — haikyuu
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — tokyo revengers
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — gangsta
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — fire force
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — webtoons/manhwas/mangas
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — video games
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — comics
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — misc
— selfships:  
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — shunsui & deja
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — choso & deja
click here, for old navigation.
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Call me L or Kaz /My Account on AO3 / Asks: Open (for everything!) / Support me on Kofi!
I do not consent to my writing being reposted!
Important Tags:
Author Notes: I ramble about one thing or the other
L answers: Answered Asks, that provide the links to the requested post
Masterlist: All my masterposts are tagged with this!
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365 Days
Part One / AO3
Reading List
Whump 2020: Masterpost (incomplete)
Whump - The Musical: Masterpost (in work)
Boku no Hero Academia
Yandere Alphabet: Midoriya Izuku
Boyfriend to Death
Yandere Alphabet: Ren Hana
Yandere Alphabet: Tobias "Ticci Toby" Rogers
Yandere Alphabet: Nicolas Brown
Hunter x Hunter
Yandere Alphabet: Chrollo Lucilfer, Illumi Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck
Killua Relationship Headcanons
Killua: Throughout the Years
Kitmetsu no Yaiba
Yandere!Kanae x Demon!Reader
Yandere Alphabet: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto
Tokyo Revengers
Yandere Alphabet: Baji Keisuke, Haitani Ran, Haitani Rindou, Hanemiya Kazutora, Kakucho, Kisaki Tetta, Kurokawa Izana, Matsuno Chifuyu, Mitsuya Takashi, Ryuguji Ken "Draken", Sano "Mikey" Manjiro, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Shiba Taiju
Yandere Tokyo Revenger Headcanons (feat: Takemitchy, Hakkai, Naoto, Koko, Hinata, Angry, Yuzuha, Smiley, Hanma, Emma, Senju + everyone who has their own alphabet!)
What kind of Yandere are Bonten? (Figuring out the Types of Yandere Traits in Tokyo Revengers)
Yandere! Mizo Middle Headcanons
Mikey Scenario: Jealous over affectionate S/O
Yandere!Mikey with a short S/O
Yandere!Shion Madarame Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet: John Doe
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