#yandere eloise bridgerton
lady-ashfade · 4 months
Golden Son
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Yandere!Bridgertons x Male!Sibling/Son!readee
╰・゚✧☽ new season was amazing and I had this idea in my mind. Partly because I was jealous of Colin the whole time.
╰・゚✧☽ warning: yandere behavior, over protective, Platonic
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Ever since you were little all they ever wanted to do was be around you. Fighting for who gets to play with you, or who got to hold you when you were born.
The middle child getting much attention? That was rare but all they could do was give it to you.
Your older brothers, and sister, would fight over who got to teach you. Having a sibling to look up to was important and they did everything in their power to get you to favor them more.
Eloise was born after you. But she wanted your attention from the minute her brain could think. You are her ideal and safe space. seeing her as more then just a woman.
God forbid you look so close to your father, everyone is more protective over you. Especially your mother, who dots on you almost every second. 
When you are older the younger ones get to keep your time because it’s fare. They have more free time and you can’t say no.
You are the talk of the town really because you are so rarely at the balls or events because the family likes to keep you safe.
So everyone is always marveled at the sight of you.
Until it is time for you to take your first debut in the season.
Another Bridgerton man who wants to find a wife? Ladies are lining up at the door.
Whether you want the attention or not, your siblings can’t allow anyone near you they don’t want…So everyone.
They ask questions to make them unsure of themselves and uncomfortable. Or pull you around the room and leaving the girls to their defeat.
If you want love then they will grant you to have it, but they must like the person and get to know them along side you.
If lady whistledown wrote anything bad about you? They will unmasks her so quickly it’s bad.
And if Eloise already knows? She’s making her pay. And if Colin is courting her and already asked her to marry him? He’d dump her in a second. You are his little brother, his favorite little star.
You are the family’s glue. You make them happy, feel at home and safe.
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gulnarsultan · 2 months
i missed you!!! ❤️ do you write yandere for the bridgerton siblings x reader
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Hello dear. I miss you too. I hope you like it. Yandere Platonic Bridgertons and gender neutral sibling Bridgerton reader.
He is an extremely determined and focused on success. He is determined to fulfill his duties as a viscount. He is concerned about his family's social standing and how people perceive him. Anthony is especially meticulous about your social standing. He will make sure that nothing and no one harms your social standing. He will make sure that you are healthy, well-nourished and well-cared for. He tries to be a father figure in a way. He is protective and territorial. He does not want to let you have a lover. However, if you insist and if the man is really a good candidate for you, he may allow it. Even if he never says it out loud, you are his favorite among his brothers and sisters.
He is the person who cares about emotions the most among the brothers in the family. He works very hard to establish true and reliable emotional bonds with you. Sometimes he thinks that the other family members do not understand him. He is very meticulous about playing the role of your father emotionally. He will never let you feel fatherless and unloved. He will especially never let your feelings be hurt by others. It doesn't matter who the other party is. He will always try to surround you with people who will truly understand and care about your feelings. If he truly believes that the person who wants to be your partner is honest about their feelings. He will allow you to have a relationship.
He is an expert at making you laugh. He always tries to put a genuine smile on your face. He is proud to be the source of your joy. If you asked Colin, he would say that his purpose in this world is to make you laugh without thinking. Colin gets very jealous when someone else cheers you up and makes you laugh. He pouts and wanders around like a child. He probably doesn't want you to have a partner. He is trying to encourage you to love being free like him. After all, who needs a partner when you can have fun with a great big brother like him?
She is a mother hen. Your childhood is spent with her struggling around you as a protective mother hen. Your health and happiness come before anything else. Moreover, she needs you to support her and be by her side. She is ready to do anything for your love and appreciation. If you see her as your role model, believe me, Daphne will be happy for the rest of her life. She never gets tired of talking about you. If someone upsets or hurts you, Daphne's anger will burn and destroy everything. She really has to believe in your partner to let her have a partner.
She is the quickest witted in the family. She does a great job of eliminating many problems with her intelligence. She often spends most of the day having intellectual discussions with you. She helps you with your homework and many other subjects that require intelligence. She thinks she is the best choice to be your mentor. She will let you have a partner on one condition. Your potential partner has to pass Eloise's test. She will protect and save you with her intelligence.
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sea-owl · 1 year
I think I want to know more about the one night stand between Philip and Eloise that turns into yandere Eloise who becomes obsessed with plant daddy and his demon sprouts after one night.
So Eloise's family has a . . . history of becoming obsessed with those they fall in love with. Like they'll kill a man and completely obliterate the body if someone makes their love even slightly uncomfortable.
Some of her siblings have tried to fight it (Anthony, Daphne) some were oblivious to it (Colin, Francesca) and others completely embraced it (Benedict). Eloise doesn't get it. She has never once felt the feelings her siblings described and she has tried dating around to see if she can find it. Eloise began to think she'll never find it.
Then one day she was out with Penelope who brought a very handsome stranger with her. He kind of reminded Eloise of those men of the wood types from the romance novels she in no ways reads. Turns out his name was Phillip. He was a friend of Penelope's from their time at Cambridge University and once upon of time married to Penelope's deceased cousin Marina. To Eloise's surprise Phillip was a botanist.
A few drinks later and Eloise found herself very willingly falling into Phillip's bed.
They get awoken the next morning by a loud crash and a scream. Phillip jumps out of bed. Throwing on a pair of pajama bottoms, he's muttering something about nannies and days off. Eloise puts on his oversized shirt and follows him. Turns out the scream came from a pair of eight year olds and the crash was the piece of furniture they knocked over.
They took notice of Eloise and demanded to know who she was. Awkwardly Phillip and Eloise explained she was a new friend of their dad. It did not take long for Eloise to notice the small family was struggling and needed someone.
Perhaps she could be that someone? Yes, she could be. She could be. Eloise could see herself mixed in with this family.
Unknown to Eloise her own seed of love and obsession started to form.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
Speaking of which, if I ever had to do a collab with someone I would do a Labyrinth au with @sea-owl
Where the Bridgertons are the rulers of the Goblin court and their spouses are adults who have drawn the attention of the fae, as either kids or adults and the fae court wants to lure them into the fae lands by making them run the Labrynth, so they kidnap their ‘children’ aka, their younger siblings.
Kate went to a town fair with her little sister and in the process of getting rid of a guy that was way too confident in himself, she insulted the Goblin king, probably told a glamoured Anthony to his face that he wasn’t that attractive and that his flirting didn’t work on her. So Anthony took little Edwina as petty revenge and now Kate has to brave the fae lands to rescue her. But she’s not letting him win, and she sure isn’t letting him have her sister! That overconfident jerk.
Simon actually was rescued from the Labrynth by his Aunt Danbury when he was a kid, apparently ‘the little Duchess Daphne’ of the Goblin court took a linking to him when his father wished him away, but Aunt Agatha rescued him. Now as an adult, with the disappearance of Aunt Agatha, Simon was left as the sole guardian of his 14 yo cousin Gareth, and somehow the fae have taken him as payment for Simon. And now, it turns out, that the little duchess who used to like him, is not so little anymore. And Daphne still thinks he’s handsome.
Penelope actually broke a promise when she was a child to one of the members of the Goblin court. As a kid she used to think they were imaginary friends, since she lived in a very old house near the forest, so she had no problem promising she would marry the handsome boy who liked to play with her in the garden in exchange for having someone in her family who loved her. When her sister Felicity was born, Penelope’s family moved away, and she forgot her promise, now she’s back in Mayfair, and it seems like her handsome imaginary friend, isn’t that imaginary,  or that benevolent anymore. How was she supposed to know Colin was the most chaotic brother of the Goblin king? Or that he’d take his gift back, in order to force Penelope to come to him.
Phillip didn’t know that the very pretty girl who used to sit by the lake with him when the twins were born, was some sort of magical creature. Eloise was kind, a little eccentric but she listened to him when he was a struggling new dad. She seemed to like the newborns too. So when Marina started to lose her temper more and more, with the onset of her illness, it was natural for Phillip to confide in his nice mysterious friend. He didn’t expect Marina to have an accident in the lake shortly after that. He had to move away because of the accident. He knew something was wrong with the lake and feared something could happen to him and the kids. He didn’t know Eloise could be patient, waiting until he came back to Mayfair, with his cute little twins. Ready to be fully lured into the Goblin court.
Araminta always told Sophie that one day the Goblins would come to take her back because she wasn’t really her father’s kid, but rather an unnatural bastard left on their doorstep and sure she sometimes dreamed about being spirited away when she was asleep, but she didn’t want little Posey to be stolen by the fae when Araminta wished for Sophie to be gone instead. A very handsome Goblin offered to help her find and rescue Posey, but the thing is that he also seemed to want her to be his mistress in the Goblin court. Ugh what had she gotten herself into?
Finally, wickedly flirtatious Michael, who lost all his family in a freak house fire that left him and 6 yo Lucy as the sole survivors. Michael only survived because a beautiful fae girl from the Goblin court was there during the fire and let them live because she used to like his dead cousin John (who in that house had offended the bloody fae??, Michael always suspected it had been Lucy’s uncle). Michael of course raised Lucy as well as he could, far away from Mayfair. Until he came back for a visit and the messenger from the Goblin court appeared, letting him know that the lady Francesca was no longer satisfied with their last bargain and now she wanted Michael to provide a playmate for her little brother Gregory. But Michael didn’t want Lucy to be taken forever by the Goblin court. So if the sister of the Goblin King wanted him to be wicked, he would show her wicked.   
Cue Kate, Simon, Penelope, Sophie, Phillip and Michael teaming up to run in the Labyrinth and survive the respective traps set by the fae in order to rescue their siblings. Maybe I just want to see the Bridgertons hosting the most decadent fae masquerade ever, while their significant others are decked to the nines in the most exquisite finery known to men, dancing to music that’s too good to be true. But also extremely suspicious of these very powerful fae that claim to love them, but are still, technically kidnapping kids to keep them from leaving the fae lands.
(In Eloise defence, she always planned to adopt Phillip’s cute twins, it’s not kidnapping because she technically never planned to give them back.. Anthony, Colin, Benedict and Daphne yes that qualifies as kidnapping, and Hyacinth is getting way too chummy with Gareth but look at Francesca, she never intended to keep Lucy for long, sure, Gregory did get a strange fixation and he did want to keep Lucy forever, but the point is, Francesca was okay with returning Lucy to the human world after a few days, Michael just took her summons the wrong way and that’s the story they’re sticking to if he survives the labyrinth)
 I just think this is an au that’s been running through my head and @sea-owl would understand why.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
The Bloody Viscount - II
— summary: You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?
— gender: yandere, dark!au.
— warnings: obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, kidnapping, angst, fluffy, dub-con (?), possibly smut.
— pairing: yandere!anthony bridgerton x female!reader.
— word count: 1,705.
— tag list: @will-delete-this-later-probably, @cayt0123, @flowercrowns-goodvibes, @czarinera, @remuslupinwifee
— prologue, chapter 1;
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Chapter 2
''Viscount Bridgerton was seen dancing with Lady (Y/N) (L/N) at Lady Danbury's ball last night. I have no information on how she had the cunning to attract Lord Bridgerton's attention, yet. He seemed quite enamored with his partner, dare I say. Will we have a Viscountess soon? After all, who better to play the role of viscountess than the diamond of the season?
Chronicles of the Society of Lady Whistledown, April 27, 1813.
''Ah!'' Your mother's scream of happiness was hard to ignore. You were trying to embroider some flowers, but with your mother's constant shouting it was difficult to concentrate.
That's because you were in separate rooms.
''(Y/N)!'' She shouted your name. Sighing, you got up from the couch and placed your unfinished embroidery aside. You smoothed your light blue dress so she wouldn't scold you and went to the dining room.
''Yes, mom?'' You asked as you entered the dining room, where your parents were together. Your father was drinking a cup of tea and your mother had Lady Whistledown's newspaper open.
''Have you read today's Whistledown?''
You shook your head in denial.
''Well then, read it!''
You fight the inner urge to scoff. She always scolded you every time she saw you reading, but you suppressed your words. You sat down on the padded chair and began to read.
What you had read did not please you in the same way it had pleased your mother.
'Isn't this wonderful?'' Your mother looked at your father.
He cleared his throat, ''I suppose.''
She wasn't even listening to his words, ''Our daughter has captivated a viscount! Imagine what this could do for us?'' She rambled.
''Mom...'' You sighed.
''This is perfect! You will be a perfect viscountess.''
You sank into the chair, wanting to hide. She wouldn't listen to you. She never listened. She seemed very happy with the idea of being part of the british aristocracy.
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''Lady Whistledown has been writing about you, brother.''
Anthony looked at Benedict who was drinking tea and biscuits. He frowned at him.
''Really?'' Anthony muttered disinterestedly, looking at his gathered family. His mother was sitting on the couch with Hyacinth, Francesca, Gregory and Eloise. Colin and Benedict were beside him.
Damn Whistledown always wrote about him. He just wanted to find out who the damn woman was and choke her.
Until death, preferably.
''Apparently you found your viscountess.'' Benedict teased, sharing a knowing look with Colin.
His mother turned her face towards them the moment the word “Viscountess” left Benedict’s mouth. Anthony mentally cursed him.
Anthony knew who they were talking about and as much as it irritated him, they were telling the truth. He had found his viscountess and was determined to marry her.
Lady (Y/N). She was quite lovely and captivated him in a way no woman ever had. He wanted to make her his wife.
And he would.
''Is it true?'' Colin asked.
Anthony rolled his eyes. Benedict held back a laugh.
''Yes. I'm going to marry Lady (Y/N) (L/N).''
He ignored it when his mother looked at him, curious and shocked. He ignored his brothers' curious looks. All he thought about at that moment was her. Beautiful and wonderful, dressed in white at an altar.
All perfect for him. Perfect for him to ruin.
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The park was beautiful and full, as always. Looking around, you saw several debutantes and suitors, with their mothers at their heels. You liked Hyde Park, it was a beautiful and comfortable place.
Well, it tends to be when your mother isn't on your heels.
You loved her. You really loved her. But sometimes you wish you didn't depend on her, that you didn't have to deal with all of this. It's suffocating.
And hearing her talk about the viscount didn't make you excited. And you didn't even like it. He was an attractive man and your dance at Lady Danbury's ball was something special.
You admitted all of this, but...
But you knew how to handle it right. You didn't even know if he was really interested in you. You knew his reputation, how he was a libertine and that didn't make you comfortable at all.
You would like to marry for love, or at least to a gentleman who did not have such a reputation as the viscount possessed. It was unlikely to happen, but you couldn't give up hope.
Sighing, you looked around.
You and your mother were sitting on a picnic blanket spread out on the lush green lawn of Hyde Park. You were sitting between some pillows that had been placed and drinking a glass of lemonade.
Near you were the Featherington's. You waved at Penelope when she looked at you and, seemingly embarrassed, she smiled and waved back.
"So, she said- (Y/N)!" You turned your scared head to your mother, "Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"
No, you weren't.
"I'm sorry mom."
She rolled her eyes, "As I was saying..." You didn't even bother to listen to her. You looked over at the Featherington's and saw Miss Eloise Bridgerton talking to Penelope.
You didn't pay much attention.
Until you heard that voice. That damn voice that haunted your dreams last night.
"Lady (Y/N) (L/N)."
You stood up quickly, smoothing down your dress. You gave a small curtsy, "Lord Bridgerton."
He looked impeccable as always. You couldn’t help but blush at the intensity of his gaze on you. You felt your body tremble a little when he took your hand and kissed your right hand, gently and kind.
"Lord Bridgerton!" Your mother quickly stood up and greeted him.
"Lady (Y/M) (L/N)." Anthony took your mother's gloved hand and gave it a polite kiss.
"It's a pleasure to see you here."
"My mother insisted that I accompany her." He replied.
"Oh, is Lady Violet here?"
Anthony nodded, "She's right there." He pointed out to his mother that he was talking to Lady Danbury.
"I see." Your mother muttered, looking at the two women vehemently.
"I would like to ask your permission to walk with Lady (Y/N)." You choked on his words.
Your mother's eyes perked up.
"Of course. (Y/N) would love to walk a bit."
You mentally rolled your eyes. But your mother's reprimanding look made you stiff.
Anthony reached his arm out to you and without much of a choice, you hooked his arm with yours.
You tried to ignore the shiver the contact brought you.
With your mother in the behind, you and the viscount began walking through the park in silence at first.
"Does my presence make you uncomfortable?" He asked suddenly.
You shook your head quickly.
"No. It's not that. I just... I get lost in my thoughts sometimes." Your words were not lies.
"Good." That's all he said.
You kept your attention on the flowers and trees in front of you. All very beautiful, well-groomed and full of life.
"It's very beautiful, isn't it?" You murmured to a small bed of roses.
Anthony followed your gaze and nodded.
"Do you like flowers?" You knew it was probably a silly question to ask a man, but you didn't care.
Anything was better than the silence that had become uncomfortable.
"I have nothing against them." You laughed a little. He smiled and continued, "But I think hyacinths are beautiful."
"They are."
Anthony let go of your hand and went to a white rose bush, he picked up the flower and removed its thorns. You looked at him confused, until he handed you the rose.
You felt your heart speed up at such a gesture. It was the first time you received flowers from someone and you never realized how much you wanted flowers until you received them.
"T-Thank you, Lord Bridgerton."
"Lady (Y/N)." He took on a serious tone and you were alarmed, "You can call me Anthony."
"That wouldn't be appropriate..."
When he approached you and touched your free hand, your breathing became heavy. This was wrong. You shouldn't be this close.
"I think I've made my intentions pretty clear." He whispered, looking straight into your eyes. "I believe I've made it clear that I want to court you."
You couldn't respond.
"I want you to call me Anthony..." He murmured, his breath very close to your face, "Because I want to become your husband."
You weren’t sure if you could breathe.
''I...'' You swallowed, pulling away a little.
Anthony frowned but didn't protest.
You coughed and squeezed the rose a little tighter.
"I think we need to go back."
He watched you like a predator watched its prey. He remained silent for a few minutes before nodding.
"Of course. It's getting late." He offered you his arm and you took it.
The walk back to where your mothers were was silent and under the watchful eyes of other people.
You just wanted to lie down and not have to deal with the interrogation your mother would do later.
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Anthony couldn't sleep.
He tried and tried. He changed position several times, but sleep never came.
His mind was stuck on you.
How he had touched you. Even though it wasn't a direct touch, due to the glove you were wearing, he still thought.
He thought about what it would be like to slip on that glove and feel your skin against his.
Anthony tried to fight the feelings, the desires that were growing but he couldn't. All he found himself thinking about was kissing you, tasting your skin and touching you in places you had never been touched.
So pure. So inocent. So virginal.
His. His perfect diamond.
It was these thoughts that brought him to climax in the silent and lonely night in his room.
He caressed himself thinking about what you would look like under those dresses, the expressions you would make when he was inside you. How you would moan his name when you reached your own climax.
It was these thoughts, these mental images that caused him to moan your name like a prayer as he released himself into his hand, making it dirty.
Anthony closed his eyes, breathing deeply.
He needed to marry you soon.
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— lady l: What did you think of the chapter? I hope you liked it, I'm sorry for the delay and any errors there were! Feel free to give me your feeback. Drink water and I love you you all! ❤️
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noellawrites · 1 year
Become A Bridgerton - Yandere!Colin Bridgerton x reader
requested by: @ilovechickenwings & anon
summary: Colin does something horrible to you on your eighteenth birthday which forces you to marry him.
warnings: rape, noncon, somnophilia, manipulation, drugging, baby trapping, forced marriage, breeding
author's note: this is really dark so please take care of yourself before and after reading <3
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As you entered the Bridgerton home, you were struck with awe. Even better, today marked a special occasion. Today, you were celebrating your eighteenth birthday with your best friends, Eloise and Penelope. Your parents had allowed you to have a small sleepover to celebrate your age, and of course Viscountess Bridgerton and the elder brothers would be watching over you three.
You walked in through the foyer to the parlor, where most of the family was gathered.
"Oh, (y/n), welcome and happy birthday," the Viscountess said, embracing you in a warm hug.
"Officially marrying age, how exciting?" Benedict teased as he turned away from his easel and looked at you.
"Leave her alone, Ben!" Eloise groaned. Her and Pen stood up from the settee and hugged you as well.
"Do you ladies have any special plans for tonight?" Viscountess Bridgerton asked the three of you.
"I thought we could roam around the gardens and read a bit. Perhaps play pickleball or another yard game," Eloise said.
Behind you, Anthony and Colin entered the parlor. Hyacinth all but jumped into Anthony's arms, and Colin walked right over to you.
"Happy birthday, (y/n), and congratulations," he added, smiling at you and making intense eye-contact. You hadn't seen him since before he had left on his travels, and you had to admit he was now very handsome.
"Congratulations? What for?" you inquired teasingly.
"You are now marrying age, correct? Your mother told mine that you would be entering society next season."
"Oh, well yes, I suppose. I don't feel ready yet at all," you confessed, twisting a lock of your hair.
"If we want to walk in the gardens, we must leave soon," Eloise urged impatiently.
"Oh, right, sorry. I'll see you later, Colin," you added before being pulled away by your best friend.
Even long after, you were left daydreaming about how tight Colin's shirt looked, allowing you to see the outline of his strong chest. You liked the light facial hair he had grown and the new styling of his hair, which suited him much more. You thought about him even while Pen and Eloise were debating about Lady Whistledown, and all throughout your garden walk. What was this feeling blossoming in your chest?
"I'm not ready to be a wife, I feel like I have so much more fun left in my life!" you groaned, stretched out on one of the parlor settees. The Viscountess had allowed you three some time to socialize in the parlor alone after dinner, so you all took the opportunity to get comfortable and talk.
"Being a wife can be fun sometimes," Pen volunteered.
"And how would you know?" Eloise snapped, setting her book aside.
"El!" you scolded.
"There's the marital act, which none of our mothers have explained to us, but it is supposed to feel good. And if you have a nice husband, he might let you enjoy it, too," Pen shrugged. She began to take some of the pins out of her hair, causing red locks to fall around her shoulders.
"The marital act," you shuddered, "those words alone scare me enough."
"Colin, Benedict and Anthony know but they won't tell me. And of course Daphne won't, either. But I assume it has something to do with the process of carrying children," Eloise said.
All of a sudden you heard a loud knock on the closed door. The three of you gasped.
"Bedtime, ladies," Anthony commanded in a stern voice.
"Fine, brother!" Eloise shouted back, rolling her eyes and standing up from the settee she had been laying on.
The Bridgerton house had a quite a few guest rooms. It was one of the reasons you enjoyed staying there, as your home was definitely not as fancy. You made your way to a small guest room the maids had made up for you at the order of the Viscountess.
Taking a deep breath, you shut the door behind you and turned on the oil lamp. You changed into your nightgown and began undoing your hair, twisting the pins and decorative ribbons out of the style. Your mother had done your hair in a special style for your birthday.
A slight knock sounded at your door. Who could it be? Perhaps Penelope needed more sanitary napkins.
"H-hello?" you asked, opening the door slightly. Colin.
"Good evening, (y/n). I was wondering if we could talk? I brought some tea for you."
"This isn't a good time, I'm getting ready for bed," you whispered.
"Just a few minutes?"
"Alright," you agreed. Colin closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed. You sat down next to him, taking the tea saucer from his hands and sipping tentatively.
"You never told me, how was Greece?" you asked, looking up at the man beside you. Although he was only twenty-three, he felt like a grown adult compared to you. Even at eighteen, you still felt like a little girl.
"It was beautiful, (y/n). Maybe I'll bring you there someday. Would you like that?" he asked, eyes trained on you as you took another sip of the tea.
You nodded, wanting to speak but finding yourself unable to. You tried to set down the tea saucer but Colin took your hand and raised it up to your mouth again.
"W-what are you--" you stuttered before he made you take another sip.
"Shh, it's okay my love. Just drift off to sleep," Colin urged. After you finished the tea, he helped you lay comfortably on the bed.
You fought to keep your eyes open, but the last thing you saw was Colin staring at you with a sickly smile.
You awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun streaming through the guest room's shades. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you realize there was a sharp pain in your lower region. It was not yet time for your monthly cycle, but perhaps you were early?
The shooting pain was still there as you hobbled to the washroom, hoping a quick urination might relieve the pain.
You looked into the bowl after you were finished, a small bit of blood there. You must be starting early, there was no other explanation. Maybe Colin knew something, as he was there with you before you fell asleep. You went to sleep a lot quicker than you'd been meaning to, but perhaps it was because you had a long day.
About six weeks later, you still had not gotten your monthly cycle since before you'd stayed at the Bridgerton's, aside from the small bit of blood from the toilet. You felt fragile and constantly sick. You looked bigger and your breasts felt heavier. You'd never felt anything like this, and you were scared. Did you have the plague? How could you have even gotten it?
After a few weeks of worrying, your parents were able to get a doctor out to your house to check on you.
The doctor, a stern old man, examined you, asked questions and inspected you thoroughly. When he was finished, he took your parents aside.
"You stupid, stupid girl!" your mother yelled from across the room. You looked at her, confused and surprised.
"What are you talking about?" you asked innocently.
"Who did you have sexual relations with?"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
"The marriage act, who did you do it with? Oh my, we must find the boy and ask him to do the honorable thing and marry her. Or else she'll be a soiled spinster!" your father shouted.
"I didn't do the marriage act, I promise! I don't even know what it is, I've never even kissed a boy!"
"If you will not be honest, we must take this into our own hands as soon as possible. You are pregnant, stupid girl," your mother spoke. She yelled back and forth at you with your father, but your brain couldn't comprehend it anymore.
You were confused, having been sick for almost six weeks straight. Six weeks ago was your birthday, when you had fallen asleep by Colin. Could that be the marriage act? You would have to speak with him as soon as possible. How does one get pregnant?
"I need to see Colin," you tell the butler urgently once you arrive at the Bridgerton estate.
The butler nods and escorts you to what you assume is Colin's study, as he is sitting there at a desk, writing in his journal.
The butler leaves and you make a guttural noise, alerting Colin of your presence.
"Oh, hello! It's great to see you again, (y/n). I've been expecting you."
"Y-you have?"
"Yes. I heard the doctor was coming to your home to check up on you. I knew it meant my seed had taken."
"Marry me, my love. We can travel with our baby and eventually settle down. You will have a luxurious life with me, more than with anyone your parents could pick for you. Come on, (y/n). Become a Bridgerton."
"What did you do to me?" you cry, reaching your hand gently down to touch the tiny bump of your stomach.
"The tea I gave you put you to sleep and boosted your fertility. I picked it up at a bazaar in Greece, when I first had the idea to do this. I consummated our marriage, though a bit early. You would be wise to accept my proposal. This is your only chance at a good life, (y/n)," Colin explained with a slight smirk on his face.
You slid to the floor, dress cushioning your fall. You nod through the tears, in disbelief that Colin had taken advantage of you. You didn't even know what he'd done to you. You weren't sure you wanted to know, either.
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siswritesyanderes · 4 months
Okay, brainstorm.
I'm torn between wanting the characters to be ruthless in the non-violent social sense that leaves their opponents destitute, or leaning fully into "They're rich enough to get away with murder."
So, I'm thinking the Bridgertons are just ALL yanderes. It's just a family thing; just yanderes all the way down. They banter about it. Violet and (the dad; I forgot his name) were yanderes for each other, and their children are all amazed at how well their mother survived losing him so suddenly.
In their childhood, the Bridgertons are all platonic yanderes. (When they do have childhood crushes, they don't usually feel yandere towards those; they're just cute little childhood crushes.) With their friends, they tend to be highly protective, or clingy, or jealous. Any one of them will kill for their family without a second thought and bury the body on their own land. Maybe someone hurts little Eloise's feelings, Daphne tells their older brothers, and Anthony, Benedict, and Colin sink a body in the river that night. Or rather, Anthony and Colin do, while Benedict preserves their alibi.
(At this moment I'm going to write about the canon relationships of those of them who have those. I'm open to asks about what specifically you're looking for.)
Daphne is yandere for Simon. She has modeled herself to be the perfect diamond, and Simon, as much as he tries to be, cannot make himself harder than a diamond. In fact, he is moldable, and fragile, and she adores him. Simon is not a yandere and also doesn't really get that Daphne is a yandere. He hasn't been romantic like this with anyone before, so he doesn't know what a normal level of possessiveness is. He's been taught that women need to be wary of him, not vice versa. Her genuine innocence to matters of the flesh shields her from a lot of scrutiny. How can someone who has never touched herself be thought guilty of taking undue license with a man? How could someone with such wide, naive eyes be thought guilty of manipulating anyone? At every step, she guides him into the palms of her hands, and she loves how he succumbs.
If she ever had her eyes on someone other than Simon, in keeping with my fondness for poly yanderes, most likely she would first verify that Simon likes the person, too. It's not beyond her capabilities to guilt him for liking someone else and leverage that to get him to go along with whatever her plan is to pursue this unconventional relationship. But I think she would pick a gentler way to convince him, and only resort to shaming him if he resists the gentle approach. Maybe the one they both love can be hired as a "nanny" or "tutor" for their children, and they can enjoy their intimate company in the comfort of their own home. That could work even if the person marries someone else, and anyway, who's to say the unfortunate rival won't trip on a slick road or drunkenly fall into the Thames?
Anthony thought he felt that Bridgerton obsession for Siena; he pursued her relentlessly on the basis of what he believed he was supposed to feel. When that didn't pan out and he still felt basically like his normal self, he decided that he must not be like the rest of his family. And good! Because he didn't want to fall in love anyway.
Then he met Kate, and suddenly his ruthless self is unleashed in full. She was the sun in the morning, the air he breathed, and he needed as many hooks in her as possible to make sure she didn't go anywhere. When she seemed to distrust and resent him, he courted Edwina. Now Kate had to be around him. But as he wormed his way closer to her, she planned to leave for India as soon as Edwina was married. That couldn't be allowed. Every step he took was contrived to erase the possibility of Kate leaving him. Honestly, we could say that he deliberately caused her to fall off her horse, if we wanted to. Kate does recognize that he feels and behaves abnormally toward her, but once she comes to terms with being romantic with him in the first place, she's able to handle his yandere side pretty easily.
If he ever had his eyes on someone other than Kate, he might kidnap them in secret. Again, he just needs them not to leave. Kate finds out, because she's on top of everything always. She isn't really yandere, but she already manages his obsession with her on a daily basis. Now, she manages his obsession with the new person, the ethics of kidnapping, and the need to contain the scandal of what he's done, by basically helping him to craft a plausible narrative around what happened. (Maybe they found you in the woods, having gotten lost and ill, and were keeping you in their home until you were well enough. You're still not allowed to see anyone; who would question the Bridgertons? Kate makes sure you're comfortable and reins in Anthony where necessary. He worships her for being so understanding of his needs.)
I haven't seen season 3 yet and so I don't have a full handle on Colin right now.
Benedict will gladly pine forever. He has a kind of romantic enjoyment of the sensation of yearning, so he could paint his love and watch his love and tease his love forever. But, given the expectations of the society they live in, his love might be obligated to marry someone. He will very amicably ruin anyone his love courts. Scandals everywhere. Without the slightest dip in his wistful smile, he will set everything into place to have his rivals socially destroyed, in the ton, and when his love is left with no one else to court, then he will appear with all the love in his heart. If the person is looking for a husband, then he's their last chance. If they're looking for a wife, then Benedict will cleverly contrive it so that they read as best friends, artistic partners, whatever else. Maybe his love has found themself to be inexplicably cut off from any money and resources they once had. The crucial thing is that he will never have to vie for attention. He only has to introduce himself, and they will concede to his love willingly. And then he'll unload his deluge of paintings and sculptures and poems onto them. He might do this with Madame Delacroix.
Also, maybe Penelope's a yandere? Just separately. Idk, she has too much subtle power to ignore.
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fancyfeathers · 1 month
Reading one of the latest posts regarding the kids, I wonder what would happen if Eloise somehow ended up falling in love with someone? Like maybe the time she for once is not grounded, she ends up meeting a young noble man from university at Durham or something like that and they just hit it off. Like how would William react, I mean- does he really expect her to be locked up for the rest of her life? 😭 i just want the girl finally experience some happiness for once 🥹
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
I thank you for this because I have been thinking about this and I finally get to post about this
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I can picture her being dragged along by her Uncle Louis, or whoever is watching her when she is grounded, to drop off a telegram or letter that came for William. While Louis is off in the classroom, talking to her father, she is waiting outside, flipping through a book she got as a gift from Andrei.
“Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and judging by that cover on the book I would say it is a first edition copy, a rare find to say the least.”
“You read Jane Austen?”
“Of course I do, why would I not. I would go as far to say that I admire the author because by choosing not to marry and writing novels instead, Austen challenged the notion that unmarried women could not support themselves, she is quite the feminist.”
A young man did indeed approach her, glancing at her book then at her. I imagine him as an Language or Literature major with an interest in history as well, so he really would not be in any of William’s classes. But they barely get past exchanging names before she has to leave, but as she glances back at him he is also looking back at her. But little did Eloise notice that while they were talking she didn’t even notice him slipping the book from her hands that is until someone comes knocking on the front door of the estate after dinner, and she goes to get it.
“You dropped this, I thought I would return it, I would have gotten here sooner but my roommate needed help with his essay.”
“Oh thank you, I did not even realize I had dropped it.”
“Well lucky for you I have a very good eye, have a good evening Miss Eloise.”
When she goes back to her room after getting ready for bed, she opens up the book to see a note written by him as well as his family’s estate address in London.
I meant what I said about having a good eye, if you need anything you can find me at the university or at this address.
His mind and Eloise’s are one in the same because who she would fall for is someone who sees the same as her, someone she can confine in and have them completely understand. I imagine his personality being much like Vincent Phantomhive’s from Black Butler, specifically when we see him when he was young and his school, but their relationship being like Enola and Tewkesbury from the Enola Holmes films where they work together perfectly but also like Francesca Bridgerton and John Stirling from Bridgerton where she can actually know who she is with him because she has that space to breathe for once.
They see each other when she is dragged along to the university and every time she sits on the same bench while she waits so he knows where to find her and they talk or just sit together in the silence. Then when they both are back in London, they write to each other with Andrei being the messenger between the two, and the letters are extremely long, both of them feeling like they can just spill everything to the other and open their heart completely.
The change in Eloise’s behavior would be noticeable, going from quiet with a constant grim expression to being quiet with a smile as if her thoughts please her for a change. William would ask her about her change in personality but she would never tell her father, but maybe she would tell her mother. So William is curious about this change, one of the reasons could be she had met someone but the question is who. So when Eloise is sitting out on the bench and William is talking to Louis, who brought her along, he goes out to retrieve his daughter for a change and he sees her talking to one of the students at the university.
“Eloise, Louis is waiting for you in the carriage.”
The two are clearly startled when they hear her father’s voice, but Eloise gets up to leave but not without giving the young man a small wave and smile. William then just looks down at the young man, his expression never changing from his calm cover.
“You have been courting my daughter, is that correct?”
“So what if I am? After all it is a mutual attraction so therefore this nothing wrong as we are both are of age for such things.”
“That may be true, but you are courting her without my permission-“
“I do not not need your permission, I only need her consent, but that is something I doubt you know of given what I have heard about your relationship with your wife, her mother. Any which way I do need to get to my next class, good afternoon, Professor Moriarty.”
Then just like that he gets up and walks off without another word. William looks into the young man and his family, he is the heir to the family and the title and honestly his family is without an evil deed and they raised their son to be the same. There is nothing wrong with the young man, besides his lack of filter between his mind and mouth. He is exactly like Eloise, but that is also a danger, especially to William’s plans.
Eloise would be isolated even more from the outside world even more than before, it is for her own sake is what William tells her. Even then the two still exchange letter through Andrei and this could still go on for months or even a year and nothing would change between them.
Then when William dies she finally has the freedom to go off and do what she wishes and the first thing she does is run right to his family’s home in London, right to him and I would honestly think he would have proposed to her soon after but the wedding itself would be years down the line because for now they are perfectly happy with just being in one another’s company.
Also this is their song
(A/N- I finished typing this up and I asked Kitty for her thoughts on his personality and she just goes “Vincent Phantomhive would have been a teenager sometime within the Victorian Era… just saying.” Guys I think Kitty ships Eloise with young Vincent Phantomhive… this is whyI can’t compare characters to other anime characters because of my girlfriend/cowriter lmao)
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itsss4t4n · 10 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Sally face
-Sal Fisher
-Travis Phelps (male or gn readers)
-Larry Johnson
-Ashley Campbell
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Rise of red
-james hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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ao3feed-kathony · 2 months
Lady Whistledown and the Diamonds of the Lost Water
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57351871 by byebyelullabye Dr. Penelope Bridgerton has had her fair share of adventure. And she's so done with it. The stolen treasure, the double identity, and the dashing archaeologist she continues to hold a torch for? It's everything she's run from three years ago and she's not going back now. Especially not when she can just find the treasure from her hideaway in Derry… At least not until a blast from the past walks through her door… AKA The Indiana Jones x The Mummy Bridgerton AU THAT HAS BEEN STEWING IN MY HEAD FOREVER Words: 1613, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Derry Girls (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Phillip Crane, Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett, Benedict Bridgerton, Edwina Sheffield | Edwina Sharma, Genevieve Delacroix, Violet Bridgerton Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton/Phillip Crane, Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett/Benedict Bridgerton Additional Tags: Inspired by Indiana Jones, Inspired By The Mummy (Movies 1999 - 2008), Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Colleagues to Lovers, Fake Character Death, Angst, the angst is the from the faking of death, they're not really dead you just need to think that for the pining to be achieved, Sad Colin Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton Being an Idiot, Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington-centric, Protective Colin Bridgerton, Colin "My Wife" Bridgerton, colin is an archaeologist, penelope is a historian turned librarian, she still does lady whistledown but in a different flavor, phillip is a woman because i say so, lesbian eloise bridgerton is what the people deserve, kate and sophie and gen are penelope's accomplices, they're lady whistledown's angels, Jealous Colin Bridgerton, if i could make him yandere i would but the world is not ready for that i fear, No beta we die like Edmund, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, theres no specific time bc haha no, the vibe and setting is 90s but the dialogue is 2020s, there are derry girls references and some characters, BAMF Penelope Featherington, Confident Penelope Featherington, also Penelope is a gifted child because i say so, polin gives off brendan fraser and rachel weisz from the mummy enegry, Polin, michael is colin's bff, colin needs more friends so he can distinguish his feelings for pen, this is fic is very penelope-centric read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57351871
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auroracalisto · 2 years
SCHEDULE | hello again! here are my scheduled fics for the month. once it is published, i will update this post to show a link to the fic! :)
last months scheduled posts
for the month of january:
1/04: sharing a bed with your husband. (imagine - iceman x gn!reader)
1/09: the morning after (hangman x gn!reader)
1/18: yandere!klaus mikaelson headcanons (gn!reader)
1/21: you've got this (iceman x gn!reader)
1/27: stupid for you (modern!eloise bridgerton x gn!reader)
i will post a new one for the month of february <3
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shadowmythe · 3 months
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ℝ𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝔾𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤
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✮ Request a character for a fanfic through the Google Form (request here) or send me an ask
✮ If you send me an ask please specify the character, the type of format your looking for (or if you want me to choose) and a brief description of what you want
✮ If you send a request don't expect it to be posted quickly
✮ I reserve the right to refuse to write any request I feel uncomfortable with
✮ Request a shifting script through the Google Form (request here)
✮ Scripts for media I am not familiar with may take me longer to make as I have to research to fully create the script
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What I Will Write
✮ I am open to writing nsfw content
✮ I will write: fluff and smut
✮ I write for:
My Hero Academia (Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, Momo Yaoyurozu, Itsuka Kendo, Keigo Takami/Hawks)
Disney/Pixar (Valentina "Val" Ortiz, GoGo Tomago, Maya Hart, Sasha Waybright, Emira Blight, Wendy Corduroy, Isabela Madrigal)
Marvel (Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Natasha Romanoff, America Chavez)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Riza Hawkeye, Olivier Mira Hawkeye, Roy Mustang)
Scream (Kirby Reed, Sam Carpenter, Tara Carpenter)
The Disasterous Life of Saiki K (Kusuo Saiki, Kokomi Teruhashi)
Stranger Things (Robin Buckley, Max Mayfield)
Ouran High School Host Club (Kyoya Ootori, Haruhi Fujioka)
Grey's Anatomy (Reed Adamson, Lexi Grey)
The Hunger Games (Johanna Mason, Katniss Everdeen)
Shadowhunter Chronicles (Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fairchild, Emma Carstairs)
She-Ra Princesses of Power (Mermista, Adora, Glimmer, Spinerella, Netossa, Mara)
How To Train Your Dragon (Astrid Hofferson, Heather)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (Enoch, Emma)
Bridgerton (Daphne, Eloise)
Life Is Strange (Chloe Price)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen, Ivy, Jules)
✮ You can try asking for additional characters outside those listed above but I won't guarantee I will write for them
✮ All of my yns are fem presenting and afab but are written with they/them pronouns
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What I Won't Write
✮ I don't write angst very often
✮ I don't write rape, yandere, pedophelia, suicide, self harm, hybrid, abuse or non-con/dub-con (I will write for consensual non-consent)
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𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 | 𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪-𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵
updated 26/08/2024
© 2024 all rights reserved to shadowmythe. Do not modify, repost, or claim works as yours. Do not plagerize. Ask before sharing on any other form of social media.
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sea-owl · 1 year
Do you think yandere Eloise and platonic yandere twins get jealous of Philip's plants?
Oh lovely, thank you for the laugh about yandere Eloise and platonic yandere twins jealousy for Phillip's true love, his plants.
Lowkey, probably. The twins and Eloise probably planned how they were gonna burn down the greenhouse on more than one occasion.
One year, it got bad in the fields. Something was infecting the crops. Thankfully, it was caught early enough, and they could replant, but this meant Phillip's attention had to be mostly towards making sure his lands brought in a bountiful harvest. Which means he worked even longer in the greenhouse.
Eloise understood why he had to work hard and why this needed her husband's attention. For them and the tenants. She also made sure the children understood too. But still, she would like some attention from her husband.
She might actually burn down the greenhouse this time.
Then something weird happened in town. Eloise had taken the twins shopping for items they needed for lessons. Phillip had actually joined them, but had momentarily left to pick up some items needed to continue helping with the crops.
A lord from the area, Lord Mason or Masen, Eloise really didn't care. He got on her nerves. The lord was an infant younger than Hyacinth but liked to pretend he was a rake cable of going toe to toe with Anthony or Michael pre-marriage rakeness.
For some reason, he has set his sights on Eloise, a perfectly happy married lady.
"Lady Crane!" The infant lord called, making his way through the crowd.
Oliver and Amanda gripped Eloise's skirts as they scowled at the incoming lord. Eloise wished there weren't so many witnesses around.
"My lord," Eloise greeted with fake politeness. How she wished there were fewer people.
Lord Mason smirked as he his eyes trailed down to Eloise's bossom. "I am excited to have run into you."
"Really?" Eloise said sarcastically, taking hold of the back of the twins' collars. They don't need a scene in public, especially since Phillip keeping his attention on them today.
"But of course," Lord Mason said. "Such a beautiful rose as yourself always leads me to excitement at even a glimpse."
Eloise wondered if she should just let the kids go and say damn the consequences.
Eloise tuned out the infant lord, her eyes now focused on the hand he had moving towards her. He was going for the stray lock of hair that had fallen loose. Eloise leaned away, ready to bite out a back off when another hand moved the lock of hair behind her ear.
Eloise thankfully knew that hand.
Eloise leaned back into her husband, the twins now focused on their father.
Eloise missed the steely glare her husband shot the infant lord.
Phillip spent the rest of the day with her and the twins. He had apologized for how busy he had been lately, but hopefully, he won't be as needed soon. The family enjoyed their time together, Phillip had surprised them with a picnic, and gifts that he had snuck off to get while in town.
Later that night, when Phillip and Eloise made love, it was different, a good kind of different if you asked Eloise. Phillip was more dominant, like he was marking a claim on Eloise. Eloise loved it. She was as much as Phillip's as he was her's.
When his wife was sound asleep, chest covered in love bites. Phillip quietly cralwed out of bed and made his way over to the servant's entrance. Slipping inside, he found Lord Mason where he left him, completely unable to move from the Nightshade Phillip shoved down his throat.
"Enjoy the show?" Phillip asked.
He didn't get a response, not that he was expecting one. Phillip began to drag the lord down the servant's halls and outside.
"It was such an ugly thing for you to try and take my wife," Phillip said as he came up to where he wanted. Per his instructions, a hole had been dug for the new roses. Phillip tossed the lord in. "But don't worry, your body will soon provide the nutrients for something beautiful."
Phillip finished planting his roses and made his way back inside, where he crawled back in bed with his wife. In the morning, they'll make love again and then have breakfast with the children. Phillip will have to check on the plants, make sure no surprises pop up. But then he'll come back to his family, as he always does.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
thekatebridgerton 2022 Masterlist of aus
this post is going to be long, to be fair, I think I wrote out my favorite aus in 2022. it was a great year creativity wise. So lets take a look:
If Eloise had been closer to Marina her book probably would have been more like a genderbent WHWW pt 1
au If Eloise had met Phillip while he was Married to Marina pt2
Forced Marriage au Bridgerton men edition
Bridgerton couples There was only one bed trope
List of The Bridgerton as mental illnesses darker timeline au
The hoe and the monogamist trope (saint and sinner)
Crack Encanto au post pt1
Crack Encanto au post pt2
Crack Encanto au post pt3
Which Bridgerton is the most insomniac
The Bridgertons on a scale of 1 to 8 Royalty au edition
The Bridgertons as Star wars Characters pt1
Philoise almost meeting aus
Gregnelope crackship au idea
Kanthony first words soulmate au aesthetic
Bridgerton couples mafia au p1
Kate interviewing for the wife Position au
Wallflower Penelope has no suitors because…au
Violet Bridgerton time travel fix it, multicouple oneshot
Reverse TVWL What if Kate tried to go after Benedict au
Mafia au pt 2, the Kanthony drabble
Mafia au pt3 Polin edition
Bridgerton couples Star wars au pt2 the story
Philoise College professor x student au
She’s all that polin au
Colin vs the angry wallflower and the bored modiste oneshot
Masterlist of Birdgerton rom com ideas
Polin Made of Honor au (ft bluerosejuliet)
Bridgeton couples Criminal minds au
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Abduction to love
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Best friend brother + brother’s best friend
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Two person Love Triangle
Polin Aesthetic prompt: The one that got away
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Childhood marriage promise
Polin Aesthetic prompt: friends with benefits
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Fish out of water
Addams family au vignete
Polin Aesthetic prompt: Secret baby au
Polin Aesthetic prompts: Polin in Law enforcement
Sophie as Benedict’s mistress, comedy au
Polin Aesthetic prompts: Neighbours to lovers au
Bridgerton mafia au post #4
Bridgerton couples Yandere au part 1: the plot
Bridgerton reincarnated au pt1
Bridgerton Yandere au pt 2, how it may end eventually
Bridgerton yandere au pt3
Bridgerton yandere au post #3
Bridgerton Yandere au post #4, Gregory’s take
Philoise meet cute S2 au
Reincarnated au pt2 Franchesca version
Genderbent Felicity: Felix Featherington verse pt1
Ghost x Reincarnation au pt1
Kanthony as rival fashion designers au
Kanthony Medieval warlord au
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss OG post
Kanthony twisted Cinderella au
Bridgerton Couples, write on your skin soulmate au
Bridgerton couples professional Athletes au
Reincarnation au part 2
Reincarnation au pt3: the climax of the story
Bridgerton Reincarnation au pt4: the plot thickens
Ghost x Reincarnation au pt2
Genderbent Felicity: Felix Featherington verse pt2
Reincarnation au p4
Twisted Fairytale Full au pt2
Kanthony pirate-ish au
Penelope fake Dates Phillip, Polin au
Polin meet the Robinsons idea
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss inspiration idea pt2
Bridgerton Ghost Whisper au pt1
Felix Featherington verse pt 3
Bridgerton couples Sherlock Holmes au
Reincarnation au pt5, Saphne edition
to the anon who asked which were my favorites, for the 2022 aus, its really hard to pick, I absolutely adored writing my Twisted Fairytales Bridgerton au and one of these days a will totally write a full fic about it, but also the Star Wars au and the Mafia au were so much fun!! I loved writing those. The reincarnation verse was also so good, and arghh I should have expanded on the Criminal minds au.
Long Story short, it's really hard to pick which was my favorite au to write in 2022, but the ones I listed above always make me grin like a maniac, even when I'm busy and sleep deprived.
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Alright folks I think it’s time, and excuse me for my awful grammar I am currently high off my meds, for us to discuss what kind of yanderes the Bridgertons would be.
Yes! We are taking a darker turn for our beloved Bridgertons.
I’ll go first, I think Colin’s the manipulative kind of yandere. It’s HC that he’s naturally the most charming Bridgerton and I can definitely see him use this to his advantage to avoid raising any suspicions from the Ton. Whether he uses it with his family or they’re all yanderes and they just find it normal for him to be like that is completely up to you folks. However, I can see how Penelope can easily fall for his sneaky ass.
Think about it, Colin knowing all this time that Penelope has a crush on him and thrives on her attention. He doesn’t like her back, no, (or he doesn’t think he does) and only uses her for validation because yes he can be a narcissistic bitch. So he spends years stringing her up, he knows what he’s doing, he can see how she stutters when he smiles at her the right way. Or when her eyes become a bit more tender when she looks up at him every time he seeks her out. He doesn’t think it’s wrong to get her hopes up, he finds it thrilling and for him he was doing her a favour for giving her a bit of his time. So for him, it’s a win-win. He gets some fun and attention out of this—until he meets ‘The One’, because ofc that’s going to be like a thing for all the yandere Bridgertons, finding ‘The One’— and she gets to live out some of her childish fantasies.
Then Penelope hears the ‘I am certainly not going to marry Penelope Featherington’ conversation between the Bridgerton Brothers and her rose tinted glasses come off. She’s hurt, devastated in fact, but then she realises he never ever saw her like that. He probably only saw her as his younger sister’s best friend, another younger sister if you must, and he never actually made any indication he actually liked LIKED her. Painful as it is, she then realises how foolish she was and decides to grow up and move on from her silly childhood crush. She still likes him, yes, but she knows it will never be and stops overanalysing every single thing Colin Bridgerton does and says. It’s disconcerting at first but it’s also kind of freeing. She finds herself more relaxed and her conversations with Colin and every Bridgerton comes easier now. With no pressure of pleasing the Bridgertons for the sake of keeping their approval, she finds that she really doesn’t mind voicing out her opinions and not forcing herself to converse with them. This ,unbeknownst to Penelope, gains the Bridgertons’ respect but maybe not so much for a certain clueless himbo.
He doesn’t understand why he feels so irritated when Penelope no longer gazes up at him with lovesick eyes or why he feels jealous when she no longer stops a conversation with one of his siblings to talk to him. All he knows is that everyone is taking away his “Pen time” and family or not, this has got to stop.
Of course, in his usual Colin “is a certified himbo” Bridgerton fashion, he doesn’t realise that he’s actually found “The One” until Pen’s realisation. Now, Colin Bridgerton is a man on a mission.
Unfortunately for him, Penelope has already done some growing up and isn’t as easy to manipulate like before. Colin doesn’t mind because of course his future wife and the love of his life was intelligent like that, so he ups his charms instead. He takes his time, he tries to rebuild their friendship, he hogs her attention under the guise of making it up to her. And he can see it work, the stuttering comes back—though not as bad as it was before but he’ll take it—and her eyes become tender when she looks at him again. Penelope thinks it’s because they finally know each other’s real selves, Colin knows it’s because he’s caught her in his trap again. Penelope might think she’s grown but he’s spent a much longer time manipulating and playing with people for his own gains.
Then he finds out about the Lady Whistledown thing and he falls even more in “love”.
Not only was his future wife intelligent, she was brilliant too. He believes that he and Penelope couldn’t be more compatible than they are now, both intelligent people who use their words to manipulate the Ton. This was also more leverage on Penelope should she decide to leave him. The carriage scene still happens but they definitely go all the way and he uses it to get them married as soon as possible, he refused to waste any more time and allow Penelope to regain her bearings and rethink his marriage proposal.
There’s no Lady Whistledown reveal, Cressida Cowper is silenced in a more brutal manner, and the popular columnist stays in business for a few more years. If the columns had more of his opinions than usual then it was no one’s business but his and his wife’s. They stay married and blissfully in love for the rest of their days, with Penelope none the wiser about what and who her husband really is.
He doesn’t think anything’s wrong with it. He and Penelope are in love. Compared to Anthony’s corporal punishments to subdue his snarky and bullheaded wife and Benedict’s forced isolation in the countryside, he thinks he’s done a pretty clean job of keeping his “The One”.
If it meant keeping those rose tinted glasses on Penelope and twisting things to his own benefit then so be it.
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noellawrites · 1 year
How do you think the Bridgerton's would react when they find out that reader was pregnant with Yandere!Colins child? I'm so obsessed with your writing❤️
thank you so much! 💖
link to Become A Bridgerton
Anthony would be shocked and insist Colin marries reader immediately to avoid scandal and make it seem like baby had been conceived after the wedding.
Benedict would say he ‘knew you two had been in love for years’ and would say he saw it coming, honestly wouldn’t be very surprised.
Daphne would be shocked and probably one of the only ones to speculate that reader probably didn’t want it. she understands how nerve-wracking it can be for the girl, and she knows that Colin knows how babies are conceived.
Eloise would be shocked and wouldn’t believe whatever lies Colin has reader tell her. Eloise would also have a hard time believing her brother would be capable of that level of abuse so she just assumes it was mutually consensual.
Gregory and Hyacinth would be excited to welcome reader into the family and want to be the first ones to hold their new little niece or nephew.
Viscountess Violet would definitely believe reader had been manipulated to some degree, knowing how her sons can be. she is as understanding and welcoming as possible to the reader, because she didn’t really have a choice to become a Bridgerton.
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