#yandere ellie williams
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cevherien · 11 months ago
Ellie Williams, ྀི♡
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons
Along with your blood, sweat and fresh wounds.
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Warnings Yandere, Smut, Angst, Blood and Gore, Violence, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy, Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Lesbian Sex, ww, Sapphic, Drugged Sex, Dubious Consent, Kidnapping, Verbal Humiliation, Abuse, Toxic relationship
Also, hey. Dark content. Clearly. Kidnapping and yandere business is never consensual so keep that in mind.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Before Ellie started showing her lovesick tendencies, you'd thought that she was just the type of girl to be possessive over her loved ones, like a protective dog. But the more into the relationship you got the more intense her obsession became.
Insufferably jealous and easily irritable.
During sex she started getting rougher with you, leaving more visible marks across your body with her skilled mouth. Mumbling curses under her breath about how she couldn't bare to lose you, how you were meant to be. How much you meant to her.
"Tell me you'll never leave me angel, say it." she'd urge while two fingers knuckle deep into your sweet pussy, the pussy that belongs to her and her only. Curling them to your G-spot with ease, getting you to the edge with only simple movements.
With the way she blurs your thoughts, head in the stars with the satisfaction of each stroke, you can't get yourself to respond. All that leaves your lips are moans and the occasional call for her name.
Now that just won't do.
She'd grab your chin with her free hand, fingers squeezing your cheeks with a little more force than necessary, "I said tell me, tell me how much you need me." her fingers stop their movement so you can focus on her words better. "Say you'll never leave. Promise."
That night was the first time you saw such a dangerous spark in her pupils, one that spoke volumes about what was about to come.
"I promise, Ellie."
Not like you had a choice in her eyes.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Real messy.
We all know she gets the job done, she is no rookie in the killing game. This is not something new for her, the killing atleast.
But now she has you, she swore to be more careful to not get any unwanted attention from people but it's not her fault that a pretty little thing like you attract the worst kind of pesticides. She won't even dare call them human, just filth. Filth that wants to take you away. Unacceptable. Unforgivable.
Ellie violently stabs the now completely unrecognizable corpse. Been going at it even after it died. This little piece of shit had its eyes on you. Undeserving little whore that was, thinking it had a chance.
Her angry screams fill the night along with the wet splash of blood everywhere leaving god knows how many stab wounds behind.
Ellie pulls back away, but not without spitting at it for one last time.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Never. You are her sweetheart, her lifeline. The blood that pumps in her veins, it's all for you. The breath in her lungs rushes in for you and her heart beats with the contagious love she carries for you.
But the catch is, she expects the same from you. It's only fair, no? If Ellie is to dedicate her all for you, she thinks you should be doing just the same.
She worships you, quite literally.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Anything thats for your own good, for your own safety. She knows what's best for you, always. The more you deny, the more pervasive and stubborn she'll get, leaving you no freedom left whatsoever.
But in her eyes your freedom belongs to her. Just like how you do too. Her precious baby, all for her to love on, all for her to adore.
She doesn't acknowledge or recognize your autonomy & consent in times like this, yet ask her, she'll deny rape. Afterall, aren't you her sweet girlfriend, soon to be wife, darling, angel? ,,All her's so she doesn't really need to ask.’’
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Ellie is absolutely infatuated with you. We know that, whats new?
She is truly her genuine self with you, shows you all her colors, which also -unfortunately- includes the ugly aspects. Since she loves you this much, why can't you excuse her imperfections? Love her as she is. as the monster she has become
Disinterested and rude as she may be to others, to her angel she is a saint.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Betrayed, confused and scared..? You were supposed to be by her side no matter what. No matter. You promised. Come back. Don't go. Please don't leave.
Was she too overwhelming for you? Was her love too much?
That night she makes her plans for the abduction.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
She isn't playing when it comes to you, she can't have you abandon her. Ellie genuinely believes she's better off dead without you.
Oh and don't even try your luck running away, your first few attempts were futile and she had gotten more paranoid and violent after each try, leaving you no choice but hope for someone else to come get you. But Ellie would make sure nobody even knew of you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Probably first week of the kidnapping, just freshly captured and kept in Ellies basement for the time being, until you accept the shackles your new life, she'd be keeping you safe and sound.. or with no sound with the gags she used on you.
In her defense, you were screaming too much, tch her poor baby. You might just damage your throat and that just won't do. It's for your own well being baby, she swears.
"It hurts me more than it hurts you puppy, you know that."
The night that she drugged you, once too many times, she'd swore upon her love for you that this would be the last time. Since.. you won't be needing that no more, Ellie had planned this long before but now that it was finally happening, it felt surreal.
But hell, she couldn't keep her promise.
Why'd you have to misbehave so much? Just sit tight and enjoy your new life with her; getting used to it would take time, sure, but she had that in mind when she captured you, giving you some alone time in the basement to.. ehm, cope for a lack of a better word, cope with the loss of your old life, your freedom, your ways of living.
And soon yourself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
After the difficult first two weeks in the basement with a fit thrown every other day, it was inevitable for your resolve to slowly crumble, shattering into in salvageable pieces like the shards of a broken wine glass; knocked, devastated, broken.
And that's exactly what she wanted, what she needed. She had too many things in mind for you: wife you up, keep you safe in her grasp. Her little doll to do whatever she desired. But planning too far ahead was never Ellies forte, you knew that. Her kidnapping you was impulsive and selfish, and she doesn't regret it one bit.
But for now, she'll just have you all by herself. Keep you naked for her viewing pleasure, her sweet insatiable eye candy you were.
Just sit pretty, thats all you had to do.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Once she feels like you finally accept her and your new life she would start taking you out occasionally, not too much though, and you can't leave her side not even for a second. Ground rules are to be followed, and thats one absolute.
And at days when she felt jealous or envious, sometimes for absolutely no reason, she'd take it out on a complete stranger she claims looked your way weird or stared at you for too long. When she doesn't have anybody else to blame she takes it out on you.
"Baby how could you do something like this to me? Betraying me and my trust like that..?" she'd spit on your face while fingers digging through the sensitive skin of your cheeks, "Is that what you are, bitch? A whore?"
"Ellie please-"
"A fucking whore that tries to seduce anyone she possibly can, and for what huh? All you need is me, don't you get it-!"
With that Ellie has her way with you for the rest of the night. Nose buried deep into your cunt, sniffing in your scent while she sobs as you are too tired to shed more tears. She'd apologize a mantra, yet your body would be too boneless tired and overstimulated to even respond. You'd only be hearing her pleading in tidbits in your state.
sorrybaby sosorrybaby imsosorry iloveyou please pleasedontleave dontleave me please dont leave
Before the usurp, before she opened your eyes as to what kind of person she truly was, before all the trauma and abuse, when you two were just an unconventionally overloving couple, she'd be constantly on your neck about how other people had their eyes on you and how she wasn't having it. You'd shrug it off with 'they don't matter to me', 'you're the only one for me Ellie.' or 'why does it matter, just ignore them'
At first she'd listen to you, but time pass, and her impulses get heavier to control leading her to murder them, or worse, torture them behind your back. And things would only escalate from there.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Like a primal fucking animal.
Groping your ass every chance she got, one hand one your waist constantly as if something or someone was going to take you away from her.
Hands exploring your inner thighs when sitting together, occasionally going in too deep and settle on top of your crouch, just lets it linger there. Arousal hits your core in times like this, guilt getting harder to swallow with how enticing her touch is, yet her hand doesn't move. Just holds it still as to tell 'this pussy belongs to me' her eyes recite the same story, 'she's mine right? my cunt.'
When she has you naked, fingers in your mound just fingerwarming your wet pussy barely moving and avoiding your clit and leaking hole, only maybe caressing your puffy wet lips if she's feeling generous. Afterall, you were but trouble at times, and she was just giving you a lesson. Patience.
She was doing much more than you deserved, with how ungrateful you were, she was convinced.
But with the way your nails would imprint on her forearms and wrists, her name falling with heavy moans as you whine for your sweet most anticipated release, she'd give in and slide two fingers in, just easily with the way you were creaming all over her palm.
And when your orgasm finally hits, you cry out with so much pent up satisfaction that it would make Ellie hurl. Music to her fucking ears.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Ellie is hardly around people, and if she is, she's stoic and serious. Really not much of a people person, not anymore atleast. The only person she needs is you, anyway. Why would she bother with incompetent fools.
The only time she's around people is when she's out on a deputy, and it doesn't take her long to come back considering she skillfully handles the missions with ease, swift and faithful with the thoughts of you at home. Home. What a foreign concept made possible by you.
But what could be said is, Ellie has an impossible to read Poker-Face. Try as they might, no use. She's a mystery to everyone but you. She shows the real Ellie to you and you only.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sex. Ellie uses sex both as a gratification and as a punishment. It might sound dubious but really, is the least painful thing she does. Atleast on your end, it makes you feel good even for the shortest of time. Goddamn her and her masterfully talented hands and tongue.
Everytime you cum for her you feel guilty, guilty for feeling good in your situation. Guilty for liking the rape.
Guilty for starting to crave your kidnapper.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
She's certainly patient with you, as long as you don't make a fuss, she'll tolerate you quite fine.
Just.. don't try to leave her, that won't end well.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
You're not going anywhere, she's convinced herself that. Atleast not physically. You're binded to her as long as you live. But what if you die. Then what?
Then she dies too, that simple. If you were killed, she'll seek revenge and pull another Abby hunt before she commits. But more violent this time around, the second time losing someone so close, this close, and now she truly has nothing else to lose.
Her death would be quick and smooth with a revolver to her head. Not wasting any time, she wants to see you again. Maybe in an afterlife. Ellie's never been a believer, she never believed in that kind of stuff, but for you she wants to. She hopes to.
With the pull of her trigger she'd go out effortlessly. Her body going limp with a subtle smile on her lips, ready to see you once again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Regretting kidnapping you? No way in heaven or hell, that was the best thing she'd ever done, the only right thing -she's pretty convinced - she's ever done.
But after every punishment you receive, the smallest resemblance of humanity left in her twinges. Not enough for her to stop or change her ways though. Just an uncomfortable little shiver up her spine.
She's not ever letting you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
All her life, Ellie's been abandoned wether they intended to leave her or not. She'd been left alone for too long, nothing was ever permanent in her life. Every thing and everyone she'd loved and cared for had turned into nothing but a figment of her memories.
... Joel was her breaking point.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She's conflicted when it comes to this, at one hand it turns her on. She can't really explain why. ever heard of a fetish Ellie? But it also hurts her soul to see you suffer like that. And for what?
For you to get used to her that is. If then, she finds no mean in interfering with that. When it comes to that point of denying her so much that you isolate yourself for days, she knows your resolve is about to break soon.
It's just a matter of time before you fully give in.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Definitely the love and admiration she has towards you. She cherishes you so much to the point that, she would not only kill but die for you.
Do what you will with that information.
But she will certainly be hesitant with the self sacrifice route, since she doesn't want to leave you alone. What would you possibly do if she died?
Especially since she made sure to mindbrand you shamelessly.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
This goes without saying but she truly believes there is nothing more serene than having you under her touch, besides wasn't all the hussle she went through just to have you enough to prove it?
And the worship doesn't stop there, not with the murders or the sex. With her devoting everything she is to you, it's only a matter of time for you to get lost and be over consumed by her lust love.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
You're not aware but she'd been watching you left and right for years. Not making a single mistake in her ways or getting caught.
Never thought she would even end up with you at first, but when a night in the bar had you two all over eachother - definitely not because she spiked your drink, it was all for you she says - and fucking like animals all night she asked you on a date and things progressed.
You were completely oblivious to the fact that this was her plan all along. You only thought of her as a faithful encounter, a one night stand turned into your new girlfriend. But Ellie had something completely different in mind.
You have no idea how painful it is for her to be away from you, like ever. After Ellie kidnapped you, she still had to work to keep things moving. Which meant being away from home, from you.
Her being away so often left you all alone in the house, resolve broken from the emotional manipulation she'd been doing to you for so long.
In the earlier days of the abduct you had tried to escape, multiple times. But after some time -and a lot of abuse- you'd became completely dependent on her. The plan she had worked wonders, breaking your resolve and keeping you all to herself till the end of days.
Now you just wait for her arrival like a loyal little puppy. Stockholm syndrome so strong that you feel stressed and anxious when she's not around.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Her poor little innocent angel, you don't know any better now, do you? It breaks Ellie's heart to see you hurt, see you so out of it and shattered, but it had to be done.
When she first took you in and you rejected to eat or drink anything, let alone spare her a glance, it became the only option. Had to have you one way or another. Either you'd eventually submit to your new life or she'd have to get you get used to it.
Has to have you to the point of no return in which you feel the constance of time breathing down your neck everytime you're not with Ellie, not under her touch, not near her warmth. Craving her like some drug. Completely dependent on her to feel something, anything.
Then again, she'd much rather not have you go through a single bad experience with her, -that's what she promised, yet..- unless you really push it she'd be as gentle as the night sky.
Just be her sweet escape, the darling she can come back home to, her beloved. It's about time you get used to it by now.
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graveyardhorror · 2 months ago
𖤓 TLOU ELLIE WILLIAMS | modern!headcanons
misc. masterlist
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-huge nerd and gamer, has played every video game you can think of, don’t believe me just ask her, spends an insanely unhealthy amount of time watching videos breaking down the lore for her favorite games, insists on having to know the meaning of every detail
-her wardrobe consists of old jeans, tank tops and band tees, one pair of “nice” jeans for special occasions and her lucky pair of converse, doesn't own any actual 'fancy' or going out clothes 
-doesn’t see the point in buying new clothes and shoes since she’s content with what she has and doesn’t want more, she has her own sense of style which is comfortable and practicable
-every year she goes on a couple of hunting trips with her old man (adoptive father joel <3) where they go camping and hunt different wild animals like deer, elk, moose, rabbit, and even bears
-hiking and camping trips with joel, having lots of cute and silly polaroids of the two of them during their adventures throughout the years, joel definitely sheds a tear looking at these pictures of his babygirl growing up
-drawing and painting every chance she gets, if ellie has already done all tasks and work she will be working on a new art piece, likes sketching joel when he's not aware/candid because she thinks it captures h
-ellie playing guitar when she can't sleep, gets very excited when she learns a new guitar song/tune because she can't wait to play it for joel; ellie asks joel to play for her all the time, sing too but he's not used quite used to having such a big fan of his guitar skills and as a result refuses to hide his nervousness
-watching dinosaur and space documentaries, her birthday parties always been space or dino themed, having small and intimate birthday celebrations with only close friends and newfound family, because sometimes the best family is the one we create ourselves
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dividers by mikeykuns & cafekitsune
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dilfartist · 2 years ago
Hiii congrats of 1000 followers 💕 , could you please do ellie Williams with “hate you, ellie” (I completely stole it from ur original post) with a kidnapped reader
Ellie stays quiet.
She stands behind you, you sit on “the shared bed”, as she’d refer to it, back turned toward her. There’s a pregnant pause that feels like generations have passed you by until you finally speak again.
You whirl around, gaze hardening on Ellies figure observing as she fiddles with her fingers nervously.
“Are you going to say anything?!” you spit, anger bubbling in your gut.
She stares up at you with glassy eyes, then immediately looks down.
“I know,” she says understandingly.
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sevviesbabe · 4 days ago
Warning⚠️ dark/yandere themes, kidnapping, drugged reader, possessive/toxic Ellie, forced proximity, mild Stockholm syndrome, mentions of potential intimacy. 18+
Minors scroll and do NOT interact, no likes or comments, NOTHING!
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It was quite the introduction, Y/N had little left in her back pack other than first aid supplies that she found on her travel, seemed like a godsend at the time.
Gunshots ahead flying through the trees sent Y/N ducking next to the largest rock she could see, hands pressing into her sunburnt ears from the harsh sounds that still managed to rattle through the ground and into her bones.
Soon the shots died down, replaced by a stranded whimper, one that sounded more gravelly and throaty as it progressed. Y/N had the guts to peer out from the safety of the rock, to find a weathered looking young woman, about 10 meters away, lifting herself up from the ground and perhaps similar age if not older, hard to tell when she appears to wear the impacts of her environment like clothing. Mud both wet and dry covering the bottom of her torn jeans, smothering her flannel shirt, grass stuck to her elbows and prickles woven into her auburn hair. Hair that was pulled up off her face, showing her eyes whose irises swirled adrenaline within them.
The pants stopped as her eyes caught Y/N.
Y/N saw the gun and feared it was her who was shooting, but this woman truly did appear to be on the go, running from someone or people. Seeing this peculiar woman’s eyes lower in almost a retreating manner, the fear slowly left Y/N’s body and on instinct squeezed her backpack that had first aid.
Y/N jogged to this girl, whose attention seemed not fully fixated yet, almost a hundred miles away. “ Here I have first aid in my bag I’ve got anti septic I’ve got bandages even a heating pack-“ the rest of the words were truly a blur to the auburn haired girl, who initially jolted at the jarring sound of rushed panicked words coming from Y/N.
“ I’m Y/N by the way, I’m just travelling! and do you know if those people are gonna come back or what?!” Y/N says in between hurried breaths and she rummages through her bag, pulling out anything that may be useful.
“Ellie.” The green eyed girl says, in a tired and monotone voice. Y/N’s eyes peered up quickly at the sound of her husky voice, feeling in such a shamble that it wasn’t clicking that Ellie was simply saying her name too. “ I’m sorry?” Y/N breathes out, Ellie lazily gestures to herself- “I’m Ellie.”
It seems so long ago now, that first interaction, so simple. Little did Y/N know she’d be residing at a farmhouse for months with no end in sight, or to put more accurately, she’d be kept at the farmhouse.
You see, Ellie watched as Y/N fussed over her scratches when she suggested that they both go to her home and then worry about it. These scratches didn’t compare to her other injuries in the past, but Y/N insisted upon whispering hushed, comforting words to her as she cleaned her up.
Ellie hadn’t quite felt doted over like this before, in fact she hadn’t felt much human interaction for quite sometime. One that didn’t involves quick glimpses of gangs before running for her life, or even being the one that makes people fear their own.
Ellie asked Y/N to get her some water, left to sneak into her study and had pulled out a vial of something menacing to quickly suck up into a syringe, before sneaking up behind her victim and giving her a quick shot to the neck, already holding Y/N still up against her. The glass of water falling from her hands as the vision faded.
And that is how Y/N ended up spending most of her time on a mattress on the floor, tied by a rope attached to hook on the floor to keep her there, which honestly as time went by, she realised having her own bed is probably a good sign. Whilst Ellie practically breathed down Y/N’s neck when she came back from hunting, she only craved fairly platonic touches, at least that’s all she’d show. There’d be the occasional slip up where’d Ellie’s breath would quicken and her clingy hand would drop from an arm to a thigh and glide upwards, bunching up the flimsy shorts she’d have her captive wear and before it’d even registered she did it a whimper would creep up and out of Y/N’s throat, breaking Ellie out of her haze, and would release her grip like you were fire.
Believe it or not, sometimes Y/N would feel bad for Ellie, the look of rejection or either just looking stunned after hearing the frightful noises. Ellie would just pinch her nose bridge in frustration, not clear out of the two of them who she was annoyed at most.
The thing is Y/N knows that it’s only a matter of time, she is the only girl Ellie comes home to, the only person. Ellie clearly has needs, to literally drug a person into staying with them, surely it’s not all just for simply existing in the same house. Shamefully to admit, Y/N would be so bored all day on that bed that when she’d hear Ellie’s footsteps down the hallway, the door creaks open to let in the typical worn down girl, with eyes that look as if weights dragged them down, triggered you to open your body up for a hug, to which Ellie would just fall into and drift off to sleep.
It’s almost as if caring for her gave you a distraction, like she herself wasn’t the one that needed to be saved , but when Ellie wakes and lift her head off your chest and gazes into your eyes, inches apart, it made your breath hitch at the reminder of what she could be expecting from you in the future.
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simpingforblackfire · 1 year ago
Platonic Yandere Starfire and Platonic Yandere Dick x (usually fem) reader (don't necessarily have to be read consecutively to be understood past part one and two but these posts are all a part of the same universe)
Part One: How the reader met Starfire/Dick and when they decided to kidnap her
Part Two: A direct continuation to part one where you realise you have been kidnapped
Part Three: Life with your captors/basically their patience with you
Part Four: Dick Focused: Life with your captors with the focus on Dick and how he deals with being angry at you
Part Four: Starfire Focused: Life with your captors with the focus on Starfire and how she deals with being angry at you
Part Five: Starfire Focused: Drabbles of Life with your captors with the focus being on our girl Star. Basically Star reacting to reader being all pouty and shit.
Part Six: General Drabbles of Life with your captors
Part Seven: When the reader is sick
Part Eight: If the reader tried to run away/if they harmed themselves
Nah I’m good: Platonic (yandere?) Bruce Wayne x f reader x (romantic) Sugar
Part One
Unrequited Yearning Miguel O'hara x FWB reader
The Last of us:
Dom Ellie William x fem reader: basically just Ellie giving the reader head. Porn with feelings type shit.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
I'll crawl home to her: Lucy Gray Baird x fem reader (x platonic Coriolanus Snow)
Part One
Jackieshauna undercover fed au
Happy to take requests x
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smokingcottonclouds · 1 year ago
“Pretty in the face but my attitude stank”
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𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞- 𝐌𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚
𝐀𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 , 20 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 21, billie girly♡, 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫`♡, masc enthusiasts, 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 mean, i don’t write a lot
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭
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zainsane · 7 months ago
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 she/her 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪multi - fandom 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
✧˖°ʚ ♟️ ɞ♡
I like to post whatever, I just started using tumblr :) !
I like making memes and mood boards, sometimes sharing some opinions. no hate to the person
✧˖°ʚ ♟️ ɞ♡
I like listening to music a lot, like kanye west, future, chief keef if you cant tell from my name lol, kid cudi, anything rap, huge ariana grande fan .𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
✧˖°ʚ ♟️ ɞ♡
some of my favourite shows and movies are
Skins, AHS, shameless, Kill bill, the whole harry potter series , I also love fast and furious, The umbrella academy, YOU, I enjoy anime’s too here and there, I don’t post often usually just reblogs .
Sorry for the shit intro, if you have any questions feel free to ask, I also love making mutuals and friends seriously, send me anons i love them and i’d love to be your friend ><!!
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egs-n-bacon · 10 days ago
I haven’t written in so long and I neeed requests I’ll write pretty much anything for any fandom :)))
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drainedfelsh · 1 year ago
m bored at the airport so send me some little topics , smutty concepts u guys have :D ill write little drabbles
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umi-adxhira · 2 years ago
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丂ㄚ丂ㄒ乇爪 千卂丨ㄥㄩ尺乇...
❝Greetings, mortal. Don't worry... I won't harm you. You can take a look... but make no mistake. This data bank is not for the faint-hearted, and if you wish to open one of these files, you must prepare to suffer the consequences.
Even when the years go by and fate has strung around your fingers to intertwine yourself with your upcoming destiny, never forget I am always here. And I am always watching... :)❞
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©️umi-adxhira [18/06/2023]
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ilikereadingthisiswhatilike · 3 months ago
December Recap Part 1
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List was long so here Part 2 Recommendation Master list New Characters: Mel Medarada
(X) = Smut
Ambessa Medarda x Reader @gtgbabie0 Summary: You’ve spent all day sculpting, Ambessa takes it in her own hands to force you to take a break} Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
Diamond Choker @followjupiterslife (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
Roommate Vi @followjupiterslife Summary: Vi waking up hours after the encounter to an empty apartment and a lightbulb-bright idea — it’s been sooo long since she’s made you blush this hard and worried she’s been losing the knack of it, but now it’s like you’ve given her a whole new arsenal of ideas to turn you pretty pink Warnings: None Specials Tags: Roommate Au, Multi Part Vi
Yandere @xlovely-daydreamsx Summary: They will will do anything for the reader besides let them leave? Warnings: Kidnaping, manipulation Specials Tags: Yandere Au Vi, Caitlyn Kiramman, Jinx
Yandere @weepingchronicles Summary: reader was a part of an enemy group that maybe kidnapped Ellie but like over the course of like maybe a couple of days they became friends until you know Joel comes to get Ellie out of there Warnings: manipulation, violence, mentions of death, immolation Specials Tags: Yandere Au Ellie Williams, Joel Miller
Intrusion @abbyslovergirlxo (X) Summary: You, the pretty enforcer are tasked with retrieving very important documents from none other than Lead Commander Ambessa Merdarda. Sounds rather easy, until you see Silco’s right hand woman bent over her desk. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda, Sevika
caitlyn kiramman @pinkclairo(X) Summary: None Warnings: voyeurism , degrading Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
Girl next door @anngelbaby Summary: An heir to a rich family comes to Piltover seeking more suitors than her home land has to offer. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
Through Ash and Iron @playboysaleen Summary: Through Ash and Iron plunges you into the heart of Piltover’s gritty streets, where you’ve always felt the weight of your family’s failures. Rejected from the Junior Enforcer Program, your anger burns brighter than ever—until one fateful punch changes everything. The eyes of Piltover’s elite may look down on you, but it’s the wild eyes of Jinx that truly see you. She’s chaos personified, and you’re drawn to the destruction she promises. But that’s not all. Caitlyn Kiramman, a poised enforcer with a soft spot for rebels like you, offers you a chance to rewrite your future—if you can control the rage you can’t seem to escape. Torn between the order Caitlyn represents and the dangerous freedom Jinx offers, you stand at the crossroads of two worlds. As your power grows, so does the tension between these two women. One promises a chance at belonging, while the other ignites a fire you didn’t know you had. But the choices you make will change everything—not just for you, but for both cities teetering on the edge of war. Who will you choose? And how much of yourself will you lose along the way? Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman, Jinx
[UN] Fair Series @maicenitas Summary: In your attempt to help your mom, everything goes as wrong as it possibly can. Warnings: Neglect ; Violence ; Dark Content ; Torture ; Death ; Explicit Content ; Altered Reality Perception ; Gore Specials Tags: Multi-Chapter Batfamily
Baby blue and the mouse @misswynters Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Sister Au Jinx
domestic @l0vergirlv0mit Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Sister Au Catvi
Using you @yameoto(X) Summary: None Warnings: Girl Cock Specials Tags: None Catvi
not so yours @ones-g (X) Summary: Just Caitlyn being pathetic over a whore, you. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
Unnamed @capitan-queen-anne Summary: morning activities Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Catvi
after the storm @capitan-queen-anne Summary: vi with childhood crush!reader and they've spent years liking each other but were too oblivious/insecure to confess, then vi gets with caitlyn in s1 leaving reader heartbroken Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Vi
Don’t Take It Personal @therealmylesmorales Summary: you’re a little worried about how much time Vi is spending with her new friend Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part Vi
wanna be yours @sunsburns (X) Summary: in the gritty underbelly of zaun, you find yourself entangled in the life of a new pit fighter: vi, a hardened fighter who wears her pain like armour. as a medic working in the fighting pit, you are tasked with patching up her wounds after matches, and you realize that while you can heal vi’s injuries, you can’t mend the broken pieces of her heart that belong to someone else. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part Vi
wanna be yours @sunsburns (X) Summary: in the gritty underbelly of zaun, you find yourself entangled in the life of a new pit fighter: vi, a hardened fighter who wears her pain like armour. as a medic working in the fighting pit, you are tasked with patching up her wounds after matches, and you realize that while you can heal vi’s injuries, you can’t mend the broken pieces of her heart that belong to someone else. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part Vi
How I met your grandfather @prismkith Summary: jinx like introducing her girlfriend, reader to vander/warwick Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Jinx
SWEET CHERRY @megalomaniacz (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part, Cam girl Au! Vi
As the Sun Comes Up @angelltheninth Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Mizu
BLINDS WIDE OPEN @valalice (X) Summary: you've unknowingly attracted the attention of piltover's finest, and now they'll do anything to make sure you're theirs. ( inspired by 'she' by tyler, the created ft. frank ocean Warnings: Stalking, manipulation, emotional distress Specials Tags: Stalker AU CaitVi
fuckgirls @yameoto (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: College AU CaitVi
Toxic @anas-aspiration (X) Summary: Vi gets hurt and when you try to help her she brushes you off aggressively, so you leave her be. You’re still pissed at her for being so harsh when you meant no harm, so when she comes to your apartment, you’re reluctant. Though in the end Vi always gets her way. Warnings: manipulation Specials Tags: None Vi
bathing with ambessa @sheloveschai (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
Housewives @cyber333angel(X) Summary: a day in the life of you being abby’s cute little wife that she loves to come home to everyday, seeing what a typical weekend is for the two of you. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Abby Anderson
SHE WON'T GO AWAY. @evabby Summary: you can't seem to break free from your relationship with abby. Warnings: manipulation, emotional distress Specials Tags: None Abby Anderson
Golden @lonelyfooryouonly Summary: We are thought to love someone for who they are, and if we find the right person, they will love us back for who we are. Spoiler alert, you did not find the right person. Warnings: toxic relationship, controlling partner, manipulation Specials Tags: None Abby Anderson
SHE’S A MANEATER @les4elliewilliams (X) Summary: After bumping into you on her first day of college, Ellie spends the entire year captivated by you from a distance. You're everything she could never be—popular, wealthy, and effortlessly alluring, with a perfect, disgustingly rich family to match. Convinced she didn’t stand a chance, Ellie resigns herself to watching from the sidelines. But when her best friend Dina suggests they work at a public pool for the summer, Ellie agrees, hoping to save up some money. What she never expected was to find you there, commanding the space with a magnetic, dangerous charm that pulls her in. Now, Ellie’s summer is about to take a turn she never saw coming, and she’s about to find out just how close she can get to you before it all falls apart. Warnings: toxic relationship, controlling partner, manipulation Specials Tags: None Ellie Williams
sweet✰honey✰buckin @princesssmars (X) Summary:its a hot spring in the south and rodeo season is here. your hunt for a new fling leads you to an up-and-coming hotshot bull rider with an aversion to groupies. maybe you can change her mind Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Abby Anderson
Vacation time @kdyq (X) Summary: You convince Ambessa to take you on a been needed vacation. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
not your job @maneskinwh0re (X) Summary: thinking about having a long-term brothel contract with sevika. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Sevika
TO SETTLE @r3starttt Summary: domestic night with cait Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
Vacation time @kdyq Summary: You had always worried Sevika and Ambessa when you went out alone, besides the company of your guide dog due to the fact you were blind. And when you come back home with a scrap, they were all over you. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda, Sevika
Have and Hold @itsgivingmami Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Rhea Ripley
Unnamed @soft-beams Summary: caitlyn returns home to you from the undercity Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
I hope she never leaves me, please, God, you must believe me @valalice Summary: Even though the world was ending, Caitlyn and Vi's concern for you was above all else. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None CaitVi
𝐈 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 @abbyssgf (X) Summary: you were dancing in The Last Drop, after a moment your girlfriend join you. Durning the dance you felt sevika's mouth on your neck and the bulge in her pants pressing against your hips... all you could do is to come back to your house and have a fun night with sevika Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Sevika
Yes, General @abbyslovergirlxo (X) Summary: You find yourself in General Merdarda’s bedroom, partaking in what she calls ‘training’. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
𝒀𝒐𝒖. 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔. @mistressmxggot (X) Summary: Ambessa Medarda. A name that struck fear into every person that heard it. A strong woman. A general. A mother. A warlord. Her name held status. Now you? You were an undercity stripper. No titles. No reputation. You didn't expect to ever cross paths with someone so above you, until she was there. Seeing her was enough of a surprise, but nothing could have prepared you for when she saw you. Warnings: Stripping, brothel, smoking, drinking, drugging, kidnapping, some noncon elements Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
Camgirl Ellie @cheyisagirlkisser (X) Summary: Ellie is a broke college student whose options are either selling weed on campus or doing filthy things on live for her mainly female audience. When another famous camgirl joins one of her lives, she is about to have the collab of a lifetime. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ellie Williams
HER LITTLE ASSISTANT @thesecondhandwoman Summary: You never fully grasped at the fact you had been chosen as Ambessa’s personal assistant, a simple girl who had climbed high from the Undercity. But now that you had the chance, you weren’t gonna give it up, no matter how nervous you may be. Warnings: Stripping, brothel, smoking, drinking, drugging, kidnapping, some noncon elements Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
kiss my troubles away @glitterandlasheshq Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Caitlyn Kiramman
MOTHERLY LOVE @thesecondhandwoman Summary: You were Caitlyn’s and Vi’s little kiddo, and they loved you with all their hearts. Today, like every other, showed just how much they truly did. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Child AU, Multi Part CaitVi
Lay My Curses All To Rest. @koiiiso Summary: Within the world was a land neighboring Piltover and Zaun. A land where magic was normalized and accepted, praised even. When dear soldiers from this land were sent to assist their neighbors, a woman catches Caitlyn’s eyes. Perhaps it was the fact that she looked like that of a beast yet so human, or the fact that this woman was a practical parallel of her own self, both the one of the past and the present. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mage AU Caitlyn Kiramman
Dress Me like Your French Girls @mossangelll Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Yandere AU Caitlyn Kiramman, Jinx
i want you to draw me like one of your pictures @opt1mistic Summary: swift moves of your sly wrist. drawing and outlining the curves of her body. allowing you to see her exposed. her chest bare, ready for it to fill the emptiness of your white sketchbook. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Artist AU Caitlyn Kiramman
Thin Ice @opt1mistic Summary: swift moves of your sly wrist. drawing and outlining the curves of her body. allowing you to see her exposed. her chest bare, ready for it to fill the emptiness of your white sketchbook. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Hocky Au, Figure Skating AU VI
it's getting sticky! @princesssmars (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Boxer AU VI Unnamed @cigswme (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: College AU VI
Under The Influence (of Regret) @fishbonex Summary: An already altered discussion has an even worse consequence. Warnings: alcoholism, violence, Specials Tags: None VI
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧, 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 @abbyssgf (X) Summary: your wife was exercising in front of you in your living room during your ovulation. she knew perfectly that you are in the middle of your ovulation so she decided to tease you knowing her exercise will end up by fucking you on the couch Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Sevika
𝗖𝗛𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗨𝗦 @portraitsofguilt (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Lawyer AU Abby Anderson
Keep The Pressure Up @salem-witch-slut (X) Summary: Ellie and Abby love to tease you and torture you. But tonight, they want to see how far you can actually go. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ellabs
Of Bartenders and Bodyguards @salem-witch-slut (X) Summary: After a disaster goes down at the bar the night before Thanksgiving, Abby and Ellie come to your rescue and the two quickly become all you can think about. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Ellabs
rolling 'round the hay @elsgirlkisser (X) Summary: you are the daughter of a wealthy farmer; he has many farmlands but one in particular has caught your eye. despite all of your flirting attempts, she is oblivious, so you bring her up to your room. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Farm AU, Mulit Part Ellie Williams
beg until i'm in. @hcneymooners (X) Summary: you and ambessa are estranged wives, but are you really estranged if she refuses to divorce you, and every time you see each other, you can't help but fall into bed? Warning: None Specials Tags: None Ambessa Medarda
rose moon @hcneymooners (X) Summary: you've always loved sevika, despite the tension between her and your father and their shaky alliance. it was only a matter of time before she loved you back.  Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mafia AU Sevika
escaping @weepingchronicles Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Yandere Au, Multi Part Caitlyn Kiramman
i've loved you for so long @dazevi Summary: reader and vi had something before lockup (maybe reader was desperately looking for her/a body for years and never got with anyone else because they loved vi). first time they see vi again, they’re kissing cait. vi has to make a choice Warnings: None Specials Tags: None VI
animosity of an onryō. @k0yaz Summary: The reader gets captured by Fowler and Mizu rescues her, the reader is basically another medic, very kind and sweet, polar opposite of Mizu, but she knows Mizu is a woman and the two of them fall in love Warnings: mention of injury, violence, blood, gore Specials Tags: None Mizu
Don’t Take It Personal @therealmylesmorales Summary: you’re a little worried about how much time Vi is spending with her new friend Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mulit Part VI
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cevherien · 11 months ago
Our blood stains the future and my tortured senses
Yandere!Ellie Williams, | chp, i.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ After your mental decline and inevitable psychological collapse, Ellie gives you a taste of your new life, and whats more to come.
warnings. Smut, Porn With Plot, Yandere, Angst, Fluff, Kidnapping, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy. Vaginal Fingering, Fingerfucking, Finger Sucking, Lesbian Sex, ww, Sapphic, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Dubious Consent, Dubious Morality Stockholm Syndrome,
a/n: finally out omg,,, chapter zero (of sorts) is here
Ellie knew she didn't have any other choice one way or the other, when the time came, she'd have to do it. Take you away, keep you somewhere safe from all that could harm you.
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The musky, airless basement never felt this claustrophobic since your arrival; getting you to the edge with never ending panic attacks where you'd hold yourself back not to hyperventilate much and use up whatever breathable air was left in this hell hole. Lack of oxygen in your lungs making you feel dizzy and weaker than you already felt.
You were sick and hungry, enraged and betrayed. Cheeks stained with your dried tears, nose runny and mouth dry. It was a cold night. Fear and hunger getting the best of you.
How long has it been since Ellie, the girl you thought was the love of your life, the girl who couldn't dare hurt a single hair on your body had kidnapped you?
Days? Weeks? Years even? You've lost your sense of time here in this basement. The only thing you know for sure is that you lost the strength in you. At first you'd fight back, scream, refuse to eat or drink. Not speaking to her whatsoever, denying her of everything. Not even sparing her a glance.
Ellie was calm and collected throughout this entire process. Even to your surprise, since you know how violent and outraged she got when frustrated.
And oddly she wouldn't do anything to you against your will, at first atleast. Seemingly waiting for your outbursts and meltdowns to come to an end, then she'd strike.
Resolve fully broken, half conscious laying down on the cold concrete of the pit you dare call a basement, with the occasional visit of Ellie to check up on you to see if you're okay. Well shit you're not. Not since the day of your arrival.
You don't even remember her previous visits down, how she'd inject you of something after you completely reject any kind of supplement or food from her, or how she'd try to talk you out of your 'stubbornness' and how you needed to 'accept things as they are now'.
Nightmares and hallucinations, your mind must've been playing tricks on you with the isolation and your situation doing numbers on your mental. Seeing visions from the corner of your eye and waking up screaming in the middle of.. you don't even know. Going through psychosis while your brain blocks out the memories of your stay here from how harsh they had an affect on you, well naturally.
You don't remember anything she has told you throughout her visits or even when you had first opened your eyes to this place. It's all in a haze, memories foggy and grey. Dozing off whenever she tries to speak to you, closing off your senses as a defense mechanism.
Which, also near blocked your good memories with her, your past normalcy and happiness.
You felt dirty, head to toe. Not only by your physical state but your mental and psychological state too. How could she dehumanize you like this?
This couldn't be love, how could it ever be. But you were starting to believe it was.
Ellie knew she didn't have any other choice and one way or the other she'd have to do it. Take you away, keep you somewhere safe from all that could harm you.
It broke her heart too, seeing you in pain like that. But she had to, for your own good. It's all because she loves you and wants to protect you, wants you on her side forever. She just loved too much, cut her some slack. As if.
She gave you the alone time that you needed to accept your new circumstances, gave you her patience and her time too. Knew you'd crumble at one point. Come crawling back to her like you always do.
Ellie unlocks the trapdoor leading downstairs, to the basement, to your prison, coming in to do her daily check in. You were at your usual spot curled up, fingers cold and your skin an unhealthy pale yellow.
Walking towards you with the daily syringe of supplements, she kneels before your corpse-like spent body. You feel her presence and the movement, making you jump up -with much or less what energy you got left- but instead of pushing her away or kicking your feet, tears dwell your lash line. Tired. Worn out.
What would standing against this do you any good? You had no resistance left.
And guess, it was about time you get out of that shell now. Took you long enough, 5 weeks to be exact, but she'd happily wait five more if it means to be with you forever afterwards.
Her hand reaches out to cup your left cheek, you don't pull away. Shivering under her still perfectly intimate touch, even after everything she's done, still as warm as the day you fell in love with her for the first time.
”Oh angel..” you sniffle as her thumb soothingly caresses your chin. Softly nuzzling against her palm, you let loose a sob. A single tear roll down your cheeks, then one more, and more.
”Ellie,“ you sniffle between each word, ”Ellie I'm so exhau– sob `m so exhausted, please,“
Weary eyes settle on her relieved and content ones, almost like a puppy finally getting it's much anticipated treat. Restless nights has finally paid off.
”Come here,“ she pulls you into her arms, squeezing you tight almost as if you could slip away from her grasp, ”finally decided to be good now, princess?“
You nod your head like a makeshift bubblehead, ”Please.. please,“ almost like you were at the brink of another mental collapse- as if there was anything left to break down, all was in ruins anyway.
Her nose buried into your neck, feeling you all so close. Even though you smell like rust, dried blood and sweat, even your foul odor relaxing her muscles. Your filth wasn't something she was repulsed by, seen and felt way worse anyway. You were her divinity, every aspect of you was flawless. Even your perfect imperfections.
She pulls away after remaining like this for some time, then pushes your greasy unkept hair behind your ear and softly whispers, ”I'm so glad baby, so so glad honey.“
Feeling lightheaded by her breath hot on your face, soon you find yourself pressed against her wet mouth, lips warm and soft against your chapped dirty ones. You let her guide your lips, losing yourself in her touch, not even realizing how drowsy you've been getting. Slowly feeling yourself slip away. Passing out on her arms
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
The distant but close sound of still water and the warm embrace of the bathtub pick at you to open your eyes, faintly. Lids still half closed you try to make out whats going on, why it is so calm and why do you feel so euphoric.. Did you die, was this heaven?
Slightly making out the delightful shine of light wherever you were, it wasn't dim like that fucked up jail of room. Nor did it smell bad of rot and old spices. It smelled like a spring breeze when the sun shined brightest in a vogue haze.
The tender bosom of it's flow making you hazier, all the worries gone without question. Where were you anyways? You didn't give much thought to it though. Instead with heavy arms you moved your fingers through the water, a smile tugging at your face. You felt like a little baby, your head felt fuzzy -almost inebriated- until you finally noticed Ellie.
You were so out of it that you didn't even realize she was there all along. Her hands were busy with some materials -yet, you didn't give much thought to that either. Maybe unable to do so would be a better way to put it.- Soon she turned back to you, hands full with hygiene products and brushes. A razor and some cotton too. Softest towels you could ever find in a place like this. Pretty.
Your head falls to the side, pouting lips opening involuntarily. You look at her with your weary but rather relaxed eyes. Her eyes meet yours in a spark, kneels before the tub and puts her palm to your cheeks.
Neither of you spoke, but for different reasons. You felt defeated, weak, feeble... She was excited, stoked to finally have you give in.
Soon, she puts some of the lotion to the bath water with the droplet, then puts the shampoo bar in her hand and gathers up enough to massage it to your scalp. Her hands were gentle. She was going easy on you, slowly washing your hair so then she can continue to care for your other needs.
That must be then where you fell asleep again, she couldn't blame you. You needed rest. A lot of it.
When you wake up, you felt the gentle touch of the back of her index finger caressing the apple of your cheek. You flutter your lashes and mildly bat them to open your eyes to her. Seeing the contagious smile on her lips makes you question everything you went through. Was she still the Ellie you knew and loved, your Ellie that you adored oh so much? You felt crazy for thinking that.
"Morning angel, slept well?"
You get yourself higher with your elbows, looking at her curiously. She was acting as if none of that even happened. Maybe making you feel strange for still tugging on the past. Your face sours a little, getting uneasy at your own thoughts.
Ofcourse Ellie notices "Shhh," she mutters almost to pacify you, "You're okay now, with me." her calloused hands find the small of your back and pulls you close, laying you down on top of her.
You were really too sweet for this world, a naive little girl, a little bunny in a dirty and dangerous world that would prey on you. Hurt you and take you away from her. She nodded to herself about taking you, convinced she did the right thing.
"Angel?" she leaves a small kiss to the crown of your head while her thumb drew circles to your skin.
You could hear her heartbeat from laying directly on top of Ellie, head to her chest. You look up, she drops a peck to the tip of your nose. You felt dizzy and complaint. Must be the drugs.
Everything was happening way too fast.
"I made you breakfast."
"T-thanks.." Breakfast meant another dose of meds, her service meant payback.
Ellie's hands trail lower, holding onto your ass. She had dressed you in Satin, they were oversized. She tugged at your shorts to pull them higher, revealing your buttcheeks. You felt the cameltoe of its material on your folds with her yank, no underwear. Ofcourse.
A small gasp escapes your lips when her hands slide inside the confines of the material to grope your butt, each hand kneading your ass inside your shorts.
"Ellie,–" feeling hot all over, you groan. Pretty sure you weren't supposed to be getting aroused by your kidnapper. But you were a simple girl.
Her hands continue their exploration, middle and ring finger finding your slit and teasing your hole, making you involuntarily rise your ass to meet her hand and open your legs wider. You try to hold in the breathy moans trying to escape you, yet fail.
You yelp when she turns you on your back and sets you down to the mattress, caging you over with her arms at either side of you. Wetness had started to pool on the material of the shorts already, giving a darker stain on its faucet.
She leans in to kiss you and you reciprocate, tongue and spit covering your lips, her hands undoing the buttons of your top to leave you bare. Once the fabric is off you feel the cold air hit you, making your nipples hard and sensitive. You felt so needy and aroused, one part of you wanted to believe it wasn't because of her drugging you but because you genuinely wanted this. A girl can dream.
Her kiss deepened while she pawed at the elastic waistband of your shorts to lower them and reveal your pussy that she missed oh so much. You help her take it off, once removed she forces your legs apart and dips her head down to your tits, suckling and nibbling at your nipples, leaving kisses along your areola and biting down hickeys to the fat of your breasts.
She was purposefully avoiding your aching cunt, puffy lips ready to be played with. But she wanted you to know how much you needed her. Your want for her tenfolding with her tease and shunning.
"Ellie please,-" that's been the only words you've been uttering, funny enough.
"Please what, angel? Use your words with me." She stops her attack on your tits "Let me hear you say it."
You gulp down your dignity, if any was left to begin with. "Need you to take care of me.. down there, please–"
"Down where?" her hands settle down on your thighs still keeping them apart. She never breaks eye contact.
Taking a deep breath, "My p-pussy, please- Need you to play with my pussy s-so bad."
"Good girl."
With that she spits at your pussy, not that you needed it, you were as wet as it gets. Pussy so eager it would cream on her abductors hands.
She uses her knees to keep you apart while one hand lands on your mound and the other holds the side of your waist. Fingers graze your wetness and tease your clit lightly, not giving you enough friction whatsoever.
You whine and she decides to not make you wait any longer, thumb firmly caressing circles to your clit and two fingers aligned at your fluttering hole.
"Missed your sweet pussy, baby." without warning she shoves to digits into your pussy, two knuckles deep, then to the hilt, works you open with her fingers. Your slick making it all the easier.
"Missed it so much," leans in and gives you a sloppy open mouthed kiss, tongue urging itself in. You accept her intrusion, embrace it and take it on.
Fingers find the mushy spongy spot deep and played with it, making you cry out and tremble under her. Turning you into a moaning mess in no time. She was playing you like a puppet. And you happily obliged.
"So good, Ellie so good please don't stop–" you beg, eyes watering from how much you feel, you've been locked down for too long that you missed touch. Missed pleasure.
Her hands take up the pace, moving in and out of you faster, you push down on your heels and crumble the sheets under your clenching nails, digging down and mouth agape, you'd almost start drooling.
She pushes you over the edge with one more stroke to your clit and you cum instantly, either because you haven't had a orgasm in months or a good one ever because this one feels euphoric. Overwhelming.
She doesn't stop though, riding through your orgasm with an even faster pace, making your already oversensitive pussy throb with overstimulation. Making you moan, hard.
She pulls her fingers out but not before earning a breathy whine from you and gathers your slick juices on her two fingers, raising them up to her lips and giving it a kitten lick but stopping herself from sucking it, instead she looks down on you and decides you should have the honors.
"Baby, come here" she leans into you, squishing your cheeks together and forces your lips into a deeper pout, expecting you to open your mouth.
"Open up, say aah." And you do so, obviously. Cause you are a good little girl for her, aren't you now?
She slides in her two fingers that were inside of you, slick with your juices which you greedily suck on, tasting yourself on her fingers.
Once you're done, she pulls her hand away, your lips and her fingers linking with a trail of saliva.
"Good job baby," Then she laps at your lips and mouth, feeling all of your slick from all over your body at once. When she pulls away you are a boneless mess.
Lovestruck, addicted.
Guess this is your life now, not so bad is it?
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graveyardhorror · 3 months ago
𖤓 TLOU ELLIE WILLIAMS | platonic yandere!headcanons
misc. masterlist
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-despite any age or size differences (if any) her protectiveness will never waiver, she cares about you so now you have a permanent bodyguard and loyal protector
-if you're younger than her prepare to be coddled like other, she didn't have the best childhood considering she grew up an orphan and watched her best friend die from being infected, this means that she'll do anything to keep you safe
-she knows that there's no possible way to live in this post apocalyptic world without being the slightest bit traumatized, but it doesn't mean a girl can't try
-if you're older than her she'll still constantly be worrying about your safety, even if she's experienced you defending yourself she won't stop trying to protect you
-with all of the things she's seen and all of the people she's lost, it's no surprise that the moment she meets someone she deeply cares about she's willing to be selfless and risk everything she has to save them
-besides the obvious ways she shows platonic affection, she also has some subtle ways showing how much she cares; listening intently when you talk, always making sure you are well fed and hydrated, offering you her jacket when you're cold
-lots of play fighting and messing around when there aren't any dangers and you two can finally put your guards down; she messes your up in a playful manner to tease you
-playing guitar for you every now and then, mostly because you beg to hear her play; when you can't sleep she'll hum or softly sing until you're asleep in her arms
-she definitely writes in her journal about you, talking about different experiences you have together, cute habits of yours, etc.; drawing quick candid doodles of you
-call it a blessing or a curse that she isn't afraid to stand up for you because she is never not in some kind of trouble due to her temper and loud mouth; reassures you that she's okay after physical altercations with other survivors of the infected
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dividers by mikeykuns & cafekitsune
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dilfartist · 2 years ago
WE GOT TO 1,000 Followers!
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To celebrate I will be doing Yandere interactions. You send in a request like “I hate you, Miguel.” I and I’ll answer with what I think that character would respond.
Characters that you can request
Miguel O'Hara, Miles Morales, Hobie Brown, Peter B parker, pavitr Prabhakar, and Gwen stacy
Jotaro, Josuke, Jolyne, Jonathan, Joseph, and Giorno
Leon Kennedy, Carlos Olivera, Luis Sera
Joel miller, Ellie williams
Bruce wayne
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shatcey · 6 months ago
Villain's night
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I should probably post about this when this event starts in English, but I might forget, so I'll just re-post it later. This event is Halloween themed, so it'll probably start in about a couple of weeks.
I've read all the stories with at least one ending (I've already finished all the endings), and I wanna warn you just in case. This event is very hot and twisted. What else can you expect if from the very beginning you are told that the cursed abilities are significantly accelerated and the boys literally cannot control themselves.
(17/10/24) Added information about the bitter endings of Jude and Ellis
(21/10/24) The announcement of the event on EN was published. Repost.
Ellis's story begins very sweet and cute. But the closer to the end, the more obvious how much of the yandere he truly is. He'll just tie you up and never let you go. Almost literally. There is no mature content in the bitter ending, but there is a lot of talk… I was surprised how well Kate understood Ellis. It feels like we're already in the middle of his route. He's so clingy here… cute. The premium ending contains descriptions that leave no room for imagination, and a rather dubious consent. However… it doesn't seem so perverse compared to the other two stories.
William's story begins with an absolutely ordinary thematic assignment, but suddenly turns into a bizarre, but at the same time funny scene. Both endings are extremely hot (in a semi-public places). But in the bitter ending, the most interesting part happens under the black screen. In the premium - everything happens before your eyes. And the fact that Willy is true to his desires makes him the most attractive (at least in my eyes). He's acting like a prankster kid here… surprising hello from Clavis. I think this event is even hotter than a drunken one. A completely unexpected discovery.
Jude's story also begins quite normally. But… Alfons and William played quite a big role, and the story took a completely unexpected turn. On the common part of the event where is a disctiption of blood and turture. There is no mature content on bitter ending, again a lot of talk. Unfortunately, I was very sleepy when I read this, so I couldn't pay as much attention to it as possible. But based on that was on Ellis's route… there must have been some hints to Jude's route. The premium ending Kate getting pleasure from pain and humiliation. After all, she's is a masochist. Now I see why the devs said that if we like Jude, then we have terrible taste.
Epilogues are a short versions of the premium endings from HIS POV.
I realized once again that I really like bitter endings. They are more about boys, their past, explaining their thoughts and actions, sometimes even emotions… This enriches our experience and allows us to understand them better.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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vampyan · 1 year ago
☾  ꕀ  𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰 & 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
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minors and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight.
this blog is dom!reader x sub!yandere!character only. you can find sub!reader everywhere else so don’t come looking for it here.
all gender identities are welcome but this blog mainly caters to fem/afab!readers.
this blog is yandere-centric and will be littered with dark content, though all of these things will be tagged.
anon hate & rude asks will be deleted on sight cus idc.
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𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓲 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻
❧ 𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓮
vi ˖  ambessa ˖  sevika
❧ 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓭𝓾𝓻'𝓼 𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝟑
karlach ˖  lae’zel ˖  minthara . dame aylin
❧ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓾𝓼
ellie williams ˖  abby anderson
❧ 𝓴𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓼𝓾 𝓷𝓸 𝔂𝓪𝓲𝓫𝓪
kyojuro rengoku ˖  obanai iguro ˖  tengen uzui & wives ˖  shinobu kocho ˖  sanemi shinazugawa ˖  shinjuro rengoku ˖  zenitsu agatsuma ˖  inosuke hashibira ˖  tanjiro kamado ˖  muzan kibutsuji ˖  akaza ˖  gyutaro ˖  gyokko
❧ 𝓼𝓱𝓮-𝓻𝓪 【 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓹 】
scorpia ˖  catra ˖  shadow weaver / light spinner ˖  adora ˖  glimmer
❧ 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓷
john doe / joker ˖  edward nygma / riddler ˖  harvey dent / two-face
❧ 𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓪𝓵𝓵
goku ˖  vegeta ˖  broly (dbs only) ˖  frieza ˖  frost ˖  beerus ˖  android 17 ˖  android 18 ˖  zamasu ˖  goku black ˖  jiren
❧ 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓶 𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼
mizu (blue eye samurai) ˖  sidon (loz botw & totk) ˖  john doe (visual novel) ˖  victor van dort (corpse bride)
❧ 𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼
coming soon!
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𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
requests aren't guaranteed and might take me a while (especially since i run another blog as well) but i'll try to finish as many as i can >:3
yandere!character is the main focus of this blog, but yandere!reader is also acceptable!
all characters aged up to 18+ if applicable
please be specific and have a concept instead of sending something like ‘kyojuro x reader smut’ i’ll be more likely to write it if you know exactly what you want :)
𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮
✓ fics, headcanons, and quick thirsts/drabbles.
✓ dom!reader x sub!yandere!character (top! or bottom!reader so long as they are dominant)
✓ fem or afab!reader for nsfw. fem or gender-neutral!reader for sfw. (pls specify if you’d prefer a gn!reader bc i will usually default to fem)
✓ non-sexual non-con, dub-con, non-con touching/affection, stalking, controlling behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, blood & gore.
✓ polyamory, threesomes, and harems (examples: ellabs x reader, ellie x reader x dina, uzuren x reader, obamitsu x reader, inotan x reader, scorptra x reader, catradora x reader)
✓ a/b/o dynamics. alpha!reader x omega!character preferred, but will write for dominant omega readers (ex: prime omega!reader)
✓ monsterfucking/teratophilia, monster/cryptid au yanderes (ex: werewolf!ellie, cryptid!kyojuro, eldritch horror!yandere)
✓ kny demon pet au (@/invertedphantasmagoria, @/phantasmiafxndom), hybrid au.
𝔀𝓸𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮
✘ sub!reader x dom!character
✘ male or amab!readers.
✘ kink no-no’s: (sexual) non-con, incest/stepcest, daddy kink, piss play/watersports/omorashi, foot fetish, maledom.
✘ forced pregnancy, miscarriages.
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