#yandere daniel larusso x reader
thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Gif from: Tenor
Daniel as a yandere would be really overprotective of you and rightfully so after everything he's gone through, clingy because he's worried and scared that he might lose you to Johnny Lawrence, his bully aka. the biggest jerk of the Valley
He has a bit of a hero complex as well and he doesn't even realize it's there in him. He just feels this deep urge and need to save his loved ones from danger, especially you of all people. Johnny and his jerk squad the Cobras can pick on him and bully him all they want but he won't be so forgiving if they target you. He won't like it at all if one of them try flirting with you, Daniel is easily gets riled up and he'll start a fight with them
He might notice you if you're new to the Valley or something or if you're in his class and offer to help him out with something. He's always touched by kindness and he'll thank you for it with a cute yet goofy and dorky smile on his face. Though he might look all innocent and unsuspecting as a yandere, he knows how to look all innocent like so people won't suspect him of anything. How can anyone accuse such a cute face like that of doing something wrong?
Will NEVER EVER let you join Cobra Kai, EVER. He's had his personal experiences with them and he doesn't want you going there as well and suffering like how he did so he'll do whatever he can to make sure you don't join Cobra Kai. Whenever he goes over to Miyagi Do, he'll take you with him just so he can be at peace knowing you're at least safe there. Will love it if you try training with him and Miyagi would smile at the both of you doing your karate with each other. Daniel encourages you to do karate and he'll help you get better at it. If you already do karate he'll be really impressed and he won't stop ranting and rambling about how cool you look
When he develops his karate skills he gets the feeling he's being your knight in shining armor and he makes it his responsibility to save you from everything that can ever harm you. Also, he'll grow more clingy to you and he's willing to injure anyone for you. You're the only one who doesn't mind the fact that he's from Reseda and he really admires and appreciates you for not judging him like all those rich Encino brats
When you do catch onto his possessive and abnormal behavior he'll just deny it and have the expression of a kicked puppy, asking you how you could say something like that. Do you not love him anymore? Do you want more love from him? Because if that's the case then say goodbye to your personal space and freedom. He might get angry at you sometimes but he will NEVER hit you, you're the love of his life. He won't be able to forgive himself if he hits you. And now, fast forward to the All Valley Tournament. You'll be there for him when he's competing and giving him encouraging words like 'You'll do well' and 'I know you can do it' and stuff like that, he LIVES for those. He nuzzles into your touch when you help him calm down and he wishes he could just be in your arms forever, unfortunately it's time for a death match
Would love to take you for car rides in one of Mr. Miyagi's cars to a place where the both of you can see the stars and be with each other in peace. He also wants to make you happy, he wants to be the ONLY one to make you happy. Your first kiss with him might be a bit awkward but he'll develop his skills at it and he'll be stealing quick kisses from you every now and then. If one of the Cobras try asking you out or anyone tries to ask you out for that matter, that's when he gets all sneaky and manipulative and will do something that'll get the other person in trouble. They deserve it after all, they were trying to take you away from him! Daniel can't imagine living life now without you
You'll be there to comfort him when Bobby injures his knee and he likes it when you're worried for him and fuss over him. And when he finally crane kicks Johnny in the face he realizes he's gotten the strength from you, tonight was all about proving himself to you, showing you that he can take care of you and you have nothing to worry about in life because Daniel will always be there for you no matter what
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Karate Kid Masterlist
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Request for this fandom: closed
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: Purple
A little bit of everything or nothing: Green
Yandere: Red & Green.
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Daniel Larusso
<Nothing yet>
Johnny Lawrence
<Nothing yet>
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Daniel LaRusso Headcanons
Day 4 of this hell of a cold.
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He's very sweet and protective over you
He's always trying to impress you
Big Ol' show off
Always has some stupid joke in the back of his head to try and make you laugh
Carries your books and bag for you
Kind of guy to open the door for you and put his jacket over a puddle so you don't get your shoes dirty [Gets kinda mad when you walk around the puddle]
If you ever need anything, he'll drop everything to help you/ do what you need
Has cute nicknames for you like, Babe, Honey, Sugar, etc
Takes you on cute dates [Ex: Picnics, Movie dates, Dinner]
Would take a beating for you. If anyone ever talks shit about you, he's quick to defend your name. Doesn't care if the guy is 3x his size
Very gentlemanly; Your parents love him, because he's so polite
Will compliment the cooking and partakes in conversation, throwing in multiple compliments
He's very confident in you two being together and he takes every opportunity to tell you how great you would both be together
You finally go out with him when seeing him fight some asshole for you
You help patch him up, while thanking him. Though, you do tell him that he didn't have to and you can defend yourself, but it was nice
He's so smitten and he's not really taking in what you're saying
God, you're touching him and you're being so gentle... It feels so nice. Maybe he should get beat up more?
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Hiii!! So I was wondering if you could do yandere Cobra Kai characters and whether or not they'd like their darling to do karate with them? Like are some of them chill with it or are they against it because they believe/know that they can protect darling from any and everything?
This is very interesting to think about! (I will only be doing the karate nuts for this request though)
Would yandere Cobra Kai characters allow their darling to do karate with them? (EDITED)
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Warnings: obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, manipulation, gaslighting, delusions, unhealthy mindset, threatening, depictions of extreme violence, isolation, physical harm, abuse/abusive relationship (?), DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Miguel Diaz:
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Miguel is so insanely protective/possessive over his darling. 
There’s no way he’d want them to do karate, even if it was at Topaga or another normal dojo in the Valley.
He wants the power to protect them, he believes that he is made to protect his darling from any and every thing that exists.
No matter if his darling gets upset or agitated with him, he will continue doing what he's doing because he doesn’t realize that what he really wants is complete control over his darling and their life.
So Miguel subconsciously knows that his keeping his darling weak, unable to fend for themselves and under his complete control.
He's a control freak that holds a delusion of being a knight in shining armour for his darling.
It's best to avoid doing karate or any kind of physical/strength training if you're his darling because once his fantasy/delusion bubble pops, he cracks.
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Hawk would never let his darling get close to karate or any kind of strength training.
He uses the excuse "The further he can keep them from the karate war, the better".
In actuality, he wants them weak so he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, he’s ‘justified’ for beating up any guy he doesn’t like and blaming it on ‘protecting his darling’ or some other bullshit like that.
He enjoys being able to overpower his darling, so if they ever think of leaving or defying him, he can easily pin them down without even trying.
For him, it's almost ALMOST a must that his darling is weak, soft-spoken, shy and possibly bullied (more mentally weak that way, he knows from experience) or he would want a strong spitfire that he can challenge or break down, depending on their dynamic.
Demetri Alexopoulos:
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Demetri would be alright with his darling learning karate, in fact, he would encourage them to do so since he's not strong enough to protect his darling and he knows it.
However, he would want them to train at Miyagi-do so that he can spend more time with his darling and watch them, keep tabs on them, all while training so he can protect them.
He’s not too keen on controlling his darling, he wants them to be safe and happy but if he thinks they’re putting themselves in danger, he’ll manipulate and control his darling with zero remorse in his heart.
He wouldn't care how strong or weak his darling is, he wants them safe and he will use any means to make sure they are, no matter if he has to break them down or destroying their sense of reality, their safety is his number one priority.
Sam LaRusso:
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She’d see doing karate together as something they can bond over but will only allow her darling to train and learn karate at Miyagi-do (not to mention, it allows gives Sam opportunities to hold/touch her darling and cling to them more often).
If they're already training at another dojo (besides Cobra Kai), she'll try to entice them to join Miyagi-do, using the fact that the lessons are free or possibly even buying her darling gifts, like training/workout equipment or small trinkets of things her darling likes.
If they're already training at Cobra Kai, Sam will guilt trip her darling into joining Miyagi-do, saying that Tori, Hawk and whomever else is training at Cobra Kai at that time are a bunch of evil people, that they hurt others with no remorse (despite her doing that whenever she believes someone has hurt/harmed her darling in any way, shape or form). She'll do anything to get them away from Cobra Kai so that her dad will allow Sam to be around them.
She’ll protect her darling as much as she can because even if her darling is strong, Sam wants to prove that she’s the best and only person her darling can rely on.
Robby Keene:
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Robby would never let his darling do karate because he feels like they’d get roped into the karate war somehow and he would hate that.
He wouldn't be against other kinds of strength training/sports like soccer or ice skating, he would actually encourage those.
But he wants them no where near karate at all costs, he has no problem threatening his darling into staying away from karate "for their own safety".
Robby does not practice what he preaches about keeping his darling safe, he would go as far as to break one of their bones to "keep them safe" regardless of the excessive mental and physical trauma that Robby would leave on them.
Robby’ll be his darling's bodyguard, their protection, the person they can rely on the most, he'll make sure that even if they're scared of him, they'll come running to him whenever they're in danger.
He’ll do anything, absolutely anything for their safety even if it makes his darling upset.
Tory Nichols:
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She’s very protective and considering everything happening surrounding karate and Cobra Kai, there’s no way that she’d ever let her darling do karate.
Tory knows she’s strong enough to protect herself and her darling, there’s no need for her darling to do karate, is what she tells them.
But she wouldn't mind if they joined a gym or started up on a different sport.
However, they stronger her darling gets, the more insecure Tory would get because she believes that all she has is her strength.
Tory's insecurities would hit an all time high if/when her darling starts doing their sport/activity with others (ex: figure skating partner or work out buddy) because why are they spending time with others when they have her? Why do they need other people? They don't need other people.
She would force them to quit their sport if her insecurities got the better of her, she would manipulate them by breaking down crying, forcing them to feel bad for her and if that doesn't work, then she'll get rid of her competition so she can feel at ease again.
Whether she gets rid of them through threatening, a beat down or possibly worse, she makes sure they never step foot near her darling.
No one but her (and her darling's family) is allowed to be close with her darling, no one at all.
Daniel LaRusso (platonic):
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Daniel would love if his darling was doing karate, but only Miyagi-do karate.
He would see it as bonding since he would be teaching them how to protect themselves, in fact he would feel ten times more at ease knowing his darling could protect themselves.
But if he feels like there's too much danger that may surround his darling, he will force them to quit karate and instead have Sam or others from Miyagi-do be assigned to protect his darling.
Johnny Lawrence:
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Johnny would rather not have his darling do karate, he wants to be their protector.
He knows he's strong enough to save his darling from harmful situations, despite knowing he basically causes half of them.
He would also intentionally set up dangerous situations then pretend to only be passing by and save his darling from said situation as to give him a knight in shining armour look.
He wants to prove that he has his life together and that his darling never needs to worry for their safety since Johnny will protect them even from problems he created.
Kenny Payne (Platonic):
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Kenny knows he’s small but is aware of his strength after Cobra Kai.
He wouldn’t want to have his darling join any karate dojo, not even Cobra Kai because what if they become strong enough where they leave him and don't need him anymore?
He couldn't live in a world without being needed/loved/wanted by his darling.
Not only that but he doesn’t want others to see his weakness (his darling), something that makes him vulnerable, someone they can attack to get an upper hand on him.
The more shelters they are from the karate world, the better it is for Kenny, that was only he can have their attention and affection because no one deserves his darling but him.
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quicksilver-babeyy · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in me writing Cobra Kai!Daniel LaRusso?[basically an AU were Daniel joins Cobra Kai from the start]
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
Masquerade - Terry Silver x Reader
A little possessiveness can just prove my loyalty to you ?
Inspired by “Masquerade” by Beach House
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Mentioning of violence!, murder!; Gender neutral yandere!Reader
All is calm when you remove the cushion from his head. No sound, no movement, nothing that interrupts this perfect moment- a moment of balance.
Your eyes absently trace over the buttons bleeping, shimmering in the background of your vision as you focus on the specks of dust floating through the air, settling, as if recognizing what will become one of them. Settling on the cooling skin and you imagine them devouring the flesh underneath.
A man. A cause of pain.
Entangled in his sheets he lies and you chuckle to yourself at how you managed to wipe him out in the first place. One of the greatest karate masters in the valley. In Japan.
Mute he lies. Peaceful. Just as you wanted it. How it should have been that night.
In the end it was very simple, Not even a struggle.
But how should it been when you have been hiding in the shadows waiting. Watching him close his eyes as your fingers slid towards the morphine trickling into his body one drop at the time, filtered through the tube running into his body....
....His eyes in wild realization upon seeing what you had done, the haze hooding the lids while the orbs pierce yours holding nothing but pure wrath and something akin to determination. Hah how sweet it was. That look. A chuckle akin to a purr pushes forward from the back of your throat, slithering onto your tongue and moistening your lips as it flicks out for just a second. A python after the kill. You had squeezed the life out of that bloodbag, the delicious anger in his face, the disbelief never but a flicker when he heard of your last name finally after so long of play pretend.
And when he had looked at you so sweetly, eyes in turmoil. you couldn’t help yourself to who had really payed Mike Barnes a visit after the brat had dared to open his mouth and speak of someone so holy and pure as him. Had used the sacred letters in the filthy mouth of his. Who would still be punished after his petty ambush by your hand. Yet you promised, knowing of their bond, that you would save the best for last. Yes, yes you would take special care of him after all remainders had been cleaned. Little Larusso. Dannyboy as your silver tongued saint liked to call him.
You kick the cushion from your feet as you slip from the door, unbothered by the uprising commotion. You sense it. the vibration. The uprising storm you feel in the sticky hospital hallways. The voices a deep thunder in the background as you weave through them unnoticed, not even a shadow to trail behind.
There are advantages looking like the counterpart to the master in Silver. Goldilocks Unassuming, mellow and friendly like a Buttercup wrapped in white satin blouses, a hint of Chanel, big eyes, warm colour in skin and cheeks. Toylike and naïve, an easy laugh..... All that makes it easy. Fooled them once more.
Its pouring when you approach the silver Mercedes 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe, easily sliding into the black leather seat as the winged door closes above your head, the engine roaring louder than the thunder in the palm trees as the two of you speed through Beverly Hills.
“So?” he coos. Demanding yet voice a velvet duvet suffocating any remaining morals of a time before him.
You can’t help but smile up at your silver haired devil. Your good man. The stars and the moon on a blue night. The martyr those lowlife beings had dared to hurt, dared to touch.
Terrys body had healed. His pride had not. So you felt a little gift had been in order to restore your beloved’s temper.
Doe-eyes turn up to his, a smile on your lips as your hand holding your silver band places itself on his bejewelled one holding the gearstick.
“ An offering to your success. “  
When your palm turns he can see it, the war trophy, a hospital bracelet simple white and nothing more on it than
Chozen Toguchi        Born XX/XX/62
The smile you give each other can from the outside only be described as a horrendous bone-chilling sight.
But then nobody would be able to feel what you feel. See what you see in each other, the moon, the stars and the sky reflected in existence. You think of Napoleon and all the ancient emperors . What does a perishing “existence” mean to god, to an empress, to anyone for the sake of their emperor.
“And there will be more.” you promise, eager to see the beautiful curve of Terrys mouth as something flashes in the sky of his eyes, lightning reflected in your own.
“Cobra Kai never dies.”
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noellawrites · 3 years
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Competition - yandere
Miguel Diaz
My One & Only - yandere part 2
Meet The Family
I'd Kill For You - yandere
Robby Keene
We Are Family - platonic
Yandere Headcanons
You Belong With Me
Escape Attempt - yandere
Daniel LaRusso (older)
You're Somebody Else - yandere
Samantha LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence (older)
Coors Banquet - yandere part 2 part 3
Some Things Never Change
Strengths and Weaknesses - platonic
Back On Top part 2
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Family Christmas Party
Yandere Headcanons
Golf N' Stuff
Pregnant - yandere
Special - yandere
Plus One - yandere
Tory Nichols
Yandere Headcanons
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Writing Schedule (all requests) ;
The following is the list, including some that I just want to write for myself and I know y'all will enjoy. In no particular order.
This list can be found LINKED IN MY MASTERLIST whenever.
* Anakin Skywalker
* Noble, Rebel Moon
* Rumplestiltskin, OUAT
* The Invitation
* 30 Days of Night
* Will Graham, Hannibal
* JD & Veronica
* Soldier Boy
* Kurt Kunkel Sequel
Scooby doo & Slasher
Lost Boys
Daniel Larusso
Patrick Bateman
Yandere Reader x Sidney Prescott
Anthony Bridgerton
Ellie Williams
Tyler Owens (twister)
John Connor, Term. 2
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no-mercy-bby · 3 years
~Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Masterlist🥋~
*ones with 💚 are my favorite*
Prison Johnny (just for fun, like prison Mike from The Office)
Good Dad!Johnny Headcanons (fluff! Look through notes of this post for more)
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Johnny Lawrence x Reader:
💚No Mercy (Series with fluff and angst)
Handy Hand (Series, handyman!Johnny, light yandere, and fluff)
Karate Man(Angst and fluff Part 1, Part 2)
Golf N' Spank (its fluff don't worry)
“I don’t know who you are anymore” and “I swear if you say another word I’ll leave” (Just angst)
"If you don't hug me right now I think I might fall apart." (Angst and hurt/comfort)
Stay in bed (Fluff)
💚"Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!" (Angst and fluff)
💚"I'll feel so much better if you let me walk you home." (Fluff)
Happy Headcanons (just pure fluff)
Johnny Lawrence X Reader AND Daniel LaRusso X Reader:
💚Crushing on you (fluff and light angst)
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Robby Keene X Reader:
Snake in the Grass(light angst)
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Miguel Diaz X Reader:
💚Sensei's Daughter (fluff and flirting)
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Terry Silver X Reader:
Putting on lipstick and catching Terry watching (domestic fluffy drabble)
Sweet, Sweet Silver
Everyone has a soulmate, everyone has a heart, but what happens when your soulmate finally finds you? (Yandere themes; please read the tags)
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foresthavenwrites · 2 years
received requests [32/30]
Norman Osborn x minor!Reader
Shoto Aizawa x minor student!Reader
Raihan x minor!Reader x Piers
Percy de Rolo grooming 14yo dhampir!Reader
(Genshin Impact) Diona x older sibling!Reader
yandere!Light Yagami x Reader
Touch repulsed!Nezu x student!Reader
Adrian Ivashkov x 17yo Guardian dhampir!Reader nsft
JD x sibling Heather!Reader ficlet
Mr Grizz x Reader
Molag Bal x altmer!Reader
Sangwoo x minor!Reader nsft
Chet Clancy x 16yo campe!Reader
Chris Redfield x groomed minor!Reader
Jim Hopper x groomed kidnapped minor!Reader
Reader being the parent of Hastur (The baby in Yellow)
Charlie Anderson x minor!Reader nsft
Byeong-gi x bookworm!Reader
Susamaru x Reader who makes dumb plans that work
Salvatore Moreau friends to lovers hcs
Leon Kennedy x 17yo!Reader, nsft
Vera (Camp Camp) x Reader who likes to tease
Ty Lee x kichidere!Reader
Mickey Altieri x Reader who loves fashion
Yandere dust!Sans x 15yo cat loli!Reader nsft
Sam Larusso x Daniel Larusso x Terry Silver x Terry's child Jennifer Check!Reader
Toshinori Yagi x 1-B assistant teacher!Reader
Kyoko Sakura first kiss with Reader
Twice X league parent!Reader, comfort and kisses
Pepa x Reader x Felix
Madam Red x Reader x Grell
RZ!Michael Myers x sibling!Reader ficlet
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Cobra Kai masterlist
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Request for this fandom: closed
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: purple
Yandere: Green and red.
A little bit of everything or nothing: Green
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Robby Keene
Aesthetics’s: Dating Robby Keene aesthetic.
Tory Nichols
< Nothing yet>
Sam Larusso
< Nothing yet>
Miguel Diaz
The first date.: Miguel x male reader.
Little thing- yandere Miguel&hawk x male!reader
Demetri Alexopoulos
< Nothing yet>
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Little thing- Yandere!Miguel&Hawk x male!reader
Young! Daniel Larusso
< Nothing yet>
< Nothing yet>
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reareaotaku · 7 months
hi! can i request more daniel larusso headcanons? maybe with some nsfw?
Say it with your full chest babe I'm not very good at NSFW, but here we go- [Did yall know Ralph was 22 in this movie- That's insane]
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He loves when you patch him
Your hands all over him- He might just go crazy
He can get distracted when you cheer for him
Something about hearing your voice saying his name- It's rather exciting
His opponent [Johnny] will sometimes either see you or hear you and realize you're with Daniel and try and embarrass him
It never works because nothing Daniel does could embarrass you, because you're so in love with
He'll wave to you before and after each match
Hell, if he has time, he'll go up and kiss you for good luck
He's very affectionate and that translates into the bedroom
His hands and lips are everywhere
He's more of a giver than a receiver
He loves to please and if you give him compliments while he does it, he goes even harder
Good Boy really gets him going
Only gets off if you get off
He's not super serious during it, but he might try- Although, he can't hold it for very long
You can expect a very long after care with cuddles and him holding you tightly
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Hi. I love your yandere cobra kai content and I was wondering if you could do poly yandere Amanda and Daniel Larusso headcanons with a badass reader who thinks she doesn't need anyone in life and they think they know what's best for the reader? Thank you 😊
This is perfect! Thanks for requesting this!
"𝒯𝑜𝑜 𝐿𝒶𝓉𝑒"
Platonic Yandere Daniel and Amanda LaRusso with rebellious foster daughter:
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Warnings: obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, unhealthy mindset, kidnapping (sort of), abuse mentions, underage smoking, violence, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
(Y/N) was a troubled kid who went through the foster system.
She had to fend for herself in the dangerous and crazy world she lived in, especially since most people who would foster her used her as a punching bag or meal ticket rather than a person.
So when she was with her social worker, it was quite a shock when the older woman's friends, the LaRussos, asked to attempt fostering the young girl.
(Y/N) scoffed at the idea, thinking it was stupid, that they would be the same as the rest.
The minute she entered the LaRusso house, she scoffed, thinking she knew exactly what kind of people they were.
Rich people who wanted some extra cash from fostering a kid.
Daniel and Amanda pretended not to hear her scoff.
"Welcome to your new home!" Daniel announced.
"Mhmm. Where's the dinky shed? I wanna know where I'm sleeping so I can get out of here already." (Y/N) questioned.
The adults turned to her with clear shock on their faces.
"Shed? Why on earth would you sleep in a shed?" Amanda questioned.
It was now (Y/N)'s turn to be shocked but she didn't express it.
"I'm a meal ticket. Extra cash. Punching bag. I don't give two fucks where I sleep as long as it's no where near you two." (Y/N) shrugged it off.
"How about I show you where your actual room is?" Daniel tried to break the tension.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes then nodded.
She was put in the guest room, which she had to admit was rather nice but she still had her guard up.
The adults of the LaRusso family told their biological children to be nice to (Y/N).
Daniel and Amanda did their best to make (Y/N) feel welcome, but she would ignore them or flinch if they tried to reach their hand in her direction.
Without them noticing, she would steal cash from their wallets and sneak out to buy cigarettes or smoke.
It was a stress reliever for her, especially since she had fought back against one woman who fostered her.
That woman smoked frequently and when (Y/N) pissed her off, she would snub out her cigarettes on (Y/N)'s body.
When (Y/N) fought back, she snubbed her own cigarette on the woman's skin, giving her a taste of her own medicine.
(Y/N) was sitting on a park bench and took a long drag from her cigarette before blowing smoke circles to amuse herself.
She decided to walk to a convenience store to buy something quick to eat.
On her way there, she happened to pass by a restaurant which Amanda and Daniel were exiting from.
"Shit! Fuck! Shit! Crap!" (Y/N) cussed, quickly snubbing her cigarette under her shoe and flipping her hood up so they couldn't identify her.
She continued walking in the direction of the LaRusso house like nothing was wrong, hoping that Daniel and Amanda didn't realize she was there.
Luckily for (Y/N), they didn't recognize her.
She hurried home once she knew she was out of their line of sight.
(Y/N) hopped the fence and used a thin string to pull down a rope she put in her room.
The rope came tumbling down and (Y/N) quickly climbed up before pulling the rope through the window and putting it back into hiding.
She took off her sweater and cargo pants before hiding them with the rope.
(Y/N) put pyjamas on and got into bed, pretending she was asleep and not out smoking.
But in her hurry to fake sleep, her sweater sleeve ended up peeking out from behind her dresser.
And it just so happens when Amanda was cleaning the next day, she noticed the sweater sleeve.
"What's this?" She mumbled to herself before tugging it out.
The hoodie, cargo pants and rope were tied together, (with the rope) so everything came out from behind the dresser.
Amanda was shocked to say the least, especially when a cigarette box fell out of one of the cargo pant pockets.
She showed her discovery to Daniel, who linked the sweater with the odd person they saw the other day when leaving the restaurant.
So when (Y/N) returned from school with Sam, Daniel and Amanda said they wanted to have a chat with her.
(Y/N) thought it was going to be about opening up and smiling more often but she was dead wrong.
The minute Daniel put the box of cigarettes on the table, (Y/N)'s heart felt like it fell into her shoes, she felt like vomiting and her ears were ringing so loudly.
But how? I was so careful! (Y/N) thought.
"Care to explain?" Daniel asked.
(Y/N) kept her composure and pretend everything what normal.
"Explain what? A box cigarettes? You want the content information? I'm pretty sure you can look it up." (Y/N) sarcastically replied.
"Let me clarify. Explain why we found a box of cigarettes and rope in your room behind your dresser." Daniel rephrased his words.
"Okay. I use the rope for exercise, I climb up and down from my window to tire myself into sleeping sometimes. The cigarettes aren't mine they're probably a pack that Yasmin left here and Sam tried to hide." (Y/N) smoothly lied.
"Right. So you're not sneaking out at night to smoke? Like in the park? Or nearby a restaurant?" Amanda pressed.
"Even if I was, it's none of your business! Why do you even care?!" (Y/N) exclaimed, getting pissed off.
"Because we care about you! We're your parents!" Amanda retaliated.
"No! You'll never be my parents! I'll refuse to sign those stupid adoption papers! I don't want to be adopted by you then I don't have to be!" She protested.
"Too late." Daniel replied and Amanda held up a paper that read 'adoption certificate' with both LaRusso adults signatures and (Y/N)'s.
"How the hell did you get my signature?! There's no way I signed that!" (Y/N) yelled.
"Slipped it into the pile of papers you had to sign to transfer schools again. You didn't even read it before signing." Amanda explained.
"Fuck both of you! I'm outta here!" (Y/N) yelled, marching towards the door.
"Oh no you don't! We're your parents now, and we know what's best for you!" Daniel said, gripping (Y/N)'s wrist.
(Y/N) winced in pain from the grab of her wrist but tried to free herself from his grasp.
Daniel used his other hand to hit a pressure point on (Y/N)'s neck, knocking her out.
Amanda began hiding the adoption certificate while Daniel dragged his daughter into her room, laid her down on her bed then grabbed some tools and nailed the window shut.
After that, he put a nail in the door and one on the doorframe and connected them with a chain and a heavy lock.
He also made sure that the door handle's lock was on the outside, not the inside.
She just needed to understand that it was for her safety.
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quicksilver-babeyy · 3 years
yandere cobra kai-era Daniel would be insanely protective over you & will very much watch what he says/does to you. he fucked up with amanda and his kids, and everyone else in his life has manipulated him or screwed him over in some way.
He'd definitely treat you well since you're the only person he has now even his kids avoid him, so he truly appreciates your presence even sometimes stalking you. Since he wants to see the way you act and all the things you say even more if they're about him, he just wants to be the perfect man for you and change everyday to be a better lover. He also tends to be less impulsive and tries to think more than twice before saying/doing anything, he'd even encourage you to communicate more with him so you'll never feel the need to hide things away from him. Daniel has changed a lot whether it'd be due to Mr Miyagi's life and karate lessons, growing up and more but he mostly changed because of you. You've made him realise how inconsiderate and hotheaded he has been his entire life, nowadays he does his best to fix his mistakes even befriending Johnny for real now. At first what he felt for you was just a small crush but it soon turned into a full on obsession, it felt like you were the only person who could fix him once and for all. You were his saviour in the mess he calls life, almost like you now were the guide he had longed for years after Mr Miyagi's passing. He lost everything before but now that he has you he isn't going to let go, no matter what he has to do to keep you safe and happy with him.
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reareaotaku · 7 months
Masterlist III | COMPLETED
Finished: June 7, 2024 [12:27 PM CDT] *= Slightly NSFW/NSFW Masterlist I Masterlist II Masterlist IV
I Am Not Okay with This
Stanley Barber
Stanley Barber Headcanons Late Night Calls Backseat Driving*
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
My Sweet Valentine I Loathe You [Mike's POV]* Mike Wheeler & Jane 'Eleven' Hopper Headcanons Jealous Mike Wheeler Headcanons Brother's Best Friend*
Lucas Sinclair
My Sweet Valentine
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
My Sweet Valentine Mike Wheeler & Jane 'Eleven' Hopper Headcanons Jealous Eleven
Maxine 'Max' Mayfield
My Sweet Valentine
Billy Hargrove
My Sweet Valentine
Steve 'The Hair' Harrington
My Sweet Valentine Mean Little Boy I'm in Love with You
Nancy Wheeler
My Sweet Valentine Nancy Wheeler & Robin Buckley Headcanons
Robin Buckley
My Sweet Valentine Nancy Wheeler & Robin Buckley Headcanons
Johnathan Byers
Johnathan Byers Headcanons
Richie Tozier
Richie Tozier Headcanons
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso Headcanons*
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
I Can't Lose You Sick Reader
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Run Away Boris NSFW Headcanons* Injured Reader Mean! Boris Headcanons You're so Drunk*
Theodore 'Theo' Decker
Run Away Theo Decker Headcanons
Matt Sturniolo
Matt Headcanons
Blue Beetle
Jaime 'Blue Beetle' Reyes
Jaime 'Blue Beetle' Reyes Headcanons
The Turning
Miles Fairchild
Miles Fairchild SFW/NSFW Headcanons* No Where 2 Run* Reader is Sick School is a Bore [PT 2 of School Girls] Made into a Woman* [Pt 3 of School Girls & School is a Bore] She's the Only Girl I wanna Love* [Pt 2 of Mary is the Girl that I wanna Fuck] Soft Schoolboy Headcanons Maid of the Rich Kind Nanny! Reader* Stalker 2 Be
Ben 10
Ben Tennyson
Yandere! Ben Tennyson Headcanons
Clone High
I Am Not a Clone Series
Where the Fuck am I? [Part 1]
Fear Street
Christine 'Ziggy' Berman
Christine 'Ziggy' Berman Headcanons
Nick Goode
Nick Goode Headcanons
Rick & Morty
Morty Smith
Morth Smith Headcanons Evil Morty Headcanons
Scooby Doo
Fred Jones
Fred Jones Headcanons Fred Jones Mystery Inc Headcanons
Hex Girls
We're the Hex Girls & We're Going to Put a Spell on You
Corpse Bride
Emily the Corpse Bride
Yandere! Emily Headcanons
Young Sheldon
Georgie Cooper
Georgie Cooper Headcanons
When You Finish Saving the World
Ziggy Katz
Yandere! Ziggy Katz Headcanons Jealous! Headcanons
We Are Who We Are
Fraser Wilson
Fraser Wilson Headcanons
Freddy Freeman
Freddy Freeman Headcanons
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
Male! Daenerys Targeryan Headcanons
Trevor Spengler
Jealous Headcanons
Don’t Tell a Soul
Joey Headcanons
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Rodrick Heffley
Crazy Party What if Rodrick was Jealous?
Wednesday Addams
I Don't Love You Singing my Love [Pt 2 of I Don't Love You] I Know You Got Issues & I Do Too [Male! Wednesday Addams] Male Wednesday Headcanons +drabble
Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy Headcanons
Stu Macher
Stu Macher Headcanons*
Dick 'Richard' Grayson
Save Me, Baby
Damian Wayne
Superboy vs Robin Damian Wayne Headcanons Love in High Places [Pt 2 of Superboy vs Robin]
Barbara 'Batgirl' Gordon
Barbara Gordon Headcanons
Tim 'Red Robin' Drake
Tim Drake Headcanons
Jon Kent
Superboy vs Robin Love in High Places [Pt 2 of Superboy vs Robin]
Clark 'Superman' Kent
Superman Headcanons
Genderbend Iris Headcanons
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon Headcanons
Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Schoolboy Crush
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit Headcanons
Princess Peach
Princess Peach Headcanons
Princess Rosalina
Princess Rosalina Headcanons
Prince Alexander
Yandere Prince Headcanons
Grumpy x Sunshine Headcanons
Nightmare on Elm Street
Glen Lantz
Touch Me
That's Not My Neighbor
Francis 'Milkman' Mosses
Milkman Headcanons*
Goofy Movie/ An Extremely Goofy Movie
Max Goof
Max Goof Headcanons He was a Skater Boy
The Lion King
Kovu Headcanons
Astrid Deetz
Astrid Deetz Headcanons
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
'Leo' Leonardo
Leonardo Headcanons
'Donnie' Donatello
I Do Not Like You
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Can you do yandere cobra Kai and what yandere they would be
First off, I love you for requesting Cobra Kai.
Second, I will absolutely write this.
What yandere would Yandere Cobra Kai characters be:
Characters: Miguel Diaz, Hawk/Eli Moskowitz, Demetri Alexopoulos, Sam LaRusso, Robby Keene, Tory Nichols, Daniel LaRusso (Platonic), Johnny Lawrence
Warnings: Obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, unhealthy mindset, manipulation, stalking, violence mention (against reader/darling) DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Miguel Diaz:
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Season 1: He’d be very, very clingy, obsessive and possessive then more aggressive and assertive once he gains more confidence from Cobra Kai
Season 2: Extreme version of season 1 but calms down a bit then boosts back up
Season 3: Very clingy like a puppy, less aggressive but still very possessive
Season 4: Manipulative, possessive, obsessive and clingy
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz:
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Season 1: (When he was Eli:) Definitely super clingy and would stalk his darling, not having the nerve to talk to them but still always around them, (As Hawk:) More assertive, aggressive and very possessive
Season 2: Just like Season 1 Hawk but even more aggressive and rude
Season 3: EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVE AND RUDE!! EVEN VIOLENT WITH HIS DARLING! until he switches sides then he’s toned down 
Season 4: More clingy then possessive, still more assertive but more like how he was as Eli
Demetri Alexopoulos:
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 Season 1: Very much a stalker because his attempts of conversation with his darling fail miserably
Season 2: More clingy and able to hold a conversation due to the confidence Miyagi-Do gave him
Season 3: Just like Season 2 but a bit more possessive
Season 4: Like Season 3 but a bit manipulative now
Sam LaRusso:
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Season 1: Clingy and assertive, always making sure her darling is with her
Season 2: Like Season 1 but more possessive than clingy now
Season 3: Like Season 2 but starting to become manipulative and aggressive
Season 4: Manipulative, possessive, assertive, aggressive, and slightly clingy
Robby Keene:
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Season 1: Very possessive and cruel until he starts and enjoys karate with Daniel
Season 2: Pretty clingy, protective like a big scary dog that actually just wants cuddles
Season 3: Angry, assertive, possessive, slightly manipulative
Season 4: Like season 3 except toning down a bit 
Tory Nichols:
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Season 2: A bit manipulative, assertive, possessive, affectionate 
Season 3: Clingy, possessive, overly affectionate, self aware 
Season 4: Like season 3 but a bit more calm and rational
Daniel LaRusso:
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Season 1: Very manipulative, over bearing, assertive
Season 2: Lightens up a bit but is still very similar to season 1
Season 3: Becomes self-aware and a bit more aggressive
Season 4: same as season 3
Johnny Lawrence:
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Season 1: very chill, a bit possessive but that’s about it
Season 2: A bit more possessive
Season 3: Super possessive and self-aware
Season 4: Chill again but still very self aware
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