#yandere captain curly
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faggotbeloved · 4 months ago
Cold Metal Biting Soft Flesh | Yandere Curly x Captain!M!Reader
Prologue: Decay (~2k words)
CW: Canon typical gore and violence, yandere themes, named original characters. Vomiting, blood and decay, no beta we die like Anya
This work can be skipped, since it's just a prologue.
This work does not contain smut but is 18+. Minors and fem-aligned people, please do not interact. AN at the end.
As the captain of the Astraeus, a colonization ship in which you take crew back and forth to barren rocks with no life save some algae that's a few million years from walking, you'd seen some shit. The only constants in your life were your ship, your base crew of just six, your nephew, and your title as captain.
Your life was good enough; you picked up around sixty colonists with various skills, dropped them off on a moon or a planet with the things they needed to flourish, then flew back to do it again. You had your late sibling's kid dropped in your lap recently, but he was a good kid and a promising pilot. You hardly spoke to the passengers below deck, but your little gaggle of crewmates were good friends, usually.
You thought you'd seen all that the vast, empty space had to offer until an unidentified object entered your flight path. The red flashing lights warned you that this clearly wasn't an asteroid, but in a meeting your resident doctor claimed that, regardless of its identity, it was in your best interest to ignore it and simply hop over it. When he suggested this to your crew, they were much less than happy to hear it.
"Are you kidding? Whoever it is, their SOS light is on, it's objectively immoral to ignore them. They'll die, if they haven't already!" Sascha protested. Sascha, with her spiky and colorful hair, was always the loudest and most abrasive, so it was no surprise she was vocal in her opinion against it.
"I understand that, but it'll add days to the trip. The passengers will be outraged, we could miss a supply drop—" he defended earnestly, but shut off once you raised a hand to silence him.
"Rhodes. She's right, and it's in our scientific interest," you emphasized, "that we dock at an undocumented craft. If there's living people, it is our responsibility to save them. If there's samples, we should get those, too, since there's no telling what the craft has."
Rhodes sighed and sat back, relinquishing the argument to your wise opinion.
"I motion to investigate the craft," you announced.
"I second the damn motion," Sascha growled.
"All opposed, raise your hand," you instructed. Nobody raised a hand, so you adjourned the meeting and prepared a team to investigate. The passengers didn't really care, not after you explained the cruciality of it all, so you and gathered your selected team.
You were a given; your nephew was in charge in the event that something happened on the Astraeus. Rhodes, with his medical expertise, was forced to come along. Harbor, the resident cook and communications leader, wanted to volunteer, but was overrode by Sascha. Finally, Lucille, who was just about the only person who specialized in combat, came with.
With that, you donned your suits and ventured into the ship. Once you got inside and depressurized, you were immediately greeted with the thick air of rot. Fuck.
There was no oxygen in the ship and the lights flickered dully as the automatic doors showered with sparks once you left the airlock. You and Lucille forced the door open whilst Sascha and Rhodes bickered over whether or not anyone could still be alive. Sascha was optimistic, and Rhodes was less than.
"Hey, this is a Pony Express freighter," Sascha suddenly realized. "That... uh, fuck, what was her name? The pony mascot, Polle! Yeah, her face is all over the place. What were they hauling?"
Once the broken door opened with a uncomfortable screech, Lucille spoke slowly. "...Mouthwash."
You were stunned. That must have been a million empty bottles in here, all strewn about or in piles. "They ran out of food," Rhodes said softly. "No shit, dumbass. You think they drank it for fun?" Sascha huffed.
"You two, quit," you spoke up. "Pair up and focus. If anyone's alive after this long, it's not going to be pretty. Lou, get your gun."
"Will do, Captain," replied Lucille, waiting for your go-ahead to continue on. You ventured left and met with a wall of insulation foam. Ugh. Of course Pony Express would use insulation instead of spray metal; why wouldn't they cut corners with the cheapest material possible? Makes you glad that they went under a couple decades ago.
"We need to find a new route. These old kinds of ships have a central kitchen, a few other rooms, and a downstairs cargo bay," Sascha informed.
"Get with your pair. Lucille, go with Rhodes. Sascha, you get Lucille's extra gun, come with me. You two, take the right fork and we'll take middle. Keep your mics on."
As you and Sascha went forward, you found long abandoned bedrooms belonging to a couple crew members. One door, the one without a lock and the only one open, held a woman's ID card, which prompted you to collect the IDs of all members.
"Huh, she's cute. This generation ship had cryopods, maybe she's a popsicle," Sascha joked.
"Be on the lookout for... four crew members and a captain. Young Anglo female named Anya, teenage East Asian male named Daisuke, middle aged Anglo male named Swansea, and a young Anglo male named Jimmy," you announced. "Looks like cabin's cut off from the rest of the ship. They probably had to sleep in the kitchen or medbay."
"Hm. Found the utility, but the door's jammed. I'll circle back," Rhodes said over the mic, passing by the room. "I'm in the medbay. It has traces of blood and vomit on the floor and—fuck, that bed is soaked in dried blood. Empty pill bottles; Captain, I think someone overdosed. It'd be easy, these painkillers are only a little less strong than what we have."
Rhodes observed the room while you and Sascha ventured back and followed their path to meet up.
"There's a gun case. Gun and bullets are missing. Be prepared to see either a crazy, gun wielding bastard or a whole lot of brains on the wall," Lucille said bitterly as you entered.
Sascha had been abnormally quiet since the Medbay news was delivered. "I'm a little nervous to check further now. But I guess we have to, huh?" she muttered.
Emeto and Gore warning.
You pressed on, and in the cockpit was a mess of foam and some dried blood. Nothing too damning just yet, though. You and Sascha lingered back to check out the control panels and determined that the ship steered directly into an asteroid, something virtually impossible with how simple the instructions were. "This was a purposeful crash, gu—" you began, but was cut off by a gag and the sound of vomit hitting a helmet.
"Lucille? Lucille!" You shouted, springing up to rush into the central room.
Ho-ly Fuck.
Three people of the four you'd seen earlier were slumped across a table, party hats either hanging from their neck or somehow still on their head. You'd never wished to throw up more than in this moment. Lucille, since she'd already thrown up once, had to deal with the vomit coating her helmet, which only prompted her to go again.
The girl, Anya, had bloody saliva and puke dried onto her lips and decay around the her face, while her eyes were bloodshot and her body exhibited every symptom of opioid overdose. She slumped backwards, her position hardly mattering to whoever set this disgusting sight up. Fuck.
The boy, Daisuke, was unrecognizable with his face caved in. He was gruesomely propped up with his head on his hands, which had blood dripping down the forearms. His lips were twisted into a mockery of a smile, and the party hat had stayed on throughout the years of stationary movement. His bowels were nearly spilling out, clearly having been cut by a large sharp object before having been killed by the blow to his face.
The man, Swansea, had a clean bullet hole through the head and had both arms on the table like he was waiting to eat. His head fell backwards and the crust of regurgitated blood caked his lips and chin. Furthermore, his eyeball hung loosely around his chin and he'd been clearly beaten up before hand.
Five steaks lined the plates, and the barely-started decay made the sight worse. Five steaks... in a ship that had no real meat.
Not only were the crew in space with no decomposing lifeforms to feed off of them, they were in a room cold enough to freeze their bodies now that the heater power failed, so decomposition ceased entirely. They were stuck like they had just been killed days ago, their skin bloating and their organs slush inside them. With every poke and prod you made, Lucille gagged and only worsened her condition as she attempted to lift her helmet, since she suddenly had no oxygen but was hit with the smell of rot.
"Look away," you said firmly, motioning for Rhodes to bring Lucille to the side.
"Sealegs, this is your Captain speaking. Do you copy?" You spoke into your microphone, radioing back to the ship.
"Captain, this is Sealegs! I copy!" A young boy's voice chirped out eagerly.
"Sealegs, I want you to talk over the intercom—the big, red button I tell you not to touch—and tell the passengers to send up anyone with 'for-en-sic' or medical expertise. They need suits and tell them that it's a 'Rated R' sight. Three 'ca-da-vers' so far, and to bring barf bags," you said carefully, using words he was unfamiliar with to try not to traumatize your nephew.
You spring into Captain mode, reassigning roles to fit the crew's comfortability and capability. "Sascha, lead the passengers up and make sure they bring actual supplies. A gurney or something in case one of us passes out. Lucille, hand Rhodes your gun. You're dismissed; go shower and clean the vomit from your helmet. You don't need to see this."
A full inspection of the ship, including the storage, determined that two crew members were missing—Jimmy, and the captain, whose name you hadn't yet found. Unfortunately, both of the captain's ID cards were destroyed beyond repair in a manner that seemed on purpose. The only room not observed yet was the utility room, which was seemingly blocked by a fire axe and multiple furniture items. In the spirit of a full check, you and about a half-dozen passengers broke through and gasped as you finally saw the inside.
The Util room itself was fine, but the final crew member, Jimmy had shot himself in the chest.
It didn't kill him immediately.
He crawled to beside a cryo pod and used his hand to make a handprint on the handle, as if begging someone else to open it.
"Check all of the other pods. I want someone to get that gun, too," you organized, then followed the handprint and lifted open the hatch. Oh. Oh, fuck.
"Shit! I need medical, now! Gurney, respirator, and morphine!" you shouted as a man—the former Captain, you were sure, fell out of the pod in the fetal position, shivering, choking, and staring at you with a wide, terrified eye.
You picked him up, wincing as you felt his raw skin squish under his weight, and removed your helmet to set it over his head for a gasp of real air. God knows how long he'd been without fresh air. You may have been suffocating, but you had good lungs. In less than a minute, the team brought a respirator and oxygen tank with a gurney.
You set him down and placed the mask over yourself, gasping and gagging at the rotting stench in the air, then rasped out to the man, "It'll be okay. We've got you."
You took back your helmet and put the mask over his lipless mouth, then sprinted back to the ship. Once you looked back down at him, you saw a tear escaping his eye and piercing blue irises set upon you.
Yay... first post on this blog! This is obviously not the only part, I have plans, but this is essentially a skippable cutscene, since you could probably just ignore this part and head to the next once I make it. I just wanted to set the tone and setting, try my hand at gore, and voice my post-judgement headcannons. Anyways, I really hope my writing wasn't bad and it made sense! No Curly just yet, but just wait lol.
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degenerateworm · 4 months ago
Could i request some Yandere Captain curly headcanons? Pre and post crash if you'd be willing :3.
I would love to, anon! Let's see here...
Captain Curly is a kind man. Constantly thinking of others, how to help them and how to make them happy. A real people pleaser.
So it makes sense when you join the crew of the Tulpar that he would be friendly and welcoming to someone as new to ship life as you!
Curly gives you that kind smile that crinkles his eyes, and you almost instantly trust him. How could you not, when he's your new captain? And while he's being so understanding of your knowledge, or lack thereof, of crew life?
He'll try to worm his way into your mind, doing whatever he can to help you feel comfortable.
You need an extra pillow because the Pony Express beds are too uncomfortable? Here, take his! He doesn't use it much anyway.
Having a hard time adapting to the sub par food that the Tulpar can provide? You'll find a bag of sweeteners tucked under your covers next time you go to bed. Shhh, nobody else needs to know!
Curly does all of this to get into your heart, to make you comfortable around him. Don't get him wrong, he wants to do these things regardless! But there is a rather big ulterior motive; getting to you.
Curly asks to take your wellness check tests, and Anya teases a little that he might have a crush on you. She doesn't know the half of it!
You make his heart pound when you're near, his face quickly flushing and an easy smile reaching the corners of his lips.
He finds that he doesn't mind the tedious labour while you're around, doesn't mind that he's rather stuck on the top rung of this ladder he's found himself on.
As long as Curly can have you by his side, he feels he could go through anything and he could get out the other end.
Of course, this leads him to commit rather unsavoury activities.
Curly likes to wake up at awful times in the morning, half of them deliberate and half of them accidental from the nightmares he suffers from.
He makes his way to your dorm, slipping through the door easily due to the lack of locks.
Curly doesn't do anything bad in his mind. He just sits by your bed, sometimes on it, his hand resting on your cheek, shoulder, or whatever skin he can feel.
You're so warm, and soft. You're here, beside him. It's grounding.
Curly likes to watch you sleep, feel the life in your body. It comforts him a lot, and soon he has to retreat back to his dorm due to his eyelids closing from sleepiness.
He doesn't mind when you interact with the others, but he becomes quite prickly and stern when you talk with Swansea or Jimmy, or even Daisuke.
Quickly steering you away or interrupting your conversation to give you a task to focus on.
It's not that he doesn't want you to talk to him, their his friends too! He just... Gets this awful feeling in his gut, whenever you smile or laugh with them instead of him.
Curly despises the feelings of jealousy and anger that rise inside of him when you interact with others positively.
He's a slightly lucid yandere, and realises that these feelings are unhealthy if he forces them upon you.
So that's why he covers it up with sweetness and kindness, to practically love bomb you into preferring his company over others.
If you choose him, he won't have to be awful to the others, right? Curly would hate for them to feel bad.
But he'd hate to lose you worse.
Thanks anon! I only did pre crash Curly for this one, because I feel like both would be a bit too much writing for me right now. You can ask for post crash Curly though, if this hasn't satisfied you! And thanks again!
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faggotboulevard · 4 months ago
Your yandere curly post is so tasty.... sigh, he idolizes you while simultaneously subtly trying 2 isolate u. Says ur an amazing leader while undermining any of your plans that involve too many other crew members. If tht makes sense.
YES!!!! You get it bro... im gonna write a full fic i think but on my wip acc (@faggotbeloved)
Anyways ur so right!!! Like ur his savior and such a cutie, how could he not fall in love?
You don't need that guy as your copilot, Curly was a great captain before the accident and he'll be a better copilot!! You want food? He cooked a lot at home, silly! He can make a better meal than whoever you have in the kitchen.
You want to have a movie night? Come on, with all the crew? That's excessive, wouldn't a small gathering be better? You're tired? Worried? Sad? Tell him all about it! You don't need your friends. You don't need them. Let him help you, you saved him and it's the least he could do.
Ugh and dont even get me started on him playing the victim... he has nightmares, won't you hold him? His skin grafts are dry, you should put lotion on him. He has cryo hangover, you need to stay by his side in case he needs you! It's never ending with this bastard, and he defends himself with the thought,
The crew is self sufficient enough, he deserves you after all he's gone through.
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maruzzewrites · 3 months ago
Jimmy and Curly Yandere MBTI
Based on the Yandere MBTI by @/ddarker-dreams. cw for yandere and everything that can imply
Jimmy is CDMS
Jimmy isn't a gentle soul, he loves to have control over someone and while he has shown to have the ability to regret some of his choices, it's never out of empathy. He will punish, hurt and maim his darling without problems, while finding justifications or escalating his own behavior into pretty cruel acts.
There is no special way he will treat his darling compared to other people, he's still his toxic and disgusting self.
Jimmy's delusions extend to his darling and his treatment of them. He will find ways to justify his actions, to forgive himself and will convince himself of you forgiving his actions. This alternates with his cruel nature, where he will do something horrible and find ways to twist the story to make his darling forgive him.
Or, at least, he will delude himself into thinking he is forgiven.
Jimmy is very skilled at twisting narratives and words into something that will make his darling feel ashamed, regretful or just sorry for him. At times his manipulations won't work because people can see through his rancid personality, but he is someone who will make a slight error weight on you simply because you have hurt his fragile ego.
As I said, Jimmy likes control over people. He wants to be powerful, he wants to be followed as a leader and he will force his position upon a darling who is meek and passive. He will lean into the inability to act and contrast him to impose his will and you better follow his desires, or you will find out what he is capable of.
Curly is RDHL
Curly is nice, reliable, apparently equilibrate man who will believe you over everything. He is tender, almost too much to be a true threat to a darling, but he has this vein of steel inside of him that comes with a leadership role.
Generally, you don't have much to worry about his actions towards you, even if he can be dismissive of the red flags that he starts to parade around with the obsession starts to take hold.
Curly has a very delusional take on his own actions. He tends to consider what he does good, and even when he can see something he did wasn't positive or had a positive reception from his darling, he will justify it with platitudes of doing it for a greater good for the both of you.
He will always try to see you and what surrounds you as positive, but this means that behavior that would signal him to slow down or to back off are easily dismissed.
He is ultimately honest, but has some manipulative tendencies. He will be sincere in his affection and his behavior, he will show you he cares and that he wants to spend his time with you. There are some ways where he will use your emotions to manipulate the situation, but ultimately those are rare instances.
Curly is passive as a person and he has a hard time imposing himself in spite of his role as a leader. He will let many things go, he will not enforce many of the rules he gave his darling, and he will swallow his pride many times before he will grow frustrated with the situation and let his dark side get the best of him.
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planethibiscus · 3 months ago
Hiii !! I was wondering if you could do some jealous Yandere hcs (similar to the ones you did for until dawn) but with mouthwashing? Ty!!
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Jimmy is a vengeful and miserable man. He envies reader as they are, for who and what they are, no matter their situation. He's never satisfied, always wanting what he doesn't have. If he doesn't have you then it's all he can think about. When he finally does get you though, it still won't be enough. He'll adapt his victim complex to begin envying you instead of fully appreciating you. Oh how "good" you have it with him. You're so fucking lucky and yet you have no idea. Woe is Jimmy, the unwilling slave to your love.
Swansea is a tired and cynical soul. He envies readers likeness. Similarly to how he is jealous of Daisuke, he is jealous of your lot in life. He wants to feel nearly as important as you are to all who you bless with your glimmering presence. He has a wife, kids, a job, he's stable. But he's miserable. Even if you're also miserable, or you don't have nearly as many accomplishments as him, there's just this special spark about you that makes you worth so much more than he could ever be.
Anya is exhausted and unlucky. She envies readers security. There's this way about you that comforts her and she loves it, but it's this underlying sense of safety that she assumes can only come from someone who has their shit together. Things seem to work out for you, and they should, because you're so lovely that life must give you special treatment or else it's being cruel and unjust. She just can't help but think that maybe if things in her life went half as well as they do in yours, then she'd be a better, happier person. One you'd like to be with.
Curly feels stuck. He envies readers freedom. So badly does he want to wrap you up in his arms and squeeze the knots out of your back with one powerful hug. He's just so worried that he'll scare you off and it keeps him paralysed. He wonders if you'd be terrified of your mismatched power dynamic or comforted by it. He wants you so terribly but he has a responsibility that you don't, as your captain, to make sure that you feel safe. If pushing advances on you might make you uncomfortable then he wouldn't dare. Even if it's all he can think about.
Daisuke is enthralled by the sensations of love but insecure. He holds no true jealousy towards reader, yet often finds himself wishing that he was half as cool as them. He adores being around you. Not a moment spent in your presence is a waste of time. He desperately hopes that you might feel the same, and that you don't think spending time with him is a chore. He doesn't want to bore you or annoy you at all. Your opinion of him holds him in a death grip, but he loves how it chokes him. It reminds him just how lucky he is to be perceived by you at all.
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freakyfected · 4 months ago
Could i request some yandere Curly headcanons? Platonic or romantic, whatever u perfer in that regard.
Yandere!Curly x reader headcanons (SFW)
• Curly will try to find ANY excuse to be closer to you. Of course, he wouldn't overstep your boundaries (at least not too often) but he'll always "accidentaly" brush his hand against yours, holds the door for you and etc.
• You'll think he's just being a gentleman but sometimes other crewmates would jokingly ask you if you two have anything going on.
• He WILL be jealous and mad if he'll see you glancing at anyone except him. He won't show it, insteas, he'll just lure you away from them, trying to come up with an excuse to shift your attention to him.
• If you'll ever need anything, he'll fetch it to you IMMEDIATELY. Like a big loyal dog he is.
• Loves you no matter what. Every time you blame yourself for anything, he'll go "It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong!" even if it was, in fact, your fault.
• Will give you every long task he could think of, just to keep you away from everyone else. Maybe will even join you on them, "Just for your safety. Don't want one of our most important employees to get hurt!"
• WILL take you out on little walking dates around the ship, not just to keep you away from others, but because he want's to feel you close to him. It means ALOT to Curly.
• Will purposely praise himself when you're around, to make you think that you NEED him and he can be useful to you. He'll say some silly corny stuff like "Yeah... you know... I'm the captain here... heh..."
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jambalaya-enthusiast · 4 months ago
in depth character headcanons.
uniform analysis
Swansea name breakdown.
Anya Analysis
Jimmy and Curly Scene Analysis.
Addicted. [ yandere! jimmy darkfic ]
Begging on her knees to be popular. [ Jimmy x celebrity! Girlfriend. tw ]
Jimmy spousal Headcanons. [ Tw ]
Jimmy gets the reader pregnant on tulpar. [ dark ]
Jimmy x Air-headed! Reader.
Captain! Jimmy x Co-Pilot! Reader. [ darkfic ]
Sex with jimmy [ hcs ] [ tw ]
Your own age. [ uncle! Jimmy darkfic ]
Tainted. [ Jimmy x Curly's wife! Reader darkfic ]
Jimmy with a reader who enables him.
Touch Starved! Jimmy
Jimmy x Abusive! Reader.
Flustered. [ Crew x young! & flirty! reader ]
Melting the Ice away. [ Crew x older! reader ]
Perfection. [ Crew x insecure! reader ]
What Languages can the crew speak?
Caught. [ Crew members catching you masterbating ]
The crew members reactions to reader accidentally killing jimmy.
The crew members reactions to reader dating jimmy.
The crew members reactions to seeing hickeys on you.
Crew members being jealous!
Crew members most to least rough in bed.
How handsy are the crew members?
Crew reacting to jimmy treating only the reader nicely.
Reader walking in on Crew members touching themselves.
Crew Members x Aggressive! Reader.
Professor! Crew Members x Student! Reader. ( College AU )
My own piece of heaven. [ Husband! Curly x Chubby! Reader ]
This fucking Intern. [ Swansea x Intern! Reader ]
Swansea having a crush on the reader scenario
Reader accidentally sending sexy pics to the Crew.
Reader asking the crew to buy her pads.
Christmas Edition!
Reader sending the Crew members h*rny texts.
Jimmy Affection.
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carmensbrain · 5 months ago
🌟seize the sol, as they say!🌟
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Carmen/Carma 🎀 (she/her)
Heya! I’m new to writing on tumblr so here’s my little intro!! ♡
Will write! ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
-scenarios/head cannons!!
-fem x masc
-fem x fem
- X fem! readers!!! ^O^
Wont write ( •᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )
-nsfw!! I can do drabbles but nothing that explicit sorry!
-yandere/dark/dead🕊️ I can’t write anything like that for my own mental health and I don’t want to engage with it :[
-Masc x Masc as a woman I don’t think I should be writing for mlm as I don’t know how male attraction feels and I wouldn’t be able to accurately portray it sorry :(
- X masc! Reader I can’t write male readers, idk how y’all’s brains work and I don’t wanna
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Fandoms/characters below cut!!
✧= priority
꩜= last pick
-Cole Cassidy ✧
-Gabriel Reyes/Reaper ✧
-Hanzo Shimada
-Genji Shimada
-Hana Song/D.Va
-Lúcio Correia dos santos
-Jayce Talis ✧
-Mel Madarda
Call of duty: modern warfare
-Philip Graves
-Simon “ghost” Riley ꩜
-Kim “Horangi” hong-Jin
-Kyle “gaz” Garrick
The spiderverse (new!)
-Miles Morales (earth 1610)
-Miles Morales (earth 42)
-Gwen Stacy
-Spider-Man Noir
(I will not write for Miguel sorry!)
Creepypasta/Marble hornets ꩜
-Tobias Rodgers/ticci Toby
-Natalie Ouellette/Clockwork
-Jane Richardson/Jane the killer
-Brian Thomas/hoodie
-Tim wright/masky
-Alex Kralie
Detroit become human
-Gavin reed (if you ask nicely..)
-Simon Henricksson (cry of fear)
-Dirk/Dave Strider (Homestuck)
-Hawks (my hero academia)
-Captain Curly (mouthwashing) [pre crash only]
-Leon S Kennedy (Resident evil 4)
More coming soon…
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faggotbeloved · 4 months ago
Cold Metal Biting Soft Flesh | Yandere!Curly x Captain!M!Reader
1: Sanitized (~1k words)
Cw: Canon typical violence, my headcannons for post-crash Curly's wounds, no beta we close our eyes, body horror, lots of painkillers
This work does not contain smut but is 18+. Minors and fem-aligned people, please do not interact. AN at the end.
It had been only a few hours after saving a man from a three decade old craft when you’d determined that he was going to be under your primary care, aside from medical, from now on.
The man, as you’d discovered, was in fact the captain of the Tulpar. Upon inspection of his wounds, which only occurred back at the ship and with him sedated, Rhodes discovered the harrowing truth that he’d been in a state of third degree full-body burns for over four months. Worse still, he had one half-functional eye with the eyelid burnt shut though the other was severely dry, eyelidless, but still in surprisingly good condition.
Immediately, Rhodes ordered someone to get the passenger’s company issued bio-fabricator, a critical technology with the ability to take biological elements and grow genetically similar (but not identical) copies.
Technically, it was reserved for creating more plants or animals in a biosphere lacking most of the required succession elements, but it’d be easy to grow supplemental skin, hair, and blood to perfectly match the burnt man’s body. He also ordered silver sulfadiazine cream to soothe the initial burns, and for the first time since the man was in the accident he seemed to not be in agony.
You sat beside the man. He still had his tongue and vocal cords, so he could talk (with much effort), but he was fully deaf so you had a captioning machine set up for him to read your words. Once he awoke, you silently showed him your badge with your name, picture, and title, which he read and nodded once he was done.
“Are you able to talk, sir? We need your name,” you said softly, watching as your head doctor, Rhodes, finally replaced the sticky, deteriorating bandages that practically cemented to his raw flesh. Luckily, the man was unable to feel it with how numb his entire body was.
He nodded weakly, eye never straying from you for long, and coughed. He spat up blood and saliva, to which you gently swiped a rag across his chin to remove it. “It’s okay. Take your time. This is Rhodes, he’s your doctor for now, but one of the passengers here is also a cosmetic surgeon and can start skin grafts once you’re ready.”
You sat back to give the man some space and idly wondered if the bio-fabricator could make enough connective tissues, nerves, and muscles to give him back his limbs. Rhodes left after replacing his arms and legs bandages, and soon the man tapped your resting hand with one of his handless arms and you looked back at him.
“C…url…y,” he rasped out. His volume was lacking, but he couldn’t hear himself so it was to be excpected.
“Curly? Is that your name?”
He nodded weakly. You spoke again, “Curly. Okay, and can you answer a couple questions for me? Shake or nod your head, if you can’t talk.”
Curly nodded, and you began questions. “Were you the captain of the freighter I found you on?” Nod. “Were there exactly five people, counting you?” Nod. “Did the crash do this to you?” Nod.
“Was the crash on purpose?”
He hesitated, then nodded very minutely.
“Did you–” you were cut off. “Jim…my,” he croaked. Well, it sounded more like ‘Jenny’ on account of his lack of lips, but you got the gist. “Jimmy crashed the ship?” Nod. “Did the crew know that?” Shake.
“Shit.” Nod. You chuckled at the nod and he looked up, like he was proud of making you laugh.
“So… do you have your ID with you?” you asked, and he produced a fresh ID from a lanyard under his gown. “Huh. Did Jimmy put that on you?” You asked, to which he nodded. “Was he your friend?” A weak nod. “Do you know why he went batshit? I mean, he’s the only one who could have killed all of your crewmates.” Curly tilted his head like he was wondering what you were asking. You rambled too fast for the machine to pick up. “Oh, yeah. Do you know of a motive?” Shake.
You glanced from the ID card to his face. There’s no mistaking those eyes. You notice there’s something written on the back, but the handwriting is awful. “Um, it looks like Jimmy tried to give me instructions and told a five year old scribe. Can you decipher this?” You asked, showing him the text. Shake. “Fine, I guess. It’s good you have this, facial reconstruction can probably get you pretty close to your face from then.”
He shrugged and laid back, gazing at you. “Wait…” he gasped. “‘lease.” Please.
“Stay?” He pleaded, using what remained of his forearm to lock around your arm and keep you (only barely) in place. “’m… s…cared."
“Scared?” You echoed, settling back into your chair and placing a hand on his thigh. “You’re safe here. Everyone who goes in and out of here has high clearance and I know them all personally.” Even still, Curly shook his head. “‘lease,” he echoed.
“I… suppose I could get Sealegs to move my desk into here. Would that be good?” Nod. Nod. Nod. “This is Captain to Sealegs, Sealegs, do you copy?”
“I copy. Whatcha need?” Sealegs hummed. The sound of a familiar video game caught your attention.
“Quit playing Snake on government computers, first of all. Wheel my workbench to the medbay,” you requested, only endearingly annoyed at your nephew. After a few minutes, a young boy with the same eyes and hair as you came in with a rolling desk equipped with robotics equipment, soldering items, and more. Curly seemed to relax once you situated beside him and the two of you slipped into a comfortable silence.
“Hey, Curly, can I take some measurements of you?” You asked after a couple minutes. “Arms and legs,” you added. Nod. Curly lifted up a handless arm and waited for you to start, to which you took diameter and circumference of his arm, approximate length, shape of the amputation, and more. You did the same for the other arm and both legs, then you sat back down to work.
In a few minutes, you put your higher education to use and attached a crude prosthetic to his leg, but since he was numbed to hell it wasn’t causing him any pain. You worked, he watched, and soon he fell asleep painlessly for the first time in probably a half of a year or so, for him at least.
Once he stopped coughing every time you looked away for too long, you were able to get some work done and sent off an update to your boss–you told him that you had a new crew member on board, that you authorized the use of the bio-fabricator, and that you’d pay for his medical costs. Of course, you wouldn’t tell Curly that. Feeling indebted to someone is a terrible thing.
You were in for a long night. You wanted to give him the most mobility possible, but it’d be up to him ultimately to use them. The least you could do is build him the choice.
I’m not happy with this, but if I didn’t get it out now it’d rot forever :( thank you to everyone who’s left kind words and reblogs and likes!! It means so much and if youve left any asks I’m so sorry but tumblr SAYS i have 6 asks but none show up :(((
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livingdeadmlm · 3 months ago
Master list Requests:Open!
Smut 🖤
headcannon format 🕸��
Oneshot format🌾
Kinktober 2023🪨
Kinktober 2024🪻
Characters with no links have no fics as of 12/15/2024
Also this is in no way every fic I have written as I went crazy when I made this blog so most Jojo fics are lost to time (and not good)
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
Low Honor Morgan Priest Reader 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Werewolf Morgan HCs 🕸️
John Marston
Javier Escuella
Charles Smith
Dutch Van der Linde
Kieran Duffy
Sean MacGuire
Obey me!
Pet Play🩶🖤🪻🌾
Tail Play🩶🖤🪨🌾
Breast Worshipping 🩶🖤🪻🌾
House MD
Gregory House
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Eric Forman
Captain Curly
Age Gap🩶🪻🌾
Nathan explosion
Table Sex🩶🖤🪻🌾
Pickles the drummer
Toki Wartooth
Charles offdensen
Blood Play🩶🪻🌾
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Yandere Skwisgaar 🖤🌾
Nudes with Dethklok🩶🖤🪻🕸️🌾
Doing their Makeup before a Show🤍🕸️
After a Long Tour🤍🕸️
Breaking Bad/Better call Saul
Saul Goodman
General Dating HCs🤍🩶🕸️
Fake Dating to Lovers🤍🩶🌾
Lingerie 🩶🖤🪻🌾
Cuddle HC's 🤍🌾
Jessie Pinkman
Nacho Varga
Lalo Salamanca
Mortal Kombat
Kung Lao
Dating HCs 🤍🩶🕸️
Face Sitting🩶🖤🌾🕸️
Johnny cage
Face Sitting🩶🖤🪻🌾
Kenshi Takahashi
Liu Kang
American Psycho
Patrick Bateman
Creampie 🩶🖤🪨🌾
Complimenting his beauty
Working with Patrick
Big Businessman Reader
Fight club
Jack/ The narrator
Tyler Durden
Dating HCs 🕸️🩶
Scott pilgrim vs the world/takes off
Scott Pilgrim
Wallace Wells
Lucas Lee
Todd Ingran
Nu Carnival
Oral Fixation Bruce Banner 🩶🪻🌾
Vampire Midas Fortnite🩶🪻🌾
Hol Horse 🌾
Mike Schmidt with an Insomniac Reader🌾
Monster Fucking with Postal Dude🩶🖤🪨🌾
Ryo Asuka with Affectionate Devilman 🤍🕸️
Clingy Reader with Gyro Zeppeli 🌾
Hugging Miles Edgeworth🕸️🤍🌾
Akira Fudo with a himbo bf
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faggotboulevard · 4 months ago
Curly... yandere curly w a captain reader who found the tulpar a few days after he unfroze just over 20 years later...
Could you imagineee the chaos??? And the potential ofc
Like ur a captain of a colonization flight for some barren rock that HQ(tm) wants to make grow life so of course youre kitted out with everything a ship could need, including a bio fabricator (bear w me)
And suddenly you see an unidentified object in your trajectory and get close enough to realize that it's had sos signs for at least a couple decades.
Sooo u explore and blahblah blah u find curly in the pod and rush him back,,, build him new skin and robotic limbs,,, and suddenly you have an overbearing "friend" who just wants to prove his gratitude and worth and why are you joking with your crew? Hes a relic from the past with funny stories, too! Don't you care more about him? He's in pain, why aren't you monitoring him? As captain, its your job right? He can be your co-captain! He's helpful!
Anyways i have brain worms about him
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strategistsfav · 3 months ago
☾  ꕀ  𝓷𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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— this blog is an x reader centric blog only. additionally, i only write sfw content as of now. whether i'll tap into other sub-genres in the future will remain unknown for now.
— all gender identities are welcome on this blog, though i mostly focus on neutral readers.
— i'm willing to write dark content and topics, in fact i utterly welcome it.
— i'm a slow writer; like many people, i'm a pretty busy person, so you'll have to bare with me upon requesting.
— if i don't respond to your ask, don't take it the wrong way. this may be either because a) your prompt/idea doesn't inspire me all that much or b) i simply haven't seen it yet/haven't gotten the time to write it.
— i don't write for real people. no exceptions.
— lowercase is intended.
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☾  ꕀ  𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼
❧ arcane ambessa ✦ caitlyn ✦ jayce ✦ jinx ✦ maddie ✦ mel ✦ sevika ✦ silco ✦ vander ✦ vi ✦ viktor
❧ call of duty gaz ✦ ghost ✦ k��nig ✦ price ✦ soap
❧ five nights at freddy's michael afton ✦ william afton
❧ marvel captain america ✦ ironman ✦ spiderman ✦ scarlet witch
❧ mouthwashing anya ✦ curly ✦ daisuke ✦ jimmy
❧ sonic the hedgehog (any universe) amy ✦ blaze ✦ espio ✦ knuckles ✦ rouge ✦ scourge ✦ shadow ✦ silver ✦ sonic ✦ tails (platonic) ✦ tangle ✦ whisper
❧ the amazing digital circus caine ✦ gangle ✦ jax ✦ pomni ✦ ragatha ✦ zooble
❧ the last of us abby ✦ ellie ✦ dina ✦ jesse ✦ joel ✦ tommy
there are countless others so please ask about anything or anyone's that's not on the list
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☾  ꕀ  𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼
❧ will do
✓ fics, headcanons, and drabbles.
✓ yandere partners
✓ gender-specified readers (male, female, etc.)
✓ platonic & romantic relationships
✓ whump
❧ won't do
✘ smut
✘ fetish content
✘ glorified abuse/dark romance content
✘ romantic relationships with monsters or minors
✘ dead dove
✘ a/b/o dynamics
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fanaticsnail · 8 months ago
Yandere Doffy Anon here
I am picking the Doffy-Thirst-Host Reader, anytime, any day. And yes to Doffy-Thirst-Host Reader noticing Rosinante.
"Speaking of the Heart Pirates..." said Radio Host A. "There is this blond guy who I swear looks like Doflamingo but has the personality and looks of a golden retriever."
"Oh, yeah, the one with the curly hair. The clumsy one?" asked Radio Host B.
On the Polar Tang, Bepo yelled, "Captain, Cora-san, you have to hear this!"
"What?" asked Law, while they heard crashing in the hallway. Cora-san must have ran and tripped. Again.
"They're talking about you, Cora-san!" said Bepo.
Rosinante blinked. Oh no.
"Ah, here is the info... OH MY GOD!"
"HE IS?" shrieked Radio Host A.
"He's what?" asked Radio Host B.
"LOOK!" yelled Radio Host A. "Look, look!"
There was a flutter of papers.
"Holy shit." said Radio Host B. "Wait, can we talk about this on air? Oh, look, it was information submitted by Doflamingo. I guess he misses his -"
There was a pause.
"I won't make it." gasped Radio Host A. "Two of them. There's TWO of them."
There was squealing.
"We're taking a short break." said Radio Host B.
"ROSINANTE, ARE YOU SINGLE —” demanded Radio Host A.
The radio switched to songs.
On the Polar Tang, Rosinante's face was burning.
- Yandere Doffy Anon
Oh my gosh 🥹😭😭😭. A he lives au? You spoil me, Yandere Doffy Anon. I have been rereading this and squeaking alongside the Doffy-simp host.
I love this 🥹🥹🥹.
....now all we need to do is get the croco-host to notice another scar-faced, nicotine addict (Smoker & Becks) and we'll be all set. I can imagine smoker turning beet red, and Becks being all smug for the rest of the day.
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onepiecepetalfanfics089 · 1 year ago
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Well guys it seems you’ve made your choice!
I’m so happy that you want me to write this because I’m SO EXCITED!!
For a short introduction of her, I’ll be explaining her powers overall, personality and a bit of the plot for the story!
Y/N is a beautiful woman with (whatever body type you have because y’all are beautiful) with long curly hair that goes back to her lowe back. (Or whatever hair you prefer) she has your colored eyes and whatever outfit you choose but in my imagination she has a similar dress like mother Gothel from tangled.
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( If you don’t know what it looks like it’s this! )
Now to go on about her personality, if you met her in real life you would probably think it say.. “..what a bewitching woman..”
Which is very very true.
To describe her she’s a very passionate, curious and confident woman, especially in her skills she is.
Like Circe she had the power to turn people into any animal she deems fit, a lion? Go ahead! A mouse?! Done! Any animal or even object she’ll turn you into just like that.
But that’s not even all as she has the power to control life, plants and roses of any poissons or thorns that’ll cut you and leave you lying down on the cold floor, your heart slowly stopping a beat in only just a few seconds.
Her fighting skills are very excellent as well, what? You didn’t think all she was good for was magic did you?
She’s very flexible and fast with her attacks, whether she’s hitting you in the chin with a giant vine/ beanstalk, or wrapping your body tight with thorns and knocking you unconscious with a kick she’s very powerful ether way.
She might even learn to use her magic to control more elements than earth..(hint hint)
But of course..she won’t be powerful enough..
This is a yandere story after all..with multiple pirates chasing after that are of course more powerful than her and could knock her off her feet.
But will she escape? Or be in clutches of obsession forever..? We’ll see..
The plot is that she’s living in a island filled with plants roses, vines of all sort. Poisonous and sone to just show off their beauty of course.
She’s currently living with an old woman who taught her the ways of witchcraft and always getting on her case about wanting to go adventure the seas.
Everything was a bit basic and normal..nothing out of place..
Until the strawhats came of course..
They were interested in her like no one else,
Hell even zoro melted like butter!
So peculiar you could say…
Whether she’s making up new moves and combos involving nature with ‘captain’ usopp, or lazing around with zoro on deck and taking a good nap. Maybe even cooking with sanji while he swoons over you and almost had to go to chopper for the bloodloss, even just sitting in Nami’s office while she works on a map and doodling on a piece of paper innocently.
They just can’t get enough of her…and of course would do anything for her to join the crew.
Even if it means ‘sadly’getting rid of a few people…
Of course the straw hat crew isn’t the only ones who’ll be charmed by her..
The others include
Enel, Boa Hancock, Sir Crocodile, Shanks, Mihawk, Law, Kidd and more…
I don’t want to spoil much more so I hope this short introduction helped you get just a bit excited for this story m’y lovelies <3~
And btw I’m still taking requests!!
A new story will be out soon btw!
Love you all 🌸❤️
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horrormurderkill · 10 months ago
Promise, you'll be by my side?
Yandere (Male) x Reader
Note: author can't decide Curtis' characteristics, reader is a stalker and a bit strange. No mentions of killing, yet
"[Name]? Who ya starin' at?" A team member chirps in, sitting next to you. Your eyes have never left his figure and honestly, you don't know why. He's the new man for every soldier to look up to now, but you being the team's value, captain put him under your wing. They say he's a literal legend, a killing machine, however, you're the one to judge that.
Name: Curtis Chamberlain
Age: 28
Height: 6'1/185 cm
Weight: 141 lbs/ 64 kg
Family member: None
Physical traits: heavy, dirty blonde and curly hair, styled into Crew Cut, droopy eyes (grey eyecolour).
Mannerisms: very stoic, rude at times, very clingy to me but not to others.
Sleeping Schedule: Strict and sleeps exactly at 21:00.
Skills: Quick movements, great strength, extremely silent (points for his stalking ability).
- Curtis immediately became curious about you, but still kept his distance at all times. But after captain put him to train under you, keeping distance was difficult. One, he was perplexed on the training part. Every mouth and voices' owner who utter his name are always bound to be intimidated by him, yet he's supposed to be prepared by you?
- Two, it's not that much of a help when you're near him almost every time. At the barrack's kitchen? You're in a certain corner, watching him. Curtis checking the grounds and see if there's no enemy? He got spooked by you sneaking up on him.
- After a while though, he started to like it. Even want it throughout his days. Curtis' face expresses grumpiness and attitude, but when you're near, watching him as always, his lips twitches to a smirk.
- Protectiveness over you is 100%. He's strapped, geared and ready to throw someone away in any situation he deems necessary. Not quite clingy, but it depends on the mood.
- Does he see you as a in distress type of person? Kind of. Not because he wants to look down on you, but he just feels like he, Curtis Chamberlain, should safeguard you. Ignores the out of pocket lines you say when near him, the staring contest that seems to make a normal interaction into an awkward circumstance, for the others.
- He even found your lingering eyes on him, when he suddenly woke up from the feeling of being observed. Luckily, it's just you. Sighing slightly, he pulled you onto the bed, hugging you in concealed excitement. You're letting him touch you? You usually hate touch from people, except Lady Luck seems to be on his side right now.
- When you two train, he's always going to the showers, face flushed more than normal. Hint: It's some parts of yours, which he extremely wants to lay a hand on. It's every part of yours.
- He's kinda adorable too. Writing on and crumpling certain amount of papers every night, whining about how the letter isn't going his way. Or muttering to himself regarding the stern face you'd probably going to make to him, once Curtis confesses.
- 'So childish sometimes but a brilliant soldier he is.' You shake your head while you thought of it, closing the notebook in relation to your trainee.
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luvologyy · 2 months ago
Hey, how's it going? Do you have a rules page for requests?
A/N!: haii! Im doing good ty for asking, and yes I do have a writing rules page! 😚
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˚ ༘ .˚ 🪼 ୨ৎ ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
What I'll write/includeˊˎ-
- I'll write SFW and NSFW. Minors that are 15+ are free to interact with my SFW content, but not my nsfw content
- so any minors that do interact with my explicit content will be blocked.
- I will involve dark themes in writing like violence, so be careful if you're sensitive to dark stuff like that.
- ill write for Captain Curly, daisuke, anya, and a little bit of swansea. (No hate to him. I love him. I just prefer writing the others !)
- Yes, I do write for jimmy, but I don't condone or excuse his actions. I think he is a well written character and a great villain, but I DO NOT fetishize or normalize the things he did in the game and what he did to anya. It's okay to not like Jimmy, but I will not accept hate on my posts and writing, so if you don't like me posting jimmy, feel free to block me.
- For nsfw rules, I'll allow praise/degration kink, spit/cum play, humiliation kink, innocence kink, mommy/daddy kink, dacryiphillia, spanking, mutual matubation, knife/gun play, edging and overstimulation. Yk the basics.. no hate to other kinks (unless they legit fucking weird.)
- reader can be female, gender neutral, male, and trans! But I mainly write with female reader.
- When requesting you can put specific details for the reader or character! It'll help me understand better when writing ᵔᴗᵔ
What I won't write.
- I will not contain/write incest, stepcest, necr0ph1lia, proshipping, noncon, r@pe, triggering themes, or dubcon. Pls let's not normalize or romanticize rape yall, fucking weirdos.
- I won't put yandere, stalker, abuser tropes for the character or for reader. Because I'm not comfortable writing stuff like that
- these are what I'm not comfortable writing and what im sensitive to, I will not tolerate hate and bullying in my posts and messages. You will be blocked.
- I won't write nsfw for swansea. I will write sfw for him though!
- I don't allow pregnant sex, period sex, rimming/anal, heavy bdsm, torture, foot fetish, pegging, toys (only vibraters), polyamory, gang bangs, watersports/scat/piss fetish and kinks (ew wtf😧) lactation, or illegal age gaps.
- I do write age gaps, but not no fucking "freshly 18" because that's weird.. the reader I write is 20+. The age gap I write is only 10 year differece.
- i will NOT WRITE transphobic/ homophobic or racist themes in my work. My blog is safe for all of the lgbtq+ and people of all races.
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