#yandere ardyn izunia
itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
MAIN PAIR: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
SEC. PAIR: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
RATING: Explicit
       “Feeling well enough for visitors I hope.” Ardyn said, the top of his head nearly touching the ceiling. Your bottom lip found its way between your teeth. You didn’t know how to feel about seeing Ardyn in the caravan with you. Unease unfurled in your gut like a serpent rousing from its slumber, demanding that you leap out of bed and put miles between you. But a part of you wanted to hug him and relish in the company you had been missing for far too long. 
        He was a major part of your life after all, and not seeing him for the past two years had made a part of you feel empty, as though there was a piece of you that was missing. 
       “Y-yeah.” You said and he took a seat on the bed. An unbearable silence settled over the room like a torrential storm, battering your body with rain and making you shrink into yourself. You picked at your nails, you’ve never felt uncomfortable around Ardyn before. He was a comforting sight for many years, but a nagging feeling hammered the back of your skull, and made you want to run and hide. 
       “I must say you gave me quite the scare back there. I suppose your affliction hasn’t gotten any better over the years”. Ardyn said, seemingly unaware of the stifling tension in the room. 
        You shook your head, “it did but it came back.”
       “Any idea why?”
        None that you wanted to share so you said no. Silence invaded the room once more. It was so quiet you were certain you could hear the blood rushing through your ears. The relationship you and Ardyn shared was always an easy one, so why was it so hard to speak? Why did your veins shrink at the thought of being alone with him?. He did nothing to slight you and you did nothing to hurt him as far as you knew, yet there was a chasm between you. It felt like you were worlds apart. 
        You hung your head low and seized the blanket in your grasp. You let out a question you held onto for the past twenty-five months “So…why did you stop visiting me?”
        “It was business, I’m afraid.” He said. “It came at such a short notice I hadn’t the time to bid you a proper farewell. But I kept you in my thoughts, nevertheless.” The admission warmed your numbed skin. A smile crept over your face despite yourself.
      “I must say,” he began, giving you a smile of his own, “the years have treated you well, my dear. You have come a long way from the girl I knew who needed help with her calculus homework.”
       You snorted at the reminder. “I didn’t always need help.”
        “Only most of the time.” He replied. A sad sort of happiness closed the distance between you. You remembered those nights spent hunched over your desk, your table covered in a heap of calculus notes. In that very Ardyn way of his, he  appeared when you least expected him but needed him the most. He made sense of the confusing equations in front of you. His voice was soothing, coaching, and he hadn't lost his patience with you, no matter how many times he had to rephrase an explanation. 
          When you received your first ‘A’ in the class, he was the first person you ran to, not your adopted parents, not your friends, but Ardyn. You couldn’t think of anyone more important to share the news with than him.  The memory fluttered in your chest and made you mourn the old days, where your relationship with Ardyn wasn’t sullied by a nonexistent conflict.
           “Good thing I had a good tutor…I missed you, you know.” You said.
         Ardyn chuckled, “I missed you too, Aera. But I’m sure I wasn't missed too terribly, not with all the friends you’ve made. Especially that Amicitia that carried you here, is he your boyfriend?”
       Just like that a chill slammed into your chest. Adrenaline seized your muscles and made your tongue squirm with a lie. You picked at your cuticles, trying to ignore the goosebumps that raised on your arms. ‘Because you belong to me’. What would Ardyn do if you told the truth? Fearful eyes landed on his hands, your throat bobbed from the memory of how they felt around your wrists.   
       Realizing you were taking too long you gave him a shaky, “y-yeah,” before you could stop yourself. Your hands flew to your mouth, your eyes wide with the fear of what’s to come. 
       But he did something you least expected, he smiled and squeezed your knee. “Young love is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? I suppose an official meeting is in order, but of course for another time.” Flabbergasted, you rescinded your hands and suddenly felt very silly. Of course he wasn't going to react the same way he did in your dream, this was reality, you needed to learn how to separate the two.
       His eyes fell on the silver chain around your neck. “Is that the necklace I gave you?”
       You looked down at the glinting accessory and touched the chain with your fingertips. “Yeah, I started wearing it again after a while.” You said. It was a gift he gave you so many years ago and one you cherished for just as long. Once you realized Ardyn wasn’t coming back you started to wear it everyday. It was a comfort to you while he was away. You took solace in the happy memories it brought you, and hoped it would wash away the nightmare that arose in his absence. But of course It didn't.  “It goes good with all my clothes.”
        Ardyn wrapped his fingers around the tiny heart that accented the necklace. His fingers grazed over your chest, sending bolts of electricity where his skin touched yours. You weren’t sure if it was a good feeling or a bad one. 
       He rescinded his hand, a small smile still on his face. “I see, it becomes you even more than it did before.”
         Thirty minutes after Ardyn left, Gladiolus returned, announcing his arrival with heavy footsteps upon the stairs. His skin was sunkissed after spending hours beneath the tropical sun. “How’re you holding up, babe?”
          “Fine, just needed a little rest is all. Any news on the ferry?” You didn’t get a wink of sleep in fact, after Ardyn left you were wired like you drunk six shots of espresso. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would react to Ardyn the way you did, with a mountain of distrust and fear on your shoulders. It was a mundane encounter, yet it left your good hand trembling like you were waiting for the second shoe to drop. You had no idea how the reunion would play out, you weren't even sure if he was still alive during the last two years, but you most certainly didn't expect that dream to play a role.
        Now it ruined what should've been a happy encounter between two friends, you would always hate yourself for it. Gladiolus leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms folded over his chest. "Yeah, turns out that creep was right, the docks are closed".
       "They're closed?! Bu-what are we going to do, the wedding is in six days!" In a panic your hand flew into your hair. Missing the wedding would have dire consequences, not only would it bring shame upon the crown but it could nullify the peace treaty between Lucis and the empire, that could mean the end of the kingdom as you knew it.
       "It'll be fine." He promised, not showing an ounce of the panic that bristled out of your skin. Seeing his lack of concern pacified your anxiety some. "We found a guy who could snag us a few tickets for the next ferry. We just gotta find a couple of gems for him."
      That sounded way too simple to be comfortable. "Sounds reasonable I guess, I just hope it's not too dangerous." You were 100% certain the task would be dangerous. Why else would a total stranger barter expensive ferry tickets in exchange for gems he could get himself? They were either too hard to find or too dangerous to covet, either way it meant trouble for your friends and there was nothing you could do to help. 
        Gladiolus gave you an unceremonious shrug. "If it is, we could handle it."
         "I guess." You said. "So where are the boys?"
          "Out fishing with Noct, that should give us plenty of time to ourselves." He sauntered over to where you laid on the bed and sat next to you. The cheap mattress groaned under the added weight. "Been meaning to check out that massage parlor if you’re still interested."
        "What about Noct?"
         "He'll be fine for a few hours." Gladiolus said. "If anything Ignis is with him, he'll keep those two knuckleheads outta trouble. Besides," he slid his hands over your denim clad hips , "I would rather spend my time with you than with those three mugs."
         Your smile came easier this time and you pressed your lips against his. Euphoric thrills rolled over your skin and you carded your fingers through his soft raven strands. A masculine groan whispered over your mouth as you deepened the kiss. Peaches was wrong. She was wrong about everything, there was no darkness to worry about, no betrayal in your future, only happiness because Gladiolus was your future.
         His full weight completely settled over you. You shivered as hard planes and chiseled muscles touched your soft  and smooth flesh. Gladiolus’ lips moved over yours in a synchronized dance. His fingers glided over your shoulder before cupping your cheek and pulling you in for more.
         “I love you.” You confessed against his lips.
          You could feel him smile against yours. “How much?” He asked in a teasing voice rough with desire.
           “This much.” You wrapped your good arm around his neck. His clean spicy scent only spurred the insatiable urge to feel his naked skin against yours, to be consumed by him so completely you forget your woes for all eternity. 
          His lips found its way to your jaw, pressing open mouth kisses on the unmarked skin there. Electrified need pulsed throughout your body so fervently it blotted out everything else that wasn’t Gladiolus and your need to be touched. 
         Cool air tickled your stomach as he lifted your shirt for his awaiting mouth. Your stomach muscles fluttered beneath his lips and you tugged on his hair. 
        Hooking his fingers into your denim shorts, he pulled them over your legs till you were only left in your lacy red panties. Hunger darkened his eyes and made your whole body throb, vying for a release only he could give you. 
         Gladiolus found your neck once more, kissing and sucking your pulse point till it bloomed red. Your eyes fluttered open and found a small window on the opposite side of the caravan. Your heart stopped in your chest, the bed collapsing beneath you. 
         Amber eyes glared back at you, trapping your very soul in ice. You gasped, your body flinching off the bed. “What’s wrong, is it another migraine?” Gladiolus lifted his head from the crook of your neck and searched your wide terrified orbs. 
       A cold sweat peeled away your skin as you looked back at the window, only to find nothing but a darkening world beyond it. With a mouth full of cotton you sat up. Gladiolus sat beside you and grasped your hand, the warmth from his skin bringing a calm to the storm. 
      “Yeah, it just came out of nowhere.” You lied, but it was much better than admitting to a hallucination. Your stomach roiled, the moment ruined beyond repair.
         Sighing, Gladiolus climbed out of the bed and combed his fingers through his tousled hair. “I’ll see if I can find some pain killers for you. Need anything else while I’m gone?”
         Your sense of normalcy, perhaps? A tight smile stretched over your teeth, you hoped he wouldn't see right through it. “No, thank you babe.”
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
(Partial) Yandere! Ardyn Izunia X Reader- I’d Rather Die (Part 2)
So in honor of my birthday comin up, I’m gonna post as much as I can for the next few days! YAY!
(Dream Sequence) 
“Oh dear, don’t give me that face.”
“Nope, you’re a meanie.”You crossed your arms, sitting facing away from him.
“Really now, you’re being childish.” he sighed, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Turn around, Y/N.”
“Within my own right.” You huffed. “Now leave me alone.” you stood up, getting ready to storm off. Or your version of it which was to walk very slowly to see if he would follow. He usually always did.
“Hm.” you felt something wrap around your waist and looked down to see what looked like a tindril. “Hey! That’s foul play! You can’t use magic!” you whined as you felt your feet leave the floor. You were suddenly back at his side. “You and your stupid magic.”
“All is fair in love and war, Y/N.” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “Now hush and rest with me.”
You looked up at your companion, for once his hair wasn’t a huge mess. He had finally listened to you and wore it in a ponytail for once. Good, it wouldn’t tickle your face when you tried to get close.
You turned to stare up at him, a pouty smile on your face. “How do you put up with me?” you asked curiously. “No really, how? I always seem to get into trouble and you never seem to mind getting me out of it” 
“Hm, I’ve stopped asking myself that long ago, dear. I’ve learned to live with it.” he chuckled before dodging a pinecone that came bolting for him. “I knew you were gonna do that.”
“Of course you did.” you huffed resting your head on his chest. There was a somewhat peaceful silence between you two. You could almost fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. You could feel his arms tighten around your body as you relaxed under his touch. Times like these were your favorite. Playing childish games like hide and seek, star-gazing, or hiking was great, but the two of you rested together, each of you shaking off the tiresome events of the day were the best.
“My love?” 
“Hm?” you turned your head, only to be taken by surprised as his lips found yours in a chaste kiss. Just a slight peck that caught you a little off guard. “...You gotta stop doing that.”
“Hm, but then I’d never get to see that flushed face of yours.” he teased. 
“I don’t have a flushed face!” you retorted. “My face just gets warm sometimes.” 
“Sure, Y/N.” he laughed sarcastically. “Now, let us rest for a moment. I grow weary. Lie with me.”
You got comfortable and gently laid your head on his chest. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest, you could feel your eyelids getting droopy.
“Sleep.” he spoke. “I’ll wake you went we’ve rested enough.”
(End Dream Sequence)
Your first instinct was to bolt upwards, but your headache had forbade you from doing so. “Ouch.” you quietly whined. This was why you hated this so much. “Ugh.” you groaned in pain. You went to go turn, only to feel yourself fall off a ledge- well a bed for that matter. 
“OW!” you snapped. “God-damnit!” you snapped, standing to your feet. You turned around to gaze at your surroundings. You were no longer in that frozen tundra of a room, but instead what looked like a luxurious bedroom. A jacket was wrapped tightly around your frame as well. “What the-...I’m definitely not home.”
No, what happened last night (or at least you think it was last night) definitely happened. You slowly stepped forward, treading carefully. You tried to stay upright as your head pounded. It made it hard to even think. You looked around the bedroom and took note of everything. Where were you?!”
“Where am I?” you voiced your thoughts aloud, walking into what looked like a bathroom. You stood in front of the mirror, leaning against the sink. “Ugh.” you sighed. You flicked on the faucet and instantly began splashing freezing cold water on your face. 
You peeked your head around the corner to see Ardyn walking through the door frame. You flicked off the tap and walked out the bathroom. His back was turned towards you. Did you dare attempt to try and leave? 
“Hm, there you are.” 
Ardyn turned to face you, he had a bundle of clothes tucked under his arm. “I trust you slept well.”
When you didn’t answer, his eyes narrowed in focus. He took note of you leaning against the door frame, putting a hand on your forehead every so often. Another dream-state perhaps? He stepped toward you with authority, striding up and towering over you.
Assuming he might say something, you readied yourself for the worst. Ardyn simply raised his hand, and gently grazed his knuckled across your forehead. In an instant, the pain was gone. Just like last time.
“If that happens again...tell me.” he warned. “Seeing you in such a state isn’t the best sight to see.” he said. 
“S-sorry...” you looked down at your toes. 
“Hm...I see you’ve taken a fancy to my coat.” 
You finally noticed just how tightly you had been clutching onto his jacket. Instantly shrugging it off, you handed it to him. “Here.” You grumbled. 
You were still pretty heated, the whole being kidnapped thing really put a damper on your mood. 
“Hm...thank you.” he winked, making you turn your head. “Hm, you can quit that tough act.”
“Act?” your head shot in his direction.
“You trust me, do you not? You’re here. You haven’t tried to run yet. You seemed adamant on sleeping in my coat with how tightly clutched onto it you were last night.” 
Shit, he was right. Sort of.
“Well, if you’d like to get your day started, then I suggest you hurry up and get ready. I have a change of clothes right there for you.” he held out the bundle of clothes to you. You had to wait a second, taking in everything he just said. “Your car is parked outside, I was able to retrieve it.”
“Wait...I can leave?!?” You raised an eyebrow. “You’re serious.” you crossed your arms suspiciously. “Why?”
“Of course, How would I look keeping you locked up all day?” he looked as if you had just asked him if fire was hot. “Plus, I know you would never try and disobey me. I trust you enough.”
“You barely know me.” you whisper. 
“Hm, I barely know you in this reality, my sweet. But we indeed do know each other, quite well.” he winked, making your face heat up. If he had seen the same things you had seen, then he was right. In more ways than one. 
“W-well maybe in a dream, but in reality, you’re a complete stranger to me.”
“Hm...for now. Now go if you must, but best believe I will come to return you here.” 
“How would you even find me?” you asked curiously. You weren’t trying to be a smart ass, or challenging. You were genuinely curious as to how he would find you, even if you managed to make it miles away.
“Hm, wouldn’t you like to know.” he chuckled, turning away to walk out of the door. “ I’ll leave you to get changed”
Weird, it felt odd to be outside with how you were trapped in such a space previously. It certainly beat being chained to a wall. You sighed dramatically, would it really be so difficult to try to escape his grasp? You weren’t 100% sure, but part of you figured that if you did so much as to even try, it wouldn’t end in your favor. 
Another thing that wouldn’t end in your favor was seeing the man you never wanted to see again find alone in broad daylight. 
“Y/N L/N!” he spat your name like it was expired, moldy, poison something. “I never thought I’d see the say you show your face alone.” he growled. 
Long story short, you had a history with making shitty friends. This one in particular, was the result of you outshining him to your shared sensei. Only one student could take his legacy and you just so happened to have been that student when you bested him in the final test battle to see who would go on to be on the royal court back in your hometown. That was so long ago, guess he never got over it.
“Oh...oh no.” you mumbled.
“I bet you thought you saw the last of me, didn’t you? I’m here to finally exact my revenge.” he snapped. 
“How exactly do you plan to do that?” you stammered over your words. “Last time I checked, we didn’t have any issues.”
“Oh, issues.” he laughed. “Don’t make me laugh.” he grabbed your wrist.
“L-let me go.” you began yanking your hand.
“Fight me, then! I’ll prove our teacher chose wrong!” he growled.
You weren’t prepared for a fight, let alone a battle. His grip had tightened around your hand.
There were a few options going through your head, they all seemed to escape you.
“ARDYN!” you heard yourself scream. His name ripped through your throat like prayer. You could hear the echo of your own voice in your head and almost nothing else. Your fears, everything you had been scared of was unfolding before you eyes and his name. His name. Was the first thing to appear in your mind. You tried to pull your arm away, only to have it pulled on even harder. “I said let me go you freak!” you struggled. 
“And just who is going to make me?” he snarled, pushing you to the ground.
Before you could answer, you felt a sudden chill wash over you. 
“I believe that would be me.”
As you hoped, Ardyn appeared. Only he looked less than amused, dawning a bronze bladed dagger in his hand. “Can’t even go a day without getting into trouble, hm? No worries my dear, I’ve prepared for this.”
“Y/N...who is this?” 
“Hm, no need to include the lady.” Ardyn chuckled sinisterly. “This is a fight between men, is it not. Or are you so weak that you go to challenge a woman who is scared of you.” There was fire in his eyes. If you looked closed enough, you just might have been able to see the devil himself unfurl his wings in Ardyn’s soul. He was beyond furious. He grabbed your (now his) opponent by the neck, lifting him up off the ground. “Just who do you think you are?” he snarled. “You don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as my dear Y/N.”
Before he could say anything else, Ardyn turned towards you.
“Love...close your eyes. You shouldn’t have to see this”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. The pained screams, demonic yells, and sounds of metal chinking and clinking against concrete was enough to give you an idea of what was going on. You could just hear the ungodly sounds of stabbing and ripping...
Ardyn’s terrifying laugh ripping through the air, sending a horrible chill down your spine.It was truly times like this that made the term “nightmare fuel” a real phrase and not just some thing edgelords used to describe something slightly scary. 
The horrible sounds were soon followed by stark silence. You suddenly felt warm hands grazed over your knuckles. “Open your eyes, my dear. The evil man is gone.”
You peeked from behind your fingers. “Is he really-”
“Dead?...Yes. You needn’t worry about him again. The important question here is...are you alright?”
“I-I’m...fine.” you stammered. “Y-you’re saved my life.”
“I’m aware.” he chuckled at you cutely stating the obvious. “It’s my duty as your protector to make short work of the scoundrels who even think they’re worthy of merely a second of laying a finger on you.” You suddenly felt a wash of deja vu wash over your head. 
“C-cool.” You suddenly got very dizzy.
Ardyn caught you just as you fell limp. Luckily he was there to catch you in time. He could almost laugh. He held you in his arms, lifting your legs off the ground to carry you in his arms. You acted like it was your first time in a duel. Ardyn knew for a fact this wasn’t the case, maybe it was a surprise. Maybe you didn’t expect him to actually show up.
“Hm, maybe it would be better if I took you back.” he mused to himself. “It’s been a long day for you, hasn’t it?”
(Dream Sequence)
“I should reprimand you for being so foolish, but I’m happy you’re alright.” an exasperated Ardyn put a bandage over your shoulder. What were you thinking!?”
“It wasn’t my fault he lunged at me first.” you sighed.
“I know, I know.” he sighed. “I was just worried about you.”
“As always.” you stared down at your shoes. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“As long as you’re alright.” Ardyn shook his head. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than before.” you smiled shyly. You felt a little guilty. A worried Ardyn wasn’t a happy one. “I should be asking you that.”
“It was only a minor scrape.”
“That fiend charging at you with a sword is a minor scrape, Y/N? Had I not been there you could have been killed!” he replied sternly. “If I didn’t trust you so much, you’d never leave my side.” he grabbed your shoulders and made you look at him.”Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I promise.” You replied, nodding.
“Good, I hope you intend on keeping such a vow, Y/N.”
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
Ardyn, Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, Prompto, and/or Ravus: How would they treat a lady in bed? Also who would most like be yandere?
It would be too much to discuss each individually in one post so I'll be brief. Ardyn - disrespectfully, to say the least; Noctis - shy with a selfishly demanding edge; Ignis - gently but explicitly dominant; Gladio - recklessly passionate; Prompto - needful with a preference for giving; Ravus - dispassionately distant yet controlling.
I see Prompto as the most likely to form a fixation on the wrong side of obsessive, although Ignis has the personality profile for being an overly protective type. I do have an admitted affinity for yandere Noctis who cannot stand the thought of losing you and uses his friends and power to keep you with him no matter what, operating under the justification that you need him just as much if not more.
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sephirotha · 5 years
Eclipsed Star XVII
The javelin lay in two pieces somewhere in the subway system.  
Ardyn staggered through the darkness, the scourge dripping from his eyes.  The more time he spent searching for Stella, the more came trickling down his face.
His actions became more urgent as the minutes ticked by.  He nearly went into a full-blown panic until he began spotting a trail of dead daemon bodies, fading away into oblivion.
And finally, those rushed footsteps in the water.
“My…starshine…” Ardyn sung under his breath as he began moving towards those sounds.  “My…only starshine…  Make me happy…when skies…turn dark…”
He leaned against the wall as his chest ached, gritting his teeth and letting out a pained groan.
“You’ll never know…how much I love you…”
He shook his head and pushed himself to stand up straight, letting out a short breath.
“Please…don’t take my starshine away…”
His body was engulfed in shadows and he glided through the darkness. He grinned in delight as he saw Stella stuck at a junction, looking down both ways to try and determine her way out. Ah…she was so close…
Ardyn took his opportunity to manifest in the way which would take her to the surface, smiling happily as Stella jumped upon the sight.  He held where the blood stained his clothes and extended his other hand to her.
Stella took off down the wrong way and he dropped his arm.
“In all my dreams, dear!  You seem to leave me…  When I awake, my poor heart pains!”
Ardyn groaned as he stumbled, gripping his wound as more scourge dripped down his face.
“So…when you come back and make me happy…” he whispered.  “I’ll forgive you, dear.  I’ll…take all the blame…”
He took his time to follow Stella, knowing that she was heading to a dead end.  He hummed under his breath as he found the room she had taken refuge in, just about seeing her hiding behind a pile of rubble, shivering.  He could see she was holding a weapon but wasn’t quite sure what.
“Stella…” he sighed and Stella whimpered.  “Sssh, ssh, darling…my darling, what are you doing down here?”
He stepped into the room.
“My star, you must be cold,” he spoke soothingly as he slowly made his way to her.  “Come back home.  It’s warm and dry there.  You can have a nice hot bath, I’ll make you some soba noodles with steak and then you can curl up in your soft bed with your books.  You don’t even have to see me.  I’m happy with just knowing you’re safe and sound at home.”
Stella sniffed again as he stopped by the rubble, looking down at her cowering form.
“Please…Stella…  I need you with me.  And you need me.  I can protect you from the horrible world out there.  You know you can put your faith into me.  I love you after all.”
He reached out for her.
“So, dearest…”
A gunshot echoed in the small room which had the princess jump and admittedly took Ardyn by surprise.  Pain flared in his back as he stumbled away from Stella, turning to see a hunter at the door with a shotgun.
“Stay back, you daemon!”
Ardyn glared at her, about to charge and attack her, only to get a few more rounds into his chest.  He roared angrily, the scourge masking his face as his wounds began healing.
However, it was enough time for Stella to regain her bearings and run towards the hunter.  They linked hands and Stella disappeared with the hunter down the corridors, leaving Ardyn to wait for his body to regenerate.  He dropped to his knees with a snarl.
“Twenty years…” he whispered.  “They’ve had the privilege of your light for twenty years, Stells!”
He slammed his fist into the wall next to him, gritting his teeth.
“Now…it’s my turn.  You are my starshine, my light and I will have you!”
He chuckled ominously as he ground his fist into the crater in the wall.
“Don’t…take my starshine away~!”
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sonsoflucis · 7 years
ardyn | submission
“If I ever see you around another man, I promise you will never see the light of day again.”  It barely registers what is happening to you.  All you feel is the weight of the man above you, and hear the click of something cold around your neck. Your peripheral sight blackening, you wonder what exactly was in that tea that he had so cheerfully served you.  
“These holes…”  
Shuffling is heard, and you feel a thrust inside of you, a dull pain travelling down your thighs as he bores his nails into your skin. A second intrusion, and sharper pain as your body is stuffed to capacity.
“This mouth…”  
The miry black appendage creeps along your chest, finding perfect refuge in your mouth. You choke as it lodges itself deep into your throat, and you want to protest, but you find yourself too heavy to even move.
“And your life…”
There is a sudden tightness around your neck, making it nearly impossible to breath.
“All belong to me.”
He hips crash into you again, your head lulling back as your muscles fail you.  Save for a small, blurry, visage of the wine-haired man in front of you, your vision had nearly fully dissipated.  He bends over your weakened form, lips brushing against your ear and moving against you in a ominous whisper.
“If you ever think of leaving my side again, my precious whore, I will most certainly break you.  Until you see, know, and crave nothing but me.  Do you understand?”
Your body jerks again, completely limp in his iron grip.  He shifts your ass up as a higher angle, giving him the ideal position to drive himself in even deeper.
“Although, I really have no reason to hold back, now do I?”
It finally had all faded to black.
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lancermylove · 4 years
Request Rules
(Updated: 3/19/24)
⭐ Fandoms I will write for: BSTS, FFXV, FXVII, Magi, MLQC, Obey Me, Twisted Wonderland
⭐ You can request headcannon, one-shot, or scenario when the request box is open. (One-shots will take longer though.)
⭐ Reader insert only. 
⭐ MxF pairing or gender neutral. PLEASE SPECIFY female or gender neutral s/o. 
⭐ Try to be specific when requesting. Provide the character, genre, situation, and headcannon/scenario (by default, I will pick headcannon).
If you REALLY can’t think of anything, then be sure to at least pick a genre. 
⭐ For scenario and one-shot, 1 character only. For headcannons, no character limit.
⭐ AUs are fine as long as they’re not too out there.
⭐ If I am not comfortable with a request, I will let you know.
I will NOT write for the following:
Yandere, character abusing s/o, cheating, animal abuse
Pregnancy (pre, during, or post), wanting to try for kids/breeding kink
Romantic relationship with young characters
Furry, mecha, certain kinks, gender bender
Racial, discrimination, political
Polyship (unless it’s a love triangle/web with the reader ending up with ONE of the characters).
Characters I will write for: 
- ⛔️ (non-romantic relationship requests only)
Any members of Teams K, W, P, B, C
Iwami ⛔️
Haseyama ⛔️
Sharrkan Amun-Ra
Spartos Leoxses
Pisti ⛔️
Hinahoho ⛔️
Drakon ⛔️
Narmes Titi
Armakan Amun-Ra
Kouen Ren  
Koumei Ren
Kouha Ren  ⛔️
Hakuei Ren
Kougyoku Ren
Hakuyuu Ren
Hakuren Ren
Hakuryuu Ren
Scheherazade ⛔️
Titus Alexius  ⛔️
Muu Alexius
Myron Alexius
Lo’lo’ ⛔️
Sphintus Carmen
Mystras Leoxses
Alibaba Saluja
Aladdin ⛔️
Gladiolus Amicitia
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Ignis Scientia
Prompto Argentum
Cor Leonis
Ravus Nox Fleuret
Nyx Ulric
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Regis Lucis Caelum ⛔️
Clarus Amicitia ⛔️
Cindy Aurum
Ardyn Izunia
Aranea Highwind
Iris Amicitia ⛔️
Crowe Altius
Zack Fair
Angeal Hewley
Genesis Rhapsodos
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair
Aerith Gainsborough
Tifa Lockhart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Jessie Rasberry
Barret Wallace ⛔️
Lucrecia Crescent
Marlene Wallace ⛔️
Denzel ⛔️
Cid Highwind
Reeve Tuesti ⛔️
Rufus Shinra
Obey Me
Luke ⛔️
Thirteen ⛔️
Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar
Malleus Draconia
Riddle Rosehearts
Vil Schoenheit
Azul Ashengrotto
Ace Trappola
Caster Diamond
Lilia Vanrouge
Deuce Spade
Epel Felmier
Floyd Leech
Jade Leech
Idia Shroud
Jack Howl
Jamil Viper
Kalim Al-Asim
Trey Clover
Sebek Zigvolt
Ortho Shroud  ⛔️
Rook Hunt
Ruggie Bucchi
Neige LeBlanche
------------------------------------------ Rules are subjected to change! If you aren’t sure about something, then by all means ask. :)
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mytinyminds · 5 years
Request Rules
I write oneshots, headcanons, match-ups and yandere.
All characters I write for are aged up.
I can write some nsfw but I have my limits.
-Midoriya Izuku
-Todoroki Shouto
-Bakugo Katsuki
-Kaminari Denki
-Ochako Uraraka
-Kirishima Eijirou
-Yo Shindo
-Tamaki Amajiki
Yandere Simulator:
-Budo Masuta
-Umeji Kizuguchi
-Gaku Hikitsuri
-Dairoku Surikizu
-Hakuto Furukizu
-Hayanari Tsumeato
The Ultimate Spiderman:
-Peter Parker
-Flash Thompson
-Amadeus Cho
-Miles Morales
-Ben Reilly
-Danny Rand
-Sam Alexander
-Luke Cage
-Ava Ayala
Final Fantasy XV:
-Noctis Lucis Caelum
-Prompto Argentum
-Ignis Scientia
-Gladio Amicitia
-Ardyn Izunia (Lucis Caelum)
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fragmenthearted · 5 years
The Dere Game: Ardyn Izunia
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DEREDERE [x] You tilt your head when you’re confused. [  ] You love sweets and cute things. [  ] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends. [  ] People often call you cute. [  ] You care a lot about your friends. [  ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements. [  ] You like bright, soft colours. [  ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs. [  ] You add things to the end of your friend’s names. [  ] People often say “aww” when you’ve done something clumsy/silly. [  ] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship. Total: 1/11
TSUNDERE [  ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside. [  ] You often hide your true feelings for someone. [x] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you. [x] You are protective. [  ] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still worried that you’ve hurt them. [  ] You are easily embarrassed. [  ] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them. [x] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings. [x] You can be violent at times. [  ] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away. [x] You never cry in front of others. Total: 5/11
YANDERE [x] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly. [x] When angry, you normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. [x] You can at times, be obsessive. [x] People have said you are “two-faced”. [x] People tell you that you’re nice, but can be creepy at times. [x] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset. [x] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling. [x] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh. [x] You can get very violent. [x] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more. [x] You like colours like dark blue or light red. Total: 11/11
KUUDERE [  ] You don’t show your emotions to others. [x] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up. [  ] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy. [x] You care for others a lot, still, you don’t show it. [x] People think you are mysterious. [  ] You can be shy. [  ] You aren’t very loud, rather silent. [x] You know who to trust and who not to. [x] You choose which friend you can trust wisely. [x] You like simple colours, like light purple or white. [x] You are rather mature. Total: 7/11
DANDERE [  ] You are a shy person. [  ] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself. [  ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking. [  ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking. [  ] You have stage fright. [x] You are stoic and not very open. [  ] You hide yourself with your hair at times. [  ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird. [  ] You are afraid of meeting new people. [x] You are a hard worker. [x] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you’ll cherish them very much. Total: 3/11
Tagged by: @lucianprincess
Tagging:  @unborderedreflection @edenslostwallflower and idk if it looks fun take it!
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eternitas-archive · 6 years
Before you follow / Rules
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Ah yes, hey there. Let’s do this
I don’t want to seem like a bitch, but for my own comfort I have to set up some small rules:
1. I will not follow you if you have the following Characters as romantic F/O
Bolded those I def have issues with seeing
Hayato Gokudera [Katekyou Hitman Reborn!]
Squalo Superbia [Katekyou Hitman Reborn!]
Genji Shimada [Overwatch]
Jesse Mccree [Overwatch]
Dabi [Boku no Hero Academia]
Enji Todoroki [Boku no Hero Academia]
Rei Todoroki [Boku no Hero Academia]
Natsume Sakasaki [Ensemble Stars]
Mika Kagehira [Ensemble Stars]
Subaru Akehoshi [Ensemble Stars]
Hokuto Hidaka [Ensemble Stars]
Makoto Yuki [Ensemble Stars]
Mao Isara [Ensemble Stars]
Takumi [Fire Emblem Fates]
Inigo/Laslow [Fire Emblem Awakening/Fire Emblem Fates]
Okuyasu Nijimura [Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure - Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable]
Trish [Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure - Part 5: Vento Aureo]
Ardyn Izunia [Final Fantasy XV]
Gladiolus Amicitia [Final Fantasy XV]
Iris Amicitia [Final Fantasy XV]
Kaoru Seta [Bang Dream Girls Band Party!]
Misaki Okusawa  [Bang Dream Girls Band Party!]
Mikaela Hyakuya [Owari no Seraph]
Eric Surt [K Project]
Ryuji Sakamoto [Persona 5]
Hajime Iwaizumi [Haikyuu!]
Yamamoto Takeshi [Katekyo Hitman Reborn!]
Belphegor [Katekyo Hitman Reborn]
“Wow Mii, there are even F/os on there you don’t have on your list!”
Look. I get it, “claiming” characters/ F/Os is frowned upon and I do not intend to go all yandere on you, but some of the characters on the list above I just can not see in a relationship with someone else. That does not mean that I hate you or your selfship! Far from it. Your selfhip is valid no matter what! I just get uncomfortable seeing such kind of content, for various reasons. You can follow me if you want but I will not follow back.
2. If you have an issue with “growing up with your F/O” or aging up characters for a ship and that jazz, then you very likely should not follow me. In return I will not follow anyone who has an issue with that kind of thing. I have my reasons for that. Not gonna elaborate this time.
3. Please for the love of god do not soft block me. What is softblock? It’s when you block a person for only a short amount of time, which automatically makes them unfollow your blog. I am not that attentive and smart to realize someone softblocked me and made me unfollow them. It just does not hit me, so rather just block me or tell me directly, because otherwise I might refollow you not knowing wtf happened or something. 
4. I do make anon hate public AND if possible expose the people that send it. I am someone who really despises anon hate and I WILL search for who send it to me and I WILL make a calloutpost about it. I am a strong defender of the idea that you shape your own safe space, so I will do this to keep myself and others safe.
5. Just... be nice?
I won’t follow if you’re a dick, don’t send hate, don’t steal original content, yade yade
The usual courtesy and decent manners I actually expect from people because ya know, being a dick is kinda shit.
Yes sure I had to make this page and I had to clear things up and all, but honestly? Let’s just drown in the love our F/Os have for us!
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x reader
RATING: Explicit
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
TW: Dubcon
         "Ooh fuck!" You sobbed, your hands searched the plush surface of your blanket, desperate to find something to hold onto. 
           Ardyn gave you one more hard suck on your clit and your hands flew into his hair instantly. You couldn't think, you couldn't breath, you couldn't even remember why you didn't want this in the first place. You're hurling closer and closer to the finish line at a startling rate. All you could do was hold on and await the inevitable. 
       You were whimpering and gasping and tightening around his invading digits. As you got closer and closer to the knife's edge, your speech began to slur as though you were intoxicated. It felt like you were. Dopamine and endorphins replaced the blood in your veins, an impenetrable fog pillaged the thoughts from your brain, and you were surfing the wave of a dangerous high that doused your entire body in euphoria. 
        "Ooh! Ooh fuck, yes! Please, please, please!" You cried, hands tightening upon his auburn tresses. Ardyn chuckled against your sex and only made you grind against his face even more. Your legs trembled around his head as a litany of moans filled the air. "Right fucking there! Yes! Just like that, please!" 
        So close, your body quivered. A light sheen of sweat covered every inch of your body and your slurred words devolved into a jumbled incoherent mess. Ardyn spread you wider, his fingers curled faster, harder, squelching against your aching insides. The mounting tension deep inside of you collapsed. The full force of your release punched the air right out of your lungs.
         Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as a flash of white consumed your sight. Ardyn worked you through your orgasm, rubbing your clit with his thumb and devouring your release with his tongue. You were floating, weightless in a sea of ecstasy. A parade of colors danced behind your eyelids, your senses sung a pleasant melody. You wanted to remain in that heavenly void forever, but you were soon dropped back down to earth.
         What felt beautiful and all consuming a moment before now felt disgusting and vile. Ardyn climbed up your body, your taut muscles jolted with the dregs of your release. Before you could even blink he claimed your lips. A shiver climbed down the back of your neck the moment you tasted yourself, the unmistakable musky sweet tang of a woman's ecstasy. "Good girl, so sweet for your dear uncle Ardyn." He said in between kisses. "I think you deserve a reward."
           Climbing off of you, he went to work removing his clothes. His hat was first, then his scarf, he shoved his long heavy coat down his arms and it rustled as it hit your cherry wood floors. His yellow eyes were locked onto you as you sat up on the bed. His eyes were heavy with lust but something much darker lurked under the surface, a challenge. There was no need for a verbal warning when you could read it so clearly on his face.     
       Even so, your eyes flitted towards the open bedroom door. The urge to flee was palpable. You flirted with the idea, imagined leaping off the bed and running towards your freedom. But you knew it would be a wasted effort. Ardyn would catch you, his arms would wrap around your waist and hurl you onto the bed. His punishing grip would bite into your skin and he would make you regret ever attempting to escape. 
       Grabbing your towel, you tossed it over your nakedness and hid from his hungry gaze. You balled your hand into a fist to keep it from trembling. You knew what was going to happen next. Ardyn would fully disrobe and climb on top of you, then proceed to take the very thing you gave to him over and over again in your head for years. But the real life scenario was a nightmarish contrast to what you thought would be a beautiful and loving experience. 
        The bed dipped and you were snapped out of your thoughts. A mischievous grin was on his lips as he climbed on top of you, you held the towel closer to your body, your heart slamming against your ribs. Dread churned in your stomach when Ardyn grabbed the towel and wrestled it from your tenuous grip. Once it was tossed onto the floor, you pressed your hand against his toned chest. "Ardyn…y-you don't have to do this. You could leave and we could pretend like this never happened." You said.
         "I’m afraid that won’t do. We’ve come this far, might as well see the night through." He said and your heart sunk to the darkest pit of your stomach.
          "Are you afraid?" Ardyn asked. You bit your bottom lip as tears flooded your eyes. 
          "Yes." You croaked, a single tear slid down your face. "Please don't do this." More tears cascaded down your cheeks. You didn't fight Ardyn when he pulled you into a gentle embrace. His hand rubbed soothing circles against your back, his other hand cradled your head against his shoulder, and he kissed your forehead. Your muscles relaxed in response. It was foolish, after all the horrible things he did to you tonight you still craved comfort from him. He was the one making your heart ache and yet it felt so light in this tiny fraction of time.
            A part of you hoped he would change his mind. He would put his clothes back on and spend the rest of the night comforting you and apologizing and promising never to hurt you again. You were willing to forgive him, you just wanted this nightmare to end. 
           The older man gently shushed you and wiped your tears away with his thumb. "Shhh, shhh, now, now, dearest, I won’t hurt you." He promised, he sealed the saccharine sweet promise with another kiss on your forehead. "You can do this one thing for your dear uncle Ardyn, can't you? After everything I have done for you, at least."
       You crane your neck to look up at him. "But-"
        "Haven’t I kept you safe all these years? Lent you an ear when you needed it most? Did all in my power to keep you happy?" He listed, grasping your chin with his hand. "All without asking for anything in return. Certainly you could find it in yourself to fulfill this one meager request."
        Have you really been selfish for all these years? You looked away from Ardyn and dug through your memories, certainly you've done him a kind gesture before or showed your gratitude with a gift or fulfilled a request of his. The more you searched the more you started to realize that Ardyn was right. All you did was take and take and take from him for as long as you knew him. And Ardyn never complained, he continued to look out for you and take care of you despite you never doing the same for him.
           Ardyn deserved something in return, something he wanted, but could you truly go through with this? You were dating another man and even if Gladiolus wasn't in the picture, you never imagined your first time with Ardyn going like this. You always imagined a few kisses being exchanged first. He would sweep you off your feet with gifts and thoughtful dates, and he would confess his undying love for you before claiming you as his own. You twiddle your thumbs in your lap. 
         But you supposed Ardyn did do some of those things, he always showered you with gifts and would frequently take you out. Before it was to the circus but now it's to other towns, to restaurants and tourist attractions you've never seen before. He kissed you on the lips many times tonight, and if you count the last four years, he has kissed you on your forehead more times than you could count. The only requirement left unfulfilled was the admission of love, but the other two had been fulfilled a long time ago. After everything he did for you over the years, it would be unfair for you to deny him the only request he had ever given you.
         Despite knowing this, you still weren't ready. Will Ardyn hurt you if you deny him? He seemed to be in an amicable mood right now, perhaps he would be receptive to a hint of your apprehension and not an outright refusal. Maybe he would choose to postpone this night and give you time to think. With a heavy sigh, you looked up into his yellow eyes. You were still in his embrace, his strong toned arms felt warm and safe wrapped around you. "It'll hurt." You whispered.
      "A moment of pain in exchange for a night of bliss." Ardyn responded. He shifted your weight so you would lay against the bed. You tried to calm your beating heart when he laid on top of you, his hips between your legs. His member was hot and hard and pressed against your naked sex.
          He rocked his hips against yours, his shaft parted your slick folds and nudged your clit as it ground against you. You could hear the wet click of skin against skin as he teased the both of you. Your heart was slowly climbing up your throat but you tried to breath through the sudden wave of panic. 
          Ardyn must've seen the fear in your eyes since he gave you a soft lingering kiss and brushed his knuckles against your cheek. "Just relax. Haven’t I always known best?"
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
(Partial)Yandere!Ardyn Izunia x Reader - I’d Rather Die
Hey this is technically an AU so I kind of went nuts on this. Ya girl got in her feelings with this one. A friend of mine inspired the plot of this, LOVE YA CARMEN!
I’d still fight Ardyn though, make no mistake. Like if I saw him, IT’S ON SIGHT. COME AT ME BRO! I AIN’T AFRAID TO DIE! I WILL GO CRAZY DRUNKEN MASTER ON THAT ASS! Wait...that sounded wrong. Damnit I’ve ruined it!...Just know I’d fight you, Ardyn.
Can you guys tell I’m feeling much better than how I was feeling from my last FFXV related post?
Triggers/ warnings- Fem! Reader. Kidnapping, violences, slight aggressive behavior, mean hobo man.
“You can go fuck yourself!” you yanked at the painfully tight ropes than decorated your wrists. “When my friends realize I’m missing, I swear you’ll be sorry!”
You only could glare at the man ( or the shadow of a man) who had done this to you in the first place. The little coward could only hide in the shadows. “Show yourself you damn coward!” You snapped, yanking tighter at your bindings. It hurt quite badly, but you were stubborn. So stubborn that you had taken it upon yourself to argue with a shadow for the last 20 or so minutes. You had been trapped here for the who knows how many hours. You could barely focus let alone think of a way to free yourself.
God damnit, Y/N. Think! You have to get out somehow. The question was, how on Earth were you going to pull this off.
“God-damnit. You really outdid yourself this time Y/N....” you groaned. “Round of applause to you....” you yanked at the rope again.
“I suppose I should say the more you struggle, the tighter the ropes become. I’m surprised You haven’t noticed.” a low voice echoed throughout to room. 
“Oh now you want to respond you little-” you had stopped talking for a minute. You had taken the time to stare at your wrists. You gave it a big yank and could feel the rope loosen, only to tighten back up again. Your anger must have caused you to not notice sooner. 
“I would have told you earlier, but I figure it would be rude to interrupt your little speech. May I just say that for a lady, you have the mouth of a sailor?”
“FUCK YOU!” you yelled so loud that you could just hear the echo of the room. “You think you’re so tough, why don’t you say that to my face.”
“Hm. As you wish.”
You glared intensely, waiting for the stranger to show himself. It was funny how he decided to reside in the darkest corner of the room, just outside your field of vision.
A man with reddish-purple hair walked out of the darkness. The amount of layers in the clothes that he wore made you think that he carried his entire wardrobe on his back, or that he was just cold all the time. Either way, he reminded you somewhat of one of those overdramatized hobos on T.V or something.
Was he just angry all the time, or was he starting to show signs of aging with the slight wrinkles around his eyes? You didn’t know, and you really didn’t care. 
“Allow me to introduce myself-”
“No need, I don’t care.” you rolled your eyes and looked away. “Let me go, or I swear I’m gonna-”
“Language, my dear lady. Such dirty words shouldn’t escape such sweet lips.”
“I am not your ‘Dear Lady’ asshole!” you snapped. “Who are you anyways?!”
“Hm, wouldn’t you like to know.” he chuckled lowly. “My name is Ardyn.” he announced. “And if I’m not mistaken, I heard you say your name was Y/N, correct? Such a strange name.”
You stayed quiet, still glaring. 
“I can see we aren’t fond of new friends, yes?” this Ardyn chuckled.
“You are not my friend.” you laid lowly. “I don’t even know you.”
“Hm, you don’t?” he chuckled. “Your memory seems to be cloudy then.”
“Excuse me?” you asked lowly. “My memory?” you repeated. “I don’t understand-” you cut yourself off. Somehow, something about his aura....no, that was impossible.
“I expected this.” he sighed, shaking his head. “Hm, Y/N. Take a good look at me. “
“There are other things in here to look at.” you rolled your eyes, even though you had been lying completely. “Why am I here?”
“Isn’t it obvious my queen?” he chuckled. “To be mine of course.” 
“Yours? I belong to no one.” You scowled. “Now let me go!” You didn’t want to admit it, but something about him set off something in your chest. You were just too angry to register exactly what it was. Have you seen him somewhere before? It couldn’t have been in person.
“Hm, that’s no way to speak to a lover...”
“LOVER? Now you’ve really got the wrong girl, pal!” you snapped. “I don’t even k-know you...” you had finally found it in yourself to stare at his face. You wouldn’t lie, he wasn’t a bad looking guy. That didn’t change the fact that you were being held to a wall by ropes. “The way I see it you have two options, let me go, or get your ass fried.” you snapped.
“Hm, that’s quite funny, because the way I see it, love. You have two options. You could either live out your days beside me for the rest of eternity with all the power you could have ever wanted...or die. Which would you prefer?” 
“I’d. Rather. DIE!” you spat. “Kill me I dare you. In fact, give me the gun I’ll do it myself!” You snarled. “I would rather be eaten alive by daemons then even be SEEN with the likes of you.”
“Hm...You seem tense. Allow me to put you at ease.” with the wave of one hand, you suddenly felt the ropes around your wrists grow slack and you fell forward, landing on your hands and knees. 
“OW!” you yelled. “What was that fo-” you glared up, and instantly shut your mouth. You had only just now realized just how much bigger and taller than you he really was. You were growing confused as well. An intense feeling of Deja Vu befell you. That was impossible, you’ve never seen this man a day in your life.
“Oh, you look so helpless down there.” Adryn mocked, a snide smile painted on his lips. “On your hands and knees no less. Are you already prepared for me?”
“You stay away from me.” you warned, scrambling to your feet. “I’m not afraid of you!”
“Then why are you cowering away from me, Y/N?”
That part, you couldn’t answer. The blood was rushing to your head too abruptly for you to realize. You flattened yourself against the wall you were freed from. You suddenly felt a wave of dread wash over your body. His energy was draining, concocted of absolute pure evil.
“Hm, not so tough now that I’m in your face, now are you?” Ardyn laughed maniacally. “What was all that before? Calling me an ‘asshole’ and telling me to say what I had to say to your face?”
“I stand by those words fully.” you tried to say.
“Oh really?” he chuckled. You would have responded, but were too taken aback at the sound of meta clinking. Ardyn had dawned a dagger, twirling the blade between his fingers. “How about now?”
“One hundred percent.” you said calmly. “Do it....” you challegened. 
With another smirk, Ardyn held the blade to your neck. “I could slit your throat right here, right now and walk away without giving a second thought.” You felt the very edge of the blade just lightly touch your throat. “Are you so willing to die, little girl? I dare to say you like it when I hold this blade to your throat.”
You didn’t talk, or move. His blade was just touching your throat, just barely grazing. One sharp movement and you were finished. You averted your eyes to meet his. Cold, distant....lonely?
The smirk on Ardyn’s face quickly dissipated. Were you trying to read him?! 
 “Just what do you think you’re doing?” he snarled. Slamming his fist against the wall, right next to your head. “Your little party tricks won’t work on me if that’s what you’re thinking!” he snapped coldly. “You can try to read me all you want but not one human soul has ever been successful.”
You were surprised, but not scared. His attitude had taken an entire 360.
“You aren’t going to hurt me.” you finally said as he turned away from you “You-....wait a second.”. You stared at his mannerisms, his movements,they all seemed familiar. “...I do know you.” you whispered to yourself. 
Ardyn snapped his head to look at you, more confused than mad now. “What did you just say?”  Wow, he switched up quickly...
You shook your head, turning away. You were focused on trying to escape. You just had to. The more familiar he got, the more scared you became. “N-nothing.”
“No!” you felt a soft hand on your shoulder. “What did you say?”
“I think I’ve seen you before.” you said louder. “I j-just don’t know where from.” you confessed.
“Think harder.” he urged. “Where do you know me from?” he asked.
“I don’t know....a dream maybe?” you stumbled over your words. “I just-”
The second you looked into his eyes, it was almost like you were taken back to a point in time. It was hard to explain, hard to picture but you knew you had seen those eyes- that face somewhere before. Only this version of him was more sinister looking, and much more of a jerk.
Suddenly, you were able to pinpoint just where you’ve seen him from.
(Dream Sequence Time!)
“Oh come on!” you whined. You dodged a branch in your walked through the woods. “Where is he?” you mumbled. This game was growing old and it had barely began. It wasn’t fair since he was all magical and what not.
 “If you scare me I’m not going to be happy and you know that!!” you snapped. You tightened your jacket around your body, trudging along the dirt path. “Okay this isn’t funny anymore! I give up!” you stopped, crossing your arms.
“Looking for me?” You whipped around to find him standing there with a smirk on his face. “I just adore hide and seek, don’t you?” He stepped out of the shade and into the sudden, the light hitting every highlight of his face.
“No, not when I’m left by myself. You changed hiding spots mid-game.” you crossed your arms. “That’s hardly fair wouldn’t you say?” you turned away from the reddish haired male, a frown on your face. “Meanie.”
“Oh come now, don’t be like that.” he chuckled. “Look at me?” 
When you didn’t turn around, you felt strong arms wrap around your body. Still pretending to be mad, you didn’t turn around. You wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction. “I’m not listening.”
“Now, don’t make me turn you by force.” you heard a teasing voice mumble in your ear. “Look at me, Y/N dear.”
“And if I refuse?” you challenged, hiding the sneaky smile that dared to grace your lips. You could feel his fist gather up the fabric of your dress as his low chuckle vibrated your entire body. “I don’t think you deserve to see my face after being so mean.” You teased. “Or touch me for that matter.”
“Is that so?” 
You were abruptly turned around to face him, met by pair of auburn colored eyes. His skirt of your dress was still gathered in his fist, slowly inching the fabric of your skirt up.
“Now that’s better isn’t it?” he raised an eyebrow. “Looking up at me.”
“Hmmm...Nuh-uh.” you shook your head. 
“Then perhaps a kiss from your king shall cure your distress, dear Y/N?”
“Maybe.” you pretended not to be interested. “Possibly.”
“Then look at me.”
Just as you turned your head, you were met by a pair of soft lips. He had captured your pout in a kiss. “There, all better?”
“Hmmmm. no!” you turned your head.
“How about this then?” he slid his fingers under your chin and made you leaned your head up. His lips met yours in another prolonged chaste kiss. His hands caressed your cheeks. He took a step back, a grin on his face. “ How about now?”
“...I suppose, but now it’s my turn to hide. “ you poked his shoulder. 
“Hm, I don’t see why. I always find you.” he chuckled. “I always win this game, Y/N.”
“Because I always let you.” you replied. “If I ever get lost, all I have to do is say your name and you’ll appear as if I’ve never left.” you giggled.
“Then say it...say my name, love.”
“Hmm...if you find me first!” you flicked his nose before running off, your ‘lover’ on your trail, laughing aloud as well.
“That’s hardly fair wouldn’t you say!” he called after you!
“Nope! This doesn’t count! Count to ten and you’d better not cheat!” You yelled running off. Okay, good hiding place. Where could you hide? You had turned around and found him with his hands over his eyes, playfully mouthing the numbers you had instructed him to count. 
You had opted for a hiding place far, but still to the point where you could see him from afar. A giant, sturdy tree loomed high above you. It was the perfect spot. You were certain he wouldn’t think of looking here.
“Ready or not! Here I come!” he called. “Now where, Oh where has my little Y/N run off too? Whereever could she be now?”
You peeked from behind the tree, only to find him gone. How did he walk off so quickly. Where could he have possibly have gone.?
“Gotcha.” you heard in your ear. 
You almost jumped in your shoes when you felt a chin on the top of your head.
“No fair.” you huffed, turning towards him. “Fine, you won....again.” you seethed.
“Well, I’ve found you...so now you owe me.” he smirked.
“Hm...fine. What do you want?”
“Say my name, spoil me by allowing me to hear you say it....”
(End dream sequence, back to the present)
You gasped sharply, so much so to the point of where it hurt. You dropped to your knees, coughing violently. This took Ardyn by surprise. That slight window of time where you had seemingly zoned out. You clutched your head, groaning in pain at the throbbing headache that formed.
“Not again!” you struggled to breathe. That was it, your ‘curse’ as you called it. You would have what felt like flashbacks, or dreams. They would appear at random moments. You swore you had gotten rid of them years ago, but apparently not. You didn’t like them in the slightest, despite whether they were pleasant or not. They always gave you a huge headache afterwards. You had forgotten these were even an occurrence, so much for letting it go.
Ardyn watched you, curious. He was right, you were the girl he was after. That was certain, but you seemed much more outspoken then how he envisioned you being. If anything he expected the exact opposite. Then again, if you weren’t as outspoken as you were in his visions, then you’d be no fun most likely. 
“You...” you said lowly. “ I-”
“You do know me don’t you.” He kneeled down in front of you. “That look in your eye-”
“I thought I had gotten rid of you.” you said, mainly to yourself. Still recovering. You looked up. “I thought you were just some weirdo I saw in my dreams sometimes...You definitely dressed different.” you continued yourself. 
“Well as you can see, I am very real.” he ignored the comment about his clothes. “I’ve been looking for you for a long long time, Y/N. You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to finally find you.”
He wouldn’t get into detail, but it involved a lot of blood....a lot of blood....unhealthy amounts. But details, details, they weren’t important/
You were too weak to answer, your headache still overtaking you. These sequences left you weak, as if taking part of your soul and taking its sweet time giving it back. 
“I feel your pain.” you felt a hand on your head. 
“Oh really.” you snapped, still refusing to look up. The pain was so intense it drew a tear from your eye. For such a pleasant dream-like state, the aftermath was gruesome.
“No, I mean I really do feel the pain that lies within your head. It aches me too.” you felt a warmth on the back of your head, followed by a certain glow. Suddenly, the pain was gone. 
You coughed again. “H-how did you-”
“Shhh, do you now see what I mean? I can take away your pain, just as easily as I can give it to others.” he whispered. You looked up to meet his eyes again.
“What are you?” you asked, taken aback.
“Hm, I can always show you, love.” he chuckled, holding his hand out to you.
“H-how do I know you won’t point that knife at my neck again.” you asked, still not sure if this was real or not.
“Like you said. I ‘m not going to hurt you, I’m unable to say the same for others who dare stand in my way though.” he responded just as you slipped your hand in his, finally standing to your feet.
(So hey! If you want a part two... I guess i’ll do it! Still would fight Ardyn though. Let me know! Lowkey, I am kind of liking where this is going so I COULD do a part two orrr just something else haha!))
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A gift from Wild_Card_Writing for TynxCann!
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Ardyn Izunia Characters: Prompto Argentum, Ardyn Izunia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, and just about everyone Additional Tags: mentions of cannibalism, demons biology, Sex, Graphic Description of Corpses, Graphic Violence, dark themes, yandere!prompto, prompto is a demon halfing pretending to be human and it shows, none of the chocobros will die Series: Part 1 of Final Fantasy 15 December Summary:
After he gained Noctis’ friendship he made sure he was the very picture of normal.
(Even if that meant burying a few bodies.)
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
Writing Masterpost~
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pairs Royal // Dimitri x Claude x Reader // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, impact play, subspace
Raison D’etre // Dimitri x Sylvain x Reader // warnings - not sfw, omegaverse (mating cycles, knotting), dubcon
Dolos // Claude x Yuri x Reader // warnings - mild dubcon, unhealthy relationship // part one (sfw)  // part two (not sfw) 
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea // Hubert x Ferdinand x Reader // warnings - not sfw, implied torture, disassociation, yandere
Short prompts (AO3 link) 
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd:
Beastie and the Bard // multichapter (unfinished) // warnings - not sfw (chapter six only), heavy angst, minor violence
Lunacy // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, angst
Welcome to Dead House // alternate universe: outlast // warnings - not sfw, mild gore, noncon
wrap me up like a present // i’ll tie you up with a bow // birthday sex // warnings - not sfw
Fait Accompli // sequel to Raison D’etre // warnings - not sfw, omegaverse, dubcon
Sainted // alternate universe: vampires // warnings - period sex, noncon // part one (sfw) // part two (not sfw)
Beachy Keen // alternate universe: modern // warnings not sfw
Claude von Riegan:
Razzed // warnings - not sfw
Alethea // warnings - drugged sex, not sfw, possessive behavior
Dramaturgy // alternate universe: urban fantasy and vampires // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, drugging, blood kink, horror elements
Double Down // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw
Yuri Leclerc: 
Agnus Dei
condemn me, corrupt me, lie to me (as long as you don’t leave me) // warnings - not sfw, possessive behavior
Asteria // alternate universe: modern + incubi // warnings: not sfw, dubcon
Sylvain Jose Gautier:
your kisses are a philtre, your mouth an amphora // warnings - not sfw, yandere
Ghost Beach // alternate universe: siren // warnings - not sfw. noncon, monster bf, mind control
helpless // warnings: explicit smut, non/dubcon
cry foul // warnings: not sfw, step-sibling incest, dub/noncon, manipulation
Crybaby // warnings: not sfw, dubcon
Felix Hugo Fraldarius:
Epitaph // warnings: not sfw, major angst
Paradoxical // warnings: not sfw, violence, degradation, victim blaming
Balthus von Albrecht:
Calling All Creeps! // alternate universe: werewolf // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, monster bf
Verbosity // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw
Hubert von Vestra:
Tick Tock, You’re Dead! - alternate universe: dishonored/heart of stone // warnings - not sfw, noncon, mental manipulation, yandere
Ferdinand von Aegir:
Songbirds and Honeybees // warnings: not sfw, dubcon, yandere
Linhardt von Hevring
Somnambulant // alternate universe: modern // warnings- not sfw, dream manipulation
Jujutsu Kaisen:
horrorshow // Junpei Yoshino x Mahito x Reader // alternate universe: human // warnings- not sfw, noncon, kidnap, stockholm syndrome 
Baby Blue // Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto x Reader // not sfw, noncon
Suguru Geto:
better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven // warnings- not sfw, dubcon
living idly and dying as if dreaming // warnings- not sfw, dubcon
Toji Fushiguro:
Femme Fatale // warnings - not sfw, noncon, minor violence, suicidal thoughts
Child’s Play // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw, noncon, impact play
Final Fantasy XIV:
Emet-Selch / Emperor Solus zos Galvus:
Vae Victis // warnings - not sfw, dub/noncon, 
Devil’s Bouquet // warnings - not sfw, dub/noncon
vers la flamme // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, mating cycles/in heat
Diplomacy // not sfw, dub/noncon, 
Zenos yae Galvus :
Sugar // warnings -  not sfw, dub/noncon, blood and gore, pain, trauma
Raptus Regaliter // not sfw, violence, noncon, blood [lots of blood and violence]
Final Fantasy XV: 
Ardyn Izunia:
Nightmare // warnings: not sfw, noncon, minor violence
zero-sum game // warnings: not sfw, noncon, violence
heavensent // alternate universe: angels and demons // warnings: not sfw, tentacle rape, noncon
Ravus Nox Fleuret 
Last Rites // warnings: not sfw, noncon, drugging, borderline monsterfucking, slight body horror
Prompto Argentum:
technophilia // slight Noctis x reader // warnings: dub/noncon, yandere
Arkham Knight:
Jason Todd:
Trouble Man // warnings - stalking, not sfw, dubcon
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish:
 grimm // warnings - explicit smut w/ a nonhuman character, noncon, death, violence, angst
One Piece Live Action:
Buggy the Clown:
Flashbang // Thirteen part series // warnings - dubcon, angst, violence, drunk/drugged sex, unhealthy relationship, child abuse, not sfw
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ardynoctweek-blog · 7 years
Hi! I was just wondering if you could put up a full list of all the prompts that were submitted? There were a few that weren't chosen that I remember considering and I might do them for the free day now, but I can't remember what they were...
Here you go! :-D
Master List of Submitted Prompts
Tumblr media
Simple Prompts
Destiny vs Choice
Forevermore vs Nevermore
Light vs Darkness 
Sun and Moon
Bathing together
Bed Sharing
Clothing Swap
Fake Relationship
Genderbent because of [in-story reasons]
Huddling for warmth
Love Potion/Spell/Curse
Red String of Fate
Sexual Tension (unresolved or otherwise)
Trapped in a cave
Being held
Car sex
Clothed sex
Collar that says “Property of…”
Crossdressing (ie, Noct in maid outfit, Noct in a wedding dress, Ardyn or Noct in kimono, etc)
Fighting leads to fucking
Gentle caresses
Hair pulling
Handcuffed/stuck together
Hate sex
Kissing (Kiss on the neck, Forehead kiss, Making out, etc)
Multiples (Noct + Multiple Ardyns, or Ardyn + Multiple Nocts, etc)
Non-Consensual Touching
Pool sex
Sensory Deprivation
Sex Pollen
Tail fucking
Tentacle sex
Virginity/Loss of virginity
Warp!Sex/Sex involving their phasing abilities
Alternate first meeting
A never ending night
Animal transformation
Ardyn fucks (with) Noct after he stops time on the train.
Ardyn hasn’t had anyone wish him a “Happy Birthday” in years.
Ardyn helps Noctis to relieve his headache.
Ardyn hypnotizes Noct
Ardyn infects Noct with Starscourge
Ardyn is Noct’s father
Ardyn’s love of moogles
Ardyn walks in on Noct while he’s in the middle of changing clothes
Breaking a spell with a kiss of true love
Curse or spell that makes someone tell the truth
De-aged!Noctis & de-aged!Ardyn 
Deepest Fears 
Exchanging Gifts 
Falling in Love 
First Time 
Growing old together 
Masquerade Ball 
Moogle Chocobo Carnival 
Moonlight Dance 
Noct and Ardyn get thrown into a completely different dimension 
Noctis and/or Ardyn somehow get amnesia 
Noctis growing up in Niflheim 
Noctis has a secret admirer 
Noctis joins forces with Ardyn against the Astrals 
Noctis teaches Ardyn how to ride a chocobo 
Nursery rhymes 
One rescues the other from danger 
Pranks/practical jokes 
Prisoner of War 
Raising kids together 
Regis finds out Ardyn and Noctis are dating 
Reluctant arrangement/truce 
Road trip 
Satanic Rituals (Infernianic Rituals?) 
Secret romance 
Stockholm and/or Lima Syndrome 
Wearing suits 
Angels & Demons AU 
Babysitter!Noctis AU 
Ballet Studio AU 
Blindness AU 
Bookshop AU 
Cat!Noctis or Cat!Ardyn 
Coffee Shop AU 
College Roommates AU 
Crossover AU (example: Pokemon AU, His Dark Materials AU, Harry Potter AU etc) 
Cult AU 
Daemon!Ardyn or Daemon!Noct 
Daycare AU 
Epistolary AU 
Fantasy AU 
Flower Shop AU 
Gender Swap (aka, Always-a-Cis-Woman) 
Highschool AU 
Incubus!Ardyn or Incubus!Noct 
Mirror Verse (aka: evil!Noct and good!Ardyn) 
Police Partners AU 
Reincarnation AU 
Roll switch (aka, Prince Ardyn Lucis Caelum & Chancellor Noctis Izunia) 
Serial Killer AU 
Sex-Worker AU 
Soulmates/Soulmark AU 
Spys/Spying AU 
Student/Teacher AU 
Sugar Daddy AU 
Vampires AU 
“Helpless and hapless…” 
“How long were you in the dark?“ 
“It’s so lonely at the top." 
“Leave me alone!” 
“More than you bargained for.” 
“Point of no return.” 
"This is my ascension." 
“When next we meet…” 
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
RATING: Explicit
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
       “Is that so? If I recall correctly, he is from the Amicitia family. An old powerful bloodline that enjoys close relations to the Lucian crown. And by your own accounts this Gladio fellow holds the prince’s ear. A rather precarious situation you’ve found yourself in. To date a coworker and one of blue blood no less. Truly not one of your brightest decisions, my dear.” Your perfectly manicured brows creased, revealing the white hot stab of pain his words no doubt shot through your chest.
       You cleared your throat. “I take it you don’t approve, then.”
       “But how could I?” Ardyn asked. “What will you do if the relationship ends on an unpleasant note? He enjoys a closer relationship to the prince than you do and his family holds sway in the courts. You just might find yourself out of a job in the near future.”
       “Gladio wouldn’t do that.” You retorted, the quivering inflection in your voice revealed Ardyn hit a nerve. “Even if things don’t work out, the king won’t let me go just like that. He still requires a healer and I’m the only one in the entire world with the ability to raise the dead. I won’t get dismissed over a silly hypothetical break up.”
         You were right about that. Ardyn knew you wouldn’t get dismissed over a lover’s quarrel, no matter how powerful the Amicitias were. You were far too valuable to the courts to discard over something so frivolous. It surprised him that you were aware of your worth as well. You were always an insecure girl fraught with uncertainty. Your parents’ cruelty still whispered in your ears long after they passed, and from all the conversations he had with you over the years, it was clear you believed every word they said.
         It was a low blow, but Ardyn thought he could use your insecurity to his advantage. If you didn’t believe you were valuable or worth keeping around, then his words would’ve been an easy argument to sell. As a girl desperate to find someone who would love and value her, you would discard anything that would threaten the affection you craved. Or at least that's what Ardyn thought.
         Oh well. He sighed. Time to switch tactics. “Even if you don’t, who is to say your friendships won’t suffer as a consequence?” Your eyes widened slightly and Ardyn knew he hit the mark. “Ah, there is something you did not consider. Do you really think they would keep you in their little boy’s club if you become an inconvenience? Just think of all the years you’ve spent cultivating those friendships, are they really so meaningless that you would risk them for a chance with the Amicitia?”
          Your face pinched with conflicting emotions. “They’re not meaningless.” You whispered, bowing your head and gazing at the floor. An insecurity related to the first, the fear of being abandoned. Despite being as powerful and beautiful as you are, you never stopped being a slave to your inner demons. Your parents made a habit out of treating you like you were useless, like you were replaceable. You lived with the constant threat of abandonment hanging over your head.  
           Ardyn knew this well, he was the one you always confided in after all. What kind of friend would he be if he never read between the lines and found the source of your distress? Of course, your parents were never going to leave you. You were their lifeline. Without you they would have starved. You knew this. But knowing something means nothing when your heart doesn't agree with you. 
      Ardyn stuffed his hands into his pockets. If toying with your insecurities doesn't work then this one will. After all, would you really risk being abandoned, left without a friend in this city, and given the cold shoulder by the very people who used to smile in your face? If Ardyn knew you well, which he did, he knew you wouldn’t take the risk. “Really? Then why risk them?”
         “I’m not risking anything!” You shouted, it was enough to make his eyebrows raise. This was the first time you’ve ever shouted at him. His eyes flickered to the trembling fists at your side and finally up to your misting eyes. “Why can’t you just be happy for me?” 
       “Oh Aera, can’t you see I am only trying to look out for you?” Ardyn cooed, approaching you and cupping your face in his hands. He caressed your soft cheek and gazed into your glistening eyes. It was unfair how much you looked like her. It made him want to pause the conversation and kiss the tears away from your eyes. “I’ve watched you toil for everything you’ve gained over the years and I loath to see you lose it all, and over a boy no less. You should end it before it's too late.”
        You did something Ardyn wasn’t expecting, you shook your head. You stepped away from his hands and gazed into his quickly narrowing eyes. “I’m not ending anything. I’ve known Gladio for almost a decade, I trust him. If things don’t work out between us he wouldn’t make the boys treat me any differently. You just gotta trust me on this.”
         If Ardyn clenched his jaw any harder he was sure he would break his teeth. You always listened to Ardyn. He was your closest confidant, your guide, his suggestions were like gospel to you for years. When did that change? Gladiolus. He was the only change over the past few weeks. The reason behind your sudden disobedience. And to think, even while faced with all of your fears, you still chose Gladiolus. He was important to you, more important than your need to belong, and your fear of abandonment. 
         The older man scoffed. Did the Amicitia mean more to you than Ardyn did? The very man who stood by your side for all these years, who dried your tears, safeguarded your secrets, and paved the way for you to receive a new family after your previous one was mysteriously slaughtered. You would spit in the face of everything he did for you? As though the memories meant nothing, as though Ardyn meant nothing, as though your marital vows meant nothing!
         Pain engulfed the side of Ardyn’s face, like a million lacerations carved underneath his skin. He slapped a hand over his left eye and groaned. There was a ringing in his ears, an unpleasant keenness that drowned out your concerned voice. Your soft hands grasped Ardyn’s other hand. Your worried eyes searched his. 
        No, he never married you. But it didn’t matter. You wore her likeness like a costume and had the audacity to choose another man over him. That face, that voice, that skin, this body, none of it belonged to you. You were a guest in his late wife’s skin and yet you still had the nerve to lust after other people who weren't him. Ardyn refused to let you desecrate her image any further.
         He dropped his hand to his side. The pain that consumed the entire half of his face dulled into a gentle hum. You must’ve noticed the darkness inside of his eyes because you took a slight step back.
         “Do you not trust my counsel?” Ardyn asked.
          “No, that’s not-”
          “Then do as I say.” He hissed. “This is not up for debate.”
           You shook your head in disbelief. “Why do you even care so much?!”
           “Because you are mine.” Ardyn announced. You took a shaky step back and he followed you. “From the moment I first laid eyes upon you, you belonged to me and I am not one to share. So you will break things off with the Amicitia and you will do so tonight, unless you would like me to pay him a visit instead? Although, I can’t promise my delivery will be very…pleasant”
      “You can’t be serious. You’re joking…right?” You asked but you already knew the answer. The horror of the truth shone brightly in your eyes. Ardyn found he liked the look of fear on you. It called to a primal part of him, one that demanded your tears, your screams, your lust, and pain. 
       “Care to find out?” Ardyn replied. He snapped his fingers, stitching both you and him out of time. 
       Your eyes suddenly flooded with unshed tears. Your jaw trembled as though you were on the verge of emotional collapse. Instead you clenched your jaw and jutted your chin, summoning a confidence he knew you didn’t truly feel. “Leave…” You said. “You need to leave, now!”
      It was adorable that you thought you could send him away. And how did you suppose you would do so? Shove him with your tiny hands? Claw at his skin with your kitten nails? It was all laughable. Even without his powers he could subdue you so easily. “And if I don’t?”
     “Then I will scream.” Your voice shook. Your feet continued to back away as Ardyn stalked your every movement. You didn’t even realize where you were going. Should he warn you of the bed you were quickly approaching or should he let you discover that lovely surprise on your own?
      “By all means be my guest, but don’t be too disappointed when you find your cries go unanswered.”
        One final step was all it took for the back of your legs to crash into the edge of your bed. Wide-eyed horror consumed your visage as you toppled over and Ardyn was immediately upon you. You thrashed and squirmed like a mouse stuck on a glue trap. Seizing your wrists, he pinned them above your head in a tear jerking hold. With his other, he tore the towel away from your body. Just as Ardyn expected, even the rest of your body looked just like hers. 
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
RATING: Explicit
TW: Dubcon
      His dismissal tore through you like a storm. There was no point in resisting. Although he was no longer pinning you down, he was still in control of this situation and he refused to let you go. No amount of arguing on your part would change that. "Okay…" You muttered. "You would…um, whisper things in my ear."
         "Such as?" He bowed his head to reclaim your nipple in his mouth. Ardyn rolled the puckered flesh with his tongue and made it even harder for you to concentrate on his question. A tsunami of pleasure rocked your core, its waves chased chills down your legs. You gasped when he bit down on the sensitive flesh before soothing the ache with his tongue. 
         You were melting like butter into the mattress but the cruelty of the entire situation still weighed heavily on your mind. You exhaled a shaky breath, "compliments mostly…and…" a lump lodged in your throat. You could feel Ardyn's mounting impatience and knew you had to say something, anything. But you couldn't bring yourself to continue. He didn't deserve this part of you, the intimate secrets you held were only reserved for the man you used to think he was. 
          To have them pried from your hands felt like the worst kind of betrayal. Your bottom lip trembled and you sucked it into your mouth. Trying to remain strong was hard, trying to deny the pain of his indifference was also hard. Everything about this situation was hard and it was becoming increasingly more difficult not to cry again.
            Tears slipped from your eyes and dripped into your hair. You truly loved Ardyn, with all your heart and all your soul. It hurt more than anything else to find out just how little he loved you in return. "Do I really have to do this?" You asked on a broken sob.
           "Shhh, shhh none of that. You were doing so well." Ardyn said, petting your hair in mock affection. 
           "I don't want to do this anymore, please." You begged.
            Ardyn removed his hand from between your legs, your intimate muscles clenched around his fingers as though trying to suck him back in. The moment the weight of his hand was gone, a hollow ache took its place. His eyes were glued to your dripping center, no doubt seeing how desperately your body sought out the weight of his. Once his eyes found yours you had to fight the urge to look away. "And why not? I found your fantasies to be quite intriguing. But I suppose we could stop here, this has dragged on long enough." 
      Relief was a soothing glass of water that slid down your parched throat. He was going to let you go! This nightmare was finally over. He continued, "and I'm sure you're just dying to get to the main event." Just like that you were left feeling hopeless again. 
      "Wait, Ard-" he forced a kiss upon your lips. His rough hands groped and caressed your breasts, there was a violence in his touch that made you whimper. As though remembering himself, Ardyn eased up. His hands glided over your skin, barely touching your breasts. His kiss became gentle and slow. It was as though he was savoring you, like one would savor a glass of fine old wine. His tongue caressed your bottom lip, urging you to respond to him but you weren't ready to give in. He then seized it between his teeth and sucked your lip into his mouth.
        You gasped and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue explored you, flicking over your teeth and stroking your tastebuds. Against your better judgment you gave his tongue an experimental flick. He groaned and kissed you more fervently. His clothed hips ground against you and something hard pressed insistently against your slick center.
       When he broke the kiss, a string of saliva formed between your lips. Once it severed, he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He nipped, kissed, and sucked the tender flesh there. His lips traveled lower, over your collarbone and arriving at your breasts.  
      His tongue circled your nipple, his fingers sunk into the soft mounds before sucking the hardened peak into his mouth. Your back bowed without warning. He continued to assault your body with pleasure you didn't ask for, pleasure you didn't want, but pleasure your body was useless to fight against.
       Long dexterous fingers plucked the other in time with his rhythmic sucking. "Such perky nipples, I could suck on them all day." Heat burst underneath your cheeks and you buried your face in your hands as he descended, peppering butterfly kisses over your stomach. Seizing your plush thighs he spread them even wider. Alarm bells blared in your mind, your muscles grew taut as you fought the urge to squirm. 
      A searing hot kiss lit up the inside of your thigh closest to your knee, he kissed up the length of your leg, nipped and kissed a path before switching over to the next leg. You held your breath as he got closer to the apex between your thighs. You tried to close your legs the moment you felt his breath fan against your womanhood. "Wait, what are you doing?! D-don't go down there!" You said, panicked.
        "And why not?," he placed a kiss on your clit, your hips instinctually rose to meet his lips, "this part of you deserves as much attention as the rest."
        "N-no!" You cried, your protest died in your mouth the moment your clit was ensnared into wet soft heat. He wrung the pleasure from your body with his mouth, his lips sucking mercilessly and turned your brain to mush. He flattened his tongue against your bundle of nerves and gave it a long hard lick, causing your stomach to tighten and flutter.
         Humiliation and anger were a distant whisper in the back of your mind. Tensions mounted and the hollow ache between your legs was quickly becoming unbearable. Your pussy clenched around nothing, searching for the right kind of pressure that would put an end to its misery.
          Ardyn slurped at your pussy, he moaned and it sent toe-curling vibrations straight to your clit. Your lewd fantasies failed to capture the intensity of this moment, to feel someone gorge themselves on your sex, the sensations were powerful and bordering on too much. Ardyn released your sensitive bud and ghosted his fingers over it, causing you to gasp and your hips to shake.
           "Mmm…such a delectable little pussy. I can’t get enough of this taste." He said, his admission only fueled the aching need between your legs. You clenched again. "Oh, did you like that? You like it when I shower you with praise." Ardyn stated more than asked.
           A rational thought forced its way through the fog. Ardyn tightened his grip around your thighs to keep you from squirming away. "N-no, I don’t like any of thi-", the words were stolen from your mouth as soon as he dived back in for more. All thoughts evaded you. There was nothing you could do as he wiggled his tongue between your folds. It felt so foreign but so good inside of you, but it wasn't enough to soothe the aching need to be filled.
        He switched back and forth between pleasuring your clit and fucking you with his tongue. The sensations locked your body in a chokehold. All you could think about was the tension curling and building inside of you. You were getting so close, the building blocks were stacking higher, you both feared and anticipated the eventual collapse. 
       Something thicker, and much firmer, than a tongue prodded at your entrance. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream at the sudden stretch of your pussy parting for him. The weight of his fingers gave your body the intense friction, the pressure it needed, it craved. Your body arched clean off the bed, your sweltering heat squeezed the life out of his digits as he explored your depths. 
        His mouth returns to your clit and his fingers toyed with your intimate walls. He moved them curiously, as though searching for something inside of you. Once he found what he was looking for, he curled his fingers against it and caused stars to shoot across your vision. He assaulted that spongy spot deep inside of you again and you couldn't take it. You squirmed, thrashing your head, and kicking your legs. You weren't sure if you were trying to run away from the pleasure or run towards it. All you were certain of was that you were close to bursting
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