#yandere!sebastian krueger
grizzy-ly · 9 months
Yandere!Krueger Alphabet N-Z
OK, the other half of the alphabet. First half here.
Alphabet taken from dear-yandere here.
CW: Yandere and yandere behaviors that go along with that, mentions of violence, reader is trapped in their own home
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Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
No punishments from him unless you count having to listen to the sound of his teeth grinding and his passive-aggressive bullshit and endless snark if he’s annoyed at something you did. He would never lay a hand against you, and his lack of letting you outside or talk to others without him isn’t a punishment since it's literally just his modus operandi.
He may cut back on outside trips though, keep you closer.
“Ach, what is the matter, Schatzi? It seems like I was not giving you enough attention, don’t worry. You have my attention now.”
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Anything to do with being around other people.
He covers his ass to make sure he won’t end up with you rattling off about him to the police. Takes away any means of contacting the outside world and pretends to be you when texting your family and friends (may call them if you're the sort where it would be suspicious for them to not see you). Inserts himself as your boyfriend to anyone in your life who gets nosey. Doesn’t like you to talk to other people, he wants you to be dependent on him for social interaction in the hopes you’ll grow closer to him and eventually grow to like him since you’ll have no other choice.
Keeps you inside all the time and watches you closely. Besides that he’ll let you do what you want. Assuming you eventually gain his trust enough for him to let you out and about he’d be fine with anything.
“I want a piercing...”
“-- and a tattoo.”
“Oh, what of Schatzi?”
Not a control freak about your own choices. Besides you being around him.
He’ll break out his card for anything you want even if he finds it stupid or to be a bad choice. He knows he kind of… made you quit your job and snuffed out any chance for you to make an income so he is at least “reasonable” enough to pay for you assuming he has the money.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He is patient in an impatient way. He’ll wait but he does so begrudgingly. He’s the sort of guy to go, “Oh no, take your time,” then stare at his watch with a pissed off expression.
He’ll wait as long as you need for you to come around though, he will try to pressure you, just nothing overt and no forcing of affection or feelings– he does want something real.
Would get incredibly annoyed if you didn’t come around though because he does not want to babysit you forever. He may get more forceful if you refused to come around, may eventually reach a breaking point because he doesn’t want you to be afraid of him and make it so fucking difficult for him. He knows he fucked up but goddamnit, get over it!
He’d be patient but everyone has a limit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He’d be more hurt than he’d like to admit.
If you escape you better bet he is hunting you down, he is not going to have you snitch on him and he is not going back now that he’s done so much and gotten himself in way too deep.
If you really, truly got away and all of his effort to find you went to naught he’d pray that you never went to the police. He’s no stranger to being on the run, but God it’s a pain to lay low.
If you died it would crush him. He’d retract a bit more from the world and grow jaded, but he would eventually get over it, though it would leave a scar on him. I think he could eventually find someone else though, he may take things a bit slower too and not just break into their home and decide to live there and force them to be around him, he wouldn’t be completely normal of course, but he would try to be smarter about it, more subtle.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He doesn’t regret forcing himself into your life but he does feel frustration towards himself for going to such extremes so quickly. He’s always been a bit impulsive and he quickly realized he made a mistake and made it so you and him could never have a completely normal relationship in which he could let down all his guards and trust you completely or else you may run. If he was honest with himself and sat and thought on it long enough he’d realize he does feel guilty, but he doesn’t want to confront those feelings.
Wouldn’t let you go but he’d probably grow slowly more comfortable with you and let you go out. Never on your own though, he’d be pissed if you left the house without him and would shorten your leash, he expects you to stay home unless it's a legitimate emergency or at least inform him of where you're going.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He’s never loved someone before or experienced true and good love. He doesn’t know how to go about relationships and courting and he doesn’t want to wait either. He just committed to a shitty idea he has and can’t go back anymore. Honestly, if he was a touch less impulsive and you didn’t reject him, he would be less of a yandere and more just overly possessive. He has troubles truly letting himself love and emotional intelligence is not his strong suit, he doesn’t even fully understand his own actions he just does what he feels like and pays for it later as he tries to make it work. He can’t say why he always wants to be around you or why he thought forcing himself to be your surprise roommate is a good idea, but it’s what he did.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Just like in fighting, he is annoyed, would likely say something like, “Just stop, ja? There’s no need. This isn’t doing anything for you. You’re not going to get your way just because you give me your… Krokodilstränen, and stomp on the floor…”
Isolating themselves is a different story. He knows and sympathizes with you isolating yourself and would give you some space but likely not enough. He wouldn’t push it though and would shut up if his mocking or snarking actually got to you and just made you do notably worse. He’s a dick but he doesn’t want you to hate him any more than you do.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He is remarkably casual. Not calm necessarily, just casual. Not as forceful about affection or you returning his feelings. Honestly if you never did he may just eventually peter out a bit and become willing to only love you platonically or even just grow to stop being possessive over you– though that opens a different can of worms since he does NOT want to go to prison. He’s smart enough to not kill you but he would definitely consider it in the situation he just gets tired of trying to make it work. Would threaten into silence and keep tabs on you from a distance forever.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You can’t. His own complacency but he keeps tabs on you even when you feel comfortable. Honestly if you thought you could actually get away that's more you being complacent.
If you truly won his trust and he thought you loved him, then you ran, you’d find him seething outside of your motel room absolutely boiling over. If you broke his trust you won’t get it back, ever. You don’t even have a leash now, you're just welded to the radiator forever. Congrats.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
I mean– forcing your way into someone's home, being willing to restrain them if need be, and being willing to drag them back, is inherently violent or at least aggressive– yes. However, he would never hit you, hell, he’d never yell at you. He’s the type to go, “I’m not mad I’m disappointed,” while looking like he may actually explode from anger. He wouldn’t hurt you like that, he considers himself above it, but he would do things that are inherently wrong and just tell himself it’s alright because it’s not him trying to cause lasting physical harm.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
No. He would never worship you, or anyone else for that matter. He again considers himself above it and doesn’t like the idea of worshiping things anyways.
He wouldn’t go to many lengths, though he would grow desperate with time and may do what you ask to “prove” himself if he felt it would genuinely win you over. He’d grumble and get on his knees and awkwardly beg if you really, really wanted him to prove himself. He’d be pissed and embarrassed though and would hold it against you even if he doesn’t say it.
He doesn't want to "win you over" he wants you to give yourswlf to him.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not long at all. He's a straight-forward guy. He feels genuine, non-lust attraction to someone for the first time and he shoots his shot. If his shot gets denied he decides to go to more extreme measures.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No, and he wouldn’t want to. That’d destroy him actually and would actively make him feel terrible. He’d have a hard time getting over it, that would hurt him more than anything else that could happen between you two– he could not delude himself into thinking it was alright, but technically he got what he wanted and that’s what he wanted right? No. No, it’d eat away at him, it would hurt him to see you lose your fight, he was always so annoyed but he never realized how much worse your numb submission would be. He would grow disgusted with himself and by extension you. He’d probably leave too disgusted by your touch and loving words with nothing behind them, and leave you destroyed.
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konigsblog · 7 months
has no one thought about Konig x Reader x Kurguer? i mean imagine getting kidnapped by TWO austrian hotties with masks?! like please put me in your basement and play with me silly!!!
anon, i have a lot of posts about könig & krueger being kidnappers that i think you'd love... (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
and god, thinking about the punishments kidnapper-krueger forces könig to do. :(
cw: punishments, non-con, yandere, kidnapping. female anatomy, afab!gn!reader.
dead dove: do not eat. your media consumption is your own responsibility.
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kidnapper-krueger will force and convince könig to become inhumane and brutal with you. he'll convince könig that he's too gentle, that you're misbehaving because you think you can get away with it, scot-free. he wants to put something in that dumb, little head of yours, make you squeal and wail for forgiveness.
your wrists are held together forcefully and tied with rope in the basement, feeling uneasy and tense from all the bad and horrifying memories down in the chamber; the cold, metal bars you'd grip everyday in the hopes you'd be freed by some miracle, and the blood stains on the concrete, dirty floor, reminding you of your worst days.
könig sinks his dick further down your slicken mouth, watching you cry, sob and weep, choking on his painfully large cock. könig rolls his hips against your face, pushing deeper while you whine and squirm pathetically on your knees, eyes glistening with your tears. all while krueger forces your head further during back shots, your asshole stuffed with a plug, holding his thick load as he uses your sweet, sweet pussy... the clenching and pulsating and the way you squeal, könig's guilt and shame evident on his stupid face. :(
“don’t cry, my little lamb...-it’ll be over soon enough.” he cooes, coddling you for being so scared and teary-eyed, petrified of könig - the man you'd cling to. each thrust leaves you body aching and quivering, feeling frail and weak as they harm and inflict torture apon poor you, choking on his dick, with könig pinching your nose and restricting your breathing, helpless and shaken up.
krueger's lengthy, veiny dick rubs against your cervix as he releases and shoots his last load into you, slapping your face as you drool könig's cum, your pussy leaking and your asshole achingly full... hearing your breathing struggles, chest rising and falling before you're given access and allowed to catch your breath.
könig sneaks down into the basement to visit and coddle you, laying beside you on the cold ground while you scowl at him and scramble away, crying and hyperventilating as he holds you, hearing him apologise through tender kisses to your bruised skin.
könig can't understand why he ever listened to that bastard... now, he has to care and clean your wounds, wincing at the sight of the bruises he caused. ;(
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
A bomb threat (And how it got you a boyfriend) special forces!Konig x fem!college!Reader
Konig saves you from a bomb threat when you get stuck at your Uni. Based on his bio - presumably, Konig was a part of the Austrian Special Forces before joining KorTac. He is also a bit of a dork and we have a bit of an obsessive episode.
Tags: Fluff, Reader is a cringefailure, Konig is overstepping his authority, hurt(not really)/comfort Warnings: Bomb threats, mentions of terrorism Word count: 2450
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Someone called a bomb threat in your college. 
Well, at least, this is what the automatic email is telling you. The email that was sent to you, about especially avoiding the library on the second floor because the anonymous(not for long, since they have a knack for exposing who the hell is calling those threats each time) caller said that there is a huge chance of the bomb being placed here. 
You know, the same library that you were sitting in, right now, reading this exact email on your laptop. You thought no one was around because it wasn’t a busy day, just after the major finals, with most people staying on campus only if they failed first tests or just wanted to get extra credits for some extra curriculum. Even if you were staying here just because you wanted to work on campus’s newspaper – the library is a good place to scoop for some rumors about the dean of the uni being three raccoons in a trench coat, or the lunch staff posing as Polish mafia. 
The thing is – it seemed like you were the last fucking person to receive the email. The thing is, there are only a few weeks left before summer break, and the campus already started to turn off major announcement equipment since no sports or other events are planned. Are you going to die? Probably, there is a huge chance of you dying, as you can feel directly in your bones – god, there are probably some terrorists or uni shooters or that weird Christian suprematist who are going hysterical at the mere sight of religion other than theirs. You are going to die, you are going to die, you are going to…
— Scheisse! There is a civilian! 
You were never particularly religious, maybe only at the time of finals and work submissions – and in situations like this, where you are already mentally preparing yourself to get blown up with unfinished articles and forgotten hopes and dreams and everything and…
You were never particularly religious – so you have no idea why your pre-death auditory hallucinations suddenly included an angel’s voice with devil's timbre and some huge, tree-trunk-like hands wrapping around your waist, checking you for possible injuries or explosive device. 
These hands are really huge – and muscular, you can see how tense they are even through your black uniform, and they are roaming over your body in a way that would make you scream bloody murder and file sexual harassment if it didn’t belong to an obvious angel. Angelm in special forces uniform, an angel with a really nice boyish voice and warm hands that are sliding to your thighs, groping and checking for every possible outcome – for weapons, probably, because you are literally the only person in the room that was deemed as a bomb threat, and if you were this guy, you’d also think that you were the culprit. 
His fingers linger on your hips perhaps a bit too long – you can him patting you down like you were heading to a club – and then he lets you go reluctantly, not finding anything except for your phone which he also checked for possible timers. The interaction lasted…a minute or so, but you are already hot and bothered, getting off the strong hands holding you, even though he already let you go. 
— Are you alright? 
He must have noticed your worried face and international student badge – his English is a bit accented but nonetheless confident. You never thought that small traces of German in a speech can sound so fucking hot but, perhaps, you are just traumatized and high on adrenaline and weren't getting laid for too fucking long. 
He wears a badge – something something long German words, huge design construction that made you think he must be pretty high-rank – knowledge that you only had because of the movies and games you were playing, trying not to get off the military kink too much. Something in the situation told you that you’d spend the whole evening searching for porn with guys dressed in all black today. Maybe, a touch of cargo. 
— Y…yeah. Fuck, sorry. I’m fine, fine. Yeah. 
You are rambling and he tilts his head to the side. This large, looming hand goes to your face – you wait for either a harsh slap to return you back to reality, or a passionate and deep kiss from your fantasies and dirty novels. He slowly traces his fingers on your face, getting up, in the hairline, searching for something – perhaps, a nasty head parasite that got you acting so weird around this random guy. Random guy who is just doing his job, securing that you’re safe, sound, and not going to explode in the next few minutes. 
— No head injuries. Gut. 
You want him to touch your face some more. You want him to check for mouth injuries, to evaluate the status of your lips. Maybe do some chemical tests with that gloss you were using today. Check the reaction with his tongue. 
He twirls you in place and you almost want him to press you against the wall. Search you some more, maybe get his hands a bit deeper, pass the oh-so-modest pants that made you look like a little bitch boy – his hand goes to cup your waist again, checking for anything that might catch his interest. Nothing – and you were never this sad about Hot wearing a concealed weapon that might force him to pin you down or get you into a chokehold with those massive biceps of his. 
— What were you doing here, ma’am? 
Studying in Vienna, you never found an Austrian accent this sexy. Never knew that you might like being handled like this before – it’s not romantic, not even in the slightest, but you smile a bit shyly, a bit awkwardly, and look at him from under your lashes, trying to look as innocent as possible. You are innocent – you weren’t doing anything, you were just trying to study and write in the last few weeks. Concentrated enough, so you never even noticed a fucking bomb threat. Didn’t hear soldiers running through the building, securing each room. 
— I…study here? 
You gulp loudly, taking a few steps away from the soldier. Allowing him to examine the room, deem it safe – the bomb threat called on your university was probably fake. Maybe a call from a paranoid individual, maybe someone with nothing better to do than pranking colleges. You seriously doubt anyone would try to blow up this place while almost none of the students are actually inside – especially the library during the low season. Even you almost decided to ditch the traditional writing atmosphere and just do something in the cafeteria. 
— Oh. 
His voice actually sounds…nice. Funny even, that small remark also makes him cough and look at you more seriously. He has a mask concealing his face, some weird hood or net on top of it – you try to see his eyes, but you can only occasionally catch glimpses of ice staring at you. Mysterious, you like it. Too mysterious, that little journalist club member inside of you is itching to get a look at his face better – you tilt your head to the side, contemplating just yanking it upwards and praying that he won’t kill you. 
Although you wouldn’t mind being crushed in his hold. 
— Let’s get you out of here, ja? 
You don’t question him when he suddenly picks you up – when the world starts to spin and you are pressed against his chest, his hands are supporting you under your knees and back. Securing you in place, making sure you are nice and comfy in his hold. You don’t ask questions when he slightly adjusts your hold so he can touch more of your thighs – you think he is just getting you comfortable, and you appreciate just how thoughtful he is. 
You don’t ask questions when he holds you almost like a bridal carry, even though you are certain you aren’t injured, and someone like him probably has more interesting things to do than saving poor college students who decided to ignore bomb threats. 
His hands are warm, his chest is even warmer, and his muscles aren’t even slightly trembling. You don’t know what sort of training those guys are coming through, but it must work – his steps are light and decided even when he can’t press you firmly against him, vest standing in the way. You don’t know what to do with your hands and you don’t want to mess with the government property – you think there is a law against fidgeting with special forces soldiers on duty – so you just get them on your knees. Like a good girl. Polite girl. Girl who isn't drooling over the guy who is just doing his job. 
— Thank you. For saving me. 
You whisper it in his headset – you are worried about someone else also hearing you, but there is something intimate about tilting your head upwards and getting right into his face, your lips millimeters away from the edge of his mask. You don’t want to sound suggestive, so you sound weak instead. You don’t to sound ungrateful, so you sound pleading instead. 
His hold on your thighs gets stronger. You lick your lips nervously, chuckling to ease the atmosphere a little bit. 
Your leg brushes above his waist – and you swear that you can hear his breath hitching. It’s impossible, you think, he must be a tough and content little soldier, perfect to save damsels in distress just like you – but something in his posture, in the way his fingers twitch slightly at the edges of your body, makes you think otherwise. Maybe, you’re just dreaming. Maybe, you know nothing. 
Someone slams into the room. Another man – shorter than the one who holds you, by a large margin, but none less intimidating. Burly, muscular, dressed up in full uniform which is expected – and with his face covered up by a similar veil or mask or whatever this is – which is unexpected. You thought that special forces would have something less eye-obscuring, but what do you know? You would be dead if the bomb threat was real. 
— Other sectors secured. No bomb in sight. Commander. 
He almost hisses, the similar accent in his voice makes your cheeks heat up even more. You feel weird, dirty even, thinking of those two large, intimidating men in such an intimate setting while they are just trying to save your life – but you try to silence that little annoying voice, to convince yourself that this is probably just adrenaline, ovulation and sudden urge to procreate before you would die. 
You feel your entire body stir when the man takes a step closer, looking at you. You can’t see his face, not even the outline of it – but you feel the burning gaze on your scared expression and obediently folded hands. 
— Gut. Other civillians? — 20 civilians in the building in total. University workers, some students. Already evacuated. — Any casualties? You hear a cruel chuckle from a shorter man. — If they were, you’d hear about it, sir. No, the sector is clear. — Gut. Dismissed – we’re finishing here. — What are you doing with the civi…
— Kruger, dismissed. 
The man who holds you is surprisingly stern when he isn’t talking to you. He used a much softer, quieter tone when he was talking to you, observing if you were hurt or in danger – and he is much, much different now. A cold voice, serious tone, the image of the ruthless commander flying in your head – well, at least you were right about his patches meaning something important. 
A shorter man leaves, and the door behind him swings open. To your surprise, the man who holds you – a mysterious stranger, you can’t even seem to find a name on his uniform – doesn’t let you go. His touches feel like you’re burning alive, he is igniting and brilliant and fucking perfect and…
He lets you down to the care of the local police department and some of the uni workers. His hand brushes over your face again – you think he was checking for the injuries but, then again, why would he touch your hair ever so gently only to move it out of your face to take a good look at your lips before letting you go? You’re imagining things, you probably must be – the man is just doing his job, he isn’t trying to fuck you in the nearest hallway even if you wanted him to. 
— Sir. I…thank you, really. For the help. 
— I didn’t do anything, Schatz. Someone must been playing a joke on everyone. 
You are going to find the guy – or a girl, or someone else, you don’t discriminate, everyone is equally capable of calling on the false bomb threats – who informed the special forces about the bomb in the building, and then you are going to kiss them. 
— What kind of joke is this? 
— A dumb one. 
He looks over to his unit – a group of tall, burly men, with weapons and uniforms and everything a girl could ask for – already packing in the vehicles to move out. You brace yourself to ask for his number – for his contact, anything, everything, maybe the favorite tree in the park under which you could meet again. You know that those guys aren’t supposed to reveal their identities, that he is probably out of town anyway, special forces aren’t usually called off to false threats, you know that your attempts are futile and yet, you lick your lips for added confidence and…
— Goodbye, Scahtzen. Stay safe, ja? Don’t want to save you from a real bomb one day. 
— I…I…um, you mean you wouldn’t save me from a real bomb? 
He was already halfway to the armored car before you could say anything. You aren’t nearly confident enough to yell across the whole fucking campus territory to get a number of this hot special forces guy, and something in his hunched shoulders, twitching fingers, and slightly less social and more abrasive manners tells you that he would hate the gesture as much as you would. 
Just like this, your first even real-life military crush is driving away, leaving you bombless, hoeless, and, most certainly, more depressed than ever. Summer is going to be great, right?
*** — What do you mean calling a fucking bomb threat?! 
Your friend wasn’t happy about the pick-up strategy you wanted to use.
*** — Of course, sir, let’s raid a fucking college dorm room. 
Sergeant Sebastian Josed Krueger wasn’t happy about his commander’s newfound love for college girls. 
Mostly because König refused to fucking share. 
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diejager · 6 months
Please, I need a continuation of the story of !kidnapper Krueger and Nikto! Please!!
New Neighbours Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, obsession, non-con touching, condescension, manhandling, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1k Boy, it been a fat minute since I wrote that small Drabble.
There was a knock at the door, three blunt and powerful hits of sturdy knuckles shaking your door with how strong - you presumed - the person was. Dropping whatever you were working on, you walked to the door and peering through the peep hole, shocked to see the familiar black and khaki fabrics of your new neighbour. You’ve seen them once or twice in the month between their first move and today, the grizzly look and scarred skin of a brash-toned and brutish man you came to know him as from the few times you met him. He would stare at you, wide, owlish gazes that left you shuddering from the gleam in his brown eyes, a deep-seated darkness as he… appraised you. 
He called himself Sebastian, presenting himself one night when you were stumbling home from a tiring day at work, stopping to help you up the stairs since his door was right across from you. You thought he lived alone, but was surprised to see another man, covered from head to toe in black and army green, hiding any identifiable feather apart from his pale, blue eyes and his broad shoulders, big and bulky even in his skin tight clothes. Sebastian’s roommate had only stared at you, unblinking and unmoving, seconds spent gazing at your anxious and uncomfortable form, messing with your sleeve while Sebastian helped you moved the bags to your kitchen table. 
If you thought Sebastian the weird one, then Nikto - he was spoken for - was the odd one, a fierce man that only knew how to stare silently to upset whatever and whoever he was glaring at. You only saw him once, and that was a blurry and tired view of him from the open doorway across yours when Sebastian was helping you. You had little to go on for him, being more familiar to his roommate and occasionally exchanging a few words when you crossed path —though rarely, the seemingly never left their home.
“Hey, Sebastian,” you tilted your head in greeting, opening your door only wide enough to pop your head out and kept a hand firmly wrapped around the knob in case he did something. You’d always been cautious, and Sebastian and Niktowere suspicious men, “How can I help you?”
“Ja, I need help with something,” his soft, yet brash tone made his accent more apparent, something small but attractive despite your apprehension towards him, “A woman’s touch.”
A woman’s touch? You didn’t know what he meant exactly, but when you looked down to his thick and crooked fingers - perhaps from his work, broken and reset too many times that it started to heal crooked - you could guess what he implied. Your fingers were smaller, lither than his with fat on your knuckles and smaller palms, it made working through small and complex affairs easier. Despite your understanding, you grew uneasy, squinting at him from the safety of your door, but Sebastian was nothing if not determined. So you nodded, excusing yourself to change your clothes from a small top and shorts for a t-shirt and sweatpants before you met him at his entrance, locking your door behind you.
This was your first look into the world they lived in, a bare and minimalist home, scantly decorated apart from the few vests and- was that a gun? And knives littering the kitchen counter with other dangerous items… Seemingly aware of your fright, Sebastian explained how he and Nikto were private contractors, working for a PMC, a private military company, and that they were just on leave, but would always be ready for a call back. Shaking off your paranoia, you followed him deeper into the kitchen, seeing the machinery littered on the table and beside it sat Nikto, ramrod and tense in his seat.
“женщина,” he growled out, his voice so raspy and low that you wondered if it hurt to speak a single word. [Woman]
“Nikto,” you returned, following Sebastian to the table and ignoring Nikto’s wide stare, his vacant eyes and lingering gaze, roving over your body and obsessively admiring you like a hunter would, “Is this what you needed help with?”
Sebastian showed you what he needed, explaining where each small piece went into the box, guiding you around the confusion machinery while Nikto watched, a sentinel in his own flat. You were so engrossed into fixing this small box, brows pinched with concentration get this thing fixed as quick as possible to return to the safety of your apartment, that you missed Nikto’s silent stalk towards you, his broad and silent figure looming over your unsuspecting form until a rough hand gripped your hip. 
You jumped, dropping the box and turned your head to gawk at Nikto, looking back at his - still - vacant eyes and wide and hungry glint. Frowning at him, you sunk your fingers into his hand, trying to move an unmovable wall that pushed himself against you, backing you into the table until he bent you over the now broken box you were first invited to fix. You struggled against Nikto, growling out a warning and clawed at his covered forearms, but it only riled him up. Sebastian stood and watched with a perverted eagerness as Nikto rutted against you, holding you down by the nape, scruffing you like you would a misbehaving dog. 
“Get off me!” You yowled, reaching back with your arms, trying to elbow a man you knew you wouldn’t be able to forcefully remove with how built and big he was, “Get off me, Nikto!”
“Shut up,” you could hear his bared teeth, the cold and condescending tone of his rasp, sliding his knee between your kicking legs, your feet arbitrarily hitting the air, “Stop struggling and listen.”
A low rumble left the man before you, your glare meeting the Austrian who found this situation funny, his chuckle slow and mirthful, finding enjoyment in your useless struggle and hissing. 
“I would listen to him, Schnuckel, ” he lowered himself to show the eagerness in his dark eyes, a cruel smirk curling the corners of his lips and a teasing tilt of his head, “Be good for us, nicht?”
You shouldn’t have accepted to help him, you should have listened to your gut feeling, but you have no one else to blame expect yourself.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Okay so, since Krueger is obsessed with Sweetheart. Does that make him a Yandere? I mean like after he first met her and is with her like lost puppy. Does one of the men’s notice his behavior?
Oh damn... I guess so? 🫢🫢🤔🤔🤔🤔 he does have yandere tendencies. Wow I guess I made him a Yandere 😭😭 BUT LIKE-- HE WOULDNT KILL JUST BECAUSE?? like "just because you talked to Sweetheart I wouldn't kill you immediately, I would just threaten you and be intimidating so you can back off and not make a move on my future wife." But if you hurt Sweetheart then yeah you're done. DONE.
And he isn’t the type to be “if I can’t have you, no one can” and kill off Sweetheart, or be the type to lock her in the basement or have sadistic punishments. GOD NO
He would throw up if he ever tHOUGHT of hurting Sweetheart like that. (He has gotten on his knees, legit sobbing like he lost a family member, and apologizing to her because he slapped her when she accidentally startled him— it was a reflex and Sweets understood but Kruger did not stop crying. And then he bought her a designer purse 💀) he’s just a really big love drunk guy that treats his future love like a fucking goddess.
He listens to Sweetheart only, (and Graves I guess because thats his boss) so whatever she says goes. She says to leave her alone? Alright I'll give you some space. (Even tho he would be crying) she says to beat up that guy cause he disrespected her capitan? Done and done. She says to stop threatening strangers that come up to her? ...eehhhh that's gonna be hard, but I'll do it.
He does it because he wants to please her. Like a lot.
It’s unhealthy how attached he is to her, but he’s still respectful. He doesn’t want to lose her, but he also doesn’t want to be alone anymore. Does that even make sense lol
And good lord, everyone notices every time Krueger is around. Especially König (since they're step-brothers in this) König has always seen Krueger act like this, but not to a person, so it was shocking to see that happen.
He's so restless and snappy when Sweetheart isn't around and always asks where she is and why she isn't here yet. And one time, Ghost is like "Calm down mate. She's just running some errands." And Krueger just tenses, and you can see in his body language that he's getting angry. "By herself? You let her go by herself!? Where? Which store!? Fuck!" And he storms out of the lounging area. That was when they all knew that Krueger had a different kind of love for Sweetheart. And was waaayyyyy different than them. They feel a bit awkward with him because they know he's unhinged and a bit psycho, especially when it comes to Sweetheart. He's a very skilled soldier and will not hesitate to rip and tear everyone that is around her in a heartbeat. And they know Krueger's distain towards them, except with Ghost, Roach and König, Krueger just toys around with him like the annoying big brother he is. With Ghost, he's kind of friends with because he knows that Ghost will sacrifice everything for Sweetheart just like him. And they also have somethings in common- like torturing people and watching football. (soccer) With Roach, Krueger likes him because he's quiet and has sadistic tendencies when it comes to fighting enemies.
(He doesn't like when Roach hangs off of Sweetheart tho)
He gets jealous and irritated easily when he doesn't get his way when Sweetheart is around them. Like with Soap, he HATES Soap so much omfg- that is his enemy. He sees how close they are to each other and sees how Soap touches her and vice versa (he has many violent fantasies when it comes to Soap. König knows about this and purposely makes him avoid the two when they are together) those two butt heads CONSTANTLY
Like one more word from that Scottish dumbass and he will put him under bro 💀
They see how clingy Krueger is when she gets back from a mission, especially a solo mission omg
He would just hug her from behind and sway back and forth, his hood draping over her head as well as his (the hood that she made him is huge) and Soap can hear him whisper praises to her and her giggles. He can also hear Krueger kissing Sweetheart. Where? He doesn't know. Hopefully, not on the lips. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE TO ME WTFF
And Krueger will not. Let. Her go. AT ALL. Like if he comes over to their side of the base, Krueger takes allllll of the attention from her (I talked about this before) especially if they're taking a nap together, like he's sitting on the couch with Sweetheart cradled in his lap, asleep on his broad shoulder as his arms hold her. Gaz fucking hates when they take naps together, especially when he sees their breathing in sync (Like FUCK OFF) So one time, Gaz was sick of it. He reaches for Sweetheart but Krueger tightens his hold on her, and he growls so fucking low and animalistic like a damn rabid dog protecting its owner-- it legit scared him. (Especially when you can't see his face 💀) And Krueger just says, "mine." In the lowest voice Gaz has ever heard-- he just backs up and leaves (AND WASN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP??? LIKE IS HE MAGICAL-)
Krueger is something else yall 💀 can't wait to write more of him with Sweetheart 🤭🤭
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xoxoholix · 5 months
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𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔
Whatever you’d like me to write about I can do to the best of my ability, even if it’s about a fandom I don’t know too much about. Just give me some context with it ♡
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕
-pedophilia, Scat, Piss etc-
-Any weird fetishes-
-Race play, Necrophilia, anything to do with excessive vomiting or bleeding, underage characters dealing with nsfw.
I will cry and probably throw myself off of a cliff if you request any of the following….
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕
Anything as long as it isn’t about any of the following above. I can write noncon if you’d like!
𝑴𝒚 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔
1.) Please be patient when requesting (DON’T SPAM Me). It takes me a while to write but I will get to them as soon as I can.
2.) Any requests from underaged individuals. Please put your Age down inside of your bio simply because of the fact I can’t tell how old you are.
3.) Minors are not allowed on this blog. I will however make another page made for the younger audience that only consists of fluff later on.
4.) Don’t be afraid to request something, I won’t be rude about anything you ask for!
5.) lastly be kind as I’ve said before this is my first time making a blog, so I’ll be trying my best to please with my writing.
𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔 𝑰 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓
Like i said in the beginning I’ll write for any fandom you’d like, As long as you give me details about it. These are the Fandoms I will 100% write about.
-Demon Slayer-
-Call of duty modern warfare-
-My hero academia-
-Black Butler-
-Jujutsu Kaisen-
And many more!
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yandere-kokeshi · 5 months
— Yandere Masterlist of Krueger
Platonic is stated first, then romantic.
🔞 = NSFW
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Nothing yet!
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Sfw headcanons (not done yet)
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daddy-cake · 2 days
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hvman-scvm · 9 months
Hi, I heard you were taking requests. Do you write for Krüeger (cod) by any chance? If so, do you have any headcannons Yandere Krüeger x male military reader and how such a relationship might work out?
I do !! :) I didn’t mean 4 this 2 b so short but studying squeezed all the creativity out my brain
!! CW ;; typical yandere stuff, krueger is a bit manipulative, I went by the traditional / og meaning of yandere !!
🔪— yandere ! Krueger who, unlike lots of other yanderes, needed some time for his obsession to flow. It started when your units were sent on a mission 2gether and naturally, he gravitated 2wards the unit’s leader; you.
🔪— he treats you like you belong to him, even if you aren’t in a romantic relationship yet, because he decided you belong to him the moment he felt the nauseating feeling of lovesickness in his guts.
🔪— a relationship would b so hard because of your busy schedules, and he despises it. He’s highly considered kidnapping you but paranoia crept up on him, making him worry abt all the possibilities of you getting hurt while he’s away on deployment.
🔪— he’s always hovering over you when he can, scaring away any potential recruits tht might get a little too brave w you. And even if they did, this sets a target on their head.
🔪— he’s a very straightforward man, and he straight up told you how he felt; no matter if you accept or not, you’re his. This man is not afraid 2 lyk tht he’ll kill 4 you (and he prob did)
🔪— can b cruel and manipulative; lovebombing you, feeding you paranoid thoughts tht others are after you and only he is capable of protecting you, gaslighting you in2 thinking tht his obsession is your fault. But he won’t hurt you physically, you aren’t one of his enemies, you don’t deserve tht. Unless, yk, you like being hurt then he’s more than happy 2 oblige.
🔪— if you accept his love, as intense and insane it is, it wld b easier 4 you then if you didn’t; he’s not afraid 2 use force. You will love him. Doesn’t matter how much manipulation he has to use, or how many rivals he has 2 kill, he will have you. And by openly accepting him before it gets to tht point, you spare yourself a whole psychological battle between you and him.
🔪— not the jealous type, but he’s extremely possessive, and is very open about it.
🔪— like I said in one of the previous HCs, a relationship w him wld b hard bcuz of you two’s job. He’s alway sending you letters tht may or may not b stained w some blood whenever one or the both of you are deployed, and expects you 2 send letters back giving exact details on yourself, like your location and mental being, etc.
🔪— once both of you are free, he makes you cuddle w him. Like, bro just wraps his strong ass arms around you and keeps you in place so tht you can’t move a muscle.
🔪— it’s a possibility tht he’d use trackers on you, especially since he can’t keep an eye on you w your schedules n all.
🔪— uses force 2 get his way, whether it’s physical or not.
🔪— uses your fears against you and then disguises himself as your “savior” 2 get you 2 b reliant on him. As in, he’d put ypu in situations where you’re faced w your fears and come 2 your rescues. Doesn’t matter how irrational or bad the fear is. Scared of the dark ? You get trapped in a dark closet after “some rookie” pushed you in, only 4 Sebastian 2 come help you out. Scared of dying ? Your unit is killed off one by one by a “sniper” and you get fatally shot due 2 a lack of coverage, luckily Sebastian has came 2 cover you and practically saved your life. Scared of bugs ? Suddenly a lot more seem 2 appear in your room, and (rather suspiciously) Sebastian seems 2 b always around 2 kill them 4 you. At the end he’d always remind you in his thick, German accent tht you need him around, etc.
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reschatzi · 10 months
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“...cartoon eyes. she laughs like God, her mind’s like a diamond.” ⌖ carmen by lana del rey. ━━ ultimate masterlist. read b4 req.
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ִ ࣪♱ . ⁺ 𓆩 CALL OF DUTY 𓆪 ⁺   .
simon riley. got a gun. mona lisa. you get me so high.
könig. cutting tonight.
keegan russ. nun' yet.
david walker. nun' yet.
sebastian krueger. nun' yet.
nikto. nun' yet.
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ִ ࣪♱ . ⁺ 𓆩 SPIDERVERSE 𓆪 ⁺   .
miguel o'hara. break me.
spider-man noir. the color violet. in my mouth.
johnathon ohnn. moth to a flame.
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ִ ࣪♱ . ⁺ 𓆩 JUJUTSU KAISEN 𓆪 ⁺   .
nanami kento. my darkest hours.
fushiguro toji. plaything.
hiromi higuruma. nun' yet.
kamo choso. v card.
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ִ ࣪♱ . ⁺ 𓆩 OTHERS 𓆪 ⁺   .
yandere. nun' yet.
any. toy.
hayakawa aki. nun' yet.
omen. nun' yet.
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this network is co-ran by reschatzi © 2023. original service belongs to 2kiran. do not copy, repost, or translate the streams.
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grizzy-ly · 10 months
Yandere!Krueger Alphabet, A-M
Still trying to fully characterize this dude T-T I am trying my best to do it while still keeping it interesting and consistent. I'll probably finish the rest of this tomorrow. Currently working on a longer fanfic about König, but I gotta keep representing my other favorite Austrian.
Alphabet taken from dear-yandere here.
CW: Yandere and yandere behaviors that go along with that, mentions of violence, reader is trapped in their own home
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Krueger has a hard time showing love and affection, preferring to simply hover around instead of actively touching and holding. You won’t often catch him intertwining his fingers with yours or kissing you softly as he wraps his arms arounds you, but you will catch him simply lurking nearby.
You’ll often turn and find yourself smacking into Krueger as he chuckles about how you should watch where you’re going. He always is so tantalizingly close and is content with just being in your presence.
Some nights though, when he first decided to move himself in he would come into your bedroom and simply lay next to you for many long moments just taking in the atmosphere and listening to you breathe.
He never forces affection onto you, admittedly you’d have to be the first to be affectionate even if he offers you’d have to go to him instead of him forcing you to participate.
He would never grow to be suffocatingly affectionate like someone like König (or just be suffocating from the get go like Soap) but he will eventually casually throw an arm around you or gently touch your arm as you sit together. He always likes to have a way out or to play it– he’s just bad at expressing himself and the love he feels for you as he wants to convince himself he’d be fine without you or your affection, caring too much doesn’t fit the idea he has of himself of being unaffected by the world and the opinions of others.
The closest you’ll get to spooning is falling asleep on his shoulder or having both of you fall asleep on the couch: you slumped against the arm rest and Krueger slumped onto you. In bed (once you're worn down enough to let him sleep in your bed instead of on the couch) you’ll go to bed in separate areas but wake up to find him laid on top of you more often than not.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
I honestly don’t see any of the cast I have ideas of in my head as willing to actually brutalize a person. They’re trained soldiers, yes, but they aren’t mindless killers. Now who would get mad or disappointed at you and who would get angry at the other person is a seperate story, but I see most of them as methodical.
Krueger may fantasize about hurting someone for trying to get with you or flirt with you, but he’d probably just grind his teeth to the bone knowing his shakey history with the law makes him not want to deal with a possible assault charge. He’d probably be snarky towards the other person and remove you from the situation.
Now if someone actually hurt you in some way, Krueger would be willing to get his hands dirty as long as he thought there wouldn’t be any retribution against him for his actions.
You may be worth having to flee from murder charges a third time.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He’s exceedingly casual and acts like it’s no big deal. He treats you like a roommate. It’s a bit strange since he never truly abducted you, you’re just a prisoner in your own house which… isn’t much better. He does definitely mock a fair bit making dry comments when you act out or try to escape from your own house but that's just his frustration bleeding through.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Besides keeping you tied to him and not letting you go, no, not really. He thinks that now you’re stuck with him, you’ll come around to him eventually he just has to wait. Krueger is impatiently patient and will grow more snarky as you refuse to love him– honestly the man is just a walking contradiction. He wants to seem calm, cool, and collected, but he really isn’t.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
There will always be a degree of separation between you and Krueger, even when you think you get to his center (which would take years upon years of building trust) he just cannot be completely vulnerable. He is simply incapable of it. He is always on some level of detachment.
Now you are an incredible soft spot for him, and while he cares deeply for you he has a hard time being unabashedly in love with you and sharing care towards you. He tries his best but he’s not used to it. He tries to show he cares through quality times and complimenting your achievements rather than your appearance or anything else that is superficial.
“Ach, why would I call you beautiful. Yes, you are, but that does not matter and I don’t need to constantly bring it up.”
He is agonizingly pragmatic and sees no reason to keep bringing something up over and over again to you, so “I love you”s are few, far, and in between.
Sometimes though when thinks you're sleeping he opens a bit more and becomes vulnerable. Apologizing for what he’s done and who he is and wishing that you would love him that you could love him– he isn’t sure you can after what he’s done, but it's like a prayer to you almost, just him wishing and talking and taking a moment to let out what he bottles up to an audience he thinks isn’t listening.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He’d be annoyed but he understands. Would just seperate himself from them and if need be– restrain them so they could hurt him or themselves. He would be snarky:
“Beruhige dich… throwing a tantrum will get you nowhere.” (Beruhige dich = Calm down)
Would wait for you to tire yourself out before approaching you again. If he had to restrain you he’d be apologetic, but blaming you for, “– what you made [him] do.”
Definitely belittles you a bit for not being willing to be more “mature.” He is definitely projecting though and is trying to, in a way, blame you for this to ignore his own negative feelings towards himself for his lack of self-control and foresight leading him into a situation where he is once again on the wrong side of the law– this time hurting someone he loves too, as much as he can lie to himself, it’s harder to do when the person he hurt can look him in the face and call him anything under the sun.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not a game. He tries to pretend he doesn’t care but it is not a game. He’s smug when you try and end up not even being able to get a door open but if you actually succeeded he’d be terrified and would have a hard time hiding it.
He is terrified you will go to the police and even when he’s smug there's a slight edge of fear to his voice.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst experience you could have would just be his general bad attitude he can often fall into, he can definitely be a dickhead who has a short fuse.
He also may lose it at you if you push his buttons or intentionally make him upset, especially if he was getting more vulnerable. Prepare to get harangued for a few hours about what a terrible person you are.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He isn’t sure. Krueger has never planned far for the future, he takes things as they come which is how he’s gotten into every mess he’s ever been in.
He’s content to feel things out, he doesn’t need grand plans, he just needs you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes. Krueger gets jealous. Very jealous. His smile won’t reach his eyes and his lips will try to continuously quirk down into a frown.
He will just go catatonic for a while after he’s removed himself and/or you from the situation and he will just steep in his rage. Don’t bother him, he’s a dickhead and can say incredibly hurtful things when he wants to. Just let him stew– he’ll get over it… eventually.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Casual. He is casual. Not much to say that hasn’t been said or won't be said.
He is a bit softer though.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He just asks the moment he decides he wants you to be his. Cocky bastard. Seems unaffected by approval and rejection… he is not unaffected though, trust me on that.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He is rather fake around people doesn’t know well, but deep inside he’s snarky and deeply reserved. Below that, he’s hurt and horrible at just being honest in earnest without snark or irony or going to extremes.
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konigsblog · 7 months
Kruger and König who threaten to k!ll you during rlly rlly hard nd rough sex ;((
cw: dub-con/non-con, rough & degrading sex, kidnapping, intoxication & alcohol consumption / DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT – MDNI.
kidnappers krueger and könig, my favourite pairing. ;(
usually, i'd believe that könig would be tender with you in the presence of krueger, knowing how hard and aggressive krueger can get during sex, especially when he's nearing his release. könig likes to roughen you up on his own; having full control and independence over you, owning you as if you're his mutt.
although, it doesn't take a lot for krueger to convince könig, especially having known each other for decades. getting drunk together, watching things escalate quickly as könig begins to get touchy, demanding you sit on his lap and palm his meaty cock through his boxers. he'll grin up at you, an eerily smile that forces you to be obedient our of pure fear for the two.
krueger will use your throat, while you bounce on könig's hard dick. riding his large, lengthy size and crying pathetically as his thick tip nuzzles against your cervix – sore and bruised, your lips forced open and wrapped around krueger's dick, guiding your head to his musky base. you're crying, mascara and drool all over your cheeks, slobbering like a messy slut. :(
könig finds himself feeling guilty at the sounds of your crying, gurgling and gagging; but, how can he focus on anything other than the tightness of your slick pussy around his stiffened dick? he'll hold you by your waist, fingers leaving indents as he holds you firmly, bouncing you up and down while slapping your tits ‘til they're sore, your nipples stinging and aching. könig will latch his teeth onto your nipples, pulling at them while you're forced to deep throat krueger, wet balls pressed against your chin, making you weep out and look up into krueger's eyes.
fuck, the sound of your crying is too much for könig to bear – be quiet, fucking shut up!! ...why are you so surprised, little lamb? you didn't think könig would yell at you like this in his drunken state? after krueger finally released his hot load onto your tongue, he felt more controlling, now being able to use you on his own, just like he enjoys.
slapping your face while you plead for him to stop, to be gentle. your eyes are wet, glistening as he pushes your back down against the leather couch, your sweaty skin sticking to the leather as he spreads your legs, spitting onto your wet pussy and sinking his large, hung cock back inside.
his thrusts are painful, and the firm grip on your jaw doesn't make you feel any better.
“quiet, or i’ll fuckin’ kill you...” he huffs out through strained and guttural growls, eyes wide with shock at his words, feeling as he hits even deeper, his large and scarred hand covering your mouth to reduce your screams, to muffle your pained cries for sympathy. you're such an attention seeking whore, mouse... has anyone ever told you how pathetic you look with tears rolling down your raw cheeks? babbling and sputtering nonsense as you begin to feel yourself tighten and throb, your orgasm washing over you, causing your back to arch and for könig to push deep into you, spitting in your face for being so naughty.
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
Krueger X Bimbo!reader X König?
Oh to be squeezed between two hooded men... Krueger is cruel. Where his friend is somewhat softer around the edges, Sebastian wouldn't hesitate to call you out for being dumb - even as you cry and get mad at him for being so cruel and condescending( He is calling you every mean name in the book, the only sugarcoating here being that he adds "my" before it. You're not just a dumb cock-addicted slut - you're his dumb cock-addicted slut and he wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world. This man is relishes in how stupid you are. He loves to see your bright eyes getting wider as you stare at him in shock while he pours some absolutely deranged shit. Something that he made up completely, something that left you questioning reality and your entire life. He doesn't even feel bad for feeding you this bullshit, he loves to make you feel even dumber than before. Would bully you during sex too - spanking you raw, pushing his fat cock in your ass with miminal prep, just so he could hear your precious little cries as you beg him to stop. He loves you so so so much during times like this - what would he do without you, his precious little whore? Konig is mean, too - but he doesn't mean it, at least. He sometimes forget how dim you are, how you don't know even half of things he does. He loves being condescending and smile as you struggle to form even one coherent sentence, and he would call you his precious dumb girl that deserves the whole world. He would give it to you, of course - he loves spoiling you, calling you pretty names and smiling when you shyly tell him just how much you appreciate everything he has been doing for you. Every time he gives you some nice little gift after pounding your brains through your pussy, you're ready to forgive him for any sin. Konig loves to eat you out, making you even dumber than before. Makes you go crazy with his tongue and you struggle to even walk after this - especially since Krueger is also very adamant on fucking you with him, bullying your holes. Double penetration should be impossible with their dick sizes, but they make it work - luckily, their slutty girl can take them with enough prep. Spreading your legs for them and begging to be used - you're making such a good slut, even Krueger couldn't help but spoil you after. Massaging your sore spots and whispering something sweet and degrading in your ear while Konig mumbles something about buying you a new set of panties - just to rip them apart a few days later.
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diejager · 5 months
New Beginings
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Pairing: dark!Krueger & König x doll!reader
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, possessive behaviour, smut, rough sex, manhandling, overstimulation, mean!Krueger, creampie, cunnilingus, fingering, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1.3k
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Your new body was… odd. Once, you didn’t need substinence, you could live without eating, or drinking, or breathing, but you now needed food, water, sleep and air to continue on. You didn’t understand how humans could live with such restraint, a body so easily broken and weak when all you did was sit and collect dust until you were cleaned by your caretaker. It was difficult to live this way, it was such a stark difference to your usual life. You were a fragile thing, spending most of your days limp and tiredly laying on your nest of blanket and softness in the golden cage Kruegerbought you.
Krueger was a distant relative of your father, he might’ve shared your father’s blood and pride, but he was nothing, if not vastly different from him. Sebastian Krueger was a crude and brash man, voice low and arrogant while he manhandled you with cruel and careless hands, pushing and pulling you around his broad figure. Unlike your thin and artistic father, Krueger was a firm and strong man, skin scarred from past battles, some won and some lost, but it added to his terrifying image as much as his veil did. 
After your rebirth, he moved you to an elegant, golden cage where you would live the rest of your life, completely at his mercy. He knew you would depend on him for nourishment, for relief and for company, locked away in the shadow of his bedroom to stare and admire like someone would do to a dove —you were his dove, an angel who’s wings he clipped to keep. He kept to a strict routine, he woke you up with a rough shake, his calloused fingers sinking into your softer skin to pull you out, whether or not you were used to using and feeling your legs didn’t matter, whatever he said goes. 
He fed you three times a day with snacks spread across the day, stuffing you round with food despite your complaints about not being hungry anymore, unused to having an body that necessitated food to work. Then he’d sit you on his lap as he worked, his hand sliding down your waist to grip your hip, sometimes staying put while he signed papers, and others straying to your thighs, kneading your oversensitive fat until you squirm and whine. 
He mostly kept his hands to himself when he was busy working, his mind cued sharply into finishing his work for the day to lounge and relax, but he liked - insisted on - touching you whenever he could, rucking up the edge of your dress and cupping the uncomfortable heat of your mound, curling his fingers through your slit and thumb your throbbing clit. He seemed to enjoy your high mewls and writhing, back arched forward and grinding your ass into a hard and painful bulge in his pants. 
Often times, you’d end up splayed over his desk, your clothes ripped in half from the top and left hanging under you while he rammed into you, his low grunts and cruel degrading left you in a wet and cock dumb mess of whining and crying. The red and swollen head of his cock battering your cervix, wringing orgasm after orgasm from you until he had his fill, the tip spurting hot and heavy ropes of thick cum. When he was done, he sat you on his half-hard cock, the girth still wide enough to plug you without reaching for one, your tear-strained eyes blinking tiredly and head resting against his neck.
That was usually what he did: breakfast, work, fucking you, dinner, fucking you, relaxing, supper, relaxing and fucking you to sleep, rarely diverting from it if he could. Krueger was a creature of routines, familiarity and strict form, thriving off his military training to teach you how to walk and talk, building a rigid structure to teach you. He could be cruel with his words, rough with his hands and perverted with his eyes, but he was… loving in a sense, despite how mean he was, he cared for you and provided for you in your uselessness. 
But unlike Krueger, who was heartlessly taunting to you, his roommate - König - was gentle and careful with you, playing with you as if you were still the porcelain doll you used to be. König was the giant of the two, a tall and broad man who stood twice as tall and twice as big as you, a seemingly monster in his rights. His wide palms petting your mop of hair, thick fingers carding through the bothersome knots and dressing you up for the day. He was a second factor of your routine, if you weren’t with Krueger, you were with him. 
He wasn’t cruel like Krueger, dauntingly stern, yes, but he never degraded you and laughed when you teared up. He was surprisingly tender with you, handling you with a softness that reminded you of your late father, mumbling quietly to you and showering you in affection. König praised you and loved you in his own way, a sickening and possessive obsession, mumbling promises that he would protect you from all the world’s cruelty, but what about his roommate’s ruthlessness? He told you not to worry your pretty, little head about him, Krueger couldn’t be fixed, it was the effect of whatever he lived through in battle.
König might’ve been your favourite between the two for how he isn’t purposefully mean, he didn’t degrade you, he didn’t growl and hiss at you, and he didn’t break his word. But he was still your captor, a man with as much - if not more - needs and wants as Krueger, with how often he pawed at your shorts, pushing them down your thighs to rut his cock between the sweep of your ass, carving a space between your clefs. If he was feeling particularly merciful, he’d stretch you enough, a thick and long finger filling your tight cunt before another pushed in, drowning your pained mewls and pants with his scarred lips. He always made you come once or twice, stuffing three fingers in an effort to fit his monstrous size, his girth and length too much for you. Much to your dismay, he made it fit, it was hot and steely, ploughing through you like you were made to take it, your slick and his abundance of pre making his thrusts smooth and easy.
If he was feeling sadistic, he would spend hours preparing you, holding you against his chest by a firm grip on your throat, your ankles hooked under him as he took his time fingering you. He praised you, his deeper growl wonderfully soft while he pampered you with his unending insistence of wetting his sheets with your musk, for the smell of your cum and sweat to stick to his room. He held you down to thrust his fingers, the palm of his hand rubbing your swollen nub, landing sharp slaps on your wet thighs until you’re sobbing out in overstimulation, writhing and fighting him with every claw and hit. 
Only when you stared blankly ahead, drool rolling down your chin and limbs spasming, does he finally fuck you, bottoming out in a quick snap of his hips and pounding you into his bed. He moved you to his whims, sometimes face down and ass up, other times folded in, your legs swung over his shoulders and back curved almost uncomfortably. You’re lucky you were made flexible, seemingly outworldly with how easily König and Krueger bent you over every surface of the house and folded you in half to watch their cocks break you in and your cunt gape, oozing their thick and bitter cum.
You hoped you’d get used to the workings of your body soon, your shaking limbs and painful cramps hindering you in your attempts to flee, to spread your wings and escape your golden cage.
“We just wants what’s best for you, Rehkitz.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @rae-pottah @cassiecasluciluce
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slasherscream · 5 years
                                 CHARACTER LIST/RULES
nsfw and sfw
any (insert race/ethnicity/particular thing) for reader
any gender pronouns/identity
delicious polyamory content
yandere/darker material 
RAPE!!! do not ask me for this, seriously
character match-ups
supernatural, superhero, mutant, creature, etc. readers. 
arvin russell (devil all the time)
dani ardor (midsommar)
dennis rafkin (13 ghosts)
david mccall (fear 1996)
billy loomis
brahms heelshire
ben hargreeves (umbrella academy)
beth washington (until dawn)
carrie white
charles lee “chucky” ray
claudia (interview with the vampire -platonic only-)
chris hartley (until dawn)
emily davis (until dawn)
ginger fitzgerald (gingersnaps)
hannibal lecter (1991)
jason dean/jd
jennifer check
jordan li (gen v)
josh washington (until dawn)
jessica riley (until dawn)
jim (28 days later)
kevin khatchadourian
louis de pointe du lac (interview with the vampire)
lestat de lioncourt (interview with the vampire)
mike munroe (until dawn)
matthew taylor (until dawn)
mrs. lovett (sweeney todd)
nancy downs (the craft)
norman bates (1960)
pelle (midsommar)
patricia (split)
robert neville (i am legend)
sidney prescott
stu macher
sweeney todd
sandie collins (last night in soho)
shane walsh (the walking dead)
samantha giddings (until dawn)
tatum riley
tiffany valentine
v (from v for vendetta)
yautja (predator films)
+ feel free to request new characters but be patient because i’ll probably have to watch the movie they’re from first
hellboy (2004)
abe sapien (2004)
sebastian valmont (cruel intentions)
michael myers
bubba sawyer
nubbins sawyer 
drayton sawyer
freddy krueger
baby Firefly
captain spaulding
otis driftwood
crazy ass boys gang consists of:
billy loomis, jordan li, kevin khatchadourian, stu macher, jd/jason dean, sebastian valmont, nathan prescott, josh washington, david mccall, sparrow!ben hargreeves, pelle, and occasionally arvin russell.
crazy ass girls gang consists of:
tiffany valentine, jennifer check, carrie white, nancy downs, jordan li, ginger fitzgerald, sandie collins, and occasionally, victoria neuman (the boys), patricia (from split)
crazy ass husbands gang consists of:
hannibal lecter, shane walsh, norman bates, v (from v for vendetta), candyman, joel miller, robert neville, lestat de lioncourt, jim (28 days later), abe sapien, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
i do headcanons and scenarios. specify which you’d like when you send your request or i’ll wind up picking for you. for headcanons you can request up to FOUR characters per ask. you can, of course, send the same request for a different character. 
vague requests are EXTREMELY low priority and i probably won’t write them at all  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . they drain me on a creative level (example. tiffany valentine x gender neutral reader) (example 2. headcanons for hellboy x fem!reader). 
i write original content off of tumblr and with every passing year i have less time to write for this blog. having to come up with ideas constantly is how this blog goes without any updates for months at a time. i get burnt out creatively very easily and i will always prioritize diverting brain power towards my original writing if this blog drains me. do with that information what you will.
more detailed requests for the longevity of this blog encouraged (example. chucky x reader and how they make up after a fight)
like my blog? my cashapp and kofi are both slasherscream
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grizzy-ly · 10 months
Comfort (Yandere!Krueger x Reader Short)
Krueger offers you some comfort as you have some adjustment difficulties to your new living situation.
I will singlehandedly flood the Yandere!Krueger tag.
I hc that Krueger would simply move himself into your house because there is no way this guy owns a house, he is a wanted fugitive x2. He probably just lives in a barracks or something provided for him by Chimera. Well, now he lives with you I guess! In this scenario reader doesn't have a roommate or anything and lives alone, most unrealistic part tbh.
CW: Yandere and yandere shenanigans, Krueger moved himself into your home without your consent
Word Count: 467
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“Would you like a hug?”
Krueger leans against the door frame leading into your room. He looks comfortable. You can’t get over how casual he is about the whole situation. He acts like he wasn’t a home invader strutting around like he owns the place— though, in a way, he does since he took over all the expenses related to your home when he decided he… lived with you now.
You stare at him, then at the wall not even bothering to respond.
He wouldn’t force you to hug him, you know that much. 
It’s comical, almost. 
He forced his way into your house, but he claims to respect your boundaries since he won’t force you to do anything– besides force you to live with him, cloistered in your home. The familiarity of your surroundings just adds to your distress. The walls of your home were meant to keep you safe, the door meant to keep out the dangers of the world. Now they only keep you trapped.
It’s shocking how quickly a place that was supposed to be a refuge can become a prison when a warden decides to move in.
“You can’t stay mad forever.” Krueger sighs as he crosses the threshold to your room, crossing yet another boundary– but no. Hugging you would be too much.
Who cares that he’s put a stop to you having any interaction with anyone but him? It doesn't matter if he has you locked away in your own home! No, no, it’s hugging you that would be too much.
Maybe it is just comical, maybe laughing would make you feel better.
“You’ll have to forgive me eventually, ja? Why not do it now?” You feel your mattress dip as Krueger sits on your bed.
He stares at you expectantly and cracks a smile as he opens his arms up.
“Just a hug. No strings attached,” he says, “What’s the harm?”
Indulging him. Indulging in his fantasies would be the harm.
Even if you’re desperate for another person to give you anything, you know you shouldn’t humor him. You know it. You know better.
“You need it,” he says, “Let me help.”
There’s a long pause as he sits, still waiting for the hug.
You slowly shift and go over to him. You feel awkward and tense as he holds you in his arms.
He runs one of his hands up and down your back as you begin crying, too overwhelmed by the whole situation to keep it together. It feels wrong to be cuddling up to your captor, especially when it’s so comforting.
The comfort you got from him is almost worse than the grief of powerlessness. 
As he cradles you in his arms it feels less like he’s the warden and more like he’s the cell itself.
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