#yandere! mandolorian
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years ago
Hey! First of all, absolutely love your writing and art, it never fails to make me smile when you post.
I don’t know how to type this without sounding awkward, but I had a random platonic yandere/reader idea inspired by your yandere clone family au that I just wanted to get out of my system and figured you might enjoy.
I started thinking about Arla Fett (Jango’s older sister) in this universe. 
In case you aren’t familiar with her character here’s a quick summary: After the murder of her’s and Jango’s parents she was enslaved by the Death Watch and eventually developed an extremely damaging case Stockholm syndrome. She would act as an assassin for the death watch before being arrested. Later on a Jedi general-turned mandolorian by the name of Bardin Jussik would try to help Arla heal from her trauma but after she begged him to help her forget about it entirely, Bardin simply wiped her memory using the force. The two then fell in love and would have settled down (had order 66 not occurred).
So, then I got to thinking: what if these events happened a few years sooner so that Arla and Bardin were already settled down during the war. And how would the yandere clones react to not only having a blood related sister, but a Jedi brother-in-law, and their likely force sensitive teenager aka reader.
Let’s say the war ends and the various clone battalions are rounding up their respective Jedi but the group formerly run by Bardin Jussik wind up having trouble tracking down their long lost general who left abruptly during the war due to his issues with the Jedi council’s leadership and the republic’s approach to the war. 
They get to the point that TBB get called in to help find him.
Even after some time passes, Jussik doesn’t seem to be anywhere and most assume he’s dead as there is literally no trace of him anywhere. TBB eventually refocus their efforts on to other troublesome Jedi (Such as Kanan, Ezra, Vera Sai, and Nazra) who have at least been seen alive and well in the past decade.
Their efforts to track down the Ghost crew lead them back to Lothal since it’s a planet the Ghost returns to regularly. 
The rest of the batch spreads out to search for clues while Hunter brings the Marauder to a refuel station bc the busy marketplace gives him a headache and he just needs a little rest from constantly tracking. 
He gets there and he’s met with reader working the station who’s about three or four years older than Omega. As Hunter asks them to just refuel the ship he can’t help but notice the teen is sort of staring him down.
Expecting some kind of anti-clone sentiment or getting called sub-human he simply asks
“What never seen a clone before?”
Reader looks at him confused and Hunter suddenly remembers that Lothal never had any part in the war and most people on the planet couldn’t care less who he or his brothers were, especially now that the war was over.
Suddenly, almost like they can read his thoughts, reader starts looking embarrassed and apologetic.
“I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean but…yeah I guess I have been pretty rude just staring huh?” Reader holds up a hand in front of Hunter’s face and closes one of their eyes so that they can only see the non-tattooed side of his face. “It’s just- my buir used to show me holos of my ba’vodu and I swear you look just like him. I’m probably just imagining it.”
Hunter is taken aback by the comment and is suddenly very interested in learning more about this barely paid refueling station attendant’s family. He figures the kid’s dad and uncle are deserters like Cut Laquane. Reader’s additions of some mando’a into their sentences only seems to cement his theory.
The two have a friendly conversation and Hunter finds himself amused by reader’s wide-eyed curiosity about the world outside of Lothal as it’s very reminiscent of when he first met Omega. 
Meanwhile reader is just thrilled that this starship captain is willing to answer all of their questions about his adventures across the galaxy ( Hunter leaves out the whole capturing and lovingly imprisoning all of the Jedi of course). 
Reader grew up on a farm with barely any contact with anybody aside from their parents (the other kids on Lothal find reader creepy for some reason) so speaking with Hunter is a breath of fresh air.
Reader rambles on about how boring life on the farm is and how they were lucky their parents even let them get a job in town since they’re so overprotective.
Reader winds up feeling guilty for making Hunter uncomfortable at first due to them staring at him and then info dumping on him. Eventually reader offers to pay for the Marauder’s fuel as an apology for wasting the man’s time.  
Hunter and reader wind up talking for so long that the rest of the batch come looking for their leader, only to find him lightly bickering with a kid about how it’s not necessary for them to pay for his fuel for simply looking at him a little too long.
Hunter suddenly remembers he has a duty and mission to complete and goes into leader mode, discussing with the others on where they should land the ship for the night so they have a place to stay.
Reader casually offers the empty field on their family’s farm since they wouldn’t have to pay for it like the ship docking spots in town. Reader also mentions harvest season just passed and their father has a tendency to cook an excess of food. 
Wrecker is sold on the idea immediately upon the offer of free food and begs his brothers to take up the offer.
Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair are made suspicious by the generosity and Crosshair is the one to ask what the catch is.
Reader simply made the offer in hopes of learning more about these strange off-worlders and decides to (naively) strike a deal.
“No catches, no fees. All is ask is each of you give me your best stories from your travels across the galaxy. Deal?”
The batch takes them up on their offer and soon find themselves following the kid home. As they travel, the batch all start noticing things. All of them had been around force sensitive children for some time now and had learned about the small habits that  most force sensitives had. Maybe reader answers any questions they have before the batch can even ask them. Almost like they read the batch’s minds. The batch quickly notice that reader’s reflexes are just a little too fast for a normal person. None of them really need the confirmation but Tech discretely uses a scanner to check reader’s medicloroan count and it’s a higher amount than most.
By the time the Marauder is nearing reader’s farm the entire batch knows they’re taking this kindhearted and naive little force sensitive back with them to Kamino. Now they just need to decide if they need to “take care of” reader’s family before they go.
They land and reader runs up to the house where their very confused mother is waiting in the front yard. Every member of the batch is stunned when they get a good look at reader’s mother. The woman quite literally looks exactly like an adult version of Omega. It’s almost frightening.
Reader’s mother doesn’t entirely know how to feel about the strangers (given she got her memories about the clone war wiped it’s likely she doesn’t realize they’re clones. Let alone clones of her brother)
Reader’s mother introduces herself as Arla Jussik-Fett. At the same time, Bardin steps out of the house and upon seeing the clones, freezes. 
Now, Lothal is an isolated planet, far from the republic. (Exactly the reason he chose to live there)
So Bardin had only heard whispers and warped rumors about what the clones had been doing. As far as he knew, Jedi and force sensitives found by clones were never seen again. Of course Bardin is going to assume they came to kill him and his family.
He never stopped carrying his lightsaber out of cautiousness and already has his hand on it out of instinct.
Reader notices their dad standing close-by and waved him over. 
“Buir! You’ll agree with me! Mom doesn’t agree but don’t you think these guys look like ba’vodu Jango?”  
All hell breaks loose after that.
 Clone force 99 is #shook and Bardin runs to stand between his family and the clones.
“Cyar’ika, ad’ika, go inside and lock the door.” He order, activating his lightsaber. 
Reader is VERY scared by the sudden tenseness that’s taken over. Bardin and Arla share a look and Arla quickly takes reader inside.
Bardin and the Bad Batch take a long few minutes to size one another up. After some time Bardin finally speaks.
“We will give you all one chance to turn around and walk away.”
Crosshair pops a toothpick in his mouth and takes a moment to scan the area.
“We.” Bardin nods.
Just then the shot of a sniper rifle rings out. The end of the toothpick in Crosshair’s mouth splinters and is left charred as a blaster bolt just grazes the tip of it. The bolt doesn’t hurt a hair on the clone’s head, but is definitely WAY too close for comfort.
The batch quickly trace the origin of the shot to the front-facing window in the second story of the house where Arla is standing with a rifle pointed down at them.
Arla, despite having lived a fairly quiet and domestic life the past few years, is still a dead on shot. She was a very successful assassin for the Death Watch after all. 
Hitting the toothpick was a warning shot. Crosshair would have dropped had it not been.
“My riduur is right.” Arla shouts down from the open window. “He’s not really the one you need to be worried about.” 
Both Bardin and Arla lived difficult lives and as a result were very particular about security and protecting their home. They wanted to make it so their ad’ika could maintain their innocence. Unfortunately this resulted in reader being extremely sheltered and completely banned from learning how to use their force powers.
After a lot of struggle, Bardin and Arla manage to escape with reader by the skin of their teeth. 
So, TBB return to Kamino to share their strange news. 
They bring the name Arla Fett up to the Alpha clones and they’re vaguely aware of the name as Jango had mentioned her fondly once or twice.
The news quietly spreads around Kamino as a rumor. Some clones are absolutely enthralled by the concept of a new addition to the family. Others are cautious upon finding out Arla was once part of the Death Watch and are against the idea of bringing someone like her near their Jedi.
Some shinnies make the joke that the Fett genetics must give them a type since Arla herself married a Jedi just like so many of her brother’s clones. 
A few of the clones wonder if Arla shares their yandere tendencies. Some clones are already referring to her as Ori’vod Arla and joking about how they wonder if Bardin Jussik is good enough for their big sis. And then some clones just don’t care.
Meanwhile the squad once run by Bardin Jussik is ecstatic to find out their precious general was alive after all. WITH A WIFE NO LESS! Suffice to say they are stoked.
The news about Bardin and Arla’s force sensitive kid is far less widespread or just gets overshadowed.
Since Bardin is off the grid the clones have no idea where he would go. They ask around the Jedi on Kamino but Bardin was never very friendly with any of them. So they instead decide to see what they can find about Arla. Thanks to Emperor Vader the clones are given access to Arla’s arrest records and the subsequent psychiatric treatments she received while in prison. 
When it’s revealed that Arla was essentially enslavement by the Death Watch and used as a soldier it’s like a switch is flipped. Every last clone on Kamino suddenly realizes that the Death Watch did to Arla exactly what the Republic did to them. She really is their sister. A kindred spirit.
Cue the most quietly chaotic custody battle in history with various clone groups and individuals trying to figure out who gets to bring their dear sister and her Jedi husband home to Kamino.
It doesn’t really matter who does it bc the second she’s there she won’t be leaving. With the combined power of the entirety of Kamino it doesn’t take long to find the Jussik-Fett family.
And when they find out about reader? Their ori’vod’s precious ad’ika who’s force sensitive?!
Every single clone is obsessed and wants to be the best uncle.
Every. Single. Clone. 
(I have no idea how that would work out but I feel like the clones would find a way to organize it without completely overwhelming their ori’vod’s dear ad’ika)
Reader’s little family of three suddenly gets much MUCH bigger.
I can see Bardin Jussik being absolutely miserable after being wrangled onto Kamino. (He is absolutely not going without one hell of a fight. He is dragged in kicking and screaming)
The guy left the Jedi order in favor of a mandalorian lifestyle bc he hated the rigidity and hypocrisy of the Jedi. He hated how he couldn’t use his abilities to help more people just because the republic said he wasn’t allowed. Being constantly surrounded by the various Jedi artifacts spread around Kamino would most likely make him feel even more trapped than the bars of the cell that he was kept in before he finally calmed down and stopped biting any clone who would come near.
But he wouldn’t exactly have a chance to escape, especially not with his wife and child! The man would rather die than leave his family alone with the obsessed clones.
I can see him assisting in escapes, but not going with whoever gets loose. He always makes sure he won’t be tied back to the jailbreak so he and his family don’t get in trouble or separated as a punishment. 
(The clones quickly figure out the best way to keep him from trying anything is threatening to take his wife and reader away)
Arla would probably be conflicted about the situation. While she knows being imprisoned on Kamino is supposed to be terrible, she’s happy to be given a second chance at being a sister to Jango. Even if she knows the clones aren’t exactly him (mentally and emotionally that is). She has been in an abusive hostage situation before (Death Watch) but for some reason to her, this time it’s different…? The clones don’t burn a brand into her back like the Death Watch did. They don’t give her scars, don’t chain her up. They never hurt her. They are soft and loving, looking UP to her for guidance and making sure SHE is comfortable being called ori’vod and acting as an older sister to all of them. Many clones go to her for parenting advice and sometimes just to excitedly talk about their day or ask about hers. 
Arla’s mental health has been cracked from a young age. The clones somewhat use this to their advantage. Arla knows that what the clones are doing to the Jedi is wrong, but she also doesn’t entirely see the harm in it?
So many of the families living on Kamino are happy and healthy and everyone cares about one another. And Arla knows that as long as she stays, she’ll be surrounded by family and friends and love. She wouldn’t have to worry about armored soldiers bursting through the door and gunning down her family in front of her. Not again.
She knows Bardin is dissatisfied, and restless and she feels terrible for wanting to stay, but as long as she stays on Kamino, she knows her family is safe.
Reader starts off ecstatic. FINALLY having friends and family who understand them, and mentors willing to help them use the force properly. But before long they start feeling trapped again. Reader realizes they may have traded one prison for another. Lothal for Kamino. They still find themselves wanting to explore the stars. Reader eventually approaches ba’vodu Hunter and asks him if they can come along on the batch’s next expedition.
Hunter flat out says no. The Alphas are strictly against it. Reader asks around and literally every clone on Kamino says no to letting reader come along off world. It’s too dangerous out there for a naive little one like reader! They’re too sweet! Too innocent! (They are also literally getting close to being 18 and very much not a child anymore)
And reader finally realizes the mess they accidentally brought upon themself. 
one day they defeatedly walk up to Hunter, take a seat next to him, tiredly leaning their head on his shoulder.
“Remember that deal we made when we first met? And you promised to give me your best story about one of your adventures? I’m ready to hear it now…”
I’d love to know your thoughts on this! I’d love to know what you think would go differently. This wound up being a lot longer than I thought it would but I figured you might find it interesting! 
Your work is amazing, I think it’s SUPER creative. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself and have an amazing day!
I actually love this.
I dont have a whole lot.more to add except jango fett is still alive in my au. So that would make things extra interesting for aarla.
Also, Bardin and Vera would vibe. She orchestrates a majority of the successful escapes from kamino, and is glad to have his help.
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emwritessometimes · 6 months ago
What I’ll write
Karl Jacobs
Wilbur soot
Maze runner
(Any movie set)
Umbrella Academy
Ben (sparrow and umbrella versions)
(Any season set)
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
(Any movie set)
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
(Any movie set)
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
Rings of Power
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Din Djarin (Mando)
Cara Dune
Call of Duty
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
John Price
Shadow and bone
Alina Starkov
Mal aretov
Max Brekker
Jesper Fahny
Nina Zenik
Genja Sadfin
Nikolai Lantsov
Pekka Rollins
David Kostyk
Cobra Kai
Hazbin Hotel
Angel dust
Sir penstious
Cherry bomb
School Buss Graveyard
Aiden Clark
Ashlyn Banner
Ben Clark
Tyler Hernandez
Taylor Hernandez
Logan Fields
Ready player one
Wade Watts (Parzival)
Samantha Cook (Art3mis)
I will also write
Smut (for certain characters)
Please let me know if there are any other shows or movies that you would like to see! I will try my best to get to everyone. Send a request and I will see if I can do it.
For some of these characters I am uncomfortable doing any kinda of smut considering some of them are teenagers. But other than that yall pretty much have free reign. Yall can also be anonymous if yall want to
Also sorry it’s so long. I wanted yall to be able to choose freely
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yandereclues · 5 years ago
Okay, so if I were to post some yandere Star Wars stuff, would anyone be interested? Specifically like Kylo Ren, the Mandolorian, and maybe Poe Dameron.
I mean, I’m gonna do it anyway, but the support is nice.
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azriel-the-shadowsinger · 3 years ago
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Why is this so true?
meme by: @Inknopewetrust
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cherry-writes-yanderes · 2 years ago
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“Stay still.”
You couldn’t help it, it wasn’t exactly comfortable sitting in the lap of someone with full armor on. His deep, slightly crackled voice in your ear was another reason you couldn’t sit still. The cool beskar was pressing on your skin as you heard him let out a deep sigh, causing you to shiver slightly. “You said you wanted to try this with someone... Why not me?” He asked softly. You could feel his eyes burning through your skin, staring into your soul. You hesitated to answer as your eyes wandered over to the blaster on the floor and the Amban sniper rifle still attached to his back. This man was indeed dangerous, your brain scrambled with thoughts of how many ways this man could kill you. But instead, he chose to grab you by the hips and put you in his lap. Another sigh, this one a sigh of comfort, comes from his voice filter, his gloved hands rubbing your hips with a gentleness you never knew Mandalorians had.
“You won’t be trying this with anyone else.” He ordered, his voice still soft as not to wake the Child.
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zevexsii · 4 years ago
Hello! Welcome :)
Fandoms I Write For! (there’s more to come)
Across the Spiderverse
Saving Private Ryan
Resident Evil (all games & movies)
The Batman
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
Jujutsu Kaisen
Identity V 
Dark Souls (I-III)
Creepypasta B}
Black Clover
Obey Me! 
Star Wars 
The Mandolorian
Middle Earth (The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, etc.)
Death Note
Black Butler
Six of Crows
Fairy Tail
Merlin (BBC)
Sally Face
Bungou Stray Dogs
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Tokyo Ghoul 
Rules For Requesting
Character Blacklist
Please limit the amount of characters per request to four :)
If pronouns aren’t specified, I’ll default to they/them
I’m a bit dodgy concerning character x character ships, if the ship makes me uncomfortable, I probably won’t write for it. 
lgbtq+ requests are accepted and encouraged!
Please specify if you want headcanons or a shorter piece. I’ll default to headcanons.
I’m completely fine with yandere requests! anything written under this category will be written underneath a cut, though. 
I’m not willing to write romantic pieces for minors; platonic and familial relationships are fine.
I will not write anything to do with the following:
inc*st, p*dophillia, r*pe, n*crophilia, etc.
I’m fine with writing for sensitive topics, but there will be a cut and a content warning. I don’t have a problem with gore, either.
Nsfw requests are perfectly fine. Please check on those rules before requesting, though.
My matchup rules are here
Nsfw(?) below the cut.
NSFW Requests 
The only kinks I refuse to write for are bathroom stuff and feet. Go wild. 
Dubcon is on thin ice, but most of the time i’m cool with it. Somnophilia is fine.
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anothermeforcompany · 2 years ago
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“Stay still.”
You couldn’t help it, it wasn’t exactly comfortable sitting in the lap of someone with full armor on. His deep, slightly crackled voice in your ear was another reason you couldn’t sit still. The cool beskar was pressing on your skin as you heard him let out a deep sigh, causing you to shiver slightly. “You said you wanted to try this with someone… Why not me?” He asked softly. You could feel his eyes burning through your skin, staring into your soul. You hesitated to answer as your eyes wandered over to the blaster on the floor and the Amban sniper rifle still attached to his back. This man was indeed dangerous, your brain scrambled with thoughts of how many ways this man could kill you. But instead, he chose to grab you by the hips and put you in his lap. Another sigh, this one a sigh of comfort, comes from his voice filter, his gloved hands rubbing your hips with a gentleness you never knew Mandalorians had.
“You won’t be trying this with anyone else.” He ordered, his voice still soft as not to wake the Child.
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