rodent-king-buunii · 2 months
tryna convince my bestie to lets go ghost/cyprid huntin like 2 lil dorks cause were 2 lil dorks n i wanna go to abandoned places
just not by myself
m a scared mf on my own
cant go to a well lit gym on my own[i did n did the bikes for a straight hour bc i dont know what else too do..]
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savagelucy42 · 1 year
When people say that Tumblr doesn't have drama, they're wrong. There is drama here, but it's the fun kind.
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marvus-xoloto · 5 months
idk if you take requests... idk if this is a request really but I'd also like to hear your thoughts abt it if u have any,,
Yeah, of course! I don’t see Marvus having a preference for any particular body type imo, although he does canonically like twinks 🤷
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pondslime · 1 year
wassup fam fave anon back from the cryptid cave XD you say bo sinclair thoughts and i say “bo sinclair thots?”
this is *not* really bo centric and more of a theory relating to bo & vincent’s placement of wax corpses in trudy’s funeral BUT since i wrote it in my fic imma share it with you 💀
headcanon that vincent specifically used the clothes of people trudy personally knew before ambrose cleared out (don’t ask me how ITS JUST COOL TO THINK ABOUT) AND specifically chose people that reminded him of those people to be at her funeral
why? cuz he wouldn’t just put anyone in her funeral. that’s a separate thing entirely from their wax town shenanigans. to them, trudy’s funeral means sanctity, and what a better way to honour her than with people that she once “knew” to give her that forever sendoff? her memory is gospel to those boys
anyways have a good day lovie u are the best <3
OOOOOOOOOOH that's SUCH a solid idea I really dig it
that makes so much sense ESPECIALLY because not every single row of the church is full??? and the figures that ARE there are......spaced out??? and there are some rows that only have a single person in them......and I think that's........very interesting.
I LOVE the idea of everyone in the church having some significance and REPRESENTING something. the idea of using the old clothes of past ambrose residents?? is SO electric. I'm just imagining vincent badgering bo to go thrift shopping for the EXACT tie w/the gold stripes that he remembers their old neighbor wearing. and bo grumbles about it but two hours later he's sorting through a bin of stained ties sdhjhdfsjdsf
vaguely related but I've always thought that this dude in the front
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was an interesting choice for row numero uno @ mama's forever funeral. reaching into the void w/this one, but he lowkey gives me doc sinclair vibes. (granted, from the pics we do have of peepaw sinclair, he has a lot more up top than good ole receding hairline here. but those pics are also from when trudy was pregnant w/the twins so............................)
I know, I know, my arm HURTS from that reach BUT STILL LMAO. I wouldn't put it past these two to stick daddy-o. or somebody that looks like daddy-o. in row 1. he dies but he doesn't get a funeral. he's just there to mourn mama like the rest of them. but look pa! gotchu the best spot in the house! hfsdjhjdfhjdfs
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mintytealfox · 10 months
this soundtrack and song is one of my go to's when I am working on Norton stuff its juuuust -chef kiss- got the perfect amount of twang to it, sadness and danger, hopefulness and beauty just ah. The misleading simplicity of the tune, when there are so many swells and falls and harmonies coming together JUST AH! AH I saaay 😭
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vernorexiiia · 1 month
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okay but for my THEORETICAL g.ravity fall.s verse ... what if instead of spring originally being the gentle maiden goddess she's known for she became that with time .
i've been listening to stravinsky's 'rite of spring' recently , && the portrayal of the olden ways requiring a sacrifice to appease the gods paired with the show's knack for subverting concepts deemed saccharine / sacred for being scams ( ala , the last mabelcorn ) got me thinking ...
what if spring was originally ... 'that" deity , but changed after she saw herself in those very maidens && the old ways fell out of favor . so now , in a way , she sort of replaces them w/ the whole cycle of rebirth / return of spring as being the "sacrifice ," && being made new again every season .
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Just chillin enjoying my fruity pokepebbles with Munchkin
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
SSR Ruggie Bucchi - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Well, we're gettin' free admission, so... Guess it wouldn't hurt to look at the art while I'm here.
Summon Line: A supporter of the National Museum of Art, huh. Sure hope that title and the little gig that comes with it'll help me for future jobs.
Groooovy!!: Look at 'em, sharin' bugs and lazily singin' without a care in the world... Their little friendship must've been faaaantastic.
Home: Time to party! It's a 100th Anniversary!
Home Idle 1: Hey, looks like Cater-san's Magicam account just had a post update. Guess this's why he was snappin' that selfie in front of the Queen of Hearts' paintin'.
Home Idle 2: Azul-kun was yammerin' on about investin' in artwork, but even stuff by obscure artists go for hundreds of thousands of madol [thousands of thaumarks]... That's crazy high for an initial investment!
Home Idle 3: The Thorn Fairy was totally in the right to get angry. If I got denied a feast at a party, I'd never forgive that slight for the rest of my life!
Home Idle - Login: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art, huh... It's so biiig. I bet it takes forever to clean that they might be hirin' some part-timers at a good rate!
Home Idle - Groovy: The stuff Trey-san was talkin' about was actually pretty interestin'. Ya never know when a convo topic'll turn towards food!
Home Tap 1: Yeah, the best kinda person to work under's gotta be someone with status like the King of Beasts, what with his real deep pockets~
Home Tap 2: Can't believe this museum just passes out all these nice-lookin' outfits just to help promote the place... The Land of Dawning's just way too giving.
Home Tap 3: What's he talkin' 'bout, sayin' he remembers when this museum was still under construction...? Sometimes Lilia-san's lies are way too obvious.
Home Tap 4: He was strong enough to lift a mountain-sized bale of hay with only one hand, huh... I bet if I was that legendary child of the gods, it'd've been sooo easy for me to make a ton of money~
Home Tap 5: Wh-Why're you keepin' an eye on me like that...? C'mon, even I'm not gonna swipe and make off with any of the stuff in the exhibits, y'know?
Home Tap - Groovy: You're wantin' to go to the cafe together? If you're really hopin' to drink that super pricy coffee, here, give me some madol and I'll go get you a cup!
Duo: [RUGGIE]: I got high hopes for ya, Trey-san! [TREY]: Let's see what you can do too, Ruggie.
Birthday Login Message: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Sooo, I wonder whatcha got for mee~ Handmade donuts? Uh-huuuh. Y'know, I'm pretty particular about how my donuts taste... [chomps] Huhー this's so good...! How'd youー!? It's almost like it came from a... Ohhh, so these are handmade donuts from a pastry shop. That makes more sense.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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slutabed · 1 year
okay but when do robin and wayne start hanging out bc steve and eddie have started dating and they both miss their respective dinguses
robin has dinner over at wayne’s a couple nights a week because she finds it comforting to hear him muttering at a sports game the way steve always does
wayne likes having that buckley girl over because she’s always talking a mile a minute and he never knows what the hell she’s yammerin’ on about, but it reminds him of his eddie
they don’t even realize it’s become a Thing until they’ve got a cubs game on, dirty dinner dishes on the coffee table in front of them and plates of robin’s icebox cake on their laps, and steve and eddie burst into the trailer earlier than usual
they thought they’d surprise wayne and order a pizza and spend the night watching baseball with him but wtf robin what are you doing here?? wtf uncle wayne why are you stealing my boyfriend’s best friend?
“she’s my best friend now, sport.”
robin laughs so hard she snorts tab soda out of her nose
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zedleaked · 4 months
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Opening Cutscene
Distant chatter from Prethinker and the Desk Jockey’s can be heard as the camera slowly zooms out from a blackboard that says “Warning: The Following Instance is Not Canon.”
Prethinker can be seen with Professor Pete (Toontown Schoolhouse guy) tied up in a chair.
Prethinker: I do not appreciate you and the Toon resistance trying to put an end to my plans.
Consider this payback for making my life more difficult!
I’ll still be taking these freebie Desk Jockeys for personal use, since you won't be needing them anymore now that you’re here!
Now where was I…?
Ah yes, I remember now.
Prethinker walks over to the blackboard and rubs out whatever was written on it, starting to doodle something on the board.
You see, the plan is simple.
Prethinker takes out one of those pointer sticks and taps the blackboard with it, which has an illustration of Buck and Dave forming High Roller.
I’ve been studying the art of Cog-fusion. A fascinating phenomenon that was showcased by Mr. Ruffler and Mr. Brubot a year ago.
How they achieved such a thing is still beyond my grasp, however the potential of fusion is nothing to scoff at.
Prethinker draws a doodle of himself on the board next to a plus symbol and a question mark.
If we combine the right Suits together, we could achieve something truly unstoppable for those Toons!
That’s where you Brianbots come in.
You will find me the perfect candidates to experiment with! A willing Suit won't come to me on a silver platter you know?
A quack could be heard which causes Prethinker to perk up.
…What was that noise?
The quacks grow louder until Duck Shuffler crashes through the wall Kool-aid man style. He rushes through the Desk Jockeys, causing them to tumble over like dominos.
The Desk Jockeys blow up, making that one Deltarune explosion noise as Duck Shuffler gets up from the ground.
WOWIE! Thith theemth familiar!
Prethinker looks at him outraged, his brain turning red.
Prethinker: YOU! What are YOU doing here?
That stunt you just pulled involving plowing through the wall was against every single law of physics!
Duck Shuffler: Lawth are merely thuggethtionth methinkth.
Prethinker: They are not suggestions! A law is a set of rules that are created and are enforceable by social or governmental institutions to regulate beha- (Wikipedia definition for law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law)
Duck Shuffler stands in front of Prethinker’s speech bubble.
Duck Shuffler: Geeth! Quit your yammerin’, you’re boring me here!
It’th not like you’re a goodie two thhoeth anywayth, what ya did to me was thhurely againtht the law!
Prethinker: We do not talk about that, Ruffler.
Duck Shuffler: Oh yeah, whaddya gonna do about it?
Duck Shuffler steps in close, looking down at the Prethinker.
The Prethinker shoves Duck Shuffler, making him stumble a little.
The Duck Shuffler shoves him back which causes them to keep hitting each other until they get into a cartoony fight ball.
The two of them collide with the wall where the blackboard is, causing a giant explosion and a flash of light. A distant metal pipe noise could be heard.
The smoke from the explosion clears up as it reveals Overthinker.
Overthinker: WHERE- WHERE AM I?
{You dolt! What did you do now-}
The Toons finally intervene as they approach the Overthinker.
T-{T-} T-TOONPH!!!
{Hm, thiph could me phalvaged-}
The room seems to start getting cloaked in a purple hue as weird smoke starts to form from Overthinker’s chemical explosion.
[Phase 1 of the battle starts.]
Second Cutscene
Overthinker: YYYYEOWCH!!!!
Overthinker reels back from whatever the last attack used on him was.
You guyph really pack a punch! What’ph the d-d-deal with THAT???
I’m feeling- I’M FEELING, {phick} YOU’RE- You’ve knocked the BRAINPH OUTTA ME!!!
Overthinker starts to shake uncontrollably.
There’s a big explosion as Overthinker unfuses into Duck Shuffler and Prethinker again. The camera pans down to see the both of them in the Yamcha and Family guy death pose respectively.
The two of them get up from the ground.
Prethinker: Grr! Buck, this is all your fault! We could’ve beat them if you didn’t keep mixing unfamiliar chemicals together!
Duck Shuffler: Aww! But that wouldn’t be tho fun-
Prethinker: This isn’t about fun! This is about winning! You like winning don’t you?
The Toons take a step closer to the two of them
Duck Shuffler: Aww, ratth! We forgot about them-
Prethinker: Fret not- I have this covered.
Prethinker snaps his fingers as he summons a few Desk Jockeys to cover for them.
Prethinker: This won't hold them back for long, but we have to cooperate here-
Duck Shuffler: Oh tho now you wanna work together, huh?
Prethinker: This isn’t the time for snide remarks, you know all about this fusion thing, right? Just do what you do with Brubot or something!
Duck Shuffler: I only mingle well with Dave becauthe he doeth hith part.
You gotta do your part too, pal! Tho let me lead next time!
Prethinker: …Hmph! Fine. I’ll do as you say, but only so we can win!
Duck Shuffler picks Prethinker up and hoists him onto his shoulders.
Duck Shuffler: HAHA! Then let’th get thith thhow in the road!
[Phase 2 of the battle starts, the Toons fighting the Desk Jockeys and Duck Shuffler and Prethinker separated.]
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johnsgunbelt · 9 months
i needed to share this because who else but you
i cant stop thinking of cowgirl reader and soap together such an odd couple but oh does it feel right (kinda self insert im sorry😓)
Ride Cowgirl, Ride - John 'Soap' Mactavish
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You know what anon you’re onto something…I love this dynamic. Pairing: John 'Soap' Mactavish x Fem!Cowgirl Reader
Warnings: None, Fluff
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When Soap told the 141 boys he had a girlfriend they all expected a city girl or even another scottish girl.
So when you walked in in your little denim shorts with a tank top and a flannel to cover it topping it off with some cowgirl boots and pigtails with bows at the end it’s the least to say that everyone was shocked.
When they all asked where you were from and you responded in a thick country accent “Oh I'm from Texas!” They all knew they were in for a treat when they heard that accent.
When soap would talk to you and they could all hear you respond it was so fascinating to hear the difference.
“I swear John could talk the hide off a cow.” 
“What does that even mean?” Is exactly Gaz’s first question
“Means I talk alot mate.” Because you had taught soap your slang around 5 months ago he's been used to it.
They all automatically ask the same question “Do you have a pet horse and can we learn how to ride it?”
“Yes I do! Her name is Peanut and yeah I can bring her round here sometime for you fellas.”
One time further down the line when Ghost pissed you off you just yelled at him “Pull in your horns!!” and he looked at you like “🤨”
“Means back off Simon!!” You’d both hear Soap yell from down the hall as he was holding up your favorite snack you ran towards him
“Aw John! I’m as happy as a flea in a dog house!” You’d take the snack from him and skip down the hall somewhere else to see someone else around the base
“She was just hungry, sorry Simon.”
Now I think Price would understand some of your slang just cause he’s a bit of a cowboy so sometimes you’d have conversations with him.
I genuinely think soap is so fascinated with the fact you can ride a horse that sometimes he’ll just watch you and I mean he’ll sit there for hours and watch you for no reason.
He has probably pissed you off once and you got all mad at him southern style and he backed off after that and bought you some flowers and some new bows for your hair.
He flexes you off while off on deployment. if he’s on an undercover mission and a lady hits on him all he’ll say is “Are you a cowgirl who has a horse named Peanut? No? Then keep moving, Lass.” 
Has probably picked up on your slang while on missions
“Quit yer yammerin'.” “Johnny what?” “It means shut up.” Was a genuine conversation he had over the coms with Ghost.
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I def wanna do more with this maybe make an AU IDK AHHHH
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rodent-king-buunii · 2 months
imagine gettin isakied into a fuckin farm life
harvestin crops
carin for aminals
what a lame ass life...
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howlingday · 25 days
Ren: (Walks in)
Yang: Whoa-oh-oh~! Hold up there, buddy! (Racks Ember Celica)
Ren: Oh, excuse me.
Yang: Couldn't help but notice you're trespassin' (Racks) on my land.
Ren: Sorry, I saw the door open and I wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Yang: Best get to steppin', son. (Racks)
Ren: I- I can leave if you need me to.
Yang: Doin' a lot of yammerin', but unbeknownst to you, you're speakin' (Racks) your final words.
Ren: You don't need to-
Yang: (Racks)
Ren: -brandish your weapon. I'm not going to hurt you.
Yang: Weeeell, sounds to me like we got a (Racks, Racks, Racks) smartass on our hands~!
Ren: You're ejecting a lot of shells there.
Yang: Yup. (Racks)
Ren: You won't have enough to shoot me with.
Ren: That was probably the twelfth shell-
Yang: YOU LITTLE SHIT?! (Racks)
Ren: You already have one in the-
Yang: (Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks)
Ren: It seems like you ejected about thirty six shells from that gun.
Yang: (Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks) Don't need 'em.
Ren: Do you even have any left in there?
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roppiepop · 8 months
A plastic box gets shoved to his chest.
Only because he allows it, obviously, because the little gremlin of a brat is still several lifetimes away from being able to get a drop on him.
Though the demon spawn is also a picture of silence, lips pursed and shoulders tense where his fist extends to press whatever he bought on Jason’s pecs.
With a barely audible sigh, Jason peels that arm off to see what it was that demanded his attention so badly that the kid broke into one of the few safe-houses Jason thought was off the Bat-radar.
The answer is a thick box, covered with a glossy sleeve. On the cover are a group of five men piled on top of each other, composed artfully to look like a playful candid rather than an unfortunate accident. The only other thing on it is a logo stylized to look like a clock. Jason might be able to read where the lines form ‘SPF50’.
He sends Damian a blank look. The kid visibly heckles.
“Tt.” he starts, “This isn’t for me- I would like to emphasize that, for the record.”
Pause. Damian crosses his arms. “It’s Jon. He gave me an adequate birthday gift. It would be a dishonor to reciprocate with anything less.”
Jason replies to that with a hand gesture. What the hell does that have to do with him?
Damian looks at him like he’s rotten meat. Jason returns the glare twofold.
A frustrated groan. The kid almost swipes his arm back- like he was about to reach for his katana before realizing he’s out of costume. “Are you daft, Todd? I am asking for a favor. Name your price.”
“Yeah, Shrimp, I got that.” Jason bites back, “I’m just wonderin’ why the hell anythin’ related to this-“ he holds up the album, “-would be somethin’ I have an in with.”
Without missing a beat, Damian swipes back the album and pulls a card out from the middle to show him.
It’s a low angle selfie, cutting the pictured man off at the forehead. Stray locks, black with a blue-ish tint, fall just at the edge of the frame, and shadow a pair of striking blue eyes. Below that is a lopsided grin showing off a row of straight teeth. The rest of the picture is a swath of yellow- maybe a hoodie? Its laughably big though, dipping low enough to show the prominent curves of the man’s collarbones.
“This is why.” Damian says, before Jason could get a word in. “Your paramour, he’s Jon’s favorite in the group. He must be detestable if he has stooped low enough to romantically engage with you of all people, but nevertheless. Have him and his group sign this album and I will owe you one favor.”
“Huh.” Jason starts. Stops. Considers if he’s in the mood to start a fight. Sighs instead. “You’re outta luck, kid. I don’t know any of these guys.”
Damian’s eyes narrow. He steps forward in a stomp. “Don’t try and lie to me, Todd. Everyone has confirmed you are dating this idol. Agree to my terms before I am pushed to use force-Ow!”
Jason’s fingers moved to flick Damian’s forehead before he even registers that they did. “You can’t force me to do anythin’, Brat. I’ll send you back to your Mom.”
He flicks the other’s nose this time before he can respond, garnering another indignant squawk. “And two- just because you heard Blondie constantly yammerin’ about it doesn’t make it a public fact.”
Jason moves for the chin this time, but Damian has jumped away from striking range and looks a second away from hissing.
Jason would probably hiss back at him if he did. Something about this kid is just makes you want to mess with him.
But Damian seems to already be in retreat mode, sulkily skulking back to Jason’s fire escape with a deep scowl.
“Fine.” he says, right by the threshold of the apartment. “You prove yourself yet again useless. But just so you know Brown isn’t the only one talking- Father also suspects.”
And he’s gone just as Jason opens his mouth.
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zenythycal · 4 months
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Gift art for @oopsarboreal!! I WANT THAT HAIR STYLE SO BADLY
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waywardwizzard · 2 months
"Never thought I'd see the day," the bounty hunter said, staring at the bound crew of Serenity. "Well done, Captain Cobb."
Behind him, Jayne shifted.
"Yeah, well, you promised me a reward but my pockets are feelin' kinda empty, Kyle."
Grinning, Kyle tossed him a heafty bag, the sound of coins clinking loud in the cargo bay.
"Hope ya don't mind. I threw somethin' extra in there, might be enough to get this piece of gou shi fixed."
A few of the bounty hunter's lackeys laughed, none too gently shoving Wash and Kaylee down the ramp.
Avoiding Mal's eyes, Jayne grinned half-heartedly and stuffed the bag into his pocket.
"Fool's gold," River muttered as she and Simon were led past the merc, "but you aren't a fool. Doesn't fit."
'Mama didn't raise a fool, son - '
"Shut it, little lady," Kyle barked, turning to follow the last of the crew down the ramp, "Ain't got time for your yammerin'. We got a - "
The sound of a gun being cocked made him stop.
"Y'know, what?" Jayne said, "I'm suddenly not all that interested in havin' my own ship. It's too much work, if you ask me."
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