#yakulev fanfiction
skippysartq · 7 months
HQ 2nd gen Story WIP Previews 2
*Kuniko Ushijima and Uta Oikawa - Sea salt chocolate*
Ushijima Kuniko had the sweet scent of Chocolate, Oikawa Uta had the salty scent of the ocean.
They encouraged the other to do their best so their could watch the other at nationals.
Shiratorizawa wins.
After the match they agreed to meet up, sitting together nervous. Kuniko offers Uta some Pocky and they smile happily started talking when, they both get a text message from their parents.
The Japanese men's volleyball team.
Wakatoshi and Hajime unaware that they would be meeting each other's sons today. Leaving the rest of the team to do as they do going to pick up their sons from the Sendai gym.
Waiting for them out side was their sons.
"My dad is gonna be here soon to pick me up." Kuniko sighs. Uta perks up. "Hey, hey, we should swap contacts Kuniko." he says grinning. Kuniko's face lights up nodding his head fast.
Wakatoshi and Hajime get out of their cars and surprised meeting in the carpark. They walk to find their sons together talking about how practice went.
The two boys exchanged numbers, and look up noticing the two older men talking. Uta in shock whispered to Kuniko who was smiling like an idiot. "Is that the southpaw Ushiwaka?" he asked the two men now noticing the boys sitting fairly close together.
"Huh? Oh yeah, well that means I gotta go." Kuniko stood bowing and went to run off. Uta didn't let him, grabbing his jacket stopping him. "You know him?
"Yeah, Uta he's my dad. Ushijima Kuniko and Ushijima Wakatoshi." Kuniko points to himself then Wakatoshi. Uta was stunned, how he didn't notice.
"Thats kinda why my school mates call me Ushiko when cheering."
"Wait then, that Oikawa Hajime, my dads training coach over there..." Kuniko pointed over to the two who were kinda watching the interaction between the boys.
"Oikawa Uta." he says quietly with Little jazz hands. "Arh and the Kageyama on your team, I know him, his dad was my parents underclassman in middle school, he has a twin brother that you guys went up against before us."
"Yeah I know the whole team was surprised. Kageyama-sempai never really talked about his family so it shocked everyone to find out he was at Karasuno and they wore the same number crazy right?"
"Yeah it sure was, I was watching in the stands with Moriani-hana and Genki, despite him falling asleep at times."
The two laughed together.
"Come on they look like they are waiting for us." Uta stands taking Kuniko's hand and pulling him over to their dads.
"Oh, Kuniko how was your game!" Wakatoshi says not noticing the boys still holding hands as they stood there. Hajime on the other hands trying not to look at it. "I'm going to nationals! Papa!" he lifted both hands up. They all realised their hands wrapped tightly together. The two boys quickly let go Uta, hugged himself, Kuniko rubbing his hands awkwardly.
"Are you two?..." Hajime started, pointing between them. but was quickly stopped by a frantic Uta all red in the face. "N-no dad look we only met properly today, we didn't even know each other's last names until a minute ago, when you showed up." the two men looked at each other laughing.
The boys looked up the men, laughing, feeling confused as to why they were. "You like who you like, it's fine boys." the two sigh. Then hugged and waved goodbye getting a good smell of each other's scent so won't forget their scents.
"Good luck at Nationals, I'll be cheering for you okay Ushiko!" Uta yells as they went their separate ways until the next time.
The last team they had to beat was Karasuno, to everyones surprise, they found out that Kageyama Shun was a twin to Karasuno's own Number 5 and setter Kageyama Kento.
And the two really fought it out on the court.
Although Karasuno was tough, that crows still fell and Shiratorizawa moved on and claimed the raining powerhouse champions of Miyagi prefecture.
Maybe it was because they didn't have thier captain or acting captain and best spiker on court due to injury. But the White swans got through to the National tournament in Tokyo.
Uta in the stands yelling out a congregations!.
They texted for weeks sometimes practiced together on off days.
At nationals Shiratorizawa made it to day 5 and lose the second match. Regardless of the lose Uta watched the match's, cheered him on from the stands with their parents and celebrated with The two families, on them making it so far in the tournament.
*Shun Kageyama - The aftermath*
Shun's eyes widen as that instant of regret hit him in waves but hardly showed on his face.
"Shun Nikko, GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" The enraged voice of Shoyo boomed in everyone's ears, the sent of  Anger and worry reach all of thier noses, as Tobio snapped out his head and rushed to help save his son. Kadashi holding an unconscious Kento in his arms and handing him off to Tobio.
Shun slammed the door to his own bedroom. Something he got to himself not even a full year at this point.
The steam of anger seething from his tightly clenched jaw. But he lets his breath go as he started feeling a bit dizzy. flopping down on to his bed facing the wall, the sudden feeling a guilt rushed through his body.
'I didn't mean to push him that hard. God what is wrong with me?'
He asked himself, hands over his mouth as he began to uncontrollably sob, eyes wide open, then shut tight, trying so hard not to let his mind stray that way,
'What kind of brother does that, pushing him into the water, he was bleeding and you did nothing. You felt it was okay to just get mad at him like that? You must love hurting him. You must of felt so good seeing his blood spill through the water like that, and you did nothing to help him.
And now your moving away to another school, leaving him all alone!'
"He. won't be alone.. He has friends and Kadashi, unlike me. I-I have nothing, I'm not even good at the thing I like."
"Mum, Dad, Grampa Kazuyo, Aunty Natsu, All our uncles, all played amazing volleyball in highschool and are professional now. How am I meant to be like them and keep up with Kento if I can't even get off the sideline as a bloody cheerleader, because I am no good at volleyball.I HATE IT!"
He got up again feeling the anger return. He didn't know what to do, all the pent up stress, from his life with his brother.
"I HATE IT!" he started swinging his arms around, knocking into some small items like, a trophy.
He smaked it off his draws, sending it flying across the room with some Colognes and pictures, the glass in the frames smashed loudly. Frowning Shun stamped right over to the photo, picking it, and his expression softens when he catches eyes of the photo in question.
It's of a younger him and his brother with Oikawa Uta, all in swimmer shorts standing together, smiling big, on the beaches of Brazil.
It felt like forever starring at the photo in hand. They where so much happier together on that beach, it was thier favourite day then, playing beach volleyball with The Oikawa's and Brazil fam, sad to say good bye to everyone when they had to leave.
The frown returned to his face when he remembered how everything changed since all those years ago.
Screwing his eyes up tight, Scrunching up the picture and throwing it where ever just nowhere near his line of eye sight.
Stomping around his room. Pulling at his hair, taking heavy, small breaths. "Can't stay here right now. Its to much." He grumbles, chucking on the nears shirt, walking to the door grabbing his school bag throwing it over his shoulder, he quietly left his room not to alert his parents.
Sneaking thought the halls, down the steps, keeping an eye out for anyone that could catch him.
Finally he made it to the front door slipping his joggers on at the Genkai not looking back as he left out the door and sped off down the street.
"Shun! Where are you going is everything okay over there?" He paused half a ways out of street when he heard his Aunty Natsu's voice calling to him.
Looking back to her, long orange fluffy hair tired in a bun wearing a nice outfit and light makeup. It looked as if she might be going on a date, as she was walking to her car parked outside the Hinata family home.
Not wanting to say anything, about what happened and that his is technically grounded right now, he waves and continued his run in panic.
He just needed to be away from that house, away from other people, away from Kento.
Huffing and puffing Shun soon came to a wide open field with just grass and a playground in the distance. That was okay there was only a few pups on the playground, and by the looks of it, they wouldn't be coming up and distributing him anytime soon.
This was the perfect place. He quickly jogged far into the middle of the field and grass, away from where anyone would notice him along the pathway the sliced right through the open space.
Shun threw down his bag and lay down his head on in, adjusting it for the best comfort as he starred up at the sky, wide blue and nothing blocking his vision. In the corner of his eyes the sun beamed down of his still body, the heat from the rays warming up his skin, the swaying grass, from the little breeze he had, tickled the exposed skin.
His hair falling over his face, limbs spread out as far as he could reach, the sun's rays of warm feeling like a nice secure blanket rapping around him, seeing some clouds rolling into his vision over head, Shun could only imagine of how a soft and comfy bed felt laying on it and the almost no unnatural Sounds came to his ears, he began to close his eyes.
There wasn't a lot of places like this where they lived so it was nice to have found it.
Shun felt as if he was back in HIS own bed on a cool summer night. It was so nice. He was undisturbed by any black haired twin brothers or nagging parents.
Taking a deep breath in and out like his parents had taught him.
"Hmmmm, this is nice." The orange haired teen spoke to himself aloud. Only he didn't expect a reply to his words.
"Yeah you're right to lay down out here it so good." The voice of a stranger was heard.
"Aarh!" Shun jumped, sitting up quickly and starred over at the stranger laying down next to him.
He had been enjoying himself so much that he hadn't noticed this person sneaking up on him.
The stranger in question, wore a jumpsuit that looked to be from a private school in the area. They had long light brown hair tired up in a ponytail with a green ribbon tie, and large greeny blue eyes, with a thin eyeliner wings.
"What are you doing?" He questions them as they too now sat up, facing him, he could see they had a light redness in thier checks.
'probably from running or something?'
"Well I was jogging along with my team and I saw you laying here, you looked so peaceful like you were about to sleep, thought I could join you." They say brushing some loose strands behind their ear.
Shun swallows the saliva forming in his mouth, nodding, before speaking up. "Well yeah it was pretty peaceful."
They smile and lay right back down again. Shun starred for a moment, the stranger's left eye opening looking right at him. "Well come on, you can't relax like that sitting up, silly."
The brunette reaches quickly taking hold of Shun's arm pulling him back down. Thier hand slipping under his head as not to let it bang on the ground to hard.
Shun tired to turn away, but the guy had a hold of him. Holding tightly to his shirt with his other hand forcing Shun to stay on his back starring straight up. "Just breath." They told him taking a deep breath in and holding it, as if to say they were waiting for him to do the same.
So he did, drawing in a deep breath and they both let it out together, after a few more times the stranger chuckled letting go of his shirt.
It was silence for a few seconds, before the red heard spoke up. "Who are you?" He questions, head rolling over to meet the others eyes. "I'm a 2nd year from Shiratorizawa, on the boys Volleyball team."
"Oh, what position do you play?" Shun asks now more curious about the guy. "I'm the Libero, in the starting line up since last year."
*Ruka Haiba-Yaku - Voiceless* CW// Violence, Mentions of R*pe and sl*t shaming
"Shut up!" They screamed rage seething for every pore of thier body, hot tears show themselves quickly.
They'd had enough of this. But this sliver of control they had was only for a moment, snapped back to the other.
He was taller then the Light brow haired teen, wider and stronger, picking them up by thier shirt, he made it so Ruka had to just tippy toe to reach the ground.
He slammed them back against a wall, twisting the shirt to become a little tight around the wind pipes. "You don't get to tell me what to do shrimpy whore."
"You think you can get what ever you want, such a big ego after you fucked MY omega." Poisonous words spitting out of his mouth, as the smacking of his lips echoed close to and in thier ear.
The horrible sound so close to thier ear, made them shiver and a sudden nauseous.
"And had the nerve to turn her against me." Growling as some of his Silvia lands on the brunette's cheek. "You didn't love her like she needed, what you did to her is rape, and force bonding doesn't make her belong to anyone." Ruka says slyly through clenched teeth, eyes narrow, shady but full of anger they held in for so long for people like this guy.
Alpha's that needed to be put in thier place and to respect who they choose to love and bond with.
Even if they never understood romance themselves, they knew the right and wrong of it all.
The Phenomenons coming of this guy wrank, blinding him by rage, he pulled a fist back, and it lands Ruka square in the nose, and with a knee to the gut to finish it off, dropping the smaller teen to the ground leaving them to cough and wheeze gasping for air if only for a moment.
The alpha is gone now, Ruka left sitting hunched against the wall they were previously held up choaking on.
Raggered breath, as they wring a hand around it to see in the pain would go away quicker. Head pounding and a warm substance trickling down thier face, they lift a hand, fingers touching it and blood.
"Great just what I need, to show up back home in this state. As if my parents don't already ask me enough questions."
They lean back huffing "and if I tell them I did it to save a girl, well who knows what kinda questions of a romantic gesture they will bomb me with." They clasp thier hands together, flutting thier eyelashes mockingly. Falling back to the with a small grunt, waiting out thier pain.
They should be used to this by now. That Alpha was right about them having sex with that girl, only because she asked them to. She had heard rumours of them being a kind and gentle as people needed them to be during sex.
He wasn't wong to call them a whore either. That's basically what they were. Only in it for the sex, nothing emotional. And well it helped other people emotional and with thier romantic lives, who were they to deny a person help they needed, it was doing good, they liked it.
They had always been able to help others that used the service they provided to be more open with themselves. But Ruka, for some reason was never really able to have the same courage as the people they helped.
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chameliyun · 10 months
Fic Rec Friday - #13
Intro post | tag
oooh spooky number anyway I should probably rec the series I'm making podfics of huh
Rec #13: Haikyuu at Hogwarts (series) - Killthespare Fandoms: Haikyuu, Harry Potter Ratings: G, T (only the first book is G) Pairings (so far, but many more hinted at): Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Ennoshita Chikara/Amanai Kanoka, Ushijima Wakatoshi/Tendou Satori, Yaku Morisuke/Haiba Lev Word count (4 books +1 partially completed): 639,946 Summary: A Hogwarts AU with (nearly) all Haikyuu characters/OCs. The first three books follow the plots of the HP books similarly, with some changes and plot twists. Other notes: super great and fleshed-out AU, very entertaining ensemble cast and friendships (<3 you IC), no small amount of plot and overarching themes. no spoilers but the fourth book...hoo boy. that is all I will say ;) also there is a discord server if you want to discuss theories/reactions with other fans (dm me for link)
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eeclare · 2 years
Haikyuu Fic Masterlist Pt. 7
Part 6 here
Part 5 here
Part 4 here
Part 3 here
Part 2 here
Part 1 here
The ever long awaited (by no one) masterlist part 7. I seriously did not think that this would have so many parts. (ps: am high writing this high so forgive for type-os)
One of my fav ships for a little while was YakuLev and yet, I barely have any fic recs for them. They’re just not usually the main pairing in a fic so it’s hard to find decently written fics for them. BUT I still have a few recommendations for them so enjoy!
Haiba Lev x Yaku Morisuke
One Step Closer
Word count: 8,192
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yaku is an omega who likes to nest, and Lev is an alpha with a really nice scent. Unfortunately.
STOP omg I’m so sorry but you have to admit A/B/O is literally such an interesting and fun trope to read it’s just so strange and yet, so popular
The Lion and the House Cat
Word count: 3,337
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The lion on Yaku Morisuke's wrist definitely doesn't apply to a certain tall, obnoxious first year. Nope. Not at all. No, Kuroo, he does NOT have a crush!
This one is very sweet and a soulmate AU!
thank god for the day I hear your name
Word count: 2,175
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: You’re sure the worst part is that you can feel it as it happens; it starts with fond amusement and escalates to dreams you’d rather not talk about and you’ve stared at the summer night-sky and thought about Lev like you’ve thought about home. You wish the stars would fall right down and shoot you where he’s burrowed his heart against yours and Haiba Lev is a problem.
This one is written in a very very interesting way. Def not for everyone and usually not for me but something about this fic just made me feel things and objectively speaking, it is a well written fanfiction
What Not to Wear
Word count: 4,857
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed: chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Yaku helps Lev dress for success, with no idea of the consequences.
I love this one! They truly are just a cute couple
Flowers and Ink
Word count: 3,903
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yaku went to the flower shop next door to get inspiration for a commission, not to get a huge crush on the awful florist that worked there.
Very nice Tattoo/flower shop AU
Light On the Water <3<3<3<3
Word count: 1,532
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/-
Summary: Nekoma at the lake, in the swing of summer. All things surface from here.
Probably the most romantic and beautifully written fanfictions I have ever written. I have never been more in love with a fic please just read it even if you don’t like this pairing. Nostalgic feeling Drabble piece
i put sugar on everything
Word count: 7,300
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yaku won’t admit it, but he lives for the smell of coffee.
I meannnnn
Yaku and The Beanstalk
Word count: 4,155
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yaku Morisuke is many things: a libero, a caretaker, a good student. He's also about to find Lev Haiba stuck in a vending machine. (In which Yaku accidentally recruits Lev to the volleyball team and can't get rid of him after.)
Probably the most iconic YakuLev fic? It’s the one of the only ones with lots of hits/kudos/bookmarks
Innocent Enthusiasm <3<3
Word count: 17,192
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: Yaku was perfectly happy with no-one knowing he was an omega. He was also perfectly happy not ever going through a heat thanks to suppressants. And then the wet dream happened. The wet dream that Lev also had. And so Yaku now has to deal with his confused feelings for his kouhai whilst Lev seems oblivious to how his innocent enthusiasm for everything sends Yaku insane...in a good way. It's amazing what can happen in the span of a few days.
Second fav fic for this pairing :D A/B/O but it’s rlly good
Touch <3
Word count: 10,513
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: After a twisted ankle and an uncomfortable realization, Yaku starts to see a different side of Lev—one he doesn't want to kick at all. (Or, well... not often.)
five minutes <3
Word count: 16,341
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Lev thinks he's great at sex. Yaku begs to differ, but isn't unwilling to help him learn.
I love this one! (Non-fetishized) Trans Yaku and just a tone of eating out it’s fun
Those are my YakuLev fics! Next up, UshiTen! They are another one of my favourite rare pairs!
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori
Ushijima’s World Is Around 71.1 kgs
Word count: 1,071
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/-
Summary: The old crew from Shiratorizawa get together for a drinking party and everyone gets to see first hand just how strong Ushijima still is and how much he loves his boyfriend.
Short and sweet!
Queen of His People <3<3<3
Word count: 40,573
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 22/22
Summary: Six years before Kageyama and Hinata found each other, Tendou Satori found his place among his chosen people.
Second favourite UshiTen fic! This has no smit but it’s so worth it because it is completely plot based and the world building is fucking incredible. I mean it when I say this is my favourite author ever
And they are roommates
Word count: 1,793
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Wakatoshi, are you ready...to move into the future?!” Tendou yelled, dramatically pointing at him. Ushijima smiled and walked over to Tendou. They had been dating for a few years, and after graduating high school, had decided to move in together. “Of course, Satori.” “Well, then I was thinking-“ “But we aren’t getting this bed.”
This one is a bit of crack bit of seriousness idk guys lol
In the Comfort of Your Bedsheets
Word count: 2,378
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary; There's a bird tattooed across his shoulders, and he knew from the moment he saw Wakatoshi, that they were meant to be.
AWH I love them
i ain’t got anything to be afraid of
Word count: 4,984
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed, chapters 1/1
Summary: 5 times Tendou attempts to scare Ushijima (and fails), and 1 time he doesn’t try (but succeeds).
This one is written well and really sweet!
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) <3
Word count: 10,730
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Of course if there was one thing that could be counted on, it was Ushijima’s blunt, total honesty. “Do you think Tendou is attracted to me?” Reon froze. “T-Tendou?” “Yes.” Tendou was notoriously hard to read, but Reon kind of figured that he wasn’t the type to be anything less than painfully overt with romantic affections. “I... I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think if Tendou was attracted to you, he would let you know,” Reon said. “I'd guess he just considers you his best friend.” He hoped his answer would satisfy whatever frenzy the guy had worked himself into so Reon could finally take advantage of his last precious hours of sleep. But instead, Ushijima visibly deflated in front of him. “Yes. That’s what I thought too,” he said miserably. Oh, Reon realized. Oh no...
I love this fic! It’s so funny and I love the team dynamics in this it makes me giggle
Word count: 13,437
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I, uh…” Tendou starts, smile going wobbly with uncertainty, “could you… pretend to date me?” Ushijima shockingly doesn’t fall backwards, nor does he immediately say ‘no’. Instead he continues staring at Tendou, fear now overcome by even more confusion.
This feels like a rom-com
miracle boy wakatoshi <3<3
Word count: 4,933
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: he thinks that he has never before wanted this much to be struck by lightning.
Ushijima character study that’s just so beautifully written and poetic, in a way
The Lifespan of Koala’s
Word count: 2,660
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Recently Satori has been feeling pestered by certain inconvenient emotions regarding their captain, and he’s been brainstorming ways to get rid of them. The easiest thing, he thinks, would be to just date him.
This one’s fun!
in the garden i get lost (that is unless I’m getting found) <3
Word count: 2,889
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tendou Satori’s cause of death: Ushijima Wakatoshi in the garden with his shirt off.
It really feels like Satori is actually a teenager in this one it’s refreshing
Midnight Snacks <3
Word count: 2,090
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: There's nothing like a late night study session to make you a little peckish.
Lady Tendou is so hot I literally cannot fathom it holy fuck
Five Times Ushijima Wakatoshi Absolutely Lost His Shit <3
Word count: 8,241
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: And then that one time he didn't, when he really should have, because Tendou Satori absolutely was.
This fic is so funny! I just love these two together
Let Him Go <3<3<3
Word count: 27,013
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The story in which Ushijima joins the Japanese International U-21 team and they have to deal with distance.
My fav fic for this pairing! They are just too cute lol objectively Queen of his People has writing that’s more appealing to me but I’ve read this fic so many times it’s just so amazing
That’s if for UshiTen they’re so sweet and such an underrated couple Ushijima needs more love guys
Takeda Ittetsu x Ukai Keishin
Word count: 3,692
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Please let me be the only one who gets to smell you.” The omega froze. He was pretty sure Ukai wasn’t using any sort of pheromones on him, but even so his knees were about to give. That was a confession, wasn’t it?
This is an A/B/O fic but I actually really enjoyed this one!
along dream paths
Word count: 3,228
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ukai makes the mistake of looking in Takeda's notebook after practice one day, expecting volleyball notes; what he finds is a love poem.
Really really sweet!
5th Time’s the Charm <3
Word count: 3,002
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Takeda had never been one to give up on things easily, never one to just give in when he’d had his heart set on something. And his heart was set on Ukai.
A/B/O porn with very little plot
Kuroo Tetsurou x Tsukishima Kei
of broken and beautiful souls
Word count: 2,982
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Like others too, Kenma wished that his soul is beautiful.
This one is quite sad lol and it’s Kenma-centric idk why I added this here tbh
Say You Like Me <3
Word count: 9,057
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed: chapters 3/3
Summary: It's been three months. And Tsukishima Kei is going to see Kuroo Tetsurou.
I think this one is my fav for these two lol
The Bite Mark
Word count: 520
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Kuroo,” Kenma blinked at him, faint concern crinkling the corners of his eyes, “What is that?”
This one makes me chuckle lmfao
Only You
Word count: 2,203
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: But Kuroo should’ve known better. Because bonded or not, Tsukki had always been an immensely jealous person. Not that he was the kind to display it openly. But the moment they got behind closed doors, the alpha always let Kuroo know just how upset he was. And Kuroo would be lying if he said he hadn’t been hoping for this exact reaction.
Very rare omega Kuroo A/B/O
Not super huge into these two but I think my recs are pretty good
Kuroo Tetsurou x Sawamura Daichi
Rules are Made to be Broken
Word count: 1,631
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo has a strict no dating rule when it comes to his co-workers but maybe there's one exception when it comes to that rule.
This one’s fun lol
A Couple of Pervs
Word count: 9,276
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo and Daichi had only lived together a little while, but already the sexual tension was driving them crazy. All it takes is a combination of thin walls and a gift from Kuroo's grandpa to finally make that tension burst.
The writing is alright but it’s worth the read if ur looking for porn no plot
Print and Press (me between your thighs) <3
Word count: 5,834
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: the time Bokuto is the best/worst wingman ever and Kuroo understands how Blanche Devereaux felt when she wished for death.
One of my favs! Makes me feel things
The faster we’re falling <3
Word count: 3,422
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Sawamura Daichi is really hot. But also so much more. And it’s a huge fucking problem.
Another favourite! Just rlly good
Seen a Million Faces (but i’ve been waiting for you)
Word count: 33,322
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In all his time as a dance instructor, Kuroo has had his fair share of newcomers walk into his classes at Nekoma. But there were dance newbies, and then there was Sawamura Daichi.
Ugh I love this fic
Meet Your Match
Word count: 6,071
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Up until now, he’s managed to keep sex and volleyball separate. He’d learned early on, whether they be teammates or rivals, getting involved in any play outside the court with fellow volleyballers was ill-advised. Ok, there’d been Ushijima in university but who could blame him? And they’d remained friends after. Besides, he didn’t know Sawamura would be one of his players at the time and now that he is that’s that. At least, that's what he's telling himself.
Older DILF Kuroo and younger Daichi I love age gap ones as long as they’re legal
Salt and Lime
Word count: 3,151
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Along with Hanamaki's grin, Kuroo knew he made the unwise decision. "Hey, I know the perfect dare for Kuroo and Sawamura." Kuroo gulped and felt his body froze. "Let Kuroo drink body shot off of Sawamura’s." Kuroo felt like he was dying inside. "I'll prepare the shot," Kiyoko chimed in cooly, as she got up to take whatever she needed from the bar. And Kuroo knew that he was, so screwed.
This one’s a good read lol
Lifeguard Dude <3
Word count: 6,945
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's spring break. Everything is going great, until Daichi looks up and sees the hottest lifeguard he's ever seen in his life.
Oh my GOD
Word count: 1,439
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"
The sweetest lil A/B/O Drabble
I Wanna be Official
Word count: 4,269
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tetsurou thought claiming to have a boyfriend would be the easiest way to reject someone's confession. He didn't expect it to backfire though, and ultimately have him falling for his roommate and dear friend Daichi.
Another Drabble that I find fun
go the distance <3
Word count: 5,411
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: daichi has a hard time dealing with the distance between them, and he ends up making the biggest mistake of his life because of it. but he's determined to make up for it, no matter what it takes.
Angst with a happy ending im literally obsessed
we move like the ocean
Word count: 17,722
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Transferring to the University of Tokyo had been in Daichi Sawamura's plans, meeting Kuroo Tetsurou had not.
This fic is literally like 50 shades of grey lol idk how else to describe ht
catch and release <3
Word count: 18,531
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "Sawamura-kun, don't tell me you're actually a virgin?" Daichi flushes a deep red and Kuroo's grin turns positively wicked.
I really love how this fic captures Daichi’s character!
Word count: 28,065
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which there are cars, kissing, and cute dogs.
So cute!
I love these two! Probably even more than DaiSuga lol I’m sorry they’re just not my bread and butter like KuroDai is
Miya Atsumu x Sakusa Kiyoomi
Peace of Routine
Word count: 8,474
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: After Atsumu moved to Tokyo, Sakusa's daily routine never recovered. He no longer worked solo jobs, he doubled his spending on cleaning products, and he rarely slept alone. Sakusa would have hated those things, before he met Atsumu. Now he wouldn't want his routine any other way.
I think this is probably my fav for SakuAtsu
Read the Receipt
Word count: 6,689
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I think we’re done here, thank you, Osamu. If we could just have the bill?” As though waiting for those words, Osamu removed a small square of paper from his pocket. And leaned over to slam the paper down on the table in front of Sakusa. “You’re paying tonight.” “What?”, Atsumu squawked, his eyebrows traveling further up his forehead. “Why?” “He knows why.”
Probably the ultimate proposal AU ngl
Call Me Maybe
Word count: 1,799
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “What caused your nosebleed?” Dr. Sakusa asks, typing something into a computer next to him. “M’ brother smacked me in the face with a Wii controller,” Atsumu tells him. “We were playing Just Dance 4,” he adds. Dr. Sakusa raises an eyebrow. “What song?” He asks, and suddenly Atsumu feels very awkward. “Call Me Maybe,” he mumbles.
This one’s funny!
In Full Bloom <3
Word count: 9,598
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Sakusa has fallen in and out of love more times than he can count on one hand, his heart's restless endeavours forever marked by the flowers that bloomed across his skin. Just as he wrestles his heart under control, Atsumu comes crashing in once more, awakening long-forgotten feelings and painting Sakusa's life in the warmest rays of sunlight. But as fate would have it, Sakusa cannot stop loving Atsumu when he needs to more than ever.
They just can’t stop loving each other
It’s not Complaining, it’s Questioning <3
Word count: 1,669
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Sakusa is annoyed that Atsumu picked Aran as a roommate and Ushijima and Komori have to deal with it.
Jealous Sakusa is so funny he’s such a whiny baby lmfao
Ode to the Night Sky
Word count: 2,403
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The concept of a muse was so foreign and out of reach for Kiyoomi before he met Atsumu. He drew inspiration from the world around him, but having one thing, one person be the driving force behind his creativity had sounded laughable. It's in nights like these that he wonders how he could have ever been so naive to the strength a muse could have.
Body worship is just so good guys
Shades of Ink
Word count: 12,667
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: It’s fortunate that Miya Atsumu is such a good tattoo artist, because that appears to be his only redeeming quality. He’s too loud, too cocky, and so overtly flirtatious that Sakusa almost leaves the shop before he even steps inside. But he’s seen firsthand that Atsumu does good work, so he stays and suffers through it. The longer he's there, the more he thinks maybe Atsumu isn't all bad. When Atsumu asks for a tattoo from Sakusa’s shop in return, Sakusa knows he should turn Atsumu down. He doesn’t. What should have been a routine business transaction turns into something more hands-on than either of them expected.
Love tattoo AUs lol
Goodnight Kiss
Word count: 4,731
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Sakusa’s fingers curled at Atsumu’s jaw, hovering, before falling away. “We can’t be friends with benefits, considering we’re not friends.” Atsumu smiled, because Sakusa’s voice wasn’t completely flat. There was a familiar twist to it, sharp but not wounding. “Wanna be friends, then?” “No.” Atsumu glanced down at Sakusa’s hand. “Wanna be somethin’ else instead?” Sakusa didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no, either. He glanced away and then back. “I don’t know.”
This is a really good one! Well written and a little angsty
ink blossoms
Word count: 8,168
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Opening a flower shop wasn’t the first idea Atsumu had for his future but in retrospect he wouldn’t trade it for anything. There was a certain joy in arrangements and learning the language of flowers so each bouquet meant something perfect. His little flower shop was a humble but bright place among the cobblestone plaza and people came and went with flowers for their loved ones. The business was good, the customers were kind, and the company he kept was amazing. It was perfect. At least until the tattoo parlor across the plaza finally opened.
Flower shop/tattoo artist AU lol
Notice <3
Word count: 7,034
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Embarrassingly, Miya Atsumu is the third person to notice his crush on Sakusa. And it's his crush in the first place.
This one is really funny and def one of my favs for this rare pair! Just such a good lil Drabble
School Bus Yellow
Word count: 4,904
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Atsumu has a crush on Sakusa, and it’s kind of ridiculous how much he likes a guy who wears ugly colored jackets and is afraid of germs. Though, Atsumu’s probably not all that great himself. He’s still figuring that part out.
This is the first SakAtsu I’ve ever read and it’s a little angsty with a lot of happy ending lol
Goshiki Tsutomu x Kawanishi Taichi
Knight and Bishop <3<3
Word count: 52,722
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 35/35
Summary: Three years before Tendou Satori comes to Shiratorizawa, Shirabu and Semi learn to live with each other, and to love.
I’m literally obsessed with this author’s royalty AUs omfg this series is literally incredible
Say Yes
Word count: 3,087
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Goshiki and Kawanishi both want to propose to one another and seek advice from Tendou.
If you’re just looking into some new pairings to read and you come across these two, this fic is part one of a series for them :)
Bokuto Koutarou x Kuroo Tetsurou
Victors <3
Word count: 5,255
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo and Bokuto were longtime rivals in the ring, but grew into something else behind the scenes. They've climbed to the top of the MMA hierarchy, and find themselves competing against one another for the championship title. It's a hard fight that leaves them bruised and bloody, but that's nothing new. Neither is the way they take care of each other afterward, in more ways than one.
Love MMA fighter AUs and this one is just wow
amarillion <3
Word count: 12,096
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: the story of how Koutarou falls for his best friend.
I fucking adore this fic. Bokuto and Akaashi’s friendship in this is everything they’re so supportive of each other and I just love the lil character study in this
Behind the Scene
Word count: 21,768
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: Kuroo is a typical college student. He goes to class, struggles through homework, and goes to the occasional party with his friends. The only atypical thing about him is his choice of part-time job. Kuroo isn't ashamed of doing cam work. He's certainly making more money than his friends who spend hours at a time working in restaurants or coffee shops. He enjoys the work, he makes his own schedule, and the other cam boys in his network aren't bad to look at, either. He's fond of one in particular, the ever-popular NightOwl. As it turns out, NightOwl is a fan of Kuroo's, too.
YAS camboy AU that has my heart I love
I know they’re best friends but that’s what makes their chemistry so awesome even tho I think irl they wouldn’t make a good couple lol
Daishou Suguru x Kozume Kenma
Word count: 1,003
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Kuroo makes the mistake of leaving Kenma alone in a club. Frustrated at his best friend, Kenma leaves with a handsome rival who shows him a good night and then takes him home like a gentleman. Kuroo is not pleased.
This pairing is interesting to say the least. I enjoyed this fic tho ngl
Kageyama Tobio x Oikawa Tooru
Not Enough
Word count: 7,640
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Kageyama and Oikawa realized they were soulmates in Junior High. Too bad Oikawa wants nothing to do with Kageyama.
This is the only fic for these two that I have because they are really not my favourite at all
Bokuto Koutarou x Kozume Kenma
I’m Which Bokuto Is Sorely Mistaken
Word count: 566
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Sure, Bokuto knew how good Kenma was at video games. Of course he did, he was best friends with his best friend, he’d heard all the stories of Kenma destroying Kuroo five times a day when they were growing up. But, let’s be honest, that didn’t mean much, considering Bokuto also destroyed Kuroo every time they tried to have a “friendly contest”.
This one is just so weirdly good I never would have considered Bokuto and Kenma being together omfg
Oikawa Tooru x Ushijima Wakatoshi
Old Grudges <3
Word count: 6,475
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Oikawa never liked Ushijima. At least, until he accidentally started sleeping with him. Oikawa convinces himself that the sex isn't a problem. It's just a night here and there with no strings attached. They don't even have to like each other. But the more time they spend together, the more Oikawa realizes it's impossible to hate someone like Ushijima.
Another pairing I’m not huge on because I don’t think Oikawa is the kind of person to get over grudges but I fucking LOVE how they’re portrayed together in this fic it’s fucking beautiful
Iwaizumi Hajime x Semi Eita
Blacktop Rivalries <3<3
Word count: 31,006
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 6/6
Summary: When Oikawa first put together the motorcycle gang, Iwaizumi thought it was stupid. Now, several years later, the best days of his life are when he's on the road, lost in the rush of the wind and the thrill of the ride. It's by chance that he meets a fellow biker on a solo ride, and the two of them get along a little too well. Everything is great until Iwaizumi discovers Semi Eita is a member of Shiratorizawa, a rival biker gang that he has been conditioned to despise. They agree it's in their best interest to stop seeing each other before anyone discovers the affair. As it turns out, that's easier said than done
Another pairing where I say, how the FUCK did someone come up with this? And yet. AND YET it works. Like so well
Afterparty <3<3
Word count: 4,961
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Semi hadn't planned to be here, on his knees in the low light of his apartment, with his mouth full of a stranger's cock. He hadn't planned it, but things had escalated, and it was all Semi's fault. He blamed the show. The atmosphere had been electric, addictive. The crowd was loud, his band's performance had been flawless, and Semi had sang better than he'd ever sang before. It had left him with a particular sort of high. He was flying, and when he left the stage, he'd flown right into Iwaizumi Hajime. "Remember what I said to you at the venue?" asked Semi, his voice low, raspy. "I said I want you to hold me down and fuck me until I beg you to stop."
Seriously just incredible chemistry all around like hello???
Okay okay okay this is the LAST fic on my master list! We are really finished. For now, at least. I’m not a huge fanfiction reader anymore but on the occasions I find a new one I like I will add it here! I really hope that I’ve been able to help at least one person broaden their haikyuu horizons then this will all be worth it :)
104 notes · View notes
kenmastwin · 4 years
Short Fuse and High Maintenance ✰ YakuLev
Genre: fluff, getting together
Words: 4,328
Summary: A few months passed with Lev on the team and at this point, Yaku was convinced that Lev was sent here to continuously make him feel small. Of course, Lev had never meant it in an offending way and somehow, that made it even worse. This way, Yaku didn’t only have to deal with the spite he felt from a fucking giant calling him short, he also had to deal with this weird tingling feeling in his heart that made his ears burn a little bit red.
Everything started on the day Lev first stepped into Nekoma’s gym for his first volleyball practice and caught sight of that one very short player. The third-year libero, Yaku Morisuke. Lev’s first impression of him was very simple: small. At that time, he hadn’t known yet how much that single fact would affect him and make a mess of his thoughts.
Haiba Lev, being a very tall person had, of course, seen small people. Actually, most people he’d encountered could be considered smaller than him. There was nothing to be surprised at in Yaku’s case either, especially since his amazing receiving skills definitely made up for his height on the court. Lev loved everything that was small and cute ever since he was a child. He would often feed the cats and dogs in the neighborhood or play with the children. He was very good with children and children liked him a lot too. They loved sitting on his shoulders to see the world from a higher point of view and just simply having one more playmate.
Becoming a regular member of the volleyball team taught Lev three things: his spiking teacher and setter, Kenma is impatient and reluctant to practice with him; his blocking teacher and captain, Kuroo is annoying and keeps nagging his ear off; his receiving teacher, Yaku is not only short but also has a short fuse. Lev honestly hated receiving practices, it was way too exhausting to keep running from one side of the court to the other and continuously dive for the ball. Yaku’s steadily reverberating scolding and yelling didn’t make it better either. Lev sneaked out not once when his senpai wasn’t paying attention. In the end, Lev concluded that not all small things were lovely and cute.
Yaku Morisuke could feel it deep in his guts the very first time he’d met Lev. It was a very intense boiling feeling that he couldn’t quite place at that time. He’d known it was triggered by his first impression on Lev: annoyingly tall half Russian towering over him to accentuate how small Yaku actually was. Yaku hated feeling small. He did all he could to make people focus on his high-quality receiving skills instead of his height and reveled in the fact that there were smaller players on the court as well. For example, Hinata Shouyou from Karasuno. Hinata was actually a whole centimeter shorter than Yaku and a middle blocker where height was the most important quality. Seeing him, Yaku didn’t seem all that special.
His feeling of disdain had only grown after he started to practice together with Lev. God, he sucked at everything so much... but he still kept running around shouting that he’d become the ace of Nekoma earning an earful from Yamamoto.
“Shut up and drag your ass back to receiving,” Yaku yelled at him, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and dragging him to the other side of the court. He cursed himself internally for not being able to reach his ear to drag him by that. Stupid tall bastard.
A few months passed with Lev on the team and at this point, Yaku was convinced that Lev was sent here to continuously make him feel small.  
“Yaku-san, you’re so good at volleyball even though your small?”
“Is Hinata really smaller than you?”
“Yaku-san, you’re so small and cute.”
Of course, Lev had never meant it in an offending way and somehow, that made it even worse. This way, Yaku didn’t only have to deal with the spite he felt from a fucking giant calling him short, he also had to deal with this weird tingling feeling in his heart that made his ears burn a little bit red. That pair of sparkling eyes always held such sincerity in them that Yaku hardly could think that Lev was making fun of him. A tiny thought bloomed in the back of his mind: maybe, just maybe this guy actually liked his height?  
Yaku crushed this ridiculous thought, kicked Lev on the butt and refused to even look at the pouting man. What’s there to like about height anyways?
Lev’s first impression on Yaku Morisuke took a 360° turn after a few months passed. It changed from small and adorable to little and aggressive then back to small and adorable. He’d come a full circle only because Yaku’s passion for volleyball and his blunt nature scared Lev at first. He needed a few weeks to get used to it and realize that even though Yaku seemed to harbor some kind of grudge against him, his sharp words were never meant to harm Lev, only to help him improve for the sake of the team. The kicks and the punches he received were all things he could thank his own big mouth for. His teammates kept telling him over and over again to quit pointing out Yaku’s height if he wanted to live but he couldn’t help himself. That man, 2 years older than him, so self-conscious about a quality that only made him more charming in Lev’s eyes, was someone Lev could never control himself around.
It was all because Lev’s brain worked in the simplest way. When he saw something that he liked, he couldn’t help but compliment it. And god, did he like Yaku Morisuke a lot...
An unexpected phone call was the catalyst that deepened and secured just how much Lev actually liked the libero. He could neither expect or foresee it, much less stop it before everything had already escalated to the point of no return.
The caller was Lev’s older sister, Alisa who announced that she would come and live in Japan for a few months. Lev was very excited to see his sister and even more excited to introduce her to his teammates. He was super proud of his sister being a successful and beautiful model, and he wanted to show off his newly learned volleyball skills too. So, Lev invited Alisa to their upcoming game and made her meet his team at the entrance of the stadium.
Everything proceeded smoothly.
“Hello, I’m Haiba Alisa. Thank you for always taking care of Lyovochka,” Alisa greeted the Nekoma members and the members had their jaw on the floor.
“No way, is this your sister?” Yamamato had already hearts in his eyes.
“She is! Doesn’t we look very similar?” Lev asked, standing proudly by Alisa’s side, both of them smiling.
“Hm,” Kuroo nodded. “I guess you have some shared genes.”  
“She's prettier than Lev, though,” Kenma concluded and the whole team agreed as if Kenma’s words were law.
Lev pouted while Alisa laughed, feeling happy that his brother was getting along so well with his teammates. His gaze swept through his cheerful teammates before it finally landed on the small form of the libero he’d lately always kept in a corner of his vision. Yaku was currently staring at the pair of siblings with barely visible pink dusting his cheeks. Suddenly, his eyes met Lev’s and with a slight but sudden widening of them, he turned away completely. Lev’s eyes widened at the same time and a weird fluttering feeling spread in his heart and his stomach like a hundred butterflies taking flight at once.
Lev almost forgot that fleeting moment of locked eyes and flushed cheeks until Alisa came to cheer for them at another game.  
“Alisa-san came again?” Yaku rushed up to Lev, asking with sparkling eyes and the faint pink hue once again present on his cheeks. “She’s really too beautiful.”
Lev furrowed his brows, quickly making the connection between the flustered state of the libero and his sister’s presence. In the end, he only rubbed the back of his neck and laughed, “I know right. Let’s make sure to win today, Yaku-san!"
Yaku nodded, “Just try not to get in the way of the receives when you block.”
“Yaku-san...” Lev whined as the both of them ran up to line for the start.
The flushing and blushing, along with Yaku being uncharacteristically excited certainly didn’t help Lev tone his adoration down. If anything, it only sparked a thousand wishful scenarios inside the tall boy’s head. It seemed as if a whole new world opened for him, and the urge to never stop observing the short libero only increased.
If only he would receive half the attention of what Yaku blessed his sister with…  
Yaku seemed to not really look into Lev’s eyes. That made sense, he probably didn’t want to strain his neck looking up but Lev still imagined what it would feel like to have those sparkling brown eyes bore into his own, focusing on him and nothing else. Yaku-san's cheeks seemed to be round and delicate, they would probably fit nicely into Lev’s palms. Lev imagined pale skin warming up and changing shades under his touch until it became hot and red, a pair of lips awaiting to meet them with his own in a soft kiss-
Lev shook his head furiously to dissolve the mental image that strayed into dangerous territories. Yaku gave him a weird look, “Are you even listening to me?”
Lev’s only response was an awkward laugh, followed by Yaku’s exasperated sigh.
“I guess we should call it a day.”
“Sorry, Yaku-san,” Lev mumbled guiltily, walking after his receiving tutor out of the gym and into the clubroom to change.
“It’s fine. I didn’t expect to stay until this late, either,” Yaku said, doing everything in his power to keep his turned backside to Lev but he still couldn’t conceal a faint blush making its way into the tall boy’s view.
Lev rubbed his eyes, thinking that he must be really exhausted. His sister was nowhere in sight but Yaku-san was still blushing, that couldn’t be anything more than his mind playing games with him. He proceeded to change out of his sweaty practice clothes as fast as possible, thinking about a nice mind-clearing shower and some refreshing sleep at home.
However, something even more unexpected happened.
Yaku stopped in his tracks when they exited the school grounds and turned to look up at Lev, “Hey, wanna stop by the convenience store? I’ll treat you to ice cream.”
Lev’s eyes widened in absolute disbelief, feeling his insides burst from happiness. “Yaku-san!”
“W-what? If you don’t want to, that’s fine too. Just thought you’ve been working hard lately...” Yaku immediately averted his eyes, making wide movements with his arm to punctuate to the best of his abilities that this was not a big deal and there was no reason for Lev to be this happy. But Lev was even more happy because he knew very well that Yaku, although a very dependable senpai, wasn’t the type to just treat others to ice cream or anything else.
Lev caught one of Yaku’s flailing arms, his long fingers circling around the thin wrist. “I’d like that very much.”
“Th-then let’s go,” Yaku said, half mumbling the words, the blush creeping up on his cheeks again and not escaping Lev’s watchful eyes.
The short walk to the convenience store down the street was spent in the quiet of the night. Lev’s head was so full of the confused happiness that overwhelmed him that somehow, he even forgot to speak, not filling up the silence with his usual chitchats. His eyes fluctuated between the road ahead and the short boy beside him, their gazes meeting every once in a while, before Yaku forcefully ripped away his.
They arrived too fast to Lev’s liking and Yaku sprinted inside, speedily navigating to where the ice creams were kept. It didn’t take long before he exited the store and offered one of the two ice creams to Lev with a bright smile on his face. “Here. Keep up the good work.”
“Thank you!” Lev accepted the treat, savoring the feeling of their fingers brushing together for the entirety of two seconds.  
Eating the ice cream with Yaku next to him giving him warm looks, the tiniest of smiles and well-earned compliments, Lev had two conclusions:
Hard work does indeed pay off and if this is his reward for holding out on Yaku-san's demonic training then it was all worth it, without a doubt.
Yaku-san is the most adorable human being in the world and if he can’t have him, he doesn’t want anyone else.
Yaku deeply regretted treating Lev for ice cream that night. Who would have thought that this would happen? All he wanted was to increase Lev’s motivation and to not have that look full of dread on his face whenever an extra receiving practice began. That’s the only reason why he willed himself to ask Kuroo Tetsurou with his shit-eating grin for advice on how to achieve that.
“Yakkun, have you ever heard of the stick and carrot method?”
“Please, say it so non-nerds can understand too,” Yaku replied even though he had a feeling of what Kuroo was implying already.
“I’m saying that you shouldn’t just scold him when he messes up but also give him rewards when he does well.”
Yaku groaned internally, a frown making itself present outwardly.
“Come on, Yakkun, it’s not that difficult to give the guy a few compliments. It’s not like you gotta confess your undying love,” Kuroo joked but the chuckle got caught in his throat when he saw Yaku’s wide eyes and flushed cheeks before they turned into angry pools of storm.
“Who would confess anything to that idiot...”
“You’re welcome!” Kuroo shouted after him as Yaku stomped out of the clubroom. “Huh, I didn’t expect that he cares about Lev this much.”
Kenma lifted his eyes from his game to look at Kuroo, “I give them one month.”
To give Kuroo some credit, Lev did become more enthusiastic about practice after the ice cream reward. However, Yaku did not expect him to become this enthusiastic.
Lev arrived on time, didn’t try to slack off or escape and paid great attention to each and every word Yaku had said to him. His bright emerald eyes bore into Yaku with an unfamiliar intensity, making it difficult for Yaku to stay collected and not stumble over his words.  
He had no idea what went through the titan’s head but not only the attention, the physical contact had also increased. Usually, Lev would run off and bother Kenma for tosses to polish his spikes for which he needed to sacrifice his break time in order to convince Kenma (with the help of the coaches and the captain). Lately, Lev reserved a seat next to Yaku, sitting always in close proximity, thighs, shoulders and fingertips often brushing together. It never ceased to ignite a small fire in Yaku’s chest, making the heat spread all the way to his cheeks where it burned in pink. Yaku felt that every time he blushed because of Lev, he’d lost a piece of his honorable senpai image.
Well, not that Lev had ever cared about his senpai image, he’d always talked back to him and continuously called him short. Yaku was pretty sure that Lev had no respect for him whatsoever.
...On second thought, this statement didn’t feel quite correct. Because even though Lev rarely listened to him in the way Yaku had wanted him to, Lev never crossed any lines and always looked at him with nothing but pure admiration.  
Yaku felt his cheeks warm up at the thought again and squeezed his hands in a tight fist, feeling the overwhelming need to punch someone. Preferably the cause of his state. Preferably in the face.  
Of course, he’d spent quite a lot of time thinking about why his initial reaction to everything related to Lev was violence but the result only pissed him off more. Dreadful words of ‘confess’ and ‘undying love’ coming from his latest conversation with Kuroo popped up in his mind, and his rage changed targets, now very much wishing to punch the captain.  
Stupid Kuroo saying stupid things, implying that Yaku was in love with a stupid giant who kept making him feel all kind of stupid feelings. However, Yaku felt the stupidest out of them all for actually considering the idea quite often lately.  
Sometimes, he would catch himself staring at Lev without realizing it and even after realizing, he would keep on looking at the way his expression brightened when he nailed a spike, saved a ball or blocked a shot. It was even more interesting to see him get frustrated when he messed up, screaming but immediately focusing on the next rally. Yaku felt his chest tighten and a smile creeping onto his face at the same time. And the worst, the absolute worst was after practice! When Lev was spread out on the floor as if he was dead after the coach dismissed everyone and Yaku would approach Lev while wiping his face with a towel. He had no idea what had gotten into him but his hand moved against his own will and patted the disheveled silver hair. Lev looked up in shock and the moment their eyes locked, both of them froze. Both of their cheeks were pink but only Lev could see it grace Yaku’s turned face while the libero stood up, removed his hand and lightly poked Lev’s side with his foot.  
“Get up, don’t lie on the floor,” he spat out mechanically and walked away as fast as he could without appearing suspicious. He hated to admit it to even himself so he sure as hell would never admit anything about his maybe existing feelings to the boy himself.  
Now, Lev was not the brightest lightbulb in the bunch but when it came to Yaku, he was prompt to notice a change in attitude. Unfortunately, the conclusion he got from this simple observation was not quite correct.  
Lately, it seemed that Yaku was being more distant around him. There was less scolding and less hits and kicks attacking him but that also meant less physical contact. Lev felt somewhat weird for thinking about how he missed Yaku-san’s small fist punching his sides but this train of thought quickly geared him towards memories that made a lot more sense. Shoulders leaning against each other while resting, fingers brushing together while a reward of ice cream was passed, warm fingers combing through his hair after a long day of practice…  
Lev raised a hand, touching his hair for himself and feeling a strange kind of loneliness. He didn’t know why Yaku patted his head that day but he would sell his soul to only have that hand rest on top of his head again. There was just something about the short boy touching the top of this tall boy that felt more encouraging and comforting than any words could ever make him feel.
“If you don’t focus then stop wasting my time,” Kenma’s annoyed grumble and a volleyball fallen to the floor and rolling away brought Lev out of the maze of his thoughts. The maze of Yaku, we might as well call it by name. He had no idea that the smallest distance would make him miss the previous affection so much. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen Yaku anymore, only that there was no more talking and interaction aside from practice. Missing someone right beside him was definitely not normal.  
Lev sighed, “Sorry, Kenma-san.”
Kenma stared at Lev’s slouched form, observant eyes seeing right through him and he sighed as well, “What’s wrong?”
Seeing Lev straighten up and his cheeks darkening confirmed Kenma’s suspicion. “Yaku-san?”
“I-I mean,” Lev stammered, trying not to give his feelings away which was highly difficult when Kenma’s scrutinizing gaze felt like he was completely naked. “He seems like he’s avoiding me. But he’s practicing with me as usual so it might just be me...”
“Oh,” Kenma said, glancing at Yaku practicing with Kuroo and Yamamoto before he made a decision.  
“W-what?” Lev felt very uneasy.  
“Do you like Yaku-san?”
“Wha- I… H-how did you know?”
“I didn’t know. You just told me,” Kenma pointed out then added when he saw Lev’s horrified expression. “But I kinda guessed already. You’re super obvious.”
“Do you think Yaku-san noticed something and this is why he’s avoiding me?”
“I’m sure he noticed something but I doubt it’s how you feel…” Kenma rolled his eyes. It almost pained him how these two were so focused on their own feelings that they failed to notice the other struggling with the exact same feelings. Maybe he could give them a little push, he thought, he had a bet to win, after all. 
Lev tilted his head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Have you ever thought that he might like you too?”
Lev ran through the streets excitedly, a sense of urgency in his steps. He hoped that he would still be able to catch up to Yaku. He didn’t even dare to think about reciprocated feelings before but Kenma’s words sparked hope in his heart. Kenma would never comfort anyone with empty words so with encouragement from Kenma, he felt like he had the support of the entire universe behind him.  
“Yaku-san!” he called out when he spotted the small figure passing in front of the convenience store near the school. He locked eyes with the surprised libero. Lev strode over, crossing the distance with a few long strides and towered over Yaku. Yaku despised when anyone, especially Lev of all people, towered over him and he didn’t hesitate to insert his palm into the stupidly tall person’s side.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked with a frown.
Lev clutched his painful side, the sparkles in his eyes not at all subsiding as they bore into Yaku. “Yaku-san, do you like me?”
Yaku was taken aback by the bluntness of the question, completely speechless for a moment before finding his voice again. “Did you hit your head? Why would I like you? You can’t even make a proper block.” He didn’t mention his spikes. Yaku had to admit, he got a lot better at those, scoring important points for the team.
“No, that’s not what I mean. Do you like like me?”
“...” Yaku had a bad feeling about the persistent questioning. “Why are you even asking me that?”
“Yaku-san, please, answer me.”
He knows. Yaku had half a mind to punch him with all of his might and run away if that’s the only way he could get out of this mess. How could this be possible? Lev was way too oblivious to realize the affections masked behind yelling. Yaku swore to murder whoever ratted him out. Kuroo, he was sure of it. That bastard always enjoyed messing with him.
“What if I do?” he glared at Lev, trying not to let the embarrassment show on his face and daring the tall man to make fun of him.
It was as if a thousand fireworks went off in Lev’s mind, he radiated excited happiness as he got closer to Yaku. “Because I like you too! I really really like you, Yaku-san!”  
Yaku looked at him like he was crazy. Why would this guy like him? That made no sense to him. He did nothing but yell at him, scold him, kick his butt, punch his side, slap his head... Yaku didn’t know if he should feel relieved that he was liked despite his horrendous treatment or just stupefied because was this guy a masochist or what?
“Are you stupid?” Was the only thing that ended up coming out of Yaku.
Lev didn’t even hear it. “I’m so happy you feel the same way. Sometimes, I thought you really hated me but then you would stare at me like that so I was kind of confused. Ah, I’m soooo happy now.”
Yaku blinked. How did he exactly stare at Lev? Shit, had he been caught? That’s too embarrassing, he wished he could poke out his own eyes. Lev continued rambling but Yaku’s mind went completely blank as he tried and failed to assess this situation.
“Yaku-san, can I kiss you?”
“Huh?!” Lev’s face was suddenly way too close and Yaku’s heartbeat sped up while a blush spread onto his cheeks. He unconsciously covered his face with an arm. “Aren’t you getting way too ahead of yourself here? Shouldn’t you ask if I want to be your boyfriend first?”
Lev’s eyes softened. He gently pried Yaku’s arm away from his face and smiled at the pretty pink blush on his face. Cute. Yaku was really too cute. It was impossible to resist.
“But we like each other. And I really want to kiss you right now. Don’t you?”
The question sounded innocent coming from him but for Yaku’s ears it held a teasing tone and mixed feelings dueled in his mind. He did want to kiss Lev. God knows how many times he imagined how his lips would feel against his but he would rather die than to say it and since he’s too short for a surprise kiss, he decided to die without ever getting the experience.
However, his head ended up nodding. He actually nodded! This simple gesture shocked both Lev and himself. Fortunately, he didn’t have the time to be embarrassed about it because Lev’s lips landed on his almost instantly. It was a short kiss, innocent and sweet and lighting up both of their faces with bliss and blush.  
“Yaku-san,” Lev smiled when he pulled away. “Would you be my boyfriend?”
Yaku’s blush deepened until his face was the same color as his Nekoma jacket. “Y-yeah, I guess we’re dating now…”
“Yay, I’ll make you happy, I promise!” Lev was beside himself with excitement and instantly wrapped up Yaku in his arms, finally feeling the satisfaction of holding his own little happiness and he swore to himself that he would never let him go.  
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whywoulditho · 2 years
Haikyuu Fic Recs Masterlist
It's finally here, my contribution for the lovely people of haikyuu fandom after months of reading fanfiction everyday. This is a list of my absolutely favorite, 10/10 fanfics that made me leave keyboard smash comments. Most of these are G-T rated and all of them are SFW. I put a 💜 next to the ones with asexual rep just because I can. Also I will be uploading this list when I find new good fics (instead of making new posts everytime i'll just edit this post). Anyway, hope you'll like them as much as I do. Pairings sorted alphabetical.
with you, my world by mollE
Lean In by fangi
Hello, How are you? by ShiDreamin
Setting Aside Your Pride and Your Prejudice by sugamama_crowshi
In Another Life by LittleLuxray (ah yes, the classic)
fine line by starsqwub
i do (cherish you) by gabstar
sutures by eurydicees
Winner Takes it All by keenbean
Signed, Sealed, Not Delivered by FireHeartAW
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were too) by cosmogony (ah yes, the classic pt. 2)
ever so slightly (daily and nightly) by tsukiyams
video games and gold rings by gnomeo
Bubbles by buttonstuck
Don't Look Now by pancakewars
frankenstein's monster by starbeyy
Like Smoke Blown to Heaven by littleboat
Intertwined by Anubis_2701
we're faking it until we aren't by pastelplants
Tethered by meek00
Waiting For the Sunlight by carryaworld 💜
see this through by basilleia
CLEAN™ by Kiyoomi by sifuhotman
Compelling (Power)Points by tumbleeweedfarm
(Un-)Deserving by sipsutus
come on with the rain by rosegoldwriting
can we always be this close? (forever and ever?) by lunarumbra
flowers that bloom late (are still just as pretty) by sumdgesofink
the sudden wave of silver by Quintessence
The Mystery of Professor Yamaguchi's Husband by spadebrigade
The Evolution Of Flight by xXvintage_goose_incognitoXx
The Love Song of Tsukishima Kei by Lady28
by any other name by parenthetic (renaissance)
blonde, whipped and very secret (also known as yamaguchi's boyfriend) by justatroubledgirl
Touch by Mysecretfanmoments
Yaku and the Beanstalk by Mysecretfanmoments
The Ace by MelissaWritesStuff 💜
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maryjoeycoco · 2 years
Lev wasn't sure if she should find this awkward or be okay with it. Sure, Igor fitted in just fine with their group. He was able to get the jokes and made some in return. While his Japanese was a bit rough but they were able to understand him. He slipped into Russian often but Lev translated for them. Also, he wasn't sure if Igor sat next to him because he was taking his Babushka's offer too seriously or wanted to feel comfortable to he sat next to someone who understood Russian.
Although he couldn't complain because Igor was very warm. And Lev was the type of person who can get cold very easily so sitting next to a human heater was nice. Throughout the hour, Lev noted how much Igor's smile made him think of Yaku-san. Lev wonders what Yaku-san was doing at this very moment. He was brought out his thoughts when Shibayama elbowed his side.
"Ouch," Lev hissed.
"Igor wanted to know where the bathroom was," Shibayama smiled. "As the host, you should show him."
"Right, of course. Follow me, Igor." Lev got up.
The first years hang out with Igor causing Lev to feel something new. Only for Yaku-san to come in and sweep him off his feet. Lev just hopes that Teshiro is right.
Click the link above to see what happens next!!!!!
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Are you telling me this bad boy *slaps Haikyuu!! Domestic Fics* reached 700 kudos??
Seriously though, I posted chapter one back in September. It was my first work for the Haikyuu!! fandom, and I was honestly terrified that nobody was ever going to read it, given how fluff wasn't (isn't) a genre I thought (think) I could (can) write decently.
Thank you so, so much for the support that all fifteen chapters received!! It blows my mind that so many people decided to give my stories a chance.
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19th-harbinger · 3 years
besties pls gimme YakuLev fanfic recommendation pls i need it 😩
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aruu-kive · 2 years
[Love is (Not) Easy]
Published: July 8th, 2020
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Morisuke Yaku x Haiba Lev
One-Shot | Fluff, a bit of Angst
Life is always filled with dumb decisions, especially the teenage years. Without dumb decisions, you can’t exactly grow as a person. That’s how Yaku always sees it. Mistakes were essential to growing up and no matter what age there’s no need to avoid making mistakes as it helps you learn and be a better person.
There was no use in regretting past mistakes.
Sometimes, coming back to an old lover feels like running through a storm to say "I'm sorry".
[ Read Here ♡ ]
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fandumbs · 3 years
Haikyuuween!! Prompts 1 - 7
These are little prompts I made with the Haikyuuween!! event enjoy!
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DAY 1: Leaves
Nishinoya and Asahi have an outdoor date at the park and Nishinoya spot a leaf pile and jumps in it. It takes Asahi a good while until he can find Nishinoya again. 
DAY 2: Crows
Hinata finds an injured baby crow and asks the team to take care of it with him.  Once recovered he flies away with his murder (just a representation of the team in crows).
DAY 3: Autumn
The teams/ships enjoying autumn in their own way. Maybe a fall festival in their respective schools?
DAY 4: Knife
While making dinner for the teams at camp, Kiyoko cuts herself with a knife so Yachi tries to take care of it. She’s trying her best and Kiyoko appreciates it. 
DAY 5: Night/Day
A character study of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi’s relationship. Just fluffy, wholesome dedication. 
DAY 6: Costume
One of the teams goes Halloween shopping!
DAY 7: Child
Nekoma time! Yaku and Lev are at the mall and stumble upon a lost child who looks like their own.  They help the child find their parent.
I’ll try and post daily after this! I’ve just been so busy lol :)
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fukoronoko · 4 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kinoshita Hisashi/Narita Kazuhito, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi/Yamagata Hayato, Goshiki Tsutomu/Koganegawa Kanji, Aone Takanobu/Futakuchi Kenji, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Fukunaga Shouhei/Yamamoto Taketora, Inuoka Sou/Shibayama Yuuki, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Konoha Akinori/Shirofuku Yukie, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, maybe Characters: Karasuno Volleyball Club, Aobajousai Volleyball Club, Shiratorizawa Academy Volleyball Club, Datekougyou Volleyball Club | Date Tech Volleyball Club, Nekoma Volleyball Club, Fukuroudani Volleyball Club, well not ALL of them, a bunch of people Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Police, Fluff, Getting Together, Established Relationship, POV Alternating Summary:
There was a big coffee shop opening in front of the police station. Or other title: when a bunch of gay police officers meet the people who make their coffee.
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skippysartq · 3 years
HQ 2nd stories - Meet Everyone
Trust me I have lots I wanna write about these kids I created. It not all the fleshed out. I can tell ya I am not the best in that department.
But boy I have some stories to tell about them all.
Like how Kadashi, my first, became Kadashi.
Tetsuhana saga of crushes. And his teasing family.
The Kageyama Twins. Fights.
Dai's found family in all the kids she gets to know she treats them as if her own siblings.
Reiko accepting, self worth, selfishness and bravery.
Kento learning to listen to other and not only himself.
Shun finding friends and a passion on his own. No longer in the shadows of his brother.
Uta meeting his soulmate and Thier dad on the first day of knowing them.
Oba-Joben learning to be helpful.
Kuniko growing to protect his baby sister.
Sota meeting Kinhoshi and after a rivalry with Ena, they get together.
Not in that order persay.
There are more to be thought of but it'll be quiet awhile before this book will be finished. So enjoy them as they come out.
Slow updates as they are big stories.
Now here they are; Meet everyone of my 2nd gen kids. Pictures of them in Thier respected chapter and later a chapter just to show some pictures.
(First name, Last name)
9 - Shun Kageyama
10 - Kento Kageyama, the Karasuno 1st year Twins.
11 - Kadashi Tsukishima, 1st year
Daia Sugawara, 3rd year Manager
4 - Yuuma Nishinoya, 3rd year Captain
Miki Nishinoya, 7 years old
5 - Kiyoryuu Tanaka, 2nd year
Aiya Tanaka, 2nd year college
-Kuroo- Tetsuhana, Oldest graduated beauty school, 23?
Saihiro, 2nd kid, 1st college
3- Tetsuroyo, 3rd kid, 3 year high school
9- Toshihiro, youngest, 1st year high school
Ruka Haiba, 1st year
Cousin Suzuki Haiba, 3rd
Jun Sasaya, 2nd year
Asa Sasaya, 1st year college
Ena Aone, 2nd year
Kinhoshi Koganegawa, 2nd year
Sota Bokuto, 2nd year
Katashi Shirofuku, 1st year
Kumi Shirofuku, 1st year
Uta Oikawa, 2nd
Genki Kindaichi, 1st
Morina-Hana Mattsukawa, 3rd
Oba-Joben Kita, graduated High school
Sana Miya, 2nd year
Masa Miya, 2nd middle
Mairi Komori, 6
Asaya Michimiya, 7
Jakkaru Inuko, 3
Introduced in the twins 2nd year.
Setsuko Shirabu, 1st
His cousins; Reo, 2nd middle
Kana, 1st middle
Nozomi, 3rd middle
Ayako, 10
Kuniko Ushijima, 1st year
Yuatori Ushijima 1 month, 3 weeks.
6 - Nori Akakura, 2nd year
7 - Kiyoshi Akakura, 1st year
9 - Saro Nakashima, 1st
12 - Gorogen Saito, 1st
-New Karasuno -
8- TakeTame Ennoshita, 1st year
9- Mainazii Yonezawa, 1st year
10- Reiko Narita, 1st year
Sara Amanai, 2nd year
Original OCs - Karasuno
2 - Midori Kiboken, Setter Captain 3rd year
Dekinii Shimiza, 2nd year
1 - Khace Tomas, Captain 3rd year
2 - Akemi Taroda, 3rd year
3 - Touma Chai, 3rd year
Annaisha Eichi, 3rd year
Haru Daicho, 1st year
8 - Hiro Kichikawa, 1st year
1 - Yukino Takishima, 3rd year Libero
O OCs - from Animo's help.
6 - Aoi Kirishima, 2nd year Libero
7 - Haru Nakamura, 2nd year Setter
Pictures off most of my characters are here on this page.
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One Rainy Night
A Haikyuu Fanfiction
Pairing: Yaku/Lev
Words: 4632
“Wait!” Lev called out, but it was no use, and the two boys watched pitifully as their bus sped down the road, around the corner and out of sight. 
“Dammit!” Yaku shouted, though it was mostly drowned out by the rain. The two ducked into the bus shelter, finally getting coverage from the storm.
“What time is the next bus coming?” Lev asked, running his hands through his wet hair, dishevelling it even more. 
“Half an hour.” Yaku huffed, dropping himself down on the bench with an audible squelch. His muscles were burning from the exertion.
“Should we walk home instead?” Lev asked. The two stared out at the torrent, the rain clattering loudly on the metal roof. 
“No, it’s too dangerous. We should wait. God we’re drenched.”
The weather is disgusting, Yaku is locked out of his apartment, and apparently all it takes to make you realise your feelings for someone is a little power-outage.
Hello! I wrote this over the course of 15 days, and am very proud of myself for my consistency (that’s the longest writing streak I’ve had all year, with is awesome!). I’m pretty happy with how this turned out! Any comments/constructive criticism is always welcome, I hope you enjoy!
The rain was incessant, pounding Yaku’s body with cold pellets as he sprinted through the school yard, Lev following close behind. It was soaking him from all directions, the splashing of puddles like shrapnel on his exposed legs. The two ran, panting and shivering through the haze as they made their way down the street, weaving through the few pedestrians also foolish enough to be wandering about in the onslaught. It was currently 6:04, and their bus was going to be arriving at the bus stop at precisely 6:05. Yaku was hoping that the rain would have delayed it at least a few minutes, but as they rounded the corner, his stomach sank. 
“Wait!” Lev called out, but it was no use, and the two boys watched pitifully as their bus sped down the road, around the corner and out of sight. 
“Dammit!” Yaku shouted, though it was mostly drowned out by the rain. The two ducked into the bus shelter, finally getting coverage from the storm.
“What time is the next bus coming?” Lev asked, running his hands through his wet hair, dishevelling it even more. 
“Half an hour.” Yaku huffed, dropping himself down on the bench with an audible squelch. His muscles were burning from the exertion.
“Should we walk home instead?” Lev asked. The two stared out at the torrent, the rain clattering loudly on the metal roof. 
“No, it’s too dangerous. We should wait. God we’re drenched.” Lev shuffled over to the bench, slinging his soaking bag off his shoulder. 
The two had discovered that they lived in the same apartment complex pretty quickly once Lev had joined the volleyball team, which in itself had its ups and downs. On the upside, Yaku wasn’t lonely on his commute to and from school anymore. On the downside, Lev took their close proximity as an excuse to bug him for help every chance he got. “Yaku-san! Can you help me study for my maths test?” “Yaku-san, can you help me practice my receives?” “Yaku-san~”
“I could have sworn rain wasn’t predicted today.” Lev said. Yaku peeled off his volleyball jacket, attempting to ring it out before giving up and dumping the wet clump of fabric on the bench beside him. The two fiddled around with their clothing for a minute, attempting to get a little more comfortable before giving up and settling into their seats. 
“God it’s freezing.” Yaku muttered, rubbing his arms aggressively. He could almost swear his bone marrow was freezing over.
“Do you want my jacket?” Lev asked. Unlike himself, Lev had been wise enough to put his jacket in his bag before the sprint to the bus stop, so despite the bag itself being soaked, the garment was relatively dry.
“No, it’s fine.” Finding the friction rather impractical, he settled for curling his arms against his body.
“Are you sure?” Lev asked, peering at him with concern. He had a few specks of water clinging to his eyelashes, which glittered in the streetlight. “You’re shivering.”
“Yeah. Besides, I don’t want you to get cold.”
“I’m Russian, that makes me immune to the cold!” He declared.
“You’re half Russian.”
“Okay then, I’m half immune.” Yaku smiled and shook his head, though his body stiffened as the wind picked up. “At the very least…” Lev slid closer until their shoulders and thighs were pressed against each other, before resting his arm across the back of the bench. 
“For warmth.” He clarified when Yaku gave him a funny look, though he didn’t complain, and instead leaned into his body. 
“You’re really warm.” He said quietly, his head rested against Lev’s shoulder. Lev chuckled, angling his head away slightly. 
“You feel like a corpse.” Yaku slapped his knee. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! You feel frozen though.” After a moment’s hesitation, Lev wrapped his arm around Yaku’s shoulder, pulling him closer, and in turn Yaku curled into his side. To keep warm, Yaku reminded himself, though he couldn’t help but think how nice the arrangement felt. The thought itself concerned him slightly, but he was wet and freezing, and Lev was soaked, and he could feel the first year’s warmth through his shirt. Despite the horrendous weather, and their sticky clothing, and their aching muscles, it was a nice moment. The two stayed like that, silently cuddling, until the bus arrived. 
After a very cold wait, and an even colder bus ride, the two boys finally arrived at their apartment complex. 
“I cannot wait to get changed out of this.” Lev said as they quickly strode across the lobby. 
“God I need a hot shower.” Yaku grumbled as they stepped into the elevator. Lev hummed in agreement, pressing the button for Yaku’s floor, and then his own.
“Sounds nice, though honestly I think I’m a little sick of being wet today.” Yaku nodded.
“Fair, you look like a drowned cat.” Lev squawked in offence as the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor, and Yaku stepped out. “I’ll see you Monday.” He said in farewell. 
Lev stuck his tongue out at him, before breaking into a grin and waving as the doors shut. Yaku smiled, shaking his head at his antics as he made his way down the hall. He stopped in front of his apartment, slugging his bag off his shoulder and sending droplets across the tiled floor. The bag sagged pitifully as he opened it, and Yaku began to riffle through it for his keys. His eyebrows began to knit together the longer it took, before he froze. His keys were in his wallet, which he kept in his gym bag… which he left in his school locker.
“Fuck.” He groaned, hitting his head on the door with a gentle thud. Fantastic. He slipped his phone out of his pocket and thumbed the keypad. It dialed a few times, before his father picked up. 
“Hey dad.” He said. “I left my keys in my locker at school, what time are you going to be home tonight.” There was a long sigh through the phone, and Yaku’s stomach knotted with guilt. He sounded exhausted. 
“I’ve still got quite a lot of work to finish off in the office, and there’s a lot of delay with the rains in this weather… I’m sorry Mori, I don’t think I’m going to be home for another two hours or so. Is there somewhere you can go in the meantime?”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to drag you away from your work. One of my kouhai is in the building, so I can probably stay at his place.”
“That’s good then. I’ll see you tonight Morisuke.”
“Get home safely.”
By the time Yaku had made it to Lev’s floor, his teeth were chattering painfully in his mouth. His clothing, though no longer soaking, was still plastered to his skin, and the chill of the building’s hair conditioning sent painful shivers through his muscles. His hand shook as he raised it to knock. There were a few moments of silence before he could hear footsteps towards the door, and briefly, he wondered what he would do if Lev’s parents answered instead. Standing in the doorway, shivered from head to toe and explaining his situation would be awkward, to say the least. Thankfully, Lev answered, albeit with a perplexed expression. 
“Oh, Yaku-san,” Unlike himself, Lev had gotten changed out of his wet uniform, sporting a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve short. To Yaku’s envy, he was noticeably dry. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, just, I left the keys to my apartment at school, and my father isn’t getting home for another few hours. Would I be able to hang out at your place for a while until he arrives?” He tacked on quickly, “That would be fine with your family right?”
“Yes, of course! Come in!” Lev stepped aside and practically herded Yaku inside. “My family won’t be home tonight anyway. You’re still soaking though, I’ll get you a towel, and a change of clothes – actually, would you like to take a shower?” 
“Please. That would be great.” He licked his icy lips, the thought of a warm shower sounded heavenly. 
“I’ll be back in a moment.” Lev disappeared down the hall, and Yaku took the opportunity to examine his surroundings. Despite Lev harassing him for help every other weekend, study sessions always took place at Yaku’s apartment, so he had never actually seen Lev’s home before. He was standing in the entryway, which led into an open-plan kitchen, living room and dining room area. The design was modern, very similar to his own apartment, but more homey, with several photographs and other memorabilia decorating the walls. Across the room, situated in the living room area, was a large window spanning across the wall, showcasing the heavy storm outside. Lev appeared a moment later, a towel and a change of clothes nestled in his arms. 
“Here you go! You can just leave your shoes and bag right here.” Yaku dumped his bag and kicked his shoes off, before eagerly grabbing the items out of Lev’s hands. “Down the hall, the bathroom is the second door on the left. 
“Thanks.” Lev gave him a grin, before turning and heading into the kitchen, whilst Yaku made his way through the apartment.
He closed the bathroom door behind him, quickly stripping off his sodden clothes and jumping into the shower. The hot water was euphoric on his cold skin, and he closed his eyes, sighing contently. Yaku stood under the steam motionless, allowing the warmth to ebb away at the tightness of his muscles and seep into his bones. Once the numbness had faded and his limbs had thawed, he grabbed the bottle of soap and began washing himself. 
The soap smelt of lemongrass and lime, so distinctly Lev that it took him off guard, though the thought was somehow comforting, instead of weird. He let his thoughts carry him. The scent reminded him of the sun, of countless warm days spent in the gym playing volleyball. Of the crisp air, and morning jogs to school with Lev, who’s hyperactivity was quelled by the exercise and instead of making boisterous conversation, he would simply smile down at him. Yaku turned off the water, pursing his lips at where his thoughts had brought him. It was true that he had been spending a lot more time with the fair-haired first year recently, with them commuting together, hanging out on the weekends and spending time after volleyball practice to work on Lev’s receives. Yaku wondered when it was he stopped thinking of Lev as irritating and instead thought of him as… rather pleasant, he supposed. 
Dismissing the thought, he stepped out of the shower, and immediately regretted it as he was met with the cold air. He dried himself and changed, though noticed an apparent issue. Right, Lev was tall, so of course his clothing would be massive on him. He fixed himself up as much as possible, at least, until he was mildly presentable, and left the bathroom. 
“I’m out.” Yaku said, leaving the hallway and entering the kitchen. Lev turned from where he stood at the stove, apron tied around his waist, and froze. He stared at Yaku, his expressions shifting from shock, to confusion, to… something else, before finally landing on amusement. He laughed.
“Come on, it’s not that funny.” The sweatpants Lev had provided had ended way beyond his feet, resulting in them needing to be folded a considerable amount and causing two lumps of fabric to accumulate at his ankles. The shirt, which sat unevenly on his shoulders and reached his thighs, had been tucked into the tightly tied waistband. To say he looked rumpled would be an understatement.
“Sorry, just – you look like a cute little kid in my clothes.” Yaku glared at him, but the shower had relaxed him and he was too tired to retaliate. He was also choosing to ignore the strange swell he felt at the word “cute”
“I’m not cute, and I’m not a little kid. I’m older than you, remember.” He grumbled. Lev looked like he wanted to say something mischievous, but held it back, instead replying 
“Of course.”
“What are you cooking?” He asked, moving on. Yaku could smell the spices from out in the hallway. 
“Just some curry. Are you going to be staying for dinner?”
“Yeah, if that’s alright?” 
“Of course!” Lev beamed, “There’s heaps anyway, I wouldn’t be able to eat all of it on my own.”
“Cool. Anything I can help with?” Yaku peered around his body to the stove, where a pot sat simmering. There was a rice cooker steaming off to the side. 
“No, thank you, I’ve got it handled. You can just sit around and relax if you’d like.” Deciding not to contest against Lev’s cooking abilities, which, if he was being completely honest, he didn’t have much faith in, he made his way into the living room. Yaku picked up the remote and turned on the TV, but was met with a wall of static. 
“Oh yeah, I tried that earlier.” Lev called out from the kitchen. “I think the weather has messed with the connection. The wind has really picked up outside.” Glancing towards the window, Yaku could confirm that, yes, miraculously, it seemed to be storming even harder. 
He turned off the television and instead began investigating the room, drifting towards the bookcase in the corner.  He assumed it belonged to the rest of his family, as Lev wasn’t really the reading type. Only a few weeks ago, Lev had been complaining about the assigned book he had to read for English class, and after much harassment, the issue ended with Lev and himself sprawled out on Yaku’s couch as he read the first few chapters to him. Lev was a handful, that was for sure, though comparatively, he wasn’t the worst kouhai in the world. Yaku and Sugawara-san didn’t text very often, though from their few conversations, Yaku had heard just how illiterate the Karasuno first years were. He was thankful Lev wasn’t that stupid, the thought bringing a small smile to his face. 
After another few minutes of snooping, Yaku settled himself down on the couch and gazed at the dark void of the window. Behind him, he could hear Lev shuffling around in the kitchen. He listened to the soft bubbling of the stove, the high pitched rustle of metal as Lev rifled around in a draw. He was humming some kind of melody as he cooked, though Yaku couldn’t make out the tune. A sudden wave of melancholy washed over Yaku, grounding him into the softness of the couch. There was something special about this moment, the complete calm and normality. It was a stark contrast to his usual nights, where for once instead of the silence and haunting loneliness of his apartment, he was met with the comfortable domestically of Lev’s home. It brought about a strange yearning inside of him that he couldn’t place. A deep tugging on his heartstrings which made him acutely aware of how significant this moment was, as it was the beginning of something big, and beautiful, and life changing. He wanted to cherish this feeling, to hold onto this strange comfort that he didn’t understand. 
His thoughts were broken by Lev’s call for dinner, and he stood up, feeling quite disoriented, and joined him at the table. 
To Yaku’s surprise, the food was absolutely delicious, and inwardly he apologised for ever doubting Lev’s cooking abilities. As tactless as he seemed, the kid could cook. Yaku reclined in his seat, eyes closed, and enjoyed the warm sensation of a hot meal in his system. He felt absolutely exhausted, his muscles still sore from practice and the cold, but somehow, he felt extremely content. He opened his eyes to find Lev staring at him, cheek rested in his palm and a small, impossibly soft smile on his face. The sight made his chest flutter. 
“What’s up?” Yaku asked, and Lev’s trance broke as he realised that he’d been caught. 
“Oh! Nothing, just,” He sat back up in his seat. “You look really happy right now.” Before Yaku could even think of a response, Lev rose from his seat and began clearing the table.
“I’ll help you clean up.” Yaku offered, and Lev waved dismissively. 
“You don’t have to do that.”
“But I want to. I’ll dry.” Lev didn’t disagree anymore, instead giving Yaku another of those abnormally soft smiles which sent his heart racing, and the two proceeded to clean the kitchen in a comfortable silence. Once they were done, Lev said
“I’m going to make a hot chocolate, do you want one?” 
“Right after curry?”
“Yeah! Why not?” Yaku shook his head.
“I think I’ll pass, I’m not a big fan of sweets.”
“Oh come on.” Lev pleaded. “I make pretty amazing hot chocolates.” He stared at him with a small pout which Yaku found uncharacteristically endearing, and he couldn’t find the will to refuse. 
“Okay, fine.”
“Yes!” Lev cheered, and got out the supplies for the drinks whilst Yaku watched with mild amusement. 
The two of them settled down onto the couch with their hot chocolates, and Yaku had to admit, the beverage was pretty nice. He listened to Lev ramble on about some gossip with the other first years, something about Inuoka asking out two different girls, who both ended up being gay, which resulted in him setting them up. Apparently he was happy for the two of them, but quite sour about Lev and Shibayama teasing him about it. The conversation was quite meaningless, but there was something special about Lev’s company tonight, and Yaku was very much enjoying himself. Lev’s babbling was interrupted by a large crack of thunder, and they both looked up as the lights flickered.
“I hope the power doesn’t––” a sudden darkness enveloped them.
“Spoke too soon.” Yaku remarked. 
“What should we do now? Should I go get a torch?”
“No, don’t bother, we have our phones anyway. I guess we can just sit and watch the rain?” Lev hummed in response, and the two shuffled closer to angle themselves towards the window. 
It was pitchblack with the lights on, but in the dark they could see the surrounding city outside, the dull artificial light providing a small bit of illumination to the room. The world seemed quieter in the dark, though Yaku quickly realised that was due to the heater, which he had barely noticed earlier, being off now. Lev seemed to have come to a similar conclusion. 
“I’ll go get a blanket.” He said, and disappeared from the couch for a minute, reappearing with a large cotton blanket to cover themselves with. After a few minutes of silence, Yaku asked
“Hey Lev, what’s your type?”
“My type?” He asked, seemingly caught off guard.
“Yeah, on the topic of dating.” Lev was silent for a moment, thinking. 
“Well, I’ve never dated anyone before, but I’d say I like girls who are quite tall, and on the flip side for boys, um…” He paused for a moment “I think short boys are pretty cute.” there was a flicker of something in Yaku, a sudden nervousness that turned his mouth dry. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. 
“You like guys?” It came out stiffer than he intended. Lev hesitated. 
“Yeah… that’s not a problem is it?” The insecurity sounded foreign in his voice.
“Oh! No–” Yaku realised how he had sounded. “Not at all, I’m gay.”
“Ah.” Lev replied, before breaking into giggles. “That kind of makes sense actually.”
“What? How so?”
“Nothing, nothing.” Lev shook his head of whatever he was thinking. “So what’s your type then?” The atmosphere felt heavy somehow, and Yaku wasn’t sure how to reply. What was his type? He supposed he liked guys who were tall, and lanky, and sweet and goofy, but how could he say that aloud when it sounded a lot like Lev and–
The realisation made home want to slap himself, he was so fucking stupid. Huddled under the blanket, only a few inches apart from each other, felt suddenly intimate. He was aware of Lev’s body heat radiating beside him, of every small shift of his limbs. Yaku felt very small beside him as Lev stared down at him, expression masked by the darkness, with his head quirked to the side. 
“Yaku-san?” He said questionably, oblivious to his inner turmoil, and Yaku realised how long he’d been zoned out for. 
“I-I’m not really sure.” He stuttered out, but before Lev could say anything else, the chime of a phone interrupted their conversation. Thankful for the distraction, Yaku shuffled around in the blanket, trying to find where his phone had been wedged. 
“It’s my father.” He explained once he found it, before picking up. “Hello?”
“I’m really sorry Morisuke.” His father began. “The weather’s gotten so bad that the trains have stopped. I’m going to stay at your grandmother’s house for the night, are you okay where you are?”
“I’m fine.” He replied. “The power’s gone out in the building, but we’re alright. Stay safe, I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Bye Mori.” He hung up. 
“Is everything alright?” Lev asked, his voice filled with concern. The tense atmosphere from earlier had dissipated, much to Yaku’s relief. 
“The rain has gotten so bad that the trains have stopped, so my father isn’t able to get home. Is it–”
“You can stay the night.” Lev interrupted, a little too enthusiastically. “You can sleep in the guest bedroom.”
“Thank you.”
“Does your father always work late Yaku-san?” Lev asked quietly after a long stretch of silence. The silences seemed to be getting longer between them, not that either of them minded. There was a certain comfort that came with sitting with someone else in the dark.
“Hmm? Yeah, always has.”
“What about your mother.” Yaku shifted in the blanket. 
“She’s… out of the picture.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“So, are you alone most of the time?”
“Yeah. When I was younger I used to get really lonely but I'm used to it now, so it doesn’t really bother me anymore.” Lev nodded. 
“My parents are both working most of the time as well, though I’ve always had my sister for company. Now that she’s moved out, the apartment just feels… empty without her. And, well,” Lev began. “I guess I’ve just found out recently that I don’t like to be alone.” 
The rain on the window punctuated the moment of silence. There was a familiarity in Lev’s words which made his chest swell, and Yaku was brought back to hollow nights in his empty apartment, a somber solitude that, as he reflected now, had never really left him, but instead had become an ever-present heaviness he stubbornly ignored.
“I’m… glad we’re not alone tonight.” Yaku said, and he meant it more than he could put into words. Right there, in that moment, there was nowhere else he wanted to be. No one else he wanted to be with. Lev turned his head to look at him, and although Yaku couldn’t make out his features, he could feel his smile. 
“Me too.” Yaku’s eyes were drawn to Lev’s hand, which rested on top of the blanket, and he had the sudden urge to grab it. “You know, back in middle school, I had a lot of friends, but I never really felt that close to any of them. But, now that I’m in high school and on the volleyball team, I kind of feel like I’m a part of a big family or something. Everyone’s been so nice showing me the ropes and teaching me how to play, even though Kenma doesn’t like me and I annoy you, I’m really happy.”
“You don’t annoy me.” The words slipped out on their own, and Lev huffed a laugh. Yaku tried to recover. “Okay, you annoy me a little bit. What can I say, you’re a handful.”
“Who said there was a but?” He teased. 
“Yaku-san!” Lev whined, and he laughed. 
“But… the longer I spend around you, the less you annoy me and I discover that under that tall, lanky, dopey exterior you’re actually… really sweet, and nice, and kind of endearing I guess.” Lev looked at him for a long moment, his full attention on his words, before reaching out and wrapping his slender fingers around Yaku’s hand. He stilled, surprised by the sudden contact, before entwining their fingers. Lev’s hands were large, but delicate, not worn by years of volleyball practice like Yaku’s were.
“Thank you.” Lev whispered, and Yaku looked up from their hands. 
“For what?”
“Just… everything.”
They stayed like that for a while, hands laced together as if it was the most natural thing in the world for them, though, Yaku reflected, a lot of things seemed to come easy with Lev. 
The apartment felt small, disconnected from the outside world by the storm. Nothing and no one else existed outside of this space. For this night, it was only Yaku and Lev in the world, alone but together, and neither of them wanted it any other way.
“Yaku-san?” He pulled his eyes from the window and turned to see Lev staring down at him. Yaku was suddenly aware of how close they were sitting, shoulders pressed together, faces mere inches apart. It would be so easy to kiss Lev, here in the dark, isolated from everyone and everything, where nothing existed but the two of them. Lev seemed to have the same idea as he slowly lowered his head. 
Their lips brushed gently, as if Lev was waiting for him to reciprocate, and he did, unravelling their fingers and gripping at his shirt collar, pulling him down further. Lev snaked his arm around his waist and they leaned into each other. It was a gentle kiss, soft and sweet, as Lev’s lips moved delicately against his own. Despite how inexperienced they both were, there was no hesitance from either of them, and instead they held each other with impossible ease. 
A loud crack of thunder broke the spell and they fell apart, staring at each other in bewilderment before breaking into laughter. 
“We should probably go to bed soon, it’s getting late.” Yaku said, a little breathless. He fought the urge to touch his fingers to his lips.
“Or…” Lev began, and he could feel the mischievous smile in his voice. “We could stay here for a while longer.” Yaku laughed, rolling his eyes as Lev cupped his cheeks and joined their lips once more. 
It was easy to lose track of time when kissing Lev. Moments seemed to blur into each other as he focused on the sensation of their brushing lips and the weight of Lev’s hands gently around him. Eventually though, sleep beckonned them, and they couldn’t ignore it any longer. Lev stood, letting the blanket fall away and offered his hand to Yaku, which he took eagerly. 
“Yaku-san,” Lev started, pulling him into a standing position. Yaku stumbled slightly, finding his muscles weak from exhaustion, and was thankful to have Lev holding him for support. “Do you want to sleep with me?” The question was quiet, bashful, and Yaku squeezed his hand tighter. 
“Yes.” Lev led the way through the blackened apartment and into his bedroom, where they slipped under the covers once more. They embraced, Yaku’s head snuggled into his chest and Lev’s face resting in the crook of his neck, his hot breath grazing his sensitive skin. They laid like that, warm and intertwined, with the chill of the rain a distant memory, and drifted slowly off to sleep.
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mr-squiggley-poufs · 3 years
Y'all should totally check out my Haikyuu fanfic that's really funny
Haha jk jk
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haikyuu-sickies · 4 years
Lev having really bad allergies to the point where he suddenly has an asthma attack or something. Just bad. And his team becomes protective moms
ship : yakulev. | yaku x lev |
genre : fluff.
warning : none.
See, Lev had pretty bad allergies. Even so, they didn’t act up unless he forgot to take his medicine. That was the problem. He hadn’t taken his medicine before going to school. A few minutes into walking to school, he could feel his throat start to itch. His eyes were starting to water. He couldn’t go back now, though. He was a few minutes too late. It was just allergies, though. He assured himself that he’d make it, despite not being completely sure himself.
Groaning, he rubbed at his eyes, and in doing so, made them red and puffy. And while that wasn’t his original intention, it couldn’t be helped. Sighing through his scratchy throat, he gulped down some water, and continued heading towards school. By the time he was there, his eyes were red and swollen, his throat was killing him, and his chest felt tight.
School went by in a whirlwind, and then came volleyball practice. See, he wasn’t looking forward to it as much as he usually would. His usual excitement had turned into fear. How the hell was he supposed to play like this? He felt so incredibly stupid. If he’d just gone back and taken his medicine, then this never would’ve happened. Man, Yaku was going to scold the hell out of him.
The second he stepped foot into the gym, Yaku was already on his case. He could feel his burning glare the very millisecond his face was visible through the large gym door. He was already preparing for the scolding he’d receive, either that or preparing for questions. And angry remarks about him being tall.
“Oi, titan, what’s with your face?”
Yaku spoke as he walked over, a hint of concern present in his wavering voice. It wavered between concern and a scolding tone. He gave his usual smile, and pat Yaku’s head, receiving a slap on his hand in return.
“Nothing to worry about, Chibi chan!”
“Shut up you beanstalk, who said I was worried?”
“Alright, break it up! This isn’t a wrestling match.”
Yaku sent a glare Kuroo’s way, only for him to chuckle and shrug it off. He had spaced out for most of the explanation of what they were doing, he just understood that it was a simple, good old practice match. During which practice match, he felt like absolute dog shit.
Kai was about to spike, meaning he had to block. He tried to block, only to be sent to the floor, wheezing. The tightness of his chest had increased, his breathing had quickened, and he was so incredibly confused. He could hear people crowding around him, yelling.
He was breathless. He wasn’t sure how long this would go on, but he wasn’t enjoying it. Suddenly, he was sat in an upright position. A small hand pressed against his chest, drawing circular motions on it. Suddenly, he recognised a voice speaking to him.
“Take deep breaths, damn Titan. Slowly.”
His voice had calmed him entirely. An inhaler was placed on his mouth, and he did what was instructed. Yaku handled the situation perfectly. The rest of his teammates were staring at him, at a safe distance, eyes gawking at him worriedly.
Once everything was over, the questioning began. Everyone was asking questions. Until Yaku had to scream at them and tell them to shut up so he could explain. Lev still wasn’t ready to explain himself, so Yaku resorted to giving the others an explanation. He knew better than everyone else what this was, since he had dealt with it before.
“Lev has asthma. The idiot probably forgot to take his allergy medicine, and was forced into an asthma attack.”
‘Oh’s echoed throughout the gym, Yaku giving him a reassuring pat on the back, despite the unpleasant expression on his face. Yaku cared, and so did the team. That singular fact eased all of his worries.
Thank you for the amazing request! I apologise if my representation of a character with asthma is incorrect, I do not have asthma, and have almost zero knowledge about it, or what asthma attack represents.
If you have any complaints, or if you don’t like how the fic turned out, feel free to let me know! I will change, or re-write the fic upon your request.
Thank you!!
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maryjoeycoco · 3 years
All Lev wanted was love like his parents. They fell in love despite all odds. College sweethearts, a language barrier, and the fear of his mother, Ekaterina, being deported. They loved each other when Ekaterina went back to Russia to visit her village. They wrote to each other every day, sometimes they sent multiple letters in one day. His father, Akira, even made the big decision to live in Russian to be with Ekaterina. Yet someone through their strong love, they were able to live with each other in Japan. Both of them had dual citizenship in Russia just like Lev and his sister, Alisa.
Lev sees the love between them every day. Such as the small matters like when his mother makes his father his morning coffee. Or when his father kissed her cheek before leaving any room. They shared little bits about their day at dinner time. When his mother misses Russia, his father creates an all-day Russian day. Where they only speak Russian and eat the hearty foods from her hometown village. He never makes fun of her thick accent, in fact, he'll defend her in public when she is mocked. His mother would rub his father's tired shoulders, draw him a bath, and help him out in the garden. Their love wasn't loud but everyone could see how much they love each other.
This was why when Lev was young, he promised himself to find a man just like his father. A man who would love him despite his differences. A man who would listen to his worries of the day and Lev would do the same. Where they were different and yet always found things to share with each other. Lev wanted that and announced it to his family that day. They swore to him that he would find the perfect guy. Of course, his mother joked that he would have to fight her for Lev's hand. Even Alisa told him that they had to pass her test.
Lev was an open person in general. He wasn't afraid to show everyone who he loved and how he loved. After all, it was in his genes from his mother's side.
Now if only his mother's side could but out of his love life, that would be great.
Click the link to find out what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!
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