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yzeltia · 4 months ago
FFXIVwrite2024 1. Steer
Featuring: @goldencrusader 's Ioh'Juhn Reign as Juhnathan Leviathan Characters: Khassandra Leviathan (Jannie Eyradoux Fortemps's Shard), Yachai Leviathan (Violet Fisher's Shard), Rhion Leviathan (U'rahn Nuhn's Shard), Elidbibus Expansion: Shadowbringers(Context) Rating: T Notes: There have been 7 Rejoinings since the Sundering. We're likely to never know what happened to those worlds to reach their abnormal ascendancy. This is a story from the 5th Shard, a world that might have been. This continues from the continuity of The First Union
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Glossary: The Five = The five great seas of the star Catter = Miqo'te Merfolk = Sahagin Levinfolk = Lalafell
“The Five is our kingdom. I sailed them all, as did your uncle, and our father, and his father before him, all the way back to the first King Leviathan of the Whitestones, who united all of Catter and Merfolk kind to make  peace with the land dwellers under the banner of the Seawyrm. He claimed the oceans for us so that we may always have our bellies filled with fish and would have freedom to travel as far as the horizons would take us so that we might never be reliant on the land again!”
“Except for fresh water.”
Juhnathan crossed his arms as he turned toward his daughter as she kept her eyes windward, ensuring that they continued perpendicular to the coast to the east. His sons snickered a bit, both leaning against the larboard taffrail as they waited to listen to their father’s speech.
“I don’t understand. How come Khassandra gets the helm? I’m the eldest. I should be the first mate,” Yachai signed toward his father as the man tried to remember where he’d left off.
Rhion rolled his eyes. “The last time we sailed close to Home, you got us beached on a sandbar. If it wasn't for a generous wind we’d still be there.”
Yachai flitted his ears backward and glared at his brother as he quickly signed, “ I didn’t ask you,” before giving him a middle finger.
“Oi! Cut it out you two,” Juhnathan scolded, muttering. “We should have stopped at one,” soon after.
“HEY,” Rhion and Khassandra called out, the twins’ tails both thrashing.
“I’m kidding. I’m kidding…mostly. Anyroad. Khassandra is steering because she is the most patient and the least likely to be distracted,” Juhnathan said, putting his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Our numbers grow less and less every year. Yes, the winds and terrible storms they have brought have seen many of our brethren lost to the depths of The Five; however, a well trained sailor can weather any squall. One day you will be King of the Five and a good king knows that he can not always be at the helm. Sometimes we must put our pride aside for those who can do the most good.”
Yachai looked down, tightening his fist then brought them up to sign, “And where is Uncle Zhonathan then? Was he not doing good enough for you? I can’t call out orders. Are you going to send me away too!?”
Juhnathan frowned, taking a step back as Yachai pushed past him in a huff, the boy heading grumpily downstairs toward the bow to sulk by himself. Rhion sighed, shaking his head as he moved beside his dad then looked up at him. “He just missed Uncle Zhohnathan. It is kind of lonely out here with his ship in tow and Uncle always let him helm his ship.”
Juhnathan raked his hand through his hair, watching Yachai brood across the ship. The king remained silent for a moment before shaking his head. “It is lonelier, isn’t it.”
A crack of thunder echoed through the Blackwood, causing Rhion to sit up in a sweat. A hiss escaped him as he felt his head throb, making him wince and palm at his forehead finding it lightly bandaged. He followed the wrapping around to the back then hissed again as he felt a tender wound beneath it. Getting more of his bearings he looked around, finding himself in a rather small room and atop two small beds for Levinfolk pushed together to accommodate his size.
“There was little time to move you to visitor quarters. King Ramuh wanted you taken care of quickly. They had to push you through a window to fit you inside,” a familiar deep voice called out through the dark.
Rhion rubbed his eyes then peered through the dark toward a cloaked figure. “Elidibus? Is that you?” he called out in a near whisper, weary to raise his voice too much.
“Yes,” Elidbus answered, moving closer to kneel at the edge of the bed in his white robes, hand reaching out to press upon Rhion’s chest. “Your father heard whispers that you’d have an accident. I felt compelled to see that you were safe. Apparently you had a rather hard fall from the bow. Perhaps you indulged King Ramuh a bit too much in spirits? Do you need water?”
A shudder ran through Rhion as Elidbus felt over his chest. He huffed, taking the other by the wrist to pull his hand away before offering it a small kiss where it pulsed. “I will not ask how you came to be by my side so quickly but I am happy for the company. I didn't have a chance to sit down with the King. There was a rare break in the clouds so that you could see up into the night sky. It just so happened there was a meteor shower. I must have been in such awe I lost my footing and fell,” he said before looking toward the window as a streak of lightning illuminated the panes. “And then I had the most vivid dream…But it wasn’t a dream. It was more like reliving one of my own memories from the outside.”
Rhion jumped as Elidibus suddenly jerked his shoulder toward him. His eyes widened a bit as the other pulled back his hood and ripped his mask off, having never seen the other without it. Elidibus’s bright blue eyes searched his face, frantic and near tears.
“Do you know me?” Elidibus asked breathlessly.
“Of course I do,” Rhion said, touching the other’s face before giving the other sly smile, “In all the ways one could possibly-”
“Say my name.”
“No. Say my name.”
Rhion leaned away as he finally sensed a desperation in Elidibus’s demeanor that he’d not thought possible for the normally stoic and soft man to have. He slid from the bedding, getting on his knees to put his arms around him, holding him still. “You have always been Elidibus to me,” he said, into the other’s ear.
Elidibus’s shaking ceased. His body almost seemed to go limp against Rhion’s, the Catter having to quickly unfurl his legs to be able to sit comfortably as the other came down upon him. They laid there quietly, save for the storm raging outside. Unsure what to do or what to make of Elidibus’s state, Rhion took to rubbing his back and singing softly.
 “Upon the seas, long ago, a Catter had too much to drink. 
He offended a pirate captain, and nearly landed in the clink.
But a Catter wise, as he, or so they say,
And with his cunning linguistics, spared himself jail that day.
He said ‘If you let me go, Captain, I’ll tell you of a great sea prize,
As I am a clever Catter, and have made The Five my wives.
Now the Western Sea is our home, as we certainly all know
And the Northern Sea is too icy, not a great place to go.
The Southern Sea is sunny and warm, the perfect place for me
But if I had to go and hide, the rock islands of the Central I would be.
So to the Eastern Sea you’ll set your sails, crossing ocean wide
If it's a massive treasure you do seek, on the farthest end it will reside.
Go Captain! Fly! Leave me here while you seek,
As going from Central to East will take at least a week!`
And so the Captain thanked him, leaving him on shore,
Then sailed his men toward the East and then was heard from no more.
And so the wise Catter lived safe the rest of his days,
As the Eastern Sea is notorious for swallowing ships in its waves.
“That is a ridiculous song,” Eldibus said softly, unable to shake the amusement in his voice.
“I didn’t write it. Dad used to sing it to us when we were little. It’s comforting,” Rhion replied with a small shrug.
“You are ridiculous,” Eldibus sighed, before lifting himself up, staring down at Rhion calmly, though still with an air of searching for something he wasn’t finding.
“So is that mask you wear all the time. This is the first time I’ve seen you without it, you know. What about the priesthood says you have to keep it on. Even during-”
“I am just married to the old ways. It has long been an important custom to my people. I am often afraid that I might forget our ways. Even now names and faces slip from me. I feel it might drive me mad if I don’t find comfort in the familiar,” Elidibus explained.
“I think I understand…” Rhion trailed before touching Elidbus’s bare cheek as he sat up to draw his face in for a kiss before pulling back with a playful grin, “You’re kind of in love with me. Aren’t you?”
Elidbus froze again, mouth opening then closing before shaking his head. “Azem! I mean Gelos. This is all very-”
“Azem? Gelos? Who’re they?” Rhion asked, flinching as the other suddenly pulled away.
“You are well. I must return to the temple,” Elidibus said sharply, ignoring the question while picking his mask up off the floor.
“Woah! Hey! You just got here,” Rhion said, reaching out to grab for Eldibus’s wrist as he retreated. “You’re acting more elusive than normal. What’s going on?”
“I’m clearly mistaking you for someone else. Let me go.”
“Where are you going to go? There’s a storm raging outside and it’s the middle of the night,” Rhion protested, keeping his grip firm. “And for that matter, how can you mistake me for someone else? I’ve always been me. I’m the same person who’ve you-”
“You are nothing! An imitation…or perhaps just a fraction of who you are supposed to be,” Elidibus snapped.
Rhion swallowed, letting go of Elidbus’s wrist. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but even so it felt like the other had singled in on some raw nerve he never knew he had. A wave of hurt was replaced by anger before rounding back to confusion. “Even if that’s true…whatever that is has you drawn to me,” Rhion said defiantly, trying to mask his frustration with confidence. “Go if you must. You always seem to know how to find me…”
Rhion turned away from Elidibus as the man retreated into the shadows. A chill crept up his spine as he suddenly felt himself alone in the room. He turned to look back, Elidibus seeming to have vanished from the space without so much as the creek of a door hinge. With a huff, he sat down, raking a hand through his hair trying to replay where exactly he went wrong.
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songsofbloodandwater · 4 months ago
Some of My Notes on Sahumos, or Smoking [a person, object or place].
The Medicine of Sahumos is supported by the Medicine of the Jaguar, the Full Moon and Earth, in the sacred herbs used and their effects in our bodies. It is supported by the Medicine of the Snake, the Waning Moon and Water, in the libations offered and the blood we carry. It is supported by the Medicine of the Qori Kinti, the New Moon and Air, in the cry of our songs and the prayers whispered. But more importantly, it is the Medicine of the Kuntur, the Waxing Moon and Fire, of our Energy and our Spirits. The Fire is the Vulture eating at our flesh, cleansing us of impurities, to be reborn anew from it's smoke.
"The Medicine of Sahumos will tear you apart. It will show you the beautiful parts of yourself, and the painful. It will shed light on parts of yourself you'd rather not see, but you must look and eat at them with your fire. It can't be just lighting an incense stick. All elements must be present. The Mesa must be laid out and your Yanapaq called. There's offerings and permissions. There's prayer and song. (...) And we must be able to identify what is sámi and what is hucha in ourselves first if we want to help others with our smokes. We must recognize and make space for our own emotional and spiritual state first, respect our own processes. (...) The growth is well worth the pain, and it is our responsibility, in order for us to walk this path with Integrity."—words from an experienced Sahumadora Andina, Andean Smoke Medicine Carrier, and whom I'm learning this Art from. Translated by me.
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jartita-me-teneis · 5 months ago
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“La Wiphala es un símbolo, no una bandera, y representa a la Pachamama, el cosmos, los animales, las plantas, las piedras, los runas (hombres), la vida en armonía”
Para comprender su significado primero debemos referirnos a la Unancha, que es el símbolo que ostenta los colores del arco iris, en líneas horizontales”.
“En el devenir de la cosmovisión andino amazónica ocurre un hecho sagrado: el cruce de dos arcoíris, arcoíris macho y arcoíris hembra, la dualidad, pilar de nuestra cosmovisión”, expresan. “Esta dualidad, complementariedad de los opuestos, en su cruce, lleva a la evolución, al crecimiento, a la fertilidad y a la sabiduría. De este entrecruce de k´uichi (arcoíris) surge la Wiphala”.
La Wiphala está formada por 49 cuadrados de igual tamaño -por lo cual su forma es cuadrada- y cada color tiene un significado. Los amautas lo transmiten así:
Rojo: es el contacto con la Pachamama; representa a lo tangible, el Kay Pacha, a los Runas (hombres andino amazónicos), hijos de la Tierra; representa a la raíz ancestral, a la identidad. Al desarrollo cultural y a la cosmovisión indígena originaria, saberes de la Tierra y del Cosmos transmitidos por los Apus y los Ancestros.
Naranja: representa a la memoria oral de nuestra cultura, a los quipus, los telares, los yachay wasi (escuelas, casas del saber), a los ayllus (comunidades), a la medicina ancestral y a la sanación del cuerpo físico, psicológico y espiritual.
Amarillo: representa al Nunaq, Espíritu Ancestral que está en todas las cosas; a las cuatro virtudes del hombre andino: Munay (amor incondicional), Yachay (sabiduría), LLank´ay (trabajo alegre y con pasión) y Kamay (creatividad). Y a la dualidad de energías, qhari – warmi, opuestos complementarios, equilibrio que produce vida.
Blanco: representa a la evolución, al desarrollo intelectual, a la ciencia y la técnica que acompañan los procesos de la naturaleza, al buen vivir. Es el desarrollo personal que no se concibe si no es también comunitario. También representa al trabajo artesanal y al ayni (reciprocidad).
Verde: representa a la allpamama (naturaleza), a los frutos de la tierra, el trabajo del campo, a la economía comunitaria autosuficiente, a la abundancia de alimentos, de minerales, a Yaku Mama (Madre Agua).
Azul: representa al Hanan Pacha, mundo cósmico, al universo, entidades del Cosmos, energía sami (sutil) y energía jucha (densa), energías cósmico telúricas, a la Chakana (Constelación Cruz del Sur), al sistema Matemático fractal.
Violeta: representa a los Ayllus, Markas y Llajtas (comunidades, regiones y naciones), al Inka como la expresión de la evolución y el poder político y comunitario del Tawantinsuyu; representa a todas las organizaciones comunitarias sociales de desarrollo y dirección gubernamental.
Si se unen cuatro Wiphalas en un centro común con un determinado alineamiento de colores, se forma la Chakana (Chaka Hanan, Cruz del Sur), puente al mundo espiritual, al Cosmos.
Historiadores ubican el origen de la Wiphala en comunidades del Lago Titicaca, en el actual límite entre Bolivia y Perú, las cuales identificaban sus balsas de totora con insignias con los colores del arcoíris. También se hallaron restos de un estandarte con características similares en la actual costa peruana del océano pacífico con una antigüedad de 800 años. Si bien la Wiphala fue utilizada históricamente por las comunidades andino amazónicas, “posteriormente fue tomada por muchas comunidades indígenas de distinto origen que se sintieron representadas con este emblema de lucha por los derechos de los pueblos originarios, hasta llegar a todas las comunidades indígenas del Abya Yala (América)”, afirman los amautas.
Pero sabemos que cada Pueblo o Comunidad tiene su SIMBOLO, pero la Wiphala fue adoptada por varios Pueblos y la vemos en las Marchas.
Incluso, los miembros del Consejo de Amautas Indígenas del Tawantinsuyu van más allá y aseguran que NO hace falta pertenecer a un pueblo originario para sentirse representado por la Whipala.
“En este nuevo Pachakutyk (ciclo cósmico de 500 años de luz) se han abierto a toda la humanidad las puertas del conocimiento, el sentir y la sabiduría que en un principio se originó en los runas (hombres de origen andino amazónico)”, señalan, y agregan que “todos los que nos consideramos hijos de Pachamama y vivimos de acuerdo a sus procesos naturales, somos indígenas sin diferencias de color de piel, de cabellos, ojos o vestimenta. La Unancha y la Wiphala nos representan y nos hermanan en todos los extremos del Abya Yala (América) y del mundo. Donde exista una Wiphala o una Unancha estará representado el amor y el respeto al universo, a Pachamama, a los animales, a las plantas, a la tierra, a las comunidades y a la allpa mama (naturaleza)”.
Fuente: Libro Wiphala Wanka
Am@lia Vargas
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mapsontheweb · 1 year ago
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Locating discussions about Donald Trump charges by using NLP
by u/yachay_ai
In March 2023, multiple charges were filed against the former US president, Donald Trump, encompassing various allegations such as hush money payments, involvement in the January 6 insurrection, unlawful possession of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and interference in the Georgia election.To examine the extent of the discussions on the charges against former US president Donald Trump in various states, we predicted the coordinates of social media posts using text-to-location models and conducted a social media analysis.
Check it out here: https://yachay-ai.github.io/use-cases/trump/
See our discord for more maps: https://discord.com/invite/PaqpppYTxs
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cacloco · 1 year ago
TRANSMISION EN VIVO: DENUNCIAN A MINISTROS, ALTOS MANDOS MILITARES Y FUNCIONARIOS DE CONSPIRACIÓN https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=253984017710691&id=692070233&mibextid=Nif5oz
*HOY 3 Enero, 1pm ante Fiscal de la Nación, Economista Ciro Silva Paredes, entrega AUDIO difundido por Pável Yachay donde se demuestra que MINISTROS, ALTOS MANDOS MILITARES Y FUNCIONARIOS en las primeras horas DEL 7 DE DICIEMBRE, (se reunieron ANTES DEL GOLPE DE ESTADO AL PRESIDENTE PEDRO CASTILLO), EN EL DESPACHO DEL MINISTRO DE DEFENSA.*
Entre los mencionados estan: el General Gustavo Bobbio Rosas , su hijo Arturo Bobbio , la Secretaria Glenda Torres Álvarez, la Secretaria del Lic. Daniel Daniel Hugo Barragán Coloma , la funcionaria Lina Sánchez Kamada, la Sra. Marita Castro, el Crnl. Antonio La Rosa, los Generales EP: Jorge Chávez Cresta, Romero Bombasi, Manuel Gómez de la Torre Aranibar, David Ojeda Parra, Walter Cordova Alemán, el Vicealmirante Alberto Alcalá Luna, el Teniente Gral FAP Alfonso Artada Sarletti, el Edecan y Jefe de Seguridad Cmdte Omar Palacios, entre otros.
*Con el ruego de su reenvío y difusión masiva.*
*Conferencia de Prensa:*
*Miércoles 3 Enero - 1 PM*
*Fiscalía de la Nación (cuadra 5 Av. Abancay). TELF. 934128464*
#DinaAsesinaRenunciaYa #Yachay #pavel #DinaBoluarte #DinaRenunciaYa #dinaboluartenomerepresenta #DinaBoluarteRenunciaYa #fueradinaasesina #FueraDinaBoluarte #FueraCorruptos #CierreDelCongresoYA #Congresista #CongresoDeLaRepublica #CongresoDelPeru #QueSeVayanTodos
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Geenss Archenti - YACHAY RUNA hombre sabiduria (2017)
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susiewang · 2 years ago
Hello!! our follower or visitors to this blog.
We are students from faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University and members of English Correspondence class.
In this blog we will share our experiences, showcase our works, and offer you 5 tips on how to succeed in an English Correspondence class. and now, in order not to waste any time, let us introduce ourselves.
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Kalyakron Sirithanachot (GUN)
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Parichaya Yachai (PIM)
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Karnsiree Thawonvitsarut (MEI)
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Saovanee Rodcharoen (MIND)
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Pathraporn Somsri (MEW)
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noticiasdelcanar · 2 years ago
Preuniversitario gratuito
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El Municipio Intercultural de Cañar a través el Departamento de Desarrollo Social ejecutarán proyectos para la generación de cursos propedéuticos para el ingreso de los estudiantes del tercer año de bachillerato a las universidades públicas y privadas. En tal marco se realizará un convenio de cooperación interinstitucional entre la Universidad de Cuenca, con el objetivo de implementar un curso de nivelación general con acompañamiento territorial dirigido a las y los jóvenes de las parroquias rurales del cantón, para rendir el examen de ingreso a la Universidad, correspondiente al periodo académico septiembre 2023 – febrero 2024 del régimen sierra. Este primer proyecto está dirigido a estudiantes de tercero de bachillerato matriculados en colegios fiscales y fiscomisionales de las zonas rurales del cantón Cañar. El alcalde Segundo Yugsi, manifestó que su administración esta enfocada en el apoyo a la juventud, es por ello que se implementará un nuevo programa gratuito del municipio para aportar al desarrollo de las y los estudiantes para ingresar a la universidad. Dentro de los compromisos de la universidad está la definición de contenidos de la capacitación; diseño de módulos educativos y recursos pedagógicos para el desarrollo del proceso de formación de nivelación general; capacitación y diseño del sistema de seguimiento, que permita acompañar el proceso de postulación para la evaluación del curso. El Gobierno Municipal aportará en la socialización del proyecto; facilitará la coordinación en la identificación y ubicación geográfica de las y los bachilleres para el proceso de matriculación; facilitará los espacios físicos y conectividad de internet; aportará en la movilización de las visitas territoriales planificadas. “Será una realidad la creación del proyecto preuniversitario, el cuál se convertirá en una gran herramienta para que nuestros jóvenes en situación más vulnerable puedan acceder a prepararse para rendir el examen. Nuestra administración abre las puertas para apoyar y garantizar un buen futuro para nuestros jóvenes”, expresó la autoridad También se contó con la presencia de Jhojana Vintimilla, responsable de Consult Yachay, quien indicó que se llevó a cabo la socialización del segundo proyecto propedéutico para trabajar aproximadamente con 2.000 estudiantes. Read the full article
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pepeleduin · 3 years ago
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Recuerdos del 20 de enero del 2022 compartiendo con la familia y amigos el día de mi incorporación como Ingeniero en Tecnologías de la Información. Agradecido con todas las personas quienes estuvieron presentes en ese momento importante de mi vida y a lo largo de la carrera universitaria, especialmente las incondicionales y las imprescindibles. A la memoria de mi viejo, ¡seguimos!  
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suchipakariamazonlodge · 3 years ago
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♻️🍃🦋😍💦 El día que compartas este rincón de la Amazonia con la Comunidad Kichwa, no te vas a querer ir... #cultura #siéntetebienenecuador #ecuadortravel #kichwa #napo #ecuador #tradicion #costumbres #yachay #origen #compartiresvivir #juntosxlatierra #gopro #travelawesome https://www.instagram.com/p/CUENPq-rMTR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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clubfarras · 4 years ago
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songsofbloodandwater · 5 months ago
The Three Principles we must follow when making medicine in the Quechua Andean Tradition are:
Allin Yachay : Good Thoughts & Good Knowledge. Heeding always to Ancestral Wisdom. Knowing what is Right. In modern times this includes all forms of our cultural, traditional knowledge aswell as integrating new western-scientific knowledge.
Allin Munay : keeping a Good Heart, wanting the Right Thing, acting out of kindness, out of love, holding appreciation for our medicinal allies, and in loving remembrance of the Ancestors (human and non-human) who've taught us the medicine we're making. It also includes keeping Right Relation with all our Spirit allies, ancestral, herbal and other kinds, through maintaining proper Reciprocity (Ayni).
Allin Ruray : Good Work. Putting your hands to work on the Right Thing, based on what you know and how you feel. Your Actions must reflect the best out of both Mind and Heart, and be the Right choice, the right action, for both healer and patient. This also requires the supervision of Ancestral Spirits who must approve and allow for the healing process. If there's disapproval from the Spirits, for example, due to a lack of knowledge, a lack of clarity, being the wrong person or simply not being the right time for it, the healing will not occur and the patient must be turned away or redirected elsewhere, where they may find their right path.
These Three Principles represent how the Mind, Heart and Actions of the Healer must be in internal harmony for the act of Healing to happen, aswell as the harmony that must exist externally between Healer and the Natural-Spiritual environment in order to lead the patient back to their own internal and external harmony.
No wrong thought should cloud the mind, no grievances should cloud the heart, and our actions mustn't be unqualified nor uncalled for, to allow the patient to be led back to Good Health, Allin Kay, and Right Living, Allin Kawsay.
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farras-live · 4 years ago
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yzeltia · 2 years ago
Ezelliot Leviathan's Happiest Snowcall Day 8
Title: I Want a Hippotamus for ~~Starlight~~ Snowcall
Characters: Yachai Leviathan, Juhnathan Leviathan, Ezelliot Leviathan, Rhion Leviathan, Khassandra Leviathan, a hippo
Rating: G for Gee I hope I Get a Hippotamus for Snowcall
Notes: Spoilers for the concepts presented in Shadowbringers
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    Snowcall had come, the longest night of the year. Most children had already been put to rest, dreaming of the Snowmother taming the black wolf and white wolf just for one night so that she might deliver them presents and fill the first day of winter with delight.  All except the eldest prince of the seas, who in his many attempts to spy the Snowmother, had failed to do so.
    Yachai spent many Snowcall Eve's setting up traps, trying to stay up late and catch her in the act. When his siblings were born, he thought he might have the upper hand, his parents both distracted by them far more than him, and yet, his father was always one step ahead of him, especially the pirate king. Most mornings, he'd wake up to the holiday having passed out, or caught in his own trap.
    This year he was sure it'd be different. He'd drank an entire pot of coffee, one he made himself and ensured couldn't be sprinkled with sleeping powder. Aside from that, he made no attempts to foil or ensare the Snowmother. He was simply just going to sit and wait and keep himself caffeinated, believing that his trickery had been his downfall. If he simply did nothing, his parents would have no reason to suspect him further. He could simply be seen as a young mature Catter. Or so he thought.
  After feigning sleep, he waited for the rest of the family to retire, and once the pirate king's snores rattled the cabin, he got up and hurried downstairs in wait. And so he waited...and waited...Until finally, he heard the strangest of sounds...grunting.
    His ears perked. This was not the usual noise that he'd been explaining was simply the pirate king frustrated unable to sleep...no, it was coming from outside. Hurrying onto the deck, he looked around until spying a small hippo trotting around the main mast.        Eyes wide, he hurried to the creature before kneeling down. The creature innocently pushed it's nose into the boy's touch then snorted. Excited, the boy's tail flipped about while he started to pet the creature. A pet! He always wanted a pet...but there would be no way he'd be able to keep it. Both fathers refused to allow it, especially Ezelliot, knowing well that he'd be the one to take care of any mess it made aboard the ship.
    Panicking, he picked up the creature. It needed to be hidden. Struggling under the weight, he staggered back inside then shut his new friend in his room before making a small nest out of his dirty clothes that he'd hidden in his closet. He lowered his ears a bit as the creature grunted, petting him softly as he thought about what to do. A closet was no place for a pet. Frowning, he hugged the hippo, letting it munch on his shirt. Jumping, he pulled back then shook his head signing "No, bad" to the creature with a rapid head shake. Putting both hands on it's nose, he shook his head again then backed away slowly, ensuring that it stayed put.
   Hurrying to the galley, he pulled out some cabbages from the ice box then filled a large bowl with water. Heading back to his room, he paused near their family room, ears perked and tail high, the room somehow filled with presents while he'd been busy caring for his little friend. Brow narrowed, he huffed, stomping back to his room, feeling tricked once again by the Snowmother. Upon his return, he dropped his cabbages and bowl, the hippo much smaller than he remembered and laying on its side. Kneeling down, he picked it up, finding it to be soft and plush...no ounce of life left in it. Shaking, he swallowed, squeezing it a bit more before keeling over in a faint.
Ezelliot laughed softly as he watched Yachai lay on the deck, eyes glued to the stuffed hippo. All morning he'd been silent, barely a sign out of him as he concentrated on the stuffed plush. It had not left his sight all morning, much to the amusement of both parents.
 "We got him again. I wonder how many more years we have of this," the red-haired Catter sighed, feeding Khassandra some mashed-up plums.
"Who knows. When he gets the better of us, we'll just have to have him help us do it for the little ones," Juhnathan laughed, letting Rhion chew on a soft cookie in his lap.
 "Good, we're getting too elaborate keeping this up...We'll take him to see his little friend again someday. I wonder if it'll remember him."
"Ah...someday. About that..."
    Ezelliot turned, eyes narrowed, "You did send the hippo back to the mainland, didn't you?"
 "Well, I misunderstood Lord Ifrit's offer...it was more of a gift hippo than a borrowed one..."
  Yachai's ears twitched as his father started to scold the pirate king. Later that day, he was reunited with his hippo friend...and the king was gifted a shovel and some rubber gloves as an extra gift.
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cacloco · 1 year ago
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envakenkaqtiart · 5 years ago
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Hola a tod@s les comparto otro arte para mi proyecto “Sacred Inks” es un diseño que representa a “Pachayachachiq” el maestro del Universo, relacionado directamente con el centro de la energia universal kon tiki Wiracocha👁☀️🌙 El material es tinta tradicinal y retoques en #procreate. Saludos y Gracias 😊🍀 #sacredinks #ink #tradicional #digital #tattoodesign #design #eyes #visionary #andean #yachay #sacredvalley #abracadabrasacredtattoo #yucay #instachile #instaperu #instaartist #vallesagrado #munay #kuyhai #gracias (en Yucay Capital Del Valle Sagrado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7thFdwJpXH/?igshid=gupo8ckn8a71
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