#ya’ll americans unhinged
I just watched 2 episodes of Family Guy against my will...
no way while watching it did i know what’s gonna happen next nor was i even remotely prepared for what indeed happened
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years
A few thoughts about this latest episode. I’m going to break it down by character.
Bucky: Ffs, rip my heart out in the first minute, why don’t you? Seb’s acting in that initial flashback was heart-wrenching. The relief at his first taste of freedom was just 😭 And then... things shifted for me. Can you imagine the betrayal the Dora Milaje must have experienced at the hand of Bucky? Here is this vulnerable man who they helped with their time, their resources, and who, I think, they genuinely cared about... And he goes and frees the man who murdered their King without so much as a word to them? Ya’ll know I love our boy, but I think he fucked up. Most likely he freed Zemo without thinking of what that would convey to the people of Wakanda (whom he owes his goddamn life to and also just another example of Bucky’s white male privilege, imo). However, I also think the scene where Ayo removes his arm was a betrayal against his personhood. She was angry, understandably so, but I felt like that was a low blow. He has been violated more times that any of us would like to think about and to have Ayo do that to him without him even being aware it was a feature? Oof. That hurt.
Sam: GIVE THIS MAN HIS FUCKING FLOWERS. My god. Sam continues, endlessly, to be one of the most selfless, kind, and caring characters in the MCU period. If you don’t see it yet, he embodies goodness and all the things that we loved in Steve as Captain America (not a perfect soldier, but a good man). His desire to understand Karli and to talk her down in an attempt to avoid violence? That’s character. Also I 10/10 loved the discussion he and Karli had about fighting for the same cause but being against each other’s methods. The throwback and reminder that working with folks struggling with PTSD is in Sam’s wheelhouse? Beautiful (you can see this experience in how Sam responds to Bucky—even in his utter frustration with him). Sam’s instant refusal of the serum? That’s heroic and reminds me so much of Steve and what made his character so noble and so beloved. I am really looking forward to Sam’s reckoning with the shield though, I think it is going to break my heart and lift it all at once.
John Walker: Okay. Whew... Here we go. My first initial thought with this man becoming so unhinged and taking the serum? This is our new Red Skull. The serum magnifies the man and no amount of medals or awards or recognition makes you a good person, it’s about your heart, not what you can accomplish. I see so many parallels to the initial CA movie. John Walker has known strength and power all his life, he’s never known weakness. He’s the perfect soldier (very much like the man who trained beside pre-serum Steve, the one they initially wanted to give the serum to). He is going to be a terrifying villain though, he feels so much more sinister to me than the Red Skull. Why? Because John Walker is the worst of us (saying this as an American). It’s like watching the ugliness of ourselves but with a super-twist. His insanity, his asshole behavior, his entitlement, his response to situations, the things he says... it is a representation of privileged white America at its core. Marvel went dark here and the symbolism is so well done, but ya’ll, we’re about to watch someone fall into a really deep, dark insanity. I can feel it in my bones and obviously we saw it towards the end. That image with the blood-soaked shield was chilling.
Lemar Hoskins: I am sad for Lemar. I think he was the only one who could have talked some sense into John Walker. But I also see another parallel to Steve... Look at the difference between how Steve responded when he lost Bucky and how John Walker responded when he lost Lemar... yikes. But also.............. marvel? Why do we have to make the Black man die to further the white dude’s story arc? Why?
Karli: somebody get this kid into some therapy. Please. She is one of those “villains” who I see their cause and, like Sam, believe in it. But the method? That’s corrupting and I can’t get on board. I hope we get to see her get some kind of breakthrough moment with Sam, but I’m not sure. I’m hopeful though because I really like this character.
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visceralcoma · 4 years
So my artwork for my Cyberpunk Red/2077 OC is almost done and ya’ll it looks fucking amazing. Totally worth the wait. But I’m so excited I wanna give ya’ll some info to what she’s like.
Her name is Xiomara. She is Puerto Rican and Japanese American. She was raised in the nomad lifestyle on in a boat city off the coast of the island. When she was 10, her and her mother got their ticket to the mainland and went for Night City. Her mother couldn’t find work as a doctor so they joined a nomad clan in the badlands, becoming part of the family. When Mara got old enough, she moved to Night City proper found a job working for trauma team. For five years she worked, until one day, they needed meds in the clan. She tried to smuggle equipment and pharmaceuticals away from trauma team but they caught her. She was almost zeroed for it. They snapped and unhinged her jaw, snapped her legs and arms. She barely survived. A ripper doc in Heywood found her and took pity on her. Put her in a bit of debt but gave her new legs, arms, and a new jaw, mouth, and teeth. Eventually Xiomara would get all of these customized to make herself resemble a folktale beast that evoked images of her lines of ancestry - giving her the street names: La Chupacabra or the Onicabra
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learnprogress · 7 years
BREAKING: Putin Issues Shocking Trump Message
Can you BELIEVE this? Now, Vladimir Putin is lecturing the American people, issuing a statement that declared us Yankees ought to show Donald Trump a little more respect. Well, Putin may not be able to wrap his head around how a democracy works, but the American people ARE the sovereign here. Trump works for us, and we’ll boot him shortly for doing an abominable job.
Speaking at an international policy consortium in Sochi, Putin took a moment to muster a pretty outrageous, and very public, defense of Donald Trump. As if that wasn’t strange enough, just wait till you hear what Putin had to say. He’s mad at us for not respecting Trump.
“Mr. Trump was elected by the American people,” Putin began. “And at least, for this reason, it is necessary to show respect for him.”
No, Trump was elected by Russia’s Secret Service, at PUTIN’S request. Americans aren’t obligated to respect a tyrant president, and we sure as hell aren’t obligated to respect a treasonous tyrant president. Yet Putin continued on, defending Don John as if he were, well, his puppet.
“Inside the country disrespect is shown for him,” Putin said, so ridiculous that it’s almost humorous. “This is a regrettable negative component of the U.S. political system.”
“I believe that the president of the United States does not need any advice because one has to possess a certain talent and go through this trial to be elected,” Putin said. “Even without having the experience of such big administrative work, [Trump] has done this.”
Well, don’t ya’ll just sound like besties? Vlad and Trump, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Get Real. Putin’s Russia is the enemy of America, and the United States needs to start acting like it. It should set off alarm bells in everyone’s heads that our main foreign adversary is defending Trump so glowingly right now.
The worst part of all though? Putin literally blamed the Resistance for Trump’s unhinged antics, claiming that our rebellious protests have caused Trump to behave so emotionally.
“[He’s facing] great domestic resistance, which is the reason for his unpredictability,” Putin said. “Moscow will work with him despite all the difficulties.”
What an outrage. For Putin to come up to the podium and lecture the American people about it being OUR fault that Trump is so belligerent is ABSURD. We can see and speak for ourselves. Trump’s insanity is his own. And we didn’t pour millions of dollars into a covert campaign to elect Trump. Putin did. This is his fault.
POLL: Is Putin pulling Trump’s strings?
How do you feel about this scandal? Does Putin control Trump’s every move like a puppet?
Let us know where you stand by entering your voice into the national debate. Please participate in our poll below!
function googleBarChartInit() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Answer', 'Count'], ["Yes", 0], ["No", 0], ]); var options = { title: 'POLL: Is Putin pulling Trump\'s strings? results' }; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById("poll_values_13292")); chart.draw(data, options); } }
The American people deserve so much better than this unhinged, treasonous tyranny. Trump is a monster, an utter mockery of a president, and it tells you everything you need to know that Putin’s STILL defending him.
Impeachment or bust, ladies and gentlemen. The fate of America depends on it.
Let’s make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Please share this story on Facebook ASAP.
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