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Rev • I write, sometimes. Mostly about impossible things. • She/Her
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r3volutionary-queen · 2 years ago
Hello tumblr world. I still lurk! I still read your asks! I still read your messages! I still struggle with work-life balance and anxiety/depression in a draining capitalist society when I would rather hide in the woods and write until the sun explodes (which might be soon)!
That being said, I received the most lovely notification this morning of the most incredible fanvid that was made of Ignition. One of my incredible readers (alicewinter_ao3) has been taking on the immense task of translating the entire story into Russian and this video came as a result of their efforts! The edits and the attention to tiny details from the fic are so insanely well done, I had to share it here.
Funny story: I had actually opened up ignition last night and wrote about a thousand words. First time in forever. Then, this morning, I wake up to this.
Maybe it’s a sign.
Also, I really, really miss all of you.
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r3volutionary-queen · 3 years ago
I know.
I know.
I don’t have much to say and what I do want to say I don’t know how to say. Things got dark. I got some serious help. Then work took over. I got sucked into what turned out to be a very toxic relationship (no, not coffee shop girl) that nearly did me in. Work is still the main thing in my life but I’m slowly starting to enjoy basic things again. Like going out with friends, candlelit baths, taking Thor out to the dog park. Slowly but surely coming back to myself.
A few answers to the multitude of questions I’ve gotten:
Yes, I still plan to someday finish Ignition.
No, you cannot take Ignition and finish it yourself. If I hear of it or see it happen, I’ll report it. No one has my permission to take my work. End of story.
Yes, I plan to continue writing in general because it is truly a passion. I miss it more than I can even possibly express.
No, I don’t have a schedule for when I’ll be updating again because life is fucking hard but also really fucking good and there seems to be no in between and I’m just trying to find the time to breathe. I did spend the weekend going back over the last five chapters of Ignition, which is a trip to read your own work haaaaa. But it reminded me how much I love that story and how much there is still to tell.
No, coffee shop girl and I did not work out but the experience helped me to get much more comfortable in being very open about my sexuality. I never shared with many people but now most of my friends know I’m bisexual and it’s… so… freeing.
Lastly… I love you all. I want to apologize for dropping off the map. I’m an awful friend and I know I worried a lot of you. But I’m still alive and that feels like an accomplishment in and of itself. Yay, me. I don’t know how often I can be on here just with time management right now, but I’m not gone.
Thank you for not giving up on me even when I wanted to give up on me.
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
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All I ever wanted was a normal life - Melora
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
Re: coffee shop girl update
YOU HAVE A DATE?! You have a date! I am so excited for you! Is it tacos? It should be tacos. Unless she doesn't like them for some reason... But omg
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I’ve had.... TWO dates 😂🙈
I dragged her to see Shang-Chi and she didn’t run away from my geeky ass!
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
just popping in to say I love you, I wish you all good things in life, and I hope you are having a good day 😊 you bring so much positivity into the world and you deserve the best in life! Never forget that ❤️
This was a beautiful ask to read this Sunday afternoon. Thank you, love! I hope you have the most wonderful and restful weekend.
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
i’m on my way to see shang chi in a couple of hours and i’m so excited!
Let me know what you think!
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
Sooooo... I’m on the lookout for Shang-Chi fics. Ya girl is obsessed. Don’t tell me to write one because my busy ass has enough WIPs and no time or energy 😂
(shit. I know my brain. Am I gonna end up writing something? Goddamnit)
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS MOVIE! I’m still freaking out two hours after leaving the theater 🤯😭😍
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You are a product of all who came before you. The legacy of your family. You are your mother, and whether you like it or not, you are also your father. Stop hiding who you are. SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS 2021 • dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
“I don’t want to seem rude.”
Well, anon...
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Seriously. What we’re not going to do is talk shit to people about their mental health. If anything, opening up about depression is courageous and saves lives. Grimey is braver than you ever will be, anon.
Do you even realize the pressure that is put on creators to constantly produce? Do you realize that this ask comes across as whiny and manipulative? Or are you so self fucking centered?
Either way, got a problem?
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I don't want to seem rude but you can come across as whiny and manipulative at times
you're saying this after I admitted that I'm struggling to write because I'm depressed?
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
Hi. I feel like a junior high kid again because we held hands while eating ice cream and walking in a park. Wait. That makes me sound more like an old person.
Either way.
It went really well 🙈
Well guys, gals, and non-binary pals... remember coffee shop girl? The saga? My bi-disastrous attempt to give this beautiful woman my number that I’ve been crushing on? Rev’s attempt to live a coffee shop au in real life?
Well I went in today, per my Friday usual, and guess who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all and has decided they’re curious... and wants to go out for dinner?
YA GIRL HAS A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone sedate me. I’m not okay 😂
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
will there be a pt3 for butterfly effect? it was amazing
I promise there will be a third and final part. I cannot promise when, my hope is within the next few weeks. I’m still adjusting to some major life changes including working two jobs (70+ hours a week) and I’ve just been a little overwhelmed. Trust me, I would love nothing more in life than to legit write full time. But for now, I mainly spend any time off I have sleeping 🤪
Either way, I’ll post an update as I start writing. Thanks for your utter patience. I totally get it if I lose folks during this time. But one day, I shall emerge 🙌
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
In other news, I have a shit ton of asks in my inbox. I’m so sorry I haven’t gotten to those yet! I’ll work my way through it. BUT! To the anon who sent me like 17 fav scenes from Ignition, oh my god I love you so much. I’ve read through your messages so many times ❤️❤️❤️ I’ll try to condense an answer for you later.
I also have my schedule changing a bit in September, so hopefully that’ll mean a bit more rest time and writing time! Though I feel so rusty it’ll probably be shit, imma give it a go!
Now enjoy Thor. He got another round of puppy shots yesterday and isn’t feeling very well today. So sleepy and cuddly and needy. He’s getting all the extra snuggles.
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
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I haven’t been on a date in a long time because of reasons. I don’t think I remember how to date.
What do I do? Wait. I know! I’ll feed her. That’s always a good plan.
Thank you, friend ❤️❤️❤️
Also, everyone, send me your first date advice 😂 I’m thinking tacos in a park or something.
Well guys, gals, and non-binary pals... remember coffee shop girl? The saga? My bi-disastrous attempt to give this beautiful woman my number that I’ve been crushing on? Rev’s attempt to live a coffee shop au in real life?
Well I went in today, per my Friday usual, and guess who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all and has decided they’re curious... and wants to go out for dinner?
YA GIRL HAS A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone sedate me. I’m not okay 😂
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r3volutionary-queen · 4 years ago
Well guys, gals, and non-binary pals... remember coffee shop girl? The saga? My bi-disastrous attempt to give this beautiful woman my number that I’ve been crushing on? Rev’s attempt to live a coffee shop au in real life?
Well I went in today, per my Friday usual, and guess who hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all and has decided they’re curious... and wants to go out for dinner?
YA GIRL HAS A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone sedate me. I’m not okay 😂
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