#ya ever lose the ability to write anything else until you finish one certain thing
honeytusk · 4 years
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skelanonymous · 4 years
Okay, so (if you're cool with this of course) it would be nice to see something that involve soul-mating. Primarily I would like something from Nightmare or (maybe and) Dream and the affect on their partners. It's your choice whether you want to make it emotional, angsty, hot and, what have you. Other than that I just want to say I love your writing, I am not a big Killermare shipper but damn the fics you write are amazing~
Hi Anon! Let me start with the fact that I’m writing more than this snippet (gunna try some Cream as well), but I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring your request. ^^’ I really love this idea, and you’re a genius! The repercussions are something I want to hammer out for a bit longer.
Secondly, I’m glad you like them! I honestly started writing again because I was so tired of not finishing NaNoWriMo, I thought I’d try to do Kinktober instead. Less stakes, fun prompts. I was surprised how much I wanted to write once I started. It’s been years for me, and I’m happy I could write anything cohesive at all!
Here’s a scene of Killer and Nightmare before agreeing to mate their souls, as it were. Somewhere close to 900 words.
“Are you sure you want this? With me?” Nightmare wouldn’t meet Killer’s eyes. He stood in front of one of his room’s many arched windows, moonlight shimmering over his blackened form. His tentacles had curled in on him, arms crossed, an uncharacteristic sign of vulnerability that Killer had only seen inside of this room.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Killer, too, let his eternally present grin fall. This matter meant too much, and Nightmare’s insecurity fell heavily on him.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“I have an idea, but I want to hear the specifics. ‘s important.” Killer crossed his own arms to match, to hold back the urge to touch his moon until he finished his thoughts.
“Soul mating is to share all that you are with another.” Nightmare turned to face out over the darkened wilds his castle oversaw. “It’s to be unified on every level and live as one until we cease to be. I am not afraid of being unified with you for myself; I have centuries of existence and a power to shake the multiverse, and while I’m certain that I will be affected by you, as I am even now when we’re separate, I am also sure of my ability to handle it as I have everything else.”
“It’s me you don’t trust to deal.” Killer sighed, frown downturning further. Nightmare whirled around in an instant.
“I trust you with my life Killer.” He hurried across the room to hold his beloved’s face, a concerned eye looking into Killer’s, begging him to understand. “I would not humor this for anyone else, I would not want this with anyone else. To be joined with you is a dream I wish for. But…” His thumbs wiped away the streaks of liquid hate on Killer’s face. “To be joined to me is my namesake. You will know misery on a level you have never known.”
Killer reached up to hold Nightmare’s hands. He smiled with a short laugh.
“I think I’ve known some pretty deep misery Night.” Killer let go to reach out for Nightmare’s jacket, pulling him closer. “I’m not fragile. You’ve worried every step of the way. ‘Sleeping near me might give you nightmares’ and ‘if I lose control during sex, I could hurt you’ and, my favorite, ‘I am the guardian of negativity, I cannot love you back.’ Yet we’re here.” He took a nice deep breath, sinking into the comfort that was Nightmare pressed to his chest. Nightmare’s fingers clutched at his back.
“Not like this Killer, never like this.” Cyan tears dripped onto his hoodie. “I am not minimizing your suffering, I have felt it firsthand, but mine is long and continuous. It bores into your soul and lives there. You mention that I have always worried and you have overcome, but yet, I still worry. Negativity is at the root of me.”
His tentacles reached out like more arms. His fear was palpable, tastable in the air and thick on their tongues.
“And to join you with that? I’m afraid of what this could do to you. Will you gain my corruption? Will I lose you like I lost myself for all those years? How much of you must be traded for me to experience this pinnacle of connection?” Night’s words flooded from his mouth, crying longer than Killer had ever seen, all for his sake. “Every single thing others can have, I must first pay a cost. To just exist without punishment cost my life, my home, my family! And even then, I did not escape punishment, I merely gained the ability to fight back!”
“Nightlight…look at me.” And he listened. Killer tapped his teeth to his.
“Killer…” Nightmare tapped back, kissing him deeply with wet cheeks. The tension of the room could be cut with a spoon, Killer could feel it in the line of Night’s back, and he knew how to work that out. When they broke apart, Killer didn’t move back an inch.
“Remember when you confessed?” His voice rough and heavy against Night’s teeth, Killer’s eyes went half lidded. “You looked so shocked, like you couldn’t believe it.”
“I still don’t.” Nightmare’s voice dropped low, shaky but wanting.
“Moon, are you happy, being with me?” Night’s tentacles clutched him tight, Nightmare pressing up tight to him with another kiss, their faces still millimeters apart.
“Of course. Idiot...” His eye glared at the bookshelves on the wall, expression serious and hesitant. Killer chuckled softly at the expression. He wiped his god’s tears away.
“Then why couldn’t I be happy joined with you?” Night’s body sparked with magic underneath his fingertips. “If even the god of negativity can be happy with the one he loves, why couldn’t I do the same with a piece of him living in my soul?” Killer licked his teeth, tongue touching his moon’s at this distance, groaning at the catch in Nightmare’s breath.
“You could.”
Killer crushed Night up against him, the smaller’s hands fisting in the loose blue hoodie in their passion. Kissing Nightmare always got his motor running. His dark tentacles sought out every surface to lavish attention on Killer’s body, three times the stimulation of any other partner and a hell of a lot more interesting.
“Let me have ya then.” His pointer finger slid down the black cheek, catching softly on his jaw, over his sensitive throat, and leaving a hot trail of need down his sternum before halting. Right over Night’s soul. “Mate with me Moon.”
Night reached out slowly for Killer’s soul, always within reach but rarely so bright, tapped the surface with a wistful smile. Killer felt the weight of his words resonate across his being.
“Promise I won’t lose you?” Killer grinned widely.
“Promise.” The tenseness dropped from Night’s back, arms slung around Killer’s shoulders with a more confident smile.
“Then take me Killer.”
Full Story here!
I think I’m doing a Cream/Killermare comparison. And I 0% want to hate on Cream, but I think someone who’s power is innately positive might not be as self aware on how their power can be inherently detrimental to their partner, and I don’t think Cross would think of the repercussions either. 
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beatsfortheillperth · 7 years
Words with Villette
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Villette out of Auckland, New Zealand is one of those creatives that goes above a beyond within the field of expression, consistently producing and writing music that somewhat paints a blessed canvas of life experiences and feeling. With her RnB tones and refreshing approach to electronic music Villette induces soul soothing moments and unforgettable peaks that some what alleviate worry and expands the mind. A creator whoms feminine energy is replenishing soul music and strengthening our generations ability to express. So stay present and enjoy words with the musical talent that is Villette.    
Favourite Food: S&V thin cut or kettle chips - it’s like medicine honestly. Chips in general actually. Headache? Chips. Anxious? Chips. Fight with boyfriend? EAT THOSE CHIPS BITCH
Favourite Beverage: water, water, water
A childhood memory in regards to music: I used to go to these NYE christian camps up until I was about 11 and I remember on the boat ride home one of my friends was listening to her Walkman. I was too young to know what it was but she let me listen for a bit and that’s the first time I remember vividly thinking “this is the best thing in the world, nothing else matters. just this”. It was a Michael Jackson album and I didn’t give the walkman back to my friend lol. pretty buzzy cause from that moment onward all I wanted to do was consume and live music & also upper cut anyone who talks shit about MJ. fuck you MJ haters, bet you don’t like S&V chips either.
Location: Lalumanu, Samoa. or wherever my Mum is. she’s really cool
Last track you listened to: This new one I’m working on with KEV (shameless self promotion)
Views on reincarnation: I think things that happen after death are not our place to know, otherwise we’d all know. get it? neither.
Views on mainstream media: It’s entertainment, mostly mind numbing but it’s entertainment nevertheless . it’s not real lol. I also think if you’re gonna complain about it and want change, stop consuming it and stop giving companies their ratings and views.
A track to chill to: VILLETTE - beige (shameless self promotion, again) or if you don’t like my music try Daley - Alone Together
A track to break it down to: Break it down can mean many things so here is a break down of tracks you can break down to. Dance to: Missy Elliot - get ur freak on. Get pissed to: anything from MIGOS. Sex: the internet - special affair. genuinely feel your feminine power: anything from Xavier Omar
First Album you ever purchased: Michael Jackson - Bad
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Thanks for that so how old were you when you realised you were blessed vocally? were you shy about your singing abilities or have you always been quiet expressive in that way, also what drives you to continue singing?
I get asked that a bit and I still struggle with this answer. I think my parents thought I could sing before I knew, then my teachers in school and choir and stuff.
I just sang because I was put into lessons and I knew I could hold a note. I love singing now, and I’m not humble-bragging, I genuinely think I can sing now but it was only recently that I actually felt I had a nice voice. 
I sing only because I write songs, if I didn’t write songs I wouldn’t sing because I’d have nothing to say that’s truly from my own fucked up mind. I’m still shy about it, but more about the words I’m saying, not about how my voice sounds sonically.
You also write your own music, beautifully if I might add, the lyrics to beige are developed in such a poetic way not to mention the love drunk production, the tracks a wonder, much love.
 In regards to your songwriting where do you pull your inspirations from and what do you enjoy most about the creating process of writing a song.
Firstly THANK YOU Sophie <3 with Beige, I remember I was crying on my bedroom floor lol. I find it hard to deal with sadness if I can’t do anything about it but I remembered my friend (NITU) had sent me this beat that I was going to write to so I picked my sorry ass up and sat in the chair facing my speakers and laptop and chucked the song into ableton. 
I don’t remember thinking about structure, finding the right melodies or making the words that I was thinking of sound cooler or more poetic than they actually are. My writing is kinda blunt when emotion strikes so I kinda blacked out & recorded it then went to sleep. 
The next day we had the song & it was just a matter of working with Nitu to make the creation an actual track. I think I pull a lot of inspiration from my past, fantasy & subconscious state. I like to write from a powerful feminine point of view but also the polar opposite.
I don’t always know though, it changes a lot & that’s what makes it exciting for me. I think I enjoy the release of stress & seeing the words on paper the most. 
When I look at what I’ve written and I can honestly look at it and think “that makes sense” or “this is what I wanted to say to someone but I didn’t have the guts to when I had the chance” or even “yes this is truly how I feel but I don’t want to say it out loud”. 
Those moments are like looking into a dirty mirror that you’ve been cleaning for a while and you get a glimpse of your reflection. It’s intimidating & self reflective & raw. Also highly addictive.
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Photo By James Robinson
You also dabble with production producing your EP Crimson Girl and various other tracks such as “Ruby” one of your collaborations with another Auckland based producer such as your self known as Troy Samuela. 
How did you get into producing and what inspires you to continue putting together your own tracks?
I honestly just got sick of playing the guitar and only making acoustic songs. I went to music school here in Auckland to “learn how to make electronic music”  and that’s where I was initially introduced to the idea of creating tracks through a DAW on your lappy. 
There was one assignment in particular where we had to produce like 2-3 songs or something and I remember needing those credits to pass the actual course so I made them 2 nights before the deadline. 
I had noo idea what I was doing but afterwards I was like hell yeah this sounds alright I could do this, this is fun. So from then on I committed to learning more & creating more as a self proclaimed beat maker (looool) There is a certain moment after you sit down with the intention to make a beat or just play around, where you lose yourself in between the speakers and your eyes melt into the screen. 
In this space time doesn’t exist and nothing else matters cause nothing is as captivating or emotional or fucking dope as what is going on in your little area. That’s what inspires me to keep putting my stuff together because that space is a hell of a drug to be addicted to. 
Better than chips even. In regards to your “Ruby” with Troy can you share how you went about the collaboration process and what you enjoyed most about the collaboration?
Troy Samuela is a very special person to me. With this song in particular I was at his house and I’m pretty sure we had just eaten a shit ton of bakery food with money we didn’t have. 
We’d been wanting to work on a track for a while and I can’t remember who initiated it first but we ended up sitting there making something. He was at the desk putting sounds together and I was on the bed saying “yeah na cool gross don’t do that SHITTTT YA ADD THAT na I have a better sample” and blah blah you get the point. 
My favourite part was probably when we finished to be honest because we argue a lot whenever we make music together lol. He is hands down my favourite person to make music with and played a huge role in building my confidence and skill set around production. What do you love most about the collaboration process as a whole? Do you have some favourite collaboration from that past that you think worked together perfectly to create a track? Why you feel that collaboration worked? 
For example Jarule and Ashanti - Then Why it worked?
One of my favourite vocal collabs is Michael Buble & Laura Pausini - You Will Never Find, top 5 easy. 
The way their voices intertwine is something really hard to find and a blessing if you do. A lot of vocalists that work together sit on top of each other or there is a clear winner (you totally know what i mean so don’t judge me) who occupies most of the space in the song. 
This track is one of the very few that is sonically perfect to me, it’s so vivid you can almost physically see how their voices come together effortlessly. It totally worked 10/10 as a vocal duet. You recently collaborated with another Auckland based producer LMC on the track “Sideway Love” which was premiered through Noisey how did this come about and did you write the lyrics for this track? What was this collaboration like for you and what did you learn from the experience?
LMC is a cool guy. He sent this song to me as an instrumental and like Beige, I wrote the lyrics & recorded that night and sent the demo back to him. This collaboration was dope although i had to re record the final version and it took me forever (because life got in the way) to send the final vocals back haha. Liam was so excited for this track to come out and he really deserved that Noisey premiere, he’s grinding! #LMC
Are you working on any projects at the moment that we should keep an eye out for and what can we expect from these projects?
Yes!! Exciting projects! I won’t say much, but I’ve got a collaborative music video coming out soon, a new single in May and a surprise that we’re announcing soon. I. Can’t. Wait. Here at beatsfortheill we have a love for spiritual expression. Can you share what inspires you as a person spiritually and how expressing yourself through music helps you in day to day life?
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Spiritually, I like to pray & just let go of things that have the potential to take me over & that take my eyes off the prize. I think I feel things very intensely & as a spiritual person I’ve found refuge in my God and a release through making music, like I explained earlier with beige. Day to day life is real fucking hard, it’s some of the toughest times we’re experiencing as a generation as a whole so music for me has helped me be steadfast in my pursuit of joy & fulfillment in such a chaotic, unsteady time. I’m all for people, not just musicians, finding their spiritual safe place and haven where they feel unconditionally loved, protected, refreshed, joyous (not just happy, know the difference), strengthened and inspired. Any live performances coming up that we should keep an eye out for and what do you love most about preforming live in comparison to recording in a studio?
A couple! Again I can’t say too much right now but I’ll let you know as soon I can :D I like being right in front of people and seeing them listen to the words. I’m fairly new to performing live as a “singer” so it’s all still nerve-racking and confusing to me but I’m working on building my confidence around this. 
In the studio I can have my comforts around me like junk food and dim lighting and I can sit down in sweatpants and a hoodie, but as a performer (female as well) there are pressures to come out of my shell and put on a show.. Which I’m okay with, but for someone who’s preference is to be alone in my studio, this can be a bit daunting at first. Nothing a little practice and persistence can’t change though! Have to mention your track “My Love” your production is on point not to mention that sax, much love. What inspired this tracks creation and what did you enjoy most about putting this track together?
Thank you! That sax is actually a sample taken from a drum kit, but it was originally on an old Omarion song. When I first heard the sample the sax took a seat in my soul and I knew I had to do something with it so I added some drums and stuff while thinking of a melody for vocals. 
I think I enjoyed recording this one the most because I was feeling really upset and needed to get those lyrics out of mind so I could move on. I think once I put the song out it was a huge relief for me and emotionally I was able to let go of some personal things. 
When I listen to that song, it’s now a gentle reminder to myself to never again let myself get into that position I was in as a woman & lover. Musical Recommendations? Xavier Omar. Daley. KEV. Noname. and forever Amy Winehouse Any Last Words Thanks for reading my long ass non structured sentences! also, forgive yourself & others, it’s so important.
Villette// Beige 
Support and Enjoy Villettes music here:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/villettedasha
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamvillette/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/villettedasha
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