#y'all don't even really like rhaenyra all that much either
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navree · 4 months ago
okay, i don't mean to bring up drama (i really don't want to 😓😓😓) but since you're one of the few non-crazy hotd-adjacent blogs i follow, i gotta ask...where did the whole #teamfeminism thing come from?
You're too sweet, thank you <3
It's basically what I call Team Black fans, because their whole justification for feeling morally superior is that they support Rhaenyra, the female claimant in the Dance. And yes, Rhaenyra's usurpation is steeped in misogyny, it is predicated on that favoritism towards male-dominated primogeniture in Westeros and the disbelief in the ability of a woman to rule at all, let alone her specifically, that's undeniable and a big part of the story as a whole and her arc specifically in the show. But it's hard for me to view fans supporting Rhaenyra for fictional queen as an inherently feminist act when that apparently also means absolutely no appreciation for any other female characters (they despise Alicent for having the audacity to be a forced child bride, and they clearly don't care about Laena at all) and uncritical support for Daemon the Rogue Literal Pedophile. And it's certainly not very Feminist to take your issues with fictional characters and start harassing actual real women, calling Olivia horrible names not just in general but also to her face, making fun of Phia Saban's looks under the guise of mocking Helaena (another female character they dislike because she's not Rhaenyra), being so nasty about the child actress playing Jaehaera that she had to be recast when her mom pulled her from production, saying vile shit about Sara Hess because you don't approve of her creative decisions, saying that Olivia was having an affair with Ryan Condal to get Alicent more screentime, and in general being incredibly nasty towards female Team Green/Alicent fans (and my personal favorite, implying that queer fans of Olivia Cooke aren't actually queer and just being performative, because what's more feminist than denying women's sexualities just to seem cool on Twitter dot com?). Like, pardon me but your feminism isn't really feminism, it's a performative activism where you claim that, because you support one female fictional character's claim to a fictional throne, you're a feminist and then proceed to be incredibly anti-feminist and misogynistic in your actual actions in your actual life against actual women.
So it's mostly just an irony/mockery thing from me, given that members of Team Feminism seem to be the most anti-feminist and in general anti-woman people in this entire family, except for when they decide they want Rhaenyra to win and say they like two character traits of her's (cuz it's not like they see Rhaenyra as a full character either, but shrug dot emoji).
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enchantedlov3r · 7 months ago
~Wild enemies turned lovers~ A Jacaerys Velaryon love story Cowboy AU
Chapter 1
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Summary: you and Jace were enemies, no one could get you guys to get along. so when you guys are forced to work together on your mother's farm for a summer, burning hatred turns into passionate love...
Pairing: cowboy!Jacaerys x cowgirl!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: lots of sadness and angst, Jace being a tiny asshole, aemond being a good friend, daemon being the reader's fav as he should, and lots of cussing yayy! smut in future chapters, fluff at the end kind of, mentions of death, arguing, let me know if I missed anything! enjoyyyy!
A/N: heyyyy... how y'all doin'.... so look I know I have other stuff to work on but I just couldn't resist y'all know me! so this is dedicated to a lovely girl @coral021 so I hope you like it and it suits your liking, this will be a series btw!
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You felt as though you and Jace were supposed to be enemies since the womb.
Jace was always so stuck up and such a know it all while you were more reserved and chose to hide in the shadows.
yes you were outgoing and loved riding your horse around the farm, but you also didn't like a lot of human interaction with others you didn't know.
you were reserved and introverted that way. you liked to tend to the farm animals and do chores, stuff normal people wouldn't exactly enjoy doing.
but when you put those headphones on, you were in a whole other world. a world that Jace always loved to mess up when he and his family came to visit.
It was currently 2:55pm when Jace and his family arrived. It was Daemon, your favorite. Aemond and Aegon, Lucerys, Joffery, and Rhaenyra.
you spotted them from the barn as you were feeding the pigs. you finished tidying up in the barn when your twin sister comes running towards you.
your sister was your best friend, she was the only one who you felt actually understood you.
"There here!" she says with a giddy smile. "yea I caught that, you seem a wee bit too excited, I wonder why." you say your southern drawl coming in strong.
"oh stop it! you know he doesn't like me back, it's just a tiny crush anyway. to be honest I think he takes a liking to you." she says as you both walk hand in hand.
she had the biggest crush on aemond. he showed signs that he didn't like her back but to be honest your sister could never truly stay hooked on one man.
when you guys were 12 she had a crush on jace but when you guys were 15 she obtained a crush on aegon.
"you know how you get around him, I just don't want him hurting your feelings, you know how mean they are, and besides your too sweet for him anyway. and I highly doubt he wants me," you say smiling at her as you rub your nose with hers.
she was the joy and happiness that you don't have. you weren't exactly depressed but you weren't exactly happy either, being the oldest by 5 minutes meant more pressure on you then her.
but she was still able to put a smile on your face as always. you havent been the best, especially since dad died. it's been rough on everyone but daisy doesn't show it as much. tyring to stay happy for everyone.
(gonna name her daisy btw you can use it if not thats ok too)
you eventually just shut everyone out except her. your older brother, your mom, your friends, even other family members.
"you think mom's gonna tell em? that dad's dead?" daisy asks you. you sigh and look at your house up ahead.
"maybe, they are like family and daemon really did like our dad so maybe?" you say honestly. you weren't sure.
your mom hasn't left the house in months. he recently died and you guys had the funeral a few months ago.
she hasn't moved from the house and you and daisy were constantly trying to coax her to help out.
so instead of getting up to help she calls the Targaryen family over to help for the entire summer.
now to anyone that sounds amazing. to you, it was a nightmare because of the sleep schedule, the trouble you'd have to endure, and the endless amounts of teasing and annoyance from Jace.
"I like your outfit btw but you might wanna change, and shower. you smell like mud and pigs." she says snickering.
you had on a white t-shirt with blue overalls and a cowgirl hat on to keep the heat from out of your eyes along with your handy dandy cowgirl boots.
"yea yea, I know. but not before i do this!" you exclaim before rubbing your hands all on her arms and rubbing your cheek on her cheek.
"ewwwwwww! gross! whyyyy mee!" Daisy yells out as she runs away from you. you quickly follow after her you catch a glimpse of the four boys staring at you guys. your older brother, aemond, aegon, and jace.
"ok ok! I surrender. I give up, come on daisy I won't do anything, promise!" you yell out at her.
she laughs and puts both her thumbs up before making her way back to you.
you both walk up the porch steps towards the front door when your met with your older brothers gaze.
"Where have you two been? Mom was looking for you both to greet the Targaryens." he says with a stern gaze.
"doing the work you should have been doing. that's where I was." you say with a bit of venom behind it.
"well I was busy. you know taking care of mom." he says. you roll your eyes and so does daisy.
"bullshit Tyler, I was taking care of mom while you were out fucking some girl." daisy announces.
"oh wow, but what the hell was all that talk about how you care for mom's mental health and how you needed to now step up and be the "man" of the house and take care of mom?" you question, restating what he said the day after the funeral.
"I meant that. I'm doing that, I'm putting in more work than you." he says with his chest puffed out.
"Yea tell her." Jace whispers.
'Oh.' you saw what was going on here, Tyler wanted to act all tough and big and bad because they were here. well, you were gonna show your brother just how pathetic he is.
you glare at the boys behind him and then look at your brother again.
"hey by the way, tell that girl, what was her name again, cat? yea did you ever tell her that you had chlamydia and might have given it to her? yea did you tell her that you got it from her sister? well, that's too bad cause I uhm already told her. she's on her way here shortly so that'll be a fun conversation." you say with a smile.
"let's go daisy," you say before walking towards the door. "Oh by the way welcome back boys," you say with an insincere smile on your face before pushing the door to your household open and walking in.
you hear the muffled conversation and you smile knowing that there questioning your brother and his sexual acts and the fact that he just let me punk him.
"that was just cruel but well deserved." daisy says with a giggle. you smile at her and laugh too.
"Hi, Rhaenyra." you greet as you see her and your mom talking at the dining table.
"Hello girls, always a pleasure to see you guys." she says with that warm smile on her face.
sometimes you wished she was your mom instead of your actual mom because Rhaenyra actually understood you, unlike your mom.
"I would hug you but i'm covered in mud and hay, lemme go clean up yea?" you say to her with a smile.
she smiles and nods with understanding and you walk up the stairs towards your room.
you grab a little white sundress with yellow flowers on it. you grab some panties and a bra as well and walk towards your bathroom for a well-deserved shower.
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It was currently 7:45 when you finally left your room after your daily reading routine, you got out of the shower a while ago and your ready for dinner.
"Hey! Come downstairs loser, dinner is ready, and Daemons asking for you." daisy says bursting into your room.
"hey, one I'm not a loser and two you had me at Daemon's name," you say excitingly as you rush downstairs with her.
you see Daemon's white hair and his black cowboy hat and sneak up behind him and jump on his back.
"RAHHHH!" You yell out as he twirls you around with his hands on your legs holding you there.
"There she is! How's my special girl." he says with a smile on his face. you laugh and wrap your arms around his neck.
"I'm doing pretty good old man, how are you?" you say laughing when he drops you off him at calling him an old man.
"well I was doing good until that statement child." he says rolling his eyes playfully.
you laugh at him and shove him with your shoulder snatching his hat off his head and putting it on yours. You stand next to him listening to him talk about his time here in the last hour or so and you smile.
your deep in his conversation when Lucerys runs to you with Joffery.
"Hey guys! Omg! Luke you're getting taller dude and Joffery last time I saw you, you were like this short." you say shrinking your hand a bit.
"Hey guess what i'm 7 now! and Luke is 13!" he says proudly. you smile at them and high five the both of them.
"well ain't that something nice," you say roughing up Luke's hair. "Alright, boys why don't you go and find some seats, dinners ready."
they both nod and go find a seat. you smile and bid him a farewell while you go and find a seat next to your sister.
"Hey sissy." you say with a smile. "hey loser." she says with a smirk. you kick her foot and she laughs.
"girls. no playing at the table you know that." your mom says for the first time today.
"but dad never had a problem with it." daisy says in protest. you roll your eyes not even bothering to put up a fight with her.
"Yeah well he's dead isn't he, so whatever I say goes," she says sternly making everyone at the table go silent.
"yea well you haven't done anything around here anyway so what's the point." you whisper under your breath.
"I'm sorry, did you have something you wanted to share with the family?" she says with that aggression and attitude in her tone.
"Miranda don't," Rhaenyra warns.
"No its fine. Yea I do have something to share." you say putting your fork down losing your appetite.
"Here we go again." Tyler says rolling his eyes.
"You have not moved from your room in months. you have done nothing to help with the farm, you just sit around and sulk in the coldness of your room. Daisy has coaxed you to start eating properly, I have stepped up and cooked and helped take care of the fucking animals you and Dad raised when we were babies. and yet, whatever you say is supposed to go? yea, mom that makes total sense coming from a woman who couldn't even go buy fucking groceries for the goddamn house." you say out of anger.
"please don't do this, not again bro," Tyler says.
"No.. no Tyler you have no right to talk. your last words to dad were that you fucking hated him and wished he wasn't alive anymore. and for what? all because he wouldn't let you sneak some fucking whore in the house?" you say angrily with tears streaming down your face.
"You wanna act like the man of the house so bad but you couldn't even make the real man in the house proud. I blame you for his death, every single fucking day. I hate you Tyler, and I hate you Mom because you act like it's nothing. You don't check on your kids, you don't comfort Daisy at night when she wakes up crying and calling out for Dad. you do nothing. and whatever you say goes right?" you yell at Tyler and your mom.
your full-on crying now.
"I can't even look at you anymore," you say finally before looking away from them both and silently crying.
"sorry to ruin this wonderful dinner that Daisy cooked. and I'm sorry Rhaenyra and Daemon and everyone else for making you uncomfortable. I'm fine now." you say calmly.
"darling, it's totally fine. I can tell you needed to let that out." Rhaenyra says with a smile on her face.
"You just ruin everything don't you, no wonder Tyler never wants you around either," Jace says under his breath.
"what the fuck did you just say?!" you yell at jace.
"Man come on don't make her angry," Tyler says.
"JACAERYS VELARYON!" Rhaenyra yells making everyone silent at the table.
"you have no right... no right to say that. out of all people you should understand as you lost your father, don't you start with this family, and put them through more hell." she exclaims.
"I've lost my appetite, i'll eat it later daisy. I'm sorry." you say before running out of the house and running towards the barn.
"why couldn't you just stay quiet like you always are Mom? I made a n-nice dinner and you ruined it. You too Tyler and you Jace. you guys know better but you act fucking childish anyway!" Daisy says with tears in her eyes as she runs to her room.
"I'll go find her, Aegon you go after Daisy. don't worry, we'll fix this." Aemond says.
you're sitting on the bench by the coupe of chickens when you hear rustling behind you.
"go away Tyler! I don't want you here right no-"
"Not Tyler," Aemond announces interrupting your sentence.
you turn around and see aemond standing there with his hands in his pocket.
"come to tease me like Jace does? if so I'm not in the mood," you say sitting back down to feed the chickens.
"actually i'm here to comfort you. see I lost my dad too so I know how you feel. My dad may not have died like yours did but I lost mine and I'm at least civil enough to know that, that shit isn't something to make fun of." aemond says as he sits next to you.
"Yea, it's not," you say throwing more food for the chickens. you glance at him and he's staring right back at you.
"you know I don't hate him, not really." you say with a slight smile on your face.
"who Tyler?" he asks.
"nope, not him no I hate him with my life. I mean Jace. I never hated him. He just started hating on me from the jump so I just went along with it. But it's getting exhausting. were both adults now, were 18, why can't he just act more mature." you say looking at the stars in the sky.
"I don't know, I'm never really around my niece all that well but maybe he likes you. You know, arguing and pretending to hate someone for no reason at all is a sign that they like you but are trying to hide their feelings deep down."
"Oh shut up!" you say shoving him and laughing.
"Just saying," he says with a smile. you smile back at him remembering how fun and nice Aemond really was. when you guys were alone at least.
"by the way you gotta stop bullying Luke, he's 13, and you're 19. get it together bro," you say sternly locking eyes with him.
"yea yea I will." he says smiling at you. you smile back and stare at him.
for a moment it felt as though time had stopped. you both stare at each other before Aemond's smile fades and he leans a little closer to you.
he leans closer and closer until he's near your ear. "we should probably get back, daemons calling." he whispers.
"oh uhm-" you clear your throat. "yeah w-we should. thanks aemond, I really needed this talk." you say with a smile before hugging him.
"no problem." he says hugging you back as he rests his head on yours.
you both walk back engaged in conversation again about his love life. of course, he didn't have a girlfriend. you're gonna have to tell that to Daisy, maybe another night...not tonight.
then out of the blue, Jace pops up in your mind and you speak before your mind can tell you to shut up.
"D-does Jace have a girlfriend by any chance?" you ask keeping your head straight, not daring to look at Aemond's amused face and teasing smirk.
"no...he doesn't. why, are you interested?" he asks nudging you a bit as he chuckles with amusement.
,"No, not at all. Just curious is all." you say with a little giggle. you both make it back to the house and are greeted with Rhaenyra and Daemon's lovely faces.
they thank you that you came back and thank Aemond for bringing you back.
you smile at them and bid the three a goodbye. you try to make your way up the stairs but the sound of Jace's voice stops you.
"Hey, wait," he says walking to catch you quick enough. you turn around with an emotionless expression as you really don't want to speak to him.
"look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that when I know your clearly hurting. I know what it's like to lose your father or someone close to you. I shouldn't have been such an asshole and I'm really sorry. If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I would really appreciate it." he says with a serious face.
you saw past the serious facade though. there was something in his eyes, a look of not only a feeling of apologetics but of sincerity too, and passion and remorse.
a look that you can forgive.
"I forgive you Jace. I am really tired now so, goodnight." you smile at him and give him a light hug.
he hugs you back as his eyes widen. you've never shown him affection like this and neither has he so this... this was new.
"goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow then. my mom told me to help you with whatever chores you need help with," he says.
"oh ok, well then see ya tomorrow Jace." you say as you turn on your heel to make your way towards the stairs and go to your room.
you didn't quite know what tomorrow would hold for you but you prayed it wasn't Jace being an asshole.
if only you knew how much tomorrow was going to be hell for you...
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Taglist: @raynesbandaids @liliesdiary @ribbonprincess and anyone else who wants to join.
©enchantedlov3r| All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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multifandombullshitbabes · 6 months ago
It makes me so mad seeing people genuinely believe that Alicent is just sacrificing Aegon just because. Like no!!! Fuck, did y'all watch that scene with your eyes closed??
Leading up to that scene, we have Alicent that knows there's abt to be a war, she started it (it was gonna happen anyway but whatever), but she tried to stave off the guilt of it by believing that she was doing her dying husband's a favor. She thought she was doing good even if i caused so much pain.
Then, she learns it was a complete misunderstanding already too late: the first big event of the war has happened, and it was only a taste of what's to come. Even then, it already brought so much grief, not even talking abt the grief from the first episode. And before that convo with Rhaenyra, Alicent could lie to herself and think that it was all for something, it was all meant to be just like Viserys said (even though she had her doubts, but who was she to refuse his dying wish?). Now? She doesn't have that anymore, and she is now scrambling and improvising, just keeping it going cuz wtf else is she supposed to do.
But her tipping point? When she realized that the one true innocent in all of this, Halaena, would not be spared in this war, no matter how much she tried to not think about it. That scene where they both run away from their hungry and angry subjects, that's when Alicent realizes, in a kind of foolish way, that she as well was going to suffer, not just Aegon or Aemond, but Halaena and herself as well: that even though they wouldn't go into battle themselves, they wouldn't be spared.
Honestly, she already knew this of course, she just didn't want to think about it too much: that in a war its not only those who battle who die, but also everyone else. It is here that Alicent realizes the true point of war: nothing. It is only death and casualties, no winners.
This is WHY she has that scene of running away and swimming into the lake. She cannot bear to think that she's doomed so many innocents to die, something she was aware of before but now has lived the reality of it firsthand with her own sweet daughter. She understands the futility in her actions, in her petty schemes, in following her fathers footsteps, in trying to be a good Christian girl in a society that hates women, etc. She understands that nothing fucking matters. So, she might as well save her daughter and granddaughter this fate of death if she can; especially because she KNOWS she cannot save either of her sons.
And that's the thing: Aegon is at the center of this conflict, he is likely to die; Aemond is their biggest weapon in this war, he is very likely to die. Alicent, in a very dark way, has already resigned herself to losing both of her sons, Aegon since he was born and Aemond since the war happened. Aegon is that one death that she is constantly reminded of, every time she looks at Rhaenyra she sees the one that has the power and right to forfeit his life, as they literally say in the show multiple times. Is it logical? Not really, considering we don't have evidence of Rhaenyra herself thinking like this. But since the men think it that way, it must be the only truth ever, and so the story goes.
Could Alicent have denied Viserys wish and let things be? Sure, but then she wouldn't be Alicent, the one desperate to be seen as a dutiful wife that gave birth to the rightful heir to the throne and who should feel very bitter about and so she does (and she does, but she also admits that Rhaenyra would've made a fine queen, she knows that the world wouldn't have ended if she let things be). It is that heavy subject of her being the only witness to his last moments and so she feels naturally duty bound as his wife to carry his last message. I cannot fault her for this, no matter the consequences of it.
And when we get to that last scene, we see all of this, just as Rhaenyra says: that, per her father's wish, she should be the heir and therefore Aegon NEEDS to die. And Alicent doesn't want to accept this truth, because that is her child, but she knows it to be true. Neither woman likes this, Rhaenyra is literally shaking and crying, Alicent looks like she can barely breathe in that entire scene. They are both mothers, and one knows exactly how bad it is to lose a child and the other knows she is about to find out how it feels.
However, they both believe this is the best that they can do in this shit situation, to avoid more innocent deaths, to stop this war from moving forward, to let each other lead their own lives as they wish. Aegon has to be sacrificed in name of the Targaryen line, and it is fucked up and Alicent does not choose this willingly but only because she knows it will happen either way, since Aegon quite literally cannot defend himself right now. She knows he is going to die, so she might as well do it in a way that ensures peace to the realm if she can.
Im sorry, bit that last scene was amazingly written and so well acted and performed and it is so disappointing seeing people being fucking foolish about it. So so sick of it. Alicent loves her children despite all of them being a product os statutory rape, the reason why she lost her vest friend, the reason why she had to resort to her cruel and petty ways, just like her father. She still loves them all and it is heartbreaking to watch.
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emblemcest · 6 months ago
Sooooooo I've been trying to get into some HotD fanfic but the sheer quantity and length of it all is... a tall hurdle, haha.
Which is to say: y'all got any recs?
Aegon and Helaena are of greatest interest to me right now - I'd love stuff really focusing in on them!!
Gwayne and Criston also, maybe? (BIG bonus if there's acknowledgement that Rhaenyra sortaaaa. sexually assaulted him, accidentally.)
Ship-wise, Helaegon is GREAT, Helaemond I'm of interest (so long as he isn't too Evil Edgy Dom. bc that's boring haha.)(doms aren't sexy) Gwayne/Allicent and Gwayne/Criston also great. Maybe Aegon/Jace?? I need to investigate further. Either way incest is a plus obviously lol but I'm open to interesting rarepairs, too.
Character studies/development/slowburn over more plot-focused stuff
Original setting, please!! Or at least not a modern AU (unless it REALLY fits my other likes.)
It doesn't need to be short or even finished but I 1000% prefer structured and focused fics to 'I started writing this and let's see how it goes.' Effective build-up of tension and meaning is *chefs kiss*
not too much, like, overt character/team bashing. This world is best when everyone's a bit fucked up and a bit okay. Clear-cut villains are also boring.
Angst. Pining. Erotically charged chivalry. Yearning. Period-typical sentiments. Loyalty kink. Ambiguous relationships. Maybe actually unrequited love. Loneliness and desperation for affection. Hurt/comfort. Bittersweet or plain unhappy endings. Intricate rituals. Pretending so hard you don't know what's real anymore. Miscommunications because they both have entirely different belief systems built upon on their own unique traumas united only by an inability to ever be truly honest with themselves/another. Tortured, forced vulnerability regardless.
Autistic Helaena whenever possible <3
this is. stupid. but i don't. rly want stories abt how awful men are and how badly women all collectively and identically have it. im a girl(???) but im autistic and these narratives are. alien. to me.
so uhhhh as always this is long. But it is a list of inspiration!!! Nothing will match all of these things haha just; are there any fics this makes you think of at all???? ;;🙏
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witheredoffherwitch · 1 year ago
I can't help but cringe when I see some people trying to push Aegon v. Aemond or Helaena v. Alys in these online spaces. Each character in the show has their own role in the storyline--and it's absurd to think they could be pitted against each other. It's just too weird.
Aegon v. Aemond isn't a thing because despite these two hating each other's guts, they fight besides each other till their last moment. Aemond fights this war in Aegon's name -- and despite him thinking his brother is nothing more than a drunken wastrel, this fool still offers this challenge to Luke by asking, "did you really think you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother's throne at no cost?" In F&B, the conflict is mainly panned out between Aegon v. Rhaenyra and Aemond v. Daemon. Helaena's role is much more passive all while being extremely crucial to how the Dance ultimately ends. Many are quick to point out that Lucerys' death was the catalyst that jumpstarted this whole civil war (even though in truth, it had been simmering since that Driftmark incident) but fail to notice that Halaena's end is what cements the final conclusion of the war.
I have acknowledged my hesitation in discussing Helaena-centric topics on my page because I have always felt like I understand her the least out of all the Green characters. But the way some of y'all go ahead and make assumptions about her relationships with her family -- and make up fake conflicts to justify your own crackship is truly bizzare.
I cannot even comprehend how stupid this forced competition between Helaena and Alys is. People really need to stop injecting Aemond into Helaena's storyline. Her loss, grief and trauma is separate from her brother's struggles -- and Helaena's tragic end is one of the turning points that change the tides against Rhaenyra. Infact, I suppose in this Aegon v. Rhaenyra clash (where Rhaenyra is unbashedly favoured in the show), Helaena's presence might be offered as a false positive for Team Black after the fall of King's Landing. Helaena's death comes right before the Storming of the Dragon Pit that ultimately sealed Rhaenyra's fate -- what remains to be seen is how the show is going to depict the events leading up to that point? In the book, Helaena is more or less a passive figure who is reduced to a grieving queen after the culmination of B&C. I had previously suggested that Helaena's role is going to be bigger than what was depicted in F&B - and given the fact that she has prophetic powers in the show, I assume she will be playing a much bigger role! Helaena is a seer who can see into the future -- and since the show is already exploring the 'song of ice and fire' (a la the long night), it needs to be seen how else are they going to use Helaena beyond season 1. Does she see her line ending after the Dance? Is she aware that dragons might cease to exist after the war? Does she see the eventual demise of her house? Does she see the Dance's conclusion as some sort of inevitable truth that must follow to achieve Aegon's dream?
Alys on the other hand has a completely different role all together. She is either Aemond's high-calling or his partner in chaos. Much of her story is shrouded in mystery. We don't even get a full account of how her story concluded; what happened to her and her child during Aegon III's reign. She becomes the witch queen of Harrenhal but for the next thirty years, we do not know what happened before the castle was eventually given to Lucas Lothston.
In conclusion, I will once again remind folks that each character serves a distinct purpose in this war. The common denominator between these character is unfortunately their father, Viserys -- and this story is essentially a run-down on how the prophetic king himself dooms his entire family (and eventually his house) into the path of self-destruction. For most of his life, Viserys' main aim was to ensure both stability and longevity for his line, and despite his efforts, he failed at that task quite remarkably. Each one of his kids possessed that distinct Targaryen 'trait' and yet this is a king who places his oldest daughter above the rest out of the guilt for killing his first wife. In the end, it was his choice that ultimately doomed his own house.
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minetteskvareninova · 7 months ago
You're missing the point of that post. It's not about slut shaming and it's not some weird double standard against Rhaenyra & Targaryens. Its the fact that politically, Rhaenyra could've avoided everything very easily but chose not too. Her making really poor choices bc of her entitlement that being Royal, Targaryen, and knowing the prophecy is a big part of her character. It's the fact that Targaryen Exceptionalism, Feudalism & Succession Crisises are really stupid ways of governance and only ruins those around them. This whole system is a house of cards that can be so easily broken simply over hair color. It's almost willful misreading to say it's about slut shaming.
But of course, and that uppity German Struensee would've gotten away with his reforms if only he could keep it in his pants innit Juliana
*sigh* For all of you who still didn't get it:
I used Carolina Mathilda as an example, because unlike book!Rhaenyra (jury's still out on show!Rhaenyra, I honestly get SOME of the reasons why people don't like her, even if my ultimate judgement of her is way more positive) for one reason, and one reason only: she is, both in history and in the movie, unquestionably sympathetic.
For those of you who don't know, En kongelig affaere, or A Royal Affair, is a Danish film that adapts the story of queen Carolina Mathilda of Denmark, whose affair with her mentally ill husband's doctor Johann Friedrich Struensee was used by Struensee's enemies to boosts his charges of treason. The real issue was, of course, court power politics - the king's detachment of reality was so intense he was almost completely incapable of doing his job, and Struensee used that to basically rule in his stead, which of course earned him many enemies. Even worse, his pro-enlightenment policies (although think less Robespierre and more emperor Joseph II.) sparked outrage among the nobility; Joseph II. is an apt comparison here, although he didn't have the added baggage of being a lowborn man seizing power behind the scenes and (allegedly) having an affair with the queen. Jury's still out on whether that particular charge is based on truth, but it's certainly possible, and the movie went with "yes", just because it makes for a better story. In any case, Struensee ended up being executed, while Carolina Mathilda survived, but was torn away from her children and sent into exile. The movie is relatively faithful retelling of a certain quite plausible version of the story, also it has a superb script, great costumes and cast packed to the gills with amazing actors (Mads Mikkelsen, Alicia Vikander, for those in the know also Mikkel Boe Fosgard and Tryne Dyrnholm) - basically, if you can find it, go watch it, after surviving Hot D y'all deserve some real cinema.
Now, in the movie, it's heartbreakingly easy to sympathize with Carolina Mathilda. When she is just a teenager, she is married off to her severely mentally ill cousin, who constantly mistreats her and seems to kinda hate her, plus her affair with Struensee is motivated by genuine romantic feelings. Noone in their right mind would call Carolina Mathilda "entitled" for it (I HOPE). And sure, Rhaenyra is much less miserable than her, but her emotional life is in a similarly hopeless spot, where she can only find actual romance outside of marriage. Plus, unlike Carolina Mathilda, there is no deception involved, at least with her husband - she still has to gaslight the rest of the country, but them's the breaks, what would you have her do, NOT give birth to the prince of my heart Jacaerys Targaryen?! Like, people, you are calling a woman entitled, because she is in a loving monogamous relationship with someone who isn't her (gay) husband. I don't know if it's slut-shaming, but it most certainly isn't FAIR.
What I think confuses people about this comparison is that both book and show!Rhaenyra can be called spoiled and entitled (keyword is CAN; I personally don't agree with this assessment of her either, but let's say for the sake of the argument) for a lot of other things. She has certainly done her fair share of mistakes and I get the general dislike of her - I myself dislike show!Alicent in much the same way, it really depends what actions and character flaws personally irritate you more. But again, having a loving monogamous relationship, with the consent of her husband no less, is just not the kind of mistake I can imagine anyone hating her for. Yes, yes, it is hypocritical to subscribe to a feudal order that abhors bastards while having bastards yourself, but crucially, it's the kind of hypocrisy that many noblemen parttake in with no reprecussions whatsoever, from Corlys to Bobby B. And, again, Rhaenyra's affair with Harwin actually MORE excusable, because unlike Corlys' relationship with Marilda, it doesn't get in the way of an otherwise loving marriage (unless it happened before his marriage to Rhaenys in the show - it didn't in the books, but also in the books the Hull boys might be Laenor's, it's complicated), and unlike Bobby B, she is far from a hedonist serial philanderer. We can debate whether any of that would be WRONG per se, but it certainly would be LESS UNDERSTANDABLE.
It is not entitled to want a fulfilling romantic relationship even in a situation that isn't exactly conductive to it. How is that a hard concept to grasp, I really don't know. Maybe y'all should just read or watch more things dealing with romantic relationships under these circumstances - I highly recommend starting with A Royal Affair, seriously, you guys, it is so good.
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lady-corrine · 2 years ago
Yeah, eveytime I see people claiming harwin is her greatest love like it's the absolute truth and not just a HC I always wonder if they read the same book that I did. Because I honestly did not have that impression at all, there's not enough information about their relationship that leads to people treating that as canon. And if we were supposed to come to that conclusion grrm could have done that with very few words like he did with a lot of other couples. And I'm sorry but saying they were lovers and had 3 kids is not enough for me, specially when she was married to a gay man. If grrm really writes their novella that will probably change, maybe he became more interested in the relationship more recently so he might retcon and make it a great romance and that would be fine. But as of now no one is gonna convince me he originally wrote f&b intending for us to have that conclusion. Also it's fine to have that as your hc, I have a lot of hcs too, it's just tiring to see people repeating that as if it's canon and anyone that thinks otherwise is wrong 😶
Hi! Yes, it makes me cringe so hard, like... What book did y'all read? Because it can't be the same one with mine. It's told again and again how Rhaenyra was "enamoured" with Daemon since she was just a girl, how she cheered for him, how thrilled she was at his return, she was always "my prince" this and "my prince" that. (I love her so much, actually, she was so 😭❤) Daemon was her one, great love from beginning to end - it's clear as day. And Daemon spoiled her rotten and pampered her like none other all her life. George could not have made it clearer even if he wanted to.
I mean, to be fair to Grrm, Harwin fans forget that George said that he would like a novella on Rhaenyra, Harwin AND Laenor, because he is interested to know how each party felt in their arrangement. It doesn't sound like a retcon for the greatest romance to me, honestly. You have a gay husband and a princess who needs solace. He had no need to include Laenor, or he could have outright said: "I'd love to write this because Harwin is her one true love" or "I'd love to write this because this is a great love story". But he didn't.
It's also very clear that he had to sent Daemon away because otherwise him and Rhaenyra would either elope together, as they did later, or become lovers, in which case all her children would have silver hair.
And in general all the things George did for Daemon plot wise, are because of Rhaenyra. He sent him 7 years in the Stepstones while she was a child because he did not wish for their relationship to be grooming.
He sent him back to the Stepstones while she was forced to marry because otherwise they would become lovers. When Daemon married Laena Rhaenyra was heavily pregnant. The moment Daemon comes back from Pentos with Laena, they are always with Rhaenyra, always together.
(Because even George knew it would be illogical for them to stay apart)
This headcanon with Harwin is just that, a headcanon, and it honestly makes me go 😬 every time I read it, especially because you are treated like the biggest idiot if you don't agree, and it's frustrating. Harwin does absolutely nothing for me as a character, I'm sure Rhaenyra loved him, they had children together, and Daemon did perceive him as a rival for her affections. But other than that we know nothing about his personality, only that he is "unproblematic".
And this is something this fandom absolutely adores - minor side characters devoid of any kind of personality (or importance to the story) that are unproblematic. There is something to be studied about this, really.
I used to be frustrated by all this, but now I find it quite amusing actually? I would only wish for them to stop bashing and hating on others when they don't agree with their imaginary headcanons. Going as far as to claim that "only us can enjoy Rhaenyra and Daemon as a couple intellectually, only us are their real fans, because we understand how much they loved Harwin and Laena". Which... what does that even mean? Gatekeeping fantasy couples? It's giving embarassing, really. 🤷‍♀️
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