#y'all better watch how hard you clown on him
jacks347 · 4 months
Exactly one person asked for this but that was exactly one person enough so here y'all go, enjoy the rest of the channels and their high school tropes
Caleb and Pack Mom - Childhood friends everyone assumes is already dating (They keep correcting people but secretly enjoy it cause they've been crushing on each other for years)
Connor and Lass - Club president and joined cause she liked him ("Come on, keep up! What are you staring at?" "You. I mean-!")
Deacon and Little One - Book smart introvert and street smart extrovert ("I've never failed a test in my life" "And I've knocked out a gang members tooth once. You tell me which one is more practical")
Chester and CM - Class clown and assigned tutor ("How do you put up with him?" "Remembering he's cute and a lot of caffeine")
Mitch and Lamb - Second generation rivals ("My dad said to tell you you won't win a second time" "Funny, my uncle said to expect it")
Beau and Chef - "Secret" admirer and knowing crush (Constantly leaves notes and gifts in her locker, she absolutely knows it's him but doesn't say anything even though she likes him back cause she thinks it's adorable)
Harlow and Captain - Frequently injured and assigned helper ("How'd you break your leg this time?" "Would you believe me if I said I fell off a roof?" "...goddammit")
Yargwynn and Paradise - Lead in the play and stage manager (Paradise is actually a really solid singer but has paralyzing stage fright so they just stay as stage crew)
Mak and Darling - Delinquent and "I can fix him" girl (Frank is Mak's attempted wingman, he tries so hard to get these two together)
Guardian and Zed - Foreign exchange student and guidance helper assigned to them (Even better if Guardian doesn't speak the language well so they just stare when Zed is talking which makes him nervous and he rambles more, Guardian thinks it's cute)
Albus and Faithful - School flirt and class president tutoring him (Don't lie, you're imagining it now)
Hipswitch and Partner - Reluctant student and quiet art kid project partners (Partner talks through notes ripped from the corners of his sketchbook)
Pandora - Principal's kid that everyone is kinda scared of (Is actually really nice with just a hint of overblown ego, blame football star Odin for that)
David and Angel - Quiet kid and popular girl fake dating (Angel dug herself in a hole and needs a fresh face to get out of it, David is only mildly reluctant cause he thinks Angel's pretty)
Asher and Babe - Football star and cheerleading captain (Don't ask, this is the one that inspired all the rest and now it's stuck here)
Milo and Sweetheart - Club presidents fighting for budgeting (SH runs the NHS chapter, Milo runs the drama club, both slightly resent each other because they need the funding)
Darlin and Sam - Frequently in detention and never in detention ("And just what has landed the school's goody goody in my neck of the woods?" "...I broke a guy's nose." "Hah, same.")
Vincent and Lovely - Superintendent's kid who ditches class and vigilant hall monitor ("Come on, can't you let it slide just this once~" "Do you want me to call your dad?" "No, no, I'll go back, please don't call him-")
Gavin and Freelancer - Academic rivals (FL actually takes it seriously, Gavin only pretends cause he loves to watch FL work)
I think I got all of them
I hope I got all of them
This is going to be a nightmare to tag-
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
My School President Episode 4: Hopes and dreams
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Oh my oh my oh my. That was even better than any clown theory I could have possibly dreamed up. I love so much about how this show is constructed and the things it wants to say about what it takes to make dreams come true and the importance of having people in your corner. I mean, the theme song is literally titled 'You Got Ma Back' and it took me until now to get it, silly rabbit. In this episode, the boys really start getting to know each other (giving the audience a look in as well), and the Bad Buddy DNA continues to be strong with the catalyst character showing up, the energy shifting between our dynamic duo and the face-cleaning trope/PPL making an appearance...lol.
Verse: Slackers gotta shape up
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Bring it on, ring the alarm Don't stop now, just be the champion Work it hard, like it's your profession Watch out now, 'cause here it comes
Britney Spears | Work Bitch (2013)
I appreciate that the show made the point that slacking won't get you very far in anything you actually care about. The boys claim to be serious about music, and from the first episode and Gun's speech that he never got to give, you get that Gun understands what it will take to get to and win Hot Wave, but they all lacked the discipline to see their dream through. Sound, coming in as the hardass heavy, is the missing piece of the band's puzzle, and Gun was aware enough to realise it. The part he missed, that he learned by the end, is that Chinzhilla doesn't need Sound instead of him, but needs Sound as well as him. Because what Gun brings is the magic, the sparkle, the je ne sais quoi, the FUN. That's made clear elsewhere in the story this ep as well, as Gun taps into what's missing from the student council's approach to the student body and figures out a way for them to have fun and spread some joy while still achieving their goals. You start to see how Gun and Tinn are really well matched, as Tinn brings the structure and Gun brings the style.
Chorus: Eyelashes are being batted
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Every time you look at me My heart is jumping, it's easy to see
Britney Spears | (You Drive Me) Crazy (1999)
The other thing you start to see is how Gun has game. Having realised that he likes Tinn, he is now paying attention and has noticed that Tinn likes him too. And he is going for it, and he's much better at flirting than Tinn is by several orders of magnitude. Tinn came strong with the hand stamp and offer to hang out with him if he was lonely, but Gun made the monster moves with the bow tie adjustment (classic) and the selfie. I mean, after the bow tie thing Tiw had to leave the room, and I FELT that. It felt like a 'let me just give y'all some privacy' moment. I love that Tinn saw how Gun lost his sparkle without music club, and he tried to give him back music via the council because Gun's sparkle is integral to why he likes him in the first place. And then he went beyond, to free Gun from the commitment he felt like he'd made and return him to music club, because that is ultimately where he wants to be. He let Gun go, and he came right back to him, because now Gun wants music and Tinn. Gorgeous.
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I know that high school cliques do seem impenetrable but it's still funny how everybody behaved like Gun couldn't be in music club and play for the student council.
Next week looks like they're actually gonna address some of the implied class differences between Gun and Tinn, interesting.
I loved the conversation Tinn and Gun had in the stairwell, Tinn giving insight into what feels like a fear of failure and Gun feeling like he was born to perform. Them getting to know each other is so sweet and you see them becoming more endeared the more they learn.
Sound making them all dress like they're in a boy band was HILARIOUS. I wanna see the inside of that kid's mind.
The Holy Chinchilla! 🤣 Sadhu
That one snobby kid from the council is gonna make one hell of a civil service bureaucrat someday.
I love a good pinkie touch/link 🥰
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arithecreatorsstuff · 2 years
New Discoveries, Old Friends
It's early Friday morning, and you're at practice. You joined a speed skating club on a dare, but soon fell in love with the chaotic energy of the sport. You've got a good squad of fellow skaters, all of whom are very supportive... despite the tall, dark, hunky stranger watching in the stands who recently started showing up. He's clad in armor, hooded, and looks like a one man wrecking crew, but HOT. Speaking of... you give him a wave as you glide by. He waves back. Coach calls a break, so you decide to find out just whom is watching.
You approach the hooded man. He seems, familiar somehow, even with his face hidden.
"Hello, Foxglove. It's been a long time. I was not expecting to find you here, truthfully." The voice, the pattern of speech, you know it somehow.
"Uh, hi. Forgive me for asking, but do I know you? It's hard to tell with all the armor and the hood."
The hooded man pushes off his hood, and you jaw hits the floor. It's a face from a lifetime ago, one you missed dearly. An old friend, whom you had hoped would be more at one point.
"Kuai! So you're my sort-of stalker. It's been years, but somehow you never age. How are you? What's new?"
"Not as well as you, I see. Short track? I did not see that coming. But you always did skate faster than I did."
"You're still the better cryomancer, Kuai. So... you a fan of the sport, or are you interested in trying out? We can use a new relay anchor, Bob managed to sprain his ankle last week, so we do have a spot."
Your old friend laughed, a sound that stabbed you in the heart. He so rarely got to relax in any way, you knew. And like you, was not fond of social gatherings. Skating was one of his few hobbies, but he was more into figure skating. He looked at you, in your skating suit, and a strange look passed over his face for a moment.
"I fear I'm not properly attired, old friend."
"Since this is a try out, what you're wearing minus the armor is fine. I'll borrow a pair of skates, you're a size 11 American, yes? Great, we can use Bob's, he's the same size as you are. Meet me down on the ice in five, okay? I'll introduce you to the crew. They're a good bunch, even if Daria can barely understand English, and Raheem is a clown. Coach Allen keeps us in line, he's tough but fair." Speaking of, Coach is trying to get you back on track, literally.
You head back to the rink, after showing your old friend where he can leave his armor and grabbing Bob's skates for him. He laces up, and you both rejoin the group. Coach looks at your friend, and smiles.
"Making new friends, Fox? Hi, Coach Allen. Wally to my friends, welcome to the team, you're gonna fit right in I can tell." Coach offers his hand, Kuai shakes it.
"Kuai, and Foxglove and I know each other. When we grew up, she was the literal girl next door."
"Old friends, new hobbies? Awesome. Since you two know each other, why don't you see if you can keep up with Fox? Fox, show him how to square up. Four laps, kids." You help Kuai into position. The rest of y'all know the drill. You let me know when you're ready." The ice clears, and you take a moment to focus. You nod to Coach, and he takes out the stopwatch. "On your marks... get set... go!"
You both take off, Kuai just a few strokes behind. He catches up in the second turn, clearly having a blast. He's got a huge grin on his face. You put on a sudden burst of speed, pulling ahead in the fourth turn. The club is cheering you both on loudly. It's close, but you're ahead by a slim lead. And now, he's on pace with you.
"Wanna make a bet? If I win, you buy dinner."
"And if I win, I kiss you."
"Are you encouraging me to try and lose?"
"More like trying to find extra incentive to beat you."
"Okay, I accept."
Now the race heats up, neck and neck. In the last turn, Kuai suddenly picks up speed, winning by a narrow margin. You both slow down, and you realize you're going to have to kiss him now. The thought crossed your mind a lot, but thankfully Kuai was talking to Coach, and for a moment, you're given a break.
"Huh. First time I've seen Fox lag behind a newbie. Fox, you've got to focus more, okay? But, I think if Kuai wants a spot, we're more than happy to have him."
"Perhaps I can train with you, but racing? It might be tricky, as I do have a lot going on. I will have to think about it."
"Well, we meet here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 7ish, I'm not really a morning person myself, ha ha. We'd love to have you, you're fast for a beginner."
"I will try my best to make time."
"That's fine. Okay, practice is over. See you guys Monday, same time. Kuai, I hope to see you back, Fox seems to enjoy racing you, and you're fun to watch. Your approach is more Chessmaster than speed freak, so you'll do well in real competition too."
Everyone packs up, and heads out of the rink. You change back into street clothes and rejoin Kuai. He stands before you, hands on your hips. Oh, how you used to dream of this, but now? Now you're nervous. You like him, you really do. And that's the problem. You do NOT want to lose him as a friend. And here he is, mere inches from your face, gazing in your eyes. He hasn't even really done anything, and you're weak in the knees.
"As I recall, Fox... you still owe me that kiss. May I collect?" He leans in, placing the softest of kisses on your lips. Your arms wrap around him, one hand entwined in his dark hair, the other resting on his back. His forehead is pressed to yours, and you can see something new in his eyes you can't quite place. After a moment, you find your voice.
"Kuai? Can we have a rematch? Same terms?"
"I win, I kiss you, I lose I buy you dinner? I can think of a better incentive for winning."
"Oh? I'm interested, go on."
"You win, you can do anything you like with me for one night. But, if I win... I get to do the same with you." He raises one hand, caressing your cheek. You know you should say no, but... you're not going to. Not when he's touching you like that. You brush his lips with yours, a soft sign of agreement. He sighs against yours, then proceeds to devour your lips. You melt into the kiss, only to be interrupted by a blaze of hellfire out of the corner of your eye.
"There you are, Sub Zero. We must go, we are needed at the Sky Temple." Great. Cockblocked by his bestie. Just like old times.
"A moment, Hanzo. I need to say goodbye to my friend."
"She seems more than a friend, Kuai. But, as you wish. I will wait outside, be quick though." Kuai nods, the ninja departs. You sigh.
"Yanno, just once, for one day, I'd like the world to stay saved." Kuai smiles, a sad smile knowing exactly what you meant.
"I wish that as well. Fox, I have to go. I cannot if you keep holding me like that although I suddenly do not wish to."
"I can think of a good reward for your safe return though." You press your lips to him once more, a promise of more to come. "Stay safe, and come back as soon as you can." Reluctantly you let go of him, and he leaves.
"Be safe, Kuai. I love you."
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Lamb Begonias reference sheet (V2)
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Real name: Lamb Begonias
Boxer name: “Delicate Lamb��
Nicknames: Loverboy (Disco), Honeypie (Bob), "Little Lamb" (Jana)
He/They, Transgender man, Questioning
Has Autism, Depression, and PTSD 
Age: 22
Bio parents: Havika Keomany (father) and Kalea Vongsay (mother)
Adoptive mother: Jana "Begonias" Albacete
Languages he knows: English (Primary), Spanish (Secondary), Laos, and Vietnamese (Speaks neither, but knows a bit of both.)
Voice claim: Fujin (Mortal Kombat series) voiced by Matthew Yang King
Jobs: Boxer and Sex worker
Nationality: Asian (Laos and Vietnamese)
Rank: Minor Circuit, #2
Record: 23 (Total fights), 17 (Wins), 5 (Wins by KO), 10 (Losses)
Stance: Southpaw
Height: 5'5
Weight: 139 lbs (63 kg)
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Birthday: February 6th, 1917
Bio: Lamb's a timid, compassionate, and easygoing man who loves socializing in contrast to his timid nature. He's always kind towards everyone, even to those who treat him horribly. But he does have a limit, and won't hesitate to be assertive. When it comes to other aspects of his life; he prefers to keep quiet about it, in fear of being ridiculed.
The color pink
Cold weather
Quiet areas
The smell of essential oils
His pet Baba named "Sweetie" (seen here)
Receiving physical contact w/o permission
Loud noises
Bright lights
Bland food (taste wise)
Strong perfume (sensory issue)
Clowns (phobia)
Paparazzi (sensory issue and they genuinely make him mad.)
Writing poetry
Boxer (started out as a hobby, became a job kinda.)
Heavy Metal singer
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{Regular moves}
Right jab: Lamb shakes his right hand before taking a jab at Little Mac.
Left jab: Lamb shakes his left hand before taking a jab at Little Mac.
Left hook: Lamb winds up his left arm counter clockwise before throwing a left hook at Little Mac.
Right hook: Lamb winds up his right arm counter clockwise before throwing a right hook at Little Mac.
Uppercut: Lamb stretches his arms before uppercutting Little Mac.
Taunt: Lamb awkwardly laughs and waves to the crowd. Then throws a left hook, right hook, and an uppercut; Little Mac can dodge all of these moves.
{Signature Moves}
Soft Flurry (Contender): Lamb takes a deep breath then unleashes slow yet powerful punches, Little Mac can dodge this move.
Wistful Fury (Title defense): Lamb sighs before unleashing all of his regular moves twice, and does two overheads at the end. Little Mac can dodge this move.
When selected (Contender)
“Oh. Alright.“
“I’ll try my best.“
“It’s... my turn?“
When selected (Title Defense)
“I feel… bad about this.”
“I don’t want to do this, but I have to.”
“As you wish.“
{When attacking}
“Watch ya self!“ (Left jab)
“Try and keep up!“ (Right jab)
“C’mon! Step it up!“ (Left hook)
“C'mere!“ (Right hook)
“Gonna get cha!” (Uppercut)
{If Mac is hit}
“Did I hit too hard?”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry-”
“Sorry for hurting you!“
{If Little Mac’s attack misses}
“What?“ (Left/right jab)
“C'mon Mac, you're better than this!“ (Left hook)
“Don’t loose focus now!“ (Right hook)
“Huh?“ (Uppercut)
“What.” (Soft Flurry)
“You tried.“ (Wistful Fury)
{If Little Mac dodges}
“Good timing!“ (left/right jab)
“Great job!“ (Left/right hook)
“Smooth like butter, Mac!” (Left uppercut)
"What? How?" (Right uppercut)
Impressive, Mac!“ (Soft Flurry)
“You got a hawk’s eyes.“ (Wistful Fury)
{If hit by Little Mac}
“Good job, Mac!“
“You hit hard!“
“Caught me off guard!“
{Star Punch}
“Damn Mac!“
“That’s how you throw a punch!“
“Damn! You ain’t playing around!”
{If Star Punch is missed}
“You tried!“
“Better luck next time, Mac!“
“You lagged there, man!“
{Performing signature moves}
“Feel my flurry!“ (Soft Flurry)
“One flurry coming right up!“ (Soft Flurry)
“This will hurt me more than it’ll hurt you.“ (Wistful Fury)
“I promise I’ll make this quick.“ (Wistful Fury)
{If Little Mac is down}
“…Sorry about that Mac!“
“That look like it hurt… Ouch.“
“C’mon Mac! Up!“
“Don’t let me stop you Mac, c’mon!“
{KO/TKO Animations}
KO Animation: He slumps onto the ropes and gives Mac a thumbs up.
TKO Animation: He stumbles around before falling straight on his face.
{Victory Animations}
Contender Animation: He awkwardly laughs and stands there, while also looking back at Little Mac because he feels bad for him. 
Title Defense: He doesn’t even say anything, he just stares at a defeated Little Mac and sadly sighs with his head down.
{Punch-Out!! Theme}
Lamb’s theme would be lo-fi, to fit his timid personality.
“…Good fight Mac.”
“You got guts! I like that!”
“I like a challenge!”
“Doc Louis taught you good Mac, be proud of yourself!“
Title Defense
He won’t say anything during Title Defense, cause he’s stressed out, so he’ll just snuggle Sweetie.
{Doc Louis tips}
“He throws slow but powerful punches, careful kid!”
“Lamb spaces out from time to time, use that to your advantage!”
“His ‘Soft Flurry’ ain’t soft at all, remember that Mac!”
“He may be goin’ soft on you, don’t let that stop ya though!”
“What’s that fuzzy thing? Ya know what it is Mac?”
“Lamb’s knows what’s up! I taught you good, didn’t I Mac?“
Title Defense
“Something ain’t right Mac, you probably should go easy on him?”
“Careful of his 'Wistful Fury’ kid, dodge it whenever you can!”
“They still goin’ soft on you, guessing they really don’t wanna hurt ya.”
“At least that fuzzy thing is there to help them.”
“I think he feels bad for going up against you, kid.“
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Relationships with the other boxers + Doc Louis
(Sorry if the relationship chart looks weird, I tried to squeeze all of the boxers in there. - Joey)
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Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Little Mac: He treats Mac like a little brother, tends to spoil him a lot.
Doc Louis: Lamb sees him as a father figure, since his bio father wasn't there for him as a kid.
Glass Joe: They're train together often, even if Lamb doesn't understand French. He tries his best to make Joe happy.
Von Kaiser: They're best friends, as they've bonded over their traumatic experiences, and helped one another; when they were at their lowest points of their life.
Disco Kid: They're dating each other, so Lamb is lovey dovey with him. Disco is open about the relationship; he's cool with PDA from Lamb and Bob.
King Hippo: Lamb treats him with high respect cause of his "King" status. Though Hippo speaks in his native tongue, Lamb is learning to understand him.
Piston Hondo: Hondo and Lamb barely talk, but respect each other enough to have each others back.
Bear Hugger: Bear treats Lamb like a son, after Don told him about Lamb's past. Bear took upon himself to be there for Lamb whenever he can.
Great Tiger: Tiger helps Lamb with his memory problems, since Lamb suffers from memory loss due to his PTSD. Lamb helps Tiger with errands in return.
Don Flamenco: Don feels bad for Lamb after finding out about Lamb's past through gossip. Which is why Don tones down his ego around Lamb; so that Lamb doesn't feel self-conscious around him.
Aran Ryan: Lamb has a love/hate with Aran cause of Aran's teasing, however Aran grew to like Lamb. After Lamb admitted to enjoying Aran's antics.
Soda Popinski: Lamb does errands for him and spoils him with free drinks. Soda does the same in return.
Bald Bull: Like Hondo, they barely talk. but respect each other enough to have each others back. Since they both hate the paparazzi.
Super Macho Man: They're friends, since Lamb sponsors Macho's stuff. But their relationship became complicated; as Macho caught feelings for Lamb. On the other hand, Lamb is aware. But prefers if they'd stay friends.
Mr. Sandman: They're friends, Sandy's unaware of Lamb's crush on him. So whenever Sandy looks at or speaks to him, Lamb gets all shy.
Punch-Out!! (SNES)
Birdie Mac: Like Mac, he also spoils Birdie and treats him like a little brother.
Gabby Jay: They're friends, Gabby gives advice to Lamb whenever he needs it.
Piston Hurricane: Piston and Lamb are friends, as they met through Lamb's other job place. Piston works as a body guard there. (Lamb's a sex worker.)
Bob Charlie: Like Disco, they're also dating. Lamb is lovey dovey with him too; Bob doesn't mind PDA from Lamb or Disco. Bob on the other hand; is quiet about the relationship, but likes dropping hints just to tease people.
Dragon Chan: They're friends, but sometimes Dragon's competitive spirit makes Lamb doubt himself a lot. In which, Dragon isn't aware of.
Masked Muscle: They barely talk, but they're chill with each other.
Heike Kagero: Lamb and him are best friends, Heike met Lamb through Disco and got along quick. Since Disco and Heike were friends before Lamb came around.
Mad Clown: Lamb stays away from him, due to his fear of clowns.
Narcis Prince: Lamb and Narcis are exes on good terms, yet Narcis misses being with him though. But he's happy for Lamb either way.
Hoy Quarlow: They have a grandfather/son relationship, Hoy spoils Lamb cause he feels guilty. As Hoy knows Lamb's bio parents and is aware that they aren't great.
Rick Bruiser: They're gym buddies who train together sometimes, nothing more than that.
Nick Bruiser: Like Narcis, they're exes on good terms too. But nobody knows how they even got together, not even Rick knows. (Forgot to add this to Lamb's relationship chart.)
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What others think of him
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Little Mac: "I like him, he's super nice."
Doc Louis: "He may be shy, but once you get to know him, he's a great guy!"
Glass Joe: "Lamb est un bon ami, il est toujours si attentionné envers tout le monde. Même si je ne comprends pas très bien l'anglais."
(Translation: "Lamb is a good friend, he's always so caring towards everyone. Even if I don't understand English that well.")
Von Kaiser: "We've bonded over our experiences with PTSD and comforts me whenever I experience an episode, I think he's a nice guy."
Disco Kid: "Lamb's sweet like honey and people immediately stick to him, that's what I love about him!"
King Hippo: "He is worthy of respect, for his compassion soothes those around him."
Piston Hondo: "I respect him and he respects me, that is all."
Bear Hugger: "He's always so friendly! How can you not like him?"
Great Tiger: "Lamb has a pure heart, people continue to wound his heart. Yet, he manages to stand strong"
Don Flamenco: "Lamb? Oh, I think he's nice. Poor boy been through a lot though."
Aran Ryan: "Lamby boy? He's a wimp, he's too nice! But a lil' kindness won't kill me though. Don't tell em' I said that!"
Soda Popinski: "Lamb's a kind lad, I like him."
Bald Bull: "He has my back, I have his."
Super Macho Man: "That Lamb dude? Oh, he's radical!"
Mr. Sandman: "Lamb's a nice guy, I don't understand why he gets all flustered around me though."
Punch-Out!! (SNES)
Birdie Mac: "Lamb always spoils me and Mac cause we're like his lil brothers, I don't mind it though."
Gabby Jay: "Lamb's a nice lad, always manages to make anyone smile."
Piston Hurricane: "He's cool, I hate how people take advantage of him for being too nice though."
Bob Charlie: "Lamb's such a sweetheart, he's always lookin' out for those he cares about."
Dragon Chan: "He may be timid, but I know he has potential in his heart."
Masked Muscle: "Lamb's a cool guy."
Heike Kagero: "He's an angel, I don't understand how some people can be so mean to him."
Mad Clown: "I get why he's scared of me? But like, Lamb bursts into tears whenever he sees me. Geez."
Narcis Prince: "Lamb's a nice fellow, but I miss what we had all those months ago..."
Hoy Quarlow: "He's a kind soul. Yet, he masks his sadness and pain."
Rick Bruiser: "He's kind of a wuss, but he means well."
Nick Bruiser: "Lamb's nice and cute."
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Going into depth about Lamb's Autism, Depression and PTSD
[Lamb's Autism]
Lamb was diagnosed with Autism by the age of 4, Lamb in his childhood was selectively mute and preferred to be alone. But as he grew older he had to adapt with living with his needs not being met, so he had to leave his comfort zone a lot; such as being forced to go to places w/ bright lights and constant noise.
Lamb's stims: Flapping hands, rocking back and forth, humming, and feeling his clothes. Lamb likes: Compression, doughy textures (food), soft textures (clothing) and cold places. Lamb's triggers: Loud noises, bright lights, crowds, tight clothes, and unwanted physical touch (If you wanna hug him, ask first.) What are Lamb's meltdowns like?: Lamb cries uncontrollably, pulls his hair a lot, and hates confrontation. So he runs away to find a place to isolate himself.
[Lamb's Depression]
Lamb was diagnosed with Depression at the age of 14, after his bio mother kept complaining about his outbursts and how he always isolated himself from his parents.
What's Lamb like when depressed?: Lamb becomes numb (as in emotionally blunt kinda numb), more irritable, tends to zone out, and seems distant when people try to talk to him. When he's experiencing a depressive episode, he's in this constant state of like "the things that make him happy can't even cheer him up" kinda sad; and Lamb has no energy to do anything. Including eating and bathing, his depressive episodes can last up to 3 to 5 weeks.
[Lamb's PTSD]
Lamb was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the age of 14, after experiencing neglect from his bio parents and an traumatic incident that happened to him when he was 7.
The cause of Lamb's PTSD: Neglect from his bio parents and the incident. What triggers his PTSD episodes?: The word "gentle" used around him w/o context. Coping mechanisms: Laughing in uncomfy situations, isolating himself, and sleeping a lot.
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More info about Lamb
Lamb's presence calms animals.
He collects rocks for fun, he thinks they're neat.
Lamb likes to rearrange things by color.
He has a fascination with cheese, he knows all about cheese.
Lamb daydreams to cope with stress, besides sleeping.
He has a high pain tolerance, but has a bad immune system so he gets sick easily.
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
There’s also repeat dialogue for present tense:
[Haylen] “I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...”
[Rhys] “I know Danse means a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it's a synth. It's gotta be put down. Elder Maxson's orders.”
[Haylen] “I... I understand. I just hope we aren't making a mistake.”
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serafilms · 3 years
enhypen with an idol s/o !
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↳ pairing – enhypen x gn!idol!reader
↳ genre – fluff; crack; headcanons; gender neutral reader
↳ warnings – none
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heeseung !
your biggest fan? yeah no that’s just him
will 100% buy multiple copies of your albums for no reason
“hyung why did you buy so many?”
actually lets out a squeal if he pulls your photocards
stars in his eyes when he watches you perform
and when he sees you speaking english
will copy your accent lmao
and pretty much when you do anything
will post dance covers of your comeback on tiktok
surprisingly fans have yet to find evidence that you're dating him
all they can confirm is that heeseung is a fan who has a fat crush on you
luckily that means he can have heart eyes for you whenever he sees you at award shows
he will always be the first to support you no matter what
jay !
mans has a cool guy façade to keep up
but you're really out here trying to bring it down
literally everything you do
sexy concept? he'll probably pass out
cute concept? would not be able to hold back his squeals
cool concept? would drool on the floor
you posted a dance cover of drunk-dazed on tiktok after it dropped and jay messaged you immediately after to praise you and fanboy over you
so so so soft for you and will give you all his uwus
would probably send reaction memes of both you and himself and you're just like "??????"
it's a thing now
you send memes of him from twitter and anywhere else and he sends memes of you
sometimes it's a while before either of you can reply but it's a good way to feel closer to one another
jake !
kinda memey vibes
aussie idols just........ yeah y'all get it
y'all were guest mc's together and there was this bit where you both had to speak english to one another
you messed up the line and you both just started giggling
everyone else was confused but y'all just couldn't stop
the producers had to separate you two after because you laughed every time you made eye contact
fans were a little sus after that but they just wrote it off as idol interactions
recite memes and vines together ("deez nUTS")
will always support you
his secret stan acc is mainly enhypen and your group
will always message you even when he's busy to make sure you're getting enough rest and eating properly
if he suspects something's wrong he'll contact your leader or manager to make sure they sort it out
is always ready to fight your company if they mistreat you
top tier idol bf material
sunghoon !
power couple vibes
think kai and jennie (rip jenkai) but make it 4th gen kpop
loves having a say in your comebacks
like he doesn't need an s/o that's super talented or perfect but we all know from i-land my dude laughs at people who aren't good
he'll give advice on how to do a dance move better or help you with lyrics or vocal techniques
also tells you what hair he thinks you should try and feels a swell of pride when you send him a photo of it after getting it done
begs your stylist to let him choose your outfits sometimes
they said yes just to shut him up but the fits ended up being surprisingly good
fashionista couple
you two are shipped together even without any interactions because of your similar personalities and great sense of style
you're both a little bit more quiet than other people but towards each other it's just constant teasing
he will clown you for every meme he finds of you on any form of sns
but don't let that fool you, he has your pc in his wallet
sunoo !
heart eyes #2
your biggest fan in the whole world
has predebut photos of you that your family sent him and sends them to you to squeal about how cute you were
will message you after every single thing you put out there
a new sns photo, a teaser photo, mv, performance?
sunoo's already on it
"y/n you look so pretty" "y/N YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU DYED YOUR HAIR"
would send you recordings and spoilers of enhypen’s new comebacks to try and bribe you into spoiling yours for him
you gave in very easily
it was fun at the time but now you're both struggling
it's hard enough to try and not spoil your own comebacks, let alone each other's
so now you're both just trying so hard not to let anything slip but it's too late to get out of the arrangement because you still want spoilers
jungwon !
so professional that nobody will ever suspect you two are dating
as far as netizens can tell you two are just acquaintances
like would bow at each other at awards shows but no further interaction
little do they know behind the scenes at award shows you and jungwon will meet up near the waiting rooms and eat snacks together
it's very important to him to make sure you're getting enough to eat so he always brings extra and hides them from his members
even if you two are on a variety show together you're so good at faking that you don't know each other
seriously you guys need to star in a drama
at this point you could literally be spotted outside the hybe building and they'd be like "no no she's probably just taking a walk in the area"
so subtle that if you announce you're dating the whole internet would blow wide open
niki !
puppy love
that's all i have to say
you're both so shy when it comes to pda
just like jungwon they'll never suspect you're dating
4th gen dance power duo
you did a performance stage together and the edits went on for months
the behind the scenes were so cute too
you two had to pretend you didn't know each other but couldn’t keep away from each other either
sharing glances across the room and playing around when the cameras were off
fans have noticed that you two were on your phones a lot but they never suspected that you were just texting each other across the room
but learning the dance together and practicing it was really fun even if you couldn't openly be a couple
after it was aired you two went out to get food together
it was dark so nobody saw you but you still got scolded at the dorms
but it was worth it
teen idols in love :')
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (2)
jaebum au series 
one / three
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, cheating plot: you are the duff, and guys use you to get close to your bestfriend, turns out jaebum was no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your bestfriend’s unoffical boyfriend grows a/n: turns out its a series huehuehue hope y'all enjoy it <3 not edited
No matter how many times you walked into Heather’s penthouse you were always blown away by the view of that day. The sky was never the same, and each and every time you walked through the doors, the city was a painted in a different light. But as much as the view took your breath away, the male sitting on the couch made your blood boil. 
“Don’t you have a home, Jaebum?” You sneered at the boyfriend of three weeks putting his feet on the three thousand dollar coffee table as if he owned the place. 
“Always a pleasure, aren’t you, love?” He smiled at you cocking his head to the side. You rolled your eyes before placing your bag on the floor and walking in front of him, making him move his feet of the table. 
“Where’s Heather?” You fell into your designated armchair as you scanned the apartment. “She said she would be here.”
Jaebum decided to more annoying then usual and didn’t answer you. He took his phone out and began playing some old song. You swore your eyes were fully white in rage as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down. 
And failing. 
You leaned towards the beautiful man who smirked at you, you were sure you looked animalistic with your teeth barred, but you didn’t care. You were going end him, kill him. 
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“Oh my, y/n!” A soft gentle voice saved the now fully grinning man. “Have you been waiting for long? I’m sorry.” 
She took a deep a breath in, before letting it out, exhausted. 
“You know traffic.”
You nodded, getting up and walking towards her. You gave Jaebum one last glare before you followed into her room. 
“You won’t believe what I found today!” She giggled as she rammaged through the bags she carried with her. “I would have absolutely loved this for me, but they didn’t have my size.” 
She gave you a small frown, before pulling out a lovely silk deep red dress. “But they had it in one of your sizes. You know how the trend in rich people is stravation these days, it’s so hard to find dresses in my size. But lucky for you, the bigger sizes are always available.”
Heather wasn’t mean. She wasn’t a bitch. At least she didn’t try to be those things. It just comes across that way. She doesn’t realise what she is saying because she never did need to have a filter. She was surrounded with people who didn’t see this as rude or mean, but as character and wit. And people who did find it upsetting weren’t in a position to really tell her how she sounded to the rest of the world. 
You bit your lip as you stared at her, making her gasp. 
“I did it again, didn’t I?” She frowned, her shoulders falling. She was trying to have a filter and that was enough for you. 
“It’s okay,” you shook your head, before giving her a toothy grin. “This dress is stunning!” You gave her a grateful smile as you ran your hands through the softness. 
“I promise to wear it next time.” 
“You can wear it today!” She smiled before doing a little jiggle. “One of JB’s friends has a club opening downtown tonight, and you are coming.”
You sucked in air through your teeth as you pretended to be in pain from the thought of missing this event. 
“I actually have a really important meeting in two days-”
“Stop lying, I know you.” She shot you a blank stare, as she began taking of her clothes and walking into the bathroom. “If you do have a meeting in two days the work for it would’ve finished a week ago, and if not, then you’re just lying.”
“Nerd!” Jaebum called from somewhere in the apartment. 
You growled before looking at Heather in angered confusion. 
“Does he not have a home?!” You said loudly so he could hear you. Heather just shook her head, as she put on her pink robe. 
“Of course he does,” she clipped her hair up. “And you’re coming so get ready, I’ll be out in a jiffy.” 
You were about to object but the door was closed before you could. You sighed as you stared at the dress in defeat. 
“You’re wearing that?” Jaebum croaked out as you walked out of Heather’s room ready with your makeup, hair and outfit done. You shot him an annoyed glare in return, before opening the fridge. 
You sighed at the abundance of kombucha, and reached for the can of coke in the bottom row. You turned to find Jaebum staring at you with a weird look. 
“What?” You snapped. “Do you want one?” 
He shook his head no before looking away, his throat bobbing nervously. 
“Weirdo,” you muttered, as you opened your can and gulped a big chug. 
“You know there are glasses, right?” 
“You know you can shut up, right?” You gave him a fuck you smile before walking past him. 
“So you’re really wearing that?” He asked, watching you struggling to sit down. It was a gorgeous dress, and you had to admit it did look good on you, but it was a bit on a tighter side, especially in the decolletage. 
“Yes, why?” you looked at the boy, and instantly looked away as your cheeks flamed. 
Just because he turned out to be like every other boy and clung on to the next best thing in a matter of seconds, did not make him any less physically attractive. 
The way his dark trousled hair was pushed up, the way his jacket tightened around his arms as he crossed them. The pinkness of his lips, and the lip ring that you could not help but wonder how it would feel against your tongue. He was standing so causally, but the tightness on his face, and darkness in his eyes were enough to make you flame up. 
“Isn’t it-”
“A bit too comfortable?” You bit back before he could continue, “Yes, and this is the bigger size.” Your brows shot up as you nodded, as if to say I know, ridiculous. 
 It looked as if he was hesitating to say something for a moment. 
“I think-”
“How do I look?” Heather walked out in a dark green bodycon looking absolutely banging. She walked over and kissed Jaebum’s cheek. 
“Nice.” Jaebum smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, and seemed rather awkward. His eyes skipped over to you; you looked away feeling uncomfortable. 
“Let’s go,” Heather spoke cheerily, breaking the silence that settled in the penthouse. 
As you got up, you felt his eyes on you. 
You knew you shouldn’t, you knew it was bad. 
But you looked up and met his eyes. 
Your body was instantly on fire. 
He didn’t walk after Heather, he stood there walking you walk closer to him. Your eyes didn’t leave him, and even though everything in your body was telling you to look away you couldn’t. 
You finally walked past him and took your eyes off him and trained it on the door that Heather had walked out off. 
“And you,” Jaebum whispered, his body so close to you, you felt his breath tickle the back of your neck, “look absolutely ravishing.” 
Tingles ignited in your core making you slightly press your legs together, as your chest heaved. 
Bloody hell. You hated him. 
The dark liqour burned your throat as you took another sip and scanned the club you ended up in tonight. You couldn’t lie, this club was pretty amazing. It was well planned, and the design and lighting of the place was inviting, playful and classy all at once. 
“I can’t tell if you’re actually an alcoholic or just like torture,” Jaebum commented from beside you. You turned towards him ready to bite back, but were taken aback by how stunning he looked. The lights in this club really did favour him alot. 
“Shouldn’t you be grinding on my bestfriend?” You asked instead, as you looked for Heather.
“Someone’s already beat me to it,” you heard him mutter, as you found your friend laughing and leaning back against another guy. You frowned at that, Jaebum was much better looking than that clown. 
“And you’re okay with that?” You asked, being careful, incase he was hurt. You didn’t know if Heather was having a play around with Jaebum or whether it was serious, and didn’t want to promise in her stead. But something about the way Jaebum had said that made your heart sink slightly. 
He shrugged before taking a sip of his drink, “it’s none of my business.” 
You groaned internally. He was such a melodramatic king. 
“Hey guys!” Heather came up to the table you and Jaebum were sitting at. “You guys are so boring,” she pouted in proper tipsy Heather style. “Why don’t you guys dance? Have fun kids.” 
She took Jaebum’s glass emptied it, before heading out to the same guy who welcomed her with open arms and probably a hard dick. 
You glared at him when his eyes met yours and he instantly looked away. 
“JB!” A voice yelled from behind you, you turned to find a handsome guy in a very expensive looking suit. “My man, you made it!” 
He hugged Jaebum who looked as if he wanted to get far away from here. You chuckled at his pained expression. 
“Thanks for the invite, Bam,” Jaebum smiled. “You really turned the place around. It looks great!” 
Bam shrugged, before shifting his attention to you. His eyes took you in, and his smile widened. 
“Hi,” he held your hand bringing it to his lips. You turned to look at Jaebum with a humoured smile. “My friends call me Bam, but you can call me Bambam.”
Your eyebrows rose, as a giggle left you. 
“It’s so good you have to say it twice.” 
This time you laughed, taking your hand back. 
He was an actual literal clown. 
“I can’t believe you used a children’s movie as a pick up line.”
Bambam gasped as he looked at Jaebum. “Who is this uncultured lady calling animated films children’s movies?” 
“That’s on you Bambam,” Jaebum rose his hands up. “We told you that pick up line was ridiculious.” 
Bambam looked at you with playful eyes instead, “You’re lucky you’re so goodlooking. Otherwise this conversation would’ve been long over.”
“Oh, lucky me,” you rolled your eyes, smiling. “I’m y/n, by the way. This place is amazing! The design is immaculate.” 
“Thank you, all done by me,” Bambam put a hand to his chest and took a little bow. 
Jaebum tried to ask Bambam something, but Bambam didn’t look away from you. He cut off Jaebum and asked, “So, you two are a thing?”
“No,” you answered, letting out a chuckle. “I don’t think you could even call us friends.”
You felt Jaebum’s eyes on you, but you ignored him. 
“Are you seeing anyone?” Bambam asked, taking a step closer. 
“Much to my displeasure, I have no choice but to see people with this sight of mine,” Jaebum straight up snorted at your horrible attempt at humour, while Bambam smirked at you. “But if you’re asking romantically, then no.”
“Good,” Bambam said, and you gulped, before looking away nervously. “How about Friday-”
“You party poopers!” Heather giggled before banging her hands on the table. “All of you on the dance floor right, now.” 
She took your hand and dragged you away from the pair. You turned back and saw Bambam follow, with a sulken Jaebum trailing behind slowly. 
Heather placed her hands on your waist, making your sway with the music. You gave in deciding fighting it won’t get you anywhere. She turned around, and leaned against you, making you laugh as she moved against you. You turned around, both of bodies moving fluently in slut. 
You laughed as she reached back and slapped your ass, before pressing her front against you. 
“He’s cute,” she breathed into your ear. You looked up and saw Bambam studying you both. 
“Is he?” you replied, before hissing. “I don’t know, he’s not my type.” 
“Claim him before I make him mine,” she pushed you against him. Bambam grabbed you, and you instantly wanted to get away. 
It didn’t last long though. 
“Who is she?” Bambam asked leaning into your ear. You followed his gaze that was looking at Heather hungrily. 
“She’s Heather, my friend.” You answered, wanting to escape more than ever. You knew what was happening, it had happened so many times already that you were already dissociating from your body. 
“You don’t mind?” He asked, biting his lip as he looked at you. 
You shook your head, atleast he asked. 
“Thanks, babe,” he winked at you.
He moved past you before you could tell him that her and Jaebum were together. You turned to find Heather and Bambam already dancing together. You searched for Jaebum but couldn’t find him anywhere. 
You turned, bumping into someone. 
“Oh sorry,” you said softly before looking up, and finding Jaebum. You didn’t like the way he was looking at you. 
“I’m going to catch some fresh air,” you pushed past him, and walked out of the club. Instead of walking out onto the street, you turned and walked towards the stairways leadnig up. 
You needed to be alone. Actually, alone. Not surrounded by strangers on a cold late street. 
You let out a deep breath as you finally made it to the rooftop. It was much higher than you had expected and were pretty winded up, but you didn’t mind. There was no one here, and the view just made it much better. 
But that didn’t last long. 
You heard footsteps behind you, and even without turning you could tell it was him. The way your body began heating up from his stare, the sounds of his footsteps, you could tell it was him. 
“What are you doing here?” You called out, without turning back. “Don’t you have a friend to seperate from your girlfriend?”
“If I didn’t know any better,” he replied, his steps slowling down. “You sound a tad bit jealous.”
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes as you turned away from the littering city lights. “He was not my type. It’s better he went away himself.” 
Jaebum stared at you with another one of those intense looks. He looked at you as if he could see you clearer than anything else in the world. He looked at you as if he had solved a puzzle and was now inspecting every piece carefully. He looked at you like you were the only thing he has ever looked at. 
You tore your eyes away, your cheeks burning again. 
“How did you know it was me?” He asked, licking his lips. Jaebum placed his forearms on the railing, and some dangerous part of you imagined you between his arms. Between him and the railing. Your dress hitched, your breathe heavy moaning his name as he rammed into you. 
You turned around, and pressed your legs together. 
“It was your goddamn tap dancing shoes,” you lied, making him laugh. 
“These shoes cost this much just so it doesn’t sound like that,” he looked over at you, and you smiled back despite yourself. 
You bit your lip and looked away, as imagines of his mouth on your skin scorched your mind. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you shivered slightly. 
“I told you, Jae,” you breathed annoyed. “He was not my type.”
“And what if he was?” 
You were. 
“What would you do then?” His dark eyes peered into yours. You didn’t know if it was him, you didn’t know if it was you, but the distance between you lessened. 
Your dress hitched at your thighs as your body pressed against Jaebum’s. 
His minty breath laced with liqour brushed your lips, and you savoured its warmth. You wanted to feel it all over your body. 
Your eyes flashed to the lip ring and you once again imagined it between your lips. 
Jaebum was your type. He was most definately you type, and you let him chose her. 
“If anyone was my type,” you lifted your gaze to stare into his. His dark eyes shown with something, and you hoped it was understanding. He was your type, you had wanted him, but he had chose her. “He wouldn’t chose her.”
He had chosen her. 
“He would be an incredible fool to do that,” he didn’t move away from you, but he didn’t move in closer. 
You stayed for a moment, calming your body from crashing into his. 
You snorted in distaste before chuckling and moving away. You stared at the city lights one more time before turning back towards the building. 
Jaebum remained there, his body turned towards the lights, but his mind some place else. His knuckles white by his side, his body tight. 
You smirked at him over your shoulder. 
Jaebum looked over his shoulder when he heard your heels stop halfway to the door. 
“You fool.” You scoffed, before walking away. 
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thefreakydeaky · 4 years
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"Another?" Simon made to pour you a shot of rum.
You covered your glass and shook your head.
Dwight's hand landed heavy on your shoulder.
"Come on, Y/l/n. You gotta be able to hold your liquor if ya wanna run with this crowd." His thin lips were pulled up in an uncharacteristic smile.
You chuckled lightly and held your cup out to Simon.
"I get the feeling, I'm being tested."
Simon only smirked.
"Well y'all sons of bitches are in for a surprise. My blood used to be 90 proof."
Dwight snickered.
You couldn't help but turn your gaze in the direction of the man who's approval you needed the most.
Negan watched on, not the barest hint of a smile on his lips. You sat up straight as you held up your glass.
You gave Negan a nod of respect, "To the good health and prosperity of El rey del sur, Our King of The South."
His dark eyes narrowed at your words.
The men around you remained half frozen, unsure how the enigmatic man would take your speech.
The corner of his mouth twitched. It was the closest you'd ever gotten to a smile from him. He nodded and the celebration resumed.
Your eyes followed the movement of his body as he stretched out his long legs, crossing them at the ankle.
There was only one thing Negan had that you truly envied, the luxury of being his authentic self.
Hazel eyes glared right at you. You looked away.
As the night wore on, the saviors began to trickle out of Negan's sitting room and into the adjacent rooms with some of the wives.
Crude sounds and lusty moans pervaded the air.
And then there were three. You thought sharing an awkward laugh with Dwight.
"Welp," He said standing. "It's getting late. I better turn in."
Your gaze strayed to Negan and found that somehow you were only the width of a sofa cushion away from him.
Your shoulders tensed.
His olive and honey eyes met yours, a dare in their depths.
"I'll walk you." You offered to Dwight and started to stand.
You swayed and would have lost your balance if Negan's hands hadn't suddenly been there to steady you.
"He can walk himself. Can't you, D?" His husky voice interrupted. His hands on your hips eased you back into your seat.
"Uh, Yeah. Thanks, Y/l/n, but I'm good."
You frowned, but didn't protest.
"Night." Dwight said again and left you alone with Negan.
Although he was no longer touching you, you could feel him staring.
You uncrossed and recrossed your arms over your chest.
"You are so tense right now, I bet if I stuck a lump of coal up your ass, I'd have a big fucking diamond by sunrise."
"What're you gettin into the jewelry business?" You huffed.
"Your little comedy act might work on my saviors, but it ain't getting you anywhere with me. So you might as well cut that shit out."
Your mouth opened in surprise.
"Why the fuck do you try so hard? What do you get out of being a fucking clown?"
You pursed your lips.
"I want to be liked."
Negan snorted in derision. "Being liked is of absofuckinglutely no value."
"Well, it was valuable enough to get you to the top." You replied morosely.
"Are you serious? You mean to tell me that after everything you've fucking seen, you think being liked is what got me this gig?"
You couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
"From what I've seen, it's a balance. You are feared, because you aren't afraid to get violent." You fixed your eyes on the empty glasses scattered across the coffee table.
"You are respected because you take the responsibility of protecting the weak. You charm people with your joking and teasing."
Negan scoffed.
"Not everyone can be naturally attractive and charming. Respect, I can earn by doing my share and having their backs when we're out there doing pick ups. Will they fear me? Probably not, but I am smart and I know how to be funny. God willing making people laugh will make me well liked enough to bring me opportunity."
He became quiet.
You groaned internally.
Had you been too honest?
"Opportunity for what?" He gazed at you intently.
"Opportunity for advancement of course." You said evenly.
“Are you fucking flirting with me?”
Your eyes widened.
" You are aren't ya? You're fuckin flirting with me." He grinned.
"I was just being honest with you. How is that flirting?"
Negan smirked.
"Well let me fuckin see here, you called me naturally charming and attractive. Add to that the many times I have caught you eyefucking me."
Your face became hot with embarrassment.
"Unless you're looking to challenge my leadership, the only opportunity you've got is filling the recently vacant position of wife number seven."
You looked over your shoulder at the door and cursed yourself for letting Dwight leave without you.
Negan stretched his arm over the back of the couch and leaned in close.
Your pulse quickened.
"Look at me." He commanded.
You wondered not for the first time, why his husky voice had such an effect on you.
Regardless of what he was saying, the sound of him always made you think of sex. It also made you want to do everything he asked.
You turned toward him, slowly.
Negan cupped the side of your face, stroking your cheekbone lightly.
You gasped at the unexpected gentleness of his touch.
He leaned in. You felt his warm breath on your skin. He smelled like a combination of aftershave, sweat, and the whisky he'd been drinking. Unfortunately for you, you found the scent alluring.
He tipped your face up toward his.
You half wondered if you had passed out on the sofa. Perhaps this was a bizarre alcohol induced wet dream.
He licked his lips.
You swallowed nervously. He seemed like he kissed well. You hadn't been kissed in such a long time. You worried that you had forgotten how-
"You implied it."
"Your reaction to me invading your personal space is proof that you meant it."
Your gaze slid from his olive and honey eyes to his lips and back again.
"You find me attractive and charming."
You could see by the smug smile already forming on his ruggedly handsome face that he wasn't going to let you live this down.
This could not stand. You made the first counter move you could think of. You slapped him.
Negan's eyes widened in surprise as your palm hit his cheek.
"ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod I'm so sorry!" You covered your mouth with your hands.
A smile that was as dazzling as it was dangerous spread on his face.
Your breathing excelerated at the thought of what he might do to you as punishment.
Your mind flipped through the horrors you had witnessed at his hands, the iron, the smell of burnt hair and burnt flesh, His fists pounding relentlessly into a guys face, the sharp smell of blood, lucille coming down on some poor sonofabitch's skull, making it rain skull fragments, blood, and brains.
"I am going to make you pay." His tone was filled with promise as he yanked you to him by the collar of your jean jacket.
Your hands went to his shoulders with the intent of pushing him away.
Negan was on you in a heartbeat stealing your next breath with a brutal kiss.
He left you no choice but to mold your mouth to his. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and found yours.
You attempted to take control of the embrace.
He nipped at your lower lip in warning. His tongue delved once more tangling with yours in a battle for dominance.
You refused to submit.
His fingers hooked their way into your belt loops. Strong hands pulled you by the waist, propelling you forward, effectively forcing you to straddle the erection straining against his pants.
Your hips ground against his. He sucked at your lower lip and rocked up against the apex of your thighs.
Your breath hitched.
"I knew you were into me."
You turned your head to prevent him from kissing you again and rolled your hips.
He groaned.
"I am not into you."
Negan held onto your hips, threw his head back and laughed.
"Well I'll be damned. You finally said something funny."
He ran his hands over your ass, kneading your ample cheeks.
"I think we should fuck. Are you interested in the full experience or are you gonna settle for just a taste?"
"I wish you would stop saying shit like that. It makes my pussy go dry."
His jaw clenched in annoyance.
"You are a much better listener than I thought you were."
Rather than fly into an angry rant riddled with 'fuckyous' his hand shot out, pressing at your throat.
"Why is it you think you can get away with saying whatever you fucking want?" His fingers applied pressure to the side of your neck.
Your pussy clenched, dampening your panties in anticipation.
"Answer me." He demanded, pressing harder still.
A dulcet moan passed through your lips.
Negan's eyes narrowed.
He brought his other hand up to encircle your neck and squeezed experimentally.
You couldn't help the needy whine you emitted. The tension in your shoulders began to melt away as his thumb stroked along the curve of your neck.
"Ho-o-ly shit, You're really fucked up aren't ya?"
"You have no fucking idea." You purred.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Come Through Like the Sweetener You Are (Gottrosnali) - Writworm42
A/N: hey everyone! I’m really excited about this ship and about this fic, so I hope y'all like it. Title from Sweetener by Ariana Grande. Thank you thank you x1000 to Holtz for beta-ing, encouraging me, and brainstorming with me, you’re the best <3
“Mik, seriously, get on the ice. C’mon.”
Denali stays planted at the entrance of the rink, arms crossed as he watches his boyfriend shrink back shyly once again. If they hadn’t been at this for several minutes now, the sight of Mik so flustered and vulnerable, his ankles wobbling from the effort of holding himself up in his rental hockey skates and teeth chattering from the cold would have been pretty cute. It’s rare, seeing Mik this daunted by something, and it reminds Denali of the little kids he used to teach when he was a teenager. But, much like those kids after a six week cycle of classes, it’s starting to get old now, and they need to move—free-skate is starting to get crowded, and every passing skater that shoves their way past them seems to spook Mik just a little more.
He has to get Mik onto the ice, otherwise, he’s gonna have to get off it, and their skating date will be over before it’s even started.
“It’s okay, D, let me handle this, yeah?” Rosé comes up behind Mik just then, striding out from the changing room with a sympathetic smile on his face, as if he had anticipated the standoff. Knowing Rosé, he probably has, really—but Denali isn’t going to let him know that. He doesn’t need both his boyfriends ganging up on him, after all.
That’s a problem for another time, though; right now, Denali focuses on just shuffling to the side of the rink while Rosé wraps his arms around Mik, leaning over to kiss the smaller man on his temple.
“You okay, baby?” he checks in softly, giving Mik a little squeeze.
“I’m okay, I’m just…”
“You don’t need to be scared, sweetheart. D’s a pro, remember? And I’m here, too. We’ll make sure you’re safe, promise—Denali’s gonna be holding your hands, and I’m gonna be behind guarding your waist.”
Denali would be lying if he said he isn’t jealous of the way Rosé is with Mik in these moments, how easy it seems for him to make the other man relax. It’s not like he’s being mean, after all—he’s been coaxing and encouraging Mik ever since finding out that he’s never skated before. But for some reason, with Rosé in the mix, it just…clicks.
“Okay, I’ll go,” Mik sighs, rolling his eyes theatrically, “but only if Denali promises not to let go of my hand.”
The glimmer of validation and knowing he’s needed is enough to make Denali feel warm to the core as he glides forward, stops to take Mik’s hand. “I won’t, promise.”
“There’s a good boy,” Rosé teases, and Denali can’t help but giggle at how Mik blushes fiercely at the praise.
He leads Mik to toe-step onto the ice, marching him in place until they’re safely away from the entrance and off to the side in the back area of the rink, near the walls of the learner’s corner.
“So, like, can I hold onto—“
“Nope, we’re not letting you get into the habit.” Denali steels his grip on Mik’s hand as the man tries to reach for the rink’s walls, watching him pout as his attempts are thwarted. “You won’t be able to skate as well if you’re hugging the wall the whole time, trust me.”
“I’m not gonna skate that well as is.“ Mik huffs under his breath, but it’s no use protesting—all three of them know that Denali’s not going to hear it.
No, if he’s going to teach his boyfriend how to skate, then he’s going to do it right. Especially since realistically, being an LA boy at heart, Mik will likely never set foot on the ice again after today, so Denali really does only have this one shot.
Luckily, he’s dealt with enough kids by now to know how to get them comfortable.
“Let’s just start with some marches on the spot, yeah? C’mon, Rosie and I’ll do it with you.” he nods over to Rosé, and the both of them lift up their feet in sync, quiet chk-chk-chk noises echoing off the ice.
Mik watches hesitantly before finally throwing caution to the wind and joining them in their steps. He beams as he does, and Denali can’t help the pride that blooms in his chest—his sweetheart’s a natural, after all.
Of course, it’s at that very moment that Mik slips and starts to scramble, eyes wide until Rosé catches him around the waist.
“Oh shit.” Mik lets out a shaky laugh as Rosé pushes him back up with Denali’s help. “Not me almost dying with my boyfriends fully hanging onto me.”
“You didn’t almost die,” Rosé snorts, rolling his eyes, “We caught you, right?”
“And we’ll do it again, as much as we have to,” Denali chimes in, and Mik must know he means it, because even though he rolls his eyes, he smiles gently, his eyes soft and glowing with trust.
“Okay, from the top, let’s try marching forward now.” Rosé cuts through the tender moment with a light tap to Mik’s ass, grinning widely.
“Perv.” Mik launches over his shoulder, sticking out his tongue and scrunching up his nose, but he starts to step again.
They continue like that around the learner’s area for a length or so, Mik occasionally tripping up and needing to stop to hyperventilate for a moment before they can keep going, until they finally settle into a smooth rhythm that tells Denali that Mik is ready for something more. In fact, he’s pretty excited for it–even just over this small period of time, Mik’s confidence has definitely grown, and even though he’s kept a death-grip on Denali’s hands, Rosé has long gone from holding onto Mik to simply keeping his arms up close to him just in case, and Mik hasn’t actually seemed to notice. It makes Denali’s heart swell with pride, and when he looks into his boyfriend’s eyes and sees the excitement shining in them, he can’t help but feel warm inside, remembering how exciting it was for him the first time he’d moved on the ice, way back when.
“What do you think, Rosie, is he ready for gliding?” Denali peeks over at Rosé, whose hands have dropped completely from Mik’s waist and are now shoved into her jacket pockets.
“Oh, I think he’s ready for gliding,” Rosé grins, “Mik, you ready for gliding?”
Mik turns around to look at Rosé and almost falls again, but this time steadies himself, letting out a disbelieving laugh when he gets back upright. “After this gorge performance?” he strikes a pose, framing his face, “You guys, I’m so ready to gl–”
Before he can finish his sentence, a kid barely reaching his hip-level whizzes past, displaying excellent control and holding her leg up for one, two, three seconds before coming to a perfect stop in front of her parents.
It’s probably the longest Mik has ever gone without talking, the silence once again only broken by Rosé beginning to sing wake up in the morning, thinkin’ ‘bout so many things, followed by Mik and Denali both bursting out in laughter.
“So now that we’ve had our little self-aware gag moment, should we get to gliding?” Mik wipes a tear from his eye as the laughter dies down, and Denali and Rosé only nod before re-assuming their positions around him.
Denali tightens his grip on Mik’s hand but skates a little farther out to widen the distance between them and Rosé skates up from behind to bring his hands near Mik’s waist, not yet touching but ready to catch him just in case, and they feel the air around them change, Mik visibly relaxing at the re-institution of his safety net.
Of course the same kid chooses that very moment to whizz past them again while sporting a huge, shit-eating grin, and Denali has to wonder if she’s doing it on purpose now.
“Is it rude to trip a child?” Rosé ponders out loud, perhaps a little too loudly. “D, it’s good practice for them, right? Learning how to fall and get up?”
The kid stops mid-skate and changes her direction, and Denali has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek not to laugh again.
“Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to gliding.”
Denali watches over his boyfriends’ shoulders as the kid glides out of the learner’s corner to join the regular circuit, and feels a little relief at how much safer it suddenly seems, with only wall-clingers, other marchers, and toddlers with tired parents left. Good; he can finally focus on Mik again. “Ready?”
“Gorge, let’s do it.” Mik nods resolutely, and Denali begins to pull him forward, grinning from ear to ear as Mik lets out a little squeal of excitement and pride as they begin to move.
“Okay, now sit here, behave yourselves, and stay quiet. ” Denali points sternly over to the bleachers by the rink, frowning at Mik and Rosé and hoping that his tone is enough for them to take him seriously.
Predictably, though, both of them just grin mischievously, blowing on their hot chocolates casually as if they’re not already dreaming up ways to embarrass him as Rosé shrugs, “No promises.”
“I swear to God—“
“Go practice, D. We’ll be perfectly behaved little angels, I swear,” Mik cuts in, batting his eyelashes innocently, and Denali resists the urge to snort at the statement.
He wishes he could believe them, he really does, but he also knows these clowns better than that by now, and knows that he is in for at least one shout of ‘ HE ON X GAMES!!’ before he steps off the ice again.
He doesn’t have time for skepticism, though—for better or for worse, it’s time for his practice session, and he had promised Rosé and Mik that they could watch.
Rosé and Mik have seen Denali perform a hundred times. Even before Denali and Rosé had started dating Mik, he had come to all of Denali’s shows with Rosé to support him, and to this day, they both hang onto the edge of their seats when Denali skates, taking him out for drinks after and excitedly retelling how gorge that triple lutz was or how much they loved his costume or how proud they were of him. They had learned everything about skating, all the terminology and competition rules. They know exactly what Denali likes to do to unwind after a long day of rehearsals, how to facilitate his pre-audition routine and what he needs to hear before and after one.
And yet, there’s something about his practices, especially the one-on-ones, that feel…sacred. Vulnerable. Like they’re for his and his coach’s eyes only. Like if anyone is around to see him fall flat on his ass, fuck up a combo so bad the whole rest of the number is thrown, then something will click for the spectator, a realization that he’s not so talented after all.
For those spectators to be his boyfriends? Well, sure, realistically, he knows that they would never think that about him. They’re his partners, after all, and they’re human too. He’s been in the house when Rosé is practicing a song and his voice cracks, and he’s walked in on Mik trying new makeup techniques that look… less than gorge, he’ll put it that way. In both of those moments, he’s never thought anything about either of them except that their efforts and dedication are adorable, and that for sure, they’ll get it next time.
But still–they’ve got confidence in him, think that he’s perfect. They’ve never seen him slam into the wall because he put too much power into his travelling, or wobble on his feet and make a messy landing because he hesitated on one of his jumps. Even the thought that they might see him imperfect–that they might get disappointed in him, that their image of him might change, is so painful it makes it hard to breathe.
No, when he’s on the ice performing, he’s untouchable. Above everything. Queen of the world. And if there’s two people in the world he doesn’t want to shatter that image for, it’s the his boyfriends sitting at the end of the rink, already whipping their phones out to record him stretching.
Oh, God. Now if he messes up, everyone on Instagram will see it.
He swivels around to face away from the windows of the rink and put his boyfriends out of his mind as he begins to stretch, bending down to touch the tips of his bare fingers to the frigid, freshly-smoothed ice, only to almost topple over when Rosé’s voice echoes through the rink.
Well, he’s still got about a half hour left to warm up and practice on his own before his coach shows up. Might as well give those two fools a show.
He brings his leg up and stretches it above his head easily without holding onto the wall, and grins when he hears both men absolutely lose their shit, screaming and praising and probably making a million boomerangs. He almost wishes he could turn back to see the looks on their faces, really, though he knows he’d probably fall if he did. So instead, he drops his foot and does it on his other side, this time pulling it a little farther so that it’s behind his head, and it strains a bit, but it’s manageable, and the way Mik and Rosé’s screams get even louder makes it completely worth it.
“Three words: Gag. A. Tondra !” Denali hears Mik shout, either straight to him or to his phone, but suddenly, it doesn’t matter. This is the most fun he’s ever had just stretching, and when he’s laughing and smiling like this, it’s easy to forget where he is and what he had even been nervous about in the first place. So he can be a bit of a show-off at times—sue him. He’s living for it more and more with every stretch, and he finds himself getting excited to actually start skating.
He begins to mark his latest routine, spinning lightly and moving his hands to signal every jump as he looks down at the ice, trying to remember every move. It’s a new routine, one he’s only just fully learned but has to perform at an opening gala in two weeks, so he needs to have it perfect, and soon. Especially since he has a group routine for the same gala knocking around in his head, too, and he can’t let them get mixed up. It makes his chest tighten a little just at the thought of it, his attention so completely absorbed in his run through that he’s startled when he hears the boom of the rink’s gate swing open, surprised enough to lose his footing and stumble, tripping over his skates and falling to the ground.
Shit, fuck, and shit again. Not even half an hour into his practice and he’s already fucked up right in front of Mik and Rosé. And just when he was doing so well, knocking them dead with barely any actual stunts yet. They must think he’s stupid, getting scared by something as stupid as a noise he’s so used to, and now he’s lost his train of thought and can’t remember where he was in his routine—
“Go on, Nali! You can do this!”
“You’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
“We love you!”
His head snaps up to see Mik and Rosé standing up, clapping their hands and smiling warmly as they shout their encouragement across the room. It hits him then, exactly what Mik and Rosé have been cheering on this whole time. Not his success, not the flashy tricks and stunts he knows he can blow anyone away with. Not even his talent, really.
They’ve been cheering for his effort. For his enjoyment. For his passion. For the Denali they see on the ice whether he’s in his head or not, regardless of whether his movements are graceful or sloppy. The thing they’ve been enjoying most, so enthusiastic about this whole time?
It’s not figure skating. It’s Denali. He could be doing anything anywhere, and they’d be screaming and cheering and supporting him no matter what, because they don’t care what he’s doing–they just care that it’s him.
“Quite the cheering section, huh?” his coach steps out towards him, grinning as she looks over towards where Mik and Rosé are still watching, still waving and making hearts with their hands every time Denali looks over, and it’s all he can do not to get emotional when he smiles widely, nodding.
“Yeah. The best.”
And Hell, maybe it’s luck, maybe it’s just how happy he is. Maybe Mik and Rosé are just that good an influence to have around. Either way, that practice session is definitely his best one yet.
The first thing Denali does the minute they all step back into their apartment that evening is make a beeline for the couch to collapse. He feels the fatigue sinking down into his bones the minute his body hits the cushions, making him heavy yet content, happy to wriggle and get comfy before letting the exhaustion of the day fully wash over him. There’s something satisfying about being in this state, so spent from such a fun day. It’s like every memory he’s made today is carried in his muscles even this long after the adventure is over, each sigh he lets out a catalogue of every laugh, every smile, every bit of happiness he’d experienced in his adventures.
Not to mention how when he’s this tired, Rosé and Mik are eager to spoil him, but that’s besides the point.
“Can we get you anything, baby?” Rosé comes up behind the couch, reaching down to run a gentle hand through Denali’s hair. “Some dinner, maybe? Tea? A massage?”
“Will that last option come with a happy ending?” Denali jokes slyly, turning his head just in time to see Rosé roll his eyes, laughing a bit to himself.
“As much as I’d love that, this bitch is tired too, mama. Now scoot over a bit, make some room for me.”
“Mm.” Denali kicks his legs a little in protest, but obliges, pulling himself up on the couch just enough to give Rosé room to kneel over him comfortably. Within moments, Denali is melting under the other man’s touch, letting Rosé’s hands work the knots and fatigue from his back and shoulders slowly, tenderly, exactly the way he needs.
“Where’s Mik, by the way?” Denali ponders as Rosé begins to ease off, content with his work and how Denali has gone limp from it. It’s rare not to hear from Mik this long, not have him bounce around and whine for attention of his own from both of his partners, so Denali can’t help but feel a little suspicious at the quiet. If Mik is occupied, he’s either focusing on something or doing something he shouldn’t be, and if it’s the latter, then–
The smoke alarm answers Denali’s question before Rosé can so much as open his mouth.
“Shit, shit, SORRY!” Mik calls out from the kitchen. “Don’t worry you guys, I got this–”
“You’re supposed to be making ramen!” Rosé calls back over the shrill beep of the alarm, followed by a chair scraping along the kitchen floor. “How the fuck did you burn ramen?”
The smoke alarm goes quiet, and Denali has to cover his mouth from laughing as Mik protests, “I saw this gorgeous recipe that Ariana posted for this like, pan-fried noodles artistry moment, and I thought, hey, ramen is noodles, so why not?”
“Gee, I dunno, maybe ‘cause you’ll burn the apartment down?” Rosé pinches the bridge of his nose, but Denali can see that he’s trying not to smile.
“Well I didn’t, so crisis averted, problem solved.” Mik whips around the corner and points a fork at them with narrow eyes, and Denali can’t hold it anymore–he lets out a loud string of giggles, which become howls of laughter when Mik stamps his foot, pouting and demanding that Denali stop laughing at him. After a second, though, Rosé joins in, and then even Mik can’t resist letting out a chuckle despite himself.
“Okay baby, sit down with Denali, let the adults handle this.” Rosé teases as he heaves himself up from his position on the couch, tapping the cushion beside him to invite Mik over.
“Hey, I’m an adult!” Mik pouts, but Rosé doesn’t respond, only walks up to Mik to give him a little kiss before patting him on the head.
“Of course you are, sweetie,” he coos, pulling away just in time to narrowly avoid a swat from Mik. “Seriously, though, I’ll be right back–why don’t you and D pick something to watch in the meantime?”
Mik doesn’t look particularly satisfied with the suggestion, but makes his way over to the couch nonetheless. Denali watches him come over, even extends his arms out for his boyfriend to walk into, but it’s then that he realizes his mistake. Mik’s pout fades, and a glint of mischief shines in his eyes, and before Denali can shield himself, Mik pounces, landing pretty much in Denali’s lap and attacking him with a hug.
“Hi, gorge.” Mik’s voice is soft as he nuzzles into Denali, a dreamy smile on his face. It’s precious, really, the way Mik is glowing as he squeezes Denali tight, and Denali can’t help but run a hand through the shorter man’s hair before peppering a light kiss on the top of his head.
“Did you have fun today, baby?”
Denali pulls Mik just a little closer, his heart melting at the little mm of satisfaction Mik lets out as the closing of distance between them allows him to splay out a little, head resting on Denali’s shoulder. It’s almost enough to distract from the sudden uptick in Denali’s heart rate that he can feel, the stakes resting on the question suddenly sinking in for him. This day, after all, was a way of letting Mik into his world, more up-close than the LA native ever had before. And he really, really wants Mik to like that world.
Luckily, his fears are put to rest when Mik nods, his dopey, tired grin taking on a spark of excitement as he reassures Denali, “It was great, D. I loved it. Almost as much as I love you.”
Denali rolls his eyes at the cheesy line, but nonetheless, when Mik cranes up to kiss him on the cheek, he feels a rush of happiness swell in his chest. Not just at the fact that Mik had enjoyed their day, but also the fact that it is ending like this - curled up on the couch with his boyfriend leaning against him, craning up to give him playful, light kisses wherever he can plant them. Still, there’s something missing, another presence that would make this cozy scene truly home. Something, some one that would cuddle him in turn, hold him and squeeze him and–
“Are you guys cuddle-piling without me?” Rosé puts his hand to his chest as he gasps in mock-offense, propping a tray of piping-hot ramen cups against his body with his other arm. Denali laughs a little, because it’s cute how pouty Rosé looks at the prospect of being left out of all this affection, but he answers nonetheless by letting go of Mik briefly, extending his arms out and making grabby hands to invite Rosé to join them.
“Yay, sandwich!” Mik squeals with delight as Rosé gets on the other side of him, wrapping his arms around Mik and just reaching Denali’s waist with his fingers. It’s enough to make Denali melt, even the light contact enough to feel like he’s home. He lets out a contented sigh, wiggling a little to get comfortable and shimmy just a little more into Rosé’s outstretched hands, before he relaxes fully, his eyes fluttering closed as he feels his breath sync with his boyfriends’, their hearts beating almost as one.
“We should probably eat before the ramen gets cold, right?” Mik speaks up after a moment, but makes no attempt to move, and Denali just smiles, shaking his head.
“Let it keep cooling. I wanna stay like this for a little longer.”
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palaugranetes · 4 years
Ansu: So how did that basket idea do? @Iñaki
Iñaki: I'm actually nervous. It's been 4 days.
Ansu: I mean NYE and holidays you know.. logically it would take a bit.
Iñaki: Yeah, probably.
Arnau: You'll be fine bro
Iñaki: I really just want this to be over. I am ready to move on.
Arnau: And you will
Ansu: May I make a suggestion?
Iñaki: Has me saying no ever stopped you?
Ansu: Not really.
Iñaki: Then why did you even ask?!
Ansu: I was being courteous.
Iñaki: Just spit it out
Arnau: There will be no spitting of any sorts.. not even in words do I want to see it.🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫
Ansu: You can always talk to someone to be a medium...
Iñaki: Like?
Ansu: Leo
Iñaki: 😦
Ansu: He can help.. talk to the Capi
Iñaki: about this trivial thing!? You crazy?!
Arnau: Ansu might have a point there
Ansu: I am always on point bro
Arnau: Sure thing sweetheart
Iñaki: Do you think it would help @Ronald?
Ansu: Trust me.
Iñaki: Kinda don't. You would still have been in this predicament had you not assisted him.. which, I gotta say, is not fair at all.
Ansu: I can't control Geri's actions. The ONLY one who can is Leo.
Ronald: "Iñaki: Do you think it would help @Ronald?" Why are you asking me?!
Iñaki: I trust your judgement the most out of all of these idiots.
Arnau: Hurtful!
Iñaki: yeah well the truth hurts.
Arnau: I don't like this Iñaki..
Iñaki: You and me both.
Arnau: We need to rid you of the Geri stress.
Ansu: TALK. TO. LEO.
Carlitos: I did. He said that he will talk to him.
Ansu: ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾
Iñaki: Oh God.. HOW
Carlitos: How what?
Iñaki: How did you talk to him?
Carlitos: I used my words?
Iñaki: 😒😒😒😒
Ansu: I keep telling you it's not that hard.
Iñaki: It's Leo.
Ansu: Yes Iñaki, we are aware of that.
Carlitos: So fingers crossed.
Ronald: "Iñaki: I trust your judgement the most out of all of these idiots." Fair enough.
Ronald: Curly told me he talked to Leo.
Iñaki: You knew?!
Ronald: You didn't!?
Ronald: So I guess wait for Leo's response.
Frenkie: Seems like we all knew???
Iñaki: WHAT!?
Pedri: I knew
Sergiño: Me too
JC: I did too
Francisco: I knew
Oscar: Same here
Iñaki: WTF
Carlitos: @Riqui you were right, he did freak out
Iñaki: I hate both of you so much.
Riqui: 😂
Riqui: But yes wait for Leo...
JC: I sent Leo a gift basket as well😏
Riqui: Good for you
JC: Gerard didn't send the basket back so I guess that's a good sign.
3 January 2021
Ansu: FRENKIE 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
JC: 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Ansu: That pass from Leo though🤩😍
Ansu: Okay... can y'all just do something..
Ansu: Well.. A Win is a win.
Ansu: @Pedri @Dembz @Pedri @Frenkie @Ronald @Oscar 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Riqui: I'm gonna start a book. I'll read it during matches. Imagine 90 minutes of reading.
Carlitos: y'all .. I got something to say
Carlitos: But not now
Ronald: 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️
Riqui: You okay their rizos?
Carlitos: Uh.. yes.
Riqui: Alright.
4 January 2021
Iñaki:Anything from Leo?
Carlitos: Nope
Iñaki: Sighs... Okay
Frenkie: Guys, especially @Carlitos , why do I keep hearing that you might be going to Getafe?!
Riqui: Ew
Pedri: I saw that as well
Carlitos: Because It umm.. kinda is true.
Carlitos: 😩 I don't like it as much as you do
Frenkie: There?!
Riqui: 😩😩🙄
Carlitos: I know.. It will be for a few months
Frenkie: Getafe...
Carlitos: Yes.
Frenkie: Man... Best of luck there bud
Pedri: Sighs
Francisco: We'll miss you.
Oscar: All the best rizos..
Riqui: It is only a few more months It is only a few more months It is only a few more months It is only a few more months It is only a few more months It is only a few more months
Ronald: 😂
Arnau: Hopefully things go by smoothly.
6 January 2021
Oscar: Alexia!! Are you guys watching?
Arnau: I am.. Legends
Oscar: Indeed
Carlitos: Look at them slaying those Pericas
Oscar: 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Oscar: THAT GOAL!!
Riqui: Melanie is a legend! Wow!
Arnau: 🤯🤯
Carlitos: She deserves it.
Oscar: I am so happy they finally got to play at the Camp Nou!
Ansu: Best of luck dudes
Ansu: OH COME ON!!!
Carlitos: 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Ansu: YOU BEAST @Pedri
Ansu: That whole play was so 🤤🤤🤤
Carlitos: Blondie you are on fire!
Ansu: I am in tears... FIRE
JC: Boy you are killing it @Pedri
Carlitos: That was beautiful!
Carlitos: Again with the illogic..
Ansu: I am surprised Marc has not punched anyone in this team yet.
Carlitos: 😂😂
Riqui: I knew bringing a book with me was a good idea
Ansu: You actually did it??
Riqui: I did
Ansu: 😂😂😂😂😂
Iñaki: @Carlitos did Leo say anything by any chance? I forgot to ask earlier.
Carlitos: Oh yes... He said that he talked to Geri but it was pointless because his plan was already in effect...
Iñaki: Oh fuck
Ansu: Yikes
JC: But my gift basket...
Carlitos: I'm actually glad I am not there anymore if only for that reason.
Sergiño: JC is in Portugal.. how is you being in Madrid gonna stop him😂
Oscar: Very true😂😂
Arnau: Dude barely speaks but when he does.. he makes points😂😂
Carlitos: Why has @Dembz been so quiet?!
Dembz: I'm just reading..
Riqui: Yeah me too 😂
Dembz: I meant the chat
Riqui: oh
Frenkie: "Carlitos: Blondie you are on fire!" 💙❤💙❤
Pedri: Leo told me to tell you guys that he needs to talk to us tomorrow before training.
Riqui: Did he sound angry?
Francisco: Nope
Riqui: And you know how?
Pedri: He was there
Francisco: Yep
Oscar: Did he say why?
Pedri: Nope
Frenkie: Okay.
Iñaki: All of us?
Pedri: Yep all of us.
Oscar: Do you think he knows about this group?
Ronald: Very valid question
Riqui: He can't.. Can he?
Sergiño: 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️
Dembz: Did anyone slip?
Frenkie: I don't think any of the adults know about this
Pedri: "Oscar: Do you think he knows about this group?" He knows
Riqui: 😳😳😳😳
Frenkie: HOly shit
Ronald: Do you think Luis told him?!
Francisco: Very possible
Pedri: Nope.
Dembz: Did you tell him?!
Pedri: Yep
Riqui: 😳😳😳😳
Ansu: Fair point
Riqui: Is that why he wants to talk to us?!?!?
Pedri: I don't think so. JEEZ we will see tomorrow
Francisco: what is this an interrogation!?
Riqui: This is major!
Pedri: I mean...
Riqui: God if he says anything to Gerard about this.
Pedri: Highly doubt he will.
Francisco: Just ask him tomorrow
Pedri: Exactly
7 January 2021
Dembz: Y'all I just got a text from Gerard
Riqui: Oh fuck
Dembz: "Geri🌴: "What disappears as soon as you say its name?"
"Geri🌴: The first one to get his is the one most known for being the opposite of the answer to that riddle."
Frenkie: Silence
Carlitos: Why are you shushing me?!
Frenkie: No dummy that is the answer to the riddle.
Dembz: The opposite of the answer.. so someone who talks a lot?!
Frenkie: Or is loud.. annoying..
Frenkie: Hey he said it..
Dembz: I feel it's gonna be JC
Ansu: Let's face it, you're the most annoying
JC: I liked you better when you were 17.
Oscar: I feel it will be Carlitos
Iñaki: Riqui
Ronald: So many options
Ansu: I say JC
Sergiño: I'm just glad I have nothing to do with this whole mess
Francisco: Indeed
Pedri: 🙄
Ansu: 😂
Riqui: 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒 I hate you
Carlitos: I hope he gets you first @Iñaki
Iñaki: CAN HE?! PLEASE.. I actually want him to.. at least that way I will be put out of my misery!
Arnau: Nah.. It's gonna be either Riqui or Carles
Oscar: Fully agree
Ronald: Can't wait to find out
Pedri: so cruel
Frenkie: I'll say..
Oscar: It is what it is.
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animatedrapture · 4 years
who are your top 5 faves and why hehe
is it a shocker that suna isn't the first/top 1? literally the first character i fell in love with is KENMA 🥺 like, ill keep saying this: kenma's character is sooooo full of depth. i find it difficult to put into words how much i love him and just how much can be said about him. plus, i saw the "if you get boring, ill drop you," manga panel before i even got to finish watching haikyuu and at that point, kenma kozume just owns me. im mind-blanking just thinking about him. anyway, throughout watching, he just became such a comfort character, y'know? i get really happy just watching him so 🥺💞 kenma kozume supremacy.
okay so we been knew, but similar to kenma, i just found so much comfort with suna's character. plus, he literally won me over during his face off with tsukki in the manga, like, i was frothing for this man. but i feel like a huge part of what really opened my eyes with suna is the two smut fic @sbspice has on him, so there's also that. listen, ive said this before and ill say it again but i love characters who will probably want nothing to do with me because they're the "im uninterested and apathetic" character and from this list, it truly shows lmao. plus, suna's literally so pretty? and for what? and he's 6'1 pushing 6'2 🥴, and beefy timeskip!suna? no words, head empty.
what? i did tell y'all i love characters who would want nothing to do to me hsjdjjd. a little fun fact though, i actually read a smut fic on him before i even watched haikyuu and knew of him. c'mon, this man is a fucking volleyball pro, like, the top 2 ace at his 2nd year? fuck. he's 6'4, he's sooo pretty, i love how he hates crowds because i do too lmao. im also pretty setter squad fucker and sakusa's the only ace i reallyyyyy fuck with. idk what to tell you, i just stan so hard. also, sir sakusa, what that wrist do? 🥴
...it shows, doesn't it? 🤡 no okay but fr i was so sure i wouldn't stan, like, i kept seeing that osamu is the better twin this-that and atsumu is an absolute asshole, i was even annoyed by him when he called his fans squealing pigs, but haha, as violet, i am a clown. oh but the manga panel where he told hinata he's going to set for him someday? i have no words. he won me over then, he won me over even more during the timeskip and he was like, "what are you doing with MY wingspiker?" i just love him so much 🥺 he's so sinfully pretty too in the timeskip like, sir, please put your tongue back inside your mouth or else 🥴. im not sure but somewhere along that and reading more fics on him, i just saw that hes way more than an asshole. like, yes he has an extrovertedly asshole-ish personality but he's not JUST THAT. yknow? okay, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
okay so, as ive mentioned in the great war of tsukki thirst anon vs suna simps lmao, tsukki is actually the first middle blocker i was into, and initially my favorite. like, cmon, tall, blonde, and salty—as the others, would probably want nothing to do with me—im a WHORE for smart characters. he's mean and i love it. hes so pretty too, i love how he always has his headphones in because MOOD. i just identify with him in a way that we do well in academics and always have earphones in, can be quite mean because i refuse to have new friends who will eventually hurt me someway somehow—i mean uhhhh pretty boi, that's all lmao.
special mention because i won't allow not being able to mention TOORU OIKAWA: listen, almost the same thing with atsumu where i wanted to slap him at first but like yo, yall dont understand how soft i became for him like—hes such a dynamic character and like, very human. hes very passionate at what he does, he's an absolutely GREAT captain, he's a fucking genius in his own way and i dont take criticisms on this. hes such a hardworking boy who deserves so much more credit than he was given in high school just because some other setter was eye-catchingly good too. you guys don't understand the pain i feel about how he never got to experience being able to join the nationals because HE DESERVES TO HAVE EXPERIENCED COMPETING IN THE NATIONALS. fight me on this, i dare you. sure, he made it anyway, he became so successful but im just saying, tooru oikawa in high school definitely deserved to at least have experienced making it to the nationals. that's all. i love him.
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yetanotherreader · 4 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 6,367
Warnings (For the chapter): Fluff, Mentions of Depression, suicide attempts, murder, angst, panic attack, fluff, more fluff?
A/N: Well, hello there. First of all, THANK YOU. I mean it, thank you so much. You guys are so supportive, it makes me feel I don't deserve y'all. And since I made you wait extra long for this chapter, I wrote an extra long chapter. Does it make up for the delay?
Just got to know I can't make a post this long so I'm going to post this chapter in two parts. If you're patient enough, please do read. Thank you.
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 6(1)
Chapter 5
"Really now? That's where you bring me?" Dean said, as you rolled your eyes at his, pretty much, failed attempt at hiding the excited little girl he was being.
"Stop, huh. Stop acting like you don't enjoy this." A mischievous smile formed on his lips when you said it at god knew what he thought.
"But theme park rides? What are we? Babies?"
"Babies go on theme park rides?" You looked at him, amused by the stupidity that practically dropped off every word of that sentence, "Alright, grandpa, you can sit at a side while I go enjoy those rides alone. Come on, Dean!"
"Only because you insist." He said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you through the gates. You didn't even remember visiting a theme park, it's been that long you came to one. It was beautiful and you already were ready to jump into every ride you find. It was mesmerizing.
Painfully mesmerizing. Just a reminder of how you fucked up your childhood. But you were going to enjoy today. You had come here with your best friend, and nothing—no haunting past memories—was going to make you less happy about today.
"Here, sunshine," amidst your thoughts, you didn't even realize when Dean's hand slipped out of yours and he went. You shook your head to break the chain of thoughts. 
Dean stood there, with a kid grin on his face, holding two candy floss in either of his hands. The sight was to behold, as something inside you did a somersault, and just like that all the dark memories faded away as you took the blue one from him.
"You're gonna leave me with the pink one?" He pouted, giving you one of his puppy dog eyes, which he claimed he learned from his little brother.
"Not working on me, Dean. Go tell Sam he wasn't a good teacher." You said, chuckling. And you couldn't have misheard it for the death of you, Dean giggled. Actually, giggled. Like a baby. It made your heart flutter inside your ribs and just like that, you let your eyes linger on his freckled face for longer than it was appropriate for a friend.
"Do you think we should go to that place first?" You followed Dean's gaze and shook your head seeing a small 'pie stall'.
"So typical of you, jade boy." You arched your eyebrows at him, "what d'ya say we go on some rides and tire ourselves a little before that?
He pouted, again, the cutest pout you've ever seen, as you laughed at the ridiculousness of his face, "that face does not suit you, Dean. Get back at being that tough guy."
He followed behind, as you made your way to the stall. He beamed,"As if you don't die to kiss it off my lips all the time."
"Watching too many chick flicks these days, huh, Winchester?" You responded, too quickly, without turning to look at him and let him see your flushed cheeks. Comments like these made you want to think if Dean sees you like someone more than just his best friend too, if he ever had thoughts of both of you together in more than the way you were. It wasn't something that happened all the time, but sometimes you liked to wonder. Dean was everything that a good guy could be, and much more than you deserved. You could never make that place in his heart. And definitely not with how you looked. 
Sitting down on one of the small tables, you sighed. Licking the candy straw one last time, you tossed it in the dustbin that wasn't too far away from where you seated. Dean let out an amused laugh, "My kinda girl!"
You looked at him taking a seat in front of you on one the plastic chairs, with a scrunched up nose and a sheepish smile, "What even?" You laughed a little, "Your kinda girls lick it off the stick, now?"
Dean almost choked on his floss before smirking at you, "yeah, yeah they do."
It took you a moment before you realized what you just said and you hid your face in your hands, "Oh my god, Dean! Shit shit shit, I didn't mean it like that!"
By this time, Dean was doubling over laughter. He kept his forehead on his fists in order to hide his face as he kept laughing.
"Alright stop okay, it wasn't even that big a deal." You scoffed, embarrassed, trying to stifle your own laugh. Dean's smile was contagious, especially when he was like this—laughing his heart out with an almost red face while his eyes crinkled in those gorgeous crow feet which were starting to become your weakness, "Oh god, Dean, stop."
And just like that you both were laughing, unbothered by the people around giving you crazy looks. For the first time in a very very long time, you didn't care about how you looked while laughing. It just came naturally with him, easier,"Your face...you should have seen your face." He took a deep breath, regaining his ability to speak, "I'll go bring us the pie."
"I'm paying!" You yelled after him, as the smile faded away from your lips. You knew he didn't mean it like that, he never would but the voice in the back of your head was hell bent on convincing you otherwise. He just meant it in a funny way, like you would if you said something like this to someone, but for some reason you couldn't help but think there was something about your face that forced a laughter out of him. If he thought your face was funny or weird, or if he thought you were ugly but was just too nice to say it directly. Your heart felt heavy, and suddenly you wanted some air. Your self doubts were the worst thing. They never let you enjoy, worse they always ended up ruining your days. You subconsciously pulled out your phone and looked at your dark reflection, observing just how flawed your face was. Every little scar looked back at you, the little milia under your eyebrows or your not-so-cute nose. You hated looking at yourself, face or elsewhere, it felt like you were made of flaws. And if you couldn't love them yourself, why would someone else? You shook your head, it wasn't the time for this. Today, you came here to spend some time with your best friend. Hating yourself could wait for later.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean's soft voice shook you out of your trance.
"Uh-actually.. nothing. Where's the pie?" 
"It's coming. What's up with you, really? One moment you're being all adorable and the next you're serious like this. Are you okay?"
Adorable. That's what he meant. He doesn't think you're ugly.
Or maybe he does? 
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to silence your thoughts, but in vain. They kept getting louder, telling you to just stand up and walk away from him. 
You don't deserve a good friend like him, you'll ruin his life too.
You knew where this was heading, and if you didn't stop it now you're going to make a clown out of yourself in the middle of a fxckin' fair. You tried to take a deep breath, your shaky hands came up to your ears trying to stop the voice, but it felt like you didn't even know how to breathe.
"Hey, hey, hey," You heard a familiar voice at a distance, "Y/N!" You felt two warm, big hands on yours, and you opened your eyes to see concerned green orbs looking back, "You're okay, I'm here."
It took you a second or two to register what was happening, and it felt like a bucket of cold water thrown on you. You were here, in front of Dean who knelt in front of you, looking like a weakling. This wasn't supposed to happen, this was supposed to be his day. You pulled your hands away from underneath his to make a hold of his wrists and slowly remove his palms from your face, "I'm..I'm okay. Just fine."
Dean's brows furrowed in confusion at the hint of cold in your tone, followed by a subtle clench in his jaw. He stood up, took a step back and looked away, with a stoic expression, "Yeah. You're okay."
You breathed out his name, still a little shaky and out of breath. You knew you needed him, but something held you back. You were so used to dealing with everything by yourself, that having someone now just felt weird.
"It's fine, Y/N. But I'm here, okay? And I'm not going anywhere," his few words of reassurance meant a lot more to you than you cared to admit. He walked up to you and held your hands pulling you on your feet, "Need a hug?"
You bit your lip, not sure how to tell him that you did. Fiddling with your fingers, you looked up at him through your lashes to see him smile and mumble an 'idiot' as he engulfed you in his embrace. It was a full bear hug, and it was funny someone like Dean gave it to you. He was a huge softie for a tough guy he acted like.
"See it wasn't that hard," he said nuzzling your neck, and if you didn't know any better you would think this intimate gesture had a meaning.
"Shut up, dork," you giggled, feeling his stubbles tickle at your nape, "You're so touchy."
"Don't tell anyone though," He pulled away, looking at your grinning face with a soft smile, arms still around you, "So now, listen here. We are going to eat that delicious pie, I'm taking the bigger piece, till we gain a couple extra pounds and we are going to go have fun and we won't give your pretty little brain enough time to go south."
"Sounds about right!" You beamed.
The next hour was spent having the time of your life. The rides you'd never been on before, you did now, and if you were being honest to yourself, you had never had so much fun before. You wondered why you never had it when you were a kid. Dean was so good with the bumper cars, you just realized how interested he is in cars again. It was funny to see him trying to fit, though. It took awhile for him  to adjust his large frame in that tiny car, whilst you laughed your ass off. He made sure to take revenge, though, and bumped his car in yours again and again. And then there was the mechanical bull. Your favourite. It was the first time you sat on one, and boi did you underestimate it. You, even, challenged Dean calling it 'easy peasy' and all he did was smirk at you. You should have understood it wasn't as easy as you thought it was. You barely lasted a few seconds before being thrown off, and this time it was Dean's turn to laugh. Dean lasted on it for almost a minute, yelling 'Yee Haw' making everyone laugh.
Two old ladies came up to you while you goofed around with your drinks, and you found out they were together. They almost fangirled over you both, telling you stories of how they sneaked out of their houses to go to carnivals and how much you kids reminded them of their youth. You almost choked on your coke while Dean seemed to enjoy it, "Right? Y/N and I have been together since high school. Her parents didn't allow her to date back then, and we sneaked away to meet. You won't believe it, our first kiss was scandalous. Right, sweetheart?"
You stared at him with a mouth agape, what the hell was he high on? You narrowed your eyes at him and he looked at you mischievously, as if challenging you to continue. Oh, this could be a game of two. You smiled at him, as you turned your head towards the couple looking at you both with starstruck eyes, "It was my first kiss. It's kind of funny. I made this one wait three months before I actually let him kiss me, and that was the kiss of a lifetime. Not because it was perfect, but because it wasn't. He was staying at his uncle's with his little brother, Sam that day. His Uncle just happened to be my neighbour. He sneaked out in the middle of the night, climbed up to my room. We were watching a movie, cuddling and it just kind of happened. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Like I said, it was my first so I didn't know how to kiss him back. He thought I didn't want it, so he apologized. Kept saying sorry with that adorable face until I had to stop him." You looked up at him, again, with a smirk as he looked back intrigued, "with a kiss."
He arch his brow, clearly enjoying this as the shorter woman cooed. You wiggled your brows at him, and he took it as his cue to continue, "and that took my breath away. We made out on her bed, while her parents were just a room away. That was the hottest thing I had ever experienced, well until something else happened of course," He smirked again, looking at you as you bit your lip in anticipation of what's coming next. His eyes traveled down to your lips at your little action, "She's the hottest thing you'll ever see, not that you will, when she takes control. She looks innocent and all, but she's a wild kitten in bed. And then there are times when she completely surrenders, letting me have my way with her-"
"Too much information, babe!" You squeaked. Your eyes wide and cheeks flushed as you stared at his face, his expressions mischievous. He smirked, snaking his arms around your waist pulling you possessively to him. This was the closest you'd ever been to him, physically, and you were afraid he could feel your heart thumping in your ribs as your chests pressed with his.
He looked at you with a winning expression and whispered in your ears, "Lost so soon, wild kitten?" You could feel your ears heating up and you knew very well he saw it too. This wasn't how it was going to be, he wasn't going to know that he had that power on you, even though he did and let him tease you about it for the rest of your life. You were going to take the winning shot. You stood on your tiptoes, slowly pressing your lips to the side or his mouth, letting them linger for a second or two as you whispered a 'no' against his skin. You pulled away, looking back at his flushed face. You made Dean Winchester blush, you deserved a goddamn medal. After a moment the reality of the situation hit you. You just almost kissed your best friend. It was a game, and you hoped it didn't ruin things between you two. Your best friend mattered to you more than a silly crush you had on him.
"Oh my god, you two are so cute!" The shorter woman squealed, effectively pulling you out of your thoughts, pulling both of you out of them. You saw her looking at you with an awed face, while her taller wife scolded her a bit, "Sorry, I just get a little excited around young couples."
"It's okay, we didn't mind." Dean spoke politely, his hands still around your waist, "but I think we should get going. It's going to get dark in a couple more hours."
Walking out of the small hut, you didn't know how to form words. You couldn't believe you did that, you just hoped Dean let it past. It was so awkward, and you knew he could feel the tension too. Great, you just ended your most beautiful friendshi-
"So, uh-" Dean started, trying to cut through the tension, "First kiss, huh?"
"High school girlfriend, huh?" 
"Well," he chuckled, "You won't deny it was fun. I mean, now that I think of it, we can make a pretty good couple."
You laughed, all the tension leaving your body at his fun tone, "You bet. A pretty good, scandalous couple, who make out in the room next to my parents."
He laughed, throwing his head back this time, "Wild kitten? How ridiculous."
"That part got me. What was going through your mind when you said that?"
"A lot of things. Fantasizing my best friend? Scandalous, enough?"
"Oh my god, Dean" you laughed, trying to hide your blush as Dean threw his arms around your shoulders, "Let's go there, I still want a ride."
"On me?"
"Shut up."
You stood in front of the giant ride, eyes beaming with excitement. You wanted to go on it as soon as you entered the park. Loop-o-plane. "Let's do it!"
"I-I am not going anywhere near that thing," You frowned and looked at your best friend only to have him look ahead with saucer-like eyes. 
"Why?" You whined.
"What if that thing comes out?"
"What thing?"
"That thing that's keeping this thing in place."
You looked at him like he's grown horns, "No it won't."
"But what if it does?"
"Do you trust me?"
"With my life," his voice went soft, you turning to look at him, as his voice grew high again, "but I don't trust that thing. It's a machine, Y/N. You should never trust a machine. What if that belt breaks and we fall down and die? I hate hospitals!"
You grinned amused by his childishness, "We won't fall down, Dean, and you won't have to go to the hospital."
You sighed, "Alright, you can stay here and I'll go. Is that okay, now?"
His eyes grew wider, "Y/N Y/L/N, no. I know you ain't all that fond of your life but I'm not letting you get yourself killed."
"What-what even? I'm not going to get myself killed. Please, De? Please, please, please, please, pretty please?"
"Don't give me that look," you flashed him your most innocent pleading face as he glared at you, "Argh, if we die, we die together. I hate you so much."
"All the love back." You grinned, pulling him by his arms.
The next two minutes were the longest two minutes of your life. Dean screamed like a little girl, clinging to you until you couldn't feel your eyes and hand anymore. It was fun and it was torture. When you got off the ride, both of you were a little shaken, rather Dean was a lot.
"See! I told you it'll be fun." You said, cautiously, as Dean glared at you. He walked faster until he was ahead of you, "Aye grumpy soldier, come on!"
"I am never hanging out with you ever again. You little, you little-"
"Little what?" You ran up to him, and grinned, "Wild kitten?"
You could have sworn you saw his lips curl up a bit. He looked at you, narrowing his eyes, "You aren't my best friend. You're an enemy in disguise. Who sent you?"
"Lucifer!" You giggled.
"Or are you satan?"
"Hey!" You whined as he laughed circling his arms around your shoulders. You let out a little yawn, "I'm tired."
He smiled down at you, his face looking shades of pink from the setting sun. His freckles stood out darker than usual. He was a sight, so beautiful, "Let's take you home, sleepyhead."
By the time you were on the road, it was pretty dark. You sang loudly to the radio with Dean, all the tiredness leaving your body. It turned out to be the best day of your life. You, your best friend shutting the world out and living your best life.
"Dean, stop!"
"What? Why?"
"Pull over, pull over." Dean pulled over at the side of the road as you stepped out, Dean following suit, "Look at that."
Dean followed your gaze, his breath hitching at the beautiful scene in front of him. There were a couple of swans in the middle of the lake, bowing their heads in front of each other under the moonlit sky, "Wow.."
"They are mating," You whispered.
"Mating as in banging?" You couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Dean's genuine curiosity, "What?"
"No, not yet at least," You said, keeping your voice low, "They are surrendering themselves to each other. For a lifetime. The heart they're making, it's their courtship ritual. They flutter their wings, sing and dance and bow down to each other offering each other their lifetimes. They are said to be epitome of true love. Some of them even die of heartbreak if their mate dies before them."
Dean looked at the sight, awestruck. He never saw something like this before. He could all but whisper, "That is beautiful. You think such love exists between humans?"
"Like soulmates? I don't know. I never saw any. Most of the people I saw are either together because they have to, or just break each other's hearts. You?"
"Don't know. About what you said, my parents loved each other a lot. I don't know if I can love like that though."
"Maybe when the right girl comes?"
"When the right girl comes." He looked at you with a small smile and soft eyes. You, once again, read his features. He was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen, and it reminded you everyday why you would never be deserving of him. The moonlight danced on his face gracefully, and it almost took your breath away. He was gorgeous.
"You think we can go anywhere near them? Will they run away?
You shook your head lightly, pulling yourself out of your long shot of a dream, "No they won't run away, they will attack."
"But we can sit a little far away from them, see that bench?" You nodded to a bench near the lake, away from the swans, "Wanna sit for a while?"
He nodded, excitedly as you made your way to the bench with your hands held together, "Y/N," Dean whispered looking at you as you sat on the worn out wooden bench, "Thanks for today. It's the most fun I had in years."
"Me too." You smiled back at him.
There was a shift in the atmosphere, which you couldn't quite comprehend. It was different with Dean tonight, almost intimate. His hand never left yours as you sat by the side of the river and you didn't try to pull away either. It felt perfect. You took a leap of faith shifting closer to him, and dare you say if it were a fragment of your imagination, you saw a little smile on his face. His thumb caressed the back of your hand, and you knew whatever it was tonight would be an unspoken story by the morning. None of you will speak a word about it, but you wanted to cherish it right now. You put your head on his shoulder and he let out a sigh, returning the gesture and bringing your joined hands to his lap. You sat together in silence, seeing the mute swans at a distance singing out their love for each other.
"I'm sorry," you whispered after a while.
"For?" He whispered back, none of you wanted to break the trance you were in.
"For yesterday. I was a bitch, you didn't deserve that."
He sighed, "Sweetheart, don't beat yourself up for that."
"I don't understand why you put up with me. All I do is hurt you."
"You know what you do? You cheer me up when I'm down. You hug me outside a party house when you see that I'm struggling. You join me for movies on Friday nights and I absolutely love that. And you know what more? When you think you messed up, you come and make up for it. You don't just let it pass, or get away with it. You don't go back to being friends again acting like nothing happened, you own up to your mistakes and apologize. You make things right. Maybe we don't talk about ourselves a lot with each other, but the nights that are hard for me, I always think that I'm not alone. That there's a girl out there rooting for me, that I matter to someone and she will miss me if I am gone. You keep me going, Y/N and that is why I put up with you."
A/N: So yeah, the second chapter is coming right up. I hope it's not too much for one day. Also, feedback is greatly appreciated.
Tags for useful:
 @bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @soullessbabee @ima-be-a-mongoose @infinityspacesuniverse @vicmc624 @roonyxx @fandoms-fiend @slythermyg @perpetualabsurdity @whydontwejustgohunting @supraveng @coffeebooksandfandom @justafuckeduphuman @busy-bee-angel-misska @ria123love @woodworthti666 @katiekitty261 @supernatural-fan-123 @yxseminx @janicho88
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hwangdol · 5 years
l.hc: stay with me
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summary: the confusing subject of lee haechan 
pairing: highschool!stoner-boi!haechan x reader 
warning: a shit ton of cursing, still got a lot of crackheadness, and DRUGS. no i’m not kidding, if you aren’t okay with that shit don’t read ahead. also! still part of my semi-collab with @huangsren! read her fic here: art-hoe!renjun  BEWARE OF GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES!!!!! 
it’s your favorite local stoner-boi!haechan’s turn
like norenmin, haechan’s name gets tossed around on the daily at NCT Highschool, except not with the same positive connotation
haehcan’s reputation isn’t the best but it could be worse
no it can’t
it’s actually really bad
everyone knows haechan to either be taking a gigantic nap in class or vaping in the bathroom. he gets into detention weekly bc the boy skips school like every other day 
the only reason why haechan hasn’t been expelled was bc he was the principal’s son 
don’t bring that up or he’ll actually cuss you out no cap
although he’s well-known, he’s only got like two friends + college-freshmen!mark lee (hA what a loser)
and one of them was currently in some type of situation with fboi!jaemin that haechan can’t be bothered to deal with –> y/n from fboi!jaemin’s au who will be further known as ara in this story
the other one was you, he liked to keep that one a little more private
it was never explicitly stated that you would maintain your sorta friendship a secret  
although could you really call it friendship if you’re doing all of the things people in relationships actually do? 
like haechan would always call you up in the middle of the night  to get boba or frozen yogurt for no reason
or sometimes yall would be cuddling in your bedroom watching some stupid movie on netflix,,,haechan would probably be throwing popcorn at the laptop screen bc of something stupid the main protagonist would do 
the other times, he would text a simple “pick me up” 
and you knew that that meant that haechan was too high or drunk to operate
there would be nights where you would be chilling in your car as haechan vaped 
you hated it 
but you could never hate lee donghyuck who now went by lee haechan 
yall met around the middle of sophomore year 
damn so much shit goes down sophomore year at NCT high
aNYways, you were stressed out from studying so you decided to take a stroll in the park at like ten at night. 
was that a stupid idea? yes, but at least that’s when you met haechan dressed in a navy green hoodie and a puff of smoke leaving his lips
sophomore!you was like highkey shookth seeing the lee donghyuck smoking in a park
bc at this time, lee donghyuck wasn’t lee haechan 
he was one of the school’s golden boys 
yeah that’s right norenmin used to be norenminhyuck or the 00′s 
he was the star of the school’s choir and the biggest class clown that still managed to get good grades
so imagine your shock when you see him with a cigarette in his hand
you figured that it was best to leave donghyuck alone since you weren’t the nosy type of person
except you weren’t that discreet in leaving when your eyes met donghyuck’s bright red ones 
you stood there for a second, both of you locked in what seemed to be staring contest, before turning to leave since it wasn’t any of your business what donghyuck was getting up to
the next day of school, donghyuck was back to his bubbly, fun self which seemed to be a drastic contrast from the one you saw at the park 
when your eyes interlocked in the hallways, donghyuck raised a finger to his lips when he was sure no one else was looking 
and you understood 
somehow you found yourself in this strange no-talking sit-downs in the park relationship with donghyuck while he smoked on the bench next to you 
this went down for a couple of weeks where the two of you would just sit in heavy silence. the only noises were the cicadas chirping in the background
until one night when donghyuck dressed in the same navy hoodie wasn’t smoking but his eyes were still red
“why haven’t you told anyone yet?” 
you shrugged “because it’s not my secret to tell” 
“you were shocked when you first saw me that night.” haechan commented 
“yeah, i just never expected it from someone like you,” you admitted
you could hear the boy next to let out a dry chuckle, “you’re not the first person i disappointed” 
“it ruins your lungs btw” 
“i know, i want it to” 
“why do you do it?” 
“because it actually makes me feel alive” 
something changed that night bc the next day donghyuck into a physical fight with the student-athlete!jeno who everyone knew was a pacifist. 
that night haechan showed up with a black eye and you didn’t ask why
donghyuck still gave you an explanation even though it was complete bs
“because he was getting on my nerves” 
but it seemed like the whole group of the golden boys was getting on his nerves bc donghyuck stopped hanging around them for the rest of the year
you saw him sometimes sitting outside on the bleachers during lunch, sleeping or smoking, not afraid to be caught 
you never had the courage to approach him in person at school, bc it seemed like your relationship was strictly limited to the park 
but you couldn’t help to be worried about him with the drastic change in character he was undergoing 
one day, he showed up to school with bright red hair and did nothing in all of his classes but take a nap 
sometimes he didn’t even show up to school 
you heard from someone that he quit choir which was shame bc you always wanted to hear him sing 
and sophomore year bled into junior year and donghyuck was no longer known as donghyuck but as haechan 
it was weird, every time you would get the urge to take a midnight stroll in the park, haechan would be sitting there on his usual bench sometimes smoking sometimes not
you always sat down next to him even if you knew that you were just going to sit there in silence
“give me your phone number,” he said bluntly holding out his hand for your phone 
“i’m tired of waiting for you to come to the park” 
and you really confuse because does that mean that haechan wanted to be your friend??? 
as if he can read your mind, he rolls his eyes “yes, let’s be friends. you’re a lot better than those fakes in our goddamn school.” 
so that’s how your friendship began with the lee donghyuck, rebranded as haechan 
he doesn’t let anyone call him donghyuck but you,,, you still try your best not to call him that bc he doesn't like it 
gotta respect your friends’ wishes y’know
it wasn’t until haechan was over at like 2am in your room, both of you talking in small whispers bc you don’t want your parents to wake up and find you laying in bed with a BOI, that y'all reached the final level of closeness and haechan let slip one of the reason behind his reckless actions
“you know what sucks? even when i’m acting out like this, my parents still refuse to acknowledge me. it’s like they don’t care” 
and your like :((( 
“i’m pretty sure they care about you a lot,” you didn’t like the listlessly way he was talking 
“you don’t get it. when my dad saw my hair, all he told me to do was to dye it back. my mom didn’t even freak out when she saw me smoking a blunt with my friend in my room. they could care less” 
and haechan begins to spill
“even when i was achieving so much, they rarely ever bat an eye at me. do you know how hard it is to come to school and put on the facade of that i have no worries in the world? that i’m that cheery happy-go-lucky kid? even renjun is allowed to have moody days, but i’m expected to always be the mood maker. i fucking hate it.” 
you stayed silent listening to his rant 
“when jeno was complaining about how his parents invited his whole family to his stupid basketball game, i just got so angry because my parents haven’t been to one recital ever since i joined the choir. nor did they go to the science fair where i actually won first place with that stupid potato rocket i did with renjun.” 
haechan let’s out a bittersweet laugh 
“after that fight with jeno, no one asked if i was okay or why i even did it. none of them did. my dad didn’t even look at me in the eye when i went to his office, all he cared about was if the school’s basketball mvp was okay.” 
“god, i’m so numb to all of this shit. i don’t even know how to be happy anymore” 
that night you didn’t say anything to haechan bc you didn’t know what to say. but that night was the first and last night you ever saw haechan cry or that emotionally vulnerable bc the next day, he acted like it never happened 
by junior year, everyone already knew that the old donghyuck was gone and haechan was here to stay 
BUT your relationship with haechan wasn’t one-sided at all 
nooooo there were nights where you were the one crying and haechan was the one comforting you even though his advice was bs
you best bet that when haechan got his license, he dragged your ass to midnight drives to the cliff, but you would be the one to drive him home bc he probably vaped a little too much on the cliff 
despite breaking down that one night, haechan was very emotionally closed off. he didn’t smile as often as he used to in public unless it was with you
sometimes he would catch himself smiling when you said something really dumb or when he found your antics adorable, but he would never admit it and the smile would be quickly gone from his face.
your hangouts were so lowkey
one night, junior year, you were just chilling in your car with hyuck and he just leans over and kisses you. 
you could still smell the strawberry vape juice on him but you didn’t stop the kiss,,,cuz it felt nice
his lips felt like soft little cloud pillows 
and when haechan pulls away he has this little smirk on his face while you're flustered as fuck 
let’s be honest, that wouldn’t be the last time y'all locked lips 
cause it happened a lot 
especially in the car and sometimes in your room 
you can’t lie and say you don’t have any sort of feelings for haechan 
especially when you do see his real smile that he doesn’t let anyone see or when he made the effort to stop smoking cigarettes 
although you still highly disapprove of his drug usage
drugs are bad kids! 
haechan has his own reasons for continuing to use it so as much as you try to discourage him, you don’t stop him 
you’d like to say that you’re the only girl in his life, but your not
bc you were only hyuck’s friend at night,,,he has a day friend who was also a girl who he didn’t seem to care to be seen w at school 
a really pretty (AKA y/n from jaemin’s au) one who you also saw on multiple occasion haechan flashes his breathtaking smile too 
one of your friends had gossip that that girl was ara, who was dropped by her friend group bc she was dating haechan who had beef w jaemin who was dating ara’s ex-bestfriend? confusing, yeah i thought so too. 
you knew better than to listen to stupid highschool rumors but you couldn’t help but come to your own assumptions about the closeness of their friendship 
bECause haechan never mentioned ara in any of your conversations
at lunch, you can’t but let your eyes drift to the two of them in their own world laughing away 
you only met her once when mark was dropping haechan off at your house bc he much rather be at yours then his 
you were a little bit hurt since she got to know mark before you did 
you knew that mark was one of haechan’s closest friend and someone he really respected even though he liked to bag on him 24/7
as much as you tried not to, you found yourself repeatedly comparing yourself to her 
the subject of ara was left alone, forever stored in your insecurities
you didn’t want to confront haechan about it bc you didn’t want to admit it but you caught the big bad feels for the boy
so your feelings were left untouched until senior year
when the two of you were making out in your room and haechan suddenly pulls away with wide eyes 
and he lets out an “oh fuck” 
now, you were worried 
did you somehow do something wrong? 
“ara is going to fucking kill me,” haechan muttered grabbing his phone, calling someone up 
“hey gramps, can you pick ara up? i kinda left her at school,” haechan said through the phone to someone you presume to be mark
“okay, fine i’ll bring you weed brownies and hurry up before she gives me shit tomorrow. you know how high-maintenance she gets” and he hangs up the phone, throwing it aside 
“sorry about that,” haechan says going to resume what the two of you started but you stop him
cause it hurts too much and you don’t know what the hell you are to haechan
“i can’t do this anymore, hyuck” you say in a small voice, not daring to look him in the eyes bc u know damn well that he’ll see the tears in your eyes
“what do you mean?” you could hear the worry in the voice
“this,” you gesture between the two of you “i can’t anymore” 
and haechan knows what you’re talking about 
he’s been dreading the moment,,,he could sense the end 
which is the last thing he wants
“what’s wrong?” 
you bite your lip not wanting to start breaking down in front of the boy you grew to love so much 
your heart was hurting so bad,,,but you couldn’t continue on pining over a boy that would never love you the same way 
“what am i to you, hyuck?” 
one of the things that haechan hated the most was seeing you sad 
he hated how you saying his nickname in that teary voice made his heart drop 
“you’re my friend, y/n. actually, you're my bestfriend” 
you look him in the eyes this time, but haechan wished you didn’t 
“i’d never be more than that, right?” you smiled sadly at the boy
for once in his life, haechan is rendered completely speechless 
“i think you should leave” 
he knew that he should have put up a fight 
yet he couldn’t bring himself to 
there was this pang of hurt in his chest that he couldn’t quite explain 
so he left 
he wished he didn’t 
the minute he walked out the door he felt all of the happiness leave his body,, he knew that when he walked out the door, he would never be walking back 
when he got home in his room that night, he didn’t have it in him to pick up his usual blunt or his vape pen 
instead, he flopped onto his bed staring up at his ceiling 
there was wetness on his cheeks,,,his vision was blurry,,,and his heart hurt 
he almost contemplated skipping school the next day, but he didn’t want to spend his day wallowing in his despair that he didn’t even know why he felt 
his eyes were red as fuck so he tried to play if off as if he were high because who would question it?
so that’s why he went to school with a pair of sunglasses to hide his puffy, red eyes 
he was expecting everyone to leave him alone cuz he looked like he was faded but his shithead friend ara marched over to him and pulled him away leaving behind a very confused looking jaemin
that’s probably a story i’ll hear later. he thought.
“you fucking moron,” ara exclaimed at him punching him in the arm “this is like the eighteenth time you have gone to school fucking high! get a grip man!” 
“don’t lecture me as if you weren’t talking to the parasite,” haechan huffed, rubbing his arm from the pain
damn she packed a punch 
ara squinted and haechan realized he fucked up with his fake high act 
so the girl reached out and grabbed his sunglasses much to his protest and saw his puffy eyes
“hOLY sHIt, dude were you crying?” 
haechan snatched back his sunglasses and quickly put them back on, “fuck you” 
“sorry man, what happened?” 
“i don’t even know” 
“you want a pity hug?” 
“why the fuck not” 
the thing was haechan wasn’t touchy with other girls except for you, so the hug w ara was like a bro hug 
all that awkward patting and shit
stupid haechan failed to notice that you were standing at the end of the hallway, witnessing the whole scene 
now it was clear to you that you didn’t mean shit to haechan 
you were just a girl that could make him feel less lonely in secret, nothing more 
he had no trouble displaying his relationship w ara in public 
why did he make it seem like he wanted to keep you a secret? 
you were tired of it
spinning on your heel, heart-shattering into pieces, you walked away from lee haechan for the very last time 
basically now, it was simp hours 24/7 for the both of you
even college-freshmen! mark knew something was off with his highschool weed buddy 
“dude, what’s goin on with you lately?” 
the two of them were on their regular get-high cliff except mark was the only one doing the deed, haechan was just spaced out 
“i dunno” haechan shrugged 
mark made a face that was like “if you don’t tell me i’m beating the shit out of you” 
“okay fine, y/n doesn’t want me in her life anymore,” haechan spilled the beans on the whole situation between the two of you and mark is like “and i thought i was the fucking idiot” 
haechan is like wdym bruh? 
“are you dumb, bro? like are you out of touch with your feelings or sum shit?” 
“goddamn i have to do everything in this household, listen to me you little bitch boy, grow a pair and admit that you have feelings for her!” 
haechan’s face is like O.o 
“are you high right now, mark?” 
instant smack on the back of his head 
“no you dumb shit; just say that you like her and that ara is just a friend!” 
“what does this have to do ara?” 
mark is like BOI IF YOU DON’t
“obviously, you failed to mention that you managed to befriend a person who just happens to be a really pretty girl-” 
“dude, ara is fucking ugly. i’d date you before i’d ever date her” 
“stfu and listen bitch boy. anyways, y/n is probably highkey confused bc she probably thinks you’re interested in ara since you’ve been spending a shit ton of time w ara in the day time but you only come to y/n at night.” 
“i do that because i don’t want people to associate her with the things i do just because i’m friends with her. she’s doesn’t deserve to be roped into the same category as me” 
aNOTHer smack in the head 
“go clean up the mess you made and admit your feelings you fucking shithead.” 
“i dunno, ask her to prom or some shit” 
“i don’t want to go to prom” 
so haechan gets dropped back at his house and he does some thinking about his so-called “feelings”
which is a fat surprise bc haechan is the living embodiment of impulsiveness,, he had only one brain cell to do his thinking
did he like you? idk man
he liked the way you smiled every time you told him something good about your day while the two of you cuddled. or when you would watch a funny clip on your phone and share it with him
he liked the way your hair smelled liked vanilla and was always so soft every time he ran his fingers through you hair
he liked the way you never turned him away even when he knew that you hated the way he was living his life. 
all of his other friends didn’t even make the effort to reach out to him when he was so obviously out of it. he felt unimportant with them
you were different
you made him feel happy, loved, and cared for
he no longer craved the attention of his parents or anyone in fact because he has you
or well he HAD you 
right now, all of the phone calls, text messages, and even snaps went straight to delivered, voicemail, or unopened
every time you’d see him in the halls, you would go the other direction
all of the times haechan tried to reach out to you, all of his attempts were deflected 
now how the fuck does one confessed when they’re being ignored???
“that sounds like a personal problem,” ara stated, stabbing her food angrily after haechan told her his predicament during lunch
na jaemin had just gone by their table and did someone bullshit that haechan could care less about, he stopped associating himself w him a long time ago
“no shit sherlock, help me bitch.” 
ara glared at him “you got yourself into this mess so fix it yourself” 
“i hope you fucking choke on an ice cube” 
“i’ll slit your throat in your sleep, lee haechan” 
wow everyone really out here expecting haechan to solve his own problems. how selfish of them.
which is probably why his plan of execution was shitty as fuccck
you, on the other side of the equation, was currently in the depths of your despair as all of your friends had managed to score dates to senior prom which was this weekend
you’re highly disappointed bc if it wasn’t for you being so preoccupied with the thought of haechan you’d probably have a date by now 
hell you even lied to haechan saying how you didn’t want to go to prom bc it was too extravagant for your taste when in actuality, you wanted to get dressed up, take pretty pictures, and dance awkwardly to a slow song 
the typical highschool prom experience
one thing that you didn’t want to admit was that the only boy you could picture as your date was donghyuck, the same boy that you wanted to get out of your thoughts and heart
the night of prom, you were stuck in your bed in a pair of sweats and some random oversized t-shirt scrolling through social media
to say you weren’t jealous of all the fun senior prom seemed to be was a giANT lie you could’ve just went alone!!!
honestly, even your parents were out having fun on a date night while you were being depresso espresso at home
you flopped in bed with a giant huff bc who was haechan to stop you from experiencing your highschool years! who was he to make you feel so bad that you couldn’t even go to prom! 
your phoned buzzed in your hand causing you to look down and nearly scowled at the message that was sent to you
hyuck: open up 
you ignored it, turning your attention back to that stupid rom-com you were watching on your laptop 
your phone continued to ding w messages you were sure were from haechan but you don’t want to open bc you knew that you would probably be launched into another wave of sadness and maybe even break-down cry in front of him so you turned your ringer off 
but out of nowhere, you hear this loud thud against your window 
wtf was that? alert mode on
then you hear a loud shout 
you already knew who it was, so you contemplated on whether or not you wanted to actually confront him or run away from all of your problems (*coughs* ara *coughs* haechan)
 you didn’t get much time to think bc another thing was launched at your window
haechan’s shoe
walking over you opened ur window to see below haechan on your lawn with a giant cheeky smile on his face you knew for a fact it was genuine
he only smiled like that when the two of you were bent over laughing at something stupid he or you did
aww shit here comes the sad bugs again 
“what do you want?” you say loud enough for him to hear “go to prom with me!” haechan shouts up making you and your heart flustered af 
“prom already started, you idiot” 
“then let’s dance in your room” 
as much as you knew you should have turned him away, you couldn’t
you were so in love with haechan 
the minute you open the door you were engulfed into his chest
you froze up not knowing how to react 
“don’t let me go please,” haechan says barely louder than a whisper
goDAmmit haechan’s making me tear the fuck up
“you’re the only one in my life that hasn’t left me. the only one that was willing to understand me. i know that i’m not the best guy out there, i know that i’m nothing great, but when you look at me with that stupid smile of yours i feel so god damn on top of the world.”  
he hugs you tighter “please, please, y/n don’t leave me. i need you in my life.” 
something wet drops on your shoulder but you don’t dare to look up at haechan’s teary eyes 
closing your eyes you fall into his chest, his familiar scent triggering tears of your own 
“i love you” he pulls away from you to look at your face for a response, your eyes meeting his shaking brown orbs 
you have to raise your head slightly up to look at him while he was looking down at you
his hair was a mess of a light pastel rainbow (we go up broski) 
that’s when you notice how red his eyes were but there was no stench of weed or alcohol on him 
lee haechan was completely sober 
“i’ve always been yours, lee donghyuck”  
lee haechan wasn’t like other guys. he was lee donghyuck. he was complex and it would take you years to completely unravel him. even when you knew him for so long, you still had no idea was going through his mind. there were times where you found yourself stumped on the subject of haechan, but it was okay 
because you were willing to take the time to understand. 
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bnha-ra · 5 years
Hey, I’m back because of self-isolation so here are some memes to pass the time.
Undercut to make everyone’s lives better~
(Name), at the start of 2020: You know, mother nature’s been pretty rowdy lately, so we should all be careful about how we treat the planet in the near future :)
(Name) again, 3 months later, stuck indoors with her classmates and waving her arms frantically: I DUN TOLD YOU, MOTHER FUCKERS! I DUN TOLD YOU SHE WAS GETTING PISSED, Y'ALL SCREWED NOW-
Mina, walking into (Name)’s room: Hey (Name), do you have any- Damn, bitch, you live like this?
(Name), sitting on a pile of dirty clothes with her switch in her hands, hissing: GET OUT! I’m playing ANIMAL CROSSING!
(Name), watching the news about the coronavirus: My life’s getting a little too much Panic and not enough Disco
Kaminari, in thought: You know, your future self is probably talking shit about you.
(Name), slamming her fist down on the table: JOKES ON HER, I’LL FUCKING RUIN HER LIFE! AND I’LL DO HER BOYFRIEND
Midoriya, blushing beat red: (NAME)-CHAN!
(Name), eating some ramen: I talk shit about me too, bitch, she ain’t special.
(Name), reaching her limit: On a scale of kinky to rupturing your airway, how hard do you want me to choke you today?
(Name), in self-isolation with her classmates: Eh, kinda sucks to be stuck indoors but it can’t be that bad, right?
(Name), a week after, sipping at her orange juice shakily: Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Iida, waving his hands about: Where are you going, (Last)!
(Name), wearing shades: To get ice cream or commit a felony
(Name): I’ll decide on the walk
Uraraka, sweat-dropping: Why is (Name) screaming?
Todoroki, without fail because (Name) told him to say it because he doesn’t really understand memes: She is challenging the gods
Bakugo, strolling into the room:
(Name), falling to her knees, holding her throat: Help, I can’t breathe, his ego is pushing all the air out of the room
Kirishima: GUYS! If you don’t have anything nice to say about each other, don’t say anything at all!
Bakugo and (Name), sharing a look:
Bakugo takes out his hearing aids and signs: F-U-C-K Y-O-U
(Name), without hesitation: S-I-T O-N A D-I-C-K
Kirishima, tired of their shit: …
Kirishima: Guys, come on-
(If (Name) and Bakugo ended up getting in a relationship)
Bakugo: Someone will die-
(Name): Of fun!
Jiro, glancing into (Name)’s bag: Uh, (Name)? Why do you have a measuring tape in your bag?
(Name), while rummaging through her stuff: To measure the amount of patience I have left with you clowns
92 notes · View notes
billhaderlovebot · 5 years
beep beep (5) - richie tozier.
Tumblr media
@ceruleanrainblues @the-star-above-you @a-second-hand-sorrow @shockwavee @socially-unaccepptable-dameron
the usual sexy stuff and swearing and weed. y'all know the drill.
"i've never been... uh... good at the whole, um, serious thing. but, this is us. this is... our wedding. and i put real effort into this shit. so, get ready, fuckers, because this is a real tearjerker. um, yeah. okay..."
you honestly hadn't trusted richie to write his own vows, but neither of you had wanted them to feel... artificial. you wanted them to be your own. and now he was standing before you, holding your hands in his and tearing up already. big softie.
he had also teared up as you walked down the aisle on wobbly legs, mike on your arm.
"we were... we were owed more time, i think." richie lamented. "we should have done this years ago. i should have married you years ago."
richie had known, for a long time, that you were the one he would marry.
it was 1993, and the sun was setting over sleepy little derry, giving the quarry an orange-pink glow and bathing you all in its warmth.
you were all pruning up a little, and it wasn't as warm as it was when you'd come down a few hours previously, but summer was coming to an end, and you wanted to make the most of your last couple weeks of freedom with your favourite people in the world.
richie watched as you sat in the shallows, taking a hit of the sizeable joint between your fingers. you exhaled loudly, leaning your head back toward the watercolour sky.
shades of blush pink and peach and apricot illuminated your skin, the low sun setting a warm glow across the water, and oh, god, he was in love.
you laughed, loud and beautifully obnoxious, at something stan had said, passing him the joint and wiggling your legs in the water. your laugh just so happened to be the losers' favourite sound in the whole world, as it was one of those wonderfully infectious laughs you can't help but laugh along with.
richie had always tried to make you laugh in the hopes that you'd like him, but when you did laugh, he found himself falling in love.
eddie watched on in disapproval, sitting cross legged on the bank behind you.
"when you get lung cancer i will laugh and i will spit on your grave." he grumbled, but took the joint anyway when it was passed back around to him, just as enthusiastically as the rest of you. perhaps he was trying to protest in hopes that it would lessen the guilt he would feel later as he frantically sprayed himself with deodorant to get the smell out, and applied the emergency eyedrops he had bought.
ben, bev, bill and mike were in the middle of a very intense game of chicken. beverly had toppled off of mike's shoulders at least twice, but she had pushed bill back into the water more than four times, shrieking with laughter as, arms flailing, he disappeared under the surface of the lake.
"rich! c'mere." you had caught sight of him and held out your arms in his direction, making cute little grabby hand motions toward him. the look of utter joy on your face warmed him from head to toe, and he smiled as he swam over, dodging bill, who had once again been knocked into the lake by bev. ("stop being such a little bitch, billy.")
you came to meet richie halfway, leaving stan and eds to finish the joint and sinking into the water up to your neck. you immediately attached your lips to his, running both of your hands through his hair because you were stoned and everything felt better under your fingertips.
kissing him was like... a whole other plane of existence. you were joined at the lips, joined at the heart. the sun was going down and it was getting cold, and you were both shaking, and he noted the way you tasted of smoke as he kissed the life from you, the water rippling against his chin. you groaned quietly, and richie smiled into the kiss, ignoring everyone else's exasperated groans because ugh they're making out again ew look at them they're so disgustingly in love.
"you're both whores!" stan all but screamed, and you flipped him off, kissing richie all the more enthusiastically.
and richie broke away just to look at you.
the sun, now casting a deep orange-red light behind you, was almost set, and you were beautiful.
the quiet "hi, babe." that tumbled from your lips made him feel as if everything was right with the world, and, then, staring at you, drinking you in, in all your red-eyed, swollen-lipped, soft-grinning glory, like he was seeing colour for the first time, he knew that if he didn't marry you he would probably die.
"but now we're here."
richie cleared his throat, his eyes darting around because if he looked directly you he had no chance of keeping it together. "and i have you for the rest of my life. it took a lot for us to get here, too. god knows how we managed to plan all this. thanks, bevvy."
eddie was your best man.
eddie was your best everything, to be honest, so it was an easy choice while wedding planning. eddie had been the essential third to your group of three ever since you were kids, and he meant so much to richie, and so much to you that you hadn't even had to think about it.
eddie was going to be the best man. that choice was a no-brainer.
all of the other choices, however, were not.
richie and yourself, apparently, were completely incompetent at any sort of planning whatsoever.
you tried, though, you really did.
you got out the big notebook and a pen and richie pulled up pinterest and you had some serious talks about colour schemes and flower arrangements and the like.
well, sort of.
("can we have, like, yknow, like, those worms..."
"like those worms on strings... yeah, those."
"the googly eyes?"
"the eyes.... yeah, and just..."
"hang them?"
"from the ceiling... yeah. "
"i think that's the best idea you've had since i met you.")
but after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, and only having made one useful decision, the two of you decided that you were not in any state to plan your fucking wedding.
("so... s-so if we get- richard, stop trying to take my clothes off- if we get the worms, do you want the pink- rich, i swear- do you want the pink ones or the blue ones...?")
turning off whatever true crime show was playing in the background, you stumbled, leaning against one another, to the bedroom.
"that's the plan."
but any attempt to undress each other only got half way before you were both asleep atop the bedsheets, snoring lightly, an intoxicated tangle of limbs.
the planner notebook you had been using to write down the essentials lay open and abandoned on the coffee table, the only thing in it being one line of richie's chickenscratch handwriting.
it read: set a place for stanley.
richie was really, properly crying now, and the only think keeping him from losing his shit was eddie's hand on his shoulder, and your thumb running across his knuckles.
everyone else was crying, too. not a dry eye in the room.
"almost losing you again... so soon after we had found each other... really put shit into perspective for me, yknow? hospitals, um, suck. and i was so pissed... because... fuck, sorry, fuck... i was, uh, pissed, because all i could think was that we were losing time again."
(before the sewer fight)
"kiss me." richie's quiet, shaky voice came from behind you, and you whirled around from the suitcase from which you were trying to put together an outfit more suitable for clown killing.
he took you in his arms almost immediately, bending down to kiss you, but the kiss almost scared you.
it was too tense.
there was too strong an edge to the way he held you close, kissing you as if it were the last time.
"what's wrong?" you murmured, centimetres from his lips, your breath ghosting across them.
"i... i don't know if we'll both come out of this." he admitted in hushed agony, kissing you again, slower. "i won't be able to live with myself if something happens to you." richie kissed you again and again, such raw emotion behind each soft crush of lips that he had to swallow the quiet, broken gasps that spilled from you.
"whatever happens," you breathed, running your thumbs along his cheekbones. "i love you."
"show me." he pleaded, red rimmed eyes locking onto yours with such intent that you almost fell over. "please, just-"
"we have to be quick." you said, and he nodded, pulling you into another long, searing kiss. there was a sort of burning desperation to the way his lips moved, now.
richie shifted your shorts down and slid his hands under your thighs, whispering a low "jump" in your ear. your legs wrapped around his waist, and you gasped as your back hit the wall.
"fuck, rich, hurry the fuck up." you mumbled, tilting your head so as to give him better access to the skin of your neck, to which he was already leaving marks.
"okay, baby." and then he was all but tearing off your shirt, immediately exploring the newly exposed skin with his mouth, teeth included. fuck.
"you're such a prick." you hissed.
"and you might just be the most beautiful thing ever to have existed, sweets." said richie, pushing his glasses up his nose and looking at you with dark, dilated, sex-me-up eyes.
"do something about it then." you challenged.
"anything for you, doll."
richie was pushing you so hard against the wall, that you were surprised you didn't go right through the drywall and topple into eddie's room.
you ran your tongue along his bottom lip and he groaned so fucking loud.
"i love you." you whispered the sentiment against his lips, fumbling at his belt buckle.
"i love you more."
richie took a moment to compose himself, allowing you to do the same. your eyes drifted about the room. the absence of both yours and richie's families bothered neither of you.
at the front row, the losers and stanley's empty chair, reminded you that they were the only family you'd ever need.
"you fucking what?"
"it was an accident!" richie held his hands up in defense, slumping down next to you on the couch.
"richie, do you ever imagine what it would be like if you'd have gotten enough fucking oxygen at birth?" you snapped, raking your hands across your scalp.
"watch it, or no sex." he said.
"i will never have sex with you ever as long as i live unless you uninvite my mother right the fuck now."
"i couldn't say no!" richie was now flapping his hands about in frustration, looking a little like a cartoon character. "she called me up yelling about the divorce and then i told her about the wedding--"
"my life would be so much easier if your dad had just pulled out." you deadpanned.
"--and i didn't know how to tell her she couldn't come--
"we have to change the venue. she's not coming."
"but that's the beach grease was filmed on, babe, there's no way i--"
"richie, if you don't change the venue, i will fucking castrate you in your fucking sleep."
it was raining that day, anyway, so a beach wedding wouldn't have been possible. it was okay, though. richie quite liked the little chapel you had picked out, and the coloured light that filtered through the stained glass windows danced across your skin in a way that reminded him so much of quarry sunsets. it was perfect, really.
"we could have had... so much more, yknow? a normal life. but, instead, we grew up in fucking derry... like idiots from some dumb horror book." you laughed at that. so did the losers. you were the only ones who knew what it really meant. "i promise... i'm going to, um, spend every moment of the rest of my life, the rest of however long we have, showing you how much i love you. and i do... love you, that is. every moment of the rest of fucking time, baby, because god knows we've lost enough."
and you kissed him before the priest even said the words, knocking him backwards into eddie.
your first dance was unconventional.
of course.
richie was nervous. he had practiced this dance so many times, with beverly, with eddie, with fucking bill. (that particular endeavour had been a tough nut to crack.) and you pretended you didn't know, for his sake, because he had tried so hard.
his hands shook as he positioned them on your waist where beverly had taught him.
"i can't dance, babe." he snorted.
"i know you can't." you giggled, kissing his cheek.
you held him close to you, blinking back tears as the first chords of billy joel's vienna drifted quietly from the speakers in the corner.
richie lay his head on your shoulder, murmuring the words softly in your ear and pressing light kisses to the soft skin under it.
about halfway through the song, you realised you didn't actually know how to dance either, which was a relief to him. whatever you ended up doing had to have been acceptable, because, once again, everyone was sobbing.
bev cried, mike cried, ben cried, bill cried. eddie shoved almost his entire hand into his mouth to stifle his tears, because there was no way in fuck richie was seeing him cry.
richie would sooner find himself down in the sewers again than admit it, but he could carry a damn tune.
when the song faded to its soft end, the two of you didn't move for several more seconds, eyes gently closed, foreheads together. (admittedly, richie was quite a bit taller than you, and to lean down a fraction.) it seemed almost wrong to open your eyes and join the rest of the world, but the losers' over-enthusistic applause and cheering pulled you both from the trance as they drowned out everyone else.
"you're beautiful." richie whispered, and your eyes snapped open. you had a feeling he wasn't just talking about your dress. eddie, of all people, had helped you pick it out, following you around the wedding dress outlet centres, hissing profanity at the disheveled women who got in his way and muttering furiously about how he'd sterilise the fuck out of whatever you chose to buy.
"you're beautiful." you sniffed, wiping your watery eyes and pulling him down to kiss you softly.
"why are you two like that?" eddie whined when you sat down at the table you'd put them all on. he was only half joking.
"it is their wedding day, eds." bev shrugged, remembering how gross her and ben had been at their own wedding a few months previously.
"what can i say?" you arranged the skirt of your dress comfortably around you before slinging your legs over richie's. "richie's a whore."
the rest of the party was... eventful.
most notably, the losers club's exclusive, very enthusiastic (and frankly quite dangerous) group dance to uptown girl in which your shoe ended up across the room in the wine cooler on the table you dubbed "friends from work" and bill and mike accidentally threw eddie half way across the room at the final chorus.
there was also the matter of richie and yourself insisting on recreating the "come on eileen" dance from the perks of being a wallflower, but then not remembering any of the moves. losers club exclusive group dance part 2 ensued.
eddie's best man speech was a wreck, mainly because he was absolutely bladdered.
("trash-mouth... trash-mouth fuckin tozier got the girl. nobody thought it would ever happen, i mean ever-")
(6 months after the wedding.)
"are we gonna pretend we have kids?" you pondered, crumpling the empty juice pouch in your hands and tossing it onto the steady-growing pile in the corner of the living room. "or are we just going to have to own up to the fact we drank twelve boxes of capri suns between us this week?"
a quiet slurping noise came from beside you as richie drained his own capri-sun, throwing it onto the pile with a flourish of his arms.
"i think that they've come to expect this of us." he said, shifting your legs out of his lap and standing up to answer the door.
"alright!" you heard him call down the hallway, as who you assumed was bev began pounding the doorbell aggressively.
and then the door swung open, and you heard a chorus of cheerful greetings and borderline yelling. ah, your best friends.
the losers came over to the tozier residence almost weekly for drunken antics and the spilling of long overdue tea.
"MRS TOZIER!" mike hollered jovially, bill in tow. they'd been seeing more of each other recently. none of you were able to miss how mike looked at bill when bill wasn't looking. it was how beverly and ben looked at one another, and how you looked at richie every morning you woke up to his face, and all throughout the day when he wasn't looking, and even when he was looking.
"MIKEY!" you yelled back with equally as much gusto, stretching your arms out for a hug, which he gladly returned.
"novelty not wore off, yet?" mike asked, gratefully taking the capri sun you offered to him as he settled next to you on the couch. "you've been married long enough, realised you don't love him yet?"
"oh yeah, no, this is purely a marriage of convenience. he's not that ugly, and i get laid like every day, and all i have to do is pick up his socks and share a bed with him."
richie wasn't impressed, storming back into the room in front of bev, ben and eddie.
"hey, um, ok, well, i actually am having a passionate affair with ben, and, ben's fucking hung. so, there."
richie slumped on the other side of you, grabbing you and blowing a raspberry on the side of your neck.
"seriously, bitch?" you whined, but you wrapped your arms around him all the same.
eddie bustled over to the towering pile of capri-sun packets, a plastic refuse bag in hand that you assumed he'd just pulled from his fanny pack.
"you guys are disgusting." he shoved the packets into the bag with unnecessary force. "you fucking deserve each other."
"tell them why we got kicked out of the drive-in theatre last week, rich." you smirked, leaning into your husband's side. he cleared his throat.
"i, uh..."
"tell them." you pressed.
"we saw titanic-" richie started, quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him.
"oh, god." eddie groaned, storming out of the room in search of a recycling bin.
"-and i, uh... was yelling diving scores as they, uh, jumped off the boat."
"for fucks sake, richie." ben sighed. beverly was borderline cackling. mike and bill just looked disappointed.
"it's not my fault!" richie whined. "my beautiful wife was the one who insisted we recreate the sex scenes as they happened. hand on the window and everything."
"the toziers, everyone." eddie came back into the room, sitting on the ground on a beanbag near the coffee table. "you two should never have been allowed near each other."
"ah, but we were." you chimed in. grabbing richie's face and kissing him obnoxiously. "what say we get piss-drunk and, like, play dumb drinking games. for old times sake?" you suggested when you tore yourself from him, your lips separating with a wet pop. "it's been a while."
"what's up, fuckers." you threw up a casual peace sign as you descended into bill's smoke-shrouded basement, stumbling slightly down the stairs and sitting between richie and stanley in the circle that the losers had formed.
richie immediately attached his lips to your neck, pulling you into his side.
"hello to you too, trash-mouth." you grinned. richie looked fucking good.
he'd only gone and got his septum pierced the day before, and you were wary at first, but the little silver horseshoe ring that hung between his nostrils now looked amazing, glinting in the low basement lights. richie wore a deep red, oversized, cable-knit sweater that you could have sworn was yours but you'd smoked a huge joint on the way here and weren't too sure. a black beanie sat on his head, a few errant curls poking out by his forehead and around his ears.
"you're hot." you mumbled.
"you're hot." he grinned against your neck, and lifted his head to kiss your lips, his glasses bumping against your nose.
"yo, whores, truth or dare." beverly said, throwing back about half of the bottle in her hand, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"i fucking hate this game." richie hissed, leaning against your shoulder, sulking.
"truth." you said.
"what's richie's biggest kink?" she leaned forward in the circle, her tongue poking out from between her teeth.
"beverly!" richie was not amused.
"he's really into hair pulling." you sniffed, taking a blunt from between stan's fingers.
"babe!" richie exclaimed. you exhaled in his face.
"is he loud?" bev asked, leaning to take the joint from you.
"BEVERLY!" richie was shouting, now, throwing his hands up in frustration.
"oh, yes. he is." you nodded, grinning from ear to ear.
"a bit like that, actually."
"this is actual abuse." richie put his head in his hands, edging away from you.
"i love you." you tried, tugging on his sweater and leaning against him.
he had crawled into stanley's lap at this point, curling up like a baby.
"i fucking hate truth or dare." richie sat up and reached for another bottle, allowing you to wrap your arms around him.
most of the losers were asleep, curled up in various, not so comfortable looking positions on your couch and beanbags and weird hanging egg chair thingy that you'd insisted on buying.
"where did you come from, babe?" richie sighed, snaking his arms around your waist from behind as you brushed your teeth. "you're fuckin'... perfect."
one thing richie had always remembered, if a little vaguely, was your smell. the smell of sleep and fabric softener and your shampoo. his memory hadn't done it justice, he decided. when he took you in his arms in the chinese restaurant and inhaled deeply as if it were his last breath, filling his lungs with the smell of you and trying to sear into his brain the memory of how you felt inside his arms. because he would forget again, surely.
he hated himself for forgetting you.
"we're married, rich." you pointed out, rinsing your toothbrush and dropping it into the holder. "you're not too bad, yourself."
"i mean it, though." he muttered, pressing the softest of kisses to your jaw. "you're so fuckin'... doll, i, fuck-"
"don't go all shy on me, babe." you teased. "come to bed, yeah? im cold."
he watched as you shuffled off to your shared bedroom, doing that thing you always did when you stretched, making an unnecessary amount of noise. he smiled. that's my baby.
"hey, rich." another voice came from behind him. at the door of the bathroom, small and tentative.
"oh, hey, eds." richie smiled, taking his own toothbrush from the one next to yours, continuing the conversation through the mirror. but there was a somewhat uncomfortable silence in the small room, made worse by the hollow rattling of the toothbrushes.
"i, uh..." eddie shifted his weight, leaning against the doorframe. "i, uh... gotta tell you something, rich."
"knock yourself out, eddie spaghetti."
"im getting a divorce."
"oh, yeah? good, she was a fucking-"
"im with someone. a guy."
"a guy?"
"yeah. his name is, uh, richie, as it happens. well, richard, but, yknow."
"i loved you." eddie blurted. quiet. barely there. "for, uh... so long."
"when we were kids. and, and i... you were never out of my head. not for one fucking second. and my mom... god, my fucking mom, she knew. i think she knew. every time you came round she made sure to scrub me a little harder. the soap burned. fuckin, i don't even know, some carbolic shit, or something. but... it was always her, wasn't it? you and her, um, you loved her and you continued to love her for... for fucking ever. and i wanted it to be me, rich."
richie was almost choking on his heart.
"eds, you know i-"
"no, actually, i don't."
"well i-"
"im not... bitter. if that's what you think. because i think the world of her. she's... my best friend, i would do anything for her, rich. and it wouldn't have made sense for you to end up with anyone else.
and im not... pining anymore? this was uh, what i needed. and im with someone, and he loves me, and i love him. so much, i do. and i love... you... and her... "
"eddie, i loved you too, yknow."  richie muttered. the words hung in the air between them like the sword of fuckin' damocles.
"you did?"
"yeah. course i did."
"well, fuck."
"yeah. fuck."
"can i-" eddie held out his arms.
richie was so used to hugging smaller people that it was natural to rest his chin on eddie's head, enveloping him almost completely. he noted how eddie gripped his shirt a little tighter than was probably necessary.
"you gotta let me meet this guy, yeah?" said richie, muffled against eddie's hair. "you're, like, small and shit. so i gotta make sure he won't break you or something."
"okay, rich." eddie laughed quietly.
when they broke apart, something had changed. there was closure. eddie could go back to his loving boyfriend and richie could go back to his wonderful wife and it was okay. all of it was okay.
it was okay.
"g'morning, doll." you had woken up to richie going to town between your legs. which was, um, always a good time.
after he had finished, wiping his lips, wiping you from his lips, he mumbled the term of endearment lowly into your ear, kissing the spot just underneath it, and you almost grabbed his head and pushed him back down there. however, it was cold, and he was warm, so you melted against him, pulling his arm over you.
"hey, baby." you weren't sure if the words had come from you, because you were floating. and half asleep. but they must have done, because richie kissed the back of your neck and pulled you closer to him, if that was possible. "what time is it." you continued, yawning.
"uhh, like, nine." he yawned back.
"i know."
"why did you- and not that i'm complaining, because that was great- why did you wake me up, you fucking insane person."
"because they all left, and woke me to tell me they were leaving, and then i was awake, and you weren't, and i was bored, and i wanted to wake you nicely."
"mission fucking accomplished." you sighed, a sleepy grin spreading across your face. "but can we go back to sleep, now?"
"love you, stinky." you mumbled.
"love you more."
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gatsby-system-folks · 4 years
Hahahahahaha I stayed up till 1 am writing this after watching a toy story marathon with my family. I hope y'all enjoy my Headcanon Very Young Bro Strider.
"Mr. Strider," The gentleman on the bench said. As he said every single evening as Dirk walked home from work.
But of course, today was different. Today Dirk had a human baby in a rolling suitcase.
"Uhhhhh hello mr. Nesbit!" He said, smiling a little too brightly.
Mr. Nesbit looked up at the spindly young man, before looking back down at his newspaper with a tisk.
Dirk hurried past, hoping that the infant inside didn't make a noise.
Into the elevator, and Dirk let out a huge sigh of relief. He crouched next to the suitcase and unzipped it, revealing baby. It hadn't made a noise since he found it, so he didn't know why he was so worried about discovery.
It was almost more worrying that the baby hadn't made noise since he found it.
"So, uh, you got a name?" He asked.
The baby only stuck out its tongue.
"Do you like.... Elizabeth? I'll call you Lizzie for short...?"
The elevator door began to open and Dirk frantically zipped up the case again, but didn't have time to stand up before his neighbor, Mrs. Rosalyn entered the elevator.
"What are you doing, crouched on the floor like that? You look foolish." She snapped.
"Sorry ma'am! I... Uh... Euggh..." He stood up, snapping to attention.
She eyed him sternly.
"Or perhaps it's better if you look a fool, so people don't expect anything else."
He smiled nervously again, revealing teeth with braces still attached.
Mrs. Rosalyn's expression softened a little.
"Now I was being a little harsh with you, young man. You work hard at that fancy walmart store and don't get much time off your feet, I understand you needed to rest a bit."
He relaxed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"So... How's your grandson?" He asked.
"He's doing quite well. His arm is healing nicely. Should be out of the cast very soon. How is your family?"
"Oh, y'know... The usual. A little far away... But I talked to my dad the other day... Yeah..."
They reached the very top floor and both got off. Mrs. Rosalyn was about to enter her house when a small coo sounded from Dirk's suitcase. She looked down, mildly concerned. Dirk hurriedly immitated the coo sound, turning it into a yawn.
"Ha ha... Boy am I tired..."
The old lady smiled incredulously as she entered her house, leaving the young man alone in the hallway.
After entering his own apartment, Dirk opened the suitcase again, picking up the baby.
He knew how to pick up small children from when he used to babysit his young cousin, also named Elizabeth.
"Heya, Lizzie, have you had a nice ride?" The baby smiled, placing a tiny hand on Dirk's freckle covered nose.
"Yeah, I'ma be taking care of you, sweetie."
He set the baby on the couch, pulling the other things out of the suitcase. A diaper changing pad, diapers, baby formula and clothes. Baby stuff was expensive as crap.
He set up the changing pad, and set the baby on it.
"Here goes nothing..." He said. That pamphlet on baby care he'd found had better be right.
"You are not an Elizabeth, are you?" He said dejectedly.
After the ordeal was over, he started a pot of water on the stove to make formula with, and went to his closet to change out of his work uniform.
While he did, he pondered a new name for the baby.
"Dirk junior? Oh hell no. Ro...ger? Roger? Rod*rick*? Just Rick? How about... Andy? Daniel? David? Dave? It's perfect. Andy it is."
A minute later he re entered the living room to find the baby exactly where he'd left him.
He picked him up again.
"Nice to meet you, Andy"
The baby's small hand smacked Dirk in the cheek.
"Owww." Dirk rubbed his cheek.
"Did you just.... Did you just say 'no'?"
The baby was deadpan, but Dirk would've sworn he looked smug.
"Fine. You get to be Dave. Boring old Dave. No fun Toy Story adventures for you I guess."
Dave stuck out his tongue again.
Dirk took him into the kitchen, where the water had reached a pleasantly warm temperature. The old stove took an hour and a half to bring water to a boil, anyway. Setting Dave on the counter, Dirk mixed a scoop of formula into a cup of warm water and carefully poured it into a bottle. His mother always insisted he keep a bottle in the house in case he found a kitten or a puppy or something. Dirk had thought it was stupid at one point. Not any more.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Dirk fed Dave the whole Bottle, then another one before Dave seemed full.
"You're a hungry little dude. It's like you've never eaten before. Or not. I really don't know. Um..."
Dirk dragged the only other living room chair into the kitchen, and set Dave in it while Dirk cooked his own dinner. Eggs with salsa on a tortilla, and a glass of milk to go with it.
Back in the living room, Dirk sat Dave in his lap, turned on the TV and ate.
"You are watching WBIR, Dallas. Much warmer today, with highs in the 70's. However, we're going to see a cold front moving through by April 20th."
"Oh yeah, we've gotta write this down. Today can count as your birthday, little dude. April 13th, 1996. Happy birthday."
As night fell, Dirk opened the windows to let in the cooler night air. He made a bed for Dave out of a cardboard box and a couch cushion ( He would have used a pillow, but the pamphlet had said babies should have firm matresses), and set it right next to his bed. A low, metal bedframe he had gotten hand me down from his granddad, with the refrigerator box and a matress he had found at the thrift store on top. If he curled up a bit, he didn't even hang off the edge. It really was great, what with all the pillows he had collected over the years.
He clicked on the lava lamp sitting on the desk, and fell backwards on to the bed, making it let out a massive squeak. That cool or puppet clown doll thing he had found a couple days ago sat in the corner of his closet like a guardian. He was about to drift off when he heard a small sniffle.
He looked over, to see Dave, eyes squeezed shut, tucked under his tiny blanket.
"Oh no..."
Dirk sat up, picking up Dave. He knew the kid was crying, and trying to cover it up. What the heck was up with this precocious baby?
"Oh no, little dude, you're to young to be macho."
Dave cuddled up against him, small whimpers subsiding.
"Ok, tell you what. You can sleep up here for tonight. Sound good?"
He laid back down, with Dave next to him.
Both boys were out like a light within minutes.
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