#y'all I have been so pumped to finish and share this
a2zillustration · 8 months
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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paladin--strait · 2 months
the one bed problem - quinn hughes
quinn hughes x tkachuk sister!reader
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tw: language, cringe and its fast paced. a short but happy ending. reader can be portrayed as any body shape/size, and y/n l/n is used. if you notice any mistakes, tell me so I can fix them!!
thank you for reading and to those who voted on the poll for this story, thank you so much! and of course thank you to those who are just reading! if you have any criticism or tips for me, shoot me a message and tell me! I'll be appreciative for any help! love you all ❤
the ticket to the canucks vs. senators game rests in my hand while I walk into the canadian tire centre to watch my brother, brady and his best friend, quinn play. the sound of excited fans for the home team and the opposing team get me even more pumped up for this game.
I practically run down the stairs to my rink side seats to see if I could catch brady during warmups. he spots me and skates over, smiling. brady waves at me through the glass and I wave back, throwing up a heart made with my hands and he returns it before we both put our hands on the glass, to meet each others.
brady and I talk to each other on opposite sides of the glass before he gets thrown down by somebody, the flash of a white jersey telling me exactly who it is. quinn smiles at me and waves, putting his hand against the glass to meet mine. I laugh as brady skates back over and greets quinn with a smile.
we all chat a bit before elias skates over and grabs quinn, pulling him by his jersey back to his side of the ice to finish warm ups. brady decides to go as well, leaving me to walk a few steps back to get to my seat.
the game starts and all of the players are aggressive, fighting for the win. brady and quinn get up to their usual antics and mess around a bit, before being whipped back into shape by their teammates and coaches. their joking plays make me laugh, and I'm the only one. the people around me look at me strangely but I just shrug it off.
the game ends with the canucks winning 6-3, which was kinda hard for brady, since quinn won't ever let him live this down. I walk down to the area where I always wait for brady after the games and stand for a while, playing on my phone and sharing some pictures I took.
I hear footsteps walking towards me and I open my arms, running to brady for a hug. I squeeze him tight and he squeezes back. we sway for a minute or two, "I'm sorry you lost." I say, rubbing his back.
"I have no clue what you're talking about, sweetheart." my eyes snap open and I pull away. its quinn, he's got this shit eating grin on his face and he's laughing.
"quinn! why didn't you tell me it was you!" I shove him playfully, laughing with him. "and congratulations on your win!" I stop laughing and just smile at him.
we chat a little more and wait for brady. the three of us always go out to eat after they play each other. it's like a tradition at this point. brady finally walks out, jogging over to us, "anybody hungry?" he yells out. it's become a tradition for the three of us to go out to eat after the boys play.
"yeah us!" quinn says, patting brady on the back. "you played good, by the way."
"thanks man. y'all deserved that win." brady and quinn hug before we head to the car. quinn rode on his own on the way here and I'll be going with quinn on his drive back tomorrow morning.
I wanted to see him and his brothers play. I've always been good friends with the boys since brady and quinn became close when they were younger. I grew up with them and they're practically my brothers.
but there's something different about quinn.
the way his nose crinkles and makes his eyes squint when he's agitated and confused. the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at me and only me. I swear I can see the world in his eyes.
as the years flew by as we grew older, I began to notice that quinn looked at me differently than the other girls he was around. even though they were taller, prettier, and kinder than me, it's like he didn't even care. he only had eyes for me.
I wonder whether or not my thoughts are true, but at this point I can only hope they are. recently I decided that I would never say anything to quinn in fear of ruining or friendship. the previous times I had accidentally almost let my crush on him slip, I had corrected myself just in time. the one time I tried to tell him, I was interrupted by luke and I never got to tell him.
my roommate, the only one who knows about my crush on quinn, made me a paper to sign around a year ago. it states, 'I, y/n I/n, vow to never tell quinn hughes, mine and my brother's best friend, about my crush on him. we shall remain friends until we die, unless spoken otherwise by quinn hughes himself.
I've upheld my contract since then. but everytime quinn and I make eye contact or I hear his voice, I think of breaking it.
little did I know, quinn had made a contract almost identical to mine. he signed the papers, vowing to never speak of his crush on me in fear of ruining his friendship with my brothers and I.
I think about the paper I practically signed my life away to before I go to sleep.
when I wake up, its 5am. my alarm is blaring in my ear and I slowly get out of bed, shutting off my alarm and walking to my bathroom. I throw my towel over the rack before I get in the shower. washing away all the sweat from bed and the hot restuarant quinn, brady, and I went to last night.
the water washes over my body and completely wets my hair before I wash up. stepping out of the shower, I throw on a towel and walk out into my cold bedroom. I shiver, but dry off my body in the process.
after putting on my outfit for the day, I walk over to my sink and get started on my skincare. I don't do much, just
some cleanser and moisturizer. then I put on a little bit of makeup. I can't stand wearing a full face of makeup, the only time I do is on special occasions. even then I hate it.
I pack the last few things I need before I grab my stuff and head downstairs.
quinn is sitting at the counter with brady, drinking a cup of coffee and talking about the game last night. "good morning sis. its about damn time for you to be down." brady laughs, getting up to give me a big hug.
"a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, brady." I smile and hug him back.
quinn asks if I'm ready and I tell him yes, grabbing a water from the fridge for me and him and we leave the house, brady yelling goodbye at us from the door like the goofball he is. brady yells something at quinn that I can't exactly make out, but I do hear the words sister and love.
quinn rolls his eyes and flicks him off, which causes me to laugh. he soon laughs with me and we drive down the road, on the way back to quinn's place in vancouver.
"I can't believe they let you miss morning skate and probably evening skate for this. you're literally the captain and you're not showing up." I snort, looking at quinn.
"people skip all the time to see their families, they just have to get approval from staff." he says, turning the wheel to take us into the fast food restaurant of his choice for breakfast.
"but we're not your family?" I say with a laugh, hoping he doesn't take it the wrong way.
"no, you're not." quinn says with a laugh before he mumbles something I couldn't really hear, but it was something about becoming family.
"I think I need to get my hearing checked, quinn." I laugh and he does too, nodding to agree with me. "I couldn't hear that last part. what did you say?"
"oh I just said that you're like my family. the staff knows that since brady, matthew, and I have always been good friends. and the devils staff let jack and luke stay the next morning after they play us so we can hang out for a bit." quinn explains before pulling up to the speaker where you order and telling them what him and I want.
we eat, sing along to music, talk about anything and everything, and I even sleep some while he drives. when I wake up in the car, quinn's hand is on my thigh and he's saying my name in an attempt to wake me. "are we here?"
"yeah, just made it. I didn't wanna wake you, but we need to get checked in." he says, helping me out of the car and helping grab my overnight bag. "I got us a nice two bed room."
"well I hope it's nice! i don't wanna sleep in some shithole of a room where I feel like I'll be murdered!" I joke and laugh, quinn laughs too. "I'm just messing with you. I'll be grateful for any sleep better than what I just got."
"really? you were dead asleep in there. I had to check to see if you were still alive a couple of times." he chuckles as we walk into the hotel.
I search the little hotel store while quinn checks us in. he comes over to me a few minutes later, two room keys in hand. "one for you and one for me." he says, smiling at me.
I thank him and we walk up to our room. I set my bags down and look up, "quinn."
"yeah?" I turn to look at him and I realize that he's not seeing what I'm seeing. "what's wrong?"
"there's only one bed." I say.
quinn's head snaps up to look at me. eyes wide and in shock. he walks to me and I point at the bed. "I'll figure it out. be right back!" he smiles at me and grabs his room key.
he's gone out of the room and down the hallway in the blink of an eye. I begin to pack my things back up, thinking we may move rooms.
the door clicks and quinn walks in with a nervous look on his face. "there's nothing they can do. all the rooms with two or more beds are booked." he says, setting the room key down on the coffee table.
"well what a coincidence." I joke, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll take the couch."
"no, I'm taking the couch. you're sleeping in the bed." quinn argues back, looking at me with a stern look on his face.
"quinn, you need to sleep in the bed. it might make you stiff and you don't need that a few days before a game." I put my hands on my hips.
"listen, darlin. I didn't sleep like a noodle in the car. you're the one who's gonna be stiff in the morning." he argues back and I can't help but agree. sleeping in the car in that position and then sleeping on a hotel couch is not a good combo. its giving me a backache and neckache just thinking about it.
"quinn, please. please sleep on the bed!!" I practically beg him to take the bed. I can spare my back for him since he'll need to not be sore for practice and games coming up.
"how about this. we both take one side of the bed. it's a pretty big bed. we can put pillows in between each of us." quinn suggests, gesturing to all the decorative pillows on the bed. "I'll try not to snore or fight you in my sleep. but I can't promise it." he jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
I decide to agree and we both start getting ready for bed. quinn and I take turns in the bathroom, he brushes his teeth and uses the restroom while I change in the bedroom. we then swap and I brush my teeth and do my skincare, then using the restroom while quinn changes in the bedroom.
by the time I'm out of the bathroom, quinn has the bed all set up. "I made sure to give you the thinner blanket, since I know you run hot when you go to bed and that causes you to not sleep. I run cold so I took the bigger blanket." he explains, then gestures to the pillows in the middle. "and then here's our border. no crossing allowed." he jokes, crossing his arms and acting all sassy before he bust out laughing.
I laugh too and get in my side of the bed. quinn shuts off the light and gets on his side. we exchange goodnights and then we both drift off to sleep.
the sun peeking through the window and the sound of my alarm screaming at me wakes me up. I start to shuffle over to the beside table to shut it off, but I find myself unable to move. I'm caged in by a pair of strong arms and the smell of quinn's cologne fills my senses.
I turn my head a little to see a glimpse of quinn's face laying on my back. I feel him shift a little and he mumbles something, "turn it off." he loosens his arms a bit, allowing me to turn off the alarm. I turn to face him and his eyes are open, making direct contact with mine. "good morning, darlin."
the mix of quinn's morning voice and the nickname gives me the shivers. I smile back at him say goodmorning. "you broke the rules, quinnifer. you didn't stay on your side." I joke, chuckling.
"what if I told you I didn't want to stay on my side?" his words confuse me. he must still be sleepy. "what if I said that I wanted to hold you?"
"quinn go back to sleep. you're speaking out of your mind." I say, feeling the heat creep up my cheeks.
"I know. but I really mean it. I know this is sudden but I can't keep it to myself anymore. y/n, I really like you. since the first time I saw you, struggling to stake with your brothers by your side, holding you up." quinn says, his words shock me, but I can't help but remember that moment. "ever since I saw you, trying to learn the sport your brothers love, I knew I needed you in my life. you seemed like such a kind and genuine person. and I was right, you really are. I ended up making a contract with myself that I would never tell you how I felt because i didn't want to ruin what we had."
I smile at quinn and laugh. "my roommate made me a contract too! I had one for the same reason. the one day I tried to tell you how I felt, we got interrupted by luke and I took that as a sign that I shouldn't tell you."
quinn laughs and holds my hand, looking into my eyes with such love and adoration. I hope he sees that I'm looking at him the same way.
"y/n, please be my girlfriend. I don't think I could ever live without you. you're it for me, I just know it for a fact. but if you don't want to, I wouldn't blame you if you walked out of that door right now. it's all up to you."
I look at him, then at my now glowing phone, it's a text from matthew, asking if I'm awake. "what will my brothers think? quinn, they love you but I'm also their sister. they could all of a sudden turn on you and you'll be dead the next time you step on the ice with one of them." I say, truly worried about what will happen between quinn and the boys.
I don't want to be the reason that quinn, matthew, and brady aren't friends anymore. it's like siter and brother code, never date the other sibling's best friend. I'm not trying to be selfish, but quinn and my brothers are so close, I don't think I could live like this if I was the reason they hated each other.
"I don't care about that. well I do, because they're my best friends, but so are you, and well you get my point, right? I know they'll come around." quinn says, reassuring me that everything will end fine, even if the boys are mad at him for a while.
I agree and nod my head, looking at quinn with a smile. "okay. I'll do it. I'll be your girlfriend." I say, laughing a little.
quinn practically jumps on me with a huge smile on his face, yelling out some sort of form of 'wahoo' and holding me tight. we stay like this for a while, laughing and talking.
"we really should get ready to go, quinn. go get in the shower, I'll get in after you." I say, pushing him off the bed when he agrees.
"okay, we can pick up breakfast later?" I he says, poking out his head from the doorway. I agree and laugh. "also, I booked us a one bed room on purpose." quinn says, laughing and shutting the bathroom door, locking it when he sees me get up to run into the bathroom.
"quinjamin hughes! you're dead meat when you get out here!!" I yell at him, laughing.
quinn took me to family skate a few months later, showing me off to all his teammates and friends. he even had some of the guys help teach me some of their favorite skating tricks.
I even skated with j.t.'s kids, laughing and playing around. and I didn't even realize that quinn was behind me with a ring box in his pocket, watching me interact with the kids, laughing and having a good time.
after the end of the game and after beating the opposing team, quinn pulled out a ring on the ice and proposed to me. I, of course, said yes. we got married at the lake house during the off season and all of our friends are there, even my old roommate, who brought the original paper copy of my contract to the wedding to show everyone.
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wigglywormy · 5 months
blurred lines, sharp twine [bakugou/deku, 5.6k, nsfw]
okay. so I haven't written a fic in over 5 years!! can y'all believe that? i used to be so active on this blog, pumping out fics day and night, but life got busy and before I knew it over 5 years have passed omg.
of course my first fic back would be something like this lol. this was written for @wreckingtickles who shares my undying love for bakugou getting absolutely destroyed. they prompted me with a fic featuring bakugou's stirrup leggings and that kinda spiraled into this huge monster of a fic.
please enjoy 8) (also i made an ao3 to cross-post my tickle fics on!)
warnings: nsfw, feet, intense tickling, bondage, veryyyy slight dub-con, minors DNI.
Izuku wouldn’t openly call himself a weird guy, but he definitely doesn’t really try to hide the fact that he’s a little on the strange side. He knows he’s a gigantic nerd (he’s thoroughly reminded of that fact by Bakugou everyday), he knows he’s a little awkward, and he knows he’s maybe even a little bit of a freak. But, through the years of trauma, war, violence, and near-death, he’s come to accept that life is much too short to deny who you are.
Moving in with Bakugou after graduation was something Izuku didn’t even have to think about. Bakugou set up a few apartment viewings, and it went completely unsaid that the smartest decision for both of them would be to stick together. Roommates equaled cheaper rent, and since they both were working under the same agency it was easy to align their schedules. Normally they patrol together (the Wonder Due didn’t get its name for nothing), but occasionally - especially lately - Bakugou has been picking up more shifts than usual. 
Izuku can’t help but notice how tired Bakugou has been lately, especially tonight, coming home  from his 9th day in a row of patrol. The door closes softly behind him - he must think Izuku’s asleep already as it’s around two in the morning, and Izuku turns slightly from his position curled up on the couch to watch Bakugou toe his boots off. He’s already changed out of his hero uniform, clad in only his leggings and a soft, worn looking hoodie that Izuku’s pretty sure belongs to him. 
Bakugou leans his head against the wall in the foyer for a brief moment, sighing deeply, and Izuku’s heart aches at the noise.
“Late night?” Izuku asks, closing his book and setting it on the coffee table. 
Bakugou jumps. “Jesus - shit, you scared the fuck outta me.”
“Sorry,” Izuku murmurs, a slight smile on his face. 
“The fuck are you still doing up?” Bakugou grumbles, finally making his way over to sprawl on the opposite end of the couch, sinking into the cushions with a grunt. 
Izuku shrugs. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Which, technically isn’t a lie, but. Still. Even when he lays in his bed at night during one of Bakugou’s shifts that he’s not partnered on, he finds himself teetering between sleep and wakefulness as he listens carefully for the front door to open and shut, signaling Bakugou has gotten home safe for the night. Codependency wasn’t something Izuku was planning on adopting after the war, but his heart just can’t seem to relax if he doesn’t know that Bakugou is home and safe. Breathing. Alive.  
Normally it’s fine, but since Bakugou has been working himself to death the past few weeks, Izuku’s own sleep schedule has taken a toll. 
Bakugou doesn’t look bloodied or bruised now, though, which is a good sign. 
“I thought your shift ended at midnight?” Izuku asks, his eyes unconsciously skimming over Bakugou’s exhausted body as he slumps further down into the cushions. He folds his arms over his chest, burrowing into the oversized borrowed hoodie, and Izuku smiles because Bakugou is so loud and brash, but right now, here and safe at home, he allows himself to be soft with Izuku.
“It was supposed to,” Bakugou grumbles, rubbing a hand over his face. “One of the interns got caught up in a stupid bank robbery and ended up with a fuckin’ concussion, so I stayed late to help finish up some of his paperwork.”
“That’s sweet of you, Kacchan,” Izuku teases, and Bakugou rolls his eyes, stretching his legs out to rest in Izuku’s lap.
“Yeah, yeah,” Bakugou says, voice tense with exhaustion, “I’m a fuckin’ saint.”
Izuku let’s his hands fall onto Bakugou’s ankles, rubbing gently with his thumbs, and he swallows heavily as his eyes trail down Bakugou’s body, the black leggings hugging his muscles tightly, all the way down to the thin straps holding the stirrups along the arches of his feet.
Izuku wouldn’t openly call himself a weird guy, but shit, that’s another thing about moving in with Bakugou after graduation. Getting to see all of these new and exciting sides of him; tense and angry and bloody after a fight, soft and exhausted after a long boring shift, sleepy and comfortable on his day off. 
But the damn stirrup leggings have Izuku trying desperately hard not to act up. 
“Do you - uh, want a foot rub or something?” Izuku blurts out, his thumb pressing into the bone of Bakugou’s ankle.
Bakugou’s eyes narrow, and Izuku offers a small nervous smile, trying not to seem as if he’s too interested. He just wants to help his friend relax, okay? Nothing weird about that. It’s not like they haven’t massaged each other before after a long day of hero work. Bakugou’s great with his hands, and Izuku’s arms and shoulders get knotted up so tightly after hours of using his quirk. 
Bakugou still has smudges of dark eyeliner around his eyes since he hasn’t washed his face yet since patrol, and it makes his gaze piercing in the low light of the living room. He’s quiet for a moment, contemplative, before shrugging eventually and folding his arms across his chest.
“Fuck it, I ain’t gonna say no to a free foot massage,” He shrugs, “Lemme take these stupid fuckin’ leggings off first - ”
“No!” Izuku blurts out, and he chuckles awkwardly as his grip tightens on Bakugou’s ankles. “I mean - um. You don’t have to, it’s fine.”
This time, Bakugou looks… curious, which is the only way Izuku can describe his gaze. He bites his lip a bit as he thinks, and when he wiggles his toes a bit, Izuku feels warmth pooling low in his belly. Bakugou’s feet are surprisingly slender, his arch defined beautifully, ideal for someone who has to be quick on their feet. His toes are slightly pink, as are the soles of his feet, and they look soft from being in his boots all day. Izuku swallows thickly, but god, he just wants to touch. 
Is he into feet? Who knows, maybe, he honestly hasn’t thought too much about it until recently. Maybe he’s just into Bakugou’s feet? When Bakugou wiggles his toes again, Izuku finally glances up and catches his gaze. 
“Well? What’re you waitin’ for,” Bakugou says, his voice softer than it’s been all night. 
Izuku’s hands are large, tan, and calloused - a stark contrast against Bakugou’s pale skin, and at the fist press of his thumbs into the arch, Bakugou exhales quickly through his nose, body sinking further into the couch. 
It’s a little difficult to massage his feet with the strap from his stirrups hugging his arches, but at this moment in time Izuku would rather die than ask Bakugou to take them off. He moves over to just one foot, pressing both thumbs into the heel of his foot, and he slowly works his way up, calluses catching onto the legging strap as he moves upwards. 
“Did the bank robber get caught?” Izuku asks, hands firm but delicate, watching as Bakugou’s toes twitch when he digs in beneath them. 
“What?” Bakugou replies, blinking his eyes open where they’ve fallen shut. “The - oh, shit. Yeah. Sero was actually patrolling nearby so he got him while I took the dumbass intern to medical.”
“Don’t be so mean,” Izuku chuckles, “We were dumbass interns once, too.”
“Interns, yes. Dumbass? No,” Bakugou shoots back, but then he smirks. “Well, I wasn’t a dumbass. Can’t say the same about you, nerd.”
Izuku rolls his eyes, and he can’t help it when his touch softens, hooking a finger underneath the stirrup strap to graze his nail along the delicate arch. 
The reaction is instant - Bakugou inhales sharply and twitches, looking ready to pull his leg back, but Izuku holds onto the strap, preventing him from moving away. 
“Deku,” Bakugou growls, and to everyone else on this planet, the expression on his face would scream angry, sharp, intimidating. 
But Izuku’s known him since they were kids. Izuku can read him like a damn book, and right now underneath that glare, Bakugou looks nervous.
Izuku keeps his touch soft, one finger hooked into the stirrup strap, while his other hand grazes right beneath the blonde’s toes. His foot twitches again, his toes curling up tightly, and the only word that comes to Izuku’s mind is cute. His feet are cute, and apparently sensitive, and Izuku has no idea what monster has taken over his brain but all he wants to do right now is see Bakugou squirm. 
He might be dipping into dangerous territory, but ever since they moved in together, Bakugou’s been much more open to physical touch. It almost feels like a game they’ve been playing, dancing around each other but never going to a place they can’t return from. They’ve fallen asleep cuddling on the couch. They’ve spent quiet days off with Izuku’s head in Bakugou’s lap, the blonde idly playing with his hair while they watch old reruns of All Might movies together. They’ve even spent a few nights together in bed, holding each other close when the nightmares creep up every few weeks. 
But this? This might be a place they can’t return from. Izuku’s not sure what Bakugou’s feeling right now, but the lines are so incredibly blurred in this moment, and Bakugou’s cheeks are steadily turning pink, and Izuku knows he could pull away if he really, really tried. 
But he’s not. He’s staying put, fingers clenched into the cushions of the couch, eyeing Izuku warily. 
“You know,” Izuku says idly, moving one hand to grip Bakugou’s ankle, the other hand trailing his fingers up and down, up and down, so soft it’s barely there. “You used to be so mean when we were kids, holding me down and tickling me until I cried.”
At the word - tickling - Bakugou audibly swallows. “Not my fault you were so damn ticklish, idiot.” 
“I could never really get you back because you were so much stronger than me,” Izuku muses. 
“It wouldn’t have mattered anyways, I’m not fuckin’ ticklish,” Bakugou replies. His voice sounds sure and steady, but his eyes keep flickering down to where Izuku is still stroking up and down his sole. He’s tense, and Izuku can feel it - Bakugou’s trying so hard not to move, not to give himself away. 
Izuku laughs quietly to himself. Of course Bakugou would see this as a challenge to himself. 
“Of course you’re not ticklish, Kacchan,” Izuku says, “Maybe if you keep telling yourself that, it might actually come true.”
“It is true, you little shit - ah!”
He squeaks, his breath hitching, when Izuku flutters his fingers under his toes again. His other leg, the one Izuku isn’t holding by the ankle, jerks back, and Izuku thinks no, we can’t have that now, before tendrils of black whip shoot out, pulling his other leg back and twisting around the ankle. 
“Okay, now that’s completely fuckin’ unfair,” Bakugou grunts, trying to sound unaffected, but this time Izuku can hear the shake in his voice. “The hell are you tryin’ do here, Deku?”
“Nothing,” Izuku says, a few more tendrils of black whip emerging to wrap around his other ankle so both of Izuku’s hands are free now. 
“You call this nothing?” Bakugou tugs at his feet a bit, and black whip tightens to keep him in place. 
Izuku ignores him. “I thought you weren’t ticklish?”
Bakugou frowns. “I’m not.”
“Then this is nothing,” Izuku teases, finally wiggling his fingers in earnest over both of Bakugou’s feet, now bound in his lap for him to do with as he pleases. The thought has his stomach flipping, molten lava settling low in his gut, and he can’t help his dick twitching in interest. 
Bakugou’s reaction is beautiful, finally a small huff of laughter escaping him as he wiggles his feet as much as he can with black whip holding his ankles down. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, and they keep alternating from clutching at the cushion beneath him to hovering in the air as if he’s fighting his instinct of reaching down and showing Izuku away. His eyes are averting, as if the thought of watching Izuku tickle him is too much, and oh, he’s so cute. 
Izuku’s feeling a little nice at the moment, but Bakugou’s fighting his laughter, and Izuku wants to hear him, so he moves his fingers up, scratching underneath his toes. Bakugou does laugh this time, covering his mouth with one hand in surprise as the sound escapes him. His toes curl, trying to block Izuku’s fingers, and a few more tendrils of black whip slither out and wrap around each of his toes, effectively prying them back so Izuku’s fingers can burrow into the soft, sensitive flesh there. 
“Wait - no, Deku - ah, ahah.” His laughter is light and staccato, little gasps in between his growls as he covers his mouth with both hands now, muffling himself as his eyes squint in mirth. Once again, he could get Izuku to stop if he really wanted to, but besides the tugging and squirming of his bound feet, he’s not doing much else to get away.
That thought intrigues Izuku, and his confidence grows as he scratches in between his toes, pulled back and vulnerable thanks to black whip. 
“I always thought your feet might be sensitive, you know, with how much you sweat and stuff,” Izuku muses, gears turning in his head as he makes mental notes on where Bakugou seems to react the most to. Underneath his toes seems much more ticklish than between them, but the arch of his sole seems equally as sensitive, especially when he pulls back one of the stirrup straps and rakes all five fingers up and down. 
Bakugou gasps. “Y-you’re a d-dick,” he growls, but the words melt into laughter as Izuku does the same thing to his other foot before letting the strap go with a snap. 
He gives Bakugou a moment to breathe, and the blonde finally lowers his hands from his mouth. His face is extremely flushed now, and he’s looking at Izuku with a mix of murderous intent and… want?
“Still not ticklish?” Izuku murmurs, rubbing his palms over Bakugou’s soles. The blonde twitches again, tensing, before relaxing when Izuku just rubs firmly, soothing. 
“Once again - you’re a dick,” he grumbles. 
“And you’re ticklish,” Izuku teases back, scratching his nails up the sides of Bakugou’s feet this time before making their way back to the soft, pink skin right beneath his toes. 
“Don’t - Deku, st-stop! It f-fuckin’ - ” 
“It what?” Izuku’s feeling mean now, and having Bakugou squirming because of him has his dick hardening more in his sweats. “It tickles?”
“I - I c-can’t - ahahaha!” 
“You’re so strong, you can take it, can’t you?” And oh, Izuku’s playing dirty, because there’s nothing Bakugou hates than being told he can’t do something, and if he admits he can’t take the tickling, it’d be the same as admitting defeat, and Bakugou Katsuki is not someone who’s ever been defeated. 
Although, Izuku thinks, watching as Bakugou covers his mouth again and squeezes his eyes shut, tickling might just be the key to finally defeating this man. 
Izuku doesn’t like how muffled he sounds, though, so he uses more of black whip to sneakily slide up and twist around Bakugou’s wrists, tugging them away from his face. A few tendrils slip up his arms and slide underneath the sleeves of his hoodie, and Bakugou’s expression turns to panic. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” He hisses, but his lips are still twitching on a smile which ruins the intimidation of it. “This is an awful fuckin’ use of your quirk - ”
“So was last week, with yours,” Izuku interrupts, “when you were too lazy to microwave the popcorn and tried to just explode it instead.” Izuku laughs, remembering how long it took them to fish out all of the popcorn kernels from every single crevice in the living room. 
“At least that was for a good reason!” Bakugou protests, squirming when the tendrils of black whip slip higher into his sleeves, nearly grazing his underarms now. His breathing is short, body tensed and mouth turned down in a pout. 
“You’re saying this isn’t a good reason?”
“What, so fuckin’ torturing me is a good reason to abuse your quirk?”
“It’s torture?” Izuku murmurs. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
If Bakugou’s face could get any pinker, it would, and he bites his lip hard when Izuku wiggles black whip into the hollows of his underarms, keeping it light and feathery. Bakugou can’t hold out for long, though, and soon he’s gasping on a laugh and wriggling as much as he can in the hold Izuku has him in. 
This time though, Izuku fails to notice Bakugou’s feet squirming aggressively, and Izuku freezes and gasps when the blonde���s bound feet nudge against the very obvious hard-on in his sweats. 
Izuku swallows, his hands darting down to grab a hold of Bakugou’s feet. His toes are still tied back with black whip, and Izuku resists the urge to brush his fingers along the skin because something is unraveling inside of him and having Bakugou like this is quickly becoming addicting. Instead, he ducks his head, words escaping him as he opens his mouth but not coming up with anything to say. 
A few seconds pass, Izuku preparing himself mentally for an explosion to blast him away or for disgusted yelling and screaming to occur. He’s already mentally drafting the text to Todoroki to ask if he can move in with him when Bakugou inevitably kicks him out once he’s freed.
A beat passes. One. Two. The silence is deafening, and Izuku finally manages to raise his eyes up to glance at Bakugou, surprised at the curious expression painted there. Bakugou nudges his heels gently against Izuku’s dick again, and Izuku hisses and bites his lip, apologies already spilling from his mouth, 
“I’m s-sorry, shit, um - ”
“I should’ve fuckin’ known you’d be into something weird like this,” Bakugou says lowly, tilting his head a bit, almost like a cat analyzing it’s prey. “You’re a little freak, ain’t ya?”
The words should be harsh and piercing, but Bakugou sounds like he’s…. teasing him. And not in the mean, bullying way that Izuku was expecting. Their eyes meet, and Izuku sees a small hint of a smirk when Bakugou presses his heels in harder, wiggling against Izuku’s clothed cock as much as he can in his restraints. 
“Kacchan - ah,” Izuku sighs, cheeks burning. “What’re you - ”
“What is it you like about it, huh?” Bakugou asks, his voice low. 
Izuku’s head feels like it’s going to explode. “I don’t… I don’t know? I didn’t even - I mean… I like….”
Bakugou raises an eyebrow. His arms are still held tightly with black whip, the tendrils under his arms twitch when Izuku stutters, making Bakugou squeak quietly and jerk in his hold. That has Izuku’s eyes darkening again, and Bakugou still hasn’t blasted him away. If anything he’s egging him on, and Izuku’s mind races with what this might mean. 
“I like… you,” Izuku starts off slowly. 
“Me?” Bakugou questions, and if Izuku isn’t mistaken, there’s a twinge of something akin to hope in his voice. 
“Yeah, you,” Izuku breathes, all rational thoughts thrown to the wayside now. “But I also like… having you, like this,” Izuku plays with the stirrup straps on Bakugou’s soles, fiddling with the fabric, breathing hard when Bakugou squirms each time his fingers graze the skin. “I like feeling you squirm. Hearing you laugh. Having you all… y’know, vulnerable for me?”
As he speaks, a few more tendrils of black whip slip under the front hem of Bakugou’s hoodie, slithering up and tapping away at his ribs. That has Bakugou giggling again, and god, Izuku loves his laugh. This is different from his normal laugh, it’s softer and hiccupy and the sound sends white-hot heat straight to his dick. Shit, could he come from this? Just from having Bakugou squirming and laughing and bound up like a perfect little present?
“Jesus - Izuku,” Bakugou laughs, rubbing his thighs together, and Izuku’s eyes widen when he sees a bulge in his leggings, now visible from where his hoodie has ridden up. 
Izuku’s brain short-circuits then, and he’s now laser focused on the other boy, fingers moving almost mindlessly as they go back to scratching beneath sensitive toes. Izuku keeps his eyes on Bakugou’s face, his expressions, every twitch of his brow, and the blonde chokes on a laugh and ducks his head, trying to hide his face since Izuku has his arms pulled aside. 
“What do you like about it?” Izuku asks, growing bolder the more Bakugou squirms. 
“Fuck, oh my g-god, I d-dont - !”
Izuku moves finally, and though he keeps Bakugou bound with his quirk, he crawls up until he’s seated, straddling Bakugou’s thighs where they’re squeezed together, and now Izuku’s just a nudge away from Bakugou’s own obvious arousal. 
“You don’t like it?” Izuku says, and this time, he withdraws black whip from underneath Bakugou’s hoodie, instead sliding his own hands beneath the fabric to touch bare skin. His hands are warm and large, fingers curling gently over Bakugou’s deliciously tapered waist, and though he doesn’t do anything yet, Bakugou’s shifting and squirming beneath him already. 
Bakugou’s eyes meet Izuku’s finally, and when Izuku flicks his gaze down to Bakugou’s cock, hard as a rock in his leggings, Bakugou groans and ducks his head again. 
“It’s not - I don’t know!” Bakugou breathes out, frustration clear in his voice. “You’re just - fuck, it’s weird.”
“It’s not that weird, Kacchan,” Izuku murmurs, and Bakugou tugs helplessly at his arms again. Izuku hums, pulling his arms with black whip until his wrists are crossed, and then slowly - absolutely mean - he lifts Bakugou’s arms up and back until his elbows are bent, bound hands pulled behind his head and forcing Bakugou to lean back more into the arm of the couch. Izuku slides further up, straddling Bakugou’s thighs until their clothed cocks finally brush, and Bakugou breathes out a shaky noise. 
“It’s okay,” Izuku breathes. 
“Let me go,” Bakugou grumbles, but his eyes are averted, blush high on his cheeks, teeth gnawing at his lower lip nervously. And wow, having Bakugou nervous, beneath him where Izuku can feel the heat radiating off of his body, has Izuku grinding forward, rubbing their dicks together firmly. 
Bakugou instinctively tries to buck his hips up, but with the way he’s bound up, he can’t get too much leverage. Once again, he’s still not blasting Izuku off into the sun with his own quirk, so Izuku drums his fingers against Bakugou’s bare sides, drawing little circles with his thumbs right beneath his ribs. 
“Ah - ” Bakugou hiccups on another strained giggle, and Izuku grins at him sharply. 
“What do you like about it?” Izuku repeats, tickling oh-so-gently, because now that he has his hands touching him, he can’t stop. He can feel every hitch of breath, can feel his body tremble with restrained laughter, and there’s definitely no going back from here. 
When Bakugou doesn’t respond, Izuku creeps his hands higher, towards the upper part of his ribs. His hoodie is bunched up completely now, and although Izuku would love to remove the damn piece of clothing, he’s scared if he lets Bakugou go now, this electric bubble they’re both in will pop and Izuku will have missed his chance completely. 
He grinds against Bakugou again, while at the same time finally digging into his ribs, and the explosive laughter that Bakugou lets out has Izuku groaning out loud. 
“Okay - okahahay! Fuck!” Bakugou yelps, taking a breath when Izuku’s fingers finally pause. “I - fuck, I don’t know. I like… how it feels, not being… not being able to move or some shit, I guess.”
Bakugou looks like he’d rather die than tell Izuku all of this, but Izuku’s already gotten this far, and there’s nothing that would ever make him stop now. The blurred line is now vanished completely, and Izuku murmurs quietly,
“You like being tied up, Kacchan?”
Bakugou frowns, glaring at him, but doesn’t respond. 
Izuku continues, smirking. “You like being tied up by me?”
Bakugou squirms a bit, staying defiantly silent. 
“You like being tickled like this? Helpless, vulnerable, letting me do whatever I want to you while you can’t do anything to stop it?” Izuku has no idea where this filthy mouth of his came from, but he takes this newfound confidence and harnesses it, slipping a hand down to cup Bakugou through his leggings and squeeze. 
“Nn - fuck,” Bakugou pants. “No, you asshole, I don’t like being tickled - ”
“I disagree,” Izuku says, and this time when he pinches at Bakugou’s ribs, he can feel Bakugou’s cock jump beneath his hand as the blonde gasps out a laugh. “I actually think you really like it.”
“Just - when it’s you,” Bakugou finally gasps out, giggling softly as Izuku crawls his hand higher. His words give Izuku pause, Izuku’s heart beating rapidly in his chest because oh. Okay. Just when it’s him? Because it’s him?
“Kacchan,” Izuku breathes, a magnetic pull tugging at his chest until he’s ducking down and kissing the laughter right out of Bakugou’s mouth. The blonde moans, tilting his head to the side to kiss him deeper, and Izuku happily licks into his mouth, chasing the feeling of god, fuck, finally. 
Bakugou jerks his head to the side though when Izuku’s hand creeps higher, fluttering dangerous fingers into his underarm, and he yelps on a laugh, squirming and bucking up into Izuku’s other hand still kneading at his dick. 
“Oh my god,” Bakugou giggles, shaking his head back and forth, and Izuku takes a moment to duck lower and kiss his neck, licking up beneath his jaw, biting gently right under his ear. That has Bakugou squeaking again, and Izuku moans as he feels the blonde tremble against him. 
“God, you’re so cute,” Izuku moans in disbelief. “How can you be so hot and cute at the same time?”
“Y-you should be - ah, ahaha - asking yourself th-that - fuck, Izuku, I cahahan’t!”
Izuku stops tickling him for a moment and grins. “You think I’m hot and cute?”
“Not right now, while you’re ti - ,” Bakugou cuts himself off with an embarrassed grunt, not even able to say the actual word, and Izuku takes note of that happily, “Also, fuck you, I’m not cute.”
Izuku doesn’t respond right away, instead opting for shoving Bakugou’s leggings down so they’re bunched around his thighs, freeing his dick, before settling back up where he was seated before. He pulls his own cock out of his sweats, and when he wraps a large, calloused hand around them both and strokes, squeezing perfectly tight, Bakugou throws his head back and moans. 
Tendrils of black whip slide down his legs where his feet are still tightly held in place, and as they flutter and scratch beneath his toes more intensely this time, Bakugou actually lets out a small sob, his eyes tearing up as he simultaneously tries to tug at his legs while also squirming up into Izuku’s hand on their cocks. 
“You’re feet are so sensitive,” Izuku muses, his pupils so dark his eyes look black, and although Bakugou can’t really kiss him back while he’s laughing, that doesn’t stop Izuku from swallowing up every little noise he makes, lips spit-slick and panting against Bakugou’s mouth. 
“Izu - Izuku, plehehease - ah, fuck, fuck,” He sounds like something straight out of one of Izuku’s wet dreams, and Izuku leans back again to stare at his face. Bakugou’s eyes are screwed up now, tears leaking out from the corners, and Izuku coos at him. 
“Baby,” he says sweetly, “Is it too much?”
“Y-yes, I can’t - Izuku please.”
“I think you’re stronger than that. It’s just tickling,” Izuku teases. Bakugou’s cock is leaking, and it’s making the slide of Izuku’s hand on them both so, so good. Izuku brings out some more tendrils of black whip, sliding them right back underneath Bakugou’s hoodie to return to the warmth of his underarms, and Bakugou screams. 
“It’s so - ahhaha, it’s t-too much,” Bakugou whines, his breathless giggling mixed with moans that sound as if they’re being punched out of him, and his body is strung tight, so tight Izuku can feel how close he is to breaking. 
There’s something so incredibly sweet about taking Bakugou completely apart like this. Izuku pants and grinds into his own hand, squeezing and rubbing the head of his cock against the blonde’s, and while black whip continues tormenting Bakugou’s poor feet and underarms, Izuku’s own free hand comes up to grip Bakugou by the chin, forcing him to look at him, eyes blurry through his tears. 
“Tell me how it feels,” he whispers, his lips just a breath away from Bakugou’s, feeling the warm desperate noises coming out of the boy’s mouth. 
Izuku swipes his thumb over the head of Bakugou’s cock, his own arousal forgotten as he slips down to squeeze at the base tightly, preventing the blonde from actually coming. Bakugou makes a guttural, desperate noise, and Izuku’s grip tightens on his face, keeping him there, watching him. 
Izuku’s quirk is nearly everywhere by now, black whip slithering beneath the leggings to stroke behind his knees, a few more tendrils brushing and tickling at his neck, and even more settled beneath his hoodie, prodding and digging and relentless. The fight has completely left Bakugou finally, and he’s slumped against the arm of the couch, body shaking and fighting the plethora of sensations that are overwhelming him. 
“Hey,” Izuku laughs a bit, “Baby, c’mon. Tell me how it feels.”
It almost feels evil, watching as Bakugou tries to speak, to come with something, anything to get Izuku to - what, to stop tickling him? To keep tickling him? To stroke his dick again until he comes all over himself? Bakugou’s brain is mush, and Izuku revels in the desperation painted on the boy’s blushing face. 
“It - fuck, it f-feels like torture,” Bakugou manages to gasp out, but he bucks his hip up when he feels black whip dig into the ticklish dip of his hip. 
“You like being tortured, it seems,” Izuku points out as Bakugou’s cock leaks another bead of precome, so red and hard it’s nearly purple. 
“No - ” Bakugou hiccups on his laughter, eyes widening when Izuku raises a brow,, “I mean - fine, shihihit - yes, yes, I like it, god fucking d-damnit Izuku!”
“Shh,” Izuku soothes, but he doesn’t release his hold at the base of Bakugou’s cock. 
“Please,” Bakugou whines, and Izuku nearly comes when he realizes he has Bakugou exactly where he wants him. 
“Please what?” Izuku releases Bakugou’s chin and his hand slips under the hoodie, pinching right at Bakugou’s top rib, a place Izuku’s learned makes him absolutely lose it. 
“Pl-please let me - ah, ahaha fuhuhuck - please let me c-come!” Bakugou’s crying in earnest now, ducking his head down to press his forehead against the crook of Izuku’s neck, and Izuku’s heart leaps when the blonde bites down on Izuku’s shirt, trying to muffle his noises in the fabric. 
It’s adorable, and Izuku sighs happily. “Of course, Kacchan.”
He grabs ahold of both of their cocks again, this time stroking in earnest, fast and quick. It doesn’t take more than a few pumps of his hand before Bakugou is crying out against Izuku’s neck, writhing beneath him as he comes, and Izuku keeps tickling him through it. The sensation is electric, Bakugou’s body fighting to distinguish between pleasure and torment, and Izuku groans loudly as he uses Bakugou’s come to stroke his own cock. 
“St-stop,” Bakugou giggles, completely breathless, “Too - too f-fucking much - please - ”
Izuku ducks back down to kiss the sweet helpless laughter right out of his mouth, finally coming, his own come mixing with Bakugou’s between them. Izuku heaves a deep breath, slumping against Bakugou as black whip finally retracts, disappearing back into his body and releasing the blonde from their clutches. 
It’s quiet for a moment, Bakugou’s arms having fallen limp at his sides, head still buried in Izuku’s neck as he catches his breath. When he shifts, flexing his legs a little, Izuku leans back, sitting up and brushing Bakugou’s hair back from his sweaty forehead. 
“Holy fuck,” Bakugou manages, blinking leftover tears from his eyes. “You’re fuckin’ evil, you know that?”
Izuku giggles nervously, still riding the high of whatever the hell just happened between them. Bakugou finally lifts his arms, wrapping them around Izuku’s waist loosely, and Izuku’s heart flutters when Bakugou leans up to press a kiss to the corner of Izuku’s mouth. 
“You liked it,” Izuku says, turning to kiss him properly, now able to happily lick into the warmth without Bakugou’s laughter hindering him. 
“Fuck off,” Bakugou murmurs into his mouth. “So what if I did, huh?”
Izuku just hums, because that blurred line being gone means that now he can kiss Bakugou whenever he wants, and that thought has him grinning widely and winding his arms around Bakugou’s neck. 
“Ew, no, don’t get your nasty jizz-hands in my hair!” Bakugou protests, and Izuku laughs out loud, pulling his arms back quickly. 
“Shit - sorry, sorry! We should probably get cleaned up, huh? Your hoodie is covered in come.”
“Good thing it’s not my hoodie, then,” Bakugou smirks. His cheeks are still flushed, and Izuku rolls his eyes as he takes his come-covered hand and smacks it right into Bakugou’s cheek before darting off of him and running away like his life depends on it. 
Bakugou shrieks and scrambles to chase after him, and Izuku’s laughter echoes happily through their apartment.
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a-flaming-idiot · 2 years
Care to give us a snippet from one of your WIPs?
Sure, could never hurt. Here's a snippet from a slightly older BNA WIP that I do intend to finish.
"After hearing the waiter leave Michiru decides to ask something that Nazuna knew she was going to mention. “So, heard they’ve been pumping you full of all the shots. How’s that been?”
Nazuna loudly groaned at the question “UUGGHH! It’s been horrible, I know everybody thinks foxes have horrible immune systems but now every time, AND I MEAN EVERY SINGLE TIME, I get a cold I practically have to get disinfected from ear to claw…” Nazuna pauses, attempting to recollect herself and control her volume so as not to explode with the pent-up emotions from since she became a beastman.
“Not even when I was going by Dessue Louve I could escape it, Boris made sure I was always getting my shots when I was supposed to and also stayed clear of me whenever I got sick…I never got why he did that until you basically slapped me back to reality-”
“It was a very good slap,” Michiru cut in with a smug nod of her head and a little too much joy in her voice.
“Thanks for your oh-so-important input, Michiru. As I was saying, remember after the Nirvasyl Syndrome outbreak and we had that talk with Mayor Rose and she explained your whole eye situation. She also told me about how people think foxes are disease-ridden.” Nazuna paused again to collect her thoughts “Apparently since feral foxes get rabies and shit, people think beastman foxes have shit immune systems and are gonna spread face-rot-off-your-skull disease. So they insist we get vaccinated for literally everything,” Nazuna leaned forwards and rubbed her temple with a sigh. “Now I get why they wanted me to pretend to be a wolf.”
“I see you’re suffering,” Michiru once again began with her well-worn puns. “But it appears this is all just the consequence of being a shining star~.”
“Have you ever heard of the peanut butter shot?” Nazuna leaned forward speaking with such emphasis Michiru could have sworn she was speaking about Alan and Boris again.
“Can’t say I’ve seen any reference to it?” Michiru hummed. 
“Imagine having a tablespoon of peanut butter injected into your butt cheek which then forms a massive lump that is so painful you can’t sit down for the next like three hours,” Nazuna explained with only the emphasis and seriousness of a serial killer. “It’s meant to help your immune system and I have had three of them in the last two years. I swear if anyone even hints at giving me another one I will show them the true meaning of rabid...”
Nazuna quickly silenced herself and regained her composure as the waiter returned, gently placing down the second menu to replace Michiru’s original."
If y'all want more WIP snippets I'm always up to share. Thanks for the ask!
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shanks42 · 3 months
Shanks: The ancient prophecy of the missing millennia
Hey guys, here is chapter 15. A little bit of Nami and Shanks smut. Enjoy and let me know what y'all think.
Chapter 15: Nami’s recall with Shanks continued…
“Hey I hadn’t seen you all day and I thought you’d be hungry so I brought you some dinner and a bottle of Sake if you'd like to share. But if you’re too busy i can leave” Nami said hesitantly walking into the room. Shanks turned around and had a look of surprise before his face visibly relaxed upon seeing her. He leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his hair before giving her a genuine smile “Oh Nami, I’m sorry. Come on in and take a seat. Have you eaten already?” noticing one plate.
 “Yeah I ate dinner and asked Ben where you were, I was worried about you. You’ve been locked up in here all day” she responded, setting the plate and Sake down on the desk and she sat on the bed. He popped open the Sake and handed her the bottle first. “Ladies first” was all that was said while holding a childish smile. She happily grabbed the bottle, blushing when her hand brushed against his; something that did not go unnoticed by the redhead. “Thank you for the dinner, I appreciate it. I am sorry if I have been Scarce, it's been a stressful day dealing with all the shit.” he replied between bites of food, waving his hand dismissively at the booze for the moment.
When he had finished eating and sliding the plate away, she saw a tired look on his face as he grabbed a stack of papers. Nami gently tapped his shoulder and handed the Sake over before Shanks took a few chugs leaning back in his chair with a heavy sigh. “You seem extremely tense, everything ok?” Nami asked as she stood and made the red haired man turn in his seat to be eye level with her breasts. She straddled him and gently grabbed his chin lifting his face and looked into his eyes before leaning down and kissing him gently.
She stopped when he went rigid beneath her ““Let me help you relax Captain” Nami sexily replied before he leaned up and devoured her lips, hand wrapping around her waist pulling her flush against his chest. Nami moaned into the kiss as her hands landed on the bare part of his chest before going up through his soft hair. She broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen and started working on his shirt while he worked on her button up. They locked in another heated kiss before Shanks suddenly stood up and walked to the bed, gently laying her down.
 She quickly regained control pushing his shirt off before flipping them so she was now straddling him. She took off his sash and tied his arm above his head earning her a confused look followed by a groan and a light yank on the bondage. “Do you want this Captain Shanks” cooed Nami next to his ear “Y-Yes I do. I’ve wanted this for a while” bashfully replied the red head before going wide eyes, cheeks flushing with embarrassment and looking away. She leaned in and kissed him before nipping, sucking, kissing and licking down his jawline to his neck down to his collarbone and slowly down to his naval causing moans, and groans from the Yonkou. He tried to buck his hips from the pleasure, only to find her holding them down as she continued her exploration down, as she made her way to his pant line. She seductively looked up through her eyelashes and licked his clothed erection, pulling his pants and boxers down to reveal a large, thick and meaty cock slapping her in the face. She looked up to see Shanks looking down at her through half lidded eyes with a smile on her face. “Like what you see babe??” he asked huskily, voice catching in his throat as she grabbed his erection and started to pump gently causing him to groan and buck his up “N-NAMIII” moaned shanks…
A knock on the door brought Nami out of her dirty thoughts and she looked up to see Robin giving her an amused look “You’ll have to give me the details of whatever dirty thought you were having” snickered Robin. “Maybe after dinner” replied Nami before they heard a servant announce that dinner was ready and she would escort them to make sure they didn't get lost. A few minutes later, they emerged from their room and followed the servant to the dining hall where everyone was talking.
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thesinglesjukebox · 10 months
Smokin' in the boys' room...
Tara Hillegeist: Like much of boygenius' output, group name included, this is sublime hangout music with pretenses towards something sublimated -- pretenses that just about manage to get in the way of the autumn-sunset-at-lakeside vibes the group's folksy gestures are set on evoking, instead, before falling apart in the face of that sideways glance of a crescendo this song calls a bridge. But it's hard for me to argue with the evidence at hand that boygenius' reason for being is a sound one. Imagine if all the anhedonia we shared with each other could sound this sweet; maybe that less-lonely world would have need of fewer critics. [6]
Hannah Jocelyn: I've been working on a Boygenius essay all year, that I may or may not publish; how I relate to, differ from, and yes, envy their collective gender presentation as a trans woman. I've written 4,000 words, a lot of which are probably filled with tangents and redundancies, but very little is about the music. That's because, for the most part, The Record is an unapologetic major-label victory lap, where the three musketeers indulge in mushy love songs for one another and celebrate their bond. It's impossible to tell who wrote what, as the trio peacefully melt into one another until they're a massive sapphic hydra. "Not Strong Enough" soars above all this, Sheryl Crow allusion and all, because it's just a good pop song. It doesn't have the wit or emotional resonance of their best individual material, but it does have a hook worthy of Crow and some great ear candy (the pumping sweep effect at 2:07, Lucy Dacus' echoing ad-lib of "go home alone"). Also, Julien Baker name-drops "Boys Don't Cry" over the chords of "Just Like Heaven." Nice! [7]
Michael Hong: On their lead tringle, you can trace the songwriting down to each member: Julien Baker's nihilistic self-disgust is present under the messy "$20," Phoebe Bridgers is blunt despite all apologies on "Emily, I'm Sorry," and Lucy Dacus' "True Blue" is laced with rich detail -- except when it isn't. "True Blue" cops out on the bridge. "You've never done me wrong, except for that one time / that we don't talk about," an awkward aside for anyone who hasn't been disillusioned by the group's PR campaign. "Not Strong Enough" attempts to split the songwriting and in the process lands with the same issues. Its in-jokes and references are played without so much of a wink, too serious to sound clever. While the three-part harmony at the tail of the bridge is a nice reminder of the distinctions of each vocalist, their verses are economical to the point that individual characteristics, for better or for worse, are difficult to trace in the song. [4]
Alfred Soto: Bored by the well-intentioned poignancy of their solo music, I was surprised by the speed at which I fell in love with boygenius' group work. They love performing their intimacy -- can you imagine how queerness might've advanced had, say, CSN&Y bussed each other on stage? "Not Strong Enough" marries a strong strummed melody to lyrics that take advantage of Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus, and Phoebe Bridges' harmonic strengths, a pleasure in itself. The plainspoken confessions match the women's timbres. [8]
Nortey Dowuona: Remember when Chance the Rapper decided to make a great pop rap album as the rapping member of the SoX Experiment and people wanted the next Chance solo album instead and then he did that and y'all hated him more and more? Pray this don't happen to Phoebe Bridgers. [7]
Crystal Leww: Women can be fuckboys, too -- set to guitar! [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The closer that these three get to being an actual band, the more they leave me cold. I loved their EP from half a decade ago in part because it kept the essential character of each songwriter intact -- these were demos that they had brought to their friends to finish up, not hivemind exercises. Despite working with musicians I like (can we just hear the Melina Duterte/Sarah Tudzin/Carla Azar trio instead?) and doing everything they're supposed to do as an artistic unit (If I have to hear about the three of them going to therapy together again I'll have to go to therapy myself), the returns still diminish. "Not Strong Enough" is neither good enough to save rock music nor bad enough to capsize it. Instead, it's a charmingly indistinct piece of big gesture indie, the kind of song that I can intellectually understand the appeal of while feeling nothing for. It's end credits music, a slow fade that, for all of my wishing, won't ever be fireworks. [4]
Ian Mathers: It is hard to avoid the "people are so weird about this band" field boygenius generates now to just write about the song. But I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need that (to those shouting "skill issue" or "you deliberately haven't been paying attention to that stuff"... I see you, and you're valid). I listen to boygenius as a band, not some weird referendum on who's solo stuff I like best. And so with "Not Strong Enough" I just hear a lovely and frequently moving song where all three singers get to take a good chorus around the block, and all of them nail it in different ways. The only extra commentary I want is the line from Bridgers I saw quoted on Genius: "Self-hatred is a god complex sometimes." It sure fucking is! [9]
Katherine St Asaph: I just think of the thousands of singer-songwriters who get a fraction of their press, while making music that isn't bland. [4]
Aaron Bergstrom: The boygenius project could have been a success even if it never exceeded the sum of its parts. It could have been a long-distance book club and mutual admiration society, three wildly talented songwriters who occasionally got together to sing backing vocals on each other's songs. Maybe it stops there. Even the most like-minded artists can't always find the same creative wavelength. It happens. When the first three singles from the record were very clearly The Julien Song, The Phoebe Song, and The Lucy Song, it wasn't necessarily a disappointment (all three are excellent in their own right). It just felt like the group had a ceiling. "Not Strong Enough," though, points to something bigger. It's the first song that sounds like boygenius as a band. It's a song that none of them could have produced individually. The titular hook is Phoebe's, the "always an angel, never a god" climax is Lucy's, and Julien's guitar holds it together (plus she gets to drag race through the canyon singing "Boys Don't Cry"). There's a collective joy, a thrill of possibility, something above and beyond their individual brilliance. Listen to them talk about it. It's cool that they played Madison Square Garden, and Saturday Night Live, and it's great that they're going to be near the top of every year-end list that anybody cares about, but none of that explains why this was The Year of Boygenius as definitively as "the way Phoebe looks at Lucy when she talks about songwriting." [10]
Leela Grace: In fall 2017 I called my friend from where I was camping in Montana and said, "I heard a song that reminded me of us!" and I sang her the verse from "Funeral" that ends with "we talk until we think we might just kill ourselves/then we laugh until it disappears." This year we got married. The members of Boygenius have sad-girl brands musically but together, their extratextual joy makes its way into the harmonies. Finding people who understand you is such a rare and special thing, in whatever form it takes, for however long it lasts, and sadness shared is easier to bear. Maybe you can't control when people leave you or the marks they'll leave on you: you are always an angel, never a god. But when you sing together you come close. [9]
Josh Love: The Record is a real "greater than the sum of its parts" type of album. Over the course of its whole running time, the camaraderie and charm of these three women swapping songs and verses, harmonizing and singing background on each other's cuts, communicates something far more resonant than a single isolated song. There's not even a Lucy Dacus verse! The greater magic here is how these three roughly similar artists can each evince such distinct personae, to the extent that it's incredibly easy to attest to an allegiance for any one of them above the other two. I went into boygenius sure I was a Phoebe, but now I'm convinced I'm a Julien. [7]
Tim de Reuse: Gorgeous, lush -- antiseptically corporate. A paint-by-numbers masterpiece in half-formed suburban anxieties. A sleek vehicle assembled by collage: the indie rock appeal to road trips, the indie rock domestic imagery, the indie rock rousing chantalong. I, too, have spent many nights staring at a ceiling fan and catastrophizing. It didn't sound like a delicate synth arpeggio. I don't think something this grandiose would comfort me, either. [4]
Oliver Maier: I don't really agree with the critique that boygenius is total wallpaper mood music; they're not here, anyway. The production is satisfying and crisp, the drums clatter compellingly, as if unable or unwilling to find a firm footing on the beat, and there's no denying the swoop of the chorus melody. But, since by ideology there's no jostling for space on a boygenius song, accomodating everyone makes "Not Strong Enough" feel like a whistle-stop insecurity sightseeing tour, where nobody has time to explore their stop. Julien Baker revs up a car crash fantasy that vanishes into the hook. Phoebe Bridgers' lyrical style -- rushes of home video vignettes designed to push out the waterworks -- doesn't always land for me, but she usually has more lines than this to give it a fair shake. As for the Lucy-led bridge...well, I'm sure it sounded cool in their heads. [6]
Taylor Alatorre: Designed more for Red Rocks than for headphones, the "angel/god" chant-along is the record's most obvious effort to transcend the comforting strictures of indie rock nichedom and instead seat the trio in their rightful place as arena rock eminences. It doesn't exactly do that, mainly because it telegraphs its intent too cleanly and presents too big of a contrast with the rest of the track's artful self-effacing. The good news for Boygenius is that it didn't need to do that, because everything that came before that point in the song was already grand and sweeping and buoyantly pensive enough to make any U2 comparisons seem beside the point. (Sorry, I'm not strong enough to avoid making a U2 comparison.) [7]
Brad Shoup: Along with Drop Nineteens' "Gal," one of two alt-rock tracks I'm aware of from this year that references a Cure song. I love how magisterial this sounds--elevated adult alternative -- how everyone gets to step into the light. "Always an angel/Never a god" seemed like a weird complaint to me at first -- I'd much rather be an angel, people don't get mad at you -- but I was missing the theme. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: That acoustic guitar is strummed with enough vim that you can feel every clang. It provides an initial pulse, then too the bassline and snare. Everything just keeps marching along, traces of beauty found amid the doldrums: listen to those electric guitar flutters, arriving like sunlight upon your face; hear the way each vocalist's timbre provides new shades of beige. It has an everyday beauty that hides everyday pain. And then the bridge arrives: bullshit tedium in the name of profundity. Always content with the fine-enough, boygenius draw emotion from a vacantness that I wish were all-consuming. Those flickering synths announce a precious listlessness that reminds you that there's more -- I just wish it weren't so A24 meets Hallmark. [3]
Jonathan Bradley: "I don't know why I am the way I am," the Boys sing in turn, their thoughts so dislocated from their surroundings that walking through the kitchen might as well be speeding along a highway. An insistent drum rhythm hustles the decidedly gentle guitar arrangement, capturing with unsettling precision the feel of being completely lost while the world is rushing headlong without you. [8]
Jeffrey Brister: Writing about exactly WHY I like a song can be so difficult, because I love this one. It has a lush, full, utterly beautiful arrangement--an array of guitar sounds layered over one another, with a the right amount of synth flourishes that let the ear wander and notice things on repeated listens. Tightly played drums that aren't too reverb-drenched, dry enough to sit in the middle of the mix without overwhelming or getting lost, an anchor holding the song in place. Three incredible vocal performances, each pulling out different aspects of the melody, and singing in brilliant harmony. A structure that builds and breaks, that drives and explodes with melancholy. It's a song that I would simply say is "gorgeous", and leave it at that, but I feel like I wanted a bit of a word count. [9]
Will Adams: Eh, it's pretty, I guess. [5]
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destourtereaux · 3 years
it was always you - jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: jj is your best friend, always has been... but things start to change when he asks you out on a (fake) date.
word count: 1.9k
follow @lovebirdupdates to join my "taglist"!
requested? yes, by @goldengoddess ; fake dating trope with jj where he confesses!
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a/n: hi y'all, this is my entry for the lovely @pogueslandia's writing challenge! i really love this fic so reblog if you do too <3
prompt: "we can't be friends. i cannot just be friends with you."
Ever since that fateful day you’d run into Kiara Carerra at her family restaurant, you’d been a Pogue. It wasn’t up for discussion, it was a fact, plain and simple. You had just arrived in the Outer Banks, all alone aside from your parents, and she’d befriended you, then introduced you to her crowd. You had all hit it off immediately, and in the summer months that followed, you’d grown closer every day.
You loved their carefree energy more than anything. Whenever you were with your friends, you felt like you could conquer the world.
If you had to be completely honest though, you were always closer to JJ than any of the others. It was if the two of you shared a connection that no one else could even begin to understand. Often, you’d catch the blonde’s gaze and know immediately what he was thinking, resulting in a burst of laughter as you both realize. This happened commonly enough that all the other Pogues were used to it; Kiara would just roll her eyes, John B would glance over briefly, and Pope would just completely ignore it.
No matter how close the two of you were, there was one line that was never crossed. The friend zone line. Both of you took the “No Pogue on Pogue macking” rule very seriously, despite how many times JJ flirted with you or joked about how rules were meant to be broken. You couldn’t risk losing the best friendship you’d ever had, so it was worth setting this boundary. That’s why it was such a surprise when JJ came up to you one day and asked you out. Straight up.
Of course, he’s always jokingly doing it; a “you, me, the kegger tonight?” here and there, and a constant slew of pick-up lines, each one worse than the last...but this time there was no telltale smirk on your best friend’s face. He was dead serious.
“Y/N. I need a favour. Will you date me?” JJ casually asks out of the blue, stealing one of your fries at the same time. You slap his hand away to a resounding “Ow!” and squint at him.
“Say what now?”
“I think you heard me, Y/N/N,” he smirks. “But don’t panic, bub, it’d be a fake date. You know we’re just friends,” he continues, ruffling your hair.
If you hadn’t been so shocked by his question, you would’ve messed up his hair right back, but nothing could deter you from getting to the bottom of this right now. “What the hell does that mean? Fake dating? But why?”
JJ shakes his head as if he’s disappointed in your lack of common sense, “Well, you see. There’s a new girl, Claire, I think her name is. She’s got this really hot accent --”
“You’re telling me we’re gonna break the one rule we ever followed because you’re turned on by some touron’s way of speaking,” you stare at him, incredulous, “I always knew you were dumb but this has got to be a new record. JJ, we’re friends. Best friends. Nothing more than that.”
“I know, I know, but just… that’d make it more believable, you know? Everyone knows we have the potential to date so it wouldn’t be much of a surprise. And it’ll just be for a month. That’s only like 30 days. And I’ll take you on dates you’ve never each dreamed of,” he finishes with his signature grin.
“Whatever, just don’t come crying after our little plan doesn’t work, J. As long as it doesn’t involve us running away from the cops at the end, I’m in,” you finally reply.
He pumps the air and tackles you, pushing you down in the sand, but you’re not finished.
“You’re so fucking lucky you have me as a friend.”
The first thing you two did the day after the deal was tell the Pogues that you’d started dating.
“No WAY!” John B’s eyes had widened, as he clapped JJ on the back. “Didn’t think you’d actually have the guts to tell her; good on you bro.”
JJ had coughed at this, momentarily losing the relaxed smile he always carried. But he had quickly recovered, and slipped an easy arm around your waist. The move felt innately natural, as if his arm was made to be holding you, was meant to be there.
Pope had simply congratulated the both of you, remarking “I knew this was gonna happen.”
On the other hand, Kiara’s reaction was somewhere in the middle, rather teasing. “I knew you two snuck off after that party once! I could never prove it but it’s finally amounted to something!”
She sent you a small wink, and you flushed, remembering the time you’d gotten so drunk you’d lost all inhibition and kissed JJ then dragged him away from the crowd.
“Just couldn’t keep your hands off me huh, Y/L/N?” JJ smirked at you, earning a jab to his stomach.
Weirdly enough, you felt a little burst of joy at each of their comments, but you brushed it off, attributing it to the adrenaline rush you always got from lying. It was bound to be heightened because these people knew you better than anyone...
It was nearing the end of the month. You and JJ had spent the past 20 something days keeping up this charade. There were fleeting kisses brushed against the cheek, the forehead, the lips, and longing gazes across the fire as its light illuminated both your faces. Often, you two would break off from the group and end up at an isolated place, where you talked til the sun set and night fell.
You were confused as to why this facade kept up outside of the public eye, but you never questioned it. True to his word, JJ’s dates were nothing if not creative, and you’d enjoyed every second of this crazy month. You almost didn’t want it to end. But that was silly.
Little did you know, JJ was harbouring the same thoughts.
This particular afternoon, you were sitting beside your best friend on the couch as he talked to John B about some random thing they’d seen the other day. After a few failed attempts at joining their conversation, you simply gave up. It was so hot, and you were feeling rather drowsy that day, so it was no surprise when you found yourself drifting off.
JJ only realized after your head landed softly on his shoulder. He glanced over quickly, and saw you there, eyes closed, clearly asleep. You were breathing lightly, and your hair was all askew, covering half of your face. He smiled softly, almost in spite of himself.
“What?” John B prompted.
JJ didn’t answer, only gestured at you with his one free hand. “Asleep,” he mouthed silently, “can you get a blanket?”
“Black what??” John B repeats, never having been one to read lips.
JJ rolls his eyes, and mimes putting a sheet over your body.
“Oh! Blanket,” the boy concludes, finally realizing.
JJ nods fervently, and his eyes widen as you shift your head in your sleep. He doesn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful lying on his shoulder, and if he was being honest, he quite liked the feel of your body’s warmth seeping into his. All of a sudden, he felt an urge to protect you, to take care of you and make sure you were happy. He wanted to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. He wished he could live in this moment forever, taking in the smell of your shampoo and the softness of your hair on his shoulder.
An hour later, JJ’s shoulder was beyond sore, it had become completely numb. The blond had refused to make a single move during that time in fear that you’d be startled awake, and so he’d sat there in silence, alternating between getting lost in his thoughts and studying you.
Luckily, when you finally woke up, he was not watching you creepily. Instead, you saw him staring straight ahead, at a picture of the two of you framed on the wall. You were grinning at the camera as he kissed your cheek, the two of you practically radiating joy. Seeing that moment again, JJ made a decision, and when he turned back around to check on you, he found you staring at him in curiosity.
Startled, he broke eye contact. “Oh good, you’re awake,” he murmurs, as if still scared to speak too loudly.
“Yeah I am! Sorry I dozed off on you -- oh god. Tell me I didn’t make you sit here this whole time,” you reply, mortified. “JJ, you didn’t need to, that must’ve been so boring, not to mention uncomfortable…”
“No, you’re fine, love. Don’t worry, I didn’t mind,” the boy reassures you, still using that soft tone of voice.
You shake your head, a little bit confused. “What’s wrong?” you prompt. After all, you were his best friend, and you saw right through him. Something was bothering JJ.
The boy coughs, then opens his mouth and closes it again. But in the end, his bravery won out. “Y/N… we can’t be friends anymore. I cannot just be your friend.”
The words might as well have been a bomb for how well they landed. Involuntarily, your eyes welled up with tears, and a strangled sound came from your throat. What did he mean?
“Oh, no, no. It’s not what you’re thinking, princess,” the blond quickly reassures you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Even in his own state of anxiety, he can’t stand seeing you sad.
“I can’t be the one you always talk about other boys to… the best friend you use as your wingman. I can’t stand by just waiting for someone else to take you away from me, and steal you away to who knows where. I want to be the person who makes you blush and laugh, the one you rant about at one of those girly sleepovers...”
You sit in shock, reeling from your best friend’s sudden confession. “But…what about Claire? That’s what this was all about, JJ!”
“You still don’t get it, do you, Y/N? There was no Claire. There was never a Claire. I just… it was always you,” he chuckles sadly, before opening his mouth to begin no doubt another self-pitying sentence, but he’s cut off by you pressing your lips to his in a bout of bravado.
“Shut up,” you smile against his lips, eyes shining, “you’re such a cheesy idiot, J.”
Your best friend's eyes widen before he begins to kiss you back, with a ferocity that makes you lose all sense of self, pushing you down onto the couch and propping himself up above you. It was as if the universe had been waiting for this very moment, like the final puzzle piece snapping into place.
“Yeah, but you love me.” And he was absolutely right.
The two of you are far too invested in each other to notice the footsteps approaching the room until it’s far too late.
“Ew! What the hell, you two -- I didn’t need to see this today," comes a disgusted voice.
“Get the fuck out Kiara,” JJ snarls, and throws a pillow at your friend as you burst into giggles.
tagging: @pogueslandia @maybanksslut @calaryssia @taylathornton @amordesiempre01 @ohhersheybars @jorja-cameron @msmarvelknight @hopebaker @princessnnylzays @willowpains @kaiparker1972-blog @nngkay @toji-dabi-wife @dannyclaire1975 @dylanobrienstoothbrush @cmrxac @lemur46 @rottenstyx @volleyballdood24 @pjnjzc @emmalvei-blog @duck2857 @oldschoolkiddo @jjswhore @mmoskova @charlottesalvatore @mardema
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okaywa · 4 years
I love your works omg! 🥺 could I request hcs for oikawa , Kuroo and bokuto where their s/o just finished a bunch of school work and they “reward” them 😳 if you get what i’m saying 😂 (smut is all I ask for basically 😳) thank you! ❤️❤️
ddHahah my classes just started so here we gooo 
... wish I had a haikyuu man to reward me lmao 
is first of all one of the neediest boys even though he acts indifferent sometimes (mainly when he’s stressed about volleyball)
but even though everyone says he only cares about volleyball he is actually so attentive and in tune with you
he’s an amazing boyfriend and you can pry that out of my cold dead fingers  
so of course he sees how hard you've been working and is so proud of you for powering through your massive workload 
bc sometimes its easier to get overwhelmed and lost in it 
(this is unnecessary to the request but y’all met in Argentina while you’re  studying abroad and he’s playing in the San Juan club) 
But he’s barely seen you all week :(( stupid exams so he let himself into your apartment after practice to find you passed out in your bed, backpack tossed against the wall 
He smiles softly at the sight, he can't help it, you're just so cute. You're hugging one of your pillows while wearing a sweatshirt of his that he’d left here (on purpose but you didn't have to know that.) He crawls up the bed, careful not to bounce the mattress and leans over you, pressing featherlight kisses against your cheeks and lips. He can tell you're starting to wake up by your little twitches and the scrunch of your eyebrows. 
“Mm, Tooru, when did you get here,” you slur sleepily, shoving aside the pillow to wrap your arms around him instead. 
“Just now, sweetheart,” he murmurs, not letting up on his kisses until you purse your lips for him. 
He kisses you languidly, like the slow build up of the morning tide just a few miles away, until he’s got you pinned to the mattress. His hips grind down on yours, soft gasps shared between the two of you when his tip hits your clit just right. You're still sleepy, despite the sudden arousal that sends sparks through your tummy, so he keeps it relaxed. He captures your lips again, the rutting of his cock against your damp panties steady as to cause a quick buildup of heat in your core. 
“So proud of you, sweet thing,” he sighs into your ear. “Hnn- ah.. you work so hard..”
“Tooru,” you whine, now moving in time with his slow thrusts. 
“Shh-shh, let me take care of you,” he smiles down at you gently, rolling his hips at a new angle so his tip nudges your clit each time. 
You nod weakly, lips parting for his tongue as he guides you to completion. His hips lose their rhythm once you stiffen beneath him, whining as your orgasm finally crests and spreads through your core. Oikawa grunts above you, dropping his forehead against your clavicle while his cock throbs against your ruined panties and he spills into his pants. 
“Love you,” you pant against his hairline. 
“Love you too,” his lips press warmly against your throat. 
probably has just as much work as you but hes clingy so he insists that y'all study together even though your majors are totally different and you're not much help to each other 
He’s the type to shove your papers out of your lap so he can lay his head there, or he just puts his head right on top of them 
just constantly in the way but you love him so its kinda cute 
also I think Kuroo is one of those ppl who barely takes notes, is on his phone the entire lecture, and only studies the night before and somehow still has a 4.0, I hate him (sike)
that or he’s so studious he keeps track of your due dates as well
Yall come back to your shared apartment exhausted but pleased exams are over
“Mm, just one more semester and we graduate,” Kuroo sighs, wrapping you in a tight hug so he can rest his chin on the top of your head. “How do you think you did?”
You laugh into his chest, squeezing your arms around his waist. “I feel good about them, actually.”
Kuroo smiles proudly, ruffling your hair before grabbing your chin to pull you into a kiss. You smile against his lips, humming when his fingers start to play with the hem of your shirt mischievously. 
“Tetsuuu,” you whine when he tugs insistently. “We just got home...”
“I knowww,” he mimics, slowly walking you backwards until your knees hit the back of the couch. “But I want to show my pretty girl how proud I am of her for getting through these exams.”
Your stomach flutters at the low, sultry drop of his voice. He nips at your ear teasingly before pushing you to sit. 
“As soon as I saw you put this little skirt on this morning,” Kuroo grins, dropping to his knees in front of you. “I’ve been thinking about how much I’d like I hide my head under here and...”
His fingers tease the damp cloth of your panties lightly. “Devour you.”
You whimper as he looks up at you through his lashes, fingers stroking your covered folds more firmly. He cocks his head curiously until you nod desperately, parting your thighs eagerly for him. His smirk widens once he lays his eyes on your ruined panties and he wastes no time pulling them down your legs and shoving them in his pocket. 
Grabbing your thighs, he pulls your butt to the edge of the cushion and drops your calves over his shoulders. He immediately draws his tongue through your soaked folds to tickle at your clit. He moans throatily, murmuring about how delicious you taste before burying his face between your thighs. 
“Haaah- ah! Testu!” 
Kuroo’s tongue immediately licks inside of you, his nose pressed firmly to your clit. Gasping at his fervor, you grasp at his hair, knowing how much he enjoyed having you pull it. His eyes immediately fluttered open, heavily lidded and foggy with lust. Winking up at you, he curls his tongue just right and groans when your thighs lock around his neck. He shakes his head slightly to give your clit just enough stimulation to have you hurdling to a quick orgasm. 
He licks up your slick eagerly, determined to catch every drop but is cut short when you writhe away from the intense overstimulation. He laughs softly, climbing up the couch to smash his lips to yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth so you could taste yourself. 
“Mm, let’s go to the bedroom,” he rumbles, nibbling at your bottom lip.
He is so damn proud of you it’s adorable 
He’s been gushing for the past week and a half to his teammates about how smart his girlfriend is 
He’s a little bummed you haven't been able to pay attention to him but he understands and is happy to just watch you study
So when you finally get home from your last exam he pounces on you
Scoops you up and brings you to the bedroom immediately 
“Kou!” You laugh into the crook of his neck, squeaking when he suddenly drops you on the bed. 
“I've missed you so much,” Bokuto clambers on top of you. “Been driving me crazy with how busy you’ve been.” 
“I know, handsome,” you frown sympathetically, bushing your fingers through his wild hair. 
“I’m so proud of you though,” he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. “Fuck, you're so smart. Pretty sure Atsumu was ready to throw a ball at my head because I wouldn’t shut up about you.”
He settles on top of you, kissing a wet trail up to your jaw. Your hands are gliding up his back muscles and grabbing at his broad shoulders. 
“Kou... I need you to-” you're cut off by his lips on yours. 
“I know, baby, I got you,” his rough hands shove your pants down so you can kick them off. “How about I make you cum for each of your exams, hm? I think that’s a good reward for all your hard work.”
“Please,” you whimper, needing him to release all of the stress that had built up. 
“How many was it, baby?” He asks while pulling his shirt over his head. 
“Six,” you take in his toned chest and defined abs hungrily. 
“Six orgasms it is,” he grins, pulling your own shirt off. 
Within seconds he’s knuckles deep inside you, groaning about how ready you always are for him. He pumps and curls his fingers perfectly, thumbing at your clit until you’re cumming all over his hand.
His cock is always a delicious mix of a burning stretch and a sensation of fullness. Bokuto’s cock was thick and long, his head dragging along your g-spot with each of his rolling thrusts. Your walls suck him in greedily, clenching so tightly that he’s whining against your lips. 
“So wound up, aren't you?” He pants. “Need me to take the edge off, huh?”
You already have tears in your eyes as you nod, crying out when his fingers find your clit. He ruts his cock into you roughly, gritting out praises until you arch underneath him and cum for a second time. He stops completely, kissing your cheeks gently while you recover.
“Kou...” your eyebrows draw together. “You didn't...?” “Four more times,” he grins, and slowly starts thrusting again.
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1234-angelika · 3 years
Fresh Start
an:this is the first part of my Happily Ever After series for Hotch. I am honestly so excited to share so I hope y'all like it. This is mostly set in 3x11, I do have some dialogue from the episode integrated into the fic.
words: 2 k
warnings: Divorce, language, canon-typical violence
summary:"Every moment is a fresh beginning."
-T.S. Elliot
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
The second that the plane touched down on the tarmac, you felt yourself relax. And then, of course, people started to clap.
Sitting there, your eyes rolled backwards in your skull while you waited for the crowd to finish and for your seatmates to finally grab their bags. You had ended up in the middle seat, in between an elderly woman—who had snagged the aisle seat—and a man—who was squishing you so much, he definitely should have paid for two seats. Despite your reservations, you welcomed his help when he offered to take your bag down from the overhead bin. A quick thank you, and then you were on your way out of there. Finally, after a long fifteen minutes at baggage claim—listening to the frat bros who had not shut up the entire flight to VA—your bags arrived. Collecting your bags, you went outside to try and track down the rental car you had booked.
After picking up the car and signing all the forms, you put your new address into the GPS and started on the drive. Despite the fact it was not rush hour, the amount of traffic was insane. It took much longer than you had planned for you to get home. Just as you parked in the drive, the moving truck came rumbling down the street. As you walked up to the house, you just admired it. Disbelieving of the fact that this was now your home. It looked just as it had in the pictures online, a little big for just you but, you liked to plan ahead.
You fiddled with the key—which the realtor had express mailed to you—in the lock for a bit before a click resounded and the door popped open. You propped it open with your suitcase and then went down to greet the movers. As they brought the boxes in and the bigger furniture you had opted to bring down from LA, you directed them in the placement. It took a little over two hours for them to get all of your belongings into the house and set up; you had asked if they could build a few pieces—like the bed frame. When they were done, you paid them, with a tip, before letting out a sigh of relief as you watched the moving truck drive down the street and into the distance. Then, turning back around, you looked at all the boxes the awaited unpacking before deciding against it. You got ready for bed and made the executive decision that those boxes would be tomorrow’s problem.
Waking up bright and early, you start to get ready for the day ahead. You’ve been in Virginia for a week now, and your home was almost all unpacked, there are still a few things you need to find a spot for, but the majority has been organized and put away. Before you had even left for work, you had already downed two cups of coffee in an attempt to both wake up and relax your nerves. The drive is long but, after your first drive in VA, you had planned for it. You had created a playlist of your favourite music and let it play while you drove, trying to get pumped for what, essentially, is an interview. You had been gunning for a spot at the BAU a few years, but there hadn’t been openings. So to say that I really wanted this spot would be an understatement. If this interview didn’t work out, you’d be working out of Quantico as an auxiliary agent until a post opened up.
Stepping out of your car, you adjusted your skirt and straightened out your blouse before walking into the lobby of the FBI building. When the transfer came through to leave the LA field office, it was a relief. Even though you put in the work and trained as a profiler, it was a boys club; this meant that you were used more as a press liaison than a profiler—which was actually your job. A rush of cold air washed over you as you walked through the heavy glass doors. Erin Strauss, your new boss, stood in the lobby—actually, she was your boss’ boss. She greeted you kindly and with a smile that was much more than you expected, especially after hearing all the stories about her. She shook your hand and then led you into the bullpen and started the tour.
“This is where you’ll be working for now, they’re just finishing up your office. There were a few delays but it should be ready by the end of week.” She said, turning to face you as you walked through the bullpen. You thanked her, and her only response was a curt nod as you arrived at an office, blinds drawn and the door closed.
“Is this your office?” You asked, fully under the impression that she would be conducting the interview.
“No, I’m upstairs. This office belongs to Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, your boss. He will be the one conducting the interview,” she paused as you processed the new information. “I’ll be off, if you have any questions you can send me an email or come see me in my office.”
She walked off, and you watched her figure disappear to the lobby and into the crowd of FBI agents milling around. Taking a few deep breaths, you managed to settle your nerves a little. No matter how many interviews you had done, it was always an incredibly stressful endeavour. Reaching up, your knuckles wrapped against the door, and you dropped your hand and waited. The soft sound of shuffling was muffled by the thick wood door before it swung open. A handsome man stood in the doorway, expression stern. He reached out and shook your awaiting hand before moving to the side and gesturing for you to enter the office.
“You must be SSA Y/N Y/L/N—”
“Yes sir.”
“—come in.”
Stepping past him, you walked into the office and to one of the two worn leather chairs arranged in front of the desk. Waiting, you didn’t sit until he sat down. He asked you about your credentials and experience in the LA field office for what felt like hours. You answered honestly, but politely trying to be as eloquent as possible. Silently, you were hoping that he would agree you were a good fit for the team. Then, abruptly, he stood, holding out his hand. You followed suit and shook his hand.
“Well agent Y/L/N, I think that you would be a good fit for us. Welcome to the team.”
“Thank you Agent Hotchner—“
“You can call me Hotch,”
“—thank you Hotch, I look forward to working on this team.”
A brief silence settled between the two of you before he said, “close the door behind you please.”
Taking that as your cue to leave, you stepped out swiftly and shut the door behind you. Taking another step, the BAU agents were all looking at you. Biting the bullet, so to speak, you decide to go and introduce yourself. You introduced yourself to Derek, Emily and Spencer, who was slightly cold towards you—which you quickly learnt was because he didn’t like change. You were getting to know one another when JJ—who briefly introduced herself with a kind smile—called you to the conference room. You took a seat in the only empty chair left, in between Hotch and Emily. As soon as you took your seat, JJ started the briefing.
“Last night in Fredericksburg, a 20 year old woman, Molly McCarthy, was abducted. She’s the third to go missing in the last six weeks. All disappeared from public places. No one’s seen them since. Couple days ago, body parts with cigarette burns were recovered from a national park, which was once the site of the Battle of Chancellorsville.”
As she took a pause, Aaron interrupted, “were they able to make an ID?”
“It was the first victim taken six weeks ago. Decomp indicated that she had been dead just over a week.”
“So, he likes spending time with them.” Aaron said, still reading through the file.
“How’d she end up like that?” You asked.
Picking up the file, JJ read, “M.E. found microscopic tool marks on the bone.”
Mulling over the details, I could hear Spencer talking about a similar case he had read about. JJ confirmed it was, in fact, also Fredericksburg in the winter of 1980. You came to the conclusion of an anniversary killing at the same time Rossi pointed it out.
“Wait, we think this could be the same killer?” Emily asked. “That’s a hell of a cooling off period.”
After a bit more discussion, Aaron announced wheels up in 20, and you were all out the door. The case spanned a few days. And for you, it was a bit of an adjustment, going back to doing fieldwork, but you welcomed and embraced the challenge. The worst part was finding those girls. Your heart stopped in your chest when you heard their cries for help. Once the girls were safe, the team dispersed.
You stood by the road, lost in your thoughts, watching as the sheriff took Chrissy Wilkinson away. The sheriff drove off, and you felt another presence beside you. Looking up, you saw it was Aaron.
“You okay?”
You didn’t answer him right away. “If you stop caring, you’re jaded. If you care too much, it’ll ruin you.” You said without even looking at him.
“Just know that you did everything you could. Sometimes we get it right with a little luck, and most of the times we don’t. That’s the job. It’s never perfect. It’s still better to care.”
“You really believe that?” You asked, eyes glassy from the emotional toll of your first case back in the field, barely able to keep the oncoming tears at bay.
“I believe it’s never perfect.” He turned and started walking back to the rest of the team.
“Hey Hotch?” You called out.
Turning around, he looked at you. “Yeah?”
“Thanks.” You said with a half-smile, voice thick with unshed tears.
The drive back to Quantico was fast, and the paperwork was started almost immediately after arriving back. As soon as the last form was signed, Derek asked;
“Who’s up for a drink?”
That piqued the interest of the team. Emily scoffed before asking,
“Who’s up for five?”
Laughing, you stood up and said, “I’m definitely in!”
“Count me in.” David said as he walked through the bullpen, coming from his office. Looking up in that direction, you could see Hotch still sitting at his desk, frowning at whatever was in front of him.
“I don’t know…” said Reid, hesitating.
“Stop with the “I don’t know.” You’re in kid.” Derek said with a smile. “JJ?”
Groaning, she said, “I’d love to. I’m going to have to take a rain-check.”
“Hotch?” You asked as he made his way toward the rest of you.
“You up for a beer?”
Just as you were all walking towards the door, a man walked into the bullpen guided by an agent you had seen in passing.
“Agent Hotchner?”
As soon as Aaron answered, the man handed him a legal-size manilla envelope before asking him to sign and then he walked out.
“What is it?” Emily asked.
You eyed the envelope as Emily asked the question, a gut feeling telling you it wasn’t anything good.
“Haley’s filing for divorce. I’ve been served.” He said, and he only met your gaze long enough for it to become sympathetic before he walked out to the elevators.
The rest of you looked at each other; you were a little more confused than the rest of them. Still, you and your colleagues headed to the bar to blow off a little steam. As the elevator began to lower, you felt a tugging in your heart for the man—your boss, whose you had known for less than a week but felt a connection with right off the bat.
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I'm Back Home BabyGirl-Roman Reigns
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Four Months. That's how long it's been since Roman left, and it was getting harder by the day.
The first few days after he left, you took him up on his offer to stay at his home. Which was good because with him being gone, you needed that familiarity.
Around the second month, it was Christmas, and he couldn't even be here for that or New Year's. He did let you know that his divorce was finalized a little after the new year though.
It was now February, and you were in the locker room when there was a knock on the door. "It's open." You tell them, and you look up to see Seth, and Becky. "Oh hey guy's what's up?"
"We have the rest of the night off, and wanted to see if we could come watch the rest of the show with you." Seth offers, and you nod.
"Sure, sounds fun." You tell them, and pick up your phone to try to call Roman again, but you get his voicemail again.
"Everything alright?" Becky asks you, and you make your way over to sit next to her on the couch with Seth on the other side of her.
"Yeah, I've just been trying to get a hold of Roman all day, but I guess he must still be at the treatment center. Just one of those days." You tell her shrugging your shoulders. You quickly wipe away the tears that had fallen down your face. "Sorry, it's just been tough."
"I can't imagine what you've been going through." Becky says, grabbing a hold of your hand that rested in your lap. "I heard he was officially divorced. That's good news right?"
"Yeah, it means that whenever he comes back we can actually be together." I smile through my tears, and Becky moves her hand from yours to rub your back. "I don't normally break down like this, I'm sorry guys."
"Hey, don't apologize. We know how much you miss him, and love him. You always put up a front. You don't have to do that in front of us, okay?" Seth speaks and I nod.
"Thank you." You tell them, and begin to watch the show in Roman's chair in his locker room.
"Coming up next, we have a returning superstar who has some big news to share!" One of the announcers say, and you check your phone again, but no word from Roman.
"There you guys are." Sasha says when her, Bayley, and Charlotte. "Having a watch party?"
Having a close relationship with all four of the horse women was something you held very to dear to your heart.
"Yeah, come take a seat." You tell them, and that's when you hear the familiar music. There's no fucking way.
You look up at the TV, and sure enough, there he was. "What the fuck?" You gasp as he begins to talk. "No, I must be dreaming."
"Sweetie, listen." Charlotte says, rubbing your arm.
"I'm in remission, y'all. The big dog is back!" He says, and you fall back onto the couch with your face in your hands.
"Hey guys, why don't we give them a minute?" Your not sure who asks because the blood pumping in your body.
"Where is she?" You hear his voice, and can't stop shaking. You can feel his presence as he drops to a squat in front of you.
You feel his strong hands wrap around yoir wrists, pulling your hands from your face. "Hi baby girl." He whispers, and it feels like time is frozen. "I'm home."
You look up at him, and start crying even harder. "Roman?" You gasp, and he wipes away your tears.
"It's me, baby." He whispers, and lightly presses his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, and he holds you tight to his chest. You begin to sob, and he stands up with you in his arms.
You wrap your legs around his waist, and he turns to sit down on the couch. "I had to ditch my phone today because I knew as soon as I heard your voice I'd ruin the surprise." He says with a light chuckle.
"It's okay." You choke out, and lift your head to look at him. "You look so good, baby."
"Thank you." He tells you, and you don't want to leave his warmth. "Will you be okay if I go do some interviews real quick?"
You lean forward to press your lips to his, and he is just as eager to kiss you back. "I'll be back, I promise." He tells you, and you nod before hopping off of his lap. "Unless you want to come with me?"
"No, it's your night." You tell him, and he kisses your forehead. "As long as I get to leave with you."
"Of course baby girl." He tells you, and you hug him once more. "I'll be back. Sit tight, and then we'll go home."
You nod, and he leaves the room. "Holy fuck." You breathe out, and take a deep breath.
"Was it worth the surprise?" You turn to see Seth had walked back in with Becky.
"Yeah. I'm still shaking." You say with a forced laugh.
"Well, we just wanted to come say good night. When you and Roman get done, reconciling, we all want to do dinner or something, okay?" Becky asks, and you laugh, nodding your head.
"Sounds good." You tell them, and you sit there for the next few minutes, on your phone until you hear Roman's laugh.
You stand up, and wqlo over to finish packing up your gear from earlier tonight when you hear the door open, and close. "You about ready to head out?" Roman asks you once he reaches behind you.
"Yeah, almost done." You tell him, and his hands grip your hips. You gasp, and he moves your hair over to the left side. "How did you get here?"
"Jey." He answers before placing a kiss to your neck. "Is my truck totaled yet?"
"Heyyy." You whine, and he laughs from behind you. "I took care of it."
"I'm kidding baby girl. I know you did." He says and you turn around to face him. "Let's go home."
When you arrive to Roman's apartment, he immediately goes to lay down on his bed. You get comfortable before laying down with him. He pulls you close to him, and silence looms over the two of you. "I missed you like crazy."
"I know, I missed you, too." You tell him, and he reaches over to turn the TV on. "You're divorced, too."
"I am." He hums in agreement. "Does that mean you'll officially be my girlfriend?"
"Yes." You say in a heartbeat, and he squeezes you tighter. "I never want to leave you."
"Then don't." He says, and pauses. "Move in with me."
"Really?" You ask him, and he nods in response. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I mean come on, you're here more then you ever were at your own apartment." He says, causing you to laugh. He reaches up to turn out the light and you hear his shoes hit the floor.
"I'd love to move in with you." You tell him, and roll over to face him.
"Good." He says and bends down to kiss you. It started as short sweet kisses, but then the longer they got, the more you wanted. "Having to live off just your pictures was pure torture, you know that?"
"It was more then that, and you know it." You tell him, the heat rushing to your cheeks.
"Oh yeah, how could I forget the phone calls, and video chats." He says, and you shove your face into his chest. "Don't go all shy on me now."
His hand moves from your knee, and slides down your thigh until he reached your hip. "Missed having you like this. All flustered in just a t shirt and panties." He whispers.
"Roman." You whine, and he laughs at you.
"What's wrong, baby girl? Thinking about all the times you'd call me because you missed my voice? And how that voice got you to cum over and over again?" You squeeze your thighs together, and groan. "Feeling achy down there, are we? Want daddy to make you feel better?"
"Please." You beg, and he moves to hover over you. He brings his lips down to yours again.
"I love you." He mumbles against your lips.
"I love you, too." You tell him, and he peels the shirt off your body. "Wait."
"What's wrong?" He asks you, and you push him to lay down before straddling his lap.
"It's your night, baby." You tell him, and he smirks at you. You grab the hem of his shirt, and pull it over his head. You begin to kiss his neck, and you can feel him relax under your touch.
You reach down into his joggers, and wrap your hand around his cock, pumping him. He moves his hips up to push down his joggers, and you pull them all the way off.
You look up at him as you press kisses down his stomach until you're finally between his legs. You lick up the underside of his cock before licking the pre cum from the tip, and sucking the head of him. His hand falls to your hair, and pulls.
You push him all the way down your throat, and he groans, pulling harder on your hair. "Just like that, baby girl, fuck."
You take him all the way, and gag a little until he pulls you off. You catch your breath before doing it again. "Baby, fuck." He groans, and you smirk to yourself as you can feel him close to finishing.
"Want you to cum down my throat, daddy." You tell him, and he throws his head back in pleasure, the vein in his neck protruding.
You take him once more, and with just a few squeezes to his balls, he is shooting his cum down your throat, moaning your name.
You swallow every bit of him, and he pulls you up to him by your hair, and he kisses you, hard. You remove your panties, and slide over his cock as it easily gets hard again. "Baby, let me." He begs, and you shake your head.
"Not yet." You tell him, and raise up to sink yourself down onto his cock. "Holy fuck."
You raise up again, and bounce back down, earning a moan from him. He reaches up to grab onto your breasts, squeezing them as you lean back to get leverage. "You like riding daddy's cock, baby?"
"Mhm." You moan as you begin to bounce a little faster. His hands move to your back, and he wraps them tightly before holding you down to thrust up into you. "Fuck!"
Before you know it, your back is planted to the bed, and Roman now has control. He rubs your clit with his thumb as he begins to pound into you. You watch as his muscles contract in his stomach with each thrust.
He moves one or your legs to his shoulder, allowing him to go deeper, and you throw your head back in pleasure. He grabs your hand, and places it towards the bottom of your stomach. "You feel that?" He asks you, and you nod. "This pussy is mine. No one else will fucking touch it. Got it?"
"Yes daddy." You tell him, and he let's go of your hand to thrust himself into you at a faster pace.
"Look at you, creaming all over daddy's cock already." He groans, and bends down to kiss you sloppily. "Soak my cock with your cum." His brown eyes are now black with lust.
His heavy breathing is in my ear, and his cheat is pressed against mine. "Come on baby, cum for me. Show me how bad you've missed me."
You grab his hand, and wrap it around your throat, and his lips find yours again, but this time he bites down on your bottom lip. That's what sends you over the edge as you scrape your nails down his back. His name falls from your lips, and he watches you as you come undone. "So pretty." He whispers, and you feel him still pumping in, and out of you.
He pulls out of you, and before you can ask what he's doing, his mouth is on your clit. You jump a bit at the sensitivity, but when you see his eyes staring up at you, you feel the familiar sensation building up inside of you once more.
He sticks his tongue inside of you, licking up all of the cum that was there from your previous orgasm, and he doesn't stop until he gets all of it before returning back to your clit. You grab at his hair, and he moans onto your clit, causing vibrations in your entire body. "Fuck, right there." You moan, and begin to ride his tongue until he holds your thighs down, flicking his tongue as fast as possible until you scream out his name.
"Such a good girl." He says, stroking his cock with his hand. "Tell me baby girl, think you can handle one more?" He asks and you nod. "Good, flip over."
You do as told, and he grabs your ankles, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You spread your legs wife enough for him, and he lines up with your entrance again. He leans forward to press a kiss to your spine before slowly sliding back in.
His strokes are slow at first until he hears you start to moan. That speeds him up as well as he pushes into you harder each time. "I'll never get enough of you." He groans, and you start throwing your ass back against him. "Fuck, especially if you do that."
You look over your shoulder at him, and he brings his hand down in a harsh slap against your ass. "You like it don't you?" He asks you.
"Ruin me, please." You beg him, and he reaches forward to pull you up by your hair. His bicep wraps around your throat, and he pulls you all the way to his shoulder so that he can kiss you.
"So desperate for me, aren't you?" He asks, and you nod. "Who do you belong to?"
"You daddy." You tell him, and he smirks at you. He holds you to him with his free arm around your stomach as he reaches down to rub your sensitive clit.
"My beautiful girl. I knew this was in you this entire time. You just needed me to work for it, didn't you?"
You couldn't answer, all you could feel was the eruption that was about to happen as his cock kept brushing up against your spot deep inside of you.
"Daddy." You whine, and you felt almost lifeless.
"I know baby girl, I'm almost there, okay?" He asks, and you nod weakly. He let's go of your throat, and you fall back down on the bed, holding yourself up on your hands while he grabbed onto your hips. "Now."
You let go with the moan of his name. Your name and curses leave his as you feel him twitch inside of you. You collapse onto the bed, and he pulls out of you to lay down next to you. He pulls you into his chest, and presses kisses to your forehead. "I'm so happy you're healthy, and back home, baby." You tell Roman.
"Me too. I'll never leave you again, I promise." He tells you. "I'll go run a bath, okay?"
"Mkay." You mumble and he carries you into the bathroom. He helps you into the bathroom, and holds you close. "Hey, Roman?"
"Yes baby?" He asks, and you look up at him.
"I love you." You tell him, and he smiles at you before kissing you softly.
"I love you, more."
Tags: @omg-im-such-a-masochist
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
Hello, I just discovered your blog and I wanted to say I love your writing!! I was wondering if you have any sub!steve headcanons you would like to share? :D
i'm not always great at thinking up cohesive headcanons, so take a little fic where bucky fucks steve straight into subspace!
NSFW 18+
“Oh, fu-uck…”
Bucky’s tongue is rough against Steve as he grips the sheets hard beneath him, ass canted up and cheek pressed into the soft linen pillows. His cock is curving up towards his belly, red and straining and spent, leaking with the remnants of his last release. He isn’t sure how long they’ve been at this-- Bucky taking him apart with his tongue and fingers, drawing pleasure out of his very core and guiding him to a comforting, suspended place he can’t seem to find anywhere else. There aren’t many places that are quiet for him these days, but underneath Bucky’s gentle touch, the world dampens out.
Bucky hums and the vibrations send a jolt through Steve, gasping as his tongue curves and digs deeper into him.
“Christ, Buck, I--” he cuts off with a strangled groan as one of Bucky’s fingers slip in alongside his tongue, crooking outwards and spreading him open as he pulls away.
Bucky hushes him when he whines at the loss, a gentle hand resting between his shoulder blades.
“I’m going to fuck you now, alright?” Bucky asks, his voice low even though he sounds just as wrecked as Steve feels.
Desperate, Steve nods. “How d’you want me?”
There’s a moment of silence as Bucky seems to think, then the hand between his shoulder blades dips to his waist.
“On your back,” Bucky says, then he’s urging him to roll over and Steve is pliant under his touch.
His legs spread automatically, eyes half-lidded and dazed as he watches Bucky drink him in hungrily.
“So pretty,” Bucky murmurs, reaching out to brush some of Steve’s sweaty hair off his forehead. His fingers trail down over his temples, across his cheek, making Steve shiver as he latches onto his gaze. Commanding and gentle in equal measure. A thumb brushes over his lips-- metal-- and he nips softly. “Good boy.”
The praise goes straight to Steve’s core and-- oh. They don’t always do this. It feels sacred, still. New territory. Slipping into these roles where Steve lets go of the wheel for a few wonderful moments. But Bucky’s words are already seeping into the crevices of his mind, drawing out any residual stress and pushing him towards the edge.
Bucky’s hand is still moving, down his jaw and across his collarbone, before coming to a stop on his neck. Steve’s eyes widen, lips parting, and Bucky’s eyebrows raise.
“Oh yeah?” Bucky asks. “I was wondering if you’d like this.” He increases the pressure of his hold marginally and Steve whines, head tilting back and hips canting up. It’s exhilarating-- dangerous. His heart pounds and he wants. He wants so goddamn bad.
“Please,” he whimpers, and Bucky lets go, soothing his disappointment with a kiss.
“Just gotta get myself ready,” Bucky mutters against his lips. “Won’t be a minute.”
It’s almost Pavlovian the way the cap of the lube opening makes Steve’s legs spread wider, hole fluttering around nothing. He whines a little more insistently, and Bucky hushes him again, slicking up his cock and reaching down to finish prepping Steve as well. A moment later, he’s hitching Steve’s legs over his shoulders, taking his strong thighs around his neck and pushing in.
Bucky’s fingers are incredible-- his tongue even better. But Steve is certain there’s nothing as fulfilling as his cock, thick and heavy as it pushes past that tight ring of muscle. They’re both breathing heavily, soft whines sounding adjacent to Bucky’s low grunts as he bottoms out. There’s a moment of stillness as they adjust to the sensation, as familiar as it is.
Then, Bucky growls, and Steve’s eyes roll back as he starts to thrust into him.
He lets himself go, the world around him going wholly mute as everything zeroes into the place where he and Bucky are joined together. He scrabbles for purchase on Bucky’s biceps, shoulders, back-- but it’s no use as Bucky takes his hands and pins them over his head.
“Stay still,” he says, and Steve is helpless but to listen, going limp as Bucky fucks him harder, his other hand going back to his neck and--
Oh god. Oh god. It’s so much more thrilling in the moment. Held down where Bucky’s pinning him, knowing that his safety is quite literally in his hands, but trusting him with the very bones of his being. Bucky won’t hurt him. Bucky has control.
And it’s that notion alone that has Steve stepping off the ledge, his body free falling into open air before drifting higher, higher, higher--
He comes with a cry, thighs tensing around Bucky’s neck as his release paints his chest. It isn’t long before Bucky follows, groaning low and long as his cock pumps inside Steve. There’s a distant sensation of come seeping out of his ass, but Steve could care less. He feels like he could live inside Bucky-- take refuge in his very soul.
Static fills his mind, and it takes a few minutes for the world to come into focus as Bucky pulls out, catching his release with a towel they keep on hand and gently cleaning them up. The care only does more to push Steve further out of his mind. Higher. Lighter. He could be floating, he thinks. He could be floating over his goddamn body and it feels so good.
He blinks and Bucky is hovering over him, eyes soft and concerned.
“You with me?” he asks. It sounds like his voice is being fed through a shoddy speaker.
Steve smiles, reaching for him. Bucky obliges, taking him into his arms and rolling them over. Pillowing his head on Bucky’s chest, Steve hums in content.
“Are you feeling floaty?” Bucky asks, lips brushing Steve’s ear. It was the way Steve had described the feeling the first time they’d found this space between them and he nods. “Mmm, fucked you straight into subspace, didn’t I?”
“You knew what you were doing,” Steve slurs. “Jerk.”
Bucky laughs, his chest shaking against Steve’s ear. It makes Steve smile wider.
“What,” Bucky teases. “Can’t enjoy my fella when he’s all soft for me?”
Steve scowls. “Never said that.”
Bucky snugs him closer, browsing his nose over his brow.
“That’s what I thought,” he pauses, kissing his temple. “Mine.”
Steve lets his eyes drift shut, hand resting over Bucky’s heart. Instinctively, he listens for his heartbeat. It’s strong. Steady. Sure.
thanks for reading, y'all!
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
There's always a little bit of time
Series: Wizards tales of arcadia
Pairing: Hisirdoux Casperan x Male reader
Part1/ ?
Word count:5,234
Summary: After a few Years out of the state for College. Claire's older brother comes back to Arcadia. Only to face the changes from the home town he grew up in, and the thinking time bomb that awaits for him and his new friends. Through out the way determine to help out a Punk wirzard and his Feline helper. They both end up discovering the only time they have left, they want to spend it with each other until the very end.
A/n: heads up, I'm mainly writing this for myself and my own enjoyment. And why not share it with the rest of y'all. I just love Douxie more than anything LOL
"How far away are you?"
Claire's cheerful voice bounce back into your earphones. After a few years away, you were finally coming back home to Arcadia from College. The view of the buildings you grew up with bringing you back nostalgia as you lean back on your spot from in the taxi. You couldn't help but grin even, buzzing with adrenaline as you tap your hand against your lap. "Not far now, I'm passing your school! Hoho Oh man, it looks the same. So around 10 minutes?" You could laugh at her scream of joy as you heard from the other line her fast footstep.
The idea of seeing your Little sister again had you excited. Weirdly enough, the bickering and fights and Chanclas threw at each other have been long forgotten. The idea of seeing your family once again was the only thing in your mind. And as you watch your taxi slowly approach the front of your house and saw the three figures standing on the porch, almost had your heart pumping out of your chest with a strong feeling of happiness. Not even letting the taxi driver say his farewell, you shoved a hand full of a tip in his hand as you jump out of the car with your bags on your shoulders
Bright smiles from your parents and sister as you jogged towards them. The rough sound of the bags falling as you extended your arms open towards Claire as she jumped at you for a bear hug. Both your Dad following along as he spun both of you in his arms as if you two were still little kids, Breaking into a fit of laughter together. "Ayh que fea, you look" it was the first thing that came out of your mouth as you look down at your sister.
"Hey! Really Y/n? that's the first thing you're going to say to me after being gone for so long?" Claire quickly protested. "Ayh Mijo, it's been so, long look, at you- did you dye your hair?" Your Dad caught himself up. Groaning loudly as your head fell back, Claire only laughs as you all let go of the embrace. Ignoring your Dad, you headed straight to your mother with open arms as she holds your little brother. "Hola ma, y little Enrique! Wow, he's so big" You gave her a side hug as and a kiss on the cheek as you pinch your little brother's nose. Her teary eyes quickly caught you off. "Aw ma, come on, The mayor shouldn't be crying-" you wince as she fanned her face.
"I know I know it's just, looked at you! My little boy is back home-"
"Mom please?"
It didn't take much of a few more tears here and there before you all went inside. The lively energy of the house was something you didn't know you needed from being far away from home. To the delicious smell of your Father's cooking, to your sister booming you with questions about college. Everything felt right at home once again. "I leave for a few years and, you're already copping me? The white streak in your hair looks rad," You pointed out as you sat down on the couch. Claire's smile fell slightly for a second as she pushed her hair back. "You wish heh, a lot...of things happened while you were away Y/n" there were such mixed feelings once she said that, your eyes following her hands as she played with them. You pushed her shoulder with your own.
"Hey, I know high school is horrible, but I'm here now for the long part. I was real entertain by your so-called magical adventures with that boyfriend of yours. Dad wouldn't stop calling me about it. What you put on his Arepas?" You joked at the memory, Claire's reaction the complete opposite as she jumps slightly from her spot on the couch. "What? Did he tell you? How much?" She grabbed your shoulders and shook you in distress. "I told them to wait! I wanted to show you firrsst ugh" she stretches her face as she fell back on the couch. You couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
"What? The boyfriend part? You actually thought Dad and Mom were NOT going to tell me? Come on Claire, They both told me they hated him at first. Now they say his some-sort of a knight? It was hilarious. I think they were reading into those fake News of Arcadia," Feeling her froze in place, you looked up at her with a questionable expression. It was weird to see her overreact like this. "Right, boyfriend! Yeah, Jim, haha.., his great" she smiles at you brightly, squinting your eyes at her, you lean forward. "I smell secrets... What's up with your Romeo Claire? Is he acting weird? Do I need to give him a brotherly greeting?" Rubbing your knuckles together as you gave her a grin, she waved her arms around once again.
"Nonono Jim's great! He really is and, I know you'll get along with him just fine but, it's just that..." A deep sigh left her as she pushed her hair back. "I'll...show you tomorrow when everyone's around. This is serious and, I don't want to freak you out, okay? It's nothing bad!" She finishes up reassuring once your expression drops again. "Oh jeez Claire...uh okay, okay, uh sure. Anything that's going on, I can't handle it! I won't freak out if you don't," you pushed your shoulder against her's again. Both of you smile slightly at this. But the sudden worry didn't pass with whatever was going on with your family, especially your sister.
It wasn't like you didn't notice while being away. Of course, you did. You felt it every night as you study for terms. But right now you were back home to your home town. Where everything seemed so different but the same as always. The two of you stood in silence again as you watched t.v. Eyes focusing on the low-quality show as night soon followed. Parents upstairs with your younger brother, Finally deciding to go back to your old room and sleep the days trip off, once both of you got tired of watching the same telenovela the past hours. Saying your lazy good night's your, mind kept on wondering what was waiting up ahead now that you were back. What was the worry that your family and sister weren't telling you yet? That was all soon forgotten as you drifted off to sleep. You were greeted by your pillow, surroundings still the same as you left them years ago when you left. The soft smell of candles that your mom left on days before still lingering. It felt good to be back home, but the feeling of something greater up ahead came back to your mind.
"God, I feel like crying at this," you hummed loud as you took another sip of your coffee. Your mother laughed as she took her cup in her hand. "It's just Coffee Y/n" she gathers her things as she prepares to leave for work. Enrique sat next to you in his little chair. "Si Pero, like it's your Coffee Mom, it's not the same trust me" you place a hand on your chest as she rolled her eyes at you. "Thank you, honey, also for looking after Enrique. Claire will be back after school. I feel bad for leaving you with him just when you got back-" "Mami, it's fine, he is my little brother. I will take care of him all you need since I'm free now. And I'll take him out with me right, Enrique? Aventuras con tu Hermano? Yeaah, you want adventures with me" you wiggled your hand on his stomach, erupting in a fit of laughter you mother took one final sigh as she hugged you.
"Thank you, I will see you later, take care," you hummed once she gave you one final hug. Looking between the door closing behind her, you look back at Enrique. A small staring contest as he blabbers at you. "You know what? Great idea Enrique, We should totally go out," It felt stupid if you stay put in the house doing nothing at all. With so many things supposedly going on in Arcadia nowadays, there was no way you were going to keep missing what everyone kept bragging about to you while you left. So preparing everything in hand for Enrique, it took a lot of figuring out as you place him in the Car seat. Grateful that your old man left you his car for the time being.
"Alright, you seem set to-" a loud thumping sound fell behind you. Jumping at the sound, you turn around. A box had fallen, The sound of your heartbeat against your chest almost had you panting at the scare as you went to pick it up. "Weird...how did this even fell?" You stare at where it was. It was like something pushed it off the counter. It was pretty heavy as it is. "Okay weird..." You mumble once again to yourself as you set the box down and went back into the car, Not noticing the pair of eyes that watched you from behind the shelves. Watching you drove off into the Street. NotEnrique was still peculiar in too when Claire was going to let him bug you once she tells you everything.
The drive down the City felt quiet as you watched people pass by, Choosing to stop in the nearby park to walk around and see what's new. Enrique seemed excited to be out with you, the whole time blabbering as you push his baby cart. A few people here and there from the neighborhood say their hellos once they recognize you. 'the Mayor's son is back' or a 'y/n it's nice to see you back in town' It felt strange but good to see the same folk that you grew up with again. Things have changed that was for sure too, A lot of reconstruction from disasters, new shops here and there. The sound of your stomach slowly brought you back, cringing as Enrique look up at you. "Sorry, Enrique, maybe I should have eaten dad's breakfast," you sigh, stopping in your tracks as your eyes landed on a nearby Cafe. 
Making your way over, you felt your face heat up as you recognize some people here and there, their faces more surprise to you seeing you with a child might be giving the wrong idea. It was embarrassing to say as you waited in line, Grabbing your phone to distract yourself as the line move slowly. The day was going quicker than expected, your mind going back to whatever Claire needed to tell you. Multiple things came to mind, but you brush it off. Claire was always a good kid. Even if you two pick on each other, you would know if it was horrible. Still, you couldn't figure it out and, it was driving you insane internally the more you thought about it. You huff as you lean your head on the cart before standing up straight. It was your turn on the counter to order.
You push the cart forward, smiling at the lady as you looked up at the menu for a moment. "Hey, ill have...uh-" you caught yourself off as a stack of cups fell beside you. "Oh, fuzz buckets," you heard someone said as you looked down at the male who bent down to pick them up. "Douxie, really? Again?" The girl at the counter said in a disappointed tone. Crouching down, you help him pick the cups up.
"My bad, they were all too close, oh thank you-" he quiet down as he looked up at you. Hand grabbing the cups you held for him. "No problem Man," you simply said as you help him finish, his yellowish eyes still on you as you handed the last remaining cups. You eyed him from the side as he kept staring at you and down at Enrique with almost a puzzle look. The girl at the counter clearing her throat.
"Douxie, you're holding up the line..." His head shoots up as he looked back at her then at you. "Oh, right! Ha, my bad!" He says with a small nervous laugh as he went off behind the counter. A chuckle left your throat. That was a weirdly cute reaction. "So uh yeah, I'll just get a cup of coffee and a number 6," you ordered once you sat down at a table and placed Enrique in a buster sit in front of you. When you started to look around again, Your own e/c wandered over to the guy who dropped the cups. He had a punkish style, for sure, he was into music at a simple glance. His black hair had dye indigo tips. One thing was for sure, He was a looker. You weren't one to denied when someone was actually attractive. Even though he had such a black sense of style, you felt such a tranquility feeling emitting from him. It was weird, to say the least. 
"Pffft-" eyes went over to Enrique. A handful of his shoe in his mouth. "Wh- Enrique, what are you doing?" You blurted out laughing, fighting back between him and putting his leg down. You took a small video of it to send it to Clair or Mom. Every time you put his leg down, he pulls it back up. "Dude, what are you doing??" He just blabbers back at you. Someone else chuckle brought your attention to look over. It was the same guy from earlier with your order. "Foods here?" He simply said with a smile to you. You smiled back slightly as he places the food down in front of you. It all looked delicious, "thanks," "not a problem," he turns around to leave before slowly turning over to you again. His fist pressing against his palm as you looked up to the ceiling before at you. "Hey, uh, weird question?"
"Depends how weird it is," you said back, smiling again at his sudden interest. He chuckled back at your statement, "Well, are you Claire's older brother by any chance? I can be assuming since you're with Enrique or, or you're just the Babysitter," he lifted his hands in defense. You raised a brow at him. How did he know that? You expected any older person to mention you because of your Mother. But from your sister? You imagine at least someone younger. This guy is clearly around your age. "Heh, yeah, I'm her brother, how do you know my little sis?" You lean on the table with a hand supporting your head as you look at him. Suspicions on your tone, he seemed to catch up as he rubbed his neck. He seemed so calm about it. 
"Oh, meet her back in the school while I was putting fliers for the battle of the bands. She's really good at the bass. She told me you teach her how to play? You must be a good teacher" you press your lips together, heat raises to your face for a moment. "Yeah, I thought her here and there, most of the things she learn on her own," you fidget with your cup of coffee. 
"you in a band?" you asked with a raised brow at him. 
"yep, play the bass and other instruments here and there," he responded. 
You open your mouth to speak again, "I'm Y/n by the way.  I don't know how much Claire told you," you chuckled off the sudden nerves. Why were you nervous? You didn't know, it wasn't like you haven't talked to new people all the time in college.
"Douxie, and don't worry, nothing so bad. You were the only thing she was talking about these past few days. Never seen anyone so excited to see their sibling." You chuckle again, "uh yeah, it's been a few years since I left, so I imagine with how she is," you motion to the chair next to you. Thinking he might be getting tired of just standing in one place. You thought he was going to deny the invitation. Since he did seem like he was still working, but instead, he grabbed the chair, turn it, and sat down. "I imagine I was gonna meet you later today, not in the middle of dropping every cup in the store" you both laugh, he went over to look at Enrique. "Claire is happy to see you back, you know? she's was real nervous,"
You sigh at this, "yeah, and I still don't know why. Though, I thought it was about her boyfriend but looks like it's not. Do you know what it is? It just haves me worry for her" Douxie stood still as Enrique grabbed his finger. "Uh...well I do know, but I think she should be the one to tell you or well show you first" you groan again as you head drop back. "Awe comes on man, it can not be that serious for her and like everyone to hide it. What is she hiding a body?" You waved your hands. Douxie waved a hand as he lowers your own. "Okay, okay, what do you know about the weird news of our City?" You gave him a puzzled look as he smiles at you in return, amusement was written all over in his eyes. 
It was weird, the sudden light feeling in your chest. He was so calming in a way you didn't know how to explain. Now that you think about it, you almost miss his accent. "News? You mean the so-called end of the world that happened, in where creatures came out of the ground and aliens appear type of News?" You scoff, He only gave you a little nod. "What? You're not trying to tell me that really happen, are you?" You squinted your eyes at him. He waved a hand at you, "Hey, hey, I know it sounds crazy, but if I were to prove it. Would you believe it?" You press your lips together again.
Okay, maybe this was weirder, prove it? Sounded like a cryptic fanatic, but still... "Only if it involves my sis, or are you just trying to ask me out?" You raised a brow at him. He seemed shocked for a second before brushing it off with another smile. "Maybe, one of the two or both. But mainly so you don't faint when we get all together annnnndd, so you don't get embarrassed, " he grins as he extended his hand. "You can think about it while you finish or you know. Freak out later" he shrugged, now you were looking at him more intently. 
Going with a stranger right at the bat once you got back home might not be the best decision you had ever made. But you needed to know what was going on with your family. So you agree, like any mad man who had nothing else to lose. Both of you agree to meet up later, once he was done with work and when both your parents were back at home to look after Enrique. Something felt off not seeing Claire right at the bat after school, she would be home by now, but she texted she was getting everyone ready. Or everything ready, for the big surprise, as she suddenly put it. It has to be special if she's taking so much time for it. So here you were now outside a library where Douxie told you to meet up. A part of you wanted to ask yourself why you even agree to this. Was he just going to show you a theory room of cryptics? It wasn't like you weren't into those things, you love it actually,  but right now, it didn't felt like the right time for you to geek out. Taking a deep inhale as you step in, hands in your pockets as you looked around. It was empty.
"Douxie?" You called out as you walk around. Books everywhere, you ran your finger on the cover of an old one that lay on a table. Whatever language it was, you didn't understand a lick of it. Eyes trail up until you were meet with bright yellow ones staring back at you. You let out a curse under your breath as you looked at the cat in surprise.
" Oh jeez, since when are you there little guy?" You place a hand on your chest, trying to ease your heart as you approach it. The feline walks around, avoiding your touch.
"May I help you?" You look around the shop. There wasn't anyone there, but you swore you heard someone.
"Hello?" You blurt out again, "Uh, Douxie?" Okay, a part of you was starting to regret how creepy things were getting. Maybe you were overthinking it.
"Oh, of course, you'll be looking for him, he's in the back," the voice came from in front of you. Turning your head slowly you stare down at the black feline. Now noticing it was... wearing glasses? No way did it just talk.
"Di...did you just talk?..." You whisper out as you stood up straight.
"Of course- oooh... oh no" The cat seemed to regret his choices on speaking now, watching you slowly back away.
"Okay, maybe drinking so much coffee has finally gotten to m-" you jump slightly as two hands hold into your shoulders.
"Y/n?" You looked back at golden eyes staring at you worried.
"Douxie, I think I finally lost it with the coffee-" you blurt out with a nervous laugh.
In return, he just looked down at the cat in front of you two.
"Archie, I warned you Claire's brother was stopping by first!" He scolded the cat, who just seemed to wince as he walked around again.
"Yes, but you can't blame me for not knowing it was him, everyone is used to this-"
"Oh, Virgen Santa, he is still talking. You're talking to him, how is he talking? Did I hit my head? and you two are a dream?" You blurt out rubbing your temples as you backed away.
"Y/n, you need to calm down. Remember when I told you about proving you about the weird things? Well, Archie over there is not even the tip of the iceberg" Douxie scratch his neck as he pointed at the cat again.
Now it was your turn to stay quiet and still as you look at him. Then back at the cat who stares back at you. You inhale deeply as they both waited for you to take a moment.
"Okay...so talking cat....this is what Claire is making a fuss about, or are all those weird stories are something about ten times bigger in where I might have my jaw on the floor?" You mumble out..
Douxie opens his mouth before closing it, eyes trailing all over the place as he started to count.
"Uhhh yep, it will just get even more jaw-breaking when Claire tells her story of her adventures" Douxie motion for you to follow him.
A part of you question why you even follow him, how could this get even more insane. Your brain was all over the place, as you remember the News and pictures online. Another part of you wanted to doubt everything still.
"Adventures? Oh god, please don't tell me my sister somehow got caught in weird alien adventures," you groan as you followed him up the second floor. Eyes looking back at the cat every second as if it were to try and eat you.
"Complete opposite, more of Magic and less of the alien part,"
"Say what now?" You blurt out.
Douxie stops in front of you, extending his hand. Looking down at it, you took it slowly with a raised brow. The sound of ticking was greeted to your ears, as you watched the bracelet in his wrist illuminate, a blue light surrounded his arm. Your eyes meet with his again, It was all a sight to see. It was like all that energy was coming from him as bits of his hair flew up. It was tranquil, like a quiet river. You felt completely mesmerized by him. 
"Magic is a basic element that has been on this planet for centuries, Arcadia luckily is a hot zone for creatures and the supernatural. It just so happens that your sister and her friends ended up saving this planet more than once with it." Your eyes were blown wide as things started floated around the room.
"I know this is a lot to take Y/n, but Claire doesn't want to scare you away. She's has done amazing things! And she realllllllly wants to share it with you. And as her teacher, I thought, I'll give a little hand to show you first" you were still blown away with everything. The things that were floated around slowly descended back down on the table and shelves. You look down at both your hands. They were so much bigger than yours.
"W..wha- okay holy cow, give me like a second" you pushed your hair back. Your heart was beating against your ears with adrenaline. You pulled your hand away as you walked around the room before standing in front of him. Douxie stares down at with a nervous smile. Archie, watching everything from his spot where he sat down. Who knew what overcame the wizard to show you before his sister did. He didn't know and didn't want to ask himself where and why the sudden urge took over.
"Okay...magic..is a thing okay that is stupidly cool and I feel like a kid reading his books, but I need to ask, what are you? And you said, teacher? Teaching my sister what? Magic?? You telling me Claire knows how to do magic???" You got closer and closer to him as you spoke. Nose almost touching even as you pin him behind a bookshelf with questions.
Douxies' face didn't fail to go a light pink as he put his hands on your shoulders. Looking to the side to clear his throat, he felt his chest twist at your amazed expression, that he felt like he almost blackout at your question.
"Okay, so I'm a wizard and yes, and yes two both question," he pulled himself not to tilt his head as you look down at the floor.
"Ah...okay, uh, that's crazy but amazing. Also, holy cow again and holy cow and, she didn't call me? She's so gonna get it! How do you do all of that though, is it with that thing in your wrist-" you couldn't help you own curiosity and excitement. Hands darting to grab his own as question fell from your lips like a mantra.
Douxie looks back at Archie, who was just as wide eye as him. You were taking it better than expected, the freak out was short. But Douxie couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at you. In curiosity to learn the unknown, you and Claire had it the same. You didn't even notice that it was a full-on 20 minutes of you rambling and Douxie listening to you. Not once, bothered on how your hand flicker with his bracelet. And how gentle and light it felt against his hand and fingers.
"And can you li-.....oh...oh damn it did I went into a rambling parade?" You blurt out once you notice the sun was starting to set.
"Yeah, but it's fine, I expected you to ask questions. It's the norm of thins things," He laughs it off, both of you feeling heat reach your ears once you finally let go of his hand.
"Sorry about that hah, I still can't believe Claire didn't tell me Like this is insane!" you threw your hands to the air.
"It's gonna get even more insane once you meet some of our friends, trust me," Douxie reassure you. The weird feeling was back, something like that would have you freak out more, But for some reason, it just didn't, like it didn't felt like much of a surprise somehow deep down.
"Can't wait....So...it's the cat, like your-" you trail off slightly, the idea of how this could get more insane was something your mind was still trying to deal with.
"Archie? he's my familiar" both look over at the cat that head raises to look at the two.
"Oh, he's your little assistant," you smile cheekily. He gave you an insulting scoff in return.
"Wizard Associate, thank you very much, Mister Nuñez," Archie corrected as he hops from where he stood.
"Ah, sorry?" You laugh slightly, both of you leaning from a bookshelf.
It fell silent for a moment as you stare up to the ceiling.
"You okay Y/n?" Douxie asked.
"Yeah, just thinking about how crazy my day went and wondering how crazier is going to get now that everything I heard might be true. And what would have happened if I was actually here..." You hummed slightly as you titled your head to look over at Douxie.
"You're pretty cool Douxie, hey if I do end up fainting to whatever my sister shows me, do NOT let her draw on my face or take pictures" you pointed at him with squinted eyes. He places a hand on his chest as he lifted the other one.
"Hey, I promise that I will try and stop her. Claire is way sneaky that you think," Douxie said as if he remembers something horrible before cringing at the thought.
"I know, one time she put glue on my shoes," you groan loudly as you let your head rollback.
Douxie laughs "What? Didn't think she'll be the type of kid".
"Oh, trust me, she was horrible, but I guess so was I," you shrugged off as you chuckle slightly. Douxie crosses his arms as he sighs. You look back at him, catching him staring down at you. Both of you didn't say anything or look away for that brief moment.
The sound of your phone going off alerted both of you, looking down at your new message. It was Claire telling you to come over to where high schoolers used to go for bond fires in an hour. You look out to the nearby window. The sun was going down quickly.
"I guess that's her sign that she's ready for me to see her magical secret" you stretch your arms as you put your phone away.
"Yep, you mind if I take a trip with ya? Since we'll she sent me the text, that's she's ready...and we'll we are going to the same place..." he trails off. Archie rolled his eyes at him as he jumps behind Douxie.
"He doesn't have a car" Archie added as he went between Douxies legs. Your smile dared to grow at Douxies' sudden flustered expression.
"His bike is very much broken down-"
"Hey it's fine, I don't mind. You can come with" you bump shoulders with him, trying to give him a reassuring smile as you walked down the stairs. Douxie closely following behind as both of you made it outside. Guess it was time to see what type of friends Claire has made while you were away.
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 5 - The Tanuki's Marriage
T/N: Hey y'all, here's Chapter 5. I didn't notice at first that the sentences in the original text were separated into paragraphs and stuff so I am putting that stuff here today lol Oh well, hope you all still enjoy. Also you can try the recipes but at your own risk, I am not liable for any mishaps for following these recipes lol
Also if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.
You can rave about this, rant about this, reblog, like, reply, but if possible please link back to this page. If you’re unsure how to do that, just copy the web address of this page. If you’re on a blogsite just insert the web address as a hyperlink as a link back to here. Honestly if this light novel was officially-published in English, I wouldn’t even be doing this right now... And if it did, I’d take this offline to support the publishers and Yuuma-sensei. Creators support creators, is what I believe in. I’ll prolly do 1-5 once 6-10 has been done, or however long I can manage to translate the raw texts, it can take a toll at times.  As previously-mentioned in earlier chapters, if you stumbled upon this one, the two seasons of the anime covered volumes 1-5, so other than the extra details, you didn’t miss much stuff. Here’s chapter 5 now
P162 That is, the morning of the inn being closed for the day. Today in Yugao, is the debut appearance of the Kiseki beef shank made into beef stew. Since yesterday the meat has been soaked in red wine, and the ingredients for making Demi-glace sauce has been prepared. Because I have some ketchup and Worcestershire sauce that I prepared myself, I could successfully make Demi-glace sauce. Alas, Ginji-san handed over to me, with so much regret, his treasured but also very important red wine... "When we were given Kiseki beef, I decided that I wanted to make beef stew." Orio-ya is so generous, they gifted us so much with all cuts of the Kiseki beef. We couldn't eat all of these in one gulp so for sure it's all going to get refrigerated but, I was thinking that the beef shank is absolutely going to be made into beef stew.** I immediately pulled out the shanks soaked in red wine, and sauted them in the frying pan. After searing both sides, I added the red wine marinade with bay leaves and boiled them down. Ah, it's been a long while since Kakuriyo has been this peaceful, the fruity fragrance of the red wine... T/N: Yeah the tastiest part of any meat is the one that gets the most exercise and the nearest to the bones, but seriously, give it a chance to soften and it just has so much flavor. Just like the limbs of fowl, or pigs, the limbs just have so much flavor and collagen lol dang it no I can't be hungry now T_T Also marinating in red wine with bay leaf is a legit way to add flavor to red meat, if you're a meat eater you can try this. or if you want to kick it up a notch, use balsamic vinegar, either way it helps soften the tough meat parts. Of course, I can't guarantee if you'll like it, but I tried this once, it mellowed the beef taste and the annoying stench of the meat. But hey that's just my two cents lol try at your own risk P163 While the meat was boiling down in the red wine, I started cutting the vegetables that I'll add in the stew. White onions, garlic, and I added a lot of the seasonally-apt shimeji mushrooms. I sauted all of these in a pot, and added the boiled-down meat with the red wine and bay leaf marinade, and added more water before simmering these in a low fire. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. It seems that it will be done boiling after an hour or so. "After this, hamburger. I will make a sauce for the hamburger." Not only beef stew, but I'm also deciding on cozying up today's menu with hamburger. I want to use the Kiseki beef in succession, and with the especially-made Demi-glace sauce I was also thinking that I want to serve Western-style hamburger here in Yugao. I promptly made a sauce for the ground Kiseki beef hamburger patty. A beef-only burger patty** without onions. Binders would be panko and cow's milk, sprinkled with salt and pepper and then mixed altogether, shaped into small flattened circles, and I have made the hamburger's shape. Yeah, this is 100% branded beef, a beef-only hamburger is somehow extravagant... With the ingredients that I normally have, the supply is always made affordable, and I want to serve a lot of Western-style food for the Ayakashi. "Aoi! This is terrible, terrible!" This time, it was O-ryo who flew inside Yugao. Normally it was Kasuga who does this. Why O-ryo? T/N: So historically, Japanese people didn't normally eat meat since it's an expensive product, and beef is the most expensive of all. Their burgers are normally beef and pork, or pork and chicken, mostly mixed meat so it won't be too expensive. I actually tried curry-flavored beef and pork deep-fried burger patty, it was actually good and crunchy. hwah... P164 I think she may be hungry, but it doesn't seem to be the case. O-ryo's face has gotten pale. "Kasuga, Kasuga is going to quit Tenjin-ya!" If she was extremely panicking, it's because of the sudden announcement. I couldn't understand where it all began, and I just blinked my eyes a lot. The simmering noise of the boiling pot echoes all around... "Wh.. What do you mean by that?" "That's the point! Really, Kasuga is going to quit? She’s gonna quit being a waitress, she's gonna leave?" "Wh..." Why? Before the inn's closing break, we ate amberjack shabu-shabu in our girls' night-out, we had fun while putting things together in the pot as we were chatting. "Kasuga.. Kasuga, she has decided to get married!" "Marriage, Kasuga, that Kasuga, who's she going to get married to?" "That girl, until now she hasn't told her personal history, but in reality she's unbelievably, an Ojou-sama!**" Speaking of the Ojou-sama that I met in Orio-ya, I remembered Yodoko Ojou-sama, I wonder if she's also an Ojou-sama from a rich family? T/N: Ojou-sama=お嬢様=a young girl or a daughter of a noble or a pampered upbringing. Yeah, I know right, even I was shocked. Oh well, we need a plot twist here lol And you think she's just a follower, but apparently Kasuga's got nobility in her blood. Ma, ma, maiya gwahahaha oh well who would’ve thought right? P165 "Kasuga, Kasuga is... The Emperial Court's Minister of the Right**, The Great Tanuki, Lord Ieyasu's youngest daughter!" "Whaaaat?!" Ehrm... My reaction was surprise, but it seemed that it was lacking as I had no idea what it meant. Simply put, she was the daughter of an esteemed person in Kakuriyo? O-ryo went "Ahhhhh come here right now!" and dragged me towards the main building. "A- Ai-chan! The pot is cooking, look after it! Mix it if it looks like it's about to get scorched!" "OK Aoi-sama!" Instantly, from inside the pendant Aoi-chan who already has her black-haired ogre-girl look jumped out. Wearing her personal apron, she tended to my precious pot. Immediately we went to the main building, and the excitement of every employee with the topic in question has pumped up. "That girl was somehow, unexpectedly, the Minister of the Right's daughter, wasn't she?" "Why is she a waitress here in Tenjin-ya?" I could only hear the hushed and surprised voices of the Ayakashi. "Oh well, anybody would be surprised. It's no match, the Minister of the Right's position is like a Hachiyo, an esteemed person. I had no idea and I pushed around and scolded Kasuga. I might get punished after this..." It wasn't only O-ryo who was worring about this. Even Akatsuki in the front desk, he also remembered, and for sure couldn't calm himself down as cold sweat T/N: It's like a left and right wing something, like two opposing factions in the government. Heh, too much political stuff, I don't even wanna touch that. Major spoiler alert: Our old pal Raijuu is a leftist. Ouch. P166 flows down his face. "Oh, I see." I was thinking of asking Kasuga's relative the Gesokuban Chiaki-san, but he wasn't in the lobby. The Gesokuban were in charge of the straw slippers and geta sandals of the guests, and their work is like bellboys that bring the luggage into the rooms, I often catch a sight of them before business hours. I have seen him call in a row the ogre kids who do a lot of different kinds of chores, and make a roll-call on them... "Say, Akatsuki, where's Chiaki-san?" "Ah.... Chiaki-san is with Kasuga in Odanna-sama's office. In relation to that, Chiaki-san is the Minister of the Right's younger brother.. If he was esteemed, I should have been more respectful to him..." Mortified at being too late now, Akatsuki had a distant look. Confirming about Kasuga and Chiaki-san's positions, they were from the North-west's Hachiyo, the Bunmon Tanuki. Kakuriyo's biggest and most difficult school to get into, "Bunmon Imperial University" is where the Hachiyo, who is also the University Director resides, and it seems that Chiaki-san is the son, and in turn Kasuga is the granddaughter. Incidentally, Chiaki-san's brother is Kasuga's father, which O-ryo and Akatsuki previously-mentioned has the position of the Minister of the Right in Kakuriyo. Talking about the North-western Lands, it is a college town, they have a prestigious university and large hospital institution, a research facility and a huge library, they have talented scholars and doctors, they have a lot of graduates that become government officials, it didn't engage in trade and commerce but the Hachiyo has great political powers, P167 it's a particularly unique place. But if that's the case, why were Chiaki-san and Kasuga working at Tenjin-ya? Also, why did she decide to quit working in Tenjin-ya now? "I'm.. Going to Odanna-sama's place." "Wait, Aoi, I'll go too!" O-ryo and I hurriedly left the front desk and climbed up the central staircase. "Hey, you two! Don't you dare disturb Odanna-sama... Oh well, I guess I'll go too" In the end, Akatsuki came with us too. The three of us went to the topmost floor where Odanna-sama's office was.
"Oh..." Outside the room, Ginji-san the Wakadanna-sama was standing with his arms crossed. When he saw us, he looked like he's saying "So, you've come?". "It's useless, guys, it's not work-related." "But... Ginji-san..." "I understand how you feel but... Hey!" I wasn't listening to anything that Ginji-san was saying, and we all placed our ears in the gap between the sliding doors, and eavesdropped P168 on the conversations inside. "Truly, your mind cannot be changed, Kasuga?" "... yes. I will quit Tenjin-ya, and I intend to marry into, the head of Hyourijou Castle in the Northern Lands." In such situations Odanna-sama's voice had always been calm and collected, even now when Kasuga has already reached a point where her mind cannot be entirely changed. "Chiaki, do you think that it's a good idea?" "...yes, Odanna-sama. With the marriage of the two, the instability of the Northern Lands, our North-western Lands can prove it and help hold the issues at bay. In addition to that, the chaotic Northern Lands can find a bit of stability." "...oh, I see." I wanted to hear more of Chiaki-san and Odanna-sama's conversations, but O-ryo suddenly raised her voice hysterically and shouted "Did she say Hyourijou Castle?!" "Hey O-ryo, shut up!" "But.. it's the head of the Hyourijou Castle of the Northern Lands!" "O-ryo be quiet!" Me and Akatsuki and O-ryo were suppressing our voices, when suddenly the sliding door opened with a rattle, and the three of us, like dangos, fell inside the room. "You lot..." P169 "O, Odanna-sama" Odanna-sama stared down at us with his astonished, red eyes. We tried to dodge it in any way, and the three of us just ended up wearing lop-sided smiles. "Aoi-chan, O-ryo sama, Bantou-sama" "Haha... So everyone eventually came, didn't they?" Even at Kasuga and Chiaki-san, the three of us smiled crooked smiles at them. "Say Kasuga, is it true that you're getting married to the head of Hyourijou Castle?" "O-ryo sama... Yep, that's the plan." "Even so! That head's an extremely old and senile, bedridden old man! You, are you going to get married to a senile old man who's about to die?!" O-ryo was very well-informed. Well, she did came from the Northern Lands. That's why her face was full of bewilderment. "It's not like that, O-ryo. The Hachiyo of the Northern Lands has finally been replaced." "...really?" "In the Northern Lands, the Great Old Sage who has been the Hachiyo for a very long time has retired. The next Hachiyo who took the position was the Old Sage's youngest grandchild, the Young Master of the Hyoujin** Tribe. Kasuga's marriage, is to that Young Master, Lord Kiyo." "..."
T/N: Hyoujin Clan- directly translates to Ice people Clan. Something. I did say previously in my earlier translations that direct translations will be minimized. Also if you’re interested on what Kiyo looks like, I’ll prolly post a photo here, he’s depicted in vol 8′s cover. Oh gawd, that’s a long way off but don’t worry fams we’ll get there somehow P170 It's impossible for me to know who that is, O-ryo who's acquainted with the dealings in the Northern Lands just looked puzzled, and Akatsuki just went blank. Behind us, was Ginji-san who, one way or another was the only one who looked like he had a full grasp of the situation. "Uhm, I...." Suddenly, Kasuga stood up, and only went to the entryway where the three of us were still lying down, and went in front of us. When I looked at her face she seemed like an adult, and in an instant, the cheerful and innocent Kasuga that I knew had gone off elsewhere, and I felt a painful sense of loss. Could it be that Kasuga, with regards to her engagement, in her heart she truly doesn't despise it? But from my point of view, I have no choice but to accept it. "When I saw these people's faces, somehow I felt hungry. Odanna-sama, what is good to eat on mornings like these?" "...Kasuga" Were we worrying that much, to that extent? Everyone understood that, and while we were in the middle of not saying anything, Odanna-sama wordlessly stared at me. I easily understood him without him saying anything. "Ka...Kasuga! If you want, let's go to Yugao. I'll give you something I made. For today, I made something called beef stew. I really want you to try it!" P171 "Beef stew?" "Yeah! I'll also give you hamburger steak that I cooked with it. It's like when Kasuga was in her Tanuki form, it's brown-colored cooked food. It's delicious--!" "..." Amidst the confusion they only got perplexed, and didn't even seem to hear that it was delicious. Everyone's faces only spelled "What is she even saying?". But the beef stew, it's definitely delicious!
I dragged Kasuga to Yugao. Before business hours, everyone else went back to their work posts, and it seems that I'll be taking care of her hunger. When we got to Yugao, Ai-chan has diligently looked after the pot for me. "Thank you, Ai-chan, you did a great job--" "OK--- I wanna eat something swee--t!" "As your reward, I'll give you some test-trial manjuu. Ah, that manjuu's a secret. We haven't given that to anyone yet." P172 "Yaaay!" Ai-chan with her manjuu, and her cup of milk, immediately sat on a chair and took her break. Now then. The time for the beef stew's ingredients to boil down has been sufficient. To this I'll put in some parboiled potatoes, and add more Demi-glace sauce, and add some seasonings while I mix it from time to time. Kasuga sat on the counter, and lazily propped her chin with her hands. "Kasuga, just wait for a little bit. The beef stew still needs to be boiled down some more. While it's doing that, I'll make you a little something to eat, OK? Have you eaten an avocado?" "...Avocado? I've seen one in an illustrated encyclopedia, but I haven't eaten one." "Hee hee. It's something like the ones in Utsushiyo, but in Kakuriyo, the Southern Lands where there's plently of heat they have started to grow it and other similar vegetables too. You might be surprised when you first try it, but once you get used to eating it you'll get hooked. It's because avocado is called 'the butter of the fields'." Butter isn't really something special in Kakuriyo, so she might not understand anything. But Kasuga's interest seemed to be deep, and her eyes got round with wonder. While the stew was boiling down, I went ahead to make something. Avocado and persimmon, the sweetness is entirely Japanese. P173 Firstly, the in-season persimmon's skin was peeled off, and the flesh cut into cubes. The avocado was also cut from the sides, the two halves were rotated on the round seed's axis, and between the half with no seed and the half that has the seed attached to it, the one without the seed was used. Doing that was quite fun. The lovely light green flesh of the fruit appeared. I quickly scraped the flesh off, and also cut those into cubes. Along with the persimmon cubes I cut a while ago, I served all of these in a glass bowl, and in true Japanese fashion mixed these altogether with a citrus dressing. Alright, it's nicely done. I served this with a spoon and placed it in front of Kasuga. "OK Kasuga, this is Japanese-style avocado and persimmon. Please try it." "Wah, it's pretty. Green and orange. I really love persimmon too, so I'm going to eat it now--" Instantly, Kasuga's face naturally fell into a smile. Holding a spoon, she took a huge bite, and tried the avocado that she was deeply interested in. "Wow, this is amazing. Feeling the avocado's texture for the first time, it's a fun and soft food, isn't it?" After this, she bit into the avocado and the persimmon at the same time. "Its seasoning, the persimmon's sweetness, its taste is really like a side-dish for rice." "Is that so? The persimmon's sweetness and the avocado's mellow texture and taste suit it well, and if it's just the persimmon it's going to be too sweet. The citrus fruit juice, along with toasted sesame seeds and soy sauce dressing give it a Japanese flavor and taste." P174 While Kasuga was eating a lot of the side dish, I took out the hamburger patties that I made that morning, and I pan-fried those in a shallow pot. When the surface looked brown enough, I poured in about two to three ladles of the beef stew, and simmered this for five minutes. And again, in a smaller frying pan I made a runny sunny side-up egg... "Kasuga, between white rice and bread, which one would you like? Beef stew goes well with either one..." "Hmmm.. Definitely it's rice." "OK, I get it. Even I too, like Western food with white rice, it's good enough." Along with the hamburger patty, I have asked Ai-chan to heat and cook some simple stir-fried foods and serve them in dishes, such as this beef stew. Par-boiled broccoli were also added as a fluffy touch. I added some cream and swirled it around with a spoon, and lastly I topped the hamburger with the runny sunny side-up egg. The white rice was also shaped into a sphere, and plopped it over a plate, like Western style. I placed all of those on a festive four-legged tray, and brought it to Kasuga's seat. "Alright. Tea house style, moon-viewing beef stew hamburger steak is served--" "Wooow. That really smells good. A while ago, the wafting smell made my stomach growl. There's also a fried egg on it-- And tonight's also a full moon, isn't it? It really looks like the Full Moon's spherical form." "Hee hee. Since it's already autumn, in Utsushiyo it's a time where anything with fried egg is "something for full moon viewing" and it's always added in a set meal." P175 In the food industry, a hamburger steak with a fried egg is called a moon-viewing burger, among others. When adding a runny fried egg, it always make it seem even more delicious, it's a mysterious and puzzling force. "And it's really a tanuki-colored cuisine, it is." "It's a fact that tanuki-colored cuisine is the model of deliciousness. If I could, I'll eat it for lunch.” If it was me, I would eat the beef stew with left-over toasted bread crusts on the side. Yep, it's enough to fill the stomach. I pried apart the meat with a spoon, and it crumbled off. I took a bite of that beef stew. Oooohh, the meat! The meat!! It's soft and moist, there's no stench, the thick and rich Demi-glace sauce really ties everything together. This is really over-the top extravagance! "Wow, wooow! What is this, this is soooo good Aoi-chan! The runny egg yolk, the hamburger and the stew eaten altogether, it's already the best. So many flavors all packed in one bite" Having one bite of the whole thing, the corners of Kasuga's mouth stretched wide, and her Tanuki ears went plip-plopping a lot. This time she bit into everything, including the large carrot chunks and  the shimeji mushrooms. "Hmm... crumbly---" P176 Cooking food with Kakuriyo's state of the art Youkai-fire platter and spiritually-powered pot allows the fire to pass through the vegetables' core, the sweetness and deliciousness of the vegetables get trapped inside, and is suitable for cooking stews. "Aoi-chan you've already given me hamburgers before, but this is the first time that I've eaten beef stew. For me, I really enjoy foods like these. It's because foods like these have a rich taste and depth. I have read about these in a book, but I couldn't imagine how these would have tasted like." "Kasuga, you've read something about beef stew from a book?" "Yep, the library in the Land of Bunmon had so many books. There's also a book on the history of Utsushiyo's culture. It was a book that was about Western cuisines, when we. Were. Young. We had so much fun having wild imaginative ideas. Since I was a child, I was raised surrounded by so many books.” "..." We? Kasuga ate some more hamburger, and slurped in some more beef stew. After this she ate more white rice, and took in some beef stew again. All of the flavors blend well together in one bite, "Ah, it tastes good--", it makes the body weak. Seeing Kasuga's satisfied and fluffy face, I was delighted. While I was eating nearby, I initiated by saying that "The stew also tastes good with bread", and started eating as such. P177 In my case the umami envelops the bread, there's a resounding crunch, this has become a devilish food. Together, the bread crust that's always looked over, it has become an illusionary steak. "Phew, my stomach's all full!" After all that, our luxurious lunch has ended. Who would have thought that before business hours, we're already full and satiated? But for sure, without a doubt our strengths came back because of the food. "I'm glad that my stomach's gotten full. When you said that you were hungry, it was a surprise. Everyone was shocked. Back there when Kasuga said it out loud, it was of a large extent." "Ahaha. Well it was an important conversation with Odanna-sama, and I was already hungry for a while, it was because of Aoi-chan." "What are you saying? When I saw you, you didn't particularly appear to be hungry when you were talking with Odanna-sama." Uhm, yeah, that was a lie. "After that, just when it was about to get really serious, Odanna-sama pushed me to appear as "The I-wanted-to-help" person. "Really, Odanna-sama somehow made you do that? He's always dignified and composed, he doesn't give me that impression. In front of Aoi-chan, he's expected to be different." "Ah, when you see him that way, his movements are considerably mysterious." "Odanna-sama, he's really wrapped in mystery, isn't he?" P178 Kasuga and I, when talking about Odanna-sama, I realized that the meanings of "mysterious", were quite different. I recalled what my situation was, but after learning about Kasuga's circumstance the clarity has slowly gotten dimmer. "Say, Aoi-chan, are you going to get married to Odanna-sama?" She deliberately asked that question. I normally handle such questions lightly, but with Kasuga this time, it's a heavy-handed question. Her situation and mine's, they're a bit similar. "I'm not going to get married. I still have Yugao to tend to right now." Saying that, somewhat I couldn't understand why my body, in my chest, I felt so much discomfort. What the heck is this. "But Aoi-chan, you don't dislike Odanna-sama anymore?" "Well, uhm, hearing you say "dislike', it's not the answer anymore but.." "If that's the case, you like him now?" "Uhm, that is..." My eyes started swimming. Kasuga was determined to get into my head, and she looked at me quietly. "It sure doesn't seem to be that way. But I, do not know anything about Odanna-sama." That was more or less my refusal. Not really, I do know something about Odanna-sama. Contrary to what he looks like, he's a mischievous prankster, P179 and he's unsophisticatedly kind, when I see him make his moves, his strong drive leaves me wondering why... he has supported me in very important times, he's also become trustworthy, I've learned a lot being with him. And yet, I still don't know a lot about him. Odanna-sama's inner self that he holds dearly inside, I mostly don't know about it. I don't know anything about that, and he doesn't easily say anything about what he likes. Like myself for example, if I told someone that I knew nothing about "I like you", I still think that despite doing that, I still know nothing about them. "That is why, I would want to get to know more about Odanna-sama... But he's not telling me anything." "...Hmph" While Kasuga was grinning at me, I was drenched in cold sweat. What the heck, I feel like I wanted to run away... "Hee hee, that's good, Aoi-chan. It's very unnatural of you, but with time, as expected, you bestowed a great deal to Odanna-sama." ".. Kasuga?" Kasuga looked up at Yugao's celiing. Those eyes, they seem hollow somehow. "Kasuga, Kasuga getting married, you really don't dislike it?" I placed my hands on Kasuga's shoulders, and asked her earnestly. P180 It seemed that Kasuga has already been resolute of her marriage, and I wanted to ask what her true intent was. "Marriage to the Hachiyo of the Northern Lands. That is not a politically-motivated marriage." Kasuga continued to stare up at the ceiling, I only saw her flit her gaze to me once. Between those brown-colored bangs I could only see her eyes, she doesn't appear to be a mere waitress at all. Over there, she's already sharing the burden with the North-western's Hachiyo, being the daughter of Kakuriyo's Minister of the Right. A holder of many positions and degrees and ranks, but nevertheless a single Tanuki girl. "A politically-motivated marriage cannot be helped. If I do it by myself, so many risks and significances can arise. Bunmon Tanuki, are scheming creatures. Because Tanuki are extremely weak, it's the only way to live this long." Kasuga pointed to her head and suppressed a laugh. "The Hachiyo of the 'Land of Bunmon' is the Institutional Director Baba-sama**, and in each land the Tanuki under her command are sent out to gather and collect information and intel. Wherever you go and whichever way how, the Land of Bunmon will never be at a disadvantage. For example, my dad. He steadily accumulated power and influence in the Imperial Court, and eventually became the Minister of the Right. And then there's Tenjin-ya's Chiaki. That is my father's younger brother, he may be my uncle but when he was employed back there, he was an outstanding investigator. Odanna-sama likely knows the Tanuki's circumstances, and he must have deliberately hired Chiaki, I think." "... uhm.. Tanuki's circumstances?" "And now, I am going towards the Northern Lands. How I'll do that, I only have my T/N: Baba-sama, basically Kasuga's granny is the Hachiyo as well as the Institutional Director aka the President of the Imperial University in Bunmon. I am still wrapping my head around this. Honestly I am still confused and doubtful as to why I am even translating this sh** when I'm still actually learning Nihongo honestly I hope my translation even make sense to you all srsly I have no idea what I'm doing lol but rly send help pls T_T P181 intent to do so and nothing else. With that, gradually, bit by bit, leaping into the innermost parts of each land, the steadily increasing influence of us Bunmon Tanuki have been exposed. .. And that, is the way of the Bunmon Tanuki.** "..." That was an incredible story. Also, it's a really frightening tale. But with that reasoning and explanation of the circumstances, I am just as clueless as before. I wonder if Kasuga is fine with that. "Kasuga, have you fully grasped what marriage is? It seems that your fate was to be born under a Hachiyo's household but selecting your marriage partner, can you be honest with that?" "...Aoi-chan?" "I am, in a way worried and troubled about Kasuga and what could happen. Is it possible, that, if Kasuga is being forced to get married, then I..." For me, that has always been the case. But Kasuga hid her face in her sleeve and stiffled a laugh. "Aoi-chan. Everyone's like Aoi-chan, but I'm a girl who does not go against my destiny." ".. what?" Kasuga's speech, her explanations allowed her thoughts to pass through, and in some way she sounds like an earnest adult. With that gaze, and voice, and words. T/N: LOL I wanted to translate this part as "And that, is how the Bunmon Tanuki do." Srsly it's the direct transliteration of the original text lol if you understood the reference, Hi-five y'all P182 "I think Aoi-chan guessed that wrong. I didn't say that I was reluctant to get married. Rather, I was only anticipating it. Kiyo, is not someone that I didn't know." Kiyo. For sure, that's the name of the new Hachiyo of the Northern Lands. "Kasuga, you know the person you're going to get married to?" "Yep, I know him well. Because he's my childhood friend." "Childhood friend?!" "The last time that we met, I was still a small Tanuki. That being said, he's my first love." "Whaaaat?" Kasuga placed her index finger onto her lips and said "It's a secret". That was a shocking revelation. Surely, she did say something about her first love when we had the girls' night-out. "That's amazing, Kasuga. You're going to get married to your first love." ".. hee hee. Well, somehow he might not like me..." Kasuga's foolish demeanor, is a bit self-deprecating. But soon after that, a shadow fell over her facial expression. "I did have worries, it was a painful thought...That I didn't not want to get married**. When I leave Tenjin-ya, I'll be very very sad." Until now her calm voice has been OK, but her voice has started to shake a bit. With a face that's almost into tears, Kasuga broke into a smile. Her expression, it's easy to see that she's trying to hide her flurry of emotions, T/N: I told you guys, there's inception raised to the nth power with the double triple quadruple negatives srsly I can't even rn O_o P183 but I was emotionally welling up with what I truly feel inside. I see. Kasuga wasn't against her marriage at all. She's surely marrying the Hachiyo of the North. And therefore... she won't be staying at Tenjin-ya any longer. "Thank you, Aoi-chan. You gave me delicious food to eat. Aoi-chan's cooking, not only strengthens the weak body, but also fills an Ayakashi from the inside." "Ka, Kasuga..." "Aoi-chan, you're awesome. You came from an overwhelmingly unfavorable condition, and now this is where you've come. It's by your own strength." "..." "As for me, what will I do? My only plan is getting married to a Hachiyo, I only have myself." Eventually, Kasuga went back to Odanna-sama's office, she has to return and continue their talk. It's Kasuga's courageous attitude. As for me, I couldn't comprehend the entirety of her complicated heart, I could only fill up her hungry stomach and nothing else.
It was in the middle of Yugao's business hours. "What's wrong, Aoi-chan? Your face seems out of it, and you only keep sighing." "Are you sighing because there's not many customers?" P184 "It's not that. But yeah, that too." It was our frequent customers Juujirou-ojisan and Tsubame-obasan, the Ayakashi couple who lives in Gintengai, and for today had their feast of the beef stew topped with fried egg. The two were locals who didn't stay at Tenjin-ya, but goes into the baths and later to Yugao to have their meals, once a week. "Yet I was surprised. It seems that the Hachiyo of the North has been changed. It's in the newspaper extra delivered to Gintengai. The Hachiyo looks extremely young, it's the hot topic among everyone." Juujirou-ojisan slowly pulled the newspaper out, and opened it in front of me. "Ah! Can I look at that for a bit?" "Oops" I hurriedly borrowed and opened Juujirou-ojisan's newspaper that he was reading, and I eagerly looked at the newspaper publication's colored photo. On the picture, wrapped in a pure white kimono, and holding a Buddhist ringed staff made of ice, was an ephemeral-looking young man. "This boy..." As expected, he was still young. With regards to Ayakashi he's probably older than me, but based on what they look like, he looks about 15 years old. It's probably because Ayakashi live very long lives, when one is said to be very young, then the Hachiyo is probably very young indeed. That boy was Kasuga's first love. P185 Also, he is Kasuga's prospective husband. He's.. He's a handsome youth... "Would it be alright if that boy becomes the Hachiyo? Kiyo-sama is sickly, it's said that he's practically always in the University Hospital in the Land of Bunmon." "It can't be helped. There aren't any other successors among the clan of Hyoujin, you know." Snow lady, snow man, icicle lady and other generic names were used for the members of the Hyoujin clan's Ayakashi. Among the entire group, O-ryo surely fits in well. But O-ryo looks like an adult, remarkably... The ties of that one clan is so strong, it's peculiar that when one becomes the Northern Land's Hachiyo, they have to come from the pedigree line of the Hyoujin Clan's head, but they couldn't gain the support of the entire populace. "The previous generations of the north were majestic, but the successors were raised to be lazy and always sick and bedridden. It's a good thing that a strife between the foolish heirs erupted, other than the youngest grandson Kiyo-sama, they should all just die." "You're believing those rumors again! I'm sorry Aoi-chan, there has been unsettling stories among our people." Tsubame-obasan slapped the drunk Juujirou-ojisan's behind, and after a bit has left the restaurant. I sent off these regular customers, and finally Yugao's business hours has ended. The newspaper that they left as it was, I worried about it from time to time.
End of Chapter 5, Volume 6. Previous - Intermission 2 Next - Chapter 6
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Gone - Ch.3
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Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Word Count: 1522
Warning: show level violence 
Summary: Y/n is taking steps to get back to hunting, Dean suggests a lazy day and some information is revealed...
A/n: I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think. I loved writing it, especially the end.
Two weeks had gone by and now you were seated in a room, waiting for Danny. Today was the day you were doing the prosthetic casting, the next step was getting the actual leg.
You were restless, excited to get back to hunting. No more doing research because you had to be sidelined. This leg would bring the normal you back.
A knock on the door has you looking up as Danny comes in. “Nice to see again Y/n, how are you feeling today?” he looks through your chart.
“I'm good, a little nervous but I’m good.” you respond with a small smile
“Alright, well I’ve got all the casting supplies ready. This is going to create a mold for your prosthetic and once it's ready we will do several exams and scans with you to make sure everything is fitting in the socket correctly.” he tells you as he begins the process.
Dean sits in the impala listening to Metallica as he does research on how to help you with physical therapy at home once you get your prosthetic. He wanted to be fully prepared to help you.
After the casting process you walk out to the impala, with a smile on your face, “Two weeks until I get the prosthetic!” you say excitedly. “I’ll be back in the game before you know it.”
“Let's not rush anything Y/n, take it one day at a time.” he covers your hand with his. “How about we have a lazy day? Popcorn, chocolate, nachos, beer? The works!” he asks you. Dean wouldn’t admit it but he was terrified of you hunting again. He had always been protective of you, but you’d never been hurt so badly...so permanently.
You smile at him leaning in to kiss him softly. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you?”
“You could mention it a couple more times.” he teases
“I love you Dean Winchester.” you kiss him again lingering against his lips before you sit back. “To the bat cave!” you joke
After stopping at the small store in town the impala was full of groceries.  “I think we’ve got enough food to last us a month.” you tell dean
“Maybe a week.” he jokes
Pulling into the garage Dean helps you out of the car before grabbing the grocery sacks. Once inside you sit down in the wheelchair, your arms beginning to feel sore.
“Do you want to pick a movie? I’ll make nachos?” You question, rolling into the kitchen.
“Do you want help?” He asks as you shake your head
“I’ve got it Dean, I’m a big girl.” you smile up at him
“I’ll be gone 10 minutes tops, I’m going to grab a quick shower.” he kisses your head before going into the bathroom.
Turning the oven on, you grab a cooking tray lining it with foil. Finding the bag of tortilla chips sitting on the counter you open them spreading it across the tray.  
Realizing the cheese is on the top shelf of the fridge you lock your wheelchair in place standing up slowly holding onto the edge of the counter. Gripping the edge tightly as you balance yourself.
“You can do this y/n.” determined you maneuver yourself towards the fridge. Carefully grabbing the cheese you toss it onto the counter, trying to move carefully back to the chair.
Sitting down you take a deep breath, pumping a fist in the air in victory. You were doing better and nothing could stop you now. FInishing up the nachos and putting them in the oven, Dean walks in with wet hair and a wide grin.
“Pie to go with those nachos?” He asks pulling out the apple pie like a  kid on Christmas morning
Nodding your head you set the timer for 5 minutes, “Did you pick a movie?” You ask
“Batman!” he says with a childish grin
You can’t help but smile up at Dean. Seeing Dean happy and relaxed was the best. In this life, things were different and you’d do anything just to see Dean happy.
When the timer beeps Dean pulls out the nachos, dishing them onto plates. “Come on slowpoke” he chuckles as you follow behind him into his man cave.
Popping the first DVD into the disc player you get comfortable on the bed, munching on the nachos as Dean grabs two beers, sitting down next to you.
“Love you” he mumbles against your skin as his lips touch your head.
As the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre plays in the background, your eyes begin to drift shut.
It was dark and foggy, you could hear screaming all around you. Looking around confused you spot a small light in the dark fog. Walking towards it you look down, your leg is there. Like it had never been taken. Touching it, pinching it, your eyes widen as it feels real.
“What is happening?” The screams begin again, only louder. Running this time towards the sound, you come across a disturbing scene.
Dean and Sam were pinned against the wall while the witch threw you across the dirty floor, the sickening sound of your bones cracking echoed through the room as you hit the ground.  
Watching in horror as the night you lost your leg plays in front of you. You must be dreaming. You think to yourself. You were on the floor trying to break free from whatever kept you from moving when multiple knives cut through your body.
This was the last thing you remember from that night. You watch as the dream continues to play in front of your eyes.
Another knife was plunged through your body all the while, the witch laughed maniacally. Screams tore your throat apart as the witch continued her assault. Dean and Sam's shouts were barely heard over your screaming. Before anyone else could move Cas appeared behind the witch driving a blade through her heart, killing her instantly.
Looking wide eyed at the dream version of cas you then look down at your dream body. Cas presses two fingers to your head a few cuts healing slightly, but nothing more. “I’m sorry Dean, I’m too weak to heal her.”
Dean's hands press harder against your abdomen trying to stop the bleeding from the biggest wound. “You are not dying! You h-hear me? Keep those beautiful eyes open for me baby.”
Dean picks you up as you groan in pain, you cough harshly as blood spills from your mouth. Dean gets into the back carefully with you as Sam slams on the Gas speeding to the hospital. “D-Dean, I love you.” Your voice cracks weakly as your eyes grow heavy. “Y/n open your eyes! Y/n!”
Dean continues to watch the movie as you sleep, your head lays on his chest like always. Running his hands through your hair as you sleep, Dean looks down as your face scrunches up and your head moves down, gripping Dean's shirt tightly, all of these were telltale signs you were having a nightmare.
Dean had seen it enough times to recognize it, shaking your shoulders lightly he tries to wake you up. “Wake up baby.” he urges. Dean hovers against you shaking your body violently as you begin screaming in your sleep. “Y/n open your eyes! Y/n!” Dean shouts.
Gasping awake you scan your surrounding pushing your body away from danger. “Calm down y/n, just breathe.” Dean puts his hands on your shoulders as you regain your senses. Recognizing your shared room and seeing Dean you begin to calm down.
Dean wipes the tears away from your face as he sits and pulls you into his chest. “What happened baby? You’ve never had nightmares that bad.” he mumbles as he strokes your arm.
After a few minutes your breathing is back to normal as you look at Dean. “It wasn’t a nightmare.” you mumble into the quiet room.
“What do you mean?” he asks you
“It wasn’t a nightmare, I saw what happened that night. The night I lost my leg.” you respond
Dean doesn’t say anything as he looks at you wide eyed. “Why didn’t you tell me I died? I died in your arms Dean.” you cry
After a few moments of silence he responds, “That was one of the worst nights of my life. I never, NEVER want to relive it.” he tells you as tears fall from his bright green eyes.
Looking into his eyes you realize Dean hasn’t stopped since the accident happened. No one has cared for him or looked out for him. He’s been working to make you better from Day 1 and now he was at his end.
“Dean, I’m sorry. I haven’t been there for you. We need to do better, we need to communicate. You can’t get this bad and not tell me” you kiss his lips softly.
Laying down you move his head onto your chest as you stroke his hair. You feel wetness on your shirt as several tears fall from his eyes. “I can’t lose you” he whispers.
Chapter 4
Dean/Jensen Taglist:
@akshi8278​ @hobby27​
Forever Taglist:
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ray-ray-writings · 5 years
You make out for the first time
Hello. So this does involve making out so if you’re not comfortable reading things like this, feel free to not! I seriously won’t be offended. Also fair warning, I have never made out with anybody, as I have been single since the womb, so if this is a little unrealistic…. I’m sorry and I’m doing my best okay. 
Find my Masterlist here!
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Mal: I watched my girlfriend from the desk chair as she paced back and forth. “I mean what if I’m not good enough to be here? I was born and raised on the Isle, you know the place where all of the villains are. I know I’m good and I know how to be good and I want to be good but there’s this part of me that just keeps getting pulled back into those dark and evil thoughts. I don’t know what to do Y/N!” Mal stressed running a hand through her purple locks. “Come here.” I murmured with my arms open. Mal paced over, straddling me with her arms wrapped around me and her head buried in my neck. I began to run my hand through Mal’s hair as I began to speak, “It’s okay. You’re okay. It’s completely okay to still be having these thoughts. Like you said babe, you were born and raised on the Isle. You were surrounded by evil for 17 years. Each of those years, you were taught that in order to survive you had to be the biggest baddest villain. So yes, you still may have evil thoughts, but it’s whether you act on them, that’s what defines you. And it’s okay if you happen to do a ‘bad thing’, doing a bad thing doesn’t make you a bad person. Just like doing a good thing doesn’t make you a good person. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.” I comforted.
Mal pulled her head out from my neck and looked at me with glassy loved-filled eyes. “I love you so much.” She whispered. “And I you.” I whispered back. Mal leaned forward and pressed a passionate kiss against my lips. Our lips moved in sync as we kept kissing. I got brave enough to poke my tongue out of my mouth and run it against her lips. She opened her mouth and let me connect our tongues. I brought my hand up to the side of her face and cupped her cheek, kissing her a bit harder. After a few minutes of kissing the two of us pulled away from each other. “I seriously really love you.” Mal breathed out. “I seriously really love you too.” I responded. The two of us sat there for a while… Just staring at each other and basking in our own love. 
Evie: I watched my girlfriend as she tried on some of her homemade clothes. This specific outfit hugged her in all the right places if you know what I mean. “Well what do you think?” She asked twirling around as she looked in a mirror. I got up from my position on her bed and walked forward. I wrapped my hands around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder, looking into the mirror with her. “What do I think?” I asked as I looked her up and down in the mirror. “I think you look really hot.” Evie scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. “You’re so much work” She complained. I let go of her and spun her around. Our faces were now very close. “You know you love me.” I teased as my lips nearly brushed against her own. Evie rolled her eyes once more before leaning forward and pressing our lips together in a kiss. “You know I do.” She mumbled into the kiss. “And you know I love you,” I stated back, lifting her up. Evie wrapped her legs around my waist and I stumbled to the nearest wall. 
We kept kissing for a while before Evie broke apart. “Okay. I love you a lot and this is amazing, but I need a break.” Evie unwrapped her legs from my waist and I stepped away from her as she got stable on her own feet. The two of us went into the bathroom and each got a glass of cold water. “Thank you for understanding.” She said as she took a small sip from her glass. As she sat on her bed. “There’s no need to thank me. Really.” I told her sitting down next to her. Evie gave me a big goofy grin with her big doe eyes. “I think after I finish my water we can continue.” I wrapped my arm around her waist, causing her to giggle. “No rush. Take all the time you need my love,” I remarked, pressing a kiss to her cheeks. Her face got an even brighter red. Evie giggled once more. “I really love you.” Evie downed the rest of her water in a couple of big gulps. I set my water down on the table in preparation for what was coming next. “Okay, I’m ready again!” Evie then launched herself on top of me and pressed a bunch of little kisses all over my face. I began laughing at her antics. I really love this girl. 
Carlos: After a long day at school, there is nothing I enjoy more than cuddling with my boyfriend, Carlos. I gave a soft knock on the door to his and Jay’s shared room. “Come in.” My boyfriend’s soft sweet voice from inside. I slowly opened the door and gave Carlos a soft smile. “Hey baby.” He greeted sleepily. “Hey honey.” I greeted back as I closed the door behind me. “How was your day.” I asked walking over to his bed and sitting down next to him. Carlos reached over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. “It was okay. I didn’t see you as much as I wanted to so but it wasn’t bad so it was okay.” He stated. I let out a scoff and rolled my eyes at his statement. “You’re dumb.” I laughed out. “But I’m sad I didn’t see you very much today.” Carlos laughed at my answer and snugged his head into my neck. “I love you.” I giggled at the feeling of his breath. “I love you too.” 
The two of us laid down together. Carlos’s face came out of my neck and we locked eyes. After a few moments of staring at each other, Carlos broke the silence. “You’re so beautiful.” I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and just held them there. After a few minutes the innocent kiss grew less innocent. Suddenly Carlos rolled me over onto the top of his body to where I was now straddling him. (Sorry if that was worded weird.). I pulled back slightly and giggled at the sudden action. “Come back here,” Carlos playfully growls. He leans up and connects our lips back together. I brought my hands up and gripped his cheeks softly while his were resting on my waist. One of my hands moved from his cheeks to his black and white hair. Carlos let out a soft groan as I started playing with his hair. I let out another giggle which caused Carlos to laugh as well. 
I pulled away from the kiss once more and just stared at my amazing boyfriend. Carlos met my eyes, “What?” he asked. “I just love you a lot.” I answered back with a shrug. Carlos grinned and flipped us so that he was on top now. He stared down at me with a teasing grin. “And I guess you’re alright too.” I smacked one of his shoulders playfully. Carlos pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. “I love you lots too.” I reached up and wrapped my arms around Carlos’s shoulders and brought him down and kissed him over and over. I really love this boy. 
Jay: “Come on Jay! Go!” I shouted from my spot on the bleachers. Today’s game of Tourney was extremely important. Not only was it against our rivals, but this was the game that would decide which school’s tourney team was ultimately the best. My amazing boyfriend was Auradon’s star player and is playing so well today. The score is currently tied and there are 30 seconds left on the clock. Ben blocked the ball from going in the net and threw it to Jay who began to run down the field and at the last second scored the winning point. The entire stands erupted in screams and cheers. Everyone was on their feet cheering for the boys. The team all rushed Jay and lifted him on their shoulders. Jay pulled off his helmet and pumped his fist in the air. (I’m so sorry if that whole thing sucked. I’m terrible at writing sporty things.)
As the team celebrated, Jay scanned the crowd for who I assume was me. I knew I was right when he made eye contact. Jay brought his hand to his mouth and blew a kiss in my direction. I pretended to catch it and sent one back at him. He did the same in pretending to catch it. The boys began to clear the field and people rushed off the bleachers to greet them and congratulate them. I slowly followed them. I wanted to give people time to say hello before I stole my boyfriend away. A literal line had formed in front of the boys. The line went quickly and suddenly it was just me in front of the boys. 
“Congrats y'all!! You guys played amazingly! I’m so proud of you.” I said with a grin as Jay ran from the pack and wrapped me up in his arms. “Thanks mom.” Some of the boys chimed. Others let out laughs, whether it be at the response or the fact Jay had almost tackled me. “Okay byeeee” Jay said as he grabbed my arm and began dragging me back to the castle. I threw a wave over my shoulder and flipped the guys off that began making kissy noises toward us. 
Jay pressed me against the back of the dorm room door and pressed a kiss to my lips. “I’m so proud of you.” I mumbled into the kiss. I could feel the heat in Jay’s cheeks as he pressed our bodies closer together. “Thank you. I feel like with you I can do anything and be anything.” he mumbled.  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and brought us even closer, if that were possible. I brought my lips away just a little bit. “I love you,” I whispered. “And. I. Love. You. More.” Jay said, punctuating each word by kissing me. He ended the phrase by just pressing his lips to mine in one continual kiss. And then y’all continue to make out. I’m sorry. I suck at this. 
Ben: I gave a slight knock on my boyfriend’s office door. Recently, Ben has been caught up in Kingly stuff, therefore I hadn’t seen him a lot. Today I decided I would stop by for a surprise visit. “Come in,”  I heard my beastly boyfriend call from behind to big oak door. I turned the handle and made my way into the room. Ben sat behind his big wooden desk, head looking down. Papers were strung all over his office. 
“Quite the mess you’ve stirred up here.” I commented stepping over a file that laid in my way. Ben’s head shot up, a smile plastered on his face as his eyes met mine. “Hey sweetheart.” “Hello love.” I said as I made my way in between him and the desk. Ben stood up from his chair and gave me a “hello” kiss. I moved some papers over and sat on his desk and grinned at him. “What are you doing here?” he asked me with wide eyes. “I haven’t seen you in like forever due to you being king. So here I am.” I said with a slight pout. Ben let out a sigh and leaned forward a little bit. He rested his forehead on mine and rested his hands on my thighs. 
“I know sweetheart. Believe me I don’t like it any more than you do. It’s just there is so much that needs to be done. Both school and kingly and it just drives me a little crazy because sometimes I just want to be a teenager and hang out with my friends and go on dates with my wonderful understanding girlfriend and do just kid things. But I wouldn’t trade being king for anything.” I rubbed Ben’s shoulder as he began to lay out his emotions.
 “I know baby. I know. But you do need to remember to breathe and take a breather because just as you said, you’re still a teenager. You deserve to have a little you time. The work will always be there but your age will not.” I stated softly. Ben sighed and nodded. “I know. I just can’t help but be so stressed.” “You seriously need to chill. All this stress isn’t good for the baby.” I said without even thinking. Ben reeled back from me as if he’d been burned. “Baby! What baby?!?” He freaked out. I let out a laugh as I realized how my words may have sounded. “You. You’re the baby.” I clarified. Ben let out a breath and came closer to me once more. 
“You can’t scare me like that. Not that I wouldn’t be happy it’s just you know. We’re teenagers and students and a king and future queen and not that I don’t think that we’re not capable of raising a kid just not yet and don’t even get me started on what the people would say. There’d be a--” I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, crushing my lips on his and cutting off his rambling. I pulled back and laughed. “Seriously Ben. Chill out.” Ben leaned forward and kissed me. I moved my hands to the back of his head, keeping his lips on mine. One of Ben’s hands stayed on my thigh and the other moved to my lower back. Ben pulled me closer and squeezed my thigh getting me to slightly gasp allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. 
Ben pulled away after a while. “Gosh, I really really missed this. I’ve missed you.” I pressed a sweet kiss to his lips once more. “I’ve missed you too, my King.” I giggled playfully. He let out a breathy laugh. “I love you my Queen.” He teased back. “I love you too.” After I spoke, Ben leaned back in and kissed me again. I really have missed him. 
 Doug: “All right. Good work guys. Put your instruments up and you’re free to go.” Mr. C said after we had played our last note. The entire band let out a sigh of relief. Due to an upcoming concert, band rehearsals had been going later and later into the night so the whole band was extremely excited to finally get out of class. Each of us shot up out of our chairs and raced to the instrument room where we stored away our beloved instruments. After putting my own instrument up, waited outside the band room doors for my boyfriend to do the same.
Doug walked out of the room and immediately I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. “Come on!” I exclaimed and pulled him along. I heard him laugh at my antics but he kept up with me. I brought Doug to my room. Not for that you pervs. We decided that the only way to wind down after an intense day in band is to watch a bunch of movies and pig out on tons of junk food. I unlocked my door and waltzed in. “What do you want to watch first?” I asked him as I walked over to my TV. “Whatever you want is fine by me.” chimed Doug as he sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard. “10 things I hate about you it is.” I concluded. Doug laughed from behind me. “I wouldn’t expect anything different.” 
After putting the movie into the TV, I grabbed the remote and jumped onto the bed next to Doug. I basically army crawled up to meet my boyfriend. Doug chuckled at me but welcomed me into his lap with open arms. “Howdy.” He greeted with a soft kiss. “Hello!” I responded. I rolled off his lap slightly. Doug wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close into his side. I hit play on the remote to start the movie. 
I was deeply engrossed in the movie, but after a few minutes I felt someone staring at me. I looked over and sure enough I found my boyfriend’s eyes on me instead of on the movie. To “What?” I asked him. Doug smiled softly and shook his head. “Nothing, you’re just really beautiful.” He whispered. The blood rushed to my face. “You’re too sweet to me.” I mumbled. Doug laughed gently. We stared at each other for a few minutes. “You know what? You’re lips look tired from playing your trumpet. How about you rest them on mine.” It was Doug’s turn to blush but he indeed leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. 
We kept kissing for a while, the movie long forgotten. I climbed back onto Doug’s lap and I straddled him. We made out for a bit. I pulled away, breathing heavier than normal. “My lips are rested up a bit now. Thanks” Doug joked. I giggled and kissed his forehead. “I love you.” “I love you too.” he breathed. The two of us kept kissing all throughout the night, taking breathers when needed and sharing soft whispers. 
Uma: I sighed as I laid down on the bed of Uma’s cabin in her ship. It had been a long day of fighting. Both Mal and her gang but also with my mother. I let out another sigh as I ran a hand over my face and closed my eyes, hoping to maybe take a nap. Those plans were soon ruined by the door being slammed open and shut, making me jump a mile in the air. 
“I hate her. I hate her so much!” Uma seethed more to herself than to me. “Same.” I chimed from my spot on the bed. Uma whipped around to me in surprise. “I didn’t know you were in here.” She said sitting down on the end of the bed. “Yeah, I’m a little sore and I didn’t feel like walking home, so here I am. I can leave if you want,” I offered starting to sit up. “NO!” Uma burst. I rose my eyebrow at her. She cleared her throat. “I mean no. Stay. Please.” She basically begged. I nodded softly and leaned into the headboard. Uma crawled up to me and straddled my lap. 
I rested my hands on the back of her thighs as she placed her hands on my shoulders. “I’m sorry about Mal and the wand.” I whispered squeezing her thighs. Uma sighed and rested her forehead on mine. “I’m just tired of watching her live a perfect fairytale life while she leaves everyone else here on this trash island. I just want to get out of here.” I nodded slightly understanding and agreeing. “I know love. I know.” I mumbled. “There are only two good things on this isle. My crew, but most importantly I have you.” Uma mumbled back. I smiled softly at her words. “You’re my whole world. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Uma continued. “You’re my everything Uma. Without you I would literally go crazy.” Uma leaned forward and closed the gap between us. I immediately pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. 
Uma placed her hands on the back of my head and tangled her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer. I shifted my hands up to her back so I could hold her better. 
Together we were lost in our own little world. That is until the door flew open. “Uma! You’ll never guess what we fou-ow-ow-ound!” (In case that was confusing the person talking stuttered over their words and ended up repeating that syllable) The two of us ripped apart at the sound of her first mate. “Sorry! Didn’t know you were busy!” Uma quickly got off of me and marched over to the door. “Whatever it is you’ve found better be important Hook, or so help me.” Uma seethed. Harry simply held up a leather bound book. It was Mal’s spell book. “We found Mal’s spellbook.” Harry offers up. Uma snatched it out of his hands and flipped through it. “Oh my. You’re lucky Hook. Now if you’ll excuse me.” 
Uma took a step back and slammed the door in Harry’s face. She turned around and ran full speed at me. I braced myself for impact and let out an oof as she landed on me. “This is our ticket out of here my dear.” Uma said waving the spellbook gently around. “But I thought magic didn’t work on the isle.” “Bad magic. But since Mal’s gone good, I think her spells will work just fine.” Before I got a chance to say anything else, Uma leaned forward and pressed another hot kiss on my lips. Man are we sure in for one wild ride. 
Harry: I was supposed to be having a good time right now. Mal and Ben were hosting yet another party, this one to welcome the people of the Isle. I thought that maybe my longterm boyfriend Harry would actually want to be around me and spend party time with me. But it appears he’s more interested in the Auradon girls than me tonight. 
I huffed and crossed my arms as I watched him flirt with Audrey, you know, the one that tried to make all of Auradon go to sleep forever and even turned some people into stone, yeah that Audrey. I rolled my eyes as Audrey began to twirl a piece of her hair. “Give me a break.” I muttered. Uma was passing by just as I said that, causing her to stop and look at me. “What’s up girl?” She asked standing in front of me. I sighed and pointed to the sight behind her. She turned around and scoffed at the sight. “Is he for real? Don’t worry too much about it, you know he loves you.” she reassured. I rolled my eyes again, “Yeah well recently it doesn’t feel like it. All he does is flirt with any girl that so much as looks at him.” Uma wrapped her arms around me in a quick hug. “I’m sorry.” she offered up. I shook my head. “It’s fine. I  actually think I’m going to go. I’d rather watch ‘The Office’ than this. I’ll see you later Captain.” I gave her arm a squeeze before walking away to find Mal and Ben. 
After saying goodbye, I began my walk to the dorms. “Hey Y/N. Wait up.” I rolled my eyes at the sound, of course he would. Just when I’m leaving he decides to pay attention to me. I ignore the call, instead of stopping, I walk faster. “Y/N!” Harry calls again. The sound of his footsteps get louder and louder and soon enough I’m spriting back to my dorm. 
I got to my door before he caught up to me, but as I was unlocking the door, he came spriting around the corner. I hurried into my room and attempted to shut the door, but was stopped by his hook. “Go away Harry. I don’t want to see you right now!” I exclaimed, trying to push the door shut. But Harry is a lot stronger than I am and he pushed the door open with ease.
Harry stared down at me, his eyebrow perked up in a questioning manner as he shut the door behind him. “Now lassie, that wasn’t very nice of you. First leaving the party without telling me, then running away and finally trying to shut the door on me. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong and why you’re avoiding me. I rolled my eyes at his prompt, “As if you don’t already know.” I hissed out. Harry’s face changed from smug to a genuine confusion. “I don’t know.” He admitted.
 I rolled my eyes once more. “Of course you don’t. Because you don’t pay attention to anything that’s going on around you do you?” He opened his mouth to answer but I didn’t give him the chance. “No you don’t. Because then you might notice that you have a girlfriend and you wouldn’t be flirting with all of these perfect prissy princesses from Auradon, you would actually pay your girlfriend some attention. And then maybe you’d notice that she’s really upset because she’s insecure. She thinks you’re going to find someone else here in Boreadon and that you’ll leave her. Okay. So no you don’t pay attention or else you would have noticed that but you haven’t” I all but screamed. We stood there, the only sound was me breathing hard from my rant. Suddenly, Harry broke out of his frozen state and marched up to me. He pushed me against the wall (a little aggressively but not to like hurt you). I opened my mouth to yell at him some more but was cut off by his lips pressed on mine. My eyes fluttered shut, all of my anger and frustration melting away. 
“You’re crazy you know.” Harry mumbled, still very much kissing me. “You’re crazy. You make me crazy for you. You’re crazy for ever thinking that I ever wanted anyone but you.” Harry bit my lip and pulled away, slowly letting it go. “I know I flirt with a lot of girls, I know it sounds stupid, but I don’t mean to. I’m just naturally flirty.” I smacked his chest and he laughed grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his mouth. He kissed my palm and then placed my open palm on his cheek. “I love you a lot. Like so so much. And I can’t believe that you don’t know that. I’m so sorry for making you feel like anything but the love of my life.” I sighed, “It’s okay Har.” Harry shook his head. “It’s not. I promise I’ll dial back. I can’t promise to not talk to the girls but I promise I won’t flirt and I’ll make sure to have you right beside me at all times so everyone knows I’m taken by the most amazing girl I’ve ever known. I love you Y/N.” 
I giggled like a little school-girl. I can’t help it, that’s just how he makes me feel. I surged forward and pressed our lips together once more. “I love you too you idiot.” I mumbled into the kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around me and pressed me closer into his body. This boy can be an idiot. But he’s my idiot. 
Gil: “What are these called?” I looked over from my spot on the blanket at my adorable boyfriend Gil who was holding up a small blue fruit. “Those are called blueberries” I told him as I took one from the bowl and popped it in my mouth. “That’s kind of a boring name. It’s like someone was caught off guard when they were asked what they were called. Blueberry.” Gil grabbed a handful and shoveled them into his mouth. I giggled as his eyes got wide as he munched. “These are amazing!” Gil exclaimed through a mouth of purple mush. I nodded gently in agreement with his statement as I popped a few more into my own mouth. 
After Gil had eaten all of those, he picked up another fruit. “What’s this?” “Those are orange slices,” Gil let out a laugh. “Seriously?” I nodded and laughed with him. “Seriously. These people were caught off guard when they were naming them.” He put on a fake tough guy accent. (We all have one of those. Imagine it’s that lol). “What should we call this orange fruit? Oh yes I know! Orange!” Gil giggled at his joke. I laughed along with him, “Actually, the fruit name came first and then people called the color orange after the fruit!” I told him. Gil looked at me in surprise. “Really” He asked. I nodded, “Mhm!” I answered. Gil looked at me dreamily and lied down on his side. “You’re so smart.” I rolled my eyes and lied down next to him, also on my side. “Thanks G.” I said softly. The two of us just laid there, staring at one another. 
After a few minutes of silence, Gil closed his eyes and leaned forward. I closed my own eyes and met him halfway. We rolled over so that Gil was straddling me. We just kept kissing. I brought my hands up and ran my fingers through his hair. Gil let out a small moan at the feeling, causing me to giggle. Gil pulled back ever so slightly. “You taste like fruit.” He whispered, his lips brushing mine. “So do you.” I stated softly. Gil brought our lips back together. As we made out, the rest of the world disappeared and it was just us.
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to like! 
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nox-scrie · 4 years
The Burning Devil
TMA5 Countdown- Day 1, The Corruption and The Vast
So... the trailer dropped yesterday and this fanfic is NOT really true to the canon universe but I don't really care (as Jonny doesn't care about me or my feelings). Also it's not corrected so I'm sowwy for this @pilesofnonsense . Hope y'all like it though!!
Content Warnings: Burning, Loneliness, Cancer and some kind of Madness
Characters: Jon "Jarchivist" Sims, Martin "Too Pure 4 This" Blackwood, Jude Perry and some OCs
Fears: The Corruption, The Vast and some mentions of The Eye
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Setting: ~a month after the ending of Season 4
Word Count: 3585
The Burning Devil
The train almost reached London when the weird things started happening. Most of the passengers were asleep, the train having been going non-stop for the last 15 hours. Nobody even cared to look at the two men sitting in a bed together in a sleep  car, one of the two shaking so badly you couldn't focus on his shape and the other franatically searching for something in a backpack.
The first light bulb went out as easily as if you blew a candle. One of the men started nervously bitting his lip, before abandonind the bag and craddling the trembling man in his arms. A girl on a few beds away from them, headphones in her years and a book opened in her lap, sent a nasty look towards the non-functioning light, and then looked at the two men as if she knew they were looking at her. She didn't say anything though, other than smiling in an approving way.
Then, the whole train shook, as if it was passed by an electric wave. Now most of the passangers were awake, some screaming in distress, others just mumbling about the poor quality of transportation in England.  Nobody looked at the men that were hugging on the bed, and how something started... moving on one of their skin. A sigh escaped the trembling person as they started clinging to their lover's sweater.
"Martin." was all he said, and then the eyes that have appeared on his skin started blinking rapidly, chaotically, and Martin started feeling sick.
"I... I think I can find it, Jon. I really do. Just..."
"No. The girl. She has something to tell me."
Jon was looking down at the dirty bedsheets, rows of sweat covering his forehead, but the eyes kept staring at the girl with the headphones, who was now half out of her bed and walking the short distance towards them. Martin covered Jon's forearms with a blanket, but he could do anything about the eyes that appeared on his lovers' face and neck. He was hungry, and there was no other meal than information, trauma, pain and sorrow he needed right now.
"Hey... is your partner okay? It looks like-" and then she saw the eyes. The moment was imprinted on her face, which turned a ghostly white, her black eyes wide and mouth started opening to let out a scream.
"No." was all Jon said, looking at her with his own eyes, and the scream was stuck in the girl's throat. The eyes on Jon's skin started to shine, as if blazing from within. "Tell me... tell me your story."
A tape recorder appeared on his hand out of thin air, and Martin closed his eyes for a few seconds and signaled for the girl to have a seat on their bed. She did that, but Martin wasn't sure how much of that was her own will and how much The Eye's. He extended a hand though, and she looked at it, panicked, before looking at Martin once again and seeing.. something on his face that made her take his hand.
Nobody was paying attention to the two men and the girl that were sitting in a bed, prefering to watch the windows that were now cracked in shapes that perfectly resembled some eyes. Martin started feeling his heart pumping, fatigue overtaking his body, and he didn't look st Jon, he couldn't. Instead, he focused on the girl's face and clasped her hand with both of his.
Jon pressed play, and the eyes were rolling around and around on his skin, all kinds of colors and shapes, from white to blue to purple and yellow, from small to wide and enlongated. His voice was calm, collected, and it sent a chill down Martin's spine as he tightened his grip on the girl's hand. He hated the this, the fact that The Eye had so much control, the way it turned his lover into a puppet. Even though anger was building up inside his chest, he took a deep breath and focused on the story. There was nothing either of them could do now.
"Statement of... Alicia Jesper... regarding the last car race she ever took part in. Statement recorded directly from subject, the first of November, 2018. Statement begins."
There was a moment of silence, and the eyes focused on Alicia at once, burning on her. She let out a sigh, one of distress or fear or both, and she opened her mouth and started talking. The words were heavy, and being dragged out like this was like seeing someone be placed in a chair and given a handgun, so they can kill themselves before it gets worse for them. Martin felt his hands crushed by her, and he realized that maybe she was angry too. He hoped she was; anger is not hopelessness, he would know.
"I've always been interested in cars. Either in an aesthetic sort of way, or driving them, cars are a constant in my life more than anything else... or, they used to be, at least.
My first memory is me in the front seat, being held by my father. I remember how small my hands were on the steering wheel, and how he laughed, or caughed, because I was shaking and I thought that's what it felt like to drive on a bumpy road. I must have been around three or four years old then, and my father died when I was ten. Mom never recovered, and by the time I turned fourteen, sha has changed half a dozen of jobs and has given up entirely on at least trying to get better.
When she told me we had to sell the car to pay our rent, I revolted. It was not my fault that she couldn't get herself into psychiatric help, and neither was the car's. I told her, begged her, to try to get into therapy and finding a job, but she was hellbent. And that's how I got my first fake ID.
One of the upperclassmen, some person named Morgan Doe, was into this shady, movie-like, kind of bussines. They had a reputation for faking IDs and other documents, and getting their hands on everything you wanted for the right price. I took all of our economies, which were really not that many now that I think of it, and asked for a Graduation Certificate and a fake ID. They haven't even looked at me for more than three seconds, and nodded. In two weeks, I was a new person, Allison Jay, an 18 year old who was taking a gap year before going to the University of Manchester. I got a job of delivering pizza without even trying too hard.
Now I just had to learn how to drive. There are many... many Youtube tutorials and Wikihow articles that really do help, but I had to learn it on my own, my short body barely reaching the pedals. It was a long process, but luckily I haven't destroyed anything in the time I was learning, and the police never stopped my car, even as I knew I was not driving under the speed limit.
From then on, it was the time for jobs related to driving: I delivered pizza, drove people around, even signed up for Uber for a while. The tips were good, but I had to clean the backseat so often that the material started wearing off. All in all, throught high school my mom and I did great money wise. She was still a nasty thing, angry and... in pain all the time, but at least we had something to put on the table every day. And then she died too, and I was left with a three-room apartment and crappy car. I was finishing high school then, and after the graduation ceremony, I packed my things, burned up any remains of the name Alicia Jesper I could find, sold the apartment and the car and left.
My first sports car was won in a race. It was a lucky strike; I was with one of my friends, Mirabella Ashton, who's place I was crashing, and we thought it could be fun. We were both into driving, and my friend even participated in a few races, but I was a newbie. Still, when this drunk guy came to us and said that he will race for his car, my fingers started trembling and my brain was on fire, and before I knew what was happening, I said yes. My friend was pretty tipsy too, and they let me borrow their car as long as I get it back in one piece. I joked that they didn't even know me, but I was nervous anyway. I placed a few grans on the bet, almost all of the money I had left, got into my friends' car and tried to calm my heart. I looked at the other drivers, all of them young and overrexcited that they will compete against a drunk guy and a girl, and the anger that started in my heart was more powerful than any fuel you can lay your eyes on.
So I drove. And I won. I shared the profit after the first race with my friend, and with the rest of the money and the car, I left the city. And so my life of car racing started. It was not always illegal, but it was hard to make a name for yourself in a men's world, without college or relations to send you to the top. I lived the next decade in abandoned train stations and open fields, drank so much booze my blood turned to beer, and had the time of my life. It was last year, when the incident happened.
I was good at what I was doing. I was so good, people were started to call me The Burning Devil, and got out of my way when I came to the races. It's not a popular activity, with only a few true sponsors, and after I settled down I started to get to know most of the people that came to these events. It would have been surprising to not notice the new person who came in that awful day, all dressed in red leather and with ginger hair.
She said her name was Jude, not giving a last name too. She said she was a newbie, as if you couldn't see that from how she was too-casually leaned on her car. She said she wanted to race, and that she wanted to race me.
I laughed, a bitter sound, and told her I don't want to crush her dreams when they're still so young. She in retutn extended a hand towards me, a wide smile on her face, and told me that if I give her a chance I might just change my mind. I didn't laugh this time; there was something in her voice... it made me jump slightly, as if there was a small flame under my feet. She was the one who laughed, and got inside her car without wating for me to shake her hand.
I looked at my friends, at my family basically, the only people who have cared for me and helped me improve, and smiled an already winning smile. They cheered me, and Mirabella, who was staying at my place for the time being, gave me a kiss on the lips. We were kind of in a relationship at the time, but that didn't continue after the race.
It was an easy win. I had a decade of experience and a good car, way better than the one I won when I was eighteen. I looked over to the girl in red leather, and she was staring right back at me. As the signal that warned us to get ready was heard, she smiled at me, again. This time I felt the flame cover my arms, and I hissed. I remember thinking that I should not let her get in my head.
This race was held on a hill, as were most of the races sponsored by Simon Fairchild. We were supposed to ride from the bottom of it to the top and make an U-turn to get back to where we started. It was more complicated than one might think, having to control the car both as you drive on a diagonal line, and and as you turn on a small area of space. Yet, I've made this circuit for more than a dozen of times so I wasn't worrying.
It took me only three minutes to get ahead by a good few hundred of metres. I could barely see har car, as red as her clothes, in the rear view mirror, and laughed out loud, feeling one with the car, feeling so free and so present in the world... The top of the hill was right ahead, and I was already feeling the taste of the rum the others' were going to give me and the smell of Mirabella's skin when she hugged me. It will be amazing to see the girl in red red with anger.
I reached the top of the hill witht he right speed limit to make the turn. My hand was on the break, at ready, and just as I turned it it... wasn't moving. It was stuck. I frantically started moving the handle, the end of the cliff top approaching me hurriedly, and I just couldn't. I started unbuckling my seat belt, ready to jump out of the car, and then I saw the red car, right next to my window. With half a mind I thought about how could she have gotten there so fast, and then I started to notice the fire. Her whole car was ablaze. She was laughing, but I couldn't hear her, just watch the wicked way her lips moved, and then she waved at me and I noticed that.. her skin was dripping. Just like the wax of a candle. The last thing I remember before plumetting off the hill was that her eyes and hair have caught fire too, and that it was beautiful in it's horror.
And then the car plummeted off the cliff. My seat belt was off, and I frantically tried to open the door, but it was stuck too. I think I screamed, I must have screamed, waiting for my awful end. But I.. I didn't die. The car was falling at a constant speed, like a paper airplane, almost floating in the air. The sky above me was too bright, and the green of the hill was barely noticeable in my fall. I didn't move, out of terror that changing my position might cause the lose of balance the car has. So I just waited for my inevitable death.
It's a weird thing, knowing that you'll die in only a few minutes, and knowing how it will happen, but being useless as in making a change. I watched the sky above me, that burning blue, and thought of my father. He has died of lung cancer from working long hourse in a mine around my hometown. Mom passed away in a similar way, lung cancer, but it was a weird thing... she has never smoked, or been around so heavily polluted air as my father did.
As the car kept crashing, falling, floating, I felt it. I felt the air being stuck in my chest, and I started coughing. I couldn't breath. I couldn't open my mouth enough to get in some air, any air, I couldn't make my nose inhale, or my chest stop hurting, and my head started feeling heavy as I was coughing and falling and floating towards my own death. I felt blood vessels explode across my skin with ugly pops, my eyes glued shut, I felt hopeless and wished so, so, hard to just die already.
And then it stopped. The car was still floating at a constant speed, but the pain in my chest was no longer there. I could breath, and I did that for at least ten minutes before allowing myself to open my eyes. The sky was brighter than ever, and I hated it.
That's how I lived for what must have been three days. It was coughing fits and the impossibility to breath, it was me crying softly in the driver's seat, not caring about any kind of balance as I tried with all my might to open the door, any door, and kill myself to escape from that hell. The sky turned black when night begun, such as it did everyday, but even that was too bright, ablaze, mocking me in its freedom. I couldn't sleep. I didn't feel hunger, or thirst, either, I just sat there, watching, wishing to die, wishing for the coughing fits to stop, but none of my wishes came true.
When I felt something of that floating shift, I was just getting out of a coughing fit. This one was different than the others, blood having painted my hands now. That was the moment the car started falling.
It took only a few seconds. It took only a few seconds for it to get stuck in a tree around the other end of the hill, and for me to open the driver's door as if it was nothing. I fell on the ground and started running, expecting to be sore or hungry or in pain, at least, but I was feeling nothing. I ran and left my crashed car behind, as far away as I could. I needed to get on the road, to hitchhike to the city, and to make sure everyone knew I'm okay.
That's when I saw all the people gathered right where the race started, cheering for the girl in red so loudly I could hear it from almost a mile away. I stopped in my tracks; there was no way they could have been sitting there for three days, in exactly the same clothes. Uncertain, I walked towards them and saw the girl, Jude, with her arm around Mirabella's shoulder, saying something in her ear. She was not burned up. She was fine, her car was fine, her clothes were fine. I was not fine.
When Jude saw me, she smiled that wide, awful grin. I felt like I could cry, but I cried so much in the air that I don't think I'll be able to do it again. Jude thanked me for the race, and kissed Mirabella on the head. Her eyes were slightly unfocused, but she looked at me with an indescribable expression, before turning in Jude's embrace, away from me.
"And thanks for my prize, too." said Jude, barely above a whisper, as she turned towards the crowd with Mirabella. I could see that Mirabella's shirt had a hole on the shoulder where Jude's hand has been, a hole that looked as if it was burned in the material. It was the shape of the girl in red's hand.
I hitchhiked the way home. None of my friends offered me a ride."
Martin's hands were sore, and Allison's eyes were red, as if she has been crying. Jon no longer had the eyes covering his skin and he looked tired, not sick, as he looked before. The trembling stopped, and the windows were back in their original shape. Most of the passangers thought they must have imagined them breaking, or saw the branches of the trees in the pale moonlight hitting across the windows and thought they were cracks.
"Statement ends. Thank you... Alicia. "
"Do. Not. Call me. That." she extracted her hands from Martin's grip and formed a fist towards Jon, clutching her jaw. "I don't know what you just did, how you made me talk, but what I've been through has been hard enough without some creppy guy digging in my past and making me throw up all my trauma to be recorded on that stupid tape. Do you and your boyfriend get off on that?"
"It's really not like that Allison, we-" Martin started, but she extended her hand and made a fist of his sweater, threatening him now.
"Stop it. Stop it. This has been.. a very weird night. I will go back to sleep and when I wake up you two will not say a word to me ever again, not if you don't want me to call the cops. This night, this discussion, has not happened."
Jon let out a soft, unamused laugh, and nodded. Allison got up from the bed, clutching her hands around her neck, and started coughing. She returned to her bed with her back turned towards them, headphones in her ears, and did not move from that position.
"I hate when that you have to do that." Martin said, failing to hide the edge of his voice.
"I know. Me too. But it will be over soon, okay? It will be over soon."
They looked at each other and Jon sighed, placing a small kiss on Martin's forehead. He has been getting hungrier and hungrier in the past few days, but at noleast now they had a plan. Jon clutched the tape recorder in his hand and looked at the sky, the sky that was looking back at him, and hoped that their plan will work.
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