writingwhywhywhy · 3 years
How long have you been standing there?
A/N: For prompt “How long have you been standing there?” for @xxwritemeastoryxx's 2k follower celebration(go follow her for real good fanfic).  Yeah I am late af but long story short life derailed all my creative plans. Btw sorry it was post tag apocalypse for Apple phones. Angest and cheating. 
Elijah was going about his day when he saw Hayley. He was fascinated by the way the sun coming in caught her face. She looked like she had an inner glow to match the sunlight she was in. Her daylight ring was sitting perfectly nestled next to her wedding ring. It was such a pretty sight that completely haunted Elijah. She was perfect and completely not his.
He just took her in. She looked at peace and it was a memory that would be burned into his head for as long as he lived. He knew staring was not good manners. Yet when it came to Hayley no matter what, Elijah could never help himself. She was his weakness and something he craved.
It was another breath before Hayley noticed him. “Do you make a habit of staring at people?”
“When it comes to you I might.”
“That might not be wise.”
“Wisdom does not run in my family.”
He could hear her but at that moment she felt too far away. He closed the gap.  “Elijah..” She started to argue about it.
He leaned down and closed the gap between their lips. He pulled back. “I have always loved you and I can not stop. I never have wanted to stop loving you.” Elijah said
“Elijah..” Hayley started again, trying to stop his  confession and the way it was persuading her.
He pressed his lips against hers to stop her words. He only pulled away when he knew he had control of the conversation. “I have loved many people but How long have you been standing there?”  He directed the last part towards you.
How long have you been standing there? It was like he was accusing you of walking in on a moment. You were his girlfriend and he was declaring undying love. You should have been the one he was declaring it to but it was Hayley.
You could have screamed! You had asked over and over again if this relationship was something he actually wanted or if you were a distraction. Elijah, the righteous brother, had given you his word that he wanted it. Now he was telling Hayley he loved her and kissing her.
"How long has this been going on?" You croaked out.
You could read the guilt on his face. It told you two things. One, he didn't want to hurt you. The other tore your heart out. It had been in the background between the two of them since they had met. A small part of your heart broke for their constant love that could never be. “Did you ever even care about me?” Your voice somehow came out.
This face you knew, and it re-ripped your heart out. It was his I can not believe someone would ever think that lowly of me. You felt the tears form in your eyes. You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream and you wanted him to say something. Anything at all. Most men when they were caught cheating apologized. Some tried to deny it. He was just standing there like him and Hayley being together was the most natural thing. You hated that he was mostly right.
You had heard most women are upset with the other woman. You couldn’t bring yourself to be. You had been there long enough to know that she resisted him as well as anyone would expect her. Hayley had actually been the first Mikealson on your side and an amazing friend. You really wanted some of the anger you felt towards the man you loved to be directed at her. Yet none of it could. 
A little part of you said to tell Jackson. You could make this explode and destroy a bit of him. The part that still loved him couldn't even bear the thought of hurting him. "She has been here for  as long as I have been." Jackson's anger barreled from the other side of the room.
The moment burst into a yelling fit that seemed endless. Before it was halfway over, you were bone tired and crying. You decided to slip away and out of Elijah’s life. It took you the remainder of the argument to punch a hole in your broken heart and leave a hole in Elijah’s life. As soon as you hit the state line you swore never to enter Louisiana again. tag list: @remembered-license @akshi8278
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hellotvshowtrash · 3 years
In Memory
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
a/n: my entry for @xxwritemeastoryxx’s 2k writing challenge 💗 I did “I’ll always care about you” and Lovers to Enemies! This fic is probably confusing asf but I want to post it so. Moodboard made by me! Thank you @imaginearyparties for reading over this and giving me feedback!
Summary: once upon a memory, she and Elijah were lovers. But now, Elijah hunts his enemy.
Warnings: major character death, blood, violence, fire
Word count: 869
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A laugh peppered her lips as she spun, nearly tripping over her feet as she turned to look back at him not far behind her. He grinned back at her, following her closely as she ran. Elijah slowed to a stop, watching her run through the summer air, bobbing and weaving through the forest. The trees surrounding them filtered the warm sunlight through the leaves, and a ray caught her eye and temporarily blinded her. She runs still, blinking to adjust her eyes.
A chill runs down her spine as her eyes perceive the new surroundings.
It’s dark, her mind blurs as she remembers the sunshine kissing her skin just a moment ago as she ran with Elijah. Elijah. How did it come to this? She realizes that the thought of him strikes fear in her heart. Fear, anger, loathing. Sprinting, mind reeling, she glances behind her and throws more fire, the spell leaves her tongue, "Phasmatos Incendia!" Before she realizes what she's doing. Trees light up the dark night behind her as her heart pumps violently, her lungs burning for clean air.
She gets a good distance away from the wildfire she has started and plants her back onto a tree, leaning against it as she catches her breath. She looks up at the blaze before her, feeling confident that she has escaped him, for now. She takes a deep breath, her head resting against the tree behind her, her eyes close as she rests. The fire glows orange through her eyelids before darkness grows in the center of the light.
She opened her eyes quickly, but she is greeted with sunshine on her skin. Her heart beat slowed as she peered into the forest, finding Elijah striding toward her, hand casually in his pocket as he flashed his teeth at her in a grin. A smile stretched across her face. Long forgotten was the pain and anger that filled her chest just moments ago. It's replaced by warmth and love, passion and joy. "Elijah," She murmured. She recognizes this scene.
A memory, she realizes. It’s her favourite memory.
A blink, and it's dark again, his grin now a sneer, chin and throat covered in blood - the blood of her coven - as he stalks toward her.
Another blink and it's his kind eyes in front of her, his warm touch as his finger trailed up her arm. She's confused, her heart yearning to be with him and simultaneously as far away from him as she can get.
"Darling," He whispered, his body pressing against hers, against the tree. The pressure brought excitement, anxiousness, and her cheeks heated. He lowered his head, his cheek brushing hers as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You're mine." His voice was husky, causing her breath to falter.
He pulls away just enough to look into her eyes, and she is met with dark orbs, charcoal veins surrounding them.
Pain shoots up her arm where Elijah has dug his nails into her skin, blood dripping down her fingers and onto the pine covered ground below. A whimper escapes her lips. He leans back down again, his hot breath against her ear and she's in two places at once, sunlight bearing down on them as they exchange passions against the tree, and the woods burning around them as Elijah bares down on her, traps her.
"I'll always care about you." The bloodied Elijah looks at her again, his eyes full of pain and anger, sadness. “You threw that away.”
"I'll always care about you." The sun shines behind Elijah, illuminating his silhouette, his eyes warm honeyed amber. His smile is sincere and in love. He leaned down, planted kisses up her neck, to the base of her jaw, the shell of her ear. A pleasured gasp escaped her lips.
This memory becomes hazy for her and in her guilty mind, she screams and begs and pleads to go back, take everything back and love him again.
His lips explore the concave at the base of her neck. It's bittersweet, as tears fall down her cheeks, sadness, fear, regret emanating from her. He feels it, hears her heart skip at his touch, even though his hands have wrought such pain to her.
Her breath is shaky, her whispered pleads fall apart as he places one more kiss, followed by fangs slicing her skin. Her gasp is gentle, final and she knows he will not end it quickly. It is slow and rapturous, her blood leaking onto his tongue and filling him.
She thinks of that day in the forest, spent tangled up in one another, his love making her feel invincible.
His own tears fall as he feeds and before he is ready, he feels her body shudder and fall limp against the tree. He removes himself from her, catching her body before she falls. He sits there with her, looking at the woman he loved, the woman who betrayed him. His chest aches with satisfied grief.
He thinks of that day in this very forest wrapped around her, love in his heart, and he wonders if she ever thought of that day.
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lis-likes-fics · 3 years
Under My Skin
Pairings: Loki x Reader Warnings: Angst, swearing Author’s Note: This is my submission of @xxwritemeastoryxx​’s 2k challenge. I just remembered I had it and wrote it today. I went over 3k and had to edit it to 2,990. But here we are, enjoy! Challenge prompts: Skin by Sabrina Carpenter, “Please don’t lie to me again, I can’t take it.”
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"What?" you yelled at Thor as he told you the news. "That's ridiculous! Why should he be sent here? Asgard has a prison, you know."
Thor rolled his eyes and huffed, "Why don't we try to help him instead of throwing him in the dungeons for the next few centuries…"
You huffed angrily. Thor set a large hand on your shoulder. "Give him a chance, Y/N. You both used to be friends," he tried.
"Used to," you emphasized, "Maybe we could've been friends again if I met him in another life. But not in this one."
"Well, he'll be here tomorrow," Thor sighed.
You rolled your eyes again as you shook your head, "Fine, but he better not mess with me or Damien." Thor then left you alone.
You groaned in frustration from the news that Loki would be put on Midgard to be reformed by the Avengers. Thor thought that, since you and Loki used to be the best of friends, it would help Loki to settle in. But you and Loki were not friends. When you learned that Loki was still alive, it was because Thor had come to you on Asgard for your help in bringing him home. You happily agreed, excited to have him back. But when you stood by Thor's side on Midgard, Loki felt betrayed and turned against you. But you had not betrayed him, he betrayed you. You tried so hard to save him, but it was of no use. So instead of saving him, you fought him like he fought you.
You were not friends.
When Loki landed on Midgard in chains with Thor, you and the Avengers stood outside as you waited for him. When his eyes fell on you, his gaze hardened. Loki immediately spoke with his hard gaze turned to you, "Why is she here?"
Thor looked at him and shrugged, "Lady Y/N is an Avenger. You know this, brother."
"Oh, yes," he commented, "She was a part of the team of 'heroes' who beat the shit out of me and then sent me to Asgard. One of my betrayers." He gave a fake smile and then it dropped. You rolled your eyes but kept silent. The rest of the team also stayed silent, mostly because of the uncomfortable atmosphere between the both of you.
A couple days after Loki settled in the Tower with the rest of the Avengers, you were in the kitchen making sandwiches and spreads for your boyfriend and the team. Loki came out of his room for some food. The team swarmed around the table as they stacked their plates with sandwiches, chips, and the like. You started passing out the sodas, juices, and waters to their respective team members. Loki sat down with a plate and looked around the table at those who'd gotten soda. He just kept hearing the clinks and hisses around the table and grew curious. He watched Tony, who had rattled it a little by accident, open his soda. Some of it spilled out of the can as he struggled to clean up the mess before it got all over someone or something.
He then turned his gaze to you as you kissed the side of Damien's head before sitting down. Loki looked at a soda can in front of him, taking it in his hands and shaking it a bit while everyone looked away. He turned the can so it faced you and opened it.
The soda can exploded as the liquid drenched you and Damien. Loki snickered and you growled, "Loki!" Thor huffed and stood, taking Loki's arm and dragging him out of the room with his plate in hand. Damien wiped the soda off his face with a napkin. "Let's get you cleaned up," he told you as he led you away to your room.
The team shook their heads at the situation and cleaned up the mess before they ate again. You cleaned yourself off with a towel as you muttered to yourself, "The damn bastard had the audacity to pull that shit…"
Damien chuckled apologetically, "Don't let him get under your skin." He handed you a new shirt and said, "Let's go eat and then go out somewhere. It will help you feel better." You gave him a soft smile and agreed.
This was not the last time Loki pulled something like that.
Over the course of the next few months, Loki played trick after trick just to get to you. He screwed with your laundry, sabotaged your food, and interrupted your relaxation. It was the only way he could get back at you without being sent to the dungeons of Asgard.
You brushed off his attempts, doing your best to ignore his stupid tricks. Every time he tried to shove you in the spotlight, you would just handle it with ease. You've been under the spotlight your whole life - your father was a warrior and your mother was a professional healer on Asgard. That came with being the center of attention more than never. You knew how to handle yourself.
But it seemed that your boyfriend couldn't handle it. Loki constantly being around you and doing things to get under your skin, got under his. As weeks turned into months, he decided that the two of you should break up. He left you because Loki was too much to handle.
After that, you secluded yourself in your room. You were hurt and angry. Loki saw how truly upset you were about it. It wasn't just you being pissed off by his pranks, it was you being hurt because someone you actually cared about left you, and it was his fault. A part of him felt accomplished because now you felt an inkling of how he felt when you betrayed him, but the other part of him felt bad because he didn't really want others to feel how he felt time and time again.
So he tried to make it up to you in the smallest ways possible. You used to be friends after all, he knew how to do that.
Over the next few weeks, Loki gifted you with books he felt you would enjoy. In return, you reluctantly gave him sweet Midgardian treats you felt he would enjoy. It was an exchange of "Here. Take this, I guess" back and forth with annoyed looks.
After another while, you started to come out more. You hung out, not without complaint, just to try and ease the very thick tension between you. But you weren't friends. You hated him, he hated you. That was certain.
At one point, you got him a genuine gift with a frown. "This doesn't make us friends," you told him before storming away. He looked down at the gift in his hands, almost smiling as he saw a brand new collection of a book series he'd been ogling.
As this continued on for weeks, the tension dropped colossally. The team could finally walk into the room with the both of you and not have to turn back. The two of you were a lot nicer without being nice, but you were still cold toward one another. Although, you couldn't help the odd blush that colored your cheeks at the gifts that got more and more meaningful. You found it harder to keep your walls up around him.
You would invite him to things just to be…friendly? He would turn you down to say that he had other things to do. You knew that was a lie, but you didn't care. You weren't going to let him be friends with you, so it didn't matter if he turned you down. It didn't matter, you didn't care.
But there were times where you missed his friendship.
Times like nights where thunder roared. You despised thunderstorms. On Asgard, they were far and few. Thor was in charge of them, and there was no real need for them on Asgard, so he rarely ever brought them.
Now, on Midgard, there were storms so often, way too often. You hated it so much. Whenever there was a storm back at home, you and Loki would comfort each other. Neither of you liked the storms. But you weren't friends. That wasn't appropriate or welcome.
You were shaking under the covers in your room, slight whimpers coming from you as the storm raged on. There was a light knock at your door and you called out with as calm a voice you could, "Come in."
The door opened to reveal Loki standing on the other side in slacks and a tight, black shirt. He looked wide awake and exhausted at the same time. "You're loud," he commented.
"I'm not that loud," you snapped, "And if I am, it's only because you're listening." Loki's room was right next to yours, and the walls were not that thick. He sighed and seemed to soften as he walked farther into the room, closing the door behind him.
When he spoke again, his voice seemed almost offensive, "You're still afraid of storms?" He pulled a chair over and sat next to the bed. A rumble of thunder filled the air and you both jumped at the suddenness of it. You scoffed, "Are you?"
He rolled his eyes, "Har har." You actually chuckled lightly and seemed to calm. The both of you sat in silence for another while before Loki spoke again, "I would get in, but neither of us want that."
You shifted a little. It wouldn't be too horrible… But you would not allow it. You knew what he was doing. He was keeping you company to ease the storm for you and himself. You were friends once upon a time, after all.
"Damien's usually here during the storms…" you trailed absent-mindedly, "It helped…"
'But it wasn't you,' you almost said.
Loki looked down at his hands, "I'm sorry… for scaring him away."
You wanted to accuse him of lying (he's been lying to you quite often, lately) but you knew he wasn't. Being friends with him since childhood meant you knew when he was lying and when he wasn't. He was genuinely sorry for ruining your relationship.
You sighed and looked at him. You could make out his face perfectly because you knew his face perfectly. His eyes were the softest you'd seen them in a long time and he was fiddling with his fingers. You almost whispered, "You can get in Loki." You could tell he was getting tired, but he wouldn't sleep while the storm raged.
You looked up at you, surprised by your words before slowly standing. He got in the bed cautiously, keeping some distance from you as courtesy. "My gods, you’re trembling, dear."
You froze and turned to face him, "What did you just call me?"
He shrugged, "I didn't call you anything."
"Yes, you did," you responded. He just shrugged it off and stayed quiet. You looked away with a light sigh. A small smile ghosted over his lips as he suddenly thought of something, "Do you remember when we were children, we used to play Vikings and Valkyries together. Thor would come into the room and we would pretend he was an ogre and throw fake weapons at him just to make him go away."
You laughed at the memory, "Yes. He would always tell on us. Frigga would tell us to behave but give no real punishment."
He nodded and you both went quiet again. After a while, your smile fell and you sighed, "Why did we drift apart, Loki?"
His smile also fell and he looked away from you, "I don't know. Why did you turn against me?"
You sat up, "I didn't turn against you. Loki, when I found out you were alive, I was so happy. Thor came to get me to bring you home, but when you saw me with him, you freaked out and called me a traitor. You keep retelling it like you see it, like the truth is whatever you decide it to be."
He shook his head, "My truth is the truth this time. You fought by him, instead of by me."
"Because you hurt people," you responded.
"I wanted the throne!" he answered, sitting up to face you. You shook your head, you could smell that lie from a mile away. "No, you didn't. You never have. I know you."
"You know me?" he asked, "Maybe you also know that I pushed you away because I didn't want to be friends with a scared little girl. Maybe we were just never meant to be friends in the first place," he spat.
You pushed him off the bed, making him fall to the ground as he moved to his feet easily. You angrily wiped at your face to get rid of your tears, "Stop it! Stop doing that. Stop lying to me! We were always close, we were always friends. I never meant to hurt you, Loki. I was trying to bring you home."
He huffed, "Well, home is not where I belong. Especially if you are in it…"
You stared at him in shock and pointed angrily at your door, "We are not friends, this isn't Asgard, and we are not children anymore. Don't pretend to like me. Get the fuck out of my room."
Another boom of thunder erupted and you jumped but kept a firm stance. "Now," you pressed firmly. He huffed and left the room, almost slamming the door behind him. You wished there was no gravity in the words he had said, but there was and it crushed you. It was like he wanted your heart to break.
So that night, you cried yourself to sleep.
You and Loki pushed each other away as far as you could. You built new walls around your heart. You didn't want it to be broken again, and he could do that if he was under your skin.
You reinforced your walls when the team went out on mission for a few days, leaving no one but you and Loki alone at the Tower. You spent all of the first day avoiding Loki as much as possible. He seemed to be trying to get your attention, but you just ignored him and left.
Until you couldn't.
He blocked the hallway off as he stopped you. "Please just talk to me."
"No. Get out of my way."
He set his hands on your shoulders and you removed them quickly in one fluid motion, which he combated easily. "I'm sorry," he told you, "I should not have said those things to you. They were cruel and unfair. I truly never meant to hurt you when we fell apart, and I should not have tried to hurt you now."
You clenched your jaw and looked away. He grabbed your hands and you continued to look away from him. "When we were children, I hoped we would always be friends. But when I saw you next to Thor that day, I thought you turned against me so I accused you of betraying me to give me a reason to push you away. I should not have tried to break your heart, or get under your skin. I want to do better with you. I hope one day we can just laugh about it when it isn't in our face, and I hope we won't have to dance around it. I don't want it to always be this way with us. I'm sorry."
You didn't speak. There were tears in your eyes and you wanted to wipe them away, but he was holding your hands. Loki's own eyes were filled with tears as he watched your face give nothing away. He let go of you, and you wiped at your face. "But I understand if our interests are not aligned."
Just then, you realized you had built your walls with sand instead of cement as they came crumbling down. You tried to let him walk away, you really did. But as he got farther down the hall, you couldn't help but reach out to him, your childhood friend. "Loki, wait."
He turned around to see you, hope in his eyes. Before you could think, you wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He was deeply surprised but instantly kissed you back, an arm wrapping around your waist. You didn't expect for the kiss to be so powerful. You always loved Loki before as your dearest friend, but these feelings had always bubbled underneath you. It was why it hurt you so much when he turned away from you, and you from him. You loved Loki, but you had always been afraid he didn't love you in the same way.
When you finally pulled back, your teary eyes were cast down to his lips, "I want to do better with you, too. I never wanted to hurt you. I've always loved you, Loki, it just wasn't as personal as it is now."
When you finally looked up at him, he was crying. You pulled him into a hug and he whispered his apologies to you. You missed holding him, you missed being held by him. When he calmed, you just kissed him again and whispered, "I want to be with you, Loki. I want to because I love you."
He smiled, "And I love you."
A smile tugged at your lips before you straightened up again, "But you have to promise me something, or this cannot happen."
He nodded, "Anything."
"Please don't lie to me again, I can't take it."
He nodded and kissed your forehead, "I'm sorry for ever lying." You nodded as well as you took in his words, accepting his answer and trusting that he would be true to his word.
Because you loved Loki, and he had definitely gotten under your skin.
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Loki’s Subjects taglist: @lokisqueen3000​ @fadingcoast​ @eloisestarksdottir​ @shining-loki​ @lokistan​
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mrs-maximoff-kenner · 3 years
How Can I Love Without You?
This is my entry for @xxwritemeastoryxx 2k challenge. I had 2 prompts that I used they will be in italics. The dialogue prompt "They're not you" and the song Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi. This was my first time really going angsty so I hope I did the Queen of Angst justice 😂
This is a Natasha x Anastasia (my oc) and I need to add trigger warning for character death and reference to suicide.
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I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
Anastasia was numb. Clint had just left, eager to get back to his family. And she was left alone. She sat at the breakfast bar where just this morning Natasha had sat beside her. The two women ate breakfast while Nat had explained the plan once more. It was supposed to be simple. Go back in time, get the stone, return to the present, snap, everyone is back. Well, everyone who was snapped is back. Thanos was fought again, defeated this time. But Tony and Natasha are… gone. Dead. Tony defeating Thanos and Natasha getting the Soul Stone. Anastasia was numb.
Over the next few days she had visitors. Clint and his family came by often. Sam, Steve and Bucky stopped a few times. Bruce and Rhodey once or twice. Pepper even brought Morgan once. Out of everyone, Pepper knew Ana's grief the most clearly. They shared the same type of loss. All of her visitors expressed how sorry they were. Clint though, he was probably the worst. Ana could practically feel his guilt. He had been with Nat. She had died so Clint could return to his family. And didn't blame him. But Clint wanted her to. He wanted her to be mad at but she just… couldn't. So she stayed quiet. And eventually he left. They all did.
Every day that passed Ana could hear Nat's voice in her head. Scolding her for closing herself off from the others. From their friends. 'They're not you', Ana would reply to the empty room.
Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Anastasia slowly stopped contacting everyone except Clint. Steve went back to return the stones and ended up living out his life in the past. Bucky and Sam got busy. And she had never really been that close with the others. Clint tried to keep up as much contact as possible but it was difficult. Every time he saw Ana all he could could feel was that crushing weight that he had failed both her and Natasha. And Ana found it hard to keep seeing Nat's best friend try and put in a brave face for her sake. So their contact lessened but never stopped completely. 
Ana tried to move forward. She really did. She knew that Natasha would want that for her. But… it had become too hard. Too painful. Every time she went out she saw people who finally had their loved ones back. Everywhere she looked she was reminded of what she lost so that the world could gain. She stopped going out. She couldn't do it anymore. She no longer knew how to live her daily life. She couldn't find her purpose. At least with Nat she had felt alive. Anastasia couldn't remember her life before they met. She didn't want to live a life without Natasha. She didn't know how to love or how to be loved before her. Now with Nat gone, Ana was just… empty.
I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Clint hadn't spoken to Ana for 2 weeks and she wasn't answering her phone anymore. He was getting worried so he decided to go and see her. Up until now they had been speaking weekly and visiting with each other every other month. Clint knew how important routine was to Ana. So for her to miss not one, but two of their calls? He couldn't really describe the feeling in his stomach when he knocked then slowly entered the apartment. (For the sake of emergencies both had a key to the other's home.) The place was clean, that was normal, Ana had never been a messy person. Clint called out but got no response. Also not abnormal. Anastasia was always a big fan of cat naps. Especially after losing Nat… they allowed her to escape reality for a while. As Clint wandered further into the apartment, towards the bedroom, he noticed something that was out of place. The paper placed on the breakfast bar was by itself but in a spot where it seemed like it was meant to catch someone's, aka his, attention. It was a letter. Written by Anastasia and addressed to him.
For now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
I figured you would come by. I haven't called recently and you probably got worried. I can't say I'm surprised. You can be too kind for your own good sometimes. I remember meeting you. This weird guy with a bow and arrows that's Natasha's best friend. I never thought we would get along. Then I got to know you. And saw the same things Nat did. You became my family too and I will always be grateful. 
I understand why Natasha did what she did. Why she wouldn't let you. Please know Clint that I have never and will never blame or resent you. All I ask of you is that you do 3 things for me.
1.Forgive yourself for Nat, I don't blame you and neither does she.
2.Please don't blame yourself for what I had to do either. You know why I made the choices I did, but none of it is your fault.
3.This is the most important. Please Clint, Live Your Life! Watch your children grow up. (If you have any more maybe name them after me) Spend time with Laura. Make memories. Cherish the time you have because it's precious. 
Know that wherever we are, Nat and I are together and we are watching over you and your family. Always.
With love,
Clint made sure to have a small service just like she would have wanted, only friends in attendance. And as everyone else was leaving, he looked up to the sky promising that he would do as Ana asked. And as he watched the clouds, he could have sworn he felt two hands. One on each of his shoulders. 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
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I cannot believe that I have reached 2,000 followers. I am completely blown away by the amount of support from those of you that are just finding me and by those that have been here for the long haul. I barely believed that I would make it to 100 followers and now we are here at 2K and right before this blog's 3rd birthday.
Thank you to those that have recently found me and decided I was worth a follow. Welcome to you as well! I hope that whatever reason it is that has brought you here to my blog continues to keep you here!
So to celebrate, I've got a few things for us to do! This post is gonna be a long one so let's get into it!
This week, From July 24th to July 31st there will be a sleepover and a writing challenge for me to do.
From July 24th to December 31st there will be a challenge for you to do!
This is a way for everyone to participate in a way that they feel comfortable. Challenge me, or challenge yourself while sending in some fun asks!
You don't have to be following me to participate, but it would be awesome if you did!
It's not mandatory, but I would appreciate it it you reblogged this for a bit of a signal boost so that others can see it. Not to mention it would give me more people to follow and vice versa!
💝- Tell me a little bit about yourself and I'll ship you with someone (You choose the fandom!)
💌 - Letter from a character (tell me what you'd like it to be about!)
🗡- cym
😘- blog compliments
😈- FMK
🖊- Pic a fic I've written and I'll tell you my favorite part about it.
💣- Random 3 sentences from a WIP
💬- Interview with the Characters (You pick the fic, you pick the question for the characters and they'll answer your questions!)
🎶- I'll make a playlist with your name from my library of music on spotify
✨- Moodboards of your choosing
Challenge Me
Here's your chance to challenge me! From July 24th to July 31 you pick the prompt and I'll write a drabble on the prompt. The goal is to keep this under 800 words. Any prompts that come to your mind can be used. Pick the prompt and the character and we'll see what I come up with.
-Please note I mostly write for TVDU and MCU. I haven't explored outside of that so please keep that in mind.
-Please send in an ask with 'Challenge Me' followed by your prompt and character.
All entries for this one will close on July 31 at 11:59 PM PST.
I will get these done as quickly as I can. Patience is greatly appreciated!
Challenge You
Here's how you can challenge yourself! Below are several prompts that you can select from! You are allowed up to 2 selections for your challenge. Once 3 people have selected the same prompt, I will strike it out.
-Angst is always encouraged, but fluff and smut are welcomed as long as you tag things correctly. No underage character smut please. Minors please do not submit smut, Thanks!
-Reader inserts, ships, and OCs are always welcomed. Show me those OCs and let me love them!
-There is no minimum but there is a maximum of 3k. Anything over 500 words must have a read more option.
-Be sure to send and Ask to claim your prompt!
-Be sure to tag the fic with #xxwritemeastoryxx2kchallenge and to tag me in it so I don't miss it!
All Entries must be posted by Dec 31 at 11:59 PM PST
⚜Dialogue Prompts
1. "For the record, kicking him in the face had been a complete accident."
2. "Do you even still love me?"
3. "Are you hurt?" "No." "Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
4. "Please don't lie to me again, I can't take it." @lokis-favorite-follower
5. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't walk out that door."
6. "I've moved on."
7. "How long have you been standing there?"
8. "You're the last person I want to see right now."
9. "Congratulations. You finally turned me into the monster you always wanted."
10. "I can't do this anymore. Not like this. Not with you."
11. "I love you. I need you to know that."
12. "You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me."
13. "Quite the Casanova, aren't you?"
14. "I've never really been good at flirting." "Oh, is that what you're doing? Flirting with me?"
15. "I love you. You're an idiot, and I love you."
16. "You're my best friend. I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you."
17. "I'll always care about you."
18. "Please stay."
19. "Oh, Sorry, did the noise wake you?"
20. "How am I supposed to focus when you're looking at me like that?"
21. "They're not you."
🕷Song Prompts
22. Beautiful Mistake by Maroon 5
23. Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi @mrs-maximoff-kenner
24. Talking to the Moon by Burno Mars
25. Lover by Taylor Swift
26. Heartless by Madison Beer
27. Bad guy by Billie Eilish
28. Say You won't Let Go by James Arthur
29. Homesick by Kane Brown
30. Skin by Sabrina Carpenter @lokis-favorite-follower
31. Fake dating
32. Fake Engagement
33. Enemies to Lovers
34. Lovers to Enemies
35. There is only one bed
36. Reincarnation/old souls
37. Soulmates
38. Roommates
39. Accidental Marriage
40. Stuck in a place together
I am looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with. Thank you for celebrating with me on this huge milestone! I appreciate each and every one of you guys that decided that I was worth following.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Fmk Tony Stark, Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore
Djshskdjsjd. RUDE
Fuck Tony
Mary Elijah
Kill Damon.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
😈 fmk — elijah, bucky and loki!!
I really had to think about this one.
Fuck Bucky cause I'd like to wear his metal hand as a necklace.
Marry Loki.
Sorry 'Lijah but you gotta die in this one.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Hello I come seeking validation so maybe could I get a 😘 😅
Of course I can shower your blog in compliments!
Ash, your blog is in sooo many ways amazing. Your themes are always pleasing to the eye and I love seeing the changes. Your writing can cause emotions within me that rival the very emotions I put into mine in hopes that the readers will feel them. The love you feel is evident in your interactions that you pour into your posts and asks. The friendship we've created since you've started has been amazing and I would never trade it for anything. I have been so fucking proud of watching your blog grow.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
🎶 please and thank you 💘
Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran Ex's & Oh's by Elle King Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez Arcade by Duncan Laurence No body, no crime by Taylor Swift I See the Light by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (Disney's Tangled)
This playlist was created from the many playlists I have in my library ♥
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Umm I know I'm a million years late. Can I get prompt #7 "How long have you been standing there?"
Never late!! Prompts are still open for the duration of the challenge so that there's no pressure of a deadline! It's all yours lovely! 💚
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Congratulations on 2K! I remember when I first found your first Jackson fic and followed you! You hadn't even hit 1K yet ☺ Now look at you! 😍 You deserve this and so much more Dom! You're amazing!!! I'm blessed to be able to call you my friend! 😊❤
Here is my first submission for the sleepover:
You probably already know that my name is Morgan. I'm 5'10, hazel eyes, my hair is currently half black and half red and I'm a little on the fluffier side 😊 I'm a bisexual and I'm super introverted but become a loyal cuddle bug when I warm up to someone. I love reading and writing, snuggles while watching movies and singing while I do basically everything. Little known fact about me that I don't tell many people is that I'm Wiccan 🔮
I would love to be shipped with someone from the MCU 💖
I'm shipping you with Loki.
Cause can you imagine? Both of you taking some time to warm up to each other and once you do, I can just easily picture you two being able to cuddle up and read books together. Or even sitting in the same room and enjoying the pages of the books you have in your hands. Not to mention learning tips and tricks for spells and such together. It may not be an easy start, but the amount of comfort you find within each other will be so worth it.
Also the fact you've been here for so long has me freaking out. Thank you for being here!
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Wait this is so cute 🎶🥺
Arsonists Lullaby by Hozier
Style by Taylor Swift
Heathens by twenty one pilots
Love dont die by The Fray
Earned it by the weekend.
Edibles by Jojo
This playlist was created from different playlists in my library 💚
I've also realized I really dont have many songs that start with E 😅🤣
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
I'm sending another sleepover thing because I totally missed this the first time and it seems really interesting!
🎶- please 😊
Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez
One Night Standards by Ashley Mcbryde
Remember when? By Alan Jackson
Grow by Rae Morris
Almost There by Anika Noni Rose (Disney Princess and the Frog)
Need You Now by Lady A
This playlist was created from multiple playlists in my Library.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Really wanted to do the challenge! For Challenge Yourself, I was really interested in:
- 4."Please don't lie to me again, I can't take it."
- Skin by Sabrina Carpenter
And for challenging you, I was really interested in 💝- Tell me a little bit about yourself and I'll ship you with someone (You choose the fandom!)
Thanks, love ya! 💝
They are both yours! 💚
Also, I need details from you for 💝
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Sorry I'm like a million years late to the sleepover but 💣
"Stop lying to me!" She said as she brought her fists up, hitting the glass. The green glow surrounded her fists causing the cell to shake with the impact, followed by the contraption dropping the cell an inch or two. Through the anger eyes spilled tears as she kept her eyes on him. "Just stop."
Bound to Break
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
Can I add this dialogue prompt to the song prompt I picked before? With the idea I have I feel like it really fits 🙂
21. "They're not you."
I wanna try true angst for the first time and I figured go big or go home... 😂
YES GO BIG! You can definitely add it to yours.
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