#mostly bc this fic is confusing and I’m scared that it’s going to flop so
hellotvshowtrash · 3 years
In Memory
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
a/n: my entry for @xxwritemeastoryxx’s 2k writing challenge 💗 I did “I’ll always care about you” and Lovers to Enemies! This fic is probably confusing asf but I want to post it so. Moodboard made by me! Thank you @imaginearyparties for reading over this and giving me feedback!
Summary: once upon a memory, she and Elijah were lovers. But now, Elijah hunts his enemy.
Warnings: major character death, blood, violence, fire
Word count: 869
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A laugh peppered her lips as she spun, nearly tripping over her feet as she turned to look back at him not far behind her. He grinned back at her, following her closely as she ran. Elijah slowed to a stop, watching her run through the summer air, bobbing and weaving through the forest. The trees surrounding them filtered the warm sunlight through the leaves, and a ray caught her eye and temporarily blinded her. She runs still, blinking to adjust her eyes.
A chill runs down her spine as her eyes perceive the new surroundings.
It’s dark, her mind blurs as she remembers the sunshine kissing her skin just a moment ago as she ran with Elijah. Elijah. How did it come to this? She realizes that the thought of him strikes fear in her heart. Fear, anger, loathing. Sprinting, mind reeling, she glances behind her and throws more fire, the spell leaves her tongue, "Phasmatos Incendia!" Before she realizes what she's doing. Trees light up the dark night behind her as her heart pumps violently, her lungs burning for clean air.
She gets a good distance away from the wildfire she has started and plants her back onto a tree, leaning against it as she catches her breath. She looks up at the blaze before her, feeling confident that she has escaped him, for now. She takes a deep breath, her head resting against the tree behind her, her eyes close as she rests. The fire glows orange through her eyelids before darkness grows in the center of the light.
She opened her eyes quickly, but she is greeted with sunshine on her skin. Her heart beat slowed as she peered into the forest, finding Elijah striding toward her, hand casually in his pocket as he flashed his teeth at her in a grin. A smile stretched across her face. Long forgotten was the pain and anger that filled her chest just moments ago. It's replaced by warmth and love, passion and joy. "Elijah," She murmured. She recognizes this scene.
A memory, she realizes. It’s her favourite memory.
A blink, and it's dark again, his grin now a sneer, chin and throat covered in blood - the blood of her coven - as he stalks toward her.
Another blink and it's his kind eyes in front of her, his warm touch as his finger trailed up her arm. She's confused, her heart yearning to be with him and simultaneously as far away from him as she can get.
"Darling," He whispered, his body pressing against hers, against the tree. The pressure brought excitement, anxiousness, and her cheeks heated. He lowered his head, his cheek brushing hers as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You're mine." His voice was husky, causing her breath to falter.
He pulls away just enough to look into her eyes, and she is met with dark orbs, charcoal veins surrounding them.
Pain shoots up her arm where Elijah has dug his nails into her skin, blood dripping down her fingers and onto the pine covered ground below. A whimper escapes her lips. He leans back down again, his hot breath against her ear and she's in two places at once, sunlight bearing down on them as they exchange passions against the tree, and the woods burning around them as Elijah bares down on her, traps her.
"I'll always care about you." The bloodied Elijah looks at her again, his eyes full of pain and anger, sadness. “You threw that away.”
"I'll always care about you." The sun shines behind Elijah, illuminating his silhouette, his eyes warm honeyed amber. His smile is sincere and in love. He leaned down, planted kisses up her neck, to the base of her jaw, the shell of her ear. A pleasured gasp escaped her lips.
This memory becomes hazy for her and in her guilty mind, she screams and begs and pleads to go back, take everything back and love him again.
His lips explore the concave at the base of her neck. It's bittersweet, as tears fall down her cheeks, sadness, fear, regret emanating from her. He feels it, hears her heart skip at his touch, even though his hands have wrought such pain to her.
Her breath is shaky, her whispered pleads fall apart as he places one more kiss, followed by fangs slicing her skin. Her gasp is gentle, final and she knows he will not end it quickly. It is slow and rapturous, her blood leaking onto his tongue and filling him.
She thinks of that day in the forest, spent tangled up in one another, his love making her feel invincible.
His own tears fall as he feeds and before he is ready, he feels her body shudder and fall limp against the tree. He removes himself from her, catching her body before she falls. He sits there with her, looking at the woman he loved, the woman who betrayed him. His chest aches with satisfied grief.
He thinks of that day in this very forest wrapped around her, love in his heart, and he wonders if she ever thought of that day.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
El has a nightmare and Hop has a night shift, so she can't talk to him about it and goes to Billy instead. Imagine Jim coming home in the morning and finding El sleeping in her brother's bed taking almost all the space and the covers, while Billy is about to fall off with one leg and one arm touching the floor. And Hop can feel his heart melt because this is the cutest thing he's ever seen.
HI I’M the one melting bc this is so adorable!! ♥ i’ve been bundled into a ball of fluff over the idea of this.
One of my absolute FAVORITE things that really cemented me into the “I live and breathe for Billy’s found family and you can pry it from my cold dead hands” club was fics where Billy looks out for El. like, something about this big rough and tough and emotionally vulnerable boy noticing and helping out this small but also feisty and emotionally vulnerable girl just drives me CRAZy ♥
their dynamic is TOO GOOD. they’re so similar and both deal with the same kinds of traumas and call me crazy, but I don’t think Billy likes the idea of other people going through what he went through. I think he likes to THINK he does, I think he likes to both silently and very loudly wish ill of people- usually bullies or assholes who think they’re clever. Think they’re better than him bc they have whatever constitutes as a “happy home life”. He hates those people. Those are the people he (almost) wishes could feel the pain he’s felt his whole life… the pain of trying to be as small as possible, to take up as little space as possible, and still get slapped for it.
The thing is… he never actually means it. He likes to think that if he was given the choice, he could throw his life and all of the pain that’s come with it onto some poor, unsuspecting soul… but somehow he knows he would never. Could never. It’s an upsetting thought for him.
And he most definitely wouldn’t want anything plaguing a little kid… especially this little girl that Billy shares a home with now.
Bc Billy’s no stranger to nightmares, and within about 3 days of moving into the Hopper household, he knows El isn’t either. Bc he wakes up to shrieks. It startles him awake, gets his heart racing like crazy, and sets his entire body on fire because…
Because he hears heavy footsteps, rushing somewhere on the wooden floors. 
He’s awake but his mind is still processing it so his vision is blurry and all he sees is a large figure barreling towards the only room- El’s room, and the door slams open and the shrieks get louder and Billy’s livid.
And he jumps into action, gracelessly because he’s still drunk with sleep and exhaustion (because those first few weeks in the cabin are rough on him.) and he rushes to El’s room, running himself into the doorway, leaning heavily on it, eyes scanning wildly to stop this because holy shit he didn’t think this man was like this but then again how could he be so stupid as to think this man wasn’t a poison to society like every man Billy’s ever met and-
And El is crying and Billy’s vision is getting less blurry and she’s… she’s hugging Hop. Hop is on the bed, arms wrapped tight around the little bundle of curls and tears that are shivering against his chest, and Hop shoots a look up to Billy in the doorway. He must look like a fire being doused.
You okay? Hop mouths, patting El’s head.
Billy’s blinking hard, trying to make sure he knows exactly what he’s looking at- make sure he knows that there’s no danger here.
El starts mumbling something… something about monsters and labs and Papa and…
Billy leaves. Stumbles his way back to the couch and flops back down and falls into a restless sleep of his own monster.
And it takes a bit for him to realize he may never get used to it. Every time he sees something other than reality. Every time his mind is somewhere that isn’t the present. Every time Billy rushes, heart beating violently, over to the room, leaning heavily on the door, ready to fight, mind just racing with thoughts of: oh no, it finally happened. He finally did it. He’s finally bored of me. He finally moved on to her...
Every time Billy snaps back to the present, taking note of the girl having brown hair rather than red…
But Billy just never gets used to it. He never gets comfortable. It’s happened a countless number of times and every time he’s nervous and today, when El screams, Billy is up in a second, stumbling on wobbly legs that’re heavy with sleep over to her room to see her standing and crying and wobbling around herself. She’s wandering around her room, bumping into her bedframe and her dresser and her wall because she has her hands covering her eyes in fear.
Billy grabs hold of her, embracing her in his arms, keeping her still. He feels her shake as his sleep hazy mind slowly clears.
“Monsters.” is all she can say but it’s all Billy needs to hear.
So he guides her out of her bedroom and into the living room to sit on his bed in the corner. He lets her talk for a minute about what she saw and how it makes her feel and Billy just lets her before he tells her it’s “not real” and that she doesn’t have to be scared. He doesn’t quite know what else to say. Even though he has nightmares too, he’s not sure what he’d want to hear. It works, nonetheless. She breathes a little more even and nods and curls herself up in the corner of his bed while he goes to grab her a glass of milk and an extra blanket.
When Billy notices she’s not shaking anymore, he figures this is the perfect time to guide her back to her bed and try to get back to sleep himself, but the second he opens his mouth she beats him to it.
“Can you sing?”
His brows furrow deeply. “Huh?”
“Sing? Can you sing a song?”
“Uhhh… I don’t really sing, kiddo.”
“Yes you do. Sometimes you sing.”
“Yeah but-”
And it’s the puppy dog eyes and the pouting lip and the fact that her face is still puffy from crying that really seals the deal.
So he gives her the extra blanket and lets her get cozy and tries for the life of him to think of something to sing- some slow song he’s heard her listen to or that he’s heard and knows the lyrics to or that, maybe possibly, his mom used to sing for him when he was a kid… but even those are far and distant and muffled and it’s stupid but there’s only one song and it’s only the chorus that he can think of.
So…. well…
He makes sure she’s comfy and he lays back in the bed a bit and he twists his face up a bit and sings rather awkwardly-
“Take me down to the paradise city… where the grass is green… and the girls are pretty… oh won’t you please take me home?”
She snuggles in more, burying her face into his arm and grabbing hold of it. He sighs a little, trying his damnedest to sing the chorus slowly and in some kind of tune that resembles a lullaby.
Somehow, for some reason, it does work- with only a couple repetitions of the chorus, El is fully calm and asleep against Billy’s arm, her own arms wrapped around it like it’s a teddy bear. The smile Billy gives to her is small and soft and involuntary, and he keeps singing the chorus, softer and softer and even softer, until he too is asleep.
And just imagine Hop’s heartwarming surprise when he comes into the cabin after a grueling and tiring shift to find El spread like a semi-broken starfish across the bed, the blankets mostly wrapped around her and yet with a hand still gripping onto the arm of Billy, who is half off the bed and yet still fully passed out.
He chuckles to himself as he pulls off his boots, makes some coffee for Billy to wake up to, and gets ready for some shut eye of his own.
And imagine Hop’s even more… perhaps confusing surprise when Guns and Roses’ Paradise City comes on the radio one night when they’re all driving back from the Byers’ home and El shouts out “lullaby!”
He shoots Billy a very confused look, to which the boy just shrugs and makes his best “I have no idea what she’s talking about and don’t ask me” face.
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wordsablaze · 6 years
Chapter Seventeen: Trust
Cinder’s life revolved around the garage, working as a mechanic, until that one male student came in looking for a Mercedes and changed her life… AU AH Kaider story. Enjoy!
A/N: Want a fic? I posted this elsewhere 3 months ago and only just found out as i was posting another chapter, ahh, sorry!! Not that anyone cares but still. Also, this was a right pain to format on mobile, ugh.
Cinder's heart falters as she watches Kai literally stumble away from their conversation.
She can't think after he leaves, she can't get the image of his contained tears out of her mind, she can't focus on anything other than what could have happened. She doesn't even trust herself to try and come up with a plan for the rest of the day.
"Cinder?" Iko asks tentatively, clearly sensing that something is wrong.
"Hey, Iko," Cinder replies, sighing.
Iko raises an eyebrow and places her hands on her hips. "Alright, spill. What happened with Mr Sexy Barista?"
Cinder cracks a small smile at the title but then shakes her head again. "It's nothing."
"If that were true, you wouldn't still be polishing that wrench ten minutes later."
She blushes, caught oil-handed, and places said wrench on the table, sighing as she turns to Iko with a grateful look. "He left."
"He broke up with you?" Iko asks, her voice neutral but her eyes threatening to explode with rage.
Quickly, Cinder shakes her head. "No!"
Iko's relief is honestly almost as intense as Cinder's curiosity. By the time Cinder's thrown out some explanatory words and Iko has understood the situation, the two of them are equally as confused about and worried for Kai.
Cinder stays silent as Iko paces and mutters things to herself because, while she can usually work out people's motives and judge their character, she's absolutely rubbish at figuring out emotions and feelings, especially when it's someone she actually likes, even more so when it's someone she truly cares about.
"If I had to guess," Iko says eventually, "I'd say it wasn't anything you did directly."
"Iko, there was nobody else here, who else could it have been?"
"No, I mean, you probably just reminded him of something else. If it was you, he wouldn't have made an effort to be polite before leaving, would he?"
"I don't know; people are confusing."
Iko snorts in amusement but recovers quickly, clearing her throat. "Look, he'll come back. Just wait for him."
Cinder bites her lip but she knows Iko is intelligent and can be trusted when it comes to boys so she nods and exhales. Well, she nods, exhales and stops whatever she's trying to achieve by passive-aggressively cleaning random tools. Iko finds someone to cover for her and she trudges back to the place she wishes she didn't have to call home. Luckily, Adri has no chores for her yet so she can go back to her room, almost missing the fact that her laptop is back on her bed.
"What?" she asks the air, then scrambles to plug the laptop in and switch it on.
As soon as the home screen fades into view, she opens tumblr, needing to message Kai, needing to ask him if he's okay. The ten seconds it takes for the website to load could be ten years for how slow they seem to go by but it matters not because then she's logged in and finding Kai's blog like it's a second nature to her.
-are you okay?
And then, after a moment's hesitation...
-did i do something wrong?
Not surprisingly, she doesn't immediately get a reply back.
It takes over an hour for a reply to come through, during which Cinder aimlessly rearranges her room and makes sure everything is organised enough to satisfy even the pickiest of the organised. She jumps when she sees the little light flashing even though she'd been expecting it to happen.
-My apologies for leaving so abruptly.
-I needed to clear my head.
-You did nothing wrong, don't worry, princess!
-are u sure?
-Of course.
-im almost sure ur just saying that to make me feel better
-What a ridiculous suggestion...
-it's ok, you don't have to tell me anything
-i'm sorry, ok?
-A comma? You must be sincere.
-Thank you.
-shut up
-Make me!
Cinder blinks. She's only ever seen couples say that to each other, and it's usually just before they kiss or something. She doesn't know what she's meant to say to that, whether she's expected to do something romantic in return, and she's about to panic when Kai saves her.
-Did I do it right?
-I've seen people say that and I figured it was a more interesting response than a simple denial.
-My apologies if I did it wrong.
-u scared me
-I scared you?
-i dont know why i told you that. nvm
-If it's any help, you don't need to make me shut up. I'm not even talking...
-oh, bc ur typing?
-very original
-It worked, didnt it?
-You stopped being scared, right?
She laughs. He's right, it did work. She replaced her anxiety with exasperation and it worked. If it was anyone else, she'd probably be annoyed at them having figured her out so quickly. For some reason or the other, she finds herself being amused at Kai instead of irked, and she appreciates him instead of being irritated with him. She makes a mental note to ask Iko about that tomorrow before shifting her attention back to Kai's message.
-you wish
-Goodnight, Princess.
-And thank you.
-For understanding.
-are u okay? ur using three messages for one sentence
-I'm slightly in a rush...
-so ur solution is to send more messages?
-No, my solution is to send fragments.
-So that I don't leave you with awkward silence.
-I really have to go.
-Can't wait to check up on the car!
-me too
-okay i guess ur gone
Cinder's mind immediately tells her that saying 'me too' was a bad idea but she ignores it, instead focusing on her relief that Kai is okay.
She shuts the computer down so no battery is wasted and flops down onto her bed, sighing happily. She's done a lot of happy sighing lately, mostly because of Kai and his adorable eccentricities, but she won't complain because she likes the rush of warmth in her heart every time she sees his smile, the comfort she finds in his eyes, the sparks she feels every time they're close to one another.
With a start, she realises she might have found someone to trust. Trust doesn't come easily to her but, with Kai, she's all but ready to give him everything. And it scares her. Cinder's trust is the key to a friendship with her but it's also a weapon that she's giving away, making herself vulnerable. As her eyes become heavy and start to close, she just hopes that trusting Kai won't be a mistake. She hopes it's worth it in the end and, frankly, she'd never hoped for anything more.
like/reblog but don't repost, thanks!
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