#xx. LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME ( self promo )
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indeliblymarred · 5 years ago
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yesimwriting · 2 years ago
hello! I was hoping for a Joel miller imagine where the reader gets hit on in a bar when she’s dating Joel and he sees this and confronts the guy and hits him because he’s aggressive and is all protective over the reader!
I love your writing and this would be amazing thank you xx
A/n first joel request,, slay
update: watched the new episode, bill and frank, still crying 
i feel like this gives post outbreak joel a little more bc of the physical protectiveness,, but i can't remember if there's much/any descriptions of like literal bars in the QZ,, i've only watched the show and i don't remember seeing details,, like ik there's alc/pills available, but actual bars??
idk it's possible i've missed it or forgot bc i have terrible memory
so enjoy my 'makeshift' bar concept as i try my best to deviate from canon as much as possible
not to shamelessly self promo,, but if you like this fic i have another joel fic with what i feel like is a more developed version of this dynamic (bc it’s longer and more internal monologue centered) here and i’m making a part 2 for it so if you like these vibes and want something similar, it’s there, it exists :) 
You're staring again, and trying your hardest to convince yourself that you're not. It's more than pointless, it's bordering on ridiculous.
Joel Miller is not some fleeting crush that’d fit somebody in grade school better than it’d fit you. Not anymore. You know what you are. You've had a talk. The kind of talk that you didn't think existed anymore in this world.
It wasn't exactly the rom-com 'what are we', but after a man Joel was dealing with got a little too friendly, it led to an argument. One you didn't fully understand, especially since Tess practically lived by his side.
Don't pretend, you might come off as all innocent, but you're too smart to be that naive. Men like that only have one intention.
And that had rightfully infuriated you, because after weeks of lingering touches that could be justified with a few words but never were and all the goddamn looks, he had no right to lecture you about another man's intentions with you. His intentions don't matter because that has no affect on me and who I am. Why the fuck does it even matter?
Why does it matter? It had been this subtle scoff of a response that made you take a step back. That made your back brush against the wall of his apartment. Because I don't want other men like that lookin' at you, let alone speaking to you.
The world stopped spinning on its axis and all the air preparing to leave your lungs was trapped with no where to go. Too many implications. 'Other men like that', the inclusion of himself in men that had those intentions. Maybe even more importantly, the implication that he’s some sort of exception.
 Even more deafening, your response: Well maybe I wouldn't speak to them if you didn't entertain ev--
The rest of your sentence, whatever it would have been, was lost to his mouth on yours. A snapping of tension that took its time fizzling down to something less consuming. Something that allowed you both to talk enough to make it clear that Joel was yours and you were his.
It wasn't a magical snapping into place like it might have been in a world without the outbreak. In some ways, it added a new layer of hesitance, and in other ways it propelled you forward. There are growing pains with anything new, and the whole relationship thing is definitely new to you. Especially in this world.
If only you could get past staring. Maybe after Joel secures the whiskey-bourbon-hybrid whatever they're passing as alcohol these days from a less than trustworthy trading contact, you'll get buzzed enough to graduate to handholding, or at the very least, you'll be able to do something besides sit there.
You're starting to feel insane. How is making out easier than the small things? Maybe the setting is more at fault here than you. In the outside world, any form of attachment could easily be twisted into weakness. It’s likely best that you keep some distance from Joel here, especially with the way other men keep looking over at the two of you. 
It’s not like you’re never awkward about the little things when confined safely between the walls of Joel’s place, that’s slowly but surely starting to feel like it’s at least partially yours, as well. But the way you get in public is something else entirely. It’s probably for the best. There are already too many eyes on you. 
Like the guy with red hair that glints oddly in the yellow light of the stranger’s building. He’s swaying slightly, a dark looking glass in his hand that he’s yet to release in the entire time you’ve been here. Every time one of his friends leaves him, his gaze returns to yours. 
Your skin crawls each time, but you keep your expression as stoic as possible. Joel’s getting better at trusting you, better at letting you serve as a sort of backup in the way that Tess usually would. You know that if it came down to it, the man that keeps looking at you wouldn’t be an actual issue, and you know Tess wouldn’t let it get to her. 
Ugh. Another thing you want to get yourself to stop doing. Comparison. It’s ugly and so insignificant. Tess didn’t exactly welcome you with open arms when you first showed up, but you get that. And eventually she warmed a little. You think she’d still trade you for a few ration cards, but she doesn’t hate you. She’s, at the very least, no longer skeptical of you. The other day you caught her hiding a smile over a joke you made.
But it’s hard not to compare. They were the closest thing either of them had to a support system for years before you showed up, and you know that they’ve been together casually. Always casual. Joel stressed that part, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to know, especially now. 
You bury the thoughts the way you often do and turn your attention back to Joel. Back to staring. At least you’re consistent.
A man peaks out of the closet that seems to be the source of all the alcohol. He gestures vaguely in your direction. “That’s us,” Joel says, voice flat, “Wait here, I’ll be back.” 
Nodding as if to dismiss your own thoughts, you beg your mind to not create imaginary problems by reading into him telling you to stay. He’s walking a few feet away to get some boxes, it’s not the rejection insecurity is making it out to be. “I’ll hold down the fort, keep away trouble.” 
Joel blinks, turning his head in your direction briefly. The corner of his mouth turns up slightly, which is more of a reaction than he likes to give when in these kinds of places. He shifts his hand casually, his fingers brushing against yours briefly as he stands. The gesture is small but immediately dislodges the lump in your chest. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” It’s little more than a whisper, but there’s something hidden beneath the roughness of his tone. A pinch of lighthearted humor that’s only visible to you. 
It eases you even further. Joel turns away, moving behind the long table serving as a sort of bar counter. You tap your fingers against the surface without much thought, taking a second to absorb the easiness of it all. It’s rare that getting anything require so little. You don’t think anything’s ever come as easy as sitting on an uncomfortable bar stool. 
“So...” You blink, posture straightening as your eyes flit to the source of the sound. “Guard dog finally left you alone, princess?” 
Okay. Ew. Of course it’s the guy that’s been staring you down since you first sat down. You have to fight to not let your nose wrinkle. There’s no good in reacting, in escalating the situation. “Not a guard dog.” 
You hope that it’ll be enough to show that you’re not interested. “Aw, not feelin’ too friendly, baby.” Ew. You’re torn between cussing him out or actually punching him. Neither is an actual option. Places like these are a minefield and you refuse to be the one to set off a series of explosions. “Maybe you’ll cheer up after a drink, could get you one.” 
Turning your head, you take a breath before replying. “I have enough friends.” The stranger is clearly apart of a group. You don’t know if you could call them all friends, you’re not sure there’s enough casual trust in the world left for genuine friend groups. But they’re at least acquaintances, or work associates, or maybe they met here, equally inebriated enough to accept each other. It doesn’t matter, the point is they were chatting up a storm before he decided to wander over here and bother you. “And it looks like you do, too.” 
“Fine,” he relents too quickly, “Let’s not be friends, then.” His hand shoots forward, landing firmly--and disgustingly--on your waist. “Let’s be something else.” 
You’re unsure if you’re more repulsed by his hand on you or how terrible that line was. Your own hand clasps his, pushing and pulling in an attempt to create a space. He’s relentless, even when your nails start clawing at him. “If you want to keep your hand, I suggest getting off of me.” 
He blinks at your threat and then grins, flashing a smile that’s missing teeth. And then he laughs. A cold chuckle that makes its way beneath your skin. “God, I like them feisty.” 
Shoving your fingers under his, you manage to pry him off of you. Your foot moves, heels smashing into his toes as subtly as possible. “And I like them when they know how to fuck off.” 
His smile broadens, a cynical undertone to the look that makes it worse than before. “Oh, darling,” his hand finds your arm, tugging you forward, “You’re gonna pay for that.” 
“Pay for what?” Relief washes through you before you’ve even fully registered the familiar, even timber of Joel’s voice. He’s speaking in a lower tone than usual, an icy rage that you can feel in your bones and it’s not even directed at you. “Touching what’s not yours, ‘cause you’re the only one doing that.” 
There’s probably something you should say. A subtle warning to not go beyond scaring off the man that is clearly incapable of respecting a woman’s autonomy outside of another man’s claim over her. To not take it too far because it’s not worth it. Because you have it under control. Relatively.
Instead, you’re silent as the man releases you. He takes his time assessing Joel. The stranger is physically smaller and Joel does have that edge that only comes from someone that’s lost enough to be dangerous to anyone threatening what’s left. 
The man holds his hands up in defense, his glass sitting precariously between his thumb and pointer finger. “Easy, man.” You don’t even have to look at Joel to know that that was the wrong thing to say. “I didn’t mean any harm, if you set the price right, I’d be--” 
The rest of the proposition is taken care of by Joel’s fist connecting with the man’s jaw. You hear the audible crack before your mind can make the connection between Joel’s quick movement and the man’s silence. 
Holy shit. Joel didn’t just throw a punch, he threw a punch meant to shatter bone. He barely glances at you, and you’re too focused on the fact that Joel’s standing there, completely fine like he didn’t exert enough force to knock over a grown man. You blink as Joel extends the arm he’s been using to hold the small case. 
You’re too shocked to do more than take the box. The implication of why he’d hand you the box while still standing there doesn’t settle until Joel’s throwing another punch. Each hit is more committed than the last, even when the stranger’s knees give in and he collapses. 
Yeah, there’s definitely something you should say. Now. Like right now. You’d never ask him to hit anybody once, let alone do whatever he’s doing now. But words like ‘stop’ and ‘okay, think he gets it’ all jam themselves so far down your throat, you wouldn’t be able to pry them out with a wrench. 
All you can do is watch. It’s the kind of morbid fascination that reminds you of what it felt like to drive a little slower when passing a car wreck. You’re rooted in place by a realization that’s always been there at the back of your mind, an implied awareness. Joel’s more than just prone to violence when he needs to be. He’s angry. 
It should scare you. Terrify you. Your stillness should be some byproduct of that. But it’s not. Joe’s not a danger to you, he’s a danger for you. 
It’s a level of protectiveness you never thought you’d experience. Your chest feels warm. You hope you’re not messed up enough to consider this some grand display of love. However, there’s a vulnerability in the violence you can’t deny. You’re in a public place, the kind of morally questionable people that are far from above exploiting vulnerability. And yet here he is, announcing an undeniable attachment. 
Joel finishes, chest heaving and hands still curled into fists. The low light makes the thin layer of sweat on his skin seem like he’s practically glowing. His knuckles are already evidently split and swirling in distinct shades of blue and red. You’re mesmerized. 
“You can’t do that shit here.” 
That’s it. The only reprimand. In the world of before, he would have gotten the cops called on him. He would have gone to jail. 
Joel looks up, mumbles something under his breath that sounds suspiciously close to fuck off. He then looks at you, gestures with a tilt of his head for you to follow, and walks forward. 
You try not to think of what it must look like when you follow, quickening your steps to get closer to him after you’re out of focus. When you reach the door, Joel pulls it open with one hand and reaches for your fingers with the other. 
The way your eyebrows draw together when you’re examining an injury is different than the way they pull together for anything else. It’s too focused to be concerned and too concerned to be focused. 
Joel could stare at that expression for longer than he’d ever admit to. He could concentrate on that little line above your forehead and forget about everything else. “I’m fine,” he mutters, knowing that there’s no real point. You’ll do what you’re going to do when it comes to these kinds of things.
You nod absentmindedly, another small sign that you’re not as here as you normally odd. “It’d be awfully sad if you died of something as small as non-fungal infection.” 
He swallows, minding that look behind your eye. Things are still normal, you’ve yet to show any sign of rejection. He kept your fingers locked practically the entire way here and you let him. Never pulled away. 
It’s not like he needs to apologize. Joel did nothing wrong. He even gave you a minute to handle the situation, but the man was relentless. The kind of asshole that takes advantage of a world with little order to prey on women. Joel would do it again. And again. And again. There are no regrets there.
You’re not naive. You know what you signed up for when you accepted him. He’s never hid that from you. That doesn’t change the fact that you’ve always had a pension for forgiveness, a pinch of empathy the world hasn’t managed to snuff. 
“You’re dramatic, anyone ever tell you that?” 
A touch of a smile pulls on the corner of your mouth. “Hm. Think I’ve heard that once or twice from this one guy. Dark hair, dark eyes, cute, but not really my type.” 
Joel smiles, a partial laugh escaping him. “Really?” 
Turning over his hand with a gentleness he still finds difficult to understand, you press a quick kiss to his palm. You move back into your previous position so quickly it almost feels bashful. “I think you know the answer.” You flip his hand so that his knuckles face you again and go back to cleaning them. “You know, you didn’t have to...I wouldn’t have ever asked you to do that.” 
Joel can’t help his partial smile at that. Like there was ever any doubt. “I know,” he manages, “You’re not that.” 
It takes a second for you to understand what he’s implying. That you’re not like him. Yes, you get mad and you have nothing against putting people in their place, but you don’t like hurting people. Your lips part awkwardly, like you want to say he’s not that either, but you can’t. He just proved it to the both of you. 
“Nothing wrong with being like that,” you say, all too casual, “So don’t say it like it’s this big thing.” There is no end to the level of understanding you offer him. He doesn’t deserve it, he never will. “And you’re not like that in the way you mean. That asshole was, you’re not.” 
Joel lets out a low breath. Of course, even this you’d find a way to reframe. “You’d think so.” 
“I’m right.” It’s a quick reply, and the exact kind of response he expected. “You’re not a shitty person just because you beat up some guy or any of the reasons you’re thinking. New world, new morals. Accept it.” 
Your lips pull together into what’s almost a pout in your determination. Always so sure when it comes to him. “Mhm,” he breathes, watching your surprise at his compliancy. You know something’s coming, but not what. Your awareness does little to help you when Joel twists your hand in his pushes you back against the couch. “And what about you?” 
He hasn’t grabbed your hands yet, but you stay still, eyes trained on him. “I am a lot meaner than you think I am.” 
He tilts his head down to hide his amused expression. Your version of mean is fighting back. “You want to prove it?”
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theworldofotps · 4 years ago
Silent Stranger (Part 1)
Pairing: Dexter Lumis x Reader Word Count: 2,377 Description: New to NXT, Y/n makes some new friends who warn her to stay away from one of their coworkers. Misunderstood and silent Dexter can’t help but admire the new woman at work.
Part 2
Part 3
Dedicated to the sweet anon who said they would like to read some Dexter fics in the future. And I had been planning to but never had an idea, my sweet friend Rachael gave me this idea which I love. Anon I really hope you like this, and thank you so much @new-zealand-chic for all your help. Xx
Warning: Povs switch between first and third person throughout the fic. They are separated by ~~~ so hopefully you don’t get confused. ____________ Tag list:
@hungmanhorsecarriage @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @new-zealand-chic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666  @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @youcantreignonmyparade @melblacc @undiscovereddisneyroyalty
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _____________
“Glad you could finally join us Y/n we’ve heard some amazing things from the PC about you, I truly hope you enjoy working here with us at NXT.”
“Thank you so much Hunter I really appreciate it, I’m sure I’ll love it.”
I smile shaking his hand, standing I pull my bag over my shoulder following behind him as he leads the way from his office.
“I’ve already gone ahead and asked Shotzi to show you around just until you learn the ropes and know where everything this. She was thrilled to be the welcome committee, any questions you have just go ahead and ask her.”
“Thank you that takes away some of the nervousness I had.”
Following Hunter, down a few halls, we come to the back area where a few superstars were sat at tables doing their own thing or eating.
“Hey Shotzi come here for a moment please.”
I watch as an energetic woman comes over quickly her green hair standing out brightly, at least I wouldn’t lose or mistake her for someone else.
“What’s up boss?”
“This is Y/n, she’s the new superstar I was talking to you about the other day.”
“Of course the one I’m showing the ropes to, it’s so nice to meet you I hope that you enjoy working with us here.”
“Thank you, it’s nice to met you too I really appreciate you helping me.”
“You’re welcome, it’s no trouble at all I know how hard it can be when you first get here and who better to befriend on your first day than me?”
Shotzi laughs and lets out a little howl then hooks her arm with mine quickly leading me away from Hunter who chuckles waving. Walking around Shotzi points out a bunch of different areas and even introduces me to a few of the other wrestlers sitting or walking around. 
“What do you think so far?”
“It’s great better than I ever dreamed it could be I’m honestly so excited that this is going to be my life.”
Smiling as we sit at a table with some bottles of water and a bag of chips to share I look around watching everyone.
“Is this everyone?”
“No way, there are some in other parts of the building working out and some didn’t come in today. But you’ll see most of them on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.”
“Okay got it.”
I say eating a few of my chips as nervous as I was to be finally here I was more excited and hoped to befriend some of my coworkers.
“Once you’ve finished eating we can head over to one of the practice gyms and do some work to practice for whatever match you end up having first for your debut.”
“Sounds good to me I’m more than ready to get started.”
Shotzi smiles at me patting my back as we make small talk finishing our snack then heading off to find a ring to work out in. ~~~~~~~ Dexter walks quietly down the hallway he had just finished a match and gotten a shower. Since he wasn't needed for anything else tonight he was going home. Adjusting his duffel bag on his shoulder, he gets halfway through the center before feeling a smaller body crash into his from behind. Thinking it was someone doing an unexpected promo he quickly turns around stopping when he sees the new woman that joined NXT a few weeks ago. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to run into you. I'm trying to hide from my friend and wasn’t watching where I was going.”
She says and gives him an apologetic smile, Dexter offers his hand helping the woman up off the floor looking her over to be sure she wasn’t hurt then gives an incline of his head. She was trying to keep her balance as she adjusted her shoe. Hearing someone call her name he turns and leaves continuing on his way to the parking lot. Not noticing the woman left standing behind, staring after him. Getting into his car he starts it pulling out of the lot and driving back home.
That was the first time he had seen her face to face, the last few weeks she was at Full Sail he had taken a genuine interest in her. He had learned a little about her having overheard conversations with their coworkers while he was eating lunch. He honestly was kind of hoping to run into her sooner or later and found himself wanting to befriend the woman. He just wasn't sure how to go about it, maybe it was just best for him to be silent and wait. It was what he did best and he really didn't want to let people know he was curious about her.  
The drive from Full Sail to his house was filled with a little music playing on the radio. Other than that his mind was just wondering, he couldn't help but smile when he moved and the faint scent of your perfume hit his nose. You hadn't even touched him for that long. Parking in the garage once home he goes inside. Dexter was more than ready to sleep; he just needed to brush his teeth and change into pajamas. Stepping into his bedroom Dexter begins stripping crawling into bed once he is changed and settled. He was excited to go back to work to see you. 
~~~~~~~~~ Looking up from my book I smile seeing Finn walk into my room carrying a small vase full of flowers. 
"Y/n delivery." 
"Hey Finn, wow those are beautiful where did they come from?"
"I don't know I was coming to see if you wanted to grab lunch with Shotzi and I. They were sitting on the floor outside your door and there is a card that says. 'Hope you enjoy these flowers, they pale in comparison to you.'"
“Awe that’s so sweet.”
Standing I took the flowers, smelling them then reading the card, it was typed out so I wasn’t able to find out from handwriting who sent them. 
“I wonder why they didn’t sign their name.”
“Well if you ask me I think you have an admirer.”
“Oh come on Finn I haven’t even been here that long how could someone admire me?”
Setting the flowers on my small table I read over the card once more as he sighs dramatically and sits down next to me.”
“Because you’re an awesome person who just seems to draw people in even when you don’t mean to. I know you don’t feel like you’re good at making friends but people just can’t help but want to be around you.”
“If you hadn’t trained me at the PC would you have felt that way when I came here?”
“Probably then again I don’t know, being the champ makes me busy so it’s a probability but I’m sure we would have become friends quickly anyway.”
“Awe that’s sweet of you.”
Pinching his cheek lightly I laugh as he swats my hand away standing back up and stretching. 
“You wanna go get some lunch?”
“Yes I’m hungry.”
Standing I grab my phone pocketing it and following Finn from the room shutting the door behind me, placing my arm through his grinning.
”Lead the way Prinxey.”
Dexter watches from the shadows as Finn picked the flowers up that he had left for y/n, he really hoped that you liked them. Waiting until you left he walked over with a small gift box full of a few things for a self care day. Opening the door a crack he slides the gift in, he didn’t want to invade your privacy by going all the way in. And he was thankful you hadn’t remembered to lock the door before you left. Closing your door gently Dexter quickly leaves just to keep anyone from spotting him. Going back to his room he sits down to start on a drawing he was doing for you.
For the next month Dexter left you small gifts, drawings and notes just something to make you smile. Nobody could tell you who it was doing this all and he couldn’t believe his luck that you hadn’t found out it was him yet. You two still had no communication apart from the night you ran into him. He was good at staying hidden and to be honest he was nervous about how you’d react. It wasn’t any secret that a lot of people thought he was weird and even a bit scary. But the few people he had managed to befriend they all stayed out of each other's intimate relationships. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to go changing that now. ~~~~~~
"I can't for the life of me figure out who's been sending these gifts."
"Have you gotten any new ones lately?" 
Looking across the table at Johnny whose wife I was currently feuding with, I nod my head. Reaching into my bag I pull out the most recent picture. Handing it to him I watch as he looks it over then shows it to the guy beside him. 
"I can almost guarantee you that it's Lumis, he's the only person around here I've seen that draws like this."
Johnny says and hands the picture back with a chuckle.
"Which one is he?" 
I ask as if I didn't already know, I had been paying attention to Lumis since that night I ran into him. There was just something about his presence that made me want to know more about him. 
"He's that really tall guy kind of blonde colored hair, mustache and muscles he wears those leather gloves when he wrestles." 
Johnny says and then points towards the door over my shoulder. 
"That one right there, aye Dexter! Are you the one sending these weird pictures to Y/n?"
"Like you'd actually stand a chance?"
The guy sitting with Johnny laughs loudly, frowning I watch as Dexter stops in his tracks staring at our table. He quickly turned away leaving the catering area.
"Why would you do that?"
"Oh come on y/n don't worry or waste your time on Lumis he's a freak that's why he stays to himself."
Johnny listens to his friend before turning his attention back towards me.
"You'd do your best to stay away from him y/n honestly."
"I think that should be my choice to make and right now I'm going after him. I suggest you two find something else to do then be awful to someone who just doesn't wanna talk to people."
Grabbing my things I quickly leave the catering area looking down the hallways. I had no idea where Dexter had gone or even what room he stayed in. Pulling my phone out I text Finn.
Y/n🎶⭐: Do you know where Dexter's room is?
Hitting send I begin walking around if Finn couldn't help me I may have to find a staff member who could.
Finn😈👑: It's one hall down from mine left turn
Finn😈👑: Why?
Y/n🎶⭐: Cause Johnny thinks he's the one that's been sending me the pictures and gifts and they called him out on it and I think they made him feel bad
Y/n🎶⭐: So I wanna talk to him
Finn😈👑: Dexter doesn't really talk to anyone here except for the few people that he's friends with
Y/n🎶⭐: It's worth a shot
Finn😈👑: Just be careful and if you need anything let me know
Y/n🎶⭐: I know thanks Finn
Pocketing my phone I make my way down the hallways heading for Finn's room. Once past it I go down turning left. I look at the doors, not all the superstars had their own changing rooms but Dexter's was one of the only few back here. Taking a deep breath I knock on the door then step back to wait and see if he opened the door.
"Hi Dexter."
I wave after he opens the door.
"Can I come in please?"
Dexter steps out of the way after a moment of hesitation, stepping inside I walk a little farther in his room and look around. He motions to the couch, smiling at him I sit down fiddling with my fingers in my lap.
"We haven't formally met apart from me running into you, I'm Y/n. I wanted to come and apologize for how Johnny and whatever his friend's name treated you. I didn't think showing him the picture would cause that, I was just hoping he could help me figure who sent it."
Pulling out the picture I place it on the small coffee table between us.
"Did you do this? Are you the one who's been giving me the flowers, little gifts and drawings."
Watching Dexter rub a hand against his neck then nods his head, smiling at his gaze darting around the room I place it back in my bag.
"I want to thank you for everything. It was really sweet of you. You don't have to be embarrassed about it either if you were, I'm actually quite flattered."
I explained looking around the room, he hadn't said anything yet and I wasn't sure what else to really say.
"I know you don't really say much but maybe would you like to exchange numbers? I think we could be really good friends, and it would be easier for you."
Dexter nods and grabs his phone, swapping we put our names in and I hand it back.
"Well I guess that I better go, I have a practice match coming up and I don't wanna miss out. Thank you again."
Standing I walk to the door Dexter holding it open for me, stepping out I turn giving his hand a light squeeze then quickly making my way back towards my room. I felt really good about how it went and I hoped we could be friends. Stopping at my door when my phone goes off I pull it out smiling.
D. Lumis👁️👁️: Would you like to go get coffee or something sometime? Maybe Wednesday morning?
Y/n💮: I would love to😊
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Self Promo Fic Meme
oooh, I love these! I was tagged by the lovely @xx-thedarklord-xx =D
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics, and tag 10 people. 
This is basically all the prompted things I did recently XD kinda bummed about that.
Then again, if anyone wants some quick reads 👀 there’s even a decent range of themes from pure silliness to angst to soulmate stuff to smut
(Edit: I broke the rules and did 20 so I could catch some longer-than-drabbles stuff XD aaaaaand I also thought it would be fun to add one #tag for the content....sorry? not sorry and some of those #tags might just be me commentating? okay all of them are me commentating sorry? not sorry)
All fics are Drarry except where otherwise specified in brackets.
1.  “I’m wearing a corset, isn’t that good enough?” Harry huffed, trying to resist as Draco pushed him up the stairs. - Only for Him  #but-when-will-zoe-write-about-those-thigh-shirt-suspenders-tho-hmm-hmmmm? (no one needs to @ me I @ myself XD)
2.  When Ron arrived home by floo and went to open the living room door there was a loud yelp and an even louder thump, the unmistakable sound of a body hitting the floor hard. - To Save Those Tippy Toes (Rarry) #ron-is-the-best-boyfriend
3.  “You know, she’s only become more terrifying since school,” Draco muttered once the floo died down and Hermione was gone. - Required Watching  #the-only-education-that-matters
4.  Draco gripped the tiny jar so hard he might have shattered it in his hand. - Time to Think, Time to Doubt, Time to Know  #that-potion-is-so-fucked-up-though-imagine-what-people-might-see
5.  “Is that a chicken?” - Ignore the Chicken  #wtf-draco
6.  It was hours before Harry found him. - Well Matched, Poorly Matched  #let’s-take-a-perfectly-normal-prompt-word-and-make-it-angsty
7.  “This is stupid,” Draco muttered. - A Better Idea  #what’s-stupid-is-neither-of-you-saw-that-coming
8.  “Okay, before you get mad,” Draco started the moment Harry found him in the sitting room, “you have to know there were extenuating circumstances.” - Too Cute to Resist  #who-could-ever-resist
9.  “That tickles,” Luna murmured sleepily. - Five More Minutes (Linny) #body-hair-positivity-ftw
10.  “Never have I ever fancied Malfoy.” - All Thanks to Seamus  #kiss-him-yah-knob
Okay....so I’m still kind of annoyed that 9 of my last 10 things are prompted drabbles (and the other 1 is still prompted anyway) sooooo, I’m gonna do 10 more to catch some longer oneshots, yeah? 
11. Draco looked towards the sitting room door and sighed. - It’s Not an Autobiography  #draco-wants-to-be-an-elf
12.  “What the hell happened to you?” Ron asked when Harry showed up for their weekend Quidditch game. - Watch out for Hermione  #lol-of-course-someone-prompted-me-that
13.  “How did you manage to talk him into this?” Pansy asked, watching Harry leave their private box to nip off to the loo during intermission. - The Toothbrush of Commitment  #you’re-fucked-draco
14.  He Tian gives him the studs. - No More Waiting (19 Days - TianShan) #let-he-tian-be-soft-you-cowards
15.  Draco was waiting when Neville’s Portkey deposited him in a field in the middle of nowhere with some woods nearby. - Dragon’s Clover (and Other Discoveries) (Dreville) #and-today-on-the-top-5-most-dangerous-moments-to-kiss-someone-(or-neville-you-daredevil)
16.  By the time Neville reached greenhouse five, he was soaked. - Sharing Beauty in a Storm (Dreville) #neville-you-smooth-motherfucker
17.  It’s stupid. - Still Lacking Conviction (follow up to #20) #yes-you-are-harry-and-it’s-about-time-you-noticed
18.  “All I’m saying is, if you don’t do something soon I’m going to kill someone, and it might just be you, mate,” Ron said as they stepped into the elevator at the Ministry. - Ron Deserves Hazard Pay  #imagine-if-they-were-trolling-him-though
19.  Harry tried not to look nervous as he walked down the length of the jetty. - Testing the Waters (#2 in my Merman Draco series) #you-failed-bro
20.  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” - Try Again, with More Conviction  #just-admit-you-like-him-you-coward
Okay tagging @rockmarina @belleslettres-love @rose-grangerweasleyisbae, @parkkate, @gnarf, @candybarrnerd and @diligent-thunder and I'm brain blanking after that
But do feel free if you’re a writer to do this anyway, and just tag me as the person who tagged you so I can see!! (and maybe jot the names down somewhere so I know who might want to be tagged next time in a writers thing!)
also like, someone should make an ask game out of this, sending writers one of their fics and they have give a reaction tag for it? lol that would be hilarious tell me if you want me to do that omg i’m so down to do that
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edienotsedgwick · 6 years ago
Hello everyone! I don't exactly want to self promo again, but since I'm currently working on new material. I want to be able to get as much promotion out of MWB as possible while it's still mostly relevant. This is a link to a YouTube playlist so you can listen to it on there, but I'll be posting the links to other popular listening services so you can stream from there cause I'm currently trying to get to one hundred listeners, especially on Spotify and Soundcloud.
I know I'm very popular in this community for aesthetic posts, but I'd love to be known for my music too! Especially the lovely scenecore community who this EP is mostly dedicated to. <3
If you have some time in your day, please show me some support and leave some likes and comments. Love you all.
- Edie Xx
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aphrodite-l-writes · 7 years ago
Suffered Enough
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Pair: Bucky Barnes x OC
Warnings: Self-deprecating thoughts, some language maybe?
A/N: Hi Y'all! I will be writing reader-inserts in the future so please send in requests! I know many people aren’t huge fans of OC characters but I just wanted to give everyone a little promo of how I like to write? Please send in some feedback as this is the first thing I have published and I hope it is okay! Love xx
(Part 2)
I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
My morning coffee run was interrupted by the most attractive man I had ever seen, everything about him radiating beauty. His hair was pulled away from his face, highlighting his strong facial features. The way his skin glowed in the light was almost godly. He chimed a quiet thank you to the barista who smiled at him in return as he sat close to the window. He pulled a slightly-used copy of ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ from his small backpack, opening it to what appeared to be the last chapter. He pulled a pencil from his bun, his hair tumbling onto his shoulders as he scribbled a short note in the margin of the novel.
I was so engrossed in the behaviours of the man that I missed the same barista calling my own name. I scrambled to grab my large cup, smiling at him before dropping a tip in the jar. Every piece of me wanted to know him more. He seemed so far away from this world, yet somehow so close to the earth.
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
Once again, I found myself admiring the man in the coffee shop. He had finished Williams’ play and had moved on to ‘Lord of the Flies,’ one of my personal least favourite classics. I caressed my cup and pretending to be typing as I watched him stand, making his way towards me. His piercing eyes bore into mine as he stopped softly in front of me.
“I know the arm is weird but can you stop staring at it, please.” He huffed, exhausted.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Which I really didn’t. I had yet to notice the fact that one of his hands were metal.
“Oh, um, you weren’t staring at my arm?” He blushed, the soft pink making his features stand out further as he reached his arm to the back of his neck, rubbing it out of embarrassment.
“No, I hadn’t noticed your arm until now. I like literature. You have been reading some classics and I was just curious to see how you reacted.”
My well-formulated excuse seemed to be convincing as he relaxed his shoulders. “I am so sorry for accusing you like that.”
“You don’t need to apologise, I’m sure it would’ve been weird. I’m really sorry!”
He stood awkwardly in front of me for a while, clearly thinking, confused about what to say. “How are you liking Lord of the Flies?” I asked with a small smile.
“May I?” He gestured towards the chair and I nodded, probably too enthusiastically. “I like it, but it moves slowly. It’s a great concept but the execution is strange. How do you feel about it?”
“Personally, I absolutely hate it.” I laughed at my remark and he smiled softly. “On the other hand, I think it’s an interesting concept but the pacing is odd.”
“I agree. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof was much better.”
I smiled in agreement before catching a glimpse of his wristwatch. 12:37. I had been so occupied by the man that I completely lost track of the time. “Fuck, I’m sorry but I have to go. I have a class to teach in 20 minutes! It was lovely to finally talk to you…”
“James. James Barnes.” His grin made my stomach feel as if it was going to explode, his eyes glistening and his teeth perfectly white.
“Until we meet again James Barnes.” I smiled in return before collecting my things and beginning to leave.
“Wait, I never got your name!”
“Oh, sorry. It’s Audrey.”
“Just Audrey?
I nodded over my shoulder with a grin before rushing out of the cafe and to the high school, giddy from excitement over the perfect man in the cafe. James.
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
Bucky smiled over at me as we sat atop his car, overlooking the city, his blue eyes glistening in the moonlight. The cool breeze all but bothered me as he had placed his jacket over my shoulders, holding it onto my body by bringing me closer to his side. After only knowing the man for a month, I felt surprisingly comfortable with him. His friend Steve was worried that the two of us were moving too fast, but he grew to like me, at least it seemed that way.
I felt his lips on my cheek and snuggled my face further into his neck. “Am I finally going to know that elusive last name of yours?” He teased.
“Oh Barnes, only since you asked so nicely. My full name is Audrey Margaret Martinelli.”
“Yeah, why?”
“I knew a girl with that last name once.”
“Really? Maybe it was one of my cousins?”
“I doubt it. It was a long time ago anyway.”
His sudden dismissive behaviour was curious and I sat up, holding his face between my two small hands. I stared into his eyes which studied my face intently, soon filling with realisation. He pushed himself away from me, my hands falling from his face.
“James? What’s wrong?”
“Please, Audrey, drop it. It’s nothing. Get in the car, I’ll take you home.”
“Buck, please…”
“It’s nothing, please… Can we just go home?”
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
The incessant ringing of my phone woke me and I groaned as I saw an unknown number. I contemplated just not answering but decided against it, picking up the phone. The phone on the other line was definitely not a friend of mine.
“Yes, that’s me?”
“This is Steve Rogers. Bucky’s friend.”
My body jolted upright at the mention of James. After a week of having ignored texts and mixed calls, it was just what I needed. “Oh my God, Hi Steve. Is he okay?”
“He is okay, but he hasn’t left his apartment. I was wondering if you could meet me here. I’m guessing he would probably want to talk to you about it too.”
“Thank you, Steve. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
I ran from the small apartment I lived in, to my bike, pedalling as if my body could power it forever. I couldn’t feel the burn in my thighs at all as I sped through the busy New York streets, dodging pedestrians with skill. Before I knew it, I was out the front of the quaint building, leaving my bike attached to a post outside and sprinting as fast as I could up the stairs.
My hand was raised, ready to knock on the chipping door, but Steve beat me to it. He flung the door open, ushering me in with a smile of sympathy. I saw Bucky sitting at the table, his head in his hands, elbows firmly placed. It was possibly the saddest sight I had come to see. Someone so kind, so strong yet so very broken.
“James…” I spoke as softly as I could as I stepped towards the fragile man. He flinched at the mention of his first name.
“Bucky...please.” It was as if he was begging me.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No, it’s my fault. It’s all my fault.” He began to sob and my heart felt as if it was shattering. “I shouldn’t even be here, alive.”
“Bucky, please don’t say that!”
“Steve, why did you bring her here? Huh, to rub it in? The fact that I can never be happy?” He spat, fire filling his wet eyes.
“Buck, I think you need to tell her. I mean, we’re all connected. She is her granddaughter.” Steve was almost as cautious as I was.
“Wait, how would you two know my grandmother? Angie is dead, she has been for a while.”
“I know Audrey. I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m Steve Rogers, Captain America.”
My heart rose to my throat. The man standing in front of me had been through hell, yes, but he knew my grandmother. He knew her friend Peggy well. He must know more than I do about her, about their relationship, about Angie’s life.
“Yes, and I would love to hear you talk more about my grandmother, but what has that got to do with Bucky?”
“Buck, do you want to tell her?” Steve’s question was answered with a small nod.
“Auds, doll, come sit.”
I sat directly in front of the man I had come to know so well, grasping his hands in mine. He was quick to tell me when he met Steve, in the 1930s. Everything in me was telling me to run at that exact moment but something made me stay. Whether it was that I had grown to almost love the man, but he was good and kind. He deserved love as much as everyone else.
Soon, he had told me about how Hydra forced him into becoming the Winter Soldier but how his reform led to him becoming somewhat an asset to the Avengers, mostly, Steve’s cause. His eyes were filled with so much pain over what he had done to people, or what he was brainwashed to do.
“I know it’s all a bit much. You can leave, please, I can’t bear to have you tell me how disgusting I am.” He pulled his hands from my own.
“Bucky, I don’t think you are anything less than the kindest, most wonderful man I have met.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Yes, I do. You are extraordinary Bucky Barnes. You are human and you are beautiful and I don’t know why you had to suffer so much, but you deserve to be happy now. You have felt so much pain and now you are free to be happy.” I smiled up at him, standing to meet him and bringing my hand up to his face, wiping a fallen tear from his cheek.
He pulled me into his chest, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I stayed in his large arms, cherishing the affection while it lasted. “Thank you for telling me Bucky.”
“You deserved to know.”
There was a minuscule silence that Steve soon broke. “You look very similar to your grandmother. Almost the exact same. It’s fascinating.”
“That’s quite the compliment, Mr Rogers.” I grinned and Bucky let out a breathy laugh. “Ooooh, tell me what she got up to as a teenager!”
Steve and Bucky began telling me stories about her, myself in Buck’s lap as the three of us laughed hysterically. The two don’t particularly scream ‘fun’ when you look at their exteriors but the two were a perfect pair, chiming in each other's stories. The three of us were happy. Bucky finally seemed genuinely happy.
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud
The tall ceilings of the hall amazed me, the crystal chandeliers hanging so beautifully, the light coming in from the windows hitting the shards and reflecting onto the skin if those standing near it. I thought I was alone admiring the venue until Bucky appeared next to me, holding his arm out for me grab ahold of. I took it gladly and he escorted me towards the large group of people, all dressed beautifully.
“You look beautiful doll.” He whispered, pressing a small kiss on my cheek. “They’ll love you, I promise.”
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oppasfengurl · 7 years ago
Hello guys. It's me, Kate. After many thoughts I decided to deactivate my tumblr page. I'm 23 years old. And because of the lack of time and because of personal matters I don't have that much time just like I had back in the 2014 when I created my tumblr page. I mean I barely use my PC now, I'm mostly on my phone and also as I've said my life isn't only about my PC anymore. Heck, it sounds so messy, ugh, I'm sorry. Let's get the ish together: I don't think I'll use tumblr anymore. I astonished myself with this decision too, but logging on here just for few minutes and then log out for a whole week is no fun to me. To make things clear: I'M NOT LEAVING KPOP. Hell no. It's the only thing that I have right now and the only place that help me forget about everything that hurts me, for a moment. Please continue be great kpop fans, a loving kpop family. Be well, you all. Kate xx 
 P.S. I'm not deleting my tumblr acc. It'd hurt too much lmao. I'll still be active on Instagram (instagram.com/michikyeah). You can always talk to me there and I won't ignore you :) (MY INTERNET FRIEND SAYS I'M NICE AND SO ON SO.... YEAH. Excuse me that awkward self-promo lmao) Once again, take care. And see ya! :) Kate
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aye-sha · 8 years ago
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*~ deleting the text or self promoting will result in disqualification ~*
Hi lovelies! I have always wanted to start my own network for a long time and finally have the time to do so. Since I know a lot of people love pizza just as much as I do, I have decided to create ‘The Pizza Lovers Squad’ ! I hope you like the idea and I would love you all to join :)
R U L E S :
Must be following me @aye-sha
Reblog this post (likes can be used for bookmarking)
Fill out this typeform
P E R K S :
A follow from me (if not already)
A community full of amazing and supportive friends who love pizza just as much as you do!
Featured on an awesome network page :)
Promo’s on request at any time. 
Network members can queue from each other leading to your blogs growing!
H I G H E R  C H A N C E :
Talk to me! (highest chances here really)
Follow my beauty blog here 
Follow my instagram here (message me after you have done so )
Reblog this post more than once (i will notice you more this way)
Reblog at least 3 posts from here and here
Leave a message in my guestbook here :)
O T H E R :
This beautiful banner was made by the awesome haniah! (@rehticent). You can request a banner from her here : @bannersbyrehticent :)
I will be picking members when this post gets an enough number of notes.
You can apply for my other projects such as my faves 2.0 page here :)
If you have any questions, you can ask me here
That is all babes! Thank you for reading this and I am hoping to see you in the network soon xx
- Ayesha xx
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secret-rendezvous1d · 8 years ago
TOP 6 one shots (Can be written by anyone) plus links please🙂
I’m not a fan of doing ones like this normally because I want to list more than 5 because I hate leaving people out. I love reading everyone’s work on here so I don’t want people thinking that they’re not my favourites because they really are and I read too many to keep count of...
1. My absolute favourite is ‘Shield’ written by @geenalovesthelittlethings; to be completely honest, all of her stories are my favourites, haha. She’s incredible at writing.
2. Another of my favourites is ‘Panic Cord’ by Geena, as well. It’s so sweet.
3. I also really love the one where Harry is a pornstar and (YN) is new into the business, by @jawllines.
4. I love @permanentcross‘s Snowbound series. That’s a pretty great set of stories so it’s hard to pick one out of that.
5. Any Daddy!Harry story by @two-swallows-above-a-butterfly are my favourites, too. Jess always portrays Daddy!Harry in the most sweetest way possible and it just makes my heart burst.
6. Also, a little self-promo for a past story of my own here... but, I really love the Another Man story that I wrote back last year. That’s one of my favourites from my own collection.
Ask me my “Top 6”. xx
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TFTP: The Faux at the Garage
In which we photograph at a new venue, almost get attacked by an ibis, and visit JB HI-FI.
Hi, hello, and welcome!
My name is Skyler and I’m running out of intros. If I don’t come up with any witty or interesting ones I’m going to use minimalism quotes instead, and if you’re my friend you’ve probably heard enough of those. Anywho… I recently received the wonderful opportunity to shoot The Faux’s headliner at the Garage, and holy shit… t’was incredible. The Faux are arguably my favourite local band (alongside fifty or so others… I’m sorry, I’m indecisive and local artists are amazing), so being able to photograph their show was marvellous. December 16th came quicker than I anticipated, and I was far too enthusiastic – but that’s a good thing, right? But let’s take it back a step, back to the 13th. T’was my final day of school – for the year – and I couldn’t wait to leave. Technically speaking, the 14th was the final day… but nobody goes to that, right? So I came home, had a one-person party featuring the All-American Rejects on fancy blue vinyl, and messed around with my Olympus compact camera. The gadget was recently repaired by the lovely lads at JB HI-FI (we all saw this coming), however t’wasn’t the same. Apparently they’d repaired it but it was replaced but no it was only a battery issue but then agai--- essentially, nobody knew what the hell actually happened. Not JB’s fault, rather that of their repairers. I had the option of returning it back. I wanted to, since a renewed item with an unsure background concerned me, so I decided to take it back on Friday. Come Friday, I found myself in JB in the midst of the Christmas shopping season. The meagre idea of it gave me a migraine; did you know that approximately one in seven Americans would avoid gift exchanges if only they addressed the subject with their family and friends? The Australian statistic would likely be relatively similar. That’s a lot of wasted money and resources. Hey look, I’m turning this into a minimalism rant! Yay! Moving right along… After returning the item successfully, the manager asked me: Manager: Would you be interested in another camera? Me: Why, yes… You see, I’ve been considering purchasing a Nikon D750 for a while now… Manager: Let’s go have a look. Me to myself: YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY Me: Okay. Manager: So do you know how much it’ll cost you? Me: Oh, only an arm and a leg… Long story short, they’re willing to do a crazy discount and I feel spoilt. I’m picking it up this week and I cannot contain my excitement. JB HI-FI promo over. Back to Saturday: I’d never visited let alone shot at the Garage before, so I had no clue about what to expect. I knew the lighting setup wasn’t ideal, but I didn’t know the extent of its… horribleness. Not taking shady public transport was weird. I was far too used to trains that ran along the Joondalup line and hopes of “that one random pissed dude” not sitting next to me, all whilst wishing that someone cleaned up the puke that ran along the vehicle’s carpeted interior. So driving to a venue crept me out, and I’m sure it crept everyone else out, too; considering how my mother slowly pulled up, deliriously staring out the window and heavily judging everything in sight. Y’know what else was weird and creepy? The ibises. Do you know how many ibises flew overhead at that place? Too many. “But you’re overreacting, Sky, they’re just flying past. Honestly, your phobia is so irrational.” Just shut up, you fearless bastards… the bin chickens are out to get me. I feel as though there’s been too much complaining already… but then again, every TFTP is essentially a collection of rants. Can we just take a moment to consider the atmosphere of that venue? It’s so cool. If I were writing some random posh novel and had it as a setting, it’d probably be described like this: "The exterior mirrored its neighbours, a sickening shade of pale grey… or something of that nature; one failed to recount such nugatory information after being enthralled by the venue’s interior. Despite, its inhabitants participated in an abundance of ravishment and instilled nostalgia. And the aforementioned interior… oh, the intrigue: kindred furnishings lay upon the adamantine floors, accompanied by beguile characters pursuing carmine relations… and receiving little more than they desired. Candescent ornaments lined each wall surrounding the mezzanine, blinding and heating those standing below, and omitting photographers’ chances of exquisite shots… though that’d also fall blame on their expertise. Luminous bodies inside, celestial ones glittering beyond… what more could one desire?" …I realise how little sense that made… it only makes sense in my mind, and sometimes not even there. It’s probably worth noting I spent three hours writing another two pages worth of that random crap and spared you the time of reading it. So I suppose you’re welcome. (Side note: that is not how I usually write fiction, so please don't be deterred from reading my novels when they're released!!! Shameless self-promotion.) Serious question though, what style of writing do you guys prefer: blog or novel style? Not that one would be incorporated into the other, but I’m just curious. Time to get to the point… First up was Ashleigh Carr-White, an enthusiastic young singer and instrumentalist. Supported by her vast and talented band, she provided a smooth start to the night, and did incredibly well for a debut performance. Her skills are impeccable, though she seemed under-appreciated by the audience… that wasn’t her fault whatsoever; it was probably still early and everyone was still getting into the spirit. She’s also super humble and easy-going, so all the more reason to check her out! Intermission. Panic! at the Disco, The Killers, more of my faves played through the speakers. Failing not to dance around in my seat. Sheepish grinning whilst mouthing “CAUSE I’M MR. BRIGHTSIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”. Up next was Those Who Dream. Now listen… Those Who Dream… Those Who freaken Dream… Smurf dudes… I owe a lot to those lads. They gave me my first ever photo pass back in April, and have always been super sweet and helpful in terms of scoring gigs. Not to mention that their sets are the most energetic and fun things to shoot. They truly give it their all onstage. You’ve got those bands that just stand there, that don’t jump off the stage and run through the entire venue, that don’t swap instruments and don’t invite members of The Faim to party with them. But Those Who Dream does. They go at it until they’re falling to the floor, and then give it some more. They go all out, no regrets, no drawbacks, both musically and in terms of their performance. Josh is the upbeat cyan dude who honestly cannot stay still, and Cooper is the innocent-smiling, hard-hitting drummer who keeps the duo going. Without one, ya can’t have the other. And they are the best Twenty Øne Piløts cover band – and an incredible original band – in Perth. Intermission. The Encounters. Sound familiar? Oh, they’re only those super cool dudes who play great music and have too many technical difficulties because technology hates us. Seriously though, these guys continue the evening’s trend of humbleness whilst providing some killer tunes. The band did a marvellous job with their short set – they were unfortunately cut short due to the excessive time spent dealing with technical issues, thus why I hate technology – and definitely left everyone begging for more. T’was during their set that I had the most trouble with lighting, particularly since I was shooting a lot from the right of the stage, where the lights were shining directly yet nowhere. It was really shitty lighting, man. Really shitty. That’s why I only managed to revive thirteen photos via Lightroom. That app’s tagline should be: “Lightroom: saving sanities and photography careers est. [whenever t’was released]”. (Sponsor me, Adobe.) Nevertheless, the guys did a fabulous job with the time – or lack thereof – that they had. Intermission. T’was time for the headliners, our folks in The Faux. From the first note, the crowd was chanting alongside Alex, swaying along to the aesthetic instrumentals, and having one hell of a good time. There were lyrics that were certainly crowd favourites, including the band’s trademark, “I can’t dance with you, but I can write you a love song.” Each and every audience member was part of a special collective, a group of fun-loving teens and young adults celebrating the year’s end and the band’s 2017 achievements. The band performed fantastically, quite the opposite of the lighting’s performance. Their style is so simplistic and elegant that it’s rather fascinating. Don’t get me wrong; they give it their all, they’re sweaty messes by the hour’s end, but they maintain a minimalistic stage quality that’s somewhat indescribable and is evidently making little sense. In short, they’re one hell of an incredible band. …And that was that. Up next: I don’t fucken know, I’m not even following the upload schedule.
MUSICAL SUMMARY: Ashleigh Carr-White: chill and groovy/5 Those Who Dream: Smurfs on acid + hi Stevie pls get me into the sws show ill do anything/5 The Encounters: tHEY DESERVED BETTER (butitsnobodysfaultokay)/5 The Faux: aesthetic eargasms/5
PHOTOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: Lenses: Better than our government (and their citizenships are clear)/5 Camera: last time shooting with the D3400/5 Lighting: Kill me with a butter knife/5 Editing: life saving/5 My sanity: nope never heard of it/5 Check out all the amazing artists via the following links: Ashleigh Carr-White Those Who Dream The Encounters The Faux
Live long and headbang, xx-Skyler Slate
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ajaklaaaaaaaa · 7 years ago
Who is Nick Weaver coming all the way from Seattle over L.A. to Germany wearing an Eintracht Frankfurt Jersey in his Tour promo video? He is an artist, he is a performer, he is a producer and a guy like you and me. Check out our interview for information about his HipHop approach, his self-perception and the tour dates in Bad Nauheim on the 10th and 11th of November 2017. In 2016, 330724 Spotify listeners streamed 9.8 years of his music. The first release that I found online was „Forever Automatic„ in 2012, followed by his debut „Day One, None“ in 2013, by “Yardwork” 2015, „Prowler“ in 2016 and „Photographs Of Other People“ 2017. Besides that you can find side projects and freestyles on his Youtube account. You’ll find the tour date infos at the end of the article. NICK WEAVER Website – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram – Spotify – Soundcloud – Youtube – auf RUN FFM When asked about the style of his music he says it has a Kendrick Lamar, James Blake and Jamie XX touch and is for any fans of Hip-Hop, R&B and even Electronic Music. The list of artists he likes and is inspired by is long and diverse: From Depeche Mode, Mozart, N.W.A., The National, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Chip, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Jay-Z, Nas, Biggie, Mobb Deep, to Eminem.* Let’s jump in with the interview. Can you tell me something about your family- and your educational-background? I grew up outside of the city of Seattle in the United States. I have two older brothers, a mother, and a father – they all live in Seattle area. My father was a scientist for the United States Geological Survey and my mother was a writer/technical editor. I studied marketing at a college in Seattle, which lead me to a business career before I got super serious about music when I moved to L.A. It seems like you had a productivity boost since 2016 judging from you youtube output. What happened? I became much more self-sustained as an artist. I taught myself how to produce instrumentals, so I could pretty much do it all. That process was (and still is) so inspiring and motivating to me. It re-ignited my creativity; the desire to try new stuff. What do you think people feel when they listen to your music? I hope they hear someone who puts a lot of themselves out there. Music is such an incredible thing to be able to do, so you really gotta go all in. I hope people hear someone who really loves the process of making music, and someone who is constantly working at creating their own style of sound. You seem to be a dedicated person thinking about you inspirational and motivational talks on Youtube. Why did you decide to share those thoughts with your audience? I love talking about the process of being creative. I love sitting down with fellow artists, business owners, even friends who have big dreams in other fields. It’s motivating, and it keeps me driven. I created the #WorkFlow series as a way to let people see that side, and to show them that “Nick Weaver” the artist is also very human. In Yardwork BTS: Ep 4 – The Show you say the following: “Everyday shit that I know a lot of people relate to. It’s just real life shit. Keeping that theme, maturation, coming of age, figuring out what is important in life and sort of casting away the rest of the bullshit.” Would you say that you are a normal guy? I would like to think so, yes. Everybody has their own quirks and eccentric parts to them, I have no shortage of my own. I like that about people though. It’s not hard to figure out that you are a sports fan. On your IG are a lot of pictures showing you in jerseys of many different teams. Are you also practicing sports? I used to play a lot of sports – soccer (properly called football in your country), and basketball. I am short, so I always play sports with a big chip on my shoulder! There is one thing that we are especially interested in: Where did you got this awesome Eintracht Frankfurt jersey from? Good choice! Haha, I knew RUNFFM would like that! So in the States you can actually order the Bundesliga kits without sponsor logos on them. Eintracht Frankfurt is my team for life! When I toured Germany in 2016 I promised myself that if I got to see a Bundesliga team play at home, that team was going to be my squad – and it just so happened to be Eintracht that I got to see. The fans were so amazing, it was like a spiritual sporting experience for me. Frankfurt has been my team ever since. I even got to see them do a friendly match in my hometown against the Seattle Sounders. How did some of your videos end up at the german entertainment and gamer channel RELOADIAK? Christian (RELOADIAK) is a homie. He has been such a great support to me. He initially found my music when it was featured in a Super Street Magazine car video a few years back. He really liked it and contacted me about asking to use it. He had so many amazing fans there that really liked my music, so we built a relationship where he was cool with posting some of my content on his channel. Which kind of relationship do you have with Germany? What made you tour here and not in another European country? The fans I have in Germany are so supportive. They show me so much love on Spotify, YouTube, Instagram, FB, everywhere. I love them for that. They created the opportunity for me to go somewhere else in the world and play music. I can’t even describe how grateful I am for the fans! The tour had to be in Germany! It seems like you’re doing more than just rapping. You contacted me, I saw storyboards on your IG, you are playing instruments and you are producing? Is it a necessary evil or do you need to be in control of all the work? I think independent artists should be in control of as much as they think they can still be happy with. I certainly think there are things like videos and photography that you need to leave to the pros. But there are so many tools these days to help you create your content. It’s all one YouTube tutorial away. Even if your doing a lot on your own you probably have a team or people that you trust and work with. Who are these people and how do they help you? My manager Austin Hurwitz is a lifesaver, extremely professional, and an incredibly hard worker. He keeps me honest about my process too. My good friend Ryan Skut shoots a ton of my stuff. He shot all the artwork for the Photographs Of Other People project. I still have a core group of my best childhood friends and my family who come to all of my shows in my hometown in the states, that support after all these years means so much. Do you still have your full time job and what is it about? I have been lucky enough to do music mostly full time at this point in my career. Every once in a while I do contract work on the side for corporate event planning. The first video on your Youtube channel supports a foundation called “Growing Veterans”, you released an EP dedicated to the movie “The Rock” and you can be seen shooting a rifle on your IG. What do you think about the army and weapons in general? You really did your homework on me! Growing Veterans is a great organization in the States started by my childhood friend Christopher –  a US Marine veteran who wanted to help other military veterans back home. The USA still does not give our military veterans the resources they need after service. They struggle with mental health, finding work, and many other problems when they come home. Chris created Growing Veterans to find work for former military folks in agricultural and farming industries. Our military has endured a lot on behalf of our country’s decisions, it’s important for me to support groups like Growing Veterans. Despite that IG photo, I am very anti-guns. Somehow, someway, the United States is going to have to figure out how to decrease gun violence. Literally as I write this answer, I am seeing a news update about another public shooting in a church. Gun violence is the saddest most senseless shit, and the United States needs real leadership to change this issue. NICK WEAVER GERMANY TOUR „HipHop Jam VII“ Freitag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Jugendhaus Alte Feuerwache, Johannisstrasse 5, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event „Fashion by relict with Nick Weaver DJ Set“ Samstag, 10.11.2017, Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Fashion Caffe Bar, Reinhardstraße 10, 61231 Bad Nauheim Facebook-Event To get an even more tangible picture of your persona I would like you to share something about you that you do not highlight on social media. Guilty pleasures, secrets, things that you want to improve? I love old video games. I just bought a Super Nintendo yesterday, because I still have all my old SNES games from growing up. And I’m not talking about that little “Super Nintendo Classic” that comes pre-loaded with 20 games. I went and bought the OG system on eBay. I still miss my Honda Civic, which is immortalized in my Prowler, Yardwork, and Day, One None albums. I owned that car for 10 years, a whole decade! I am going to get a tattoo of it. I just recently watched the entire Friday Night Lights TV series for the first time. It’s the closest thing to a soap opera that I vibe with. Thank you for your time and the intresting insights! Thank you so much for this opportunity, I know it is in on short notice as well so I really appreciate you doing this! *If you would like to know even more about Nick Weaver you can check out his interviews with respectmyregion, distinctionmgmt, illuminati2g and therealhip-hop. Thanks to my awesome and beautiful Italian co-author Laura for cross-reading! I hope you enjoyed the article For more global HipHop related articles chek my previous posts. Feel free to send me suggestions or feedback to „yoscha at runffm.com“. Find me on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/SoundCloud/tumblr. Cya! Um mit weiteren Events und Konzerten in und um Frankfurt auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, empfehlen wir euch unsere Gruppe mit Veranstaltungshinweisen auf Facebook. Der Beitrag Have you met?! with Nick Weaver erschien zuerst auf RUNFFM.
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indeliblymarred · 5 years ago
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in·del·i·bly /inˈdeləblē/ adverb            - in a way that cannot be removed or forgotten
marrred /märd/ adjective            - to ruin or diminish the perfection or wholeness of
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indeliblymarred · 5 years ago
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❝ There's something inside me that knows that I am more     than what they say...                                                   I AM ALIVE       ---and they're not gonna take that from me anymore. ❞
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