#xvi.        ❛ tryna put you in the worst mood.     ( asks. )
micvhisms · 7 years
🌟 …someone my muse trusts.
the two people micah's pretty much always trusted are CRISTIAN and NAOMI. it’s because he’s had a life with cristian, and maybe it hasn’t always been like this with naomi. maybe there were times when they didn’t have this between them. but for at least a few years, he’s trusted naomi. they’re two of the three people he feels comfortable telling anything to. because cristian’s always been his best friend and better, hotter half. maybe things with them aren’t always great, because fuck knows they need to learn to actually talk to each other. and it’s tiny steps in the right direction for them, but cristian is everything micah needs and doesn’t deserve in a best friend. he’s understanding, and it isn’t judgement that looks back at micah when he looks at him. there’s always comfort with cristian, because even if micah’s go to phrase is i’m always okay, it’s okay if he’s not, and it’s okay to talk to cris when he’s not. because cristian’s always been family (except maybe not, because there have been a few Dreams™ and micah really would bang cristian like a gong if given the chance) and it goes unsaid, but cristian’s the only reason he lived through high school, his one drunk car accident notwithstanding. 
and naomi’s pretty much his sister, the one he never knew he needed. she makes him better, even if he doesn’t see it like that. he thinks, sometimes, if he hadn’t moved in with her, he would’ve lost himself in his darkness a long time ago. but she brightens his life; figuratively and literally. the apartment is always filled with pinterest shit, and it’s annoying to wake up with glitter on his pillow, but sometimes, he smiles. and he has picture frames that she made for him, with pictures of her and the twins, and he always says he hates them, but they’re set up in his room, easy for anyone to see. she makes him laugh, even without meaning to. and she can be so fucking dumb sometimes, but he honestly loves that about her. and it’s always easy being around her, and he would’ve opened up to her a long, long time ago, if he hadn’t been so afraid of it catching up to her. they both come from pretty shitty families, but they’re a family of their own, and how can he not trust her? 
that’s long and gross, but there’s really nothing he wouldn’t do for the two of them.
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micvhisms · 7 years
👑 👰
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
DANIEL AND BLAIR. and that’s not said in the edgy, i wish i were dead kind of way. (that, too, though.) but because they died with the person they loved the most. and micah doesn’t know if he’ll ever have anything like that, because he’s not sure he’s capable of love. but they had it, and they died together. they didn’t have a happily ever after, but he’s not sure those exist, anyway.
👰 …someone my muse would consider marrying.
i don’t even think he’s considered marrying anyone. because a) he legitimately never imagined he would live long enough of it, and if they go to silverwood, he probably won’t. and also b) he’s not exactly lovable. so he’ll joke and say he’d marry CRISTIAN, but he can’t really imagine marrying anyone.
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micvhisms · 7 years
😒👿👑👪 ( i laughed at the last one )
😒 …someone my muse hates.
NAOMI’S FATHER. micah’s only met the man a few times, and he used to think of him as a good man. it’s easy to think of anyone as a good dad, in comparison to micah’s own, but he thought carson was the epitome of fatherhood. he thought it was admirable, how often he was willing to watch the twins, when naomi needed a break, or when she just couldn’t. he used to think that he was someone worth something. but in the past year, micah’s watched as his words settled on naomi. he’s watched as every mean comment, and every cruel word got to her, diminishing at her confidence. and now this? taking her kids? micah’s never really hated anyone; not until now. not until this.
👿 …someone my muse used to like, but doesn’t anymore.
haha, himself. once upon a time, micah really was happy. self-love was the eternal mood. but years living with the monster that his father became… it changed him.
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
literally everyone? but, in particular, i’m gonna be honest and say JULIAN. micah feels a lot towards julian, but jealousy is certainly a part of it. because julian has a lot going for him. he’s smart, and he’s so easy to befriend (if you aren’t micah). he has a huge family, where micah now has none. julian’s weak, but that’s because he’s never had to be cold and guarded. julian has a lot that micah wishes he had, but that’s a sentiment micah’s taking to the grave.
👪 …someone in my muse’s family.
MICAH’S MOTHER was bright, once upon a time. she was the warmth of the sun shining through the window, something you can’t look at, lest you lose yourself in her divine ways. she was beauty and luminescence, a picture that spoke millions of words without saying anything at all. her laugh was nothing beautiful; it was loud and silly, with snorts breaking the air once in a while. she was cold, then. a passing fog that settles into his home, into his bones –––– first, every few weeks, then days, then it was never gone. she was dismissive, her eyes flitting past him carelessly. she was warm, until he existed too loudly, too roughly. he always thought it was his sharp mannerisms that cut, but no. no, it was her jagged edges, disguised as the same smooth skin he used to reach for, that scarred.
then and now, micah’s mother was everything to him. he remembers her in the phantom touch of lips against his forehead, hands tucking blankets further up to hold him where she didn’t. he remembers her warmth, and her weird laugh, and the way she and his father used to dance, back in their happier days. he remembers her coming to his first dance competition, back when he did things for fun and not in the name of escapism. he remembers the light in her eye, and the way he could always lose and find himself in her gaze. he remembers her the way you remember the north star.
in the end, micah was nothing to her. he wonders, sometimes, if she remembered him at all.
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micvhisms · 7 years
micah likes to think nothing in this group surprises him anymore. things are always weird, but it isn’t surprising. nothing is surprising until he finds himself with an arm full of verena. it’s unexpected, and a little terrifying. he doesn’t know what to make of it, because it doesn’t seem like the type of thing she’d do. but he responds in kind, because he’s sort of getting the hang of this now. he hugs her back, just as tight, because he doesn’t know if it’s for him, or for her. he doesn’t say anything at first; he lets them stay that way for moment, before he finally asks –––––––––– ARE YOU OKAY?
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micvhisms · 7 years
im micah im so sad so smol sad smol boy o(╥﹏╥)o . h - h ewwo ?? . i like to listen to breathe me by sia on repeat and punch dry wall. i'm also a person you'll try to impress for no fuckin reason
5/10. he’s never heard breathe me, and there is absolutely nothing smol about this boy.
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micvhisms · 7 years
send “✆” for a MORNING text.
micah » hm. ( 09:40am ) : good morning, do you think you can delete my existence? i’d love that.
send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
micah » hm. ( unsent ) : you’re the only one i’m actually honest aroundmicah » hm. ( unsent ) : probably bc you talk too much when you’re angry and so do i 
send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
micah » hm. ( 02:53pm ) : why the fuck don’t you just get a key at this point, lana
send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
micah » hm. ( 09:31pm ) : rail me.micah » hm. ( 09:33pm ) : *fight memicah » hm. ( 09:34pm ) : autocorrect. 
send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
micah » hm. ( 11:11pm ) : what watch is naomi talking about?
send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
micah » hm. ( 01:03am ) : do you realize how fucking insane you are?micah » hm. ( 01:05am ) : as bad as i might be for the kids, i’m not nearly as bad as you.micah » hm. ( 01:05am ) : fuck you, cruz.  
send “#” for a RANDOM text.
micah » hm. ( 10:00pm ) : every breath you take is the creepiest song i’ve ever heard.micah » hm. ( 10:01pm ) : it reminds me of you.   
send “@” for a SCARED text.
micah » hm. ( 02:45pm ) : pleas elte me outmicah » hm. ( 02:46pm ) : i can;tmicah » hm. ( 02:46pm ) : lana, i can’t breathemicah » hm. ( 02:47pm ) : pleas elget  me out of heremicah » hm. ( 02:49pm ) : fucking basement, not again 
send “&” for a LOVING text.
micah » hm. ( 08:21pm ) : i already like you more than i like julian, so there’s that.
send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
micah » hm. ( 03:09am ) : can you hack into nasa for me? i just wanna talk.
send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
micah » hm. ( 05:42pm ) : attached video of the twinsmicah » hm. ( 05:43pm ) : THEY SPEAK
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
micah » hm. ( 04:42pm ) : yeah? when was the last time you actually vored someone, dumbass?micah » hm. ( 04:43pm ) : …nothing i say can change what you’ve seen, but just know you weren’t supposed to see it. 
send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
micah » hm. ( 12:00pm ) : watch out for them for me?
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micvhisms · 7 years
                                           send me a symbol for…
✿  five times my muse almost texted yours, and the one time they did.
i. please don’t tell my brother. honestly, as much as micah liked cristian’s sisters, this wasn’t his place. their drama had nothing to do with him. he already didn’t know why she’d called him in the first place. yeah, they kept in contact after he left for college, but it wasn’t like they were best friends. it wasn’t even a best friend’s hot little sister kind of thing, because a) micah had known her far too long to even be remotely interested, b) he’d had to drive to the market at three am to get tampons with her before, and there really was no coming back from that, and c) cristian would probably actually hit him if micah showed that much interest. ( with good reason. he was already protective, and she deserved someone who could be emotionally available and could treat her right. micah couldn’t even say the word emotion without getting weird. ) 
it just further showed that he had no right getting in the middle of this. he drafted a text to his best friend. call claudia, she’s having a bad day. it would be out of his hands, and into those of someone much more equipped to handle this. but she’d asked him not to; she’d begged him to keep this between the two of them. lina freaked out, and you know he would, too, micah, please. and… she had a point. ugh. he deleted the text to cristian and called her back.   ❛  i’m not going to say anything. no, you’re going to tell him. and if he drives out there to kick what’s-his-name’s ass, it’s ‘cause he deserved it.   ❜    
ii. micah liked to think he had the immune system of a god. an unimportant one, maybe, but a god, nonetheless. he didn’t, of course. despite having only gotten sick twice as far as he could remember, one of those times, he caught pneumonia. so if his body had been fucked up before, it certainly was now. he blamed the pneumonia for this, too. he’d been fighting this off for a week, but it’d finally snuck up on him: the fucking flu. he’d quarantined himself to his room until it passed, not wanting to get naomi, the kids, or anyone else sick. the problem with that was that now he was hungry and too tired to move. he knew he had to take advantage of the hunger while it was there, because it was only a matter of time before he didn’t feel it at all, and he needed to eat. he grabbed his phone, squinting at the screen as he started to text whoever he’d last spoken to and ask them to bring something. mid way, he stopped, locking the phone and tossing it onto the bed. maybe it was the pride, but he suddenly wasn’t hungry anymore.
iii. leaning against the front desk, micah listened to the girl ramble on. admittedly, it was a lot funnier than it was annoying. why she felt the need to lie, he didn’t know. micah wasn’t stupid. she’d come here looking for cristian, probably because he hadn’t called her back or something. she really could’ve said that, and saved them both three minutes. but once she’d started talking, she wouldn’t stop. it was, probably, the most detailed and unbelievable lie micah had ever heard. and he wouldn’t have a problem with it, if it weren’t for the fact that they were at hq, and how did she even find this place? when she finally took a breath, he held up a hand to stop her from saying anything else. he grabbed his phone, typing out a text to cristian, before holding the phone out to her.  ❛  if i send this, will you please find someone else to stalk? i really don’t think cris is going to be as nice as i am about it.   ❜    she read the message, and her face heated up. two seconds later, she was out of sight. smug, micah deleted the text, tucking the phone back in his pocket and grinning at gina before he made his way back upstairs.
iv. where the fuck are you?? his phone was heavy in his hand, the text unsent. he didn’t want to panic, didn’t want to assume the worst. okay. okay. just because cristian wasn’t here didn’t mean he was hurt or anything. he was fine. he was fine. honestly, what were the chances of TWO BODIES showing up tonight? no. no. but micah couldn’t get the thought out of his mind. fuck, fuck, they weren’t doing this again. his finger hovered over the send button, and he looked up just as cristian made an appearance. locking his phone, he put it away, and pretended like he wasn’t an asshole for being slightly relieved it was just gina, and not both of them.
v. he should tell someone. he should tell someone. he needed to. and it made the most sense to tell cristian, right? micah told him everything. almost everything, anyway. it was why they were still friends. they were honest, even when it hurt. it’d be easier to explain this to cristian than anyone else, anyway. god, he wouldn’t even know where to start with anyone else. he could tell him. he had to tell him. because if things changed, cristian would know, and he’d wonder why, right? he’d been beating around the bush for so long, maybe it was time to━━
jesus christ, i’m sick and tired of this, micahwe’re not kids anymore. get your sulking head out of your ass and be real with me for a second
the texts came in rapid succession, sapping the warmth from micah’s body. it was fine. it was fine. ….dammit. he left cristian on read, and put his phone back in his pocket. their friendship was something he could work on repairing later. right now, he just… couldn’t.
+ i. it was late, and almost time for micah to retreat back to his roommate for the next few hours. let today fade into a distant memory, and prepare for tomorrow’s troubles. he ran a hand through his hair, putting the last of the dishes in the sink. his phone vibrated on the counter, another text coming through that he wasn’t prepared to answer. he watched as more texts poured in, his confusion mounting as he read them. make what go away? he grabbed the phone, and hesitated. he hadn’t spoken much to cristian lately, and it was for good reason. but cristian honestly seemed scared of whatever he was talking about. micah couldn’t leave him like that. against his better judgement, he texted back.
i have no idea what’s going on.but i’ll help you figure it out.shit, just give me a second. i’ll call you.
▼  five times my muse has caught yours getting off, and the one time they help out.
i.     ❛  cristian? dude, what are you doing, your mother has been━━ jesus christ.   ❜    he looked away, quickly shutting the door to cristian’s room. he rubbed his temples, immediately needing a nap. he loved cristian, and wasn’t blind to his attractiveness. even so, seeing him like that wasn’t something micah had been prepared for when he came over this morning.       ❛  your mother is calling you, man. and if she catches you with your hand down your pants, i’m not helping you.   ❜    and from now on, micah would knock.
ii. this was, possibly, the worst christmas present micah had ever gotten.     ❛  is this a sex tape?   ❜    he shrieked into the phone, over the sound of cristian’s laughs.     ❛  i asked for a MIXTAPE, you ass! you’re not my type. don’t laugh, i’m serious! and i have three classes with her! how do you expect to face her after this? …cristian? cristian, you dick, i know you can still hear me !!  ❜  
iii. micah hoped they weren’t making a habit of this. he was no longer shocked at the sight of cristian and all of his pride, but he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it. right now, he was just tired. cristian seemed to be having fun, anyway. shocking.    ❛  when you’re done, we still have a meeting to suffer through. and you don’t get to sit in here and treat yourself while i listen to eli and isaiah debate whether or not their random field trip of the week was haunted or not. so unless you’re thinking of fucking ghosts, which i’m assuming you’re not, hurry up.  ❜  
iv. this time, he knocked before entering. of course, it didn’t do shit. he was starting to think cristian was doing it on purpose, but he also wouldn’t bet on it.   ❛  you’re insatiable, you know that? i don’t know why i keep coming over here.  ❜   whatever he’d come over here for, it wouldn’t get resolved today. he didn’t know how long cristian would be at it, and he wasn’t planning on waiting around to find out.
v. the girl scampered past micah with an embarrassed squeal, but he didn’t give her a second glance. he leveled a glare at cristian.   ❛  if your one night stands start showing up here, i’m not going to scare them away. and you’re going to be the one explaining to everyone why so many people suddenly know where we work.  ❜  
+ i. someone was pressed up against him. a few someones, he thought. it’d be better, a lot hotter, if he wanted them there. expect he didn’t. both of them smelled like they’d taken a bath in whiskey, and he didn’t exactly want to go home smelling like that. he ignored them both, swallowing down his irritation as he looked for an exit. god, he hated frat parties. he broke away after a moment, no longer in the mood to be nice. a hand wrapped around his wrist, and she said something… something drowned out by the music and the blood rushing in his ears. he ended up dragging her along, not caring about where he was going. he just needed to… shit, he needed to get out.
the first door he opened turned out to be a bathroom. he was honestly more surprised to find cristian here at all, than he was to find cristian in such a compromising position. the girl who’d followed him let out a rather pathetic noise, and micah suddenly missed kimberly. she was far less annoying. his eyes met cristian’s, and it took him a second to tear them away.    ❛  i━━ you know what?  ❜   he nudged the girl ahead of him, towards cristian. she didn’t look all that upset by it. later, he might’ve felt like a dick for it, because that wasn’t the nicest thing to do. but, at the moment, he was just glad she’d found someone else to latch onto.    ❛  you deal with her. i… whatever, i’m going home.  ❜   and if cristian or the girl had anything to say, the only response they got was the sound of the bathroom door slamming on micah’s way out.
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micvhisms · 7 years
                                            send me a symbol for…
✿  five times my muse almost texted yours, and the one time they did.
i. ashley’s text log was one of the lengthier ones. micah didn’t text a lot of the team often, outside of what was absolutely necessary. most of them didn’t want to talk to him anyway, which made it easier. but ashley was almost a friend, and he was a little biased in giving her more attention than the others. that said, it was just after two o’clock in the morning, and he didn’t even know why she was awake. he started to text her back, just to ask, but deleted the text just as quickly. if he texted her back, she would never go to sleep.
ii. up. down. up. down. unlocked. locked. unlocked. it was a stupid cycle, and he really wished he’d just make a decision already. he tapped on ashley’s chat, his eyes resting on the last text she’d sent him. it was just before the party, and excited can’t wait to see you there, with too many hearts for someone like micah. it was a cold reminder of how happy she’d been before, and how messed up she was when he last saw her. his thumbs moved across the keyboard, words quickly forming and erasing on the screen. then he backtracked, deleting it all over again. he doubted she would want to hear from him anyway.
iii. he read her text for the third time, and as the shock of it all faded, he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. it escaped anyway, and he found himself wheezing over the message she hadn’t meant to send. it wasn’t that funny, it really wasn’t. but he hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time, and ashley would never know. in the midst of his guffaws, he forgot to text her back. oh, well.
iv. i’d explain everything if i could, but i don’t want you involved in this. and i’d rather have you hate me than get hurt because of me.
v. it’d been a few days since he’d spoken to her. to anyone, actually. he’d locked himself in his room, and more or less let himself drown in his usual bullshit. he wasn’t totally concerned. he doubted any of them really noticed or cared, and it left his mind at ease. but ashley’s last text stared him in the face, its weight heavy on his heart. he couldn’t not say anything to that, right? she deserved something. but it’d been a few days, right? after all of this time, she probably forgot. and what if she didn’t even mean it? what if she was just being nice, then he’d look so fucking stupid for thinking about it. but, christ, what did he have to lose anyway? 
deciding that it was better to say something and look stupid than say nothing at all, he ran his tongue over his lower lip, ignoring the sting. 
what he typed was: i’m fine. it’s just been a long week. i’ll talk to you later. love you, too.
+ i. what he sent was: i’m sorry. i’ll see you monday.
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micvhisms · 7 years
⚰️ 🏨 ;)
            creepy halloween starters — send a symbol for our muses to…
🏨  = stay overnight at a haunted hotel
their names were written on the wall. in blood. micah would be a little more terrified if the blood didn’t look like it came out of a b-rated movie and painted on last minute. there were a few cult signs around them, too, some that micah recognized from books he’d read in his boredom. none of them were exactly scary. again, it looked like someone’s cheap, rushed attempt at scaring them. he assumed that it was trevor trying to play a joke on them or something. was there anything more scary than red food dye staining flowery wall paper in a haunted hotel that even rodents thought wasn’t good enough? goodness, no.
he set his bag down on the floor, looking over the mess again. it didn’t strike fear in the hearts of men, but it looked pretty professional. the pentagram in the middle of the floor actually looked like it’d been used. it looked aged, with faded and dried blood dye on it. there were even claw marks, as if someone had tried to escape it, but couldn’t quite make it out in time. when he bent down to touch it, his fingers came away with salt. he had to admit, trevor did a pretty good job on this one.
there was a noise somewhere behind him, and micah’s head snapped up. shit.
shooting to his feet, he looked at julian, a determined, fiery look in his eyes.       ❛  come on. we have to go talk to the owner. now. if she sees this, she’ll think we did it, and she’ll make us clean it up.   ❜    
⚰️ = explore a cemetery at night
two last flickers of light acted as the flashlight’s dying breath before the cemetery was drowned in darkness. micah stared at the tool in his hand, something a lot like foreboding in his stomach, before he sighed, letting his hand drop. he threw a look to his companion over his shoulder. it seemed to be the universe’s cruel joke: everyone mysteriously vanished except for the one person micah absolutely couldn’t stand. WONDERFUL.       ❛  am i allowed to be a pessimist n━━ ❜     his remark was cut off by what felt like breath brushing against his neck. he whipped around, prepared to snap at julian, only to find the boy too far away to have done it. he frowned, dismissing it as paranoia. it wasn’t a particularly windy night, but the wind made the most sense. he conveniently ignored the fact that wind didn’t just touch one small part of your body. anything else just felt ridiculous.
he glanced around them, straining to see through the dark. his eyes were adjusting, but that didn’t really mean much. they were surrounded by tombstones, some broken or unmarked, some rather indistinct. none of the grass or dirt looked particularly disturbed, so he scratched zombie attack off of his list of worries. julian’s figure was only distinct because micah was used to seeing it. he was, annoyingly, the only trustworthy thing here right now. especially considering the others were all no one to be seen. and he had no idea what that was about. it’d been their decision to come here in the first place, and they’d been excited at the gates. julian had turned to give micah his flashlight ( and didn’t he say those were fresh batteries? ) and when they looked back up, the others were all gone.
which led them here, of course. strolling through a cemetery alone, and now without a flashlight. wonderful.
he dragged a hand through his hair, drafting his strongly-worded rant he planned on unleashing as soon as he saw those idiots again. regardless of how he felt, it wouldn’t make sense to stay here. they either needed to find their friends, or head back to hq and wait for them there. he doubted either himself or julian would vote for the latter. 
he looked back to julian, mouth opening to give him his choice, only to stop. his eyes latched onto something behind the other, its shape hard to make out in the dark. he would almost swear it was a tombstone or a tree, except he was certain it hadn’t been there before. the tall, looming figure didn’t move an inch, but micah felt it━━ it ━━ they?━━ it was alive. that was someone. for a moment, the tension eased from his body, and he started to call out to them.
                                                                 NO !
he stopped, the voice loud in the back of his mind. he didn’t question it; he trusted it. and it didn’t have to say anything else. micah stood frozen, his gaze stable on the person standing behind julian. the harder he looked, the more he noticed, the more he knew. it wasn’t one of them.
❛  julian,  ❜    he called out, his voice quiet and calm. it wasn’t a tone he’d ever used with julian; there was no mocking, no malice, no disgust. he didn’t have time to act that way now; whoever that was behind julian, bad intentions flowed off of them, even from this distance. and julian, the fucking idiot, had no idea. no, micah’s voice was just this side of petrified. loud enough for julian to hear, quiet enough that no one else could.       ❛  come here. now. ❜    he didn’t look towards him; he had to trust that he was moving, because micah really didn’t have time to explain.       ❛  julian, hurry. up.  ❜    
micah’s stomach fell to his feet. in the distance, the shadow stepped towards them.
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micvhisms · 7 years
send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
micah » ash not ketchum ( 06:24am ) : i’ve never woken up this early in my life, and i want to die. want donuts?
send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
micah » ash not ketchum ( unsent ) : i tried so hard not to like you.
send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
micah » ash not ketchum ( 05:21pm ) : where are you rn? stay there, i’ll pick you up
send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 01:34am ) : havoe you ever tohought about droppnig out to be a stripepr? i’d make a pretty fucking good one.
send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. 
micah » ash not ketchum ( 07:12pm ) : you’re gorgeous no matter what, ashley. i don’t think the color of the shirt is going to make a difference.
send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 01:15am ) : i’ve been listening to that song for six hours, and it makes me miss the girlfriend i don’t have who’s traveling half way across the world for a business that doesn’t exit. the fuck.
send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 09:15pm ) : i know you’re about as smart as a piece of lint, but even you know it’s not that simple.
send “#” for a RANDOM text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 10:32am ) : remember that time we got drunk and i convinced you to let me light my wardrobe on fire? i regret that.
send “@” for a SCARED text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 03:14am ) : can you do me a favor?micah » ash not ketchum ( 03:16am ) : if you don’t hear anything form me by tomorrow night, can you justmicah » ash not ketchum ( 03:18am ) : call the cops.micah » ash not ketchum ( 06:14am ) : this number is no longer in service.
send “&” for a LOVING text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 02:19pm ) : not that my opinion means shit, but i like you. it’s weird, and unplanned, and i wish i didn’t, sometimes. but you’re kind, and you don’t deserve that shit.
send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 12:09pm ) : what does that even mean.
send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 03:00pm ) : I HAVE A NEW CAT.micah » ash not ketchum ( 03:02pm ) : i’m naming him sir num num, and i’m leaving everything to him when i die.
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 12:19pm ) : his dick wasn’t even the best one i had that day, i don’t know or care what his problem is.micah » ash not ketchum ( 12:21pm ) : wait, that wasn’t for you.
send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
micah » ash not ketchum ( 07:14am ) : i don’t know why i’m like this. why it’s so hard to be honest, or let people in. but every time i try, i get so fucking scared. and i know i’m fucked up. i’m not getting better, and maybe i won’t. sometimes, i think everyone’s right, and i’m justmicah » ash not ketchum ( 07:15am ) : shit. i don’t know. forget it.
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micvhisms · 7 years
             creepy halloween starters — send a symbol for our muses to…
🔮  = have their futures told by a fortune-teller
it was in a tent. this stupid…. fortune teller was set up in a tent. it’d be hilarious if micah weren’t paying to see her.  (  in a TENT.  )  but it was apparently the fun thing to do at things like this, and micah somehow neglected to say no loud enough for cristian to take a hint. if he had, maybe he wouldn’t be ducking into said stupid fucking tent behind his best friend on a well-deserved night off. he cast a cursory glance around the small space, eyes running along the trinkets and obviously fake divination tools. there were dolls and different fabrics surrounding jars of things he wasn’t willing to ask about. it was all put together by a small round table in the center of the tent, a woman dressed in bold colors and scarves with a hazy look in her eyes. her hair must’ve been blonde once, but was now dirty and almost black, pinned back in a messy bun that was falling apart before their eyes.
it both felt like something out of a cliche, and something he wanted no part of.
micah took a seat before her, saying nothing as he waited for her eyes to settle on them. when they finally did, she smiled. it was a wide, crooked thing. her eyes were still hazy, as if someone’d blown smoke into them, clouding her irises, and they have a new  gleam to them. before he could speak, she spoke words he wasn’t entirely enthused to hear:
                     ❛  MICAH. CRISTIAN. i was hoping you would come. ❜  
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micvhisms · 7 years
✆✉☎⁇✿ø✘#@&%ツ$♀ (haha)
send “✆” for a MORNING text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 08:00am ) : thanks for breakfast. eat sometime before you get home, or you’re going to get sick, and i’m not taking care of your sick ass.
send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( unsent ) : you’re like the sister i didn’t know i wish i had, and i can’t tell you half the shit i want to, but you deserve so much better than this. me.micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 05:04pm ) : this number is no longer in service.
send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 12:09am ) : don’t come home.
send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 01:52am ) : as nancy wheeler once saidmicah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 01:53am ) : sitl all bullshit
send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 10:45pm ) : tell lana i’m blocking her number.
send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 01:11am ) : why are you texting me, we live together. 
send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:29am ) : fuck you. i don’t have to tell you shit.
send “#” for a RANDOM text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 07:41pm ) : how many angry exes do you think blair has. like, in total.
send “@” for a SCARED text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 09:52am ) : shit shit shitmicah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 09:52am ) : where are the kids?
send “&” for a LOVING text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 08:15pm ) : you’re way too sappy for your own good. stop thanking me. i like helping. being there for you and for them gives me a reason to not get caught up in my own bullshit all the time.micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( unsent ) : sometimes i think this is what a family should be. you’re the only family i’ve got, so why are you thanking me and not the other way around?
send “%” for a CURIOUS text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:39pm ) : are you aware that your seven month old daughter just tried to kill me with one of your heels.micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:40pm ) : did you put her up to this because i forgot to buy the fucking donuts
send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 02:11pm ) : have you met sir num num yet?  micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 02:12pm ) : he’s officially the only thing i have left to live for, and i love him so much, i cried earlier.
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 11:19pm ) : she called me isaiah’s cheerleader girlfriend, and i’m still processing that.micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 11:20pm ) : that wasn’t for you, but now you know what’s going on in my life.
send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:32am ) : i’m sorry.micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:33am ) : you deserve so much better than my bullshit, but this is all i have. this is me, and i can’t do anything about that. i don’t know how. micah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:34am ) : if you knew, imicah » mother of satan’s spawns ( unsent ) : you’dmicah » mother of satan’s spawns ( 04:50am ) : i’m sorry.
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micvhisms · 7 years
♀☎ & % $ ??
send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
micah » cristian ( 09:09pm ) : jesus, cristian, i wasn’t trying to do anything stupid. i don’t know how many times i have to say it, but i wasn’t trying to micah » cristian ( 09:10pm ) : i know you don’t believe me, whatever. believe what you want. but i wasn’t going to just micah » cristian ( 09:11pm ) : …look, i was stupid and tired, and i just needed it to stop. i wasn’t thinking. and right now, i just need it to stop. but it’ll be fine. i’ll fix this.micah » cristian ( 09:11pm ) : i’ll talk to you in a few days. 
send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
micah » cristian ( 04:00pm ) : i’m happy for you, truly, but my food is about to burn and i will literally kill you if that happens bc you won’t shut the fuck up about who you fucked last night
send “&” for a LOVING text.
micah » cristian ( 12:54am ) : you’re a dick, but you’re also my best friend. you have no idea how much you mean to me, and what i’d do for you.micah » cristian ( unsent ) : what i’m going to do for you  micah » cristian ( 12:56am ) : being my friend isn’t easy, and i know that, and eventually you’ll get sick of it. but you’re here now, and imicah » cristian ( 12:58am ) : shit. i don’t know. thanks, man. don’t ask why i’m saying this, let’s pretend it didn’t happen.
send “%” for a CURIOUS text. 
micah » cristian ( 07:10pm ) : how did you survive living with your sisters and your parents, the best people i’ve ever known, but you can’t survive a civil thirty-second conversation with literally anyone?
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
micah » cristian ( 03:18am ) : stop fucking texting and calling me. i’m not interested in whatever you had to say. if this is some fucking apology, it’s too late for that. i don’t want anything to do with you. leave me the fuck alone.micah » cristian ( 03:20am ) : shit.micah » cristian ( 03:21am ) : sorry, that wasn’t for you. ignore it.
send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
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micvhisms · 7 years
“it was going to eat me.” he lets his body lean back into the chair, eyes closed and head tipped back. “sofia, i swear, it was going to eat me.” the chances of the water bug actually eating him were slim, but it didn’t feel like that when that thing was coming closer and closer to his desk. once sofia stopped laughing, she’d disposed of it quickly. micah swears the encounter took thirty good years off of his lifespan. hopefully, that means he’ll die sometime in the next ten minutes. “…i’ll sell you my first born, and every vital organ in my body and julian’s, if you never mention this again.”
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