#xon epgha
[Xon slips into existence inside of the Metachamber, looking a bit frazzled and strange. She's pretty dizzy, for a few moments, but realizes where she is and looks around to gauge if Mer is in the immediate area.]
-- @xon-epgha --
They hadn't been, but Xon's presence in the metachamber activates an alert. She comes running only a minute later, the lab wasn't very far from the Metachamber.
"Xon!!!" Mer practically tackles her in a hug. "It's good to see you!"
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osha-janitor · 2 years
[A letter flutters to the ground, near one of Janitor's bodies that are on break. The ink is precise and clear, though the letters slur into each other.]
-- Hey. It's been a while. I want to apologize, preferably in person. Are you okay with that? --
*Kishar picks up the letter and reads it.*
KISHAR: ... I Have No Idea How To Send My Reply. Going To Hope You Can Hear Me, Because My Answer Is I Am Fine With That
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groundskeeperosha · 3 years
[An unforgivable monster is afoot
Yet a silver bullet shines true
Search for others affected by sentiment
And retribution will arrive
To the recipient of this message:]
[In the deep of the caves
Shining with river rapid's spray
Lies a stone awaiting princess's sword
Made from fate and goggles and labcoat's line
Venture into the dark to find a fractured light]
[As the day grows old, night grows longer and colder
Instructions are easy, but you must be bolder
Than even the sun, blazing trails across the sky
Despite its job neverending, it improvises, adapts
Outrun the rain, fly faster than word
a poem? what the fuck - that's definitely referring to mer though. she's smart, she can probably figure this out
*They text Mer, quickly*
Utur: [so did you just recieve a poem too or - ]
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ex-animo-de-jane · 3 years
[A figure with no eyes wearing a... sailor's uniform? With a black hoodie? Has teleported into the Ex Animo. Somewhere behind Jane. Not necessarily right behind it- just... somewhere. She's fully at home already, falling into a sitting position on top of one of the rafters.]
-- @xon-epgha --
Jane was doodling on the couch in their sketchbook dedicated to only the shittiest of doodles. Right now they’re working on a butterfly. They stop as soon as they notice her. It whips around to face her.
Who are you and why are you here?
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official-osha · 3 years
[Xon suddenly materializes in front of Offy. A flash of fear and-slash-or confusion marks her face right before she straightens up and looks around with a calm, neutral smile. It takes her a second to notice them.]
Oh. Hello. So. You got back?
-- @xon-epgha --
uh.. hi??
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travelerosha · 3 years
[There is some kind of moron in a sailor uniform and a hoodie swinging her legs on a rock at the edge of a cliff face nearby. She's waiting for someone to talk to.]
-- @xon-epgha --
[She gets that someone in the form of Traveler suddenly appearing behind her.]
Hello there. Lovely view, huh?
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oshahelpdesk · 3 years
Name: Hades-class OverKill Rank “Astatine-170”
URL: astatine-osha
Species: Half-robot / Corpsebot / OKR / etc.
Age: ??? (Above 18)
Gender: N/A
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: ???
Department: OKR Dept.
Lore Tag: N/A
Important Relationships: Merlyn (Ally, good friend, protector); Janitor/Kishar (Ally, good friend, protector)
Warnings For Account: Morbid imagery, suicidal ideation and potentially actions, rage, sadism, blood
Mod’s Other Accounts: xon-epgha, ex-animo-de-alex
Mod’s Pronouns: She/Her
0 notes
osha-janitor · 2 years
[Xon pokes her head down in front of Kishar, sitting in the ceiling as if it's the most normal thing in the world.] Hey. I have things for you. Like a late christmas gift, or something.
KISHAR: Oh? Thanks!
*They smile, looking up at Xon.*
KISHAR: That Is Very Kind Of You, I Appreciate It!
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osha-janitor · 3 years
[An unforgivable monster is afoot
Yet a silver bullet shines true
Search for others affected by sentiment
And retribution will arrive
To the recipient of this message:]
[A twisting labyrinth expects you,
With ink in fist and fire's location
Set your sights upon the Fae of Doors and Rain
Inquire about a flying behemoth's pit
Once inside, decry your nemesis with pride]
[As the day grows old, night grows longer and colder
Instructions are easy, but you must be bolder
Than even the sun, blazing trails across the sky
Despite its job neverending, it improvises, adapts
Outrun the rain, fly faster than word on back of light
Hm. This Is. Definitely A Puzzle... Doors And Rain... Jane Deals In Doors, Perhaps Them? Decry My Nemesis With Pride... Outrun The Rain... Perhaps Jane Knows More, I Am Fairly Certain They Are Mentioned Here. A Flying Behemoths Pit... A Location, Perhaps A Metaphor? Three Sets In Brackets... Perhaps Only Some Are Personalized - Jane May Have Been Sent One?
I Am Very Glad I Got Sent This Now, And Not Before I Took A Several-Day Long Nap...
*They pull out their phone, and text Jane*
JANITOR: [Um, Hello Jane!] JANITOR: [Have You Also Been Sent An Ominous Rhyme?] JANITOR: [I Am Fairly Sure Mine Mentions You] JANITOR: [And That I Should Ask About A "Flying Behemoths Pit?]
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ex-animo-de-jane · 3 years
[Xon is standing in a nearby hallway. As she sees Jane, her face loosens a bit in surprise before tightening back up.] I. Hello. Sorry for. Hi.
-- @xon-epgha --
Hi again, Xon. What's up? Here to swap me and Alex's bodies again? Or are you lonely?
There's no malice in their voice, curiosity rather.
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[Xon manifests in the Metachamber, confused, disoriented, and alone.] ...Hello?
-- @xon-epgha --
Mer walks over. "Oh, hi Xon. I suppose you're one of the few people who can get here without Gary's help..."
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[There is a girl sitting atop one of the castle walls, wearing a sailor outfit and hoodie.]
-- @xon-epgha --
Merlyn approaches her, cautiously. "Hello there, who're you? And what are you doing here?"
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official-osha · 3 years
[There's a girl peeking her head through the wall nearby Offy. She has, notably, grayish skin and no eyes.]
-- @xon-epgha --
uh.. who're you?
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[An unforgivable monster is afoot
Yet a silver bullet shines true
Search for others affected by sentiment
And retribution will arrive
To the recipient of this message:]
[A sword's the key to find the lines
Of poems lost in space under time
Descend into the murky, dry depths
Make way for cavernous rapids and falls
And with a time lord make sense of it all[
[As the day grows old, night grows longer and colder
Instructions are easy, but you must be bolder
Than even the sun, blazing trails across the sky
Despite its job neverending, it improvises, adapts
Outrun the rain, fly faster than word
[P.S: Are you proud of me, Mom?]
Merlyn frowns at the message. Of course she was proud of Sonata, in general, but something about this didn't sit right.
This sort of poem... the meaning was unclear, but it would likely make sense as events unfolded.
Hopefully nothing too bad would happen...
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groundskeeperosha · 3 years
[Xon is peacefully sitting in the air neaby where Utur is. She's awfully chipper.] Hello!
-- @xon-epgha --
...hi? who the fuck are you??
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osha-janitor · 3 years
[Xon strolls through a nearby wall, her arms in her pockets. She walks over to Janitor, looking at them.] Hello.
-- @xon-epgha --
Uh, Hello Xon. How Are You?
*They tilt their head, curiously*
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