#xmen x chubby reader
ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
please, i beg, what would bed sharing with Logan look like?
is he chill? is he anxious about it? does he get handsy? does he even sleep at all?
a/n: MORE HEAD CANONS YAY!!! i'm always willing to be able to showcase how silly this man is!!
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Okay, sharing a bed with Logan can go two ways:
If this is a situation where you’re not together, he’ll be a bit irritated because he is quite a fan of his own personal space, but he will feel a strange kind of responsibility to watch over you, so sleeping is probably a no go. 
Now if you’re dating, expect a lot of funny business before bed time because he doesn’t settle down easily. He’s cracking jokes – most of them dirty – and his hands are grabbing at your thighs, stomach or back, making you squeal. 
There are definitely a lot of kisses to be shared between the both of you, and don’t expect them to be only on your lips. He’s peppering them everywhere; your neck, arms, chest, you name it, he’s kissing it. It’ll take a lot of wrestling with him to get him to calm down, most likely needing to coax him with sweet words and the promise of cuddles. 
Sharing a bed with Logan is a very special experience and it shows a side of him that many people don’t get to see.
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chubbyreaderwriter · 8 months
Hi! May I ask for a Peter Maximoff one with shy and insecure reader? She and Peter were very close friends-and she was totally in love with him! Knowing she wasnt his type, she just bottled up her emotions...So, because she thinks she doesnt have the way with words, she wants to write a love letter! But since she didnt have that many friends, she had to go to Peter for advice...He is more than happy to help out his dear friend, only to have his smile fade the very second she leaves his room...
I love this request!!
Peter Maximoff x Chubby/ Plus Size Reader
Imagine: Peter and yourself are both oblivious to each other’s feelings but things change when you ask Peter for some love advice.
Word Count: 2.1K words
Warnings: None
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You forced a smile as Peter left your room to go find some kids to annoy before you lay down on your bed, held your pillow over your face to muffle your scream as you kicked your legs out in frustration. You threw the pillow off your face and blew the loose strand of hair off your forehead. Your life sucked. Okay not all of it, but your love life definitely sucked. It sucked hard. It really wasn’t easy being in love with your best friend and it was even harder now you know that you’re not his type. Earlier this morning, you had been hanging out with Jean, Peter, Scott and Kurt. You weren’t really interested in the conversation, just looking out the window, when you heard Scott ask, “So Peter, what’s your type? I haven’t seen you with a girl before.” You glanced over at the two sitting on the couch and Peter made eye contact with you as well, causing you to look away to pretend like you weren’t listening.
Peter rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh, “Oh come on you guys, why’d you wanna know?” Scott crossed his arms over his chest, “Sorry Maximoff, I forgot you were a chicken.” He proceeded to then tuck his hands under his armpits and flap his arms like wings. Peter pushed his shoulder, “Stop it man. Okay fine, I guess you could say, I dunno, skinny chicks with a big ass?” It was the first thing that popped into his head, not wanting to just blurt out that he did have a very specific type and that she was sitting across the room from him but he wasn’t ready to confess just yet and said the first thing that came to mind. Scott tried to high five him and Jean looked at the two of them with disgust, “You’re both shallow and gross.” Poor Kurt was as lost as ever, “What is a ‘type’?” You smiled at him and he gave a shy smile back, you always found his innocence and obliviousness to be adorable.
Peter looked between you and Kurt and had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop him from saying anything. In his mind, because you were so nice to Kurt, he assumed you had feelings for the blue mutant, which is why he decided not to make a move. It definitely wasn’t because he was too scared. You didn’t leave straight away but as soon as the conversation had changed, you excused yourself and headed to you bedroom. Less than a moment later, you were joined by your best friend and crush, Peter. The two of you talked about nothing like always before he left, which catches us up to this morning.
You let out a deep sigh, you hated this feeling. You just wished you could tell him how you feel but you were too scared and nervous to do that. You looked around your room as you lay on your bed, pausing when your eyes rested upon a notebook ontop of your desk. You sat up quickly and hummed in consideration, would it be a good idea though? Writing a love letter seemed like a cheesy and cliche idea and you didn’t want to be laughed at. You couldn’t ask Scott for advice, he would definitely laugh at you and then proceed to interrogate you about who it was for. Jean didn’t like getting involved in stuff like this, no matter how much you pleaded with her, so she was out. Kurt, bless his soul, wouldn’t have a clue what you were talking about so that left Peter. You went about the mansion looking for him, nervously fiddling with your fingers as you walked through corridors and down stairways.
You reached one of the downstairs kitchens and sat down on one of the chairs around the island in the middle. You let out a defeated sigh, you couldn’t find him anywhere and you had decided to give up for today. You leaned your elbow on the table and rested your head in the palm of your hand, staring out the kitchen window. It was only just after noon so there were still a lot of students playing and hanging out outside. You spotted a familiar figure walk into sight across the yard and you guess he saw you as well because you barely blinked and he was leaning on the table in front of you, smiling, “Hey, watcha doing all alone?” You smiled back, “Moping around waiting for help.” Peter grinned, “What kind of guy would I be to leave a damsel in distress? And a pretty one at that.” You couldn’t help from blushing, even if you didn’t truly believe he meant what he said. But he did mean it, he thought you were beautiful and seeing you blush was only further proving it to him. You looked down and nervously fiddled with your fingernails, not looking at him as you asked, “So, uh, if you were to write a love letter, what would you say exactly, in the letter?”
Peter felt all his hopes and dreams of being the man for you sucked out of his body. It was like his heart was being sucker punched by a thousand tiny soldiers roaming his insides as he looked at you, a light blush on your soft cheeks. His mouth twitched as he fought off a strong urge to frown at your words but managed to force himself to smile at you when you finally rose your head at his silence. He let out a breath, “Uh wow, um I dunno, I’ve never really thought about love all that much.” Peter hoped he was a convincing liar because even just saying those words made him wanna cringe at himself as he knew he spent every single available second daydreaming about what it would be like to date you, hold you, kiss you, have you smile lovingly at him, just anything with you. Your defeated expression made him feel all the more worse though. He knew he would rather see you happy with someone as good as Kurt than be miserable and lonely like himself.
With a deep sigh, he sat himself down next to you, “I guess what I’d say is… I’d tell them that I love them because they’re a kind, beautiful and caring person and that just the thought of them can bring me out of the darkest places in my mind. I’d tell them that spending just one second with them in my sight is enough to brighten my whole day. That I hold them higher in my heart than any other and I’d do anything to see them as happy as I am when I’m with them.” Your eyes shined with a mix of emotions. First of all, you’d never have expected Peter (the most childish person you’ve ever met) to say such beautiful words and you knew from the way he spoke that he was thinking about someone particular in mind. You felt your heart clench at that thought of Peter saying these words to another girl. You smiled at him though, nonetheless, his advice was very helpful, maybe it would even help to use his own words to win him over. You lightly placed your hand on top of his that was resting on the table, “That was beautiful Peter, thank you so much, you don’t understand how much you’ve helped me.”
No matter who you gave your letter to, the smile on your face as you got up and left was all Peter needed to make himself feel better. But it didn’t last very long. The second you left his vision, his smile dropped and his jealousy was getting the better of him. He rushed outside and was sitting atop the roof to look down at the fields below and could see Kurt doing some training with Jean. He sat and scowled at the blue mutant, what was so special about him that he deserved all of your love and affection. He needed to make sure that Kurt was worthy of you and wanted to see his reaction to your letter. He made it his sole mission to keep an eye on Kurt until you gave him the letter.
The whole day dragged by and still Peter had seen no sign of you around Kurt. He’d noticed you talking to Jean briefly but that was all and then it was like you were avoiding Kurt. Now that was strange, why did you ask for his advice if you weren’t even going to use it? It was now twenty minutes to curfew and with a heavy sigh, Peter gave up his stalking duties for the day and started heading back to his own room. He felt like a chump for helping you (his crush) confess to your own crush and had then proceeded to spy on the harmless guy just cause he was jealous. He shook his head, what was wrong with him? He had paced around his room for a short while when he noticed a shadow of a figure pausing outside his room then an envelope slid underneath the door and across the wooden floorboards to land at his feet. Peter had an internal battle of whether he should open the door to chase down the giver of the mysterious letter or open it to see what it held inside, not quite having worked out what was happening.
Peter decided, why not do both? Using his powers he made a quick move to pick up the letter, opening it with his finger and making a tear along the top to pull out the lined paper adorned with holes at the left hand side telling him that it must have been ripped out of a notebook or something. His eyes saw the shadow slowly disappearing from under the door so he turned back to the letter in his hands. Skimming over the first few lines was all he needed to see as his own words were being read back to him. Wasting no more time, he opened his door and came back to normal time to see you looking up at him, wide-eyed.
You felt your heart stop as the door opened, you had literally pushed it under his door about two seconds ago, how was this fair? He couldn’t even have the decency to let you calm down from your nerves. It took everything out of you to work up the courage to give it to him even without in person but it seemed Peter was determined to ruin your plan of running away from the outcome in case he turned you down. Peter held your letter open, “What is this? You like me? Why didn’t you tell me this before? I feel bad I spent the whole day stalking Kurt because I thought you liked him but then he never got the letter so I was confused but it’s me, you like me!” You still had yet to make a move, trying to take in Peter’s voice as he blabbed at you, talking too fast for you to process what he was saying at first. Your brain caught up and all you could think to say was, “You thought I liked Kurt?” Peter rubbed the back of his head as his own nerves creeped up on him, “Uh well yeah, you’re always so nice to him so I figured that you must like him.”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you realised Peter’s jealousy, “I am nice to Kurt, I’m also nice to Jean and Scott. But I’m especially nice to you, I spend almost all my free time with you. I was just too nervous to say anything and then what you said to Scott made me think you weren’t interested so I decided to write a letter but I got stuck and didn’t know who to turn to so… I kinda just asked you.” Peter was staring at you but no words came out of his mouth. A few more seconds went by and you started to lose confidence, “Why are yo-” your question was interrupted by Peter kissing you unexpectedly. You tensed up in surprise but quickly relaxed yourself and lifted your arms up around his shoulders, your hand raking through his grey hair. Peter’s hands rested on your hips and when he finally pulled away to catch his breath, he rested his forehead against yours. He let out a small chuckle, “Sorry babe, I’ve just wanted to do that for ages.”
“Babe?” You teased, “I don’t remember you asking me to be your girlfriend?” Peter’s smile was the widest it had been in a long time as he picked you up and carried you into his room, using his foot to kick the door closed behind him, “Ah shut up, you’re mine now.” You both couldn’t get over how oblivious you both were, but it all seemed to work out in the end.
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
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Just a side note I am officially closing requests for Xmen until further notice, I am very sorry as I have had some requests but I am just very overloaded at the moment and may open requests for them again once I get everything sorted :)
God would this man love him a chubby wife
You guys would probably meet at the entertainment district whilst he's in his slutty little open chest robey thingy
You just walking with your little hand woven basket full of fruits and breads and delicious things and Tengen sees you and its like he was hit in the head by Aphrodite herself
To him you were stunning
Immediately the urge to get to know you was stronggggggg
So he did
Obviously you thought it was a bit strange having a random and incredibly attractive man just come and talk to you out of the blue but you weren't resisting
After a little bit of talking you learned his name was Tengen Uzui and he was a frequent at the Entertainment District. He was a very loud man and very expressive aswell. If he had an opinion you should be sure he wasn't keeping it to himself nu uh
Over the next couple of days Tengen would meet up with you and spend the day with you no matter if it was walking around markets and choosing different things to snack on or going a little while out from the district and having a little walk in the fields
Eventually when you felt you two were close enough, you shared you dislike of how you looked with him. He immediately reacted to that.
He went on a rant about how you should love your body and how you are one of the flashiest people he has ever met and you and your rolls are one of the things he loves about you
You watched him with a smile as you realised what he said while he went on the rest of his strongly opinionated talk before eventually stopping and looking down slightly at you, realising aswell what he had said.
His eyes softened and a small smile grew kn his face as yours went red and you tilted your head down in an effort to hide you embarrassment. Tengen chuckled slightly before sliding his thumb under your chin and tilting your head up and pressing his lips to yours before you could speak.
You melted into it and once he pulled away you slammed your head into his chest attempting to once again, hide your red face. You felt one of his hands slide behind your hair and rest on the back of you neck whilst the other rested on your waist as he brought you into a firm hug.
After this little event, he told you about his wives. You thought they sounded sooooo cool but were a little afraid about what they would think of you because of how you looked.
Tengen immediately shut these thoughts down once you told him, expressing loudly on how they'd love you. And he was right
The moment you stepped foot on his estate three different blurs of colour came shooting towards you enveloping you in a hug and dragging you towards the house.
They all introduced themselves and you all spent the evening baking and chatting as you warmed up to them and finally felt at home and safer then you had in a long time.
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renjiokumura · 6 years
I’m so happy to see this! To celebrate this achievement I’m going to be posting up something every day this week and two things on Saturday. I also have to warn all of you that I just got my first job, which I’m excited about, but I’m also a fulltime student so I might not be able to upload too often.
Overall, be excited for this week because I am!!!
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Fic/Request status
Writing this out was...wow. Anyway. Here’s where we stand. I have plans. And secret things I am working on but I can’t post until this all gets done. I’m also pushing to get The Light in my darkness and Strange Fates finished ASAP. Just cuz. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. 
Pending Fics/Requests
Star Trek
·       Spock – Combining a request for a wife reader and a hurt comfort fic. Status: Plotted
·       Khan – With Spock’s human half-sister. Spock is going to lose his mind. Status: Think mode
·       Bones x injured reader Status: semi-plotted
·       Kirk x female captain (native American reader) Status: will probably pull a plot idea from my list
·       Scotty x space pirate – um…yes please. Status: No idea but it will be epic.
Not doing:
·       Spock w suicidal/depressed reader – too sad for me right now.
·       Jealous Spock – already have one and don’t feel I could do another justice.
·       Spock x daughter – no idea what I would write for this.
 Lord of the Rings
·       Thorin w/ half dwarf/half hobbit reader. I have the best idea for this one. So fluffy. Status: Plotted
·       Legolas x Elf reader – FLANGST. Damn it Leggy. Combining 2 requests that both wanted slightly diff flangst. Not using requested parentage. Status: Plotted
·       Eomer x female rider of rohan status: thinking stage
·       Thorin x elf reader – making reader slightly less kick ass than requested Status: Plotted
·       Dwalin song fic with This is Me Status: Thinking stage
Not Doing:
·       One with Thorin and reader and the moon because it was sad as hell and just no.
·       Gabriel – love confessions Status: semi-plotted
·       Dean x reader – Status: Plotted
Not Doing
·       Super specific request about AU Cas and Winchester sister. I haven’t caught up with the show and won’t be able to write this. Sorry.
·       Steve x wife reader. This one is going to be awesome. Status: Plotted
·       Avengers w self harming soulmate – Making this Flangst, not angst and narrowing down the soulmates to like 1 or 2 Status: Thinking mode
·       Clint x Latina reader – cute drooly clint. Hehe Status – Plotted
·       Bucky Barnes x chubby reader. Flangst. Status – Plotted
·       Jealous Steve Status – Plotted
·       Bruce Banner Status: Plotted
·       Steamy Erik Lensherr – um…yes please Status: Plotted
·       Dr Strange Hurt/comfort Status: Semi-plotted
·       Black Widow x Xmen male Reader x Maria Hill – flangst Status: Plotted
·       Gamora x male reader – changing plot a bit to fit my style Status: Plotted
·       Parker x reader and Steve x reader: I’m twisting the story a bit here but still doing Status: Plotted
·       Erik x reader x Charles Status: Thinking stage
·       Scott Lang x ex Reader – Status:Plotted
·       Sunday Brunch Part 2 – Status: Plotted
·       Billy Russo coffee shop AU Status: Plotted
·       Eddie Brock/venom x chef reader – Status: Plotted
 Teen Wolf
·       Peter soulmate au – making reader older than requested because Peter ain’t no pedo. Status: semi-plotted
·       My Favorite Weapon – final part – Status: Plotted
Not Doing
·       Halwyn x reader – I quit watching the show before it got to this point so I don’t know who this is. I was going to try to do it anyway, but I don’t have the time or energy. Sorry.
 Criminal Minds
·       Hotch x short reader – may not follow plot asked for exactly but I’ll get you covered Status: thinking mode
·       Hotch x reader with everyone – a trip to Asylum 49 Status: Semi-plotted
 The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
·       A marcel gif request that has been in my box for a year. I suck I’m sorry. I am doing it though. Status: way, way, way overdue.
·       Klaus x wife reader and meddling Kol – Status: Plotted
·       Klaus x reader that helps him against Mikael. This one is in think mode. Thinking of doing a 20s thing maybe.
·       Gibbs Status: Plotted
 The Walking Dead
·       Negan x adopted daughter; Daryl x daughter – Changing request a bit but still doing Status: Plotted
·       Rick x reader – Status: Plotted
 True Blood
·       Eric x Reader x Godric Status: thinking stage
 Peaky Blinders
·       A Condition Part 2 (maybe 3) – Status: Plotted
 Jurassic World
·       Be Prepared Part 3 and 4 – Status: Plotted
·       Spike x reader – Status: Plotted
·       Spike x xander’s sister reader – Status: Semi-plotted
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Wolverine x plus size Reader smut?? Thank you 🤭🤭
a/n: okay wow after a bit of time away i feel like this is a very strong entrance!! it feels like it's been so long since i wrote smut SIGH
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Okay but like hear me out… backshots with Logan.
Now as I've mentioned before, I do think that Logan is a fairly gentle lover, especially when it comes to your pleasure and wellbeing, but it’s a spectrum. Albeit rare, Logan has his moments where everything is pissing him off and all he needs is that sweet grounding relief of your wet and welcoming pussy.
He isn’t mean about it, but he takes, and he takes hard. 
He allows his self-control to slip a bit at your insistence, your back arched deeply, fingers gripping tightly onto the bed sheets under you. You spread your legs as far as your body physically allows them to (you already know the insides of your thighs will ache later, but that’s neither here nor there).
He has a large hand gripping at the nape of your neck, pressing your face into the bedding. The suffocating feeling of being restrained leaves your head spinning, blissful, helpless moans and whimpers spilling from your lips as Logan pounds into you from behind. 
The burn caused by the meat of your fat ass meeting the front of his bare sun kissed thighs has turned into a buzz that encourages the coil deep inside your gut with every stab at your g-spot. Logan is so deep it leaves you breathless, lungs aching to do something - anything that isn’t begging like a bitch in heat; but with every attempt, the air is punched out of you.
Logan’s swearing like a sailor from behind you, his grunts and groans eventually bleed into feral growls. His grip on the fat of your hip is harsh enough to bruise. He’s losing himself every sound spilling from you, and he all but chokes when you clench down around him.
It’s a warning. A warning to control yourself. To wait. To be appreciative of what he’s giving you.
“‘M sorry, ‘m sorry - fuck!” You cry out with a sob. You take to nibbling on the meat of your lower lip. 
“It feels good, yeah?” He questions, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. Your agreement is garbled but he knows exactly what you said, of what you need.
“I know, I know. I got ya’.”
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 || 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭
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— pairing: logan howlett x plus size mutant!reader
— summary: who knew the key to scaring away the big bad wolverine was a kiss?
— warnings: angst that i have no idea how to describe, heartbreak :/, miscommunication that is quickly rectified, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, horribly described plant ability (forgive me).
— wc: 664
⋆ a/n: OH ME OH MY!!! i haven't written for a new character in so long! it's so refreshing!! forgive me if logan is a bit ooc and a lot of things probably don't make sense, i'm still in the process of watching the movies so i tried to keep things as vague as possibly aside from the spoilers i've been given! i have fallen so deeply in love with this man so he will definitely be making an apperance on this acc more! ty for your request! @hicanivent
masterlist | AO3
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You never thought in all your years of living, you would be the one thing that managed to scare away Logan, and all it took was a kiss.
Maybe it was your fault or possibly the tension that had surrounded the two of you since you had joined the mutant school as another professor.
Either way, what was done is done, and you couldn’t sleep.
You stared up at your roof which was decorated with all sorts of plant vines. Though you were a mutant as well, your ability was minor. You were able to manipulate plants; you could make them move, grow, or wilt. It was nothing too impressive, but the children enjoyed your gardening class.
Gardening wasn’t the only thing you taught, there was also the history of different herbs and species of plants and how they were used throughout time. 
That’s where your dilemma of insomnia lies. With an aching heart and an active brain, essays sat delicately on your desk in your classroom, and you were contemplating on whether or not you should just grade them. The kids weren’t expecting them back anytime soon, but what else were you to do?
A part of you is afraid that maybe you’ll run into Logan stalking through the halls like he does sometimes when his brain gets too loud. It was like he always had something to run from, and somehow he’d always find himself knocking on your door at all hours of the night. Sometimes he wouldn’t even talk, just sit there and find comfort in your presence.
You weren’t ashamed to say that you’re worried about him, but Logan was probably the most stubborn man you had ever met, so if he didn’t want to do something, you couldn’t force him. Sometimes you wish you could.
You threw your blankets off of your body, sitting on the edge of the bed and held your head in your hands. You felt the exhaustion seeping into your bones and you let out a prolonged sigh.
A hesitant knock on your door pulled you out of your tired stupor, your head shooting up in alarm.
You honestly thought it was one of the kids, definitely not a very shaken up looking Logan.
A very bitter part of you wanted to turn him away, but a very extremely soft part of you – the part that was in love with him – led you to open up the door wider with a small encouraging smile on your face.
He looked unsure for a moment before breaking through the threshold. 
“I’m sorry.”  Was the first thing he had said before you even had a chance to turn around after shutting the door.
He was standing in the middle of your room, the midnight glow shining through your window casted an enchanting shadow against the naked skin of his arms that was exposed by his classic plain white undershirt. 
You don’t know how you managed to speak through the dryness of your throat.
“It’s okay.” You spoke quietly, looking up at him through tired eyes. “No it’s not.” He denied. You approached him slowly before you cupped his cheek. “But Logan, it is.”
Your words had a plethora of meanings behind them, that you forgive him, that you were waiting until he was ready. 
You stare at each other for a moment, his large battle worn hands rest on the plumpness of your hips, and the supernatural warmth of his body sends a pleasant shiver up your spine.
“If I kiss you, are you going to run away again?” You joke, breaking the intense atmosphere. 
A small smirk tugs at the corner of his lips ever so slightly. “Nah, I think I’ll stick around this time.”
Logan doesn’t give you time to retort because he had already found himself kissing you, the scruff of his mutton chops scratching at your cheeks ever so slightly. It tickled and you giggled, smiling into his mouth.
You felt him smile too.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @khxna @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
hey i was wondering, what would mornings look like with logan?
been loving your writing about it, it’s so soft xx
a/n: i'm writing right after writing fluff and now i'm all warm and fuzzy and this fic is sweet as can be :] i'm so happy you like my writing and i hope you like this too!!
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Mornings with Logan are so so soft.
Good luck with getting out of bed to go to work or if you have something that you need to do in the morning, because nine times out of ten when you try to get out of bed Logan is going to fight you the whole way there.
He’ll try to coax you back into bed with him with sweet words and promises of a slow day full of breakfast in bed and cuddles. If that doesn’t work, he’ll just have to resort to the classics, physically preventing you from being able to move. He’ll hold you down as you squirm against him, your pleas falling on deaf ears as he peppers kisses on your face and on your neck.
Now with that, two things will happen: 
It’ll work and you’ll end up calling whoever you have to cancel or reschedule whatever you had to do before falling back asleep in his arms and waking up later in the day. Then it’ll just be full laziness from there on out. You’ll most likely be moving from one comfortable surface to another, possibly ending up on the couch for most of the day watching the show you only view with Logan.
Secondly he’ll actually end up letting you go, but it’s a moment of weakness you have to keep a keen eye out for to be able to catch it. 
On those days you like to do something sweet for Logan before you leave, running through your routine quickly so you can make him breakfast. Don’t make the mistake of bringing it to bed because that’s also a sticky little web you’ll be caught in, then all your efforts have gone to waste. It’ll take him a second to scramble out of bed, but when he does, he clings to you in the kitchen, forcing you to feed him as you tease each other.
Mornings with him always vary, but if there’s one thing that stays the same, you always end the day feeling full of love.
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I have recently become obsessed with Logan (I haven’t even seen the new movie yet!) I would love to request a bookworm!reader and Logan pairing. Like the two of them could not be more opposite and everyone is confused about why they are together except for them! Take your time I know you just got back from a break, I’m sure I’ll love whatever you do if you decide to do it! Even if you don’t decide to write it know that I think you’re awesome and really cool and I hope that you have sweet dreams and clear skin for the rest of your days 💕
fem plus size bookworm!reader, wc: 407.
a/n: this was such a welcome reprieve you don't understand! this fic literally has such a mystical vibe, i don't know how to even explain it. this is so seriously fluffy!!
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Days spent with Logan are quiet ones.
Your dynamic is laughable really; the self-proclaimed hot-headed Wolverine often finds himself wherever you are, which is more often than not the school’s library. 
Sure, you have your own personal room with more than enough comfortable furniture to house your bottom, but you are attracted to the literary aesthetics that comes with being surrounded by constant knowledge and information.
You love the small sounds of pages of books being turned, pencils scratching on paper, and pens dropping to the floor, plus, it doesn’t hurt that there’s a large window that houses comfortable bay seating, giving you a cushiony view out into the gardens.
It feels like a breath of fresh air amongst the crime fighting and world saving. A reprieve.
Logan’s come to find himself enjoying the library as well. It’s hard for him to settle down, to get comfortable and just relax. He feels like he has to be on his a-game all the time when that simply is just not the case. There’s always another shoe to drop, because if there isn’t, what is he supposed to do?
Well, since he’s gotten with you, he just sits.
It’s not like you force him too or anything, he chooses to do it. He chooses to sit at your feet on the bay window as well, sometimes pulling them into his lap to massage your calves mindlessly. Sometimes he’ll even pick up a book for himself. 
That isn’t to say that there isn’t any silent chatter, but Logan’s a horrible whisperer, something that you’ve teased him about before. It took him a long time to realize that he’d do anything for you. He’d go where you’d go, and if that’s to somewhere as monotonous as the library, then so be it.
On days where he’s busy, he already knows where to locate you once he comes home, he doesn’t even have to rely on his enhanced smell, even though he does it anyway because you always wear his favorite perfume.
It’s always a serendipitous meeting when he finds you curled up in your spot. Sometimes you’re asleep, snoozing quietly with your head resting on the pane of the window, or you’re so lost in your own world that you don’t even notice him.
It’s okay, because he once recalls you telling him, “Even though I’ve lived hundreds of lives in my stories, this one will always be my favorite.”
He can’t help but agree.
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Hello!! Love your writing. Not sure if you are doing requests, but ANYTHING Logan Howlett x Plus Size reader would be awesome 💗🤩
fem!plus size reader, wc: 582.
a/n: THIS IS SICKENINGLY SWEET OH MY GOODNESS. maybe this may seem out of character to some people, but in my opinion, I think logan is a big ol' softie.
cw! mentions of knarly injuries and stitches + mentions of a needle.
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Okay yes, Logan might be brooding, and emo and mysterious but God forbid that you actually get hurt, because this man would lose his shit (in less than dignified words).
Let’s say metaphorically you go out on a mission and when you come back, you’re a little worse for wear. You already know by the time you make it to the clinical room Logan would have raised hell on his path there. 
You have a few seconds of silence as you sit down on the medical table before you cringe at the sound of Logan’s voice booming down the hall. Jean gives you a look and all you can do is sigh exasperatedly.
You love him, you really do, but your head hurts and so does your side, which has been gracefully exposed to the open air, a less than preferable gash ripped through your skin. You’re trying really hard not to look at it - or even think about it - rather focusing on the Wolverine who’s now glaring at you.
“The hell happened?” 
“Wow Logan, I can really feel the love.” 
He gives you a look that makes the next bite of sarcasm die in the back of your throat. Instead, you replace it with another fruitless sigh.
“Big nasty metal thing,” You say with a wave of your hand, “‘Was just throwing shit at people and I got hit with a nice piece of shrapnel, but I’m good.”
“Good? You call being cut up like that good?”
“I really don't want to fight right now, Wolvie.” You pinch the space between your eyes. He softens ever so slightly at the intimate nickname and it doesn't take a mutation to know that the extra presence of your peers wasn't needed.
“Just let me stitch you up and I'll leave you guys to talk.” Jean says, already tweeding the thread through the needle. You wince, sparing a glance at the redhead before reaching Logan's eyes once more.
“This is going to fucking suck.” You grimace. 
Taking the hint, Logan walks and hops onto the bed as gently as he can so as to not jostle you. He doesn't speak when he takes your hand in his, squeezing it ever so slightly in a show of alliance. 
When Jean gets started you force yourself not to look, turning your head to bury it in Logan’s burly shoulder, breathing in his cigar scent stained flannel. It’s comforting to say the least, and it’s the only thing keeping you from passing out. The worst part was the numbing needle really.
“Alright, I’m done.” She says, slipping the medical gloves off and throwing them away. 
When you make eye contact with her, she gives you a knowing look. “I’ll leave you to it.”
The room is silent for a moment before he speaks. “What were you thinking?” It’s a petulant grumble, and you smile fondly. “It wasn’t like I actively tried to get myself hurt, you know.” 
He sighs, and pulls away from you so he can cradle your cheek. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me one day, you know that?” 
You laugh out loud, leaning forward to rest your forehead on his. “I guess you’re just going to have to keep up with me then, old man.” You tease. He smirks, “Old man? Really?”
“Mhm.” You nod with a grin. Logan places a sweet, long peck onto your lips.
“Maybe I’ll just handcuff you to the bed.”
You snort, “I’d like to see you try.”
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
hi if your requests are still open, what would sharing a meal with logan be? at home or perhaps a diner, together in the xmen mansion ?
hope you are doing okay, your writings with him means a lot to me and you do write so sweetly ❤️ have a good day or night:)
a/n: hii sweets! i'm so very incredibly flattered that you enjoy my writing like that, your message really means a lot to me! i love imaging logan in all these little scenarios that i probably wouldn't have given much thought to, so thank you for that! :]
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I really love this question!!
Let’s say you’re eating at home in a metaphorical shared apartment/house, you’d most likely be the one cooking – even though Logan swore up and down he’d help you. He’d probably hang off of you, hands placed gently on your hips as he peers over your shoulder at whatever you’re doing. 
He’s a little menace though, always sticking his fingers in the stuff you’re making to the point of you hitting him with whatever you’re cooking with. You’d tell him to find a seat somewhere like a child and he would, but that doesn’t mean he’s done being irritating, because he’s always commenting on something, whether that be a tease on how sexy you look cooking, or that it smells so good he doesn’t understand why he can’t just have a small bite.
Quietness does grace the kitchen at some point, and you know that when it does he’s admiring you with a small smile tugging at the edges of his lips.
Eating out a lot is the most common unfortunately, but that just comes with the territory of being an x-man, but you know that wherever he takes you will be good, even if it is a little shotty hole in the wall diner. He’d choose a booth just so he’d have an excuse to sit you down next to him and tug your legs into his lap.
Now finally, I can see dinners at the X-men mansion being a very large affair, Xavier prefering to have all the kids eating together right along with the teachers. Though there isn’t any assigned seating, everyone knows that the spot next to you is reserved for Logan only. 
The meal is most likely set up buffet style, so Logan has your plate in his hand loading it up with all of your favorites before he even thinks about eating. He always wants to make sure you eat well, so your portion size is a little ridiculous, but more often than not you just end up sharing your food with him, much to his dismay.
He even practices a little pda, a large hand on your thigh as he watches you eat.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
Hiya! Another idea for the Logan x PlusSize!Reader
About, how aftercare would look like between them too? Either a drabble or a list of headcanons, whatever your heart prefers. Like, would they cuddle, eat smth or directly take a bath? Would he just like to be held?
Hope you are doing okay as well, and good day to you ✨
a/n: OH HOW I LOVE HEADCANONS SEGMENTS!! i definitely leaned more towards the fluffier sides of things 😋
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Now listen, Logan isn’t very good at the whole “aftercare” thing, but he does try his best to make sure you’re taken care of.
I see him as probably a big cuddler - though he doesn’t call it that, more like holding you. He’ll never admit it either, but if he sees that you’re too deep in your head after the deed, he’ll “randomly” reassure or praise you with words that he knows will make you feel better. 
He’s definitely a cigar after sex kind of guy, but he doesn’t do it a lot because of Charles’ aversion to him smoking inside the house. If he does end up deciding to go out on one of the balconies, he’ll leave you behind with a sweet kiss either on your lips or forehead.
When he comes back to the bedroom and sees that you're not there, he knows that you’re either in the bathroom showering or in the kitchen getting yourself a drink or possibly making you both something to eat. It’s nothing too complex, just something simple like a sandwich or fruit, but he’s still grateful nonetheless.
If you’re in the shower he’ll probably hop in with you and he won’t try to initiate any funny business unless you do it, because we all know that Logan can go for hours because of his supernatural stamina and he understands you have your limits.
But if he finds you in the kitchen, he’ll approach you from behind and wrap you up in his arms, his chin resting on your shoulder as he admires whatever you’re doing. More often than not you’ll be the one feeding him said food, giggles slipping through your lips whenever he playfully nips at the tips of your fingers.
I feel like aftercare is one of those rare times where Logan really allows himself to live in the moment and have his guard down even if it’s just for the night.
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i just can’t stop thinking about body worship with wolverine and plus-sized!reader. he’s an ass man, this is just a given but i think he loves a good tummy 😌
a/n: AHH okay, i got carried away with this in literally the best way possible. i feel like logan is literally so full of love that he has no idea what to do with himself!!
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Oh, trust me, this man is so fucking handsy it’s actually kind of crazy.
He just adores every part of your body, so sue him if one of hands somehow miraculously finds itself on your ass or thigh. You don’t push him away, because quite frankly, the attention causes you to flush. 
When you live in a world where it feels like your body is always under some kind of scrutiny, Logan’s blatant advances sometimes leave you feeling a little star struck. He doesn’t hide his attraction to you, and when things get physical between the both of you… yeah, your head practically swims.
He figuratively and quite literally surrounds you, being so big and broad, but when you’re under him you can just feel it. Feel the love. The admiration. The borderline possession. Makes you giddy in a way that leaves you pleasantly dizzy. 
His hands are all over you, stroking, grabbing, and caressing. His eyes watch every movement, tracing them with focused, razor-sharp eyes. He tracks them, stares at the way you spill in his hands, quivering at the shaky sounds of your tiny gasps.
Logan places both hands on your plush stomach, and your gut twists in a way that makes you want to hide from his watchful eye, but you don’t, you don’t cower because Logan looks positively fucking smitten.
He looks like he doesn’t know what he wants to do, where he wants to start; there’s so much of you, so much of you to explore, and love, and claim. He wants to do it all, but maybe he’ll just settle for little love bites.
Just for now.
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Sorry for earlier.
Pls can you write about Logan ?
𝐚𝐛𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞: 𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐯𝐞𝐫. || 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭
⋆ a/n: it's okay!! i'm going to be honest and say that near the end, i start to get a little silly, so it's safe to say i giggled at some of my headcanons while writing them. i hope you guys enjoy them too!!
masterlist | AO3 | nsfw ver.
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A is for Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
Logan is very affectionate but behind closed doors, he does do subtle affection in front of others though. It’s nothing too crazy, just a large warm hand hovering over your lower back, or a sweet kiss to your forehead or temple if the time calls for it.
B is for Best Friend:
Unsurprisingly, Logan is your closest friend and confidant along with being your boyfriend! Even though he’ll gripe and groan when you drag him around to do things, or just stare at you in amusement when you tell him the latest drama, when shit hits the fan; he’s there holding you, whispering comforting reassurances in your ear.
C is for Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle):
Yeah, yeah, Logan’s weird about PDA, but this man is a major cuddler. He holds you, the warmth of your plush body against his skin helps to ground him. Barely ever or never the little spoon; it isn’t a masculinity thing, it’s more about putting himself between you and any potential dangers.
D is for Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?):
For right now, when it comes to settling down, I’m gonna say no. He’s still way too fearful because of the fact that he has lost so much. Logan’s domestic in his own right though, and it’s shown by the small things he does for you. He’ll iron a shirt you need for an interview, swap out body care products when they get low, do the laundry, take out the trash.
Basically anything he can do to make your life easier, he will.
E is for Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
It’ll always be hard.
Breaking up or getting broken up by Logan is always a somber affair if it’s done right. Logan’s hot-headed, but he would never personally try and hurt the people he cares about, so breaking up with you is hard, but he doesn’t want to risk hurting you in the long run by leading you on.
If it’s you breaking up with him, he goes a bit stoned faced, and honestly it’s quite scary, all the progress you have made with trust and vulnerability is completely broken. He isn’t sure he’ll ever get over it. 
F is for Fiance(e)(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
Marriage is an overwhelming affair, at least to Logan.
He’s been to a few weddings, and he knows how these things tend to go. It’s not that he doesn’t want to marry you, it’s just… a lot. He’s more than willing to commit to you, he isn’t insatiable, just putting a ring on your finger isn’t a deal breaker for him. It’s all about safety with him, so marriage isn’t happening for a long time. But he’s open to the idea for the near future.
G is for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
Logan is so gentle with you, it’s kind of sad. He knows you’re not breakable, but he’s seen – and been responsible – for so much mass destruction. He’s rough around the edges and a little broken inside, but he’s willing to mend himself because he wants to love you.
He’s gentle in the way he holds you, the way he brushes his against your cheek.
H is for Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?):
Logan is neutral when it comes to hugs; he’s okay with receiving them, but only from people that he trusts, or when he can tell someone really wants one. He’s surprisingly giving with his affections, but only with the right people.
I is for I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?):
Phew (cue loud whistle sigh), the L-word. Logan has loved, and whenever he has loved, he’s loved hard. He’s had bad luck when it comes to luck, so he takes a lot longer to say the big word back. It’s highly probable that you were the one that had told him you loved him first.
J is for Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
I don’t really think Logan gets jealous all that often simply because he is so secure within himself and your relationship, that if he sees someone else with you, his mind doesn’t immediately raise red flags. He only intervenes when he can tell you’re uncomfortable or if he simply doesn’t like the way they’re looking at you.
K is for Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
Logan’s kisses are passionate. Sometimes communication is hard, there’s so much he can express by simply pressing his lips against yours. He loves to share light-hearted, soft pecks with you. He’s an everywhere kisser when he has the time, but he’s always placing kisses on your temple or forehead. 
Your affections often fluster Logan, so whenever you kiss him on his favorite spots – like his jaw or lips – he flushes red and grumbles in faux complaints.
L is for Little Ones (How are they around children?):
We all know that Logan is literally a lost kid magnet, this man wears the found-family au like a badge of honor. He doesn’t baby them, doesn’t pamper them from the harshness of the world, but he welcomes them softly, and he helps them. He wants his children to be independent and to be able to take care of themselves.
M is for Morning (How are mornings spent with them):
I literally have a headcanon about this already, but mornings with Logan are so sickeningly soft. Many mornings, you aren’t able to even escape the bed because he holds you down and cuddles into you. If you manage to pry yourself away from him, he hangs off of you as you make breakfast, and even as you eat. He’s a menace. Plain and simple.
N is for Night (How are nights spent with them?):
Yet another headcanon I’ve already written, but many nights spent with Logan are so playful. It’s just something about it being night time and when you’re supposed to be going to bed that makes him so energetic. He’s cracking jokes, tackling you onto the bed to shower you in his ticklish affection. You basically have to wrestle him with cuddles in order to get him to calm down.
O is for Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?):
Logan and vulnerability don’t mix, but I feel like being able to even get him to become your boyfriend is a huge step into getting him to open up to you. He drops vague explanations of his past here and there, but ultimately, one night a dam opens, and you know everything.
P is for Patience (How easily angered are they?):
Contrary to popular belief, Logan has patience for the right people. He’s very biased, if you were to pull something he would get angry at a stranger at, he’s willing to work it out. 
Q is for Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
Logan is the most observant and perspective motherfucker ever, and I stand by that. When you open up to him, he’ll file away every one of your likes and dislikes into a little folder in his brain for further use. Many of them don’t get used of course, because affection is hard for him to express, but he just knows you.
R is for Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?):
A quiet night shared between the two of you, twisted up in the sheets together when the insomnia gets bad. You’re both facing each other, laying on your sides and whispering a conversation, as if you’re afraid your voices will pierce the air.
S is for Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
So protective. Like, it’s actually insane. Logan would protect you in any way he can, even if that means he has to kill someone. Of course he doesn’t need to be physically protected, but a lot of people have taken shots at his character, so if you’re able to defend him that way, it’d warm him up.
T is for Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?):
Listen, Logan tries when it comes to dates/anniversaries – bless his heart. He’s not a total stick in the mud when it comes to romance, because in my eyes, he’s a little bit of a secret hopeless romantic. Effort comes easy to Logan when it comes to the small things like I mentioned in D (Domestic). He likes making your life easier, so everyday tasks are literally no sweat off his back. 
U is for Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?):
Logan has his moments where he gets extremely emotionally constipated. Like, it doesn’t matter with how reassuring you are, sometimes, his walls go back up around him, like an impenetrable force and you can’t reach him. 
V is for Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
Listen, I love Logan, but this man does not care about his appearance all that much. Sure, he’ll trim his beard when needed, and even get his haircut, but he prefers to be casual, so he doesn’t cause a big commotion about his appearance. He’s not very vain.
W is for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
I feel like if you’ve been around him for a long time, before or after you guys had started dating, if anything were to happen to you, there’d be a you shaped hole inside his heart. 
X is for Xtra (A random headcanon for them.):
Okay, Logan likes to act like he’s above the drama, but whenever you come home cussing and ranting about your boss or your co-workers, he is sat. Yes he wants to hear about your married co-workers who are sleeping together. Yes, he wants to hear about how your boss had a stain on his shirt the whole day. He’s secretly messy and you love it.
Y is for Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?):
Logan fucking despises egotistical people; like how is your head so big? It genuinely baffles him. Sometimes really outgoing people – cough cough Wade cough cough.
Z is for Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?):
Sorry to shatter Logan’s charming bubble, but he snores. Really loud. He snores like an old man but absolutely refuses to get a sleep apnea machine. The fight he put up about it was laughable.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
hello my loves, im just dropping by to ask you what you guys would like to see from me (i.e. fandom, au's, etc.) since my interactions have been all over the places and i really want to write stuff that you guys want to see!!
i would prefer if you were to comment if you have ideas but if not my inbox is totally cool, please do not dm me!
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