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starxchosen · 7 years ago
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"For the last time, muchacho, I have no idea what you are talking about.”
He could play his own game of twenty questions if he wanted to, but he didn’t have time for that. He hardly had time for anything- his time was constantly running closer and closer to buzzing him out. Héctor sighed and released the bridge of his nasal, dropping his arm to his side.
“Pero if you hit me with that stick one more time, I’m going to crack it on tu cabeza.”
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halfghostrp · 7 years ago
A New Spirit
The cold winter wind had come sooner than the forecast predicted and folks were rushing to get home and cuddle up under blankets and near fires. Danny, on the other hand, had decided to do a quick patrol before calling it a night. Thankfully the icy chill in the air didn’t affect him in this form, otherwise he’d be a Popsicle by now. He scanned the alleyways below and skies above. For once the town seemed pretty empty of ghosts. Maybe they’d decided to stay home due to weather too?
He finally reached the park and was about to turn back, when he saw something human-shaped fly by overhead. His first thought was of Valerie, but even from here he noted the lack of red and black attire. Not her. He flew upward, racing towards the entity. As he neared the figure became clearer. Human, roughly his age, barefoot, white-haired, wearing a blue hoodie and carrying a hook-shaped walking stick of some kind. The guy didn’t appear to be wearing any kind of jet-pack and flew through the air far too gracefully to be using some kind of machine. And yet, as he got closer, his ghost sense didn’t go off. He had to be a ghost though. What else could he be???
Danny flew up alongside the odd ghost, silently crossing his arms as he sped through the sky.
“And here I thought wind-tousled white hair was my thing.” he quipped.
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thosetwobelievers · 7 years ago
@xlikeidontevenexist continued from here:
“Hey– which one of is the ‘Guardian’ here?” He’s quick to kneel down to Jamie’s height, offering him a sincere smile.
“Look– I’m 100% fine. I’m super durable: I’m made for taking beatings every once in awhile.” Jack laughs before his smile softens. “All that makes is that you’re okay. I’m the one that’s supposed to be protecting you remember? So– I’d consider this a job well done.”
Jamie frowned slightly, inspecting the spirit once again as if suddenly a few dozen of hidden bruises would magically appear if he insisted on it. From what the boy had overheard, Jack had never been one to really ‘take care of himself’; that was how Tooth had described him.
Sure, he wasn’t supposed to listen to those conversations, but he was just naturally curious.
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“It’s just-” He stopped, trying to come up with a convincing reply, “I’m not just another kid, you know? I’m your friend, and friends protect each other.” It was different for the two of them. It was more than just the typical Guardian x child relationship - or at least he believed it was.
“Besides, I am a ‘Guardian in training’...” Jamie mumbled. 
Half a second passed before he realized just what exactly he had said. At that, he widened his eyes and slapped his mouth with his fingers. He... wasn’t supposed to share that.
The boy might or might had not told every kid in his neighborhood about his not yet officialized ‘intern status’. It had started as an innocent lie a couple weeks before, but it soon got out of control, and now everyone saw him as such. He’d gotten used to the idea, but he had not planned to tell the tale to the actual Guardians...Not yet, at least.
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mcwscollective · 7 years ago
Misconception: Yoosung's dislike of V is unreasonable
Misconception Meme !! 
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Let’s set one thing straight here. Yoosung doesn’t dislike (or even hate) V. He might think that he does, and convinced himself that he did... but it’s not V that he didn’t like. What he doesn’t like is how V dodges his concerns. Deep down, he still likes V (the make up scene in his route is so touching 3 my heart breaks to watch that scene tbh but it shows that he still cares about him.) 
Granted, if V had been honest and up front with him about Rika from the beginning, he could have saved both of them a lot of grief (but then again, there’s no telling how Yoosung would have reacted if V told him the truth instead of covering it up with the suicide lies...)
Even if he does go through moments of disliking V, and distrusting V, because of the shady ways he hides the truth and avoids having to talk about things that might be difficult to swallow... it’s not unreasonable. Telling Yoosung that his cousin was dead - and not giving him any kind of answers or closure after - is pretty harsh treatment. It’s like ripping the sunshine out of someone’s life and leaving them to deal with cold and darkness on their own.
The fact that it resulted in simply disliking V (rather than killing himself at the news) is actually pretty good.
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staroppa-a · 7 years ago
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                        ❝ Too many years fighting back tears.                             Why    can't    the   past   just   die?                             Wishing  you  were  somehow here                             again,    knowing    we   must   say                             goodbye.   Try to forgive, teach me                             to live,  give me the strength to try!                             No more memories, no more silent                             tears,  no  more  gazing across the                             wasted     years.     Help   me   say                             goodbye.❞ 
              Zen read out his lines from his script for the Phantom of the          Opera. The auditions for  the  characters were in a few days, so         he thought it  would  be  a  good  idea  of  to  have a feel on the          characters  before  he  decides   on   who   he   would  want  to          audition for. He opened his eyes,  about to repeat the line again         for  a  better  delivery,  when   he   noticed  the  figure  from  the          corner of his eye. His head turned immediately to see what was         there only to notice a kid(?) floating by his window. What?  
STARTER CALL | ACCEPTING | @xlikeidontevenexist
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echarcsa-blog · 7 years ago
@xlikeidontevenexist liked for a starter !! 
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Curious eyes wandered, looking the male over swiftly. Offering him a friendly smile, along with a nod of her head, she spoke,
‘ I don’t think we’ve met ?? I’m Alina, the newest member of the RFA. You’re Zen’s cousin, right ?? ‘ She only asked because of the times Zen had brought him up in conversation. She had never been formally introduced to him but he certainly sounded like a nice guy from what she had heard.  They did look awfully alike so she could only assume..
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heavenrejected-a · 7 years ago
@xlikeidontevenexist continued from here 
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    “No, but it’s still like...such bullshit. Like you have to be ‘pure’ or whatever. They’re fucking elitist, slut shaming asshole horses with freaking knives coming out of their head!” 
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origcmibird-a · 7 years ago
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      “ I don’t THINK I’ve heard of that before? I-I mean, I’ve never really gone very far outside my own village, so maybe there are other places around here who celebrate that? “ // @xlikeidontevenexist
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lizziethethird-blog · 7 years ago
apocalypse au feat. @xlikeidontevenexist
When Elizabeth had left the safety of his safe house that morning, a serious lack of supplies causing him to leave the building sooner than he should like, he had not foreseen the small group of runners that chased him all the way to the other side of town. A side, he was surprised to notice, that was glaringly lacking in the infected department.
Elizabeth trekked carefully through the empty streets, eyes wide open for any sort of supplies that could help him on his way back to his starting point. The slightest shift of the wind could mean a threat and Elizabeth was, unfortunately, fresh out of arrows, the last one now resided between the eyes of a female runner, back in the petrol station two streets south.
The sound of gravel crunching under light footfalls reached his ears and immediately he pulled out his handgun, clicking the safety off and checking for ammunition. Three shots. It would have to be enough. He lifted the gun as he turned the corner, his eyes widening as he saw a figure hunching over what looked like a backpack. Not an infected, then. Infected didn’t care for candy bars, only flesh. Quietly, he stepped towards the other person, his hand tightening firmly around his handgun, his steps soft and quiet.
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“Stand up, and turn around,” he commanded, his eyes narrowing as he aimed his gun at the stranger’s head. There was no guarantee that he hadn’t been bitten. “Slowly. Any sharp movement, and I swear it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever do.” The only thing he hoped was that unlike him, the stranger was unarmed, and that he was just as bad with hand-to-hand combat as Elizabeth was.
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mcwscollective · 7 years ago
Misconception: Yoosung's obsession with Rika is childish and he always compares his partner with her.
Misconception Meme !!
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I partially blame this on the fact that they continually reset the characters every time you start back at day one. It traps Yoosung in a loop of not being able to move on. Had the game started with one route, moved into another, then another, rather than sending everything back to the start each time -- you would end up with a very different Yoosung by the end of the game.
His obsession with Rika stems from what she brought into his life. With how she loved and gave so generously, and made others happy, she had become something special to him -- more than just his cousin, more than just another person. She became a magician, and a source of beauty and sunshine in a life that revolved around the rules and plans of his parents. She broke the norm and gave him an escape while also providing him with a deeper purpose by teaching him charity and the good that could come from it.
With her being taken from his life so abruptly (and in such a shocking way,) it’s easy to understand why he would miss her as deeply as he does. In time, he would be able to move on from the loss and start seeing things more clearly -- as he does while going through his route (toward one of the better ends, anyway...) Because he’s unable to move on, however, all you see is a boy that simply cannot let go of his ‘dead’ cousin.
Which is understandable when his grief is pushed back to something more fresh every time you restart.
When it comes to comparing his partner to Rika, that only happens if you let him. In the state MC meets him in with each route, he’s searching for something to take her place and make him happy again. When MC starts to make him feel better, when she literally replaces Rika in the RFA and takes over what she used to do, he begins to see similarities between the two. If that isn’t corrected, Yoosung will continue to compare the two and even think of MC as Rika (as he does in one of his bad endings.) 
If he were to find a partner that doesn’t get forced into stepping into Rika’s RFA shoes, this might not be the case. If it’s a girl that makes him happy and shows a highly generous and caring side, and the similarities become clear to him, there may need to be a few reminders now and then (in the beginning of the relationship anyway...) but it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as the way he is with MC becoming ‘the new Rika’ in her own way. 
Either way, this is only a temporary thing and is easily corrected with verbal reminders. Let him move on and he’ll see his partner as his partner - not as the cousin he (at one moment in time) wished they were.
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littlesncw · 7 years ago
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&---( @xlikeidontevenexist​ ) cont. here.
               “But--- you were human! That‘s kind of a big deal!“
                           The petite winter spirit had a history of prying into others’ lives, wanting to know every detail and never leaving anything to rest. Her crystalline blue eyes were wide as she stared up at her frosty sibling, moving from sitting criss-cross on a tree branch so they were eye-level, to jumping back to the frosted ground to stare up at him. To her, this was a much bigger deal than it seemed to be to him. 
                “You had a real human life! With a real human family--- a                    mother and father, and even a little sister! I would give                    anything to have had that.”
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sevvn-blog · 7 years ago
                          // - @xlikeidontevenexist clicked here to lvl up!
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     ❛ Oh my god... why are you going without shoes? Do you wanna get a cold?! ❜
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heavenrejected-a · 7 years ago
@xlikeidontevenexist continued from here 
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    “Thank you. It’s all to do with having an iconic look and all the right accessories. I want everyone to know who I am even from a distance. The hair helps. But also having a signature look.” 
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snowypast · 7 years ago
xlikeidontevenexist started seeing notes
It was the time for the yearly return to Burgess. Spirits of all sorts seemed to find their ways to nook and crannies of the world at this time of year, when the fall was slowly settling into winter, and the holidays seemed to bring about the time when belief was the strongest. 
Lucille was hoping this would bring about more believers, so she could encourage her frame to linger longer, and perhaps, just maybe, she could find people to speak to. Well, to be able to read what she had to offer. 
Wind dropped off the girl in a local park, leaving her with small rustles of the leaves and play in her silver hair. A deep, unnecessary breath was taken by the spirit. A smile lit her lips as she saw children flitting around in the fresh powder on the ground.
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