synapticsymphony · 12 years
★ xionhewley2
★ s-a-w-a-k-o--k-u-r-o-n-u-m-a
★ blindedbythejustice
★ the-hummingbird-of-g-ward
Toto's lips curled at the sight, more guests? A buch of them too! How intriguing~ golden orbs flickered across the figures, anaylsying each and every one in turn. Finally his eyes rested upon Hummingbird. Now, why exactly would she want to see him? Clapping his hands he began to approach the quartet with a delighted giggle. "AHA! ☆ Welcome, welcome!" He cheered. "What brings you to my nest today? Mm~? ☆"
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xionhewley2 entered the bar
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The dim lighting of the bar gave a softness to the bartender's cheeks as she blew on her hands to defrost them. The heater had been jamming most of the day, but by the time night fell upon 7th Heaven, it might as well have been outside it was so cold! Lucky for her, the repairman just finished fixing it, but it would be awhile before the whole place heated back up. Just then, the repairman opened the door for a young girl to walk in on his way out. Tifa gave her a smile, her rosy cheeks covered by the long dark hair flowing over her shoulders. "Welcome to 7th Heaven."
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((you own Xion for 1 day.))
"It looks like I own one of the failures." Zexion grinned. "Hello, Xion."
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silversorcererroxas · 12 years
"Hey Xion, guess what! The baby's born and it's a girl!"
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many seek answers
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"Wow, there's a lot of you this time. I'm Roxas."
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viamadlucem · 12 years
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Riku's Best Friends:
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soul-of-the-lexicon · 12 years
xionhewley2 started following you
"Good morning, young lady." Lexicon smiled gently, coughing into her hand and sighing, "How are you, today?"
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Can only stare. “………………………………………………………..IX.. Where did you get that?”
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"It's Xion. I'm her daddy, so that makes you her mummy. Only for a little bit while she's a baby though."
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silversorcererroxas · 12 years
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"Tumblr Crushes again and ohhhh... Uuu~ Riku's on top again. Man he's soooo greedy, to have most of my love..."
fighterofthedark: Riku
rokusasu-kun: Roxas
shadow-roxas: Roxas
xionhewley2: Xion
friendsandlucy: Daemon/Lucy
thethirdkeybladetrio: Skyler
silentnobody: Xion
nina-heiwajima-percy-mahogany: Nina
acolorlessink: Sora
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blinding-flames · 12 years
That's quite the line-
He'd only been in the backroom for a moment, but the chimes above the door had gone off multiple times and when he peaked back out to the front a line of unfamiliar blurs had already formed. 
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"Well, looks like I'll be busy fer a few. Name's Axel. What can I get ch'ya t'day?"
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viamadlucem · 12 years
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Riku's Best Friends:
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sniper-with-a-hotbod started following you
innocent-chicky-naruto started following you
xionhewley2 started following you
"Hey." Riku smiled as he waved at the others.
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Xion started giggling once she was held. “Daddy!” She hugged the blonde man with a goofy sora-like smile.
He chuckled and gave her a kiss on the nose, "Okay, why not? You need someone to look after ya'." He rocked her gently, his smile growing even more.
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silversorcererroxas · 12 years
Beach snow fight?
A beautiful sunny day on the Destiny Islands. Xion wanted to take Roxas there so badly. Roxas agreed to go with a smile. They arrived and the beautiful sun shine made the pair smile happily. They took off their clothes and were all ready in their bathing costumes. They put their towels and clothes in a neat pile. Xion took the beach ball and ran towards the sea. Roxas soon followed in pursuit.
The cool water felt good under their toes. Smiling happily they threw the beach ball at each other. After a while the beach ball ended up back on the sand. Xion was gently swimming in the water and Roxas swam under water. He jumped up pretending to be a sea monster. Instantly Xion let out a little yelp and splashed water over her good friend. Laughing together they began to have a water fight. After that they laid on their beach towels looking up to the clear sky. Roxas held out his hands and silver butterflies fluttered round making two Seasalt ice creams appear. He handed one to Xion, she gave her thanks with a smile and Roxas smiled back.
Enjoying the rest of the day relaxing, as soon as the sun began to set they admire the beautiful view. Roxas once again used his magic to changed their clothes. They walked along the shoreline hand in hand before heading home. Such a perfect end to a perfect day with two friends on the beach.
Ah yes, nothing like a perfect day to build a snowman. A crisp winters morning. Roxas was staying with Xion for a few days since it had been a while since they last each other. Xion was the first to get up and see the fresh snow. She was certainly excited. And decided to wake up Roxas. She brusted in his room and jumped on his bed.
Roxas awoke instantly "Woah X-Xion!!!" Xion giggled "Roxas it's been snowing!! Let's go and play in it!!" Roxas looked at his clock, he groaned a little nuzzling his face in his pillow "Five more mintues..." He muttered. Xion pouted, she got off the bed and dragged Roxas out of it. "Ow..!" Roxas' butt hit hard on the floor, he rubbed it softly, Xion giggled "You had five seconds that's good enough."
After having breakfast and putting on their coats, scarfs and gloves. Xion and Roxas headed outside. Xion was holding Roxas' arm happily as they left the house and headed to the park. It was still early and there was plently of snow to play with before everyone else comes.
"Let's build a snow man Roxas!" Xion expressed happily and with excitment. Roxas nodded "Sure! It seems like it will be fun!" Roxas Xion began to gather up snow together into a pile making it soild. Together bit by bit they made the snow man. They found some small stones to make the buttons, the mouth, the nose and the eyes for him. Xion smiles and sighs happily "There, we did a good job on this!"
Roxas nodded "We did a good job! It's been fun heh heh." Xion then became worried "But what if some one else wants to take credit for this snow man? Ah Roxas use your magic to make it appear in my back garden!" Roxas blinked then nodded "Sure." He snapped his fingers and the snow man disappeared. They quickly headed back and went to the back garden seeing the snow man sitting happily in the corner. Xion sighed with relief "Wonderful! Your magic is awesome Roxas!" Roxas laughed, they took a glance once more at their snow man and went inside for hot chocolate and marshmellows and cream.
Unable to control himself Roxas began to become more and more stressed with his powers. His mother and father tried to calm him down, even Mammon tried but nothing seemed to have worked.
Roxas was sitting at the clock tower in Twilight Town, the clock chimed mid-day. Xion appeared, the news about Roxas spreaded like wild fire in the magical world. Mammon became desperate and asked Xion for bring him to him senses. Xion sat beside Roxas. Roxas said coldly "What do you want Xion?" Xion looked at with him pitful eyes "I heard what happened. Everyones doing their best to support you Roxas."
Roxas looked at Xion with his cold hallow deep blue eyes, what happened to him? He failed what he set out to do but refused to accept becoming an empty shell, developing anger and hatred to keep his conscious a float. Roxas hated everyone, even the ones he held close to him.
Xion tried her best to bring Roxas to his senses but he wouldn't have it, he grabbed her by the throat and hung her over the edge. Though his eyes were hallow with his no life in them, Xion could see clearly the anger and hate within him. Roxas wasn't there any more, just a shell carrying heavy burdens.
Time around them froze, Roxas simply dropped Xion but she landed perfectly on her feet. Xion never wanted to fight against her best friend. But it seemed she had no choice. Mammon granted Xion with a power to summon a purple blade on her arm. Xion rised her right arm and purple fragments appeared forming a blade just like she praticed with Mammon.
Xion was amazed but there was no time for that Roxas was all ready heading to her holding a black scythe. Xion jumped back, her eyes widen as she saw the large scythe Roxas was holding. Roxas ran forward attacking first, Xion defended herself with the purple blade. Roxas was strong against her. Each time their blades clashed together Xion became more and more worried that she may have lost her friend completely.
Roxas's eyes grew darker and darker, his scythe cracked her blade. Roxas grinned terribly "Why not just give up Xion, that's what you always do! Give up!" Xion shook her head "This isn't the Roxas I know, Roxas was kind, he cared for those who were close to him. Even when he was a nobody somehow he had a heart, caring about his friends." Xion looked up to Roxas, her eyes flowing tears "Don't you remember? Remember me, you and Axel said wouldn't be nice to hang out the clock tower every day forever? Axel said it was a ridiculous idea however we could see in his eyes, that he knew he would be a wonderful idea. Don't you remember that?" Roxas glared his hallow eyes at her, Xion raised her purple blade to the high heavens "That's why I, Xion!" She paused as the blade grew and turned red "Shall get my friend back!" Xion cross the blade over her chest and ran forward. Their fight began once again.
{Phew that took me a while to write! I hope you all enjoyed reading it!}
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better-half-vani · 12 years
Xion lightly kissed Vanitas and quickly walked away a bright blush present on her face.
A playful smirk adorns his face as he licks his lips where he was recently kissed. "Well, well...I wonder what I did to earn that...?" he murmured.
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