synapticsymphony · 11 years
Maybe i'll revive this blog one day... 多分.
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
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No, of course it wasn't. But he couldn't just say that could he? If they were caught... Who knows what Tamaki would do. Nee-chan wouldn't stand a chance, she'd be killed for sure... And it would all be his fault, all because of this stupid idea he had. 
Jumping into the vent he let out a long breath, attempting to dispel of the nasty thoughts before turning himself round, forcing his lips into a huge smile as he offered his hand out towards her.
"Mmhm!" He beamed, "Anything is safe when i'm around! Everything will be fine!"
Toto was truly amazing.He had all these skills while Yosuga barely had control of hers. She wondered why he even bothered being around her some times. He wanted a challenge afterall…
She shook that thought from her head and nodded. ” Toto can pull Yosuga up…” She said. She wasn’t very strong, or tall. She’d need all the help she could get.
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” ….Is this really safe…?” Really a question she was asking herself. Her heart was racing and sweat formed on her forehead. Yosuga didn’t do well under pressure.
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
★ mercurial-marionette
Now this was an interesting sight. Many peculiar and 'exotic' dogs had walked into his love nest over the past few months, but none as mysterious and old-fashioned as this person. It was quite refreshing in a way, looks like he'd get to have a bit of 'fun' today after all!
Stepping out from a adjacent rock, the teen let out a small laugh, clapping his hands in delight as he approached the enigma. "AHA! ☆ Lost~?" He chuckled, scooping himself forward as if to try and get a glimpse of their shaded face. "This place is out of bounds, you know! ☆"
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"Perhaps~" Toto smiled, closing his eyes as he gave a flamboyant spin towards her. "But will you be willing to give it, I wonder? ☆"
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synapticsymphony entered the cage:
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“Friend!? Hi?!” The teen laughed out loud. “Bullshit. There’s gotta be something you want.”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
This boy really wasn't doing himself a favour, was he? In fact, 'Toto' could already feel the blood beat within his veins, pumping faster, wanting to be unleashed upon this imprudent brat. But now was not the time! He couldn't just get into a sticky situation just before the releasing of his precious egg~ then again, what harm could a little 'fun' do?
Letting out a small sigh, the deadman placed his thumb and forefinger against his temple, a wicked smile beginning to distort his features as he adressed the intruder. "That's none of your concern~" He giggled, "Though, if you tell me yours, i'll tell you mine! ☆"
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“Who needs manners, anyway?” He asked, resting his chin on the back of his hand as he spoke. “Who are you?"
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
★ ideal-psychopheliac
"You barbarians are becoming awfully persistant as of late~ don't you have any manners? ☆"
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"Me?" My my, he wasn't expecting the conversation to fall back on him so quickly! The less the Deadman knew about him the better~ but then he wasn't exactly playing subtle in the first place. He had often left many hints about the true nature of his little game whilst in this body, it was if he wanted someone to catch on~!
"AHA! ☆ You could say that~!" He giggled, shifting his weight as he clapped his hands, feet already bouncing their way over towards the man. "From the way things are going, I'll get what I want in no time~! But before that--" Yes, before that. "There's still some tiny matters I need to take care of."
A small breath of air passed his lips as he came to halt, pale fingers trickling up his neck causing his smile to widen. "What about you, Senji-kun? Tell me~" He hushed, pushing himself up onto his tip-toes, closing the gap between them. 'What exactly do you want~? ☆"
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“Don’t call me that, I ain’t kind.” He scowled at the comment as though it were some sort of horrible slur. Toto’s interests seemed to spiral from one thing to another in a matter of seconds; the moment Senji thought he knew what he was trying to get out of him, the subject would change in an instant. Whether it was on purpose or simply the way the boy was programmed, he didn’t know. Either way, it was like some kind of enigma to him, one that he chose not to understand just yet.
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Again, the subject changed, just as he knew it would. Crow blinked, looking off to the side and wrinkling his nose. “Life’s treating me about as well as it’s gonna, all things considering.” He looked to the other with a raised brow, clearing his throat before asking: “And what about you? You got somethin’ good going on?”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"As chirpy as always, Minatsuki-chan~! ☆" He laughed, clapping his hands together in his usual manner. "Can't a friend come and say hi~?"
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synapticsymphony entered the cage:
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“M-Mockingbird… What the hell do you want?”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"Friend..?" The boy asked, eyes widening as the answer struck him. "Ganta-kun, right?" Of course it was! He couldn't think of any other 'friends' the child supposedly had. "And not much, nothing much at all~ ☆"
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“I guess it’s hard to forget a superhero!” Shiro smiled widely and proudly. “Shiro was busy protecting her friend. And you?”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
Well, that was a start! "And I remember you~! ☆ I take it Shiro-chan has been busy?"
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“Hey, I remember you! Hello!”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"AHA! ☆ I am~!"
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“Ooh, Shiro is bored! Is anybody here?”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
"AHA! ☆ Of course~!" The feathery-haired child giggled, bringing his delicate fingers to the corner of his lip as his eyes widened with ever growing curiosity. "You know nothing about it~ how sad. ☆" This brat clearly wasn't a deadman, therefore not of much interest to his current goal. But then, why exactly was he here? Just what was Tamaki thinking of letting 'normal' citizens into G Ward? Bird food perhaps? Aah~ too many questions unsolved!
Letting out a small laugh the boy clapped his hands, marking the beginning of his introduction. "My name's Toto!" He smiled, "Sakigami Toto~ but the other's around here know me as Mockingbird! You'll be kind to me, right? ☆" 
And I might just do the same for you!
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He had been having a feeling that he was lost yet again. The place was… somewhat familiar in some sense, but he never liked the feeling he got from being in such a place. It was… just a bad feeling. How did he ended up here? Hiljo never really know how he did.
Upon hearing an unfamiliar voice, the blind was unsettled. Nervous. New areas with new faces was something he never liked to deal with. “What birds…?” The blind turned to face where he heard the voice.
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
Nee-chan always sounded so doubtful and timid, he often wondered why but never decided to bring it up. She would probably only get mad at him anyway... And he didn't want her to feel even worse. Yet, as he looked at her declaring her alacrity he couldn't help but feel a small ball of guilt form within his stomach.
"Just here." He smiled, turning them around one last corner to face a dead end, a small human-sized vent located smack bang in the middle. "I'll go first, but nee-chan has to stay right behind me, 'kay?" No way did he want her to get lost within this hell, no way could he loose her again. With a small lick of finger he crouched down, crimson coils spiralling into the air and latching themselves onto the metal, pulling it off it's hinges with a large CLANG!
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"Yosuga can do it.” She didn’t want Toto to think she was so weak she couldn’t even climb through the vents. It was such an easy task. The girl nodded, convinced and determined to do this. 
The girl looked up and around. ” Where will we be starting….?” She was a little nervous still, this was dangerous and who knows what might be in the vents of this hellish place. She shook her head and looked to her brother. ” Yosuga is ready, maybe.”
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
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synapticsymphony · 11 years
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Deadman Wonderland Vol.12
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