#Oh oh
sheikfangirl · 5 months
Welcome to Hateno❤️
Post-Botw / Pre-relationship fluff
After a few days in Kakariko Village, Link brought Zelda to his house in Hateno. She was so eager to finally see it but on the other hand Link was nervous and did his best to hide his insecurity. He was a little embarrassed and wanted to know what Zelda would think of the house before admitting that he had actually bought it for her.
"Zelda is a Princess" he told himself. "She is used to castles and luxury... This house is smaller than her royal bedroom! "
But no. Zelda's reaction surprised him. Pleasantly surprised him. In fact, his nervousness level cranked up quite a bit 🤭
Little did Link know that Zelda's most secret wish was to share a cozy little house...with him ❤️
And the best thing about Link's house? Yes, you know what it is... There is only one bed 😉
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canisalbus · 6 months
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yeonjune · 5 months
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YEONJUN ✙ DAZED Korea x Lacoste
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bonez-yard · 1 month
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"The Great Diamond Authority!!!"
Can you tell who my favorite diamonds are-
I swear I'm not in a Steven Universe mood, I just really wanted to redraw these and give them justice-
I say they came out pretty good, might change them a little later on :0
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my art!!!
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“Oh.” “Oh.”
Oh, I’m in love with you.
It’s Remus Lupin looking at Sirius Black, bathed in sunlight in the common room.
Oh, I’m losing you.
It’s graduating Hogwarts and joining the Order.
Oh, we’re never going to be the same.
It’s Halloween, 1981.
Oh, you’ve changed.
It’s Sirius, back from Azkaban, back at Hogwarts, back to where Remus is.
Oh, I’ve lost you.
It’s the 18th of June, 1996. Department of Mysteries.
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littlepawz · 1 year
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This made me choke on my coffee this morning, so I thought I'd share :)
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peachymaryobrien · 10 months
Lockwood and Lucy have matching white strands of hair after visiting The Other Side together.
Percy and Annabeth have matching gray streaks in their hair after holding Atlas's burden.
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femaleidols · 1 year
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JENNIE, 'Shut Down' @ Coachella (cr. paint it black)
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cowardnthief · 5 months
on tv, two men who are best friends always have 100x more chemistry and romantic potential than any actual romantic relationship on the show (and i mean this to include straight and gay couples) because:
1) the creators have to actually put effort into developing their relationship, explaining why they like each other as people, and getting the audience invested and, importantly, believing, without the shorthand of making out which is, imo, a crutch
2) men tend to be more developed than women on tv, so they become more believable characters, and in turn more compelling. two men are likely to both be equally involved in the story, in the world. it feels less like an afterthought - less like oh, she's the only girl here, so i guess she'll hook up with the protagonist...
3) similar thing, and maybe i'm going on a little feminist rant here, but i think relationships with two men are able to get away with so much more because they are on "equal footing." i'm not intending this to be commentary about real-life relationships at all, but on tv there are certain things that audiences expect and accept from same-sex relationships, platonic or otherwise, but not opposite-sex. for example, violence (a tumblr-beloved toxic yaoi trope) is extremely common in male friendships on tv but would be unheard of in a male-female friendship due to what it would imply.
4) instead of spending time on the "romantic subplot" away from the plot, two men spend time together INSIDE the plot. INSIDE the world. their relationship becomes a facet of the universe rather than an annex to it. (this does happen with well-written straight couples of course, but i find it to be less common, especially in the kind of trash camp tv tumblr gobbles up.)
anyway, i think about this a lot - why despite being a rampant feminist and 90% lesbian, i find myself drawn to male friendships over female ones on television, over romantic relationships. why i find weird, twisted friendships where all they do is beat each other up and stare at each other, something dark and unspoken flickering just behind their eyes, more compelling than relationships, involving any gender, where they actually do the nasty.
i think some of this applies to female friendships too, but i see it less often, again because women tend to be less developed, have a harder time dodging boring tropes, and are also just less present on television (and even when they are, they don't interact with each other in any significant way).
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uncasuals · 4 months
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" it wasn't like that dane , he just wanted to talk to me . "
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spinetacks · 1 month
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📌• ♡
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falcataa · 5 months
Well, I metamorphed Karlach into Zevlor... And guess what... It is ridged 🙈
I don't want to go to the horny jail...
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canisalbus · 6 months
hi, i just wanted you to know i was picking from minion roulette in ffxiv (you hit the button and it randomly summons one from your collection) and upon summoning the baby raptor me and my partner realized suddenly that the little guy, he,
gives a certain energy
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adh-james-version · 2 months
‼️okay serious question‼️
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cheekymonica · 6 months
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for old times sake :3
All That Matters - Justin Bieber
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dwaginator · 3 months
u guys WISH ur dog had as much swag as mine...because mine can do... soccer
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