#xinxiins / liú shīyì.
byanyan · 4 months
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
[ from liú shīyì ! ]
absolutely unhinged comedic reliefㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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ㅤa snort of a laugh escapes, harsh but not mocking — almost agreeable, in fact; understanding. the sentiment, after all, is one they relate to all too well.
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ㅤㅤ" funny how intentional it always seems t' be, huh? "ㅤfunny is the wrong word for it, but it's also the easiest one. the least vulnerable one.ㅤ" then they go 'round blamin' how fucked up ya are on you, like they did everythin' right an' it's your fault, the way you turned out. like they're fuckin' saints for puttin' up with ya for s'long as they did. "
another breath of a laugh passes their lips, though this one sounds more like a scoff. amusement marks their voice, but there's a bitter undertone to it that defies the uncaring air byan tries to maintain — even their relaxed stance holds a certain tenseness, muscles taut despite their easy pose.
ㅤㅤ" parents're the worst kinds'a people, man, i swear. they've always got all these expectations of ya, and if y'don't live up to 'em, if you're not exactly who they want ya t' be... "ㅤa wave of their hand; good riddance. shaking their head then, they reach into their pocket and pull free a crumpled, nearly-empty pack of cigarettes. they need a fucking smoke right about now.ㅤ" bunch'a fuckin' hypocrites 'n liars, 'f ya ask me. "
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dcstinyscdgc · 4 months
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@xinxiins said: how embarrassing --- the first moment of clarity he's had in the past several days, and it's because he got lightheaded and his legs gave out from under him --- probably from not eating; xīnyàn says he forgets sometimes when he gets "bad." whatever "bad" is supposed to mean these days, anyway. shīyì wipes his mouth on his sleeve --- blood. a split lip, no doubt. ah well. it'll heal eventually. in the meantime, he can't make eye contact with anyone who's staring at him --- too humiliating. " --- wǒ méishì." [ for ruolan, from liú shīyì ! ]
"You'd have better luck telling someone gullible enough to believe you," Ruolan said, holding out a hand to help him up.
The nature of seeing another person fall always jarred Ruolan, an uncomfortable happening to witness followed by a rush of worry. And for this guy to end up with a split lip as such... she could only imagine what infection could come from there if he didn't clean it properly. That thought alone made her internally cringe.
"Let's see about cleaning that lip up, how does that sound?"
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roscvcins · 4 months
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@xinxiins asked :
it takes a lot of effort for liú shīyì to not eat as if he's been starved, though he still holds onto it like a prisoner might --- like he's afraid it'll be snatched from his grip in an instant. his head, at least, is a little less muddled now that he's got something in his stomach, and with the return of clarity of thought comes the frightening realization that most other people would've driven him from their doorstep --- perhaps even violently.
( this person doesn't look anything like any of the characters in the latest story he's been writing --- but now that he thinks about it, he never really wrote down much about their appearances, did he. an oversight, in retrospect. )
shīyì takes another bite, more gingerly this time, his gentle eyes drifting up towards his benefactor. "is this actually happening, or ... am i imagining it ? the food seems ... really realistic for a daydream ... "
[ for n.anzhu, from liú shīyì ! ]
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" - Does it really matter if it's actually happening or if you're imagining it?" He tilts his head, hands steepled. Fingertips drum lightly over knuckle, as light as his voice, touched with a hint of dry humor. "You're here, and it's food." He's said as much in cursed castles, in monster-infested apartment complexes, frozen horizons and abandoned schools and haunted hospitals, every hellscape he's seen - "As I say to EVERYONE - I don't know whether or not you're going to suffer because of your situation, but I do know that you'll suffer if you DON'T eat."
As for the nature of the question - well, in the first place he wouldn't know, and in the second place, he doesn't particularly care. If he's real, if he's the figment of someone's imagination - it hardly matters. He's HERE. He can invent himself.
"I think C.heng Y.ixie will be pleased someone will daydream about his cooking, though." He looks up and the teenager in question, spying from the railing on the second floor after being banished, makes ab clearly DISPLEASED face and disappears back into the hallway. R.uan N.anzhu suppresses a faint smile. "Do your daydreams tend to come to life often?"
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byanyan · 4 months
[txt]: I passed out, why was I dreaming about the education connection song
[ from shīyì ! ]
discord text promptsㅤㅤ∘ ˚ ( accepting )
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[sms: beyond help]:ㅤy u askin me [sms: beyond help]:ㅤidfk [sms: beyond help]:ㅤold ad jingles haunt u at the weerdest fuckin times ig [sms: beyond help]:ㅤthose n like theme songs from old shows r the wurst for that [sms: beyond help]:ㅤgod n game soundtracks [sms: beyond help]:ㅤill be in the worst moment of my life n the mii plaza music is playin in the backa my fuckin head the hole time [sms: beyond help]:ㅤreally confuses the vibe
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