#xingqiu scenarios
yvbiko · 2 years
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐓 ft genshin boys ☆
You and he met in the library. You are bored at that time so you get up from your chair and continue looking for books that you know will suddenly interest you. After a few minutes finally you find a book that you are attracted to. You quickly grabbed the book but someone else's hand was also holding the book. You looked to see who was holding it, it turned out that it was a man. You were stunned but suddenly the man spoke. "Sorry, you can take the book first" after he said that he bowed. You were silent for a few seconds but bowed too. After that you said a silent "thank you" he nodded at you're thank you. Before he could go you manage to say something "uhm if it's okay we can read it together?" And that is how you and him met.
xingqiu, kazuha, albedo & tighnari
You and him met in the park. While you were walking while looking at your phone suddenly you bumped into someone. You stand up and quickly say sorry and bow many times. You looked up at the person. God, whatever their drink is was spilled on their clothes making you feel bad. So you said sorry again. "I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?" You said looking down. You know it's your fault and you feel so ashamed. It was silent until he suddenly spoke "it's okay, don't worry about it!" But you still said sorry and said you can buy him a new drink or do anything for him. "Well since you really want to, you can help me with giving youre number to me <3"
childe, kaeya & ayato
You met him online. At that time you were bored so you scrolled to this dating app. You saw someone you're attracted to. You messaged him and he replied. But instead of dating you and him became friends. Thought it was kinda hard to befriend him but you still did it. And the day you and him met in real life was kind of awkward but it was still fun.
scaramouche, xiao, diluc, razor, & cyno
You and him met because of your friend. Your friend introduced him to you and then you and he became friends.
chongyun, cyno, bennett, gorou, heizou, venti, aether, itto & thoma
But no matter how you guys met you both know that it was fate who led you two to met each other ♡
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☆: I used a translator for this. I'm sorry if there's any grammatical errors ! I tried doing a more detailed story but I was lazy so I'm sorry if it's not to you're liking !! Oh and this is also my first time writing a headcannon
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flan-tasma · 7 months
Chongyun x Reader who is not affectionate out of fear
💖~ I'm so regretful to say this and I'm embarrassed, but someone had made a request about this and it looks like I deleted it by an accident.
Warning: angst, Fem!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Los abrazos que no dejaban respirar a Xingqiu fueron una parte esencial en su relación. Siempre estabas ahí para llenar de afecto al muchacho, sosteniendo su brazo y siempre estando pegada a su costado con pegamento y sonriendo. Chongyun mentiría si dijera que no sentía celos. Pero era un problema al inicio de su amistad cuando expresadas todo ese amor con él, el amor en forma de abrazos que lo harían derretir en su lugar y casi salir corriendo de tu lado, el amor que habías aprendido que él no quería recibir.
Xingqiu te explicó la situación de su amigo, no estaba acostumbrado a la cercanía de ese tipo, junto con su condición de nacimiento, el hecho de tenerte a su lado sosteniéndole del brazo (y sus sentimientos) no lo deja estar bien. Te lastimó un poco, pero supiste entender que tampoco era su culpa, no era porque a Chongyun no le caías bien, sino porque eras demasiado pegajosa y eso era un problema que él no merecía tener.
Cuando ustedes dos empezaron a salir, él esperaba que hicieras lo mismo. Casi podía soñar despierto con caminar tomando tu mano o sentirte abrazándolo con fuerza mientras soltaba una risa que demostrara que estabas feliz con él. Pero nunca te acercaste lo suficiente. Si tocaba tu mano, era por algún roce equivocado. Su camiseta podía llegar a rozar tu blusa y la primera vez que lo besaste, te alejaste tan rápido que temió haberte quemado con sus labios fríos. A pesar de eso, tú misma parecías feliz al estar con él. Le recordabas tu amor de otras formas que no eran la cercanía ni el contacto, pero aun así le costaron algunas noches sin dormir en las que pensaba si era realmente capaz de hacerte sentir segura de esa manera. Preguntarte sería más fácil que comerse la cabeza pensando si en algún momento hizo algo mal, pero realmente no había una forma sencilla de tomar el valor de hacerlo.
Entonces se le ocurrió la idea de tomar la iniciativa. Durante esa tarde quiso tomar tu mano y entrelazar tus dedos con los suyos, caminar tranquilamente hasta el restaurante Wanmin y así abrirse paso a un terreno más cariñoso en su relación. Pero todo se cayó al mar cuando alejaste tu mano y diste un paso para poner distancia, casi tan lejos como uno de tus brazos. El rostro desconcertado de Chongyun casi te hizo estremecer, pues lucía más como un gatito que habías abandonado en una noche lluviosa en vez de tu novio tranquilo. Chongyun no volvió a tomar tu mano, apretó su puño contra su costado y se disculpó.
"No digas eso, no eres molesto." Trataste de arreglar su rostro dolido, casi querías abrazarlo contra tu pecho y asegurarle que no era más que una maravilla para ti. "Solo no creo que sea seguro si hacemos esto."
"Está bien si no quieres, pero..." El hámster que corría en su cabeza estaba trabajando al cien para intentar comunicar la situación mientras inconscientemente seguía mordiendo su lengua para callarse. "¿No quieres tomar mi mano?... ¿Aunque sea un minuto?"
"¿Eso no te molestaría?" Tu pregunta, tan precavida e ingenua, casi lo hace saltar y gruñir con negación. Nunca deseó parecer alguien que no quisiera afecto, mucho menos el tuyo, ni alguien a quien debías tratar de lejos. El exorcista solo quería amor, tu amor para ser específicos.
"No eres molesta." Repitió tus palabras mientras rozaba tus dedos una vez más, sin querer que te sintieras obligada a algo. En su mente rezó mil veces por segundo para no ser rechazado. "En realidad me gustaría hacer esto más seguido."
Sentiste que tu corazón corrió directamente contra la mano de Chongyun, dejándose sostener con tanta gentileza entre sus dedos, palpitando contra el chico que amabas. Sentías que los muros de hielo que se habían creado, que tú habías formado para cuidar de alguna manera a Chongyun, no hacían más que mantenerlo congelado en un páramo en el que ambos seguían buscando el calor ajeno. El rostro avergonzado suyo, cuando por fin apretaste su mano, como acariciaste sus nudillos con las yemas de tus dedos, logró sacarle un suspiro de alivio al ver que no era apartado.
Por fin podía sostenerte a su lado, tomando su codo y entrelazando sus manos mientras volvía a sonreír y te preguntaba qué querías comer cuando llegasen al restaurante Wanmin.
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The hugs that didn't let Xingqiu breathe were an essential part of the relationship of Xingqiu and you. You were always there to shower the boy with affection, holding his arm and always sticking to his side with glue and smiling. Chongyun would be lying if he said he didn't feel jealous. But it was a problem at the beginning of your friendship when you expressed all that love with him, the love in the form of hugs that would make him melt in place and almost run away from you, the love that you had learned he didn't want to receive.
Xingqiu explained to you the situation of his friend, he was not used to the closeness, along with his birth condition, the fact of having you by his side holding his arm (and his feelings) does not let him be well. It hurt you a little, but you were able to understand that it wasn't his fault either, it wasn't because Chongyun didn't like you, but because you were too clingy and that was a problem he didn't deserve to have.
When you two first started dating, he expected you to do the same. He could almost daydream about walking holding your hand or feeling you holding him tightly while letting out a laugh that showed you were happy with him. But you never got close enough. If he touched your hand, it was because of some wrong touch. His shirt could rub against your blouse and the first time you kissed him, you pulled away so quickly that he feared he had burned you with his cold lips. Despite that, you seemed happy being with him. You reminded him of your love in ways other than closeness or touch, but it still cost him some sleepless nights when he thought about whether he was really capable of making you feel safe like that. Asking you would be easier than racking his brain wondering if he ever did something wrong, but there really wasn't an easy way to get the courage to do it.
Then he came up with the idea of taking the initiative. During that afternoon he wanted to take your hand and intertwine your fingers with his, walk calmly to the Wanmin restaurant and thus make his way to a more affectionate terrain in your relationship. But everything fell into the sea when you moved your hand away and took a step to put distance, almost as far as one of your arms. Chongyun's bewildered face almost made you shudder, as he looked more like a kitten you had abandoned on a rainy night rather than your calm boyfriend. Chongyun didn't take your hand again, he pressed his fist against his side and apologized.
"Don't say that, you're not annoying." You tried to fix his pained face, you almost wanted to hug him to your chest and assure him that he was nothing but a wonder to him. "I just don't think it's safe if we do this."
"It's okay if you don't want to, but..." The running hamster in his head was working overtime to try and communicate the situation, while he unconsciously kept biting his tongue to shut himself up. "Don't you want to hold my hand?... Even if it's just for a minute?"
"Wouldn't that bother you?" Your question, so cautious and naive, almost made him jump and growl in denial. He never wanted to seem like someone who didn't want affection, much less yours, nor someone you should treat from afar. The exorcist only wanted love, your love to be specific.
"You're not annoying." He repeated your words as he brushed your fingers once more, not wanting you to feel obligated to anything. In his mind, he prayed a thousand times a second not to be rejected. "Actually, I'd like to do this more often."
You felt your heart race directly against Chongyun's hand, letting yourself be held so gently between his fingers, throbbing against the boy you loved. You felt that the ice walls that had been created, that you had formed to somehow protect Chongyun, did nothing more than keep him frozen in a wasteland in which both of you continued to seek the warmth of others. The embarrassed face of his, when you finally squeezed his hand, as you caressed his knuckles with the tips of your fingers, managed to make him breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that he was not separated from him.
He was finally able to hold you next to him, taking his elbow and clasping his hands as he smiled again and asked you what you wanted to eat when you got to the Wanmin restaurant.
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asena-queenslayer · 1 year
genshin guys as figure skaters (& more) at the rink part 2:
characters: kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, tartaglia, thoma, tighnari, venti, wanderer, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
disclaimer: all based on my own experiences & hc's as a former figure skater!
part 1:
another of dain's students. practically lives at the rink. that one guy everyone has a crush on. one of the best singles skaters. menace on the ice in both senses of the term (v fast) (& teases everyone). stunning programs. teaches Learn to Skate classes on the side & is v good with the kids (klee's in his class). iconic move is his no-hands hydroblade & sassy high kick after landing his triple axel (no this is definitely not inspired by yuzuru hanyu haha what are you talking abt).
complains about the fading artistry from figure skating. v beautiful programs & extremely good at expressing emotion. the one who breaks down after his ending position in competition. unfortunately broke, so skates for a few weeks & then disappears for months on end. religiously takes nilou's ballet classes (does not help with the broke aspect but at least nilou loves him). iconic move is his stunning spiral.
from the same rink as heizou, but shows up even less frequently. still, his grace & flow is the envy of all. beidou's student (she commutes back & forth between the two rinks).
menace. clown. also practically lives at the rink. doesn't actually skate much during practice, but is somehow still v good. teases everyone. the reckless guy sprinting around the ice instead of skating. iconic moves are his high af Russian split jump & gravity-defying cantilever. occasionally helps out with Learn to Skate. god help the class who gets him & kaeya paired as teachers bc they are chaos incarnate.
front desk guy. brings his dog to work. friendly af. everyone lowkey has a crush on him. will let regulars in for free when they run out of passes & forget money to pay for more. drives the zamboni.
the substitute medic when baizhu is on sick leave. kind but has little tolerance for stupid people. yells at the public skaters walking around on the unpadded areas & kids who kick their rental skates against the bleachers (damages the blades).
local musician. popular choice for program music; but everyone either hates or loves him since his songs are rather overplayed. shows up to all the competitions in horrible incognito (literally just a pair of sunglasses & the occasional fake mustache).
the kid who hates being there. grumpy af abt being forced to skate. is actually not bad tho, just really hard on himself. the person who keeps restarting his program music bc he messed up, even if it was small. secretly likes showing off. iconic move is his dramatic af spider lunge.
zhongli's student. v v good & v fast. jumping machine, probably has quads. doesn't talk or smile much. rarely helps with the Learn to Skate program bc the kids are scared of him. iconic move is his biellmann spin since he's actually flexible enough for it.
the supportive friend who comes to watch chongyun skate. always carries a book with him. chongyun is a little embarrassed but always glad to have xingqiu & the rest of the liyue squad cheering for him when he steps onto the ice for competition.
cool af older coach. probably won multiple Olympics & Worlds in his time but no one has any idea until they look him up online. everyone & their parent want him as a coach. fully booked tho so rather difficult to get lessons with him as a new student. rarely gets on the ice, mostly stands behind the boards & coaches from there. however, every time he does step onto the ice, everyone can immediately see the old Olympian in him.
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rubys-domain · 1 year
at this point i dont even care if i get kokomi. i just want a 5 star
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https-furina · 9 months
✎ that poor birdy. ft. xiao x gn!reader content. fluff, a little hurt/comfort, naive (?) reader - they don’t know xiao isn’t human :p a little bit of xiao falling in love while being really inexperienced with it. mentions of xiao as a birdy ! not proofread 'm sorry >~< w.c. 1.5k words
notes. uuuuuuuu i loves him so much ;; santa pls can i has him under my nonexistent tree this year taglist. @ryuryuryuyurboat @soleillunne @rainswept
you followed the routine meticulously whenever you needed it, which was usually always when the inspiration runs dry from your veins. it stumps you every time, being in that scenario as a member of the wanwen bookhouse in liyue harbor. you never particularly want xingqiu chasing after you on whether you have any new material to publish.
the idea was first proposed in its early stages by a close friend - at least, that’s what you call him. you had been grumbling over a cup of steaming hot tea, head in your hands as you whined to xiao about an upcoming deadline.
“why don’t you travel for inspiration?” he had suggested and within seconds, your face had lit up. you stared at him with glittering eyes, a hopeful glimpse into your future right before you. xiao shifted nervously under your gaze, his gloved hands cupping his own cup of tea as he glanced away, the tips of ears feeling warm.
suddenly you would start disappearing for days, sometimes even weeks as the birth of your new found routine began. it was the saviour of your writer’s block, filling you to the brim with stories and poetry that everyone at the wanwen bookhouse fawned over. xiao never pondered where you would run off to, in all fairness he assumed you was prancing off to mondstadt, sumeru and even inazuma.
he never chased you up on it. after all, his suggestion had merely been a case of him trying to get the oddly clingy human that appeared from nowhere off his back for more than a day. your presence suffocates him as a yaksha and he takes your absence in his stride yet he leans against the railing of his room at wangshu inn, staring out at the endless stars all clustered together on a backdrop of indigo and he sees how your eyes glittered that day, like you had captured the stars and put them in your eyes. almost like fireflies in a glass jar.
xiao did however presume you was at least obsessed - his words, you simply call it a normal friendship - with him enough to bring back trinkets from your adventures but you come back empty handed each time with only a proud grin on your face as you dump your newest works onto the male. part of him is glad that you don’t, after all gifting on such a level outside of special occasions could come off as mating to the male bird. the other part of him - the humanoid part of him - wishes you would do it at least once to fill the empty void in his heart left from centuries of avoiding contact with people.
the kitchen at the wangshu inn is usually busy around this time of day as workers gather for their lunch break or couples take a leisurely stroll across the guili plains whilst liyue’s weather remains so warm and tender, humid to the touch with a cool breeze. xiao knows this well from how long he’s resided at the very top of the inn, where the breeze catches just right and rustles golden leaves above his head. the noise brought by the mortal world’s lunchtime would soon cease and he’d be left in the solace he craves so desperately to ease his pains; that is disregarding the fact that xiao finds the kitchen too noisy on this day.
someone jogging up the steps is enough for xiao to hide, after all he’s not expecting visitors nor does anyone ever seek him out on purpose now but he catches sight of your familiar head of hair and the waft of almond tofu through the leaves, the plate held carefully in your hands. he tries to make his sudden appearance calm, as if he’d always been there - you’re too innocent to put together myth to reality, even with his mask tucked securely to his hip.
“you’re back again,” he comments, gold eyes watching you carefully as you spin on your heel to face him, your initial look of confusion ebbing away at the sight of him, “almond tofu?”
“i figured i’d come back with a gift, at least,” you chime with a grin, holding out the plate to him. seeing your smile after a few days affects xiao more than he’d care to admit, his stomach filled with the odd sensation of butterflies - and a gift? “i remember you saying you liked almond tofu.”
the pale skin of his cheeks seems to flush with a subtle hue of pink causing the yaksha to flicker his glance away from you as he takes the plate of almond tofu, mumbling his thanks. what was this feeling? his brows almost knit together in confusion; could it be karmic debt? perhaps your presence as a mortal human was finally taking its toll on him. xiao parts his lips to excuse himself from your vicinity, wondering if he could gather some believable lies to get you off his back but he stares at the small details on your face and how you still smell like parchment and ink instead.
xiao moves away from you - albeit a little reluctantly - to the table presented neatly with two chairs by the railing, hidden in the shade of wangshu inn's great auburn tree. he settles in one of the chairs, clearing his throat as he watches you lean against the aforementioned railing.
"so where did you go gallivanting off to this time?" he asks curiously, taking small bites of the almond tofu you'd presented to him. it comes to him that he's never once asked where you go when you disappear from him and apparently the question catches you off guard when he glimpses how your eyes seem to widen a little in surprise, processing his sudden interest in your adventures.
"oh! i was camping out at qingyun peak again!" you lean back against the railing, letting liyue's breeze tickle your skin like a warm breath fanning down your neck. xiao pauses mid-bite, golden eyes blinking in bewilderment as he gazes at you. was that all? he furrows his brows, after all he had truly expected you to be going abroad to new lands for your inspiration - he's even more caught off guard by how you said again… so it wasn't your first time?
"is that all?" he voices aloud, listening to the sound of your sweet laugh on the wind at his response. the strange feeling in his stomach turns again and he almost drops the almond tofu on his spoon, clearing his throat as he looks away from you quickly. these feelings were not painful for him, he begins to realise in turn. the heat of his ears and the way his neck and cheeks soon matched their temperatures, the shake of his gloved hands and how his stomach felt like it was flipping - these were not associated with pain nor karma, confusing the yaksha further.
"eeyup!" you pop the 'p,' grinning over at him before looking up at the roof of wangshu inn, noting the numerous bird nests filled with eggs before you remember something you wished to bring up to him, "but i heard a little birdy calling out during the night, it sounded so sad."
xiao hums in response, turning his focus back to the almond tofu he was finding the most delectable - if you had made it like he assumed, you truly was an amazing cook. he considers voicing that thought out loud before he realises you are mumbling about the small bird you'd heard and xiao begins to ponder what type of bird you must have heard. in the middle of night and at qingyun peak… the more he thinks about it, he soon chokes on the tofu he was chewing. he clears his throat to cover his embarrassment, hiding his face as he waves you off when you rush to his side.
you'd heard him. xiao's heart races, thumping against his ribcage at how he gets himself out of this situation. how would he even begin to explain that the bird is lamenting, calling for its dead friends that will never return? his eyelashes flutter shut for a moment.
"i'm sure the bird is fine." he tries to reassure once he has finished chewing the tofu. you give him a thankful smile at his reassurance, settling in the chair opposite him with a drastic sigh.
"i hope so… that poor birdy," you go quiet for a moment, gaze drifted off into the distance in thought and xiao takes the moment to recollect himself, leaning back in his chair as he admires you subtly. you really was starting to become a pain for him, "you'll have to join me next time so you can hear it! you seem to know a lot about birds, xiao - maybe we can go find it!"
xiao grimaces but he doesn't let it show, a crack of a smile on his face at the sentiment behind you caring so much for this bird; caring for him, without ever realising it. perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to let you a little closer, after all these pains weren't hurting him.
"i'll have to take you up on that offer." he muses, fixing his gloves as a wide beam brightens up your face. oh, what a grave he has dug for himself.
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© https-furina 2023.
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reilliane · 2 years
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Hearths Dendro & Hydro are never not at each other's throats fr
(HCs utc)
This was supposed to be an art post of its own but I couldn't help but slot in a few headcanons that gets these two dorms grinding each other's nerves when it comes to MC/[Name] lol:
Regardless of whether you belong to Hearth Hydro or not, the men here will always kiss your hand as greeting (Not so often for Ajax, but he does it if he spots a certain pair). Who would've thought that such chivalrous acts prevail until today; the modern age?
Alhaitham and Kaveh blanches whenever they see it happening, but shuts up when- hey now, why do you look like that- did you enjoy it or something?! Kaveh says it's preposterous but Ajax is all 'I dunno, it made [Name] smile tho >;)' and the former retreats in annoyance ajhdjakdhjakdkas
Hearths Hydro and Dendro never really get into physical altercations, preferring to settle things through academic means; debates, projects, you name it! Ajax suffers in this the most (much to the smug responses of Alhaitham and Kaveh), so the ginger gets thoroughly invigorated when it comes to event games and contests.
Tighnari isn't easily pressed and persuaded into joining whatever passive aggressive fiasco his 'lummoxes' of hearthmates have, well aware that Hearthleader Buer may be disappointed. But even he has his time being sassy, particularly at a bad day, or when Xingqiu manages to get under his skin. Don't be so concerned over their "Are you mocking me?" , "Am I?", really! They're both... 'neutral' :)
Sometimes, this rivalry (the ladies do not partake in it, they're very cordial) expands past the academic bubble. Are you cold? Expect two cloaks being extended your way—Alhaitham and Ayato, respective Masters of their Hearths, will smile your way, but their gazes are heavily pointed at one another. They'll lose the chance to actually hand it to you because they've gotten busy with their passive aggressive comments. When they break it off, you are already enshrouded in a different cloak, and Electro's Master, Cyno, is already walking away with a tiny smirk.
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Has there been a yandere!genshin fic where you're stuck in a thriller movie-like (not isekai) plot like bird box? Like:
Celestia has finally decided that all of Teyvat must pay for their transgressions and decided to send invisible "disciples" to cleanse humanity of its arrogant machineries and foul miscreations that dared to oppose the Heavens. You're but a humble merchant who heard the news a bit late. Your first encounter was on a stroll in Mt. Hulao with Yaoyao and Qiqi to forage herbs, but thankfully a certain adeptus covered your eyes before you saw those "disciples"–
Yaoyao did not make it, and you don't know where Qiqi had gone. Your echoing screams that begged these creatures not to take the children were left unheard.
Xiao had made you wear a mask as a blindfold since then, never letting you take it off– despite the voices you heard. The adeptus makes it a point to drill it in your head every 2 hours minimum to never NEVER take it off. To never listen to the voices for they are a figment of imagination played against you.
You heard your friend Hu Tao, then Baizhu, then Xingqiu, then Xiangling, then–
... Then they all begged you to take off the mask. They all begged you to leave. They begged you to run away from the vigilant yaksha. They were begging you to save them. From him.
But Xiao never lets you fall prey from such lies. He "knows those voices best"; they are "no different from the bad karma" he has to face daily.
So don't take off that mask.
... Ya know. That sort of thing? Let me know, cause I need to read some, I literally just made up this scenario as an example cuz im desperate lol 😭😭😭
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sarahsartistportfolio · 11 months
funny romance scenario
Reader asks character to get married to them and then quickly quietly divorce just because reader wants to change their last name(maybe just to distance themselves from their family name).
But every time reader approaches character like "ok here are the papers you need to sign for the separation. Remember to do it soon ok" Character just keeps...putting it off and making excuses why they haven't signed them yet because they secretly love being married to you.
During the time that you're "married" they secretly try to flirt with you/show you how good of a spouse they can be so in the end you hopefully forget about the divorce. Ex: they call you wifey every chance they get :)
Diluc, Xingqiu, Heizou, Alhaitham, Childe, Wriothesley, Ningguang, Lyney*, Cyno
*makes the divorce papers disappear every time you bring them to him :)
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angelismmm · 1 year
a slice of life. ❀ ft. hsr + genshin men — synopsis. just little scenarios that have happened to me with this one guy that i think they'd do<3 — notes. wtv the synopsis thing said!! i just think how these little scenarios went down in real life was so cute that i wanted to write something about it!! — heads up. hopeless romantic thoughts, these can be simple situations, but when i word it out, it becomes overly romantic. thats the warning yes, btw modern au!
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・ you can't help but feel bored in class, watching the clock go 'tick-tock! tick-tock! tick-tock!'. your pretty seatmate just happens to be taking notes as the teacher discussed about something.. tapping his shoulder, he looks to you, blinking a few times in confusion. you give a cheeky smile and gesture you want to draw something, your ball pen in the air trying to write out words, blinking a few times again, he lends you his empty hand. looking back in confusion, realizing he wants you to draw on his hand. you do it with an enthusiastic look, leaning your chairs closer together, to get a closer look and tattoo his hand like an artist. as he tried to listen more to the discussion, he can't help but let a chuckle out at your happy expression as you drew stars, cats, and what not on his hand. and 'till class ends, he walks to the canteen with you on his other arm, and the other with doodles all over, out in the open for his friends to see.
dan heng, al haitham, xiao, zhongli, caelus, aether, arlan, albedo, chongyun, kazuha, more utc.
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・kind of guy to pick things up for you that fell off your seat, even if you didn't notice it, and you don't have to ask him.
zhongli, dan heng, caelus, diluc, bennett, gorou, welt yang, yanqing, thoma
・keeps the doodles you give him in class.
dan heng, albedo, xingqiu, chongyun, venti, diluc, arlan, gepard
・let's you play with his hair on breaks/whenever, doesn't fix it 'till hours later
jing yuan, blade, diluc, albedo, cyno, gepard, wanderer/scaramouche, xiao, dainsleif
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・ your eyes slowly closed, giving in to the drowsiness that you were gifted due to staying up for the test in the last afternoon. your seatmate beside you, he notices about 15 minutes later, instead of informing your professor, he put his jacket on you, and started jotting notes down. and once the expected pop quiz appeared, he'd lightly shake you, whispering that there's an activity, and telling about the topic while the professor finishes the small review for the quiz. "i'll let you copy my notes later, ok? this topic is easy, don't worry, remember to not overthink." he says, giving you a piece of paper. "i wasn't even really supposed to take notes honestly, but i know you love to take notes, so i wrote stuff down about the topic in my notebook, just in case you wanted."
dan heng, dainsleif, zhongli, xiao, blade, yanqing, gepard
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・listens intently when you really wanna talk about something, gives serious advice back, or just comforts you, whatever you want.
dainsleif, dan heng, jing yuan, kaeya, zhongli, tighnari, ayato
・"take your jacket off! it's gym class you're gonna get sweaty!" x *takes jacket off
dan heng, caelus, albedo, al haitham, zhongli, baizhu, xiao, kazuha
・if you're busy and can't hold something that you need, he'll hold it for you, 'till you aren't busy looking for something in your bag.
dainsleif, zhongli, al haitham, yanqing, gepard, jing yuan, albedo, tartaglia
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・ you sat beside him at the cafeteria, fiddling with your thumbs because you didn't have enough money to buy lunch, nor did you get time to pack your lunch and bring it to school, so your stomach growled. sitting beside someone with luxurious food prepared by his hands, and the delicious aroma that circled around you didn't help, all you could do was look at his food. delicately prepared, sighing in defeat and banging your head on the table. "you want something?" he asked when you faced him and his lunch. "i'm sorry, i can't help but look at your lunch, i haven't packed anything, and i haven't got any money, my stomach is roaring at this point too." leaning your head on his shoulder, "how about we share? i don't mind, just as long as you have energy for the next class. so you don't fall asleep again." cutting back to present time, still in the cafeteria, leaning your head on his shoulder as he feeds himself and you, he never fully finishes his lunch anyway.
dan heng, caelus, blade, yanqing, welt yang, zhongli, diluc, tighnari, cyno, kaveh, gepard
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・if you ask for something that's really deep inside his bag, no matter what time it'd be, class time or break time, he'll find it, no matter how many times you ask, he'll get it.
zhongli, caelus, al haitham, welt yang, jing yuan, tighnari
・sitting beside each other on the bleachers after class, or during an event, no reason, just leaning your head on his shoulder, and holding his hand. in silence.
dan heng, blade, tartaglia, thoma, jing yuan, heizou, xiao, wanderer, aether, welt yang, gepard, al haitham
・being the only two doing a chemistry group project, the other members doing nothing, while you both fully enjoyed making the project together and making sure the others that didn't help get points
welt yang, il dottore, albedo, al haitham, kaveh, tighnari
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・just sitting by each other on a bench in a park. a quiet park, where you both held hands, and bonding over the opposite music tastes you both have. and after 30 minutes or so pass, deciding to get matching ice popsicles on a stick together, just walking and having fun. even an old couple complimenting you both make a great couple <3
dan heng, caelus, welt yang, jing yuan, al haitham, zhongli, diluc, gepard, honestly any1 i love tis one sm
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@edit-me-prettyplease @reveihehe @red-kh @arseniiiarso @h4wkz @rinn31 @ablondehoe @chaik1 @yanfairiie
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asinbunn · 1 year
Hii I love your whole shrine aesthetic and can I pray for Scara and Xingqui with a drunk flirty s/o :D
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭
Prep Note : I added Albedo because I got mixed up mid way as this request is a year ago, and I'm very fucking sorry 👯 I tried analyzing their mannerisms in speech through voicelines, the way they deliver their speech esp with Wanderer still having Scaramouch traits, the harshness has toned down to a (civil enough ig) certain level.
Everyone except Xingqiu has a short imagine because,,my brain short circuited = short texts
Characters : Xingqiu x Reader || Albedo x Reader || Wanderer/Scaramouche x Reader
Genre : Fluff // Crack // Lovey Dovey shæt // TEXT + IMAGINES/SCENARIOS
Warnings : Mentions of alcohol // Cringe pickup lines 🤡 // You will have a stroke deciphering the texts // Could still be OOC // Mentions of Ningguang, Beidou + Kaeya + Aether // Established relationships // Scara's became kinda deep ngl
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Not every msg is translated ! "HEYY BANGSIES, I MISS YOU 😔 HELLO" — "Are you busy" — "Whaat awesome 🥰🥰 I'm actually with Beidou and Ningguang" — "THEY'RE SO LOVELY 😭😭😭" — "UHM YEAH SHE CAN HOLD ALCOHOL REALLY REALLY WELL" — "you know what let's go to the library tmr together" — "don't worry, don't worry it's OK bbg" — "WDYM OH"
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Again not everything is translated ! "Yeaah baedo HEYY" — "anything for you my sweet baedo" — "hehe you know what, I think even without gravity on Teyvat"
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As you lower down your phone, you could see Albedo coming into the tavern, your whole face lights up even more and Kaeya notices that, chuckling at you. Your expression melts in infatuation as the pale blonde approaches your table.
"Let's go home now darling, it's getting quite late" He reached out to hold your hand with a welcoming smile. You stood up fast, wobbly then waving the tall exhausted male a goodbye for the night whilst clinging onto your beloved Alchemist for standing support. You two start exiting the tavern after paying the bill, walking slowly toward your designated home.
At first, the air was creaking in the silent night, difficult to see the sight of stars but the positively pleasant glow of the moonlight just takes your breath away, you inhale the fresh air of Mondstadt lightly before interrupting the peaceful silence between you and your lover,
"uhgh..i'm burning, it's getting so much hotter, could be because of the hottie by my side ahheug.." Albedo smiles fondly, continuing to listen to you ramble nonsense before carrying on the conversation himself,
"You know dear, it actually takes a lot of heat to burn things" you don't pay much attention to what's he saying though still registering the words emitting from his soft voice, Albedo continues with a hum,
"I guess it doesn't take much for me to bring the heat to your cheeks" 
As he finishes the sentence the alchemist let's out a raspy chuckle after seeing your eyes widen and ears start glowing red. You can't tell whether it's the alcohol that's causing your temperature to rise or the fact that Albedo is getting bolder by the minute. Mostly likely both, which proves his statement.
Despite having sobered up just slightly, you still stumbled up the stairs before you could take impact upon the concrete, reacting quickly, Albedo firmly caught your arms, and suddenly an idea came into his tinkering mind.
"My dear, could you stand still for a moment?"
You do as he says, patiently waiting for him as he takes off his long white hooded coat. He asks you to wrap it around your lower waist, using his coat to act as a towel. You follow his instructions without paying any mind to it or giving a second thought.
Although before you could thank him for catching you, he swiftly sweeps you off your feet resulting in you letting out a low startled gasp all while in the motion of being carried by your beloved pale-blondie in bridal style. To ensure your safety and comfort, he'll let you adjust to the position as well as the coat wrapped around your legs first before carrying on to returning home.
"Ah~ Albedoo you're so gentle and sweet to me" you softly state while giggling a little whilst laying your head by his firm shoulder and neck with your eyes resting closed. Albedo tilts his gaze towards your blissed expression and smiles tenderly as he brings you two back to your shared home.
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reader is more stable but unhinged texter here
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You quickly stand up upon reading the last text he sent, letting out a little screech mid way through Aether’s sentence, startling him and resulting in him asking what’s wrong. 
“My beloved is heree!” you excitedly exclaim while darting your attention to the front doors of the restaurant, the serene blue dressed male standing by idly waiting for you. You briskly walked over.
Your pace speeds up recklessly, you spread your arms as you reach closer to your beloved puppet boy, closing your eyes to brace yourself for the impact. Crashing into Scaramouche’s figure, he wraps his arms around your waist whilst yours slides up from his biceps to his thin porcelain neck. You suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, joyful to see him after spending many hours with your new friend, the renowned Traveller.
“Well, hey there you silly thing, had enough fun for tonight yet?” he asks as the corners of his lips perks into a smirk, eyebrow raised high. You snickered out a ramble of "Yes" in repetition, in which Scara's wide smirk melts into a fond little smile, just for his love.
As Aether approaches, you motion a wave for him to come closer, "Say hi guys, you two have met more than once! No need to be so awkward at this point.." You proudly state as if you didn't know their past predicament already.
Aether lets out a quiet "Hey" though still remaining eye contact with your loverboy, while Scaramouche only nods in acknowledgement. It's now 10:36pm, you start to doze off a little, resting your eyes all while leaning on your boyfriend's figure for support and muttering, mumbling incoherent jumbles of words into Scara's ear. Of course, they both take notice to your sleepy drunk state and Scaramouche decides to end it off for today,
"Thanks for entertaining them today Traveller, I'll be taking them back home, have a goodnight then." As he says those last few words, he gently shakes you, re-awaking your drifting mind. Making sure you're conscious, his gaze is only in your droopy eyes, he then whispers with one hand on your cheek, "We're going home now okay sleepyhead?" To that you give a nod of approval, rubbing the sleep off your eyes for a little while. You turn your head and attention towards Aether wishing him goodnight and bid him a goodbye as you and your beloved begin walking out.
Just a moment after walking out the doors you come to a stop, in which Scaramouche caught sight of in an instant. "What's wrong? Why did you stop?" he questioned in slight concern for you. You stare into his lovely indigo eyes, in your own little world, you blurted out in reply,
"Can you carry me on your back please" well that seemed very sudden to him but not all that surprising as it's getting late and it isn't easy staying conscious whilst being drunk. He blinks at your pretty little sleep-desiring eyes,
“...Seriously? you're just going to ask me that, out of the blue?” He could only sigh at your needs, although it’s not like he could ever say no to you in moments like these anyways. “I suppose I can make an exception for you, get on.” He lowers his body in a stance for you to hop on his back. You beamed brightly at his quick cooperation and advanced toward his lowered figure, hugging his hunched back and wrapping your arms from the top of his shoulders, down to his hardened chest. Once you're both comfortable and ready to get moving again, he lifts himself and your figure up straight with ease.
Scaramouche ponders for a moment as he starts walking, “So what were you guys talking about if you hung out for half the day?” You let out a muffled hiccup, then gave a peck on the side of his neck before raising your head from nuzzling his neck. “Aether and I were just trying to get to know each other a little better, they asked a bunch of questions like what I was interested in” You replied, words slurring, you took a second to process your sleepy state before continuing, “I- *hic* I said..I was interested in Scara obviouslyy~” you let out a hushed laugh and stirred. You try to shift yourself forward to sneak a peek at Scara’s face, wondering how he’s gonna react. His ears are dusted in red whilst his cheeks burn up within the cool breezy night.
"Do you always spout your feelings around whilst you’re drunk?” He says that as if he hates it but you both know that’s just the way he is, can’t forwardly accept and admit these things until sooner or later. You inhale sharply, “I am drunk but.. *hic* I love you” even if you are drunk, you don’t believe that your feelings would ever go astray like the way your mind does.
“I’ve heard many say that some humans are the most honest with such heartfelt emotions in times like these. I love you too but I am sober.” He smiles at you with absolute devoted affection, at the very moment you’re still not completely sober however you don’t miss the slight rising blush as he brings himself to say those tender words with nothing but utter sincerity. He’s been hurt, put into a shell of despair for many decades only until he learnt the truth of his world, was when he had the ability to free himself of such sorrows and self-pity. Trust is something he felt he would never be able to give out again, and so for you to present your vulnerability so freely to him makes him think twice. Perhaps he’ll take in all your love even if he will experience the pain from all those years ago once again, he would do so, to gain happiness in the moment with you without wanting to think of the possible consequences it may bring. He’ll endure it no matter what, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to him in a long time. Suddenly his deprecating thoughts are brushed away the instant you speak up again,
“Your smile is the prettiest type of smile I have ever seen..” it’s bewildering, just how much he wants to believe in everything you say. Even if it’s complete nonsense, he really is infatuated with you..
“This smile only exists when I’m with you.”
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End Note : I'm living in constant fear of tumblr's word limit, I got carried away with Scaramouche's passage but it took me days to write it all out along with procrastination. I was also using a chat bot to gain ideas from Scara's slight identity shift and some replies were so 😰 MOST WERE HELPFUL THOUGH SO IT'S OKAY - asinbunn
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pocket-luv101 · 7 months
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I found this dialogue and it made me think of a XingYun scenario. Xingqiu asks Chongyun to help him test the new fabric that the Guild made. He wears the new outfit and asks Chongyun if he can smell the silk flowers woven into his clothes. He's partially teasing him with the expectation that Chongyun will become shy and flustered being close enough to smell the flowers. However, Chongyun never hesitates to help Xingqiu. Chongyun holds him close and leans down enough for him to bury his face in Xingqiu's neck.
Xingqiu can feel his breath against his neck and his heart quicken. The slightest change catches Chongyun's attention. He takes the hem of his shirt collar between his fingers and tests the fabric's texture. "Your neck is red. Does the fabric feel uncomfortable on your skin. The Feiyun Commerce Guild sells top quality silk and this new fragrance dye is making the fabric rough." Xingqiu didn't respond to him immediately because he's so flustered. He doesn't know how Chongyun ended up turning the tables on him without even intending to xD
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anemoarchonhoe · 6 months
Greetings! Writing commission details:
Commissions: Closed.
Fandoms I will write for:
Genshin Impact, Undertale, Deltarune, Undertale Yellow, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (I only watch the anime, so-), my own OCs
AUs I will write for:
Genshin: SAGAU, modern au
Undertale: Underfell, Underswap (I prefer TS!US' version so I will write for it in default unless you want the original), Flowerfell, Farmtale, Underplayer
Genshin: Venti, Xiao, Wanderer, Aether, Xingqiu, Gaming
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Napstablook, Mettaton, Muffet, Mad Mew Mew, Asgore, DR!Asriel, Dalv, Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Frieren, Himmel the hero
My OCs (pictures below, in order): Vee the purple witch, The Janitor, Elwin the elven rogue, Eye of the Storm (has a name instead of them being Reader-insert, Genshin, no pics sorry)
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Will write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mildly suggestive, selfship (reader/canon), OC/canon, friendships, yandere character/reader
Won't write: Homophobia, pedophilia, incest, gore, smut, self harm, anything nsfw
Rules (sorta):
If you want me to write for your OC, please give me detailed information about them. I wouldn't know how to write them if you don't. Character sheet and/or a picture would be nice. If you don't have a written personality for them, we can quickly discuss how you at least imagine them to act in the fic in DMs. I can also just give it my own interpretation if you wish, but I will charge you $2 for the extra effort. Keep this in mind.
For reader-insert, I usually write the Reader to be strong and determined, so if you want a more subdued personality, please let me know or I will default to this one.
For 500/1k word fics, love letters, and headcanons, please give me a scenario to work on. I only write one shot fics for commissions, so don't try to ask for a multi-chapter, please. I am busy with college, so one shots are all I can afford to write.
And tell me if you are okay with me posting the commissioned piece on Tumblr or if you'd like to keep it for yourself.
You can ask me for updates on your commission. But please understand I have a life outside of social media that I gotta prioritize (like my studies) so it may get delayed a little depending on how large your commission is. I also prioritize smaller/less wordy commissions so I can give them out immediately, so don't be mad.
I reserve my right to reject a commission if I feel like I couldn't do it.
Languages I can/will write in: English and Filipino
For my Filipino friends, I accept both Paypal and GCash. I'd like it more if it was Paypal/ko-fi, though.
For overseas commissioners, Paypal/ko-fi only.
You can pay me the full amount as soon as we finalize your commission or you can pay me the full amount once I finish your commission. I'd appreciate it if you do the first option but I won't hold it against you if you choose to do the second. Everyone doesn't want to get scammed.
However, if you do not pay and ghost me, I will modify the work to my taste, post it on my ko-fi page, and then block you from my Tumblr/Discord.
Now that you're done reading, reply to this post immediately to get a slot and if you make it, I will DM you my Discord handle for further discussion. I have a small slot for now because I don't wanna get overwhelmed. I will reopen immediately once they're done, though, so don't worry if you miss out!
First come, first serve.
Slots: 3
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fridayth13 · 10 months
—it's a love story
↳ chongyun, fanan/bonanus, lyney, wriothesley, and la signora × reader (separately) (royalty au!)
↳ genre: fluff, hijinks, a bit of crack(chongyun), hurt/comfort(wriothesley and maybe lyney's too), fantasy elements(signora) | wordcount: 1.8k | warnings: reader being a bit presumptuous and assuming(fanan)
↳ notes: while writing i did realize that some of these scenarios could happen even without the medieval setting, but i think everyone needs to imagine their favorite characters in a royalty au. at least once. for the aesthetic
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if anyone's ever watched gravity falls, think of that episode where dipper explores the northwest mansion with pacifica. it goes something like that
your family, as well as even the servants around the castle, grew wary of things that went bump in the night over the last few years
eventually, they called in an exorcist to get rid of anything with malicious intent
his name was chongyun— the best of the best in liyue
it was said even the most gruesome of evils steered clear of his presence. and when you first met, you thought it was no wonder
with his icy stare and his imposing ceremonial greatsword, he looked almost surreal as the ghosts themselves
you were tasked with representing your family. you and the exorcist were about the same age, so your parents thought it would help make him more comfortable
once you got to talk to him personally though, that assumption immediately fell flat on its face
as you went through the palace, his coldness didn't seem to waver, no matter how much you tried to lighten the mood. his tone when speaking (limited to one word replies and/or lengthy explanations about evil spirits) was clipped and entirely professional
it didn't take you long to resign to the fact that you were probably annoying him, and so you stopped
chongyun, however, was left stuck asking himself why you'd suddenly started acting so stiffly
as you forlornly inspected an ancient vase, he wondered if he should apologize for.. something? was he being too cold? he hoped not
though chongyun did worry that his long time crush on you would have him combust if he ever stood an inch too close
besides, he was on a job. professionalism, chongyun. professionalism
just ignore the unwanted whisper of the xingqiu devil on his shoulder urging him to talk to you
he could do that later
maybe. hopefully
his friend would have definitely been having a field day if he saw him now, fumbling over himself about whether or not to initiate a conversation
you, however, had absolutely no clue what chongyun was glaring at the wall about. the mural maybe? was that cursed? you sidled up to chongyun's side and voiced your question to him
if you knew him any better, you'd recognize the vague pink creeping up his cheeks
—bonanus / fanan
you'd initially thought she was a.. strange choice to be assigned as your personal knight
to be honest, you used to think she was one of the nurses. you often saw her in the infirmary, her deep blue hair and pretty smile catching your eye quite easily
fanan's frame was slender, but with the way she carried herself, anyone might guess she was a member of the royal household like you
you couldn't imagine her in all that clunky armor, swinging a hefty sword against the other warriors. you had thought she was too soft-hearted for that
that was a misjudgement on your part
the first spar you witnessed her partake in was when she was training one of her subordinates
the first thing you were wrong about was her weapon— fanan didn't have a sword, no
she had two
long, elegant twin dao sword with carvings of the waves and ocean legends from the hilt to the iron of the blades. the metal was such a beautiful silver it could pass for blue under a certain light
the second thing you were wrong about?
fanan had no use for armor, apparently
she flowed as easily as water, practically dancing around her opponent in a blur of blue
her blades, the seafoam and her azure apparel, the current; she was a tsunami crashing into the tide
her opponent fell before a minute passed
"you've improved." yet she smiled at them, as sweet as ever
you had to hold yourself back from voicing your bafflement. improved? at this rate, you felt you might as well could have fired every other knight at the palace
"i noticed you stop to watch earlier."
it was only after fully checking in on her subordinate did she ask for your thoughts
"what did you think, your grace? was my performance to your liking?"
you could only blink at her
"y..your grace?"
"i—" you cleared your throat. "um.. yes. yes, it was. more than satisfactory, i think. you are quite skilled, sir bonanus"
then she beamed at your words
your heart fluttered
in lyney's words, you were a noble of many treasures, and a bouquet of even brighter blossoms. you sometimes found his riveting manner of speech a bit difficult to understand, but that statement was thankfully not one of them
you thought the notion of having a jester was a bit silly. but you didn't have any other way to describe him either
you supposed magician worked well enough
to start, the court of fontaine was simply enamored with him. who wouldn't be?
a charming fellow from humble origins, rising up with nothing but the little mora in his pocket and the support of his family to keep him afloat. and he'd made it. in no time at all, he was a regular presence on the stage of the opera epiclese.
and while the court of fontaine was enraptured with the magician, lyney himself found himself enraptured by you
he didn't believe in love at first sight, but he knew when he was smitten
you came to every show. every night. he even caught a glimpse of your watching eyes during one of his smaller performances
the immediate night after, the opera's crowd was in complete shambles by the end of his tricks, when a single rainbow rose had been thrown into the crowd by his very hand
it had landed in your lap, just as planned
the look you shared that night was the talk of the entire kingdom for weeks
as for you.. well, he made you laugh. what else was there to say?
soon enough, lyney was giving out backstage passes (pass-es, he told lynette. but she saved him the trouble and requested you to come by herself)
you grew close quickly. lyney seemed like an easy person to get close to, after all. he was a devoted suitor as well; never passing up every opportunity to try and impress you or tell you how grateful he was to you for even looking his way
every performance after that concluded with a rainbow rose in your hand. sometimes even several
your visits to the house of the hearth (previously only for business) increased in number
so when the order came from father to get even closer to you and sleuth about your estate and properties, lyney's heart just about stopped in his chest
you knew each other for as long as you could remember
he was just a random servant boy in the castle that liked keeping you company. you, in turn, had no complaints. he was fun, if not unpredictable, and a welcome interruption to the rigid palace routine
to him, you were like an angel. he called it the luck of the gods themselves that you wanted to play with him at all when they were kids
with the crown on your head as a halo, the cadence of your voice was your song. you always smelled so nice, and your hands were so soft. your smile, however, was the most stunning. the sight of it almost gave him a sense of pride, knowing that more often than not, it had appeared because of him
you were inseparable, and everyone hated it. especially your parents
it was almost ironic. of all the people to have figured out how the two of you felt about each other first, it had to be the ones that needed you apart the most
he didn't exactly help his own case, what with his smart mouth and knack for getting in trouble. it came as no surprise that he was at the receiving end of someone's scolding quite often. you just hadn't expected it to get so far
the trial went by you in a blur of whispers
"i always knew he was trouble" "what a dreadful child" "how unfortunate"
you couldn't sit still, practically leaning over the rail to look at him. you wanted to snap at your family gossiping behind you. you wanted to jump over the rail and run to your best friend. your only friend. you wanted to yell at him. you wanted to comfort him. you wanted to grab him by the hand and run off somewhere no one could catch you
and he wasn't even looking at you
if only you'd known what he was thinking in those moments. that the mere sight of you at the edge of his vision had him near tears
"i'll come back to you. i'll come back." he repeated to himself every night after that before he fell asleep, dreaming of you
years passed. wriothesley never forgot
now the duke of the fortress he was exiled to, he ran back to the overworld the first chance he had
as soon as he saw you on the streets of the city, he knew
and as soon as you caught sight of him, staring longingly after you across the street, you did too
—la signora
the signora lohefalter was a mysterious woman
the fair lady. an esteemed member of the snezhnayan court. from the way she dressed, the way she carried herself, the way she spoke, it could be said she was the very definition of the word 'luxuriant'.
between the two of you, it had started with a spark
on her end, a spark of interest
you were a bold one. whether you were a lowly servant, a fellow noble, or somewhere in between, you had a certain look in your eye. one of unyielding fire
it drew her in, this mirror of her own disposition
the court was often a rather desolate place to be. the people flew by and drifted off, colder than the wind. your heat was tantalizing to her. and eventually, she learned to crave your warmth
on your end however, the spark was rather literal
witchcraft was forbidden in all but written law. so when you caught the slightest lick of light escaping the signora's ungloved hands, you weren't quite sure what to do
she'd caught your gaze with an amused smile
"you look like you've seen a ghost, y/n."
not quite
it was an odd game of cat and mouse. it was as if the mouse bared fangs, and the cat was left to do nothing but scramble to catch it
it might take a while longer for her to accept her own feelings if you weren't a noble, or draped in finery from head to toe
but when she does, she claims the feelings with conviction. no matter how much longer it will take for the two of you to end your little game, it's clear what's going on to any outsider watching the two of you
maybe it wasn't so much that you wanted her caught. maybe you just wanted to know why. you've voiced this curiosity to her once, in one of your attempts to obtain a confession
she smiled again, in that coy, oh-so-innocent way that she did. she'd tell you, but.. well, you already knew, didn't you? what was there to tell?
and could you really blame her if she enjoyed the way you looked as you chased her down?
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dividers from @clutteredfun
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donutsupremacy · 1 year
Pocky Game (Pt. 2)
"Hey, [Choice of Character]! Wanna try this new treat with me?"
Pocky Games and the rules are likely inaccurate lol
Male characters only
Included characters are the remaining (K-Z)
Organized from Region and alphabetical order
Mostly fluffy
I didn't specify the flavor, so feel free to pick ur desired flavor
Steamy ones marked with (⚠️)
Some cussing
I have ran out of scenarios for 70% :>
1000% Ooc
Written during 3.7
A/N: Iabxjnskxjei can't wait for Fontaine to meet my lovely sweetheart Lyney
For the sake of this imagine, just pretend the regional chefs made it
Remaining male characters included are (Not in order);
Kazuha/ Mika/ Pantalone/ Pierro/ Pulcillena (Yes)/ Razor/ Wanderer/ Heizou/ Thoma/ Tighnari/ Venti/ Xiao/ Xingqiu/ Zhongli
"When Sara created it, she also made a new based on it. She said that it would be best to play it with a partner, so... would you like to play a game with me?"
➷ My precious bby deserves better in this community.
➷ You'll likely find him somewhere busy remapping some areas that were recently revamped by everyone's favorite lil' terrorist Crimson Spark Knight
➷ You don't dare to jumpscare him, being in the Reconnaissance Company is already a tough enough of a job as it is. So, you loudly trampled across the grass, at least loud enough for him to hear.
➷ A little taken aback, he greets you meekly, all the while expertly marking the terrain on his map despite already looking away from it. (Maybe accidentally drawing a small heart on it once he saw you, mwehehehehe)
➷ You pecked his already blushing cheek, asking if he could take a break. He can multitask between mapping out the area while relaxing with you as being with you while doing cartography has always been his favorite type of 'break'.
➷ The two of you sat down on the grass, with you watching him work while he listens to you talking about whatever was going on in Mondstat. The gentle breeze brushing against your hair and his map.
➷ After finishing his work, you introduced him to the new treat Sara made and a new game.
➷ Mentioning the word 'Kiss' alone made him flustered. The two of you had been in a lovely relationship, but have yet to kiss on the lips. You reassure him there's no need to push it, but it's been a secret of his that he wonders just how your lips may feel on his.
➷ So he takes on the challenge, after all; He's the front-line surveyor of the Reconnaissance Company, he shouldn't be afraid of a kiss from his [S/O]!
➷ ...Maybe a bit more preparation was needed. As soon as your lips grazed across his own, locked together by the flavored stick, he attempts to kiss you properly by headbutting you on accident. Déjà Vu, amirite, Bennett from Part 1?
➷ "I-I'm alright! There's no need to worry... What about you? I didn't hurt you did I?... Huh? Y-You enjoyed the kiss? Me? O-Of course I enjoyed it! I'm just sorry our first kiss had to be... less romantic. Let me make it up to you! Follow me, I actually want to show you a place in Stormterror's Lair, I-I think you'll like it."
➷ Oh shit he came from the trees
➷ Quite literally, he dropped down from the trees, greeting you with a small smile after your lovely scent reached him.
➷ You introduced him to the treat and as you had expected; He was skeptical at first, having his diet based on mostly meat.
➷ But, he's willing to try anything, especially when it comes from his beloved Lupical... even if you suck at cooking like me heueheuhwhshsbdkannfks
➷ Regardless of what flavour you chose, he reacts positively, stating that the taste isn't as bad as he initially thought. To be honest, he thought you brought something to poison him, he hasn't seen this treat before since his last visit to Mondstadt's City.
➷ It's still feels odd eating... 'Stick with flavour', as he calls it (He doesn't know how to pronounce Pocky properly). But then you place it between your lips, suggesting him to eat another one while sharing it at the same time with you.
➷ Innocent little Razor automatically agrees, seeing this as something romantic humans do; Sharing something they like with their partner. Of course it didn't take long for him to grow flustered at the lack of space between your lips and his.
➷ Out of instinct from seeing many couples in the city do this, he just lunges ahead and take a large chunk of the stick, his lips grazing against your gently enough to be called a kiss.
➷ He chews the stick silently in shame as you just stared at him out of surprise. He quietly mutters an apology as he assumed he something wrong, to which you reassured him that you enjoyed the kiss. That earned you another happy peck to the cheek.
➷ "Me too. Your lips... taste like treat. But also soft on mine... It is— very nice. I... like to kiss you. Can we try one more? I-If you want."
➷ Booze flavoured Pocky?
➷ You'll be aware of Venti's true identity for this one. You are 'The Melody of Venti's Vocals' and/or vice versa, following him and creating a tune together that tugs the strings of the Mondstadters all around you.
➷ But at night, where life tends to retire for their slumber and secrets lay hiding within the shadows, you accompany the Archon (Unsurprisingly) to the bar. Telling tales of himself as he downs several shots of Dandelion Wine. And then later paying for his bills before dragging him to your home for some cuddles.
➷ On this particular night, you asked the bard to skip the drinking, much to his short-lived dismay.
➷ You drag him all the way back to your private abode, sitting on your porch and asking him to share the treat. He'll definitely agree to play the game as well, not skipping a beat to say 'Absolutely!'.
➷ It starts off cute, playing the game normally. Until halfway through when he holds both your cheeks, taking the rest of the stick in while giving you a biiiig smooch.
➷ You're flustered at first, before playfully pouting at him as he giggles and slyly winks at you. He then proceeds to ask you for one more round. One after another, each one you lose because he sucessfully kisses you. Though, you certainly didn't mind the slightest.
➷ At the strike of midnight, Venti sighs, licking his lips that hsd the taste of the stick's flavour and your own. He grins at you cheekily, as you fake pouted for not winning once.
➷ He chuckles, bringing you into his embrace, to which you lean against him, your feigned anger quelled in his arms. As you both stared at the moon above, he gazes softly into your eyes, his slim fingers caressing your cheek.
➷ "Exchanging tokens of love has always been a delight— for the spark between us to shine brighter than tonight's moonlight... Now, take my hand, dear Windblume— and allow me to proudly declare my everlasting love, to none other than you..."
"I know Xiangling's cooking can be... odd, but I promise; this one actually tastes amazing!... And, she even included a little game to it!"
➷ "Xiao?" "U called?" "AAAAAAA—"
➷ Perched on the rooftop of Wangshu Inn, golden leaves raining from the tree above. As soon as you pulled out the box of Pocky, the Yaskha turns you down before you could utter a word.
➷ Obviously, He doesn't need food, it doesn't benefit him if he consumes them anyway. Well, except maybe Almont Tofu huehue
➷ It wasn't until you started fake whimpering, bringing out the puppy eyes did he finally cave in. He loathes the sound of your whimpers, it makes his heart ache painfully to comfort you. And your teary eyes? It hurts more to look at them than his karmic debt.
➷ He sighs before stating 'Only this once', causing your eyes to light up brighter than the star themselves. He may not enjoy food, but he finds comfort being with you. He's willing to tolerate anything when it comes to making you feel safe and happy.
➷ He asks what's the point of the game, to which you responded with 'It's a surprise!' casually. He rolls his eyes before taking the other end of the stick, the two of you taking turns chipping away at the treat.
➷ And then your noses touch.
➷ His piercing golden eyes widened, pupils trembling at the sight of how close your lips are to his own. It wasn't like neither of you have shared a kiss before, you always pecked his cheek as a greeting. But when he's supposedly suspended in place when your lips were right there, inches away for him to take... it's the sudden craving for your kiss that makes him feel— flustered.
➷ He's the one who broke the stick, reluctantly swallowing the treat while avoiding your eyes. He subtly glances at you, noticing the upset exoression as you silently chew on your end of the stick.
➷ It doesn't take long for the cogs in his brain to start spinning, before he asks if this was a ridiculously pointless plot for you to steal a kiss from him. In which you replied; "Yes :3"
➷ He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighed, the tip of his nose a rosy pink colour. He grabs your chin, turning you to face him before he leans in slowly, planting his lips on your own.
➷ It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like an entire decade went by before he finally pulled away. His gloved hand cradling your face, thumb caressing your blushing cheeks as you gazed at him happily.
➷ "You humans truly love making things much more difficult for yourselves than it should. You're lucky i'll humour you today. Uhm, you... aren't afraid of asking me for something so simple and small— are you?... You're not? Oh. That's good... Next time, you can just ask, I won't decline... I promise."
➷ *Proceeds to read out the entire story of Romeo and Juliet at your arrival*
➷ You see him occupied reading a book while on a bench, so you interrupt by slipping the box of treats in between the pages he was reading, cooing at him to lend you some time for a bit of fun.
➷ Amused, he closes the book and pecks your forehead, followed by the usual compliment of your lovely presence greeting him and pulling you closer to him.
➷ You asked him to play the Pocky Game with you, to which he narrows his eyes at the box, deep in thought. You were about to reassure that if he didn't want to, there was no need to, until he gleefully agrees to play. You could see flowers dancing around him, which already made you feel weary of him.
➷ Nonetheless, your happiness powered over your cautious side and you eagerly planted the stick between your lips. He leans foward biting the other side, the corner of his lips tugging into a sly but unnoticeable smirk. You've fallen into his trap, again~
➷ Your naivety wasn't aware of his eyes growing half-lidded, his head tilting a certain angle and his hand reaching out to your face. Halfway there, and your biggest mistake was looking up, locking eyes with his suddenly lustful amber eyes.
➷ his hands barely grazed your cheek, the faint moan of your name reaching your ear, eyes pleading for more than a simple kiss from you. That was when you instinctively snapped the stick apart, nearly falling over the bench you both sat on, covering your bright red face that felt like it was on fire.
➷ The male giggles slyly, watching you sit up with a bright red face that could rival the hair of a pyro wielding bartender in Mondstadt, an angry pout forming on your face.
➷ You punched him gently on the shoulder as you dragged yourself back on the bench, pretending to ignore him for tricking you.
➷ Of course, that didn't last long before he wraps his arms around you, kissing your still red cheek and whispering apologies into your ear.
➷ "My liege, why are you fretting over such a simple and intimate act? Are lovers not obliged to display affection for one another as a way to express their true feelings? Or perhaps... has something suggestive begun circulating in your thoughts? Hehehe~ I thank the Archons for blessing me with such a doting and endearing [S/O]~"
Zhongli (⚠️)
➷ Habsjsbdin i feel disgusting writing these
➷ You'll also know Zhongli's true identity in this one, I hc that if he found a lover, he'd reveal he's an archon some time in your relationship as to not make your... 'Parting' too difficult.
➷ Sad stuff out of the way, you slide yourself next to Zhongli, who was in the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's lobby having his afternoon tea.
➷ He greets you, poised and soft as ever. He pours you a cup of tea, offering it to you. The liquid cools your insides, a sigh of relief escaoing your lips as you thank him for the refreshment. Or if you dislike tea, he'll offer you just a glass of water, saying he predicted your arrival.
➷ You wasted no time in asking if he'd like to play the Pocky Game with you, waving the stick in front of him as you informed him of the rules. Amused at your offer, he agrees to try the oh-so-harmless game.
➷ It started off normal and innocent at first, the two of you playing the game as intended, with you going on a losing streak for breaking the treat too much, being too flustered because of Zhongli's face getting too close to yours. He looks so— gorgeous up close...
➷ You call for a break, frantically drinking your [cup of tea/glass of water] to try and cool down your body. All the while Zhongli was patiently watching you fan yourself as subtly as you could, which wasn't subtle at all.
➷ He thinks you're flustered for losing so much, so be wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to him as a way to comfort you. Which wasn't working, if anything, it made your face feel more hotter.
➷ He whispers sweet nothing into your ears, reassuring you for something you weren't upset about. And it gets worse when he pulls you into his lap, having you unintentionally straddle his hips.
➷ Mainly out of embarrassment, you squirmed around a little. Laughing sheepishly as you shyly explained you weren't upset, but flustered at how pretty he looked up close.
➷ Unfortunately, your words didn't reach his ears, distracted by you pressing down onto his clothed member. His hands trailed down your body slowly, effectively shutting you up and making you wriggle around more.
➷ He groans your name quietly, raspy voice echoing in your ears. Wanting to hear more, you experimentally rolled your hips against him, a small moan leaving your lips at his erection pressing against you.
➷ His gloved fingers dug into the flesh of your waist, pulling you downwards to feel himself throbbing against you, the tightening core in your abdoment aching for him.
➷ Lustful amber eyes met yours as he cradled your blushing cheek, leaning foward to lock lips with you. He lifts himself a little, now it was his turn to tease you. A moan escaping your intertwined lips, now joining him in his administrations.
➷ "My love... there's no need to tempt me, I understand your needs. Shall we take this somewhere more... private? Director Hu would not appreciate it if we... make love here. I wish to show you my passionate side that awaits you."
"Anna asked if I could taste test it, but then she told me it would be more fun if I had a partner to try it out with... Why don't we have a bite or two together?"
Kazuha Kaedehara
➷ Beidou is his mom, now she's ur mom as well. I don't take no's for an awnser.
➷ You arrive on the Crux, crew members scurrying around the deck, attending to their duties. Your boyfriend no where to be seen, but you spot the captain gazing at the sea intently, presumably wondering what sort of adventures are there to come.
➷ Beidou greets you enthusiastically, an arm looped around your shoulder and pulling you in for a tight hug. You choked due to her strength, but returned with a shy greeting of your own. You gave her an extra Pocky box as a gift, knowing she and her crew were ready to set sail soon.
➷ You asked the Electro wielder where your beloved boyfriend was, to which she chuckled, before responding with a vague 'Ask him what's up!' and pointing somewhere.
➷ You followed her finger, directing your eyes to see what was behind and above you; Your amused boyfriend sitting on the roof, smiling down at you.
➷ The white haired male got up and jumped down, using his Anemo vision to assist him in his graceful landing. He greets you with his usual soft tone, taking your hand and planting a kiss on your knuckles.
➷ Beidou soon leaves with a hearty laugh and a 'Get a room, lovebirds!~', returning to assist her crew members. Meanwhile, you dragged your boyfriend over to a more secluded area of the ship while asking him about where his travels will bring him to next.
➷ Sitting near the edge of the ship, he awnsers all of your questions calmly, before asking if you wanted to play the game with him. He chuckles, admitting he heard your voice faintly in the wind talking to a friend about wanting to play the Pocky game with him before he leaves.
➷ Although embarrassed that he overheard your conversation, you nodded. You took one end of the treat and pointed at the other, which he happily took.
➷ Since he was about to leave soon, you were only able to sneak in a couple of rounds before Beidou's voice could be heard announcing the preparation for departure was completed. But you were still happy, as you had fun kissing your boyfriend on the lips, which you'll miss for a while.
➷ He cradles your face, his soft but captivating red eyes staring into yours. He plants his lips onto yours once more, pulling you closer to his chest, your arms wrapped around him.
➷ "Hearts intertwined, strings stretched apart but not once torn. We will never be seperated, for our connection is something that will last much more than eternity. I'll be back soon, [Name], my heart, mind, soul and body are yours forever."
Shikanoin Heizou (⚠️)
➷ Very self indulgent. Very very long and self indulgent :>
➷ You were visiting the Tenryou Comission, greeting many familiar faces while on the way to see a certain detective, who was likely about to take his break and waiting for your arrival.
➷ As you had correctly guessed, you entered his office, quietly so you wouldn't accidentally disturb the burgundy haired male seen busy sorting some files at his desk. His brows furrowed and olive eyes reading each label intently, you can't help but silently admire how pretty he looked when he was focused.
➷ You opted to help him finish his current task first, putting away the box and moving to his side to sort the remaining files. You've always assisted him with his work whenever you stopped by to see him, it helps him immensely when he was given a large workload. Sorting a couple of files according to their statuses was a walk in the park, you've done this many times.
➷ His eyes widened at your sudden appearance, but smiled fondly at you, his mood improving tenfold. Soon enough, the desk was neat and tidy in contrast to the pile of mess before you came in.
➷ He breathes a sigh of relief, pecking your cheek and asking you to take a seat next while he grabs you a glass of water. On the way, he locks the door, giving the two of you privacy. His eyes spot the box you've hidden, his velvety laughter reaching your ears.
➷ You thank him as he sits next to you, arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you close as you took your sweet time taking a sip. Meanwhile, he sneakily takes the box, examining it's peculiar design.
➷ When he asks you about it, you introduced him to the treat and told him about the game's rules, later asking if he could play a game with you. Of course, he accepts in a heartbeat, already handing you one stick.
➷ You bite down on it while he takes the other almost immediately, grinning at you slyly. The round proceeds smoothly, with you taking the victory after sucessfully kissing his lips, your cheeks tinted a pink hue.
➷ He blinks, a bit in shock while you happily chew your treat. He chuckles, pinching your cheek while calling you 'cute'. You offered to play another round, to which he gladly took. Unbeknownst to you, he's already planning something to... 'spice up' this competition.
➷ Each and every round, you ended up as the victor, unaware of why he seemed rather lazy to play, only smiling at you in amusement. It wasn't until he took the last stick, asking for one more round, you accepted, thinking nothing of it.
➷ While you were already half way there, he lunges foward, taking the remaining stick into his mouth and locking lips with you. You nearly fell off your chair, arms clinging onto his shirt while he grips your waist tightly.
➷ He pulls away, licking his lips and gazing into your eyes, olive eyes clouded with lust at how much your trembling from his lips alone. He doesn't let you speak, barely letting you register when he pulls you in for another kiss.
➷ He shifts himself to hover over you, one hand resting on your thigh while the other hold the back of your head, pushing you to deepen the kiss. You steady yourself by grabbing his shoulders, the chair tilted back slightly.
➷ He retreats, only to kiss your chin, slowly moving down to litter your collar bone with bright red marks for all to see. You choked back a moan, his hand on your thigh now moving closer to where you want him the most.
➷ "You're a needy one, aren't you? *Chuckles* how cute~ Did I rile you up too much? Do you need me badly? Don't be scared, even if they hear, then they'll know who you really belong to now~ Say the word, my [Pet Name], say it loud and clear to me... and i'll make you scream my name louder in return."
➷ While gathering feedback on the new treat for Anna, (The chef in Inazuma, the one in Ayaka's story quest) you accidentally rammed right into Thoma, dropping the box and falling onto your rear with a soft 'thud'.
➷ He apologises, helping you up and repeatedly asking if you were alright. You reassure him that you weren't hurt, although, you were a little upset that your snack was inedible now as the last few sticks were scattered on the ground.
➷ Nonetheless, you still hug Thoma as a proper greeting before peppering his face with a couple of kisses. He chuckles, returning with a sweet kiss on the nose.
➷ Suddenly, he pulls out the exact same box you had, asking if you were given the same task Anna gave to him. You can't help but chuckle at the coincidence, the two of you were doing the same thing and bumped right into eachother at the very end.
➷ He immediately offers to share the box with you, stating he was done with the job, adding that this is his way of repaying you for earlier.
➷ You gladly accepted, but asked to play a couple rounds of the game with you. He doesn't waste anytime in planting the stick in his lips, teasingly waving the stick at your face.
➷ You both finished the box, your game ending in a draw and full of kisses. Now, you were resting your head on his shoulder, happily rambling away about whatever came to your mind.
➷ He was staring fondly at you the entire time, though, his eyes trailed down to your lips. He's kissed you many, many times... But they're absolutely irresistible to him.
➷ He stops your rambling when he touches your cheek, causing you to flinch and look at him in confusion. He chuckles, apologising for disrupting you.
➷ "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you... You're adorable when you just babble on mindlessly. But I can't help noticing how... lonely your lips look. May I accompany it with my own?"
"Lambad was asking if I could collect any feedback on this treat, he even made up a whole game about it... do you wanna kill two birds with one stone and play the game while tasting it?"
Wanderer (⚠️)
➷ "Hi, Nahida! Where's Don Sombrero?"
➷ He'd likely be wandering (heh) outside of Sumeru City in the middle of the night, his bored indigo eyes staring up at the moon.
➷ The sound of a twig snapping in half made his eyes widened in alert, turning around and swiftly sending a sharp wind blade towards the supossed stalker— You.
➷ He frorze in place staring at you in shock, while you just stood there awkwardly with a lopsided and confused smile, the blade barely missing you by a few inches. He clicks his tongue, lowering his hat to hide the worry in his eyes while he approaches you, reprimanding you for sneaking up on someone who could've ended you in one fell swoop.
➷ You apologise, offering to take a leisurely stroll with him, explaining that you couldn't sleep. He scoffs and begins to walk away, but doesn't decline. You jogged up to his side, not a single complaint leaving his lips.
➷ The two of you strolled around the forest that surrounded the city, basking in eachother's presence without having to share a word. Until he tries to slip his hand into yours, his way of showing his appreciation for you without using words.
➷ He ends up grabbing the box instead and asks what it is. You blurted out the true motive behind your decision to join his late night excursion; To play the Pocky game with him. He sighs, calling you childish but agrees to play since it'll make you happy.
➷ You two find a quiet and safe spot, settling down while admiring the view of Sumeru City at night. He says he'll only play a couple of rounds just to get this over with, so that the two of you can just cuddle relax in peace.
➷ He takes his hat off, in case it'll hit you by accident. You plant the stick between your lips and leaned in, allowing him to take the other end, albeit a little reluctantly. He would've just preferred to kiss you normally, but he'll humour you.
➷ Though it was frustrating when he was already prepared for a kiss, but you end up snapping the stick at the very last second. The moonlight did little to hide the blush on your face, you apologised profusely out of humiliation, admitting you broke it because of how pretty he looked close up.
➷ He scoffed, saying that was a ridiculous reason and stating it wasn't any different than the previous times you've kissed. But he doesn't want you to beat yourself up over something stupid, he wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you closer to get that kiss he's been waiting for.
➷ You wrapped your arms around his shoulder, tilting your head a little to lean in closer to his lips. His hand around your waist moves downwards, his touch caused a quiet moan to slip past your lips.
➷ Your hands glide across his chest, his fingers digging into your flesh from the ghostly touch if your fingertips.
➷ "Look at you, already falling apart at something so miniscule as a kiss that was meant to fulfill your desire. Or was it truly your desire to begin with? Perhaps you were craving for something much more than that? Lowly human... your soft pleads mean nothing to my ears. If you want something from me— beg for it."
➷ Srry gonna have to nerf u real quick
➷ You were treading through Avidya Forest, on the way to Gandharva ville. Though, you had injured one of your legs that was now in a cast, you didn't let the pain distract you from wanting to visit your part-canine boyfriend.
➷ You limped along the dirt road, oblivious to the pair of eyes stalking your every movement. You could see the village up ahead, your heart fluttering at the thought of greeting Tighnari, his bushy tail swaying back and forth at your visit.
➷ However, you were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard something heavy land right behind you. Startled, you spun around, only to trip over your own foot and fall onto the ground.
➷ Panic coursed through your blood when you were met face to face with a Rishbolang Tiger, whose eyes stared at you with hunger. It growls, the fur on it's back standing erect as it stalks closer to you, baring it's sharp teeth that were ready to sink into your flesh.
➷ You scrambled back onto your non-injured leg, but it was near impossible to outrun something as fast as a tiger. But lady luck was by your side when you heard a familiar voice call out your name, followed by something being hurled at the tiger behind you.
➷ The tiger was soon trapped in a field, it's dilated pupils darting everywhere in search of you. Out comes your boyfriend, running to your rescue before the field's taunting effects dispels.
➷ One Arm around your waist and the other hooked around his shoulder, he helps you to limp away from the distracted tiger. Despite being visibly unscathed, Tighnari proceeds to check you for any more injuries. All the while calling you an idiot for traversing in the jungle with an injured leg.
➷ He sighs, bringing you into his arms for a comforting hug, saying he was worried about what would've happened if he wasn't on patrol.
➷ You returned the embrace, saying you just wanted to visit— Aaand, you lost the Pocky box during your escape. You sighed sadly while he kissed you in reassurance, stating he could escort you back to Sumeru City and purchase another one.
➷ He asks what it is, to which you replied with a description and your desire to play the game with him. He scoffs, travelling all the way here with an injured leg just to play a kissing game with him? You're too cute for your own good.
➷ "There's no need to be upset over something small... especially when you were nearly devoured by a Rishboland Tiger. Regardless, you should refrain from adding more pressure on your leg. For the time being, you should recover here for a few hours before returning to Sumeru City... As for the 'game' you wanted to play, that's a ridiculous reason. You want a kiss? Then... oh, whatever, just come here..."
[This section of characters may have innacurate personalities and responses, their parts will be shortened due to the lack of information present.]
➷ Russian Baizhu and I have officially ran out of ideas.
➷ The two of you rendezvous outside of the Fatui Harbinger's Headquarters, drops of snow dancing around the two of you.
➷ You fixed his coat, huffing about how cold it is outside while he enjoys how fussy you're being. Once done, the two of you strolled around Snezhnaya, hand in hand.
➷ Idk if there are travelling merchants in Snezhnaya, but we'll oretend there's one who'll introduce the treat to you. Hearing the instructions of the game, Baizhu Pantalone purchases it, giving you a sly smile.
➷ Eventually you two returned to the harbinger's headquarters, about to bid your beloved a farewell as he was about to resume his work. But then he stops you, asking to play the little game before you leave.
➷ You sighed, but really wanted to play the game with him.
➷ "Dear, your face seems red! Oh, my poor darling... Has the snow gotten to you? Or... did something else snuck it's way into that pretty little bead of yours, hm?~"
➷ I struggled SO MUCH writing the last two fatui harbingers, having to add the dialouges at the end was fokin' T O R T U R E
➷ Tartaglia had sent over a box full of Pocky to you, with a note asking you to give one for each of his fellow comrades, with a little doodle of himself winking and a instructions on how to play the game.
➷ You saved the last one for your beloved master; Pierro. After you finish reporting the current affairs to him, he thanks you and allows you to take a small break, to which you ask if he could join.
➷ He responds that he was busy, saying he would have a meeting with the other Harbingers later, but states that he could still join you for a couple of minutes.
➷ It was good enough as you introduced him to box, adding that it came from Childe and he had included a little game you wanted to play with him, he sighed upon hearing the name. You sat on his lap, his arm holding your waist to balance you.
➷ You stuck one end of the treat in-between your lips, leaning foward for him to take the other, albeit a little hesitantly. The game was way too childish for him, but harmless nonetheless.
➷ I'll make this quick; He wins multiple rounds. You couldn't bear seeing his stoic, yet, gentle face that only you could witness, being so close to yours. He finds it amusing, but shows little to no change in expression.
➷ "I apologise for cutting this short, I will have to take my leave now... However, you may hold onto the last remaining sticks, I never said I wouldn't return to you. Let us rendezvous outside the headquarters once the meeting is over."
➷ i'll make this as serious and short as possible srry
➷ As with most of the Fatui Harbingers, you find him giving instructions to the new batch of recruits on their first official duties and assignments.
➷ Once he was done and the skirmishers had dispersed, you wrapped your arms around him, greeting him with a kiss on his pointy nose.
➷ He returns the gesture with an affectionate nuzzle to your cheek, asking if there were any stray recruits he had yet to brief. You shook your head, only stating that you wanted to stay with him for a little bit before returning to work.
➷ Agreeing to your request, the two of you decided to take a leisurely walk around the building, chatting about whatever came to your minds. It was refreshing after having to deal with many injured recruits returning defeated by the Traveller.
➷ You brought out the box of treat, stating Tartaglia had sent this for the two of you and the rest of the Harbingers to try. He chuckles, saying he was given the same box that was meant for his family.
➷ The two of you decided to play a couple rounds, but it's difficult to play the game when your partner nearly poked your eyes out several times with his nose. He apologises, feeling insecure about his nose.
➷ You tossed the box aside, planting a reassuring kiss on his forehead, reminding him that the nose would never be enough to break the connection between the two of you.
➷ "Ah... How did I get so lucky to have you as my own? I wonder if you were my reward for pledging my loyalty to the Tsaritsa, the most perfect partner I could ever ask for, a truly one of a kind lover."
➷ Why not? I may have run out of scenarios, but one more for our best boi
➷ After tearing down several Hilichurl towers, the two of you flopped down on the ground to catch your breaths while Paimon levitates over to your side.
➷ You asked Paimon if she could scout the area, which left eventually you and Aether alone. Aether gazed at the grassy terrain of Mondstadt, his golden eyes sorrowful as two foxes danced around eachother happily. He misses his sister...
➷ Wanting to help distract him from his sorrow, you shook his shoulder gently, shaking a box of Pocky and asking if he'd like to take the time to try it out. His frown lifts into a smile, nodding in agreement.
➷ But that smile turned flustered when you placed one stick in your lips and leaned towards him expectantly, his cheeks tinted a faint pink hue. Although, a bit taken aback when you wanted to play the game, he doesn't refuse the offer.
➷ He bites down on the other end, but refuses to stare into your eyes, his gloved hands fidgeting with his cape.
➷ The two of you took turns inching closer, your heart pounding harshly against your chest when your lips and his are barely a few inches away.
➷ It was his turn now, but he freezes. You assume it was because he might be uncomfortable at the close proximity, so you prepare to break the stick, only to feel his hands reach up and touch your cheeks.
➷ He leans foward, now taking your lips as well. For brief moment, your brain paused to register his lips on your, before you melted. Eventually, you both pulled away, with you now shifting to lay your head on his lap, his hand caressing your cheek.
➷ "Thanks [Name]... It feels refreshing to just relax once in a while, travelling between nation to nation gets really exhausting... I'm glad I still have you by my side, you're my motivation to continue on with this journey."
A/N: Jabsiwbfihsdiiwd I actually wanted to add Lyney but decided against it. Lyney will be coming anyways, so i'll get to know his personality and quirks better. I know damn well i'm gonna be fawning over him once he gets his debut, his wink made my heart go uwu
[Part 1]
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Hey, I like your writing. Would it be alright if we get Ganyu and Hu Tao with a pre-S/o who obviously has a crush on them but is to shy to confess their feeling. So it's up to them to take initiative. Thank you.
Them with a reader that’s too shy to confess their obvious crush to them
characters: Hu Tao / Ganyu / Keqing x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: I decided to add Keqing because I feel like I haven't written for her in a long time, and frankly, because I could.
If there's something I got wrong about your request, feel free to say and I'll try again once i find the motivation/time to.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Hu Tao
While, at this point, most people would think that Hu Tao had no idea how to read a room, the funeral director was confident in saying that their theory couldn’t be more false, as she simply chose to ignore it whenever she could. So when you started acting increasingly shy and nervous around her, she was quick to pick up on your behavior. And once she noticed how you were acting, her discovering why was already on the horizon.
Of course Hu Tao used this gained knowledge to sort things out for the two of you. Or at least she will… eventually. After she got her fun first.
The longer you stared at the lines of the poem Hu Tao had handed you, the more of a weird feeling you got in your stomach. It was unusual enough for her to write anything that wasn’t at least 50% meant as a joke, so when you saw that it was about love you wished for nothing more than to either sink into the ground or wake up from this awkward scenario. 
What didn’t help was the fact that she continued to stare at you with a grin the whole time, not seeming to blink once whenever you stole a quick glance towards her.
“Uhm”, you tried to find the right words to start, only for Hu Tao to cut you off.
“Is there a problem?”, she asked, almost sounding genuine, if it weren’t for her grin growing bigger.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why didn’t you choose anyone else to proofread this?”, you nervously asked, seeing her playfully tilt her head from the corner of your eye.
“Who else should I hand it to? Xingqiu? Nothing against him, but he really isn’t made for criticizing romantic poetry”, she was quick to respond, letting out a small yawn as the first sunrails made their way towards you, causing you to realize how long it was since she had dragged you out here.
“And I am better at talking about these kinds of texts for what reason?”, you asked with all the sarcasm you could muster, both of you knowing damn well how bad you were with any material about romance.
“Your reactions are funny”, she stated almost matter of factly while raising her pointer finger and pointing at a specific verse in the poem, looking at you expectedly. “Reread this once more and tell me if there’s something to change”, she demanded, causing your eyes to scan those words once again, only for the realization that the person described shared a lot of features with you… Almost too many for this whole thing to be a coincidence.
Before you had a chance to say anything however, Hu Tao snatched the paper out of your hands, giving you a smile before playfully patting your shoulder.
“Oh no, it seems like a new morning has dawned, which means that a new day of work lies ahead of us, so sorry that I have to cut this short all of a sudden”, she feigned sadness, only to give you one of her usual mischievous smiles. “But hey, if you need to tell me anything, you know where to find me.”
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When you first began acting awkwardly around Ganyu, going so far as to avoid looking her in the eyes, the more anxious side of her began worrying she may have unintentionally done something that caused your behavior, only for you to blush whenever she mentioned it before trying to assure her that everything was fine.
It was only after one specific, purple haired coworker of hers started to notice the way you two acted around each other and decided that enough was enough, that Ganyu was confronted with the possibility of you having caught feelings. And while the intention of revealing your somewhat obvious crush was to make the half Adeptus stop worrying too much, it turned out to have the exact opposite effect as Ganyu also began to turn into a nervous wreck whenever she was around you.
Taking the initiative in situations like these never was something Ganyu was all too fond of, her own anxiety not exactly helping in making things easier. Nevertheless here she was, waiting for you to meet her as she requested, doubts about this whole thing quickly starting to invade her mind, only for her to try and shake them off once she saw your form in the distance.
“Good morning Ganyu!”, you greeted her, a smile on your face as you made your way over to her, completely oblivious to how much of an anxious wreck she was at the moment.
Or at least you were until she presented you with a rose, barely managing to look you in the eyes as the color of her face started to turn into the same shade of red as the flower.
“I-I’ve heard of a nearly opened shop that sells beautiful flowers, so I wanted to… buy you one”, she mumbled just loud enough for you to hear, the sudden change in atmosphere causing you to start blushing as well, slowly taking the rose out of her hand, making sure not to sting yourself on any of its thorns.
“T-Thanks, I would have brought something with me too if I knew you bought me something. Please excuse me for a minute, I’ll get you something”, you offered, trying your best to get out before your nervousness took over completely, only to stop when you heard Ganyu speak up again.
“Wait!”, she almost yelled, immediately stopping herself once she realized how loud she was, lowering her voice drastically. 
“There’s something I wanted to tell you.”
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No matter what way she looked at it, Keqing couldn’t help but feel slightly infuriated. You were her secretary, the first one to hold out for such a long time at that, so why were you spending less and less time around her, preferring to pretend to be busy running errands around the office?
This wasn’t jealousy that was speaking of course, it wasn’t like she started to enjoy having you around her at work so much that she couldn’t help but feel lonely whenever you weren’t, but if you had a problem with her, you should simply tell her that face to face instead of trying to run away.
And so, the Yuheng decided to ambush you somewhere private, fully intending to resolve whatever issues you had in a direct way.
“O-oh Keqing. Is there something you need?”, you asked, nearly jumping as Keqing appeared from behind the corner, cutting off your way suddenly enough that you nearly ran into her..
“Yes. I need you”, she stated, her tone sounding slightly frustrated, only for her eyes to slightly widen once she realized that her words could be taken another way, quickly adding a few more. “-to do your job as my secretary.”
While Keqing may have been full of resolve when she set out to confront you, the longer she had to wait for you, the more she began to actually fear what could happen. What if you really had a problem with her? Would you resign? Did you not enjoy working together as much as she did? At this point it was fair to say that she was feeling somewhat nervous, increasingly hoping that this all turned out to be some kind of misunderstanding.
“I can’t help but feel like you're avoiding me. Even now I had to basically ambush you to get you to even speak to me”, she explained while crossing her arms, checking your face for any reactions before taking a deep breath and continuing, “If you have a problem with me, just say it”, Keqing tried her best to continue her confident facade, only for it to slowly giving way with each and every word, her nervousness making its way onto her face.
“I don’t have a problem with you”, you quickly blurted out, only to almost instantly be cut off by the Yuheng.
“Then what is it?”
Her question almost instantly managed to shut you up, causing you to look around nervously as you tried your best to find the right words to continue with. Eventually letting out a long sigh as you closed your eyes in defeat.
“Could we go somewhere more private? I… have some things I need you to know.”
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cinnamonest · 2 years
So I have the biggest thing for restraints ever. What kind do the Genshin boys use and what scenario do they get them out?
(Anon bless you for giving me the opportunity to return to "sadistic and feels guilty about it but can't stop enjoying it" Kazuha agenda, I love you for this)
Yesss so I know you probably mean like s/m type restraint, and this is not really restraints in a sexual sense, but there is "enclosure" as a technical form of restraint, to address first. This is basically just keeping you in a large, enclosed area. The ones who utilize this the most would be Zhongli, Ayato, Diluc, and Xingqiu.
The latter three (Rich boy trio lmao) all make use of their wealth and status by using the same general tactic: keeping you in their respective estates. Ayato and Xingqiu have the easiest time of this, as their respective family estates have actual armed guards posted everywhere, who won't hesitate to grab and drag you back if need be. There's essentially a network of people all trained to keep an eye out for you, and detain you on sight if you're not where you should be. Diluc doesn't have the same heavy security, but there's so many maids and servants crawling around the house at all times, and you're no match for them, so it's not really all that much different from guards.
Thankfully, these three allow you to roam the house most of the time, but not outside. You may be allowed to go outside with him, or with appointed chaperones in his absence, but there's someone breathing down your neck all the time regardless, and even when you're inside, there's always eyes on you. In particular, Diluc might allow you to walk around the estate grounds by yourself, if you've been there a long time and won his trust, and only during harvest season. This is because during said harvest time, he has seasonal, temporary employees for harvesting, who are also instructed to watch you. Outside of harvest season, however, he does require you to have someone accompany you, since you might sneak off undetected otherwise.
Zhongli keeps you within an abode. This is actually probably a better setup than the others, as you can roam just about wherever you want within it, provided you do not leave (and he has a mechanism in place to alert him if you do). Often times, it's rather empty, too, so you don't have too many eyes on you. If you've been disobedient, however, he'll lock you into and thereby confine you to your own room, a far more restrictive amount of space. If you're very, very good, he may even take you outside... but only with him.
As far as more literal restraints, for some it's a sex thing, for some it's practical, and for some it's both. The primary candidates here are Childe, Heizou, Albedo, Xiao and Kazuha.
Ajax bounces back and forth. He often leaves you unrestrained on purpose, because he likes the way you struggle. But to be clear, it's entirely a sex thing. He has no practical need for restraints, you're kept in what is one of the highest degrees of security just by the sheer number of Fatui crawling all over the place at all times anyway. If you step out of bounds, they'd have you pinned to the ground before you could take another step. So it's not out of necessity.
But as much as he likes feeling you struggle, watching you struggle against restraints is cute, too. Given the amount of money he has, he can easily afford specially made restraints, the kind that bind you into specific positions. Namely, he gets this one that forces you into a face-down-ass-up position, that binds each of your wrists to your calves so you can't move. It's nice, really, because sometimes after a long day, he just wants to make things a bit easier, you know?
Xiao's is practical, there's not much to the reason behind it. He's just very paranoid, so, keeping you in an abode isn't enough for him. His is simple, just a chain connecting your ankle to the wall, just to ensure you can't get out. He does kind of like it, but it's more of an "easier access" thing than anything. It makes sure you can't maneuver your leg around too much, and in between your legs is the place he's trying to get to, so that means he only really has to deal with one leg, which makes it a lot easier!
He starts with just one. Upon managing to escape it, however, more intense measures clearly need to be taken. However, the incident of escape really, really triggers a sense of anxiety in him, so it's not the sort of thing where the restraints gradually get more intense with each attempt, no. From the very first escape, he goes all out in the future. Forces you spread-eagle, each wrist and ankle spread to each corner of the bed, and a blindfold over your eyes, too. It's for your own good, he tells you.
Over time, you may be able to get him to reduce the restraints, but it takes a long time (at his age, perceived passage of time for you is a mere fraction of the same perception of time for him), and a lot of compliance with someone who can often be rather difficult to comply with.
Heizou is somewhere in the middle. He needs a way to keep you from leaving his room, as he lives in the city, so it's originated in necessity, but quickly becomes something more. Thankfully, it's not hard for him to get a way to restrain you quickly. The department has plenty of spare handcuffs laying around, so he just swipes one (hey, it's not theft if he records it as lost property and pays for a replacement with his own paycheck to clear his conscience). He loops it through one of the bars on the headboard above his bed, and keeps your hands bound to it that way, tape over your mouth. It's practical, but... as he's turning his head over his shoulder to look one last time before going out the door, something about seeing you like that is... exciting. It occupies his thoughts for the rest of the day, he can't get the mental image out of his mind.
He accepts this facet of himself pretty quickly, though. He's heard of other people being into stuff like that, so it's not bad, right? It's fairly normal, and it's not hurting you or anything. He's not so much of a sadist, he doesn't really hurt you, he just likes seeing you unable to move around, the feeling of control. He lets you out of them once you earn his trust, while he's there at least, but whenever he leaves you go back to it. He'd be lying if he said part of it wasn't how hard it makes him whenever he's on his way home each evening, already getting excited just at the thought of opening the door to the same sight as always. It's intoxicating with euphoria, seeing the light pour into the room onto your body all restricted, he never gets tired of it. Eventually he may swipe a second and third pair to keep your ankles connected to the end of the bed, too, legs spread all apart.
Albedo is very well aware of what he likes, and also accepts it with ease, not even needing to justify it to himself. He's also very transparent about it. If you were to accuse him of getting off to it, he more or less just blinks at you for a moment. Yes, what of it? The man doesn't have a lot of shame when it comes to such things, so you won't have any success trying to get him to feel embarrassed or anything, and it's even more hopeless to try and get him to feel guilty for it.
He invests in something electronic, namely a tracking device, as well as a collar... one that has these odd prongs that you can feel digging into your skin. At first, he just says it's part of the lock design, nothing more... but you can tell there's something he's not telling you. Should you go beyond the front door and trigger the electrocution device, you'll certainly find out.
But above all, he tends to like rope more than anything. It's more versatile, you can really do whatever you want with it rather than being limited to a few specific positions and areas for restraint. Besides, it can be done all ornately and intricately in a way that looks stunningly alluring, beautiful even, so it appeals to his artistic side as well. Inazuma has a well-known rope bondage tradition, so, he picks up some booklets containing detailed tutorials, and makes it a goal to master the art of it, little by little. And, well, you should know that once he sets his mind to something, he doesn't give up, so you'll just have to try and endure being a living canvas.... and maybe convince him to invest in some soothing oils for the occasional rope burn.
Unlike Albedo and Heizou, however, Kazuha has difficulty accepting it... yet, he's probably the most excited by it of anyone. This is probably due to it being combined with his darker impulses to cause actual pain, so he associates both as being disgusting, awful things that he should (and does) feel guilty for, at least at first. He tends to apologize all the time as he does it, mumbling and stammering that he doesn't want to do this (he does), it's just necessary (it's not), and he hopes you can learn to be more reasonable so this can stop (please don't).
The sadistic tendencies are a thing of their own, but his fixation on restraint can be much more easily rationalized to himself as a matter of your safety and well-being. Does it need to be all intricate? Yes. And does it have to pull your legs apart and up to your chest? Yes. Why? Because... it just does, okay? It's just easier! He wasn't thinking about it when he did it, it wasn't intentional...
As far as the form, he goes for anything and everything. It starts with leather cuffs and chains he gets from a blacksmith. It's made for animal's necks, to tether plow animals to each other... so it's too big for your wrists. He'll just put it around your thighs, and loop the link around behind your neck. It's just practical! It was the only thing they had available, so don't look at him like that.
He gets a spreader bar, leather cuffs to keep your hands behind your back. Gags that go into your mouth - a special ring-shaped one that allows you to breathe the whole time, but makes it so you can't hide any noises you make, and makes you drool all over the place... not that that's good, it's just an observation. Thankfully, you're blindfolded too, so you won't see him gather it from where it dripped on the bed onto his fingers and lick it off. That... would probably make you give him a look that would make him feel bad.
Soon, he gets ropes too, special soft ones just for skin (why do they make ones for human skin? Dunno. No he didn't go to a shady sort of shop for it, it was being sold at a totally normal marketplace. You're the perverse one, for such a thing even coming to your mind. And eventually, after deciding it's still not enough, he gets you what he considers to be not degrading or even perverted (it's not on your body, therefore it's not a sexual thing, right?), but rather, he hopes you'll see it as a sign of affection and endearment... a nice, big cage for you to stay in. Padded and with blankets so you don't get cold. He's just been so nervous about you getting out of the cuffs and chains while he's gone during the day, so this way you'll have an extra layer of protection. Besides, you look very cute laying in it!
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