#xiao dejun x male reader
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"i like to call myself a pretty man connoisseur.."

synopsis: your sad to say it, but you don't have much going on in your life. you have a very time consuming major, just a few friends, barely any time to go out, and spend most of your free time either a: working, or b: sleeping. so for once, when you finally have the friday off, and your dragged off to go watch a football game between a rival school of yours, you really do wish you were anywhere else. somehow though, it turns out to be one of the best things to happen to you, because a charming oreo–haired musical theater major from your rival school just happens to saunter his way into your life, you didn't expect to fall in love in your junior year, but your also not complaining!
pairing: xiao dejun x male!reader
genre: college au, strangers to friends to lovers, musical theater major!xiaojun x health science major!reader, fluff, like the lightest of angst, lowkey fast burn 😖
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, kissing(?), gay people, a little miscommunication, reader having a crisis over oreo xiaojun, probably a lot of repetitive phrases, huang guanheng is EVERYWHERE
word count: 12.8k
notes: OKAAAAAAAY hello! now in the beginning i really did enjoy writing this but after like the fourth scene its all so disgusting and jumbled up but i am also very proud of myself because this is the longest ever fic i have ever written (it is all xiao dejuns fault), actually it is ALL of nct's fault because why do i have a bunch of 8k word fics of so many nct members..😢 anyway if this seems any rushed or makes absolutely no sense at times its because im tired and i worked extra today but it doesn't really matter because constructive criticism is good (i shouldn't even publish this tbh) but there is a first for everything! enjoy!

YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A FOOTBALL FAN. now you know that might be a little of a sour opinion, especially to the men in your family, but it's just never been a sport you enjoy. it is just a little fun to watch, especially when drunk, because the sight of men in tight ass clothes running around a field chasing a ball is possibly one of the funniest things you think your drunk mind has ever seen. which is why now— in the stands, listening to the loud shouts and screams from your schoolmates, and rival scholars, you feel as if your ears have just been popped.
after all the days of working, and doing nothing but schoolwork, you were glad to have the rest of the friday off. there was nothing else you wanted to do but put on an oversized sweater, make a bowl of ramen and rewatch gossip girl for the seventy fifth time already (yes, you keep count), but no— guanheng decided he was going to drag you out of the dorm to watch stupid football game, one about "school spirit" or whatever, you weren't paying attention to him when he decided to go on his ramble, and now he's abandoned you once again! probably off to go talk to one of his 1000 other friends or something.
you almost consider leaving, but then you witness the amount of people you'd have to maneuver through, the amount of excuse me's you'd have to utter, the amount of pushing you'd endure as you tried to make your way through the crowded stands, besides, you can't leave without guanheng, your pretty much the only person responsible for keeping him alive at this point.
so you somehow suck it up and manage to stick around. your ears are practically on fire right now, and you desperately want to take off your shoes because of how they are poking you at the moment. you almost feel like your being pressed together by all the people in the stands, as if walls are slowly pushing in and crushing every single bone in your body.
"that team is doing horribly.." you mutter to yourself in an attempt to calm your crazy mind.
"i know, we suck".
at first you think you've made up the voice, because in the past hour and a half all you've heard is shouting, cheering, and loud music blasting on your ears, no one has made any attempt to talk to you since guanheng up and left you alone in the stands, so the response almost seems like muddled up words created by your brain as a response—
but it's not.
someone actually did respond to you, and in a split second there is a completely new person standing beside you, also observing the game but not looking as pleased to be there. when you do glance to your left, you come across possibly the most beautiful boy— no, person, you come across the most beautiful person you think you've ever seen in your twenty years of living, for once it feels like everything stops.
you are not the kind of person that just.. does that. now you've met tons of pretty people, you've met so many people that you could definitely say are so beautiful they could be displayed in a museum as an art exhibit, but never in your twenty years of living have you ever seen yourself go silent at the sight of a beautiful person— your brain feels like it's malfunctioning, you're not exactly sure what to say, you open your mouth but no words come out, and you almost consider punching yourself because you probably look like a complete idiot right now.
"oh? you don't go here?"
that's what you decided to say? of all things you could've said, of course he doesn't go to your school, he just implied that the other team belonged to his school, why would that be the best thing to say out of everything else?
the stranger looks up, then he laughs, and your not sure how you keep your composure. "oh no, i go to vixsith" he replies, using his thumb to point backward, though he's not pointing at anything in specific, just pointing to point. you're not sure why you pick up on that, or why you're even watching where his hands are going anyway.
"your insulting your own team?" you inquire, and he laughs even harder at your question, covering his mouth with his hand. "this is about school spirit, have faith in them" you joke, and all he does is continue laughing, crossing his arms as he tries his best to calm himself down.
"i'm being honest, the only person on that team who knows how to play is mark, he deserves better" he remarks, eyes focused on the player he just named. he then seems to have a random realization and turns to you once again. "i'm dejun by the way" he holds out his hand for you to take, and you just blink at it like an idiot, before coming back to your senses and quickly shaking his head.
at the sound of your name, he seems to have yet another realization. he points at you and narrows his eyes. "we have a mutual friend don't we?"
at the question, you narrow your eyes, cogs turn in your brain as you think about who he could possibly be referring to, then it comes to you—
the two of you say his name in unison, and the two of you both try to stifle your laughs as the realization dawns on you. "he knows everyone i swear" you mutter, and dejun snorts, looking away from you to laugh. "even from other schools.."
"oh we go way back" dejun responds, moving his hair out of his face. "middle school actually" he adds, and your eyes widen, as if your shocked, of course guanheng has friends from way back when, why are you surprised?
you don't feel as surprised as you do lucky..
"was he still as inhumanely flexible as he is now?"
dejun laughs again, he does that a lot. "yes, yes he was".
"he talks about you a lot.. you know" dejun comments out of the blue, tucking his hair behind his ear. "he basically lives with us, and if he's not sleeping over we always assume he's with you".
"oh so that's why he always just.. appears and disappears.."
"yeah that's kind of his thing" dejun scrunches his face, looking bored by the lack of action happening on the field. "i can never find him unless he directly comes to me first" he doesn't look at you as he says those words, but you're very much staring at him the whole time.
you almost feel like a creep in a way, you want to punch yourself in the face again for continuing to stare at him. you blink a couple times before turning your face away, trying to correctly articulate your thoughts.
"both teams suck".
you only say those words because you want him to continue talking, you want to hear him talk, it's nothing that crazy, having a conversation with him is just so intriguing to you for some reason..
"well yeah— but you guys get more training so you have an advantage" he comments, narrowing his eyes at the field, arms crossed over his chest. "the guys on our team have no idea what their doing".
"do you like football?" you ask, not sure why your so interested in his answer, you just are, you have no explanation for your sudden intrigue of this charming oreo–haired boy that goes to your rival school.
your much too distracted by how gorgeous he is to worry about giving yourself an explanation.
dejun laughs again, shaking his head. "not really, my dad does, so i just know things because of all his screaming and shouting" he replies, arms still crossed over his chest. "i'm not really a sports person, i do musical theater for pete's sake".
"oh so you sing?" you don't mean to ask another question, you're worried that you might be bothering dejun with your constant inquiries, but he actually seems glad, excited that someone is asking him about his major.
"well yeah" he responds, his smile growing. "all things theater, i write the songs, i act the parts, i play instruments, sometimes i even take offstage roles instead of my usual onstage ones".
he fiddles with his fingers, picking his nails. you assume, from his mannerisms, that he doesn't know what to say because most people don't really ask him about his major, or what he does, it's like he's elated that you even asked him.
"what about you?" dejun instead asks, veering away from the topic of his major and instead making yours the main topic of discussion. "what do you do?"
"health science" you say the words as if it pains you to, like it's the single most uninteresting thing you've said this whole interaction. "i know, it's boring".
dejun laughs again; "no no! i didn't say that!" he waves his hands in a disagreeing manner as he chuckles at your words. "i just don't meet a lot of people interested in pursuing science.."
"it's more of the health aspect than science actually" you mutter, and dejun just looks even more interested in what you have to say now. "but science is a big part of it so.."
"you must be very smart then" dejun remarks, smiling as the two of you make eye contact.
"i'm alright" you just say, finally pulling down your formerly rolled up sweater sleeves now that the air outside has begun cooling down. you only lightly shiver, and you glance back at dejun one more time..
"where do you think guanheng is?" he asks, clearing his throat as he scours the still full and lively bleachers, searching for your friend. "off doing whatever he does.."
you're currently very distracted, and you don't even realize what's going on when you snap out of whatever daze you were having and everyone is suddenly standing up and cheering like there's no tomorrow.
dejun looks over at you, and he can clearly see how confused you are because he laughs for one last time. "you guys won!" he somehow manages his voice over the roar of the crowd. "congrats!"
he's yelling, but he's not exactly loud, he still manages to sound so gentle whilst yelling at you.
"thanks!" you blurt out as a reply, and you feel like a complete idiot for that, but dejun smiles, so you don't feel all that embarrassed.
the game is over, and people are going to start to leave soon. dejun looks back, spotting a group he recognizes, then he looks over at you, a smile on his face. "i've gotta go now" he says, almost disappointed in a sense. "it was nice meeting you y/n!"
you nod, not knowing what to say. "yeah! you too!"
you too? you too?? is that what you say y/n!?
dejun gives one more beautiful smile before heading off, and you blink, having absolutely no idea what just transpired in those few minutes.
holy shit i forgot to ask—
but you couldn't— because he was gone, gone in such a flash you couldn't even spot his oreo hair in the crowd.

YOU FORGOT TO ASK FOR HIS NUMBER. YOU FEEL SO STUPID, your not even sure why you wanted to ask him that, but in the back of your mind that was the question you were preparing yourself to ask from the moment he told you his name, that he was friends with guanheng, the moment the two of you began laughing about your majors and stuff like that. the whole interaction with a pretty oreo–haired musical theater major at a football game is all that you were thinking about last night, as you tried to find pretty much anything else to think about as you struggled to sleep.
how did you forget to ask him for his number? you want to smash your face into your computer screen because of how stupid you are. you said "you too!" like a fucking idiot, but maybe you were just too distracted, he was smiling at you with that beautiful smile and staring at you with his absolutely gorgeous fucking eyes, how could you even think coherently whilst a beautiful man (from a whole other school but who cares?) was staring at you with his pretty brown eyes like you were the only person in the world?
okay your pushing it now..
but there is just something, something about him that drew you in, your not sure why you were so adamant on getting to know him, but he was just so— you can't explain it right now! you are currently very sleep deprived and also moody because of your disappearing roommate that always decides to appear at the worst times.
you don't remember the last time you ever got an actual eight hours of sleep, these days that seems like a dream more than a reality, but guangheng is just never tired. he's somehow always up, doing something, hanging out with people, he never sits down in once place and just stays still.
when he walks into the room, hands on his hips and gaze immediately focused on you, you barely bat an eye at him, just spare him a quick glance, noticing how pissed off he looks. you scour your mind for an explanation as to why he must be mad now, probably something someone said, or he got into yet another argument with one of his classmates, your not even sure anymore, you don't know where he is half the time.
"could you do me a favor?"
you almost laugh out loud, not at him, but at the idea that he wanted you to do him a favor. at this point, he probably owes you thousands of favors considering how many you do for him, but he seems upset, and you don't have any of that pettiness leftover to ignore him, so you move your eyes to look over at him.
"why should i?"
okay— you lied, your still just a little petty, but you totally have every right to be! guanheng deserves just some sass from you after disappearing each and every time he decides to take you out somewhere.
guanheng blinks, then he pulls out the signature guanheng frown, a sad stupid frown he always makes when he wants to persuade you into doing something. you're not sure how you've even ever fallen for that signature frown, maybe it's because he's just so great at looking sad, at looking upset, he somehow always manages to make you feel bad for him, and therefore, end up doing the favor for him.
"because i'm your best friend, your roommate, and you love me so much" guanheng smiles wide, like he just found out he won the lottery, and clasps his hands together as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
"i don't know.." you mumble, looking back at your computer screen. it's a saturday, you have no classes saturday, you can just sit down, relax, be the absolute lazy motherfucker you were put on this earth to be. "i don't feel like going out today".
guanheng huffs, crossing his arms. "one last favor! just one! then i'll get off your back!"
"your horrible at following your promises, heng" you comment absentmindedly, your tone is much meaner than you intended, and guanheng's gasp is enough to tell you that he indeed takes offense to those words. "what? i'm not lying".
"y/n!" oh great, he's whining now. "i will get you anything i can, anything! just this one favor! please?"
your about to say no again— but then it's like a lightbulb goes off in your head, and you get a spectacular idea. anything? he did say anything, and he can give you something you want.
the number of a pretty boy preferably!
you let out a sigh, and guanheng knows what that sigh means, it means you agree. "fine, i'll do you this favor, but this is the last one".
guanheng's smile brightens, and he cheers like a kid that just got the best christmas present one can receive. "thank you! thank you! thank you! i love you!" he kisses your cheek, and skips off to another room.
"get your jacket!" he shouts, already rooms away from you, so he has to shout.
"get your jacket! were leaving!"
you furrow your eyebrows at his words, but you don't say anymore, because you did agree to do this favor for him after all.
so, without questioning it more, you get up and go grab your jacket.

"SO WHEN YOU SAID A FAVOR..?" you don't continue on with your sentence, pausing to let out a breath as you shove your hands into the pockets of your jackets. guanheng looks over at you, and he just chuckles at the unreadable expression on your face. when you agreed to do this favor for him, you didn't know it included leaving your dorm and having to be dragged out to yet another unfamiliar place. "did you forget to mention the fact that we'd have to leave the school?" you finally finish, eyes focused and narrowed on your friend, who again, smiles at you with that signature guanheng smile.
"it's a saturday, most of us don't have classes anyway, they won't question it".
"is that supposed to make me feel better?" you ask to yourself more than to guanheng, but he hears you anyway, and that results in a snicker from him. despite that, he doesn't respond to your silent question, making you frown just the slightest.
"stop pouting".
"i'm not pouting" your quick to rebut, rolling your eyes at his words. you almost bump into him when he suddenly stops, and your about to yell at him again for being stupid when he places a finger on your mouth.
he knocks on the door in front of him, not paying attention to the burning glare your currently sending him.
"i'll bite off your finger" you threaten, moving forward and pretending your about to do that. guanheng squeaks and quickly moves his fingers away from your lips, a flash of true fear in his eyes. all you do is give him a menacing and totally not threatening smile.
"psycho.." he whispers, he looks like he's about to say more, but the door opens, so he closes his mouth and turns around.
"come on!"
he grabs your wrist and drags you into the dorm, and you felt your heart rate increase. maybe he knew these people, but you sure didn't! what if they thought you were weird? you want to pull him back and tell him that he shouldn't just drag you into some strangers dorm, but he is much too distracted to even notice your uneasiness.
"i've returned!" guanheng yells, letting go of your hand to place his hands on his hips, as if he was proud of himself.
"can you slam the door on him!?"
"ten! come to me!"
before you can ask him what the hell is going on, he sprints down the hallway, you assume to go after this ten person, you just blink, shoving your hands into your pockets as you begin to rock back and forth on your heels.
"hello stranger!" an unfamiliar voice exclaims, you look up and come face to face with a pink–haired boy with a bright smile.
"hello" you reply politely. "i like your hair" you immediately remark, pointing at his hair like an idiot because you don't want to touch it and make him uncomfortable.
his face lights up, as if you were a millionaire that just gifted him a life changing amount of money. it was as if no one ever told him that his hair was pretty before, or that they liked it. he jumps up and squeals, excited. "thank you! ten said it was stupid!"
you furrow your eyebrows, then chuckle. "what? no it's very pretty, pink suits you!"
"hah! i told you guanheng! pink does suit me!" he yells down the hall, and you can hear the small shout of rebuttal that guanheng responds with from all the way down the hall. "thanks! only a few people actually noticed that i dyed my hair".
you laugh again, okay he is very funny, you like him!
"oh! i'm yangyang! the nicest person who lives here!" he introduces himself in the same fashion a reality tv star would, and quickly grabs your hand to shake it. you don't complain, just laugh again as he vigorously shakes your hand.
"y/n, it's nice to meet you".
he gasps, recognizing your name. "oh you're the famous y/n! guanheng always talks about you, for a long time i was convinced he was in love with you!"
"why are you tarnishing my brand!?" guanheng shouts again, sounding even more pissed off than he did before. "huh!? liu yangyang!?"
yangyang shakes his head, ignoring guanheng's loud shouts and flapping his hand, mocking him. you laugh as you watch him mock the other, who has absolutely no idea what he's doing right now.
"you have a project to do!" another unfamiliar voice shouts.
yangyang gasps again, suddenly looking stressed. "fuck yeah— um!" he turns around and reaches over to grab his laptop, then he turns back to you and gives you a smile.
"yeah, my apologies" you just wave it off, urging him to keep going. "um i'm doing a project where i have to interview people on their majors.. trust me i don't know either, but! i've interviewed like the whole school already, and i need one more person.."
"and that person is me?" you ask, but you already know the answer to that question, yangyang nods, much more quickly than he seemed to intend to.
"yes!" he exclaims, but then he clears his throat. "but only if you want to, i don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do—"
"no no no it's fine!" you cut into his sentence, shaking your head. yangyang, again, looks elated that you agreed.
okay so this was the favor guanheng wanted you to for him! (not for him necessarily— but his friend). he could've just told you about this straight up instead of being vague about it, it wasn't even that burdening of a favor, not like the other ones you've done for him.
"guanheng! why don't you bring him around more often? he's better than you are!" yangyang yells again, probably for the nth time that hour.
guanheng doesn't answer, but you knows he's pouting, you can just sense it at this point, you call it your "roommate instincts".
"oh hi y/n".
now that's a voice you recognize, and you almost don't believe your eyes when the one person that kept you up all night walks into the room and smiles as he sees your figure. "dejun, hi" you smile back at him, hoping you don't sound as awkward as you feel.
dejun looks so so pretty, as he always does. he fiddles with the necklace hanging around his neck, his eyes lingering on you for an unspecified amount of time.
"ten hit me with his shoe" guanheng suddenly storms into the room, arms crossed over his chest. "asshole.." he mutters under his breath, huffing like some sort of baby.
dejun then laughs, covering his mouth with his hand, and that causes you to laugh, turning your head to the side as to not make it obvious.
guanheng exchanges glances between the both of you, a prominent glare in his eyes, but then the look in his eyes changes, and he points at the two of you. "you two have met?" he asks.
dejun pauses, still humored by the previous words said by guanheng, and your brain almost malfunctions once again. "i— um" great, you just sound so natural and not awkward.
"we met at the game" dejun immediately says, saving you the awkwardness of having to collect your words in your brain. you thank whatever god or deity up there for dejun's quick response, and he just flashes you that familiar pretty smile. "yesterday, you know, while you were off doing who knows what.."
guanheng gasps, looking at dejun like he'd just cursed his entire bloodline. "you— your just such a bitch! you know!?"
"ow! don't punch me! i'm fragile!"
guanheng lands one more punch on his shoulder, and it gets one more squeak out of dejun, who jumps once again. "i don't care, your horrible".
yangyang blinks, probably already used to their little quarrels. he then turns to you, just shaking his head as they continue to whisper–argue. "so, what do you major in?"
it's almost like you totally forgot, his project, the thing that guanheng dragged you here to help him with. "health sciences, i take courses in everything related to healthcare and like— half actual science courses?"
"so your looking to work in healthcare?"
"yeah basically, i've already taken courses in emergency service's, becoming a paramedic is my top option!"
yangyang gasps at your words, he looks over at guanheng, then quickly back at you. "are you single?" he asks, again with the same quickness.
dejun snorts, hitting guanheng as begins laughing hard. guanheng scrunches his nose, staring at yangyang like he's crazy. "what kind of question is that!?"
"what? that is a totally valid question to ask!" he exclaims, crossing his arms. "it's for my project! clearly!" he lies.
"your— oh my god, unbelievable".
"so are you?" yangyang asks again, looking at you with suspenseful eyes. he is very much interested in your answer it seems.
your finally finished with your laughing fit, and nod, still very amused. "yes i am, i'm single".
"good, this is very important information".
yangyang gives you a giddy look, and dejun just continues to laugh.
you're not sure why your so focused on him though..

YOU AGAIN, HAVE NO LUCK SLEEPING that night, and after the first hour and a half of tossing and turning, you gave up on trying to chase slumber you knew you wouldn't be able to catch. you assumed that the longer you stared at your computer screen, the quicker you'd get tired and the quicker your eyes would become heavier, but no! it's now almost two in the morning and you still aren't sleepy in the tiniest bit, you didn't know insomnia got this bad, if you knew this prior to coming back to school this year, you would've bought more of those sleeping pills. you lean your chin onto your hand as your computer continues playing audio from a random episode of brooklyn nine–nine.
the millions of thoughts rampant in your mind were probably distracting you, rendering it impossible to sleep, and also rendering it impossible to focus, seeing as your just looking around your room, which is pretty much boring you considering all you've been doing for the past thirty minutes is looking around your own room.
you think your gonna bore yourself to death, you pretty much prepare to stay up for the next five hours until your alarm rings and startles you out of your daze (which has happened way too many times for your comfort), but then your phone rings.
it's almost two in the morning, who exactly is calling you at this time? who knows that you're awake at 1:56 in the morning and decided to call you? they probably knew you'd pick up..
and you know who it is— it's so obvious.
you don't mean to pick up your ringing phone as fast as you do, you want to punch yourself in the face for how desperate you seem, and you almost don't answer the phone because you feel so embarrassed. "hello?"
"hi!" dejun sounds way too joyous for someone who is sleep deprived, and up at 1:57 am. "sorry? was that too loud?"
"no no your fine" you reply, even though the speaker is on, guanheng can quite literally sleep through anything, there was one time the fire alarm was going off for a good ten minutes and he didn't even budge. "guanheng is a pretty heavy sleeper".
"he's lucky, i can't sleep" the sound of shuffling on the other line resonates in your ears, and dejun huffs, sounding frustrated. "you were the only person i assumed would be awake".
you snicker. "why is that?" you inquire, he was right, of course, but you just wanted to hear his reasoning, and also wanted him to keep talking.
you really like dejun's voice for some reason, it just scratches the right part of your brain. in these past two days you realized that you like a lot of things about dejun, many more things than you thought you might.
"your major has the word 'science' in it so i just assumed the amount of sleep you get is slim to none".
now that gets another laugh out of you, you laugh much more than you intend to, but also— it's dejun, and you can't resist the loud laugh that escapes your lips.
oh your such a desperate little bitch—
"well you'd be correct" you respond, humming as you pick at your nails. "at this point sleeping is beginning to make me tired".
there's a long pause, and your worried you made everything more awkward, because you don't hear anything from the other line. for a moment, you're almost convinced dejun hung up on you, but before you can speak he beats you to it.
"i can keep you company until you get tired" he immediately suggests, and you almost choke on your spit when he says that. "i don't mind".
you go silent, feeling as if all logical thoughts in your mind have suddenly disappeared into the air. you might sound like a complete loser right now but that was just so sweet of him to suggest, you smile much too wide for your own comfort, but you don't even think about that, because your just so charmed by the words.
"you are.." you pause, clasping your hands together as you think about what words to say next. "yeah yeah, that's fine" you finally continue, your new words having no connection to the previous ones you previously said, you just hope dejun doesn't notice.
"good! it would've been awkward if you said no" dejun giggles, and you just can't get over how cute he sounds. "plus, i wouldn't want you to be tired in the morning, lord knows how much you do in a day.."
you feel an unfamiliar fluttering feeling in your stomach, because he is so considerate? he wants to help you, he's just being so nice to you at.. two! two in the morning! you bite down on your bottom lip, hoping it doesn't bleed from how hard your tooth drives into it.
"aww, you care about me that much?" you ask, just wanting to hear him talk again. you feel like a teenage girl giggling and kicking her feet over a high school crush, except you can't kick your feet and giggle because then dejun would know.
"okay, be quiet, don't make me hang up".
"okay okay don't do that!" you say, totally meaning to sound as desperate as possible this time. "if your not here i won't ever fall asleep".
you hear something similar to a squeal on the other line, as if dejun had heard your words and just freaked out.
the realization honestly boosted your ego.
"you— you suck!"
"you offered to help me jun, don't get like this now!"
you're not sure how long it goes on for, but you swear you two laugh all night while on the phone.

"SO WHOSE THE GUY?" the question is asked so abruptly that at first, you assume you heard your friend wrong. when you look up, he stares at you with that deadpanned gaze, and that's when you realize he's completely serious. you chuckle at the realization that your friend is sure that your in love with someone (well you are— your just surprised that he figured out so quickly). "what guy? there's a guy?" you tilt your head, acting as if you have no idea what he could possibly be talking about. you giggle as you watch him slowly get even more irritated by your answer.
"you always come in here looking a little less miserable each day" chenle observes, leaning forward as he narrows his eyes at you. "someone is making you excited to live life?"
"do i always come in here looking miserable?" you ask, completely diverting your attention from chenle's previously asked question, which makes him pout.
"yep!" renjun exclaims, sitting beside you, he crosses his legs in his chair and presses his lips into a thin line. "so! who is he?"
the two seem way too excited to know about your never talked about before crush on dejun. now— you didn't know it was so obvious that you were now smitten for this new guy, you're usually the friend that's known from straying the furthest away from love, you don't remember any people you've legitimately liked that weren't elementary school crushes..
so yeah, your friends totally had every right to be surprised, because your absolutely smitten for a man and they just want to know who this man that is making you so happy is!
you hate that you give in so easily. "he's one of guanheng's friends.." you mutter, picking at your nails, looking down to make sure you don't witness renjun and chenle's reactions with your own two eyes.
renjun gasps, sounding like those ladies at the hair salons that just heard the juiciest gossip. "ooh! who? does he go here? do we know him? is he pretty?"
chenle looks over at renjun like he's crazy, that familiar judging stare in his eyes as he watches renjun lean closer to you with a totally not creepy smile on his face. "don't you think your acting a little too interested in this?"
"i just want to know!" renjun shouts, playfully glaring at the younger. he then turns back to you, and you assume his cheeks must be hurting from how hard he seems to be smiling. "tell me please?"
"he's— he's just your run of the mill pretty guy who is nice, and smart, and absolutely adorable who tells horrible jokes that still end up being funny in some way and he has a pretty laugh and i just love his voice, and talking to him, and, i can't even explain it because it'll sound stupid!"
"you sound like a psycho" chenle immediately says, laughing at you like you just confessed to an atrocious crime against humanity. you sink into your chair, slumping towards the side.
"aww! the pessimistic y/n is in love!" renjun squeals, again, like those women at the hair salon who just heard the juiciest gossip. he grabs your arm and shakes you vigorously, causing you to get dizzy in the slightest bit. "i can't believe i've lived to see this day!" he shouts, continuing to shake you as you can't properly get out your cries for help.
"renjun you're gonna kill him" chenle pinches the older in the arm, making him yelp and jump, he giggles as he witnesses the glare the older male sends him, his crushing grip remains around your arm, but you don't even mention at this point, because at least he's not shaking you anymore.
"sorry" he remarks, definitely not sorry as he squeezes your arm once again, beginning to get overly excited. "it's just.. exciting you know?"
"it's exciting that i'm in love with someone?" you raise an eyebrow, and though you expect renjun to respond, chenle quickly does.
"yep! you'll finally be gone!"
his cheer results in a gasp of offense from you, and all chenle does is giggle in victory.

THE ONE THING YOU'VE LEARNED FROM THE now excessive amounts of times you've hung around guanheng's other friends is that they're loud, they are all really loud (even sicheng! who, for a good majority of the time, is always quietly staring at his friends with clear concern in his eyes), even if they don't mean to, they're somehow always either yelling, shouting, or making some sort of scene. they're all just naturally hilarious, like comedians that don't realize they're comedians because they're just being themselves. in the past few weeks, it's like you spend more time with these people that don't go to your school in comparison to people that actually go to your school and that you can see easily.
but if you're being honest, you don't really mind that your spending all your free time with them, because they are indeed very fun to be around (and you get to see dejun much more regularly, which is something you rather enjoy), and because life would be insanely boring if guanheng didn't decide to drag you out of the dorm every other day to go do stupid things with his friends that go to a whole other school.
"you are such a cheater! i won fair and square!"
"you did not! your the cheater! sicheng is my witness!"
sicheng, who was not listening to anything either ten or yangyang had to say, looked over at the younger with a look of concern washed over his features. he blinks as he's suddenly put on the spot, smiling nervously as the youngest stares intensely at him, waiting for his answer. "uh.. i— i don't know".
his delivery makes you burst out laughing, and you cover your mouth with your hand as to not make yourself look like an absolute fool. you don't even realize that you picked up on one of dejun's habits, you might be spending too much time around him..
actually, forget that! there is no such thing as spending too much time around dejun, and that might make you sound like a "simp" but you don't care.
you've fallen, and you've fallen hard.
"okay.." guanheng presses his lips into a thin line, ignoring the way ten and yangyang now begin discussing the logistics of cheating in card games, unfortunately dragging poor sicheng into their argument. he turns to dejun and scoots closer to him. "can you do me a favor?"
dejun groans, playfully rolling his eyes. you assume he's done as much favors for guanheng as you have, and you barely stifle the snicker that dares to escape your lips.
dejun hears the sound, and smacks your arm hard, making you jump. he only gives you a teasing smile before turning to guanheng, having to give him a response.
"at what lengths do i have to go for this favor?"
guanheng scoffs, crossing his arms. "it's nothing insane or anything, i just want you to get me something.."
"and you can't get it yourself because..?"
"i have no money on me" and there goes that signature guanheng frown, dejun opens his mouth to argue but then he shuts it so quickly it seems like he just got out in some sort of trance.
"fine fine" dejun rolls his eyes once again, surrendering much too quickly. "you owe me though—"
"take y/n with you".
there's a pause, both you and dejun go very silent for a moment. whilst dejun is just confused, you absolutely know what guanheng is doing, and you have to use every bit of patience in your body to restrain yourself instead of jumping over the table and tackling him right then and there.
dejun is clearly clueless, though, because he just raises an eyebrow. "why?" he inquires, somehow sounding so sweet even though his question is asked with so much confusion.
"y/n knows what i want".
what a smooth lie, dejun glances over at you, and you just shrug, having no idea what more to say. "he needs to take a walk anyway" guanheng lies again, wow, two in a row! he's on a roll.
so that's how you find yourself on a walk with the person that you are very much in love with, a somehow comfortable silence spread between the two of you as dejun hums an unfamiliar tune to himself, hands in his pockets, eyes closed as he slowly sways back and forth.
he looks very peaceful, just doing what he does, being effortlessly pretty as he does so, and you observe his behavior, almost entranced by it in a sense.
you only stop when he speaks up—
"do you think they're still arguing?" he suddenly asks, and you snap out of whatever daze you were having, praying that he totally didn't notice you admiring him like a creep. "or are they just.. conversing calmly now?"
you don't want to seem like even much more of a weirdo, but you feel like he asked that question just as an excuse to talk to you, and maybe your thinking too much into it, but you've definitely done that before, so you know what it looks like.
"i hope they aren't still arguing" you answer, and dejun looks up at you, smiling. "that'd be a long ass time to argue".
"well they like arguing just to argue" dejun replies, fiddling with his necklace. "but they're harmless.. for the most part".
his delivery makes you laugh, and you look down at your shoes. "you're a very calm person, you know, the opposite of guanheng".
the sudden statement from dejun makes you look up at him once again, and this time, he's staring directly at you, as if he had been waiting to make eye contact with you the whole time. "calm?"
"well compared to my roommates you are" he giggles, and maybe he doesn't mean to, but he stares at so intensely that your legs feel shaky.
"who knows? maybe i'm a fraud" you tease, purposefully leaning closer to him so your words have an effect. dejun's eyes widen, and he lightly leans away from you, looking speechless. "you'd never know, though".
you don't know how you suddenly got so bold, or why you were so amused at the sight of dejun freaking out, you feel like some sort of genius for what you just did, and you snicker at yourself before leaning back.
dejun takes in a deep breath, looking like he's trying to fix himself. he clears his throat and stumbles through his next words. "i— uh.. you're such an idiot!" he decides to say, crossing his arms over his chest.
your not sure how the two of you became so casual in this amount of time, a few weeks ago, dejun wasn't such a regular figure in your life, and you were just any other college student doing their best to get by, not thinking about falling in love with a gorgeous oreo–haired man—
but you're also not complaining.
you aren't sure how you got so lucky, how it just happened that you could continue to spend time with the cute boy you met at a stupid football game simply because the two of you shared mutual friends, it's one of times guanheng's actually done you a favor, without even realizing it too!
"okay i'm sorry" you giggle, shoving your hands into your pockets, you once again begin taking from dejun's habits and sway back and forth. "seriously!"
"you're unbelievable" dejun exaggerates, rolling his eyes, but it wasn't serious, and you knew it wasn't serious. "but i meant what i said, your calm".
you raise an eyebrow at him, wanting to know more about the observations he has about you. "could you elaborate on that?" you don't mean to laugh, but you do, and it causes dejun to laugh too.
"you just.. seem content with what you have" he explains, but he doesn't explain it enough, so he continues. "like someone could get you a piece of paper as a birthday gift and you'd be pleased".
you laugh, hard, because he somehow managed to get you spot on. you almost feel like he is reading your mind, because he nailed you down with each word. "really? i guess i am like that".
"ah, so my prediction was right then!"
you laugh at how glad he is. "yeah, i am truly not that hard to please, gifts are gifts and if someone gets one for me, there's no use in being mad if the gift isn't something i like, at least they remembered to get me something!"
dejun stares at you for a specifically long time, looking you up and down. he stares at you with warm eyes, a gaze that seems so near and dear to his heart, a gaze so loving that it looked like he was about to get down on one knee and propose to you.
"i like any and all gifts" you continue.
"are there any specific kinds of gifts you like?"
dejun asks that question in a tone that makes it seem like he's totally not trying to sound suspicious, but he is totally asking you that question for a very specific reason.
guanheng must've told him something..
at least, that's what you assume, but dejun is patiently waiting for your answer, and you can't daydream the whole time about the true meaning of his words.
"i like books, plushies, music tapes, vinyl's, you know.. regular gifts that people like receiving".
dejun hums, as if he's noting down the information you're telling him in his mind, still, you don't say anything about his mannerisms, just keep it to yourself.
"are you noting down my reply?"
"i'm just keeping it in mind!" he says, smiling brightly at you. "just in case your special occasion comes up and i don't know what to get you".
oh! so guanheng definitely did tell him something..
"i mean— were friends! any gift from you will be a good gift".
at the word friends, dejun seems to pause, cogs in his brains turning as he tries to process your words. you don't understand why he would be trying to understand your words, because the two of you were clearly friends, did he think you two were something else?
you see the flash of disappointment on his face, but it quickly reverts back to a smile and he simply acts like nothing happened. "sorry, the word 'friends' just caught me off guard".
a lie..
how interesting.
"seriously though, i just want to get you a gift you'll appreciate forever".
but you're already enough for me— do you know how much you've changed my life?
your own thoughts manage to surprise you, because the words that you just told yourself in your own mind startle you enough that you make a judging face at yourself. luckily, dejun is turned away from you, so he doesn't notice.
"well that's thoughtful of you".
"i try my best.." he responds, finally looking back at you with that same loving stare, one that wants to lure you in and make you trip on your own feet.
for some reason, the two of you stop. there's an uncharacteristically long pause, like the world just decided to cease for a moment, and you both are completely stuck in place, just there, staring at each other.
dejun's eyes move, as if scanning your face like a camera, and they (of course) stop at your lips. he stares at them for what seems like forever, and it almost looks like he's restraining himself, but by the way he bites his bottom lip, it's clear—
he wants to kiss you.
and maybe there's a small voice at the back of his head that tells him to cut it out, because he almost immediately snaps out of whatever daze he was having, and clears his throat, his cheeks going a bright red.
"uh— sorry, yeah, um, we should get going" he says, shaking his head as he pulls his sleeves down.
"guanheng will yell at us if we're late".
okay, so he just decides to not talk about it? you want to ask him why he didn't just do it, because he clearly wanted to, but before you can even open your mouth, or get any words out, he grabs your hand and the two of you continue walking back to the group.
he doesn't say anything more, doesn't try to make anymore small talk, and while you do want to bring up what just happened there, you don't.
you just bask in the feeling of dejun's hands intertwined with your own.
it's a good feeling, you decide.

THAT MOMENT IS STUCK ON YOUR MIND for what seems like years. you can't get over it! how he was looking at you, how he clearly wanted to kiss you, but for some reason, decided to stop himself from doing so. you're not sure why you didn't just tell him that it was okay, that you would be completely fine with him kissing you, but you guess that you're just a complete idiot as well, because you just stayed silent throughout the whole thing, the two of you equally deciding in silence to not bring it up, just sitting next to each other in awkwardly for the rest of the night.
and yeah, it's become normal for dejun to constantly run through your mind these days, it's like he has his own subsection in your mind, dedicated to thoughts about him and him only, but it's like he's just become rampant in there ever since that.. thing he did (or should you say, didn't do, considering he decided to not kiss you when the opportunity was right there), maybe you should've pulled him in, maybe you should've (for once) been impulsive and done the first thing put to your mind.
and this crawls through your mind for days, then those days become a good week and a half. now— you and dejun aren't not talking or anything, it was just sort of difficult to look at him without thinking about that.
you're so into your thoughts these days, that you are much more spacey during your classes, at home, and somehow, guanheng picks up on your weird turn, which is crazy, because guanheng was the last person you expected to notice something like that, he usually never notices most things in front of him anyway.
"okay, what the fuck happened?" he decides to randomly drop it on you when he seems to have had enough, which is funny, because he's technically the person that started the whole thing.
you look up from your phone, blinking at him like he just said something out of this world. "hm?" he scoffs at your lack of a response, shoving your shoulder, which results in a glare from you.
"what happened?" he asks again, this time without the extra swear word, he makes himself comfortable on the other side of the couch. "you are acting weird" he points at you accusingly, like you'd just been accused of a crime and he was trying to figure out if you were truly suspicious.
"i don't know what your talking about.."
"stop stalling!" he complains, grabbing your arm and beginning to shake you back and forth. "tell me! you can't keep acting weird and just not tell me what's wrong".
now you want to tell him, but in your mind it sounds so stupid that you feel like guanheng would laugh at you the moment you uttered the first few words of your sentence. "you're going to laugh".
guanheng gasps, offended by your response, though it is true, he just wants to be dramatic. "i won't! i'm concerned! i'm being a good roommate and asking you what's wrong!"
so, you roll your eyes, taking a deep breath. "okay so hypothetically.." you begin, because you have no other idea how to start your sentence.
hypothetically just means = it was indeed not hypothetical!
"hypothetically, uh huh.." guanheng hums, understanding the true meaning your words have. "okay sorry, continue".
"let's just say that, hypothetically, i am totally in love with one of your best friends, and that friend totally wanted to kiss me but then chickened out last minute and like an idiot i didn't say anything and i have no idea how to go about it".
guanheng's eyes widen at your words, and his jaw almost drops. "hypothetically though" you add to the end of your sentence after a long pause.
"right right! hypothetically.." he nods, though he can't contain his look of excitement at the words. "and you didn't kiss him back!?"
you're almost knocked off the chair from how intense his yell is. you groan and cover your face with your hands, embarrassed and ashamed. "i didn't know how to bring it up and not be awkward!"
"just say 'hey dejun you could totally kiss me and it'd be fine because we are both mortifyingly in love with each other'!" guanheng shouts, louder than his previous words. he's always so straight up, and you almost wish you didn't tell him anything. "it's that easy!"
"it is not!" you shout in rebuttal, crossing your arms and frowning. your acting like guanheng at this point, but that's not what you're noticing at this very moment. "it's easy for you! you date people and you kiss people all the time! i don't do that!"
"excuses excuses!"
you're at a loss for words at his lackluster words, you once again, frown and turn away from him. "i'm sorry! i have never been hardcore in love with someone like this before! i don't know how to talk about it!"
guanheng looks like he's about to yell again, but he takes a deep breath and relaxes himself, leaning back in the couch. "okay, i'm sorry for yelling.."
"y/n, you really just need to tell him how you feel straight up, because if you keep stalling than none of you will end up confessing in the end and you'll both just be going through a loop of 'should we or should we not?'"
you blink, staring at guanheng for a good few minutes, honestly surprised. this is probably the best advice he's ever given you, usually, you’re the one that has to give him advice because he always ends up doing something stupid and has someone that wants to murder him because of that stupid thing he did.
"that was actually.. good advice" you reply, laughing at guanheng's eye roll. he just shoves you, making sure he does extra hard this time to get his point across.
"shut up! i always give good advice!"
"you usually don't give any advice at all.." you mutter, running a hand through your hair as you look away from your roommate, who just glares at you like you just committed a federal offense.
"say something again and i'm gatekeeping dejun from you!"
"your what!?"
at the sound of your shout, guanheng giggles as he scurries away, proud of himself for the words that escape his lips.

YOU'RE NOT SURE HOW YOU SOMEHOW LET guanheng drag you off to a party on a friday night where all you wanted to do is relax. parties have never truly been your thing, but that's because being surrounded by a bunch of drunk and high adults just isn't your idea of fun, you're also just not a big drinker, so the only reason you usually even end up at parties is to take guanheng home when he gets too drunk and can't fully articulate his thoughts. so, the fact that guanheng was somehow able to convince you to get out of the house and go to a party when you truly should've been at home, watching horrible sitcoms.
but no, you're here! and you can't leave without guanheng because if you did, he'd probably find a way to end up killing himself, or he'd say the wrong thing to the wrong person and would end up getting punched in the face.
so you find yourself in a familiar spot, your back against a wall as you stare at your phone, somehow able to ignore the hundreds of screaming drunk people that surround you, it's become a skill of yours, and you're not sure how exactly it developed, you've just become such a natural when it comes to ignoring others.
guanheng, of course, has already walked off to do his own thing, but not before reminding you of the advice he'd given you a few days prior, yelling at you to 'just tell the boy you like him!'
maybe his advice is burned into your brain, because now all you wish is that you were with dejun, talking about something stupid, or just talking.
and there must've been somebody listening in on your thoughts, because he suddenly walks around the corner, head whipping around like he's searching for someone.
your not trying to look at him, but he catches your gaze immediately, and he skips towards you like a kid in a candy store.
"hi" he greets, a little giggle to his words. his face is a shade of bright red as he giggles once again, though nothing's funny. "pretty".
he whispers the last word, with the intention of you not hearing it, but his mind must be too clouded for him to realize that he said it much louder than he thought he did, but you don't say anything, just hum.
"hello" you greet back, and he laughs once again, covering his hand with his mouth. "are you okay?"
a loud snicker leaves his lips, and he moves closer to you to link his arm with yours. he rests his head onto your arm, a content smile spreading across his face. "i'm drunk".
his honest answer makes you question his state for a moment, since when do drunk people admit that they're drunk? or maybe he's only just tipsy.. your not sure, but he's not acting like a totally sober person right now.
"are you sure?" you raise an eyebrow, dejun just responds with a small 'hmph', and he keeps your arm linked with his. "dejun".
"yes! i am!" he yells as rebuttal, shaking your arm a few times. "do you wanna smell my breath?"
"oh no no no" you reply, covering his mouth with your hand. he laughs at you, his cheeks as pink as yangyang's hair, he grabs your hands, and whilst yours are cold, his are burning hot. "okay you have energy".
"i'm sorry" he suddenly blurts, another snort escaping his lips as he leans his head against your chest. you give him a look, confused as to why he felt the need to apologize.
"for what?"
"for doing that thing" dejun responds, closing his eyes as he sways back and forth. "i probably made everything awkward, i didn't mean to".
that's what he thinks? he thinks that he made everything awkward? you feel your heart break at the realization, but all dejun does is laugh sadly.
"you didn't— you didn't make everything awkward, it's okay".
dejun laughs again, clearing his throat. "just tell the truth, y/n.."
you chuckle, not at dejun, just at his words. he wants you to tell the truth? fine.. you will!
"dejun" you begin, using your pointer finger to tilt his chin up so the two of you make eye contact, you watch as his eyes widen, but he doesn't move, just lets you do your thing. "you can kiss me, it's okay".
he blinks, as if trying to figure out if you were lying or not. he opens his mouth, but no words come out, so he closes it again. "it is?" he asks again, just wanting reassurance, you hear his voice crack, but he's getting impatient, he wants your answer.
"yeah it's fine".
that's all the conformation dejun seems to need, because he finally presses his lips to yours after what seems like years of waiting. your arms naturally rest on his waist, and there's just something, something about this that makes you smile.
there's an urgency in the way he kisses you, and his hand comes up to hold your face. he is just so desperate, and it would be a lie to say that you weren't just as desperate as he is. you'd been wanting this for so long, you don't even know how many times you thought about what it would be like to kiss dejun.
his fingers caress your cheek, and the contact feels like your skin was set ablaze. maybe this is what you needed, and you assume it's exactly what dejun needed to, because he pushes on your shoulder with a seemingly inhumane amount of force, which makes you gasp a little.
while your one arm is around his waist, the other one goes up to run your fingers through his hair, somehow causing the two of you to both smile, barely stifling your laughs.
after what seems like forever, dejun pulls away, and while you're standing there, breathless, he just smiles, relaxing as you play with his hair. "you like my hair?"
you aren't sure why out of all things, that's what he decides to ask, but you laugh, completely enamored by the boy in front of you. "yep, it's soft" you reply, biting your inner cheek. "the color suits you".
dejun tilts his head, looking up at you with his insanely pretty eyes. you just want to squish his cheeks, or wrap him in a blanket and hold him forever, you aren't sure why you just have this surge of loving emotions for absolutely no reason, maybe it's the way he's staring at you, or that he just left you breathless and did it so flawlessly.
he hums, not knowing how to respond to your compliment. he just suddenly gets shy, his ears turning red at your words.
"you're so stupid.."
that's probably his favorite phrase to say to you by now, but you don't mind, you just smile as he hides his face away from you.
"dejun" you call out despite him being right in front of you, and he looks up at you again, gaze warm as he gives you a small smile.
"i love you" you immediately spout, not even surprised by how high your voice has gotten. "like— in the i'm in love with you kinda way and not in a i just want you to kiss you but not call you my boyfriend kinda way".
dejun pauses, snickering at your words, he looks at you like you're the only person in the world.
what other way could there possibly be?
but you don't get any response, at least, not from him, because all he does is lean forward and press his lips to yours.

YOU'VE NEVER REALLY BEEN A FAN OF YOUR BIRTHDAY, and you aren't sure why. it used to be a fun thing up until you turned twelve and it suddenly felt like a switch had flipped, as if your birthday was making you miserable. now it's not like you always feel depressed on your birthday, it's just that sometimes you don't want to have a huge birthday celebration. most of the time— you only request for huge birthday bashes on specific days, like when you turned ten (you were very excited about becoming a double–figured age), or when you turned eighteen (you became an adult, not that exciting but it was definitely something, you could finally legally drink), but it's truly only specific days that you don't mind having large, people–filled birthday parties.
and not only were you not exactly anticipating your birthday, you already had something even bigger on your mind the whole time.
like dejun ghosting you! that's definitely one!
okay so you tell the guy you love him, you make out with him at a party (in the opposite order but oh well), he doesn't give you a response and then he decides to just ignore you?
maybe he just didn't know what to say, and that also lead to him just not picking up his phone for a good two weeks as he completely ignored your calls and texts and voicemails!
and with this being the only thing on your mind, your birthday seemed to be the least important event at the moment.
you didn't really want to think about it, and the campus was starting to make you feel sick, so this year you planned on visiting your parents after the day was over, considering your special day fell on a friday—
but guanheng, guanheng had other plans.
he practically begged you to let him throw the party for you, he wanted to do it so bad that he vowed to never ask you for a favor ever again (which is a lie! he never keeps his promises!), he was acting so desperate, it was like you'd just saved his life or something.
you're not sure what made guanheng so eager to throw a party for you, especially because you just didn't know what you would do with a bunch of people in your dorm.
but he insisted, he would throw you the best party in the world.
and after what seemed like forever, you two finally agreed on something—
you go visit your parents friday evening, and guanheng throws your party on saturday, easy!
"what do you mean strawberry isn't a good flavor!?"
you scoff at his question, nodding your head, as if confirming your words. "i don't like strawberry flavored things, you get me a strawberry cake and i'm making you sleep outside".
your threat results in a gasp from your roommate, who looks genuinely hurt by your words as he places a hand on his chest, horrified. "you are such a horrible roommate! threatening me when i'm throwing a party for you".
"it'll be a horrible party if you get me a horribly flavored cake".
you totally mean what you say as well— you truly dislike strawberry cake.
and when guanheng said party, you didn't exactly anticipate how many people he would decide to let into your dorm.
now you know a good chunk of these people, but most of these people probably decided to come just because they knew guanheng, all they did was utter some happy birthday's and then they ran off to do their own thing.
guanheng got most things right, he just invited a bunch of people that really didn't care for your birthday, just wanted to be around him.
so it's no surprise that you felt just a little disappointed about the people at your party that just didn't give two shits about your actual birthday.
and guanheng was off doing something else, though you could actually see him this time, he was telling people where to put the gifts they brought for you.
your beginning to feel suffocated in your own dorm, which is ironic to you, because this is quite literally the place you go to get away from a bunch of people, it's the only place of yours that isn't full of people.
so, you clear your throat, and push through people to get to the door, not wanting to stay inside with all these people, you'll probably end up throwing up everywhere if you stay inside even longer.
when you exit the dorm, you take a deep breath the moment you close the door, letting your back fall against it. you immediately jump as you see a person behind the door—
okay so dejun (who you confessed your love to by the way!), is pacing back and forth in front of your door, totally stressing. you blink, a look of confusion spreading across your face. "um.."
"are you okay?"
you aren't even sure why you opened your mouth, but if you didn't, this would just go on for a good twenty more minutes.
dejun jumps, clearing his throat as he smiles awkwardly. "you— scared the shit out of me".
he's acting so casually? after not talking to you for a good two weeks!?
"i'm sorry!"
dejun immediately yells, covering his face with his hands. "i'm so sorry for not texting you! or calling you! or giving you a response! it was so stupid of me to not consider your feelings and instead of just telling you straight up how i felt i decided to ignore you but i was scared that i wouldn't be able to tell you without making it awkward and it—"
"dejun" you place your hands on his shoulders, turning him around to face you. "your rambling".
he sighs, eyes darting away from your face, he frowns. "but it's not okay, i didn't talk to you, i probably came off as such an asshole! you were probably so confused, and i just.. said nothing!"
you observe his features, and he looks even more anxious at your silence. his face goes red, and his leg begins bouncing up and down, whilst his hands look for something to hold.
"okay, calm down.." you mutter, reaching for his left hand and lacing it together with yours. "it's okay, there's no need to be worried".
"i'm sorry" he says again, finally looking up at you. "i get it if you don't forgive me—"
"dejun" you cut into his sentence, squeezing his left hand. "i forgive you.. i love you".
you repeat your confession once more, and dejun blinks, processing your words.
"i love you too".
and finally, after what seems like forever, after what was so long, he gave you a response.
before you could say anything more, dejun pulls you in for a hug, his arms circling around your waist. you're a bit taken aback by the sudden display of affection, but you also don't mind, because he squeezes you tighter.
"happy birthday" he mumbles, a small smile coming to his face as he feels your hand comb through his hair. "i'm sorry".
"stop apologizing" you say, lifting his chin up so you could look him in the eyes. "i forgive you, it's okay".
and it is, you're being completely honest, but dejun doesn't say more, immediately pulling you back into a warm hug
but suddenly, the door to your dorm swings open and guanheng peaks his head out, eyes widening as he witnesses the current thing. he has absolutely no context to anything which was happening at the moment, he just opened the door to witness a totally unaware dejun hugging you.
"uh.." he blinks, glancing between you two, but not asking anything, just clearing his throat. "it's time to cut the cake?" he laughs awkwardly, and you just smile, giving him a i'll be right there look.
"o...kay" he doesn't say anything more, just goes back inside and closes the door.
dejun giggles as guanheng closes the door, pulling away again to look up at you. "oh he is totally tired of us".
"we didn't do anything, though".
dejun snickers, lightly hitting your arm. "okay okay, you need to stop, it's your birthday, you have to go cut your cake".
"and.." he pauses, pulling a box out of nowhere and handing it over to you. "open your gifts".
you raise an eyebrow, confused. "where were you even hiding that?"
"that's irrelevant! it's your birthday, come on!"
and you let him drag you back into your dorm, smiling at him the whole time.

YOU ALMOST CONSIDER THE WAY YOU are acting to be absurd, and it's funny how much of another side dejun can just bring out of you. now you would never consider yourself to be a grumpy person, but people usually do describe you as having a 'natural frown'. you never really thought of yourself as being like that, but you guess that people don't see you look so happy much, because they continue to point out how it's like some glitch in the matrix to see you just a little less miserable as each day passes. chenle especially makes comments, talking about how you need to "put your smile away" because not seeing your resting face constantly freaks him out, renjun on the other hand, is elated, or maybe he's just glad he can finally be rid of you, you don't know.
but all that put aside, you are happy, and you have a cute oreo–haired man to thank for that.
and maybe this is all you really need, just dejun, the two of you don't even have to do anything, he can just lay his head down onto your shoulder and you'd be having a good time.
you like it when he sits down and paints your nails for you, or when he watches you bake over your shoulder, not knowing what to do but happy to watch you do your thing, or when he coerces you to win prizes from carnival games for him with his absolutely adorable eyes (he doesn't even need to try to coerce you, you'd do it either way).
"i'm pretty sure this is illegal".
"it's not!" you reply, though you mean to reassure dejun, your words seem to worry him more than anything. you take his hand, squeezing it. "dejun, i'm not getting you into any illegal activity".
"i can never tell with you" he retorts suspiciously, keeping your hand in his as you lead him up, he would have tripped if not for you holding your hand and guiding you up.
you clear your throat, patting the spot beside you as dejun immediately sits, so close to you that your legs are touching. "if i ever wanted to do something illegal, i'd know better than to bring you along".
he gasps, and you can't resist the urge to laugh at how offended he sounds. "what is that supposed to mean!?"
"you" your pointer finger touches his nose, and he doesn't even try to move. "are a snitch, you would be horrible to commit a crime with".
dejun slaps your hand away, and you laugh at the way he crosses his arms, a familiar pout gracing his absolutely beautiful features. "you— i.. take that back!"
"it's true! even yangyang would be a better option than you!"
dejun is even more offended by the words, and he slowly scoots away from you, arms still crossed as he pouts. you giggle as he remains scooted away from you, still angry about the words you said.
"uh— jun, i was just joking!"
"you suck".
dejun glares, but his glare is anything but serious, as you can see the way he slowly starts to break under your gaze, resisting the urge to burst into laughter. "i hate you".
"you love me".
he does, and he can't pretend he doesn't, because he almost immediately snickers, looking away from you as to not laugh more.
oh he is just so adorable.
you scoot closer to him and wrap your arms around his waist, making him yelp. "you're so cute" you mutter into his shoulder, and at this point, dejun doesn't even try to pretend anymore.
"you're so corny" he says, patting your arms that currently circle around his waist. you lean your head down onto his shoulder, making yourself comfortable, and he just lets you, because at this point he can't really push you off him.
"don't fall asleep, i'm not going to carry you back to your place".
"you would be too weak to carry me anyway— ow!"
you yell loudly as dejun nudges you in the stomach with his elbow, and while he looks absolutely proud of himself, you just glare, absolutely done with him.
but you don't say anything, just lets your fingers run through his hair, probably your favorite thing to do with him. he just cups your face, and he just smiles at your face, giggling. "your just as cute as when we first met".
the statement makes you snicker, because you did not expect for him to say that out of all things he could've said. you get why he says it though, because you are at the place where it all began, the bleachers, the same bleachers where you two were standing when you shared your first interaction.
you tilt your head, wanting to tease him more. "so there were moments where i wasn't cute, then?"
dejun scoffs, turning away from you. he lightly pinches your arm, and you yelp once again, inching away from him. "why do you enjoy hurting me?"
he smiles innocently. "i don't, i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!"
your face drops, and all dejun does is laugh, squeezing your cheeks. "don't be mad, babe, you know i love you".
and you do, you do know, he never fails to remind you of how much he does.
"i love you too.."
with your eye rolls, and tiny mutters, dejun knows, he knows that you're telling the truth.
#xiao dejun#xiaojun#nct#wayv#nct u#nct imagines#nct scenarios#nct drabbles#wayv imagines#wayv scenarios#wayv drabbles#nct x reader#nct x male reader#wayv x reader#wayv x male reader#xiaojun imagines#xiaojun x reader#xiaojun x male reader#𑁍 ࣪˖ 𓂃 isa's works!
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heartfelt roommates | xiaojun
pairing: college au!xiaojun x male!reader word count: 2k genre: fluff, imagine warning(s): not proofread summary: your have become enamored by your roommate, but you know you don't have a chance with him. or, do you?
it started as an ordinary day for xiaojun, just like any other... but by the time the day ended, he would realize that things were about to change in a huge way.
xiaojun was roommates with you, both of you were college students. when you guys had first met, not only were you surprised to hear he had come from china to study in the us, but he also was fluent in english. it wasn't that you didn't think xiaojun would be capable, but by his accent, you would have assumed he grew up speaking both.
"hey, i'm xiaojun!" he spoke excitedly, "i'm your roommate this semester!"
"i'm y/n." you spoke, reaching out to shake his hand. it was so soft, almost like a warm cloud was holding your hand.
the first week of being roommates had its ups and downs. you two needed time to adjust to how the other functioned, your schedules, social lives; almost everything. however, you both were respectful as you navigated sharing a dorm together. at first, it may have been frustrating when someone tapped their pencil too much or was loudly talking on a group call with their friends, but there came a point where you two talked and figured out how to work around these things.
the rest of that first month ran a lot more smoothly. while you two may have been studying different things, you still find time to hang out and bond. whether that was helping each other with assignments, playing video games together, or just going out to enjoy some food; you two were becoming more than rommates were shared the same room.
you two also found ways to enjoy the quiet when the other wasn't around. for example, when xiaojun went out to eat or do something fun with his friends, you'd take this time to study, work on personal hobbies and projects, or just simply relax and enjoy a good book or web comic.
over time, you started noticing the little things about xiaojun that you hadn't noticed before. of course, when you two had first met, it was almost impossible to miss his thick eyebrows. they were a really defining feature of his, but soon you realized other things. the way his face would contort into a multitude of expressions as he played on his playstation or even the love he had for legos. sometimes, just the way he slept got your heart fluttering as if a million butterflies broke free in your stomach, causing your heart to pick up speed while your eyes remained fixated on your peaceful roommate.
on a cool february night, you were quietly studying on your bed. you had a test coming up in a couple days, which some of the assigned reading hadn't yet been completed. as you made highlights in your textbook, jotting down the basic idea of said highlighted text, xiaojun sat in his bed video calling one of his friends back in china.
when you looked over a few minutes later, you noticed he had fallen asleep. his friend was still on call, but they weren't saying anything. xiaojun's chest gently rose and fell in a soothing rhythm, his features soft and relaxed. his hands rested softly on his stomach, his upper half propped up against the wall. something about this sight made you want to kick your feet and giggle like some sort of school girl, but you refrained and just softly smiled. he needed his rest. he was a hard worker. he was juggling both college, a part time job, and spent the afternoon building his pc after class.
when he woke up, it seemed as though he was confused but attempted to play it off. he cleared his throat and just continued speaking to his friend as if he didn't just wake up for a six minute nap. after his call, it seemed as though he remembered he wasn't alone in the room, to which he continued to play it off as he chuckled awkwardly, a hint of embarrassment tinted his cheeks a light shade of pink.
"i'm going to go take a shower." he said, exiting your room and off to do just that, not giving you the chance to speak.
you didn't understand why he seemed so embarrassed. you wouldn't have made fun of him. you might have let out a chuckle, but otherwise would encourage him to rest. however, you just played along to ease your roommate's anxiety.
you never did stop thinking about that night. it was one of those small little memories that made your heart race in a way you hadn't ever experienced before. you felt a small sense of guilt for being attracted to your roommate, but there was some other part of you that yearned for his touch, his voice, everything.
xiaojun was not oblivious to your attraction. well, not entirely. he didn't quite understand those moments you looked into his eyes a little longer than you should have, or the nights where you wanted to know more about his life. it was as if there was something about you that he picked up on subconsciously, but consciously he was clueless to what it was. for a time, he has just assumed him being a foreign student brought more interest to him than those who were born in the us.
while that was true, you also just couldn't get enough of him. he was almost as addictive as nicotine. you needed your fill of his presence, even if he didn't speak a word to you. hell, he could lay in his bed peacefully reading and that was enough to get your fill.
as the semester went on, you slipped in extra compliments here and there when you two did something together. you praised him more as he began to understand some of the concepts he was learning in his classes. you even bought him food to surprise him a couple times after a stressful week.
the more he talked or did anything really, you become more and more enamored by xiaojun. you struggled to get your eyes off him at times, causing some of his friends to joke that you liked him. considering you weren't a woman, xiaojun would brush it off and deny these claims. he didn't think men couldn't like other men, he just didn't think that another man could fall in love with him of all people.
xiaojun would go on quite a few dates with girls from campus, but it seemed as though they never panned out into anything more. though, it didn't seem to discourage him from trying again. even when things did not work out, you could hear some girls from your classes gushing over him. it made you slightly jealous they had more of a chance with such a gorgeous individual, but you understood that this is the way the cards are dealt.
one night, xiaojun had laid in his bed, talking to a friend of his. as their conversation went on, he began to recall all the moments you two shared. he slowly realized the way your guys interactions had changed, especially over the last couple months. to him, you two had seemed like very close and affectionate male friends, but his friends always picked up on something more coming from your side of your shared interactions.
as he continued to recalled various compliments, kind gestures, and many other things he's subconsciously picked up on, xioajun then began to wonder if perhaps, what his friends were saying was true. though, he didn't know how to approach the subject. what if you were just a very affectionate guy who had no interest in men and he was completely misunderstanding you?
"hey, y/n?" xiaojun asked, breaking the silence in your dorm room.
"what's up?" you asked, looking up from your book.
"i apologize if this comes off the wrong way, i'm just curious." xiaojun started, "are you always this affectionate with your other friends?"
this question caused your heart for a second, making you worry perhaps you were becoming too obvious or making him uncomfortable.
"oh yeah, if it makes you uncomfortable, i'm sorry. i can tone it down if it really bothers you-"
"no! it's okay!" xiaojun said with a giggle, cutting you off from finishing the sentence. "really, it's okay. i was just curious is all."
you nodded and went back to your book, hoping he didn't realize how bright red your cheeks were becoming. it felt as though someone had set them on fire the moment you fully processed his question, revealing what he had picked up on over time.
a few days later, on the way back from the dining hall, xiaojun asked another question.
"i know we haven't known each other for long, but i can't help but think that there's something different to our relationship. i feel like you look at me different than when we first met."
he then stopped and stood in front of you in the empty living area outside the rooms. everyone else was having dinner still, but you guys finished early to enjoy some games before you both had to get ready for bed, so it was just you two in this area. you looked into his eyes, unable to look away although you desperately wanted to avoid his curious gaze.
"i was just wondering, if maybe there was maybe something more between us?" he asked, completely catching you off guard. now, your eyes were darting from left to right, to the floor and back at his eyes. you bit your lip nervously, attempting to find the word for your answer. ultimately, you decided to confess. if he rejected you, perhaps it would make the process of moving on easier. it would be painful, but maybe that's what you needed to move on.
"xiaojun," you began, "there's something i've been wanting to tell you, for a while now. i'm not sure how you will take this, but... i've developed a crush on you. i tried to keep it to myself, but looking back, i guess i just became more obvious over time. i just really like you, you're a dream in every way possible."
xiaojun just stood there for a second, not sure how to react. his expression didn't show he felt any negative emotions towards your confession, if anything, he was a bit confused. while his suspicions were proven to be true, he wasn't really sure how he could have been so oblivious even when everyone had been telling him this was the case. he then smiled, almost every one of his features showing just how awstruck he was at the news.
"you really feel that way about me?" he said, his eyes sparkling more glitter.
you nodded shyly, your eyes once again darting between his gaze and the floor beneath your feet. you cheeks turned red along with your ears, a faint smile spreading across your face. you felt dizzy from the emotions swirling around inside you.
"i really like you."
"do you want to see if we work as a couple? just try it out and see how we feel afterward? i don't want to make things awkward between us, but i can't stop thinking about the chemistry we have. i feel like we could really be great together…"
your smile was no longer faint, now a wide grid as you excitedly nodded. upon agreeing to this offer, you both hugged for a moment, taking in the way you both seemed to perfectly fit into each others' arms. all your senses took in the other. their smell, the fabric of your clothes, the way you both seemed to have such relaxed breaths despite your hearts pounding. it felt so perfect for this moment.
you both headed back to the dorms to play video games as planned, this time hand in hand. neither of you could believe what had just happened, and just how easy it said to say these things to each other. how easy it was to feel this way around another person. it was like a romance novel, but this was a true.

#xiaojun#xiaojun imagines#xiao dejun#xiao dejun imagines#dejun#dejun imagines#wayv#wayv imagines#kpop imagines#xiaojun x male reader#sfw interactions only
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matching outfits i think WAYV would wear with their girlfriends

INCLUDES: wayv x gfs!, fluff, just me and my delusions visiting again, part 3/3 of nct matching outfits ‘series’ wc: tbc a/n: if yous would like a male or gender nuteral version of this please let me know! i tend to get carried away with idol x fem!reader plots/posts. but i don't want yous to be afraid to ask! 127 version & dream version are already done. ALL PICTURES I DO NOT OWN AND ARE ALL OFF PINTEREST

QIAN KUN kun will never admit to anyone but you that he actually loves having matching outfits with you. he'll put all of his energy into trying to convince his members, friends and family that you forced him to match with you. but they all know how much kun adores you and would do anything to make you happy. he's definitely the type to pick out a few outfits to ride (a motorbike) in. like this mf would go through all the trouble to even get matching bikes.

CHITTAPHON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL (TEN) now ten, he's a weird case when it comes to matching outfits. if he's not the one picking out the outfits then he's just not wearing it. however, he loves the clean and simple matching outfits when you're both out with the members, family or even friends but absolutely loves the "childish" matching outfits for when you're both lounging around together.

DONG SICHENG winwin is the type to neither hate nor love matching outfits, he only really ever agrees if it's for when you're both going somewhere fancy or a special occasion together. other than that the closest thing to a matching outfit from him is matching colours.

XIAO DEJUN xiaojun is all for it, he doesn't care why you're asking to match with him. "xiao can we wear matc-" "yes". he will NOT let you finish your sentence before he says yes and either get ready to go shopping or throwing his credit card straight at you. most of the time he'll see matching outfits in stores and whine to you about how cute it would be if you both had the outfit. he's also bragging to his members that you guys wear matching outfits and how much he loves it (and you).

HENDERY WONG he's in love with matching outfits, of any sort. he does not care. he'll beg to match if he has to. he just loves them.

LIU YANG YANG yangyang is skeptical whenever you ask to buy matching outfits, especially after you made him dress up as edward cullen and threw a bunch of glitter on him, it's safe to say sm was not very happy. but at the end of the day if it makes you happy he's willing to swallow his pride and wear whatever it is that you buy. he loves watching how happy you get when he agrees. matching outfits are very serious for you when it comes to you and yangyang.

(ofc i had to do a scream sneak for him)
#galacticseonghwa#nct#nctzen#wayv#wayv fic#qian kun#chittaphon leechaiyapornkul#dong sicheng#xiao dejun#hendery wong#liu yangyang
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: xiao dejun x male reader 💋
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2965
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: following a heart-wrenching break up with xiaojun, you leave the country—and reunite with him 8 years later at the grand opening of a friend's restaurant.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: smut hahah lmao
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 ⭐️
𝗮/𝗻: this might be my favorite (and longest 😅😅) story out of all the ones i’ve written, like idk if it’s because xiaojun’s my bias in wayv but i really enjoyed writing it and am really proud of how it turned out hahaha, i put my blood sweat and tears into this story so i hope you guys enjoy 🥺🥺and happy valentines to you all and hbd to who is also my first bias, jaehyun haha have a great day and a great valentines <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Outside, the sun has dipped below the horizon and behind wisps of clouds and falling snow, the sky has turned dark. Compounds of snow and bits of ice lie on the streets and dress stoplights as you wait at the entrance of a newly opened restaurant in town.
A miniature landscape greets you at the entrance. Artificial river water ricochets off of artificial rocks, onto the chiseled marble paths that you step over on your way to the dining area.
You make glances around the restaurant. Crowds of people are cobbled together, flowing like river water around tables and floral displays. Looking around, a familiar face emerges from the congested crowd.
“You seem to have gotten quite popular.” You tap on the hem of Doyoung’s blazer, looking around the crowded facade of the restaurant.
“You made it!” Doyoung says. Like a jack-in-the-box, he springs out of the crowd, jumping onto you and engulfing you in a tight embrace.
“I am very much here.” You reply, muffled by the confines of his arms.
“My god, I haven’t seen you in years!” He squeals, tightening his grip around your torso. “You’ve aged. A lot.” He snickers, crimping his face into a faux scowl.
“You're not looking any younger yourself.” You spit back with squinted eyes.
“Still bitchy as ever.” Doyoung pats your head, lips forming a snarky grin. “Come in.”
“How did you get here so early? Weren’t you set to fly in about a week later from now?” He eagerly questions, excitement very much visible through his puffing chest and eye-squinting smile.
“Simple, I booked an earlier flight.”
“And lost my first class seat.” You seethe, holding up your economy class boarding pass.
“You’re the best.” Doyoung giggles.
“I really am.” You gripe, narrowing your eyes. “New York is one far place.”
“You’re one to hold grudges aren’t you.” He pats your back with one hand, prying the boarding pass from your finger’s grasp with the other before tossing it into a nearby trash bin.
“Follow me.” Doyoung grabs your wrist and he escorts you into one of the private rooms, briefly passing by the reception desk. “This is Karina, one of my staff.”
“Hi!” She waves.
“Where are we going?” You question as he pulls you towards the first sliding door from the right of the reception desk.
“Those rooms over there are the rooms for the VIP reservations.” Karina says.
“VIP?” You ask, shooting them an amused expression.
“I have a heart my guy, I didn’t cost you your business class upgrade for nothing.” He ruffles your hair.
“First class.” You scornfully correct Doyoung, squinting your eyes at him, pushing his hands off of your head.
“Have a seat.” He reaches his palm out to point to the cushions resting on the floor and the recessed floor in front of it.
You slip your legs into the recession, eyeing a few floral vases and intricately patterned stems of miniature cherry blossom trees.
“Seems like you really went all out on decors.” You slip your phone out of the pocket at the sides of your chinos that are in the light’s path, which shine olive green against the moonlight. “Selfie?”
“My dining area should look just as good as my food tastes.” Doyoung obnoxiously chuckles before smiling into your camera.
“1, 2, 3.” You say in unison.
“Aren’t those at least a hundred dollars each?” You raise a brow at him, resting your phone beside your plate after a click sounds from it. “Is that not expensive for you?”
“Not if they look this good.” Doyoung winks.
“Good lord.”
“Oh, uhh, by the way.” He whispers, sounding much more subdued than he had been the minutes before, his voice now softer than swinging doors and the sprinting servers.
“What is it?”
“I’ve told you the restaurant is offering discounts if—” He pauses intermittently in between words.
“For the last time, I did not and will not be bringing a date.” You groan, cutting him off, well aware of what you were going to hear next.
Doyoung breathes out a shaky sigh. He parades a look of pity, brows furrowed and head tilted at an angle with a frown.
“Hyung.” You slur your words. “I’m fine.”
“And hey it’s 2021, being single is the trend.” You object.
“I’m just looking out for you.”
“I know you are.” You try to reassure him with a smile. “But if you don’t mind, I want to continue eating the dinner that my friend prepared for me because he cost me a 12 hour business class flight.”
“Didn’t you say first class?”
“Either way, I had to sleep sitting down because of you.” You scoff.
“Alright, I’m going to check up on the other tables.” Doyoung nods, pressing his lips into a toothless smile. “Let’s catch up more over coffee after we close?”
“Sure.” You hum as he turns his back to tend to more customers. Going seat to seat, he greets them with a smile, shaking hands with the occasional occupant.
You rub your temples and look down slightly, resting your chin on the collar of the honey brown crew neck wrapped around your torso. The loosely tucked out hems of your denim shirt hang under it, fluttering in the air.
Behind the strands of hair being blown into your eyes from the air conditioning, your eyelids drop. You’re tired, exhausted, fatigued and everything else you can think of. Conversations around you seem to morph into buzzes of static.
Eyelids your field of vision as your upper body rests on the table top. Footsteps tap against the floor adding to the sound of clinking cutlery, sizzling meats and conversations muffled by the sleeves of your sweater.
A man waves in front of the reception desk as he struts into the restaurant. “Excuse me.”
“Good evening sir.” Karina greets, with a smile. “How may I help you?”
“I have a reservation.”
“May I have your name please.” Karina looks down on a monitor, tapping on a keyboard with one hand, brushing hair behind the shoulders of her blazer with the other.
“Xiao Dejun.”
“Ahh Mr. Xiao, you have a VIP reservation am I right?” She beams, looking back up at the man who briskly nods back.
“Your seat is in the first room to my right.” Karina reaches her palm out and points to the door.
Xiaojun utters a soft ‘thank you’ and looks over his shoulder to give Karina a small wave as he walks towards the room.
A restaurant attendant opens the door for him. Inside, it slides open, rustling like paper as its bottom grinds against the glistening wooden floor. Producing an exhale, you let your breath get sucked out through the openings of your nostrils and lips.
Behind your forearms, the big tsunami-like waves and tangerine colored koi painted on the door disappear into the wall. You squint your eyes close one last time, sprawling your limbs to stretch, terminating the sleep left in your system.
Your eyes flutter open, catching a man in its path, the figure becomes clearer the wider they open.
“X-Xiaojun.” You quiver in place, saying his name for the first time in eight years.
“Y-Y/n.” Behind the auburn strands of hair in his face, his gaze meets yours. He timidly waves at you through a nervous smile. “H-hi.”
Was he good looking? Definitely.
Was he a good person? Oh god yes, and your breakup didn’t change your opinion on that.
Though not your first relationship, Xiaojun was definitely your first true love. But as some people say, life just happens. Months after your break up, you left for New York for a job opportunity.
It had been a considerable while since you had last seen or heard from him. Nothing aside from the occasional mention in phone calls with Doyoung and appearance in pictures with your other friends.
But here you were, back in Korea, the commandeer of your late night thoughts, seated beside you at the grand opening of Doyoung’s restaurant almost a decade later.
“It’s been a while.” You sheepishly smile.
“It really has.” Xiaojun agrees, reciprocating the smile. “You look great.”
“Thanks.” You sit up straight. “You do too.”
Outside, Doyoung continues to hop from table to table, tending to customers.
“Here is your order for extra noodles and a pot of tea.” Doyoung smiles at a woman. “Enjoy your meal ma’am.”
“Boss, you told me to inform you of the arrival of someone named Xiao Dejun was it?” Karina calls out for Doyoung, as he carries an emptied tray onto a free tray stand.
“Yes.” Doyoung breathily replies. “What about it?”
“He came just a few minutes ago, I’ve been looking for you to tell you.” She says with heavy and speedy breaths, resting her palms on her knees.
Doyoung’s eyes widen. “Which private room did you tell him to go to?”
“The first one to my right.”
“No-n-no oh no.” Doyoung strings his fingers into his hair.
“What’s the matter?”
“I needed you to tell me because I wanted to ask you to make sure they wouldn’t end up in the same room.” He rambles, vigorously rubbing his temples.
“Why?” Karina blankly questions. “Is there anything between them?”
“Xiaojun is his ex from 8 years ago.”
“Oh no.” She bows her head, covering her face with both of her palms. “Did it end badly or something?”
“You really ask a lot of questions don’t you.” Doyoung snickers. “Well, not exactly.”
“They broke up on good terms actually, the only problem was that it was so obvious that they still loved each other.” He says, sighs ballooning out of his lips.
“Wait,” Karina interrupts. “And yet, they hadn’t gotten back together since then?”
“Y/n left for New York before they could say anything to each other.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not like you knew.” Doyoung sees Karina frown and pats her head. “I just hope they can at least talk.”
And that you did.
Alcohol clouds your minds as you sit beside each other splitting sides at exchanged stories. The sting of the drinks fry the back of your throats and hiccups intermittently shoot up from you, cutting your sentences.
"It’s 12:30 A.M.'' You wheeze, making glances around the pretty much empty room.
"No way." Xiaojun spits out raspily, taking another sip of his cocktail, peering forward to get a glimpse of the watch on your wrist.
“Speaking of which, remember that time, about 11 years ago.” You playfully nudge his shoulder. “It was around this time when we went to get groceries and you attacked someone over a cut of steak.”
“I did not!” Xiaojun manages to speak up amidst the laughter drowning out proper communication from you two.
“Xiaojun, you pushed her so hard that she fell.” Your hand flops onto Xiaojun’s shoulder to prevent yourself from rolling over, letting out a prominent wheeze.
“She pushed me first!” He sternly objects. “Plus, if I didn’t, we wouldn’t have had those amazing fajitas.”
“That was a good early morning snack.” You agree.
“A good date too.” Xiaojun smiles back at you.
“Our first actually.” You add, looking down as a smile creeps into your lips. “That was such a long time ago.”
Which it was.
“Time just flies so fast doesn’t it?” Xiaojun replies as his palm slides up your fingers before settling on the knuckles at the back of your hand.
A rosy flush burns on your cheeks and your eyes go from your linked fingers and eventually trail up to him. You two momentarily lock eyes. He promptly jerks his away, withdrawing his hand from yours.
“S-so, wait, a-are you back here for good?” Xiaojun says.
“I guess so, things are getting pretty crazy over there.” You shrug, shooting him a crooked smile. “And the food’s too greasy, can’t eat any of it.”
“That’s good.” Xiaojun chuckles weakly. “You always hated greasy foods.”
“I’ve missed you.” You look into his eyes again and gently stroke his shoulder before going down to his arm and producing a sharp exhale. “A lot.”
“I-I have too.” He stutters, shivering slightly, his posture stiff under your touch.
“You know, every time I think about it,” You look down, and fiddle with your fingers. “I wondered why you never tried chasing me down the airport the day I left.”
Deep down, part of me was actually hoping that you’d come after me and convince me to stay.
“So many times, I’ve wanted to fly out there to just try and pick up where we left off and—” He rambles, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists on his sides.
“What stopped you then?” You mumble. A frown stemming from your lips.
“I-I don’t know.” He voices out softly, with a furrowed expression.
“I do like someone Xiaojun.” You sigh.
“I figured.” Xiaojun stands up from the seat, slipping his shoes on and making his way out of the room.
“They’d be lucky to have you.” Xiaojun chokes on his words, his sentence growing weak.
“It was nice meeting you again.” His voice echoes into the empty room, his words ricocheting off of the walls and the soy sauce stained bowls before coming back to you.
You frantically jump up from the recessed floor. As his fingers cling onto the door’s handle, you grip him by his shoulders as he slides it open. “I never said it wasn’t you.” You call out to him, stopping him in his tracks.
Xiaojun turns his head, looking over his shoulder, slivers of tears in his eyes twinkling against the lights.
“So tell me then,” You whisper huskily, staring back into Xiaojun’s eyes. “Where were we?”
Tonight felt familiar.
The laughs, the fond glances, the touching. Being able to talk to each other and having good laughs while doing so. Being able to hit it off just like you had 11 years ago when Doyoung introduced you two to each other.
Being with Xiaojun just felt right even after a decade.
Enough was enough, you thought.
You dash towards Xiaojun, gripping the sides of his neck with both hands, pulling him closer to you. The tip of your thumbs slide over the tears sitting at the sides of his irises. Your eyes mirror his lidded gaze before wandering to the lips that you’ve longed for the past eight years.
Before your mind could even begin to process, your lips were on Xiaojun’s. Your eyes shut close as his palms land on your chest and slide up to tug at your shoulders.
You push him back against a wall, bruising the tips of some fingers between it and the back of his head. It dips to the side, as you press your face even deeper into his.
Slowly opening your eyes, your puckered lips hover over Xiaojun’s as you gasp for air. You tenderly stare into each other’s eyes for a second, bringing a hand away from the side of his neck to brush strands of hair away from his glittering eyes.
Soft moans escape from between your adhered lips as you reconnect them, further muffled by the contact of your tongues. Xiaojun’s forearms cross over your nape as you burrow your lips down to his neck. He lets out a breathy gasp that tickles your ears as his chin falls onto your shoulder as his mouth goes agape.
You bring your arms up as Xiaojun hastily pulls your sweater over your head and catapults it over the table of food. Your fingers scramble for the collar of his shirt as he undoes the top buttons of yours.
“Good work today, I’ll just make one last check around the place and I’ll get going.” Doyoung says, wiping sweat off of his forehead as he sprawls onto a couch in the waiting area. “See you tomorrow.”
“Thanks boss! Bye!” Karina waves as she exits the restaurant.
Doyoung walks over to the reception desk to see a patch of light coming from the opened door to the private room you were in.
“Is he not done eating?” Doyoung raises a brow, looking at his watch. “Was my food that good?”
“Hey Y/n, we’re closed for tonight, let’s go get some—” Doyoung’s eyes widen upon peeping through the opened door. “—coffee.” He continues his sentence weakly.
In a pushup position over Xiaojun, your hands are on either side of his neck, head buried under his chin, disheveled hair laying over his chest like a puddle. His fingers digging into the wrinkled back of your shirt as his knees wrap around your hips.
“You little—” Doyoung croaks amidst the pants, moans and heavy breathing. His eyebrows dipped as the lids of his twitching eyes vigorously vibrate.
“Th-that wasn’t on the menu!” He softly yells. But ease seems to wash over him however, his agitated expression quickly morphs into one of relief. His mind wanders to the memory of the last time walked in on you two in the compromising position you were in.
Though not a pleasant sight to see, a second time at that, it does offer him the same kind of closure that it did for you. He didn't exactly like the thought of you two doing what you were doing, more so in his restaurant’s VIP room, but he’s happy for you. All those years of pent up regret and brooding, finally over.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he walks the other direction, pulling out a chair and taking a seat at one of the tables in the dining area.
“You’re still not getting that discount.” Doyoung closes his eyes and breathily mumbles.
“And you’re paying for coffee.” He grunts, glaring at the door. One thing he knew for sure was that you two were going to one really expensive café.
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.14.21
#xiaojun x male reader#wayv x male reader#nct x male reader#xiao dejun x male reader#kpop x male reader#nct male reader#kpop male reader#male reader#nct#nct 2020#karina#aespa#doyoung#wayv male reader
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Read at your own risk.
A kink that is also known as golden showers. This kink involves playing with urine, being peed on, or urinating on another person.
"What? Say that again?" You almost choked on your second shot of beer upon hearing Xiaojun's sudden confession.
"I'm into watersports, Y/N." He looks down at his glass shyly, a bit afraid and embarrassed at what he just said and probably your next reaction. Though he said it in a whisper, you looked around and checked if there was anyone listening and thankfully, no one did. The rest of the people are drunk on their seats far away from the two of you seated in front of the bar counter.
"How did you find out?" You asked before chugging your remaining beer and cuing the bartender for a refill while observantly waiting for Xiaojun's reply. His features are still the same, as if college was just yesterday. You and Xiaojun were friends with fuck buddies in your college days. You have to admit, those steamy nights you've had with him gave life to your boring university life. All those memories of him whimpering under your mercy and you riding him were definitely worth remembering, to which you mentally cursed yourself for not recording them or just taking a simple photo of. But what happened already happened.
You mutually ended your being fuck buddies upon graduation and you've never contacted each other since then. To say you are surprised is such an understatement since Xiaojun just called you for a drink after almost five years of no contact to confess his newly found kink and some of his problems. A part of you thinks he's having feelings for you, but it's better to not yet assume since he's half drunk.
"Y/N? You there?" Xiaojun snaps his fingers in front of you.
"Sorry. Come again?" You blushed in embarrassment.
"I thought my sex life with Lucy is plain boring so I looked up for some kinks we hopefully would enjoy. We tried out watersports but it ended badly." Xiaojun chugged the last of his beer. "Good thing she didn't break up with me." He finally looked at you with sorrowful eyes.
"That's crazy." You smirked before sipping your beer, leaving Xiaojun with a confused face.
"You're the worst. Same Y/N five years ago." He scoffed and looked at you with disgust.
"Says the one who has been screaming my name non-stop when he rides my cock." You countered with a cocky grin.
"You're saying that as if you never begged for me to stop." He scoffed, making you both a chuckling mess as you reminisced how wild you both went before. Unbeknownst to you, he misses those moments and wants it back.
"You know what's crazier?" You spoke up after calming down from your nasty chuckles. You leaned closer to Xiaojun, now blushing at how close your faces are. "I'm into watersports, too."
"No. No way. How did you know?" He leaned back with wide eyes checking any signs of trickery on your face.
"Easy." You pulled his head closer again and whispered seductively. "I always fantasized pissing on you." You lick your lips that were suddenly slammed by Xiaojun with his. It took you a minute to know what's going on before moving your head to kiss him back with the same passion he gives. You thought he forgot he has a girlfriend with the way he moves his mouth. You smirked at the thought of him finding in you the satisfaction he couldn't find in Lucy. Besides, why should he have Lucy when he could have you who enjoys the same kinks as his. You knew him longer than Lucy anyway.
Xiaojun messily fiddles with the waistband of your jeans. He desperately tugs at the buckle of your belt but gives up when you pull him closer. You removed his that are settled on your crotch and gave him a look you both know well. "Let's take this somewhere else, shall we? Junnie?" With that he swiftly jumps off the stool and drags you into the bar's bathroom which, luckily, is empty. Xiaojun pulls you down to connect your lips once again while you hastily strip both of you off your clothes.
After kicking off his boxers, Xiaojun pressed his back against the cold wall of the bathroom. He hurriedly pushed you down so your head is on the same level as his crotch area. You internally chuckle at how desperate Xioajun can get. Same Xiaojun from five years before. He pants rapidly as you begin softly stroking his flaccid cock about to release the fluid he has been holding. You stroke his cock speedily, making him shoot out warm liquid all over your torso. The warm piss covered your whole front side and soaked your chest.
You looked up to see Xiaojun a heaving mess, occasionally muttering out profanities on how good he felt after releasing. You didn't give him time to recover as you pulled him down to kneel and you stood in front of him. He looked at your cock with excitement and lined his face in front of it to be sure in receiving all of your fluids. It took a few pokes from Xiaojun to release your load on his face. He eagerly moves his face, making sure to cover every part of it with your warm piss. You can't deny how dirty he looks. He looks like a messy slut used by different men with the way he gives you a satisfied smirk. You liked it though.
You pulled up Xiaojun for a heated kiss, not minding if you tasted each other's urine on each other's faces. You want each other at the moment and no one can stop you. He jumps up and wraps his legs around your waist while he has a firm grip on your shoulders. You instantly groped his plump ass cheeks and felt your now hard cock lining against his butt crack. Xiaojun can't soften his desperate whimpers as he rolls his hips, causing friction on his dick against your abs. He stares at you with lusty eyes, that reminded you of your past sessions, as you slam him down the counter.
"You know, Y/N? I think I might consider breaking up with Lucy." He moans shamelessly as you suck on his sweaty neck.
"I'll make sure of that, my Junnie." You could only smirk in return.
The night went well and you both had the sinful satisfaction you missed for five years.
I didn't know this kink exists??!! Don't kink shame, everyone! Huge respect to all people regardless of any kinks they have. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
- jaeyong_sucker ^~^
#nct#smut#nct x male reader#male reader#nct imagines#nct smut#kinktober 2021#wayv smut#wayv#wayv x male reader#wayv imagines#wayv xiaojun#xiaojun#xiaojun x male reader#xiao dejun#piss kink
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19+ Aao Raja dheere dheere/Come King slowly slowly (આઓ રાજા ... धीरे धीरे राजा राजा)- Xiao DeJun X Fem! reader 19+
!This is a work of fiction !
!This is a work of fiction !
!Remember this is a work of fiction!
This Junnie:
This vybe:
!Remember this is a work of fiction!
!Remember this is a work of fiction!
!This is a work of fiction !
!This is a work of fiction !
He was fucking sexy. Swaying his hips and flirting with everyone in the bar. Thanking everything your roommate dragged you to the relatively new bar that was all the rage as of late. Only because it was first come first serve. Their dancers were always the highlight and tonight you could see why no one was allowed to film.
The sexy man dancing in a pinkish red blouse, the small hook barely covering his chest. Gorgeous layers of see through fabric on his hips, the pyjama and the small fan around his waist riddled with beads and little gold belishes that made him look expensive. Fuck the way it contrasted with his pale yellow skin under the heavy pink lighting, showing the lines of his hard work. That sculpted body was to die for. The look in his sharp eyes as he flirted with the audience. It made you tremble inside.
Taking in the lewd sights of his entire body as he came to a stop on the stage. The lights dipped, small elaborate flames lit up and began spinning as music filled the room. You were already tipsy but not drunk enough to miss the absolute God dancing, his hips pitching in front of him the gold flecks following. The lights dipped again.
When it came to in its usual warm white hue, the man was walking along the stage spinning a tassel in his hand, walking haughtily to the middle of the stage, where two other women stood. Posing with his hand in his hair, the other on his hip.
The crowd was screaming in enchantment. This man knew what he was doing to everyone, whining his hips roughly letting the fabric move with him…fuck- Evryone lost it the mment the music built and made him rock his head forward…then back…forward…and fell back thrusting in the air running a hand down his body.
Dipping his hips to the floor, raising with the music to clap? You needed air. Stumbling away from you friends who were acting rather inappropriately as they cat called him.
“You needed a break?” JaeMin asked, smoking near the restroom doors.
“It was getting stuffy in there,” You frown, surprised he was smoking knowing he was all about coffee and his health.
“Huh,” JaeMin nodded watching the lights beyond the door dip and raise along with the drunken screams of men and women, JaeMin noticed your confusion, “Junnie, making you horney huh?”
“J-Junnie? Who?” You ask wondering if the man was drunk.
“Dancer boy,” Min snickered, as Jeno came out of a small side room.
“I left Junnie’s change of clothes at the- hey babe what’s up?” Jeno stopped smiling at you.
“Junnie got her horney and now shes trying to cool off,” Min ratted.
“I’m Not!” You yelled flustered.
"Liar~” Min chimed walking off, “You have my blessing!”
You looked at Jeno smiling apologettically as he ran off to hug Min, they left the red corridor, and you stumbled off into the room he came from. Dropping onto a small leather couch and falling asleep.
XiaoJun saw you. You stood out from the crowd running off as he did his flashy moves. You were on his mind now…why’d you run off?
At the end of his show he’d walked down and hung around with Jeno and JaeMin. Two of his friends. And their girlfriends..which so happened to be the table you ran from. But where were you?
“Are you single?” One of them gushed touching his arm lightly. Moving from the gold circlet to his skin.
“N-no I have a girlfriend,” XiaoJun lied, laughing.
“Awww~” the women at the table were suddenly quiet. Taking a hard interest in his drink suddenly bubbling more with the ruckus at the table stopping. He grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It was always difficult to explain he didn’t want to settle. He just like having sex and dancing outside of work.
“ Junnie! ____+ wanted to meet you but she was too tipsy!” Min poked.
“____+?” Jun asked standing as his knee felt to lock up.
“Mmmh!” One of the girls chocked a little on her drink, “Fuck where is she?! She ran off just now!”
“Let her be~ it’s not like she fucking someone in the bathroom,” another snickered, “She’s too much of a book worm.”
“Dance?” Jeno asked grabbing his girlfriends hand pulling her away, as Min left his date to grab Jun’s hand, who laughed and followed.
“Can I dance like you if I do this?” Min yelled, pitching his hips to Jun’s.
He simply laughed, playing around with the group before excusing himself. The air was getting hotter and he was feeling stifled in his stage clothes. Finding it harder to walk as his dick throbbed. Why was he getting turned on?
Breathing heavy as he stumbled into the back room. All the other dancers seemed to have changed and left, from the light that was off. Knees trembling as he struggled to undo the string holding his pyjama up. The puffy pants refused to come undone as he draped himself over the chair. His boner distracting him from the sleeping figure behind him, as he third to palm out his arousal, between the layers.
The air got hot as you turned over on the leather couch that clung to your skin, hearing a heavy breathing that scared you as you jolted up afraid. you made eye contact with Jun in the mirror. His face became pale instantly. you looked closer at his reflection and saw why. you caught him at a bad time.
“Should I leave and let you finish or…?” you asked as he tried to put his dick away. Hiding it under the sheer fabric that still stood.
“I-I- oh Gods,” Jun groaned, about to cry.
“Breath fool,” you said, walking up to him all the fear leaving your body as you traced your hands over his shoulders.
“I was just thinking if I busted one it’d stop....I mean that’s how you deal with boners!” He gushed, “W-who…___+?”
“So you decided to jack off in the mirror?” you asked, pointing at the door to the washroom at our left. Surprised he knew your name brushing it off as Min and Jeno.
“Do you really think I could make it over?” Jun asked, “Every time I move it just feels...tingly?”
“Like good tingly or numb tingly?” you asked, looking at his shaking figure readjusting himself. It was way too easy to talk to him, still lightly stroking himself as if you couldn’t see because of the heavy fabric.
“Good tingly,” He said, “I was supposed to be watching the last episode of a show right now!”
“I don't want you to touch me!” Jun complained, “You're dirty!”
“Rude!” you yelled at him, “You realize I can do you what I want and you can do shit right now?”
“Don’t,” Jun looked at me in horror, “I take it back, I just didn't want you to touch me, do you really think I can top your ex’s? I’m a Lawyer for the Gods’ sake! I’m stuck in a room all day going through papers and when I’m not I play games, watch tv or go on come here to let off steam!”
“Damn you do nothing other than work? Also don’t be insecure dude everyone has their own thing,” you laughed trying to lighten the mood after his little break down.
“I can’t please you!” Jun groaned, “If it were anyone else! Even Kun bro! he’d probably just bang you against the mirror! I just wanna go home and watch my show!”
“Well damn boy are you trying to make me help you or are you telling me to leave?” you asked not knowing what to tell him.
“I don’t know how to fix it!” Jun finally started crying, “I just wanted to know what happens to the kid after Sun woo kills her husband!”
“Aww Junnie~” you hugged him from the back, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just wanted to sleep.”
“Well it didn't help either of us now!” Jun sniffled, “I have a tent in my pants and can walk because of it and I can’t feel my right leg.”
“I guess your plan was working! You can feel your left leg then, right?” you asked.
“Barely but because of this I can't move,” Jun gestured to his crotch, “ I don't want to touch myself here or with you looking I’d feel terrible.”
“Then I won't look, I can leave, Gods I've been here for this long already,” you said, turning to the door.
“Then I’d feel like an asshat for kicking you out,” Jun groaned.
“Oh for the Gods’ fucking sakes,” you turned around and walked off to a lace costumes, you sighed, taking off two black ribbons from an earlier outfit…maybe? you walked back to Jun, “Here if you can’t see and I can’t see, would that make it better?”
“I- I don't know!” He groaned, you grumbled and slipped the ribbon over his eyes, tying it tightly behind his head, then doing the same. He didn't say anything and you just stood behind him, your hands on his shoulders. Slowly his shoulders began to shake slowly, with some soft grunts here and there.
“It’s not working,” he moaned softly. you leaned to his ear and slowly passed your tongue against the fabric, tracing the shape of it, “Gods why are you doing this to me?” he moaned again, his voice hitching as his shoulders began to move more violently.
“Junnie~ just finish up for me~” you whispered into his ear slowly, you felt as his shoulders tensed up. He began panting and shaking stiffly. Slowing his movements, sounding frustrated. you didn't know what to do so you spoke to him again in the soft voice breathing heavily into his ear, “Are you reaching yet?”
You felt him nod. Then run your hand until his elbow and back up, “ Do you want more?”
“Yeah~” Jun heaved a sharp splosh sound after, and he kept quiet, breathing heavily.
“Ohh~Junnie~.” you moaned into his ear after his head rocked back. For a few moments there was complete silence as Jun seemed to be angry at what had happened, you as well felt odd. More so sad that you caused him from living his perfectly content life to have himself blind folded and have someone moan into his ear.
“I-I-I- need to clean up,” Jun said, his voice breaking, you felt his hand hit against the side of your head tangling in your hair, “Oh gods sorry! I’m trying to undo the blindfold,”
“Yeah, stop moving your hand, you’re pulling my hair,” you complained, using your hand to feel around for the hanging end of your blind fold, you pulled it loose to see the mess he made, he was just dripping off the mirror in a big splash. His hands were slimy and you saw the side of your hair beginning to stick together. you reached for his blindfold undoing it and he seemed ashamed of what he’d done.
“I can take it from here Y/N….you can go,” He said, his voice shaking. you couldn't leave him like this, you wrapped your arms around him in a hug holding the ribbon still. you couldn’t help but cry a bit.
“I’m sorry Jun, I-I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn't know-a-anything…I didn't know you were so shy, I-I’m sorry.” you said crying into the crook of his neck. you felt him tapping your arm softly.
“I-I should clean up-,” Jun pulled away trying to stand, but falling back, “Hey Y/N….I’m sorry...could you fuck please?”
“W-what?” You stutter standing in fron of him, giving in to the fire in your stomach.
“Fuck me,” Jun whined, grabbing you waist and pulling you to straddle him, “Youre with the me..tonight.”
“Yeah, okay,” You breathe out feeling him rub against you and by all fucks…fucking Jun wearing that outfit should be an accomplishment as you undid the hook of his blouse. It pitched apart from its strain to with hold his pecs; the perky buds were rosy as you leant down slowly. Giving him the chance to move you away, he didn’t.
Allowing your to nip at his nipples, pulling and sucking until you left bite marks on him. Looking up to see his putty face, eyes glazed over, biting his bottom lip. Adjusting yourself to stretch you legs over the chair’s handles as Juns hand tittered under your skirt.
“Touch me~” You breathed watching his surprised face as he felt how wet you were, fingers hooking the band between your legs and pulling it back as he released it to slap against your skin. Nails tapping your flesh. As your hands sunk into his hair.
“How do you like it hottie?” Jun asked, as his fingers dipped into you making you jolt up in surprise. It has been a really long time since you’ve had sex with someone other than your hand…years even.
“I-I-I don’-t,” you stutter out as his rubbed your clit sweetly. Shyly if you could say that.
“Then we should find out? Right?” Jun smiled. Fingers speeding up as your breath left your body. Legs shivering as your cunt pulsed, making a slick sound as you dropped your head into the crook of his neck.
“Dirty~” jun moaned. Making you mad, you moved a hand between the both of you and circled his tip. Causing him to curse low into your ear. Fingers twitching as he replaced his index with his thumb, thrusting his long slender digits into you.
“Fuck!” You yelled out as they brushed somewhere you could never reach. Hearing him laughed lightly as his thumb abandoned your clit and he pushed deeper into you, inex and middle scrolling the little gland as his fist was pushing you up.
Moaning until drool leaked out your mouth onto his shoulder until you came. Hard and shaking as Jun took the moment of your cervix opening to shove his fist into you. Screaming into his ear as your eyes rolled back, clamping up on his fist.
“T-t-p-pump m-me~” you gritted out. The unfamiliar feeling as he gently pushed his hand deeper into you and back out. Crying..full blown bawling as you adjusted. Nails digging into his back and the band of the chair.
“A-are you-s-sure?” Jun panted, lightly moving his hand, stuffy until his fingers moved and brushed you again.
“Again~” You begged, bouncing down onto his hand. Taking more in as he gritted under you.
“Fine..be a good girl and tell me when to stop okay?” Jun muttered waiting for you to verbally say yes.
When Jun started fisting you, fingers brushing your g-spot you were done for. Loving every second of the dancers steady pace. His rhythm was out on this world as he made sire to listen to you crying for him to stop. He knew if you were serious you’d let him know.
Your second orgasm hit as Jun took his hand out of you slowly as it began cramping. Jaw shaking as you bit into his shoulder. Panting as you reached down for his length. It was poked out from the now sweat ridden outfit.
“Ready now?” Jun asked as you guided him down to your pussy. Throbbing and streched, cum dripping down onto his pink outfit that showed as you nodded. Whimpering each second you were exposed to the cold air.
“L-lets move?” Jun asked, thrusting into you as you screamed out. As he stood, legs collapsing as you rolled your waist on him. He let you lay on the floor. Pining himself between your legs.
He pushed you back onto the floor and hovered over you. Using his arm to brace himself he used his other to guide your clothes aside.
“Can you?” you asked lifting your waist to create a little friction, “Are you just going to eye fuck me or actually rail me?”
“Can I?” Jun asked, his hand rubbing you faster.
You moaned, as you got hot, you felt yourself throb for him, “Yes, just-mmh.”
His dick was hot and sticky with precum. Slowly he slid in, getting deeper as you couldn’t hold you voice anymore.
“Relax, no ones coming in,” Jun gasped, as he began thrusting slowly. It was agonizing, you felt yourself tighten around him not wanting him to pull out.
“Then look at me, and stop glancing at the door,” you moaned, lifting your waist for more of him. His shaft dragged against your walls, feeling the thickness pull at your skin as he pulled back and went in again. Jun looked down at you, a small hint of arrogance on his face as you used your hands to pull your knees back.
“Does it hurt?” Jun asked. Pushing himself deeply then thrusting slowly. Letting the back of your thighs hit against his chest.
“N-no,” You forced out, which made him move a little quicker.
“Then why are tears falling again?” He asked using a hand to wipe your cheek.
“Because you keep teasing me,” Your voice broke, you felt good, the tingly fire spreading throughout your body. Electricity felt like it was coursing through your veins as your body shook, you wanted all of him.
“You look so needy right now,” Jun remarked, pushing himself hard, and a scream escaped your lips. It hit just right, the spot where it felt like lightning hit your in the chest, “Do you want it there again?”
“Yes,” you moaned out, his slow thrusting paining now as you moved your hand down to touch yourself, vigorously rubbing your clit as his movements drawed out. You couldn’t breath the mixture of pain from his slowness and the pulsing of your abused spot. It felt like all the oxygen in the room had left and you couldn’t feel anything but him in you.
“Like this?” He asked and thrusted hard, hitting it again, you gave in as the lightning hit your body hard as he connected screaming out his name, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Fuck just like that,” You moaned, hand shook and you couldn’t finish. You couldn’t take his teasing, as your legs kept you close, his small thrusts steadily hittin.
“Gods, you feel good,” Jun moaned as he sped up to a slower than average pace.
“Oh~ Oh fuck faster.” You begged, and he did. You pulled him closer, as he hit it over and over, as his breath hitched for a second and he stopped. You didn’t want his momentum to end there so You dropped your waist slightly and used your leg to jam his weight into you as you lifted up, hitting the spot, repeating the movement a few times until you felt why he stopped. Not because you would take some more time to cum.
A shocking feeling shot into you fast like a bolt of lightning splitting a tree, right before your eyes. It felt amazing as the warm pooling in your stomach came down after a few more thrusts. You felt like your world was slowing down as you connected and you broke. Causing him to moan out and you felt it in you as your cum met.
It felt like water and oil trying to mix in a drink shaker. Legs felt sticky as it didn’t stay, he began pulling out. I didn’t want it to end there. you used the leg around his waist to push him over, as he turned you moved with him, moving to sit on him.
Looking down at his sweaty figure as you took him all in.
“I wish I’d never met you.” He fumbled out. As your eyes felt like they would pop out.
You whined your waist back and forth on him, letting his cock rub in you. The feeling too much as your eyes rolled back, not paying attention to his words, knowing they hurt to hear his answer, “Why?”
“Because no one else would do this for me,” He moaned, moving his hand back to bite his forearm.
Shocked, you struggled to open your eyes, to look down at him holding back his voice, you shifted to bounce lightly on him. He moved his hand away and bit his lip reaching for your thighs, gripping them as you rode.
Do what?” You stuttered, you were in control of getting the spot hit and how often, and you loved it. At your pace you moved quickly as you felt the repetition bear fruit to your own pleasure.
“Ride it like that,” He panted, his hands slid against your skin and he grabbed for your, “Scream like that f-for my d-dick, and I’ll falling- for you.”
You gritted your teeth, “I need your hands on my body. I need you to kiss me and make me beg.”
Jun acted like you were the only two people in the bar. You didn’t care that someone would hear…you cared that the night would end and the fucking sexy dance between your legs would go on with life as would you.
You knew it would take a good lot of alcohol to recreate or even top this moment. You had no clue how you would act as if this didn’t happen like you did before.
I understand if you wanna yell at me after reading this....I'll take a scenario or request to make up for it <3
Normal: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/ask
Anon: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/submit
#xiao dejun#nct smut#why#dancer xiaojun#wayv x reader#xiaojun x reader#wayv smut#nct xiaojun#nct sumt#nct suggestive#pope#male dancers#bar#kpop smut#help#xiaojun#xiaojun x you#xiaojun x y/n#nct#mature love#inappropriate#nct dejun#dejun x reader#wayv dejun#xiaojun imagines#xiaojun drabbles#xiaojun smut#xiaojun scenarios
56 notes
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37 and 38 with xiaojun and male reader
pairing: xiao dejun / reader (male)
37 - “because i love you goddamn it!”
38 - “wait a minute... are you jealous?”
prompt game: closed
when the door swings open, you're greeted with a tired sicheng, who's blearily blinking as he tries to take in your blurry frame. knowing him, he probably just woke up, even if it's one in the afternoon. "hey sicheng-ge, i'm here to drop off dejun's notes. is he here?"
he yawns, rubbing his eyes. "oh, him? he went out a while ago with... what was her name again?" he shouts, craning his neck.
from inside, hendery hollers back, "he went out with huishan! you know, his ex?"
at the sound of dejun's ex, you frown. they had dated each other sometime during high school before breaking it off before enrolling in university. from what you know, it didn't end in bad terms - she had just fallen out of love and didn't want to lead him on - but you do recall the envy curling in your stomach each time your friends teased him about her. "oh. i guess i'll just drop these off, then," you mutter.
your change in tone doesn't go unnoticed by sicheng, who's now more awake. "why don't you come in and hang out with us? yangyang's been meaning to invite you over, anyways." well, it's not like you have anything better to do, so you slip off your shoes and enter the apartment.
a few hours pass as you hang out in sicheng's (well, technically kun's and ten's) apartment. you temporarily forget the envious feeling in your stomach, too busy trying to beat yangyang and hendery in all the games you play. it isn't until you hear the doorknob twist open hours later that you suddenly remember why you came over in the first place, and you turn towards the door right as dejun steps inside. "oh! hi (name), what brings you here?"
you're about to open your mouth until yangyang sprints towards dejun, snaking an arm around his shoulder. "so, how was your date with huishan?" he teases, enunciating the word date.
dejun rolls his eyes. "it wasn't a date, brat. huishan was just visiting and wanted to catch up. she's flying back to china in two days."
as yangyang continues pestering dejun for more details, you feel the feeling in your stomach becoming more pronounced. why should you be jealous? it's not like he likes you back, nor do you have the right to say anything. not wanting to look sulkier than you already do, you abruptly stand up. "i just remembered i have something i have to do. i dropped off your notes from class the other day by the way, so there's that. bye." you vomit out your words with such urgency that you can feel the others' eyes on you. you aren't sure why you feel envious to this degree - it doesn't concern you anyways. yet you grab your stuff so fast and zip out of the door before anyone can stop you.
"you fool," you mutter, skipping down the porch. "why are you like this?"
"yeah, what's up with that?" a voice behind you asks. you freeze as dejun steps down the steps until he's standing in front of you. "are you okay? you seemed really rigid back there," he observes.
"it's nothing," you snap, and you mentally curse at how clipped you sound. "if my ears aren't mistaking me, is that yangyang i hear, asking you for more details about your date?"
he frowns, taking up a defensive stance. "date? it wasn't a date." he pauses, analyzing your figure. "wait a minute... are you jealous?" your silence is answer enough, and he has the audacity to laugh. "why are you jealous over something that isn't a big deal? do you-"
"because i love you goddamn it!" you exclaim. your eyes widen when you process what you just said, but seeing how dejun looks equally, if not more surprised, you press on. "you know what? i don't even care anymore."
"you... what?"
"you heard right, and i will not be repeating myself because i will now be planning a dozen ways to bury myself alive." he shoots you an incredulous look; humor has always been your defense mechanism, although sometimes he can't tell if you're actually joking or not.
you spin on your heel, ready to walk away (and maybe actually go through with your plan) when dejun grabs your wrist. "wait, you can't just drop a bomb like that and leave!"
"oh, but i can. because just because i like you doesn't give me an excuse to act sulky. you're your own person, i know that. i don't have ownership over you, so why does it matter? you can go around doing whatever you want. plus, it's not like you like me back! for all i know, the others were right this whole time, teasing you about not being over her. maybe you can-"
"can you please be quiet for a minute?" dejun interjects. you fall silent, biting your lip in embarrassment. "one, i got over huishan a while ago, because there was someone else that caught my eye. they just tease me all of the time because they're demons," he explains, jabbing a thumb towards the door. he pokes your chest as you stare at him in bewilderment. "and secondly, that someone was you. glad to know that jealousy isn't just something that i feel."
you look like a deer caught in headlights. "pardon?"
"why do you think i, and i quote, look constipated all of the time, when yukhei's around? he hangs off you like a leech."
"...oh. i'm sorry."
"i mean, it's normal, as long as it doesn't lead to toxic behavior." he releases his grip on your wrist, setting both of his hands on your shoulders. "i like- well, i love you too. too late to take it back now, isn't it?"
"...i suppose it is."
#wayv#nct#nct u#cpop#kpop#wayv x reader#wayv x male reader#nct x reader#nct x male reader#xiaojun#xiao dejun#xiaojun x reader#xiaojun x male reader#renjuseyo : nct#renjuseyo : prompts
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𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ; 𝘅. 𝗱𝗲𝗷𝘂𝗻
PAIRING: xiao dejun x male reader
GENRE: smut, fluff, crack¿
CONTENT WARNINGS: extremely sexual content, harsh language, use of degrading terms, stereotypes, dom!top!male reader, sub!bottom xiaojun, face fucking, rimming, anal sex, slapping, sir kink, unprotected intercourse, choking, dacryphilia, passing out from sex, poorly written smut.
SYNOPSIS/SUMMARY: being younger and a complete opposite of your boyfriend, xiaojun, you were always seen as the submissive one, but it's not good to stereotype people, because there are some things that happen more than what meets the eye.
REQUESTED BY: jaeyong_sucker
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this isn't the greatest but i tried my best. also, this is my first time writing a top male reader. feedback is always appreciated <3.

"xiao dejun — a man of appeal."
that is how most people perceive xiaojun of wayv, and you can't blame them for it; with his toned body, very masculine voice, and sensual aura surrounding him, there is no denying that your boyfriend is a very charismatic man.
it might seem that that perception can cause no issue. well, for other's, there's none, but for you, it's amusing to think about how others, specifically his bandmates, perceive him as the dominant one in your relationship. of course, you wouldn't like that, especially since he's the one who's begging you repeatedly to ruin him in bed.
tonight was no exception in the group's dorms, where they were once again stereotyping your relationship with xiaojun.
"man, i tell you, y/n is the bottom one in their relationship. i can never see him as the dominant one, i mean— look at him he's timid as hell," stated lucas, not even noticing that you're eavesdropping from the doorframe of your shared room with your lover.
you might wonder how he came up with these assumptions. to begin with, your physique is more feminine; slim waist, visible curves, and so on; and you're also known in the group as someone who is timid and shy around various people, whereas xiaojun, as previously stated, is the polar opposite of these said attributes.
"yukhei, you know it's not nice to talk about someone's relationship like that," kun lectured but lucas didn't seem to care about it.
"i have to agree with xuxi on this one, though; i can't imagine y/n confidently touching dejun's dick," yangyang chimed in.
and that was the start of the verbal chaos within the dorms. sighing, you walked back to your bed where xiaojun was laying, passing time through his phone.
xiaojun also heard the conversation outside, so he decided to also annoy you with it.
"don't worry about it, love," he teased, "i mean, what they're saying is true, i'm the dominant one here," but you were having none of it. you gave him a menacing look, as if your gaze could easily kill someone that caused him to quiver slightly.
"you're gazing at me like that'd change anything," he continued with a slight chuckle.
you approached him with the same expression on your face, saying nothing, and as you approached him, you grabbed his neck loosely and pulled his face close to yours.
'oh no,' he thought.
"why don't we just make a good use out of that cocky mouth of yours, slut? on your knees," you commanded.
if xiaojun had known that this'd happen, he wouldn't have provoked you in any way, but being the desperate cocksleeve he is, he immediately complied to your orders as soon as you let go of his neck.
he got down on his knees in front of you and began removing your sweatpants and underwear. your cock slammed into his face, slapping him in the process. xiaojun grabbed your cock and started sucking the leaking tip. he then proceeded to bobble his head up and down, drawing your length to his warm mouth. he swirled his tongue around your hard shaft while moaning shamelessly. his tongue and the vibrations caused by his erotic moans delighted you to the heavens, causing your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
xiaojun smirked to himself as he continued to suck you off like that, knowing he was doing good. His ego grew as he believed everything was going his way, but it wasn't until you broke it by facefucking him into oblivion. xiaojun's core churned with mixed emotions: disappointment because he wasn't able to please his dom through his ways; and ruttish seeing how aggressive you are right now; but nonetheless, he couldn't help but submit to you right now and let you do whatever you want with him.
the room that was once quiet was now being filled with loud groans and gagging noises, and at this point, there was no way the two of you couldn't be heard outside.
you were getting close to your high after what seemed like an eternity — for xiaojun, at least. you increased the speed of your thrusts, causing xiaojun to choke uncontrollably. your cum spurted inside his mouth as you moved to slam your cock into him a few more times.
"AAAAHH," you grunted, teasing him even more, "oh c'mon, 'daddy' swallow my cum for me," you said.
"is this the 'daddy material' they've been talking about? who's the dominant one here now, hm? pathetic. look at you being such a nasty slut for my cock," you continued to mock as you observed his helplessness under your command.
you chuckled as you climbed onto the bed and plopped down on the pillows. "what are you waiting for?" you demanded, "sit on my face, my bitch." he quickly stripped off all of his clothes and did exactly what you said.
once he had sat comfortably on your face, you almost immediately began skillfully eating his ass out, your tongue never failing to lick all of the nerves that sent xiaojun's eyes rolling to the back of his head. a wet muscle entered xiaojun's hole, and he let out a long, deep groan of pleasure. you continued to devour him as if you were a ravenous, starving beast, and your boyfriend had come without your permission as a result.
saying nothing, you progressed to rim him more at a relentless pace as a punishment, overstimulating him in the process.
"ah— y/n— wait! I just came—" he protested, but was cut off when you spanked his bum, "is that how you should address me?" you inquired.
"ah—i'm sorry, sir!"
"good boy. i'll reward you for that, lay on your back,"
and, alas, he followed your instructions. you climbed on top of him and cupped his face gently. "are you okay with everything? i'm sorry, but i don't think i'll be able to control myself any longer. just say your colors, okay?" you inquired.
"y-yes, sir." your lover consented. "do you want to be prepped?" you questioned once again.
"no, sir. i've touched myself earlier before you came over." he audaciously admitted, which earned him a raised eyebrow reaction from you.
with a menacing cackle, you responded, "really? how brazen of you. is my dick not enough to fill up your slutty fuckhole?"
you lubed your hard cock with spit and pushed your way through his hole without warning, your girth stretching his asshole enough to make him release a quick yelp of surprise due from the sudden stretch.
"you ok there? color?" you worriedly inquired to which xiaojun replied meekly, "g-green. green, sir."
after receiving the latter's affirmation, you began moving slowly to allow him to adjust to your cock and gradually increased your speed over time, enabling xiaojun to grow fully accustomed to you.
you carried on fucking his ass out to oblivion, but to xiaojun's bemusement, you're doing him at a pace slower than you'd normally do.
"fuck— harder, sir! i want you to rearrange my guts! please, don't worry about me anymore, just please— ah—," he begged.
something with his words pulled a trigger inside you, which led you to pull out of your submissive and flip him on all fours. you once again started slamming your member into him, but now at an uncaring speed that caught him off guard.
"this is what you wanted right, dirty slut? i'll give it to you then." taunted by you as your cock started to hit his prostate hard enough to get him moaning every time you push in.
not long after, xiaojun came again. "s-sorry, sir— i couldn't control—" he apologized but you cut him off, saying, "shh, just cum whenever you want to, but i'll still use you 'till i'm satisfied, ok?", to which he nodded in response.
2 more rounds later, xiaojun has tears now streaming down his cheeks from his half-lidded eyes, caused by overstimulation and the overwhelming sensation of mixed pleasure and pain from you abusing his prostate and his ass getting slapped simultaneously.
as you approached your climax, your movements and breathing became unsteady, and xiaojun remained a dumb moaning mess under your control. you used this opportunity to grab his hair and pull his head close to yours, whispering the filthiest words he'd ever heard. You filled him up for the third time this night after one final thrust.
you pulled away from xiaojun and began to stand up when you noticed he was very tired. you assisted him in finding a comfortable position and laid beside him. "you did good for me, baby. i'm sorry for being rough. we'll clean up tomorrow, yeah?" you whispered, to which he responded with a tired nod as he slowly drifts off to sleep.
that night was full of cuddles, sweet praises, and compliments from you, in stark contrast to the unforgiving and careless intercourse you both had that night.
"FUCKING SHIT SLOW DOWN, MY ASS HURTS!" xiaojun yelled as you assisted him sit on the couch.
"i know. i'm sorry, hyung. aish i shouldn't have went that rough last night. i'm sorry," you apologized.
"don't apologize, y/n. he deserved it for being so fucking loud last night. i couldn't sleep, you horny dogs!" ten walked in unexpectedly, to which you apologized again, this time embarrassed.
"i never knew y/n could wreck you like that dude," hendery teased, "but who knew, of all people, xiaojun would be the receiving one." he continued with a laugh.
"pay up," winwin said to lucas, who had been grumpy since losing the bet on the dom-sub dynamics of your relationship.
and that was the start of a tumultuous day. laugh here, teasing right there; a tomato-red — non-walker — xiaojun, your embarrassed self, and a facepalming kun.
#kpop x male reader#kpop male reader#wayv x male reader#nct x male reader#male reader#idol x male reader#xiaojun x male reader#top male reader
432 notes
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🧁 Fluff
🌶️ Angst
🍋 Smut
💀 Horror
[not available yet. please wait until further notice]
[not available yet. please wait until further notice]
Violet/Lee Chaolan
Sergei Dragonuv
Lars Alexandersson
Kazuya Mishima
Jin Kazama
Forest Law
Geese Howard
Eddy Gordo
Claudio Serafino
Steve Fox
Lee Jongsuk
Jung Haein
Yoo Jingoo
Lee Dohyeon
Song Kang
Kim Soohyun
Kim Seonho
Lee Dongwook
Ahn Hyoseop
Woo Dohwan
Hwang Inyeop
Lee Jaewook
Bae Hyunsung
Kim Hongjoong
NUDES {🌶️|🧁|🥭} (2 Parts)
Park Seonghwa
Jeong Yunho
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
MY BELOVED ANGEL {🌶️|🧁} (2 Parts)
Jung Wooyoung
Choi Jongho
Bang Chan
Lee Minho
MISCHIEVOUS {🧁|🌶️|🍋} (? parts)
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
MOVIE DATE {🌶️ |🧁}
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Lee Taeyong
Jeong Yoonoh/Jaehyun
SPECIAL PRESENT {🧁|🍋} (3 Parts)
Dong Sicheng/Winwin
Kim Jungwoo
Wong Yukhei/Lucas
ANGEL [🌶️|🧁]
Lee Min Hyung/Mark
Xiao Dejun/Xiaojun
Huang Guanheng/Hendery
Lee Jeno
Na Jaemin
Liu Yangyang
Choi Yeonjun
Choi Soobin
Choi Beomgyu
Kang Taehyun
Huening Kai
Lee Heeseung
ALL NIGHTER {🍋|🌶️|🧁}
MA BOY {🌶️|🧁}
Park Jongseong/Jay
COOKIES {🧁|🌶️}
BEGIN AGAIN {🌶️|🧁|🍋}
Sim Jaeyun/Jake
BOYS, BOYS, BOYS {🧁|🌶️|💀}
HERO {🌶️|🧁|🍋}
Park Sunghoon
Kim Sunwoo/Sunoo
Yang Jungwon
Nishimura Riki/Niki
Osaki Shotaro
Song Eunseok
Jung Sungchan
Park Wonbin
Hong Seunghan
Lee Sohee
Lee Chanyoung/Anton Lee
THIS IS MY STORY ENDING (SFAH CENTER) {🌶️|🧁} [Thoma x Male Reader]
MY LITTLE SUNSHINE (SFAH CENTER) {🌶️|🧁} [Sundrop/Moondrop x Male Reader]
DISASTROUS {🌶️} [Multi Fanfiction]
* will be updated soon
#masterlist#x male reader#bottom male reader#bxb#male reader#idol x male reader#fanfiction#kpop#ateez x male reader#angsty#ateez#enhypen x male reader#txt x male reader#nct x male reader#bts x male reader#top idol
454 notes
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omg pls some xiaojun smut 😵💫
man i am doing this just for you because xiaojun makes me 😵💫 like he bias wrecks me so bad it's not even funny 🥴 thinking of making him my second wayv bias but anyway, i hope you enjoy <33333
warnings // little to no plot, xiaojun is a tease but you love it, established relationship, rough sex, sex on a couch, usage of the word slut, reader is a bit too loud while the members are home smh
xiaojun x female reader
"come on just this once," your boyfriend pleads as you walk straight past him to get the food ready.
"no," you quickly shake your head, setting the timer on the oven. "you make weird shit. i don't want a repeat of last time."
xiaojun crosses his arms over his chest, following around the kitchen area like a lost dog. "you don't even know what happened last time because you weren't here."
"xiao, baby," you turn to face him for a moment to emphasize your point more. "i got like a hundred texts from yangyang telling me that he was so glad that we were together because that meant that i could save their asses from having to eat anymore of your food."
as your boyfriend pouts, you begin preparing the meal that had already been approved by the boys. you knew it was one of xiaojun's favorites too, but he was too stubborn and grouchy to admit it.
you put the dish in the oven, humming to yourself, and your boyfriend watches as you do so. he can't help but admire your ass when you bend, your thin yoga pants not leaving much to the imagination.
he bites his lip as you stand up straight again, not knowing what to do now. his attempts at getting you to let him cook instead had failed, and now he needed a way to get in your pants without any of the members walking in or hearing anything.
"you know," he starts, sliding over to you, who scrolled through your phone, elbows rested on the counter, not daring to glance at the boy beside you. "yangyang and ten are both sleeping, kun and winwin are still out, lucas is still playing his game, and hendery is downstairs."
"i'm glad you know the whereabouts of your band mates, jun," you reply, still not bothering to look up. "what's your point?"
"my point is," he continues, moving to stand directly behind you, his hot breath on the back of your neck. “we basically have the whole place to ourselves.”
your eyes widen at his closeness and you blush when you get his hint. “you’ve gotta be kidding me.” you try to cover your flustered state with one of resentment instead.
“what?” the male looks at you, pressing himself even closer against you, allowing you to feel exactly how eager he was. “you’re telling me no?”
you gulp and bite your lip as you sit your phone down on the counter. “xiao dejun, you are not getting to fuck me on the kitchen counter.”
your boyfriend frowns. “well you’re no fun,” he pouts playfully and you giggle, booping his nose.
“maybe next time,” you tell him. “let’s go watch something while the food cooks, yeah?” you grab his hand and lead him over to the sofa in the main room.
you’re ten minutes into grey’s anatomy and xiaojun is done. as much as he loved watching your favorite shows and movies with you, you couldn’t have asked at a worse time. even though you politely declined his offer of a quick fuck, he was still as turned on and needy as before.
then he got an idea.
xiaojun leans in to plant what starts off as a soft kiss to your cheek, making you blush and giggle. “watch the show, silly,” you mumble to him, who ignores your words and moves his mouth done from your cheek to your neck.
he sucks at the skin of your neck, your eyelids fluttering at the pleasurable feeling. “x-xiaojun, what are you doing?” you stumble on your words, your vision getting blurry from the pleasure.
“well, you said i wasn’t going to fuck you on the counter,” his lips part from your neck to speak. “so i’m gonna fuck you on the couch instead.”
your eyes widen at his direct words. you simply nod your head, feeling a stirring in your stomach.
he smirks as he looks at you, his fingers finding the waistband of your leggings. “let me take these off for you, babe.” he hums as you lift your hips so he can slide both your leggings and panties down with ease.
“lay down,” he tells you, watching with that mischievous look in his eyes as you lower yourself to lay on the couch, staring up at him with need in your eyes. “good girl.”
you watch eagerly as your boyfriend pulls off his sweatpants, revealing that he was in fact not wearing underwear underneath. the sight makes you drool.
for a moment, you slip back into reality. “what if someone comes in?” you bite your lip nervously before shaking your head. “it’s too risky, jun.” “come on, y/n,” xiaojun pouts. “you really wanna pass up on all this?” he gestures at himself in a cocky manner.
never wanting to give him the satisfaction, you shrug. “you’re meh,” you respond, watching as xiaojun’s face changes.
“ah, really?” he raises a brow at you. you nod confidently. your boyfriend hums and nods back at you, with a suspicious look on his face. “that’s not what you said last night.”
you blush and roll your eyes. “whatever, just,” you sigh, giving in finally. “don’t make so much noise.”
xiaojun scoffs. “i don’t think i’m the one you’ll have to worry about along those lines,” he chuckles before aligning his hardened length with your aching core. “i could tell you the same thing.” he pushes himself into you without a warning and you gasp, your eyes widening at the sudden stretch.
“a little warning would be nice,” you groan as he starts to move at a steady rhythm. you tug your bottom lip under your top one as you try desperately to stay quiet.
xiaojun lets out small, harsh breaths as he thrusts into you at a harder and faster pace. “fuck, y/n,” he groans, leaning his head back before looking back down at you who stares back up at him with need. “so tight still and i just fucked you yesterday.”
his crude words send you spiraling as you roll your eyes back slightly, accidently letting a small moan emit from your throat. you partly wished he wasn’t so good at this so you could stay quiet. but the other half of you was glad he was so good at this so you could let the world know how good he was making you feel.
“dejun,” you moan out his name, feeling his hips snap into yours even harder than before. “dejun, more, please!” you plea, a little louder than you wanted to.
your boyfriend picks one of your legs up and places it on his shoulder, allowing him to fuck you at a new, deeper angle. “like this, hm?” he asks you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to respond.
“fuck, yes,” you try to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet again but to no avail. “it’s s-so good,” you stumble on your words as his cock rams into you at an impossible speed.
xiaojun grips your hips so roughly you were sure you’d be bruised there later. he leans down to place his lips by your ear so he could whisper to you. “at least i know how to be quiet,” he speaks in a low toned whisper, making you shiver. “unlike some people,” he smirks at you, who only whimpers as his hips keep their harsh rhythm.
“wasn’t it you who told me to keep it down and now look at you, barely able to keep your mouth shut,” he hisses, eyes darkening as your noises get louder. “guess you’re just too much of a slut for me to care, huh?”
you nod your head, your hands gripping at his arms with a death grip.
“use your words, darling, you know you can,” he hums, waiting to hear what he wanted to hear. you usually wouldn’t give in that easy but he just felt so good, you couldn’t resist.
“fuck, yes, jun,” you finally open your mouth again. “i-i’m a slut for you.” you pant out, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach.
xiaojun chuckles darkly at your response, rolling his hips just so to make you **almost** scream.
“fuck!” you whisper yell as you release all over his length, your nails digging into the skin of his arm. the intensity of your orgasm triggers his and he releases after you.
“oh, fuck, babe,” he groans as his cum spills into you (you were on the pill no worries). “fuck, you’re so perfect.” he pants heavily as he stares down you, who pants equally as heavy.
“i love you, dejun.” you mumble as he pulls out of you and lays beside you, pulling the throw blanket over yourselves.
your boyfriend smiles warmly, planting a soft kiss on the bridge of your nose. “i love you too, y/n.”
“...are y’all done fucking now?”
sorry this took so long :,) i hope it’s good or better than you wanted :) <33
#wayv smut#nct smut#xiaojun#xiaojun smut#xiao dejun#xiao dejun smut#kpop smut#xiaojun imagines#wayv imagines#kpop imagines#<33333
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IT3D 1 - Hua Mulan
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college students!WayV x Chinese fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, college au
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 18+ (Do not interact if you are under 18)
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: heavy cursing (censored), mentions of sex, nudity, love octogon, foreign humor, overbearing parents
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.3k
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @eggbutnotyolk @d1nne @fanficbitchwhowriteskpop @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2 < 3
"I've only been in New York City for 15 hours, Xuejiao. And it's huge! I don't know these streets you're telling me!" You shout, ignoring the side-eyes from the passerby city slickers that give New York it’s bad stereotype.
"You're going down 96th Street right? I told you to keep going down. It's a long a.ss street. You'll find the campus eventually- look for the dome!"
The connection breaks as Xuejiao finishes the call, "I gotta go now, I’m trying to get in my astrology professor’s pants after class!" The line goes silent and you huff, opening up GPS to lead you down the forsaken 96th Street. Distracted with directions, some guy crashes into you with his bike.
"What the hell!? Watch where you're going!" You yell picking up your fallen bag- which scattered all of my weeaboo s.hit.
"Maybe if you didn't stand in the middle of the street, you wouldn't have wrecked my bike! You're lucky you didn't get killed by a real car!" You looked up at the ignorant voice and found a young, orange-haired Asian boy. Maybe Chinese, like me?
"I wrecked your bike!? You're really unbelievable.." You placed everything back into the bag and took out your wallet. "Look, I don't have time for this. I'm sorry for damaging your tricycle, or whatever- here." You threw a fully punched Xing Fu Tang loyalty card at the kid’s dumbfounded face and walked off.
It's 9:57 AM, your o-chem class starts at 10 and you still can't find the campus. Why did my parents even make me leave Hong Kong? Because of the government, the pollution? Both countries are f.ucked. I choke there and I choke here.
Finally, I'm here.
You ran to the STEM building and up the stairs to land in a spacious lab room. You hurried to an empty seat near the top row. 9:59 AM.. Thank goodness.
In the midst of the lesson, the door opened to reveal the same clumsy jerk you had encountered a few minutes ago. He rushed to an empty seat, you going unnoticed by him.
Your first 50 minutes of college went by pretty quick. Nothing more than a syllabus review and a small question/answer session.
"I know it is the first day, but you are all in big kid school now, so I am assigning a semester project you will work on for all of this first term with a partner." Each array of your peers groaned at this announcement.
"You will use your knowledge from high school chemistry or an equivalent to complete it." The professor continued, "I will choose your partners and you are both expected to be responsible with it all semester."
"Remember your partner's name so that when I'm done, you can come down to get each other's contact information."
"Man Wol and Ji An.. Ha Jin and Hae Soo.."
The professor continued to call out names as you were caught up in texting Xuejiao about the kid who crashed into you earlier this morning being in your class, only half listening until you heard your name being called.
“Y/N and Yangyang.." Did I miss a racist joke or something? What the hell is a Yang Yang?
You kept texting Xuejiao, deciding to deal with it after class.
"I know it's a lot to take in on the first day, but on the bright side, you don't have to do the project," Some idiots celebrated, "but know that I will judge you harshly on it and I will be teaching at an Ivy League while you get kicked out of an Ivy League, never achieving your dreams." He fakes a sad face and the same idiots fuss.
"Now come meet your partners and have a good rest of your first day!" Your first professor dismissed the first class.
You put your phone in your pocket and stumbled to the bottom of the classroom, calling out for "Yangyang," the name feeling awkward as it rolled off your tongue.
"That's me." You spun around and were met with the trike guy from earlier.
"IT'S YOU!" You exclaimed in unison with him, the space between you two silencing for a second, before you spoke again.
"Oh my God I can't believe I got such a d!ck as a partner." You rolled your eyes with crossed arms.
"Hey! It takes two to d!ck!" Yangyang argues back. You stared at the fellow Asian boy in disgust and dismay.
"What the f.uck!?"
Both of you suddenly broke down laughing, your huddled classmates peeking at you with judgemental stares.
Yangyang calmed down and talked more comfortably with you, "Thanks for the boba by the way. I drank it deliciously.. before I dropped it because I crashed again."
"That's what you get for being a pr!ck to me." You scoffed.
"Oh baby that wasn't being a pr!ck. That was simply getting you warmed up to want me." He tapped your chin to bop your head back while giving a creepy stare.
"You're a f.ucking crazy person."
"Like it or not, Mulan, you're stuck with me for an entire semester." He stuck his tongue out at you.
"Mulan?" You questioned.
"Yeah. You're a Chinese b!tch, right?" You glared at him, but had to nod ‘yes’ anyway.
"Cool. I'm Taiwanese.. I need to get to the other side of campus so give me your number so we can work out the details on the project. You wanna meet up at the library tonight?" You agreed and gave him your number.
"Great. See you tonight, Mulan." He winked and jumped out of the room.
Shaking your head at the ironic situation, you walked to the next class with a little over 10 minutes to spare, so you stopped for coffee at the Starbucks on campus.
The shop was pretty small and there weren't a lot of people inside. As you were about to enter, another Asian boy held the door open. "Thank you." You smiled, bowing your head in gratitude.
"Anything for a girl with such a charming smile. Can I buy you a coffee?" He asked.
"No, that's ok!" You replied, not wanting to inconvenience this guy- and besides, he might just be trying to get in my pants.
"Please I insist! Get anything you want!" You decided to take his offer because in the end, it’s free coffee. He was also pretty charming himself, and seemingly harmless.
"Could I get an iced Americano, please?" You ordered. "I'll have the same." The boy told the barista.
You both stood to the side of the bar, talking while the identical drinks were being made. "Thank you for paying, you really didn't have to." "No no it's really fine. I wanted to.. I'm Dejun Xiao by the way, I think I'm in your chemistry class. What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N." "Oh are you Chinese!?" You nodded. "I'm Chinese as well. Are you from China?" "I'm from Hong Kong." "That's so cool! I'm from Guangdong." "Oh nice, nice.." The drinks were handed to you and you walked out together, strolling into the center of the campus.
"What class do you have next?" Dejun asked, sipping at his coffee. You took out a crumpled paper to examine the schedule printed on it. "I have biochem next." "Oh we have the same class!" Dejun announced. "That's crazy! Are you premed?" You asked him. "No, I'm studying forensic science. I want to be a homicide detective.”
Wow this guy is impressive. "Wow, that's awesome.. I want to be a heart surgeon.”
“That’s so cool!” "Thank you." You laughed at his energy. The two of you walked in the direction of your next shared class, conversing and giggling with each other along the way.
You reached your next classroom and found empty seats next to one another. “You can call me Xiaojun, by the way. I think it’s cooler than Dejun.”
“If you have to say your name is cool, then it’s not cool.” Another Asian man walked up to your row.
"Hey man! You're in here, too?" Xiaojun asked. "Yeah! It was a lucky draw." Xiaojun then motioned over to you, "This is Y/N. She's my new.. friend?" He smiled at you, looking for confirmation. Returning his smile, "Yes I am. Nice to meet you." The other male shook your hand and introduced himself. "Nice to meet you, too. I'm Kun."
"She's from China, like us!" Kun was surprised. "Really? Why did you come to America?" "My parents made me." You shrugged. "Wow mine did, too." Kun chuckled and sat down in the row of you and Xiaojun.
I left China, but China came to me. Maybe this year is destined to be good..
To be continued…
#wayv x reader#nct x reader#kun x reader#ten x reader#winwin x reader#lucas x reader#xiaojun x reader#hendery x reader#yangyang x reader#wayv imagines#wayv fluff#wayv smut#nct imagines#nct fluff#nct smut#nct angst#wayv angst
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dal segno.
&&. you're in a car with a beautiful boy, but he's unfortunately not yours anymore.

pairing: xiao dejun x m!reader
genre: angst
warnings: implied sexual content, kind of toxic relationship, they are both so incredibly pathetic
word count: 1.2k
notes: hello this is a voiceless isa reporting, i am suffering with the most horrible sickness to ever be bestowed upon me (the common cold) and i was originally supposed to post this yesterday but i fell asleep in the middle of my writing process so yeah 👍 also i have a class in like an hour so i just wanna publish this now and be done with it 😿

you're asleep for a while.
sleeping in a car has never truly been your thing, ever since you were a kid, you could never ever fall asleep in a car even after how tired you were. the fact that you were able to doze off, even with the clear tiredness you exhibited, was odd.
you wonder what kind of change was in the air caused for you to finally doze off in the car..
when you wake up, it is not morning, which you honestly expect because you had only fallen asleep for a few minutes, you can tell because guanheng is still inside, chatting up with his friends or whatever.
if guanheng is still inside, that means the one person you do not want to see right now is still right beside you in the drivers seat.
dejun doesn't seem to register that you're now awake, his eyes closed as he rubs his temples, clearly stressed about something. it isn't until you shuffle in your seat, rubbing your eyes that he finally seems to acknowledge your presence, almost startled by how quiet you'd been.
"holy shit you scared me".
he places a hand on his chest, and you can tell he was genuinely surprised by your sudden awakening because he glances at you then glances away, very interested in the window it seems.
"sorry" you whisper. you feel as if you could cut the air in the car with a knife considering how thick it seems. "hi".
why do you say hi? why do you choose to greet him? you two know each other, you know each other very well, much more than you ever thought you'd know each other.
dejun also registers the awkwardness in the air, the two of you itch to escape the situation, but you both also don't want to be the first to leave. he gives a polite smile, finally staring directly at you. "hi" he greets back.
you have the urge to itch your hand, feeling insanely uncomfortable. a small sigh escapes your lips, and you make an effort to look down at the floor of the car instead. "heng still in there?"
dejun is clearly upset at how you changed the topic, but what else were you two supposed to do? greet each other a couple more times? it's all basically come to shit now. "yeah.. he practically knows everybody in that household, it's crazy".
he talks like he doesn't care much, you chalk it up to him being tired, forced to drive home his friend who has a million acquaintances, not to mention he's sitting right beside his ex boyfriend, the same ex boyfriend whose heart he broke in the same car no more than a few weeks ago.
he did it in an almost heartless way as well, he seemed to have no regard for you, the tears streaming down your cheeks must've seemed pathetic to him, the way you tried to get him to change his mind must've completely altered his opinion on you by then.
it's understandable why the two of you are so awkward, why there are no jokes between you, why instead of feeling grateful to be sitting beside such a pretty boy, your stomach curls in an uncomfortable way.
you glance over at him for a moment, watching as he picks his nails, even with the heartbreak he put you through, you can't deny how absolutely striking he is. dejun possesses a kind of beauty you don't think another person could ever display as well as he does.
you hate that he's so beautiful, a literal work of art, but was still the very one responsible for the days you spent feeling as if you weren't enough. he didn't even try to give you a good explanation for breaking off your seemingly bulletproof relationship, just said some bullshit like "we weren't working together y/n".
and yeah, your mad, you have every right to be mad.
it was never supposed to be more than a friday night hookup, nothing more than a stupid meetup orchestrated by a mutual friend of yours, you two should've never crossed over into having an actual relationship, because your demise was very expected.
"i don't know what you want from me".
"i don't want anything from you.." anymore, is what you want to add, but in fear of sounding even more pathetic than you look, you shut your mouth, crossing your arms. "there's nothing more to say, we're over and that's fine, i've gotten over it".
"dejun" you don't want to hear him speak any more, because the longer he does the more you'll want to break down and cry. "you made your choice and i respect it, i don't want anything from you".
dejun looks hurt by your words, as if he's not the one who decided to break up with you. he's such an idiot, a beautiful, pathetic idiot. he slumps in his seat, as if you just delivered a punch straight to his gut.
you stop looking at him at this point, because you aren't going to be able to resist the urge to kiss him if you continue staring at his face. another wave of silence spreads between you two, and you want to leave so bad, but you can't, because then you'd have to deal with guanheng's fucking interrogations.
you hear dejun unbuckling his seatbelt beside you, at least he's leaving, it'll make everything just a little more bearable. you clear your throat, pretending the prior conversation didn't happen. "could you tell guanheng to make sure he gets back my copy of dracula from yangyang?"
dejun hums, but sighs. "y/n".
you wish you listened to your heart, but your mind was screaming at you to fucking look at him!
so you did, and you almost collapse right onto the floor. he's staring at you with such bewitched, lovestruck eyes, it's as if nothing bad ever happened between you two, as if you were still happy and in love with no issues whatsoever.
"stop doubting yourself.." he whispers, then he presses his lips to yours, it's as impulsive as it is stupid, because dejun is going to regret this the next day, you know he will.
you hate that you kiss him back, you hate how even though he broke your heart in this very place and left you crying in your bed. you should be ashamed of how easily you fall into his hands, you're constantly thinking optimistically, as if he won't just up and abandon you again.
when he separates from you, you almost want to pull him back, your hand fiddling with his shirt collar.
but for once, you listen to your head.
"i love you" he gives a sad smile, letting go of you and exiting the car.
you just sit there, face warm as you try to register what just happened. you watch dejun walk away, as you've done thousands of times before, you still don't feel any better, but the uncomfortable curl in your stomach has subsided for now.
if you just pretend that everything is all going to he okay, maybe it will!
oh xiao dejun, always breaking your heart and leaving you to pick up the pieces afterward.
#xiao dejun#xiaojun#wayv#nct#nct imagines#nct drabbles#nct scenarios#wayv imagines#wayv scenarios#wayv drabbles#nct x reader#nct x male reader#wayv x reader#wayv x male reader#xiaojun imagines#xiaojun x reader#xiaojun x male reader#𑁍 ࣪˖ 𓂃 isa's works!
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no barriers

➳ Xiao Dejun decides to study abroad for a semester in Seoul, and even though he initially sucks at Korean, there’s no (language) barrier between you two.
♦ Pairing: uni student!Xiaojun x uni student!reader/you
♦ Genre: fluff, comedy, slice of life, uni au
♦ Words: 7.7k
♦ Warning: -
♦ 99 liners’ uni stories: Yukhei / Mark / Hendery / Xiaojun
♦ Click here to be added to the TAGLIST and to let me know about your fic preferences.
“And this song is for all the lonely souls out there! Grab the guy or girl beside you, hop onto the dancefloor and dance as if there’s no tomorrow!”
The DJ’s over-the-top behaviour was slowly getting on your nerves, and his fabricated descriptions about the otherwise rather shallow songs he put on were giving you a headache. Maybe if your friend hadn’t abandoned you the first time a handsome guy had asked her to dance, you would have been in a better mood, but you felt bad enough for yourself listening to the tenth song that you absolutely despised, let alone the fact that you still couldn’t hate your friend for ditching you for a guy because after all, you should have known that it was her definition of fun. Yet, when you had decided to give in to her prompting to attend the uni party at Club Vera, you wouldn’t have thought that you would end up by yourself after about half an hour, watching as the bubbles in your carbonated drink popped off, and trying your best to seem as intimidating as possible because you didn’t want to talk to anyone.
Truth to be told, you had never been the partygoer type. In fact, it was your first ever university party (and you were in your fourth semester already), and it was your second party in your whole life after that rather interesting senior year party at your class president’s house that had been more like a summer camp when you had been 14 aka no alcohol, no heavy dancing, no questionable activities. You had ended up talking to the said classmate’s mother about the dishes she had prepared because you had seemed to be the only one who had actually paid attention to her efforts. So yeah, you wouldn’t have actually called that a party either, but your parents hadn’t wanted you to miss the opportunity to see your classmates for the last time, so you had gone in the end.
Thus, technically speaking, it was your first ever real party, and you had already seen more drunk and tipsy people than you would have liked to do so, and you had already encountered more guys who would have wanted to hit on you than you would have ever expected.
So when another boy came your way, undeniably giving you hungry looks, you pushed yourself off the counter, and headed out of the club. You were fed up with the sweaty bodies, the loud music and the unsettling feeling in your stomach that maybe it was your fault that you couldn’t enjoy such opportunities.
You welcomed the fresh air outside of the stuffy place with a subtle smile, and you sucked in a few deep breaths before you started walking back to the bus stop. You reached into your bag to get a hold of your earphones, ready to block out the noise of the outside world with your favourite songs, but a gentle male voice made you halt in your steps.
“Excuse me…” He started in a polite manner, his tone hopeful rather than seductive, so you looked up at him curiously, wondering what he might want from you.
Yet, when you caught his eyes, you were bewitched for a second, and your lips slightly parted in awe. It wasn’t just the fact that he was drop dead gorgeous with his messy chocolate-brown locks, his mesmerizing jet-black eyes, his defined features, the elegant arch of his eyebrow and his dimples, but his half-nervous, half-friendly smile was so beautiful, you nearly gasped.
“Yes?” You found yourself saying, although you had no idea how you managed to get those few letters out. You knew you should be pulling yourself together because a beautiful exterior could hide a rotten interior, but you felt as if you had been struck by lightning, finding yourself gifting him with a smile.
“Could you tell me how I can get to Club Vera? Am I in the right direction?”
And then, reality kicked you in the butt in that moment, and all of your dreamy thoughts were thrown out of the window right in that instant. Sure, he must be going to the same party as you had done so, and he might be lost because he had never been there just like you. What else were you waiting for? Jeez, you must have watched too many kdramas to think that it could have been love at first sight, and he could have said that he knew you were the one the moment he had laid his eyes upon you. Gosh, even the thought made you cringe now that you were back to reality.
“Yeah, you’re almost there. Just turn right at the corner, and you’ll see the sign immediately,” you instructed him as you pointed at the said corner.
“Right?” The boy asked back while signalling a right turn with his hands, and you nodded. He might not have caught that part, but you repeated yourself nevertheless. His whole face lit up when you did so, and you were already glad that you decided to help him out.
“You might have to wait a bit. The place is full right now, and they might not let you in immediately,” you let him know kindly before he had his hopes up high, and he furrowed his eyebrows in question. You looked back at him expectantly, wondering if he was willing to share why he looked so perplexed.
“Wait?” he repeated, blinking in confusion.
“Yeah,” you emphasised. You knew you didn’t have the best socialising skills, but you started to feel uncomfortable in your skin, so you decided to explain the situation to him in a different way. Maybe it would be his first party, and he didn’t know how such things worked. “The guards at the entrance don’t let you in if the place is full. You need to wait for someone to come out.”
The boy let out a giggle after your explanation, and you were almost sure that he would say that he had misunderstood you, but what he said was totally different from what you had expected.
“I’m sorry. I can’t speak Korean well. I’m Chinese,” he reasoned, keeping up his light and casual tone. Your hand flew to your mouth in surprise, but that bewilderment was soon overtaken by guilt, and suddenly, you felt so stupid for throwing random sentences at him instead of just letting him go on his way. Gosh, why did you need to make him feel uncomfortable? The first time you had dared to say something more to a stranger than it was absolutely necessary, and here’s the outcome. Great!
“I’m so sorry. English then?” You switched to English a bit awkwardly, but he nodded, his lips curling upwards.
“Yeah, that’s better. My English is a lot better,” he remarked, still smiling. He didn’t seem to mind your behaviour which was just unbelievable because you were sure that you would have been inwardly panicking if the same had happened to you. Even though you were really good at English because you were an English major, you had never learned Chinese, and your Japanese knowledge was limited, so if he had talked to you in Chinese, you would have definitely not understood a word.
You stood there for a few seconds, him still smiling at you as if he had been looking at something heartwarming, and that thought alone made your knees go weak. You cleared your throat, trying to appear less affected than you actually were, and said:
“Yeah, so the thing is, the club is full, so you might need to wait a bit when you get there. You can only go inside if someone comes out and the guards at the entrance let you in.”
“Ah, I see.” He bobbed his head, not at all fazed by the news. “Is the party bad? That’s why you’re leaving?” he inquired as he tilted his head to the side, and it was rather cute. Gosh, he was cute!
“Oh well…” You let out an awkward giggle, now knowing how much to say to a random stranger. You played with a stray lock of hair that escaped your ponytail, and pushed it behind your ear when you made up your mind to tell him the truth. “I’ve come with a friend, and she found a boy for herself, so I was left alone. I didn’t like the songs that they were playing either, so I’ve decided to leave. You might enjoy it though. I’ve just never been the party type.”
The Chinese boy’s radiant smile didn’t fade with your confession, he seemed rather grateful that you were honest with him, amusement bathing in his jet-black orbs. However, as he was about to open his mouth, your stomach rumbled, reminding you of the fact that you hadn’t yet had dinner because you had assumed that the club had more to offer than a handful of nuts put on the counter. You got it, it was a club, but you hadn’t eaten before coming here because you hadn’t calculated with the lack of food options.
Awkward as it was, it was your own fault, and you were probably not going to meet this boy again, so you were just trying to survive looking him in the eye without fainting while he was smiling at you, and it would be fine. It should be fine… So why did you want the ground to swallow you up?
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes, quite,” you admitted nevertheless. There was no need to deny it, and you could grab something on your way back to the dorms, it was fine.
“Wanna have something with me?” The boy asked out of the blue, and it would be an understatement to say that you were shocked. You were utterly shocked. You felt a blush creeping onto your face.
“But you were going to the club,” you pointed out, trying to tone down the nervousness in your voice. Gosh, why did you want to say yes to him so bad? You didn’t even know him. Maybe it was in the way he oh so casually carried himself, oozing a friendly, homey, cosy vibe. Or maybe it was in the way his voice was full of warmth, joy and life. Or maybe it was in the way his smile was blinding, making your legs go weak. Or maybe it was all of it combined.
“I can still go there after having dinner.”
“Yeah, right.” You nodded after he had shrugged his shoulders casually as if it had been an everyday thing for him that he would have dinner with total strangers.
He probably caught onto your slight hesitance because he let out another wholehearted laughter.
“Believe me, I’m not a psychopath, and I’m not working for the Chinese mafia. I really don’t know this area, so I can’t even kidnap you,” he justified playfully, and the more he talked, the more you felt laughter bubbling up inside of you. You felt your shoulders drop in relief, letting your guards down. You had a feeling that you could really trust him, so you gave in, leading him the way to a nearby tteokbokki place.
You had been in the area before to visit an art cinema, so you had known this neighbourhood, but not that many places to give him an extensive list of food places to choose from. Yet, he didn’t mind having tteokbokki, he even added that he had tried it already, and he had enjoyed it. While you were waiting for the food to arrive, you asked why he was going to Club Vera, and he told you that he was on an exchange programme, so he was spending this semester at your university. He was supposed to go and meet a few other exchange students at the club, but he reassured you that he was fine like this because he had already met the others, and he liked meeting new people.
You felt a flush of warmth lighting up your face at the way he said those words, but decided to ask him about the reason he had chosen Seoul out of all places, letting the way he spoke soothe your nerves. There was just something very easy-going about the way he elaborated his responses, and you felt like you could listen to him speak for hours because he had a gentle, honey-like voice. He talked about his love for music, and how he thought that a semester abroad would benefit him because different people saw music in a different light, and he wanted to see how Korean people viewed classical music when they were known for their own unique music industry.
He could have been a cute stranger, but he had to be a cute stranger who knew how to play the guitar and the piano, and he had to have an adorable puppy named Bella back home, and he didn’t stop there! He was funny and casual yet smooth and a bit flirty, and you had a feeling that your face resembled a torch the whole time because you were either blushing or laughing, and neither helped with the state of your cheeks. You were just so not used to having boys around, let alone boys like him who were characters out of a kdrama. Except the fact that he didn’t really speak Korean, but you meant the cute, sweet type that you wouldn't believe exists.
You talked so much that you seriously questioned if your carbonated drink hadn’t contained any alcohol because you were usually not this talkative, but something in him prompted you to share bits and bobs about yourself, so you did. Maybe it was the fact that you knew that you might not see him again that helped to lift the weight off of your shoulders. You could say anything embarrassing, he might not even remember it the next week.
After you had finished your spicy rice cakes, you were ready to say goodbye to him, especially because it was getting late, but he caught you off guard yet again.
“I’ll accompany you to the dorms,” the guy who introduced himself as Xiaojun mentioned as he flashed a toothpaste commercial-worthy smile at you, and you felt your heart leap.
“But you still haven’t gone to Club Vera,” you insisted, confusion written all over your features. The boy let out an airy laughter, something that was similar to the warm breeze that wafted through the branches of trees when spring just began.
“I can go another time, but I’m afraid you’ll run away if I let you go now,” he responded cheekily, raising an eyebrow in question as he was waiting for your reaction. Your breath was caught in your throat for a moment because you were really, really not used to casual guys like him, but you cleared your throat a bit later.
“What makes you think I will?”
���Your cheeks say it all,” Xiaojun just had to call you out on your obvious blushing, and even if you wanted to deny it, you couldn’t. You were uncontrollably blushing beside him, but whose fault was that?
Your eyes darted around your surroundings (anywhere but his face), not knowing what to say or what to do. The crazy thumping in your ribcage didn’t help either, and the familiar warmth was yet again invited onto your cheeks, so you were helpless. You tried to pacify your heartbeat alongside your undulating feelings, but he didn’t help at all when he was smiling that charming smile of his.
“Let’s get going! It’s getting late,” Xiaojun prompted with a lopsided smile, and you gave in without hesitation, glad that you could finally do something with yourself.
Under other circumstances, you might have felt uncomfortable heading back to the dorms with a boy by your side, but Xiaojun just made everything seem so natural that you found yourself loosening up again. You realised that he felt so cosy and homey because he didn’t force any topic onto you, but he liked sharing stories about his life and how he had gotten here, what culture shocks had he experienced and how he had already been to the dorms because he had randomly made friends with a Chinese guy who studied biochemistry.
“For real, I was just standing in the queue in front of the vending machine at one of the uni buildings, and I was talking on the phone with my mum about how I’ve been settling in. And then, when we finished talking, this guy came up to me, and said that he’s also Chinese, and that he hopes everything is really fine, but if not, I can just call him anytime. So we’ve exchanged numbers,” Xiaojun recalled the scene with a lighthearted giggle, and you weren’t sure what was cuter: his giggle or his smile. You liked both.
He talked a bit more about this so-called Hendery and his equally funny dorm flatmates, but before you knew it, you arrived at the dorms, and since you really had nothing to offer to him, and it would have seemed really odd inviting him inside, you stood by the entrance awkwardly, not knowing how to say goodbye. Xiaojun was way better at this than you anyway.
“Would you like to exchange numbers? I have a Kakaotalk ID, too,” he suggested with a wide smile, and gosh, you had never known what was so special about exchanging numbers with a boy, but now you knew.
“Sure.” You nodded, smiling shyly, and no matter what people said about being cautious of strangers, this stranger turned out to be so much more than just a lost puppy in the heart of this buzzing city. He became the first boy who had gotten your number, and the first one who made your heart flutter, so you bid your goodbye to him after exchanging numbers, and your coy smile was plastered onto your face even when you fell onto your bed.
You realised that it would have been weird if you had agreed on meeting with a boy whom you had just met, but despite only having one encounter with Xiaojun, you didn’t feel as if he had been a mere stranger. Not because you knew so much about him, but because he was so casual that you felt like you were invited into his life the moment he had decided to ask you for directions.
Since he was a music major, you suggested visiting your favourite music store in the city, and after confirming that he hadn’t been there before, you agreed on meeting at a bus station from where you knew the way on foot.
The way to the music store was just like last time: you definitely blushed a lot and you definitely felt like your heart could melt whenever you caught sight of his smile or whenever you heard his laughter, but at the same time, you felt at ease beside him because he was so friendly and kind and funny. Oh gosh, were you having a crush on a boy? You had a feeling that you were. Oh boy…
The walk wasn’t that long, so you didn’t have a lot of time to talk because once you were inside, you showed him around the different sections in the store. What you loved about this particular place was the fact that it was doing more than just selling CDs. There was a whole corner where you could see how music producers made music, and you could try it out for yourself. There was a corner for analog music player devices where you could listen to music tapes and vinyl records just like the previous generations had done so. Not to mention the little booths where you could sit down, draw the curtain on yourself and listen to anything while wearing headphones that really blocked out every sound from the outside. It was like a little haven for you, so you decided to lead Xiaojun there after he had gotten enough of the other parts of the store.
As you sat down on the bench in the little booth, you realised how unfamiliar it was that you had someone with you this time, but you didn’t mind. You prompted him to show you his favourite classical music piece, and when he did so, you listened to it through the headphones while he was waiting for your reaction.
It was definitely different from what you usually listened to since it was mainly led by a piano and other instruments from an orchestra. You were used to lyrics-based songs, but you noticed that the melody was amplified now that you didn’t have to concentrate on the voices of the singers, and it felt like you were invited on a journey as you listened to this particular piece. It was almost easy to get lost into it, and be taken aback when it came to an end.
“What do you think?” Xiaojun inquired with a curious albeit nervous smile after you had slipped the headphones off.
“It was soothing. I feel like I could listen to this while studying, and it would help me concentrate,” you admitted sincerely, and his lips curled upwards, his dimples deepening. You felt yourself smiling along with him, his happiness contagious.
“Most people say it’s boring, so I’m glad. I’m glad that you like it,” he explained as his eyes twinkled with joy, the crescent-like orbs swimming in the sea of his gratitude. You felt a rush of warmth going through your body as you realised that you were the reason for that smile of his, and somehow it felt even more personal now. As if it had been a secret kept hidden in a wooden box somewhere deep inside your heart.
“Ah, I’m pretty sure you think that what I listen to is boring,” you chirped in half-jokingly, but he took your words seriously, and prompted you to prove him wrong:
“Well, try me!”
You raised an eyebrow out of confusion, yet he didn’t back away, nor did he take back his words, so you gave in, searching for your favourite ballad that you listened to a lot these days. You reached the headphones out to him after finding that particular song, and as he reached for it, your hands brushed for the shortest fraction of a moment. It was enough for you to feel electrified, and for him to turn his smile into a cheeky one because he knew, oh he knew well just what kind of an effect he had on you.
That’s why you were almost ready to talk him out of listening to your favourite song because it was quite personal, but his smile melted your worries, and you could only search for the tiniest bit of disapproval or disgrace in his eyes that never came in the end. Xiaojun’s lips did curl downwards, but he didn’t look displeased, he looked rather comforted as he was listening to the song.
Once he was done, he slid the headphones onto his neck, and turned to you, eyes painted with curiosity, resembling the night sky with their jet-black shade. Something so dark could still be so light and warm, and even without a smile, you could feel his empathy and understanding.
“It’s beautiful! How could I think it’s boring?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged a bit hesitant, suddenly unsure how to put your opinion into words when he looked at you as if he had known exactly how you felt, and he was willing to accept you with it, too. “I just think those who can’t relate to the lyrics think that it’s boring.”
There it was, the unsaid confession now unravelling both in front of your eyes, and you were so scared that you had gotten too personal too fast that you were about to tell him to forget about it when he caught you by surprise.
“I can relate though. Even if I’m extroverted and like meeting new people, sometimes I feel like I don’t know anyone that well because I know so many people on a surface level. Usually, I don’t mind, but sometimes this feeling hits that I’m never the best friend, the one people would turn to, and I feel down,” Xiaojun confessed confidently, his voice not wavering with remorse or guilt. He spoke eloquently as if he had been perfectly at peace with his feelings and vulnerabilities, and the way you caught his eyes that shone even brighter than before, your heart knew that he was being honest. That prompted you to be honest with him, too.
“For me, it’s because it’s difficult for me to make friends in the first place, and I’m afraid people would get tired of waiting for me to open up and trust them, so they make best friends before they would become close with me. The same happened at university with the girl I’ve mentioned,” you let him know, referring to the friend of yours who had left you at the party because of a boy. You didn’t hold a grudge against her for what had happened because at least that had led you to meet Xiaojun, but it was true that she wasn’t your best friend. She had been talking about another girl as her best friend, so you didn’t feel like you had the right to get closer to her just as well.
You wouldn’t say that you were lonely after life had turned out this way because you were fine when you were on your own, but just like the boy had said, sometimes this feeling of not being wanted hit you, and the waves suddenly crashed above your head as if everything had pointed in the wrong direction.
“Who do you turn to if something bothers you?” Xiaojun broke the momentary silence, his voice silky and gentle. There was no room for accusations, so you knew you could be honest with him this time as well.
“My brother.”
“Well, your brother can be your best friend. It doesn’t have to be anyone else,” he pointed it out gently, his words playing on your heartstrings. You had never really thought that you could feel so understood by someone whom you had met only a few weeks ago, but Xiaojun had seemed to prove you wrong again and again. “Thank you… for opening up to me,” he added a bit coyly, but his solemn state only made you more sure that he was as sincere as one could be.
“You did it first. I just… I think I just got brave because of you,” you confessed equally shyly, and the gaze you shared held many more feelings than just the ones you could describe for it was a start of something new, the beginning of bloom and the first building block of trust between you two, between the present and the future, between the whatifs and the conscious decisions of letting him in.
You didn’t consider yourself a very outgoing person. You were the definition of an introvert; you enjoyed your time being alone, snuggled up in your bed, your head buried into a book, or your headphones on to block out the outside world. Therefore, you hadn’t seen a lot from Seoul, or at least not as much as others who had come to the capital city for their university studies, and they had checked out every Instagram-worthy place or uni party.
However, Xiaojun was an exchange student, and he was keen on seeing as much from the country as possible, and whenever he suggested visiting something, you didn’t have the heart to say no. How could you when he was bombarding you with funny memes, photos of his puppy sent by his family back home, supportive messages whenever you were working on an assignment, and random classical musical recommendations now that you had let him know that you had enjoyed his favourite piece?
So whenever your uni schedule and your time allowed you, you accompanied him to places he wished to visit, and despite that evil voice in your head telling you that he must have wanted to visit these places with his other friends too, he told you clearly and sincerely that he hang out with others just as well, but he wanted to visit these places with you. So let it be the so-called Rainbow Bridge, the LED Rose Garden, the Starfield Library in COEX or the Ihwa Mural Village with its prettily painted walls, you accompanied him without hesitation.
At first, it was odd, saying yes to such activities with a boy, but Xiaojun hadn’t given you any reason to say no because he was polite, considerate, kind, and whenever you didn’t have the time to go with him or he went away to the countryside for the weekend, he sent you pictures, making sure that you didn’t miss out on anything. You would have never thought that you could smile or laugh so much, and your phone’s gallery was filled with so many photos by now that you considered saving them on your laptop before they would take up more space on your phone.
You enjoyed it, the way he made you feel, and the way he opened your eyes to a world outside your comfort zone. You had been to places you would have never thought you would visit, and you had experienced things you would have never imagined. Like going to a karaoke bar with a Chinese person who attempted to sing Korean rap songs just to make you laugh and you singing a Chinese song that you could follow only because there was a simplified pronunciation line under the Chinese characters. Otherwise, you would have been totally lost.
“Gosh, Chinese is so difficult,” you huffed after you had gotten to the end of the song, plopping yourself down beside a grinning Xiaojun. He had been enjoying your attempt way too much, but for that cheeky smile on his face, it was all worth it.
“Korean is difficult enough for me, trust me,” he mentioned with a snicker, and even though it was hard for you to believe that Korean could be a challenge to a Chinese person, you believed him because he was the Chinese out of the two of you.
“That’s why we talk in English,” you pointed out, and earned a very lighthearted laughter from the boy. You exchanged a glance, and you didn’t have anything to say, and he didn’t seem to search for any words either. It was just one very peaceful, precious moment that you wished you could capture. His dimples appearing by the edges of his lips, his jet-black eyes shining fondly and beamingly, his whole face radiating joy, his hair a bit messy from running his hands through it a lot while trying to keep up with the rap song, and his laughter resembling tiny bells that cheerfully chimed whenever a new visitor arrived at a store.
“Thank god we are at least good at that. It would have been awkward if I had just tried to read your body language the first time we met. Or if we had just kept smiling at each other.” He broke into a giggle a few moments later, and you just had to imagine the scene, you were already laughing alongside him.
“I’ve never been more thankful that I became an English major.”
“Oh really?” Xiaojun quirked an eyebrow teasingly instead of taking your comment lightheartedly, and your whole face flushed. It was funny how he could make you blush, but gosh, you really didn’t want him to stop. Yet, you just had to get back at him somehow.
“Actually, no. It was just a spur-of-a-moment comment. Nothing else,” you insisted firmly, trying to act unaffected, but he saw through you.
“Are you sure? It didn’t seem so to me.”
“Yes, I’m sure. Never been more sure of anything,” you objected as you shook your head, and it took everything in you to avoid reacting to that elegant arch of his eyebrows.
“Then, I guess I’ll just switch to Chinese.” Xiaojun shrugged flippantly, and started talking to you in Chinese just as he had said so. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him, especially at the way there was a cheeky, boyish smirk hiding in the corner of his lips as he was repeating the same sentence over and over again.
You kept ignoring him, but you were the first one who grew tired of waiting for him to switch languages, so you looked at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Okay. I’ll take it back. Please, switch back to English, so I can understand you,” you pleaded a bit dramatically, acting as if you had been suffering while you hadn’t understood a thing. Though it had actually been weird listening to him speak in his mother language because you had been so used to being able to understand him that him speaking in a language you didn’t know was particularly interesting.
Xiaojun’s smirk grew wider if that was actually possible, and despite what you would dare to say to him face-to-face, even that smirk of his was gorgeous. This whole boy was just ever so casually gorgeous.
“Fine. If you insist, I have no choice but to do as you say,” he said as he switched back to English, and though you were grateful, you were actually more curious this time, so you scooted closer to him on the coach, and inquired:
“What was that sentence that you kept repeating?” You tilted your head questioningly. The truth is, you could have imagined that he had been saying that you were a fool for the jokester he was, but you weren’t so sure because that knowing smile was saying something else. Maybe it was about something more serious?
“Maybe I’ll tell you one day,” he left it at that, and no matter how much you tried to get him to tell you what it was, he didn’t.
So you merely enjoyed the rest of the day (and a few more attempts of his at Korean rap songs), laughing and smiling along with him because you believed that if the day came, he would tell you himself if it was any important. If not, then it was still good for the laughter.
The weather was getting more and more humid, the exams were approaching faster and faster, yet still, all you could think about was the time Xiaojun had left from his semester at your university, and what would happen to the two of you after he left the country. You, as the overthinker you were, didn’t dare to bring up the topic when he was around because you didn’t want him to feel pressured to reciprocate your wishes of seeing him again, but you couldn’t stop mulling over the different scenarios. You were long over denying your liking towards this particular boy, but the question was if he felt the same way? He was so casual and friendly with everyone that you didn’t know how to differentiate his feelings from the ones he displayed around others.
There had been only one time you could sense that he took care of you in a way he didn’t do so with others, but it was when he had invited you to a BBQ night with him and his friends and his friends’ girlfriends, so basically, you were the only single girl left because Mark, Yukhei and Hendery all had their girlfriends with them. The other three boys hadn’t even tried to hint anything regarding your relationship/friendship with Xiaojun, so at least that hadn’t turned out to be as awkward of a night as you had previously thought so.
However, that one particular occasion hadn’t helped your undulating feelings either, and you felt like you were running out of time, so you didn’t really know what to do with yourself. You didn’t even want to let down Xiaojun either, so you agreed on having a stroll with him by the Han River a week before he was supposed to leave.
“Have you started packing?” You inquired as the soft breeze of the summer night was playing with your locks and messing up Xiaojun’s hair. The boy was more amused than ashamed as he responded:
“No, not at all. Though I assume I would need to pay an extra fee for my luggage because I’m pretty sure I’m way over the weight limit with all the souvenirs and gifts I’ve bought,” he remarked cheerfully, and the way he merely smiled at his mishap melted your heart.
It was already late at night and there were quite a few people around, yet the light buzz of the riverside couldn’t be compared to the cacophony in your heart. Your heart wanted to break out of your ribcage and the more he looked at you and caught your eyes, the heavier this feeling grew.
Before Xiaojun, you had never felt such intense emotions, especially not towards a boy. You had always cooed at romantic movie scenes and all that, but no boy had been able to make you feel so special, accepted, understood and cared for. Then, there came this boy with his silly personality, gallery of funny memes, adorable puppy photos and his overflowing charms, and you had been swept off of your feet. Your personalities might have been clashing, but instead of being the stormy weather to your serene sea, he was more like the rays of sunshine that warmed the surface of your life.
No wonder your smile couldn’t fade as you were walking beside him, but you swore you almost tripped over yourself when he casually commented:
“You know, you could visit me during the summer. My family already knows a lot about you,” he confessed, flashing a charming smile at you, raising an eyebrow elegantly. You felt speechless for a moment - because of both parts of his confession -, and he mistook your silence for disapproval because he quickly added: “Only if you want to and feel comfortable with it, of course. I don’t want to pressure anything onto you.”
Of course, you knew that, Xiaojun would never pressure anything onto you. Instead of pressuring, he was more like that helping hand that assisted you through that fine line between the familiar grounds where your comfort zone lied and the parts outside of it. You were merely shocked that he was so casual about this offer, and if he had brought it up like this now, you were sure that he had been thinking about it beforehand.
“I’d love to,” you croaked out, finally finding your voice after a bit of an inner struggle, and Xiaojun seemed a bit surprised, but in the best possible way.
“Really? That would be awesome! I would show you around my favourite places and my mother would cook you authentic Chinese meals. You’ll love being there, I can guarantee that,” he foresaw already, and his words melted your heart again, though by this time you felt like you were melting beside him all the time. How could anyone be so adorable?
“If you’re around, I’m sure it’ll be great,” you admitted, smiling shyly. His eyes turned into little crescents when he caught your smiling self, and in that moment, under the street lamps, surrounded by the fragrance of the bloomed trees and flowers, covered by the night life of the riverside, you wished you could be in his arms or just hold his hands; to have him close no matter what the future holds.
You walked beside each other for some time, sharing stories about your own families and previous vacations, and cracking up over your mischievous child selves that had turned every holiday into a rollercoaster. You were as light as the atmosphere around you, your heartbeat as continuous as the flow of the river because having him by your side made you feel safe and secure.
“Do you still want to know what I said in Chinese back at the karaoke bar?” Xiaojun brought it up suddenly, not letting silence overtake your conversation.
“Of course,” you answered truthfully, and you were ready to be told that he was saying that you were a fool, that you had a horrible voice or anything awkward that he might have come up with, but instead, what he said rendered you speechless, as he turned to you, halting his steps to tell you face-to-face:
“That I like you, and I wish you would feel the same way,” he let you know before adding an explanation. “I just didn’t want to tell you this back then because I was afraid that the time we would spend together would be bittersweet, but now that there’s only one week left, and you’ve already mentioned that you wouldn’t mind visiting me in the summer, I’ve figured you might actually feel the same way about me.”
Surprise would be a subtle expression for how you felt in that moment with those words rolling off his tongue, sincerity oozing through the syllables, and his mesmerizing jet-black eyes holding yours captive. All the doubts, all the worried thoughts seemed miniscule to the relief that filled your veins because he felt the same way! Your cheeks immediately turned burgundy, but you didn’t mind.
“I like you, too. I just didn’t know if you felt the same way,” you confessed coyly, your face burning up. Xiaojun let out a giggle and closed his eyes for a moment as if he hadn’t believed what he had heard, then he stepped closer to you, and hugged you.
In that moment, as he was holding you in his embrace, you didn’t care what was waiting for you, and how you two would be able to keep in touch and keep liking each other. Because all you could feel was happiness, immense happiness, and you didn’t want this feeling to go away. Never ever.
In that one remaining week, you spent as much time together as possible, but that wasn’t a lot since you both had exams and assignments, and Xiaojun had some paperwork with his departure, so it didn’t seem like it was enough. However, you enjoyed every moment of it because you knew how the boy felt, and you couldn’t have been happier that your feelings were reciprocated.
Truthfully, you were doubtful whether you could make a long-distance relationship work because it was your first ever relationship after all, so you had no experience, and you were really worried that you would feel isolated from him. On the other hand, after a tearful goodbye at the airport (only you cried, Xiaojun merely laughed it off), you kept in touch through messages, phone calls and video calls, and it felt a bit like you were there beside each other. Xiaojun loved showing off Bella while he was having video calls with you, and usually you cooed at the sight, the affection evident in the boy’s every move towards the pet. Yet, one time, the puppy decided to pee on his carpet, and that was when your brother walked into your room, so ever since then, he mentioned Xiaojun as the guy whose dog peed on the carpet, and the memory never failed to make you laugh.
With each day, you felt your heart grew fonder and fonder of the boy, and through classical music recommendations, photos of (slightly) failed attempts at launches, video calls featuring Bella, watching movies together through a streaming site, time flew by fast enough, and by the time you could actually start missing him, you were already with him, spending your 10-day holiday with him, his parents and his brother.
There was no exaggeration in you saying that those 10 days were the best time of your life because you felt welcomed from the very beginning, his family treating you kindly and casually - as if they had known you for years. You made dumplings with Xiaojun’s mother, was told childhood stories about the two boys by his father, was shown cool places in the neighbourhood by his brother, and you watched movies with them, had a BBQ party with them in the garden and you also went on a hiking trip together. They respected your privacy, so they always asked you if you wanted to join, but you wouldn’t have missed anything for the world.
The boy played you his guitar and piano, sang you lullabies at night, let you play with Bella and take her for a walk with him, and oh boy, he even started doing pushing ups in front of you one day, but he told you that he only wanted to make you blush, nothing more (and he succeeded, of course he did…). Your heart was fluttering beside him, your smile was constant, and laughter followed you like a shadow wherever you went with him because you felt safe and sound, as if you didn’t have anything to be afraid of.
Sure, you had concerns about the future, but you were already looking up opportunities that would allow you to teach kids English in China because that would go well with your actual degree, and maybe you could even do it as your internship. It was nothing fixed for now, but you were hopeful towards your future with the boy, and after those 10 days with him, you were more sure than ever that you two would make it work, overcoming every obstacle that might appear in your lives.
#nct#wayv#xiaojun#nct scenarios#nct imagines#nct fluff#wayv scenarios#wayv imagines#wayv fluff#xiaojun scenarios#xiaojun imagines#xiaojun fluff#nct comedy#wayv comedy#xiaojun comedy#nct ff#wayv ff#xiaojun ff#nct x you#wayv x you#xiaojun x you#nct x reader#wayv x reader#xiaojun x reader#restlessmaknae
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𝔯𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔪𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 [nct collab call]
take a look inside the chapters of this history book and read of several events spanning across all of human civilization. read about people from all walks of life: great heroes, legendary foes, daring outlaws, ordinary people. read about the rise and fall of empires, conspiring courts, the rise and fall of empires, forbidden alliances and romances. in fact, dear reader, don’t just read. learn from the past, because if we don’t, we are doomed to repeat it.
in lieu of hitting 500 followers, i’ve decided to announce this collaboration!! i’ve always loved history so why not? some of these eras are specific to certain cultures and places, but others are a lot broader. at the end of the day, they’re your stories. also if you saw me post this on accident the first time... no you didn’t <3
𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
this is a historical au collaboration, but any genre is allowed as long as your story is set in your chosen era! however, smut is not allowed for jisung or if you, the writer, are underage.
all works must be member x reader. love triangles and the like are allowed, but the main male character must be the member you chose.
eras and members are chosen on a first come, first served basis. please message me if you want to participate! if your main blog isn’t your writing blog, please be sure to tell me your writing blog so i can add it to this list correctly :)
you must have discord, since i will be sending all writers working on this collaboration a discord server link. there, i will send announcements and we can all give each other feedback!
tag any triggering content. if you’re not sure, ask in the discord server!
research is definitely encouraged as you will be writing about historical eras, some with specific cultural significance! please be respectful of any cultures or traditions you write about.
in the same vein, don’t romanticize any historical events or figures that are controversial, or have had negative cultural impact (ie, 9/11, the crusades, colonialism). again, if you’re not sure, ask in the discord server!
minimum word count is 2k. your words cannot be blurbs or timestamps.
please inform me if: you’re changing your url, you’re going on hiatus, or if you need to leave the collaboration.
the deadline is currently november 2021, but it is very flexible and can be pushed back even further should several writers ask!
after you’re added, i would really appreciate it if you reblogged this post to boost its reach :D
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖝
moon taeil -
johnny suh - @aquamoonchaii - the joseon dynasty
lee taeyong - @moondustaeil - the victorian era
nakamoto yuta -
qian kun -
kim doyoung - me! - the renaissance
lee ten - @sleepylixie - the 1940s
jung jaehyun - @doderyscoffee - the rococo era
dong sicheng - @loonacitys - the regency
kim jungwoo - @smileyjaeminies - ancient greece
wong yukhei -
mark lee - @lamaiejeno - the 1920s
xiao dejun -
wong kunhang - @zephyr-abyss - the golden age of piracy
huang renjun - @seulgiswhoreee - the 1930s
lee jeno - @jenoentry - the roman empire
osaki shotaro -
lee donghyuck -
na jaemin - @jaehyyns - the 1960s
liu yangyang - @lovelyutas - the late middle ages
zhong chenle - @softcrescendo - the tang dynasty
jung sungchan -
park jisung - @heejinnien - the three kingdoms period
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖘
listed below are historical eras to choose from, a brief description of them (except anything past the 1900s as they’re pretty self explanatory), and a few examples of media or cultural phenomena you could use as inspiration if you can’t think of anything! media will be in italics, cultural phenomena will not.
ancient greece (800 BCE—32 BCE): a civilization based in the mediterranean, known for its extensive mythology and advancements in math, art, western philosophy and government. inspiration: the odyssey, hercules, the iliad, percy jackson.
the han dynasty (206 BCE—220): known for its long reign and achievements, it was the second imperial dynasty of china. it is highly regarded as an age of peace and prosperity that allowed china to grow into a major world power. inspiration: painted skin, the virtuous queen of han, the king’s woman
roman empire (27 BCE—476): in its time, this was one of the most powerful empires in the “known world” as a result of its political prowess and military power. it spanned from england, to the mediterranean, to parts of the middle east. inspiration: the heroes of olympus, pompeii, gladiator
the tang dynasty (618—906): regarded by many as china’s golden age of arts and culture, the tang dynasty allowed aristocratic life to flourish. poetry, art, and education prospered. inspiration: house of flying daggers, the empress of china
the viking age (793—1066): time period in scandinavian europe during which vikings conquered parts of north america and england. inspiration: vikings, how to train your dragon trilogy
the three kingdoms period (892—936): period in korean history in which the korean peninsula was split into three kingdoms, all wanting to conquer one another: goguryeo, silla and baekje. inspiration: the blade and petal, hwarang
feudal japan (1185—1602): period of civil unrest in japan, during which the political world was unstable, and power fluctuated between the shogunate and the royal court. it can be separated into two main eras: the kamakura period, and the sengoku period. inspiration: samurai, inuyasha, hakuouki
the late middle ages (1250—1450): a relatively brutal period, known for its numerous wars and civil unrest, throughout europe and asia. inspiration: the princess bride, robin hood, marco polo
joseon dynasty (1392—1897): the last and longest ruling confucian monarchy in korean history. inspiration: 100 days my prince, mr. sunshine, rookie historian goo hae-ryung
the renaissance (1450—1600): period based in europe (mainly italy) which was known for its advances in art, technology and science. inspiration: shakespeare in love, romeo and juliet, ever after
the golden age of piracy (1650—1730): during which maritime piracy across the world grew more and more prominent due to large shipments of cargo making their way to places like the caribbean, west africa, north america and europe. inspiration: pirates of the caribbean, treasure island
the rococo era (1737—1770): art movement in europe which glamorized grandeur and luxury, revolving around heaven, angels, love and lavishness. inspiration: barry lyndon, marie antoinette, a little chaos
the age of revolutions (1765—1849): a period in which a shift occurred in the western world, and monarchical institutions were overthrown in places like latin america, north america, and france. inspirations: les miserables, hamilton
the regency (1795—1837): british time period surrounding the time before, during, and after which prince george of england iv ruled as prince regent after his father was deemed unfit, during which time aristocracy flourished. inspiration: pride and prejudice, emma, bridgerton
victorian era (1837—1901): period spanning the rule of queen victoria of england, during which the industrial revolution occurred and urbanization became widespread. inspiration: the young victoria, the phantom of the opera, penny dreadful
the old west (1860—1890): period in american history during which many made the dangerous decision of migrating west of the Mississippi river, in search of gold, new land, and money. inspiration: jane got a gun, the good the bad and the ugly
the 1900s: moulin rouge!, finding neverland
the 1910s: downton abbey, my fair lady, anastasia
the 1920s: the great gatsby, boardwalk empire, silent films
the 1930s: bonnie and clyde, the handmaiden, the beginning of hollywood’s golden age
the 1940s: casablanca, the godfather, the notebook
the 1950s: swing kids, grease, dead poets society
the 1960s: american graffiti, the british invasion, summer of love
the 1970s: the lovely bones, mindhunter, the birth of punk music
the 1980s: atomic blonde, stranger things, the americans
#nct smut#nct fluff#nct angst#nct au#nct scenarios#nct x reader#kpop x reader#kpop scenarios#kpop angst#kpop fluff
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happy valentines y'all 💕💖💝💗💟💞💝💗💘💓💟💞💝💕💖💓💝💗💝💕💟💗💝💗💖💞💟💟💗💖💕💝💓💟
in light of that, we’re about to post two fics, one by each admin !!
𝙡𝙪𝙭 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣
𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙛𝙩 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙗𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧
hope y'all enjoy it 🥺🥺 please leave a note if y'all liked it !! we worked really hard on them 🥺🥺 thank you and have a great day <333
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
#nct x male reader#nct 127 x male reader#wayv x male reader#kpop x male reader#nct 2020 x male reader#jung jaehyun x male reader#xiao dejun x male reader#jaehyun x male reader#xiaojun x male reader#jaehyun imagines#xiaojun imagines#nct scnearios
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Business trip (m) | Xiao Dejun
Synopsis: Y/N and Dejun worked together for 8 years as book editors and never got along, but they’re forced to travel together to a small town and get stuck there because of a snowstorm.
Pairing: Xiao Dejun x female reader
Words: 4.9k
Genre: Book editors!au, light angst, tiny bit of fluff, smut
Warnings: safe sex, oral (female receiving), handjob (male receiving)
A/N: I guess this took me about 3 weeks or more to write because I just ran out of inspiration, and then when I finally got inspiration again I was super busy with college stuff. About the plot, I think it showed a bit of dominance from Dejun, BUT if I decide to keep writing in this same universe/context, it’ll probably show a lot more of a sub!Xiaojun (I just get these vibes, idk?). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know your opinion and/or if you found any mistakes!
This is a work of fiction. It does not portray the real personality of the member.
Books are probably my favorite thing on Earth besides my dog. I love the thought of living surrounded by books because it made me feel safe. Thus, it made just perfect to sense to work as a book editor.
In general, I felt satisfied about my job. I mostly did things I enjoy and with people I feel comfortable with – except by one other editor, Xiao Dejun. We were hired at the same time, 8 years ago, and never really got along.
At first, I tried my best to be nice and friendly to him – just like I acted with everyone else at the company – and he seemed to buy it for some time, until he changed overnight and started acting like a bitch. And by ‘acting like a bitch’ I don’t mean only not doing any favors I asked him. Actually, he wouldn’t do the bare minimum, like holding the elevator door or answering the telephone for me when I went to the restroom.
So you can imagine how co-working with him must be the least likeable thing about my job. That’s what made me angrier when our boss demanded that we traveled together.
“Don’t even look at me with those faces.” John, the boss, stated. “You both know Dejun is our best editor on thriller stories and Y/N is best with dealing with people. Especially in this case that the writer never published anything on his entire life.” I sighed and noticed Dejun getting ready to complain as Johnny made a brief pause. “I know you to are my best choice. I don’t give a shit if you hate each other because I trust both of you as professionals.”
That settled it.
And that’s why we traveled to Irisburg in the middle of the winter in the first place.
It took about 3 hours by car – I was driving – to get to the small town. The trip was silent most of the time, the only sounds being my Arctic Monkeys playlist, the car’s engine and eventually the rain pouring.
Dejun and I talked strictly talked about the reason of the trip and nothing else. In other words, we talked for about 15 minutes only, and avoided saying anything for the rest of the time.
The meeting lasted around 2 hours. Since the writer was a beginner, we had to explain everything about how the company works, his rights and duties. I’d hypocritical if I didn’t admit John was right. Dejun and I conducted the reunion very well.
The problem was that during the meeting, an unexpected snowstorm began. We were fully clothed, prepared to face the cold weather, but not to face the road block due to the snow. Needless to say we both were pissed off by the situation.
“Maybe we should call John.” Dejun suggested. “Tell him about the meeting and about this.”
“You’re right.” I said, already reaching for my phone.
“As always.”
I rolled my eyes at his words, pressing the call button and discovering that my phone was out of service.
“Oooh hell, no. This can’t be.” I widened my eyes at Dejun, who was staring at me with a confused expression. “Is your phone working?”
Dejun checked his phone.
“Fuck, no.”
I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.
“Let’s find somewhere we can use a phone, then.”
“Alright, and keep calm.” Dejun said, the stress palpable in his tone.
“I am calm, I’m just frustrated.” I replied, keeping my eyes on the road and looking for somewhere we could stop at.
“I was telling that to myself.”
After a few minutes we stopped at a convenience store. I went straight to the restroom to wash my face and try to calm down. Though I tried not to show that to Dejun, I was really nervous about being stuck in this town.
A moment later, I exited the restroom and found Dejun talking to the cashier, seeming worried. As the cashier glanced at me, Dejun turned around to face me as well.
“It seems like we have no way out. All roads are blocked until the snow stops and the streets are cleaned. Even if we call Johnny, there’s nothing to do.” He stated.
“That is great, really. Is there even a hotel in this fucking town?”
“There is one three blocks from here.” The cashier said, obviously containing a laugh at my reaction.
“Thank you, Zack.” Dejun replied and walked towards me, lowering his voice and putting a hand on my arm. “Look, Y/N. I don’t like this situation either, but it could be worse. At least we won’t have to sleep in your car.”
Although what I interpreted from his sentence was more like ‘at least we won’t have to sleep together’, I had to admit Dejun was right again, so I exhaled heavily. So I gave up, feeling my shoulders shrink.
“Let me just grab some coffee and then we can go, alright?”
“Sure.” He smiled briefly. “Maybe we should eat too.”
So we ended up eating sandwiches and drinking coffee at the convenience store, complaining about the situation and grabbing some snacks for the night. We ran to the car, trying to protect from the wind and the snow the best way we could.
As we entered the hotel, I already noticed how modest it was. The building only had three floors, no elevator and the decoration was very simple. The receptionist was a man who seemed to be around 50 years old.
“Good evening, how may I help this beautiful couple?” He smiled. I looked at Dejun in amusement, just to see his face becoming red.
“Actually we’re not a couple.” I responded, smiling fondly. Dejun waited behind me. “We’d like two single rooms.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. But we only have one room left and only has a double bed.” I felt my expression change at his words.
“Isn’t there a couch or a spare mattress?” Dejun asked, coming closer to the table.
“There isn’t, I’m sorry.” The man answered, visibly apologetic.
“It’s ok. You can have the room, I’ll sleep on the car. Just let me take a shower.” I suggested.
Dejun nodded and the man gave us the key to room n. 23.
Dejun and I climbed up the stairs to room n. 23 in silence.
I unlocked the door and we both stepped in, taking a good glance at the room.
It wasn’t that bad. The bed had lilac sheets. There were some flyers, a lamp and a vase with artificial peonies on top of the nightstands on both sides of the bed. There was a desk and a chair close to the window, and an open wardrobe with blankets and towels.
“Do you want to shower first? I don’t mind” He asked, walking towards a nightstand to look at the flyers.
I grabbed a clean towel and threw it over my right shoulder, heading to the bathroom. When I opened the door, I realized another issue.
“Actually…” I turned to Dejun, who mindfully read something. “I just realized I don’t have clean clothes to put on.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and mouth.
“Crap, me neither.”
I dropped the towel on the chair and closed the bathroom door again, sighing.
“Maybe we should ask the receptionist if there’s a Target or something nearby.” I suggested, already grabbing my purse and walking out of the room. Dejun followed me.
It turned out that there’s wasn’t a Target nor anything nearby. We ended up back to the convenience store from before. And there weren’t many options on what to buy.
It was pretty compelling to browse for clothes with someone I am not close at all. Knowing each other and working together for years never made that.
Therefore, I left the store with new panties, sweatpants and a hairbrush. Dejun also bought underwear and sweatpants (matching colors with mine since there were only gray pants on sale), along with razor blades.
Back in the hotel, Dejun started laughing as we entered the room. So I raised my eyebrows at him.
“You gotta admit, Y/N. Even though we don’t get along, we’ll have a lot of stories to tell from this event.”
I let out a breathy laugh and went to the shower.
As the hot water poured on my body, I tried to keep my mind from becoming paranoid. Everything would be alright. I would sleep in the car, get up by the sunrise, drink coffee and read my book at the convenience store until the snow melted, and by tomorrow noon we would be back home.
Out of the shower, I dressed up and blow dried my hair as quick as possible. When I left the bathroom, Dejun stood by the window, with the towel hanging on this neck.
Our eyes met and he went straight to the bathroom after realizing it was his turn, but stopped before closing the door and faced me again.
“What do you think about having dinner here? It’s getting late and I doubt there’s any place we can go by now. Besides, I took a peek at the menu and it seems pretty decent.”
“Can I think about it while you shower?” I asked, pondering the pros and cons of just eating the snacks I bought previously.
“Sure.” He said and closed the door.
I laid in the bed and reached for the menu flyer from the nightstand.
I opened my eyes and frowned, not remembering where I was for a moment. I had been sleeping for who knows how much time. Dejun was at the door, talking to someone. I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes, hearing him shut the door.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He stated, apologetic. He held a tray with pizza and coke. Also, Dejun was wearing glasses, which he never did at the company. And he looked pretty good like that. In sweatpants, glasses, hair still a little wet. A pretty domestic sight to look at.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry for sleeping too.” I smiled, feeling shy.
“Anyway, since you were asleep I ordered pizza for us.” He motioned his head towards the table where he left the tray.
On top of the chair in front of the table laid a wet towel, that I supposed was Xiao’s since I left mine next to me on the bed.
Then I realized that it remained untouched. It was almost one hour and forty minutes since Dejun entered the shower, so he must have been sitting on that chair all of this time.
That made me feel even more ashamed of falling asleep.
“Y/N, is everything ok?” He asked, sitting on the chair.
“Oh, sure! Just let me wash my face before we eat ‘cause I’m still half asleep.” I responded, grabbing the towel next to me and heading to the bathroom, hearing Xiao laugh.
I hung the towel on the shower stall and threw the cold water on my face, feeling more awake instantly.
As I left the bathroom, Dejun had already opened the pizza box and brought it to the bed, the glasses of coke on one of the nightstands.
He zapped mindlessly through the TV channels, stopping in a Sandra Bullock movie.
We ate sitting on the bed, legs crossed like kids.
Grabbing my second slice of pizza, I decided to not let the meal be silent as most of the day had been.
“You know, Dejun, this situation sucks. But I have to admit that I underestimated you. I am enjoying being with you.” I said, looking at the pizza before taking a bite. Xiao raised one eyebrow at my words.
“You say this but you literally slept like 90% of the time we spent here.” He replied, teasingly. I rolled my eyes and he stretched his arm to grab the glasses of coke, handing me one.
I took a sip immediately, but Xiao put his glasses on top of his head like a tiara before drinking, leaving me with a confused expression. Realizing that I glanced at him, he explained.
“It sprinkles on the lenses if I drink anything sparkling with glasses on.”
“Oh, I see.” I nodded. “I never saw you using glasses at the company.”
“I don’t. I wear contact lenses most of the time.”
“Really? But you look good in glasses.”
Dejun’s surprised face and laugh made me realize what I just said, feeling my face become red and looking down. Cursing mentally, deciding it was best to keep the silence that reigned previously starting from now.
“Well, thank you, Y/N.” He said, still giggling a little. “You’re not bad yourself.”
After one more slice of pizza, I was full. Dejun was still eating the second slice, a lot slower than me.
“I guess it’s time to go now.” I spoke, getting up from the bed and going to pick up my stuff.
Xiao grabbed my arm and I looked at him in a jolt, my eyes meeting his brown ones.
My eyes shifted from his face to his hand on my arm before I could think of an answer, and he let go of the grip visibly more shy.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that…” He began, scratching the back of his neck. “… you seemed so tired, you drove a lot and will have to drive again tomorrow. The car isn’t a proper place to rest.”
I stood static for a few seconds.
“Are you sure? We’d have to share the bed.” I said, timidly.
“Yeah, we’re both adults. Besides, you already said you find me attractive, so I suppose it’s not a problem to you.”
I rolled my eyes and went back to picking up my things, pissed at his comment.
“You’re so full of yourself.” I mumbled.
“For fucks sake, do you know what a joke is, Y/N?” He said exasperatedly.
“Apparently I’m the joke to you.”
Xiao grunted and though I wasn’t looking at him, I could imagine him rolling his eyes just as I did before. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed, resting elbows on his knees.
“You’re such a drama queen sometimes! You can’t even stand to read a few words without falling asleep, how well rested do you think you will be tomorrow after sleeping in a car in this fucking freezing weather?”
“So what the hell do you want me to do?” I practically yelled, closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and sitting on the chair before looking at him again.
He didn’t answer but kept staring at me, and I calmed down after a while of silence. The tension was palpable in the air.
Momentarily, I let my eyes drop to Dejun’s mouth.
Realizing my stare, Dejun licked his lips and I opened mine involuntarily before searching for his eyes. Dejun brought his face closer to mine and spoke in a low, soft tone.
“I want you to kiss me.”
He slowly shifted his gaze to my lips and brushed softly the back of his left hand against my right cheek. I breathed heavily, inhaling his citric perfume, before leaning closer to him, blank minded and only feeling a sudden need to lick his inviting lips.
I rested my left hand on his thigh to support myself, closing my eyes as I felt our lips touch.
Dejun’s mouth was half open and I could sense the warmth and humidity of his tongue, making me crave for contact. I sighed and slipped the tip of my tongue to touch his lips, feeling myself salivate at the sensation. Dejun lodged one his hands close to my nape and the other on my waist, and I felt my heart rate increase due to the way he held me tighter.
I gasped as Xiao’s tongue touched mine and deepened the kiss. It was wet and slow, allowing us to savor each other’s mouth. My hands reached for his hair, pulling it lightly so he would realize that I was enjoying it. After a few moments, I broke the kiss and moved back a little, opening my eyes and gazing at his face.
His cheeks had a light blush and lips were flushed as well, lust showing in his eyes wide open. The most beautiful I’ve ever seen Dejun be.
“Is this what you wanted?” I whispered.
“That’s not even close to what I wanted, Y/N.” Xiao responded, elevating his tone. I frowned, looking down and distancing myself more at his words, unable to avoid feeling insufficient, as I couldn’t satisfy his wish. Both his hands cupped my face, forcing me to look at him again. “I want to kiss you so much that your body will get tender. I want to kiss every inch of your skin until you melt under my lips, I want to hear you whine because of my touches. I want you to wrap your hands around my neck and tell me how you never felt so good.”
Dejun’s gaze fell on my lips again, as if asking for permission accomplish his cravings, so I closed my eyes in a silent consent.
The next thing I felt was his lips crashing on mine again, in a rougher and more intense kiss then before. His hands grabbed my thighs, motioning me to go onto his lap. I got up and kneeled on the bed, one leg on each side of him, lowering my body to position on top of his hip. By this time, Xiao’s hands traveled up to my waist to guide me.
However, he didn’t mean for me to be on top of him, since he turned us both around, making me lay on the bed and positioning his body in the middle of my legs. His mouth descended to my jaw and neck, leaving a hot trail of open mouthed kisses and licks. Hands traveled from my waist to my thighs, squeezing the flesh. I could feel my panties becoming damp, curling my toes in desire.
“And you know what else I want, Y/N?” He asked, pressing his bulge against my pelvis, making groan at the feeling. I shook my head in denial as he kept grinding on my body. “I want to eat you out every fucking day at the office. I want your sighs to be because of me and not anything else. You look so pretty all focused on work, makes me insane thinking on how many ways I could tease you to distraction.”
“Fuck, Dejun.” I moaned, pressing his head closer to my neck and forcing my torso along his slightly toned body, one of my hands entering under the collar of his t-shirt. Dejun lightly bit my neck before getting away, removing his jacket. I removed my hand from his skin and ran it through his upper body, feeling his muscles become stiff under my touch.
He leaned and pressed a kiss on my stomach, then started to lift up my blouse. I rose my body in order to help, head standing close to Xiao’s. As he finished taking my top off, Xiao went in for another kiss, hands moving to my chest and squeezing my breasts beneath the bra.
I tugged at his t-shirt, attempting to take it off. Dejun undressed the piece of cloth and turned around, dropping it behind his body.
It was beautiful to see. Dejun’s now obvious erection pointed through his sweatpants. His light torso muscles contracted by turning around. When he faced me again, I couldn’t help but pull him closer, embracing his waist with my legs and his neck with my arms, craving for the sensation of his skin upon mine. Xiao started rolling his hips against my pelvis, so I kissed his neck to block the noises from coming out of my mouth. I could feel the outline of his member teasing me over the clothes.
His hands ran by the sides of my body and teased the waistband of my pants. He squeezed my thighs and butt, exposing his desire to take the piece off by the way he massaged the flesh from top to bottom.
I removed my legs from around him and positioned each foot on the bed, keeping knees flexed.
“Take these off.” I whispered.
Xiao raised his body a little, allowing me to lift my hips and help him undress me. He slid the piece along my legs, moving back. Only in bra and panties I completely laid down again. Dejun moved his head back until right above my right knee, sticking out his tongue and licking the inner part of my leg until reaching my underwear. The sensation of his hot and humid tongue close to my center made me involuntarily contract my abdomen in anticipation.
“Can I take these off to?” He asked, looking at me again while rushing his index finger on the edge of the cloth.
“Hm-hmm.” I nodded, preparing to lift my hips again.
He grabbed each side of the panties and slid it off at once, coming back licking the inner part of my left leg as he did to the right. One of his hands reached from under my thigh and pressed right under my bellybutton to keep me still, in a way that my leg rested on his shoulder.
I closed my eyes as I felt his breath hit my pussy, in expectation of contact. But it didn’t come.
I looked at Xiao’s amused expression between my legs. He held a devilish smile looking back at me.
“Can I?” He asked, pressing a kiss to my left inner thigh, so close to my core I could barely notice the difference.
“Please, Dejun-”
His tongue finally met my clit in soft circular and licking motions, and I felt a wave of warmth through my body, letting out a subtle moan. His free hand moved to my entrance, teasing.
“I wish I could have you like this every day.” He mumbled, distancing his head a bit to massage my clit with his fingers. His chin and lips glowed from my wetness. He licked his lips and moved his fingers down to my entrance again and penetrating me with his middle finger. We both bit our lips at the same time, and I closed my eyes as he started trusting his finger in and out. After a few trusts I felt an emptiness and attempted opening my eyes again, but stopping from being overwhelmed with the pleasure of Dejun sliding two fingers in and returning his mouth to my clit
His fingers curled against my walls and his mouth was now much more feral the before. He licked and sucked firmly at the spot, giving me continuous delight. My legs started to contract from the sensation, toes curled as I opened my eyes to watch Dejun eating me out.
Xiao’s eyes were both open and staring directly at my face, making me twitch and unleash a slow and heavy moan. I supported myself on one elbow and the other hand moved to grab Dejun’s hair. I could feel my eyebrows furrow against my will every time he pressed his mouth a little harder against me.
By the grab on his hair I pushed myself upon his face and rolled my hips. Dejun was clearly surprised, raising eyebrows and letting out a hum on my skin, enhancing the pleasure with the vibration from his voice. As he tried to repeat the act, I pushed him away by the forehead. His expression changed to confusion.
“I don’t want to come yet.” I explained, still gasping.
Dejun nodded and bent to kiss my lips, tasting saltier than before. I grabbed his jaw, willing to feel with my hand the arousal that covered his face, making it slippery. He supported his body with his arms by the sides of my head, pressing his erection against my dripping pussy.
“Dejun?” I whispered, breaking the kiss.
“Can I ride your cock?”
Dejun gasped at my question, immediately rolling to the side and pulling me on top of him. His back rested against the headboard and his arms circled my body, giving licks and kisses on my neck and around my collarbones. I felt his hands unclasp the bra before his kisses moved to my naked breasts. At first he just softly licked around the left nipple, circling it with his tongue, then tried his best to fit all he could from the boob inside his mouth, still moving his tongue against the skin.
At the same time, my nails scratched his back and nape, and I rolled my hips on top of his rock hard bulge.
Dejun’s hands fell to my butt, squeezing each side and pressing my body down in an attempt to guide my movements. With my right hand, as he distanced a little in order to regain his breath, I tugged at his waistband. All I could think of was Dejun’s cock filling me up, but the clothes in the way and his grip weren’t helping.
Xiao understood what I wanted and released my hips, so I lifted myself and he pulled both pants and underwear until the middle of his thighs. His gray pants had a large wet stain, and as he took it off his dick jumped up, hitting his abdomen. I licked my lips at the thought of how helpless he looked.
“Do you have a condom?” I asked. He nodded and pointed at the wallet on top of the table. I stood up to reach for it and threw it to Xiao, who urgently caught the small package inside.
Back on top of him, I took the condom off his hands. However, before sliding it along his shaft, I grabbed it by the base and pumped a couple of times, anxious to touch Xiao as closely as he touched me. He closed his eyes and groaned, before staring at me again almost angrily.
I slid the condom down his cock and positioned it on my entrance, trying to smear it with my arousal. As I sank down, we both cursed under our breaths. I closed my eyes for a while as I adjusted to his size. When I opened them again, Dejun’s gaze laid on my face, his hands just resting on my thighs.
I leaned to lick his lips and hold his shoulders, but Xiao only received my tongue inside his mouth and mindlessly sucked at it. I moaned loudly and began moving on his cock, feeling his grip tighten on my legs.
Dejun also started trusting into me in small movements, making me groan once again and break the kiss. He held my gaze at his eyes, so dark and full of desire, the effort causing him to contract his forehead. His lips were pink and plump, I couldn’t avoid the thought of him sucking my fingers.
As this image filled my head, I felt myself clench around his member. Xiao moaned loud and beautifully, leaning in an attempt to kiss me again. Never mind how bad I wanted to feel those lips on mine, I interrupted him with hand on his chest.
“I’m not gonna kiss you anymore. I want to hear those beautiful moans.” I explained, leaning to kiss his neck right under his left ear before even seeing his reaction, causing another moan, now lower, to come out his mouth.
After a few more moments, my legs started to feel tired, the I leaned back to have a bit of release on my thigh muscles. At my movement, Dejun, who had more space to move, began trusting deeper and I could perfectly sense his dick coming in and out of me, coated with my juices.
My abdomen started contracting and I knew my climax had its way.
“Fuck, Dejun, I’m close.” I warned, gasping.
He moved one hand to my clit, massaging it with his thumb in circular movements. Added to his hip moves, it was enough to trigger my orgasm. I clenched and felt my whole body contract and tremble on top of him, then feeling Xiao reach his on high as his cock pulsated inside of me.
I let out a breathy laugh while looking at Xiao’s fucked out face, messy hair and all sweaty. Anyway, I lifted my body to slip out of him and pressed a kiss on his lips, cupping his face in my hands.
“Maybe sleeping here isn’t such a bad idea after all.” I chuckled. Dejun opened a bright smile, putting his arms on my waist.
“You should’ve know I was right.” He joked, making me playfully roll my eyes.
“But we’re gonna need another shower anyway.” I said, laying by his side in contradiction to my words.
We kept staring at each other as our bodies cooled down and Dejun became soft, so he stopped patting my hair and went for a shower. As he was entering the bathroom, I called him.
“Yes?” He turned his face to me.
“With this tongue of yours, I’ll let you eat me out at the office whenever you want.” I smiled. Dejun laughed and shook his head before closing the door.
#xiaojun#xiao dejun#xiaojun fic#xiao dejun fic#xiaojun smut#xiaojun angst#xiao dejun smut#wayv#wayv xiaojun#xj#nct xiaojun#nct xiao dejun#wayv fic#wayv smut#nct#nct smut#masterlist#mine
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