#xfohv square root of two
chur0o0 · 3 months
Suggestive wording??? - - - why is everybody always picking on Pi?
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trolling-pip · 3 months
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I think I have 7 more to go...👽 I kinda had fun with these. Like... figuring out what features they have.
Other four pa rts
@legendling @ch0cocrave @millylostintheosc @cemetaryvampire uhhh. hi tabs.. uhmmm .am I missing someone?
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forallnumbersosc · 3 months
This is kind of an OOC question, but do letter Algebraliens exist? Or is it only numbers?
Nono this isnt unrelated at all, and I am so very glad you asked this!!
Within taxonomic classification of Algebraliens, if we categorize each "value" as an individual species, then there are, on a broader scope, different families of them as well!
Strap in, it's time for another long one! Let's learn about...
Algebralien Taxonomic Families!
First off, we have the integers, AKA the numbers we know and love the most!
Mathematically, an integer is any number that is NOT a fraction! They can be positive or negative, but they must always be whole. Due to this quality, their family is the most stable in terms of mathematical operations, and do not have the ability to become any value that isn't whole.
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Next up, we have variables, such as our buddy X, who I have invited to talk a bit about some of the other variables he knew!
Oh uh ooooookay ! Yes, i am an X, and that means that I am not from here........ nope! I lived on a playground very very far away with all my other variable friends like Y and Z, before I met Four and we went on a journey together!! Four showed me where he lives... which is here! and I like it here!!!! I do miss my variable friends sooometimes but I do visit them every decade or so !!.!
It's a common misconception that variables "need" to know their value, but in the world of mathematics, variables can be assigned to pretty much any possible value, which is useful when solving equations! Because of this property, variable algebraliens can be "set" to any number when placed in an equation that can be solved with no unknown values remaining. They can then be placed into other operations to be used as a substitute until the variable decides to let go of the value they are holding!
I think it's a little poetic, y'know? You go so long thinking you need to be defined by something, when really, you can truly be whatever value you want to be !!
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A very rare category of algebraliens are the irrationals!
Akin to odd combinations of variables and integers, these algebraliens often have a symbolic structure but always equal one distinct value!
Mathematically, they are essentially variables made up of numbers that do not divide into integers that are used so often in the math world that they are distinctly given one symbol to represent them... This raises some-- strange implications to the inventors of these values but I try not to think about it too hard--
Since these algebraliens have values that are set in stone, the only operation that has effect on them is multiplication by zero! Since they are irrational in nature and are not whole numbers, they also cannot change the value of an integer, either!
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For the rest of these, I'm gonna keep my explanation a bit briefer since this is where my knowledge runs the most thin--
Symbols: Algebraliens that have no value and can hold no value, but resemble mathematical symbols and can be used in equations to affect the values of other algebraliens whose values CAN be modified!
Geometrics: Algebraliens that resemble basic geometrical shapes... Currently I am unclear on what their shapes allow them to do, but I suspect that some may be able to combine or connect to form other shapes! (such as a square and triangle combining to become a pentagon!)
Electrics: I do know one member of this species by the name of 3Way! As a species, they seem to be able to manipulate electrical current, and may be able to form working circuits!
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static-errorcode · 5 months
hey guys
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Some of you might know this au, but what do you think the personalities of the algebraliens as pets would be like
Please comment below for each of the algebraliens in the tags below...
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crowvainn · 6 months
made some gijinkas of these goobers
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kuroharukawada · 6 months
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The new math freaks are here! /j
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happy-suitcase-blog · 6 months
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 6 months
XFOHV! Pi and her Gang vs. TPOT! Pie and Co.
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The jacknjellify Pi Day short was INSANE! /pos
I love how we got to see new Algebraliens, and I love how Imaginary Number behaved like Nonexisty (their look here is by random stuff [OSC ytber] on YT!) and e, Tau, and Root-2/Radical-Two. Love how XFOHV! Pi went from a calm and sometimes angry artist (in my AU) to a wannabe-killing-machine. (I also headcanon that XFOHV! Pi uses She/They.)
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fountain-of-oceanus · 2 months
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ok but listen to me they’d be very funny and fun and funny ok? ok.
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heartsfortwotpot · 6 months
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deafenedsaltwater · 3 months
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If you saw the og on my other blog, no you didn't
I drew the paper version over Memorial Day weekend originally,,
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Funky filters (quality crunched, click for better)
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Tell me if y'all want the 10 14 15 mini stack as well, I ran out of steam halfway through
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chur0o0 · 5 months
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blankieisablankie · 1 month
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Everyone is here! *does a little dance
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 3 months
Rivals - Sigh-Fi! Tau vs. Pi
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FNF Catfight, but it's Sigh-Fi ( @sigh-fii ) Tau versus Pi! JNJ! Tau, Square Root of Two, Euler's Constant, and Imaginary Number are watching the fight play out.
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 3 months
Pi's Posse Humanized (XFOHV)
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I haven't humanized Pi's posse yet, so I finally did that!
Left to right: Pi, Euler's Constant, Tau, Square Root of Two, and Imaginary Number.
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 4 months
The Pi Posse!
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Imaginary Number design by Random Stuff on YT!
This is a drawing I made with Pi and her gang just because I wanted to.
Pi, Euler's Constant, Tau, Square Root of Two, and Imaginary Number!
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