#pi was drawn right after the short came out
kuroharukawada · 6 months
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The new math freaks are here! /j
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happilyfeatherafter · 6 months
Happilyfeatherafter’s ficrec Fridays
Good friday y'all. Welcome back to a new fortnight of fics that I’ve read and loved recently. I took my first holiday of the year and IMMEDIATELY caught a cold that knocked me out for the week but at least it meant I got reading done. Save me, destiel, save me.
If you want to find more you can see my previous rec lists here!
29 March 2024
virga(e) by @shineforthee (art by @neversleepuntilfive) has gone straight to the top of the favourite fics ever pile, oh my god you guys, please read it immediately and admire the art that inspired it as part of @deancasreversebang. This fic is a thing of beauty from start to finish. In one version of the story of Dean and Cas, we find Castiel perpetually waiting in the desert, when a 26 year old Dean stumbles upon him drawn to the location mid-hunt. They must learn to trust each other, to figure out what's causing the push and pull that bonds them. The poetry of this fic, run through with this yearning devastating emotion on their journey together, coupled with the incredibly evocatively descriptions and research into the setting, come together to make the most gorgeous picture, the desert a place that seems desolate but is teeming with life. Much like the slowburn romance that flourishes between them. It also links back to post-canon in a way that is seeded so carefully and cleverly, and made my heart explode. It's funny, romantic, devastating, emotional, moving....I can't do justice to this fic with such a short snapshot, please read it for yourselves and come yell at me about it. It's so beautiful. shineforthee also has a great 9x06 fanfic gap one shot and an ongoing wip now too and I can't wait to read that! (Somehow need any more convincing? Check out @bloodydeanwinchester's Virga(e) liveblog).
It's all very complex by artichokeflower okay that was all very serious, so let's turn to a short and sweet smut fic that had me giggling gleefully throughout. 'After walking in on Dean's private time, Cas decides to do a little research and experimentation of his own and gets magically trapped in a book about sexual fantasies. And if that means Dean has to go in after him, well what are buddies for, right?' The thing that is just GOLDEN about this fic aside from the hot smut is the dry sense of humour, borderline French Mistake parody level porn and dialogue between Dean and especially Cas which just gets them so well...the cowboy scenes in particular. Glorious: “I’m sorry, Dean. That’s the end of the erotic violence. Are you hurt?” “Is there going to be any sex in your sexy fantasies?” Dean wheezed. “Not that the whole shoot out wasn’t fun. I just wasn’t expecting as much plot is all.” He coughed. That had probably sounded too eager.
Just Being and Just Having by Englandwouldfall I have recced before but is now complete!! This the post-canon fic series delves so incredibly beautifully into Dean and Cas’ history of miscommunication and gives them the chance to truly talk things out, finding themselves falling more deeply in love as they do so and understand their own mistakes but also what makes them work so well together when they’re no longer under Chuck’s thumb. Each chapter feels like therapy and a brain and heart massage! It sticks the landing so well and I just love these boys so much.
Something Happening Somewhen by allthismusic (@folkbloodbaths, art by @eggchef) aaaahhh time travel young Dean brought to the future to meet older Dean and Cas fic trope my beloved. A @deancaspinefest fic, Allthismusic is a fan of the trope too and this fic is a gorgeous tribute to it and the fics that came before. Cas saves 24yo Dean from an accident and brings him to the future when he witnesses what his life will be. Will Cas have to remove his memories to stop a paradox? Sweet and heartfelt, a joy to read.
Books, Pies, and Roommates by @seidenapfel (art by @kitshay) is a @deancaspinefest two-person love hexagon, with some excellently farcical misdirection. Cas moves in to the spare room of Dean's house, but he doesn't meet him, he meets Sam, as Dean is busy working. Cas is professor but helps his cousin out as a barista and his favourite customer is Deano. Dean's intrigued by the barista but he's not his online penpal and best friend Angel. Lines blur, connections are made, and hearts are gonna get broken...or are they?
Tag list under the cut, let me know if you'd like to be added! Please reblog <3
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part I
Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader wc: ~ 9.7k Warnings: dubious consent (because of alcohol), just copious amounts of sex, oral, squirting, 69ing, college shenanigans, obnoxious frat boys, terrible fashion choices A/N: At long last, here we have the beginning. Massive thanks to @pleasantanathema and @whats-her-quirk​ who have been cheering for me since I told them I wanted to right a “little college AU” for a “little collab” June and I have been planning for a while. Also, I don’t know where I’d be without Lauren’s fraternity knowledge, so extra thanks for that, babe. I hope everyone has as much fun with this fic as I did.
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God, you hate frat boys. 
Their sense of entitlement, all their fucking house pride. Brother this, brother that. It's annoying. Add in the factors of being an athlete on top of it, and they're downright insufferable. 
So it makes absolutely no sense that you're at a fucking Pi Kappa Alpha party. 
Your friend, Hitch, dragged you here (naturally), and it wasn't like you could really object considering she's the only real friend you have on campus. You study together and switch off between dorms to watch movies and bitch about classes. She's the complete opposite of you in many different ways, but you soul-bonded over biology and that was that. 
Unfortunately, Hitch decided she would leave you to your own devices almost immediately, opting to skip over to a game of beer pong and flirt with a boy in her statistics class. You have no idea why considering he has a fucking bowl cut, but she's been talking about him for weeks now. 
The party is filled with loud music and too many people with red solo cups. There's no way they're all of age, so you're already paranoid that the cops are gonna raid the place, but there's nothing you can do besides leave. It's a tempting thought. 
Before you can, though, there's an uproar in the kitchen, and curiosity gets the best of you. Moving from your place against the wall, you make your way over to peek in and see what's going on. A large group of frat boys, what you think are sorority girls, and whoever else wants to join are raising their cups to cheer. An especially loud voice rings out above the rest, "One win down, eleven more to go!" 
Claps and supportive shouts are nearly deafening. 
"I think we can do it! Do you think we can do it?" 
More cheers, more hollers. 
"Let's hear it for UC lacrosse!" 
You have to cover your ears this time. Should have known this party was to celebrate the win earlier that day. 
When the crowd parts, you see the ringleader, Erwin Smith who is very well-known on campus for three reasons: he will talk your ear off about history if given the chance, he's irritatingly gorgeous, and he will fuck any pretty girl with a pulse. 
Again—you fucking hate frat boys. 
To ease your bad mood and possibly encourage you to have some semblance of a good time, you shuffle further into the kitchen to grab a drink. You feel a little exposed, not dressed like many of the other girls who are either in rompers or the classic sorority chick outfit (giant college shirts that cover their shorts). You are in a crop top, torn shorts, and a floral cardigan. Not your best outfit, not your worst. 
There's no way you're touching any of the pre-poured cups or the jungle juice, opting for an unopened can of mediocre beer. 
You feel someone approach you from behind, glance over your shoulder to see nothing but a broad chest covered by a fucking hawaiian shirt. 
Craning your neck, you're met with another familiar face, one Mike Zacharias known as 1) Erwin's best friend, 2) one of the tallest guys on campus, and 3) the best lacrosse player on the team. 
You haven't spoken a single word to him but that doesn't stop him from grinning at you, flipping shaggy hair from his face, and chanting a low, "Shotgun, shotgun, shotgun!" 
"Are you god damn joking me?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. 
"Hell no!" 
"I have shotgunned a beer literally once in my life, and at least half of it ended up on my shirt."
"That's alright," Mike's smile shrinks to a smirk. "We're all about getting chicks wet in Pike." 
Face falling, you scoff, "Yeah, okay, I'm leaving." 
You sidestep him, cracking open the beer, but he follows close behind you. It makes a little bit of fear spike in your gut—everyone knows the horror stories that accompany many fraternities—but you're mostly just annoyed. 
"Hey, what's your name again?"
Again. As if you've actually formally met before.
"Why do you care?" 
Mike does not hesitate when he answers, "'Cause you look like you're having a shit time here, and I'd like to change that."
You roll your eyes, let your head loll over your shoulder to look at him again. If you're being honest with yourself, he's kind of extremely hot with his undercut and flippy hair, not to mention the stubble that's grown out just enough to make you think thoughts for a split second.  
"A noble cause," you quip. "Truly." 
He chuckles, watching too closely as you take a sip of your beer. 
"So? Name?"
After too big of a swallow, you answer him, and light green eyes brighten a little. 
"Oh, you're Hitch's friend, right?" 
Of course that would be your only identifier on campus. Hitch is insanely pretty and very outgoing. It makes sense that people just know you as her tag-along. 
It doesn't stop you from feeling slightly offended, though. 
"Yeah, and you're Erwin's friend, right?" 
"Among other things," he snorts. "Mike Zacharias." He holds out a massive hand that you eye before taking, figure you shouldn't be too much of a bitch and make a bad impression on the most highly regarded frat at the college.  
"I know who you are, dude. Not many people don't."
"Aw, flatterer." 
That grin is back on his face, lopsided and far too charming, and you definitely need to get away from him before you down a couple more beers. 
"Freshman?" He pries, and somehow you wind up at the staircase, leaning against the wall and praying he'll just stand beside you instead of caging you in. 
He does, and you let out a breath of relief. 
His eyebrows shoot up for a second. "Fuck, you've made it through a whole year flying under my radar?" 
You give him a wholly unimpressed look. "Wow, you really know what to say to a girl, don't you?" 
"That came off as shitty, sorry. I just mean, like, you're super cute. Feel like I would have committed you to memory if I'd seen you."
Your face heats up probably more than it ever has in your life, but you still snap, "We haven't had a single class together, I never go to your games, and this is the first Pike party I've been to."
Mike nods. "Ah, that explains it. Just haven't given anyone a chance to notice you." 
"Sure, let's go with that."
Another several sips. You hiss at the taste, and Mike laughs. 
"Can't handle beer?"
"Can't handle shitty beer."
"Ouch. Want me to grab you something else?"
He really doesn't seem to understand the warnings all girls have heard over the years. That, or he just doesn't care. You don't know him well enough to pass that kind of judgement.
"Uh, no. I always make my own drinks at parties."
"That's understandable." Except it isn't. He doesn't have a clue. 
"Well, you can go grab one, and I'll just finish this one for you. Don't want it to go to waste."
It's your turn to smirk now. "That desperate to swap spit, Zacharias?" 
"Like this?" He laughs through his nose. "Nah. But I can think of other ways."
"We've been talking for literally two minutes."
"I'm perfectly capable of making decisions in two minutes."
"Not any good ones obviously."
Tilting his head, Mike thinks out loud, "Can't tell if that's an insult aimed at me or yourself." 
"Take it however you want. I don't really care."
His eyes glint with amusement. There's no way you're escaping this any time soon. 
Long, thick fingers close around the top of your can, and he gently tugs it out of your hand then keeps those eyes locked with yours as he takes a sip. 
"Gross." You try to keep the teasing tone from your voice. 
"Just go get another drink."
You actually listen, mostly to get away from him but also because you could go for something easier to stomach. 
A game of King's Cup is going on in the kitchen, a five obviously being drawn because everyone suddenly pantomimes holding a steering wheel. It's surprisingly fun to watch, so you post up next to the counter after mixing orange and pineapple juice with rum. 
"Four's whores!"
"Categories! Different beers!"
"Seven heaven!" 
"Ayyy, waterfall!" 
You shake your head as everyone drinks for way too long. Some people are already swaying in circles where they're sitting. Others are simply red-faced. 
"Wanna play?"
"Jesus! You came outta nowhere."
Mike looks too smug for your liking, but doesn't say anything, just crushes the empty can in his hand and throws it into the trashcan next to the back door, all gooseneck and perfect arch. 
"Let me guess—you're reigning champ at beer pong."
"Nah," he waves you off. "That's Erwin and Nile. King's Cup however…"
"King's Cup isn't even a competition. It's just flipping cards and getting fucked up." 
"Well, yeah, but it's still fun."
You let out a heavy sigh, eyes still trained on the game going on, then concede, "Once this one is over, I'll play. Just to get you off my back." And because he won't have the chance to talk to you for the duration of the game. 
You manage to finish your drink by the time the round ends, have to rush to make another as Mike strides over to the table and steals the two seats that have been vacated. They're right across from each other. You don't know if you'd prefer that or just sitting next to him so he can't stare at you.
Sauntering over, you plop down and place your drink in front of you. The guy to your right is quick to introduce himself with hooded eyes and a self-assured smile. You give him basically the same treatment that you've been giving Mike, making him pout and turn away as a freckled girl deals out the cards. 
It's fast paced, and you find yourself drinking more than you'd planned. Mike picks you as his buddy (of course), and the guy next to you makes everyone drink for nearly thirty seconds straight when he pulls an ace. 
Still, you find yourself laughing as people scream and curse. You catch eyes with Mike often, and as you finish your second drink, he begins looking very attractive. More attractive than before. So attractive that you allow him to pour your third cup. 
"If you roofied this, I'm gonna be real upset with you," you tell him just before taking a sip. He added more rum than you did, but that doesn't surprise you. 
"Hey, one of Pike's virtues is being a gentleman."
As soon as he says it, about seven people around the table shout, "Pi Kappa Alpha!" like some kind of sports team, and you roll your eyes so hard it hurts. 
You're drunk after this game. And, then you make another drink and get plastered. Meandering around the rest of the party, bodies begin to blur together, the music fades in and out, and you barely know what you're saying to Mike anymore as he follows you close behind in the same state. For every drink you've had, he's had two, and now he's walking around with a cup full of jungle juice nodding at his brothers, smiling at all the girls who look at him.
His room is downstairs unlike most of the others, right at the end of the hallway. It makes it far too easy to end up inside, but as soon as the door closes and his huge hands find your hips, your world disappears entirely. 
The first thing you feel when you wake up is a nauseating pounding in your head. The second is a very large body behind you. 
God dammit, you think, trying to recall the events of the night before. 
Pi Kappa Alpha. Hitch left you, so you hung out with… Mike Zacharias? From the lacrosse team? 
Frowning, you try to look over your shoulder, but all you can really see is a head of hair. However, you can feel the coarseness of his beard against your bare shoulder, and that's enough to solidify that it is indeed Mike behind you. 
Shifting some brings more of your physical state to your attention—your naked chest under the blanket, the way your legs are pressed together, your pussy between your thighs… swollen? Jesus, what did he do to you last night? You can also feel something dry and crusty on your stomach which is both disgusting and relieving. At least he had enough sense to pull out. 
Luckily, his arm isn't wrapped around you which makes it much easier to sit up on your elbow. It takes you a while to locate your clothes around the room from where you are, and even then, all you can find are your shorts, shoes, and bra. You peer around, trying not to groan at the headache threatening to make you black the fuck out all over again, but that pounding as well as the nauseating churning of your stomach is making it difficult. 
You slide out of the bed, basically crawling to the little pile of discarded clothes. As you fumble with fastening your bra, you glance around one more time in search of your shirt and cardigan, but it’s no use. What you do see, however, is the obnoxious Hawaiian shirt  Mike had been wearing the night before, and well… You’d rather not leave the Pike house topless, so…
Snatching it off the floor, you slip your arms through the giant sleeves and somehow manage to button up about half of it. Then, you’re flying out the door, desperate to be in your own dorm, curled over your own toilet, in your own clothes. 
Oh, thank god his room wasn’t upstairs, you praise, trying to remember the way to the front door. There are numerous bodies and tipped over cups to navigate through, and you cringe at the various odors that assault your senses. 
You see the door from across the room, so close and getting closer as you try not to trip over anything, but as you pass the kitchen, you hear a smooth, familiar voice greet, “Good morning,” in a smug way. 
Erwin is leaning against a counter, smirking over a steaming cup of coffee. He’s wearing only sweatpants, his hair is a little mussed, and for a split second, you understand why he pulls so many girls. 
Still, you roll your eyes and continue moving—a classic DNE situation, but the frat boy doesn’t seem to get the message, instead calling out, “Nice shirt!”
“Fuck off, Smith,” is the only thing you utter before leaving, slamming the door behind you. 
Mike easily catches the frisbee that spins directly at his face then quickly throws it back to try and catch Nile off guard. It works, and the brunet curses and has to go running after the flying disc. 
A few girls watching from the nearby fountain clap and yell his name, wriggling fingers in a wave as if he can actually see that far away. Mike gives one wave of his own hand then turns back to the grass where Nile is jogging back to his place.
“You did that on purpose, you asshole!” He spits.
Mike shrugs his shoulders, yells back, “Get better at frisbee, and you won’t have this problem!”
Nile throws the plastic so hard that it flies off toward the fountain, making all those girls scream and dive for cover. 
“Yeah, I’m not getting that,” Mike shakes his head. Nile drags his fingers down his angular face before setting off on yet another trek, apologizing profusely then standing around to flirt like usual.
Blowing hair out of his face, Mike considers joining his brother, but before he can, he sees a familiar figure turning on the sidewalk, about to pass the fountain and head toward Hartley Hall. 
His feet are moving before he really registers it, glad his long legs can carry him quickly even at a walk. Mike calls out when he’s a couple yards away, and you turn to him, eyes growing wide before you start to move faster. 
He can just barely make out the words, “Nope. Not doing this,” and chuckles, catching up the rest of the way.
“Hey, chill, I just wanna talk.”
You turn to look at him, head tilted up, squinting against the sun, and Mike has never been more thankful for his height because you look so god damn cute all small and irritated with him. 
“What is there to talk about? I don’t even remember anything.”
“Yeah, neither do I,” he says, lacing fingers together behind his head. “Shame.”
Mike tries and fails to hide a snort, nods at Nile as you both pass him and the gaggle of girls surrounding him. Mike has no doubt his friend will get at least one phone number out of it, if not all of them. 
“Did you at least have a good time before you blacked out?” He ventures.
You shrug your shoulders, hitch your backpack up a little higher. “Maybe. But, if I was just around you the whole time, probably not.”
“Aw, come on! What did I ever do to you?”
“You need a list?”
Mike nods. “Would probably help.”
“For brevity's sake, I’ll just say that you started the night trying to get a literal stranger to shotgun a beer and ended the night fucking said stranger and… Not holding back, apparently.” Mike frowns, about to ask what you mean by that, but you elaborate before he can. Voice dropping, you question, “Do you have any idea how fucking sore I’ve been for the last few days? What the fuck do you even have hidden in those stupid shorts?”
“I’d be happy to show you again.” He grins sideways, and when you shoot him a venomous look, he figures it’s time to change the subject. “Anyway, I may have done that and more, but you’re the thief.”
“Excuse me?”
Mike tries to sound nonchalant as he accuses, “Stole my shirt and everything." Honestly, he's a little upset that he didn’t actually get to see you wearing it. 
“That’s my favorite shirt, you know?”
You laugh. Finally. “Are you serious?”
“That shirt is fucking heinous, okay? You’re lucky I didn’t burn it.”
“Does that mean I can have it back?”
You make a little noise in your throat, something between a grumble and a growl, but you check your phone and tell him, “Fine. My next class isn’t for another couple of hours, so just…Follow me.”
It takes immense effort to not skip to your dorm like a little kid, but Mike is excited. He’s not gonna try anything weird, but just seeing your space? He’ll be able to get a better feel for you. So far, all he knows is that you live and breathe sarcasm and can’t handle your liquor well. It’s enough to get him a little more than interested, but it’s not enough to go off of.
The two of you gain a few looks as you make your way through the shared study space of the dormitory, heads turning, eyebrows raising in recognition. No one should be all that surprised; it’s not like Mike and Erwin haven’t frequented a lot of these rooms. 
You lead him down a hallway, and Mike looks at all the little dry-erase intro boards hanging outside of every door. He’s a little surprised to see that the one by yours isn’t blank. Your name is written in bubble letters, surrounded by little hearts, and when you catch him looking at it, you’re quick to tell him, “Hitch.”
“Ah. Of course.”
He follows you inside, staying by the door to not invade too much of your space, but he doesn’t even try to be subtle as he looks around the small room. Pennant for the college hung up over a cork bulletin board that’s a mess of photos and sticky notes. Cluttered desk with just enough of it cleared to fit a laptop. Tiny succulents on the window sill. Double bed covered in a quilt. And there, in the open closet, Mike catches sight of his shirt—pastel pink and littered with palm trees. 
After dropping your backpack on your bed, you step over to the hanging clothes and grab it, muttering, “Ridiculous,” as you hand it over.
Mike laughs as he slings it over his shoulder. “You know what’ll make you hate it even more?” You quirk an eyebrow, probably doubting that anything could, but your entire face falls when he informs you, “I have matching shorts to go with it.”
“No you do not.”
“Definitely do.”
“That should be a crime. You should be arrested.”
He chuckles, has a retort on the tip of his tongue, but something catches his eye—a bookshelf tucked away in the corner by your bed overflowing with novels and knick-knacks. Mike sees a particularly thick paperback, recognizing the black background and small desert picture on the spine.
“Bro!” He walks over, plants a hand in the middle of your mattress, and reaches for it. “Is this fucking Dune?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“This is, like, my favorite book, dude.”
“Seriously?” You sound just as disbelieving as you do disinterested. 
Mike begins flipping through it, scanning over highlighted passages as he nods. “I have the whole series back home, but I only brought this one and Messiah with me to college.”
He straightens up but keeps a knee on the edge of the bed, and you plop down to sit on it, watching him closely as he continues to look over the notes scribbled in the margins. 
“I had to read it in high school," you tell him. "Then my cousin gave me a lot of the books after I talked with him about it one time. I haven’t gotten around to reading them, though.”
“You really should,” Mike urges. “I mean, I know you probably have a shit ton of reading for classes, but if you ever get the chance, you should at least read the next two.”
“You some kind of closet nerd, Zacharias?”
“Kinda,” he admits, putting the book back on the shelf only to grab a worn copy of Fellowship of the Ring. “I mean, Erwin and a few others are well aware, but I don’t really broadcast it.”
“Not good for the cool guy image?” 
“Nah, people are just more interested in other things,” he mumbles, eyes fixed on the tiny print.
“Mike Zacharias,” his gaze flicks to you as you laugh quietly. “Lacrosse god and big fucking geek.”
He closes the book and uses it to lightly hit you on the top of the head with it. You half-heartedly smack him right in his abs only to push against the muscle harder and ask, “Jesus Christ, what do you have under there?”
“You know, that’s the second time you’ve asked what I have under my clothes,” he points out, a little too satisfied. “Better watch out, or I’m gonna start getting ideas.”
You huff, but your hand is definitely still on his stomach, unmoving but warm through his shirt. Mike told himself he wouldn’t do anything weird once he got here, but you’re already on the bed and touching him, and he’d kind of really like to have this particular experience while sober, so he very slowly takes your wrist and moves it away. 
It makes you look up at him, a question dancing in your eyes as your lips part. Mike makes sure his own stare conveys everything he’s thinking, wishes he could just transplant his thoughts into your brain so that he can put you a little more at ease around him. 
You’re onto him, though, tugging your hand from his grip and blinking a few times. He figures you’re about to point to the door and tell him to take his fucking Hawaiian shirt and leave. 
Instead, you pull on the fabric covering his ribs so that he loses his balance and has to catch himself before crashing into you. It puts his face level with yours, and you take the opportunity to kiss him—hard, desperate, and a little confused judging by the way you’re frowning. 
Mike grunts, holding himself up with the arm on the side of your hips then uses the other to slide under the thigh closest to him and pull you further onto the bed. He’s straddling you in no time, up on his knees so that he doesn’t crush you. 
Hearing the sound of shoes hitting the ground, he tugs his shirt off over his head, and then he’s curling over you again. Your mouths grow slick with spit. He slides his tongue past your lips, and you arch into him, fingers tangling in his hair. Mike pushes you back down so that he can strip you down to your bra and panties then takes the time to rid himself of his shoes and shorts.
“Oh, fuck,” he hears you breathe, and when he glances up at you, he finds you staring at what he knows is an intimidatingly large bulge under his boxer briefs. “It makes sense now—the soreness.”
Mike chuckles, slots his forearms on either side of your head and mutters, “Yeah, sorry about that.”
You lick his lips and he bites yours, bodies clashing together as he grinds himself against your covered pussy. Eventually Mike is able to snake a hand down your body, making sure to brush over your ribs so that you squirm beneath him. Fuck, he already loves the way you squirm. And, when he moves your panties to the side and teases your little hole, already wet just from making out, Mike discovers that he loves the way you moan too. 
He’s slow as he pushes a finger in, groaning when you clench around it. Pumping it in and out, he gently works you open and wonders if he was courteous enough to do this the other night. He hopes he was. 
You spread your legs for him, start bucking into his hand, especially when he hits that special spot inside you. 
“Fuck, fuck, fu—” You grab his face, bringing it close to yours again so that you can muffle curses against his lips. 
When Mike adds a second finger, your jaw drops, and you start to tremble. 
“Too much?” He asks.
You shake your head, stutter a breathy, “N-no. Just—ah—slow. Go slow.”
He moves to suck on your neck, promising, “I will.”
Mike waits until you’re dripping into his palm and spread about as widely as you can be underneath him. Then, and only then does he shimmy out of his underwear and question, “Condom?”
“Bookshelf,” you huff. “In the jewelry box.”
When he opens it, a little ballerina spins, and Mike has to laugh at the ridiculousness of it. “That’s twisted.”
“Shut up.”
He grabs one of the gold packages and tears it open, then rolls the latex over his cock and discards the wrapper somewhere. 
Mike only gives you his tip first, sits right inside your entrance so that you can squeeze him and get used to the feeling before he pushes in any more. You barely shift your hips back and forth, like an experiment. It’s just enough for Mike to see slick coating the end of the condom, and he nearly starts drooling.
He presses in a little more, appreciates the way your eyes roll into the back of your head, then adds one more inch.
“Jesus Christ.” Your breaths are coming in short gasps, words slurring together. He’s not even halfway in, and you’re already fucked out. 
Your cunt is spasming around him, and Mike tries to get you to relax more by lightly rubbing your clit with the pad of his thumb. 
You leak around him, pussy slowly but surely opening up a little more so that he can slide in further. He gives a few shallow thrusts that make you whine, then reaches up to grab one of your pillows which only sends him deeper. 
“God dam—”
Mike lifts you and shoves the pillow under your hips, smiles in a way he’s pretty sure you hate, then jokes, “Better to fuck you with, my dear.”
“In...sufferable…” The annoyed tone is lost when you cry out. Mike buries himself as far as he can without hurting you. He isn’t quite balls deep, but you feel so fucking good that he doesn’t even mind. 
Starting a steady rhythm that has every upthrust dragging over your g-spot, Mike watches through foggy eyes as your mouth opens and closes, chest rising with stuttering breaths before you exhale and moan. He dips his thumb between your folds to gather a little bit of slick and return it to your clit. The circular motion makes you arch again, and Mike abandons the little bud for just a moment so that he can unclasp your bra and pull it off. The sight of your tits bouncing in time with his thrusts almost does him in, but he holds back, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to gather himself.
You’re just clamping around him so perfectly, pussy drooling and creaming on his cock, and Mike is not a quickshot, but for you—
He pulls out all at once, flips you so that you’re on hands and knees, then spreads you open to lick into you from behind. 
Mike’s cock is throbbing where it bobs against his stomach, but he can ignore it for the most part, focused on eating you out, sucking at your messy lips then dragging the flat of his tongue over your hole. He moves his face back and forth, wants to leave his mark on you in the form of stubble burn between your legs. 
“Mike, Mike, fuck, please.”
He’s positive you can’t actually hear him when he teases, “Please what?” right into the crevice of your ass. 
You growl, push against him, and swallow enough pride to beg, “Please fuck me.”
Biting his lip, Mike straightens up enough to watch his fingers disappear into your pussy. One, two, then a third that makes your messy entrance stretch for him. He lowers his face again, feather light licks around your sensitive hole, and when he twists his wrist so that he can tap on your spot, you come immediately. 
A mixture of slick and squirt drips from your cunt and soaks into your quilt. Mike pushes more out as he continues to finger fuck you, humming at the way your arms give out and you fall against the mattress. 
This is the perfect position for him. He replaces his wet fingers with his cock and ruts into you quickly, chasing after his own impending orgasm. Pretty little whimpers fall from your lips, fuck drunk as you babble, “Oh, god, Mike, Mike, fuck…”
He’s gripping your hips too tightly, pulling you back against him, shoving his cock deeper and deeper until he finally comes with a shudder and a low groan. 
Mike pants for a few seconds, then leans down to press a few kisses to your spine, but instead of the usual happy sighs he gets from most girls, you just roll your shoulders and mutter, “Stop that.”
He does, then pulls out, takes a second to stare at your pussy—worked open from his size and still dripping. It would make a very pretty picture, but Mike wouldn’t dare try that with you. 
You roll onto your back, a huff of air leaving your lungs as you scrub a hand over your face then tilt your head to him. It looks like you have something to say, but you just chew on your bottom lip, eyes moving from Mike to the door.
And, he can take a hint. You don’t have to say it. 
With a self-deprecating snort, he pulls the condom off, tying it then tossing it into the trashcan by your bed. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nods. “Let me just…” Mike tugs his clothes back on, kindly tosses you your top so that you can cover yourself like you obviously want to. 
He makes sure to grab the Hawaiian shirt that brought him here in the first place, tossing it over his shoulder then striding to the door. 
Chancing one more glance at you, you force a smile and try to pad his bruised ego. “Don’t worry, it was good. You were good. It’s just not gonna happen again.”
Mike fights a smirk, raises a hand in a wave, then steps out.
Not gonna happen again, he chuckles to himself. Yeah, right.
You don't understand how this keeps happening, how you keep ending up in bed with Mike fucking Zacharias. 
This time you had gone to the disgusting bar right off campus, got one whole drink in your system before the familiar trio walked in. They were all in khakis and pastels—Erwin in blue, Nile in yellow, Mike in pink. Again. 
You actually slammed your head down on the bartop because despite how basic he looked in his light polo, Mike was still hot. 
Is still hot. 
Back at the Pi Kappa Alpha house, you're a mess of limbs on his bed. You take immense pleasure in tugging his shirt off, and once his arms are free again, he's lifting the hem of your little skirt and mouthing over your thong. 
You're more than tipsy after a couple more drinks but nowhere near as drunk as you were the first night. It hadn't taken much convincing from Erwin for you and Hitch to play pool with them, and when Mike had come up behind you to help you line up your shot, you knew you were a goner. 
While he's busy between your legs, you take off your shirt and bra. Green eyes flick up as soon as you toss both articles on to the floor, and without any hesitation, Mike reaches up to grope your tits. 
He's clumsy and distracted as he tongues over the warmth pooling in your underwear, squeezing plump flesh and pinching your nipple so that you whine and push your hips further into his face. 
Mike groans, just as drunk if not more so. He's messy as he kisses your thighs, nearly rips your thong when he pulls it off of you. 
His tongue feels good, too fucking good as he laves over your entrance, soothing an ache that isn't quite there anymore but definitely was a few days ago. 
"Taste so fucking good," he grumbles, slurping and sucking and making you squeeze your thighs around his head. 
"Okay," you pant. "Okay, okay." You grab him by the hair and lift his head from you, stomach flipping at the sight of the bottom half of his face absolutely covered in slick. 
God dammit, why is he so sexy? 
Your mouth waters, and the thought of possibly giving him head this time crosses your mind. You're just inebriated enough to stay relaxed, didn't drink to the point of throwing up, and he has gone down on you the last two times so... 
Lizard brain taking over, you sit up, tell him to flip over, then start making your way down his body. 
Mike grabs you before you can turn to face him, fingers digging into your thighs and pulling you down to sit on his face. 
"Fucking—I'm trying to blow you, for Christ's sake."
He moves his head just enough to tell you, "So? You can do that while I do this."
And, he's not wrong. It just means that you're gonna get distracted. 
For a while, all you can really do is control your breathing and undulate on top of him, but eventually you fall to your elbows and lick up his shaft from base to tip. 
Mike really does have a nice cock—a beautiful cock—bigger than you've ever taken in terms of both length and girth, and veiny in the perfect way. Even his balls make your pussy throb, large and round, the right just slightly bigger than the left and now dripping with saliva as you lower your mouth further and further onto his cock. 
The feeling of his tongue buried in your cunt is making you delirious, eyes rolling, muscles going slack as you gurgle around the tip hitting the back of your throat. 
Mike groans into you, his legs starting to shake, and you assume in your half aware state that he's trying to not just skull fuck you into oblivion. 
You know you're making a mess, both on his face and on his cock. The fingertips that have been holding you open shift, one of them slipping into your clenching hole, and your hips begin to move on their own volition, riding what he'll give you while moving your tongue back and forth. 
You've only taken about half of him, doubt you can take any more. He's hot and heavy in your mouth, and when you pull off to breathe, you can taste pre cum on the back of your tongue. 
It triggers something in you, makes you raise up and clumsily turn around so that you can work him inside of you. 
Mike groans a long, "Fuuuck," and immediately starts thrusting upward. 
You're lucky you're as wet as you are, but the burn that comes with getting so stretched out still makes you hiss. You brace yourself on his broad chest, feeling the dampness of sweat forming a sheen on him, and your own body starts to feel too hot. 
You had wanted to ride him to feel in control of the situation for once, but you quickly realize it's not gonna happen, Mike gripping your hips and moving you how he sees fit. 
He's raw this time, a thought that should scare you, but he feels so good even through the discomfort. Every vein and ridge hits all the sweet spots inside of you, the flared head of his cock smooth as it presses just where you need it to. 
You're squirting again—he just seems to be able to fuck it out of you. It's not the high you're looking for, but the release in pressure still feels divine. 
Mike seems to enjoy it too because he looks down at where you're connected, swears at the way you gush on his cock, then starts swiping fingers over your clit so quickly it almost hurts. 
More fluid leaks from you, and Mike breathes a low, "Come on, baby, come on, 'm gonna fuck you dry tonight." 
Hearing him talk like that—his hand rubbing over your overstimulated clit, his thick cock threatening to split you in two—causes heat to travel up your legs and down your arms until it settles in your stomach and floods you. 
You cry out, stars and tears behind your eyes as Mike keeps going, taking everything he can from you until he's laying in a huge wet spot in his bed. 
He lifts you just in time to shoot cum upward on your chest, white splattering then dripping down in strands to pool on his stomach. 
You stare down at him, mouth hanging open and find him looking up at you with the same expression. 
It's hands down the best sex you've ever had, but you're not about to tell him that. Instead, you dismount him like the fucking horse he is and stand on weak legs, actually have to lean on the bed for support. 
"Just stay the night." His voice is deep and full of gravel. It's entirely too hot. 
"Absolutely not." You shake your head, grab your shirt and his boxers then ask, "Where's the nearest bathroom?" 
"Down the hall on the right, but you don't have to sneak out the window or anything. Just use the front door if you're tryin’ to run away."
You can't help but snort. Stupid. "I'm not trying to escape, dummy. I just need to pee." 
"Oh. Right."
You slip out of the room, hoping it's late enough for everyone to be asleep, but you have no such luck as the door to the bathroom opens and fucking Erwin steps out. 
He hums, looking you over for a moment as his lips lift on one side. 
"Don't say anything," you grit through your teeth. 
He holds his hands up in surrender, chuckles, acting all innocent. "Wasn't going to."
You squint, not believing him for a second, then move around him to get to the bathroom. Before you can shut the door, you hear him mutter, "Another one bites the dust," and consider running out and strangling him.
"Please please please come with me to this game," Hitch begs, her hands clasped together, imploring eyes wide and doe-like. 
"No. You have plenty of other friends to go with. You don't need me there."
"But, I want you to be there. It's gonna be such a good match. Rival schools and all that."
You roll your eyes. "Hitch, in all the time you've known me, have you ever seen me give a single fuck about sports?" 
"No, but you'll finally get to see Mike and Erwin and Nile play."
"All the more reason not to go."
"Do you not like them or something? Why wouldn't you like them? Everybody likes them!" 
She doesn't know, and you don't want her to. She had been too caught up with that Marlowe kid at the party, then was kept busy playing pool with Nile to see you and Mike slip out of the bar together. 
It's the only secret you've ever wanted to keep from her. You will take it to the grave. 
"I just… I just don't, okay? I get a… Sleazy vibe from all of them."
You really don't. Not exactly. You're not a big fan of the 'fuck-every-chick-on-capus' mentality, but most college boys think like that. Only difference is these three can actually achieve it. 
Hitch crosses her arms over her chest and gives you a look you've seen on your mother's face many times, usually when she has a point to prove. 
"You know I'm just gonna keep bothering you until you come to one, so why not just get it outta the way?" 
And, there's that point. 
"Ugh." You know she's right, and you really can't put up with this all semester. "Fine, but I'm gonna bitch the entire time."
Hitch squeals and claps, bouncing where she stands. "Yes! Wouldn't have it any other way."
You dress in school colors, put your hair up so that it won't be on your neck as the sun beats down, then take Hitch's little hatchback to the field. You try to talk her into sitting toward the back of the crowd that's gathered on the bleachers, but she just pulls you to the front without acknowledging your request. 
Even with the helmets, you can easily make out who's who, mostly because of their size. Mike and Erwin are doing some kind of pregame ritual where they hit their sticks together, shout something, and chest bump. It's the most alpha thing you've ever fucking seen and makes you question why you ever thought screwing one of them was a good idea. 
To be fair, you never really did think it was a good idea. It just kind of happened. Three times. 
But, it needs to stop. 
You repeat that thought to yourself as you watch Mike sprint across the field and launch the ball into the goal several times. You repeat it as he dances around his opponents with ease, quick footwork until he can throw them off. You repeat it as he stands on the sidelines and takes his helmet off to shake out sweaty hair and squirt water into his mouth. 
And, none of it really helps. Mike is pretty incredible on the field, especially with Erwin and Nile backing him up. Everyone in the stands is screaming, yelling their names and chanting. It's a little contagious, you have to admit. You get as far as clapping but refuse to actually cheer. 
At some point, Erwin jogs over to the bleachers and waves his arms for everyone to get louder, and they sure do. Even through his helmet, you can see his sparkling white smile, and your own lips curl up as you shake your head at him. Unbelievable. He has all these people at his beck and call. 
Erwin has to get back on the field, though, fueled by the crowd like the other nine players. They end up pulling ahead of the other team and finishing the game eleven to seven. 
Naturally, Erwin announces a party at the Pike house, and naturally, Hitch drags you to it. 
This one is even bigger than the last. It offends every one of your senses—too loud, alcohol permeating the air, bad drinks, worse dancing, and strangers rubbing against you as you pass them. 
You give up on your beer before you’re even halfway through with it, just set the can on one of the counters and start milling around. You’d rather be anywhere else but here. Your head hurts from the game earlier, baking in the sun and not drinking enough water. Should’ve taken an Advil… And some Benadryl. Hitch wouldn’t have been able to bring you here if you’d been unconscious. 
All of the lacrosse team is there, flanked with guys who won’t stop slapping them on their backs and girls who won’t stop batting their eyes and squeezing their biceps. It’s comical, really, the fairweather trend. There’s no way this would be happening if they’d lost their last three games. Instead, the team would be getting harassed and pestered, not so subtle comments about practicing more and replacing members. You’ve seen it all before. 
Leaning against a wall, you watch it all unfold. It’s probably the most entertaining thing at the party other than the group of sorority girls dancing on a table. Things are getting out of hand already, and you would prefer not be here for the aftermath, but just as you're about to leave, Mike breaks away from the group and strides over to you.
“Hey, didn’t expect to see you.” He takes a sip from his cup, smiling around the rim.
You use your usual excuse: “Hitch,” and he nods. 
“Right. Did you watch the game today?”
Crossing your arms, you mumble a, “Yes,” that Mike can’t hear but can definitely see.
He beams then asks, “You gonna tell me I played well? ‘Cause I did.” He’s all cocksure and giddy, and it makes your body run hot in a few different ways.
“I don’t think you need anyone else fawning over you,” you say with a condescending laugh.
“You mean you don’t want me to flex for you?”
“I’m leaving. Right now." When you push past him a little too roughly, it causes him to drop his cup, and your shirt is suddenly plastered to your chest and stomach. The white isn’t discolored, which leads you to believe, “Fuck, is this just straight vodka?”
“No, Christ,” he cringes at your wet state, looking genuinely apologetic. “It’s just water. Sorry.”
You scrunch your top up to wring it out, wondering what he’s doing drinking water instead of liquor, but you’re not about to pick on him for staying hydrated. 
��It’s fine. I was about to leave anyway.”
He’s quick to stop you with a, “No, don’t. Just… change into one of my shirts or something."
Narrowing your eyes, you contemplate how many ways this can go wrong, how much you should not allow this, and even go as far as accusing, "You're just trying to get me in your room again."
"You wanna stay in a wet shirt?" Not really. "Come on."
He jerks his head toward the hallway, and you end up following him, grumbling the whole time because you swear to God if you end up on your back for him again, you're going to be very upset with yourself. 
Mike beelines it for his dresser as soon as you're in the room, much quieter than the rager outside. He digs around in it, flipping all the way to the bottom then pulls out a heather gray tee. 
"It'll probably still be a little big, but it's from high school, so you shouldn't drown in it."
He tosses it to you then, to your surprise, turns back to the wall to give you the privacy to change. You eye him the whole time, peeling off your top as well as your bra since it soaked through. His shirt still covers your little shorts, and you assume you look a lot like one of those sorority girls, but it's good enough, has that super soft feeling from being worn too much. 
"Thanks. You can, uh… You can turn around now."
Mike looks over his shoulder, like he's making sure you're decent, then turns around fully. 
"I was trying to get outta there anyway. Spilling a drink on you was a good excuse."
You open your mouth, choking on a scoff, then ask, "Did you do that on purpose?" 
"No! It really was an accident. I'm glad it was just water, but I still feel bad."
You're squinting at him, but now you're curious about something else.
"Why'd you wanna get away from the party?" 
Sighing, Mike shows a tired smile. "Honestly, I'm still worn out from the game. I'm already sore and covered in these god damn bruises. I just wanna relax."
"If you're covered in bruises, I can't imagine how the other team feels. You smacked the shit outta some of 'em."
"So, you were watching."
"I may have glanced up once or twice," you lie. "Anyway, why don't you just hide out in here?" 
He shrugs his shoulders. "Erwin insisted I show my face, and I didn't want him to give me shit about being a recluse."
You can relate. It's why Hitch drags you everywhere. You wouldn't even leave your dorm for classes if you didn't have to. 
Still. "Dude. You're definitely not a recluse. You're fucking everywhere. All the time."
"So? I can get tired too."
He's got a point. 
"Can we just chill in here for a while?" He asks you. 
"Why do you need me to chill? You basically just said you needed a break from social interaction."
"Yeah, but not all social interaction," he corrects with a small grin. "Please? I've got movies and video games, Zelda and shit."
Again, the contemplation kicks in, all the pros and cons. You know very well what this can (will) lead to, but you also want to escape the party. And, if Hitch whines about you leaving, you can tell her you were there the whole time. Not like it's a lie. 
"Fine, but I have some stipulations."
"Oh, do you?" 
"I do."
Mike waves a hand for you to go on. "Let's hear 'em then."
Holding up one finger, you tell him, "You have to let me snoop around your room—" he laughs. You lift another finger, "—and we are not, under any circumstances, having sex."
You tilt your head, taken aback at how quick he is to agree. "Wait, seriously?" 
"Seriously. Go ahead. I'll pull up Hulu."
You hum, still suspicious, but start making your rounds, taking in photos from what you assume to be the high school soccer team he played on, then a fishing trip with Erwin, a middle-aged couple with a dog, and some pinned up tickets to sporting events he's attended. 
He has a bookshelf against a wall, textbooks at eye level, but the top and bottom shelves are filled with sci-fi and fantasy novels that make you smile. His TV is fairly large, big enough to see the picture from his bed which is also sizable and draped with a plush comforter. The last thing that catches your eye is his closet, halfway open and full of jerseys and Polos. A few different pairs of shoes sit at the bottom, but pushed all the way in the corner are a few boxes of fucking Magic the Gathering cards. 
"Oh, man. You really are a closet nerd. Like, literally."
"Huh?" Mike looks over at where you're kneeling, realizes what you're looking at and actually sounds self-conscious when he admits, "Yeah, uh, I wasn't joking the other day." 
"I've never played—too technical for me—but my friends in high school did."
"There are baseball cards back there too if that makes me any cooler."
"It doesn't," you say bluntly before straightening up and reaching to shut the door to his room. Plopping down on the floor next to him (where he was smart enough to sit), you add, "But even I can admit it's kind of endearing."
"Oh yeah?" He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, that stupid lopsided grin on his too-handsome face. 
"Don't get cocky, Zacharias." 
"You wouldn't let me if I wanted to."
Both of you agree to a Batman movie, and you make yourself comfortable, kicking your sandals off and leaning against the bed behind you. You're a little too aware of Mike's body beside yours, but you're able to ignore it for the most part, keeping a few inches between your arms and legs. Of course, he still brushes against you when the movie ends and he takes the time to stretch. His shoulders roll, making his shirt strain over his back, and when he holds his arms out, linked at his fingers, you can't help but take a quick look at his bulging biceps. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna feel like garbage tomorrow," he complains. You can see the bruises littering his arms, some of them thick lines while others are almost perfectly circular from where he was hit with the end of a lacrosse stick. 
"You have any classes?" You ask. 
"Just my ten o'clock and three o'clock."
You make a noise of acknowledgement then fall silent. You're not sure how to hold a conversation with him that isn't sarcastic or snippy since you haven't actually done a lot of talking in the first place. 
"Sucks," is all you can come up with. 
"It's alright. I've probably dealt with worse."
"Well, nothing really comes to mind, but I'm sure I have."
You should get going. It's late, and you have a nine AM tomorrow. Plus, the longer you sit next to Mike, the more ideas pop up in your head. Dirty ideas. Ideas that will leave you disappointed in yourself. 
"Well, I'm gonna head back. This has been…" You're unsure of what word to use, don't want to get his hopes up by saying 'fun'. 
Mike figures you out and offers, "Tolerable?" 
"Yeah, we can go with that. I'll get your shirt back to you sometime soon."
Mike chuckles and gets to his feet. "Just whenever you can." He grabs your wet top from the ground and holds it out to you, then reaches for the door as you slip on your sandals. 
You feel him close behind you, close enough for his chest to push against your back when you straighten up. His arm is pressing into your side, hand curled around the knob and twisting it, but he's unable to open the door as you let your head fall against it. 
"God dammit." 
"Hm?" You can tell he's leaning down because his breath falls just over your ear. 
"I said we weren't—"
He cuts you off, "But, you want to."
He's too hot and too smooth, and you can’t stop yourself from turning around and breathing, "Yeah, I want to." 
It's different tonight. Mike takes his time undressing you, kissing and sucking your neck, your collarbone, your nipples that pebble against his tongue. It's unnerving even as you squirm and moan. 
He eats you out lazily, flattening his tongue against your folds then dipping into your slit so that he can slip into your twitching hole. 
When he adds a finger, you immediately grind down on it, silently begging him to work you open enough to take his cock, but he doesn't move any faster, apparently content to just drive you insane. 
You're nearly begging by the time he turns you on your side and moves to lay behind you, hiking your leg up and pushing most of his length inside of you in one faultless motion that makes you choke and sob his name. 
That stretch is back, delicious as it is painful as he splits you open. His thrusts are the same slow pace, cock dragging against gummy walls as he drapes an arm over you to toy with your swollen clit. 
It takes you both longer than usual to come, but when you do, your whole body trembles against him, and you have to suck in several deep breaths until you feel like your lungs start actually filling with air. 
Mike paints your back with warm cum, groaning right in your ear as he rubs against you, his cock sliding easily up and down your skin and making more of a mess. 
That unnerving feeling blooms in your chest again, crawls up into your throat. 
Tonight had been too casual, too natural. The way you hung out and watched a movie was already a little strange. Him fucking you from behind, holding you tight against his body, was too tender. And, now, after he leaves to grab a wet towel and uses it to clean your back, you find yourself searching for words again only to come up with passionate—intimate. 
And, words like that scare you.
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The Dark Team (part 12)
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(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx)
Warnings: alcohol.
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Disclaimer: pic not mine.
After the sun came completely down and the night bathed the city, making the flashing lights of the buildings and cars look like the sky had spat all of its stars, you gathered all your work and called it a day. Thor, Steve and Bucky were able to go through everything you told them to, and everything was in control. You had managed to solve a chaotic situation from the distance, and the pleasant feeling of doing things right gave you the last push to close your laptop and join Peter and Loki.
Opening one of the windows, you let the fresh wind hit your face and unfurrow your brows, releasing all the tensions you had been accumulating all week long. Peter sneaked up from outside the building and hung upside down from the frame. You gasped, forgetting for a brief moment he was sticky and not completely out of his mind.
“Are you joining us, older?”.
“Yes, little. I’m going”, you laughed at the comeback of the nicknames. Standing for older sibling and little sibling Tony had baptized you with, years ago. Loki chuckled.
“You two are the epitome of adorability, sometimes”.
“Oh, we can get worse”, you laughed.
You had ordered some food in, without wanting to ever touch the mess of that kitchen again, and a bottle of wine. Nobody was there, else than you three; might as well have fun. As you waited for dinner to arrive, you decided on a slide presentation night. You gave each other no more than twenty minutes to arrange it all, so the chaos would be absolute and uncontrollable.
Peter presented first, with a long powerpoint ranking things the Avengers did in “vine-vibes” ascending order. You two tried (and failed miserably) to explain to Loki what a vine was and why something would have its vibes without being actually a video.
Loki’s presentation was titled “Seven hundred reasons why you shouldn’t worship the God of Sparkly hands”. There were actually only six reasons; two of them were about mass murders he was about to commit, and most of them talked about annoying things he did as a child. There was an extra one where it was just a white background and tiny letters in the middle saying “he dyes his hair blonde, he’s actually a redhead”.
Your presentation was titled “Seven hundred and one reasons why you should worship me instead”. No need to elaborate. They all differed except for Friday; she clapped with her electronic hands.
Two board games and some chess later, the food had already arrived. Peter was famished and ate more than you could’ve imagined a boy was capable of. He got so full, so quickly, that he instantly got sleepy. Loki could not bite his tongue and had to say “just like a baby”. It did not help that you snorted, and Peter shot his webs at you two; Loki avoided them and you couldn’t, so you ended up stuck to the roof. Peter started to walk to his room, leaving you up there.
“Hey, hey! Don’t leave, I’m still here!”, you called him. But he was gone. What an avenger. Loki chuckled, and raised his hand to free you with magic, and you instantly realized you were six meters away from the floor. “Wait! I’ll fall!!”.
He didn’t stop, and dissolved the net with a simple spell. As you fell down, you closed your eyes and tried to cover your head, knowing you’d have at least a broken bone. Peter has done this before, you knew there was no way to actually leave unharmed. Loki’s arms tightened around your body, avoiding you to fall flat against the floor.
As you looked up, you met his face, closer than ever. Closer than it ever has been. Your heart skipped a beat, and you knew you had to think about something else than the feeling of his chest against yours, his hands in your back, how he was holding you so gently, how he was looking at you so dearly. You knew you had to think about something else; for he could be reading your mind. He surely was. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t stop focusing on his peach lips and how soft his cheeks looked from up close. You couldn’t see anything else than the movement of his Adam’s apple when he swallowed hard, and how his hand trembled a little in your back.
He let you down slowly, still holding eye contact, still with his arms around you. Not the threatening gaze he would hold against everyone else on the compound. Not the lustful gaze he would sometimes draw while stealing some glances at you changing on your suit (he thought you didn’t notice, you certainly did). Not the concentrated gaze he would hold still on his face while reading one of those books he always carried around.
It wasn’t any of those. You had studied them thoroughly, meticulously, every inch of his facial expressions, every inch of his being while he wasn’t aware of your eyes on him. God, how you hated to look at him this way, but how much you couldn’t avoid it. Your brain knew you shouldn’t get attached. You had no chance at all to be with him; he was a God, a criminal, and he’d go back to Asgard. And, foremost, he didn’t feel the same. He had a lover, and his mind was still there, stuck in that person, undeletable.
And, as much as you could have read him like a children’s book the entirety of the past week, right now, you had no clue what those green eyes on you meant. You had no idea why the blush on his cheeks was in there, and why he let out a tiny (the tiniest, ever so subtle) gasp. Parted lips that shone, looked so…
You shook your head, closing your eyes. He didn’t let go of his grip around you, but your feet were already on the floor. You could’ve walked away if you wanted to. And you wanted to, you definitely did not want to stay there, and sink your nose in his neck. You certainly did not want to play with his hair while staring at those pair of emeralds he couldn’t keep away from you. You couldn’t read him. He looked at you in a way you’ve never seen him before. Yet it felt so… right.
No, it wasn’t right. God, what were you thinking?
He pulled away, and the cold breeze from the window surrounded your body. You didn’t realize how much body heat he was warming you with until he left. Or maybe it was your own. Your face was still burning. You visibly cringed at your reaction, and could not play it cool at all. He chuckled, again, and walked to the kitchen.
You didn’t say anything. Your face still burned, and your chest was tight. You haven’t felt like this in a long time, why now? Why in the middle of an important mission? Why just now, that he specifically told you he would not stay, and that once he left he would not come back? Why now, that he was opening a bottle of wine in the kitchen, and pouring it in two glasses?
Opening the balcony’s doors, there were two metal chairs (those with delicate designs, that would usually belong to a grandma’s garden) and a round and tiny glass table, just waiting for you two to sit there. You needed fresh air, so you did, sinking in all the city, the active flashlights of the cars, the minute people running around, or walking.
Two glasses of wine clicked against the glass table, and Loki sat in front of you with his eyes fixed on the city, too. You observed him from the corner of your eye, and he did the same. A subtle smile drew across his tightened lips.
After a glass of wine, a refill and about an hour of small talk, he uncrossed his legs and stretched his arms and back with a yawn. The blush still remained intact on his cheeks, and it couldn’t be because of the wine. If you weren’t drunk, much less him. He looked back at you, and chuckled uncomfortably.
“What?”, he asked.
“What what?”.
“You’re staring”.
“Oh, sorry”.
“No, it’s fine”, he said, and you furrowed your brows. He specified, “I don’t mind. I wonder what you’re thinking while you stare, nothing more”.
“So you’re not reading my mind?”.
“No. You said you didn’t like that”.
“Ah”, you gave your glass of wine one last sip and emptied it. It was such a simple gesture, yet you didn’t expect him to actually have listened. Of course he would, he wasn’t actually as bad as he was portrayed by Stark, or so you have seen so far of him. “I just… I wonder about you”.
“About what?”.
“You’re difficult to read. My job here is mainly knowing how to read people”, you explained, and he nodded. “It’s almost like you’re purposely hiding. Like you’re shifting your microexpressions into whatever they are now, so nobody can see what you actually think or feel”. He let out a short chest laugh. Probably sarcastic, but how would you know.
“Who would actually want to know what goes through my mind?”.
“I do, just told you”.
He looked down and played with the empty glass in between his fingers. It looked small in comparison.
“You don’t want to, believe me”.
“Are you afraid of letting people in?”.
“No, it’s not that”, he said, trying to let you know he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. You ignored it and opened your mouth, but the words died in your tongue as he added, “please, don’t”.
“I wish I knew you better”, you said after a few more minutes of silence. You swore you heard a creaking foot on the stairs, peeping in the conversation. You ignored it; if Loki was to talk to you, he would also say it in front of Peter. Not like you had some sort of special bond, or even friendship. You kind of wished for it, though.
“Why?”. His knitted eyebrows showed how actually curious he was about that. He believed you. He was certain you were telling the truth, but he simply couldn’t put his head around it. Why would anyone want to know me better? What is it about me that you care? And you wished to know the reason, too. If you knew why you were so drawn to him, maybe you could’ve stopped yourself.
“I feel like I’m missing out on something”.
“Something like what?”.
“Something great”.
“There is no greatness in me, it’s all an act”.
“I know it’s all an act”, you said, referring to his whole I’m a God and you’ll kneel before me and I’m superior. “I don't mean that kind of greatness. You’re hiding the wrong things”.
“You’re not missing out on anything”, he insisted, and not for humility, but because he wanted to brush you off. Keep you away from him.
“Don’t you think we could ever get along? Friends, even?”, you pressured. You knew you shouldn’t have, but Loki didn’t take it badly. Instead, he finally looked at you, drawing a sad smile.
“I’m going back to Asgard after the mission. I don’t intend to make new friends”, he said, but a softness in his voice hinted he wasn’t being mean; simply stating the facts. Exactly as it should be.
“Why did you come only for this mission?”, you asked. You actually wanted to ask do you even have friends back there?, but you knew better.
“I owe Stark. I messed up and wanted to fix at least something with him. He’s not taking it too kindly, but I think he understands the intentions”, he explained, sitting back up on his chair and getting his eyes back on the city.
“A peace offering?”.
“More like an apology. Redemption, even”.
“Redemption? Do you see yourself as a villain to him?”.
He didn’t answer right away. Took his time to find the words.
“I wronged. I did things I shouldn’t have”, and then you realized, he wasn’t apologizing for the New York incident. It was personal. You even wondered, maybe… was he…? Was Tony actually the...? No, imposible. “I know helping out on a mission won’t cut it, but if I can at least be a little bit of help to his planet…”.
“May I ask what did you wrong him in?”.
“I tried to take over Midgard once”, he said, and you didn’t believe him.
“If you ask me, it’s not Stark’s place to accept that apology. He doesn’t own the planet, even though he thinks that”.
“Does he?”.
“He acts like such, at least. He has a big ego, but also a big heart. He’s the closest thing I have to a father”.
“I know”, and you weren’t sure what he had said I know to.
The night was kept awake with more small talk you wouldn’t remember the next day. You saw the sun rising from behind the buildings in silence, with a bad aftertaste of wine, takeout food and unspoken words that would stay just like that.
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pinkesthoney · 4 years
Idiots in Love
Summary: Eddie and you have been friends for almost a year now. He’s been waiting for the perfect opportunity to show you how he really feels. Will he finally make a move when you both end up snuggled at the top of a ferris wheel? 
Relationship: Eddie x Reader
Word Count: appx. 2000
You came into Eddie’s apartment with a knock. Eddie was sitting at his desk, finishing an article. He greeted you over his shoulder before returning to his work. He could hear you moving around behind him. He couldn’t help the smile that took over his face when he heard you making yourself some tea. He never drank anything besides pitch black coffee, but he kept a tea kettle and boxes of all your favorite teas, just for you. He peeked over his shoulder to see you pouring hot water into a light pink mug with a pastel rainbow on it, also something that was only for you. The warm smell of vanilla chai made him smile.
Sometimes Eddie would look around his apartment and feel like the only thing missing was you. It’s been almost a year now since y’all started hanging out, and Eddie felt like he either had to make a move or risk losing you. And he didn’t want to lose you. Eddie had never met anyone like you. You were so...alive. He loved seeing you happy and excited, loved how it lit up your eyes and the way your chin ducked when you laughed deeply. But you weren’t a ‘good vibes only’ type person; Eddie loved how when you were furious or heartbroken you weren’t afraid to feel it. From the first time he met you he’d felt immediately drawn to you. He couldn’t get enough of you and how vibrant you were. He’d never thought he was missing anything in his life–he loved his job and he had great guy friends who got together regularly for sports or cards. He was happy. 
But then he met you; you were soft and funny, and you didn’t care what anyone else thought of you because you liked you. You were kind and loving and you shared your feelings so easily. You brought something so new to his life. He’d become nearly obsessed with your softness, your smiles. And that’s why he had to make a move, let you know how he felt and tonight was the night. 
He shook himself out of his thoughts, closing out his word editor and swiveling around to see you relaxed, laid out on his couch sipping tea, absorbed in a thick black and gold book. He tried not to look too lovesick. He had to ask you out, he had to know if you felt the same as he did. He knew if you gave him the chance he would spend the rest of his life making you smile. And he had a plan.
You could see Eddie from the corner of your eye, but you just relaxed even more into the couch, sipping your tea, letting the warmth soothe you into a dreamy state. The book you were reading was getting good and you couldn’t wait to see where the author took it. You had read for a few more pages before you noticed Eddie stand, stretch, then plop down on the other end of the couch. It wasn’t quite long enough for you to not touch, spread out as you were, so you let your feet rest on Eddie’s thigh, which he pretended to huff at while he channel surfed.
Eddie cleared his throat before breaking the comfortable silence “..hey so I, ah,  I mean I wanted to ask if you were doing anything later?” you peeked over your book and gave your head a small shake, eyes crinkling at the hesitation in his voice “good, yeah, cause I was gonna say I could take you out to that carnival that’s in town? You know, I saw they have some cool shows going on..” he trailed off, chuckling at himself and you nudged him with your foot so he would meet your eyes.
“hey, I can’t wait. I love carnivals. What time do you want to pick me up?” you asked, a bit of teasing in your voice, but warm and sunny nonetheless.
“oh I’m picking you up am I?” Eddie teases back with a wink “how’s 6:30 work for you?”
“that’s perfect” you respond with a bright smile. 
You both lapse back into a comfy silence, with you hiding behind your book so Eddie can’t see your blush or your excited grin–which also meant you couldn’t see Eddie’s ears turn red or the way he had to fight to keep his own smile at a normal level. Around 4 you headed back to your own place to get ready. 
You heard a knock at your door and dog-eared your page before skipping into your hall and yanking open the door. Eddie stood there, nose a little red from the chill that was just creeping in. You noticed he’d changed his clothes and smiled to yourself about it. “Hey!” you said brightly “Just give me one moment to put on some shoes, c’mon in.” you left to find a well-loved pair of baby blue and cream vans, pulling them on and tying the laces. You could see Eddie shuffling in the doorway and grinned at him. “will I be cold?” you asked him.
“You? Always. but, yeah, it’s gonna get a little chilly. I could always lend you my coat if you got cold though.” Eddie added on that last bit a little quieter. You were already in your favorite sweatshirt and Eddie ran hot anyway so you decided to take him up on his offer “you wouldn’t mind?” you checked, grabbing your keys. Eddie grunted an affirmative, and you trusted him to know his own mind so you motioned for him to lead the way.
Eddie walked a little ahead of you, which seemed odd until he stopped by your car door first to open it for you. You smiled and thanked him, sliding into the still-warm interior. Eddie kept his car neat (well, aside from the different papers and writings), just another thing you loved about him. Eddie got in too and y’all were on your way. 
outside it was getting dark, but the sky was still a cobalt blue and there was plenty of light to see by. Soon you pulled into a parking space outside the carnival, which was glowing against the dark blue sky like a magical forest of light. Your eyes were huge with wonder and you couldn’t stop the smile taking over your face,
Eddie knew he’d made the right choice asking you here. You experienced each new joy like you might die from its intensity. He loved you. He loved you and tonight he was going to tell you.
Eddie got out of the car, quickly coming around to your side and helping you out. You felt the brisk air on your skin and grinned even brighter. You could see your breath coming out in white wisps. You grabbed Eddie’s arm and pulled him towards the glowing entrance, him pretending to resist only so you would hook your arm fully in his and pull harder. He chuckled, following you happily.
When you got to the ticket booth, Eddie got both your tickets and handed you the classically shaped stub. You tucked it in your pocket–you always held on to sentimental little tidbits, especially with Eddie.
When you got inside the gate it was a wonderland of color and lights and smells. There was the heady smell of frying foods and a grassy smell like summer. There was a hum of happy chatter and music that would be creepy in a horror movie. You were torn on what to look at from the brightly colored tents to the glowing signs and rides. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off you, the way your face glowed in the multicolor lights. Eddie was just asking you where to start when your stomach grumbled loudly. You giggled and Eddie chuckled. He let you pick what booth to get food from then shooed you away to find a picnic table. A few minutes later Eddie waltzed up, arms laden with frito pies and funnel cake. They were delicious and warm, and you couldn’t help the moan you let out at the first satisfying mouthful. You noticed Eddies ears turning pink and gave him the benefit of the doubt that it was because of the chill. 
You knew Eddie and you had chemistry. You’d known it since you first met. But he’d never made a move to be more than friends, so you just enjoyed the moment. When you finished eating, you grabbed Eddie’s hand and pulled him to the games booths. You weren’t the best shot, but you managed to win a sparkly pink bracelet, which Eddie immediately put on when you gifted it to him. Eddie was much better with hand-eye coordination and even managed to win a respectably sized stuffed bumblebee, which handed to you with a blush. Your squeal of glee wiped away any momentary embarrassment he felt.
You linked hands again as you strolled through the carnival, giggling at the performances and gasping when a fire-eater blew a stream of flame over the crowd’s head. As soon as you passed him though you noticed how cold it had gotten, even with Eddie’s warmth at your side. Before you could even say anything, Eddie was shrugging out of his thick leather jacket draping it over your shoulders. “what?” he said defensively “I was getting too warm anyway.” You pulled his jacket around you tighter and hummed in satisfaction with the warmth. You let Eddie pull you close to him, pretending he was pulling you out of the way of a juggler, but you noticed he kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders even after you’d passed.
“How about that next?” he asked, bending to talk in your ear. You shivered and saw him pointing to the glowing ferris wheel. You nodded, letting your glee light up your face and giving the bumblebee an extra squeeze. Eddie grinned and steered you towards the huge wheel, pulling you closer to his side. 
The line was surprisingly short, so before too long Eddie handed over some tickets to the ride operator, mumbling something to him, and y’all took a seat in the swinging cart. The bench fit but didn’t leave any wiggle room, so you ended up plastered to Eddie, who once again wrapped an arm around you. 
By now the sun had set so the lights of the city glowed bright in the darkness. From the top of the wheel it looked like you and Eddie were floating in space with stars all around. “Eddie...I feel, so full. it’s almost too much, it’s so beautiful I feel like I might burst!” you looked over and saw that Eddie wasn’t looking at the view around you, he was staring at...you.
“iloveyou” his low voice came out in a rush, followed by a very dark blush, but he never broke eye contact. And that’s when you started crying. At first he looked horrified, but you squeezed his hand. 
“I love you too, I have since I met you.” You whispered, not trusting your voice. Eddie breathed a sigh of relief and the hand that had been draped over your arm moved to the back of your head, slipping through your hair to pull you into the best kiss you’d ever had. His lips were soft, contrasted by his rough stubble. You couldn’t help a small moan from escaping, but judging by his responding moan, Eddie didn’t seem to mind. You melted into the kiss, losing sense of everything else around you.
When you pulled back, all you could see was Eddie’s blue-green eyes glowing from the lights below, and you noticed that the corners of his eyes were just a little wet with tears. “hi” you whispered, “hi you” he whispered back. You felt so perfectly happy. You both knew this was where you would end up, from the first second you met. 
“haven’t we been at the top of this for a while? I’m not complaining but...” you asked, a little confused
“oh, yeah, I tipped the operator to give us a bit of extra alone time.” Eddie says with a wink.
You giggle, snuggling closer in to his side, just enjoying this feeling. 
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angelsswirl · 4 years
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Summary: You've found yourself in a horrible situation. And there's only one way to get out of it. Choose: Park Chaeyoung or Kim Jisoo.
Notes: i just wanted to get a story out for the other half of the group since what's posted currently is mostly jenlisa centric. Also, the original story took place in new york and i think it's beneficial for it to stay that way.
Requested: sort of
Type: Chaptered
Warnings: jisoo and rosé are both alphas so 😉
"Everything, has changed."
New York City is five hundred percent a horrible place to be. There's no question about it. It stinks, it's hot, and there's just so many damn people.
It's one of the reasons you skipped out on going to the gym often. That, and residual laziness really.
The only reason why you were here in the first place was because the gym in your apartment building was being "remodeled". In reality, you think someone finally died in there and they're cleaning up the evidence.
It was, of course, packed. It was toward the middle of the city, but it was the only one you didn't need a one hundred dollar plus membership to workout in.
Your graduate student wallet couldn't take that, but it could take planet fitness' free trial. You weren't going to be in there long anyway.
You were only doing enough exercise to burn off about 500 calories, so you could put them back on at your bestfriend's gathering later that night.
The way you work out this should only take about three miles on the elliptical and 4 reps of the 40 pound bar. You'll be out in like an hour. Which is great, because you didn't know how much more you could take of alphas staring at your ass, and the stench of this place. Oh God, the stench.
The ass ogling may very well be your own fault. These new floral fabletics leggings just fit you too damn perfectly and you definitely should have saved them for when you could afford the expensive gym that could afford scent filters. No seriously, it stunk so bad your eyes were watering.
You aimed to get started on the elliptical, only to be hindered when the damn thing won't turn on. You pressed every single button around and nothing happened.
You must be very obviously struggling because someone walked over and took pity on you. There's a bang of machinery and then suddenly your feet are spiraling.
"Sometimes these things need a good kickstart." A soft, alpha voice says conversationally.
"Uhh, thank you. Do you work here?"
"Me? Oh, no. Just come here often enough to know that it's shit."
The soft voiced alpha woman, is absolutely gorgeous, like so gorgeous you wonder why she would even dare step foot in a place like this.
"I'm Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rosé if you want." She held out her hand.
"Y/N." The handshake is firm. Like Rosé has been doing it frequently for a while now.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Rosé decided to get onto the machine right next to you. Something, you're sure, was not going to happen originally. You're flattered to say the least.
"Sorry if this seems too forward, but you're really pretty, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime. I don't normally do this type of thing and I feel very weird right now, so please say yes so I can stop talking and embarrassing myself-" Chaeyoung held out a sleek blue business card (someone used vistaprint). You placed it back into her hand with your number scrawled onto the back. Apparently, Chaeyoung is the type that carries business cards and pens in her gym shorts.
"I would like that, Rosé." You smiled, amused at Chaeyoung's sudden change of confidence. She walked over with so much, and then suddenly it was gone. You found that endearing.
"Oh! That's nice. Um, I didn't think this far ahead, okay. Shit." You just lazily stepped/pedaled on the elliptical as you watched Rosé flounder with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll call you later with details?" She got it!
"I'm looking forward to it."
"Great. I'm going to walk away now because my break was up like 15 minutes ago."
You chuckled to yourself as the woman slowly walked away.
The party was in full swing by the time you got there. You did that purposefully.
Lisa is nowhere to be found so you take that as your opportunity to start stuffing your face with hor d'oeuvres.
Unlike yourself, Lisa had graduated with her bachelor's in education and decided that was enough. Soon after she met her alpha, Jennie, and they settled down in suburbia rather quickly.
You hadn't wanted just a bachelor's in education. You wanted your master's because you're a perfectionist. Always have been. You're in your second year of grad school through NYU.
Lisa had told you it wasn't necessary. It was a waste of time. You exactly wouldn't get paid more or enter in a higher position than she would have with just her bachelor's. And she was right. You were omegas, it would always be diffcult to get your dream job. You knew that. But you didn't listen.
It was hard to keep up your friendship as Lisa got deeper into it with Jennie, and you got deeper into your studies. You haven't talked nearly as much as you would like lately.
That's what you came here tonight to fix. Jennie and Lisa had gathered many of their closest friends for some sort of get together. You weren't asking questions, you were just there for Lisa and the food.
A tap to your shoulder startled you almost enough to drop your crab puff. You turned around to face the perpetrator.
"Having fun there?" Lisa said with a concerned look. In her defense, you're mouth is visibly full and you looked downright capable of murder with the prospect of dropping your snack.
"Lali!" It's a bit muddled, with the full mouth and all, but the point is delivered. You hastily chew and swallow. Somehow without choking to death.
"Hello, beautiful! How have you been?" Lisa looked a bit miffed at the fact that she even had to ask that, but she's still curious.
"I'm good. School is fine. You know me." You just shrug. There was no need to tell her that you sort of felt like your life was coming to a complete standstill. You smiled politely as Jennie approached behind Lisa's shoulder.
"Hello, Jennie."
"Hi, Y/N. Do you mind if I steal this one away for a sec?" Yes. Yes you does. You do mind a whole lot, but it doesn't seem you have much of a choice as Jennie leads her omega away.
"So much for getting your best friend back." You mumbled to yourself. You headed toward one of the beverage collections, grabbing a spring water. You opened it and took a sip.
A few seconds later, there's a tapping of metal against glass and everyone's attention is drawn toward the center of the livingroom.
"Okay, first we would like to thank everyone for coming. You're probably wondering why you're all here." Jennie inquired, and the room nodded along.
"Well, we have an announcement...we're pregnant!"
You're not quite sure why it seems like the room is suddenly closing in on you. Maybe you ate too much too quickly, or maybe that feeling that everyone is moving so quickly without you is finally starting to really penetrate your psyche.
It's not until then that you realize both of the happy couple's parents are here and everyone is congratulating them and you should be too, but you can't. Not right now.
You need some air.
You settled for the kitchen, it would be too hot outside, and someone would surely see you leave. There isn't anyone in there as far as you can see, so you dart into it.
"Some party, isn't it?"
You jumped so harshly, your off the shoulder blouse switched to being off the other shoulder.
The woman, an alpha if the way she's standing is anything to go by, sipped lazily on a beer. She's barely taller than you yourself, and yet vaguely familiar.
"Uh, it's okay." You cower a bit under the woman's gaze. You fumbled with the cap of your water and deftly take another sip.
"Yeah. There's going to be another Jennie running around here. Get right with your God while you can." A smirk slipped out from behind the beer bottle.
You laughed a bit, "Do I know you? You seem familiar."
The woman seemed to hesitate a bit before holding out her hand, "Jisoo. I don't think you do know me." You shook her hand happily.
Jisoo nodded, "So how do you know Thing 1 and Thing 2 in there?"
"Lisa and I went to college together. I was with her the day she met Jennie actually."
"Was it love at first sight?" Jisoo took another sip of her beer. She grimaced slightly. You get the sense that dhe doesn't like what she's drinking but is torturing herself anyway for some reason.
"Not at all. We both hated her. She said something stupid. For the life of me, I can't remember what it was, but it was very stupid. But, she kept coming back and somehow she got Lali to fall in love with her somewhere in there." You smiled a bit bittersweetly.
"And you?"
"And I what?"
"How do you feel about Jennie?" Jisoo smiled conspiratorially.
"I-it doesn't matter how I feel about Jennie. She treats Lisa right so that's enough for me. Anyway, how do you know them? Are you family?"
Jisoo shrugged one shoulder lazily, "Depends on who you ask."
There's a lull in the conversation, before you spoke up again.
"Do you know what time it is? I have class in the morning."
Jisoo pulled out her phone, she turned the screen on revealing the time (9:48) and her phone wallpaper.
"Who's that?" You asked with a nod toward Jisoo's phone.
Jisoo hesitated again, this time it seems like she's really battling with herself.
"...My daughter. Lia." And there it is. A flash of disappointment fluttered across your face momentarily.
"Oh. You're mated?" It was odd. Normally, you could simply tell by smell if someone was mated. You didn't know how to explain it, but biology was weird. Basically, Jisoo didn't smell mated. You took a step away. If she was mated, you were probably standing a bit too close to be considered kosher.
"No." Jisoo took a step or two closer. Leaving you a bit closer than you were before. It's simple and leaves you with more questions than answers but you doesn't ask any of them.
Eventually, Jisoo took pity on you.
"The result of a one night stand. I thought the hangover I had to deal with the next day was the last thing I had to attribute to her, then 9 months later there's a knock on my door and baby on my doorstep. All pretty dramatic if you ask me."
You listened attentively as Jisoo spoke. You had a feeling she didn't talk about this much to anyone.
"I wouldn't give the kid up for anything, though. She's kind of the reason why we have a roof over our head." Jisoo frowned for a second before taking another sip of her beer.
You studied the alpha for a long moment. Then gasped. "That's where I recognize you from! You have a YouTube channel about parenting. They've shown a couple of your videos in my classes before." You mumbled the last part a bit shyly, realizing you may have been a bit too excited just then.
Jisoo sighed, "Damn. I was hoping I could get away without that coming up."
Jisoo scrunched her nose up and winced. "It's embarrassing."
"I don't think it is. From what I've seen, you're a good mother. And you're helping others. That's nothing to be embarrassed about." You smiled softly and touched a hand to Jisoo's shoulder.
It's then that their isolation is finally broken. Jennie stepped into the kitchen with an odd look on her face. Jisoo shrugged off your hand with a roll of her eyes.
"There you are, Y/N. Lisa was looking for you. What are you doing in here?" Jennie narrowed her eyes at Jisoo slightly, who only shrugged and chugged the rest of her beer.
"I was just cooling down from the rager you're throwing in there." It's slightly sarcastic, and you're not sure where the confidence is coming from, but it's much appreciated. You can practically feel Jisoo's body loosen from its tense state Jennie had caused.
"Ohhkay. Well, don't be a stranger." Jennie walked back into the main room with a confused shake of the head.
"That was weird."
Jisoo only nods slowly, staring down into the empty beer bottle.
"Well, um, I better head out. It was nice meeting you, Jisoo. And thanks for keeping me company."
"Uh, yeah. No problem."
You head for the exit, but stop suddenly, "Oh, and Jisoo?"
Jisoo looked up from the bottle, "Yeah?"
"Lia is beautiful. She looks exactly like you." You turned back around without another glance. You slipped out of the front door and towards your car.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 夏彦 SR [忆中人] [Tears of Themis] Xia Yan SR [Reminiscent Person] Card Story Translations (Part 1)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Xia Yan’s personal tag will be #Tears of a PI. Personal master-list under construction!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / SMS
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Location: Shopping Mall
MC: This is the place?
Xia Yan: That's right, this is it, based on the address.
It was a weekend and Xia Yan and I came to an Experience Hall of Tacit Understanding that had recently gained much popularity.
The owner of this Store had specially crafted and designed various questions and levels to test all players that participated in the game. Despite the fact that there were best friends and siblings alike coming to challenge this game, couples still made up a larger portion of the players here.
Speaking of which, the only reason why Xia Yan and I even came here to have fun was because of the commission that he had received last week.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Home
I had only just returned home after a busy day when my phone suddenly vibrated to life.
I picked up my phone, seeing that it was Xia Yan calling.
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MC: Hello? Xia Yan? What's up?
Xia Yan: (Y/n), ever heard of the Experience Hall of Tacit Understanding?
MC: The Experience Hall of Tacit Understanding?
Xia Yan: ...They call it an experience, but it's actually something that two people have to get through together.
Xia Yan: You'll have to play some games that test your Tacit Understanding on each and every level or answer a difficult question. You must past the test to proceed onto the next level.
MC: I seem to recall my colleagues talking about something like this...but I've never been there before.
MC: Why are you suddenly asking me this?
Xia Yan's voice paused on the other end of the line.
Xia Yan: Oh...I just accepted a job, and they want me to investigate this particular Store.
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MC: Is there something wrong with this Store?
Xia Yan: No, it's just that the Client's girlfriend really wants to try this Store out, but eight or nine out of ten of the friends around him had broken up with their significant others after having participated in it.  
Xia Yan: He's afraid of being used by his girlfriend and not acting up to standard when playing, so he sent me to investigate just what exactly they're going to be playing inside that Store.
MC: But...why not just ask his friends about it then?
Xia Yan: Of course, he did, but the Store had recently changed their running theme and even increased the difficulty.
Xia Yan: He even concealed the fact from his girlfriend that he had gone off and played through it once with a friend of his...acting as a couple...
Xia Yan: But they only managed to survive the first round due to insufficient Tacit Understanding…
Having listened up till this point, I could already guess what Xia Yan was pretty much trying to get at.
MC: So, you're saying that you want me to investigate this Experience Hall with you, right?
Xia Yan: Yes. I can't think of anyone else who'd be my partner besides you.
Xia Yan: Plus, you're also the one who understands me best.
I couldn't do anything to help my slightly reddening face as his gentle voice reached my ears through the phone.
Xia Yan: Unless you're not confident in getting across the hurdles?
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MC: Why would I be? We'll definitely clear it all without a hitch!
MC: Don't forget that I'm still your Watson after all!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Looking at how eager Xia Yan was, I smiled and asked him.
MC: I thought you said that you didn't accept commissions that had anything to do with relationships?
He jolted, his expression looking a little unnatural on his face.
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Xia Yan: …Actually, this Client's a relative of a friend of mine, so this can be considered as me doing him a favor.
Xia Yan: And what he asked me to investigate was the content of this game...so strictly speaking, it's not really considered as a commission related to relationships.
MC: This job doesn't look like it has space for development, but yet you're still so actively invested in it...
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MC: Are you sure it's really not because you personally want to play this game too?
Xia Yan: How can that be…? I've always been this way towards each and every commission...
Looking at my seemingly smiling, yet un-smiling face, Xia Yan stammered as he tried to come up with an excuse.
But in the end, he only sighed helplessly.
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Xia Yan: Alright. You've seen through me… I only agreed to take this job on because I was curious about it.
Xia Yan: But curiosity isn't all there is to it, I also thought that...
MC: What?
His voice gradually faded off and I didn't manage to catch whatever he had said after.
Xia Yan: Nothing, I was just distracted earlier.
Xia Yan: Oh yes, take this. I've installed a miniature camera on it.
I lowered my head, spotting a delicate and exquisite looking bracelet lying on in his hand.
MC: How exquisite. It doesn't look at all like the piece of "Detective Equipment" it is.
Xia Yan laughed, clasping the bracelet onto my wrist.
Xia Yan: Do you like it? You can keep it if you do since it was something made for you to begin with.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Experience Hall's Front Desk
We walked into the shop entrance after having prepared ourselves, the Front Desk Clerk coming up to greet us with a smile.
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Front Desk Clerk: Good afternoon to the both of you; do you have a reservation?
Xia Yan: Yes, my surname's Xia.
Xia Yan whipped out his phone and showed the Clerk his reservation details.
Front Desk Clerk: Mr. Xia, yes? … Here it is. You've made a booking for the Couple's Package with the theme of the "Cursed Castle".
Since this Establishment would slightly adjust the content of the game in regard to the relationship between players, we decided to register as a couple.
Despite knowing that this was all just for work, my heart still skipped a beat when I heard the words "couple".
Discreetly peeking at him, I realized that his ears were a little red.
Xia Yan: Yes… That's right.
Front Desk Clerk: Alright then. Welcome, both of you. Please follow me to get yourself registered.
Front Desk Clerk: You cannot use your mobile phones during the game, so the both of you should go store yours.
Front Desk Clerk: The both of you can go wait in the Rest Area for a bit. Another member of the staff will come look for you later.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Rest Area
We both walked to the Rest Area and managed to coincidentally catch sight of a couple leaving the Challenge House.
They both had their heads bowed and didn't seem to be in a very good mood, leaving the Experience Hall one after another in silence.
MC: Looks like they weren't successful in clearing it.
Xia Yan: That doesn't seem to be all… looks like they had a fight too.
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MC: I actually thought nothing of this at first, but now that I've seen them like that...
MC: I'm actually starting to get a little nervous...
Suddenly, the piercing sound of a quarrel cut me off.
Female Player: You even forgot the place where we had our first date!?
Male Player: I'm sorry, okay? It was so long ago; I really couldn't remember.
Female Player: Long? You think of even such a short period of time long!? Do you think there's no meaning to being together with me!?
Male Player: Can you stop making a big fuss out of nothing!? Didn't you also forget what my favorite ballgame team was!?
Female Player: I don't usually watch ball games. Plus, you were the one who used up all the hints! Yet you still dare to talk back to me!?
Under the watchful and surprised eyes of the people around them, she gave her boyfriend a shove before leaving, never once looking back.
The guy stood there stunned for a moment before walking out of the door, cursing and swearing.
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MC: ……
Xia Yan: ……
MC: Looks like the percentage of a successful clear isn't very high...
Staff Member: Both of you, it'll be your turn very soon. Come with me to fill out a questionnaire first.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Under the guidance of the Staff Member, Xia Yan and I were brought to separate areas to fill in our own questionnaires.
The questions were simple enough and included things like my habits, likes, dislikes, memorable things, etc.; probably information to be used in the game.
I raised my hand to tuck my hair back behind my ear, turning the lens of the hidden camera on the bracelet I wore to face the questionnaire, snapping images of the questions as I filled them in.
After answering the questionnaires, Xia Yan and I were both led away by the Staff Member, officially entering the doors of the “Challenge House”.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Inside the Challenge House
Behind the door was a dark room that resembled an abandoned residence, it's walls covered in "cobwebs".
???: Welcome to the “Cursed Castle” experience, I am the Gamemaster of this place.
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Gamemaster: Please remember every word I say as you carefully explore the secrets of this Castle.
Another Staff Member appeared beside us. He was dressed in an impeccable black swallowtail coat, elegant and graceful.
Gamemaster: You will now be faced with the first stage of the challenge—— Silent Tacit Understanding. There are three segments to this level…
Gamemaster: You'll have 15 minutes for each segment, and you'll have to answer 10 questions correctly to proceed onto the next segment. I will explain the requirements of each segment in detail to you before the game begins.
Gamemaster: The both of you will only have 3 chances to ask for help throughout this entire game, so please use it wisely.
Gamemaster: That should be all the rules. Do either of you have any questions?
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Xia Yan: No problems on my end. How 'bout you? You ready for this?
He looked at me, all smiles.
MC: Of course I am! Let's get this game started!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Inside the Challenge House
The Tacit Understanding Challenge began after the Gamemaster had explained all the rules.
The first segment was a game of draw and guess. Xia Yan drew, and I guessed 
Xia Yan wasn't good at it by any means, for the horse he had drawn back in Art Class had been recognized as a pig by our fellow classmate… But we'd taken to sending each other Holiday Greeting Cards on a yearly basis ever since we were kids, and there would always be one of his "masterpieces" drawn on it…
So that's why it's easier for me to recognize what exactly he was drawing.
Gamemaster: You have both successfully completed the challenge in 6 minutes.
Xia Yan: This sort of difficulty won't pose a problem for us at all.
Gamemaster: This segment's just a warmup, so don't underestimate it.
Xia Yan: Then, what are we going to be playing in the second segment? Please don't tell me Charades...
Gamemaster: Mngh… That's right. The lady will be the one making the gestures and this time, Mister, you'll be the one guessing.
I took a slip of paper from the wooden box that the Gamemaster held.
MC: (Graceful and slender figure? How very coincidental…)
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Hall Party
Xia Yan and I used to often play Charades with each other in the past.
The first time we played this game was back we were both still in high school, at a party 
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MC: (Graceful and slender figure…? Just how am I supposed to act this out?)
MC: Xia Yan, it's an idiom. Four words.
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Xia Yan: I know this, I know! It's "To dance for joy"!
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Xia Yan: Ah? That's "To act in confusion!"
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Xia Yan: Uh... “To make threatening gestures”...?
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MC: ……
Xia Yan had his back turned to the projector screen and was thus unable to see the answer being projected onto it, but all our other classmates could…
At this point, everyone was already breathless with laughter.
Classmate A: (Y/n), he thinks you've gone bonkers!
Classmate B: Hahahaha! To make threatening gestures…? Pft— heh, it's getting more outrageous by the minute...hahaha…!!
My face flushed in front of the entire class, and I ended up darting out of the door to make my speedy escape.
Xia Yan freaked out, immediately running out after me to apologize, even reciting "graceful and slender figure" ten times over.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
I couldn't help but to smile as I recalled that one embarrassing experience of ours.
Xia Yan became a little suspicious when he saw how I was barely able to hold back my smile.
I winked at him before imitating my actions from back then, awkwardly twisting my body twice.
Xia Yan, who was at the side, blurted out the four words:
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Xia Yan: Graceful and slender figure!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
After successfully answering a couple more questions in succession, Xia Yan and I eventually reached the last segment of the first stage.
The Staff Member led us to a table where various food items were laid out along with some exquisite ornaments.
Gamemaster: In this segment, one of you will have to guess the word whilst blindfolded.
Gamemaster: The answer spans across books, people, film and television works, and more, but they can all be derived through inference all the same.
Gamemaster: Now, I will blindfold this man here and give the lady the answer to this puzzle.
The Gamemaster turned to face me.
Gamemaster: You can choose to use anything in this room here that's related to the answer to convey what it is to this man here.
MC: But he's blindfolded, so just how will I...
MC: I get it now! He has to guess what I'm holding before he can try making inferences as to what the answer to the puzzle really is!
Gamemaster: Correct.
Xia Yan: Can she describe how it looks to me?
Gamemaster: No. Please keep in mind that you cannot use words to hint the other.
After saying so, the Gamemaster pulled out a black handkerchief and handed it to me.
I took the handkerchief from him, tying it securely around Xia Yan's head.
MC: Is it too tight? Is it constricting your eyes?
Xia Yan's soft hair slid between my fingers, a faint fragrance wafting from his locks.
Xia Yan: Nope, just nice.
I took his hand and helped him seat himself onto the chair.
MC: I'll go look for something so stay put and wait for me!
I opened up the small slip of paper that the Gamemaster handed me. The answer to the puzzle was none other than "Sherlock Holmes".
MC: It's the name of a book… Just what can be related to the name of this book?
I looked to the lavishly arranged assortment of food on the table, feeling a little at a loss. Suddenly, peanut candy entered my field of vision.
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MC: (Peanut… Watson…)
MC: (I'm sure he'll be able to guess the wordplay if I use this.)
Picking up the peanut sweet, I walked back to him.
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MC: Xia Yan… Open your mouth.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Xia Yan was sitting quietly on the chair, startling slightly upon hearing my voice. But he opened his mouth slightly without a moment's hesitation.
This was the first time that I've ever really looked at his lips. They were thin, but were absolutely soft-looking.
MC: ……
Xia Yan: What's wrong?
His voice of suspicion snapped me out of my thoughts, and I hurriedly moved to place the peanut sweet into his mouth.
His lips were as warm and soft as I'd imagined, not doing anything to help my reddening face. Feeling the sensation of food between his lips and teeth, Xia Yan instinctively dove at it with his mouth.
My fingers registered the fleeting feeling of something warm and wet, which was probably his tongue.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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MC: Ah…
I jerked backwards, as if I had just received an electric shock, causing the peanut candy to also slip from his mouth, following my abrupt retreat.
MC: S-Sorry…! I'll go get another!
Xia Yan: No worries… I'll wait for you...
His voice turned a little hoarse.
I turned around, only to see the Gamemaster watching the both of us with interest.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
I darted out of his line of side and hurriedly went to fetch another piece of candy.
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⊳  Select blindfold
Xia Yan's eyes were tightly bound by the pitch-black cloth. Under the dim light, I could see the hints of a blush dusting his features.
MC: (I really wanna run my hands through his hair…)
MC: (Wait, no! What did I just think of!?)
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⊳ Select collarbone
Standing in front of him, I could see his collarbone peeking out of his shirt upon lowering my head.
MC: (Not bad at all.)
MC: (Why oh why am I focusing weirder and weirder things now…?)
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⊳  Select hand
Xia Yan: You're… you're back?
MC: Yup… Now open up.
Looking at his slightly parted lips, that soft and wet feeling that I had experienced earlier floated back into the surface of my mind yet again.
I took in a deep breath, stuffing the peanut candy into his mouth.
It was super quiet within the room, with only the sound of Xia Yan’s chewing of the candy and the rapid yet fierce beating of my heart.
Gamemaster: The answer is a title of a novelized series; you may begin guessing now.
Swallowing the sweet in his mouth, Xia Yan grinned.
Xia Yan: I know. The answer is "Sherlock Holmes".
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Gamemaster: That is the correct answer.
He religiously glanced at the watch sitting stop his wrist, sighing.
Xia Yan only smiled cheekily at him upon hearing the grudgeful undertone of his voice.
Xia Yan: That sort of question ain't too hard for me!
Gamemaster: You still have to answer 9 more questions correctly, so don’t let your guard down..
After saying so, the Gamemaster placed another one of the puzzle answers into the palm of my hand.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
This segment was harder compared to the previous two, and it was very hard to find the corresponding items of relation for certain answers.
Fortunately, all answers could be attained through inference, so Xia Yan and I managed to get through it smoothly.
Gamemaster: Congratulations to the two of you for having passed stage one.
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Xia Yan: See? Didn’t I tell you? It’s no problem for us at all!
Gamemaster: I have a question for this lady here. Do you like deducing things? You seem to have a really good grasp on it.
Gamemaster: But… you didn’t seem to have written it in the questionnaire.
The Staff Member who’d been in charge of guiding us looked at me in puzzlement.
Xia Yan: So, you’re really picking things that I like, but she doesn’t understand.
Xia Yan: Only that you never thought that she’d have an excellent grasp of it either.
Gamemaster: Not purposely. But it’s a test of Tacit Understanding, so it’ll obviously be tailored to both your individual preferences, of course.
Gamemaster: The first two segments aren’t hard, but most players usually choose to use up one of their chances of asking for help on the last segment...
Gamemaster: So, I really wasn’t expecting the two of you to get through this so smoothly.
MC: I actually like it quite a bit, but my understanding of this is mainly influenced by him, for better or for worse.
MC: Especially since said someone has been a big fan of detectives ever since he was a kid!
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MC: (Not to mention that he’s even working as a part-time detective. And oh yes, his real job’s a secret agent...)
But I could only voice all these complaints inwardly to myself.
I looked at Xia Yan and gave him a wink, to which he only smiled helplessly at.
Gamemaster: But the two of you shouldn’t be taking this lightly either; there are much bigger and harder puzzles waiting for the both of you.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Xia Yan and I progressed through a couple of stages which were mostly just testing our ability to work together.
He was much more highly skilled than ordinary folk, so things that were supposedly hard like retrieving something from a high place or even the laser array, weren’t even worth mentioning to someone like him.
We soon found ourselves arriving at the second last segment of it all.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Outside the Maze
Gamemaster: This stage is called the “Memory Maze”; you both have to answer questions while trying to find your way out of the maze.
Gamemaster: The both of you will be separated in this stage and will be entering the maze from different entry points. You have to find each other within the maze and make it out together for you to successfully pass the stage.
Gamemaster: You have to answer the questions on your own. Take note, you’ll lose the moment you ask your partner for help!
Xia Yan: There are two of us, who are you going to follow this time round?
Gamemaster: I won’t be following any of you. The two of you will have to explore the rest of the way yourself.
Xia Yan: How would we be able to tell how much time has passed without you around?
Gamemaster: You guys will have a total of 20 minutes and reminders will sound when you have 10, 5- and 1-minute left respectively.
MC: Let’s see each other in a while then, Xia Yan!
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Xia Yan: Don’t worry, I’ll definitely find you in a jiffy.
Heading in the direction where the Staff Member pointed out, Xia Yan and I split up at the fork in the corridor, entering the maze from two separate entrances, each on one side of the room.
───⋅𝕿𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊…⋆⋅☆
39 notes · View notes
sarcastic-sunshines · 4 years
ABIONA AU - Part 8
Pairing: T’ Challa x Black!Reader
Warning(s): None
Word Count:  4192
Link to ABIONA by @aloevverified
Link to Face claims (2)
Part: (1) (2) (3) (I1) (I2) (4) (I3) (I4) (5) (6) (I5) (I6) (7)
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I have updated this story, but I still love it and I hope you do too. I promise this time I will be more consistent with posting. As always, I can’t wait to know what you think! I know this year has been a whirlwind so I hope you are all taking care of yourself. Don’t forget to do something that make you smile 😊
Part 8
Alix woke up the next morning as she had been for the last couple of weeks, to a cold bed. The only difference is she found a little note in the bed from T’challa. It read:
I hope you were able to get some sleep. I know it has been hard for you these past couple of weeks. I have not been there for you and ‘Ona as I should be. And for that I am sorry. I am still trying to find the balance between my duty as King and my duty as father and lover. I am trying my best, but fighting with you does not help. I hope we can talk more later in the day. I love you so much, please remember that. And know that even in your state of anger I still think you are the second most beautiful creation that Bast has allowed me to see.  
Sincerely yours,
Your Handsome Baby Daddy T’challa
P.S. I only said second because Abiona is first. I know you understand.
Alix read the note a few times trying to stop herself from both laughing and crying. She truly wanted to believe the words he wrote. But his actions had shown otherwise. Alix decided to go for a run to clear her screaming thoughts. She left Abiona with Zemora and went to see if the early morning city heat could melt away the emotions that left her feeling cold and hollow. The ache in her legs did nothing to hide the sharp pain of the small wounds in her heart. The vibrant city of Birnin Zana did little to brighten her mood, but simply reminded her of all she would lose if this didn’t work out. It had to work out, Alix wasn’t  sure if her heart could take it if it didn’t . She headed back to the palace, entering through the back where the guards discreetly let her in.  She got ready for her free day at home with Abiona. After building blocks she turned to look at the clock and to see it was almost lunchtime. Her free time at home had allowed her the ease of making meat pies just like her mom used to make them. She saved some for Jules, who she was sure would come by before Zemora went home, and tied some in a little container. Alix turned and told Zemora she would be back soon. She stood outside the door for 2 minutes before closing her eyes and knocking. After hearing his low “come in”, Alix entered the office like she was scared of what was behind the door. T’challa looked up, feeling a sense of relieve to see Alix come through.
“Alix, hello”
“Hey, I assumed you didn’t have lunch yet and I made some meat pies like Maman used to make. I know you really liked them” T’challa smiled and motioned for her to sit. She sat across from him as T’challa fought the urge to pull her into his lap. He knew this wasn’t the right time. He did not want her to feel as though her concerns were not valid.
“Thank you entle  that was so thoughtful of you” T’challa took a bite as Alix watched him.
“Are they better than when my mom makes them?”
“If I lie will you get upset?” they both quietly chuckled knowing Alix was joking. He ate mostly in silence as Alix took in his office. She had  not spent a lot of time there but now she was able to take in the subtle details that reminded her of T’challa. Like the pictures on his wall of Abiona’s ultrasounds with the sound of the heartbeat put into the frame and activated when pressed. His desk was also filled with pictures of Abiona. Alix smiled at a recent one of T’challa and Abiona at the border tribe visiting the rhinos. Just like every other time she saw a picture of herself, the picture of her at Amélie’s baby shower flattered her to be among his memories. She looked so happy then. To think the night ended with her fighting with T’challa. Of course his reassurance had calmed her nervous heart. Alix realised that is what she needed now. To be sure that she wasn’t the only one trying to make this work. She turned to T’challa with a solemn face.
“Do you want to talk now or are you too busy” T’challa’s face suddenly showed all the exhaustion he had been feeling over the past few weeks. 
“Alix, I hope you know I am not choosing to be absent”
“No, but you are not doing much to show that”T’challa got up to sit across from Alix and took her hands.
“Alixandre please, you know that isn’t fair” Alix avoided all eye contact. T’challa sighed before he could continue. “Alix, I know I have not done a good job at balancing home and work. I thought I was getting better at it since I got to be home more to put ‘Ona to bed. But obviously I forgot to ask you what you needed from me. I am sorry. I have been short with you, and impatient as well as inconsiderate. If this has put any doubts in your mind I promise you I have no problem taking them away.” He kissed her hands hoping to get a response. Alix was still looking away. “Alix please say something.”
“I guess I can be a little more empathetic to how the move has affected you.” T’challa smiled and pulled her chair closer to his. “But, I need more alone time. Not just before bed with you giving a half ass conversation and then you falling asleep as I try to talk to you.”
“That is fine. How about we have lunch together twice a week. And I will be home for dinner and bedtime? Do we have a deal?”
“I want us to have a date night once a week. I need somewhere to wear all of my outfits to” T’challa laughed.
“That is more than fine with me” He said pulling her into a kiss. Alix smiled, knowing they were off to a healthier start.
“And T’challa, you have to talk to me, let me know what is going on so I don’t yell at you and you don’t have all that built up frustrations. You look exhausted, I am your girlfriend, I have a free ear to listen, well  sometimes.” T’challa let out a chuckle.
“Okay Entle, thank you” Alix got up to sit across his lap pulling in T’challa into a deep kiss. She pulled away leaving them both with laboured breathing. Alix began to unbutton T’challa’s shirt
“You owe me a lot of kisses so I’m going to need you to start paying back your debt right now. No ifs, ands, or buts. “ 
“Gladly” T’challa pressed a button on his kimoyo beads to lock the doors and shut down the beads. He stood up lifting Alix and placing her on his desk. She gasped at the swift motion before having her attention drawn back to T’challa’s lips.
Alix pulled down the skirt of her dress and turned around for T’challa to zip it back up. He took the opportunity to instead kiss her shoulder and neck with little intentions of stopping. Alix began to giggle.
“T’challa stop! Don’t you have work to get back to. Plus your beads have been off for a long time.” He zipped up her dress and she turned around to help him with his buttons. He leaned over and turned on his beads, feeling relieved at the very few messages from Jules and Shuri about something in the lab and his mother about having dinner with the whole family. There was one more and before T’challa could close the hologram, Alix turned around and read the name. Her mood immediately dampened.
“What does she want handsome?” Alix said bitterly
“Entle please, she just wants to catch up.” Alix rolled her eyes “I owe that much okay”
“What do you mean you owe her? You too haven’t been together since your undergrad” T’challa nervously avoided eye contact “There is more to this story isn’t there”
“Well, yes. After breaking up with my girlfriend after her, I went to Oxford, where Buhle was also stationed to do my PHd and then we got back together. But our life plans still did not align so she broke up with me. I came back here and dated Nakia, our lives were headed in different places, so we broke up and I was sad. Buhle knew this so she invited me to stay with her in London. One thing led to another and we, well you know” Alix scoffed and rolled her eyes “We agreed that there might be something there. I wasn’t sure and said I would decide once I came back from Uganda. The first couple weeks we kept talking and then you and I got closer. Then you told me to shut up and make love to you” T’challa joked as Alix playfully hit his chest trying to hide her smile. “ And you know how the rest of the story goes” He said finally after kissing her hand.
“So now she thinks I stole away her opportunity with you”
“Possibly yes, but Buhle is harmless”
“You keep saying that. I may not know her the way you do, but I know what a woman with a mission looks like. I know sometimes you can be oblivious to the attention you get but, you are not ugly T’challa, so most of the woman who come up to you do not want to be friends”
“Oh I know I am quite sexy”
“No one said all that”
“It doesn’t even matter because I only have eyes for you entle” He said pulling her into his lap “It will be a quick visit. I promise”
“Fine handsome” She said rolling her eyes. T’challa laughed at her pettiness “But I want to know everything that happens” He kissed her hand.
“Okay. I love you Ms. Ajayi.” Alix got up to leave.
“Yeah whatever, I love you too” T’challa smiled to himself as he watched her go. These past few weeks had been difficult for him, but he refused to lose his family because of his duty. He knew this was just another test from Bast, and he was ready to face it head on.
T’challa sat outside the restaurant waiting nervously for Buhle to arrive. As she walked in wearing a beautiful off the shoulder lace white dress. T’challa may have eyes only for Alix, but even he could admit that Buhle’s beauty seemed to just grow as she aged. He stood to meet her and they shared a hug. 
“You look beautiful Joy.” He complimented as they pulled away.
“You don’t look too bad yourself handsome. So tell me about the baby” A glimmer in T’challa’s eye that Buhle had never seen before appeared.
“She is my greatest creation all while being my best gift that Bast has ever given me” T’challa said with a smile. “She is almost a year old, and my life has changed so quickly because of her. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. She truly is the love of my life. I do not know what I will do if we decide to have more. I don’t know how I will make enough room for her in my heart.” The two shared a smile. Buhle was genuinely happy for him. She finally asked what had been on her mind since she found out that T’challa had moved on.
“So, your happy then, with Alix?” T’challa saw it, the glimmer of sadness in Buhle eyes. It made his insides turn. He always felt so bad when she was sad. He remembered adoring her smile so much, having it leave her face felt like a failure on his part. But it was no longer his job to keep her smile etched on her face.
“I am extremely happy. We are extremely happy. To be honest, Joy, I plan to marry this woman.” Buhle, was surprised but still happy for her old friend.
“I am happy to hear that” She said with a smile, rubbing his forearm supportively. “You know there was a time when I prayed you might actually come around to the idea of marriage and show up at my doorstep with a ring. “ T’challa face showed the confusion and shame he felt.  He didn’t know how to respond. “Don’t worry T.C I know your heart was never fully in it. I wouldn’t have wanted this to end badly at any point. Imagine if it had, would I be sitting across you right now. I truly am happy for you. I just hope I will also be able to feel the way you do about Alix”
“Buhle, I know you will, one thing that I was always sure of is that you will be a great mother, I however deep down always knew that I could not give you all that you deserve. Buhle you know you deserve the world right” T’challa reached up and caught a tear from her face.
“I know, if anything this was cathartic. It is hard to see what I always wanted with you done with another but, I know my day will come. Plus I don’t think I could deal with your word vomit forever. I have no idea how Alix does it” Buhle laughed as T’challa tried not to frown and shook his head. The two easily returned to their smooth conversation as though time and distance had not separated them. T’challa’s bead alerted him it was time to go.
“It was great seeing you Joy”
“You too handsome, we should do this again. Maybe next time you can bring Alix and the baby. I may owe her an apology for our initial introduction”
“Yes I heard about that. But I would be delighted to do so. Take care of yourself okay”
“You too T’challa” The pair hugged one more time before going their separate ways. 
“Really? She said that?” Alix asked from her spot on the couch as T’challa worked in the kitchen while explaining his meeting with Buhle.
“Yes she did entle”
“Well whenever she wants to give me this apology she can stop by. I am free most days, if not she knows where to find me. “ T’challa shook his head.
“ Oh Ms. Ajayi you are quite petty. You may grow to like Buhle”
“ Probably not, but you know she was right about one thing. Your word vomit can only be handled by a strong woman”
“You all just think you are so funny. And for the record, you didn’t mind my word vomit last night”
“That was then this is now” T’challa scowled as Alix laughed. He placed the two plates on the coffee table before grabbing Alix’s favourite wine.
“Here we go, a homemade Rolex, not as good as Mukisa used to make it but it will have to do” T’challa finally sat down next to Alix and she immediately snuggled herself into his arms.
“Your right, it is not as good but you did good” She said in between bites.
“ We will go back to Kampala together again. “
“I would love that babe. It would be different this time. Probably less doubt or fear”
“Hopefully by then you will be Mrs.Udaku”  Alix smiled to herself.
“I know Buhle was all for it but who said I would marry you Kumkani”
“I did, and I know Bast does not put thoughts into my head that I cannot achieve.”
“ You and Bast are quite confident, but the answer is no” She said getting up to keep their plates
“For now it is” T’challa responded before having Alix tuck herself into his arms again.
“ And I would be Ms. Ajayi -Udaku, I would not give up my name for yours”
“ As long as I can call you my wife, I don’t care what your last name is” He said still staring at the tv. Alix took the opportunity to take in his face. Her maman was right, she did get lucky. She imagined what it would  be like to be married to him. Just the two of them and Abiona. She felt full thinking about it. She leaned over to kiss his shoulder and neck but T’challa moved away.
“Please do not be offended, but if you would allow me 20 more minutes to finish this episode of MTV Cribs. It is Destiny’s child next and I would enjoy just looking at their house”
“You mean you enjoy judging their house as you normally do and then gawking over your childhood crushes.” T’challa tried not to smile
“ To begin, I do not judge the house, I simply take in the interior design. And for the record, Destiny’s Child were worldwide sensations and they were a huge deal here in Wakanda as well. They are quite talented and I enjoyed a few of their songs”
“Just a few? I found your old CD collection T’challa, apparently you are not aware of what ‘a few’ means either” He rolled his eyes as Alix taunted him. “ Who is your favourite? Mine is Beyonce.” T’challa did not say anything before finally mumbling a response that Alix clearly heard. “ What was that babe, I couldn’t hear you?”
“It was Kelly okay! Now can I watch this tour in peace please.” Alix giggled “I dislike the decor of Kelly’s room, though it is the early 2000’s, I had expected different. Perhaps more vibrant. “ Alix shook her head and continue to look at him. “Might ask what you are staring at”
“Nothing, I just love you and I love looking at you”
“I love you too entle”  He paused the television and leaned down to kiss her. His hand went undershirt feeling the smoothness of her skin. 
“The show isn’t over yet”
“ Kelly knows I will be back” Alix laughed as he carried her back to their room.
Alix laid on T’challa’s bare chest leaving little kisses and drawing circles. His chest had begun to rise and fall normally again. 
“ Alix, I know you do not want to get married but I just want you to know that if you ever accepted to get married, you would truly be giving me the biggest honour that I could carry. You are more than just the mother of my children. You truly hold my heart, and marrying you would be the final step of me showing my dedication to you.” Alix’s heart sped up as it normally did when T’challa released all his thoughts in ways that almost made her swoon.
“There is that word vomit. And it is the mother of your child, singular.”
“For now” T’challa closed his eyes to sleep. Alix took the opportunity to peak at him again. In his arms she felt secure, she turned her back onto his chest. It was just the two of them, and Alix was sure that with him, no matter where they were,  or what was happening she could build a home, as long as he was there to hold her through it. 
@aloevverified @chaneajoyyy @teechallas-blog @ashanti-notthesinger @dopegalkk@wakanda-inspired @90sinspiredgirl @lovely-geek @fd-writes @chefjessypooh @tarataz12
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emospritelet · 4 years
Pandemic prompts 11 "Oh I'm fine, I never get sick"
I put this in the Desperation verse
Prompt list here
Belle left Mr Gold giving Bae his honey and lemon while she went back into town. She had washed her hands thoroughly before leaving, and told herself she would need to be more careful; the virus was virulent and the last thing she needed was to come down with it herself. It was hard to see someone battling their own sickness to love and care for their child, though. She was determined to do what she could to help.
She crossed the street, dodging a trio of men with their arms filled with multi packs of toilet paper who got a little too close. Shaking her head, she walked by the diner and up the tree-lined path that led to the inn.
The interior was dark and cool, and Belle shivered a little as she tapped the bell on the desk. There was a cheerful ping, and she hesitated, hand hovering above it, wondering if she would need to wash her hands again. Should have worn gloves.
“You here for takeout?”
A young woman stuck her head around the corner behind the reception desk, and Belle took a few hasty steps back, leaving enough room for her to enter properly and leave a generous space between them. She had seen the woman on the few occasions she had been in the diner, pretty and long-limbed, a bright red streak in her dark hair. She smiled widely, leaning on the reception desk and tapping red-lacquered fingernails against the wood.
“Hey,” she said brightly. “The new librarian, right?”
“Yes.” Belle returned the smile. “My name’s Belle. Belle French.”
“Ruby Lucas,” said the woman. “Did you place an order? I thought it was Leroy wanting his bacon cheeseburgers.”
“Oh no,” said Belle hastily. “No, it’s not that. It’s - I’m kind of doing someone a favour. I was just over at Mr Gold’s house, and—”
“Oh, you know Rum!” said Ruby, and Belle shook her head, confused.
“Mr Gold,” explained Ruby, leaning on her elbows and grinning. “His first name’s Rum. I guess it’s short for something? But I have no idea what, so…” She shrugged. “He does Granny’s books.”
“Yeah, that’s partly why I’m here,” said Belle. “I told him I’d pick them up. And - and he said that your granny was sick. He wanted to know how she’s doing.”
Ruby’s face fell a little, a hint of anxiety in her dark eyes.
“Oh,” she said. “Oh, yeah, she’s okay. I mean not great but okay. I’m really worried, not gonna lie, but I’m trying not to let her see, you know? She did at least eat something today, so I think maybe she’s starting to get over the worst of it. Maybe.”
“I’m so sorry,” said Belle sincerely. “What about you?”
“What? Oh, I’m fine, I never get sick,” she said, waving a dismissive hand. “Just as well, this place doesn’t run itself. Even with no customers.”
“The diner’s still doing takeout?” asked Belle, and Ruby nodded.
“Yeah. Business is pretty slow, but we’ve done a few deliveries of meals to people who can’t leave their homes, and there are regular orders for burgers.”
“Better than nothing, I guess,” said Belle.
“Yeah, but if the Mayor orders a full lockdown, we’re screwed,” said Ruby, with feeling.
“Is that likely?”
“Don’t know. If those morons down at the Rabbit Hole don’t keep throwing their stupid parties, maybe.”
“That would be hard on you guys,” said Belle. “I’m kind of stuck in limbo until I can open the library, but at least I’m getting paid.”
“Sucks, huh?” said Ruby, and sighed. “How’s Rum? How’s Bae? He’s a cute kid, but I imagine even he’ll start to bounce off the walls if he has to be stuck inside.”
“Oh.” Belle winced. “Uh - he’s sick. Actually, they’re both sick. Kind of why I’m here, I wanted to help them.”
Ruby looked sober.
“Damn, I should have known there was something up when he didn’t pick up the books,” she said. “Between caring for Granny and trying to look after the business, I don’t have a minute to really think about the rest of the town.”
“And I’m here with time on my hands,” said Belle. “So I said I’d run any errands he needed.” 
“Well, it’s good of you,” said Ruby. “We try to be there for each other in this town. There’s a few exceptions—assholes, in case you needed a translation—but most people will help you out if you need it.”
“That’s good to know,” said Belle, with a smile. “And I could probably use a guide to the local assholes, just in case.”
“Consider it done,” said Ruby, with a grin. “How’s Bae doing?”
“He’s in bed,” said Belle. “High fever and a cough. Mr Gold is trying his best to ignore the raging fever he has while he tries to look after him. I’m worried he’s gonna collapse from exhaustion, never mind the virus.”
Ruby snorted.
“Yeah, that’d be right,” she said. “The guy would walk over hot coals for his son. It must be tearing him up not being able to care for him properly.” She threw up her hands, shaking her head. “Anyway, this isn’t getting anything done, is it? Let me get those books for you.”
She pushed away from the reception desk, heading out, and Belle paced slowly back and forth, one eye on the empty street outside. Ruby’s words had given her pause for thought, and an idea was forming in her mind. It wasn’t the best idea she had ever had, in the circumstances, but it had taken root and branched out in her brain, refusing to budge. She nodded to herself. It’s the least I can do. Maybe one day I’ll need someone to be there for me. 
It wasn’t long before Ruby came back in, arms carrying two heavy ledgers, a cardboard concertina file and a plastic bag full of what looked like cash register receipts. She let the pile thump onto the reception desk, huffing out a breath.
“You gonna be okay carrying these?” she asked. “They’re heavier than they look.”
Belle thought for a moment.
“Would you mind holding onto those?” she asked. “I’ll bring over one of my suitcases. I can pack everything in and wheel it over to Mr Gold’s place.”
“Good idea. Oh!” Ruby bounced on her toes. “I’ll give you one of Granny’s apple pies to take around. That’s Bae’s favourite. And tell them I said to get well soon.”
Belle smiled.
“I will.”
Half an hour later, Belle was walking back to Mr Gold’s house, pulling her suitcase with one hand and carrying a box containing an apple pie and a package of chocolate chip cookies in the crook of her arm. The suitcase was a little heavier than it should have been; she had also packed a small overnight bag which was stowed beneath the accounting records. 
Belle had decided that Mr Gold and his son needed help, and that they were unlikely to get it from anyone but her in the current climate. She was prepared for Gold to insist that he could do everything himself, but it was clear that he was holding on by his fingernails. If he accepted her help, perhaps he could at last get some rest.
Knocking on the front door of his house, she could hear faint coughing from above, then silence. She knocked again, and eventually Gold opened the door, looking drawn and exhausted. He smiled warmly, though, and stood aside as Belle entered, careful not to touch her.
“Ruby sends her love,” said Belle, marching through to the kitchen and hearing him close the front door. “She says that Granny’s quite sick, but she thinks she’s over the worst of it.”
“That’s good to know.”
She slid the box onto the table, turning on her toes to face him.
“She sent over an apple pie, and some cookies,” she added, and Gold’s face broke into a smile.
“That was very kind of her,” he said. “Thank you for doing that, I’ll make a start on those books tonight.”
“You’ll do no such thing,” she said sternly. “You’re dead on your feet. Please, take some rest. Just - just lie down for a few hours, get some sleep.”
Gold sighed, rubbing an eye, and she could feel the weariness rolling off him in waves.
“I can’t,” he whispered. “I have to care for Bae. There’s no one else.”
“There’s me,” said Belle gently. “I can help. Please - I want to.”
He seemed to be wavering, clutching at the handle of his cane so hard his knuckles were white. She wondered if stubbornness was all that was keeping him upright.
“Alright,” he said eventually. “That’s - that’s very kind of you, Miss French. If you could keep an eye on Bae while I snatch a few hours of sleep, I’d be obliged.”
“Of course,” she said. “And you can call me Belle.”
He smiled faintly.
“My name’s Rum.”
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radioheadyaoi · 4 years
work in progress. for @reidsangel and anyone else who’d like to read it.  1k words.  prologue.
I loved the curves of his words, darling in my ear.
It was never meant to get like this.  I sat at his dinner table and became absorbed by the light and fullness of him, the room, the house.  I was always going to let go, he was never supposed to ride in my car or lay in a bed next to me but his universal pull was too strong and I became absorbed in him.
My mother had once said, lay your body out flat.  Someone will come and curl you up into them.  He was not supposed to be that person.
I was always my own ghost.  There has never been another, no hauntings but the moaning of my soul in the rickety bones that have never held me up the way they should have.  When my bed no longer feels like home, his will be right there to hold me.  I had stumbled to his house in the night, winters ago and I had to use the doorbell because my knuckles were frozen red from the cold and I forgotten my gloves, like I had forgotten most things in my house, no longer a home, and he held my face and said, god, you trouble me, yet, I am continually drawn to you, a sort of I love you, and he pulled me into the kitchen.  
My sister had called me to come home, to visit her because she was worried I was getting lonely and I could not tell her, I wasn’t lonely, not anymore.  I was clinging to something she had never known about, and never would because it was going to end soon and it wouldn’t matter whether he had met my mother or my sister or my brother.  He was away anyways and I went down to Georgia, back to my childhood home where I had once said goodbye.  The orchard wasn’t as long as it once was and it didn’t seem as mysterious as it was when I was eight and still believed that good things came from peaches, when I still made peach pies with my mother in the summer and the lake was the farthest away we could ever get, when our imaginations were bigger than our responsibilities and we believed in dreams.  My sister had said to me, I missed you, and this house missed you, and I wanted to say the house only missed who I was but suddenly, there was a cat and a child and all I could do was stare at them.  Ruby was the child and the cat was Forrest.  I had never known them and yet they clung to me enough for my sister to laugh and fill a camera.  When she asked if I had a lover and for a moment, I wanted to mention him but then she would beg to see him and I couldn’t lie about anything.  There was someone, for a while… and she had wanted to know everything and when I couldn’t lie anymore, I climbed up to bed and sat in the closet and waited for his call.
It was 1:02 am when he had whispered, I have always liked to show you the beach.  He wanted to take me to where he grew up, even though I wouldn’t take him where I did, he planned a trip that we never went on.  I told him about Ruby and Forrest and he asked for a photo and the words of protest got caught in my throat so I said yes.  When I visited the arcade in the morning, nothing felt the same and I drove home two days later.  I stopped at the grocery store to buy dinner and drove to his house, uninvited, and stepped through the door and into the kitchen, dumping the bags on the marble counter and kissed him slowly, like I had moved oceans away and finally reunited after years of being apart.  Like a war soaked soldier being washed clean, he pulled me into him and kissed me once more.  Everything felt like coming home, like the familiar smell of clean bedsheets and pie stained kitchen aprons.  I longed for him more than I had ever wanted to admit, but I wanted to whisper it against his lips, you are becoming a part of me, to see his face shift into his half smile that was saved just for him and these quiet moments between the two of us.  I whispered his name, a soft Laurie, just so he would look at me and I could say, I would very much like to make you dinner, my own I love you because I could not bring myself to say the words.  It seemed like enough because he let me go and sat down on a barstool by the counter to watch me.  He didn’t say anything, not as I made it or set the plate down in front of him and in front of me, and not until we were both finished and all he said was to leave the dishes for later.  I tucked myself under his arm and we walked up the stairs to what I knew would be his bedroom.  We did not undress, only fit ourselves together under the thick duvet.  I had spent enough time in this bed to know how far I had to reach to touch him, just past my fingertips.  My beloved, I whisper into the dark and I don’t know if he is listening.  I will always love you.
The bed feels frozen and I want to leave, go back home and lay in my bed without sleeping because I have spoken without thinking.  There should not be love in things that will end after a short amount of time.  Your heart will only break and it will only be your own fault.
I was born half destroyed.  All I have ever wanted is love.  
I can feel him watch me walk over to the window to stare out at the open field.  It is not winter but everything feels like it should be.  I felt bare with all my clothing on.  His breathing seemed so far away and I fractured everything.  You do not fall in love with the things you will have to say goodbye to.
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schrijverr · 4 years
Cute Cuts
A compilation of cute Destiel moments that have been cut out of previous videos.
Part of the Famous Husband Verse, which is also a series
On AO3.
Ships: Destiel
Warnings: None, but I’ll be happy to tag something for you, no questions asked. Just hit me up
Dean was sitting in the middle of the screen, he waved and said: “Hi Hunters, welcome back. Today is a bit of a different video. I mentioned this in my recent Q&A video and you all seemed to love the idea, so here is some stuff about my husband I’ve had to cut out of previous videos. This is either from the videos we did together or from videos before the reveal when I said too much. Anyway, that is enough babbling from me, I hope you all enjoy it!”
The intro rolled, it was a drawn impala that came down the road, it stopped in the middle of the screen and the drawn Dean gave a wink to the viewers, then he sped off again and the smoke was bridge back to the video.
The first clip was from the reveal video, Castiel was looking into the little screen on the side of the camera as he mussed with his hair and huffed. He turned to Dean and asked: “Do I look okay? I want to make a good first impression.”
Out of frame you could hear Dean, who said: “You look absolutely stunning, huggy-bear.”
Then he leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
The next clip was out a video about something stupid Dean had done in college. He was in the middle of a sentence when he was interrupted by a knock. He looked to the side and called out: “Yeah, come in.”
“You’ve been recording for two hours, so I brought you a donut and some coffee.” Cas said as he got into frame to hand over the snacks.
Deans face lit up and he made grabby hands to the goodies. It made Cas laugh as he gave him the donut and coffee. Dean immediately took a sip right in the middle of Cas warning him for the heat. He spat out the sip when he inevitably burned the roof of his mouth.
Cas laughed a bit at him and Dean looked up with a pout and said: “It’s kind of your fault, so you need to kiss it better.”
“Oh, is it now?” Cas replied with a raised brow, but he was already leaning in.
After that it cut to them sitting opposite to each other while Cas was concentrating on Deans eye make up. Dean softly said: “Cas?”
“Yes, Dean.” Cas replied absentmindedly not breaking his focus.
“You’re really cute when you’re concentrated.” Dean said, smiling as Cas spluttered and stopped what he was doing to hide his face in Deans chest.
Dean hugged him and kissed the top of his head, before releasing him to get back to what he was doing.
It cut to an older Q&A, where it was Sam and Dean driving in the Impala. Sam read from his phone: “I want to know something about your mysterious boyfriend, at least give us an eye color please.” he looked up, “A lot of people liked this one, seems like they’re really curious about him.”
Dean laughed: “Yeah, they always are.” he looked to where the camera was for a second, before turning his attention back to the road as he answered, “His eyes are this amazing sort of blue, you know. They’re piercing when he looks at you and it’s almost like they draw you in, fixating and you have to look. He’s really good at staring, so you’ll just get sucked into these beautiful pools of blue so bright they could rival the sky on a sunny summers day, but they’re also icy and cool if you manage to piss him off. In short they’re stunning and amazing.”
Next to him Sam rolled his eyes and commented: “That’s enough poetry about his eyes for today.”
Dean far off dreamy look disappeared of his face and was replaced by something sheepish as he said: “That was a bit much, maybe. Although it is all 100% true. I’ll probably cut this part.”
“That’s fair.” Sam replied, then he smirked and ribbed: “You really are whipped for him, dude.”
Dean blushed heavily and he said: “Shut up, like you’re any better about Jess, bitch.”
Sam pouted and shot back: “Whatever, jerk.”
Then it went to the next clip, which came out of the Q&A video. Dean was about to read something of his screen when Cas stopped him. Dean gave him a questioning look, but Cas just fixed his hair and murmured: “You ran your hand through it again.”
Dean nodded in understanding and smiled softly, before clearing his throat and pulling his attention back to the question.
The clip after that was out a solo video of Dean, he did his intro: “Hi Hunters, welcome back. Today-”
He cut himself off and turned back to the surface next to him where he sometimes put stuff he needed to show for a video. The space was now occupied by a photo frame. He picked it up and smiled down at the photo.
“Sorry, cut this out. I got this picture from the living room, so I can look at it. Cas will be back tomorrow from that school trip.” he explained, looking down once more.
After that it cut to a bit from the husband tag, it was the discussion which had gotten cut out. To refresh memories he had left in the first bit as well. It began with Cas whining: “How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a strange being.”
“When you can prove you’re not.” Deans shot back instantly.
Cas threw his hands up and said: “How can I prove I’m not immortal, without dying.”
Dean took a deep breath and said: “You could try and teleport or fly, if you are an angel you should be able to fly.”
“I am not an angel, Dean. I have told you this many times before.” Cas said.
Dean smiled and replied: “With a beautiful face like that you could’ve fooled me, darling.”
Cas blushed, but recovered quick enough, by saying: “Flirting won’t work as a distraction technique to avoid that you do not have any arguments.”
“I have arguments.” Dean exclaimed.
Cas gave him a look and Dean went on: “Like, History, you know too much about, like you were there when it happened.”
“I studied History, Dean.” Cas sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
Dean squinted at him with suspicion and said: “I’m not convinced, babe.”
“Sure,” Castiel rolled his eyes, deciding it wasn’t worth it right now, “Shouldn’t we get back to the video now?”
Blinking confused Dean looked back to the camera with surprise, before smoothing over his features and getting back to the list of questions.
The next clip was from another story time video. It wasn’t long.
“So then me and Cas ran back like Hell, with this mad store owner on our asses.” Dean said, with a sparkle in his eyes, then he frowned and told the camera: “I said Cas again, didn’t I? Stupid, sorry, I meant Rick, my roommate. Let’s do that again.”
You could hear him pout: “Cas is much more fun.”
It cut to a clip from the husband tag, they were still prepping. Dean was fiddling with the camera and the focused wobbled a bit, but you could clearly see Cas sitting next to him. Once everything was clear, you could also see the love stricken look on his face.
Dean turned around and smiled as he asked: “What’s that face about?”
“Nothing, I just love you that’s all.” Cas shrugged.
The smile on Deans lips broadened as he replied: “Love you too, Cas.”, then he nodded to the camera and asked: “Are you ready?”
“Probably not, so let do it.” Cas answered.
The last clip was from when Dean had attempted to teach Charlie how to bake a pie to impress the ladies, which had been an experience to say the least. Nothing much was happening at the moment, they were just kneading the dough and at this point they had already captured some funny shots of that, so they weren’t really focused too much on the video itself.
In the distance you could hear a door open and close. Then a heavy thud followed by a long groan. Dean and Charlie shared a look, before Dean called out: “You okay over there?”
Cas’s voice flowed down the hall: “Yeah, just work.”
“What happened?” Dean yelled back, there was some shuffling after that and it was to be assumed that Cas had appeared in the doorway, which was just out of frame. When he saw the set up he quickly said: “Oh, you’re filming, I can come back later. Wouldn’t want to disturb.”
Dean looked at the camera and immediately said: “No, we have the stuff we need for now, we have time. Really. Come in. It’s your own damned house. I’ll cut it out, promise.”
“Don’t worry, just vent.” Charlie said from beside him.
Cas stepped into frame and gave her a short hug as he greeted her, before turning to Dean and nearly collapsing against him. Dean couldn’t really hug him, since his hands were dirty, but it seemed effective none the less.
Dean asked: “Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I had forgotten I put the deadline for three classes on the same day.” Castiel said, his voice muffled slightly, “Which means I have to grade 90 fucking papers all at least 3 pages long and I hate everything right now.”
Smiling softly Dean said: “That sounds like it sucks, angel.”
Cas looked up and complained: “It is.”
Charlie tried to comfort him: “Well at least we have comfort pie in a few hours.”
“Thank you, Charlie.” Cas said, then he sighed, “I think, I’m going to try and get started on the papers, good luck with your pies.”
“Same.” Charlie replied.
“Yeah, good luck.” Dean said, then he slapped Cas’s ass when he walked off.
Cas squeaked and frowned at the flour now staining his jean, leaving an obvious hand print. He quickly threw a bit of flour in Deans hair and dipped his hand in the flour making a hand print on Deans shoulder, before hurrying out of the kitchen.
A lot of fans remembered that, there had bee loads of theories that Charlie and Dean were secretly together with the jump cut and the sudden appearance of the hand print as proof.
Then it went to the end card. It was the same Dean from the beginning of the video and he said: “That was a lot of fun to put together, honestly. I hope you all liked it, if you did hit the like button and subscribe and hit that bell. Bye Hunters, see you on the road!”
Then the video ended.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
God, Sam, didn’t lie about the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the casual i love yous make my
queer little heart hopeful bitches
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OMG teachers hate their own
deadlines #karma
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I need a dentist now, damn
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So far we got:
Just how far does this mans
nickname vocab go??? Where
does it end???
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He really tried to use the History
knowledge as an argument when
Cas studied History, like he’s
lucky he’s pretty, you know.
We stan a dumb bitch
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 notes · View notes
zedpercyfan · 5 years
The Sirens of Cerulean | Part One
A City in the Fog
A thick fog was out one cold late afternoon along the Cerulean coast; it hung and swirled.  One of Cerulean City’s oldest structures, an ancient white lighthouse, stood atop a cliff, standing as a guardian to guide ships away from the perils of the rocks below.
Tracey Sketchit was the lighthouse’s current keeper, the original one having retired some years back, leaving the position open. Tracey had been without much of a consistent job and took it since the pay was so good, plus it came with housing attached.  There was also plenty of Pokémon that passed, and the occasional wandering Trainer that could keep him company or let him draw them and their Pokémon, a favorite pastime of his.
The black-haired man sighed, it was afternoon and he was bored as he finished sipping his tea.  He grabbed his sketchbook, wandered upstairs and went outside to the balcony – the wind rustled his clothes and hair as he stood.  “Right, anything that wants to be drawn…?” he thought aloud.  Some migrating Wingull roosted nearby amongst the usual coast residents of Pidgeys, its evolutions, and the local Corsolas, Poliwags, and others that lived there. Tracey smiled, and began to scribble away as his Marill joined alongside him.
He continued his penmanship until a low, soft, feminine voice was heard, a kind of singing.  Tracey’s hand stopped, and rested the thick book against the wet, rusted railing.  He scratched his chin thoughtfully whilst Marill blinked in wonderment, her mouth agape. He pointed a finger toward the ocean. “Y’know,” said Tracey.  “I really do think that they’re out there.”  Marill looked over, eyebrow raised.  “Well, you know what I mean.”  He leaned in and whispered.  “Come on…I know that you can feel their presence as well…”
He did not get an answer, as Marill was looking out towards the fog covered ocean where the voice could be heard.  Tracey looked down, only to see that down below, the Pokémon looked the exact same way.  The man blinked but said nothing.  He just followed their gaze and remained silent as they all peered into the wispy soup.
Later that afternoon, a young man of about his mid-twenties came slowly trudging along the dirt path from the nearby forest. With a Pikachu resting on his shoulder, the man walked with a carefree nature, his black shirt and pants were simple, but what was most strange of all was that he had a dark blue coat – almost like a cape – on him for warmth.
He seemed to wander aimlessly till he heard a sultry sound, it carried along the breeze.  It was delicate yet packed a pleasant spine chilling evocation with it. “Wow, that’s some voice,” he said, mildly awed.  He looked to his Pikachu.  “What do you say, buddy?  Shall we follow this strange but alluring voice?”
“Pi Pikachu!” squeaked the mouse in agreement. Ash hummed in agreement.
He followed against the sea breeze till he reached the water – his feet stopping as soon as he felt rock beneath him.  He looked out across the rocks where the sea met land.  “So this is Cerulean City?” he said.  “Well, the air is salty enough for it.”  He shivered in the breeze and began to notice that the light was fading.  “Almost nightfall…can’t stay out here. Brr…”  Pikachu whimpered and buried himself in his Master’s cloak.  He looked around and saw the giant lighthouse to his left, behind it stood the city itself.  Slowly and carefully, he began to trudge toward it.
A short walk later he reached the city and found his way to an inn.  A rather shabby looking place built out of grey stone.  The raven haired man wandered in and tapped the bell for service. “Coming!” a voice yelled.  A girl who looked barely past nineteen came sprinting from a room behind the counter before she nearly impaled herself on the wooden desk; her hands saved her as they reached out to stop her from the accident. She had dark blue hair which flowed all over her face from the inertia.
“Careful,” chuckled the traveler.  “It’s not a race.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” said the girl as she pushed her hair back into place behind her ears.  “Right…welcome to the Cerulean Playhouse Inn, I’m your host, Dawn Berlitz!  How may I help you today?”
“Cerulean…P-playhouse…Inn…?  Eh?”
“Pi pika…”
“Cerulean Playhouse Inn,” repeated Dawn.  “This was once the site of an old theater, some of the old framework was used to create this place a hundred years ago.  As a gesture of hospitality, I love to entertain the guests daily with a Pokémon performance.  You know, like a Pokémon Contest.”
“Ah, I see, sounds great,” the man said.
“Good to hear!” chirped Dawn with a sway of her head. “Anyways, what’s your need here?”
“I’d like a room, stay time indeterminate,” he said. “I’m Ash by the way, Ash Ketchum.”
“Ash Ketchum,” repeated Dawn as she scribbled his name down.  “Um, why ‘indeterminate’?”  Ash flinched.
“Just trust me.  I’m a little in the dark on the matter myself.”
“I think I get it…” said Dawn with a nervous chuckle.  They continued the paperwork and Dawn soon finished up.  “Right,” she said, holding a hand out to the doorway on her left, “if you’ll just follow me sir, we’ll be at your room.”
Ash followed her, but just as Dawn began to go up the stairs, a man with blond hair suddenly stomped into view on the upstairs landing and looked down at Ash grimly.  “Hey, what’s the big idea?!” he shouted.  Dawn pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.
“Barry, he’s a customer, he’s not here to steal your glory as a Pokémon trainer or…”
“Oh yeah!?  Well, if he is after my glory then I’m tripling his fine!”
Ash blinked.  “Triple my fine?  I’m broke enough as it is…”
“Oh no, Mr. Black Hair show off!  You’re not stealing any of my glory.  Me and Empoleon shall crush you, and—”
“Barry!” shouted Dawn.  “As if anything like that has to do with anything!”
“Oh yes it does!” replied Barry with an accusatory finger.  He slammed the railing with both of his hands, fumes practically roaring from his nostrils.  “You listen here, tough guy!  This establishment has tons of trainers staying here overnight every day! They’re in, they’re out.  Take the hint!  We don’t have the room to house some dude who says he doesn’t know how long he’ll be here!  Honestly…!” And he stormed off.
Dawn gritted her teeth.  “Ignore him,” she said as looked back at him.  Ash could only grimace at her unsubtle twitching eyebrow. He could only imagine that what that ‘Barry’ had said wasn’t close to the tip of Dawn’s iceberg.
Dawn said no more on the matter and lead – with noticeable irritation – Ash into his assigned room.  She was about to leave when…
“Excuse, Dawn?” began Ash.  “But may I ask a question of you?”
“Sure thing – what do you need to know?”
“Well, to start.  How long have you been here?”
“For over half of my life,” replied Dawn.  “My Mother and I moved here from the Sinnoh region to have a fresher start.”
“I see.  Then tell me – what do you know of the Cerulean Sirens?”
Dawn’s originally polite countenance fell to an uncertain one.  “The Sirens…?” she muttered.  “Not sure in all honesty.  But every time a major fog comes rolling in we hear these strange sounds coming from the ocean.  There have been rumors, you see, about how the Sirens use the fog to sneak about and intermingle with us humans once we’ve gone and lost ourselves in the soup.”
“Yeah, it would seem right for them given their descriptions,” said Ash.  “But, tell me, do you believe they exist?”
The bluenette tapped her chin in thought.  “I guess.  Though I’d much rather meet one than go on believing simple fishermen’s tales.”
Ash nodded.  “Just curious,” he added, by way of deflecting any questions about why he had asked.  “Good night.”
“Good night,” said Dawn with a bow.  She turned back and closed his door.  Once Ash was sure she was out of earshot, he walked to the window and opened it.  For the second time that evening, a strange melody filled the air – soft yet powerful, calming yet unnerving.
It won’t lift for anytime soon it seems, thought Tracey as he stared in boredom out of the observation window the tune the only thing keeping him amused – he then blew the foghorn once again before stepping out to the balcony.  When he did he heard strange splashing sounds from below. He scanned the area but saw nothing. Must be a Pokémon…
It was only the fog that covered the mysterious singer…
Beneath the fog and cold waves a few figures swam up to the surface and looked around.  Soon enough they heard the same low song that Ash and Tracey were listening to, they nodded to each other before diving back under the water.
Deep in the water some few miles away from Cerulean they approached a strange civilization made of stone bricks.  The two figures swam towards the largest building, protected by two other figures holding tridents, one of whom gave the scouts a stern look before nodding.  Inside, the scouts approached a brown-haired figure whose tail flicked back and forth, arms crossed in front of his chest in impatience.
“We overheard the enemy singing out again,” said one, “and as usual, it was directed toward the ape primitives.”
The brown hair figure’s frown deepened. “Ever the persistent ones, those harpies,” he sneered.  “I swear, when we’re done we won’t ever have to hear our vocals ever directed at those despicable apes ever again!”
“ ‘Well why shouldn’t we?!’ is what we’re obviously yelling to them,” huffed a pink-haired figure.  She was talking to another one with blue hair, who was sitting next to one with orange hair.  “They deserve it, the bratty troublemakers.”
“It’s all changed since our old ruler passed away,” the orange head said with a sigh.  “Speaking on the topic of ‘why shouldn’t we’ – where’s Daisy?”
“You called?” said the woman in question.  A beautiful blond woman swam elegantly in, her appearance above all else being even more beautiful than her three sisters’. But to call them just humans would be inaccurate – they were Sirens, or to put more simply with terms associated with fantasy, mermaids.
“Yes actually,” put in Lily, the pink-haired one. “We were actually wondering where in you’d gone.”
Daisy swam up the table they were sitting around and grabbed a piece of coral and took a bite out of it.  “Just out singing,” she said nonchalantly.
“Singing where?” asked Violet, the blue-haired one.
“Y’know, out on the ocean,” replied Daisy as she avoided eye contact.  She began chewing more on her food, this time far more aggressively.
“You were out singing for that lighthouse guy, weren’t you?” said Lily finally.  Daisy choked on a piece of the coral fruit.  “Knew it!” she sang victoriously, pumping a fist into the water.
“That’s dangerous, you know,” said Misty, the orange-haired, and youngest of the four sisters.  “You’re lucky the fogs about.  Why do you risk yourself so much just to sing for a guy?”
Daisy recovered from her cough.  “You wouldn’t understand, Misty,” she said.
“I think I understand that we’re in enough hot water as it is with the rest of our kind!”
“But,” said Violet pointedly, “you did join us willingly in our stand against Rudy when he became ruler.”
“Y-yes, I did,” said Misty.  She looked to Daisy.  “I’m just worried about your safety.  Not because of the humans but just in case any of Rudy’s thugs goes and finds you.”
“Ha ha!  Misty, you worry too much,” said Daisy.  “Those silly Sirens wouldn’t go near the human’s settlement unless they were ordered to, and we’re settled too close to them to make threatening us an impossible reality.”
“The pure amount of phobia they have is as sensible as staring into the sun,” Misty muttered.  She then yawned.  “Well, I’m tired, so I’ll be going to sleep.  Come along, Goldeen.  Night all.” Her Pokémon partner opened her eyes and quickly swam after her short-haired mistress.  Daisy watched her disappear into the cave.
“I think,” she said to no one in particularly, “that that girl could do with something new in her life.”
“It’s quite easy, Dawn,” grumbled Barry as they walked through the hallways.  “Just go up to him, say ‘Thank you for your partro-patro…PATRONAGE, at Cerulean Playhouse Inn, but we only do one-night stays, so please have yourself a good stay in this city, and get out!’  It’s easy!”
“Oh cool off,” sneered Dawn.  “What’s the harm in him staying for more than one night?”
“It’s the principle,” said Barry pompously. “We serve travelers, not tourists.”
“Ash is hardly a tourist,” said Dawn evenly.
“Oh, taking his side now are we?”
“Not even close.  I just don’t think that there is any harm in letting him stay. Besides, it’s hardly written down that we only serve for one night here.”
Barry didn’t immediately reply, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned towards another corridor.  He huffed heavily.  “You’re the one defending him.”
“Only because he’s a nice man, unlike you!  Your antagonism to him last night was hardly warranted.”
“Oh just do what you want,” sighed Barry, walking away.
“Honestly,” said Dawn aside before looking in Barry’s direction.  “I swear, I could make a living out of dealing with stubborn men like you!”
Just up above, Ash had finished getting ready for his day, in his hand was a strange book, the condition of its binding suggested it was of elderly age.  With the book safely in his arms, and Pikachu on the opposite shoulder, he arrived at the top of the second floor landing in time to hear the last part of Dawn and Barry’s spat.
“Ugh!” shouted Dawn in frustration.  “Stubborn brat, he should be thankful I even give him as many chances to keep working here as I do!”
“Hah!” said Ash suddenly.  Dawn blinked in surprise and whirled round to see Ash beginning to go down the stairs.  “Tell us how you really feel.”
Dawn sighed.  “He’s only in it for the money, and his work effort is subpar, but he’s a decent hustle in the case of ruffians showing up.”  She paused and noticed the strange book.  “Oh, what’s that about?”
“This?  Ah, just some research I plan on looking into.”
“Is it to do with Sirens?”
“Um – er – well…” Ash slowly crept up to Dawn and leaned in.  “Well, yes, it does actually.”
“Wow!  Really?! Or are you just pulling an elaborate prank because you think of me as someone who’d believe anything?!”
“What?  No, no, no, not at all!” cried Ash in alarm as he stepped back.
Dawn quickly calmed down.  Ash could only marvel at the wonder of a woman’s mood swings. “All right then – prove you’re actually on to something.”
Ash sighed and beckoned her closer.  He then held out a hand and it began to glow in a blue color in a shape that Dawn could only describe as a ball, then, he made it disappear.  Before she could speak, he spoke up.  “I’m an Aura user,” he said in a hushed tone.  “The society I belong to recently has felt some strange spikes and stagnations coming from this area.  However, we really don’t know what’s causing them since those signals are coming from way out on the ocean.  What we suspect is that the rumors going around about the actual existence of the Sirens might just be true.”
“So…they might actually exist?”
“Might is an accurate word for this situation,” he replied.  “The legends spoke of them being able to harness a great power and channel it through various methods with their advanced technology that’s incomparable to our very own.  But…” he added with uncertainty, “again, we just don’t have any confirmation.”
Dawn mulled the situation over, all of the info she got was quite shocking to her and she was struggling to comprehend it all, but he said it all with such conviction that she fully believed it. “So, what you’re saying is, is that there appears to be trouble, but it’s only a theory?”
“Yeah, it’s only an idea.  I have no idea until I finally know what’s happening.”
“Wait though!” said Dawn as realization came to her. “If we’re in danger, shouldn’t the citizens know about it…?”
“Shh!  Shh!” said Ash sharply.  He brought a finger to Dawn’s lips.  “As I said, it’s just an idea.  No one else can know why I’m here, at least not until I know exactly what’s going on here. Dawn,” he added quietly.  “Can I trust you to not say a word about this anyone else?  Extra people knowing what’s happening might cause more trouble than necessary.” Dawn’s eyes widened, Ash didn’t seem to be playing light anymore, his look was extremely serious – whatever it was that he was looking into, it wasn’t a dead end.  She nodded affirmatively.  “Good.” Ash smiled, and then quickly took his leave into the misty city.
“…Wake up!  Wake up!” came a prattling voice on the other end of her seaweed curtain. Misty groaned and got up from the shell that was her bed.
“What do you need, Daisy?” she asked sleepily.
“It’s already eight o’clock actually!” said Daisy cheerily.  “So, like, it’s you who should’ve been up a while ago missy.  Anyways…!”  Daisy then invited herself into her sister’s room.  “I was, like, thinking that you could do with a routine change, so come with me!”
“Go with you where…?”
“Oh, just around the reef.  It’s been too long since we’ve spent time together – you really got to wonder where time flies.”
“That time took flight as a result of you disappearing of somewhere quite regularly recently…” said Misty sarcastically.
“Oh lighten up,” sang Daisy, and swam off with Misty reluctantly following.
Along the waves, Daisy saw a male Siren swimming a few yards away from where she and Misty were travelling.  The male frowned when he saw the two approaching.  “And just where are you two ladies off to at this hour?” he asked cautiously.
“Morning to you too, Sean,” replied Daisy crisply.
“You’ve got some nerve being snippy,” grumbled Sean. “You’re the ones who went and defected – your pitiful resistance group lives pathetically.  Honestly, your opinions are all insane.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinions at all,” answered Daisy.  “I’ll ask when I want an idiot’s position.”  And she quickly swam off.
“Nicely handled,” praised Misty when they were out of earshot.
“You get used to it when you’re on the defending side,” said Daisy with a smile.  “Anyways, this is your surprise.”  She pointed towards the surface of the ocean, though the light looked more fractured than usual.
“Huh, a storm might be passing by,” observed Misty.
“Yeah, I felt it in the waves,” added Daisy. “But all the same, you’ll really like what I’m about to show you.”  Before Misty could voice an opinion, Daisy grabbed her by the wrist and pull her up to the surface, the area they were was covered with rocks, one of which the blond rested herself against.
“Ugh!  The surface?” coughed Misty.  “What is it from here that you’d want me to see?”
“Take a look.”  The orange head opened her eyes and gazed upwards to what Daisy had been pointing to and gasped.  It was the lighthouse, standing tall and somewhat menacingly over the washed clifftops and swirling fog.
“The lighthouse?!” she spluttered.  “Wait a minute, what are you showing me a human structure for?”
“One – I think it’s beautiful, two – you’ve never seen it yourself before, and three – take a look up there…” said Daisy, whose tone went surprisingly soft on her third statement.
“What am I looking for?”
Her older sister pointed a finger at the male figure with black hair atop the balcony.  “Him,” she said dreamily.  “Oh…what a looker that one is.  His name is Tracey.  I’ve been observing his movements for a while recently.”
“So this is where you’ve been off to all this time?”
“Yeah, it’s quite out of the way from Rudy and his goons, and no one else really passes through here except for Pokémon, so I can observe him in peace.”  Misty blinked, clearly not understanding.  “I think he’s sweet,” went on Daisy.  “You know what he does aside from keeping that light going?  He watches the Pokémon, closely at that, he even draws them in that weird book of his…”
“Yes.  He talks often to that Marill of his, they seem awfully close.  He calls himself a Pokémon Watcher, which I think has to do with that drawing habit of his.  Whatever drawing means, it seems similar to our photos back home.  So I think it’s just an archaic version of that – even if it does seem like a lot of work for something we could do in seconds.  So primitive!  Although…I wish I could get the chance to see his work up close, just to know what it’s like.”
Misty gulped.  “You wouldn’t risk approaching him, would you?”
“What, are you suddenly as afraid of the humans as the rest of those ‘Magikarp’ we call our kind as well?”
“N-no…” said Misty quietly as she sunk under the water, her sister following.  “I’m just scared for your sakes.”
Daisy smiled gently at her little sister. “Don’t worry, Misty, I’ve been careful, and if my observations are anything to go by, he’s curious about us as well.  Well,” she added with a mischievous snicker, “mostly in me, that is.  I am the one who has been singing for him recently. Ooh!  I know, I could sing right now actually.”  Daisy immediately popped her head out the water.  Misty didn’t know why, but in reflex she dove further down into the water.
She watched as Daisy began to sing.  They were both so preoccupied that failed to notice that Misty’s Goldeen was beginning to panic.  The nearby weeds were swaying furiously, and the Pokémon began to scatter – the girls were oblivious to it.
Ash made his way through the fog, all the areas closest to the water in town was packed with people either at market or fishing. He wanted to begin his search by investigating places where he had heard the strange song being sung the night before. The book told him that often with Sirens the first sign of them being about would be fog.  Deducing from that, he decided to head back to the lighthouse where the fog had first begun to appear and where the voice originated.
He stepped cautiously through before stepping up to the door and rapped loudly.  “Ahoy!  Ahoy, Keeper! Anybody home?!” he yelled.
Tracey was just putting some finishing touches on a drawing of his when Ash’s loud knocks disturbed him, luckily, he didn’t ruin his own work.  “Who the devil could that be?” he said in surprise.
“Marill, mar?”
Tracey didn’t give in a second thought and hurried downstairs where he found Ash.  Tracey couldn’t help but of him as a strange man.
“Ah, hello Keeper,” said Ash as he let himself into the building.  “Hope you don’t mind; could do with getting out of the winds.”
“Mm, those winds are bit fierce,” said Tracey. “But anyways, who are you and what do you want?  Almost no one from Cerulean visits the lighthouse, except Mrs. Meyers to deliver me bread.”
“Well, I’m not from around here, I’m a traveler,” said Ash as he aired out his coat.  “I’m Ash, Ash Ketchum.”
“Sketchit, Tracey Sketchit.”
“A pleasure, Tracey, and sorry for the intrusion but I’ve come to ask something of you.”
Tracey raised an eyebrow.  “About what?”
“Heard any…strange songs lately?”
“Oh, well yes I have,” said Tracey, shocked yet pleased at having someone aside from his Pokémon to talk to about the strange occurrences.  “It happens almost every day actually.  Just…comes randomly, fog or not.  Whoever she is, she has a fantastic voice.”
“I can imagine,” said Ash grinning.  “I overheard the tune when I passed by last night. Tell me, do you think it’s a Siren?”
Tracey was astonished!  “Y-you believe they exist?”
“Well, do you?” asked Ash.  “You’re the one hearing these miraculous songs.”
“I know, and I do believe in them,” answered Tracey confidently.  “Well, see I want to.  Thing is though, I’ve never seen one.”
“Mmm,” muttered Ash in agreement.  Just then the two men both heard a familiar, and spine-chillingly, but calming, female voice – it was the mysterious singer.
“Speak of the Devil…” said Tracey.
“Yeah,” replied Ash.  “Think it’s a Siren?”
Tracey seemed unsure, he shook his head to get the doubt out before a more confident looked came to him.  “What else is there to explain why those songs keep coming from the ocean?” he said
His visitor only shrugged, before a sight from the window caught his eye.  “Well, who knows?  Perhaps it’s just our minds playing tricks on us.  But oh man, look at that.”
Coming in from the sea were huge rolling waves. “Uh oh,” said Tracey, though he sounded calmer than he should have.  “Better keep an eye out – there could be fishermen out on the bay, I only hope they aren’t getting caught in that, or our singer!”  Before Ash could speak, Tracey dashed back upstairs.  Ash grimaced as he heard the waves.
“Come on,” he said to Pikachu, and dashed out the door.  A freak wind passed through, blowing up sea water and tiny pebbles, the waves crashing fiercely against the rocks.  Ash heard a high-pitched scream suddenly and followed it.  “Don’t worry!  I’m coming!”
Misty was panicked as the icy water swirled around her – she couldn’t navigate through all the confusion.  Suddenly, she hit a rock face; she thought for a moment that it was a cliff and that she was safe.  She held Goldeen and breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly a large wave came and Misty shrieked as the force hit her and pushed her up the slick rock, she dragged over the jagged structure, her nerves firing off as the feeling of pain coursed through her.  She landed tail first into the hard rock surface on the other side.  “Ow!” she wailed loudly.
She took in her surroundings as soon as the chaos stopped – there was only enough water to submerge her bottom half, leaving her torso exposed to the earth.  “Oh no,” she gasped.  She had been forced into a tiny cove, the rock she fell in from being too big to climb. Her tail was bruised and she saw it was beginning to swell – she winced at the sight.  She was worried – she was stranded!
Her heart rate began to go up.  She was trapped, alone, in plain sight and with Daisy nowhere in sight.  “Oh Goldeen,” she whispered in fright.  “What if a human finds me…?”  She had heard rumors that humans destroyed what they knew nothing about.
Ash jogged as quickly and as safely as he could over the dangerous terrain, whoever was in trouble needed to get out of the storm and fast.  Wind and rain buffeted him.  He hurried around the stones before halting with a loud screech of his heels.
Splashing before him in a pool of water was a figure that looked like a girl in a swimsuit, her hair orange went only as far as her shoulders.  But most shocking for him of all was…
“A…tail?” he said aloud.  It was large, green, made of scales, and pretty.
Misty squirmed round and stared in fright, any cry for help was lost in her throat like a cornered Pokémon.
Ash found his voice.  “You…” he began.  “You’re a Siren, right?”
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mycatshuman · 5 years
The Emo Who Stole Christmas
Chapter 3: Virgil Is Meme-Worthy, the Mayor Is an Ass, Roman Is Very Gay, and Emile Just Wants a Happy Holiday
Word Count: 5,534
Pairings: Pre-established Prinxiety and Logicality and Demus
Warnings: sympathetic Remus and Deceit, anxiety, nervousness, past bullying mention, Virgil being treated as a joke, peer pressure? Brief mention of fire, cursing, let me know if I missed any.
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Thanks again to @icequeenoriginal , the co-creator of this fic and the comer up of the amazing title. Be sure to send love her way. 💜💜
So, because Virgil was just petty and meme-worthy enough, he stood outside his cave home hating the Whos.
Virgil huffed as he glared at Whoville through his telescope. He turned around and stomped inside to grab his phone. He stomped back outside and scowled as he stared down at the town. "Let's do it alphabetically. Aardvarkian Abakenezer Who...I HATE YOU!" The wind howled as it carried his shout off. Virgil smirked. "Aaron B. Benson Who, I hate you." Then Virgil went down the list. "Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate hate. Double hate," He paused as he came to the Mayor's name. "Loathe entirely!" He growled and shoved his phone in his pocket. He crossed his arms and pouted. As he stood there, the wind whipped and brought a cheerful melody along with it. Virgil's eyes widened and he gasped. "Nutcrackers! Shit! Fuck! It's their Whobilation!"
He snarled with a sneer. 
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!" He said and whirled around, racing inside he shouted, Remy! Please get me my sedative!!" Virgil raced around until he found a large mallet. He stood in front of his bed and stared at the object in his hands like it was his salvation. "Now, to get rid of those pesky memories!" He quickly slammed the mallet against his face and fainted, dropping the mallet and falling back into his bed. 
Remy stood atop his cat tree constructed of boxes and just shook his head. 
Emile watched as Whos dressed up as candy canes ran past excitedly singing. "Whobilation, plentiful with candy canes and pies. I can't wait to get there and eat some google fries! Whobilation! Whobilation!!" Emile bit their lip, they were dressed in a red dress with a checkered apron and big blue fluffy mittens. They turned back to their Dad as they followed them to the nomination ceremony. "Dad?" They asked nervously. 
"Yeah?" Patton asked as he carried a pile of presents. 
"I've been thinking about the Whobilation and I may do something drastic."
Patton nodded. "That's fine, Emile. Just ask your father." 
Emile frowned and glanced around. "Umm, where did he go?" The two stopped as they heard Logan's distance voice. 
"Honey!! Honey! Look!! I just found the cutest little light for my Christmas display!" Emile's eyes widened as they noticed their father carrying a traffic light. They opened their mouths to say something with the distant sound of a horn blaring and undeniable crash of a car. Patton jumped and turned his worried face behind them when Logan grabbed his arm. "Come on, we're gonna be late!" Emile stared after their parents in disbelief before shaking off their shock and running after them. Most of the Whos in Whoville (those that celebrated Christmas, Whos who celebrate other holidays had separate days for their Whobilation celebration, depending on when their holidays started) stood in a big crowd surround town hall. On the steps stood a red and green podium. Whoville band stood off to the side and Roman May right in front of them dressed in a large poofy red dress with green trim and gold details along the bodice. His eyelids were dusted with silver and gold eyeshadow and his lips were a deep holiday red. His face bore a kind smile but for anyone who truly knew him, they would notice the sorrow in his eyes at not being next to his loved one.
Mayor Anton stood beside Roman, his pristine white-gloved hands gently holding the edges of the podium as he waved at his town. Behind him, a red cape sprawled out trimmed with white and black fur. If anyone knew any better, they would say he was trying to emulate a king. A very rich king who only saw them as his lowly subjects. 
"And now!" Anton exclaimed once everyone had settled down. "The nominations for the Who among us all who best represents the best qualities of Whodom and Whodery! The Whoville holiday cheer-meister!!"
The crowd erupted into loud cheers and applause. Mayor Anton smiled as he soaked up the attention like a greedy sponge. Roman spared a glance at the man and his nose wrinkled in disgust. The image of a younger Anton laughing as he made fun of a young Virgil ran through his mind, making him more upset. "Do I hear a nomination?" Anton, a knowing smile as he prepared to act shocked upon hearing his name. 
"I nominate the Grinch!" 
The Whos all drew in a loud collective gasp as they all whirled around and split a clear path to Emile Lou Who. "The Grinch??" Patton and Logan whispered to each other as they looked at their child with dropped jaws. Roman allowed himself a fond smile as attention was drawn away from the steps that led into the town hall. "The Grinch?" Mayor Anton asked slowly. Roman's eyes widened and prayed that he wouldn't insult Emile. "My, my, my!" The mayor exclaimed as he looked up at Patton and Logan. The two parents gulped, authority intimated them. They didn't want to be outcasted. Not like the kid in their class so many years ago. "What an altruistic child you have there!" 
"Thank you," Patton replied nervously. 
Anton gave a tight smile to Emile as he walked around the podium to come to stand in front of it. Emile slowly walked up, scared yet feeling exhilarated at the same time. "Let me quote a verse from the Book of Who." The mayor's assistant hefted a heavy book over and placed it in the mayor's arms. "Thank you." The mayor quickly opened the book and flipped to the page he was looking for. "Ah! 'The term 'Grinchy' shall apply when Christmas spirit is in short supply''. Now, I must ask: does that sound like our holiday cheer-meister?" 
Emile cocked their head to the side. "True, Mr. May-Who. But the Book of Who says this too: 'No matter how different a Who may appear they will always be welcomed with holiday cheer.’”
Anton panicked slightly as he heard the crowd began to whisper their agreements with Emile's quote. Roman felt his heart swell with joy. His love was getting a chance to prove them wrong! "Ah! Yes, it does..but it also says…" he frantically looked through the book trying to find anything to help him. "It also says 'The award' cannot go to the Grinch because…' sometimes things get the lead-pipe cinch.'" He quickly closed the book and tucked it under his arm.
"It doesn't say that! You made that up!" Emile raised their voice, they would have known if it had after staying up all night and studying the text front to back to make sure they were doing everything legally. The crowd's head whipped back to look at the mayor. 
"No, it does.." Their heads whipped back to Emile. 
"What page?" 
Anton's eyes blew ridiculously wide as the crowd whipped back to face him. He fumbled with the book for a few seconds before going, "I, uh, lost my place, but it's-it's in here!" 
Emile frowned. "But the book says, 'the cheer-mister is the one who deserves a back slap or a toast. And it's supposed to go to the soul at Christmas who needs it the most.' I believe that the soul is the Grinch." Emile turned away from the mayor to face the crowd. "And if you're the Whos I hope you are, you will too." 
"They're right!" A voice called out. The crowd cheered. Patton and Logan placed a hand to their hearts, pride for their child bright on their faces. 
Anton frowned but quickly forced a small smile to their face. "You want to waste a perfectly good nomination of the Grinch, that's up to you. But I'm telling you! The Grinch will never come down!" 
"And when he doesn't, the mayor will wear the crown!" The mayor's assistant exclaimed. 
Anton blinked, seemingly surprised. Roman knew he wasn't. "Well...more or less." 
The crowd erupted into song again and ran through the town to begin the festivities.  
Virgil lay flat in his bed. His covers pulled up his chin as he stared sleepily at the ceiling. "'Tick, tock, tick, tock. Counting down the Christmas clock. Old, young, big, small-ALLLL!" Virgil shot up and quickly pulled the pillow down over his ears. "Blast this Christmas music!" He exclaimed as he fought to keep sound out of his head. "It’s loud and triumphant." He flung himself out of his bed and up to the second floor. "Must! Drown! Them! Out!" He yelled as he poured nails into blenders and closed them, turning them all on high. "It's not working!!!" He cried out helpless, feeling overwhelmed. 
The wipper-winds whipped, high above the Who town. A trip or a slip, you'd slide all the way down.
Emile looked out over their town as they climbed the mountain and huffed as they moved higher.
But this child had a mission. They knew what to do. They would invite the Grinch themselves, that brave Emile Lou. 
Emile knocked on the Grinch's door, a loud sound pounding through the metal. After getting no answer, Emile decided they were going to open the door, unaware of someone down in the town noticing their absence and preparing to follow them. 
As Emile walked inside, the door closed shut behind them, the biting cold outside becoming extinguished in the warmth of the Grinch's home. Emile glanced around at the big open area and noticed a ledge over a lower level. They looked down and saw a tall pale figure with rich purple hair. They quickly located the stairs and rushed down to see the Grinch- Virgil standing in front of the toy monkey. Each time the monkey clapped the symbols together, they slammed around Virgil's head. Emile winced. "Mr. Grinch?" They asked, unsure if they were allowed to use his real name or not. They reached forward and tapped on his shoulder. 
Virgil shot up and closed his hands around the monkey's holding them there until the toy broke. Virgil slowly turned his head to face Emile. "Hello, little child." He turned completely, as he realized that he wasn't wearing his Grinch suit and was dressed in sweats and a hoodie, something not really intimidating, he decided he would have to play it up if he wanted to keep his reputation. "How dare you enter, the Grinch's lair!?!?!" Remy rolled his eyes and began to groom himself as all cats do when their pet is being ridiculous. 
"The impudence! The audacity!! The unmitigated gall! You called down the thunder, now get ready for the boom!" Virgil tried to twist his facial features into a scary grimace. "Gaze into the face of fear!" 
Emile raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They sighed. "Mr. Grinch, my name is Emile Lou Who-" 
Virgil began feeling his heartbeat pick up with panic as he realized this child wasn't affected. He tried harder to be scary. "Even now! The terror is welling up inside you." 
Emile giggled. "I'm not scared of you." 
"Denial is to be expected in the face of pure evil!" Emile shook their heads. "Doubt! Another unmistakable sign of the heebie-jeebies!" Virgil yelled jumping around trying to scare the child. "You're doomed now!!" He quickly pulled a random white shirt on over top his hoodie and worked on ripping it open. "Run for your life! Before I kill again!" He exclaimed as he ripped the shirt off and began dancing around like a maniac. "I'm a psycho!" Virgil paused as he still got no reaction from Emile. He frowned. He began hopping around shouting, "Danger! Danger! Danger!" 
"Maybe you need a time out?" Emile replied, trying desperately to talk to the man before him without hurting his feelings. 
Virgil stopped and blinked. He crossed his arms and frowned as he looked off into the distance muttering to himself. "Kids today, so desensitized by movies and television." He whirled back to face Emile. "What do you want?" He asked wearily. 
Emile smiled. "Mr. Grinch, I would like to invite you to be a holiday cheer-meister." Virgil raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the invitation Emile held out to him. 
"'Cheer-meister. Celebrate with friends,'" He read. He laughed. "That's a good one!" He turned and stalked off as he tried to push down the hurt he felt at being pranked so bad. 
Emile followed quickly. "Look, I know you hate Christmas!"
"I don't hate Christmas," Virgil muttered to himself. "I just hate all the commercialism." 
"I myself am having some doubts! But if you reunite with the Whos and be a part of the holidays-"
"Maybe if you reunite with the Whos and be a part of the holidays," Virgil mocked. "Grow up!" He yelled back as they walked up the stairs. 
"Maybe it'll be okay for me too!" 
"I'm sorry, your session is over. Please make another appointment on the way out!" Virgil sneered. 
"Please! You have to accept the award!"
Virgil paused. 
"An award? You never mentioned an award." 
Arms wrapped around Virgil's torso as a head lay softly on his shoulder causing Virgil to jump before he realized who it was. Emile smiled fondly at Roman and Virgil. Virgil blushed furiously. 
"Please, darling? Emile here was able to convince the town to accept the nomination. I think they're willing to give you a second chance!" 
Virgil bit his lip. "I don't know…" 
Roman smirked and kissed Virgil's cheek. "Mayor Anton wasn't happy," he whispered. 
Virgil eyed lit up with mischief. "He wasn't?" 
Emile shook their head. "No, he was actually trying to find a law that said we couldn't nominate you." 
Virgil smirked. "Well, if it really bothers him, I suppose I can show up ...maybe…” 
Roman grinned and gave Virgil another kiss before turning to Emile. "Come on, we gotta get back down there before people notice we're missing." 
"Okay." Emile turned and handed the invite to Virgil. "I really hope you come, Virgil."
Roman and Emile made to leave before Virgil's uncertain voice stopped them. "If I were to go…should I wear the suit?" 
Roman shook his head. "I think it's better if you don't. It will show you're willing to take this second chance." 
Virgil nodded. "Okay...maybe I'll see you later." 
Emile and Roman grinned before going over to stand right behind the front door. Virgil walked over and waited for both of them to prepare for the drop. 
"I love you, V." 
"Love you too, Ro." 
Virgil pulled the rope and the floor beneath Roman and Emile gave way to a chute. The two dropped down and slid through the tube laughing and giggling. Then they shot out of one of the chutes for trash and landed in a pile of snow. Roman stood up and helped Emile up. "Go find your family."
"Will he actually come?" Emile asked. 
Roman blinked before giving Emile a soft smile. "I'm pretty sure we wore him down. But even if he doesn't, I know he really appreciates your gesture. And he's really anxious so don't take it personally if he doesn't, okay?" Emile smiled and nodded. Roman grinned back and turned to get to his place. "See you later, Emile!" 
"See you, Roman!" 
Virgil pouted in his recliner. "The nerve of them! Inviting me down on such short notice!!" He set the invite down on a side table. "Besides, even if I wanted to go, my schedule wouldn't allow it!" He turned and opened a big book and read his schedule out loud. "'4 o'clock, wallow in self-pity. 4:30, gaze into the abyss. 5 o'clock solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercise. 6:30 dinner with me. I can't cancel that again," Virgil said as he bit his lip. "'7 o'clock, wrestle with my self-loathing.'" Virgil paused. "I'm booked!" He sighed and bit his lip, knowing just how pathetic he sounded as he looked at Remy's unamused face. "Well, if I bumped the loathing to 9, I would still have time to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling as I slip slowly into madness." He paused again, feeling excitement bubble up in his stomach. "But what would I wear!?!"  
Virgil jumped out of his chair and ran to a nearby table piled with junk. He gripped the edge of the table cloth beneath it and yanked hard as he walked away. After noticing nothing fell off the table, he quickly turned around and shoved everything off the table and then tipped it over for good measure. He stood in front of his mirror and stared unsure at the skirt he had fashioned for himself out of the table cloth. He frowned and ripped it off and ran to his closet. "Stupid!" He cried out as he threw articles of clothing behind him. "Ugly! Out of date!" He stomped out of his closet. "That's it, if I can't find something nice to wear, then I'm not going!" 
Remy knocked a box off of a table near the door creating a loud thud. Virgil jumped and turned to face whatever had happened and noticed a rectangular box wrapped in crimson red and sparkling gold. He frowned. He didn't remember that. Curiously, he walked over and gingerly picked up the box. It wasn't until he noticed Roman's fancy script that he felt safe to open it. He let out a gasp as he saw the plum-colored dress shirt and midnight black dress pants. He carefully lifted them out and noticed a purple and red plaid vest and silver converse. He picked up a note and quickly read through it. 
Virgil, I would love to see you at the Whobilation, but if you don't want to you don't have to. However, if you do, I would adore finding you in this~.
Virgil quickly ran to put the outfit on. He nervously looked at himself in the mirror and found he actually liked what he saw. He struck some confident poses before walking away with a pout. "That's it, I'm not going." 
Mayor Anton stood in front of the crowd again with a broad grin. "It's time for our Holiday Cheer-meister of the Year Award!" The crowd erupted into cheers. "Congratulations, Mr. Grinch!" He turned to the spot next to him but there was no one there. He let out a sarcastic sound of surprise. "He isn't here?" He didn't show?" The crowd frowned and began talking amongst themselves as Emile tried to stay hopeful. "Who could have predicted this?" The mayor asked. Roman found himself wishing he could just choke the heck out of him right then. 
Virgil bit his lip. "Okay, I'll swing by for a second, allow them to envy me, grab a handful of popcorn shrimp and blow out of there," Virgil said as he walked over to leave. Suddenly, he paused and spun around dramatically. "What's if it's a cruel prank? What if it's a cash war?" He gasped. "How dare they! Okay, I'll go...but I'll be fashionably late...no. Yes. No. Yes! No! Yes! Nope! Definitely not!" He spun back towards the door. "Alright, I have made my decision! I'm going! And that's that!" He raised his hand. "Oops, I had my fingers crossed!" 
Remy quickly pulled the rope before Virgil could move and Virgil dropped through the floor. "Maybe I should have flipped a coin!" He screamed as he shot through the chute. 
"I guess the award goes to the runner-up," the mayor said. 
His assistant quickly moved to speak into the mic. "That's right! A man for whom Christmas comes not once a year, but every minute of every day! A man who has had his tonsils removed twice!" 
The mayor laughed. "Now that is an interesting story! You see what had happened was-"
He was cut off by the sound of screaming. In a blink, Virgil shot out of the trash chute and bounced off a banner before bouncing off of a trampoline and then flying over the crowd towards Roman who looked both scared and happy. He braced himself for impact as Virgil collided with him and they fell back against the steps leading to the town hall. "Hello, Roman," Virgil mumbled, his voice muffled as his face was smashed into Roman's chest. 
"He made it!" Emile exclaimed happily. Patton and Logan pulled them back as Virgil hopped up and stared at the crowd causing everyone to lean back in fear. Some of them confused, this couldn't be the Grinch, he wasn't hairy at all. He looked just like them aside from his unnatural purple hair. Roman sat on the steps trying to get some oxygen as he realized just how hot his fiance looked in the outfit he picked for him. He bit his lip, maybe he shouldn't have picked that out. It took all of Roman's self-control not to grab the other by the collar and yank him into a scorching kiss. 
"Boo." The crowd screamed as Virgil spoke. Someone even fainted if the tell tall thud that followed was anything to go by. Virgil smirked. "Hot crowd, hot crowd." He sighed as Roman carefully stood up. "I believe I am here to accept an award of some kind?" 
The mayor masked his face of disgust and grabbed a mic. "Don't worry, Mr. Holiday Cheer-meister, you'll get your award! But first, a small family reunion." Virgil's eyes widened. "They nursed you! They clothed you! Here they are, your parents!" Damien and Remus ran up to their son with a large sweater and quickly pulled it over before Virgil could argue. 
"Aww!" Damien and Remus cooed. "You look so adorable!" 
Virgil flushed and bit his lip before glancing down and screaming. Let's just say, the sweater was way too colorful for Virgil's taste. 
"Put him in the Chair of Cheer!" Someone exclaimed. 
Virgil's eyes widened. "Chair of cheer? What's the Chair of Cheer? You didn't tell me about the Chair of Cheer!" 
"Please, Mr. Grinch. Please!" Emile called out adorably. And Virgil found he couldn't argue. But that didn't mean he would put up a fight. 
"No, it's too much! Too soon!" He cried out as he was shoved gracelessly in the chair. Roman stifled a giggle and blew Virgil a quick kiss and a wink. Virgil pouted. 
"Yes! It's that time of year! The Cheer-meister's ride in the Chair of Cheer!" The Mayor exclaimed with reluctant cheer. 
"Put me down!" Virgil exclaimed as he was carried around in the chair. "I mean it! I will get a lawyer! There will be Hell to pay!" 
"First, we'll put your taste buds to the test with the Who pudding cook-off!" 
Virgil sat as a bunch of people swarmed him all trying to shove pudding into his mouth. He nearly choked multiple times as no one gave him time to swallow or even taste the different puddings. 
"Christmas Conga!" The mayor exclaimed as everyone gathered in a line behind Virgil as he led them in a dance. He bit his lip. 
"Would you look at the time. I really should be getting going!" No one listened. And to be truthful, Virgil was actually enjoying himself and didn't want it to end. 
"Fruitcake, tra-la-la!" Everyone swarmed Virgil once again to stuff his face with their fruitcakes. "Fudge Judge!" 
This time, Virgil was ready. "Bring it on!" He called out as people swarmed him again. "Bring it on! Is that all you got?! Is that all you got?!" 
Then Virgil competed against a bunch of kids in a sack race. "No child can beat the Grinch!" Virgil exclaimed. Roman screamed excitedly and then stopped to compose himself as he looked around at the other cheering Whos. He didn't want to give anything away with Virgil, knowing Virgil wasn't ready yet.
"He won!" Emile exclaimed excitedly. Patton and Logan smiled at their child as they smiled with a real and bright smile. 
Everyone began lining up everywhere holding a present and Virgil watched as he stood in between Roman and Mayor Anton. "And now, it's time for the moment we have all been waiting for! It's time for Present Pass-it-on!" Virgil's eyes widened and he quickly looked for something to give Roman as the Mayor waited for the Whos to stop cheering excitedly. 
Roman smirked. "You already got me something, dearest." Virgil paused, his face twisted in confusion. Roman wiggled his fingers on his left hand, the glove covering the ring but Virgil knew it was there. He flushed as he remembered and Roman found himself once again having to practice a titanic amount of self-control to not pull him into a kiss. 
"As always, we start with our Cheer-meister." Virgil gasped as the mayor handed him a box. He quickly tore it open, excited. It seemed as if they really were giving him a second chance! He dumped the object inside out into his hand and blinked. Emile's eyes widened as they noticed the object and Roman found himself trying to stop himself from ripping the mayor's head off. Virgil's fingers curled slowly around the bottle of brown hair dye. Damien had to hold his husband in an iron grip before things got bloody. "The gift of a Christmas dye." 
Virgil felt his mind flashback to his childhood. "Look at that dye job!" A young Anton's voice rang through his head. He thought they were giving him a second chance. He thought, maybe, Anton felt bad for what he did. Virgil should never have been so naive. 
"Good times! Good times!" The mayor exclaimed as he gave the Grinch a pat on the back. "And now, I have something for the love of my life." The mayor's assistant quickly handed him a small box and the Mayor got down on one knee as he opened it in front of Roman. Virgil's eyes widened in shock, surprise, and hurt. Roman felt his eyes blow wide as fury erupted in his gut as he stared at the hideous three diamond engagement ring. Emile bit their lip as they watched. "Roman May, please become Mr. Anton May-Who." 
"Anton-" Roman started through gritted teeth. 
"When you agree to be my husband, you'll also receive, along with a lifetime supply of happiness, a new car!" The crowd parted as a new car moved in all squeaky clean and new. Roman stared horrified. Virgil frowned as he realized his fiance was beginning to feel overwhelmed. "Generously provided by the taxpayers of Whoville! You've got 20 seconds on the clock, what do you say Roman." The kahoot sound played as the crowd waited for Roman to accept. 
"I really don't-these gifts are quite dazzling," Roman stuttered. 
Virgil's face twisted in concern as he heard his love's automatic response, something that happened when Roman unconsciously tried to be what everyone wanted him to be. He stepped forward and took a nail then dragged it over the car's surface. The Who's covered their ears at the screech before directing their attention to Virgil. 
"Of course they are. That's what is all about, right?" He asked his voice raising as he began to get worked up. "That's what it's always been about!" He chuckled humorlessly. "Gifts! Gifts, gifts, gifts." He yelled with distaste. Roman stared at him as if he was his hero and Virgil decided, he would do whatever it took to help Roman find a way to skip out of any more festivities. "Do you know what happened to your gifts? They come to me. In your garbage. Do you see what I mean? In your garbage!" Virgil exclaimed. "I could hang myself with all the ugly holiday neckties I found in the dump!" Virgil turned and pointed an accusing finger at the Mayor. "And the avarice! It never ends!" Virgil hopped from foot to foot as he mocked the Whos. "'I want golf clubs' 'I want diamonds' 'I want a pony so I can ride it twice and then sell it to make glue!'" The crowd watched in stunned silence. 
"Now, I really don't want to make waves, but this whole Christmas season is stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Virgil shouted as he pointed at different Whos. One of them startled so bad they fell over. Virgil paused in his rant and turned to face the mayor and Roman again. "There is, however," he started as he slowly crept up the stairs towards Roman. "One teeny-tiny Christmas tradition I find quite meaningful." Virgil quickly pulled Roman into a kiss and dipped him to the crowds’ loud gasps. Mayor Anton himself looked absolutely furious. Virgil pulled back and ripped the plant off the top of the ring box Roman held in his hands. Roman found himself trying to compose himself after having a serious case of Gay Panic™ at his fiance's stunt and finding himself again overwhelmed with just how hot Virgil was. "Mistletoe!" Virgil exclaimed as he dangled it above his head before whirling around and bending over. He dangled the plant above his butt. "Now, pucker up and kiss it Whoville!" Outraged and terrified gasps rang out as some people fainted. Roman decided, why not? And "fainted" along with them. Maybe he would be able to get out of the rest of the celebration and be able to go visit Virgil. 
The mayor turned to quickly help Roman up before Virgil grabbed ahold of his shoulder and whirled him around. He took his "gift" and squirted the dye all over the mayor's hair. "Somebody looks fabulous!!" Virgil exclaimed and dropped the bottle of hair dye before going off to cause more chaos. Whos all ran for their lives screaming. 
"Let’s go!" Patton exclaimed as he picked Emile up and carried them to safety despite their screams of "No!" 
"Hey, Remus-dad!" Virgil exclaimed as he slid up to stand next to them. "Mind if I wet my whistle?”
"Of course!" Remus nodded eagerly as he handed his flask to his son despite his husband's tired protests. 
Virgil took a gulp before tossing the flask back at Remus and taking the lighter Damien held out to him. With that, he quickly turned to the towering Christmas tree standing in the center of the square. And then he quickly caught the tree on fire. All Whos halted and watched in horror as their tree burst into flames. The ashes raining down in a pile, the star topping landing in the pile. "Burn, baby! Burn!" Virgil grinned wickedly as he spun in a quick circle in the middle of the chaos. "Oh, the Whomanity!" He then ran off, unaware of Roman's eyes on him. His fiance in awe at the fact that all that had to happen was for someone to hurt him and then Virgil would destroy everything. It made him feel like a damsel-in-distress and Virgil was his knight. Roman sighed fondly. 
"Taxi!" Virgil called as a taxi blared past him. "It's because I'm angry, isn't it!?!" He asked. It wasn't his fault someone decided to press his jealous button and then put his fiance in an uncomfortable situation. He frowned and stepped out into the road and stopped a small car. "Halt!" Two tiny sized Whos stared up in fear. "Evening, folks! Mind if I tag along?" He turned and went to sit causing the two to scream and run. "You did the right thing!" Virgil took the car and took off. "Out of the way!" He shouted as he noticed a child pushing a stroller. They froze and he jerked the wheel to the side causing the car to spin out of control until it crashed. He landed in a heap and groaned. "That is soo gonna hurt in the morning." He looked down and noticed sparks and leaking gasoline. His eyes widened and he quickly fled. "It’s gonna blow!" He was thrown into the snow as an explosion erupted behind him. 
Mayor Anton stood in the middle of the ash from their tree. "I'm hurt. And I don't hurt easily," he said as Whos gathered around. "I am so disappointed in you, Emile." 
Roman stomped over about to say something before being cut off again. "Can't we just get back to Christmas the way it's supposed to be? Grinchless?" He picked up the Cheer-meister's crown and pulled it onto his head. He turned to the crowd and left Emile behind. "Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" 
Emile's family looked between each other and quickly ran up to their child. Emile looked down. "I just wanted everyone to be together for Christmas," they cried. Tears spilled over their cheeks as they remembered the way the mayor treated Virgil and how everyone laughed along with his idea of a joke. 
Virgil laughed as he moved to climb into the chute leading to Mount Crumpit. "I quite enjoyed that!" He chuckled humorlessly. "I hope I get another invite soon!" He paused and looked over to see the Whos carrying a spare Christmas tree in. He groaned and raised a fist in defeat. "Son of a bitch! They are relentless!" He cried out and slammed his fist on the side of the chute and was sucked in and began the bumpy ride up the mountain. A bell chimed. 
"Only four hours until Christmas!"
Everything Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws
The Emo Who Stole Christmas Taglist: @logical-princey @mostpeopleannoyne
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Begin Again (Mortician!Steve and Baker!Bucky Modern “Moving On” AU)
Hands on his knees, Steve stared down at the ground as he panted. Finishing his run, Steve led Vinnie over to a nearby bench, so he could stretch his sore muscles. A good sore from using his muscles after a lazy prior day, but sore nonetheless.
Being the good boy that he was, Vinnie laid on the grass, panting as well. Tongue plopping out as he watched Steve. He deserved a treat, but Steve had been hesitant about going to What's the Batter With You. Too heartbroken -- was he heartbroken? It sure felt like it -- to see Bucky after finding out that he was engaged.
Although Steve had found out his crush was marrying another man a whole two weeks ago, it still felt fresh. As though every time he thought about it, it felt like he was picking at a scab, not letting it heal. Sure, Steve had been preoccupying himself with work, his old art hobby, and men from SHIELD -- admittedly, mostly Ian -- Bucky still drifted into his day-to-day thoughts every now and then.
Especially whenever he thought about treats for Vinnie, because damn Bucky Barnes for making such a healthy alternative that the Weimaraner actually enjoyed.
Sighing, Steve finished stretching his calves, he got an idea. Since he had ordered his own wedding cake from Barnes' Bakery, and since they still accepted orders from Bucky, maybe they would have some pupcakes. It was worth a shot, at least. Vinnie deserved it, after all.
So, Steve walked Vinnie towards the beloved bakery. Admittedly, Steve hadn't been there since he ordered his wedding cake. It had been too painful -- and too embarrassing -- for him for a long time. Stupidly, blaming himself for what happened that day, and afraid to show his face in public because he didn't want to hear the gossip.
Tying Vinnie's leash to the bench outside the bakery, Steve stalled by giving it a final tug. Knowing that he had to do this. Had to get over that unnecessary fear of what others were going to think. He had never cared about what other people thought of him until he met Brock, and he was annoyed that it had lasted even after Brock had moved on.
Inhaling, Steve pushed open the door and was overwhelmed with the mouthwatering aroma of fresh baked goods. Approaching the counter, Steve patiently waited for one of the employees. Not that he was in any hurry since he was studying the menu, trying to figure out what he wanted. There were so many appealing options, and after working up such an appetite, Steve could definitely get down on all of it.
"Hey!" That attractive familiar voice that was the soundtrack to his wet dreams greeted Steve, causing him to internally kick himself because nothing ever went the way Steve wanted it to.
Fixing a smile on his face, Steve turned to find Bucky. Nodding acknowledgement, glancing over the pastel pink t-shirt and the way it hugged tightly over Bucky's muscular pecs. Before Steve could help himself, he teased, "I'm sorry, sir, but you don't work here."
Out of breath in his haste, Bucky paused in tying the beige apron around him waist. Brows furrowed, Bucky glanced down at himself and then playfully rolled his eyes as he explained, "Yeah, I came to drop off some cakes. Dad hasn't been feelin' too well, so he's at the doctor's. And Teddy's runnin' some deliveries. Guess it's a good thing that the cake shop doesn't open until ten."
"Guess so," Steve agreed. Fiddling with his fingers as he said, "I hope everything's okay with your dad."
"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine," Bucky waved off, finally tying the apron around his waist. A soft grin stretched across his face, "Thank you, though."
"Of course," Steve shrugged, knowing how worried he always got when his own parents got sick, and how a small reassurance could go a long way.
As Bucky turned to wash his hands, Steve's eyes roamed over his backside. Lingering for a moment on that glorious --
Get it together, Steve, he chastised himself, he's practically a married man!
Redirecting his gaze to the menu hung on the wall, Steve tried to focus on the words. When Bucky dried his hands and started speaking though, he found himself struggling again. Especially when Bucky prompted, "I haven't seen you around in a minute."
"Oh, uh," Steve swallowed as he thought. After all, he couldn't tell Bucky why he hadn't been around. So, he went with the easier, half-truth, "Been busy with work."
Bucky mulled that over before admitting, "I never realized how truly terrifying that comment is until hearing it from a mortician."
Steve chuckled at that, running his hand through his slightly sweaty, shaggy hair and conceded, "Yeah, I guess that's probably not the best thing to hear."
"Ya got that right," Bucky smirked, leaning on the counter. Briefly biting his lip, Bucky asked, "So, what can I get for you today?"
"Well, everything smells so good…"
"Tastes good, too," Bucky assured with a shit-eating grin, and yup, that definitely could be an innuendo.
"You have to say that," Steve waved off, good-naturedly rolling his eyes.
"Hey," Bucky chuckled, feigning offense as he jokingly defended himself, "I'm a man of my word."
"That's good to hear," Steve smiled, before that broken shard of his heart started twisting and reminding Steve of his unrequited attraction. Glancing down at his hands to gather himself, Steve vowed to look up other bakeries. Returning his attention to Bucky, Steve widened his grin, "Your fiancé is a lucky man." Then, because he felt like crying, Steve joked instead, "I know a good wedding planner -- oh wait!"
Bucky chuckled at that and nodded, "Yeah, he's taking the reins on it. Which is a relief. Planning a wedding is… difficult."
"I remember," Steve confirmed, chewing on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from tearing up.
"Oof," Bucky exhaled, remembering who he was talking to. Again. Sympathetically apologizing, "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it, I brought it up," Steve swallowed around the lump that was forming in his throat. Trying to shift the mood to one more light-hearted, Steve complimented, "Hey, if you need any help, I know an amazing baker that makes a mean lemon cake."
Bucky's smile returned and he leaned across the counter to lower his voice conspiratorially, "If you think my lemon cake's good, you should try the strawberry rhubarb pie."
"Is that so?" Steve smirked.
"Mhmm," Bucky hummed his confirmation.
Realizing that he had been leaning across the counter, like a magnet drawn to Bucky, Steve wrenched himself backwards. What was he doing?! He should really have a better grasp on himself.
Running his hand through his hair for the sole purpose of having something to distract him from wondering how Bucky's lips would feel against --
NOPE! Not doing this!
Deciding that he needed to get out of there as fast as possible, Steve agreed, "Okay. I'll take one."
"One what?" Bucky's brows furrowed, causing the cutest expression to cross his face. An expression that, Steve knew, if Bucky was his fiancé, he'd affectionately kiss right off. A moment later, Bucky remembered and he exclaimed, "Oh! The pie!"
"Yeah, the pie," Steve chuckled, wondering how everything led up to this exact moment, and why couldn't he have met Bucky sooner?
"I must admit," Bucky started as he packed the strawberry rhubarb pie into a Barnes' Bakery box, "I didn't make this. But my mom is the best pie maker around. I'd wager my whole shop on it."
"Well, if she's really that good, maybe you should have pies at the wedding," Steve teased before he could even think about it. Instantly regretting it when he earned a full-belly laugh from Bucky.
"If I knew that Tony would be up for something a little less traditional, I definitely would," Bucky assured, ringing Steve up.
And then, as if possessed, Steve suggested, "If you ever need help with anything -- or just want to share possibly poor ideas -- you can call me."
Handing the pie and receipt over to Steve, Bucky bit his lower lip as he accepted, "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."
"Okay, then. Uh, bye," Steve pressed his lips together and quickly left the shop without another word on the subject. Simply shoving the receipt into his basketball shorts pocket and carrying the pie out to Vinnie. Trying not to think about what just happened as he untied the leash and rushed back to his apartment.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 10: Final Showdown
After they wake up from their sleepover, the party is ready to strike against their archnemesis - the Necromancer!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3.  My ko-fi.
The sunlight filtered in sharply from the skylight above and Nino was suddenly very aware of why Marinette was not a morning person. If he had a room practically forcing him to be one, he’d be a night person out of spite too.
He blinked to clear his eyes. When he tried to sit up, he was suddenly aware of a weight on his chest. Looking down, a tangle of red hair was sprawled over his chest. Alya slept soundly, undisturbed by Nino’s attempts to rise. As much as she was an adorable angel while sleeping, he definitely needed to get up now.
It was hard to pull himself away from Alya without waking her up, and not just because of her tenacious grip on his shirt. These quiet moments of being close together were surprisingly rare and he wanted to cherish them as much as he could…
...but he really did need to get up.
He climbed down to the floor and a smile crept onto his face as he noticed Marinette and Adrien. They had, inevitably, been drawn together until their limbs were tangled and Adrien’s head was tucked under Marinette’s chin. After taking a quick second to feel pride in this shipping victory that they had been striving for, Nino tiptoed around them and descended down the stairs.
After narrowly avoiding a conversation with the early rising Dupain-Chengs (seriously, how is Marinette not a morning person at this point?), Nino found what he was looking for and slipped inside the bathroom.
A couple hours later and all four of them were varying degrees of awake. From bright and perky Adrien down to foot-dragging Marinette, they had all come downstairs to scavenge some breakfast. A breakfast which was turning out to be larger than what Nino was used to. Which probably wasn’t that surprising since ‘dinner’ yesterday consisted of a bunch of croissants.
Between the food and the company, it didn’t take long for even Marinette to become more animated. It brought a smile to Nino’s face to listen to them gush over the campaign so far. Even more so when that gushing turned to plotting - the best ways to sneak into the tower, how they’d face down the Necromancer. But there was one gap in their plans that they seemed to be skipping...
“So, dudes. How’re you going to get out?”
The others gave him a blank look. Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Either killing the Necromancer destroys the undead he’s created… or it doesn’t. No matter what, we’ve got to stop him.”
Alya nodded. “M’s right. If we try to get help, he might find whatever he’s looking for. For the sake of the kingdom, he’s got to go down here and now.”
“Alas,” Adrien sighed, adopting the voice of his bard. “The greatest story ever set to song… and there will be no one left to sing it.”
“Aw, don’t worry!” Marinette patted him on the back. “There’s a good chance we can make it out of here. With all of us together, there’s nothing we can’t do.”
“And on that note,” Nino said as he slid out his chair. “Ready to get started, dudes?”
After some cheering and agreement, they stormed the living room. Their things remained where they had left them the night before and all that they needed to do was settle into their spots. A few minutes of checking to make sure everything was where it ought to be, and they all turned toward Nino. Their faces were masks of determination as they began to put their plan into motion.
“Okay, step one - I’ll use my lyre to summon a visual illusion within sight of the zombies.” Adrien squinted at his spells list. “It will be in the opposite direction of us, so the plan is that they’ll be drawn away by it.” He looked at Nino with hopeful eyes. “...But does it work?”
Nino considered this for a moment. The zombies were ordered to be hyper aggressive, so them going after something that fleeting wouldn’t be out of the question. But he couldn’t remember if the undead were actually affected by illusions or not.
After giving it a fair amount of thought and doing some meaningless rolling - they were mindless, so they wouldn’t get a save anyway - he came to a decision.
“It works like a charm, bro. You pied piper-ed those dead dudes like a pro. That leaves the tower tots exposed.”
“Go go go!” Marinette yells at them. “We rush the door and close it behind us.”
Nino waggled his fingers with a smirk. “Not so fast! The door is barred. Or maybe just stuck. Either way, your stringy elven rogue muscles ain’t enough to bust it down, dude.”
“Well,” Alya said as she flexed her muscles. “Let’s see it try to stop me.” She rolled a strength check and, sure enough, passed with flying colors.
“Alright then. The wooden bar they were using to keep it closed is splinters now, but the door is intact. Mostly, at least.”
“Cool beans.” Adrien chimed in. “We slam it shut and find something to block it with. We don’t want the Necromancer getting any back up during this fight.”
“Yeah, about that…” Nino checked his notes. “There are a couple zombies in this room.”
“Don’t worry, sunshine,” Alya said, already rolling. “Marinette and I will hold them off while you get it shut.”
“Um…” Adrien skimmed over his spell list. “Maybe I should have gotten the hold portal scroll back in town… Is there anything in the room I can use?”
“There’s a big ol’ boulder, but it is too big for you to push.”
“Is it too big for me and you?”
Nino grinned. “Not a chance. While the ladies put down the walking dead, we roll the rock in front of the door. It’ll take some beating down to move it now.”
“Awesome. Let’s hurry and get up there!”
The dash up the tower had perils all its own - rickety stairwell, the odd zombie guardsmen, a few traps - but none of them were enough to slow them down. It was inspiring to watch. The party had come such a long way. Nino almost felt bad about what happened next. Almost.
“Okay, dudes. It takes some ramming by Alya, but you bash down the door at the top of the tower. The moment you do, a wave of fire washes over you. Everybody make a reflex save.”
Naturally, Marinette passed. But she was the only lucky one out of the group. To Nino’s surprise, no one went down… but it was close.
Alya sucked in a breath as she adjusted her hit points, “Ooooh that hurts. Hopefully you’ve got some magic hands ready, cappy.”
“Ow ow ow ow ow,” Adrien muttered as he made a note on his character sheet. “Guess who has two thumbs and that same amount of health.” He pointed two thumbs at himself, a pained expression on his face. “This guy!”
Marinette rolled her eyes at his joke, but there was a ghost of a smile on her lips. “I guess I’ll be taking the lead on this one.” She leaned forward on her elbows. “So what’s our mortal enemy look like?”
“Super pale, like he hasn’t seen the sun in… I dunno. Months. Years, even. Big old gnarly staff with an antlered skull on it. Some rusty looking amulet around his neck you can’t really see that well. Ragged black robes dirty with dust and cobwebs. That sort of thing. Purple lightning crackles around his fingers as he sneers at you.” Nino cleared his throat and dropped a few octaves to get the voice right. “‘Pitiful. You barely cling to the falsehood of life. It would almost be a waste of time to raise your corpses, but… I have need of extra hands. You will do.’”
A couple rounds later and things had only gotten worse. Nino’s cleric was doing his best, but it was hard to keep up with the dark wizard’s onslaught. It was plain luck that they were all still standing, but that wasn’t going to last for a whole lot longer.
In short, they needed something miraculous to happen if they were going to win this fight.
Their comeback started, as it often did, with a crazy move by Adrien.
“He’s still hovering, right?” Adrien glanced up at Nino as he nodded. “Alright, I’m going to throw my rapier at him.”
“Are you sure? That’ll leave you without a weapon.”
“It isn’t doing me much good anyway. Might as well try to do some damage.”
“Alright. Roll it.”
Putting as much flair into the roll as possible, Adrien tossed the die across the board. It came to a halt next to Nino… as a natural one. Nino winced.
“Sorry, bro. The sword sails right past his head and lodges itself in the ceiling. Some dust and a couple pebbles land on his robes, adding to his dirtiness.”
Marinette’s eyes lit up. “That’s it!” The rest of the party sent her confused looks. “We’ll bring the ceiling down on top of him!”
“M, what are you talking about?” Alya eyed her friend with concern, but not a little hope. She’d gained a reputation for crazy plans that worked after all.
“If the rapier can get stuck, that means the stone is loose, which is backed up by the pebbles and dust falling. The whole city is on the verge of collapse - what’s one more roof?” Marinette turned to Nino. “I roll an engineering check.” Naturally, it was a high roll. “Can I see a structural weak point?”
Nino puffed out his cheeks and let out a deep breath as he thought. “Uh… yeah, sure. There’s a rotting wooden support beam. Take that out, and it should be enough to bring down the ceiling.”
Marinette considered this, her fingers steepled in front of her. Eventually she asked, “What sort of rot?”
“On the wood. Like, wet rot or dry rot?”
“Well… There isn’t a lot of water in the air so I guess dry rot...?”
“Is it still my turn?” At Nino’s nod, Marinette smiled mirthlessly. “I pull out my vial of alchemist’s fire and toss it at the support beam.”
Nino blinked, stunned. “Um… roll it?”
But she was already doing it.
The die rolled across the table, just like Adrien’s had.
She was further away and didn’t put nearly as much flair in, so it stopped in front of Adrien…
...on a natural twenty.
The table erupted into cheers. Adrien pressed a big kiss against Marinette’s cheek, Alya shook her arm, and Nino applauded from across the table. While they were still tittering with excitement, he began describing what happened.
“The glass of the vial shatters against the old, crumbling wood. The air immediately bursts into flame and hungrily devours the whole dang beam. While the Necromancer blinks stupidly at the sudden noise and light, the ceiling rumbles. Before he can respond, it collapses ontop of him, crushing him instantly. His amulet rolls out and hits your boot, Marinette.”
“I’ll pick it up. Maybe it’ll make a good trophy.”
“My cleric dude pipes up, ‘By the Sun! That’s the missing relic of my temple!’”
“Oh no.”
“‘But… it has been cursed. By a totally awful power.’”
Adrien was shaking his die in his hand. “I’m going to make a bardic knowledge check to see what I can remember about any unholy symbols or stuff like that.”
Deciding that he’d rolled high enough, Nino said, “It’s not good, bro. The mark is the personal symbol of a big man from down below. This is some serious stuff.”
Once again, the three of them looked at each other. Then Marinette’s eyes widened. “Wait! I look out the window - are the undead still walking around?”
Nino shook his head. “Nah, dude. They’ve crumbled back into corpses - the non-animated kind. You guys should be smooth sailing from here.”
“Kids!” Sabine called them from a few rooms over. “Lunch time!”
The game was left where it was and the four of them followed the scent of freshly cooked lunch to the kitchen. As they chatted away about their most recent victory and where they would go from here, Nino listened in and smiled.
He’d probably have to leave Uncle Hassan’s campaign to focus on running this one. But as he watched his friends’ faces lit up as they reenacted parts of the battle, he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it. There were plenty more adventures for these four to come, more stories to tell, and Nino wanted to be the one to tell them.
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terapsina · 6 years
42 pls
42. “I’m only here to establish an alibi.” for River/13.
“What do you think?” Ryan asks Yaz as she’s placing another armful of every shiny, reflective object she could get her hands on in a circle around what looks like a jury rigged mess of Christmas lights.
“I don’t know, you’re the expert here.” Yaz tells him and looks on as he’s screwing in the last green light bulb into place. If they were in an apartment on Earth she’d say that what it looks like is an invitation for a blown out sparking plug. But where they are, is inside the control room of the TARDIS so it is probably fine.
“I’m a mechanic… -ish. I know how to fix cars not how to make tribble traps.” Ryan says.
“It looks fine, Ryan.” Yaz assures him. And it does. It looks exactly like the Doctor said it should before she and Graham went off to bring the alien balls of chaos back to the TARDIS to be trapped.
They aren’t of course actually called tribbles. But the word the Doctor used for them involved a lot of X’s and Y’s so when Graham named them after the Star Trek creatures, Yaz and Ryan went with it. They do look like tribbles even if what they act like are ping pong balls from hell.
Apparently they’re some kind of pets. Unfortunately they’re not native to this particular planet so when they all first stepped out to see some kind of - apparently very cool - jewel festival, it was already utter chaos.
It’s as Yaz is wondering for the dozenth time about how exactly a dizzying number of the things even got there then, that the doors to the TARDIS smash inwards and a woman strides in, looking like she owns the place.
“Don’t mind me. Carry on!” The woman says, dropping a bag of something heavy that sounds like a bag of rocks to the floor and hurrying towards the TARDIS controls. “I’m only here to establish an alibi. A short hop over to the other side of the hemisphere and some 38 planetary hours in the past should do it. I’ll send you lot right back to him none the wiser. It’ll be our little secret.”
“Alibi?” Yaz says, immediately focusing on what feels like the most relevant part.
They were trained for this in the academy, learning to note down all identifying features even before the mind has time to fully catch up with whatever unexpected thing has just occurred. So she doesn’t let herself flounder and just observes everything.
Human or human-like; Caucasian; extremely curly, blonde or light brown hair; maybe 5.6 foot tall; anywhere from mid-forties to mid-fifties; attractive; Southern English accent.
‘And trouble.’ Yaz adds to herself when the woman starts working the TARDIS controls - very expertly, - before either Yaz or Ryan can do more than get up to their feet in surprise.
They exchange a concerned look and abandon their project.
“Wait, stop!” they both yell, only halfway to the intruder as she pulls the lever that always precedes the TARDIS taking off.
The lever jams halfway down and the control room whines with an almost stubborn sort of noise. Yaz and Ryan share a relieved breath.
“Oh thank god.” Ryan says.
“Well, that’s strange. Did the old man forget to oil your controls?” The woman says and tries the lever again. This time the answering noise is much louder and gets followed by a shudder that knocks them all off their feet.
“Whatever has gotten into you, my dear?” The mysterious woman asks to the air above her the same way the Doctor sometimes does when she’s talking to the TARDIS.
As if summoned by Yaz’s thought the doors to the ship slam open again, this time letting in the Doctor and Graham.
And a great number of tribbles. They’re acting much calmer than they did last time Yaz saw them, only jumping up to around the height of the Doctor’s knees. She can actually kinda see now how someone could look at them as cute pets.
Graham stops in his tracks when he sees their unexpected guest but the Doctor is walking in backwards and waving around her sonic screwdriver, which is presumably why the little critters are very calmly acting out a scene from Pied Piper.
“Doctor?” Ryan says uncertainly from beside her. “I think someone just came in to steal the TARDIS.”
“Don’t be silly, Ryan. Sexy wouldn’t let anyone steal her. Well except maybe for…” the Doctor says, finally turning around but then falls silent as soon as she’s facing them “River.”
The Doctor looks like all the air has been knocked out of her, Yaz hasn’t seen a look like it since their little vacuum adventure and even that had been a purely physical reaction. This time her eyes are almost screaming with the painful mix of grief and something that looks a whole hell of a lot like hope.
“Well now, that’s a new look for you Sweetie.” The woman who must be River says with a sudden and delighted grin. “I like it.”
“River?” The Doctor repeats.
“Though ‘steal’ is such a strong word.” River says lightly and pantomimes the motion of cleaning invisible lint off her clothing.
The Doctor repeat’s the name for a third time, her voice breaking on the last syllable when River finally seems to take in the Doctor’s poleaxed complexion and gets back to her feet to walk around the controls towards her.
“What is it, my love?” River asks, and because she’s still mostly facing them Yaz can see as the transformation takes over the woman’s face. There was something very blase about how she seemed just a moment before but now her eyebrows have drawn in concern, and something fiercely protective is blooming in the lines of her face.
The Doctor doesn’t wait for River to reach her, in a moment she’s dropped the sonic and is colliding with her in a tangle of limbs that take a moment to sort themselves out.
And then Yaz has to look away because there is just something undoubtedly very private about the moment taking place in front of them all.
She still can’t help but catch an impression of a desperate kiss and the Doctor pulling the woman so close to her that Yaz thinks letting go of this River would tear the Doctor to pieces.
Maybe because it already had.
The Doctor hadn’t really told them all that much more about the family she’s lost but it doesn’t take much to guess that River was a part of it.
She’s wiping a tear away from the corner of her eye when Ryan leaves her side to join Graham. Her eyes follow and her heart twists at the pained look on her friend’s face. In front of them is taking place a scene that almost certainly brings back every memory Graham has of Grace.
She takes a step to join Ryan when her eyes catch on the tribbles.
Their bouncing is already reaching past their heads and some of them are almost vibrating with energy. Her eyes widen and she twists around toward the project the Doctor gave them to complete.
It’s still not turned on.
“Ryan! How do I turn on the trap?” Yaz yells and then has to turn around again at the sound of tripping and Ryan’s yelp of pain.
By the time she’s facing him, he’s on the ground and the floor around him is covered in jewels, the bag River dropped to the floor when she came in now empty.
“River Song. You didn’t!” The Doctor exclaims and though Yaz guesses she’s trying to sound exasperated it sounds suspiciously delighted instead.
Yaz narrows her eyes when River throws back her head in laughter.
She’s pretty sure she knows how the tribbles got to the planet now. And she was right too. River Song is definitely trouble.
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