#xfohv fanfiction
Much needed comfort... [Eight x Five angst comfort (Can be platonic)]
It was about 9pm in the evening. Eight was just on his phone, checking on stocks and his current investments. He shuts off his phone and the door creaks open. Five walks in. He seems tired, more tired than usual. He has dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he went through some kind of ordeal. Eight looks up, his usual blank stoic expression softens with concern. “You alright…? You look pretty bad…” Five doesn’t respond. He seems to try and hide whatever his tiredness. It was clear to Eight something was wrong, as he could easily read Five like an open book. “You know you can tell me, right…?” No response from Five. Five sits beside Eight. He lets out a quiet, yet deep sigh. Eight sets his phone aside. “Alright, what happened? You look more tired than usual. Don’t try to hide it, I know something’s up.” Five looks at Eight, then he looks down on the floor. He nearly opens his mouth to speak, but he hesitates. He shifts somewhat uncomfortably. After moments of hesitation, Five decides to try and open up. “I… I just don’t really feel good…” Eight looks at Five, slightly worried. “… You wanna talk about it?” “… Yeah…” Five takes a breath. “Today has been… worse… Nine has been on my case all day, another fight broke out, I’ve already been the butt of the joke about several times already… It just feels like no one takes me seriously… I’m supposed to keep everyone in check, and to make sure that there’s at least some form of order in the sheer amount of chaos… It just feels like I’m failing somehow… Especially after what happened…” Eight listens and nods in response and acknowledgement. He understands what Five had meant. Everyone had been uneasy after the incident. “…. Can I just… have a hug or something…?” Eight nods. “Sure. Bring it in.” Five hesitates for a moment, then he hugs Eight, leaning onto him. He buries himself into Eight’s chest. It's been a while since he last felt some form of comfort. Goodness knows he needed it. Five sniffles a bit, feeling tears forming in his eyes. He tries to hold them back, but at this point, he’s too tired to do so. “Let it all out. Take your time.” Eight rubs Five’s back in a comforting manner. He isn’t the best at comforting people, but he is a really good listener. After a few minutes, Five looks up at Eight. “Thanks… I needed it…” Eight makes a small smile. “Hey, it’s fine. I know it isn’t easy to deal with everything that comes with having to be more mature than others. I’ve had my fair share of downs too.” “… Can we stay like this for a bit longer…?” “Yeah. Take as much time as you need.”
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icy-saturday · 3 months
R U N A W A Y…
(FourX and Number Farm thing I made bc I woke up too early and now it’s 5 in the friggin morning wow)
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embracecheese · 10 days
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static-errorcode · 10 months
But I love them both part 3
This takes place the night of the last chapter
Six pov:
I woke up to see it was dark out
Six: I must of slept during the day
I got up of bed to make a midnight snack. After I got my snack I looked out my window
Six: the moon beautiful.
I decided to go outside to eat my snack
Then I saw Y working on bringing back minus
Six: hey Y
She jumped to turn around
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She looked like she hasn't gotten sleep at all
I walked up to her to check in on her
Six: Y, have you gotten any sleep
Y: n...no
She sighed out
Six: Y, you need to sleep
Y: but, im almost done
I grabbed Y to make her look at her
Six: you...Need...REST
Five pov:
I was walking around on my nightly to notice six and Y
I notice six having their hands on her arms, causing my Jealousy to come out
I decided to go to the two
I herd six talking about sleep, and how Y needed it
Five: what's going on
Six and Y looked at me
I noticed how Y has eye bags, so that would explain what six ment by the sleep
Six: why do you want to know
Six let go of Y to look at me
Five: I happened to be a concerned friend you know
As me and six were bickering Y fainted into me and sixes arms making us both blush
Six: look since we both like her why not we work together to get her to bed
Five: fine, but her house is to far
As me and six thought of what to do Y mover the other way making all three of us sitting under the tree
My face into a amethyst color while sixes face turned into a saphier blue
Six: looks like we're stuck here
Fiver I guss
After a few minutes me and six passed out cuddling with Y
Man this might be my favorite chapter so far
Like to see more guys
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stormartsies07 · 7 months
XFOHV but I write 1,000 words for every individual frame on the YT video.
Frame 1.
Darkness, emptiness, nothing to note, really. Other than how all encompassing it is, similar to how other things are ever so all encompassing in life, like death, or chaos, or life itself. But this is no darkness of an ending, this is the darkness of a beginning, the darkness an unborn mind witnesses before they are birthed, when they cannot even process a unfathomably tiny smidgen of what their life will be like. No matter who, or what you are, the sight of true darkness is something we are all familiar with. This is the darkness that comes with the vacuum of space, the darkness that comes when you close your eyes in the comfort of your own home. Some are afraid, others are not. But this is no warm, or cold darkness, it is simply black. An all encompassing black, and the experience of a true blackness, was never something us humans were ever equipped to handle in its truest three-dimensional form. We were simply meant to witness false darkness, like this one that is ultimately, contained in a safe box, unable to truly harm anyone, even if it wanted to. 
But it doesn’t, because it has no soul. It has no life like we humans do. No sentience, no purpose other than to be a transitory space for us to pass through into the beginning of a new era. But alas, we linger here, our existence in this darkness is unnatural, we were never meant to stay here like we are doing right now. We were never meant to discuss the darkness, only take it for granted. People tend to take many things for granted, it is simply a function of human nature. So, we decide to ignore all of the details, all the nuances in this existence. But that is what this thing was made to be, an appreciation for the little things. This may not be about a controversial topic, or something that genuinely needs discussion, but I simply wish to showcase this as a form of honesty. Through detailing the events the darkest sections of my mind can finally light up again, in a spree, to bring thoughts on how to even go about describing a black screen. There haven’t even been five-hundred words and I feel like I’m going insane. But I’ll keep going on with this frame anyways, because it’s no fun to simply stop at this point. It’s just like willpower, isn’t it? I tend to forget a lot of my dreams, and thus a lot of my mind probably just imagines this darkness, but it probably doesn’t, I do definitely have dreams, but never dreams of darkness. I just forget everything and thus all of the things I do not remember are simply replaced with darkness, a pure black. 
Maybe Cary Huang himself dreamed of this animation after that pre-algebra class back in middle school and said to his brother, “Hey, hey Michael!” 
“Eughhhhh, what is it?” Michael Huang probably said after getting up, fairly groggy.
“I just had the perfect idea for what we're going to do for the math project! We’re going to make an animation about a sentient number helping a sentient variable with finding their value!” Cary Huang exclaims at the top of his lungs, positively excited to start working on the animation.
Or perhaps they weren’t as excited about the event, simply coming up with the idea on the fly and deciding to work constantly at their computer for the time it took to make that animation and finally publish it on YouTube. Maybe they worked on shifts, like for one hour they decided to take a break watching YouTube videos at the time, whatever those videos were, or maybe they went on Newgrounds. Either way, they probably had a good enough time making it considering this animation has real possession behind it. More passion than the AI-generated slop nowadays. Yes, shockingly, these words were not just something that came after Chat-GPT after I typed in, “describe a black screen with 1,000 words,” because that would be a cop-out. What would I be as an artist if I did not go out of my way to subject myself to the process of writing down every single thought I had on the black screen. Speaking of that black rectangle, I have a drawing pad that is black and is right next to me right now, it was given to me for art purposes but I never really use it, even now, I just use my finger since I simply have better control with my finger.
I guess it’s just an old habit now, and that’s the same thing here. I tend to struggle writing 1,000 words since I tend to lose motivation by the first 1,000. That’s another reason why I’m speaking of this animation in such an arbitrarily detailed and word filled way. But I know if I publish the entirety of this, if I complete this, then I could have this potentially be my legacy. Thus, I do not see the black screen as the end of all description, the end of the text, I see it as a new beginning, a challenge to simply overcome like all things in life. Funnily enough, this reminds me of BLM and how people tended to put black screens on their IG stories for solidarity with the black community against police brutality. The black screen is not just used as a symbol for darkness, whether it be one of a new beginning or not, no, it is also used for solidarity, and to bring a community of like-minded individuals together for a common goal. That is a very inspiring this for me as an artist, the fact that one color, or one symbol can bring everyone together against a common cause is amazing to me, it is a wonder how the human mind can be so complex, so thoughtful, so amazing. Next frame pretty please!
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p4rty4nim4l · 3 months
if anyone cares here’s some shit about me
my favorite songs are action winter journey and i wanna be your slave
my favorite colors are indigo, purple, yellow, and red
my favorite foods are pasta and onion rings
my favorite drinks are iced coffee, water, and chocolate milk (im weird okay)
my favorite games are pokemon (gen 4, 5, and 7 are GOATED) and mii games (miitopia, tomodachi life, wii sports, ect)
my favorite shows are bfdi, mlp, wander over yonder, ppg, ect
my favorite animal is a snow leopard
my favorite seasons are fall and spring
the 3ds is better than the switch tbh
i love biology and dna, math is also epic (credit to xfohv for making me like math)
i read fanfiction
my b-day is dec. 4th and im a sagittarius
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"Silent Rage" Chap.1 (prolly- I might make more if people are interested- Also, TW: mentions of violence)
It was just blood. All that could be seen in his vision was blood, scars and bruises. He just stood there, not feeling anything.
It has been a few weeks since Ten had shut himself in. Weeks since the incident. Everyone is uneasy. Although everything is normal, there's just the lingering feeling of unease setting in. Eight had just left Ten's place. He takes a deep breath. With an exhale, comes the recurring feelings of resentment.
As he walks home, through the Equation Playground, he sees a familiar face, next to the white board. It was evening, and the rays of the sunset bringing light to the features of the familiar face. The ray makes the ball and chain have a reflection. The familiar face was Fourteen. They're just sitting at the white board, with a blank look on their face. Eight feels the sense of unease, anger and resentment washing over him. His body tenses up. His fists clench. He remains stoic, but he glares at Fourteen, his dull grey eyes are full of anger. Eight seldom felt such strong emotions.
Fourteen notices Eight, not caring the look in Eight's eyes. They smirk and scoffs. They have an air of arrogance and of no remorse for their actions. Eight just walks past. He takes a few deep breaths, in attempt to shake off the feelings, however, they remain. Eventually, Eight gets home. After entering the house, he starts to calm down. This pent up feeling of anger and resentment has been there for weeks. For some reason, the feelings never went away. He sits on his beanbag. The room is dim. He feels exhausted, even though he hasn't done much that day.
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Gift ideas- XFOHV fanfiction. (No CWs)
This is a suggestion from the poll for what I should do. Thanks for the suggestion, @blackspring4577. :)
It’s only a few days before Nine’s birthday, and Four and X were left in charge to plan the party for Nine. With a little help from Six and Ten, they managed to complete the plans for Nine’s party. But, Four and X were stuck. They couldn’t think of what to give Nine as a gift for their birthday. Four and X barely know Nine.
One day, two days before Nine’s birthday party, Four’s sitting at his desk, trying to come up with ideas on what to give to Nine as a gift. X notices that Four’s struggling to come up with any ideas. “Four, do you need help?” “Yes! I can’t even come up with what we should give to Nine!” Four is becoming increasingly frustrated with his struggle. “Maybe try asking Six or Ten what Nine likes. They do know Nine quite well.” Four stares at X, then he has a moment of clarity. “… Why didn’t I think of that?! X, you’re a genius!” X blushes slightly from the compliment.
Later, Four and X manage to come up with a few ideas. Then, Four and X decide to gift Nine a portable cassette player, as Nine is known for being perpetually stuck in the 90’s and 00’s. They are now satisfied with their gift idea, the frustration and stress of finding a gift is resolved.
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biblicallyaccuratefour · 10 months
since you've read my stories in 7 and 9 can you draw what the cover of each chapter would look like
In your opinion
Well, I've got one cover done- IDK if I'm gonna do the rest- Forgive me, for I am lazy- TωT)
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Card making... (Ten x Eight fluff [can be platonic or romantic])
Since Christmas is soon, I have decided to make some fluff to bring a bit of warmth to this cold season. Enjoy! ^^
It was afternoon in Ten's house. Eight was there to hang out with Ten, every now and then. He was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for Ten. Ten was busy making cards for his friends in his room.
Eight decides to check up on Ten. He approaches the door to Ten's room. He gently knocks on the door. "Ten..?" Ten gets up from his desk and opens the door. "Oh! Sorry I kept you waiting!" Ten chuckles sheepishly, blushing slightly. "It's fine. What were you doing?" "I was making christmas cards for everyone else, since Christmas is in a few days." "Hm... You want me to help?" "Oh- uhm- Sure! I could always use a helping hand! Come in!" Eight enters Ten's room.
Ten's room is neat and tidy, except for his desk. Materials, and envelopes were on the desk. Ten sits at his desk. "Here, you can help me decorate the cards, while I can write the personalised greetings in the cards. How does that sound?" Eight takes the cards. "Sounds good." Moments later, the two got to work on the cards. Every now and then, they'd show each other what they've worked on to get each other's opinions. Within fifteen minutes, the two finished making the cards. Ten begins putting them in the envelopes. Ten chuckles, as he smiles warmly. "You know, we should do things like this more often." Eight remains stoic, yet his expression softens. "Yeah. It's not often that we do things like this. To be honest, it's nice that we spend time together like this." Ten nods happily. "Mhm! Well said!"
The two sit closely together, their shoulders barely touching each other as they admire their hard work. Eight's cheeks have a slight red hue, because of how close he was to Ten physically. He averts his eyes a bit for a moment and looks back at Ten. Ten has a warm smile on his face, his eyes are gleaming with life and passion. Despite the coldness and harshness of the winter, Eight could feel the warmth, as he gets closer to Ten. He makes a small smile, happy that he could see Ten smile.
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biblicallyaccuratefour · 10 months
Prologue: 'The promise I keep' (A XFOHV/BFDI x PMMM fanfiction. CW: Implied character death)
It's midnight, three teenage girls are out in a city. The rain is heavy and pouring. The clouds obscure the night sky. The city is in ruins, as if a natural disaster has struck the city.
"Judy... Hold on... Just hold on..." "... I can't... One of us has to die, in order to destroy Walpurgisnacht.... Once and for all..." "No! You can still go on!-" "I can't... Hannah... Promise me one thing..." ".... Anything." "Please... Take care of Kyuko for me... Tell her that I... that I saved everyone..." ".... I will..."
Judy chuckles weakly. Her orange-brown eyes starts to lose its vitality. She feels the warm tears falling down on her.
"I... I don't want to become a witch..." Judy starts to wince in pain. She knows that she is beyond saving. "I'm sorry..."
It all becomes a blur. The memories fade to black. Years later, it is now morning. The sun shines a gentle light through the blinds of a bedroom. A girl with silver-white hair rises out of bed. She yawns, stretching as her eyes adjusts to the light.
"Man, the sun looks bright today." The girl opens the blinds, and the sun's light illuminates the room. She goes to the bathroom to start her day, then she changes into what seems to be a school uniform. She is now wearing a white short sleeved shirt, with black school trousers and a black and grey striped tie. She puts on her black converses, and her school blazer. She puts on her shades and ties her hair into a ponytail.
"Morning, Hannah!" "Hey, Kyuko. Did you sleep well?" "Mhm! Yeah! I can't wait to see Rokka again!" "Alright, just don't cause any trouble. Remember what happened last time." "Yeah, yeah."
Kyuko takes a bite out of her toast. She looks at the newspaper on the table. "Huh, looks like a girl went missing... I wonder what's up with that." Hannah is silent. She now seems to be deep in thought. She mutters to herself; "... I see..."
Kyuko finishes her toast. She grabs her bag. "I've gotta go to school! I'll see ya later, Hannah!" "Have you got your books and your lunch?" "Yep! I haven't forgotten!" Hannah makes a small smile. She chuckles. "Heh, alright. Have a good day at school." "Thanks!"
Kyuko walks out the door, making her way to school. Hannah takes a sip from her mug of coffee. She takes a photograph, framed with intricate wooden frame. In the photo, a teenage girl, Kyuko's age, smiling. The girl had shoulder length hair, with a vivid orange hue that resembles that of a sunset sky. Her orange-brown eyes are full of life and passion. Her smile is bright, as she is holding a trophy for winning in a sports competition.
Hannah smiles sadly, as she gazes at the photo, reminiscing the past 5 years. She sighs. "I hope that you'd still be here to see Kyuko growing up... I'll keep the promise, no matter what it takes..."
Mentioned (by name) characters list under the cut:
Judith - Ten
Hannah - Eight
Kyuko - Nine
Rokka - Six
This AU is basically the number aliens, but magical girls, and yep, they're people- Their names are based off the numbers in Japanese, since PMMM is an anime-
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'Just a crush'... XFOHV fanfiction (CW: Seven x Ten)
[This was requested by @blackspring4577]
Ten. The one person who is able to turn heads without putting in any effort at all. Ten is one of the older algebraliens. He's considered to be the most popular algebralien of them all. Why wouldn't he be? He's the nicest person to be around, he's smart, athletic, charming, and to some, quite handsome. Hell, he'd even go out of his way to help people or saving a cat down from a tree.
That being said, it's no wonder that people would be fawning over him. Seven is no exception. However, unlike Ten, Seven isn't really as charismatic or confident as him. Despite being jealous of his popularity, she became smitten with him, especially after he helped her down from a tree.
Seven sits alone in the Equation Playground. She hasn't been receiving as much attention as she hoped. Her jokes had fallen flat again. She doubts that she has much of a chance with Ten, compared to the other algebraliens who are 'better' than her. She sighs, feeling dejected, as no one would even bat an eye towards her, until...
"Hi Seven! Are you alright? You seem down." Seven looks up, and to her surprise, she sees Ten in front of her. Ten has his usual warm smile on his face, but it's laced with concern for Seven. Seven could feel her cheeks heat up. "I-I'm fine-" That was all Seven would come up with for a response. But, her mind was racing with thoughts. 'God, this is embarrasing
"Are you sure?" "Yeah..." It doesn't take long for Ten to figure out what could ve wrong with Seven. Ten always had this knack for understanding people and helping them out. That's one of the reasons that makes him so charismatic. "Well, Eight's going to start a game of cards, and we need a few people to play. Wanna join?" Seven's blush becomes noticeable. She stares at Ten, somewhat surprised. "Uh- Yeah! Why not?"
Ten smiles, his smile being bright and warm as the sun outside. "Great! Let's go!" Ten holds his hand out for Seven. Seven nods and holds his hand, with Ten pulling her up. Ten heads towards the other side of the Equation Playground, and Seven follows.
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The Confession- Bfb fanfiction (CW; Shipping: Four x X)
It was a fine evening. The sun was about to set. The sky looked picturesque with hues of blue, pink, yellow and orange bleeding together with peach-coloured clouds. It was slightly humid and breezy outside. X was sitting outside on the grass. He was told to be there because Four wanted to tell him something. X was curious on what he was going to tell him but he didn’t question it. Four was on his way to where X was. Before he approached X. He took a deep breath. He was slightly nervous about the rendezvous.
 He sat down beside X. ‘Hi Four!’ X seemed pleased to see him. Four blushed slightly. ‘Hey.’ ‘You said you wanted to tell me something important. What’s up?’ Four paused for a moment. ‘You know X, it’s kind of hard to believe we’ve been best friends and co-hosts for a while now.’ ‘Yeah.’ Four blushes slightly. It was now his moment. ‘X, I like you.’ ‘I like you too Four.’ ‘No, not like in a platonic way- What I meant was, I like you, but...’ Four trails off, he lost the words. He became flustered. He felt frustrated for letting his nerves get the better of him. Then, he tries again. ‘I love you! I felt that way for a while now, I couldn’t tell you until now because I couldn’t find the right words to tell you until at this moment!’ Finally, the weight has been lifted off of his chest. But he still felt nervous on what X was going to say. X looks at Four, blushing intensely after what he just heard. ‘I... I actually feel the same way about you.’ Suddenly, X embraces Four. Four was shocked, yet he felt ecstatic. He embraced him, not letting go.
Meanwhile, in a bush further away from X and Four. Two and Seven were watching the whole thing happening. ‘Yes! My confession strategy worked!’ Two cheers. Seven looks at them with a weirded-out look. ‘I don’t see why we’re watching this. It’s just cheesy as hell.’ Two looks at her. ‘Shhh! Don’t ruin this for me, please.’ Seven glares at them dismissively. ‘You know if we get caught, Four could screech at us.’ ‘I know, I know. I just can’t help but feel happy for them.’ Seven sighs. She grabs a bit of popcorn from her snack packet and eats it.  
[Author's note; This was for the results from an earlier poll-]
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Also, requests are still open and you can make them through my asks or comment on this post. :)
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icy-saturday · 2 months
Surprise! Numbercide is getting yet another chapter! (Hexalogy)
Introducing: SPACE - “Stellar Peace and Continuous Eradication”, the continuation of FOX (chapter 5)
An Algebralian has made their way onto the Arkship, USS Faraday undetected. That Algebralian… was One. One was the last of her integer after they’ve all been captured in fur, meat, and dairy farms and processed into various products, dwindling her population into a single number, a lonely little 1. One was in search of integers of the same number since she had heard from an elderly 15 that 1s could be found beyond the stars. So, One quietly hitched a ride on the Arkship. However, it wasn’t long until systems had detected Algebralian DNA aboard the ship, setting off security protocols and traps wherever One traversed. One was now in a floating death trap, not knowing if she’ll ever see more of her species.
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icy-saturday · 2 months
Chapter 5 of Numbercide officially gets its name - FOX or “Flying Order of X-ecution”
The Sisters’ factory hidden beneath YoyleTech’s fallen company (since the rise of the “tumor”) is revealed to be a massive starship, improved over time by descendants of Fanny and Lüfter. Objects escaping the earth use this ship to flee to space and find other worlds, Algebralians are left behind.
We meet a new cast of characters (though you may already know them)
X - a survivor of the explosion in the main YoyleTech building and currently escaping the Tumor alongside a few other Algebralians
Tau - X’s closest friend since Four and Seven had passed due to absorption to the Tumor becoming part of it. However, Four and Seven did create descendants but they are still inside their eggshells which X must carry in a cardboard box.
Lightning - Captain of the USS Faraday, formerly the Ventilatorium (the Fan Sisters’ slaughterhouse and home), and guide to a new world for objectkind
Valkyrie - A crossbreed AI of Viking and Shiba (Viking was the mother somehow), owned by Lightning as a personal assistant along with the parent Viking and Shiba units
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